#(last time she dropped her pencil in front of me and when she went to pick it up my heart started being so fast i had to go home)
tyty!! the server seems fun i need to chat there now that im finished midterms! im alright, just been planning for my birthday, how about you? also good luck with finals! they sound rough :[
Your birthday?? When is it ? Also it's nice you finished midterms :) I still have uni applications to go through after the finals and honestly both things are just as stressful skdhsk
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twistyfish · 22 days
prompt~ non-mc reader feeling sad because she feels she lacks the relationship mc has with the lads. requested by anon!
Her long, straight brown hair fell in front of her face, and she tucked it behind her ear with slender fingers. Her laughter filled your ears like sticky molasses, and you couldn’t wash it out no matter how hard you tried.
In front of her kneeled Zayne, wiping a cut on her knee with a wet tissue and bandaging it, kissing it gently. You watched as he chided her for being careless and getting hurt.
You wished he would scold you like that.
They stood up and walked away, his arm subtly resting around her waist to support her.
She rested her head against his shoulder. She was so brave. She got injured often because of her profession.
You were an accountant. Your last injury was a paper cut.
The wind blew her hair into Zayne’s face, and you watched him brush it away and arrange it neatly on her shoulders with a smile.
They walked away into the distance, and all you could do was watch.
“Can you get my back?” Sylus asked, holding out the bottle of sunscreen to MC.
She nodded and began working the cream into his back, massaging his shoulder blades as she went.
Sylus smiled as she used her strength to massage him. “Nice arm, kitten.”
You sat next to your sandcastle, patting the wet globs of sand together into rough turrets. It was coming together, sort of.
Sylus crouched down next to you. “How’s the castle coming along?”
“It’s getting there.”
“Do you want to come surf with us?”
You hesitated. Truthfully, you weren’t very adventurous. You were a little nervous to ride the waves.
“Come on, it’ll be fun!” MC smiled at you, her surfboard held under her muscular arm.
“Um, no, I’m okay,” you responded shyly.
“Alright. Have fun building, then.” She waved at you and they both turned, running into the waves. MC squealed as the cool water hit her legs, and Sylus laughed his deep, rich laugh. He splashed her, grinning as she made various high pitched noises in response.
You sat with your sandcastle, smoothing the sides with no zeal at all. Your focus was gone. All you could think about were her hands on his back, his grin as he splashed her, their shared laughter as they ran into the water.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Sylus shouting. “Hey! Come in, it’s nice and cool.”
You shook your head.
“Wow, your drawings are ass,” Rafayel remarked.
“Shut up, loser.”
“Look at __’s drawing. It has such a nice composition.”
You felt pride swell in your chest at his compliment. “Thanks, Raf.”
“Of course, cutie. I’m just telling it as it is. Ms. Bodyguard could learn a thing or two from you.”
“I don’t understand how you can get everything so proportional,” MC grumbled.
“Here, let me show you.” He stood up and positioned himself behind her, taking her hand with the pencil in it and mapping out rough lines.
“Just make the general shapes first,” he murmured, hand guiding hers across the paper.
You looked away, trying to focus on your own drawing. You could hear him softly instructing her, and you sort of wished you were a beginner too in that moment.
You mindlessly sketched, and you ended up with a lazy looking cat.
“Oh, is it sad?” Rafayel asked peering over your shoulder.
“No, it’s sleepy.”
“Sleepy all the time, just like you,” he said playfully to MC, elbowing her.
“I’m not sleepy all the time! You’re thinking of Xavier,” she argued back. They continued to bicker as you watched.
Maybe it was a little sad.
You rang the bell out of politeness despite knowing Xavier’s door code. You had made some banana muffins, and you wanted him to try them. When there was no answer, you figured you would just go inside and drop them off in the kitchen.
You entered the door code and walked inside quietly. As you passed through the living room, you had to stifle a gasp. Xavier and MC were laying together on the couch, under the blanket.
You immediately looked away, setting the muffins on the counter and moving to tiptoe out of the room. Unfortunately, the rustling woke them up.
“__? Is that you?” Came Xavier’s groggy voice.
“No- yes! Um, I just came in to drop off some muffins. I’m leaving, don’t worry!”
Xavier sat up, the blanket falling off his shoulders and pooling around his bare chest.
Your eyes widened and you turned around.
“Hey, __. Where are you going?” MC was off the couch (wearing clothes, thankfully) walking towards you.
“Yeah, sorry about that. We just got back from training and crashed. We were both exhausted,” Xavier said.
Oh. They were sleeping.
“Sorry for waking you guys.”
“Don’t worry about it. Want to nap with us?”
You paused. “I’m good, don’t worry. I’ll just be going now.” With that, you awkwardly put your shoes back on and left the house. The image of them snuggling under the blanket was cemented to your brain.
That night, you slept hugging a pillow.
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thebearer · 6 months
thinking of teddy being like 2 and she’s just so excited about anything and everything, so you do a countdown for anchivys birthday and she is like “happy for chovy dada?” every time she changes the number that’s closer to his birthday
i haven't done a blurb in so long <3 let's do one.
"Chovy?" Teddy chirps, bright eyes shining up at you, hands thrown out exaggeratedly in question- a trait Carmen swore came from you. "T'day? Chovy, t'day?"
"Not today, Teddy Bear." You cooed, sweeping the remnants of her snack into the trash.
At two years old, the world was exciting. Full of so many fun things, at the top of them, birthdays. Carmen's birthday was the first time Teddy really understood what was going on, the first time she really wanted one of her own.
Since then, she was convinced everyday was a birthday, babbling "bir'day, bir'day" around the house until you and Carmen were sure you were going to rip your hair out. Anchovy's birthday was close, the next closest, so you started a countdown for her. Thinking it would curb the constant asking- it did not.
"No?" Teddy's eyes rounded, dropping into an achingly sad look that had your own heart breaking. "No Chovy?"
"No, not today." You hummed, shaking your head. "But close." You chirped, grinning, hoping it would stop the tears you could feel coming from her.
Teddy perked, brows still furrowed in a sullen expression that was all Berzatto, entirely inherited from Carmen. "No bir'day?" Teddy sighed, demeanor switched.
"No, not today, baby." You sighed, scooping her up on your hip. "But, let's go see Daddy how many days we have left?"
A trip to the craft store, spending the entirety of Teddy's nap time one day, you'd made a make shift sort of advent calendar that counted down to the big day. A printed picture of Anchovy from his last birthday, sitting in front of a cake awkwardly.
Carmen had insisted it go in his office, heart swelling when he saw it first. Teddy babbling away excitedly about it, bouncing on her toes. It was positively adorable. Made Carmen's insides burn with a feeling he hadn't known before you. You were a good mom.
"Daddy," You called playfully, swallowing down a grin. He didn't fluster the way he had when you started with Anchovy.
"Yeah?" Carmen muttered, turning in his chair, eyes lighting when he saw both of you. "Oh? Is it my two favorite girls?" He grinned, putting the pencil down in front of him.
"We wanted to ask you something." You put a squirming Teddy on the ground, stifling a laugh when she bolted towards Carmen.
"Yeah? What's up?" Carmen groaned dramatically, lifting Teddy into his lap.
"Chovy bir'day?" Teddy threw her hands out again, turning them up in question to Carmen. You watched him melt right in front of you, a wide smile that still had your heart burning.
"How many more days until Anchovy's birthday?" You nodded.
"How many more days? Hm, let's see." Carmen turned towards the bright poster board pinned behind him. He'd hung it up on his own, proudly.
"You wanna count with me? Let's see how many days. Alright, we're right here, so..." Carmen hugged Teddy close. "One... Two..." He counted slowly, her little chirp of a voice echoing his.
You leaned forward, watching him adoringly. You were definitely bringing up the possibility of baby number two tonight after Teddy went to bed.
"Eight." Carmen nodded, looking down at Teddy. "So how many more days?"
She turned towards him, brows furrowed in thought. "No?"
"No," Carmen laughed. "You're tryna trick me? Hm, are you tryna trick me?" He grinned playfully, tickling her sides so she screeched in laughter.
"No! I no twick!" Teddy giggled loudly.
"So how many more days?" Carmen asked, pressing a kiss into her cheek. "Hm? How many did we count?"
"That's right." You nodded, clapping softly for her. "You're so smart. Such a good counter."
Teddy beamed, hugging Carmen tightly, pressing her face into his neck. "But tonight, you can mark it off and you'll only have seven." He told her, a hand running over her curls gently.
Anchovy slinked in, sliding between your legs as if on cue. You leaned down to pet him gently, scratching behind his ears. Teddy squealed in delight, squirming to get off of Carmen's lap to chase after him.
You watched Anchovy skitter, jump onto Carmen's desk and dash away while Teddy tried to chase him. "Did you tell Marcus to make the cake?" You sighed, sinking into Carmen's lap.
His head pressed to your shoulder, leaving a kiss on the skin there. "Yeah, he's got it. Just need to go to the store. I'll get some of those, the, uh, the streamer things? Think she'll like if we hang those up."
"Anchovy will too," You snorted lightly. "Claw them down like he did my birthday that one time." A memory from years before, another life time it felt like. Before you were married, before you had Teddy, when you and Carmen were still a little careless, care free.
"Yeah, maybe not then?" Carmen hummed.
"No, I think it'll be cute." You grin. "Teddy will love it."
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venuscrashed · 4 months
Meeting the team - Spencer x Older!Male!Biker!Reader
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Warnings: OOC?, haven’t watched in a while, not proofread
Word count: 1k
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The sound of the elevator ding echoed into the hallway. The door opened painfully slowly for a government building. A man holding a biker helmet stepped out. He was dressed in leather and in his other hand had a small bag. He walked into the desk area where the agents worked. Heads spinned around as he walked by, people gushing over how he looked. Of course, he raised suspicions as he didn’t work there but some familiar faces recognized them.
“(M/N),” he turned around to see a lady dressed in a green pencil skirt with a frog themed cardigan. He stopped and gave her a wave. He gave her a bright smile, remembering her from the time they first met. She cosplayed with Spencer at a convention and he had to pick Spencer up. The look of shock on Penelope’s face was something he could never forget. They both tend to laugh at it whenever they meet up, which was rare since Spencer didn’t go out much and there was no other excuse for them to meet.
“Hey, Penelope”.
“Oh my god it’s been so long since I’ve last seen you. Did you gain more muscle,” they both looked down at his arm. She reached her hand out to lightly graze him, hypnotized in the moment. Laughing once the moment passed. “What are you doing here?”
(M/N) raised the bag in his hand, Penelope giving him an “oh” look. “Dropping this off for Spence. Hope he doesn’t mind considering the rest of the team doesn’t know me.”
“Don’t worry,” she guided him towards the rest of the team. “They’ll love you.”
They both walked over to the group of agents. The majority of the team surrounded Spencer's desk. They discussed one of their cases that took place nearby for once. Each agent fits the description that Spencer gave (M/n). None of them seemed to realize the duo until People stood in front of the desk. Penelope cleared her throat, causing all of the agents to look up.
Spencer’s eyes went wide, shooting up from his desk so he could walk around the table. “(M/N)? What are you doing here?”
“You know this guy Spence?” JJ asked with the rest of the team wondering as well. Spencer looked back at the rest of the team and quickly turned back around.
Spencer started stammering, trying to comprehend the situation he’s in. (M/N) just laughed and gave a quick wave towards the team. Derek gave a quick wave but brought it back down after he got a look from Emily. He looked back towards Spencer, waiting for something to be said. After realizing that he wasn’t going to say anything. (M/N) just sighed. “I’m (M/N). You must be Rossi, JJ, Emily, and Derek. Right?” He pointed towards all the right people.
“How’d you know,” Rossi asked suspiciously. Looking him up and down, judging his character.
“Spence talks about you a lot,” (M/N) shared. Emily and Derek gasping and laughing at the same time. Which causes Spencer to turn around and deny it as much as he can.
“He does like us,” Derek said. Making the rest of the team laugh.
“It’s not like that,” Spencer stammered. “What are you doing here?”
“Lunch,” (M/N) held out the bag. Spencer took it at incredible speed. Looking inside out it to see a note he was too embarrassed to read aloud. Realizing it was home made he gave a quick thanks and ushered him out.
Emily quickly got up and ran beside them. “Woah, woah, woah. You’re just going to kick him out like that. After he brought you food.”
“Yeah! What is he your old college professor from when you were thirteen or something?” Derek wrapped a hand around Spencer's shoulder. Smiling like he just told the funniest joke ever. “How do you know each other anyways?”
Spencer and (M/N) stared each other down. One had absolute fear in his eyes and tried calculating the best possible way to get out of here. The other had an amused look and expected something to be said. A few moments passed until Garcia screamed “They’re dating each other!” The both of them looked at her as she gasped and covered her mouth. The whole group was shocked at what she said.
“What?” Emily yelled.
“Since when,” Derek yelled even louder.
The whole group broke up into chaos. Spencer being bombarded with questions. The whole team surrounds him with a bunch of “Why didn’t you tell us” and “I’m sorry for telling them” here and there. The whole group caused everyone to stop working. It would have gone forever but Hotch yelled from behind them.
“What’s going on,” he said sternly. Eyeing the group, deeply ashamed of how they’re acting.
“Hotch,” Derek whipped around. “Spencer’s dating someone. A guy too!”
“I know,” he said blankly. Emily and Derek both scream “what” in the background. “I didn’t see you there (M/N). How have you been?”
(M/N) smiled at Hotch, remembering him from the time he picked Spencer up at a bar. It had been after the team celebrated and the rest went home. Of course, Hotch stayed back to make sure nothing had happened to Spencer. They chatted for a bit while Spencer drank more, to the point where he couldn’t remember anything. The case had been one that hit close to home and after a couple of drinks he tends to let himself go. “I’m good Hotch.”
Hotch stared at his teammates. Laughing in the back of his mind at their faces. “Let’s go talk in my office.”
The rest of the team’s mouth stayed open. Derek refused to believe Hotch knew about it too. JJ laughed behind the rest of them while Garcia stood there like a statue. Rossi was amused with the outcome, storing this memory in the back of his mind to laugh about it later. Emily looked between the two men and sat down in disbelief, scoffing at the laughable situation. Spencer, who was the most in shock, stood there even longer calculating the possibility of when they met. So much for an eidetic memory.
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A r t .
- B.E.
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Blurb :p | no use of any names for the characters, just “she” and “you”
a/n: first fanfic posted ever im so nervous | this was my yearning from some months ago i decided to make it into something more | please comment on your opinion on this im nervy
Not fluffy nor sexual but a secret third thing (sensual)
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Have you got colour in your cheeks?
Leftover snack packets and crumbs of cookies and sugar littering the couch of the living room, clock read 12:38AM, its past midnight, yet for two girls with a sleep schedule as theirs, the night is still young, too young.
Family and friends long gone, others went home others went on dates, and another stayed behind to cherish this very moment.
Are there some aces up your sleeve?
Have you no idea that you’re in deep?
Laughs had hit the walls hours ago when they were once gathered up to 7, and even now at 2 laughs are still bouncing back and forth. Sneaky giggles and stupid jokes, unexplainable videos that just seem so funny when its late and for once youre not alone.
Energy drinks on the floor next to the bed and an annoyingly bright light hitting at the side to make up for the lack of sun, yet thats the last thing to bother you right now. Theres nothing that could actually bother you right now, not when you finally have her in front of you.
Ive dreamt about you nearly every night this week
Sketchbook in your lap, pencil in your hand and coloured pencils scattered along your side on the bed, criss crossed bodies mirroring each other face to face.
Even if your face wasn’t able to stay in one place. Even if your face couldn’t handle the urge to heat and melt your makeup off in the process, even if you couldn’t handle looking at her, as much as you couldn’t handle her looking at you.
How many secrets can you keep?
Your heart thumping in your chest the same way it does when you’re at a club next to the speaker, body shook with the beat of the speakers and the bass, and you couldn’t tell if its from the amount of energy drinks you’ve consumed this evening or her presence.
But this is better, oh this is way better, theres no eardrum-breaking noise, or people squished up together, stomach-stirring drinks, uncomfortable heels. None of that.
This is simply adrenaline in itself, it was the excitement pumping in your veins.
Cause theres this tune i found that makes me think of you somehow and i play it on repeat..
Emotions thumping at your heart and in your veins causing your blood to rush to your face, cheeks burning red, but the colour showed at your ears, palms so sweaty you hold your sketchbook carefully to not wet and bend the paper. Neck and collarbone stained with red rash spots, just how into her are you?
Shes not stupid now, you tell that to yourself to sleep better at night. She has noticed everything, a simple blood rush is nothing. The way you look at her when everyone is talking laughing and you’re quiet? When your choice of “recharging” your social battery is looking at and through her? When you’re alone and suddenly your voice drops to just above a whisper, sweeter than any sugarcoated candy? When you doodle her and her only out of so many people, there are 5 other people with you two, yet who do you draw the most? You spend all your effort and time on her, enjoyably so.
Until i fall asleep,
A hand picking up your own has a wave of goosebumps sent across your body, a wave of heat while doing so. An amused laugh breaks your gaze, from the mixed hands, up to her own stare.
Shes staring at you, and you’re wishing she would stare nowhere near you. The fear in your brain banging like a migraine, wordlessly telling you she sees it all, and the very same fear in your body, giving her all the confirmation she needs. Her eyes softening as her one-sided laughter dies down, and you’ve yet to actually see her. So far you have been too caught up in your own thoughts to see in front of you until now.
A hand holding your burning one to her also heated cheek, and a twinkle in her eye right between that blown out pupil and icy blue cloud that dances like the stars do on the dark night sky right outside the window.
“I knew you felt it too, Im not crazy to like you”
spillin’ drinks on my settee.
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slytherinshua · 1 year
genre. fluff. mutual pining. whc1 w/o the angst au. warnings. they're both whipped. pairing. sieun x fem!reader. wc. 2.6k. (wish it was longer damn) request. no. a/n. happy birthday @yeonjuns-redhair i love you so so so so much you'd better enjoy it 🔪
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Sieun hadn’t taken much interest in girls during his life. Other than the fleeting first crush he had when he was fourteen, girls had been the last thing on his mind as he focused all his energy into his grades. But there was just something about you that Sieun couldn’t ignore. Without realising it, he was falling head over heels in love with you and he didn’t even have the courage to speak a single word to you.
You sat a seat up from Sieun one row over, a spot which allowed him to admire you silently whenever he wanted (which was increasingly becoming the only thing he wanted to do). Whenever the window was open on a warmer day, the breeze would always reach your hair and blow in just the way to take Sieun’s breath away. He had become an expert at pretending to be absorbed in his notes like he always was, but his gaze always found its way to you eventually.
The first person to realise was Sooho.
“You like Y/n or something?” Sooho teased, dropping into the seat in front of Sieun, making him look up from his notes which hadn’t been added to in the past 20 minutes despite the pencil in his hand.
“Is it obvious?” Sieun said in a panicked voice, eyes glancing over the mostly empty room just to make sure no one was listening.
“Given that she has the power to take your attention away from your studies, I’d say so.” Sooho pointed out, grinning.
“What do I do?” Sieun sighed, dropping his pencil, dropping his head into his hands.
Sooho leaned back in his seat, pretending to think, “Ask her out, obviously.”
Sieun’s eyes widened, “What?”
“What?” Sooho echoed.
“I… I can’t ask her out.”
“Why not?”
Sieun flushed, “...She’s too good for me.” He mumbled.
Sooho raised his eyebrow at this, “Oh, you’re more whipped than I thought.” He gave Sieun a lopsided grin, finding the younger boy adorable. “Let me guess, you’ve never had a girlfriend before?” Sieun shook his head. “Don’t worry,” Sooho nodded as he spoke, “I can help you.”
“Private lessons.” Sooho concluded, standing up and patting Sieun’s shoulder before walking out of the classroom. Sieun stared at him as he left, feeling the anxiety rising and he tried to gulp it back down.
Sieun’s first “private lesson” took place the next day. As he worked his part time job at the restaurant, Sooho gave all the advice he had to Sieun. Most of it went right over the smaller boy’s head, but he tried his best to at least write it all down on a notepad. He would need all the help he could get in order to even approach you, so he studied diligently. 
“Figure out what she likes first. If she likes strawberry smoothies, buy her a strawberry smoothie. If she likes stuffed animals, buy her one. But be nonchalant about it, like you just happened to know that it was her favourite. Girls don’t like it when boys are obsessed with them.” Sooho explained as he sorted cans of soda.
“Am I too obsessed with her?” Sieun said suddenly, halting the movements of his pen.
“No, no, don’t worry about that. She’ll love you, you’re very lovable once you open up.”
“What if she doesn’t?” 
“And what if she does? Stop overthinking it and write down what I say, okay?” 
Sieun left that first lesson overwhelmed. He had never thought so hard about how much eye contact to make or what pick-up lines to use. He was starting to feel like maybe he couldn’t do this. You were way out of his league and didn’t even know he existed. He was stupid to even try.
When he arrived at school in the morning, his head felt as cloudy as the sky outside. It was encroaching on a darkness but still clung to the cusp of a light grey. The clouds swirled around and hid the sun, a harsh breeze shifting the leaves on the trees.
Sieun opened his backpack to get out his notebook, but his attention was immediately drawn to a small bottle of mango juice. Sooho must have stuck it in. He grabbed it and found a sticky note with unmistakably Sooho’s handwriting scrawled on it.
I heard from her friend that this is her fav— remember what I told you ;)
Sieun sighed and peeled the sticky note off of the bottle, recalling all the steps Sooho had meticulously given him the previous day. Act cool, don’t try too hard, don’t act interested at first, etc.
Sieun busied himself with studying for the next hour, waiting for when you arrived to class so he could give you the juice. You walked in with a boy beside you and Sieun’s heart sunk. His eyes flickered between you and the boy who was clearly clinging to your side. Sieun thought that maybe you looked uncomfortable, but he didn’t know for sure. He just forced himself to look down at his paper, missing the way you instinctively looked at him, a mixture of disappointment in your face.
Sooho offered Sieun a ride home after school, eager to know if he had successfully made a move on you. “Did she like the juice?” Sooho asked brightly, passing Sieun the motorcycle helmet.
The other boy was silent as he put it on, still processing his disappointed emotions. Why did it make him feel like he was about to explode seeing someone else so close to you?
With the long pause, Sooho was quick to pick up on what had happened, “Don’t tell me you didn’t give it to her?” Sieun nodded quietly, affirming Sooho’s suspicions before sitting down on the motorcycle without another word. Sooho sighed and joined him, turning on the engine with a loud rev and entering the lane on the road.
You had known Sooho since your 5th birthday. He was that one kid who no one really knew why they were invited to the party, but ended up being the star anyway. He had caked you in the face on your 7th birthday as a prank, and now it was a tradition at every birthday. 
No one was really aware of how close you two were, since you didn’t spend much time talking at school. Sooho was always sleeping and you were always spending way too much time being distracted by the most beautiful eyes- studying. You were studying. 
It had been months of your studying being rudely distracted by this… certain someone, and your grades were realistically suffering because of it. You needed to do something about it, and luckily for you, Sooho was friends with this boy. It was like the stars had aligned.
“Sooho!” You sat down loudly at the desk in front of the sleeping boy, earning a tired groan as the boy attempted to wake up from his slumber.
“What?” He rubbed his eye lazily, waiting for you to bring up what was so important as to interrupt his precious sleep.
“I need to confess or else my grades will crash and burn.” You said dramatically, much to the confusion of the boy in front of you.
“Who are you confessing to?” He asked groggily but a bit more alert than before, thoughts of Sieun’s failed confession running through his brain immediately. What if you liked someone completely different? Should Sooho still encourage Sieun to confess to you?
“Sieun…” You muttered weakly.
“What?” Sooho’s eyes brightened when you repeated Sieun’s name in clarification. “I have a plan.”
Sooho’s plan was the most absurd thing you had ever heard. How the heck was randomly showing up to Sieun’s apartment going to achieve anything? What did he expect you two to do? Eat dinner?
Sooho had dropped you off 30 seconds ago and sped off on his motorcycle before you could figure out exactly where you were and bombard him with questions. He didn’t give you any instructions, any pointers. All he said was that Sieun had something to drink. You were confused and a little annoyed and scared. You would probably embarrass yourself in front of Sieun and then that would be the end of it. You wouldn’t have the courage to even look at the boy ever again.
You hesitantly knocked on the door since Sooho had threatened you in case you chose to run away instead of doing anything. As the door opened, you were faced with the pair of eyes that you expected. You watched as shock flickered over them.
You could practically melt right then and there just from looking at him. You had never actually seen him in clothes other than his school uniform, and while he looked good in it, he looked infinitely better in this; a soft crew neck and sweatpants. You could only imagine how comfortable it would be to hug him or even cuddle-
Your thoughts were shut down when Sieun spoke, a little timidly, “Do you want to come in?” His voice was soft like it always was. He never really talked much. Even when answering questions in class, he spoke in as few words as possible. You couldn’t lie, you found it endearing. 
You nodded and walked through the door, finding the apartment unsurprisingly clean. You took off your shoes, staying in just your socks. Sieun tried to look for a spare pair of slippers to give you, but the only pair was his dad’s which were comically too big for you. 
You gave up the search and walked to the couch to sit down. You could feel this warm feeling in the air, like some simmering tension. It wasn’t uncomfortable, in fact, it gave you the slight sensation of butterflies in your stomach.
Sieun sat next to you on the couch but not too close and you were both silent. You weren’t sure what to say or where to start. You had asked Sooho for help with confessing, but it would seem too abrupt to start with that. You wanted to warm up to Sieun first, though you weren’t sure how long you could wait before the words fell out of your mouth.
“Do you want a drink?” Sieun asked and you smiled. So Sooho wasn’t lying with that part.
“What are the options?”
“Uh…” He dropped his head, thinking for a second before running to the small fridge and pulling out a bottle of mango juice, “You like this… right?”
You nodded, “Yeah, I do.”
Sieun’s lips turned up into the cutest smile you had ever seen in your entire life. You felt like you were floating on clouds from the elated feeling. You made him smile. 
Once you had received a glass of mango juice, the conversation started flowing a bit easier. You talked about school and hobbies and your favourite foods. Though Sieun didn’t say much, you could tell he was always listening to what you were saying. That was a bit unusual to you. You were always used to being ignored or thought of as obnoxious when you talked, so you rarely felt comfortable saying what you wanted to. With Sieun, however, you felt like you could say anything and he would listen.
It was late in the night and Sieun was preparing a small dinner for you both. He had been overwhelmingly kind and considerate that you felt your will to not confess being slowly withered away. You were about to crack, you could feel it. As soon as he did one more thing to make your heart flutter, you would have to spill it otherwise you were sure you would explode.
Your resolve was finally broken while you were eating. You were sitting across from Sieun on the floor, food spread out as best as Sieun could make it. You had a small bit of sauce on the corner of your lip, and before you could notice yourself, Sieun had leaned across the table and wiped it off gently with his thumb.
Your cheeks flushed pink at the touch. You were lucky you didn’t have any food in your mouth otherwise you would’ve probably choked. You were stunned, staring at the boy in front of you. And then he smiled as if he was shy but happy to help. You could see his ears had turned pink at the tips, and then finally your mouth was spitting out words before your brain could catch up.
“I like you, Sieun.” 
“I’m nervous I’ll do it wrong.” Sieun whispered, head dropped to look at the floor. You could see his cheeks a bright red and you were sure that your boyfriend was the cutest thing this world had ever created.
“You won’t be able to mess up cuddling, I promise.” You reassured him.
“But I’ve never done it before… What if-”
“You’ve hugged me before.” You cut him off. He nodded. He had hugged you, many many times. He wanted to hug you right now. “It’ll just be like a prolonged hug… except more relaxed.” You understood how the thought of cuddling could feel daunting for him. He had been touch-starved his entire life. “I’ll show you how it works, but… you need to come here first.” You giggled and patted the spot next to you on the bed.
Sieun’s face flushed more and he joined you carefully, scooting next to you. You grabbed his wrist and tugged him even closer to you, “It’s hard to cuddle when there's a gap between us.” You explained with a smile.
You decided it would be best to make the first move, so you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your cheek on his chest. He was even more comfortable than you could’ve imagined, and you wondered why you hadn’t done this before. He smelled clean and calming, your nerves instantly becoming soothed by being so close to him.
He had tensed up at first, not sure how to respond and hyper aware of how fast his heart was beating. You were so pretty and the fact that you were hugging him so closely? Sieun would probably never recover. He figured that wrapping his arm around your shoulder would be natural, and he soon discovered that the position was 10 times more comfortable that way as you snuggled even closer to him.
“Your heart is beating so fast… Nervous?” You mumbled, peering up at him with a small teasing smile.
“Me too.” You whispered, a smile growing as you could feel both your hearts beating at the same fast rate.
Sieun was an excellent cuddler, he just didn’t realise it. He naturally started rubbing your arm in a soothing way until his hand travelled up to your hair and started playing with it. You were sure you would become addicted to cuddling him after this. Maybe you would ask him to cuddle with you everyday…
“Can I kiss you?” You asked suddenly. Sieun’s hand stopped playing with your hair.
“I… I’ve never-”
“I know. Me neither.” You said shyly, “It just… seemed like the right moment, but if you don’t-”
“I do. I really really do.” He said firmly and smiled a little. Your heart was already melted from the cuddles, but it was as good as evaporated at the sight of his smile.
“Okay.” You cupped his cheek cautiously before leaning in, not quite touching his lips, waiting for him to lean in as well. He pressed his lips to yours softly, timidly moving them in case you were uncomfortable or he was doing it wrong.
Sieun was an excellent kisser as well.
↳  k-drama taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair
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eightstarr · 1 year
hi zoe! after your last ellie post... i can't stop wondering about how your ellie and abby were like when they were in highschool. i fully believe ellie got side bangs bc she wanted to look like chloe price. (she looked like justin bieber)
anyways i love you (not in a gay way ofc.)
-penis cat anon
omg i had so much fun thinking about this!! i love you too but in a gay way because i'm gay. i'm sorry to have to tell you like this in front of all these people 😮‍💨
and no actually i think ellie wanted to look like justin bieber :) i can see her being a fan ngl. she looks like she has the weirdest gender envy and justin bieber would've been like her dream body to be in when she was 14
as for her as a student i think i've mentioned this before but i think ellie loveddd history so much! i can also see her being really good at math but not even realizing it. art class was okay but she likes to do art at her own pace and IF she feels like it so i think she would've hated assignments. like don't tell her what to do!! she's only picking up a pencil if she wants to!!! otherwise she's putting no effort in, so sorry about it
socially i think she was the kid that gets adopted by the nice pretty girls because she's funny!! they love her <3 i can see her not really having very close friends until she's older though! i feel like she was more closed off than she would like to admit for a really long time, but she's way better now. it's a work in progress!
abby as a student is like fascinating to me. i could think about it for hours. i think the obvious thing is that she was really incredibly, amazingly, annoyingly good at everything. but she's so cool!! how can you hate her? she has one best friend and speaks to literally no one else but if you drop your pen she'll pick it up for you, you know? that's abby
but she's so mysterious like i can't even tell you what her favorite subject was!! and i don't think she knows either like she's just naturally a good student and by the time she's high school age, she just views all of it as simply the steps that lead to the next thing (she's had a life plan since she was 7) (it's written in pink crayon) (her dad has it framed). but that doesn't mean that she hated school! she has lots of fun with her friend and grows a really lovely connection to sports and makes sooo many significant bonds with her teachers. she thinks about them sometimes and writes them really nice emails that could make grown men cry
and yeah there were like 85 people that had a serious crush on her but if you went to high school with her and bring it up she'll be like "???? what do you mean??" she's silly <3 i can talk about her forever and i think it shows, my bad :)
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weemssapphic · 1 year
I love your writing it’s so freaking good! x
I have a request, could you write a sub!larissa dom!reader based on the song by Ashnikko - Slumber Party maybe reader gets to try the dom role for the first time and Larissa just being a total sub for reader, all the good stuff ya know, just absolutely smutty smut, Larissa requesting her kinks for reader to do to her and reader really teasing her out of her mind until finally giving in and giving it to her till she can’t take it anymore needing to use their safeword maybe ending in sweet aftercare 🫣 it’s okay if you won’t do it, have a lovely day xx
hello - thank you so much 💕! so this went in a slightly different direction than i initially intended and while i think i got the essence of your request, i didn't really use the song as much i tried to - i hope that's alright and you enjoy it regardless!
warnings/content: nsfw (pwp - sub!larissa / dom!reader), face-sitting, strap-on (reader giving), edging/teasing, minor degradation, blindfolds, use of safeword, aftercare
words: ~2.6k, ao3 link in title!
use me, i'm yours
Larissa Weems x fem!reader
The only sounds in your classroom were the scratching of pencils on paper and the ticking of the clock on the wall. It was your last class of the day and as your students were finishing up a test, you scrolled idly through your emails, counting down the seconds until the weekend.
Your phone screen lit up with a text from your girlfriend - Larissa Weems. You smiled to yourself - though she was busy running the school, she frequently found time throughout the day to send you little reminders that showed she was thinking of you: ‘I love yous’, selfies, compliments that had you trying to conceal your blush from your students.
This time, she’d sent a video. Curious, you clicked play - and your jaw immediately dropped. Larissa was holding her phone at an angle, clearly seated at her desk. Her skirt was hiked up around her waist, legs spread open to give you a clear view of her bare pussy, glistening with her arousal as her fingers played with her clit. 
You swallowed hard as the blood rushed to your face, glancing up to see if your students had caught on. Thankfully, they all still seemed to be agonizing over the contents of the test in front of them, none the wiser to the effect your girlfriend’s latest stunt was having on you. Turning back to your phone, you typed out a reply with shaky hands.
Y/N: LARISSA! You’re going to pay for this…
Rissa: That’s what I’m counting on.
Y/N: Riss?
Rissa: Use me tonight, Y/N. Please?
You’d discussed this before. Usually, Larissa took a more dominant role in your sex life. She had a certain commanding presence which made it hard for her to switch off and let go. But after a recent heart to heart, she’d expressed a growing desire to be taken care of, to let go sexually. You had little experience as the more dominant one, but you were willing to try anything for Larissa, anything for her to feel wanted and loved.
Y/N: I want you on the bed ready for me when I get there. 
Y/N: And don’t touch yourself.
Rissa: :)
The rest of your class dragged on like molasses. The heat in your core was growing as your mind replayed the video of Larissa teasing her own clit over and over and over again. By the time the final bell rang and your students began to shuffle out, you were positively parched with want.
You made your way across the school’s campus in record time and were pleased with what you saw when you let yourself into Larissa’s quarters:
Larissa, fully nude, sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs spread, looking up at you with big doe eyes.
“God, Larissa, you are impossible.” You made it to your girlfriend in a few short strides and pressed a bruising kiss to her lips. Larissa’s hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as she nipped at your bottom lip.
“I was good for you,” Larissa husked, gazing wantonly up at you through her lashes. “I haven’t touched myself.”
You could feel yourself growing wetter by the second as your girlfriend spoke.
“I want you to use me, Y/N. Do whatever you want with me. I’m yours.”
“You remember our safe word?”
Larissa nodded enthusiastically, eyes lighting up in excitement. “Red.” 
You smiled, pressing an affirming kiss to her forehead. 
“Back against the pillows,” you commanded as you began to strip, enjoying the way Larissa’s eyes were glued to your fingers as they undid the buttons of your shirt and your pants, the way her eyes roamed your body as you bared more and more skin until, finally, you were bare before her.
You crawled up the bed to meet Larissa where she was waiting for you.
“Hi, gorgeous,” you muttered, peppering her face with sweet kisses, relishing in the deep blush you were able to produce. “You know, I think it was very risky of you to send me a video like that in front of a classroom full of students… where anyone could have looked over my shoulder and seen their beautiful principal fucking herself dumb for her girlfriend, hmm?”
Larissa’s mouth hung agape, her flushed chest rising and falling at an erratic pace, pupils blown with desire.
“The Larissa Weems, at a loss for words? Why don’t you put that pretty mouth of yours to good use then, huh?” You swung your leg over Larissa and lowered your hips, hovering over her face. Steadying yourself against the headboard, you pressed your weight onto her mouth, your cunt connecting with her waiting tongue. 
A deep moan resonated from your chest as her tongue ran eagerly up and down your slit. Her hands rested on your thighs to pull you closer as you began to grind your hips onto her face. 
“Mmh, right there,” you groaned as her tongue began to flick steadily at your clit. Larissa knew your body like she knew the back of her own hand. She knew just about every trick to make you come undone within minutes, and you were absolute putty in her hands. You were already so close, having waited what felt like an eternity for your release after seeing the video your gorgeous girlfriend had sent you.
Her tongue was deliciously warm against your cunt and you pushed yourself down farther, searching for more friction against your clit as you reached your peak. Your thighs began to shake and you let out a wanton moan, gyrating your hips in time with Larissa’s licks as you were sent over the edge. 
Your girlfriend continued to lap at your core as you came down from your high, gathering the juices dripping from your cunt and pressing soft kisses to your sex while you worked to steady your breathing.
You shifted off her face, moving to kiss her, groaning at the taste of yourself as your tongue slid against hers.
“You did so well for me, baby, you wanna be rewarded?” Larissa let out a whimper, nodding fervently and canting her hips upwards. You chuckled, fingers ghosting over the insides of her thighs, sending a visible shiver down her spine. 
Your knuckles grazed her sopping cunt, causing her to squirm, arching her back into your touch. The faintest of moans dripped from her lips as you teased her with barely-there touches, watching as goosebumps erupted all over her pale skin, as she fisted at the sheets beneath her, long fingers twisting them in white-knuckled desperation.
“Look at my baby, so ready for me, hm?” You watched Larissa through heavy-lidded eyes, amused as she mewled pathetically and bucked her hips into your hand, desperate to get some friction against her core. 
“Where do you want me to touch you? Do you want me to touch you here?” You brushed the pad of your finger against her clit, your touch feather-light, before retracting the digit. Larissa’s breathing was labored, her pupils dilating as she vainly chased your hand with her center.
“Or here?” You lightly circled her entrance with the tip of your finger, drawing a soft moan from Larissa’s throat that made your own wetness pool between your thighs, before you again pulled away.
“Please, I need you,” Larissa gasped, and you chuckled at her desperation.
“Is this what you want?” You began to massage slow circles around Larissa’s throbbing clit and she let out a needy moan, spreading her legs and rolling her hips in time with your ministrations. 
You continued to rub at the sensitive bundle of nerves with your thumb, sliding another finger through Larissa’s folds to tease her entrance. You slipped the digit inside, barely knuckle-deep, before pulling out again, smirking at the whine your girlfriend let out. 
“Such a needy little slut,” you chuckled, watching Larissa’s pupils dilate, cheeks flushing. “You want to be filled by me, love?” Larissa nodded eagerly. “Use your words.”
“Y-yes, please,” Larissa’s voice was breathy, you could tell just how much you’d already worked her up.
You leaned over her and reached into the drawer of Larissa’s bedside table, acutely aware of a pair of icy blue eyes upon you, watching you with rapt attention. You pulled the strap and harness out of the drawer, slipping it on and adjusting it as Larissa bit her lip, chest heaving as she tracked your every movement.
You settled on your knees in front of her, proudly wearing the red strap, cheeks warming slightly as your girlfriend gazed upon you with unadulterated desire. “Suck it,” you instructed.
Larissa wasted no time in settling between your legs, taking the toy in her mouth. She soothed her tongue over the head, eyelashes fluttering against her cheekbones as she swirled her tongue obscenely over the toy before taking the shaft into her mouth, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked it. 
“God, Rissa, you look so sexy.” Your hands tangled themselves in her hair, pulling harshly and eliciting a whine of pleasure from the blonde. She pulled back, releasing the strap with a wet pop, a string of saliva still connecting her swollen lips to the red cock.
“What a good girl,” you cooed, leaning down to press your lips to hers in a heated kiss, swallowing the moan she let out at your praise.
“Can you get on your knees for me, gorgeous?” Larissa quickly obliged, lifting her ass into the air. Her cunt glistened with arousal in the dim light, folds already spread so beautifully for you in this position.
You reached towards the bedside table again, feeling Larissa’s curious eyes upon you, eyes that widened as you pulled out a silk blindfold.
“May I?” You asked sweetly, dangling the fabric in front of her face. It was something Larissa had expressed great interest in before, but you’d never gotten the chance to try it. Until now.
“Yes,” Larissa’s lips were parted, her tongue darting out to wet her lower lip, arousal and excitement etched clearly upon her face.
You tied the blindfold snugly around her eyes, then pressed your lips to the shell of her ear, warm breath tickling her face. 
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your little stunt earlier. I think that deserves to be punished, don’t you?”
Larissa whimpered, wiggling her ass.  
“Would you look at that, Nevermore’s composed principal, so needy, so desperate to be fucked. Tell me, what do you want me to do with you?”
“Fill me, please,” she whispered breathily. “I need you inside.”
You lubed up the strap before running the tip teasingly up Larissa’s slit. She moaned, knuckles turning white as she gripped the sheets below her for dear life.
Larissa’s ass looked so divine, you could hardly resist the temptation. Your hand came down on the tender flesh, hard and fast, leaving a red print. Larissa cried out, thighs quivering as her arousal began to leak out of her core. You spanked her a few more times, until both ass cheeks were bright red and Larissa began to beg for you to fuck her.
You brought the tip of the strap back to Larissa’s cunt, brushing teasing circles around her clit before placing it at her entrance. Larissa pushed her hips back, taking the tip of the cock into her hole and groaning as it stretched her out.
Pushing in farther, you stopped for a moment, giving her time to adjust before starting a slow, steady pace inside of her, reveling at the wet sounds coming from her pussy. 
Larissa’s hips began to move in tandem with yours, rocking backwards as yours came forwards. You reached your arm around her, finding her clit with your fingers and massaging the sensitive bundle of nerves, drawing a wanton moan from the woman beneath you.
“Do you think you could go faster - p-please,” Larissa could barely get the sentence out between moans as she pushed her hips back, blindly searching for some sort of friction.
You obliged, beginning to pound into her in earnest. Larissa’s jaw went slack, breathy moans escaping her lips as her own thrusts became more erratic. She could no longer keep up with you - she was trying desperately to hold on as her impending orgasm barreled towards her.
“I’m gonna-” Larissa moaned, and you adjusted your thrusts suddenly, slowing to a tantalizing pace. 
“You won’t come until I tell you to,” you whispered into her ear, letting out your own moan. You could tell she was close, her thighs were already trembling and her back was beginning to arch. The change of pace was pure torture for her as you dragged the strap in and out, teasing her but not quite giving her what she needed to reach her peak.
She looked gorgeous beneath you, platinum curls spilling over freckled shoulders, a faint sheen of sweat glistening on her back, her ass still slightly pink. You were drawing the most heavenly sounds from her as she submitted to you, breathy moans and soft whines that lit a flame in your abdomen and caused your own pussy to clench with desire.
“P-please, I’m so close,” Larissa pushed her hips back and you showed some mercy, picking up your pace once again.
“Do you want to come?” 
“Yes, yes, I want to come,” Larissa panted, rocking her hips in time with your thrusts.
“Then come for me, love.”
Each of her senses were heightened due to the blindfold she wore, her nerves seemingly ablaze as her orgasm washed over her. She cried out in pleasure, chest flushed, her essence dripping down her thighs as you continued to pump in and out of her as she came.
“Such a beautiful girl,” you cooed, slowing your pace inside her and leaning over to plant kisses between her shoulder blades. “You’re doing so well for me.”
Larissa whimpered as you continued your thrusting. You bottomed out, then pulled out nearly all the way, smirking at the whine you received, repeating the process. You brought your fingers to her clit, rubbing torturously slow circles around the swollen bud as Larissa stifled a moan, dropping onto her elbows. Her thighs quivered as a second orgasm washed over her, sending electric shocks down her spine as her cunt clenched around the toy. 
“Red - red!” Larissa cried out, and you stilled immediately. 
“I’m going to pull out, very slowly, okay love?” You waited for Larissa’s “mhmm” before you slid the toy out of her dripping sex, quickly ridding yourself of the harness and sitting next to Larissa on the bed. You carefully slipped the blindfold off her face, pressing kisses to her closed eyelids.
She slumped forward and you pulled her into your arms, maneuvering her into a more comfortable position and running your hands soothingly up and down her sides as she worked to regulate her breathing.
“Too much?”
Larissa shook her head, leaning into your touch. “Just sensitive,” she murmured.
“What do you need?” you cooed, brushing a sweaty curl out of her eyes.
“Just you,” Larissa wrapped her arm around your waist, attempting to pull you closer.
“Nice try. I’ll be right back, Rissa.” After pressing a soft kiss to her forehead, you padded to the bathroom to grab a couple of washcloths and to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
You climbed back into bed, pointedly making Larissa drink the water as you cleaned her up with the washcloths. Larissa watched you with heavy-lidded eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips.
“Come here, Riss,” you murmured, settling back against the headboard and opening your arms to the blonde. She snuggled into your embrace, her bare skin warm and comforting against your own. You ran your palms up and down her arms to ground her, humming softly into her hair.
“Was tonight okay?”
“Yes, darling,” Larissa’s voice was heavy with sleep but you could still hear the smile in it. “Tonight was perfect.”
thank you to @afeatherformills and to my gf for beta-reading <3
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pumpkinbirth · 10 months
Little thing for the build a birth prompt:
Exam day and the girl hides her labour by giving birth in her dorm room in complete silence, but she ends up with 3 more babies then she thought she was having.
I shifted in my seat again, no doubt to the annoyance of the student next to me, but I couldn't even spare them a thought. The questions on the page in front of me blurred as I desperately tried to focus on them, but the intense pressure in my belly and lower back was unrelenting.
Briefly I shot a glare at the professor at the head of the classroom. He had been plenty accommodating the first time I'd requested to postpone my exam, and I foolishly thought I'd only have to do that once. But then my due date, came and went, and after three more exam date changes he'd made it clear that he was out of patience. And now, apparently capitalizing on my bad luck, my baby had decided that it was out of patience too.
Swearing under my breath, I did my best to focus on the rest of the exam. To anyone else, it just looked like I was stressing out over my academic future. In reality, I was doing all I could not to have anyone notice I'd gone into labor. I exhaled shakily through my nose, my knuckles white as I gripped my pencil and waited for the contraction to pass.
The rest of the hour felt like it had stretched to at least three, and when I finally managed to cross the room to hand in my paper I didn't even pause to hear whatever comment the professor had for me. I clutched my bag tightly to my side and made a beeline for the door, hoping that everyone else was too engrossed in their work to notice my hasty exit.
My vision tunneled as I hurriedly entered the nearby bathroom, relief flashing through me when I found it to be empty. I locked the stall behind me and carelessly tossed my things to the floor, my breathing ragged as I struggled to shove my leggings down so I could check myself. Or tried to check myself, at least, but the drastic swell of my belly had dropped, making it so I could only shallowly dip my fingertips into my cunt. Tears welled up as I let out a frustrated groan and carefully pulled my leggings back up, my mind racing.
I just have to make it back to the dorm, I thought as I gathered my things, and I'll figure it out from there.
By the time I made it to my dorm room I looked and felt like a mess, cheeks flushed and forehead sweaty. I could feel my shirt sticking to my back, and I was all too glad to finally be able to undress. My jacket, shirt and leggings were piled at the door, and I couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief as I felt the cool air on my hot, sweat slicked belly.
Despite only being a couple weeks overdue, it looked as though my baby had done another nine months worth of growing, and I carefully massaged my poor stretched skin. Before long I could feel the telltale pressure mounting, and I grit my teeth to brace for another contraction. They'd become closer and closer together during the walk to my dorm, and my heart raced as I realized it wouldn't be long until--
My eyes shot open as I felt and heard it, barely managing to muffle a moan as my water broke and pooled at my feet, my thighs trembling and slick with it as it just kept coming. With that last little barrier gone, my labor quickly shifted from 'very uncomfortable' to 'actually painful', and I realized I'd have to keep quiet in order not to attract any concerned knocks.
Keeping a hand over my mouth, I powered through the pain enough to cross the room to my bed, hastily pulling my blankets and pillows off onto the floor beneath me before using the side as a support for my back as I carefully lowered myself into a deep squat. Without being able to properly check my progress, I had no choice but to listen to what my body decided it should do, so when the next contraction came I finally allowed myself to try pushing.
It felt so strange, pain and relief and pleasure all mixing as I whimpered into my sweaty palm. With every contraction I could feel my baby getting closer and closer to being born, and it was all I could do not to scream with relief as the head finally crowned. Adrenaline pumped through me now, and I barely waited before pushing again, my cunt stretched impossibly wide for the shoulders, then all at once I felt the rest of its slick body coming out, cushioned by the pillows below.
My chest heaved as I carefully brought my baby up to me, catching my breath as I checked him over. Despite how huge my belly had grown, he was an average sized baby, so why then--
Before I could even finish the thought a familiar pain came over me again, and I had to do my best to keep from hyperventilating. I hadn't gotten that big just because I was overdue, but because there was more than one baby in there. Frantically I felt around until I found a discarded pajama top next to me and stuffed the fabric in my mouth before carefully placing my baby on my bed so I could focus on giving birth to its sibling.
The silver lining, if you could call it that, was that I didn't have to stretch quite as much this time, but that didn't keep me from moaning and whimpering into the fabric as I pushed hard. Tears of relief brimmed as I felt myself crowning again, and I tucked my chin close to my chest as I fought to birth the rest of my surprise baby.
Bringing it to my chest revealed a girl this time, and I held her close as I reveled in finally being done. Until another twinge of pain ran through me yet again.
Please just be the placenta, please please--! I begged inwardly, but as I let the contraction run its course, the pressure against my cervix was unmistakable now. My poor, overworked cunt was slick with birthing fluid, the blankets and pillows beneath me thoroughly ruined as I bore down, praying to whatever would hear me that this was the last time I'd have to give birth. My belly, smaller now but still hanging heavily between my spread thighs, trembled with the combined force of the contractions and my pushes, and I sobbed into my balled up shirt as I guided my third child into the world.
My face was beet red as I shakily removed the shirt from my mouth and rested my head back against the side of my bed, where my other two babies lay sleeping as I held their triplet.
I could only let out a weary "F-fuck..." when I soon felt another contraction.
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noneedtoamputate · 5 months
Flyboys and Flirting
I had a chat with @shoshiwrites earlier this week after seeing this photo of Callum Turner in a turtleneck (thanks @hogans-heroes for doing God's work.) I blame her entirely for my Bucky Egan obsession. Like Ellen, I am not one to like the bad boys, but there is something about him and his character development during Masters of the Air that got to me. I tagged the photo with something like Chuck wouldn't mind Ellen taking off her sunglasses to check Bucky out, and Shoshi said no one deserves to look that good in a turtleneck. Based on our chat, here's a little fun one-off I wrote about Colonel Egan stopping by the tobacco store.
San Francisco
October 1957
Afternoons were usually quiet in the shop, a good chance to catch up on pesky tasks like organizing receipts for the accountant. He called Chuck last week, and Ellen saw the headache start behind Chuck’s eyes. Chuck hated anything to do with taxes.
She decided to get a babysitter for Friday and come into the shop for the day. They’d get everything sorted and then go out for dinner, just the two of them, as a reward for a solid day’s work.
They were in the back room, Chuck at the desk and Ellen perched on the counter next to the sink going over August’s purchases, when the bell above the front door rang.
Chuck sighed and rubbed his temple.
“You keep working. I’ll go out front,” she said as she hopped down, giving his shoulder a squeeze before walking out into the store.
Her eyes widened at what she saw. She forced her mouth to remain closed though her jaw wanted to drop to the floor. 
A curly-haired man with a mustache, aviators, and a bomber jacket, looking better in a turtleneck than any man had a right to, stood in front of the high-end cigars. He must have heard her footsteps, because he looked her way, took off the sunglasses, and flashed her a smile, a smile she knew he put on for everyone and had nothing to do with her.
This was a Bad Boy.
Ellen never had gone for the Bad Boys. She’d always liked the honor roll students, the boys next door. She suspected Chuck had gone through a Bad Boy stage, but by the time she met him, he owned the store and shaved every morning and parted his hair just so and was always on time to everything. 
Every once in a while, she wondered what it would have been like to be with a Bad Boy, the boy who kept her out past curfew or had a motorcycle or had a mustache that normally didn’t do anything for her but made her hot and bothered. 
She congratulated herself on wearing a pencil skirt and heels today instead of her usual shirtwaist dress and flats. 
“Can I help you?” she asked calmly as she walked toward him. 
“Yes, I think you can,” he said slowly, still smiling. “I should introduce myself. Colonel John Egan, United States Air Force.”
“Ellen Grant, co-owner of this store,” she said, shaking his hand. “Cigars, I see. What flavor are you looking for today?”
“Perhaps you can explain my options,” he said. 
Despite whatever game they were in the middle of, she wouldn’t play dumb. She went through what made each cigar different, whether they were flavored with sweet Mexican vanilla or spicy Indian pepper, how each one was rolled slightly differently and had different shapes and filters, affecting their taste. 
“Which one is calling you? Sweet or spicy?” she asked coyly, barely believing those words came out of her mouth.
“A little bit of both, I would say.” He lifted his eyebrows just a bit. “Let’s take a box of each.”
They walked over to the counter.
“I just flew into Hamilton Air Force Base last night for meetings. I’m sure my colleagues will enjoy these tonight,” he said. 
“I’m sure they will,” Ellen agreed. “Any cigarettes? Luckies or Chesterfields?”
He looked at her quizzically. “Luckies. How did you know?”
She laughed. “It’s my business. But for most officers, it’s one or the other.” She rang up two packs. 
They made small talk for a few minutes, about the store and his Pentagon desk job, but mostly about flying.
“You seem to know a lot about planes,” he said. He looked down at her finger, the one with the diamond ring on it. “Is your … co-owner a pilot?”
“Well, he was in planes, but he didn’t fly them. A paratrooper,” she explained.
He looked impressed. “The 82nd?” he asked. 
“No!” Ellen almost shouted. “The 101st.”
“Sorry,” John apologized.
“You should be. Those guys in the 82nd were a bunch of amateurs.” She grinned as she handed him the bag.
“Well,” he said, a little deflated at the prospect of leaving, “This has been a delight. Thank you, Mrs. Grant.”
And with that, the spell was over.
“Likewise, Colonel Egan. Enjoy your cigars and the rest of your trip.”
He smiled, nodded, and walked out the door without a second glance. 
Ellen turned around to walk into the back room when she saw Chuck, leaning against the wall, arms folded on his chest with an amused look on his face.
“What?” she innocently asked as she walked past him.
“You were flirting with that flyboy,” Chuck pointed out. 
“I was not!” Ellen could barely keep a straight face.
Chuck couldn’t, and he laughed out loud. “I heard the whole thing. God, it’s so predictable. All it takes is a pair of fancy sunglasses and a leather jacket and all the girls fall for it.” He shook his head. “Here I was thinking my wife would be better than that.”
“Oh,” she said, closing the gap between them and putting her hands on his shoulders. “Are you jealous?”
“Of that guy?” he asked incredulously. “Please.” 
Ellen tilted her head. 
“I’m not jealous, but nobody should look that good in a turtleneck,” he conceded.
She playfully hit him on the arm. “That’s what I thought!” she said.
“I’m not jealous,” he said again, grabbing her by her hips. “I’m the one who gets to do taxes with you and go out to dinner with you and go home with you,” He gave her a slow, sultry kiss. “When is the babysitter off duty?” he asked
“Nine o’clock. The kids should be asleep,” she sighed as he found the spot on her collarbone that she liked. 
“I hope so.” His hands left her hips and roamed lower. “No, I’m not jealous of that guy who is going to be smoking cigars with the brass tonight while I get to be with you.”
“You know, you can be bad, when you want to be,” Ellen remarked. 
“Very bad,” he agreed.
Ellen didn’t want a bad boy. She didn’t want a hotshot pilot with a mustache. But she liked knowing her clean cut, responsible husband who didn’t own a turtleneck could be bad if he wanted to be. That was enough for her. 
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crabs-with-sticks · 21 days
Happy Friday! How about: remembering tiny things about the other from the Trust Building prompts?
For Solas and Lavellan?
Thanks for the prompt!! Hope you enjoy :D @dadrunkwriting
Ghilara x Solas, 637 words
Ghilara was at her desk, teeth gnawing at the pencil in her hand, one problem away from snapping it in two. The words on the paper in front of her swum before her eyes, the letters morphing into an indecipherable pile of glyphs for all she could understand them. She groaned, leaning forwards, forehead against the table eyes closed, trying to pretend she was somewhere else. Somewhere calming. Somewhere outside. Somewhere without a gauntlet of paperwork to run. Her back slumped, arms hanging loosely by her sides. “I can come back if now isn’t a good time?” She shot up straight and blinked at the sight of the humble elven apostate standing in front of her desk. “Solas?! When did you get here?” He chuckled, “I did knock, so I thought you must have been out. I was only coming to drop something off for you.” She winced, “you weren’t waiting too long were you?” “Rest assured, I have only been here a few seconds. But perhaps you should take a break from your work.” “Josephine will kill me if I don’t get this done,” she groaned, head falling back onto the table. “Perhaps I can tempt you with something then.” She still had her eyes shut but heard him place something on the desk next to her head. She frowned, waiting for him to do something else. Then the smell hit her. Sweet and buttery, a twinge of spices, and the faint smell of dried fruits. She didn’t waste the time to sit up, just twisted her head to look.
“Hearth cakes!” She squealed. She went to grab at them, only just remembering herself in time. She was a grown woman last time she checked, not ten. She coughed, clearing her throat and stood, picking this basket of the cakes up with her. “Consider myself convinced Solas.” She walked over to the couch, grabbing a blanket off her bed as she went. She curled up and patted the spot next to her, holding the blanket up for the other elf to slip in beside her. He was warm against her and she pulled her knees up, leaning her back against his arm. She grinned at him. “Now, you are going to have to eat some of these soon, otherwise I will eat them all. I wouldn’t want you to go hungry though, so consider yourself warned.” “I shouldn’t worry about that Ilara, I have more than enough for us both.” She looked up, mouth stuffed with a cake already and only then noticed the basket he had placed next to them on the couch. She peered over and in and saw a veritable feast. There was a small dish of hall butter with wildflowers mixed into it- borage and chicory. Beside that was a basket filled with dried fruits from the free marches, drizzled with sticky honey. And those were only the things she could see. She looked at Solas. “What is this Solas?” Her words were puzzled, ranging onto the edges of suspicion. They were still in that strange limbo just before romance, still blushing when the other caught them looking, still thinking back on the softness of the others lips and wondering how it would compare to the material world. Did he want something? Did he expect something? He seemed to sense her thoughts. “It is- Just that you mentioned last week that you were sick of the human nobles food. How it all tasted weird. And I was just in the market today and there were a small group of Dalish who had come in to trade. I thought it might remind you of your home.” She softened. “Oh. Thank you Solas.” He inclined his head, the corners of his mouth slipping into the beginning of a smile, pink gathering on his cheeks.
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ranposbabe · 9 months
Infidel| Johan Liebert x Reader
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Chapter 21
Returning back to something that brings no fulfilment was exhausting.
There was a selfish part of you that thought you wouldn’t return. You would be a fool to think that the selfishness would win but you were no fool.
You remember well the first time you ever visited an apartment filled with neglect.
Not only did the neglect of children shock you but also the physical neglect of their so called “home”.
The girl was cheerful despite the obvious suffering that took place. You don’t like how similar the different homes are that you visited as of late.
This house was similar. The door was left unlocked no sign of an adult evident in the house. You could’ve and probably should’ve walked straight out. But of course, you didn’t. “How did you hurt your arm ?” The little girl asked, no sign of shyness in her at all. “I was being silly.” You decided to give the short story but atleast the girl was content with your answer as she went back to drawing.
“Do you like the sunshine ?” You ask as she continues to scribble down on the page a picture of a nature scene.
You noticed how she was missing a few colours.
“It’s alright.” She shrugged before finally looking up at you. “But.” She starts, putting down her pencils.
“I love the snow !” She laughs.
Your eyes widen at her innocent words.
An familiar sense of your heart dropping fills you with sudden agony.
Perhaps you were five. You couldn’t exactly remember the exact location just some field surrounded by tall trees. A pretty isolated area.
You were giggling happily as your father carried you out of the car, desperately fidgeting trying to get out of his arms and run through the thick snow.
“Is it snowing, y/n ?” Your father smiles as he sets you down, carefully watching as you run in front of him.
“Yes !” You grin, your little hands are flushed with coldness yet you couldn’t care due to excitement. “I love the snow !”
You jump up and down with your bright red boots despite being on your own you didn’t feel lonesome theres was no one to play with but you didn’t care.
You loved the snow too much.
You laugh at the sound of the snow crunching under your boots.
Up ahead you spot a man standing all by himself. Though to you he didn’t look cold.
His eyes remained low staring down at the snow. You couldn’t help but think that maybe he really likes the snow.
“Hello !” You call out as you wave to the man.
The man looks up before his eyes stare down at your little figure.
His eyes were as dark as his clothing.
The man pulls out something from his pocket that your eyes could not make out.
The mans eyes are still staring down at you as he places the odd object up to his temple. Just then a loud noise went off causing your shoulders to jump.
The man drops to the ground and the snow rapidly turns into the colour of your boots.
Your big eyes widen even more, too frightened and confused to make a sound.
“Jesus Christ !” Your father shouts, quickly picking you up.
You didn’t scream nor did you cry. You just stared on just like how the mans empty eyes remained in the spot were your footprints were left by your boots.
You stopped loving the snow after that.
“Are you okay ?” The small child asks with a pout on her small lips.
“Yes.” You sigh, avoiding the curious glance in her eyes and rather focus on the nicotine stains on the ceiling.
When was the last time it snowed ?
If you wish to be added to the taglist please comment below to let me know!!!
TAGLIST: @nimuelis @meigalahadovna @sugaredpersimmon @thesimpupthesky @sarcastic-cookie
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faiirybread · 1 year
undercover martyn︴ln4
⏳ in which..a girl streams to help her mom get better
❝and she spoke words that would melt in your hands ❞
march 03, 2023
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📍massachusetts institute of technology
“thats all for today everyone, we’re gonna end a bit early, if you have any questions about the assignment email me after class.” the teacher said, wrapping up his lecture. y/n sighed, putting her laptop away, and gathering her pencils.
“y/n! wanna work together on the project?” her classmate, isabelle, asked. “yeah, sure! i have like, no ideas for it so that would be great.” y/n says with a smile. “awesome! i’ll text you.”
y/n finished packing up and walked out of the class, heading to the parking lot so she could go home, when she got a call from an unknown number. normally she would decline them, but something in her mind was telling her that she needed to pick it up.
so she did. she answered the call with a “hello?”
“hello, is this y/n y/ln?”
“yes, this is she. may i ask who’s calling?”
“this is charlotte, from florida hospital, we’re calling to inform you that sophie y/ln is here, you are on her form as an emergency contact.”
when she heard that, y/n gasped, “oh my gosh, is she ok?”
“she is being given medicine right now, but she requested that you come.”
“of course, thank you so much, ill be there asap.” she said, turning on her car and driving to the airport.
“thank you, have a nice day.”
“you too.” she hung up and kept driving, scenarios of what might’ve happened to her mom running through her head, until she pulled over.
head in her hands and gasping for breath, y/n started crying. crying because she was scared of her mom leaving her, just like her dad had, just like her friends had, but her mom never had.
and she needed to make sure she wouldn’t.
so, y/n pulled the car back on the road and drove to the airport, rushing in to find a kiosk that would sell her a ticket. she went to tsa, and upon seeing the extra security mark on her ticket, they pulled her aside for further screening.
after about 10 minutes of uncomfortable questions and searches, y/n finally got to her gate. which meant she had 20 more minutes of worrying before she could get on the plane. in the meantime, she pulled out her phone and started emailing her professors, explaining that she had a family emergency and would be absent for at least that day. as she had gotten a ticket so last minute, she was in the back of the line and had to squeeze into a middle seat.
after an hour squeezed in between two people in quite possibly the smallest seat ever, y/n got off the plane and called an uber to take her to the hospital. it pulled up quickly, and she got in.
“so, headed to the hospital?” the driver checked, looking at her in his mirror.
“yes, please.” she smiled to the driver and put on her seatbelt. “can you go fast, please? its my mom, i want to make sure she’s ok.”
he nodded and started driving, weaving in between traffic and quite possibly speeding at some points, but y/n didn’t mind. she needed to get to her mom, even if it meant she was in a bed next to her.
as soon as he pulled up to the drop-off area, she jumped out, and waved to him as a thank you. running into the hospital, she got in line to the front desk.
time seemed to pass slowly, seconds lasting minutes, minutes lasting hours, all the while her mind was running with possibilities.
what if she got in an accident? maybe she fell down the stairs? or burned herself cooking?
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welcome to undercover martyn! i hope you all enjoy (: im so sorry about the ending lmao, they have never been my strong suit. hopefully throughout this they get better though!
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jungle-angel · 11 months
*GASP* 19 and 20 for Miles please? 😊😊😊
Babes.......you had me at Miles Miller.......the genie shall grant thy wish!!!! (lol).
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Miles hummed happily as Baby Jesse nested further into his chest, the tiny little baby all snuggled under his cowboy blanket and his blue knit cap warming his little head. Miles's whole entire hand covered his newborn son's little back, holding him safely with the other as the precious little one began falling asleep.
"Dada I got Jesse's blankie!" Benny proudly declared, hauling the heavy quilt into the room after it had been freshly washed and hung in the living room to dry.
"Oh Benny be careful buddy," Miles said, cringing a little as Benny dragged most of it behind him.
"Miles, relax," his mother assured him. "Your dad and I swept the floors earlier and I helped (y/n) with a few things, so it's no big deal."
"You sure Momma?"
"Yes I'm sure," Kathy assured him. "She's doing fine, no need to bring her to the hospital in Bozeman, but Jesse will probably have to go for shots tomorrow."
Miles cringed at the thought of it. He remembered the day after Benny had been born, taking him to the hospital in Lake Tahoe the day after to get his shots. Poor Miles had cried when he heard Benny wailing like a banshee, but it had proved to be for the better.
"You wanna stay the night in that case?" Miles asked her.
"I think we might," Kathy answered. "Snow's getting bad and I don't want your father falling and breaking a leg or some other bone on the ice."
"Plus it's colder than a witch's tit outside!" Otis called from the hallway.
"Hey watch your mouth Otis John!" Kathy ordered. "Your grandchildren are present!"
"I've watched my mouth for thirty years Kathleen Ellen!" Otis called back, laughing. "That's nothing compared to what the boy heard at their age."
"Oh don't even start," Kathy chuckled. "I'm still mad at your brother for teaching him to swear in fifteen different languages."
"It wasn't my fault that Frank learned how to curse in Chinese," Otis informed her.
"Yeah? And lest you forget that your father taught him some pretty obscene things in French and Spanish before you taught him how to drop F-bombs in Japanese."
"Hey when you spend a good year and a half driving a gunboat around Okinawa and having to spend fifteen days there after the fact, THEN come talk to me!"
Miles laughed and rolled his eyes at his parents banter. It made for great comedy in the end, listening to Otis and Kathy go back and forth, but when it came to getting the boys to go to sleep, that was a different matter.
You emerged from the bathroom to find your husband, sons and mother-in-law all in the same room, everything still sore as hell but relieved that at last you didn't have to be encumbered by your heavy bump.
"Oh honey c'mere, do you need help?" Kathy asked.
"Just a little," you said. "I'm still kinda sore, especially in the legs."
"Lets get you into bed then."
You changed into your favorite white lace nightgown, cut low enough just in case Jesse needed to be fed. Kathy left you both alone for the time being, leading Benny out of the room to tuck him into bed.
Once you were snug in your shared bed, you couldn't help but marvel at your husband and your precious little boy all snuggled against his father, nor could you ignore the soft look of pure love on Miles's face.
"My sweet little angel," Miles cooed softly, rubbing the tip of his nose against Jesse's. "You know, you're alot lighter than when you were in your momma's tummy."
You smiled a little listening to Miles coo to the little boy in his arms, but the moment Jesse's little fists went to his mouth, Miles brought him right back to you.
"I think he's hungry," Miles said with a chuckle.
You gently took Jesse from your husband, opening the front of your nightgown and letting your little one latch on. "Giving your daddy trouble I see," you laughed.
Miles felt a stirring in his chest, a deep desire to reach for the sketchbook and his charcoal pencil box to draw the intimate moment. His hands quietly sketched it all out on the thick paper, going from dark to light and shading everywhere in between until a clear image of you with Baby Jesse had formed on the page.
Miles had gone to turn the page when he was suddenly taken aback by an image on the other page, one of him all snuggled with the baby in the rocker, his lips forming a soft kiss on Jesse's head.
"Sweetheart did you.....?"
"I did," you answered, smiling broadly.
"When you sat in the rocker earlier this morning after breakfast."
"You were supposed to be sleeping," Miles told you, the smile breaking out on his face.
You stuck your tongue out at Miles, playfully as you carefully switched Jesse to your other breast, laughing a little bit.
Miles kissed your lips sweetly, putting away his book and pencil set. "You need sleep," he told you. "As soon as he's done I'll tuck him in, but I want you sleeping."
"Yes dear," you laughed sleepily.
As soon as Jesse was done and all had been taken care of, Miles tucked him back into his crib at the foot of the bed, his tiny little belly full of milk and ready for sleep. Miles crawled in beside you and kissed you again, turning out the lights and settling in for a long winter's night.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Let's do this 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
-(he is enraptured.)
Oboro, the ultimate simp.
-(all tangled hair and pillow lines on her face)
I know this man thought that she was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen in that moment. Like wanted a full blown painting of the way she looked.
-(one of his shirts to replace the one he got a little too excited to deal with the buttons of last night that hangs off of her)
Not sure who the friend is (Mitsuki? just based on canon, it's unclear) but I know for damn sure that she got pummeled with questions the millisecond she walked in the door.
-(Which yeah of course he is. That’s what moms are supposed to do, right?)
THIS MAN GETS IT!!!! We looooove him!!!!! Like this energy of parent gotta parent right? Like that a thing that just is? ahahah
-(“He’s quirkless”
He’s heard the whispers about what happens to quirkless kids and teens from other heroes,)
OOOOF like the amount of statistics and lived experience that must have flashed through his head at that moment. I know his hero brain went protec baby
I'm intrigued gooo ooooooon
-(And then, eventually, he meets Izuku. A timid little thing. All of seven years old)
Okay so some of my favorite fanart is little Izuku. Like they're always portrayed as positively tiny and the fact that Oboro is like seven foot tall and a scarred pro hero looking down at the itty bitty baby. I can only picture him looking down at Izuku before straight dropping to the floor to be on their level(also completely destroyed by the cute).
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the woman he's already entirely smitten with and her tiny mini me in front of him. Never stood a chance.
-(He wants this.)
Understandable. As you should good sir
rhtngjrakhuriwalngbjdksal I can't this entire ask!!!!!!
Like the image of this giant man in an apron that is meant for a 5'1" woman is fucking priceless, but the care of him making them meals and I just know that Inko became the most popular person at work for the next month solely for the gossip.(before things took a turn) Plus matching Izuku's socks by hero team up 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I love it so much!!!!!
-(DadOboro introducing his son to his best friends and little fanboy Izuku’s reaction)
I feel like this is a requirement. I think I need to learn to draw at this point, I 'll pencil it in somewhere, because I need to see this visually almost as much as I need caffeine.
-(when Oboro plops down on the couch next to him one day and asks if Izuku comfortable meeting them)
Oboro, my love, of course your fankid is going to lose their absolute shit at the opportunity. So cavalier about it, just drop next to them like hey, let me make all of your dreams come true.
~I have a weird thing about cavalier announcements about big things. My dad sorted my mail when he told me he had cancer the first time, like while he was talking. It left a mark😅😅 I need you to be as serious as what you are telling me is!!!~
-(the closest Tenya has ever gotten to a tantrum is when the train broke down and nearly made him late to daycare.)
djegilhaekagyhjaklefnrethro 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If this isn't the most accurate descriptor of the little Iida oh my god
-(He asks Tenya about his favorite hero.)
The fact that these men have to come to terms with the fact that their biggest fans are giant hero fanboys(kids) that live in their house. AHAHAHAHA I know Shouta and Hizashi gave them sooo much shit for it. Only for the tables to turn later.
-(Shouta is very clearly A Favorite(tm))
As he should be. I come to the decision that if you don't like Shouta, I don't trust you. But for him to be Izuku's idol as a hero osdjkahgejkwabngmdfmaluigj.
-(Shouta looks in a mirror with Erasure in because he was laughing too hard and please won’t you tell me?)
I need to know this. like seriously 🤣🤣🤣 '
-(There’s not so much of a gender crisis that night as a gender revelation.)
Oh the impact of Hizashi *my heart*
-(Oboro Vs. Izuku’s elementary school.)
I need a whole stage production of this. Like broadway level. Complete with songs.
-(they won’t look at him when they say they forgot it at school.)
Those aren't flags anymore, that's a banner on a plane, that's sky writing, that a billboard on the interstate. Oh honey....
-(The man working the desk in the office sneers)
and that's a one way ticket to the hospital with a broken jaw. Oboro is absolutely making up a story to cover for Inko here. Because I know for damn sure he taught her how to knock someone on their ass. "He tripped, and fell straight into her fist, it was the oddest thing. And sorry about the security cameras, lost control of my quirk for a second, can't see a damn thing through the clouds. My bad"
-(if he doesn’t see his kid right now something very bad is going to happen.)
Oof that intuition must suck sometimes my guy.
-Okay soo the fact that the guy was just like fine whatever go, without checking paperwork is absolutely infuriating to me, as someone who (as a services provider) had to be escorted to the room I was meeting someone in 🤬🤬
But the absolute joy that Oboro felt when Inko made him official on the paperwork. Oh my goooooooood
-(Izuku sits at a table alone covered in trash and scraps clearly not left by them.
Then Izuku reaches for their pencil case, battered and mostly empty even though Oboro just bought them new pens and pencils a week ago, and he sees the red mark on their wrist when their sleeve moves.)
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Oboro will level the school. It will look just like this. dramatic effect and all. Inko hit the detonator(she wouldn't have managed to stand through the force generated)
-(They were even less prepared for a Incredibly Pissed Inko Midoriya still in her scrubs from the hospital to descend on them with all the wrath of a mother bear protecting her cub.)
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As much as I love a good, bad mom Inko Aizawa adopts Izuku story, there's something so special about empowered momma bear Inko. Just perfection.
-(has him call up Tensei so they can start the transfer to Tenya’s school that night)
That stings the pride. Oh sweets, I'm sorry😭😭😭
-(Imagine the sludge villain attack still happening years down the line. Imagine the conversation with All Might being mostly the same. Imagine, alone and heartbroken and on a roof, Izuku hits the emergency beacon their dad gave him with a promise to always come if they needed him.
Imagine Oboro’s rage when he finally hears what happened.)
djgavjkghalngjekwargh FUCK YESSSSS ♾️/10 no notes. Need it like I need oxygen. please please please and thank you brilliant one.
-(Thinking about the combined ADHD energy of the two of them leading to flour and mess everywhere but they’re laughing and hushing each other so they don’t wake Inko up.)
Art! Art!!! I neeeeeeed it!!!
-(when they get more serious he helps her divorce Hisashi, does this happen and how does he react?)
*maniacal cackling* of course it does... and he must suffer 😈😈
-(Endeavor once made a snide comment but got quiet real quick when Oboro asked how much older he was than his wife.)
Fuck Endeavor. I hope someone empties multiple fire extinguishers on him on live television, before someone(Oboro) punts him off a cliff like he's aiming for a field goal. Scorecards are necessary.
-(Particularly after he cuts the “locker room talk” real short)
Gentlemen of the internet, take note. Locker room talk is bullshit when it's about femme presenting folks!!!!
- (She knows that there’s a type that men like Oboro tend to chase after and it’s not her. She’s short, has packed on a few pounds between late shifts and being a single mom, and while she sees herself as pretty she’s no model.)
Fuck beauty standards. That man would cause hurricanes to protect her. And Inko has MILF energy 💯
-(And he chose her. Time and time again)
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^^^ Me when reading this
-(Oboro chose her, respected her, loved her and at the end of the day that was all that mattered.)
-(It hurt, however, when Mitsuki pulled away.)
Ouch, like I find the canonical Bakugou family dynamics interesting as hell, but Mitsuki is always a wild card to me. Masaru seems to be much calmer. But this hurts. Like there's nothing like a friend to stab you in the back like this to leave scars that never fully heal and split open with just the slightest pressure.
-(Hizashi alone was responsible for the end of no less than fifteen journalists’ careers and Nezu sunk so many gossip rags and talk shows that he is the Macbeth of the industry.)
We love a social powerhouse or two.
-(He had all but forgotten his wife and kid. Had moved on. Then he gets served divorce papers and his perfect little fantasy shatters around him.)
Just desserts mother fucker!!!!!
-(I want to talk to my wife”
“Midoriya. Inko.”
“Oh I think you mean my future wife.”)
jfkgavnrjskdgh mcvjakghsjbnjef YYEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSS
-(So when Hisashi figures out Inko’s address (cough stalks her cough) and Oboro opens the door still half in costume with his bow staff draped over his shoulders and a scowl on his face because Inko definitely clocked that she was being followed and he has no patience for anyone that upsets his family)
Oh Oboro absolutely got laid that night. Izuku suddenly had a sleepover somewhere and Inko absolutely leapt on that ass. Not because she needed defending noooo, but the primitive hindbrain said fuck yes, to the impeccable specimen of a man intimidating the fuck out of the weasel that made her and her child's lives miserable for years.
-(squaring up with some low ranked hero)
She'd win. Hands down, no quirks necessary. Nope. My money's on her, any other bet is a sucker's bet. The rooftops found the popcorn and have scorecards ready and waiting for the absolute smack down
-So the combination of OfA and a big fucking stick still makes me cackle. Feral Izuku getting Yagi's attention and him pedo creepy stalking this fucking child home to use their fucked up power imbalance and pass along the quirk. Izuku should not be allowed to make big decisions without a full committee hearing.
-(she is going to shove her foot so far up the number one hero’s ass that he is going to be tasting her laces for the rest of his damn life.
Oboro breaks his jaw the next day.)
AHAHAHAHAHAHHAGUJKAGSKDGHNJKWALGNF Something about this landed just right to me and I fucking lost it reading that. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nothing further. No notes. Perfection. B O N K🤣🤣🤣🤣
-(I know I said that the experience of being hunted by the rooftops and Inko was unique but for Yagi it is becoming distressingly common.)
Okay but like, he should be terrified of Inko. Not just because she is Momma. But because she has multiple pro heroes that would actively cover up her crimes. Like you will never convince me that if it was for Izuku, any of the Rooftops would stop her. Noooo they would help her hide the evidence/body.
-(Oboro is very much the “actually sit on my face and if I die, I die doing what I love” Kind of man.)
As he should be.
-(ittle Zuku at maybe like ten at one of the galas Oboro has to go to in a cute little dress and sneakers)
art i neeeeeed aaarrrrttt
I can make king size blankets with a hook and string, I can make booties and hats. I can bind books, but I can't draw anything more than a stick figure and I'm so fucking angry about it.
Like everything about the gala is fucking perfection. Izuku standing on Oboro's feet when dancing, tiny sneakers and their giant counterparts. The Todoroki kids death glaring their father. Attempts at a waltz. Oh my god hgdjahterjaklnvfjkdalghuer
-"Found a stick on the ground" will forever be the best in universe joke of this AU. Because not only will Oboro never let it die, Izuku has got to make troll videos using the sound and stealing Oboro's staff. Like the idea of them with social media is amazing but like can you imagine. Oboro comes home and Izuku is very much playing it cool, only to be asked, "do you have any idea about why I may have been called in by my agency's PR department today?" Izuku "nope" runs for it.
-(Hisashi gets every headline of the three of them sent to him in triplicate.)
gkveajnrgjeaklngj AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH SUFFER@!!!!!!!f
-Everything about the engagement and wedding. EVERYTHING I don't have wooooorrrdsss. Like the proposal is fantastic. Big on family, but small and of course there has to be glitter! And the backyard wedding with Flower Child Izuku turning petals into weapons. And the viral reception videos. I would pay money to see those actually
-Tattooed Oboro hhhnnnnnnggghhh OjgkahgrjklSOH MY GOD Yes. Please. Papaboro with the markers and bonding and looking fine as hell in the process and the earning of the baby's truuuussttt
-(Hizashi stumbles a cross a sad purple child while out on patrol and takes him home and suddenly Izuku has a cousin.
Oboro goes full gender reveal “It’s a boy”
Ten year old Hitoshi realizes he is the only sane member of his new family real quick.)
Okay but is he though??? 😁😁😁 I love this though. sososoooo much. Like they give each other a ton of shit but Oboro must've went full fun uncle in .02 seconds and Izuku had to have their first three sleepovers planned in his notebook before the party even started(the confidence is there people!!!)
And confetti cannons!!!!!!!
-Okay so the word prompts are great and the idea of Oboro and Hizashi both constantly losing staring contests to Shouta (who's quirk relies entire on his ability to keep his eyes open) is priceless. I know Nemuri just called them idiots and said, 'I know a losing battle when I see one'
and the home prompt!!! Like oh my god. Is that to Inko? Or Oboro? Either way I'm here for it but I'm super fucking excited for the context.
and (some unholy intersection between traumatized kids clinging to the only sources of comfort and stability they had ever known and disgruntled siblings shoved into the back seat of a cramped car for a ten hour road trip, one stray elbow away from outright bloodshed.)
nghjeaklgnjreaghrjkagn ahahahahhahahahahahahah fucking accurate. My parents specifically bought a van that had a dvd player to try to stop of from fighting and it still didn't work. Alll the sibling energy here!!!!!!
AAAAAHHHHH I love this AU so much. Like Izuku deserve a dad that will go to bat for them every time. Including breaking the number one hero's jaw. And a crew of aunt, uncles and Bibi that will have an open door and a training schedule for them whenever they want. I'd also love to see Hitoshi brainwash Bakugou into punching himself in the face when they get to UA(when he makes the mistake of calling Izuku Deku), before that pomeranian is thrown in mandatory therapy from now until eternity.
I'm seriously so excited for this to come to life someday. Like it's going to be so fantastic!!!!
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This is another one I keep wanting to come back to. I’ve had like 90% of a chapter (and most of a smut oneshot) written for this forever but I for the life of me cannot get it finished. I will definitely come back to it though I love it so much.
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girlactionfigure · 1 year
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The Night Witches
They didn’t even have parachutes.
The “Night Witches” were a regiment of daring female fighter pilots in the Soviet military who played a crucial role in the Allied victory against Nazi Germany.
The unit was formed by Marina Raskova, aka the “Soviet Amelia Earhart.” Maria was the first female navigator in the Soviet Air Force and held many long-distance flight records. She traveled all over the USSR and everywhere she went, she was approached by women who wanted to fight Nazis. Watching the German aggressors kill their brothers and husbands and destroy their homes and villages made these brave Russian women want to do more for their country than knit sweaters. They were determined to fight.
Marina used her personal contacts to get a message to dictator Joseph Stalin, asking for permission to form a women’s fighting battalion. Stalin immediately issued orders to deploy three all-female air force units and create the all-female 588th Night Bomber Regiment. The women’s mission would not be to drop bombs, but only to return fire. The Soviet Union was the first country to allow women on the front lines of battle.
As soon as the new plan was announced, thousands of women submitted applications for 1200 positions – four hundred for each of the three units. The women ranged in age from 17 to 26, and were mostly students. Those selected for this dangerous job moved to Engels, a small town near Stalingrad, to train at the Engels School of Aviation. There was no time to spare and the women learned in a few months what most airmen take several years to understand. Each woman had to be trained and fully prepared to fill four roles: pilot, navigator, maintenance, and ground crew. They faced mockery and harassment from male soldiers and officers.
The women of the 588th received bargain bin equipment. The military had to outfit them on the sly, giving them hand-me-down male uniforms to wear, including boots that were so large they had to stuff them with rags. Their planes were primitive 20 year old crop dusters made of wood and canvas, providing no shelter from the harsh elements. Flying at night in the Soviet winter, the female aviators endured sub-zero temperatures, fierce winds, and even frostbite. The planes were too light to carry parachutes, radar detectors, radios, or guns. Instead they navigated with low-tech items such as maps, compasses, flashlights, watches, rulers, and pencils – which doubled as eyeliners. They were fierce fighters, but they found ways to add a feminine touch, wearing makeup and putting flowers in their planes.
Each plane could only carry two bombs at a time, one under each wing. Every night, the regiment sent out 40 two-person crews. They flew 8-18 missions each night. The flimsy planes struggled under the heavy load of bombs, and they had to fly at very low altitudes, making them easy to shoot down. This danger is why the 588th Regiment flew only at night.
Each unit had a nightly routine – the first plane would go in as bait to attract German spotlights, which illuminated the path for the other planes. The next plane would release a flare to light up the target. Then the last plane came in, idled its engine and swooped in silently for the kill. Germans called them Nachthexen (night witches) because the whooshing sound their primitive wooden planes made sounded like a sweeping broom. This eerie sound was the only warning Germans had that the fearless women of the 588th were about to attack; the planes were too small to show up on radar.
The Nazis were so threatened by the Night Witches that any German soldier who killed one was automatically awarded the prestigious Iron Cross.
The fearless Night Witches flew over 30,000 missions over the next four years, dropping 23,000 tons of bombs on advancing German armies. They lost 32 pilots including sadly Marina Raskova. She died on January 4, 1943 when her plane was shot down heading to the front line. She received the first state funeral of World War II and her ashes are buried in the Kremlin. Twenty-four of the fliers were honored as “Hero of the Soviet Union.”
For flying into battle with primitive equipment to defeat the Germans, we honor the 1200 brave women of the 588th Night Bomber Regiment, led by  as this week’s Thursday Heroes.
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