#(might i offer u some silly antics)
godzexperiment · 1 year
what english skills? starter call
~trying an thing for the brain rot~
-plz feel free this is literally open to everybody, prior interaction or not if it appeals *mobile or not either cuz i can trim it etc no biggie*
-will probably be shorter, more light hearted just fast little antics
-it'll be based on whatever silly little nix statement I randomly pick from the collection I've got going in my head of 'he 100% has said this at some point'
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onepieceshifters · 3 years
having sanji as a boyfriend <3
whew this one might get a little personal since i’m writing from experience ‘,:D but i hope you guys enjoy! - remy
sanji x gn reader, caps, slight swearing
- this man loves to dote on you, to be in your presence, to remind you with every word that comes out of his mouth just how lucky he is to be in love with someone as beautiful and amazing as you. he’s constantly reassuring you that you mean the world and the stars above to him. i swear, he’s the type of disgusting romantic to say he told the moon about you.
- other then sickeningly sweet saccharine words, he also loves quality time and simply existing within your gravitational pull. please please sit in the kitchen while he cooks and tell him about whatever you’re working on or thinking about. he can listen to you ramble for hours about your interests, with the occasional interjections and expressions of interest.
- “ohh, that sounds fascinating.” “*gasp* what?!” “oh? why’s that?” pls shsjhdsj he’s so nice
- he’ll randomly remind you that he loves you, even in the most casual situations. i know i said it before but he’s always being so grossly romantic. you could be casually exploring a new island together, or spending time with the crew, and he smiles with a cheeky “i love you, name.” i SWEAR HSHSDJLFD 
- he also loves physical touch. will wrap his arm around your waist, surprise you with a hug, give you the sappiest kisses, pls
- i swear he’s gonna hype you up for everything. you’re trying a new hobby? you got this, you’re a natural learner! you’ve just finished a battle with the strawhats? woah, you did so good, you looked so badass, hey, was that a new move you used?! awesome! you should show me it!
- he loves acts of service and will do basically anything you request as long as it’s reasonable. as a good boyfriend, it’s his duty to show interest in whatever you do!! besides, he genuinely loves to see you in your element. no matter what you do, whether it’s art or science experiments, he’ll be there to assist you whenever you need.
- while he’s mostly a goofy sappy motherfucker, he can also be serious, so don’t be hesitant to bring up a serious subject. he does have tact and knows there’s a time and place for being a silly sap. he’ll totally drop the simpy front and listen to your problems, reassuring you and offering advice where it’s wanted.
- also, depending on the type of relationship you share with him, he won’t hesitate to tease you if you tease him 😭of course he’d have to be comfortable but once you’ve teased him for being a simp enough he will gladly return the favor
- (u think i’m joking but no one time this man had the AUDACITY to comment on my terrible cooking skills smh 😭 and he asked if bad cooking ran in my family LIKE ?!)
- of course all the teasing is light hearted and actually one of his ways of showing how close you two are?! also seen in his random anecdotes following the antics of the baratie, him complaining about people who piss him off, and basically… him doing anything ungentlemanly around you.
- pls if he tells you about the rock and zeff (or any of his childhood) you know yr stuck with him forever 🙄
- also expect him to memorize your favorite meals. or basically anything you mention in passing. i swear, you could complain about your knee hurting, and he would be like “oh? could it be related to the time when you were seven and tripped on a branch and fell and chipped your knee cap?” HOW DO YOU REMEMBER THAT SIR,
- but please invest some time in your diligent boyfriend as well. as much as he tries to redirect all of his love to you, he needs some for himself, too. always remind him how much you love him and how important he is. pls i know we all know this but sanji is an insecure FOOL. hug him, compliment him, spend time with him, tell him you love him, show your love in whatever way possible. remind him how important he is to you and the strawhats. tell him he’s a great cook, he’s such a sweet partner, he means the world to you. remind him he matters.
- (guys i swear this was supposed to be headcanons how did it become a LOVE LETTER)
- and chances are he won’t tell you about his childhood unless you tell him about yours first, and even then, he’d probably be uncomfortable sharing. so if he does please please pls support him full heartedly. 
- ok if i keep writing this is gonna turn into an essay thx bye
- 🐀
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
Do the Stardust Crusaders prefer an adorable or sexy s/o?(not poly, like what does each member prefer? also i hope this made sense)
Stardust Crusaders and their preferences HC’s
suggestive // gn reader
So this one made me think a little since in my opinion your fave will ALWAYS like you no matter what! So instead of only going by “adorable or sexy” let’s widen it up and delve a bit deeper into their preferences personality wise and style wise :D (ofc u will always be their favourite dw 😌) Kakyoin and Jotaro are kept sfw!! 💖✨
Avdol is such a kind and understanding soul but still never afraid to voice his opinion in an earnest manner. He’ll appreciate that sentiment in his partners too, open to many ideas and understanding others’ way of thinking.
He does enjoy someone who’s a bit rowdy or playful to help bring out that side in him. Being silly together and just overall heightening the playful atmosphere really puts him at ease.
That’s the exact reason he secretly loves a little bit of chaos around him. Avdol himself is calm and determined but drama and unexpected events always seem to follow him. Don’t worry though, he loves being able to stride in and show off his abilities he’s so proud of!  
Be sure to work on your debate skills though, the man is a whole library of knowledge and if you end up in a discussion he needs you to be able to offer your substantiated opinion. If you talk him into a corner, be sure to soften the blow to his ego with lots of hugs and kisses afterwards 😌
Style-wise the man doesn’t have strong preferences. Earthy tones and a natural flare complement his own style very well though, so he loves a bit of a scholarly look as well. Show up in a long coat and cute glasses carrying some cool old books you’ve found and he might just swoop you off your feet hehe!
If you wear a minimalistic set in the bedroom- think dark burgundy, chocolate, burnt orange, he cannot take his eyes off of you. He’ll treat you like the absolute present you are while he unwraps you 😏  
Let this man spoil you for the love of all that is good!!!
He has SO much love to give and he will shower you by the bucketload so you better enjoy his antics! He thrives off of complementing you, albeit with the cheesiest lines, anything to see your cheeks flush. Also expect lots of cute gifts!!
If you’re a bit clumsy, get embarrassed easily and are a bit shy... Polnareff will never let you go, he’s so smitten by the way you stand behind him so often while meeting new people as he chatters away. He’ll pull out his best charming jokes to get you to laugh and when he sees how cute you are trying to hide your smile he’ll come smother you with kisses.
Loves it when you go along with his jokes and impulsive nature but prefers it if you’re a bit more responsible, the man struggles with self control so needs some guidance and someone to hold up the stop signs.
He will also look up to a more dominant person just as much, wanting to make sure he does everything to be on his best behaviour to please you. But he never looses that cheeky side and loves getting reprimanded for it. (not just in the bedroom, daily life as well) So make sure to keep that leash tight ;D!
Ok as much as I hate to say it... this man’s style tastes can be a bit tacky. If you like pink he’d love to see you in anything cutesy and frilly, perhaps to a worrying degree. Be sure to gently steer him to your own choices, he’ll forget all about his own ideas if you show a bit of skin anyways. This man is too easy to distract for his own good 🙄
Oldseph (forgive me Suzy Q 🙏)
Because he is the way he is *sigh*, he loves being yelled at for his antics. Joseph will never stop acting like a child no matter his age, that youthful sparkle always present even as he has started to take life a lot more serious.
Boss him around a little too much and he’ll pick you up just to smirk at you until you shut up. Eye-rolls are the dead give away that you like him and he’ll gladly accept them along with the annoyed sighs.
If you reside on the other side of the spectrum- playful and offering a childlike wonder too, he’ll take it all the way. Everyday is a silly playdate, joking around, showing off, any way to impress you and pull you along into the fun.
He LOVES vintage clothes, the fifties are his favourite era style wise and adores it when you dress the part. Joseph ain’t no chump so he’ll always offer to pay the deft fees of authentic vintage pieces. Hell, he’ll even fly you overseas if there happens to be a special item on sale that you’ve been eyeing.
Just like Polnareff, he loves to spoil you. Indulging your every need, even when you’re grumpy or mad at him. It’s his life’s goal to make those droopy corners shoot upwards with his dumb jokes and antics.
Stroll up in nothing but stockings and garters and he’s dead. Good job you killed the un-killable Joestar! But before his soul ascends the mortal plane he’ll ravish you, sure to buy you a new pair that’s even prettier.
As we all know this edgy dude doesn’t love loud annoying people. But here’s a secret he’ll never audibly let slip: if he sees you holding yourself back, trying not to be “too” much of anything he might not like... that next yare yare is him admitting he doesn’t mind it, as long as you don’t start yelling. He’ll actually enjoy your excitement, quietly of course, sure not to let others onto his amusement of your cuteness.
If you share his interests (marine biology, reading, nature in general) he’ll feel a bit more inclined to talk about them, just a smidge. Jotaro enjoys listening to you talk about your passions though, even if they differ from his. That intent stare taking in the way your eyes sparkle, that cute smile making butterflies flutter in his stomach.
Even though he loves going on walks, admiring nature and inhaling the fresh air, he is a secret homebody and would love it if you shared the sentiment. Lounging on the couch in comfy clothes, quietly enjoying each other’s presence while doing your own things, just basking in the shared space.
Since this is SDC Jotaro, he’s in the early stages of his love for showing off his accessories and he likes it when you do too. Just a couple of small hints at your likes through cute pins or a small chains.
He likes to be stylish but is by no means that into fashion, he knows what he likes and sticks to that. But if you’re a bit more of a fashionista he’ll share his opinions on louder outfits that attract a lot of attention. Just don’t take it too personal, he means well 😬
Likes you best in your comfortable pj’s, wrapped up like a cute burrito in a dolphin blanket 🥰
As much as the jokes get made, if you’re the mom friend, he’s constantly trying to do right by you. A doting nature that still lets him be independent will make him go 🥰😍!!
Love and kindness towards others is so endearing to him, and if you’re not afraid to speak your mind openly, he might have to confess his love right this minute. He won’t be shy in letting his liking for you show either, offering charming jokes and compliments whenever you’re near.
And if you share his dry genZmemer humour, gently starting to drop hints that you’re not afraid to be a bit edgy you become his ultimate favourite person.
Because of his introverted nature, he likes someone who is a bit more independent as well, offering yourselves time and a comfortable pace to move in throughout the relationship.
He also greatly admires a strong need for justice and loyalty to a cause, it shows integrity and intelligence. That fiery passion in your eyes invigorates him just as much!
Kakyoin loves elegance and something that complements your features, no matter what style. He does have a bit of a thing for having matching colour palettes or at least ones that complement each other.
Cool gem tones are his favourite; emerald, ruby, sapphire...the list goes on.
At home though...get him a random shirt with a ridiculous slogan or phrase and he’ll wear it till it’s barely hanging on by a thread. Make him one too, a plain white shirt with a scribbly drawn frog or a meme-y phrase! He’ll wear it forever, being reminded of his love for you every time he laughs at the visual 😊
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
this is a genuine, curious question! what's appealing 2 u about jackunzel :^] ??
Sure, I can talk about why I ship Jackunzel!!!
@gryffindorkxdraws has some posts about why she likes Jackunzel here, here, and here, so those are a pretty good rundown of reasons to supplement mine. But I’ll make a list of my own!
Why Jackunzel Owns My Entire Soul: An Essay in Disorganized Bullet Points ~I dig the sun/moon symbolism! Like Jack was chosen by the moon and Rapunzel has the powers of the sun. It’s such a nice contrast, and it also lends itself really well to star-crossed lover-type fantasy/fairy tale AUs (which I am ALWAYS a sucker for!) ~From what little we know about Jack’s preference in girls (i.e. the slight crush he seemed to have on Tooth), Rapunzel seems like EXACTLY his type--bubbly, energetic, optimistic girls with a bit of a maternal streak. I think even the RotG director confirmed Punz is the kind of girl Jack would like! ~Jack also absolutely seems like Punzel’s type--if Flynn/Eugene is anything to go by, she’s kind of into sarcastic troublemakers with a hidden soft side XD And she also seems to like guys who are good with kids, if Eugene reading “The Adventures of Flynnigan Rider” to the younger kids at the orphanage is anything to go by! ~They both seem to be naturally pretty social people who suffered a lot from being isolated for a really long time--Jack had it worse, obviously (300 years--OUCH), but it was rough on Punz as well, growing up for 18 years with no one for company but Mother Gothel and Pascal. Jack, spending all that time with no one able to see him and only the guardians (who weren’t even really his friends from much of that time) for company, would understand that pain a lot. I feel like they’d be able to connect on a really deep and intimate level about the pain they felt at being isolated for so long, and this would give them a really strong bond that I can easily see turning into something romantic. ~They’re both just such genuinely lively and fun-loving people, and I can imagine them having a ton of fun together and just genuinely really enjoying spending time together. Like imagine the snowball fights!!! The ice-skating!!! The sledding!!! Chasing each other through the forest!!! Jack grabbing onto Punz and her wrapping her hair around a tree and swinging them around Tarzan-style!!! Like literally the entire scene where Punzel leaves her tower for the first time and is goofing off and doing Silly Shit for like an hour straight??? Like man...if Jack was there, they’d have the TIME OF THEIR LIVES together. Idk I just really love couples who I think would have a lot of fun together, it’s so pure <3 ~They’re both so loving!!! Like Rapunzel goes out of her way to be supportive to an entire tavernful of terrifying “ruffians and thugs” because they have dreams, and she’s so sweet to Flynn/Eugene no matter how many times he snarks at her and tries to alienate her!!! And Jack loves loves LOVES entertaining kids, and it genuinely makes him so happy to give them snow days :3 I just feel like they’d shower each other with love, and it’s honestly no less than they both deserve!!! ~Rapunzel especially is such an affectionate person, and I can see her doing just absolutely everything in her power to make Jack feel as seen and as loved as possible after 300 years of being alone. And god, does he NEED it, too. Like no way is this boy NOT touch-starved, and with some MAJOR self-esteem issues (although he’s good at hiding them). Rapunzel would do absolutely everything in her power to build him up and make him feel wanted and validated--and since it’s in her nature to do so, it would never feel like a burden or an effort for her. And she’d love him so much that hyping him up just comes naturally! She’s just got the kind of nurturing personality that someone as affection-starved as Jack really needs, and I think she could help him feel safe, comfortable, and loved in a way a lot of people couldn’t. ~For all the fun they’d have together, I also feel like Jack needs someone to ground him a bit and provide the Brain Cell to perhaps reign in that Unchecked Chaotic Energy of his sometimes XD Rapunzel certainly has a smart and rational side--I mean, she charted STARS as a teenager!!! She figured out how to get this stranger she captured to take her into the kingdom to see the lanterns!!! Girl can be spontaneous and goofy, sure, but she’s got smarts and kind of a mature streak that I think mesh with Jack really well. He’d never feel like she was a wet blanket stifling his fun, but she’d also have a sense of when to transition away from goofing off and focus on responsibilities (princess and guardian responsibilities in this case, I suppose?) ~On the flipside, I don’t see Rapunzel as being someone annoyed or irritated by Jack’s antics. She might like...gently scold him if he takes a prank too far, but she never finds his shenanigans to be grating and tiresome the way other people might. Rather, I think she’d be endlessly entertained by him. Like in his memory reel when he’s dicking around pretending to be a deer, she’d get a kick out of that! Jack would always be trying to make her laugh and make her smile, and Punz would love that so much about him! ~They’re both searching for a deeper meaning and a deeper sense of purpose in their lives. Rapunzel entertains herself with hobbies, but doesn’t feel like her life has really “begun” and is desperate to find out if her hunch is right and the floating lights really ARE meant for her. Jack has no idea why he was chosen by the moon or what he’s meant to do, and he’s determined to find out so he can finally have a sense of purpose. Rapunzel clearly wants a sense of purpose too, since she wants to do more with her life than pass the time with hobbies. I can definitely see them bonding over this! ~They’re both just so adventurous, and love to explore! Rapunzel is curious, and loves to read and learn, and she wants more than anything else to see the world and all it has to offer. Jack loves adventuring and flying around the globe spreading winter and fun, and he could show Punz everything she ever wanted to see. A perfect match, honestly! ~Aesthetically I LOVE the similarities!!! Like they both like to go barefoot, kinda showing their free-spirited natures. And I love how they’re both naturally brunette, but had their hair turned a different color by magic. It’s a little thing, but I think it’s a really neat parallel and it helps cement me thinking they really ARE perfect for each other in every little way! Haha XD AND they both have small green companions, and as of Ralph Breaks The Internet, they’re hoodie buddies as well!!! Not that surface-level parallels like that are actually that significant BUT I just think they’re neat XD ~While I am fond of Flynnzel/Eugenzel (still my favorite canon Disney couple!), finding out their age gap is around 8 years admittedly made me a bit uncomfy and just pushed me further into loving Jackunzel as an alternative option. I still really love Eugene as a character and adore his and Punzel’s dynamic, but these days I prefer their relationship as more of a big bro/little sis type thing. Jack I think is the best match for Rapunzel romantically, and Eugene I prefer with Elsa--or poooossibly Tooth, Astrid, or Zarina, if I read a fic that sells the pairing well enough! ~On a related note, I was into Jack x Tooth the first time I watched RotG, but after discovering Jackunzel, there was no going back--I was hooked! Rewatching the movie, Tooth strikes me more as a mom figure/”fun aunt” for Jack, and I actually prefer her with Bunnymund (I am WEAK for “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one” lmao)
Well, I think that just about covers it!!! I’ll add more reasons if I think of them! Thank you for the ask, and I’m always happy to answer more ship asks about CGI crossover pairings :3
Also @ the anon who asked for Jackunzel headcanons--fear not, I shall provide them!!! I just wanna make a complete list and accumulate all the ones from my various fics so it’s gonna take a while XD
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enha-woodzies · 4 years
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starring: enhypen ft. i-land daniel
pairing: jungwon x fem!reader x sunghoon
genres: royal au, romance, angst, slowburn, 18th century setting
word count: 1.8k
taglist: @serendipitysung (again, thank u for beta reading this chap) @angeljungwon @en-sun @affectionaterainoflove @renkiv @softforjungwoo @jislix @fluffi @gyeraniee @miffythoughts
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In a family of four, the grand manor is typically too massive of a place to frolic about considering the children are, now more than ever, entering the wobbly world of adulthood. Lady Park isn't at all saddened, not even the slightest, of the lack of silly beings bouncing around the halls. Her three blissful children are more than enough to fulfill the abundance needed to fill up these wide walls of comfort.
With wild banters resonating from the top floors to the angry cries of frustration and bullets being fired in the grassy yard, boisterous laughters even in the parlour and magnificent tunes from the pianoforte in the lobby, who would've thought the widowed lady only has three creatures in the solace of her household?
But of course, despite the few kiddos giddily leaping around and about the toughly cemented abode, the house never once lacked a single servant happily offering their services to the ever most humble aristocratic family. They rather consider it as the greatest honor to have even worked in this clan as they, amongst the fewer fews, have exuded nothing but kindness, generosity, and upholding of such exquisite manners despite their highly-acclaimed titles and places in Northumberland’s high-class society.
It’d be a blessing to be affiliated with the three children and whoever be so lucky to earn such fortune is very favored in life indeed. One would say they and the Yang family have always been the highly influential clans even of late and who wouldn't dare say? The two rich families have been one of the greatest friends of the city. Even their children could almost pass as siblings due to the tight-knit bond they shared over the years. Kindred spirits, I dare say.
This season will duly prepare the fine and charming jewel of the family, Lady Y/n, as the debutante’s ball is coming up briefly. A day well spent in the modiste is a woman's dainty bliss as the perfectly sewn dress is finally ready for appealing suitors and the royalty herself, the Queen.
“You look nothing more than gorgeous, sister. Madame Fleur has outdone herself again with another splendid piece.” Jay, the eldest of the family, pinches the silky fabric while gently pulling it upwards to gain better access to the dress’ features.
“Thank you, Jay. Although I admit, the measurements in the waist are a bit funny.”
“I wouldn't doubt that. It is Mother’s liking to keep your corset tight and deadly.” The eldest rubs his chin in contemplation. “Rest assured if you need any assistance in loosening that wretched piece of torture, Niki and I will be of help at the ball.”
“Again, brother, thank you. And speaking of help, where's Niki? He was supposed to help me with my waltz today.”
"I have no idea. Last I saw him he was with Daniel. Shouldn't he be home by now?"
Without any warning, the youngest comes dashing into the parlour like a carefree prince who just had the best slumber of his life.
“I’m right here. Forgive me, dear sister, for my unannounced absence in today's dance practice. I shall have you know, the Duke’s son sent us an invitation this morning. One that Daniel and I,” the two eldest eye him suspiciously, awaiting a usual remark whenever the topic is about the marquess. “refused to reject… surprisingly.” Niki clicks his tongue before proceeding to join his siblings on the cushioned couch.
“Shocker. Tell me, brother, was your day positively horrific?” Jay sarcastically huffed. “Oh, you don't have the slightest idea.” The two boys joined together for a rather boisterous laugh that made the only lass cross her arms as she sits between the two brothers.
“How’s life treating Park?” Jay questions. “Oh, you know. The usual. Living in luxury as well as wasting it away. He seemed more ashen lately.” Niki downs a glass of water that was resting on the coffee table.
After a few more barbs and laughs against the Duke’s only son, Y/n decides to butt in as time’s a wastin. “Apologies for the intrusion, but it’s necessary for me to rehearse for the dances I might have in two days' time, unlike you two who are accustomed to sweeping girls off the dance floor. Come, Niki, before mother sees me to bed.”
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In the middle of an exhausting rehearsal with his sister, Niki sits down on the edge of Y/n’s bed with both hands leaning on the mattress. “You could've asked Jay.” he mutters under his breath.
It's not that the boy was complaining to teach waltz, it was more of trying to keep himself away from social interactions for the time being as he felt the need to mope again after a long while.
“True, I could have. But I haven't seen you wandering about the house today. Except this morning when I was awakened by your harsh firing in the garden.” Y/n looks over her shoulders to give a playful glare at the nearly knackered, blonde-haired lad. “How was your day, Riki?”
“Don’t call me that.” He hisses.
“Must I remind you that I was the one who wiped your tushy when you were a tiny bum and I also-”
“Oh you must, mustn't you?” Niki throws his hands in the air in vexation. But his sister could only smile at him in a manner that he couldn't argue any further. “Fine. We did fencing today, with the Duke’s trophy of a son.”
“You know, I never understood your hatred towards that man. I envy Jay, honestly. He gets to listen to your burdens about the marquess and console you."
“Soon, sister. The story’s very… profound.” Niki lazily plops his body back on the fluffy mattress with both hands at the back of his head.
“You mean the feelings behind that story?”
“You're too keen on unearthing this from me, aren't you? You clever bean.” Niki smirks at his sister’s antics.
“Anything to have my little brother confess. I am your most favorite sibling after all, am I not?” Y/n intertwines her fingers with her brother’s and seals it with a comforting kiss right on his thumb.
“Whatever it is, no matter how inexpressible or profound it may be...”
“Thank you, Y/n. I’m going to miss these melodramatic moments with you.” The lass scoffs at Niki’s almost sweet words. “It's not like I’m guaranteed marriage this season.”
“Oh but mother will do anything to try and get you married. That's guaranteed right there. Although Jay will be meddling at most in choosing a husband who's fit enough for you. But whoever that lucky chap may be, as long as he makes you happy, he already has my blessing.”
“Do you think Jungwon will ask someone's hand this season?” Y/n joins her brother on the bed as they both stare at the ceiling in deep ponder. Niki gulps at the very sudden question from his sister, but he shrugs it away as he recalls a distant memory of her and Jungwon frequently fighting over twigs and branches when they were nothing but ten.
“Jay can only answer that for you. Why don’t you ask Sunoo? He never misses an opportunity to spill details about his brother to you.”
“But that would be too much, wouldn't it?” Y/n sighs in exhaustion. “I can never get that man to look in my direction.”
“He’d be damned to even try to, especially when Jay’s around. He may be his best pal but Jay has always been very protective about you.”
“Whoever’s the pretty lady to be asked by Jungwon will definitely be the luckiest girl, I bet.”
The boy has all the means to help his sister as he is deeply affiliated with Jungwon’s brother, Daniel. But Niki could only look at her in pity thinking of all the years Y/n has set her heart on the oblivious boy next door, only the latter seems to care less in bearing the lady’s genuine sentiments.
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"Yang Jungwon!" A stern voice from a woman in her fifties resonates throughout the lad's powder room.
"Mother." He monotonously mumbled.
"Did I hear it correctly? You're not to dance with anyone at the ball?" With two hands on her waist, the young lord could almost see his mother's vein popping out on her wrinkled forehead.
"I suppose brother spilled the tea, huh? And yes, mother, you heard it correctly."
"Madness! If it weren't for Sunoo's knowledge of this I wouldn't have known. God knows what's going on inside of that brain of yours!"
"Mother, I am not fond of-"
"Nonsense! Not even the daughter of our dearest friend, Lady Park?"
"Most especially not her." Jungwon mutters under his breath.
"Do you even hear the absurdity of your words?"
"Certainly, I do, mother."
"Oh god, oh dear. You're giving me a headache right now." She rubs her temple in utter anxiety followed by a frustrated exhale. Lady Yang fumbles the surface of her dress until she got a handful of its fabric, gripping it upwards to free her steps from the hindrances while turning back from her son to leave him be. Until the eldest shows up from his supposedly brief reading schedule in the pantry.
“Ah! There you are. Talk some sense into your brother will you, dear? I might collapse if I bother to argue even more about his foolishness.” And Lady Yang leaves the two swiftly before they can even utter a word.
“What is it that you've done to mother now?” Sunoo, the eldest, walks slumpily towards Jungwon’s side while half-slamming the book on the marble counter.
“Shouldn't I be asking you that?” Jungwon side-eye him with a sneer.
“She was interrogating me with her unconquerable motherly vexes if you must know. Sincerely, brother, I'm not one to lie. Though, I did try my best.” The younger boy could only scoff at the sassy rebuttal from his brother.
“You could've tried harder. Or maybe, you could've just silenced yourself. Marvelous idea, isn't it?”
“Or maybe, you can put on a little effort to satisfy mother’s hopes even for one night. Brilliant, isn't it?”
Jungwon hisses as he unbotton his puff sleeves one by one with Sunoo looking at him in an almost scorn, pitying his brother for being a complete idiot, not to mention a coward too.
“I’m not a coward if that's what you're thinking. Let’s hear it, what would you have me do, brother?” The younger one looks at his brother’s reflection through the mirror like a brazen knight ready to be thrown into war. With both hands resting on the shiny countertop, he bites his bottom lip with a foreseeable answer in mind.
Sunoo taps the boy’s shoulder before heading to the door to leave him in his fickling decisions.
“Lady Y/n Park. Two dances, brother, then you can pray to spend the rest of your nights in peace.”
Jungwon gulps down followed by a deep sigh the moment Sunoo left the room, like an exhale he’s been trying to hold underwater for over a minute.
He could only hope that those two dances will be the last of it, or he could kiss his peaceful nights goodbye… forever.
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fly-flower-fanfics · 4 years
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Bandaged Up
Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic) x Male Reader
Warnings: Depression, graphic self harm, hitting oneself, abuse mentioned, hair pulling out
Hizashi wouldn’t be home for another couple of hours. He had business at the school to do. I was thankful he wasn’t here, but it also hurt my heart. I needed him. I needed someone. All my friends — the few I had — worked at UA. I had just been left go. Today was my last day at work. I had only worked 4 hours today.
The company had been making a lot of cuts, but after working there for fifteen years, I thought I had some certainty in staying. But I guess I was wrong. Today was so stressful for me, knowing it was my last day, because Hizashi didn’t know about it.
I hadn’t told him. I couldn’t bring myself to explain that I had been let go, that I was struggling to find other work. I thought by now I would have a job again, but I didn’t. I knew this was coming, in a way.
I stopped eating as much, afraid to spend Hizashi’s money. I started wearing the same clothing a few days in a row to do less laundry, causing me to use less water. I couldn’t be a freeloader. I wouldn’t let myself become one.
I stormed into the kitchen, tearing brimming in my eyes. How was I going to tell Hizashi? I still had time to figure it out, but how would he react? Would he be mad? Think I wasn’t trying hard enough? That because I wasn’t a hero, that I brought this upon myself?
A million thoughts and questions ran through my head, making everything so loud. I covered my ears, tears now dripping down my cheeks. Yet that seemed to do nothing but amplify the sounds. I pressed my palms against my ears harder, as if adding pressure would drown out the noises. Again, it was a failure.
I knew I was spiraling now; I was working myself up. But I couldn’t seem to stop myself. My chest tightened. Hizashi was going to be so mad. He was going to yell at me. He was going to leave me. I had enough money left for a little while, maybe I didn’t have to tell him yet. But then he would wonder why I’m home all day. Maybe I wouldn’t have to tell him that either.
My arms began to ache from the pressure I was putting on my head, so I dropped my hands. But they were shaking, trembling with fear. I had to tell him. It wasn’t fair to keep secrets like that. It wasn’t right. It I’d be living with him and using his money, he had a right to know why I couldn’t pay for much anymore.
I shook my head violently, trying to breathe. No no no. No. I can’t tell him. I just couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to do it today. Today was too much so as it is.
I curled my hands into fists, frowning when I felt a cold metal in my hand. I looked down, seeing that I now held a knife. I frowned. When did I get this? My heart skipped a beat as I sucked in a breath.
I had a history with self harm that Hizashi didn’t know about. I wouldn’t tell him. We’ve been together for a year now, but I never let him see the scars on my thighs or upper arms. I had been clean for almost six months now, so I didn’t really feel a need to tell him. I had been doing so well...
I gently touched the blade, feeling that this must have been a new knife as it was pretty sharp. I found myself carrying it to the bathroom, my feet moving without much thought.
I sat down on the lid of the toilet, staring at the metal utensil. This is a punishment for losing your job. I closed my eyes, whimpering softly. This is your punishment. You deserve this. I shifted, dropping my sweatpants to the floor around my ankles. I rolled up the edge of my boxers and looked at all the other scars that painted my skin with white marks.
A numb feeling washed over me. I stopped crying, but I didn’t dry my tears. I pressed the knife against my skin, dragging it slowly. Pain bloomed, but I didn’t dare stop. Again, I lifted the knife, pulling it back along my skin. Again. And again. And again. The blade was covered in red. My blood spilled out of the cuts smoothly, building up to run down my thigh.
I grabbed some toilet paper and drabbed at them. I shifted a bit, adjusting myself so I could make work of my other thigh. This time, I did more than simple cuts; I carved a reminder I to myself.
The letters filled with blood, making the letters look bold and running into one another as the bled more. Once again, I wiped away the blood.
My eyes then turned to my arm. I didn’t feel like I did enough. My punishment wasn’t over yet. I didn’t think as I slid the knife across my forearm, a place I hadn’t yet cut before. It was almost euphoric, cutting in a new place. Ruining the pristine skin there, knowing it would scar. I deserved it.
Feeling rushed back into my all of a sudden, the pain increasing tenfold. I cried out, dropped the bloodied knife as I stared in shock at what I had done. Six months, down the drain. Six months, gone.
Quickly, I scrambled through the bathroom cabinet for bandages, wrapping the still bleeding cuts up. In my panic, though, I realized I didn’t regret what I had done. I only was panicking because I couldn’t let Hizashi find out. I didn’t want to see his disappointment. His anger. His disgust.
I put my sweatpants back on, hiding the bandage on my thigh easily. However, I now needed a long sleeve shirt to hide my arm.
I bent down a picked up the knife, taking it with me as I went to the kitchen. I washed it off, using soap and water, and then replacing it back where I had gotten it from. Maybe Hizashi would never notice it was moved and used at all.
I made my way to the bedroom, digging through our shared dresser. I knew it would seem a bit suspicious if I used one of my own long sleeve shirts, so I stole one of Hizashi’s and slid it on. I rolled up the sleeves instead of just pushing them up in fear of exposing the bandage.
I walked back out to the living room and sat down on the couch. I felt.... weary. Drained. I stayed silent and still on the couch, just trying to feel something. Anything. Anything at all.
When they didn’t work, I went and put on a playlist that always got Hizashi and I happy and in a dancing mood. I turned the volume up and sat back down on the couch. The CD player took a little bit to load, but I didn’t mind. The quiet before the music gave me more time to think. More time to analyze.
As the music stared, I closed my eyes. Maybe that would help me feel it more. Feel the rhythms and beats. I knew all the lyrics by heart, so my lips moved soundlessly along. But I felt no different. Not happier. Not more energized. Not anything but empty.
Yet I left the music on as I got up, tending to some cleaning that the house needed. Might as well be useful for something. Besides, Hizashi was a clean freak and liked a clean house. Not that ours was dirty by any means right now, but I found myself straightening picture frames and finishing up a few dishes that were left in the sink.
“Yo, babe, having a party without me?!” I heard Hizashi’s voice come from the living room. I hadn’t even heard the front door close due to the music. I wiped my face just in case there were any stray tears on it. Thankfully, my eyes never got super red when I cried. My nose just turned pink, and maybe Hizashi wouldn’t notice that.
I walked from the kitchen, plastering a smile on my face, and greeting my boyfriend. “Welcome home,” I half yelled over the music.
Hizashi was swaying to the beat, bopping his head a bit as well. He had his signature smile on his face, too. Even then, I couldn’t make my smile feel real. Everything I was felt fake right now.
Hizashi walked up to me and wrapped me into a hug, kissing my temple. As I hugged him, I let my smile fall. Why keep up the facade if he couldn’t see me? Yet in those few seconds of being hugged and held, my fake smile gone, a long formed in my throat. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to be comforted by him. But I knew better, and he shouldn’t have to worry about me, too, on top of all his other responsibilities.
As he pulled away, I forced my smile back onto my lips. He was just as handsome as ever. A pit formed in my stomach. I don’t deserve him.
“I’m gonna go take a shower, babe,” Hizashi said.
I nodded a little bit. “All right, dear.”
He disappeared around the corner, allowing my facade to disappear as well. I went and turned off the music, taking out the CD, and putting it back in his case. Hopefully Hizashi wouldn’t want to go out tonight. I just wasn’t feeling it.
It was only about ten minutes before the water stopped and the hair dryer started. A small smile pulled back part of my lips. This meant Hizashi was going to let his hair down. I loved when he had his hair down.
He came out of the bathroom a while later. He was shirtless, decked out in only a pair of sweatpants and socks. His eyes trailed me up and down, a light smirk on his face. “Why you got so much clothing on? You’re smokin’ hot. Why don’t you come chill off with me?” He wiggled his eyebrows at me.
Usually his silly antics to get me to be shirtless would’ve made me laugh, but all I could was offer up a weak smile. “I’m just cold today, love.”
Hizashi’s smile faded a little bit. I knew he could tell something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what. I hoped he would let it go, but that was wishful thinking. Hizashi never let problems go unsolved.
He took a seat next to me on the bed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “You feeling okay, baby?”
“I’m okay,” I lied, shrugging lightly. “I’m just tired is all.”
Hizashi’s smile faded completely, and I knew I fucked up. I never told Hizashi I was tired, ever. I was only tired if I was sick or if I was literally falling asleep, and I had just basically told him I wasn’t either of the two.
“Talk to me, sweetheart,” he whispered to me, pressing a light kiss onto my cheek.
I looked down at my lap, my eyes bouncing between my thighs. I couldn’t tell him, but my emotions began to bubble to the surface, and I felt my throat tighten. I shook my head slightly, tears welling up in my eyes. I tried to blink them away.
“You won’t like it, Zashi,” I said softly.
“I don’t like when you’re upset. I’d rather you talk to me about it.”
A tear slipped down my cheek, and I tried to hide it from him. “You’ll be upset with me. You’ll be mad. You’ll be disgusted. I-I can’t have that. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.”
I pushed myself away from him, getting up and taking my hands through my hair. Tears ran down my cheeks more freely now, and my fists weakly hit the sides of my head in an attempt to think straight.
“Baby,” he whispered.
I wasn’t listening. Everything from today was bubbling back up, demanding to be felt. Demanding to be told. Demanding to be heard. My fists began to tap my head harder, causing a dull ache to spread from the spots that were being hit.
“No, no, no, Zashi, no. No, you don’t get it. You-you don’t get it.” My fingers laced themselves in my hair, tugging on it harshly. I almost yelped in pain, but it was comforting in a way. “You-you can’t understand. I-I can’t tell you. I can’t I can’t I can’t.”
I pulled harder on my hair, then raking my hands through it. I shook my hands a little once they were out of my hair, strands of it falling from my fingers. I had a bad habit of pulling out my hair when I got overwhelmed. My fingers twirled around smaller chunks now, intentionally ripping the hair out as my vision blurred further.
I heard Hizashi get up and he grabbed my wrists, squeezing them lightly. “Hey, hey, hey, baby. Don’t do that. Give me your hands. Let me see them.”
I released my hair from my grip, my hands trembling in Hizashi’s hands. He held them close to his chest, away from my head.
“Zashi....” His gaze was full of concern and sadness. It made my heart hurt. I was doing this to him. I was hurting him. My knees felt weak, and I wanted to sink to the ground. “Zashi...”
“I’m here, baby. Right here.”
I choked on a sob. “I-I lost my job. They l-let me go. I-I can’t...can’t find another one. I-I don’t know what to do. Zashi, I relapsed. It h-hurts. It hurts it hurts it hurts.”
I felt myself falling, my knees too weak to keep me standing. Hizashi pulled me against his chest, lowering me to the ground with him. He stayed quiet as he pet hair lightly.
“How long has this been going on?” he asked quietly.
“Too long,” I whimpered, unsure of what answer to give him. Did he mean my self harm tendencies or my job? Both had been for a while now.
“You’re not alone, darling. I don’t want you to feel alone. I’m here. I’m here. I’m not mad at you. I love you. I love you so much.”
I was struggling to hear Hizashi over my whimpers and gasps of breath. I do desperately wanted to believe him, but I didn’t know how. I couldn’t. There wasn’t any way he could truly mean what he said.
“Believe me,” he whispered, and I heard his voice break a little. “I love you. And I want to help you. I’m here for you. I got you, darling. You’re going to be okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you.”
He scooped me into his arms and sat me down on the bed, kneeling in front of me. He still held my hands, kissing the backs of them lightly. I didn’t deserve this. I didn’t deserve any of that at all.
We stayed quiet for a while. He just held me, gently swaying back and forth with me in his arms. He hummed softly, running his fingers through my hair, down my back. Hizashi cradled me in his arms.
“I need you to show me,” he whispered after a little while, his eyes staring into mine. I sniffled, having calmed down a little bit when Hizashi was whispering to me.
“Sh-show you?”
“You told me you relapsed. I-I need to see. I have to make sure you’re taking care of yourself... of the cuts.”
I hesitated, shakily taking off my shirt, exposing my bandage. “Th-there’s more,” I mumbled quietly. I shuffled a little bit, sliding my sweatpants down a little to expose my boxers. I pushed them up, exposing those bandages as well. “That’s it.”
Hizashi got up, kissing my forehead. “I’m going to get something to clean them with. Okay? I’ll bandage them back up and we can cuddle after. Is that all right?”
I sniffled, biting my lower lip. I guess it would have to be, so I nodded a little. He got up and left, leaving me alone for a few seconds. I wiped at my eyes violently, angry at myself. I didn’t know how Hizashi wasn’t mad at me. Or disgusted. Or anything for that matter. He was upset. Concerned. And I didn’t understand why.
He came back, a bottle, some bandages, and paper towels in hand. “It’s going to sting a little bit, okay?” I nodded, sniffling again.
He undid the bandages gently, taking in the red, abused skin. He didn’t stay anything as he carefully began to clean the ones on my legs. I didn’t watch him do it. I couldn’t. It wasn’t because it hurt a lot, but because I didn’t want to see the way his eyes held the pain and sorrow of my actions.
I heard him gasp softly as he moved to my other thigh, the one with the word carved into it. Fresh tears welled up in my eyes. I felt his hands shake as he cleaned the wound.
“You’re not a failure,” he whispered to me. “Never.” He rebandaged my cuts, moving to my arm. He gave it the same treatment as he did to my legs.
“Do you want to cuddle?” Hizashi asked me quietly. I’d never seen him so quiet before, but maybe he knew that I needed it right now.
“Yes, please,” I whispered.
Hizashi pulled me into his arms, careful of my new bandages. He laid down with me, shifting so my legs were tangled with his, and my head laid on his chest. His hair tickled my cheek, but I didn’t mind. I closed my eyes, stifling the little hiccups from crying so much.
“I’m so in love with you. I love you so much. I don’t care what you’re going through; I want to go through it with you. You aren’t alone. I’ll support you until you get another job, and you don’t have to feel bad about it. I’ll be here to help you with your mental health. I’m here for you, baby boy. I’m always here for you.”
I whimpered, hiding my face in his chest. “Thank you, Zashi... I’m sorry I’m... like this.”
“No, baby, it’s okay. I’ve got you. I’ve got you. We’re going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. Just talk to me next time, okay?”
I let out a shuddery breath. “I’m going to try... I-I was doing so well. I just... broke...”
“We all have bad days. I’m here to help you on yours. Don’t worry about a thing, sugar. I’ve got you.”
I closed my eyes, my hand settling on his chest to feel his heartbeat. He meant everything that he was saying. I truly never loved another person as much as I loved Hizashi.
“Thank you. I love you.”
“And I love you.”
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faulty-writes · 4 years
Headcanons for Fat Gum, Kirishima and Tamaki with a female SO that doesn't eat much, usually just one meal a day and it's not a big meal. It's not that their SO has a disorder or is trying to lose weight, though she does think that they might find her more attractive at a smaller size, but it really is just because it slips her mind that she hasn't eaten or that she doesn't feel hungry.
Taishiro Toyomitsu
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A big fella like Taishiro aka Fat Gum enjoyed eating. Heck, it was a functioning part of his quirk. The first time you happened to run into the fat absorption hero was in Hosu City, apparently, some low life thug had tried to steal your purse. Fat Gum came to your rescue, though it was some spectacle to witness him absorb a whole human being into his well, fat. After this, he politely invited you to one of his favorite restaurants. You accepted, believing it was the least you could do. But, you’d never forget the strange look on Fat Gum’s face when you told him you simply weren’t hungry despite the table of food in front of you.
The first time Taishiro asked you out on a date, he took you to a buffet, something you should have expected. “Come on! Open up, promise it won’t bite you! Haha, though I might!” he cheerfully spoke as he held a piece of sushi to your lips. However, you were hesitant to eat it, “Something wrong?” he questioned and it almost killed you to see that concerned expression on his face. You shook your head, playing everything off as if you were fine and surrendered to eating the sushi. Despite the fact, you weren’t even hungry.
Even in his skinny form, which was a shock to see, Taishiro tended to eat...well whatever he could get his hands on. As your relationship grew, Taishiro made it a point to frequently visit your home, of course, he’d always make sure he had permission to drop by. You began to expect his arrival and usually greeted him with homemade food. Which, he always offered to share with you even though you made it for him. This is when he began to notice you didn’t eat much and taking into consideration you didn’t have much food in your home, to begin with, he began growing concerned with your eating habits. Were you eating enough, if at all?
Taishiro was as sweet as they came and if one saw past his looks, they’d be able to tell he was a loving and considerate boyfriend. On occasion when you came home from work, you’d see a bouquet of flowers that were often laid on top of a box of chocolate or some form of take-out food, which you appreciated. But, you knew it was Taishiro’s way of trying to get you to eat more and it was a little annoying that you had to somewhat lie to him about how much you enjoyed the food.
Eventually, a conversation had to take place. Though Taishiro’s concern about your eating was sweet. You had to make him understand that your eating habits were normal, you had little to no self-image issues, and that if you ate too much it would result in a stomach ache. This seemed to disappoint Taishiro, but he seemed to understand. Despite the fact, he continued to give you small hints to eat. You appreciated it, though part of you wished he’d leave you and your eating habits be.
Eijiro Kirishima 
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He first noticed your eating habits during a Class A and B get together, something that occasionally took place between dormitories and was more or less a way to maintain a civil relationship between the hero students. “Hm?!” he caught your attention as you sat on the couch next to him. “Is that all you’re going to eat?!” he exclaimed, and while you appreciated his concern. You claimed you didn’t eat much and pretended not to notice when Eijiro added extra food to your plate.
The first date Eijiro took you on was to the hero festival, complete with fun games of chance and rides. Plus plenty of junk food, which he continued to gobble down, of course, he offered you some. A bite of cotton candy or even half of his ice cream cone. “Come on, babe! It’s super good, yummy yum!” he urged with his pointy-toothed smile. But, you continued to decline his offers. Which finally caused some concern, “Babe...why don’t you want any? You hardly eat as is, come on. One bite?” you finally gave the excuse you weren’t hungry.
You thought his concern would be over with, but one day during lunch. Eijiro made yet another comment, “How come you eat so little, babe? You know I’ll love you no matter how big or small you are, right? Otherwise, well I wouldn’t have any right to call myself your man!” he said, and you only responded with a shrug. Though you were worried about your weight on occasion, it was nice to know that Eijiro would still be with you regardless.
Though Eijiro tried to make sense of your eating habits, he ended up going to Fat Gum about it. Asking for advice and such, this is what led to him giving you pounds of your favorite snacks and you noticed his odd change in behavior when he continuously suggested take out food for date nights. You wanted to confront him about it. But, you decided it wasn’t worth the fight and though you didn’t eat much of the takeout or snacks, you appreciated his efforts.
He still tried to get you to eat more, going to such silly lengths as to place your favorite snack between his lips and urge you to eat it. “Mm mmon!” he’d encourage, and though you found it strange. Honestly, quite weird. You leaned forward and took the snack, slowly chewing it. Eijiro noticed your concerned glace directed at him, but he assumed you had to know how worried he was about your eating by now. Was it a bad thing he was trying to help?
Maybe a nice homecooked meal would be more to your liking? Eijiro wasn’t a cook by any means and though he tried his hardest to make something for you. It ended up going to waste because he wound up burning it. “I...I was only trying to make something for you! I thought...you’d eat a homecooked meal or something babe...” the explanation melted your heart though you were beginning to get tired of his constant concern, so you grabbed him by the shoulders and reassured him for the final time that your eating habits were nothing to worry about.
Tamaki Amajiki 
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Tamaki remembers the first time he met you, in fact, he saw you in the crowd after he had stopped a villain and Fat Gum urged him to talk to you. Somehow, that ended up with Suneater, inviting you to a restaurant as some type of celebration. Though you declined his offer, which disappointed him. Disappointed was an understatement, the way he clenched his chest almost like he was having a heart attack made you worry and slightly scared you. “I g-guess t-that’s um, f-fair...I mean you d-don’t know me b-but...G-God...e-expectations...” he groaned and you almost felt like apologizing, though you weren’t hungry and it would have been rude to be invited to a restaurant only to not eat.
However, as things progressed with Tamaki. Fat Gum inviting you and his future sidekick to restaurants became somewhat of a daily occurrence. But, each and every time you happened to order. It was always something small, a cup of soup with bread. A small appetizer, nothing overly heavy. Which at times was a challenge since Fat Gum tended to order everything on the menu. Of course, Fat also grew to be concerned over your eating habits which effected Tamaki as well since his mentor would always make comments about it. “B-Bunny, you don’t...want to e-eat more? Is y-your stomach u-upset or s-something, um, I c-can rub it f-for you if t-that’s the case.” he offered and though you couldn’t help but chuckle at his antics, you claimed you were fine and finished your small meal.
Unlike Fat Gum, Tamaki was a little hesitant to continue to bring up the issue. But, he also began to notice a pattern that seemed to concern him all the more. On occasion, he would hear someone else ask if you ate and your response was almost always that you had forgotten. That sounded like an impossible thing to do, then again your quirk wasn’t one that required you to eat like his. But, he debated about setting a reminder of some kind so he could make sure you truly ate. It seemed silly, but it honestly worried him someone he treasured wasn’t eating or taking care of themselves.
Tamaki though he wasn’t known to be extreme, began to bring you food. Something you didn’t expect and whenever you were at school, he always seemed to want to pay for whatever food you were getting and he’d always buy extra. It was a little humiliating having your boyfriend try to feed you spoonful after spoonful of curry. Eventually, you asked him to stop and while you expected him to be hurt, you never expected to see his lip quiver and his eyes water over. “B-Bunny! Please e-eat more! I-It worries me you d-don’t e-eat enough and um, w-well I...” he never got to finish his sentence as tears began to stream down his face. You felt some guilt as Tamaki buried his face in the crook of your neck, were your eating habits that bad they were borderline concerning?
The more you thought about it, the more sense it made. Of course, others would think it was a concern that a person your age didn’t eat enough. You didn’t know why it was such a big deal, some people only ate once a day and that was more than enough for them. But, you decided to ease some of Tamaki’s worries and made somewhat of an effort to eat more. Which seemed to work for the most part, and it made you happy to know Tamaki was at ease. Still, sometimes you wished one’s eating habits weren’t such a concern.
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matsufucker · 4 years
👀👀 would u think abt writing smth for the bros (or jus Choro & Kara) reactions to finding out a very tough/edgy friend of theirs has a crush on them? 👉🏼👈🏼 their just v mean looking but with friends they're kind of soft and tbh just touch starved? 😩 ur writings abt the bros slap💖💖💖
Thank you for the sweet words anonny. 🥺
Here’s Karamatsu + Choromatsu reacting to an edgy crush!
Before becoming friends with you, Karamatsu would probably be a mix of “oh dear they’re a bit scary, I hope I can impress them!” and “oh damn… that’s kinda attractive, I wanna be like that.” so he would pull out all stops to try to impress you. He would try to shower you in his classic flowery words.
When he finds out that you’re soft he’s all over that like white on rice. Could you be any cooler? Not only are you tough and cool, but you’re a softie?! And you love physical affection? Wow wow wow! It becomes his goal to try to see your inner layers, he’s already enamored.
You’re touch starved? This is the FREE HUGS guy we’re talking about here. He would give out hugs whenever you wanted! He might linger a second too long at times…
Might integrate casual touches in conversation, he usually uses a lot of hand gestures, but an occasional hand on the shoulder would be thrown in if you’re comfy with that.
When he finds out about you having a crush on him, he considers that it may be too good to be true. He knows that he can be the butt of jokes sometimes, so how could he be sure that this isn’t just another prank? (Especially if one of his beloved brothers told him.)
Ultimately he would listen to the rumor and follow his heart, this romantic loser will do anything for love.
Initially he plans to flirt and up his Karamatsu antics to gauge out your reaction. If he does it when you two are in a more private setting, maybe he’d be able to see your true reaction without your tough façade.
If he manages to fluster you, this will egg him on to just pile more and more of his nonsensical wordplay until you literally can’t understand what he is saying. How the hell does one react to “your company is like a divine blue oasis I can seek refuge in to wash all of my sins away??” Hello?
(If you throw a compliment back you’ll do 1000 mental damage to this poor boy. He’ll be caught completely off guard and sputter before throwing another theatrical line back at you.)
He’ll set some dramatical plan in action to ask you out.
The king of extra will carry his guitar around on his back and the next time you encounter him, he’ll usher you to a place where he can serenade you. He’ll pull a bouquet of flowers out of seemingly nowhere, kneel onto one knee, and start playing.
He’s actually pretty good at the guitar, his chords aren’t too crazy, just some simple chord progressions, but his singing ties it together nicely. His vibrato is a bit too much at times, but you don’t care since you have this goon literally pouring his heart for you.
As the song slows down, Karamatsu swallows thickly and stammers “Y/N, would you like to go out with me?” He strums the final chord with a bit of emphasis and smiled, but his eyes were darting nervously onto your face.
When you say yes, he jumps onto his feet and asks “really!?”
Once you confirm your answer, he’s ecstatic. He nearly throws his guitar to the side as he rushes to hug you.
“Thank you for making me the happiest man alive!” he cries with shimmering eyes. He’s already trying to make plans of romantic get aways, perhaps Paris for a first date, or the finest restaurant Akatsuka has to offer? You have to calm him down and you two plan out a more realistic date.
The gears of love have begun to turn. :)
Honestly he will be initially pretty intimidated by your appearance and how you act. There’s a part of him that admires you for your toughness. He always tries to act like the straight man but is brushed aside for being “lame” and “Chorofappyski,” so he wishes he could be tough like you.
His first interaction will probably be pretty curt with you, but over time he’ll loosen up and chat politely with you. He’ll soon realize that you aren’t really some scary punk, but a tender soul? He’s a bit surprised but he’s relieved, he find this news extremely comforting and will be more relaxed with you.
If you’re touched starved and it shows, he would actually be happy to accommodate. He typically doesn’t like being too touchy with people he doesn’t know, but you’re an exception. He would be too nervous to initiate touches, but if you wanted to give him a hug, lean against him, etc, he’d let you!
Honestly at this stage of friendship he would be content. Choromatsu would look at your relationship and be thankful that he wasn’t foolish enough to pass judgement on you based off your appearances and got to know you. He was really happy to have you, a scary looking marshmallow, in his life. He would undeniably have a crush on you, but there’s no way you would like this rising NEET otaku, right?
“Y/N has a crush on you! It’s so obvious!”
Wait. Did he hear that right?
If it was one of his brothers, he’d tell them to knock it off, they’re just friends! If it was anyone else, he would deny it. No way, why would a person like them like him?
But the thought has been planted in his mind and he can’t think straight. What’s gonna happen? He likes you but what does he do? Maybe he should just act like he didn’t hear anything. Yeah, that sounds good, you two can keep being friends, he likes being friends, right?
Would not bring this up in conversation ever, he would take this time to see if there were any signs of you having a crush on him. (If he does see one, he’ll convince himself that it’s not true tbh. If you blush and do the classic arm touch flirt? He’ll think “it’s because they’re friendly, not because they like me!” His mental gymnastics are incredible.)
If you confess to Choromatsu, he’ll be surprised and flush red.
“Me? Are you sure?” he’ll be too caught off guard to even process the joy he feels, his face screams anxiety until he confirms that you actually like him. Then the corner of his lips will turn sharply into a “v” as he gushes that he’s actually liked you for a bit, but he never expected to get this far! The next time you two hang out, should it be like good old times or an actual date?
If you don’t confess, Choromatsu will overthink things until it started to affect how he interacts with you. He starts to act a bit more stiff and distant, the usual hugs that you two shared regularly now felt like hugging a board. Choro will keep up this attitude until you finally confront him about it.
He feels awful that he made you worry about your friendship, he’ll confess that he heard from someone that you had a crush on him and that he wasn’t sure how to proceed, he likes you but he doesn’t want to ruin an already amazing thing.
After you chastise him for not telling you about this problem, you tell him that the rumor is true, but there’s no pressure to return the feelings.
He nearly interrupts you, rushing to say “no no! I really do like you, it’s just that—” and he turns red at how casually those words tumbled out of his mouth. He clears his throat before continuing with “I do like you, I just don’t know if I deserve you?”
You have to tell this goon that if you like him, and if he likes you, what’s wrong with that? And he deserves so much more than he allows himself to!
After this reaffirmation, Choromatsu’s tension disappears from him and he nods.
“I’m sorry for making you worry, do you still want to…” he pauses, swallowing thickly. “…go out with me?”
You hug him and say yes, silly, you liked him, it was apparently so evident that other people were picking up on it! You go in to hug him out of habit, and you’re delighted when the hug is just like you remembered it, comfortable and without an ounce of stiffness.
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Quarantine Boredoom (Dick Grayson x Reader)
✾ A/N: It’s been a certain couple of months since I wrote smut/erotica, but here you go! Although, I think it’s better classified as silly porn aka Nightwing’s type? Anyway! Thanks to my friend for being my beta for this one.
✾ Request: hiya! i saw that your requests are open and then i had a mini asthma attack because i had come back from binge reading your masterlist oops,,,,that got me thinking,,,how funny would it be if reader has asthma and just has to use their puffer during sex? like could you imagine if that were to happen to dick or jason? i’d like to see that happen 👀 also your writing is absolutely amazing!!! keep up the good work!! 💕👌🏻🤠
✾ Disclaimer: fingering.
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A purposefully loud huff escaped your lips when your body met Dick's couch. He looked away from the copy of Robin Hood in his hand to raise an eyebrow, but the only response he received was a dramatic sigh.
"(Y/N), are you okay?" Bludhaven's protector ultimately asked, placing his book on the desk to offer his girlfriend unrestricted attention.
"I’ve never been so bored in my life," you grunted, tilting your head in one of your best dramatic performances. "Quarantine isn’t as fun as it looks in the movies."
"I'm sure zombies will appear and we’ll convert to cannibalism soon, (Y/N). Don't worry," Dick replied, humor obvious in his tone. You rolled your eyes, huffing once more. "Also, it’s only been two days. You can't be that bored, right?"
"Easy for you to talk, Nightwing. You still go out on patrol every night. Something you shouldn't do, by the way." You changed the subject of conversation, returning to a topic which you and Dick widely disagreed. Fortunately, the acrobat had an idea of ​​how to entertain you and change the subject to something less likely to end up with him sleeping in the room he currently resided in.
"You know I can’t abandon my role, (Y/N). Especially at a time like this. I take the necessary precautions, like using my sticks instead of punching them in the face, don't worry." His patented wink was followed by the classic playful smile. Before you could rationalize the joke, he continued, "But I might have a hint of ​​how to get you rid of your boredom..."
The suggestive tone in his speech caught your interest instantaneously. "I would love to hear your idea, Dick Grayson."
Grayson's next words evaporated upon his lips, giving space to a malicious smirk as his body leaned over yours on the couch. His mouth easily found its home; your lips, into the slow, lazy beginnings of a kiss.
When you drink for the first time, it is easy to get drunk. Then, you start drinking on more occasions and your limit increases. Two glasses are needed when, a while ago, it would take just one. The organism gets used to it and needs more to achieve the sensation of the first time. With Dick, it always felt like the first time. It didn't matter if he had kissed you two minutes or two months ago; every single touch of him reached a new layer of everything good that someone could transfer to another person, like discovering a new exciting part of yourself.
His hand cupped your cheek, drawing you closer in. The world existed outside that apartment, each minute still had sixty seconds, and Dick Grayson was willing to spend all of them making your body reach a new level of highness for him, without even needing more doses of change to do so. Your heart felt like it was tied to his touch and his only. Dick's hand slowly fell down on the side of your face. His thumb pulled down your lower lip, a farewell present in the intense softness of the gesture.
You giggled, and Richard smiled at you. The playful fingers began their private journey in search of paradise itself on earth. More murmurous kisses were offered as bargain and readily accepted by you. It was a small distraction from the new heights your body was reaching.
Fingers from your chin to jaw, his tongue found yours and caressed it as if he were trained for it. Kissing him was like a dance, it always had been. Grayson's hand stopped on your neck for a moment, but there was no trace of pressure there. Dick just kept dancing, holding on; you wanted to wrap your legs around him, offer some comfort to your wet pussy, even if it was just pressing it against his erection, which was now hard against your leg, to make his self-control more difficult. Yet, you knew better than that. He would have already pulled your legs if that was the plan. His fingerprints on your chest indicated the antics the hero wanted to use.
Dick placed his lips on your neck, lavishing attention upon that spot as much as he wanted. You closed your eyes, unable to decide what you liked most: the bites and gentle suction on your neck or the tender fingers that were already on your stomach. Your hips moved of their own will, seeking the carnal solace you craved as you moaned softly. The former Robin laughed in pleasure at your neediness, moving away from his little branding job to look you in the eyes. He loved to watch you like this, spreading your legs for him while his hand found its way inside your pants.
And now, looking at you and feeling wetness in your panties, Dick decided to keep it a bit slow, as if to see how far you would go. After all, it had been three long weeks without sexual activity. Between his work of detective division vigilante and yours in full-time journalism, 24 hours weren't always enough, but in this moment, all he had to worry about was how needy for him you could get.
Grayson's digits circled your vulva, playing on the edges of its outer lips until he received an impatient sigh from you. He laughed, temporarily satisfied. You looked at him, ready to tell him to do what he knew how to do, but you were silenced by one of his fingers entering your vagina. You pressed your lips together and pushed hips towards him, a nonverbal way of saying that you wanted more. Dick, however, just moved his finger out of your reach. It caused you to open your eyes, stunned.
"Dick!" You were breathless, probably from the rush of sensations he had been — and was supposed to still be — making you experience.
"What?" There was false innocence in his voice that contradicted everything that was happening, especially when he took the finger that was inside you to his mouth and sucked, expression shifting into contentment. "You taste so good, baby. Imagine when you're coming for me."
"Richard John Grayson, if you don’t put— Fuck." The ensuing groan encompassed an ugly word. One of his fingers was still inside you while the other was pressed to your clitoris.
"How am I making you feel, huh?" he asked, despite knowing the answer as well as he knew your sweet spots. Adding another finger, Dick started looking for your G-spot, clitoris being well taken care of by his ring finger. Fuck, he was almost salivating by just thinking about eating you out, your taste, putting his tongue in the warm, wet place his fingers were, but for now, Grayson wanted to watch you enjoy yourself. It was in the way you bit your lip, whimpered for it and moved your hips to get more as if you didn't already have it all when it came to Dick Grayson. "Am I making you feel good?"
"I..." The weight on your chest worsened significantly, almost as if you had put a rock there. You mentally screamed at yourself. Fuck, out of all possible times, you had to be literally running out of breath while your pussy— Come on! The only good thing was that you knew your own body language well enough to quickly understand what was going on. "Dick, I can't breathe."
Dick, on the other hand, was too involved in taking you apart to reach the same conclusion as you.
"I’m making you breathless now?" Indigo eyes meet yours, full of lust. For a millisecond, you wondered if you could handle the random crisis, or if you could be confused about two different things with similar symptoms. That is until the shortness of breath had gotten worse. Fuck.
Well, the opposite of fuck now.
"No, Di— FUCK!" Feeling like the air wasn’t getting into your lungs and the fact that your boyfriend had just found a certain spot inside you while simultaneously rubbing your clitoris didn’t help you remember how to breathe. "I’m literally... My puffer!"
"Wh-- Oh my God, your inhaler!" Mentioning your little miraculous friend that wasn’t between his legs finally brought Detective Grayson's dormant instincts to the surface. He almost jumped away from you, hastily looking for the inhaler. "I'm sorry— I thought... Wait." The scene would be comical if you weren’t coughing in despair, gasping for air and yet simultaneously turned on. He found the puffer on the floor, beside the desk, and handed it to you. Relieved and mildly frustrated, you forced oxygen back into your body for a few moments. You forced yourself to calm down until the inhaler could be discarded next to Dick's book where it originally was.
You faced each other. What could be said? Sorry for forgetting how to breathe while you fingered me? Sorry for confusing your moans of "I can’t breathe’’ for "You’re making me breathless"? Can we agree never to use this expression again? So, I almost died, but am I still up for it? Is my cock still hard after your near-death experience?
For the second time in the evening, words were passed over to make room for another way of communication. The two of you burst out laughing, loud and scandalous. What the fuck just happened? A few good minutes later and you looked at Dick with a smile, your hand full of sin located on his thigh.
"We still got plenty of time. You know, quarantine perks."
Noises of 'you are unbelievable' from him were drowned out by a few more giggles, which soon gave way to corny moans. Perhaps the last two options were the right things to say.
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Heya, congrats on the new blog! Can I ask, how would the brothers react to MC blaring 'The Ketchup Song' outside their window at 2AM on random days without any warning beforehand? (Also, all the best for your blog!!)
I believe this is the song you're referring to? If not sorry!
Las Ketchup Song with the brothers!
• As they say, third time's a charm. More like a charm to break Lucifer's nerve of steel.
• Poor guy just wants to get some sleep so he can be well rested and finish his paperwork.
• First time he played it off as a one time antic, but that proved wrong. After the third random play, he marched to your room. He knocked against the door his lips pressed in a thin line. His pride refused to show how truly ruffled his feathers were.
• After no answer, he opened the door ready to fully reprimand you. However he softened seeing how vibrant you were as the music controlled your moves. The song was one that begged its audience to sway their hips.
• He smirked as he spooked you with a soft shoulder tap, and paused the song. He chided you for being awake still, and turned his argument more toward your health than his annoyance.
• Boy was confused, poor thing.
• At first he thinks it's Amso blasting his tunes making him lose count of his money counting.
• He goes down the halls and is surprised that the music is coming from your room instead.
• Wait is Amso in your room?! Listening to music or worse without him to protect you?!
• He slams open the door ready give whoever an earful, but you both stare at each other in awkward silence. He had caught you dancing shamelessly in the privacy of your room and well he had slammed open your door.
• You didn't let him live it down how his jealousy could rival Leviathan's, and offered to show him the moves of the chorus. He scoffed saying how The Great Mammon already knew the movements. He wasn't some pleb! But uh ya know if you wanted to show how you did it, he wouldn't mind.
• It honestly took him awhile to notice. 2AM was prime anime streaming and video gaming time! His headphones and audio system made sure nothing interfered.
• However one night, he had severe lag causing him to throw his headphones down in anger. It was then he actually heard the song.
• Normally he wouldn't have bothered to leave his room and check, but it was 2AM? What in Devildom would cause music to be playing that loud? If it was a party in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer surely would have forced him to attend. So what was happening?
• Curiosity killed the serpent, and he hesitantly followed it to your room. Puzzled he opened the door just a crack to peer in. It would be just his luck to not be invited to a private party thrown by his IRL Henry. Looking in he blushed watching you dance with glee to the song in private. Its not like he was watching something wrong!!! But... He still felt flustered.
• Unfortunately you noticed however and opened the door wide, exposing him. The noise he gave wasn't remotely human, but you struggled to keep from laughing. He looked so adorable with his red cheeks and humiliated expression as he cowered.
• Instead of punishing him for his intrusion, you pulled him in for a dance of two and showed him the moves. He was awkward about it, but happy beyond belief to share this dance with you.
• It kinda became a secret handshake between you two, no normies allowed!
• He was used to tuning out noises while he read. Living with 6 other rowdy brothers trained him for such things. Be it Leviathan's anime idol music, Asmo's beauty guru video's echoing in the bathroom, or even the rare practice speech from Lucifer ; has managed to always stay in his head space.
• However... The same song.. Randomly played at 2AM exactly? He had to investigate. This was what all his Detective stories and shows had prepared him for!
• "Only one version of the events is ever true!"
• He starts to make rounds hoping to be around whenever the music starts. He already created a list of possible suspects, and a list of facts about the style of music, time played, and any other possible variables.
• One night he manages to be on foot when the music blasts at 2AM, and runs to the source. He blinks surprised that's its coming from your room however. While you were a suspect, you were low in his list. Well this just makes things more exciting!
• He knocked on the door and waited for you to open it. He smiled his usual 'polite' smile, and gently interrogated you. Why now? Why this song?
• Once he has his answers, he offers to research similar music to expand it to a playlist than just once song. Plus he has read extensively over the Latin language, and would love to share that knowledge ~
• A roommate after his own heart!!
• It might have taken him a while to notice as well. He's often out on the town at The Fall nightclub or getting his Beauty Sleep™
• But tonight he was organizing his wardrobe with his latest additions from Majolish when he heard the song.
• This demon was most likely the muse for all passion dance styles, and this felt like it was calling him.
• He didn't care as he got dressed like he was going to the club, and followed the music to your room.
• Once you heard his knocks through the music, you opened the door only to be swept away. He took your hands and danced through the entrance, entrancing you as well.
• You two shared laughs and smiles as you did the chorus dance, same as it was in the music video. Though Asmo did it with his own flair making you giggle with glee, making his own smile glow brighter.
• The dancers of the music video and performers had nothing on Asmodeus as he showed what he could do. He offered to take you to his room where he had a pretty little outfit just right for you if you wished to dance the night away with the muse of passion ~
• It was another late night/early morning snacking when he heard the music blasting. Tonight he had made finger food so he might as well eat and check it out as the same time.
• He followed it to your room and knocked. It sounded like it was fun, sorta like party music.
• And parties meant food.
• You opened the door and smile grinning like a happy fool. You let him in and smiles. He was about to offer you some of his food, but he surprised himself realizing that he had already swallowed it all. All that was left was half a paper plate, with some of the plate stuck to the corners of his lips.
• He asked what was up, and you explained you were listening to The Ketchup song. He was already drooling before you could even explain that it wasn't about the condiment. You couldn't help but pet his hair as he sulked at the real meaning. What was the point of it being the Ketchup Song, if there wasn't any Ketchup?
• He made his way back to the kitchen as he was still hungry, but gently reminded you of the time and how your weak human body needed 8 hours of sleep to function properly.
• It was another sleepless night as he had spent the whole day sleeping. What a curse. He had already exhausted his horror movie collection, and was about to go see if Beel was done snacking.
• Then he heard the music.
• He texted the group chat to see if anyone else knew about it. He was comfy with his pillow, no way was he gonna get up.
• " Yeah it's an MC thing" replied Mammon, proud of how he knew more about MC than anyone else. Belphie rolled his eyes at Mammon's inferiority/possessive complex, and texted MC.
• " U up?"
• " Oh yeah! Nights like these I just feel restless ya know?"
• " I can't sleep either, can I call? #
• " Sure. I'll put you on speaker!"
• He called you, and together you listened to the music, and kept each other company through the night. He was glad you two were talking through the phone. He could smile at all the silly quirks you humans had without anyone being the wiser ❤️.
This was my first ask! I hope you liked it, and thank you for requesting!
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fmdjaewonarchive · 4 years
ayo waddup, it’s ur local inactive bitch jamie, while technically still on hiatus and i probably won’t get any actual writing done till i get off that (on tuesday, not that long anyway) i would love to get some plots in already cuz i’m v excited!!! imma leave some plot ideas under the cut but tbh im basically down for anything, if u wanna plot just like this post, slide into my ims or hmu on d*s*c*rd: spare serotonin pls🖤#5703 .
alcohol tw// listen, this is a one time only thing but basically, i lowkey want jaewon to get pretty drunk for once??? for anyone that doesn’t know, jaewon hardly ever drinks at industry events, gotta be the composed leader and all of that but between champion, filming a new drama, two unity albums, and our songs, he’s super stressed out and he’s like fuck it for once and ends up drinking more than anticipated. tbh this isn’t even rlly one plot either, i’d love all types of drunk jaewon interactions, someone enable him, someone be worried about him cuz this is unlike him, someone have a drunk heart-to-heart with him (jaewon can only talk ab his feelings when he’s drunk cuz he’s sexy like that), someone drag him into their stupid antics, someone get into an argument with him, the possibilities are endless.
also i haven’t settled on what any of my muses will be wearing but jaewon isn’t a dress up kinda guy so it will be super bare minimum, just a suit with the vaguest hint of smth fairytale/halloween related, someone call him out for being no fun or comment on it or something yeah.
jaewon isn’t a social settings kinda guy, and esp w the heavy drinking he’ll b doing througout the night, he’ll probably need a break from the crowdedness of the ballroom a few times, ur likely to find jaewon outside for a breather so any threads taking place like that are most definitely valid too.
god yuanjun loves costume parties so much, i’m not 100% sure what im aiming for here but expect something peter pan/tinkerbell inspired. whatever it will be he’s definitely aiming to be one of the best dressed at the party. pls let him interact w people who are just as extra ab the whole dress up thing as he is, he just wants to marvel over pretty suits and dresses.
yuanjun is a Presence by himself you know, i’d love to have someone trying to look after him cuz they assume he’s drunk or smth but in reality he has had like, two glasses of champagne and his personality is just like this 
also a v random silly thing but id love love love loveeeee if there was like a muse touching up their make-up and yuanjun came across them and he offered to help them with it and they’re surprised to see how good he’s at it? pls i just need smth like this so bad it’d be so cute
also you BET yuanjun is gonna watch scary movies when given the chance so uh, either a fellow scary movie buff or just a poor victim he drags along (bonus points if they’re afraid of horror and now they’re stuck w yuanjun who keeps trying to scare them during the movie
alcohol tw // you just know yena is gonna show up already some degree of drunk from the moment she arrives and honestly she’s only gonna get progressively worse through the night.
she’s also aiming to be the hottest bitch at the party. im kidding. kinda. but she’s either gonna be a hot cruella de vil or a hot ursula cuz yena is mean and sexy and that’s kinda iconic of her, love that about her. this is hardly a plot idea but it just had to be said tbh.
my point being yena is gonna be sexy and drunk (a normal saturday evening for her) and it’d be a shame if someone didn’t make out with her somewhere in secret, it’s what she deserves truly.
smoking tw // also yena is a notorious party smoker i’m just saying, secret smokers party in the hedge maze.
generally i’m down for any messy plots people might have, yena bumping into someone, spilling a drink over them, accidentally stepping on someone’s costume and tearing it, literally ANYTHING yena is here to cause problems and cause problems only.
but also you KNOW she will be throwing it back on the dance floor, also photo booth queen, what’s the point of the party if she doesn’t have pictures of how fine she looked.
again, idk where im gonna go w her dress but it will probs be smth pretty princess inspired or smth. idk man. again, not a plot point, just wanted to have said it
minah is ur local mom friends here for all ur needs. need someone to hold your hair? help you fix your costume? tell you to drink water? miss minah is HERE and she will mom everyone whether they asked for it or not.
i think minah is the most likely of my idiots to partake in the scavenger hunt so like if anyone wanted to do some threads around that, that’d b pretty cute
alcohol tw // minah doesn’t really care for drinking at events like this, anyone who can be bothered is free to try to convince her to loosen up
out of all my muses, minah is probably the only one to do normal people things, you know, that don’t involve being fuck drunk (jaewon nd yena) or being annoying as shit (yuanjun) so all kinds of shit like going on a walk in the flower garden/maze, enjoy a movie like normal people, talk ab people’s outfits etc. etc. 
minah is the boring one okay
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Yesss thank you ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ ( ˘ ³˘)♥ now I want it written but like,,, too lazy to write it myself and I know you're drowning in prompts
I am drowning in prompts, and other things to write, so I can’t write a full fic.Just the h/c snippet though? I think I can do that...
“Well, I have to do something to be useful, right?” Patton said, voice faux cheery and not in the good way- it sounded forced, and fake, and ugly. “So you’ll have a reason to keep me around!”
All noise in the room died, all eyes focused on Patton, who was looking at the kitchen counter he had been in the middle of scrubbing. They had all been relaxing, enjoying one of the few shared days off the four of them had, Virgil splayed across Roman with his feet in Logan’s lap, all of them on the couch.
The absence of their fourth partner was hard to ignore, Patton bustling around to do laundry and dust and other chores. He had been cleaning down the kitchen when Virgil beseeched him to join them, saying they could clean later, Patton’s worked hard enough, please come cuddle them?
Patton had refused at first, until all of them were asking, wanting to know what was so desperately important about getting this cleaning done now, and his attempts to brush it off all failed until they ended up here.
“Patton,” Logan said slowly, clearly, calmingly, clearly trying to keep a hold of a situation that had rapidly escalated into one none of them were expecting, “why would we, as you put it, need a ‘reason to keep you around?’“
Patton laughed nervously, still watching the counter, one hand grasping the edge of it and the other tapping an irregular pattern out on it. “Why, you guys are all just so great! And you contribute so much to our happy little household- like Roman’s singing to fill the rooms, and Logan’s sticky notes of random facts that cover whichever wall he was nearest too when he learned it, and Virgil’s little spider stickers he places everywhere for fun! I just... just want to contribute something too!”
“You already contribute more than enough, sunshine.” Roman said, worriedly. “You don’t need to do all the work while we’re lazing.”
“I don’t though.” Paton said, glancing briefly up at them, but even in the quick look he gave them before going back to studying the countertop they could all see their were tears in his eyes. “I- you’re all so wonderful, and-and I know I’m lucky to be with you, and I know that eventually you’ll leave- and that’s alright because you deserve better, you really do, all of you deserve so much better, but I just thought that... that if I could be helpful, and u-useful, you’d stick around longer, and isn’t that ugly and selfi-ish of me, but I just- I just-”
Patton’s grip on the counter tightened until his knuckles were turning white, as if all his weight and balance was focused on this one thing, as if he would fall if he let go, as he finished, “I just... I know you’ll be de-light-ed when it’s all over, and I don’t blame you for it, but I’m just so afraid of being left alone... of being left lampless.”
That’s what really broke boyfriends; their happy-pappy Patton, looking as if he might fall over, tears silently streaming down his face as he weakly tried to hide them, cracking puns about them breaking up with him; cracking puns like it was inevitable, like the only reason they were dating him was for some human chore machine and nothing else.
Patton was so caught up in his own world, his world of abandonment and inevitable heartbreak, that he didn’t notice Logan, Virgil, and Roman get up and come over until there were three sets of very familiar arms wrapping around him from every angle. For a brief moment, he tried to struggle, tried to pull away, but there was no where to go and he was too tired to escape them.
So instead he slumped against them, still sobbing, trying to offer a dozen apologies and having all of them gently shut down and shushed as they shuffled back over to the couch, settling down so that Patton’s face was against Roman’s neck, staining the fabric of his shirt with tears as Roman gently rubbed his back. Virgil was hugging him from behind, nuzzling his own head into the side of Patton’s neck comfortingly while Logan combed his fingers soothingly through his hair, occasionally wandering down to try and massage the tension out of Patton’s neck as well.
It took a few minutes, but eventually Patton calmed down, sobs turning into occasional snotty hiccups. He pulled his head away from Roman’s shoulder, and the group rearranged so that Patton’s back was against Roman, Roman’s arms still wrapped around Patton, Virgil and Logan sitting in front of them. Patton was focused on fidgeting his thumbs in his laps, refusing to look at any of them.
“Patton, love, will you please look at me?” Logan asked softly. When Patton didn’t move his gaze from contemplating his thumbs, Logan sighed and reached forward, gently tipping up Patton’s chin so that Patton would look at him. “Why didn’t you tell us how you felt?”
Patton gave a weak half-shrug in response. “’Didn’t want you to leave...” He mumbled. “After all, why would you... why would you want to keep around some useless sad sack?”
Roman made a pained noise in the back of his throat, causing Patton to wince and try to wiggle out of his hold. Roman’s grip around Patton only tightened, however, as he said vehemently, “Dearheart, you are not a useless sad sack.”
“No buts.” Roman stopped him immediately, leaning his head so that he could press a little kiss to Patton’s temple. “You are one of the most magnificently beautiful creatures I have ever had the honor of knowing, so often bright and alive even in the face of the fiercest opponents. You cook the most scrumptious of meals where we would burn water, and you fill this house with the truly cheery air needed to make it home. None of that says ‘useless sad sack.’“
Patton giggled a little at that, gaining smiles from all of his boyfriends. “Do you... do you really mean that?”
“Of course he means it.” Virgil answered for Roman, placing a hand on Patton’s knee. It was a little awkward, but he pressed gently down, trying to offer Patton a comforting pressure, like Patton had done many times before to help Virgil when he started to spiral. “We love you, Pat, and you’re, like, our best member. Your the only one who can pass for a semi-responsible adult.” Logan sniffed in insult and Virgil patted his shoulder without taking his eyes off of Patton. “Your last social interaction ended with you telling a middle-aged woman to, I quote, ‘consider going back to elementary school to learn basic manners.’“
“She was being incredibly rude.”
“Adults I internalize that.” Virgil said. Logan rolled his eyes but he didn’t seem too annoyed by any of it, and there was a flash of amusement in his expression when he saw Patton smiling at their antics.
“As I was saying, Pat, you’re the only adult-ish gay here.” Virgil continued. “You are by far the most useful member of this relationship.”
“And even if you weren’t, it wouldn’t matter.” Logan added, taking one of Patton’s hands in his so he rub circles into the back of it. “As Roman and Virgil have expressed, Patton, we care incredibly deeply for you. The advantages you can offer us are irrelevant.
“The only requirement to being a good boyfriend is loving us back, and being a good cuddler.” Roman concluded. “And I can personally attest to the truth in both of these statements.”
Virgil lazily raised a hand. “Same here.”
“I concur.”
Patton smiled, genuinely, at their shared support. “Thanks guys.” He said, looking a little sheepish. “I feel a little silly now, actually...”
“There is no need for that, my dearest heart!” Roman assured him. “It is no fault of yours that we did not realize we were not properly wooing you!”
Logan nodded seriously. “Was an error that falls entirely upon us.” Logan said, a small smile creeping onto his face. “Please, darling Patton, there must be some way we can make it up to you.”
“No, guys, you don’t have to do anything-”
“I think sad boyfriend and misunderstandings call for several hours of cuddling on the couch while ignoring the movies playing in the background.” Virgil spoke up, interrupting Patton. Roman and Logan nodded in instant agreement.
“I’ll line out the movies.” Logan said, pressing a soft kiss to the back of Patton’s hand before regretfully letting it go and settling down beside the Blu-ray player.
“I’ll get blankets and snacks.” Virgil said as well, patting Patton’s knee before he also headed off- in the direction of the kitchen and hall closet.
Patton’s hands fumbled to wear Roman’s were still secured around his waist. “I should go help them.” He said as he tried to tug at the fingers holding him captive.
Roman only tightened his grip in response, however, flopping back on the couch for added emphasis. “nope.” He said resolutely. “You’ve been working too much. You’re sentenced to only cuddling for at least five movies.”
Patton attempted to fight for only a moment more, quickly resigning himself to his fate. Soon enough Virgil and Logan returned, some movie or another starting up while Virgil skillfully bundled them all up in enough blankets to assure none of them would be moving for many, many hours
Leaning more fully on Roman’s chest with a sigh, his other boyfriends pressed up close to him, Patton didn’t mind that at all.
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theitalianscribe · 5 years
The First Practice
Part 1 | Part 2 (Coming Soon) | Part 3 (You are here)
Summary: A lot of first meetings. Local anxious gay finds some athletic gays(tm)
The first meeting that Virgil attended of the Cerebrum High School Owls cheer squad had not been what he was expecting. Honestly, he wasn't sure what he was expecting; his knowledge of cheer squads came from the Bring it On movies, musical, and non-bring it on use of mean girls on cheer squads in shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer. That is, he probably expecting a group of impossibly fake white girls subtly talking each other down or a group of athletes obsessed with the sport. Then he bumped into a  very short girl with glasses, darkish-blonde hair, and who frantically waved her hands over her heart.
"Err...I am the one who is sorry?" Virgil answered, though it came out in a question. Then he quickly shook his head, pointed to himself, and repeated the motion. She blinked, smiled a little, then ran off. Moments later, she returned with Patton. The girl had a hint of a smile while the older cheer member was grinning. Virgil blinked for a moment. They had different hair color, but something about their faces and freckles seemed close.
She whispered something to Patton's ear and began to bounce on the balls of her feet. That was when he noticed that rather than wearing the typical gym uniform that some of the other students had dawned, her clothes seemed looser and more breathable. She also was wearing a vest and was playing with the strings.
"I see you have met Robin. She is one of the few people that actually asks and is capable of wearing the mascot suit." Roman's voice was both booming and gentle. Robin made several gestures that equated to some form of "okay," and he rose his volume to its typical gusto. "Let's get you introduced to the others. Roll Call!!"
Within seconds, the scattered teens were in a row and standing at attention.
"They call me Patton. I'm small and strong and will hug you to life!" Patton started
"My name is Jeannine, I like space and sports and cats."
"Harper. They/them please. I like spiders and caterpillars and crafting!"
"The name is Lili, not like the flower, please. If you hurt my best friend, I'll kick you in the knees!"
"Lili!!! That is not the introduction we can go with! We'd get disqualified at nationals."
"Also violence is wrong, though I appreciate how much you want to protect my sister."
"Nobody hurts Robin!" The blue-eyed girl protested. She really didn't look like what Virgil would have expected of a cheerleader. Sure, she had the build of an athlete, but the various basketballs and baseball patches sewn to her jacket, on top of the baseball cap, seemed to suggest that she would be more interested in one of the competitive sports.
"Newbies," Jeannine scoffed.
"That was you a year ago," a teen yet to be introduced giggled. This person seemed to be made of cheer, from her sunny smile to the colorful socks and shoes, to the long-outdated sillybands still around her wrists, to the sweater she was wearing in spite of the ensuing workout.
"Name's Mabel, by the way! I'm a Junior. My bro is in the nerd squad.
"Virgil," he returned the hearty shake.
"Ooh! You're cute! Want me to take your measurements?" She asked in what might be interpreted as a sultry voice if the listener or speaker had never heard a sultry voice.
"I...I'm gay," Virgil squeaked.
Understanding spread over Mabel's face. "Ohh! Most of us are," She giggled, "You'll fit right in. I still want to knit you something. I do it for all our new recruits!"
"You don't have to."
"Consider it payment in advance for dealing with her antics," Lili called.
"Did I just come out to all of the Owls?" Virgil asked in a panic.
"No," Lili whispered, "And if you want it to be a secret, we will keep it safe." Both girls made the motion of locking their lips and disposing of the key. "I just got Mabel being extra sense. Trust me, it is better to just accept the gifts. She can be a lot, but she can't help it, so she makes up for it with gifts and nice gestures. Though the shipping is less of a gesture,"
Mabel chuckled nervously. "Let's get to practicing. Romeo! Where are we starting."
"Warm ups!"
After an hour and a half of exercise, introductions, and demonstrations of maneuvers, Virgil found himself collapsing in the grass. Three-fourths of the way through the practice, Robin had reluctantly retired to the bleachers. Lili would hop out of the practice circle to push the water cooler closer to her, attempt breathing exercises, and chatting.
There was a tap at Virgil's shoulder. He turned and was handed his bag. Virgil searched his memory for the sign for, "Thank you." She nodded and Virgil made a mental note to get Logan to tutor him in ASL.
“Sorry, my ASL is r-u-s-t-y,” he signed, sometimes resorting to spelling out the words.
“You don’t need to sign. I can hear. I appreciate it, though.”
“Oh. Does it bother you to hear voices…er that wasn’t meant to be rude…er.”
She smiled and laughed. He could start to see the resemblance. After a moment, she pulled out a phone and started typing.
“Sometimes senses get too high-def,” he read off the screen. “My voice is too loud for me sometimes. It feels easier to sign sometimes. I know it’s dumb and an over complicated solution but.”
“It doesn’t sound stupid. Brains are weird. You found a loophole to yours. Whatever works works.”
She giggled and typed some more, “Romey and Patty say the same thing. Lili doesn’t comment on it, but I think she thinks it’s silly and hates herself for thinking so.”
“You and Lili seem close.”
Robin smiled and whispered, “Yeah. I really like her…Even if she isn’t a cat person.”
It felt like an inside joke, but Virgil found her laughter contagious.
“Hey,” Lili called from where she, Mabel, and Harper were practicing pyramids. “You better not be stealing my best friend.”
Robin signed something that Virgil couldn’t catch. (it was “Nobody could replace you,”)
“Darn right!”
“Language, Lili,” Patton called out.
When the others went back to practicing, Virgil turned back to Robin. “So, owl suit.”
“I like birds and it feels kind of safe in there,” she typed out
“Doesn’t the smell get bad? It must get sweaty in there.”
“Not really,” Robin typed out before grinning. “I use a plug-in.” She whispered
“Wait, like those wall diffuses?”
Robin signed, “Yes.”
“Isn’t that dangerous?”
Her face melted into horror. “Don’t tell Patton, please!” She typed out.
“I won’t,” he quickly reassured her. Still, those things had glass and chemicals that could irritate the skin. “Why not use air fresheners…oh, too strong. Oh! Tea bags! Those are way softer. Remy puts those in his car so he doesn’t have to buy anything. I think leaves or cinnamon could work too.”
Robin hugged him. “You’re a genius!” She said in the loudest hushed voice. He jumped a little at the sudden contact. She pulled away and looked him in the eyes, “Whoever you like, I will do whatever I can to get you two together…or at least a first date.”
He blinked at that, but she didn’t seem to have more to say on the matter. After an awkward 5 minutes of Virgil watching Roman direct the squad, a phone was maneuvered in front of his face.
“Want to see my pet rats and frog?” it read.
“Sure,” was his immediate and puzzled response.
By the time everyone returned to the bleachers and Patton gratefully accepted the water bottle his sister offered, Virgil had decided that Montgomery and Gregor were angels and that the squad itself wasn’t too bad. He wouldn’t mind attending the next meeting.
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Serif’s Charm Part 2
[1] [2] [3]
In which Charm starts to get a crush of Serif. 
@aglitchandagrump @hiddeninshxdows
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 8:19 PM
Sans snuggled closer to Serif, his hands curling into light fists that clung to her shirt.Very slowly he begun to wake up, rubbing his eye sockets. "Hmm?" he asked no one. Slowly he realized where he was and grew bright blue. He basically flopped back, too flustered to comprehend what just happened.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 8:30 PM
Serif half woke up and made a little whine almost like a dog's when one of her cuddle buddies moved.Reluctantly she half opened her eyes, squinting at Sans. "hmmm??why'd you mooove?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 8:35 PM
He was blushing bright, bright blue. "I-Im sorry! I-I-I didn't- uh- I didn't mean to uhm, fall asleep on you! Uh-"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 8:38 PM
"it's fiiiine..." She stretched lazily. She was surprised how well she slept. "did you sleep well?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 8:39 PM
"Uh.." he actually.. Had? No nightmares? Odd. "Y-Yeah, actually."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 8:39 PM
Elly was still sleeping on the floor, somehow drooling
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 8:43 PM
Serif flopped over, she was gonna get up but the ground was really nice right now so she just laid there face down for the time being. "that's great! I slept good too. cuddling with people always helps...also being around all this nature...." she dozed off for a moment before waking up again. "uhhhh....wanna get some coffee or somethin?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 8:44 PM
"S-sure!" He smiled a bit. Coffee with Serif sounded nice!
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 8:47 PM
"okay!....." She dozed off again. Someone wake her up-
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 8:52 PM
Sans had to admit she looked adorable sleeping. He smiled gently before crawling over and gently shaking her. "Serif?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:00 PM
Serif stirred awake and looked up at him sleepily. "did i fall asleep again? sorry about that...the grass is really nice here..." She pushed herself up to be sitting. "uhhh....should we wake elly up? or...maybe we could let her sleep and just bring her back something...."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:01 PM
"Well.. How about this, I'll go get some coffee and you can stay here and sleep a bit more." he offered, giving a small wink.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:07 PM
"oooooooohhhh why didn't i think of that?.....oki doki. thanks saaaans. you're the bestttt." She flopped back on the ground and started snoring.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:08 PM
He chuckled a bit, standing and dusting himself off before walking out.After a few minutes Sans walks back in, setting the cups down and shaking Serif again. "Hey, I'm back."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:14 PM
Serif woke at the shake giving Sans a bright sleepy smile. "yaaaaay! that was fast...i think...sleep is weird that way..." Lazily she sat up and straightened her clothing a bit.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:15 PM
He handed her one of the cups, sitting down as he prepared his; he poured in two sugar packets and a vanilla creamer. He got a few extra creamers if Serif didn't like black.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:22 PM
She gladly took the cup and started sipping at it. She was use to having it black and now she actually preferred the bitter taste. It was a great wake-me-up. "so, uh...i didn't really get the chance to ask. what were you doing here before i decided to drop in. just enjoying the scenery?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:24 PM
"Uh.. More or less." He sipped at his own coffee. "A reoccurring nightmare has been keeping me up and so I thought coming here might possibly help. I guess it did! With your assistance, of course." he beamed.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:33 PM
Serif beamed back over the rim of her mug. "i'm glad i could help! nightmares are the worst." Her smile fell a bit. "this was actually the best night's sleep I've gotten in..." she thought for a moment. "a month and a half? something like that..." She ran her thumb along the rim of her mug absently. "they didn't use to be this bad. me and the other swaps guess it has something to do with our connection to the multiverse." She perked up a bit "but nothing we can do about that so what's the use in complaining about it! plus those nightmares keep us informed about the dangers in the multiverse at the moment."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:34 PM
He forced a nervous laugh, partially hiding his fallen smile behind his mug. "W-well, I'm glad they help you in some way. And even more so that you slept well!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:38 PM
Serif got a bit of a mischievous grin. "maybe we should sleep together more often~ keep the nightmares away and such."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:41 PM
He grew blue once more, sinking into his jacket. He, surprisingly, managed a little shaky laugh. "Hah-ha Y-Yeah maybe we should-" he just went back to sipping his coffee. He needed to stop talking.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:47 PM
She laughed, a little surprised how well that worked. "you make a great cuddle buddy! just like my charm! ooooo! what if we got times and my charm and just had a cuddle pile!" It sounded like such a silly idea to her. Times hated her guts and would probably just get jealous. And Charmy was pretty closed off and didn't like people messing with her unless she knew them well.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 9:51 PM
He just got bluer, sinking down more. "U-uh.. I-I don't know a-about that. B-but , uh, yeah." He didn't even know what to say.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 9:57 PM
Serif sipped at her coffee proudly, giving him a little wink and trying not to laugh.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:02 PM
He bit back an embarrassed whine, finishing his coffee quickly. "You are just like Swap in this area, aren't ya?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:06 PM
"hmmm? i don't know what you mean!" She looked innocently up at him, although the smugness in her smile gave her away. She finished off her coffee and looked a disappointedly at the bottom of the mug.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:08 PM
"I-I can go get some more, if you want." he said it rather quickly when he was her reaction. "I-I you want, of course."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:15 PM
Serif smiled sunnily and held out her mug for him to take. "that sounds wonderful! and could you get something for elly? i'm not exactly sure what food she likes but considering she eats chairs i'm sure anything would be fine!"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:19 PM
He peeked out a bit, his demeanor different. "Yes! Of course I can!" He quickly got up, grabbing both mugs and exiting.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:21 PM
Elly soon sat up slowly, she woke up in cold sweat after yet another horrible nightmare, but she didn't act as if it was one, her hair was an absolute mess. she ran her hand through her hair, pushing back her bangs with a sigh mumbling things to herself forgetting that she napped on Serif last night
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:22 PM
Sans came back with two steaming mugs and three bagels. "Here we are- oh. Elly, you're awake!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:23 PM
"looks like you're right on time! the sleepy head just woke up!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:23 PM
she turned to Charm letting her hair flop back down, she gave a weak smile and waved a little
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:24 PM
He tosses her a bagel, handing one to Serif along with her coffee. "Well, morning."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:25 PM
she caught it in her mouth eating it whole without chewing. "Thank...you"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:26 PM
He nods, flopping back down and munching on his own.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:28 PM
Serif laughed at Elly's antics, giving sans a thank you as he handed her the coffee and bagel.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:29 PM
Elly did a hand motion at her hair, which made her hair go from really messy, to straight like usual. she takes out her dry erase board [So how was your sleep guys?]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:31 PM
"Good. Best I've had in a while." He gave Serif a soft look, as if she was to thank for that. Which she probably was.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:32 PM
Serif paused in her coffee drinking to answer. "i slept great too! how about you elly?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:33 PM
she smiled [Absolutely terrible, i had some of the worst nightmares ive had in my life, which is probably a sign that my sleep was fairly okay] she looks so perfectly fine with her terrible nightmares
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:35 PM
Serif's smile fell. "oh gosh. i didn't know you had nightmares!" She wished she could help somehow.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:36 PM
"Seems like we all do.." he said somberly, not to bothered since Elly wasn't.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:36 PM
[Ive had nightmares all my life, i don't think ive ever had a good dream ever] she sighs letting her smile fall a little [But it makes me happy when other people have good dreams]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:40 PM
Serif didn't really know how to respond to that so instead just shoved her bagel into her mouth. The whole bagel. Why? She doesn't really know but she hopes it will make them laugh.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:42 PM
Elly snorts and giggles a little[Oh my gosh what the heck? you can't eat that whole, your not me] she's resisting laughing a lot
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:44 PM
She tried to say something with the bagel still in her mouth that sounded something like "oh really? watch me!" and then proceeded to swallow the bagel whole.  Which actually hurt quite a bit, but she did it!
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:45 PM
Elly starts laughing a lot "krod a hcus ruoy dog ym hO"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:47 PM
"Oh goodness," he chuckles a bit, never taking his eyes off of her and that little smile never leaving. Why was he acting so weird?!
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:50 PM
Elly just laughs so much she starts to snort and make weird noises, which sound like a whale dying
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:52 PM
Serif started laughing as well. Glad that she managed to lighten the mood a bit. "so! you guys have anything you wanna do today? for once it seems pretty calm here so maybe we could explore a bit!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:54 PM
elly calms down with a deep breath [Sure, i would love to explore! if they have a really high spot i wanna go because i love high views,][its the best spots for me to think and possibly nap]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:55 PM
"Not at all. I'm up for just hanging out." he was still staring at Serif.He was staring so much he didn't look to see what Elly wrote.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:56 PM
[Actually, maybe night really high views][maybe like i dunno a hill?]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 10:57 PM
Serif made a face. "uhhh...maybe a high spot isn't the best. i'm not sure charm likes high places. uh...what do you think charm?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:58 PM
[thats why i said hill, im not a giant fan of hights]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 10:58 PM
When he heard the term "high spot" he quickly snapped out of his trance. "U-uh, n-no heights, preferably." he said quietly. "U-uh, but I'm good anywhere else."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 10:59 PM
[Well i don't know the area, so im fine with wherever you guys pick to go!]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:02 PM
He thought for a moment before laughing a bit. He leaned a bit closer to Serif, lowering his voice. "We could always head to the hot springs~" he joked, referencing their first meeting.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:02 PM
Elly tilted her head wondering what he said to Serif, but choose not to ask since its none of her buisness
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:08 PM
Serif burst out laughing, her face turning a light blue at the memory.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:09 PM
He laughs at her reaction, leaning away a bit. Her laugh was worth it, even if he didn't get her to blush as much as he wanted. It was a wonderful noise to him, although he didn't get why.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:11 PM
[Why are you blue? are you sick or something?] she doenst understand magic skeletons
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:12 PM
"n-no reason!" It just got worse.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:13 PM
He grew a little smirk, nudging her a bit. "Nothing, just some bare memories."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:14 PM
[Bear memories? oh my god did you guys have to fight a bear?]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:14 PM
"What- oh, no, don't worry. It wasnt that kind of bare."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:15 PM
[there are other kinds of bears?]Elly is not an experienced person, she doesnt understand
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:15 PM
"Uh, like b-a-r-e." he spelt out.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:16 PM
"...." she still didnt get it [what exactly is bare?]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:16 PM
"Uhm.. Like there isn't anything there."
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:16 PM
Serif was blushing worse and worse.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:16 PM
[So you were invisible?]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:17 PM
"Uh.. No. Just, forget it." He chuckled a bit, catching Serif's reaction. He pointed to her. "That's for flustering me earlier."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:18 PM
Elly kept thinking though wanting to figure this out
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:18 PM
She pouted and tugged her bandanna over half her face
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:18 PM
"...." [OH][You mean naked?]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:19 PM
He chuckled, freezing though when Elly figured it out. He didn't expect her to, actually. "Uh.." great Sans you set yourself up. "N-no?" maybe she would drop it.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:19 PM
[Oh okay][Guess i'll never know]she shrugs just dropping itShe flops back wards staring at the sky, then BUZZ BUZZ its her phone she breaths in [ignore that]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:28 PM
Serif tugged her bandanna all the way over her face when Elly figured out the pun and was just stuck like that for the moment it seemed
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:29 PM
Sans did the same, falling back onto his jacket. Welp. They were both flustered messes.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:30 PM
she keeps hearing the vibrating noises of her phone ringing as she stared at them [....why are you hiding? is that a new game?]she took the skull on her chest and removed it, taking the light gray cloth thats usually attached and turning it into a scarf to hide also [am i doing it right?]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:33 PM
"u-uhhhhhh...y-yeah g-game.....hah..."
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:33 PM
He just whines from beneath the cloth.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:34 PM
[....,this is a weird game]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:35 PM
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:36 PM
she gasps "SWIM"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:36 PM
"Y-Yeah! Sure! Uh.." he wasn't the best swimmer and water kinda scared him, but hey it would be better than this. "Yeah."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:36 PM
"SWIMSWIMSWIM"she stood up putting the skull back on and spinning around, her cloth changes to her favorite two peice swimsuit "SWIM!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:39 PM
"pffftt! s-sounds like a yes to swimming!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:40 PM
She ties up her hair so its out of the way [What do you think? its my favorite swimsuit when i swim in waterfall]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:41 PM
"it looks awesome elly!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:44 PM
she blushes a little  and hides behind the dry erase board [thanks! :D]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:50 PM
He is still buried in his jacket.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:51 PM
She looks to charm "why you still hide?""we too fab?"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Last Saturday at 11:54 PM
Serif fixed her bandanna. "he just can't deal being around beautiful women."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:55 PM
Elly giggled and posed as if she was a model
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:55 PM
"Shut up." he mumbled. Even though it was half true. He couldn't deal with being around Serif, apparently. "I like my jacket, s'all."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Last Saturday at 11:56 PM
She shrugs [Go get changed Serif! we can be super bathingsuit fab together]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Last Saturday at 11:57 PM
At the idea, for some reason, he blushed more. Luckily he wasn't visible.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:00 AM
"u-uh okay! i can use the changing rooms at the pool I guess. so uh...should we go ahead and go?"
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 12:01 AM
"S-sure." He'll just roll there.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:04 AM
Serif finished her coffee and stood up. "what are we waiting for then?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:04 AM
[lets goooo!]
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 12:06 AM
He tries to just lean forward and actually roll. Not succeeding in doing much more then getting stuck in an awkward position.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:06 AM
[lets roll Charm to the pool!]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:09 AM
"pfffftt! I'll just carry him. quicker and less bruising." With that she scooped up Sans and trotted on her way to the pool.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:09 AM
She followed behind laughing at Sans being carried
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 12:10 AM
He blushes more, snuggling into the touch.
Charm - [aglitchandagrump]-Yesterday at 12:12 AM
Sans is carried in, asleep in Serif's arms.
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:12 AM
Serif trotted to the pool carrying Charm 
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:13 AM
Elly followed behind"SWIM!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:14 AM
She looked a little disappointed that Sans fell asleep. "darn! looks like he won't get to see me in my swimsuit!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:14 AM
[I'll take a picture!][Or even better, we can do one of those self pictures together!]
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:19 AM
"heck yeah! I'll go get changed!" She set Sans on a pool chair, arranging him so he'd be comfortable before dashing off to the changing rooms.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:22 AM
Elly sat down, sticking her feet in the pool waiting
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:34 AM
Serif returned in a few minutes wearing a sporty blue once piece swimsuit. She seemed a little embarrassed about wearing it, especially because she couldn't wear her gloves and so the hole in her right palm was in plain view. She also wore a platinum locket with the Star Trek symbol that had been a gift from her Wrenne. He'd been wearing it under her bandanna before and didn't bother to take it off. Her neck felt naked without something around it anyway. "r-ready!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:35 AM
She looked over and gasped [Your so cute!]she gets up and runs over with a big smile, see doesnt notice the hole in her hand at all "Cute! cute cute cute!"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:46 AM
Serif's blush got worse and she starting giggling a little awkwardly. "th-thanks? i don't look as c-cute as you though! you look downright adorable!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:48 AM
Elly blushes as well "!tseb ym kool ot yrt i !sknaht-t" though in her mind she's saying 'Hahaha~ LIES'
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:52 AM
"soooo should we get to swimming?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 12:55 AM
she nods and cannonballs into the poolshe seemingly well vanished in the water, that or she's just hard to see in water
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 12:57 AM
Serif followed suit, making the biggest splash she could as she cannon balled in. She wondered if she could splash Sans from this distance....
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 1:41 AM
She popped out of the water and looked around for Elly who couldn't seem to be found. "elly? you didn't cannonball out of existence did you?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 1:42 AM
there was movement in the water, Elly soon popped out but in her male form Eliot, by tackling Serif "OOB"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 1:53 AM
Serif screeched in surprise and threw a punch at Elly without thinking.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 1:54 AM
he fell back into the water floating as if Serif just hecking killed him
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 1:55 AM
Serif screeched even more. "OH MY GOD ARE YOU OKAY I DIDNT MEAN TO HURT YOU! ELLY?!"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 1:56 AM
-He gives a thumbs up to show he's okay"Me okay"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 1:59 AM
Serif took a deep breath to calm down. "don't jump out at me like that! i could have really hurt you!....also why do you look like that?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 2:22 AM
He looks down at himself "?gnihtemos ro driew ti si .yug a gnieb ekil tlef I"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 2:25 AM
"well, it's not really weird. i mean, i'm actually use to seeing 'you' in guy form anyway but i'm just a little confused at the sudden change s'all." She squinted suspiciously at the other. "you're not gonna try to fluster me again are you?”
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 2:28 AM
he raises his hands in surprise "gnimmiws rof taerg si riah trohs dna tsehc talf a sulp ,won thgir yug a gnieb ekil tlef tsuj I ,raews I ton m'I" he pats his chest to show how flat it is "tap tap yttap"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 2:34 AM
She kept squinting. "well okay then, but one flirty comment and i'ma splash you." She papped his face grumpily before swimming to the other side of the pool.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 2:41 AM
"yako" He follows after quickly, he leans on the edge wiggling his eyebrows in a flirty way, mostly because she said no flirty comments
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 2:46 AM
She scowled at his expression. "really?" She quickly kicked off the side of the pool to swim to the other side instead.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 2:51 AM
"oot snoitca ytrilf on ton ,stnemmoc ytrilf on dias uoy ,yeH" he playfully stuck out his tongue at her
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 3:18 AM
She flipped over to just float in the water. She wasn't sure why but she seemed to be very good at floating, she guessed it had to do with the magic that made her body being so light. "well BLUH!....although i admit that was pretty clever."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 3:22 AM
He swims over and flips over to float next to her "....Sky..pretty...." there was always something about the sky she loved, could possibly be the fact that the night is what she loved, or it could be that she hasnt seen it. no one will ever know
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 4:37 AM
Serif's grumpy attitude vanished as she looked up at the sky. It was much more than pretty. At least to her. She grew up without the sky as most monsters had. The sky was freedom, it was beauty, it was the fulfillment of the dream that monsterkind had long held close to their hearts. She couldn't help but smile looking at it. "yeah....pretty."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 4:40 AM
Eliot feels so calm staring at the sky. he wished he could always see this. he pointed to the sky "look, star shape candy" he points to a section of stars that in fact look like its in the shape of candy if you connect the dots
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 6:11 AM
Serif looked where he pointed, her smile growing as she makes out the shape. "it is candy!" She looked around for a moment before she spotted another group of stars. "that looks like a cat kinda." It was a bit of a stretch but they did make the vague shape of a cat.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 6:18 AM
he looks over and chuckles kinda seeing the cat, he searches the stars for more shapes. he points to another group of stars "needle" the stars kinda looked like a kniting needle, but honestly stars in a line could be a stick for all anyone knows
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 6:47 AM
Serif looked at the line of stars for a moment tilting her head a bit. She wasn't the best at stargazing but she thought they might actually be Orion's Belt. "belt." She pointed to the line of stars again. "orion." She traced the shape of the warrior with her finger. The water and the stars were starting to make her sleepy. "bow." She traced out Orion's weapon lazily as she yawned.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 6:51 AM
He glanced over and noticed she was getting sleepy. he stops floating to stand up and decides to pick her up "You sleepy, bed time" he smiles since he was kinda tired himself
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 6:54 AM
Serif was surprised at being picked up and clings instinctively to him. "woah...uh...yeah...i am getting pretty tired....i guess the pool chairs would make a good bed..."
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 6:58 AM
He floats out of the water and flys over to the pool chairs. He sets her down on one and shakes off all the water on himself as if he was a dog, before doing a twirl. changing back to his regular clothes. he sits down in the chair next to him taking the cloth attached to his skull decoration andstretching it out to be a blanket "aT ad"
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 7:06 AM
Serif laughed at Eliot's way of drying himself off. She pulled a towel out of her inventory and started drying herself off, storing it back when she was done. She looked over at the chair Sans was sleeping on for a moment before getting up and moving the chair against the one she was sitting on. The two chairs together made a sort of double bed that was big enough to fit three if they weren't too big. Serif trotted back to her chair and flopped down to cuddle with Sans. Partly because it helped her sleep and partly because she knew it would embarrass him when he woke up. "eliot, wanna join the cuddle pile?"
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 7:12 AM
Eliot nods grabbing a third chair and putting it against the other two to make a very big bed, He flops on the other side of Serif and takes the blanket he has in hand and draping it over the three of them, "seramthgin fo draw yllautca i taht eetnaraug on .draw eramthgin lanosrep a ma I .fireS smaerd teews evaH" he shrugs and decides to use his shirt to make a soft pillow for himself "thgin thgiN" he smiles, he'll sleep when Serif falls asleep since he wants to stare at the stars more
Serif [SecondQuill]-Yesterday at 7:16 AM
Serif was glad of Eliot joining. Giving him a tired but friendly smile as she snuggled closer to Sans, using his shoulder as a pillow. "night eliot! i hope you sleep well..." and with that she fell asleep.
Elly [Hiddeninshxows]-Yesterday at 7:18 AM
He just stared at the stars deep in thought about what possible nightmare he's gonna get today, he sighed deeply refusing to think about any more sad thoughts, and instead hope that the nightmare is tame tonight. he rolls over away from the two of them and falls asleep
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