#(love how this post started as a small comparison between the two movies
heloflor · 10 months
“Part two” of this post since I wanted to keep it positive but also have more things to say about comparing the 86 Anime and 2023 Movie:
In defense of the 86 Anime not being great and low-quality, the plot of the 2023 Movie is kind of a pacing mess too. Plus, I don’t care about the animation quality and, while I do enjoy good soundtracks, a bad one doesn’t really bother me that much. Those are “superficial” elements that, while making a movie more enjoyable and pleasant, aren’t that big of a deal for me.
For example, I actually find the soundtrack of the 2023 one to be one of the best things about the movie, and I can’t praise enough the work that went into researching and using the video-games ost while still keeping it fresh. My second favorite thing about this movie is how expressive Bowser is. You can tell when Nintendo plays around with his 3d model that they’re trying to make him expressive but struggle with it, so to see such an array of emotions from him is amazing. However, the fact that those are my two favorite things about the 2023 movie is not a good look.
I’m also not going to judge the voice acting bc for the 2023 Movie I don’t care about the og dub (watched it in french) and the 86 Anime is in Japanese which I don’t speak so I’m less focused on intonation and more on subtitles. Although I will say that when re-discovering the 86 Anime this year, the main thing I remembered from watching it as a kid is the way Peach says Mario’s name, and that’s not exactly a compliment.
Ultimately, I think the main difference between the two for me is that the 2023 Movie pisses me off due to how much wasted potential it was, while the 86 Anime is more of an odd relic from the past that’s definitely not great but still fun for what it offers.
And yes, I’m definitely being a lot harsher on the 2023 Movie than the 86 Anime. After all, the 2023 one was made decades after the franchise took off and is a high-budget project, while the 86 one is a small production made likely on time constrains and with little to work on. The 86 Anime was also made by a Japanese studio back in the 80s, meaning the comedy and story standards might not have been the same. For the comedy you can for example see it with the Mario Kun mangas having a completely different kind of humor than what you expect in the West. As a result, it’s much easier to forgive the 86 for its mistakes, while the 2023 is under more scrutiny.
For example, both suffer from a pacing problem, with 86 dragging on while 2023 goes too fast, on top of both feeling like the creators had a specific set of action scenes in mind but didn’t know what to put in-between hence the many montages and paper-thin story. The 86 Anime can be forgiven more easily since every level in Mario Bros 1 looks the same + there’s like 10 different enemies, so of course they’d end up forced to capitalize on those enemies, causing the travel to be rushed while the enemies encounters go on for too long.
For the 2023 Movie, it just feels like they got lazy, especially when the elements put to give the story more substance don’t get resolved/have no payoff (had Mario and Luigi fought a cat instead of a dog, it could’ve been great payoff with the cat power-up ; Peach is shown to be curious about the human world yet has no reaction when entering Brooklyn ; Toad is just kind of there ; most of the plot is about getting the Kong army who immediately gets kidnapped, meaning it was for nothing ; Mario is good at platforming in the intro yet his struggles with Peach’s course are written as if he’s never been good at it ; we’re never shown how does Bowser’s army gets all this intel on Mario and Peach ; since we see Mario eat a mini-mushroom and then getting bigger through a hit, it means all Bowser needs to do to escape at the end is punch himself ; the blue-shelled soldier never interacts with Mario yet is straight-up delighted about killing him, and there’s no mention of him doing it to get Bowser’s respect or a promotion so there’s no justification for him being this unhinged ; etc).
Now I could say from this list that the 2023 movie has more plot holes than the 86 Anime, especially when the 86 one does explain when they put those types of elements despite its overall weirdness (the Goombas following the brothers, the dog being sent with them because he’s Haru). But ultimately the 86 Anime has a lot less overall substance, so of course it’s going to have less plot holes since there’s less plot. Plus, the 86 Anime has a lot more instances of things happening "just because".
Another example would be 86 Luigi and 2023 Peach being OOC. In the first case, Luigi didn’t even have a personality back there, so he can’t exactly be out of character if there’s no character to begin with. Meanwhile in the second case this is a character that had been established for decades yet they couldn’t be bothered to even try, which feels incredibly insulting and it better not affect the games (you just know that had Peach kept her role as Mario’s guide/mentor while actually being written in character, we still would’ve gotten Wonder and Showtime. Hell had she been written properly we wouldn’t have had that worrisome box art change).
Finally, before people crucify me, know that I give the 2023 Movie an 8/10 as an adaptation and a 6/10 as an original movie. It’s a fantastic adaptation outside of the characters being more or less OOC and does an amazing job at bringing this world to life, on top of the references not just being for fanservice but also serving the story since the characters are in the Mario universe. But as a movie itself it’s really average and honestly deserves a lower score. Were it an original fantasy movie with no relations to Mario, you know people wouldn’t give it a second glance and praise the villain as the only good/interesting part. The reason why I’m not giving it lower than a 6 is because the movie doesn’t try to be anything special, it just tries to be fun, and it does deliver on being fun.
Ironically enough tho, despite thinking the 2023 Movie is a fantastic adaptation, I actually wouldn’t recommend it to someone who doesn’t know much about Mario and wants to learn its lore, as this movie takes a lot of liberties on that front (Toad Town isn’t a construction site, Peach’s castle is sometimes on a hill but not that high up, Cranky isn’t King of anything and is DK’s grandpa, while DK is incredibly important to Mario’s history hence him being in the movie he’s not present at all in the mainline games, Kamek isn’t a hype man but a sarcastic tired dad (granted this goes into the characters being OOC), Bowser doesn’t have a floating island but instead uses airships (which I’m genuinely surprised the movie didn’t use given they’re a staple of Bowser’s army, granted they probably wanted Bowser constantly on the move while still being in large rooms for the meeting and piano scene, both of which wouldn’t work on an airship), the Clown Car also tends to be used exclusively by Bowser and his children except for Bowser’s Neo City from Mario Kart, Peach isn’t the only human in this world since Daisy exists and we even see a desert that could be Sarasaland on the Toads’ map, the Penguin Kingdom was completely made up, Peach’s backstory was also made up, Foreman Spike is a one-off character from decades ago, The ToadTM and Captain Toad are two different Toads, things like that).
And while I’m at it: Mario: 8/10 original character, 6/10 adaptation ; Luigi: 5/10 character , 9/10 adaptation (literally the only reason why I like Movie Luigi is because I adore Games Luigi; but as an original character he’s completely absent past the Brooklyn scene so it would be hard to really care about him if the movie was an original piece) ; Peach: 7/10 character, 0/10 adaptation ; Bowser: 10/10 character, 6,5/10 adaptation ; I can explain these scores a bit more in a separate post if anybody asks.
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absintheandtextbooks · 3 months
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Ok so I haven’t posted like a proper potentially controversial deep dive here but I need to say some things about this season of Bridgerton. Before I do here are some qualifiers
1. I am not plus size but I am on the chubby end and wear typically a size large.
2. I come from a long line of people who are plus size
3. I think every comment about Nicola’s weight besides the ones she chose to make without pressure to make them are just simply not our business and pretty shitty
4. I want this to be a discussion this is not a hill I need to die on but I think peoples opinions can change and two things can be true.
Ok here we go buckle up
I was incredibly excited when I saw that the new season of Bridgerton was going to have Polin. It actually is what got me to start watching it in the first place, however I noticed a couple things with “the discourse” happening around the show.
Firstly, people were really excited to see a larger actress as a romantic lead which I agree is fantastic! The second is that these same people were very vocal about the height difference between the two of them. In fact how “tiny” she was in comparison was brought up a lot. I’m sure if this post has stumbled across your page a bunch of those did too.
Like some of the comment pieces on the above Forbes article mention, the media seems to have an allergy to “mixed weight” relationships when the woman is heavier-set or bigger in general than the man. What we talk about less is that height is also a factor. Society doesn’t just want women to be thin, it wasn’t them to be small.
I don’t mean to write about this in a “the tall girl movie from Netflix cringe way” but I think there is a nuanced discussion to be had about how we want women to take up less space and how femininity is tied to being small and delicate.
To me, a 5’ 6” ish queer person I’ve been taller than a lot of girls I’m friends with and a bunch of the men and enby or trans people I know. That, personally, has always made me feel bigger and ganglier and less feminine than the other femme presenting people I’m around. I get automatically stuck in a different category. Gaining weight, however, intensified this feeling. It feels as if I am perceived differently because of the combination of these two factors not just each on their own. Everything around us says it’s ok to be tall if you’re super thin and it’s ok (but less ok than being tall and thin) to be bigger if you’re short and dainty. It feels very conciliatory and condescending like a woman can’t take up space if she wants to be loved.
In Bridgerton, the conversations circling Nicola’s weight and height like vultures prey on this idea. It’s not acceptable just because she’s not sample size and that should be normal but because she’s little next to him even when she’s bigger. She can be a romantic lead because the man they show her to be in a relationship with is still bigger and stronger in different ways.
This also puts pressure on masc presenting people too. They need to be taller and often bigger to be accepted as “masculine or manly” which is its own problem I don’t feel as qualified to write about.
I’m sure this has its own complications for people who are non-binary or trans but I just needed to get this out there because it’s been BUGGING me.
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didntyoubelieveinme · 2 months
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not to bring my little kpop guys onto this blog but i wanted to talk about some very interesting parallels i noticed when i saw this concept image for taemins guilty album.
ive already talked about my thoughts on the original scene in velvet goldmine in a previous post so i’ll start with the guilty photo. guilty has one of the most interesting concepts i’ve come across within kpop in like… forever. guilty is inspired by “erotism: death and sensuality” by the french philosopher georges bataille, both the album and the book exploring the idea of complex human emotions regarding sexuality, self-expression, as well as the taboo and societal view. there can be pages written about the entire album and storyline following the culprit and the victim, as well as the extended religious themes and well… guilt. i’d like to focus my attention more on the specific photo however and how, in my eyes, guilty parallels velvet goldmine so perfectly without even intending to.
the guilty photoshoot is meant to represent the viewer or “the culprit” as intruding, looking through curtains you’re never meant to look through. it’s voyeuristic in a sense, meant to leave you with the idea that he never escapes the watchful eye of others. the original scene in velvet goldmine focuses on brian and curt’s relationship and how they keep it hidden from the public. velvet goldmine is a movie for fans, by fans, and about fans—they deliberately keep these moments hidden behind a façade that you only see through by a stroke of fate.
curt and brian have their entire relationship publicized and capitalized upon, mostly encouraged by jerry devine. it was something born from genuine admiration before brian fell too far into the fame. throughout the movie their relationship is filmed from the same perspective as everyone else around them saw it, messy and falling apart. you’re not led to believe it was anything else until there’s those small flashing of something more.
after their official breakup, curt sighs in the car and just for a couple seconds you get the reveal of their getaway together. that in a moment where they knew no one was watching them, they still held each other close. but they weren’t alone—the viewer watches behind the curtains as they see what could be interpreted in a million different ways. the two could be expressing genuine love but you never know bcs you’re not supposed to know. it was a moment shared between curt and brian and only for them to understand. that they could just be themselves away from the world.
it’s similar to guilty, although it contrasts in the fact that taemin is alone. while velvet goldmine is fictional, it still expresses the same concept that many celebrities have faced and still face today that they are always on camera. guilty goes farther into the psychological stress and torment of taemin’s character, being controlled, manipulated, and influenced by this “culprit” figure. this is all the deeper themes behind the surface level analysis behind the image that is him being watched. the image seems to be set after he’s escaped from the manipulation and experimentation of before, showing that even though he “escaped” he’s haunted by the idea of “the culprit.” the music video even ending with him returning to burn down the original source of this trauma to end it all.
some could equate this to how brian sabotaged his own career to leave it behind and start a new one. one where he wasn’t “brian slade” or “maxwell demon.”
however while the actions of taemin’s character are freeing for himself and others, brian’s lie in a more selfish reasoning—watching the people around him fall apart due to his actions. maybe that’s where the similarities end. this is all probably a bigger analysis than i want to get into right now.
honestly i’m just yapping right now and i’m not sure if anyone else but me will care about this lmaoo. i just found the comparisons interesting considering the concept and themes behind both pieces of media. i’m assuming taemin has never actually seen velvet goldmine (though we never know 🤷‍♂️) so i find it beautiful how art can replicate itself in the most purest forms of genuine expression.
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
taking a small break to ramble incoherently abt my portrayal of william in what will be a very confusing post lmao
i'm thinking about how my portrayal, which draws inspiration from two specific characters at times, and how i apply that inspiration to william (which started off as the focus of the post before it derailed how did this get so long i'm sorry)
the first is (and i do hate to make this comparison ngl) my portrayal of kok.ichi over on @takinghisbow. i mean, one of the running themes of the blog is the "mask" kok.ichi wears to conceal his true emotions and i've consistently tried to keep myself from falling into that exact turn of phrase on this blog for the most part. these are two characters who do not want you to actually know anything about them and hide everything from intentions to feelings to expressions (yes hello i have realized in the last year that i mask in public thanks for noticing). the obvious differences between these two are motivation (kok.ichi is motivated by trust issues and self-hatred, william is motivated to try to cover up his misdeeds) and method (kok.ichi acts antagonist/annoying to push people away, but william acts falsely kind to draw people in while still keeping them at an arm's length). kok.ichi has questionable morals, but tries to be good where it counts. william is a terrible person and has no intentions of changing that, although he can be kind to those he likes if it isn't "a burden" to him.
the other character (who i also tentatively write) is hann.ibal lec.ter (specifically the NB.C portrayal). and i've said it before, but "you're not a person, you're a monster wearing a person-suit" is william-coded lmao. they're both monsters, and yet capable of caring. they are not incapable of empathy or sympathy, but choose how to wield it. outside of their very horrific hobbies, nobody would ever think they were killers. both are surrounded by death, and yet not suspected because nobody could ever believe they'd do it (until it's too late).
going into making this blog, i was very adamant that i wanted a complex portrayal that didn't fall too far into generic movie serial killer stereotypes. we don't throw around potentially offensive terms like "psychopath" or "sociopath" here. we don't suggest that lack of empathy = bad person here. i also was very, very loathe to do the whole "evil guy looks Totally Evil and is so obviously creepy" because it quite literally made little sense to me. how is this guy killing so many kids and not getting suspected if he screams "Serial Killer" just by looking at him? if he's antagonistic and creepy and clearly threatening? and in that same vein i wanted to avoid "bad person is bad all the time 24/7, never does anything decent ever" because i live for nuance, not the chr.istian fund.amentalist black/white thinking i grew up in. i wanted him to be irredeemably, unmistakably evil without losing the fact that evil people are humans, and humans are capable of great evil if they choose.
i want the moments where he's being decent—a seemingly good friend, father, or romantic partner—to be almost disarming. because, while william is perfectly capable of caring for people, his actions (both in what he does and what he doesn't do) are intentional. always. his sense of humor with his adult friends or romantic partners is half because he genuinely enjoys joking around and half because he wants to be viewed a certain way. funny. normal. just one of your buddies. him doting on his kids is because he loves them, but also because he needs for everyone—both the kids and the community—to be able to say, "What a good father, he would never hurt anyone (and especially not a child)." when he resists showing anger (whether entirely or just the full extent of it) toward someone he's upset with, this is part of the persona. when he pretends to like someone he dislikes, this is part of the persona. when he agrees to something he doesn't want to do, this is part of the persona.
it's part of what makes sprin.gtrap seem so different from william prior to the springlo.ck incident. william is throwing everything behind his persona. he's a calculating man, even when he's genuinely enjoying himself. he can be truly having a nice time with someone, but the thought of how this is benefitting his persona is always in the back of his mind. you're just another character witness to william. after the springlo.ck incident, there's no longer a point. the persona is gone. get ready to meet the real man beneath it.
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
I can be your mirror - Daniel Ricciardo smut!
You feel insecure when you see his ex's instagram and Daniel decides to show you why you don't need to be
Warnings: smut! unprotected sex, low self esteem, etc
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You were just chilling in the hotel bed, scrolling through your phone while Daniel finished taking a shower. It was Thursday night in Hungary, and media day was relatively calm (all eyes were still on Max and Lewis, after the whole Silverstone incident).
Your relationship was still new, you guys had just went public a couple months ago, and you liked that you were still discovering things about each other everyday, like how he prefers his eggs in the morning or that small scar under your chin he just noticed yesterday. Yet, some things weren't as fun to find out, like what his exes looked like.
A few fan accounts had started following you, including some F1 WAGs accounts, and you followed some of them back - you wanted to the updated, after all (or at least that's what you told yourself). The thing is, comparisons were inevitable to you - no matter how much you tried to be reasonable, low self esteem was always an issue to you. When a WAGs account posted about Daniel's ex hanging around in the paddock today and how cute her outfit was, you quickly found yourself clicking on the tag and stalking her ig. Perfect. Fucking perfect. You just have to set your own heartbreak up, don’t you? If at least you could let life do that, but no, you had to go and fall for the guy with the instagram models as his exes. You smiled ironically to yourself.
"Did you see Max shutting down that reporter on the press conference today?" Daniel said walking out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso and another drying his hair. You quickly locked your phone and looked up, startled like a kid caught with their hands on the cookie jar.
"Hum?" you asked him.
“What were you looking at?” he grinned you, throwing himself on the bed and sitting by your side.
“Nothing” you answered quickly, looking away.
“Don’t be like that. Tell me” he asked again, nudging you with his head.
“It’s nothing Dan, just silly old instagram”
“You wanna know one of the things I love most about you?” He asked before continuing. “You don’t really have filters. And even when you try to hide what you’re thinking, your face and body gives you away” He said. “That’s why you’re so perfect, you’re genuine” he touched your nose with his. “Let’s be honest with each other. Tell me what’s going on in there” Then he tried to lighten the mood saying "Can't be shirtless pictures of me that got you smirking, cause here I am in the flesh for you" you rolled your eyes but smiled at him.
“I’m laughing at myself” You said and he just looked at you, waiting for you to continue. “I’m setting myself up for heartbreak, more and more, and it’s just like me”
“What you’re talking about?”
“Please don’t say it’s stupid” you said before continuing. “You’re like, a rock star… fast cars, VIP, supermodels… these stuff are routine for you, you have the most interesting life. And you could have any girl. And your exes are like movie stars, fucking supermodels, and I'm not sure how much longer till you realize that and just, you know” you said gesturing to yourself and waving your fingers in front of your throat like who says 'abort mission'.
"I should know better, I really should and this might be nothing, but the deeper we get in this, the harder it's to wrap my own head around it and it’s so stupid, but how can anyone compete with that?” You weren’t making any sense, you knew and he was looking at you with his eyebrows raised and lips pressed, like he was holding a smile. “I’m rambling, forget I said anything it's so stupid” You said hiding your face behind your hand.
“I thought you said it wasn’t stupid” He said opening up a smirk and you opened your fingers to look at him. He pulled your hand down. “But you’re right, it is fucking stupid, because there’s no competing with you. I don’t care if I have to repeat that a thousand times for you to believe me, I mean…you had to have a flaw, huh?” You turned your head to the side. “This insecurity of yours, that you’re not good enough, it’s just the most crazy thing ever. Because I feel exactly the same. I’m the one that’s not good enough for you. You’re so smart, and good and you actually do good in the world. I’m just the lucky bastard that got picked to drive in circles around the world”
“You know that’s bullshit” You said.
“I’m serious. This whole stuff, fame, whatever… doesn’t mean anything. It’s just not real. I’m glad I realized that when I did” you were watching him intently. “Racing, challenging myself, working with the team, you... what we have, those are the stuff that are real to me, what really matters".
"Okay" you nodded agreeing.
"If you must to know, the reason why I didn’t work out with anybody else, it’s because we were never more than fuck buddies. Those girls are great fun, but they're more worried about showing than being, you know? And I’m not really interested in talking about them because it doesn’t mean anything, but I’ll tell you anything you ask me” You were dying to ask him more, to know every little details and to learn from their mistakes, but you knew you’d become obsessed with comparing yourself to them and didn’t he just tell you he wasn’t interest in anything about it?
“Sorry” you said quietly.
“What for?”
“Being a nag. Killing the mood” he smiled.
“Don’t-” “you-” “dare-” He kissed your face in between every word. “apologizing-” “for-” “your-” “feelings” he pulled away and looked at you. “Specially not to me. I meant it, let’s be honest, huh?” you nodded smiling back at him. “And if I’m ever a dick, please tell me before screw things up. This is not nothing, okay?”
“And I’m flattered you think I could have any girl” he said grinning. “I mean, I AM pretty hot, but-”
“Shut up. You know I’m right”
“Maybe any girl who cares about that stuff, and my amazing six pack” he says laughing and kissing you.
“And hard butts” you replied laughing and reaching to squeeze his, playfully.
“And hard butts” he agreed, rolling so he was on top of you.
“Those girls are usually the hottest”
“Do you honestly don’t have a mirror at home?” he said pulling away slightly from you. “It’s okay baby” he said in your ear, lifting your shirt over your head, then nibbling at your earlobe, making you moan. “I can be your mirror” he said in a low voice, taking your hands over your head and pinning them with his own.
Then he used his knees to push your legs apart. You were following his face, trying to kiss his mouth but he was holding you down, his lips barely touching your skin now, him hovering over your neck, your collarbone, your exposed breasts. You were squirming now, trying to get some release. He just wouldn’t let you have any yet.
“You have the most amazing skin” he begin saying. “So soft” he looked up to you, you had your eyes closed now. “The most amazing boobs. Fucking perfect tits, so round… and these perking nipples, so hard when you’re turned on” his lips touched your breasts lightly, barely.
“Your hair always smells so good, it’s the perfect frame for your perfect face” He went up again and kissed your lips, biting them lightly and dragging them out. “I love your lips, I love how plumped they are. I’m kind of jealous actually” he chuckled and you opened your eyes rolling them. “And those eyes. Fuck, I know it’s the first thing anyone notices about you, isn’t it? Are you sick of it by now? So big and green. I love seeing them rolling back when you come” he brought one hand down, pulling your pijama pants down and holding both of your hands up with only one of his. “I’m getting there in a minute” he said grabbing your pussy. “I just want to tell you about your ass first” he said sliding his hand through your hips until he reached your ass, grabbing it then releasing to give it a slap. You let out a yelp. “You in the mood for a little rough love?” he slapped you again and you smiled through your moan, this is so hot. And the best part of it was that no one else knew this side of his, just you. It's petty yeah, but you decided to indulge yourself in that thought.
“I love your ass, I swear I was trying to be respectful today, but you were such a tease, on those little shorts, made me hard as soon as you walked in the paddock” he went down to suck your left boob in his mouth and you were so sensitive you couldn’t help but moan, loudly. “Yeah baby, let me hear you. Let everyone hear you” He said releasing your boob and nibbling at it. “I saw how the guys were staring at your ass today. Fuckers, couldn’t help themselves. Let them stare…as long as they know who you belong to” he said leaning down to suck on your other boob. “Tell me who you belong to” his voice was so low.
“Uh…you” You were a moaning mess.
“You, Daniel! I’m yours”
“That’s right”
“Please” you begged.
“What is it? What you what baby?” he whispered against your skin.
“Touch me, please”
“But I am touching you baby” he said and you heard the smirk in his voice. “Oh, I see what you mean… you want me to touch your pussy?”
“Yeah” you nodded. At the same time this was torture, it felt so, so good.
“This fucking perfect cunt of yours” he said sliding two fingers through your lips and opening them to spread you to him, you were soaking wet and pulsating, clenching around nothing. “Fuck, look at this” He said almost to himself, licking his lips. Then he slid his fingers in, curling them up, making a ‘come here’ motion. He dipped his head down, kissing the inside of your leg, then right over your clit, taking it in between his lips and sucking. You moaned loudly. “Oh sorry baby… you wanted it rough, huh?” he sucked your clit harder, then bit on it lightly. You could scream at how much pleasure he was giving you.
“Fuck! Oh my god Dan” He started to tease you with another finger meanwhile.
“Think you can take another one?” his words sending vibrations against you and making you forget how to form words. “I know you can, you take me so well. Such a good girl for me” he inserted another finger and started to pump them in and out of you faster. “So fucking tight. Can’t wait to feel you around me. That’s my favorite place you know? Buried deep inside your cunt” that was it, you came, hard. Arching your back and hips, Daniel releasing your hands to push you down and hold you there while you came and he kept sucking and licking and biting your clit. You couldn’t take anymore, you pushed him away, pulling his hair.
“Can’t-” You tried to say. “Dan”
“Yes, you can. Come here” He said pulling away and lifting you, dragging you out of the bed and into the bathroom, the rest of your clothes and his towel getting lost in the way. He pushed you against the sink, pulling your face up, making you look at yourself on the mirror. He was pressing against you from behind, his cock leaking in between your legs. “I want you to see what I see” he said staring at you through the mirror. “Gonna fuck you so good, you don’t ever forget how fucking perfect you are” and with that he slammed inside you. “Fucking-” he had one hand on your hair and the other around you, between your folders, massaging your clit. “Fucking heaven, taking me so good”
“Ah Dan” You screamed. He started to fuck you hard and fast, pushing you against the sink. You lifted your head and looked at the mirror, it was the most erotic thing you’ve ever seen. Daniel was dripping sweat, thrusting with perfect precision. His eyes were locked on yours and you knew he was as close as you. The thought of how deep the connection between you were at that moment made you clench again and he lost it, giving you one final thrust and a guttural groan. You came again, shaking more than ever, the feeling too much this time. “I can’t-” You tried to say again. “Too much-” Squeezing him over and over, so he pulled out, still spilling, making a mess over your legs and on the bathroom floor. He was still holding you though.
“I’m right here baby. Right here” He whispered on you ear from behind. You both were riding out your orgasms, rocking slightly, your body leaned on the sink, pressing your boobs against it, and he leaning over you, breathing hard.
After you both calmed down, you tried to move but his weight was too much. You let out a weak laugh and he moved. “Sorry” he said kissing your back. When you got up, you turned to him and kissed him lightly.
“You are-” You said against his lips “amazing”. And kissed him again, lovinly. “Thank you. You make me feel so good, Daniel. Let me take care of you now”
Daniel's POV
This woman is trying to kill me. “Baby I don’t think I have it in me-” “Not like that” she smiled. “I meant with a bath” she said gesturing to the bathtub.
“Yes, please” I said already opening the tap and letting the water run. She went back to the room and returned with a water bottle, taking a sip before passing it to me. I took it from her hand and almost finished it, before giving it back to her.
“Do they have any bubbles? Bath salts?” she asked.
“Hum…I don’t think so, baby” I answered looking around on the sink.
“That’s fine” she smiled, getting in the tub and motioning for me to sit in between her legs. Her hair was up in a knot, but some of it was clinging to her neck due to the sweat. She was so beautiful, I can’t believe she wants me.
“You don’t want me to stay behind you?” she shook her head smiling and I did as she asked, leaning on her. The tap was still running, filling the tub with hot water, while we two of us just soaked in there, relaxing. “This is nice,” I said while she ran her hands through my hair. When the tub was full enough, she turned off the water and applied some body wash on my skin, running her hand over my back and shoulders, it felt so good, so comfortable, like I didn’t have a worry in the world. Then I washed her legs around me, kissing her feet and calves and making her giggle. She kept massaging my shoulders. We stayed there for good while, half an hour? More or less? There’s nothing else in the world other than this bathroom anyway, so who cares?
“Can we stay here forever?” She asked me after a while, kissing behind my neck. I just hummed in response. “Actually, scratch that. I’m getting hungry. And thirsty”
“The limitations of the human body” I said jokingly but got out of the tub after a few minutes. If m’lady wants to eat, I’m getting her food. I dried myself, wrapping a towel around me and holding hers open for her to step out of the tub.
We went back to the room, she picked her clothes from the floor and put them away in her travel bag back inside the closet. I watched as she got a fresh pair of underwear and a clean bra, while I put on boxers and sweatpants. She wore some leggings that hugged her ass perfectly, what a view. I noticed her going through her bag, probably looking for a shirt but I just wanted her to wear some clothing of mine, so I took the hoodie I was going to wear and passed it to her. She smiled and accepted it, it looked oversized on her and covered her ass, but maybe that’s a good thing, I don’t need anyone thirsting over what’s mine, I don’t care how much of a prick that makes me sound.
"Do you wanna order or go out to eat?" I asked her.
"Let's just go downstairs, to the restaurant?"
"Yeah, that's fine" I say and peck her lips.
I put on a sweatshirt, and hold the door open for her. We walk out and the temperature was a bit colder out here in the hallway (or maybe it was just too hot inside the room), so I just take her hand and intertwine our fingers, passing my arms around her and holding her closer. I just love that I can do that whenever I want.
And I plan on doing that for the rest of my life.
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[CN] Victor’s Lavender Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 薰衣草之约, that is yet to be released in the global server! ♡
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[ A trivia before we proceed: The name of the karma is “卿卿” (qīng qīng), which is used as a term referring to couples who are very deeply in love with each other. Aside from that, it used to be formerly used as a term of endearment between married couples who have vowed the “ ’til death do us part. ” And it’s also generally used to address someone close affectionately. ಡ‸ಡ ]
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[Translation under the cut]
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👒 [SECTION 1] 👒
Victor: We’re here.
As Victor pulls up, I get out of the car blearily, yawning several times in a row.
MC: I’m so sleepy....
During this time, I’ve been on business trips for two or three consecutive weeks in order to collect materials for a shoot.
Today is a rare day off. Victor suddenly said that he’d take me to some place and kept the destination a secret. Evidently, the scenery before our eyes is that place.
MC: ....“resort?”
I didn’t expect that we’d actually be on a vacation. I can’t help feeling a bit excited, and knead my fatigued face vigorously.
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Victor: This is an investment project of LFG. It has been completed just last week.
As we’re chatting, we’ve already entered the resort.
The wooden structures of the holiday cottage are sprinkled around the large swimming pool in a picturesque disorder, and the air is filled with the fragrance of tree leaves and flowers.
But as far as the eyes can see, Victor and I seem to be the only two people here.
MC: Has this place not started carrying out business yet?
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Victor: Mm. If everything goes on without a hitch, it should be officially open for business by the end of the month.
Since the doors haven’t been opened for business yet, then he brought me today here for....
As though seeing through the confusion in my heart, Victor turns towards me and speaks, the corners of his lips twitching slightly.
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Victor: ....there were conferences for several days in a row.
Victor: Since we had nothing to do today, so coming here for the inspection.
Victor: A certain someone has always had a knack on holiday suggestions. Today could be an opportunity for you to “show off your skills.”
Victor speaks as a small smile graces the corners of his lips.
Victor: Besides, it was someone who said the other day, she’s been so busy that she has forgotten all about relaxation.
Victor: So, you can relax here while we are at it.
I can’t help but mutter as my eyes widen.
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MC: I still can’t believe that I’ve been abducted to do a “part-time job” on a day off....
MC: Since this already is the case, then I’d have to examine properly, and see how many points the resort invested by CEO Victor can score~
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👒 [SECTION 2] 👒
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As we unhurriedly step forward along the wide path, the shades of the greeneries gradually lift my spirits.
Entering inside the small movie station from outside, I look up at the magnificent movie screen surrounding all sides, and can’t refrain from exclaiming softly at the spectacular facilities with all my heart.
After walking through several areas, I’ve originally wanted to say a few words of compliment. But as soon as I turn my head and see Victor’s calm and composed demeanor, I suddenly change my mind.
I move my hands behind my back, and clear my throat.
MC: Since CEO Victor wants to hear my opinions on the inspection, then I’ll have to be a bit more serious in my wording.
MC: From what I’ve seen so far, the overall situation is not bad. The ambience is atmospheric, and the environment is also pretty nice.
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MC: But I think....
I deliberately pause for a moment. Victor slightly raises his eyebrows, displaying an expression of listening with respectful attention.
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MC: In comparison to the other resorts, this one doesn’t seem to have anything in particular that brightens one’s eyes, and it doesn’t seem to be quite standing out from the masses either.
Actually, this is a little something I’ve been puzzling over as well. I always feel that according to Victor’s style of being coherent, there must be something more distinct and prominent which is able to capture one’s focus.
MC: As a result, it’s still regarded as so-so thus far!
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Victor: After strolling around for so long, you actually just had a few words to bestow upon?
Victor slides one hand into his pocket, his expression barely changing from just a moment ago. Seeing which, I smile a bit mischievously.
MC: It’s not the length of a suggestion that counts, but the subtlety of it is what’s mainly important.
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Victor: But her boasting never slackens, though.
Victor’s lips hook onto an upward curve, and he suddenly raises his chin towards the direction behind me.
Victor: I wonder if a certain “subtle” someone has the confidence for the next challenge?
MC: [confused] Challenge?
Not understanding what he meant, I turn around, my eyes following the direction of Victor’s line of sight. Eyes passing through the patio in front of me, there actually turns out to be a whole different world to be explored....
A door with the width of more than three meters is drawn with a circle of target rings and an eye-catching red heart in the center, as well as a row of very cute hexahedral sandbags are hanging along the wall.
MC: Hey, is this the game arena?
I walk over to the wall, only to find a small line written on it with fancy letters: “Use a sandbag to hit the red heart on the door, and experience an unexpected pleasant surprise!”
MC: Although many resorts have game arenas, but isn’t this game of throwing sandbags a little bit antique?
Despite what I’ve just whispered, I still can’t resist picking up a soft sandbag and squeezing it.
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Victor: True that it’s not very new and original, but the focus might also not be the game per se.
MC: What CEO Victor means is.... the surprise is the only important thing?
Victor lightly quirks his eyebrows, and doesn’t say a word, but seems to be tacitly agreeing with my conjecture.
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MC: Ahh I’m adept at throwing sandbags, and I was an expert in my childhood! You just wait and see! I will surely hit it with a bang!
Fully confident, I stand outside the white line, and throw the sandbag self assuredly– in one fell swoop, it hits that ring.... next to the red heart.
A soft chuckle carrying a mischievous tone drifts to my ears. Unwilling to concede, I try a few more times. But who would’ve guessed that my hits would actually deviate more and more from the target each time?
I can’t help turning my head and glare at Victor, who is standing aside, remaining calm and unruffled amid the chaos.
MC: Y-you! The sandbags you guys have in this resort are lacking in weight and are too light, isn’t it!
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Victor: I’m not too clear on the quality of the sandbags.
Victor: But, watching the “expert’s” skill of deliberately bypassing the red heart, really did expand my horizon.
MC: ....there’s absolutely no way this can be approved, and points will be deducted from the game arena!
Victor: How can I “wait and see,” if you give up so soon?
Hearing his teasing, I roll my eyes, and an idea suddenly runs through my mind.
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Righteously, I extend my arm towards Victor, and make an “inviting” gesture.
MC: Since this resort is an investment of CEO Victor, shouldn’t he be experiencing the facilities personally?
In response to my implication, the corners of his lips tug upwards. He takes two or three steps, standing behind me firmly.
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Victor: It seems that this inspection process still requires my participation.
Pressing himself against my back, he circles one arm around my waist.
In the next second, he extends one hand, encasing his palm around my hand holding the sandbag, and speaks with a faint smile in his voice.
Victor: I knew that some people’s big words couldn’t be trusted in their entirety.
Victor speaks while holding my hand, raising it to a suitable height.
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Victor: Got a good grip?
He stretches out his long arm, leading my hand to firmly throw....
This time, the sandbag draws a perfect parabola through the air, and finally lands precisely on the red heart in the center!
At the same time, the front entrance all of a sudden produces a sharp and clear “crack” sound.
Then, the entire door suddenly starts opening from the red heart to both sides little by little, and a cascading expanse layer of ocean of purple abruptly crashes into my line of sight....
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MC: ....lavender?!
[ Trivia: Lavender flower symbolizes serenity, calmness, purity, grace, devotion to a person or a cause. ]
[ Extra tidbits: In Victor’s Chinese Wedding date (Taste of Life), there was a major focus on the term “devotion,” and MC directly uses this term to define her feelings for her man! ♡ ]
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👒 [SECTION 3] 👒
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I’m unable to restrain myself from taking a few steps forward, still somewhat not daring to believe.
Spreading out before my eyes is a vast ocean of lavender flowers, which can be seen very hardly.
The early Autumn breeze gently caresses the stems of the lavender flowers as they make a rustling sound, and the entire “ocean” ripples with deep and shallow “waves” being tossed about by the wind.
Being carried with the breeze, the serene and unique fragrance of flowers hits my nose, exuding a relaxing and refreshing breath.
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Seeing me being unable to take my eyes off the ocean of flowers, Victor laughs softly.
Victor: Your eyes seem to be entirely fixated.
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MC: This ocean of lavender is indeed a sight that can be rarely seen! And for this reward, it deserves a perfect score~
We slowly walk forward along the curb. As I’m blown away by the romantic scenery, at the same time, I finally find the answer to a question I’ve just asked myself.
MC: The ocean of lavender here must be the trump card, am I correct?
Victor nods slightly.
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Victor: Hmm. The direction of the resort’s promotion will start from here as well.
MC: Then would the tourists be able to enter the flower field? For example, to take photographs and so on.
Victor: I knew you’d ask this. Of course.
Just as I’m planning to continue asking about something else, suddenly a man emerges at the corner ahead, who was originally inspecting the blossoming flower field while bending over.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, the man looks up. Seeing that it’s Victor, the man greets him with a smile.
??: CEO Victor, what brings you here?
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Victor: Just thought of coming over to take a look.
Victor nods at him, and then introduces me.
Victor: This is Mr. Zhang, the owner of the resort.
MC: Hello, Mr. Zhang. Very pleased to meet you.
I greet the other person with a smile, then sweep my eyes over the ocean of flowers, and speak with sincere emotions.
MC: So you’re the owner of this vast lavender field? Ahh it’s really beautiful!
Mr. Zhang: As long as you guys like it. It has always been my dream to build a lavender resort in Loveland City, where people can visit for exploring sights.
Mr. Zhang: However, it really wasn’t easy to achieve. Fortunately, if it weren’t for CEO Victor providing his support in the end, we wouldn’t be able to see it now!
MC: There are many people who like lavenders. There should be a huge market for creating such ocean of flowers.... then why wasn’t it easy?
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Victor: Because lavender is fond of dry weather, and it’s very demanding of the environment in which it grows.
Victor: And the damp rainy season of Loveland City isn’t conducive to its growth.
Mr. Zhang nods his head, glances at the purple flower stems next to him swaying gently in the wind, and then adds.
Mr. Zhang: As a result, we needed to experiment with various lavender breeds separately. It took a very long time to find the two types of lavender seeds that are suitable for growing in Loveland City.
Mr. Zhang: However, the entire investment cycle is awfully long, and the early stages have continuously been the bad news of failures too.
Having said this, Mr. Zhang casts a glance of gratefulness towards Victor.
Mr. Zhang: But I’m really very grateful for CEO Victor’s willingness to back me up.
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Victor: It’s Mr. Zhang’s proposal that was very thoroughly detailed and comprehensive. It could be clearly seen from the analysis that the returns would be significant.
Victor: LFG had no reason to not invest.
Although Victor plays down with his words, but learning that there’s actually such a story behind this ocean of flowers, I suddenly feel that the aroma of flowers drifting to my nose seems to have become even more fragrant.
Mr. Zhang seems to have wanted to say something more, but Victor has already spoken up first.
Victor: Right, since you were busy, we won’t bother you anymore then. We’re just going to wander around on our own.
Not long after we have taken our goodbye from Mr. Zhang, Victor brushes aside a cluster of flowers, revealing an alley amongst the flowers.
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Victor: Didn’t you want to go in for a walk?
Victor: There’s a recreational facility up ahead, and it should be something of interest to you.
As the idea immediately spikes my interest, I walk into the alley with Victor, taking one step after another.
Amid the sea of flowers, the “purple ocean” at the moment seems to appear with more violent and powerful surging of tides than the ones at the edge of the path. I feel as though my chest would swell in the next second with the pouring breeze.
At this moment, a fierce gale passes through, and a patch of something in white color seems to be drooping downward not far away. I immediately realize that, it might possibly be the recreational facility Victor mentioned.
I rush forward several steps curiously. Although, I originally was getting impatient to find out what it is, but my steps suddenly slow down.
Some answers are more meaningful when they’re disclosed together by the two.
With this thought in mind, I stop in my footsteps and turn around.
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The glow of sunset climbs up slowly.
From not too far away, Victor is walking down a narrow path amongst the flowers in a leisurely manner. Eyes crinkled into a smile, I wave at him.
Behind him, the glow of the setting sun spreads along the horizon, sprinkling the earth and the vast ocean of flowers with a splendid vermillion gold.
Reflecting the blue sky, white clouds and golden glow, Victor walks over to me unhurriedly.
The evening breeze tousles his hair and lifts up his shirt. As a result, his sternness seems to fade, revealing his casual and tender side.
Seeing how unhurried he is, I can’t help but shout.
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MC: Victor, walk faster! Come on!
Victor: [softest of sighs] ....restless. The scenery is right here, you won’t miss it.
Despite making such complaints, he still picks up his pace slightly. After just a few moments, that expanse of pure white “cloud” emerges before our eyes.
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👒 [SECTION 4] 👒
This patch of “white cloud” is laid low amongst the ocean of flowers, appearing to look like a large, bouncy bed, and seems to be very soft.
MC: What’s this? How come I’ve never seen it before?
Obviously I appear to be very intrigued by the novelty of the facility, but Victor doesn’t disclose the answer immediately, and lifts his chin instead.
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Victor: If you’re curious, then why not go up and see for yourself?
His proposal is exactly what I was anticipating. I carefully take off my shoes and step on it.... it feels soft and bouncy beneath my feet, and appears to have deep and shallow tiny potholes that bounce back promptly.
I walk a few steps forward in quick succession, and raise my head with a pensive look.
MC: Victor, why do I get the feeling that, this is similar to a trampoline in the shape of a cloud?
A flicker of light smile chases across the corners of Victor’s lips.
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Victor: Good encapsulation. It’s called “bouncy cloud.”
[ T/N: In CN, Victor used the phrase “蹦蹦云” (bèng bèng yún), which would literally translate to “jump jump/ bounce bounce cloud” :> ]
I didn’t expect that the answer would actually be so simple, and can’t help but lightly jump on it a few more times.
Peeking from out of the corner of my eyes, I see Victor standing at the side in a calm and composed manner. Giving it a thought, I stretch out my hand towards him with a beaming smile.
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MC: “It’s much more joyful to share the joy than enjoy alone.” Don’t you wanna come up and feel it too?
[ T/N: In CN, MC uses the term “独乐乐不如众乐乐” (dú lè lè bùrú zhòng lè lè)– a refined version of it would translate to the translation I’ve provided. However, since MC isn’t voiced, so there isn’t a way to figure out how she is supposed to pronounce the term. So, an alternate version of it would be pronounced as, (dú yuè yuè bùrú zhòng yuè yuè)– which would translate to “listening to the music alone is not as joyful as when the experience is shared with others.” Even though the latter term sounds more elegant, but I kept the first one, cause it rhymes! ╹▽╹ ]
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Victor: Only a certain dummy being happy and silly is enough.
Upon hearing this familiar and expected answer, I can’t help curling my lips. Then, as I lightly jump and sit down, I smoothly pull along his hand as well....
As expected, with the inertia of bouncing, an unguarded Victor has been captured by me to sit down.
His eyes sweep on me as he sighs. Knowing what he likely wants to say, I lower my voice and imitate his tone.
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MC: Childish.
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Victor: [softest of soft voices] ....childish.
We both utter this exact same word practically at the same time.
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Watching Victor’s lips rising in the same curvature as mine, a tide of ease and delight suddenly surges into my heart. I initiate the chit-chat as I look around casually.
MC: It’s been a really long time since we’ve had such a break.... free from any burden.
MC: Victor, why don’t we lie down together for a while?
The sky glows with bright and gorgeous lights of the setting sun. Resting my head on Victor’s arm, we lay quietly on the bouncy cloud, our heads leaning against each other.
I’ve lost track of how long we’ve been lying down like this, the unique and sweet fragrance of flowers in the air slowly seeping into my heart.
As I “cling” onto Victor’s waist, I’m unable to restrain myself from turning my head to watch him. Along with the distance between each other being drawn nearer, our breaths become distinct and prolonged.
Victor: What’s on your mind?
I nuzzle against the crook of his neck.
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MC: Nothing. I just feel very happy.
MC: I was sleepy and tired before coming here. But after spending such a long time at the resort, they’ve all miraculously disappeared.
The setting sun has almost spread along the horizon, and I can’t help but sit up as the afterglow suddenly changes into the basking hue.
MC: Speaking of which, I’m not one bit surprised that you invested in this resort.
MC: But, I am a bit surprised by your backing on the research on lavenders.
MC: After all, according to Mr. Zhang’s words, it’s not only a long-term investment, but there’s even a possibility that the money could also be squandered in return for nothing.
Victor tosses me a glance, then moves his gaze onto the vast and obscure ocean of flowers.
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Victor: Developing the first large-scale lavender resort in Loveland City, for an investment of this scale, even if the charges are rather expensive, it’s very worthwhile as well.
Victor: However, part of the inspiration that made me identify with this resort proposal....
Victor pauses for a moment, his gaze consolidating on my face again.
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Victor: It came from a certain dummy, who keeps clamoring about wanting to loosen up, relax and see the flowers, plants wherever she goes.
MC: ....?
Perhaps because he can see the astonishment written on my face, a glint of teasing flits past Victor’s eyes.
Victor: There’s a person always by my side, who wants to attend various flower festivals or visit the gardens on every vacation.
Victor: Also, she had once righteously told me that, flowers have the ability to refresh and clear one’s mind.
Victor: Even though I’m accustomed to her squabbling and sophistry, but I acknowledge that there is accuracy to it to a certain extent.
Victor pauses.
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Victor: From here on, Loveland City will also have an ocean of flowers where you can loosen up and relax.
Beneath the melting sunset, the corners of Victor’s lips tug up slightly, his face wearing a smear of imperceptible smile.
Looking into those pupils of his lightly smiling eyes, a thought suddenly springs up in my mind—
MC: Victor, you didn’t really bring me here today for an “early inspection,” did you?
Suddenly, a gust of wind blows over. Victor moves forward, gently tucking my straw hat in place.
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Blinking, as I lean across my head to look at him, the curvature of the corners of my lips are unable of stopping from growing wider and wider.
MC: Some people said before that, coming here is an opportunity for relaxing while we are on the job. But, was it truly just being here on the job?
Victor snakes his arm around my waist, and straightens up my hair that were messed up by the breeze, a smile gracing his lips.
Victor: [softest of the softest of the softest of soft laughs in the world]  What do you think?
The golden glow of the rays slowly haloes into a gorgeous tangerine, penetrating through the layer of clouds and sprinkling down onto the lavenders all around, as the waves of flowers sparkle with a crystal-clear brilliance.
The magnificent glow of the sunset shines upon Victor’s side profile as well, gradually softening his contours.
MC: Victor, I suddenly want to make corrections in what I said before.
Victor slightly raises his eyebrows.
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MC: You know that.... I’m always fond of dragging you together with me on vacations, under the justification of “recharging.”
MC: And today’s coming here at the resort, the lavenders, the bouncy cloud.... they did make me feel happy and relaxed.
MC: But, none of them actually possess the true magical power of relaxation.
I lift my face up. Eyes crinkled into a smile, I gaze into those familiar pair of eyes in front of me.
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MC: It’s you.
MC: Because you are right next to me.... because you are together with me.... your care and your breath.... for me, that’s the true source of my peace of mind.
The early Autumn breeze blows along the blossoming waves of flowers, causing the lavender flower stems to bend accompanied by a rustling sound. Victor’s hairs also flutter softly along with the breeze, his eyes stirring slightly.
He gazes deeply into my eyes, as the corners of his lips draw up in a smile.
Victor: Seems like if someone smells too much fragrance of flowers, their words would also be bundled up with nectar.
Victor: However, I do identify with the last sentence.
He bends down slightly, and brushes the tip of his nose gently against my cheek, his moist breath landing on my ear.
Perhaps it’s the rose-tinted sky at sunset, which just happens to be flaming at its most fervent moment, the temperature on my cheeks rises slightly as well.
Victor: At any given moment, as long as I can see the smiling face of a certain dummy, that’s the relaxation I want the most.
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Victor: After all, that’s what it means for two people being together, does it not?
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1917: Brotherhood in a War-zone
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If you have not seen 1917 you should know there are major spoilers ahead. You should also know that you are missing out on what can only be assumed as the best film of the century thus far. Go watch it. Seriously, go.
For those who saw my post a few days ago I finally got around to watching the phenomenal Sam Mendes war film 1917 starring George MacKay and Dean Charles-Chapman. Sprinkled throughout the film are also an ensemble cast of supporting actors such as Benedict Cumberbatch, Andrew Scott, Mark Strong, Richard Madden and Colin Firth. And if you saw that post you’ve seen how I was justifiably blown away by how extraordinary the film was. Since then I have watched it several more times, yes several back-to-back viewings in which I took notes, picked out things I missed the first few times and essentially got swept away with each watch. I have also watched interviews with the cast and crew and read the script online. I cannot emphasize enough how much I love this film. But I will give it a go in the following analysis of what this film meant to me, and what Sam Mendes was clearly striving to convey to audiences. Fair warning, this is gonna be a long one.
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At the beginning of the film we start off in a quiet, beautiful meadow untouched by war. Flowers swaying in a gentle breeze, clouds overcasting the scene below, and the seemingly “one-shot” begins. An interesting way for a film about World War I, or “The Great War” as some called it, to kick off. However, this start becomes important in comparison to the ending which we will examine more closely later. The thing to note for now is the peace of the present atmosphere, and the two soldiers we find napping beneath a tree.
These soldiers are Lance Corporals Thomas Blake and William Schofield. Blake is soon summoned by his Sergeant and told to “pick a man”. On my initial viewing of this film I at first thought that Blake chose Schofield due to his proximity to him. Throughout the film it’s clear they know each other and have for some time, but it wasn’t until I read the script and saw the movie a few extra times that I realized Blake and Schofield are proper friends, brothers even, and that their friendship is vital to the overall story being told. In an interview, Sam Mendes mentioned that Blake was “the heart of the film”, and in the script it actually says, when Schofield is carrying Blake’s lifeless corpse, that “nothing is heavier than the body of someone you loved”. So though we are only seeing a small fragment of time between these two friends we can see that they have a history and a bond that will deepen in the course of this story.
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The first glimpse at this bond comes from the beginning. Blake asks Schofield if they were fed today, and Schofield replies that they only got mail from home as he precedes to hand Blake a letter. Blake reads the letter and comments wistfully “Myrtle’s having puppies” to which Schofield smiles. This small interaction tells us that Blake was not around when that day’s shipment came in, possibly he was already napping by the tree. It tells us that Schofield was there and was either handed, or offered to take, Blake’s mail. It’s clear that wherever Blake had been during the shipment he still ended up napping under that tree before Schofield, as Schofield chose to keep the letter on him to give to Blake later, presumably so as not to interrupt his friend’s sleep. The other thing we can assume is that this is not the first time Schofield has heard about Myrtle. There’s a familiarity in the way Blake mentions “Myrtle’s having puppies”, and not “my dog is having puppies”. Sure we can easily assume who Myrtle is as can Schofield, but the offhand, familiar way he tells Schofield this bit of news implies that Blake has probably talked about his dog before. Also the fact that neither asks about each other’s families also implicates that they may have already spoken or asked about these things. Mostly I see Blake being the one asking about and volunteering information on family as Schofield offers small, un-detailed glimpses of his home. But all in all the interaction gives us enough information to show us that these two soldiers are already friends, which adds a level of sweetness to when Schofield shares half of his ham and bread with Blake.
After our introduction into the relationship of these soldiers we are next taken into a dugout where we meet Colin Firth’s General Erinmore. It is here that we find out the plot of the story. Blake and Schofield, one by summons and the other by chance, are commanded to carry a message through “No Man’s Land” across enemy territory. The message: the Germans have withdrawn from their present occupation and have formed a new, much more fortified line (known in history as the Hindenburg line), essentially setting a trap for the 2nd Devons which are prepared to give chase. The 2nd Devons, whose leaders were unaware of this strategic move on the German’s part, consisted of around 1,600 men. One of those men included Lt. Joseph Blake, older brother of Thomas Blake.
So our characters now have their mission and for Blake in particular there is a deep personal connection. For both the stakes are high. Blake knows that if they fail their mission there is certain death for his brother and 1,600 men. Schofield knows that if they undertake this mission there is almost certain death for either one or both of them. As they begin their journey to the front up the down trench we begin to get a picture of how these two men differ from one another. Blake, moved by his brother’s life in the balance, takes off without another thought while Schofield desperately tries to reason that they need to take the time to plan out what they are going to do. Schofield is in favor of waiting till dark in order to give Blake and himself the best fighting chance against being spotted while Blake wants to set out immediately in order to reach his brother with time to spare. It’s clear Blake is the emotional one while Schofield the rational of the pair. 
Each man’s view on the matter is understandable. Anyone in Blake’s position would want to save someone they loved, and being younger, more emotional, and more reckless with far less experience in the war, he is not inclined to hear Schofield out. Schofield on the other hand has some experience as we learn when Blake asks about his time at the Battles of Somme, and comments on how Schofield earned a medal from his actions at the Battle of Theipval Ridge. Schofield replies that he doesn’t remember much from the battle and that he no longer has his medal. From what we can tell in this exchange Schofield is not willing to talk about whatever it was he experienced at Somme and there may be a ring of truth when he says he doesn’t remember much. Schofield as we’ll come to see throughout the film has a tendency to separate and compartmentalize everything from his emotions to his family to his combat history. This is important to know about him now because this journey is going to break those compartment walls down until their contents begin to bleed into one another.
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We next meet Andrew Scott’s brilliant take on Lt. Leslie, a brash, dry military leader on the front lines who has clearly seen too much. His character serves as a cold and pessimistic voicing of the dangers that face our protagonists and through Leslie we begin to see the toll of what this war has done to these men. It’s honestly one of my favorite scenes and Scott is probably my favorite supporting cast member followed closely by Richard Madden as Joseph Blake. And with Leslie’s harsh “you’re probably going to die” attitude sending them off, Schofield and Blake enter No Man’s land.  
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One of the truly astounding accomplishments of 1917 is how they pull the viewer into this journey with Blake and Schofield. The “one-take” shot and close-ups to the characters and what they are seeing make you feel as if you are traveling with them, and the set and prop designers don’t hold back. We are treated to a version of No Man’s land in which you can actually imagine how horrible the stench must have been. From carcasses of both horses and men rotting in the mud to flies and rats feasting on the remains to puddles littered with debris and the dead. The land is scarred with craters and mazes of twisted barbed wire, and not a single living thing can be seen aside from our two soldiers. Not to mention that the fumes of the mustard gas commonly used during this war must be clinging to everything. A stark contrast to the start of the film. Thomas Newman masterfully scores the scene with a haunting, almost dreadful, melody that builds in intensity until you’re certain some danger awaits Blake and Schofield. But they’ve made it to the German front lines and not a single enemy remains behind, and thus we enter the German dugout where, as we know, Schofield and Blake will come to realize the Germans did not leave without setting a few traps for whoever might follow.
It’s here in the dugout where we begin to see how close these two really are, at least for Blake. After the rat sets off the tripwire an explosion rings out causing a partial collapse of the dugout on Schofield. Fortunately, Blake was only blown back and quickly recovered in order to follow Schofield’s muffled screaming and begin digging him out. Chapman portrayed Blake’s desperation remarkably well. In an interview when asked how it was to take direction from Mendes, Chapman mentioned this scene and how Mendes had taken him aside and said to him, “Dead. You’re best friend could be dead”. Therefore, Chapman played the scene accordingly with Blake frantically digging and calling for his friend, sobbing out his name when he finds him seemingly lifeless, and desperately yanking Schofield to consciousness and to his feet. 
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The scene is an intense, edge-of-your-seat, hold-your-breath ride for survival as the two race for an exit with Blake leading a blind Schofield to safety. Not once does Blake think of leaving his comrade behind, and considering his desperation to save his brother you’d think the thought would have crossed his mind, but it doesn’t seem to in the least. Either they both make it out or they both die. Schofield’s reaction to his near-death experience is also important for now and for later. This is Schofield’s first, and certainly not the last, brush with death on this particular mission and it is the one that would have definitely killed him off if not for Blake. However, his initial knee-jerk reaction is one of desperate irritation. He tells Blake off for choosing him for this mission, despite knowing full well Blake had no idea what they were getting into. He then pulls out a thin, tin can and briefly peers at the contents before slipping it back into his pocket. As we know by the end of the film, inside that tin can are photos of his wife and daughters. After rinsing his eyes clear of the blinding dust the first thing that Schofield chooses to look at is his family. And here is the first sign of the impact this mission will have on those compartments that Schofield keeps separated. His near-death experience breaks through that first wall enough to get him to take another glance at what he almost lost.
I want to point out that despite his initial annoyance at Blake it’s made evident that Schofield is in fact very grateful to his comrade. I find it interesting and refreshing that he doesn’t apologize for his outburst or indicate that he knows Blake never meant to drag him along on a dangerous mission. Instead, he does something even better that points to how well he knows Blake, how much he cares for him, and something that will ensure Blake knows how grateful he truly is. I’m talking of course about the “bit of blood tin” scene. Schofield assures Blake that he will get a medal for his actions in the dugout and for saving his life. This implies that Schofield not only believes Blake has earned the honor but that he himself will make sure others hear of it if he survive’s the mission. The conversation also gives us a deeper insight into Schofield. He knows the medal would mean a great deal to Blake which is why he mentions it, but simultaneously his attitude suggests that he himself doesn’t care for such honors. When pressed by Blake we learn that he even traded his own for a bottle of wine. We never learn what it is Schofield did to earn the medal but it’s clear that whatever it is it carries painful memories in which he feels no honor in. We also learn why he told Blake earlier “it’s better” not to return home on leave. Schofield states he “hated” going home because the pain of knowing he would have to leave and his family may never see him again nor he them was too great. For someone who so desperately tries to compartmentalize his family from the war returning home only to be sent back would make that struggle all the more difficult, which is why he can only briefly look at his family’s photos.
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Unfortunately, we soon reach what is the most pivotal scene in the film and in Schofield’s journey. Blake’s death. I believe that this scene while not the climax of the movie is the true beginning of Schofield’s “change of heart”. Earlier I mentioned how Mendes had once called Blake the “heart of the film”, and in another interview co-writer Kristy Wilson-Cairns broke down the ending scene of the film and stated that during his mission Schofield “takes on Blake” and that “Blake becomes a part of him” by the ending because of the promise he makes as Blake dies. So Schofield’s change of heart is that his heart becomes a bit more like Blake. It’s not a story of supernatural possession, nothing as silly as that, but rather a story of friendship and humanity that changes how Schofield perceives the war, himself, and the value of human life. Remember that leading up to Blake’s death Schofield was ready to kill the German pilot, saying “we should put him out of his misery”. But Blake held to compassion and refused to kill him which tragically resulted in his death. As Schofield carries on with the mission he is left with the hopes of his dead friend who died because of his goodness, and as he continues on we also see an increasing unwillingness to kill his enemies. Also important to note is that Schofield knows full well that Blake saved his life yet as Blake died there was nothing he could do making the promise to finish the mission and save Blake’s brother all the more vital.
Shortly after Blake’s death we meet Captain Smith played by Mark Strong. Like every character we meet along the way Smith plays a vital role in Schofield’s journey. Through Smith we learn that delivering the message may not be as simple as handing over the envelope. Schofield will have to fight to make sure it’s actually read. We also learn how quickly these young men were expected to adapt and move on when faced with death and loss. Strong played the role very well as he gave Smith a commanding sense of kindliness, wisdom and understanding. You get the sense that here is a Captain that understands the strength of brotherhood in wartime and has seen that look of a soldier who’s lost his brother. And so for the first time we see a commander who is gentle in his manner to Schofield but firm enough to get him back on his feet and moving. He then suggests to Schofield that it’s “better not to dwell on it” and though Schofield acknowledges him it’s obvious that as he bumps down the road in the back of a wagon packed with young soldiers telling jokes and oblivious to what he’s just gone through, Schofield can think of nothing but Blake. 
MacKay acts his heart out in this scene and he doesn’t say a word or do anything, but the veiled pain is there, the furrowed brow is there, the look of a young man haunted by grief is there, the way he looks back out over the grounds where his fallen brother lies is there. His silence and disinterest in the soldiers and their jokes shows that Schofield is undergoing a quiet, grieving process of which will have changed him by time he climbs out of that wagon. When the wagon got stuck in the mud and Schofield begged for the others to help we begin to see a little of Blake in him. At the start of the mission Blake was desperate, emotional and unwilling to wait around to plan things out rationally. Now we see Schofield desperate, emotional, and unwilling to wait around to get the wagon out an easier way.
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The next scene was similar in nature to that of the tripwire scene with the nerve-wracking intensity of a life-or-death situation except now Schofield is solely on his own. He manages to maintain a level-head and provide cover fire for himself, true Schofield-style and proves to be an excellent shot. However, he manages to get himself knocked out so that by time he awakes he is low on time and is now faced with enemies on all sides. The scene of the night window is one of the most beautiful works of cinematography I have ever seen. I get chills every time. With Newman’s astounding score and MacKay’s sense of wonderment the scene feels otherworldly, and before long Schofield is running for his life through the ruins of the city and coming across a burning church making you feel as if he has awoken in the pits of hell. But the ever rational Schofield quickly seeks shelter in a basement of what appears, at first glance, to be an abandoned building. Soon Schofield finds that in fact the basement is occupied by a young, frightened French woman and a baby girl. This is one of the few moments in the film in which Schofield gets an opportunity to catch his breath and take a break of sorts from the war. The woman tenderly cleans his head wound and Schofield gives literally every last bit of food and milk he has to the woman and the baby. Despite yet not knowing what waits for Schofield back home, or rather who waits for him, the viewer gets the sense that Schofield is no stranger to children and babies. He quietly recites a bit of poetry to the baby girl from Edward Lear’s “The Jumblies” and we even see a small smile from Schofield as he interacts with the child. 
However, Schofield hears the tolling of the church bell and realizes he’s out of time and quickly makes his departure back to the war above, despite the woman’s pleas. The scene with the woman and child were important for Schofield’s journey because of the significance they held to him, particularly the baby. The likelihood that the pair will survive the war is not high and even if they do that baby is most likely never going to know who her parents were. Schofield purposefully chooses to separate his children from the war in his mind but now he has been forced to see the face of a child who’s entire life and existence has been uprooted and changed by the war. After making a desperate flee through the city and into the depths of the river Schofield crawls onto the shore of Croisilles Wood having to climb across the dead to do so. Literally stripped down, with just the uniform on his back, the exhausted, wounded and fearful soldier is overwhelmed by his grief and he sobs, as the script says, “for the river, for life, for Blake, for the baby”. By this point Schofield has nearly died multiple times, lost his brother-in-arms, been forced to abandon a young woman and baby, and fears he may be too late to fulfill his promise to Blake meaning that 1,600 men could already be dead. Very understandably, it’s just a little too much for even Schofield.
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We then get treated to one of the most beautiful and haunting scenes of the film. The Wayfaring Stranger scene, in which a soldier sings a beautiful hymn, and the camera circles around the faces of young men who are just barely out of boyhood, shows us the nature of what Schofield’s mission is meant for. These are the men he needs to save. Poor Schofield is on the verge of giving up, but when he’s told that he’s where he needs to be he manages to climb back to his feet and keep moving. This chokes me up every time on a personal level, because while I could never know what it is to keep moving forward in a war zone, I know how it feels to be physically exhausted to the point of wanting to collapse in my time as a firefighter. But you have to put yourself aside, you have to forget whatever pain your mind tells you you have, and you focus on the mission at hand and you never stop moving and you never give up. That requires a mental strength that comes through months of training and which Schofield demonstrates in that moment. His race through the 1,600 men and his pleas for the commanders not to send their men over gives the film’s climax the perfect build-up. I was very glad to have not seen the trailer beforehand, so I was not waiting for “that running scene”. When he stopped and looked up at the edge of the trench I remember thinking, “oh my god he’s not about to do what I know’s about he to do!” and sure enough Schofield climbed once again into No Man’s land, this time knowing without any doubt that Germans were on the other side with all their weapons trained at him. This version of No Man’s land is a fantastic parallel to the No Man’s land he crossed earlier with Blake. The green grassy field remains untouched by the war thus far and the soldiers on the field are living, breathing men rather than rotting carcasses. So Schofield runs parallel to the trench as the men run straight to the enemies line unaware that this lone man is risking everything in order to save them from the fate he and Blake witnessed when they first set out on this mission.
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True to Smith’s warning Schofield had to fight for the Army command to be read. Benedict Cumberbatch portrayed Colonel Mackenzie, a harsh, no-nonsense military strategist who is utterly tired of the game and ready to end the war. Fortunately, Schofield says just the right thing to catch Mackenzie’s attention and effectively stop the battle. He couldn’t save everyone but he prevented what would have been an outright massacre. And so that leads us to the last leg of his mission, the one he didn’t set out for when he and Blake left Erinmore’s dugout but which fell to him nonetheless. Striding through the casualty tents Schofield unfortunately has to bear witness to those who could not be saved despite his best efforts and he finds himself near Lt. Blake, whom he recognizes by voice alone. Madden offered one of my favorite performances as the brother Lance Corporal Blake was so desperate to save. His joy at the prospect of seeing his little brother turned to shattered disbelief and sorrow at realizing he has lost his brother. The scene is quiet and still and powerful in that stillness, and yet somehow there’s a sense of hope as Schofield tells him that Blake saved his life. A sense that Blake’s kindness and bravery lives on in his brother and in Schofield. So when Mendes said that Blake was the “heart of the film” he’s essentially saying that the heart of 1917 are the countless lives lost during that Great War, because the character of Blake serves as representation of every young soldier who never made it home, who never got the chance to live out their lives or build a family or see their loved ones again. But Mendes wanted this film to act as a tribute to those stories, and though Schofield was not designed to portray Alfred Mendes (the director’s grandfather who in fact served as a messenger during WW1) he does represent those soldiers who survived and were able to tell the stories of those who did not.
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Now whether or not Schofield will survive till the end of the war is unclear and not really the point of the story (I personally like to think he did despite the probable infection he’s likely to have in that hand of his). However, his completion of his mission and his passing of Blake’s mementos to his brother and his promise to write their mother about Blake’s heroics shows that he intends to make sure that Blake’s honor lives on. Then, we see Schofield do what he could not do before the start of this mission. He pulls out the photos of his family and gazes into their faces, reading the message written by his wife, “Come back to us”. He leans his head back against the lone tree and closes his eyes for what I’m sure is a much needed nap. To his right spreads a peaceful, open field just like the movie’s introduction except this time Blake is only with him in memory and in heart.
Bless you if you’ve read all of this and thank you! Once again I cannot express how much I love this film. It appeals to everything I love the most from art to history to humanity and the complexities of the human mind to feats of heroism to struggles of man. It’s beautiful, it’s devastating, it’s unforgettable. If you are fan of the movie as well please let me know what you loved most! Also feel free to comment on the analysis or add your insights!
127 notes · View notes
qiqi-media · 3 years
How I feel about Mal Bertha and her character PART 1
 This is not a Mal bertha Biography and it is biased in the sense that I don’t like her at all. Read with caution.
Descendants 2 was actually the first movie of the trilogy that I had watched. My little sister was watching it and I happened to be passing by and sat to watch it with her when it caught my eye. 2017 me had a completely different opinion of Mal bertha than today not because I was younger but simply because D3 hadn’t come out yet and I hadn’t watched the first movie or even knew there was books. I can’t stand Mal bertha, not even the D1 version of her and that’s the one even Mal antis love. I didn’t like her in the first movie but it was more of a “I wouldn’t be friends with her.” I didn’t think that she was unforgiveable and that it was impossible to give her a second chance. She made her own bad choices but she expressed genuine regret for them and was only 16. Despite me, loathing Mal’s existence I related to her in sense that it’s scary wanting to change but you don’t know whether or not your actions have caused too much damage. 
In D2 watching it as a stand alone I saw a girl wanting something other than the ‘happily ever after’ and deciding she would go for what would make her happy when she went back to isle. I was desperately hoping that after the ‘It’s going down’ scene that she would go back to the isle and not choose to stay somewhere she wanted to leave. But we know how that went and the ending left me bitter and sad not for her, but for Uma. She began to leave a bitter taste in my mouth when she broke up with Ben and came back and just expected him to get back together with her. I’m going to go around every version of her character.
She was a dick. That’s the simplest way I can put it. I don’t like even acknowledging pre d1 Mal because it leaves me with this very negative view of her character that I don’t think was necessary. I feel like this is a big fuck up, wanting to have Mal be her ‘evilest’ before coming to Auradon. I understand the reason why they wanted to show her growth and change throughout the series. But after looking at some real life scenarios with a similar Mal situation it made me look at it differently. Imagine this: someone who severely bullied you and harassed you and everyone around getting to go to a new place and get the best treatment there, then she’s congratulated with becoming queen of that land and not only that she then decides she’s going to be queen of the place she was bullying and harassing people at without ever properly apologizing. This happens in real life and these people get exposed which is why I don’t like it. It would be different if Mal actual grew throughout the series but it was real just her gaining more power and the scenery changing from Pre D1-D3. She also continued to make the same type of ‘mistakes’ with no actual direct consequences all she had to do was cry and they forgave her. She would be okay if it Descendants was a stand alone movie. But knowing the type of life she would get to live after all of this behavior puts me off from reading it. It would also be different if Mal lived a simple life in Auradon (Aka not trying to take control by dating the king and then stepping all over said king) She got more than what she deserved to have. In my opinion she did deserve the chance at all better life just like all the other kids who didn’t commit any crimes to be locked up. But in the eyes of people she victimized she wouldn’t deserve to be Queen become royalty, live in castles and get gifted with limos and bikes. 
 D1 is the version of Mal everyone generally likes however, like I stated before I didn’t like her even then. At the start we see someone who is clearly trying to please her mother so if her mother wants bad behavior she gives her that. Throughout the main plot she did things of her own accord that she can’t use her mom as an excuse for. There’s a couple different things but a lot of them had to do with Ben and I’m making a whole post on how Ben was treated like shit throughout the franchise so that will be addressed then and not in this post. However for a reference she drugged him with a spelled cookie into falling in love with her for the wand. He wasn’t even willing to eat the cookie at first but she guilt tripped him into eating it. We could brush this off as her doing whatever she needed to do to get to the crown but to me she took advantage of the situation by actually going on dates with him. He was already spelled and willing to listen to whatever she wanted so besides for her own personal interest why would she go on the dates? (Granted a 16 year old wanting to get cute and have a nice date with a nice boy is not a fault or wrong in any way the fault here is all of this was happening when Ben was not in his right state of mind until the spell washed off.) Her taking advantage of Jane’s insecurities was not cool either and I’m interested in what ways she would’ve tried to use Jane if it was easier to get to the wand through her. Since her main crime in my opinion was Ben and since he’ll have his own essay post I’ll focus on Audrey here.
Her disrespect to Audrey
It was unnecessary, she had no reason to have had Audrey’s name in her mouth as much as she did D1. It would make more sense for Mal to like Audrey’s sassy boldness to me not shit talk her every chance she got. At the start they had a small passive aggressive conversation that could’ve just been left at that because technically they burred the hatchet between the two families. It was a “hey I don’t fuck with you, you don’t fuck with me” type of a situation that could’ve grown civil. However, throughout the movie in comparison to Audrey who really just had a problem with Mal’s mother until she spelled ben then it became direct problems with each other. Mal was continuously talking shit about Audrey as if Audrey was the one who fucked with her family. This time her upbringing can be referenced, on the Isle she most likely was allowed to openly hate things and Audrey was most likely raised to at least pretend to be polite. But from the Audrey we’ve seen she clearly doesn’t care about holding her tongue she’s straightforward with how she feels and she didn’t have a problem with Mal she had a problem with her mother. The only time she talked about Mal directly was about the hair spells which she ended up being right about (Mal’s addictive reliance on magic in D2 and Jane at the end of D1).  After completely ignoring Audrey’s feelings and literally stole her boyfriend (not even on the the you can’t steal a loyal man type of shit she literally stole him he wasn’t even allowed to consent to it.) She later in Audrey’s Diary multiple times tries to reason this with she never meant to directly hurt Audrey and that she didn’t really want Ben she just wanted the wand etc etc. The evidence doesn’t back this up Mal, you’ve made your disdain for Audrey clear and talked shit about her to Evie right after you spelled Ben the did I mention bs claiming “Chad will see her horrible personally” as if you knew her personally and that Chad didn’t grow up with her. Mal can say she didn’t mean to hurt Audrey but she clearly didn’t mind that she did.
 I’m going to make a whole separate on Audrey and how I do think she gets a lot of slack because people can relate to her, but also how her treatment in comparison to Mal’s is unfair. 
 I did think she deserved a chance to show remorse for her behavior (spoiler: she didnt) Again, I like to look at things from the pov of other characters for things like this. If I was an Auradon kid who was friends with Mal and ended up finding out she was using me and plotting to take over and destroy the place I lived with/for her mother but changed her mind last minute. I would see her as forgivable I just wouldn’t want her around me. In other words I would expect her to start her own new life, not continue trying to live the one where she was plotting without even actually apologizing to people. AU: After descendants instead of continuing to date Ben she breaks it off and goes to an Art school frequently coming back to visit Auradon and after high school she goes on a quest (with the C4 of course) exploring all kinds of different kingdoms and countries because she was locked up on the isle her whole life. In the future she possibly returns to Auardon and even could get back together with Ben with a proper start.
The first Descendants Movie I ever saw so it holds a special place with me and I actually rooted for Mal the first time I watched it. I sat in to watch at the argument scene and knowing all of the plots now and after rewatching  it my opinion has change greatly. We see a blonde and very stressed Mal who’s dealing with the pressures of becoming a royal in order to secure her place with Ben. I do feel bad for Mal when she was talking to Evie, she was trying to reach out to her friend about her situation and was basically told to stop talking about it. I understand Evie’s feelings of wanting to leave the past behind but I can also understand Mal feeling like she’s cornered and can’t even talk to her best friend. I can also understand her feelings of ending up overwhelmed with her decisions from going to somebody who did whatever whenever to becoming a royal with duties I get the pressure. If Mal decided that wasn’t the life she wanted to live and went back to the isle where she felt more comfortable I don’t see anything wrong with that. She wasn’t required to stay in Auradon if she felt like she was unhappy there. That says a little something about Auradon to me if somebody would rather live where they ate rotten food than live there.  My sympathy for Mal stops there because everything else was a result of her own actions and things she brought onto herself.
1. The royal situation
Let’s get one thing clear nobody was forcing Mal to hand sign up for the prime and proper royal life. She did that herself.
Nobody told her that she had to dye her hair blonde and have a complete wardrobe change, she did.
Nobody said she even had to continue the terrible relationship she had with Ben and go straight into being a royal in order to basically become Ben’s wifey, she did.
She’s saying all of these people are expecting things of her when 6 months ago she was stealing candy from babies when she was the one who let people have these expectations. She decided to take up the role herself because that was what she wanted. Let’s be honest with how it happened Mal would not live in Auradon if she had to be a regular citizen she wanted to be in control of everybody and to have power because that how she always lived. However once she realized that nobody was just about to hand her this power just for being with Ben unlike with her Mom  (getting to rule the isle just because she was her daughter and not because she actually worked her way up there) and that she actually had duties and work to fulfill if she wanted to be the boss. She let her pride get in the way by feeling she had to prove she could last with Ben and become an Auradon girl and ended up miserable and blaming Ben for  something she decided to do herself.
She then had the responsibility to fulfill all of those duties and she was struggling unlike anybody else who would’ve had to abide by the “don’t use magic” quote on quote rule she decided to use Magic after claiming she’d give it up and was still a hot ass mess. She can’t even use the excuse that was to help her with her lady in training because she was using it to not be late to class and later to try and manipulate Ben.  @ishiphumasohard made a good response on why it was unfair for Mal to use magic as her ‘right’ because at what point would it be unfair to other kids? While all the other kids have to show up on time to school Mal gets to use magic to turn back time instead of just being on time. If other kids studied all night for a test Mal can use a speed reading spell. If there was a cooking contest Mal can spell her way into a feast while the others would have to the actual labor. You get the point, because magic is not universally used by everyone in Auradon and it’s an unspoken rule that it’s not to be used then she should have followed this rule.
I will say the girl was stressed and was feeling alone, I already gave my sympathies for that.
The magic situation really hit the fan when she felt comfortable enough to spell the boyfriend who had already put enough trust in her to continue their relationship that started with her drugging him for her own benefit. Compared to her Ben did seem to be taking it easy but maybe like her, he didn’t want to show it. It seems Ben and Mal had a sort of pack to work hard together to become ‘the king and queen’ of Auradon they were supposed to be in it together. In my opinion it would make more sense for Ben to be hiding things from Mal than the other way around due to the nature of their shitty relationship. But that’s just not how it went down and after Mal tries to spell Ben into not finding her spellbook he gets RIGHTFULLY ANGRY. That entire scene was her fault, she could’ve explained herself and why she was using magic and that she was having a hard time but she once again decides to take advantage of Ben’s trust. Then proceeds to make sure she ends the  fight with her being the victim. So much so that the entire fact that she spelled Ben was never brought up again.
Going back to the isle 
She then decides to go back to the isle, if this was really her decision I wouldn’t mind it. There’s nothing wrong with her liking the isle better than Auradon if that’s where she felt at home. The problem was she was clearly emotional and let’s be honest, if she had called all of her friends together and actually broke up with Ben and told them this was her decision to go back to the isle before leaving they MIGHT (hard might) not have ran after her like they did. Not only that the duties that we were speaking of earlier, she didn’t formally pull out of anything which is why it irked me when she was so irritated that they came back for her.
Some people actually didn’t like her attitude as soon as she got back on the isle because she expected to run it. That wasn’t surprising to me honestly, because for her whole life that’s how it was, only person she was scared of was her mother. She quickly realized however now that her mom isn’t around and in lizard form nobody was scared of her. Most unrealistic part of D2 was how Mal didn’t get jumped as soon as people realized she got back. Like I said Isle Mal was a straight dickhead and had too many enemies to be walking around like she was. 
Another point was when she got her hair dyed by dizzy, the shop wasn’t open, she saw this, ignored it and went in anyway. Not even because her and Dizzy were tight like that she just expected her to do what she wanted (get the pattern with Mal here?)
 Skipping her scene with harry because it did nothing to the plot.
The rest of the C4 and Ben come to get Mal back as expected and she acts all surprised and angry. Ben apologizes to her and instead of apologizing for what she did and then explaining that she doesn’t want to go back to Auradon and be a lady of the court. She continues the narrative that Ben wanted her to change and that she’s not good for Auradon so she’s going to stay on the isle. What’s the difference between the two? The first one is her taking responsibility of her actions and deciding for herself that that’s not the life she wants. While the other is acknowledging none of the blame and deciding to run away not because that’s not what she really wants but because everyone will turn on her so she has to run first. It painted a narrative that nothing of this was her own doing while at the same time making it seem like she is doing the right thing by backing away which in hindsight probably was the better decision. Mal’s feelings weren’t the problem I understand them, she thinks she won’t be accepted as herself so she wants to leave before they can kick her out but that’s not what caused her to leave and she knows it. You got caught doing something shitty and instead of apologizing you ran away.
After Ben gets kidnapped she lectures the C4, again she does have some blame in this. With the way the fight ended it made it look like Ben was in the wrong so he was going to try and apologize regardless if they brought him or not. The rest of them came to keep him safe and as her gang members come back for her. Was this not something she considered after she calmed herself down? Ben honestly had no reason to be directly on the isle unprotected besides to sneak and apologize to you so are you really going to just blame the C4 for bringing him there and getting him captured?
Then when Uma, who has him captured plans a meeting she antagonizes her like that’s what is best for Ben at the time. Even in the mist of Ben being in danger she thought it was a good idea to try and piss off the person holding him captive. If you don’t remember what she did she called her shrimpy, insulted the smell of the restaurant and said she never thought of Uma while implying that Uma always had her on her mind for no reason. None of that was necessary to ask what Uma’s conditions were to give Ben back she just couldn’t help herself. 
She didn’t care about Dizzy
Who had just performed a task for her and right after she paid her got robbed and had the place trashed just for Mal to say she’ll be alright. This should’ve been foreshadowing at the very least that she wasn’t ready to be making decisions for other people’s lives because besides her own and her friends she didn’t care for many especially those on the isle.
It’s going down
Even though it was in the song and not directly her words again antagonizing the person who has Ben held captive and threatening his life, insulting them is stupid. This entire scene is messy and they shouldn’t even had been able to win a fight against pirates outnumbered. When has Mal ever picked up a sword???
Car ride Back
She gets mad when Ben has sympathy/ shows understanding for Uma. She somehow realizes that it’s wrong Uma kidnapped him but was comfortable spelling him without a second thought. In my opinion she thought she had some type of ownership over Ben she could do what she wanted to him and if somebody else did it was wrong. (Even though this can be applied to what she did in D1, I’m only talking about D2 because most people agree she showed regret for her actions in D1) When he calls her out on her hypocrisy she goes mute and does that thing, of letting her mouth hang opened whenever she gets called out on her shit.
I was going to make this one long post but I’ve been putting this off long enough so here is part 1, no idea when part 2 will be up. I do hope to have the Ben posts up before that.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Movie 3 Trailer Hyped-Up Overreaction Post
first of all, subtitled version here for anyone who’s interested! now, then.
so we start with a baby. I wonder if this is supposed to be THE baby? like, you know, THAT BABY. THE GLOWY BABY
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this guy has the longest, skinniest feet in the entire world. like, those are some snazzy shoes don’t get me wrong, but I can’t focus on that at all because this person has like an entire extra foot glued onto the end of his. hey mister why are you stepping on this golden baby
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what did it ever do to you
is this a cult?
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is the focus supposed to be people standing around this gold thing in the front of the main room, or the person standing at the top of those stairs up there? why are they pointing spears at a statue. this image is extremely strange
“are quirks blessed fortunes sent to humanity” possibly, but if that’s the case humanity did a great job fucking that up like we fuck everything else up sob
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what’s this bridge here? this kind of looks like the 25 de Abril bridge in Portugal, but the surrounding terrain is different and it looks a lot smaller. like, really small. is this bridge actually tiny or is this fountain secretly HUGE. or is the bridge actually like way farther away than we’re supposed to think it is?? this is another strange image
“creator, supervisor, and character design by Horikoshi Kouhei” all I needed to hear, THANK YOU. good job 2021. between this, the vaccine, and the boat stuck in the Suez Canal you’re on a roll lately
now we get to the really good part
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so, my brain refuses to accept that this is a real sentence. “hero Deku wanted for mass murder” no those words don’t go together like that. that’s a fucking fake sentence. this literally doesn’t compute for me at all. I can’t fucking process it without immediately cracking up lmao. DEKU KILLED SOMEONE YOU GUYS. HE KILLED MASS SOMEONES ACTUALLY. HE’S WANTED FOR MURDER. THIS IS WHAT A MURDERER LOOKS LIKE
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WORLD CRISIS. THE DESTRUCTION OF THE EARTH. yeah that sounds par for the course for BnHA these days
this person seems really upset
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it’ll be all right, friend
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also what city is this?? this isn’t any recognizable city that I can think of, but it’s not like I’m an expert, and also it is supposed to be the future so the skylines might have changed
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so can Burnin’ fly?? none of these heroes appear to be wearing parachutes. heroes sure are wild
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this gave the impression that he was trying to blast off like Kacchan did, but because his flames are only on his left side he ends up just spinning in a circle lol
boy what are you doing
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I guess they’re trying to shoot at someone?? probably Kacchan for showing them up like that
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they always gotta do this shot
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GLOWING!!!!!! SHINY!!!!!
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love how there is absolutely NO CONTEXT for Deku being a mass murderer at ANY POINT IN THE ENTIRE TRAILER. it’s just, “by the way Deku’s a murderer lol” and then all of this other stuff with people falling out of planes and being shiny. DEKU KILLED SOMEONE, EH... WE’RE JUST GOING TO IGNORE IT
anyway, so! this movie looks liiiiiiit you guys, I can’t wait. it’s hitting Japan in August, so hopefully we’ll start getting it in other countries within a couple months of that. can’t wait to see all that murder, goddamn
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deerixiie · 4 years
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24/7 ramen.
description: you are iwaizumi’s home; even if he is forced to take you to a ramen place at 2 in the morning.
pairing: iwaizumi x gen!reader
genre/warning: banter, fluff, literally just filler dialogue with an overarching plot, light mentions of violence
word count: 1.8k
a/n: this was inspired by some headcanons im going to post. oh and this is for @hajiimes... hehe <3
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“I got into a fight.”
Iwaizumi paused, his phone hovering near his ear. He resisted the urge to let out a sharp laugh—of all the things, why did you have to get into a fight?—and slung his arm over his face. “And you lost?”
Iwaizumi could almost hear you pouting. “To be fair, they were-”
“But you lost.”
A pause. “Yeah.”
Iwaizumi dragged his hand across his face with a heavy sigh. “Why are you fighting people at,” he paused to squint at the digital clock on the dresser, “Two in the morning?”
“Hot and spicy shrimp,” you said solemnly. “There was only one pack-”
“You’re aware we have finals tomorrow, right?”
“Exactly the reason why I wanted ramen.”
Iwaizumi sighed again. “Are you hurt?”
“Well, someone elbowed me in the eye-”
“The eye?”
“Yes the eye. I’m pretty sure it’s swollen, but other than that I’m perfectly fine.”
“Why do you sound so happy?” Iwaizumi asked, getting up to scour his closet for a hoodie. “You lost a fight over a pack of ramen.”
“Well technically, no one won the fight. We all got kicked out of the store. Poor guy didn’t even keep his ramen.”
“Which store?”
“You couldn’t have gone to a convenience store or something?” Iwaizumi pulled on the hoodie Oikawa sent him from Argentina and grabbed an old Godzilla hoodie from his closet.
“Haji, this is Socal, not Japan,” you condescended. Iwaizumi scoffed at how haughty you sounded. “I’m sure Socal has convenience stores,” he muttered.
“Well, Walmart was the closest.”
“You could’ve woken me up,” Iwaizumi grumbled, moving on to grab the keys off the drawer, “I would’ve taken you to a convenience store.”
“But you were sleeping.”
“So? You know how dangerous that was? I’d feel a little better if I was there.”
“Yeah, but I wanted ramen,” you sighed. “Anyway, can you pick me up, Haji? It’s getting cold.”
Iwaizumi shut the apartment door with a quiet click. “I’m leaving the apartment now.”
“That was fast.”
“Yeah, I had a feeling that you’d want me to pick you up.”
“Okay. Oh, and remember to drive on the right side of the road.”
“I know.”
“Are you sure? You almost drove into a tree last time.”
“Because I was tired.” Iwaizumi opened the door to the car, dropping the hoodie into the passenger’s seat. “Tired people don’t think straight.”
“Aren’t you tired right now?”
“No, I’ve been awake since you told me you got into a fight. You need to tell me what the hell actually happened there.”
“I told you, it was ramen,” you huffed. “There was one pack of spicy shrimp and three desperate college students in need of ramen.”
“So you fought for it.”
“I lunged for it, some other dude shoved me, I crashed into the third person, and then he was pushing them and I was on the floor and then someone’s elbow was in my eye and then the employee grabbed us and tossed us out.”
Iwaizumi took a moment to process your words. “You sound proud of yourself.”
“I’m not. I didn’t get the ramen.”
“No one got the ramen,” Iwaizumi deadpanned. “Isn’t that what you said?”
“I mean yeah, but now I can tell people I’ve been in a fight.”
“Why would you want to tell someone you’ve been in a fight?”
“I dunno,” you sighed. “I’m tired and hungry. Tired and hungry people say weird things.”
“Damn right.”
“That was an insult.”
“It was.”
Iwaizumi didn’t respond, lightly drumming his fingers against the steering wheel as he waited for the red light to turn green.
“My eye hurts,” you said suddenly, your voice crackling from the phone’s speaker.
Iwaizumi furrowed his eyebrows. “Does it hurt a lot?”
“No,” you decide. “Ramen would make it better.”
“So now I’m buying you ramen?”
“At 2 AM?”
“It’s 2:28 now.”
Iwaizumi scoffed.
“I found this ramen place that’s open,” you said. “24/7 Ramen. It’s 25 minutes from here.”
“Why is there a ramen place open for 24 hours?” he muttered, half to himself.
“It’s probably run by college students. That’s why the name is catchy too.”
“It sounds like a song. You know, 24 Karat Magic by Bruno Mars.”
“Never heard of it.”
“What?” Iwaizumi found himself flinching, despite the fact it was simply your voice coming from his phone’s speaker. “How have you been living in America for two years without ever hearing 24 Karat Magic? That song is a classic.”
“I think you’re forgetting you’re speaking to a guy born and raised in Japan.”
“Haji, you’ve been here for two years. That’s 24 months. 48 weeks. And a certain amount of days I’m too tired to calculate.”
Iwaizumi thought for a moment. “730.”
“730-” you paused. “How the hell did you calculate that so fast?”
“Dealing with stupid people makes you smarter, I guess.”
“No, ramen makes you smarter.” You sighed. “I really want ramen.”
“I heard.” Iwaizumi turned the steering wheel, bringing the car into the Walmart parking lot. “And I’m here now, so you can stop whining.”
“Oh, I see you. Do you see me?”
There was a figure sitting on the front curb, waving erratically in Iwaizumi’s direction. “I see an idiot waving at me like their life depends on it, so yes, I see you.”
“I think being around stupid people makes you grumpy,” you grumbled.
“No, having to pick my significant other up from Walmart at 2 in the morning makes me grumpy.”
You responded by scoffing and hanging up the phone. Seconds later, you were sliding into the passenger seat of the car. “Aw, did you bring a hoodie for me?” you asked, glancing down at the Godzilla hoodie that you almost sat down on.
Iwaizumi glanced over to you, raising an eyebrow. “Hello to you too.”
You rolled your eyes and leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Iwaizumi’s cheek. “Hi, I love you, thank you for picking me up. Happy now?”
“I’m ecstatic. Yes, that hoodie is for you.”
You smiled, pulling the hoodie on over your shirt and relaxing into the seat. Iwaizumi carefully looked over your face. The only noticeable injury was the ring of darkness around your eye—did they really elbow you that hard?—and a slight cut on your upper lip, but those would heal soon. He let out a quiet sigh of relief.
“What, is there something on my face?” you asked, reaching up to brush your fingers over your cheek.
“You have a black eye.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Damn. Is it bad?”
“No, not really.” He checked the dashboard for the time and slightly frowned. “Where’s the ramen place?”
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24/7 Ramen was a small convenience store in between an optometrist and a cigarette shop. On the outside, it wasn’t much. The name of the store was illuminated in large flickering neon letters. The exterior brick walls of the store were dusty and crumbling with age and wore. The windows were covered with assorted posters and papers, some for missing children, upcoming movies, and advertisements for Japanese snacks.
“Oh, so this is like a Japanese convenience store then?” you asked, looking at one of the Japanese ads. “I guess you were right.”
“Told you.”
“Just come on and buy me my ramen.”
The door opened with a familiar chime that reminded Iwaizumi of warm yakisoba buns, tangled with the sight of preppy school uniforms, and of course, Oikawa Tooru. The layout of the store was straight out of Japan, overwhelming him with countless reels of tender highschool memories. If he closed his eyes he could see himself standing right there, bag under his arm, Oikawa at his shoulder.
“Feeling a little nostalgic, huh?”
His head whipped toward you standing behind him with an amused smile on your face. “This place does have a Japanese feel to it.” You raised your eyebrow in that insufferably adorable way of yours, and Iwaizumi found it hard to breathe.
He stuffed his hands in his pockets as a flush began to form on his cheeks. “Be quiet.”
You hummed but made no other comment, instead choosing to shoot him another knowing look that made his blood roar in his ears. You started moving through the store, picking cups of ramen off the shelves. He hovered behind you, still embarrassed about his nostalgic moment—was he that homesick?—occasionally picking up cups of ramen and examining them before placing them back onto the shelf.
After what seemed like ages, you presented your armful of ramen cups with a proud smile. “I’m done.”
Iwaizumi raised an eyebrow. “I’m not buying you 15 cups of ramen.”
“But you promised-“
“Each one is like, 65 cents? I’ll buy you 5, max.”
“Why not more?”
“I’m just as broke as you are.”
You sighed in defeat. “Being broke in college sucks.”
“I told you we should’ve held off on getting a car.”
“But I wanted a car!”
“More than you want ramen?”
“That’s- that’s an unfair comparison!”
Iwaizumi continued to go back and forth with you, even as you paid for the ramen at the cash register. You were in the middle of a frantic explanation of why investing in a car was important in California when you finally made it outside.
The air was still and cool, save for the slight breeze that occasionally tangled in Iwaizumi’s spiky locks. The only sounds were the distant cars speeding across the road and the faint sound of crickets chirping, for you had both fallen silent after leaving the convenience store. Iwaizumi turned to look at you: one eye swollen, upper lip bleeding, a plastic bag full of convenience store ramen clutched tightly in your hand. He could see the fire in your eyes, that odd determination to make your own dreams a reality, no matter how fickle or ridiculous they were. It was similar to the drive he saw in Oikawa’s eyes, he realized. The reckless, worthless one that seemed to be a double-edged sword.
Maybe that’s why whenever he looked at you, he felt like he was at home.
“I love you, you know that?”
You cocked your head to the side and smiled slightly. “Where did that come from?”
He shrugged and stuffed his hands into his pockets again, turning away from your curious gaze. The corners of your mouth pulled up into a faint smile. Without warning, you turned Iwaizumi toward you with your finger and pressed a chaste kiss to his lips. And then you were bounding off toward the car, the plastic bag jostling in your hand.
“Hey,” Iwaizumi called, starting after you. “Come back here so I can kiss you properly.”
“I want my ramen!” came your response from the car. “No kisses until I get my ramen!”
Iwaizumi chuckled softly. You were annoying and feisty, but you still managed to make him feel right at home.
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taglist in reblog; please comment/reblog with comments in the tags or in the post if you enjoyed!! i love hearing your feedback :)
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miyanom · 4 years
A-Z FLUFF ALPHABET (j.kirstein)
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A CTIVITIES - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
Jean loves spending time with you, no matter what you two happen to be doing. Though his favourite thing to do with you is just watch a movie and relax, especially because he loves resting his head in your lap while you run your fingers through his hair.
B EAUTY - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
Jean, being the person he is, would say everything.
He loves your laugh, your smile, the way you look at him when he says a stupid joke that no one else enjoyed.
C OMFORT - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
If you’re feeling down, he’ll buy/cook your favourite food and just stay by your side till your ready to talk. And if you just want time alone, he’ll give that to you but will always make sure you know he’s there when you’re ready.
D REAMS - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
He’s been dreaming about a future with you from really early on. Similar to the dream he has in canon, he sees you both moving in together one day and maybe starting a family together.
He wants kids, but it wouldn’t be a deal breaker honestly. He loves you so much, and if you don’t want kids, he’s fine with settling for a dog or cat.
E QUAL - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Things would be super equal for the two of you. If there’s something concerning the both of you, he would never make a decision without trying to get your opinion on it first.
He values communication in the relationship, so you both come to decisions together unless it’s an on the spot thing.
F IGHT - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
While Jean hates fighting with you, he’s also pretty stubborn, and it makes the fight worse than how it originally started out.
Due to how much he hates fighting with you, Jean separates himself from the argument, either going to a different room or leaving the apartment altogether to give you both the time to cool down.
G RATITUDE - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
He’s very grateful! He loves doing things for you, but when you do things for him? He’ll hug you and tell you how much he loves you, even if the thing you did was something super small.
H ONESTY - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Jean tends to share everything with you. In general, he’s just a very honest person.
I NSPIRATION - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Before meeting you, Jean was constantly in a crappy mood, usually taking it on Eren more than anybody. He was also quite a flirt, not a serious player but like annoyingly flirty.
After meeting you, he calmed down a little. He swears it wasn’t because of you or anything, but his friends say otherwise.
J EALOUSY - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
I wouldn’t say it’s often, but when people neither of you know start getting a little too close, he does get jealous.
He’d probably try keeping it to himself, but communication is a big thing in your relationship so he does let you know. At least after he intimidates the person by wrapping his arms around you and kissing you in front of them.
K ISS - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Jean is a great kisser, at least he is when you both get past the shyness and awkwardness of the first stage in the relationship.
Despite how much of a flirt he was before meeting you, you were probably his first kiss. So you can guarantee he was a stuttering, blushing mess when you pulled away after the first kiss.
L OVE CONFESSION - How would they confess to their s/o?
I talked about this in another post!!
M ARRIAGE - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Jean definitely wants to marry you, and he would know that from pretty early on in the relationship. Waking up by your side after you stay the night just isn’t the same, he wants to wake up and call you his wife/husband/partner.
He would want to plan the most cliche date, a fancy dinner, maybe a movie, before going someplace important to the both of you where he would pop the question. However, he just can’t wait. He’ll probably wake up beside you on one of those mornings, and just ask you out of nowhere.
N ICKNAMES - What do they call their s/o?
Of course he calls you the common ones like babe/baby, mostly in a joking manner. When he’s seriously being all lovey-dovey, it’s nicknames like sweetheart, princess/prince, angel.
O N CLOUD NINE - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
Jean, when in love, is so obvious about his feelings. He’s always blushing around you, he has a hard time speaking to you clearly, and he stares at you in such a loving manner.
He expresses his feelings through actions, as he’s a believer that actions speak louder than words! However, that doesn’t stop him from also reassuring you with words too, as he understands that some people need to actually hear it.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
At the start he’s fairly shy, not doing much when others are around. But when you two grow comfortable with each other, and he knows whether or not you also enjoy pda, there is no stopping him from straight up kissing you in front of other people.
He’s also the type to always be holding your hand when you’re out and about. He’s such a touchy boyfriend, always wanting to be touching part of you in some way.
Q UIRK - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
This dude can cook. Having spent a lot of time with his mother growing up, he picked up on a few things from her.
A lot of your dates are just staying home, enjoying meals that Jean makes for the two of you.
R OMANCE - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Jean is a huge romantic. But he’s constantly torn between cliche dates and creative ones. You go from dates where you draw each other at the park, to fancy dinner dates and a movie.
S UPPORT - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Jean calls himself your no.1 supporter for a reason! Whether it’s staying up till 2am to help you study, or running errands for you in his free time so you don’t have to worry about anything other than your goal. He’s there for you every step of the way!
T HRILL - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
I personally feel like when you fall into comfortable routine, Jean loves it the most. But if you want to spice things up, it’s not like he’ll stop you.
U NDERSTANDING - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Jean knows you pretty well, he’s good at reading people. When you’re getting to know each other, he takes notes in his head about things you like and dislike, and probably never forgot them.
If you’re in a bad mood, he can tell just from a simple text, and you can bet he’s already on his way to pick up your favourite sweet food.
V ALUE - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
Like I said earlier, Jean is absolutely in love with you. So the relationship means a lot to him, especially since you both were friends before anything began to take a romantic turn.
If Jean listed the people in his life, it would be his family at the very top of the list, followed by his friends: lucky for you, he counts you as his family.
W ILD CARD - A random fluff headcanon.
Jean rides a motorcycle. He has a car too, sure, but whenever he picks you up he takes the motorcycle. He knows it’s dangerous in comparison to a car, but he likes the security that comes with having your arms around him when riding.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Jean is very very affectionate. If you’re together at either of your apartments, there’s no way you’re not cuddling. He’ll be complaining about having to let you go even if you only need him to so you can go to the bathroom.
Y EARNING - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Jean hates it when you’re not around, whether you’re super busy or you’ve just gone away for a little, he hates it.
He likes being around you even if it’s in utter silence, so you two often FaceTime while just going about your daily night time routines. He probably watches you for a minute or two if you fall asleep on call, and he doesn’t hang up until the next morning.
Z EAL - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
I think Jean would go to great lengths for the relationship in terms that he would branch out of his comfort zone just to understand you a little better.
If a bad fight broke out between the two of you, and he realises that he’s being just a little too stubborn, he would let go his pride and be the first to apologise in fear of losing you. It says a lot, because he’s not usually like that. Typically he lets things cool down a little before trying to apologise.
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@haiqnation @dai-tsukki-desu @may-machin @answer-the-sirens @ley-writes @sashaisangel @french-girl-online @megumiisee @wonhyuksstuff @milk-n-cuwukies @jeanbabygirl
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junicai · 4 years
Relationship with NCT 127
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➣ Taeil ☾ taria 
taeil is the Sole Protector of aria’s sanity 
taeil loves his maknaes so much, but he literally looks at her like she put the stars in the sky 
the Proud Dad smile :’)
when aria first debuted, czennies thought that she was the same age as jungwoo - because she acted older than her age - but with taeil she lets her inner kid come out 
highkey dependent on his approval for things in relation to singing
“was, was that ok?” “perfect, ari.”  “ (O_O;)  - (◕‿◕)♡”
she will fight mark and donghyuck for his attention, and she will win
for a while, the two had shared a dorm room before they were rearranged, and taeil let her slip into his bed when she was feeling homesick 
the offer is still open, but aria takes him up on it less and less
taeil is NOT sad about that. absolutely not.
he’s vehemently against any and all diets she tries - saying that if she gets any smaller he’s going to be able to pick her up with one hand
que him dragging her out for ice-cream after a promotion, paying no mind to her protests
aria helps taeil with translating a lot of things into english during lives and interviews - so much to the point where he’s picked up a bit of an irish accent and the others never fail to clown him for it 
taeil still has the small braided bracelet that aria gave to the members on their first anniversary of nct (he keeps it in the drawer beside his bed)
aria is his self-professed happy virus. he told czennies in a vlive once that her smile makes him feel really happy and he wants to protect it to the best of his ability
aria always fixes his micpack before they go onstage if its crooked, because she comes out after him in the lineup
they have monthly movie nights and they alternate who chooses the movie / show (taeil normally goes for mystery or drama themed ones, while aria enjoys making them both sob miserably)
aria and taeil singing “I See the Light” from tangled for the NCT Music channel, and the tears that were shed by both moonis and realtai alike. sm really popped off with the staging and the lighting of the whole video - between the smiles that were on both of the singers faces and the whole ambiance created, its a cinematic masterpiece 
no one was surprised when it hit 2 million views in a day, and a lot of solo stans were born from that video
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➣ Johnny ☾ johria
indisputable siblings 
there is not a single czennie who ships these two romantically, and that’s because they’re just too wholesome 
johnny is one of the few members that aria calls “oppa”, mainly because of the age gap and sm wanted her to appear respectful, but also because he thinks she looks so cute
very chill, excellent vibes
their vlives are either chaotic messes or the closest thing to therapy since ice cubes 
the blanket on aria’s bed? that was a gift from johnny - she had been complaining to mark about how cold she always was anemia tings
czennies are begging for sm to allow aria to open up a solo instagram account, becuse they see the amount of pictures johnny takes of her
in the park? he’s making her pose in front of the flowers. backstage before a show? the lighting, c’mon.
big big bear hugs - the height difference make nctzens want to die 
185cm vs 158cm? p l e a s e she’s so tiny in comparison  (/ =ω=)/
when she gives him backhugs it looks like a little kitten trying to wrestle with the family dog 
play fighting about vernacular:
very vocal about her wellbeing, and has asked fans before to remind her to take better care of herself and get to sleep sooner
aria, starting a vlive at 3am: hi hi~
the comments: NO GO TO BED
johnny helped her a lot when it came to the style change in choreography, as aria was used to soft, flowing movements and not the powerful, sleek style that most nct dances have 
consistently forgets the fact that she is not the fourteen year old he first met, and is, in fact, an adult now. “you’re a child” “im 18″ “...no”
is the person to get angry on her behalf when interviewers belittle or ignore her 
during a fansign, a fan asked aria who did she think was the most comforting when she was stressed (besides mark and donghyuck) and aria said johnny. “he’s so, constant? like nothing seems to knock him or throw him off, and that’s really comforting when i feel unsteady.”
johnny is now known as aria’s weighted blanket. 
that is all. 
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➣ Taeyong ☾ ariyong
taeyong took one look at aria the first time she showed up for group practice and immediately adopted her (not literally, but he would if he could)
eomma meets highly protective older brother meets life coach type beat? 
so so soft for her its sickening 
says he doesn’t have favourites and will then spend an hour cooking for aria because she’s been in the studio for the whole day and he knows she hasn’t eaten yet
when aria was given a duet to do for the sm stages, she had to pick another member to do it with and her first choice was taeyong
she always has said that taeyong is one of the pillars keeping her upright and sane - without him she wasn’t sure if she would have been able to complete her training
because of all the schedules they share together, if aria isn’t rooming with mark then she’s definitely rooming with taeyong
whenever she does his makeup (more often than you’d think) she point blank refuses to cover his scar, even when he asks her to 
“please? i don’t like it.” *gasp* “how dare you.” 
sleepy aria! snuggling into taeyong’s shoulder when a schedule ran late! 
he gets uncomfy when the stylists put her in too revealing clothes, and has spoken to them on numerous occasions about dressing her in age-appropriate attire, no matter how “sexy” the concept might be 
he keeps little bags of sugar-dusted strawberry sweets in his bag incase she forgets to eat and feels faint after the last time (they used to be blueberry flavoured, but he heard donghyuck throwing out any and all “blueberry-contaminated” food one evening)
taeyong doesn’t tolerate hate towards aria, especially in person, so he always makes sure to sit down the line from her so that he can see when people skip intentionally her
taeyong had just been awarded the solo bedroom on the last night of the Mtopia series, and was staring off into the corner looking rather uncomfortable. aria, who was meant to be rooming with baekhyun looked over and saw his mouth curled downwards slightly. 
“baekhyun-oppa, is it ok if i room with taeyongie-oppa tonight? i ran out of my tablets, and he has some in his bag..” 
baekhyun looked down at her with a small smile and agreed, while on the video edited captions appeared with the words, “a cute maknae, asking to room with a younger member...”
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➣ Yuta ☾ nakamiya
the president of realtai 
this man is absolutely, completely and irrevocably whipped for aria and she is not afraid to use that to her advantage
she beat him at arm wrestling because she pouted at him - she’s too powerful 
aria.exe stopped responding when yuta started to playfully flirt with her the first few times
*winks* “hu-wha-”
one of the most outwardly protective members of her, because he feels a sense of responsibility for the younger girl
he was one of the trainees she first befriended, aria’s korean not being good enough to hold a decent conversation, and yuta happy that there was another japanese trainee 
9 times out of 10, when the members are making their way through crowded areas like airports yuta is always behind or directly beside aria
during a fansign one of the fans asked why he did that, and he said that he needed to keep her in his line of sight or else he’d get anxious that she’s so small that she could get swallowed in the crowds 
yes aria hit him for the short comment 
yuta, 50% of the time: you’re not allowed date until you’re 35
yuta, the other 50% of the time: bro where’s your boyfriend
he complains that she isn’t as sweet as she was when she first joined, and that hyuck must have corrupted her (╬ Ò﹏Ó)
he let’s her braid his hair when its longer, them both sitting on a bed with yuta in front and aria kneeling behind him so she can reach 
he was the first person to take her home for the holidays, because ireland was too far to go back for a week over christmas 
“what do you mean you’ve never been to japan???” 
bitching about the other members in japanese? more likely than you’d think 
when aria turned legal in korea, yuta took her out drinking and made sure to post pictures of her with her flushed cheeks on his instagram story with the caption “aish, i told you to pace yourself....” “happy birthday riri”
you know that one clip of the sasaeng getting absolutely trashed by nct’s bodyguard and taeyong jumping 7 feet into the air? 
well taeyong wasn’t the only one startled; standing beside yuta, aria was closest to the wall of fans when the girl ran forward towards the members. aria jumped in fright, while yuta barely made a face (#unbothered). he simply wrapped an arm over her shoulders and pulled her around to the other side, tucking her underneath his arm.
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➣ Doyoung ☾ dori
*ahem* WHIPPED *ahem*
doyoung adores aria so much 
was he unsure about a girl being added to a group of boys? yes but it was moreso concern about how he was going to make sure she wasn’t accidentally trampled
they bonded over a night in the recording studio when he found her sitting on the floor with music sheets scattered around her 
a whole mentor when it comes to singing 
aria always turns to him after singing - especially when it wasn’t planned, like at a fansign - to see if she did a good job
doyoung has yet to tell her that she hasn’t but sue her, she appreciates the validation
the original mother and Will Not Let Taeyong Forget It
doyoung, dragging aria out of the studio: now listen here young lady-
kitten and bunny friends RISE
no seriously sm released merch of a kitten and bunny plushie and it sold out in a day
when aria had the accident that led to her two month hiatus, doyoung was the one who rode in the ambulance with her after refusing to let go of her hand 
“i’m sorry sir, only family are allowed in at the moment-” “we are her family” *nurse looks around the room at the 14 other boys sitting anxiously*
he is a weak, weak man he will crumple on any decision if she smiles and slash or whines at him even slightly 
carries band-aids and support strapping in his practice bag because he knows that she gets really bad blisters when she hasn’t practiced while wearing her heels in a while, and he makes her wrap her ankles for the first few sessions incase she falls 
NCT 127 Take a Friendship Test (Glamour - 2020)
“ahh, my first impression?” *laughs* “actually, we first met in a recording studio, at like. 3 o’clock in the morning? he stuck his head in the doorway and i was so tired that i thought i had died and an angel had come to save me...”  (*μ_μ) 
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➣ Jaehyun ☾ jaria
you know how cheetahs in the zoo get emotionally support puppies?
this is the same type of vibe
very snuggly together? but only in specific scenarios, like when jaehyun is too tired to move after a movie night, he’ll just kinda engulf aria in a hug and make her sleep on the couch with him 
any back hug she gives him turns into a piggy back, its non-negotiable 
likes to randomly compliment her to see how red he can make her face go
did she have a crush on him when she first moved to korea? yes, but who didn’t
that faded really quickly though once she started into the group officially - now they are more like siblings
they don’t interact that much on camera? rip to the jaria shippers
but that doesn’t mean they aren’t close with each other its just that a lot of their interactions happen off-screen
naturally, jaehyun began to think of her as a younger sister over the years they performed together 
jaehyun will end anybody who lays a hand on aria 
a little bap bap if you will 
he asked her to take him ice-skating one day, and the entire time was spent with aria laughing her ass off as he ate the ice nearly fourteen times before getting the hang of it 
he takes her out for food when he notices that she’s been put back on a strict diet plan (aria thinks she’s good at hiding those pieces of paper, but she forgets that when she puts it on top of things, that other people are a lot taller than her and have a higher vantage point)
the prince and princess of nct? check 
head pats
he likes to pat her head and she’ll swat it away immediately until she gets tired and just lets him do his thing 
jaehyun was wearing a flower crown placed carefully on his head as he bent down slightly to run his hands through the damp grass. a soft shutter sound went off, before he heard a hum coming from behind him. “jaehyun-ssi, could you take off the flowers? we can’t see your face clearly because of the shadow.”
jaehyun glanced backwards at aria’s retreating figure, being chased by donghyuck with hands still stained green from the grass she had shifted through to find the fallen flowers. she stopped and waved at him before resuming her run.
“i’d rather not, if that’s alright. i think it fits quite well with the theme.”
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➣ Jungwoo ☾ ariwoo
oh my god someone please stop these two
once jungwoo taught aria about the power that aegyo holds for persuasion tactics against the older members of 127, they were unstoppable 
you should be afraid of them
100% have plotted someone’s murder before (and have succeeded, czennies always wondered where that last manager went after The Incident)
aggressively cute together - to the point where your teeth will rot 
jungwoo will intentionally flirt with aria just to fluster her because its “so easy to do”
not very physically affectionate, but jungwoo has no hesitation calling out “uri fighting haeyadwae!” to her when she looks like she needs a little encouragement 
jungwoo is the reason she wants to do a bachelors degree after finishing high school 
he used to help her with her maths assignments after school when she was struggling with managing her time 
they’re called the “aegyo duo” of the group, and there has yet to be an outright winner of the competitions to find the cutest member (its aria. jungwoo said it himself, its aria but we been knew)
they have an odd dynamic of looking like best friends the first second, evil masterminds the next and then siblings who want to murder each other but they make it work 
will and has flopped down on her while she was laying on the practice floor and then whined when she tried to get up 
he spilled the tea that aria gets super emotional and affectionate when she’s drunk 
cutest shit ever that made ariwoo shippers lose their absolute minds was the clip that got released in the behind the scenes filming of Kick It, where jungwoo was half asleep in the corner and aria just pops up out of nowhere to shove a folded jacket under his head and made sure to prop it in a way that he wouldn’t get a sore neck when he woke up
jungwoo is the reason she knows korean curse words (dont tell doyoung)
aria wobbled in her heels slightly as she stepped out of the van, trying to hold a blanket up to protect her legs while she slid off the seat onto the ground. jungwoo extended an arm around her waist, gripping the blanket in his other hand and carefully holding her to make sure she didn’t trip on the cobbled stone.
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➣ Mark ☾ mari
1/2 of the best friend crew
honestly at the beginning, mark and aria weren’t very close, having only really seen each other in passing or with johnny 
but after being dropped into training together the two quickly became fast friends, and now they’re borderline inseparable 
you thought you knew pain? watch aria’s reaction to mark’s graduation from dream :)
mark’s the reason why aria felt confident enough to pitch some of her lyric ideas to the team, after staying up until 4am to help her make some edits so she was as confident as possible 
kinda just, rests his head on her shoulder? and wraps his arms around her waist when he’s tired 
mari being confused in foreigner: ??? 
aria said once in a vlive that she finds mark really comforting to be around - when she feels stressed or worried about something she’ll go to mark’s room and just sit on his bed for a while
aria is so close with his parents - “ahh, how’s my favourite child” “i’m doing great mom.” “no not you, how’s aria?” “wh-hu-MOM?” 
you’d swear sometimes mark is younger than her, considering the pout he puts on and how much he whines when they’re not on the same team together for promotions
mark big protecc boi but also little small cuddly boi 
they’re so soft for each other ( ╥ω╥ )
in one of the fancams for mark’s solo stage during superm, someone zoomed into aria singing along with him in the wings and dancing to herself with the Proudest Smile(tm)
he’s! so! proud! of! her! constantly! she could be walking and he’d be like “omg get it” 
when aria refuses to get up and make herself food (this happens way too often, she just gets into the groove of her work and doesn’t want to move) mark gets her to by threatening to do it himself 
consistently caught by czennies just standing behind her and holding her hand in crowded areas - airports, waiting rooms, etc. 
mark and aria were standing off to one side as the mc explained the rules of the game they were about to be playing. mark looked totally confused, and elbowed aria in her side before looking down and mouthing “what?” to her. aria opened her mouth, before closing it and looking down at the ground, muttering to herself, “결합... 結合..... le chéile.... le... le.. oh oh - combined! we have to put them together, markie.”
and thus, a new confusion meme was born
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➣ Haechan ☾ arichan
the other half of the best friend crew
absolute heathens to be around when they are together 
donghyuck is the person aria is closest to, and someone she’d call her best friend (only when she was sure he wouldn’t hear her)
she calls him “the demon child i can’t get rid of” but will, and has definitely pouted when he ignored her for too long 
generally aria is a pretty soft spoken person, but not with hyuck around - he brings out all her chaos energy (please pray for the patience of dotae)
the pair have a little tradition of kissing the back of each others’ hands before going on stage for good luck. they can’t even remember how it started, but now its an unnegotiable pre-show ritual
he’s so clingy with her absolutely everywhere its painfully adorable  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
interviews? hyuck has a hand on her knee, or if she’s wearing a skirt he’s tucked his hand in between their chairs so she can hold it discreetly. in the dorms? full body tackle onto the couch, where he proceeds to lay on top of her completely. 
because of hyuck’s nickname being the sun, and aria always being around him, czennies gave her the nickname “moon” to go with him
fans thought that aria was older than hyuck for a good year and a half before she released her birthday on a vlive, because she’s normally the one tasked with reigning his chaotic energy in during promotions (that is, if she hasn’t already joined him)
but off-camera, aria is absolutely hyuck’s baby there is no disputing that. aria’s sad?he’s there with ice-cream and a blanket and a baseball bat.
the winnie the pooh character that is on aria’s bed was a gift from hyuck for her 17th birthday, after she made him watch seven episodes of the show on netflix with her one night 
yes he complained, but he slapped her hand away when she went to change it to something else 
a twitter thread of a czennie comparing their horoscopes together went viral when people realized that it was quite plausible that the pair were each others (platonic) soulmates 
after an incident involving blueberries, donghyuck took it upon himself to check the ingredients of every. single. food item in their dorm to make sure it was ok for her to eat 
hyuck clowns her for her irish accent, and aria curses him out in japanese
tldr: they cute or whatever 
donghyuck was doing a vlive in his bedroom, sitting and talking to czennies when aria opened the door to his room quietly. she didn’t say anything, just waved slightly with almost closed eyes before she crawled underneath his covers and tucked her plushie underneath her chin. hyuck didn’t even blink at it - so it must have been a regular occurrence.
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depressing-debbie · 3 years
Hey, I was wondering if I could get fluff alphabet headcanons for Erwin please?
Of course!! 
Look at me! Posting twice in one day!! If anyone has any requests lmk bc I actually have motivation I guess!
Fluff Alphabet: Erwin
A ctivities - What do they like to do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?
He’s a big fan of both the traditional romantic dates, as well as more creative, personal dates. I think he’d want to go for a nice walk, tour a museum, or maybe go to the library/bookstore, or for a special occasion, a really fancy dinner with candles and everything.
B eauty - What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?
In terms of a physical feature, he would probably first notice his s/o’s eyes because he makes intense eye contact, and because he thinks you can tell a lot about a person from their eyes. But in general, he admires their spirit, and he thinks they’re absolutely stunning when they’re passionate about something, or when they’re focusing hard.
C omfort - How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
He’s amazing at comforting his s/o, largely because he just knows them so well. He would be able to read what they’re feeling and know when they’re upset, first of all. He would probably put on their favorite movie or music, grab a giant blanket, and sit with them. If they want to talk, he has really insightful advice. If not, he’s content to just wrap his arms around them and physically comfort them. (which always works, by the way, because just try to name a single person who wouldn’t feel better after a hug from Erwin)
D reams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
This man absolutely pictures the most simple, “boring” future with a nice house and a family, with family vacations and yardwork on Sundays. The idea of stability and calmness appeals to him so strongly, and even though he’d be content with just about any future that his s/o is involved in, that’s his dream.
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
They’re equal when it comes down to anything important, but I think he’d lean towards being the more dominant person in the relationship. He’s a traditional guy, and unless it bothered his s/o at all, I think it’d make him happy to be the one to pay for dinner or make date night plans, that sort of thing. But again, they’re equal everywhere it actually matters.
F ight - Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?
Fights don’t happen often, but they can be a little bit intense when they do. If they’re arguing about something small, he’s immediately looking for some kind of easy compromise, which he’s excellent at. They only really fight over things that are especially serious. He’s too smart for his own good and he’s got impressive arguing skills, but he’s never setting out to hurt his s/o, just explain his perspective. Arguments can be heated, but they never last long, and again, they’re not common.
G ratitude - How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
I’m not the first person to point out that Erwin has a lot of self doubt, and his reputation has sort of brainwashed him into believing that he’s not deserving of good things. Because of that, their relationship surprises him all the time, and every day, he expresses to his s/o how much he appreciates them.
H onesty - Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
He’s completely honest and open with his s/o. There’s no reason for him to lie, he wouldn’t want to hide anything from them. And on the off chance he screws something up, he would rather work through it with them beside him then hide and deal with it on his own. 
I nspiration - Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
Like I said, he has big issues with his image and self worth. His s/o and their relationship are slowly helping him to recognize that he does deserve to be happy, and they help him to become more optimistic (whether they realize it or not). On the other hand, I think he would be committed to helping his s/o recognize their own worth and importance in return.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He’s not a jealous person in general, although he does get a bit protective. The only time he would interfere is if he can tell his s/o is uncomfortable or annoyed, in which case he’s more than willing to step in and scare the person off. But again, that’s more out of concern for his s/o than actual jealousy.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Just look at that man and tell me you don’t think he was a good kisser. Probably a bit more reserved, especially for their first kiss, but still surprisingly passionate? Like he’s trying to physically portray how much he cares about them, if that makes sense. 
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He definitely thought about it for a little while before hand, not because he was nervous or unsure, but because he wanted to make sure he said it in a meaningful way. He definitely set up a special little date, like a picnic or a dinner, and even prepared a short little romantic speech, and it was very sweet. 
M arriage - Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
He would LOVE to get married. If that’s not what his s/o wants, that’s perfectly fine, and he’d be happy to find a different way to express their commitment. But marriage sort of feeds into his idea of that perfect, stable future, and besides, he would jump on the opportunity to show his s/o how much he appreciates and cares about them. He’d come up with the most romantic, slightly elaborate proposal, probably not something public, but very grand. And of course, not much would change once they were married, but he would relish in that perceived sense of routine and stability.
N icknames - What do they call their s/o?
Again, being the traditional guy he is, he’s big on traditional, slightly old fashioned nicknames. Mainly, it would be “angel”, but also “darling” or “love” (it’s very sweet).
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
He’s pretty reserved about his feelings publicly, so it wouldn’t be obvious to outside people. People close to him might notice that he becomes a bit more optimistic and laughs a bit louder. With his s/o, however, he’s totally transparent, and he tells them over and over how much he loves them. Not that he has to, of course, because his body language makes it pretty obvious to them as well.
P DA - Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Definitely not big on PDA. He’s upfront about their relationship as long as his s/o agrees, it’s not something that he would want to hide. He’s fine holding their hand in public or wrapping an arm around them, but not really anything more obvious.
Q uirk - Some random ability they have that's beneficial in a relationship.
He’s a surprisingly good dancer? Like, ballroom dancing. When one of them has had a stressful day, they put on old music and slow dance in the kitchen (it’s so romantic).
R omance - How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
He’s so romantic!! If you haven’t already figured it out, I really think he would like some of the traditional cliche romantic gestures, like roses or a candlelit dinner. But he’s also really creative, and he’d plan gestures that relate to his s/o’s interests and such. 
S upport - Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
He absolutely supports his s/o in anything they do, and he believes in them probably more than anyone else. He knows they will succeed in anything they put their mind to, and he takes it upon himself to offer help and support, doing whatever he can to help them reach their goals. It makes him actually really happy to see them setting big goals because it shows that they are choosing to believe in themselves, and because he loves seeing that they are passionate.
T hrill - Do they need to try out new things to spice out your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
He’s more a routine kind of person, he likes the stability and comfort in some level of repetition. With that being said, he’s also definitely open to being adventurous, so like trying new restaurants or traveling together, so it would probably be a mix of both.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He’s incredibly understanding, he just knows his s/o so well. Erwin has very strong observational skills, and he learns pretty quickly how to read their emotions. He does sometimes have trouble relating to their issues, but he will always sympathize and comfort them, even if he can’t understand it. 
V alue - How important is the relationship to them? What is it’s worth in comparison to other things in their life?
His relationship is really important to him. Obviously, he’s pretty work oriented, so there genuinely might be some issues there if the two start to clash. But he also actively prevents that from happening, making time for both because he cares about his s/o SO much.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
He really likes watching documentaries with his s/o. Learning about something new and interesting, and being able to share that experience between the two of them, makes him happy. And when he gets really into the topic, his s/o can see the excitement on his face, which is really cute.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
He comes across a bit cold in general, but he’s actually very affectionate with his s/o. Especially when he’s stressed or upset, he just wants to curl up with them and forget about outside pressures. I also very specifically think that giving his s/o a quick little kiss would be part of his morning routine before they part for the day.
Y earning - How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
He misses them when they’re gone for a while, but he just throws himself into his work until they’re back, which he doesn’t mind at all. He’s busy, and his s/o probably is as well, so it’s unfortunately not unusual for them to go a little while without seeing each other. They always make up for it with an extra special date night afterwards, though.
Z eal - Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
He’s a strategist at heart, so of course he’d be willing to put in the effort and come up with ideas on how to keep their relationship strong. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes up with literal written plans when it seems like they’re a little out of whack.
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sollannaart · 3 years
Hello, I've scrolled through your blog to make sure, this question wasn't asked before, but it would seem that it wasn't (though I could've missed it). Can I please ask you of prince Poniatowski's attitude towards Napoleon?
No, this question has not been asked yet, and thank you very much for sending it! It will be my please to write a answer to this.
Relationship between prince Józef Poniatowski and the emperor Napoleon Bonapart
I am sorry, this turned out to be a very long read, and on the topic a little bit wider than asked, so I had to specify the title and give the short answer for those who aren’t interested in details.
So in brief - Poniatowski respected Napoleon, but wasn’t a blind worshipper of the emperor. And in situations when in the balance there might have been Napoleon and Poland, and only one thing was to be chosen for prince Józef this one definitely would be his motherland.
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Bronisław Gembarzewski, prince Józef and Napoleon
Emperor Napoleon, as all fans of the epoch knows, first arrived to Warsaw in December of 1806. But to start the long-read about relationship between the emperor and the prince properly we need make a step backwards, to understand what these two thought about each other on the moment of their first meeting.
Prince Józef, in comparison with many of his country men, participated in none of general Bonapart’s campaigns. What’s more - when the count of Provence, future king Louis XVIII resided in Warsaw in 1801-1804 he was an often visitor of Poniatowski’s palace. (So it may be said that before 1806 prince Józef was kind of a “royalist”.)
However, with Napoleon’s victory over Prussia and the emperor’s arrival to the former Polish lands chances of Poland rising from the dead skyrocketed! And prince Józef realized that he couldn’t have stayed away any longer, that if he wanted to participate in his motherland reappearing on the map of Europe he had to join the French.
As for Napoleon - in 1806 the emperor of Frenchmen didn’t have any warm feeling towards the nephew of the last king of Poland. One of the reason was that Claude Carloman de Rulhière, with whose book Histoire de l’anarchie de Pologne Napoleon had studied history of lands he was going conquer, wasn’t sympnathising the Poniatowski family. As other reasons there may be named a fact, that that time in French Army there were other Poles, whom the emperor knew better, like generals Jan Henryk Dąbrowski and Józef Zajączek.
Nevertheless, because when leaving Warsaw the Prussians kinda left the city “in charge” of Poniatowski, Napoleon had to meet prince Józef on entering the city. And from the data I was able to find it looks like the first meeting of the emperor and the prince happened on the 19th of December.
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Prince Józef with Napoleon during the war campaign - drawing by Wacław Lipiński
With this image I am obliged to make a small digression. Napoleon, as recent investigation show, was not that short as he was thought to be because of English cartoons. Józef Poniatowski, on the other hand, was described by the contemporaries as a man of the middle height. So, in my opinion standing side-by-side these two must have looked like as people of the same height.
With the emperor so prejudiced against prince Józef, you may ask, how did it happen that less than a month later, on the 14th of January 1807, the latter was appointed as a Director of War? (In October of 1807, after the Duchy of Warsaw was created, Poniatowski’s post acquired the name of “Minister of War”.)
The answer is that behind the event there was a long and complicated intrigue, in which were involved such people as Joachim Murat (with whom, as you may remember, prince Józef quickly became friends) and Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, that time Foreign Minister of France. (As for the latter - his protection was asked by Pepi’s sister, Teresa Tyszkiewicz.)
And I can’t help but mention that Poniatowski’s nomination nevertheless had some advantages, because in comparison with his “rivals” he was a representative of the aristocracy, what might have provided support to Napoleon from the Polish high-society.
And speaking of high-society I can’t help touching a rather delicate topic, related with Napoleon’s love life, with which Poniatowski - in comparison with what is thought about him - had nothing to do. Yes, I mean the story of prince Józef (and other Polish dignitaries) supposedly forcing Maria Walewska to give in to the emperor in exchange for “Poland’s resurrection”.
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SCREENSHOT FROM THE MOVIE “MARYSIA I NAPOLEON”. From left to right - Zdzisław Makłakiewicz as prince Józef, Gustaw Holoubek as Napoleon, Beata Tyszkiewicz as Maria Walewska, Ignacy Machowski as Duroc, Kazimierz Rudzki as Talleyrand, Juliusz Łuszczewski as Anastazy Walewski
Many people believe in it because it is written in so-called Walewska’s memoirs, but the investigations of Polish historians (like, fir example, Marian Brandys) prove that not everything might have happened like it was described in the memoirs. And prince Poniatowski’s involvement in the story is one of the facts. (The closest connection he might have had with this is that Mme Henriette de Vauban, his mistress, might have tried to influence Mme Walewska. But this is definitely a topic to continue in - if at all - a separate post.
So, let’s return to relationship between Poniatowski and Napoleon.
In 1809 the Duchy of Warsaw was attacked by the Austrians, and the Army of the Duchy showed its combat strength, winning the war and taking back from the enemy a huge a part of former Polish territories. The emperor was impressed by prince Józef’s inferiors’ performance, till such a degree that he awarded the latter with the highest imperial order of merit, the cross of the Legion of Honour.
But this was done “by proxy”, and the next, after year 1807, meeting of these two happened only in 1811 in Paris, where Poniatowski was invited to attend the christening of Napoleon’s son, the king of Rome.
Prince Józef arrived to Paris on the 23rd of April, and in the evening of that very day received an invitation from the emperor to appear next day in Saint Clou. What’s more, Poniatowski’s visit was to be happen at once, without an obliged advance as the ceremony of representation by the Saxon ambassador.
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Prince Józef with Napoleon during the ceremonial audience at the Tuileries Palace - drawing by Maria Artwińska
And this is the image I like, because both - the prince and emperor - seem to have there the “correct” height!
Why was Napoleon so eager to see prince Józef? Well, at least because the latter brought with him news, which was dangerous to trust to paper. Namely - about planning Russian invasion of the Duchy and the tsar attempts to persuade the Polish Minister of War to switch sides and join the anti-napoleonic coalition. (Can’t help but mention there that Poniatowski revealed Napoleon mere facts, but not the names of the people communicating with him, in order not to put them in danger.)
And what about christening? Of course, prince Józef participated in the ceremony, and was even allowed to have an audience with the child-king. And, no doubts, there followed other court events, huntings, balls, etc. Old friend, Murat, and Poniatowski’s sister’s love interest, Talleyrand, introduced Pepi to the highest Parisian society. Also Pepi paid a visit to the ex-empress Josephine.
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Prince Józef in conversation with Napoleon and the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Talleyrand - drawing by Andrzej Zarzycki
And though initially prince Józef’s stay in the French capital was planned to be a couple of months, in fact it prolonged to four, till the emperor’s birthday. And leaving finally on the 27th of August Poniatowski received as a farewell gift a beautiful snuffbox planted with diamonds and a loan to… pay the debts of his sister Teresa.
And then there came the year 1812. Prince Józef was made the commander of the 5th Corps of the Grande Armée, and with the rest of the Army went to Russia.
However, above “The Polish corps” there was a commander not very competent and lucky, emperor’s younger brother Jérôme. And when it happened that the Russian Army under general Bagration managed to escape from the “second center” corps led by Jérôme, Napoleon blamed on this... prince Józef. 
In the battle of Smolensk, however, the Vth Corps managed to distinguish to such a degree, that together with its commander it was mentioned in a bulletin of the Grande Armée.
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Jean-Charles Langlois, The Battle of Smolensk, 17th August 1812, detail
But after that battle there happened a very dramatic scene between the prince and the emperor. Because, as you might know, the city of Smolensk was the most eastern town ever belonged to Poland. So, if Napoleon’s goal was, as it had been proclaimed in the beginning of the war, to restore Poland, the Grande Armée should have stopped there, at Smolensk. Not to go further east.
And Poniatowski, as a witness of the scene, count Ostrowski, recalled, “begged Napoleon on his knees if not to direct the whole French Army to the south, to the former Polish lands, then at least to separated the Polish corps and send it along the Dnieper river, in the direction of Kiev...”
But emperor was implacable. 
What happened next we all know. The battle of Moscow, fire, retreat…
In December Napoleon left his army and speeded to Paris. Prince Józef returned to Warsaw, to rebuild “the Polish corps”, to reenforce the people left with new conscripts and to be ready to join with these people the emperor. When the latter comes with fresh forces, to fight the coalition back.
But the emperor of French didn’t hurry to return to the East of Europe. Failing to wait him Poniatowski had to leave Warsaw, going with his soldiers to Kraków. And was waiting here, for almost three month.
To no avail.
At the beginning of May all the territory of the Duchy of Warsaw, except Kraków, was occupied by Russians. A lot of Polish officers, acquaintances and even friends of prince Józef, resigned from the army. A lot of them were persuading the Polish commander-in-chief to follow, to join the anti-napoleonic coalition.
And… well, here I can’t write that Poniatowski rejected these propositions, all and at once. No, he was listening, thinking over… Asking for terms and thoroughly pondering on what would have been better for his motherland - to stay with France or not.
And on the night from the 6th to the 7th of May, on the eve of his 50th birthday the decision was made.
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Prince Józef sees “the White Lady of the Poniatowski Family” on the night on 6/7 May 1813 in Krakow (drawing by Ludomir Ilinicz)
Having obtained no written guaranties from the other side, feeling that unconditional surrender - the only thing they were ready to accept from him - was not compatible with the soldier honor, the Polish Bayard decided to stay with Napoleon.
Although to make such a decision was for prince Józef extremely hard (especially if to take into account that he still had not got clear instructions from the emperor what to do). As Poniatowski confided next day to one of his colleagues that night thinking was so difficult to him that he even thought about shooting himself. Twice.
What is not proved - so this fact still stays a kind of legend - that that night prince Józef saw a ghost, the famous “White lady of Poniatowski family”. The fantom that was said to announce with its appearance very bad things to come…
And in 5 month there came… the battle of Leipzig.
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Jean-Charles Langlois, The Battle of Leipzig (?)
This image is often signed as „the battle of Leipzig” though judging by the emperor’s, the prince’s and their horses’ poses I suppose it might be another version of “the battle of Smolensk”.
Of course, before Leipzig there was truce, then the battle of Dresden, then retreat and preparations. And in the beginning of the battle there was a moment when French victory still looked possible. But soon it turned out that it was an illusion.
And then the emperor… named general Poniatowski a marshal of France. Thus making him the only foreigner among that cream of French military elite.
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Prince Józef Poniatowski receives the marshal baton, French engraving from the XIXth century
How did Poniatowski react to such a promotion? Did he become happy? Or, at least, glad?
No, not at all. (It looks like he felt that this appointment has more with his future attachment to France, than with military achievements.)
So prince Józef continued to call himself a general, sign documents according his old position. Furthermore, in the written explanation that Poniatowski sent to Warsaw it was stated that “if there was not war for Poland, no one would ever see him in uniform”. Which literally meant resignation. (In the very same letter, though, prince Józef announced that before leaving the army he had to escort Napoleon back to Paris.)
So, dear friends, who was interested in what might have happened with prince Józef had he not been killed at Leipzig - this is the answer. He would definitely retreat with Napoleon to Paris, than resigned and… here the certainty is a little bit less, but something tells me that he would have preferred exile to going back home. But I am not one hundred percent sure.
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January Suchodolski, Napoleon and Józef Antoni Poniatowski at the Battle of Leipzig
And what about Napoleon? In his memories dictated on St. Helene he wrote that he should have made prince Józef the king of Poland (ha-ha, what would he have done if the latter rejected the crown?), regretted not doing this.
But what is, in my opinion, more interesting, is to learn what the ex-emperor thought on other Poniatowski-related topics? Did he regret blaming prince Józef for Jerome’s mistakes? Had he doubts on not listening the Polish commander’s pleas to take back former Polish land instead of going to Moscow?
Alas, I am afraid, this is a thing we’ll never know…
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Could you do the oxygen loss prompt with Cygate, but instead of the human being their S/O it’s their adopted human child? Sorry if that’s weird but I crave space dad content with every fiber of my being
There is nothing weird about space dad content, it's good and pure and the world needs more of it, thus I am happy to provide.
Here's links to other posts of this prompt!
Part One: Here!
Part Two: Here!
Part Three: Here!
Part Four: Here!
Part Five: Here!
Part Six: Here!
Part Seven: Here!
Part Eight: Here!
Part Nine: You're Here!
Part Ten: Here!
Part Eleven: Here!
Part Twelve: Here!
Adopted Human Reader
·Tailgate was the primary driving force behind your adoption, but Cyclonus was in no way opposed, merely more reserved as you were welcomed into their lives through an unexpected but life-changing adoption. Though somewhat new to being a couple and quite new to parenthood, they've done an excellent job getting you set up for your shared life together as a family. You even have your own room right across from there's! Today though you're chilling with them in preparation for a movie night, sitting atop a table as snacks are decided on and the list of potential films is narrowed. Cyclonus is mostly content to let the two of you pick what you want, though he does try to encourage the entertainment selection to be more... educational and the snacks a modicum healthier.
·Your greatest struggle is choosing the final winner from your options left, until of course, the electricity begins to cut out and the three of you are left momentarily in the dark. This alone would have been nothing but an inconvenience, though the seismic shake that hits the ship afterwards is far more dangerous. Nothing but a blur of metal in the dark fills your vision as the tremor sends each of you tumbling. When you finally orient yourself and the world stops moving, you realize you're being cradled in a panicked minibot's arms, and a blue visor glowing in frenzy is above you. Tailgate is checking you over like a concerned mother hen, and you're so overwhelmed by his fussing it takes you a moment to realize that he's also being held, and that you're between two pairs of optics overflowing with care.
·Cyclonus gently puts an end to his mate's impromptu medical examination by pointing out the more immediate issue; something dangerous is undoubtedly inbound. Tailgate may not have the same level of experience, but he's been on enough ships to know what an anchoring feels like, and regardless of the enemy in question things are about to get unpleasant. In unison they both agree to get you somewhere safe. Gently as can be, Tailgate reassures you that everything will be okay while stroking a little hand down your back. He promises that much, and Cyclonus firmly echoes the sentiment.
·Quite aware of how tiny you are, particularly in regards to Cybertronian combat, you put up no resistance to their plan. So long as everyone gets out safe, you insist. In a well rehearsed battle strategy, Cyclonus stands just behind Tailgate, but he's hardly the only one who will be protecting you. Your other adoptive parent has you in his arms and, with his smaller frame, is set up to shield you quickly from the front while Cyclonus handles any potential assaults from behind with his solid back armor. It's a routine they established just to keep you safe. Right now it is helping you feel like you're in a kind of moving fortress, and to be fair with these two that comparison isn't far off. Unicron himself would have a hard time breaking through their collective front.
·Perhaps tempted by your metaphorical thoughts, the universe answers with a challenge in the form of an entire squadron of enemy combatants, though your guardians are quite prepared. Before the attacking aliens can even charge, the two of them are moving in a kind of wordless sync, one that an outsider might think was the result of peerless calm. You know better when Tailgate rolls to slip you into a well defended little cove though, as you catch what's in both of their optics; fear. Tucking down as small as you can, you watch them attack with a kind of rage that juxtaposes almost fantastically with the tender kindness they raise you with. Few would probably blame you for having a hard time believing the same Cyclonus cleaving an enemy in half right now also sings softly when you have trouble sleeping... The same could be said for Tailgate, who fusses over you every time he feels you may be too hot or cold but is now pummeling an alien's legs so his mate can finish them off. Knowing that it's all to protect you is somewhat awe inspiring.
·No sooner has the last enemy fallen then the two are back where they left you, though this time Tailgate isn't alone as he checks you over whilst they walk, with Cyclonus inserting a quick request for confirmation that you are indeed uninjured. Admittedly a little dizzy from the rush, you smile and assure them both you're unhurt. At that they continue on the way to the well defended medical bay. You are actually far more sluggish than you think you should be, but it's hard to care about that in the face of everything else, and you don't really have to worry with these two protecting you... How lucky you are, to have been adopted by such a loving pair of parents. Being quite the unusual couple just makes your little family more unique in your mind. At such happy thoughts you can't help but smile, though it's weak and visibly hindered by how groggy you are.
·Tailgate takes notice of that sleepiness first as you become less upright in his arms. Giving you a little bounce, he starts to walk faster as the requests regarding your condition start anew, his visor growing worried as he sees your tiny frame failing to perk up. Cyclonus follows in his worry, especially when you prove physically incapable of lifting yourself up completely. They know something must be terribly wrong. Uncertain why they're so upset, you try to reassure your parents that you're simply a little tired. The rush of the fight probably drained you more than expected, you explain. Hearing how breathless you are in the explanation only solidifies their fear that something is wrong. Not knowing what it could be, they make the difficult decision to forgo stealth for the sake of speed; you need to get to the medical bay.
·Rushing air flows past as they move at speeds impossible for humans, drawing your gaze upwards as Tailgate reassures you everything will be alright despite your total lack of concern. Though you can see the fear in his face, you still appreciate how brave he's being for your sake. Having parents who prioritize your health as well as your feelings is a dream come true. Cyclonus is mostly silent, his optics on the horizon, but you know he's also concerned to an incredible degree. It's obvious in his optics every time they glance down at you so full of worry. Despite his usually reserved exterior, the big bot loves you just as much as his mate, and you've more or less had him wrapped around your finger from day one. You can still recall how they would lovingly ensure your comfort every time you went to bed in your new home...
·Both mechs can see you're drifting off faster with every passing minute. Tailgate tries harder to keep you awake as he watches your eyelids grow heavier, but his efforts prove to be in vain despite how badly he wants you to be okay, and his spark twists with anxiety. Cyclonus is the same, as both have no real idea as to what is wrong, and thus no real way to help you. Doubts that plagued them from the day they considered making you their own child return to haunt them in full force. They loved you so much, but there was so much they just didn't understand about your species, and what if that made them unfit to care for you? Would another human have figured this out by now? Surely you wouldn't be in this situation if you weren't with them...
·Cyclonus takes matters into his own hands, rather literally, when he scoops up his tiny mate to run at his fullest speed. Tailgate barely notices the action in his increasing panic. He can feel you growing weaker in his arms, but why? Attempts to comm Ratchet or anyone who might have a clue as to what's going on prove fruitless, and the two parents are left to flounder in their fear, the worst possibilities barreling through their minds in unison. You feel bad that they seem so scared, but can't bring yourself to stay awake as they request, the grogginess pulling you down in your parent's arms as it has under less dire circumstances in the past. The desire to sleep is simply too great. Isn't it ironic, how these bots are usually the ones pushing for you to go to bed, and now they want you to stay up? It's enough to make you smile as warm blackness finally claims you...
·Tailgate is beside himself when you drift off, and Cyclonus isn't any better, his legs giving out as he cradles you both. It's only by happenstance that a team of bots comes by at that moment, doing emergency rounds to gather the crew and clear out hostiles, and stumbles upon the terrified parents. By the grace of good fortune Ratchet is among them, and the medic is able to quickly put together what's going on due to his intel. Between the bursts of begging from Tailgate and Cyclonus, he's able to just break through and inform them of the full situation; oxygen has been compromised due to the attack. Before they can ask further questions, he explains that you need medical attention, but the ship is still under threat. It's somewhat obvious even in their cloud of grief and fear what he is going to say next.
·To secure the Lost Light, and by extension you, they wordlessly agree to accompany the group to the medical bay... at which point they'll leave you there to join the defense. Being by your side will do no one any good if the ship is taken. It hurts more than anything ever has, but they turn their mutual rage and pain towards the threat. All the while you remain in the medical bay, being stabilized by the medical staff who provide the care and oxygen you need to recover, their incredible skills ensuring you'll make a full recovery in due time. It's a prognosis that gives your parents relief but no peace when the battle is won. Seeing you in such a state still hurts in ways they can't begin to process, and thus they're left to wait in silent pain for you to awaken, holding each other as Tailgate weeps openly and Cyclonus internally.
·When you do wake up, it's beneath your favorite blankets, which were tucked about you just how you liked. A gentle but very concerned flurry of activity welcomed you back to the living world, and before you knew it your parents were on either side of the medical slab you found yourself upon, their worry obvious in every word and every inch of their expressions. Confused, especially by the oxygen mask on your face, you ask what happened to you. Worry turns to guilt in an instant. Tailgate starts with an explanation about what you do remember, gently asking about your recollection of the moments leading up to where your memories end. Cyclonus takes over for his mate when it proves too much, laying out the full scope of the alien attack and the atmospheric failure which nearly killed you. The brush with death catches you quite off guard.
·Unable to hold back tears, Tailgate bursts out in an apology for their failure to protect you, particularly in regards to not even knowing what was hurting you at first. Cyclonus gently shushes him, but doesn't correct the sentiment. Instead, he shares it, expressing his understanding if you have any newfound reservations regarding their parenting. Such a thought is so unfounded it strikes you silent. Why would this hamper your relationship in any way? These two had saved you! Their lack of human anatomy had spared them, and by extension you, from meeting an untimely fate in the suffocating attack. Letting them know as much, you can't help but feel a pang of your own fear when they appear unconvinced. If they're the ones changing their minds-
·Both Tailgate and Cyclonus react in a unified rush when you let that thought slip; they will never leave you, both promise at once. Tailgate assures you he loves you far too much and Cyclonus promises no challenge could ever make him leave you. It's enough to make the three of you cry. Clearly there are still challenges for your unique family dynamic, but none of you will ever give up. The challenges will just have to be faced together. Before you can thank them for everything they did your parents start fussing over you once again, encouraging you to rest while they adjust the room to your liking and promise that whatever food or entertainment you want will be there when you wake up.
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cherry-interlude · 3 years
Lana Del Rey Unreleased Ranking (5)
This is a re-ranking of Lana's unreleased songs, after making a first a few years ago. This is all my opinion, which I don't mind anyone disagreeing with but don't come for me for it - honestly, I like every song, despite any criticism, and this ranking is very vague. It's based on objective and subjective opinion.
This is the fifth of five posts, with my favourites.
Wild One
Lana is nostalgic without the sadness, remembering how she’d shake it for Mike but is embracing her freedom. She lets country influence seep through her voice and her uncomplicated instrumentals – it would be an unsurprising addition to Chemtrails
True Love On The Side
Though simple in structure and lyrics, it’s more Lana’s grittier rock sound and her incredible vocals that make this one of my favourite unreleased tracks. Lana lets herself go and goes full pop rock chick for this track, whilst keeping in with her ‘other woman’ trope that makes the song still familiar despite its departure from her usual music.
Driving In Cars With Boys
Dripping in nostalgia, Driving In Cars With Boys makes you yearn for the kind of 1950s/1960s era Lana often laments over. Lana is a bad girl just having fun, doing what she pleases and giving in to her vices, and it’s this kind of song that is relatable in its escapism and desire to just do what you please. There are two versions, one with a more monotone chorus that matches the rest of the verses and another where Lana sings in a higher register, letting her cheerful, breezy love for driving with the boys shine through in her vocals.
Angels Forever Forever Angels
Perfect for Paradise, Angels Forever Forever Angels has that slow, rhythmic summer drive feel, a relaxed version of Ride which also has associations with the bikers that feature in both the music video for Ride and the lyrics to this unreleased song. It’s dreamy but grounded by Lana’s patriotic love for the grungier side of Americana.
It has a breathy chorus you could sing to, the feeling of a summer evening and blue skies. The ever building and dropping beat that keeps the song ticking as restlessly as Lana’s hopes and dreams gets me feeling pumped as much as her emphasised, dragged out “Hollywood” in the chorus makes me soothed. Lana is wishing for fame and fortune but it has the feel of an eighties American teen movie, iconic and deserving of a cult following.
Yes To Heaven
Hazy like a daydream, Yes To Heaven is made of sunlight and soft grass, closer to nature than the spotlights of Lana’s often alcohol-soaked, money drenched stages. Lana’s voice is tentative until it shimmers in the chorus, and though it was made for Ultraviolence, it wouldn’t be out of place on the shining beacon of hope that is Lana’s positive turn, Lust For Life.
Life Is Beautiful
This gorgeous song was intended for Age of Adaline’s trailer, and it’s been years of waiting for the full song to be released. Now we have it, it’s certainly worth the wait. Dreamy and soft, this track is a timeless classic that could underwhelm from it’s gentle feel but works perfectly well as a pure little love song.
On Our Way
Stripped back and with a country twang, Lana doesn’t add fuss and frills to this song, instead just crooning precisely how she feels in the kind of song that keeps you daydreaming for hours. Not even the smattering of her favourite imagery (Chevrolets and K-Mart lip gloss) overshadows the love that’s at the forefront of this track.
Never Let Me Go
Like On Our Way, Never Let Me Go has the country twang and stripped back feel that makes this a more subdued song, her lyrics shining even more. Lana’s additional strings layer this song well and her comparisons to the dangerous couple that is Sid and Nancy gives this track an edge, keeping it from being too frothy.
French Restaurant
A piano ballad, Lana strips back the hurt of Without You and dual dedication of Video Games to sing about how fame matters so little to her while she’s torn between two men. Her voice is beautiful and it does well to be so minimal in its production, her emotion driving the song clearly enough. Especially pretty are the backing vocals of the choruses, echoes of her thoughts that hammer home her broken feelings.
Trash Magic
Lana’s delicate and soft vocals help tie into the Lolita-esque character Lana often plays in her music. It has a similar feel to 1949, dripping with her delicious imagery, and wouldn’t be out of place on AKA Lizzy Grant. Lana is the fragile ‘daddy’s girl’ again in this song, and the sharp yet soothing music in the background sets the tone for a quiet trailer park night.
Us Against The World
Though fairly chilled out, Lana still hooks listeners with her characterisation of waitress by day/stripper by night, a dangerous girl tempting an equally dangerous guy. Lana drips sexiness in this song and though it’s not as exciting as some of her other unreleased pop hits, it is perfect for the Del Rey character.
Your Girl
Much like Caught You Boy, Lana is desperate for a man she can’t have but is instead a complete wreck. Lana just repeats over and over how she wishes she was this man’s girl, practically pleading after describing how she needs to be led off the stage from falling apart. Yet it’s still sultry, still passionate, and is topped off by her honey-like vocal demonstration in the bridge and the chorus.
Lana is the other woman with a twist – instead of moping about her man (Other Woman, Sad Girl) she is taking action. Fighting against him, not letting him go without making some noise and getting rid of his girlfriend, Lana storms into the song with a vengeful wrath and calls him out for his poor attempts at apologies. When this song first came out, I adored it, since it was the exact kind of strong-girl track I wanted from her with a great hook and all the right Lana-isms. Now, I still get that thrill listening to this song and its kick-ass fuck-you to the man she loves.
Playing Dangerous
The churning drums, the spoken verses and the coy vocals set this song apart from her others. It falls shorter during the choruses, the verses being the best parts of the track, but the way Lana interacts with the listener ultimately and is a more direct character of ‘innocent’ seductress who might actually be downright bad (arson is hinted).
Serene Queen
Lana is unbothered and unruffled, as collected as she is in Put Your Lips Together but this time with a definite Ultraviolence/Honeymoon feel. Lana is unshaken by the blazing guns, instead completely calm with her dangerous lover, questioning why he even has a problem in the first place. As it picks up in the chorus, almost smirking, it becomes one of her finer unreleased songs yet.
Ave Maria
This is just an instrumental but there’s something so beautifully haunting about it. It wouldn’t be out of place in a Hollywood movie, with shades of the Lolita soundtrack instantly coming to mind when it first starts. It even works well without singing, and I hope we get a full version soon.
Puppy Love
From the perspective of a Marilyn Monroe figure, Lana plays the teenage girl wishing for a traditional romance with her lover. It’s ever-so-adorable, harking back to the sweeter parts of the fifties, but there’s a sense of sadness throughout it. Under the surface of the puppy love is the reality that the references to Monroe do not forget her sadness, loneliness and ultimately her overdose. The tone shifts to such an unhappiness in the bridge, directly calling back to Monroe’s phone call shortly before she overdosed, twisting the song to something more melancholic.
Cherry Blossom
The lullaby that grew into the marvellous, completed Cherry Blossom is a lovely tribute to someone small and beloved. Though Lana doesn’t have children yet, the care in her voice and each of her heart-warming compliments and promises is still thoroughly enjoyable – and comforting.
Colour Blue
In a song that reminds me of the love/hate relationship of Norman Fucking Rockwell, Lana takes her time to question why she loves the men that she does and, ultimately, grow from it, beginning to want something different. It’s raw and personal, with a gushing chorus that is complimented fully by the guitar. This song is blue all over, from Lana's opening harmonisation to her abrupt, unhappy ending.
This song is, of course, pure paradise. A summery beat, a flippant Lana simply enjoying her lover no matter how long she’ll have him for and her coos of “sick!” and “that’s dope!” make this into a tasty distraction fit for the sunny months. Her casualness in this track is fresh as well as the dance-happy music that she doesn’t often create in her albums.
Meet Me In The Pale Moonlight
Lana is the waitress with a crush in this bop of a track, trying to convince a guy to get with her instead of that “bitch”. Convincing she is, as she uses all of her charm, wit and insistence that there’s no promises behind her intentions to have a good time with him. It’s just a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of her music, not too heavy and perfectly polished. It’s self-assured as much as it is breezy, and calm as it is it’s still a riot to listen to.
Caught You Boy
A dream-esque confession of desire, obsession and pure, crazy love, Lana isn’t outright insane in this track (Kinda Outta Luck, Jealous Girl, Serial Killer) but she hints towards being slightly too attached to her beau and describing herself as an army of one. The song is sweet and flowery but there’s a sadness and danger to it that keeps it from being too sugary.
Fine China
Some of Lana’s best lyrics are in Fine China as she sings of her fractured relationship, unhappy wedding and many beautiful yet easily broken things. It’s a slow, unfussy ballad but her strong voice and stunning lyrics make it so much more than a throwaway unreleased song.
What feels like a coming-of-age slow dance song but is ultimately a choir-backed break-up track. Lana’s lyrics are clever and her voice is the perfect complement to The Last Shadow Puppets, this combined work a sure hit that deserves some kind of release and recognition. Lana is frustrated but tender as she leads the song with plenty of presence.
Prom Song Gone Wrong
The fifties feel, the teenage romance, the warm and gorgeous vocals that switch from dreamily longing to a cheeky talk-rap suggest this is a song tied tightly to Puppy Love, except with a more hopeful feel to it. Lana is ready to leave and she wants her lover to come with her, and even if it’s a youthful mistake there’s no mistaking that the love she – and her man – feels is real. It’s a pretty dedication to the kind of head-spinning romance of younger years, though it has an edge to it. Lana’s choruses are desperate, her pleading genuine and the strange way the music builds and collapses right at the end give the illusion all isn’t the sunshine and rainbows Lana sings of – and hopes for.
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