#(jin san drank his coffee)
mcmijii · 5 years
from here: [X]
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   She’s gotten used to the familiar, cold veil that wraps around her.  Sword in hand, she rushes towards the enemies with no hesitation, cutting through one in a fluid motion, before sinking the sharp edge straight into another.  The bodies turn to black ash, and lingers for a moment before fading away like embers--  
    Finally, a lance strikes the icy veil, and it shatters. The cold feeling fades, as the ice particles stab straight through the unfortunate who had struck her.  As her eyes flash with adrenaline, she turns and slices through its stomach and freezes as it turns to ash like the others.  
    Her blade stays frozen as she listens for the more Lost and their thundering footsteps.  After a few seconds she exhales and stands back up tall, walking towards the other with a small, satisfied smile beneath her mask.  
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    “I think there was a mistle up ahead.  Are you feeling okay?”
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crystalstar8 · 4 years
Knights of the Night (ch 23)
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Chapter 23
Ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch 7, ch 8, ch 9, ch 10, ch 11, ch 12, ch 13, ch 14, ch 15, ch 16, ch 17, ch 18, ch 19, ch 20, ch 21, ch 22, ch 23
pairing: Jungkook x oc
genre: vampire au, college au, twilight, romance
word count: 3,393
warnings: blood (obviously), kidnapping, child kidnapping, needles, France, human trafficking
notes: vampires, vampire au, college, college au, so many twilight references, blood, needles, kidnapping, children, homelessness, dance, ballet, flashbacks, romance, slow burn, probably no smut, idk yet tho, France, French things, attempted genocide, inaccurate French history, bisexual main character, @strawberriewithchocolate-blog @mozy-j  @daechwitad-2​ @zobadak​ @fallenstar-7​​​
summary: Catalina starts college in a small town all the way across the country. She doesn’t know anyone and isn’t exactly looking for friends. She just wants to focus on dance. But when she meets fellow dance major, Jimin, and adventurous, fellow freshman, Jungkook, Catalina ends up discovering a whole new side to the small college town; one that is dangerous but oh so enticing...
The hallway was quiet outside Taehyung’s room, but she could hear voices downstairs. She couldn’t remember if she had her phone on her before she… well, before she died. But when she checked her pockets, it was right there, fully charged. She smiled.
               Her smile dropped when she tried to open her phone and it didn’t recognize her face, refusing to unlock without the number code.
               “You’ve gotta be kidding me,” she mumbled. “I don’t look that different.”
               She had several missed calls and texts from her mom. It looked like her mom was keeping her eyes on the news and saw something about the raid at the abandoned hospital. She clearly panicked when she couldn’t get ahold of her. The last text told her to call when she woke up. She checked her calls. There was one outgoing call to her mom. One of the guys must have called her.
               She sat down against the wall in the hallway and tapped her mom’s contact. The phone didn’t even ring twice before she picked up.
               “Mi hija, is that you?” she answered, her voice frantic.
               “Yeah mom, it’s me,” said Catalina. “I’m okay, sorry I worried you.”
               “A young man named Hoseok called me and told me you were in the hospital?” Lucía asked. “I heard there was some sort of explosion downtown and you were nearby. I tried to fly over there but the city is in lockdown-“
               “Mom, slow down,” Catalina said with a laugh. “I promise I’m okay. I’m back home with the boys and honestly, I feel great.”
               “Were you unconscious all that time?” Lucía asked. “Did you have some kind of head injury? Those don’t just go away so easily.”
               “Yeah, I was asleep for a while, but my head is perfectly fine,” said Catalina. “I just got my phone charged up, that’s why I wasn’t able to call you until now.”
               She hated lying to her mom, but clearly the guys didn’t want her knowing the truth. Catalina knew that was for the best. They couldn’t just go around telling people about all this. She knew someday her mom would need to know, but now wasn’t the time.
               “Okay, I’m so happy you’re okay,” Lucía said. “Please call every day until your poor mom is satisfied.”
               Catalina laughed and said, “Sure mom. I can do that.”
               “The boys are taking care of you, right?” Lucía asked. “Is Jungkook there?”
               “Yeah, they’re taking good care of me,” said Catalina, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of her boyfriend. “Jungkook is here, he’s downstairs. I have to go now mom. I’ll call you again tomorrow.”
               “Okay, cariña,” said Lucía. “I’ll let you go. I love you so much.”
               “I love you too, mom,” said Catalina. She hung up and looked down at her phone. She wondered how she’d be able to tell her mom about everything that happened. About what she was now.
               She sent a text to Hoseok, telling him to meet her by Taehyung’s room. He sent her back a thumbs up emoji and was there within a minute. Catalina stood up and looked at him. He didn’t look all that different. She wondered how badly he was hurt. But first…
               She pulled him into a tight hug.
               “Thank you,” she said. “For saving me.”
               “I did it without your consent,” he mumbled into her shoulder. “I thought you would hate me.”
               “I don’t hate you,” she said, pulling away to wipe away his gathering tears. “I wasn’t ready to go. I’m glad you did what you did.”
               He hugged her again, then Catalina said, “I heard you were hurt at the fight.”
               “It wasn’t that bad,” said Hoseok. “Tae tae likes to exaggerate.”
               Catalina laughed.
               “I can’t wait to hear the whole story,” she said. “But first, I wanna see my boyfriend. I was told I needed a chaperone.”
               Hoseok smiled and said, “I’ll be your chaperone! You look okay right now, but seriously, be careful getting close to him.”
               “I feel fine,” said Catalina. “I think I should be okay.”
               “Trust me, you will not feel that way when you get close to him,” said Hoseok, his face getting serious. “I remember what it was like to be new. It’s like, you can’t always control yourself. If you get really close to him, he’s gonna smell irresistible. Literally. It’s going to be really hard not to just bite into his pulse-“
               “That sounds sexy,” said Catalina.
               “It’s not,” said Hoseok. “You won’t be able to stop. Not when you’re this new. You could literally kill him in less than a minute.”
               “Yeah, that’s not sexy,” said Catalina.
               “I would suggest being…chaste for a while,” said Hoseok. “At least until you’re well fed for a few weeks.”
               “Weeks? In Twilight, it takes years,” said Catalina.
               “This is not Twilight,” Hoseok said, laughing. “The only vampires that sparkle like that are the ones at San Francisco pride.”
               Catalina laughed loudly at that, following him towards the stairs.
               Jungkook leapt from the couch as soon as Catalina came into the room. Namjoon, who was sitting next to him, was faster in pulling him back.
               “Guk,” Catalina said, itching to finally hold him. He was staring at her with wide eyes, taking in her face and hair and body.
               “Cat,” he whispered, slowly approaching. Namjoon and Hoseok watched them carefully as they met in the middle, enveloping each other in a tight hug. Too tight, if the pop Catalina felt in his back and the groan he let out was anything to go by. She quickly loosened her grip, adjusting herself so her face was buried in his chest instead of his neck. Hoseok was right. He did smell irresistible. His heartbeat and pulse were loud in her ears and the smell coming off of him was making her thirsty again. Before she knew it, she was no longer focusing on him. It would be so easy to just lean up and take…it’s right there…
Her thirst came back full force and it took everything in her to push him away before she lost control.
               She ignored the hurt that flashed in his eyes as she turned her back to him, looking at Hoseok with desperation. He pulled something from his back pocket and handed it to her. It was another blood bag. Her hands shook as she drank it, unsettled by the thoughts running through her head. She hated thinking about Jungkook like that.
               Catalina felt tears well up in her eyes.
               “Sorry,” she said. “I’m sorry Kookie. You just…you smell really good.”
               “Thanks?” he said. She turned to look at him with a smile.
               “By that I mean, I couldn’t stop thinking about biting into your neck and taking from you,” she said, feeling guilty.
               “That sounds sexy,” he said with a smirk.
               “It’s not. I wouldn’t be able to stop,” said Catalina. Behind her, she heard Hoseok chuckle and say under his breath, “No wonder they get along so well.”
               “Well, maybe when you think you could stop, we can test it out,” said Jungkook.
               “We’re still here,” Namjoon said, clearing his throat.
               “No, let them keep going, this is fascinating,” Hoseok said.
               “Okay, I promise I won’t do anything crazy, I just really want to sit down and hold my boyfriend’s hand and listen to everyone’s war stories,” said Catalina. “And maybe drink some more.”
               “Taehyung was a beast,” Hoseok said.
               Jin and Jimmy K were given the notice that it was safe to come over, so they did right away. Once everyone was settled into the couch in the lounge, they were all eager to share their stories. Catalina and Jimin were both sipping their way through a pile of blood bags on the coffee table, listening intently with wide eyes. Jungkook sat beside Catalina, an arm around her waist, sparkling eyes never leaving her.
               “Yeah, Taehyung was legendary,” said Jimmy K.
               Taehyung, who was sitting beside Jimin, blushed and waved a hand.
               “I’d say Jimmy K was more legendary,” said Taehyung. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”
               “Well, let’s start at the beginning,” said Catalina. “I don’t even know how they got Jimin!”
               “They kidnapped me again,” said Jimin. “The day before the battle.”
               “Jimin, I’m so sorry,” said Catalina. “If we had known…”
               “It’s okay,” he said. “Better me than Caleb. I’m glad Makai assumed we didn’t know him.”
               “It’s true,” said Namjoon. “If it were Caleb, we wouldn’t have been able to save him the way we did with you. Turning children is illegal.”
               “Illegal?” Jungkook asked. “Would you get arrested? By the police?”
               “That’s a question for another time,” Catalina said impatiently. “So, what happened? Tell us from the beginning, from when you all went in.”
               “Well, it was pretty boring when we first got in,” said Namjoon.
               “Let me tell it,” said Hoseok. “You guys are bad at telling stories. Okay, so we went in and our backup is all there, and right away, we’re demanding to speak with Makai. There’s this lady there, was her name Mohati?”
               Namjoon nodded.
               “Right. Mohati tells us that Makai isn’t there, but Yoongi knows she’s lying,” said Hoseok. “And he says so, and then one of our guys tries to attack her and that’s when the fight started. A bunch of guys came out of nowhere and attacked us and it was just madness. Yoongi had his sword-“
               “It was my original sword,” Yoongi said with a grin. “From when I was a prince. I haven’t touched it in a good three hundred years, but it cleaned up pretty well.”
               “And he was cutting peoples heads off,” said Hoseok. “Which was gross and terrible to watch, but it was so awesome. He was like a master fighter. I got separated from them for a while, because I found someone I knew in the crowd. It was Jamie, the woman who kidnapped me back in the nineties. She recognized me and started taunting me and I couldn’t even focus on anything else at that point. My anger totally took over, but she was pretty strong. I didn’t last long in that battle. She hurt me pretty bad, I couldn’t fight after that.”
               “She broke his leg,” said Yoongi.
               Hoseok’s face looked pale. “You don’t have to tell them. It’s really gross.”
               “His bone was sticking out,” Yoongi said, chuckling. “It was magnificent.”
               Hoseok put his face in his hands and groaned. “Don’t make me think about it again. It was so awful. I’m gonna throw up.”
               Yoongi laughed and patted his back. “I helped set it. He did throw up.”
               Hoseok punched him in the arm.
               “He got her back though,” said Yoongi. “Once you could stand up, you killed her, didn’t you?”
               “I’m gonna be sick,” Hoseok said, standing up. Yoongi pulled him back down and rubbed his back.
               “Namjoon, tell us what you were doing,” said Yoongi.
               “I tried to control the crowd, but eventually I had to fight,” said Namjoon. “I mean, I held my own, but nothing crazy happened.”
               “Didn’t you blow up the wall?” asked Yoongi.
               “No, I didn’t blow up the wall,” Namjoon laughed. “Beck, one of the guys from up north, brought explosives. He was setting them up all over the place. I think he just wanted to come to blow stuff up. But I heard Jimmy K was pretty badass during the battle.”
               Jimmy K chuckled and said, “I was just doing my job.”
               “I saw Jimmy K swing over the crowd on a chain, shooting a crossbow,” said Taehyung.
               “I saw Jimmy K with a machete, fighting back-to-back with Yoongi,” said Namjoon.
               “I saw Jimmy K karate chop someone in the neck and they passed out,” said Hoseok. “I didn’t even know that was possible.”
               “I saw Jimmy K run up a wall and do a backflip kick to one guy’s chest,” said Yoongi.
               “Was that before my shirt was ripped open, or after?” Jimmy K asked.
               “After,” said Yoongi. “You had a big gash across your chest.”
               “That was from someone’s nails,” said Jimmy K. “Can you believe that? They ruined my shirt. I might have a scar there!”
               “But what a great story it’ll come with!” said Jin.
               “That’s true,” said Jimmy K. “Women love scars. And they love the stories.”
               “What happened to you when you went missing?” Jungkook asked Catalina.
               “I was with Priya and we were going back in to evacuate more captives,” said Catalina. “Amanda came out of nowhere and Priya tried to defend me but she didn’t stand a chance. Amanda pounced on her and snapped her neck. I ran away, but I got lost. Amanda was following me, but I think she was just playing with me. She let me run until I couldn’t breathe anymore, and then she came out and grabbed me. She brought me to Makai’s office. Jimin was there. I don’t think Makai was expecting this attack.”
               “Really?” asked Namjoon. “Because there were way more enemies there than we expected.”
               “No, he told us that he knew we knew Jimin. He realized Jimin was part of our group when Yoongi went there to buy him, but he didn’t pay any mind to it,” said Catalina. “He basically said, he got paid either way. He didn’t think we’d do something like this.”
               “He said he wanted to try to make a deal with you,” Jimin said to Namjoon.
               “He tried to,” said Namjoon. “He wanted me to call this off and let him continue his business. He’d spare you if we did. I couldn’t let him continue his work, so I tried to reason with him to let you go, but then some idiot wanted to be a hero and tried to attack Makai. Obviously Mohati jumped in and killed him right away, but it was too late. Makai and Amanda panicked and took it as an attack.”
               “That’s when Taehyung went crazy,” said Hoseok. “He was legendary.
               “A beast,” said Jimmy K. “Absolutely fearsome.”
               “He was truly a formidable force,” said Namjoon.
               “Guys,” Taehyung whined, blushing and looking down.
               “His eyes were practically glowing when he attacked Makai,” said Jimmy K. “And Makai is a big man, way bigger than Taehyung, so I was sure he’d win. Not to mention, Amanda was also a part of his attack. But Taehyung let out a piercing battle cry and tackled Makai to the ground. He fought both of them like nothing I’ve ever seen before. He was like a wild animal.”
               “He was faster and stronger than I’ve ever seen him,” said Namjoon. “He killed Amanda right away and then tore Makai apart.”
               “Literally,” said Yoongi. “He literally tore the man limb from limb.”
               “Ew, please stop,” said Hoseok, looking pale again.
               “He didn’t waste any time biting you, Jimin,” said Jimmy K. Jimin looked at Taehyung, whose eyes were downcast. Jimin took his hand and rubbed a thumb over his knuckles. Catalina had to assume Jimin wasn’t too mad about being turned.
               “They formed a circle around us,” said Jungkook. He looked pale too as he told Catalina the next part. “Hoseok tried to hold your wound closed, but it wasn’t working. He said he was sorry before biting you.”
               “Once Makai was dead, most of his people started running away,” said Namjoon. “The battle ended quickly and then the police came down to sweep for any other survivors. We didn’t stay though. We had to get you two home.”
               Catalina stayed silent for a moment to take everything in. She couldn’t believe everything that happened, just within…
               “How long was I out?” she asked.
               “Just a day and a half,” said Namjoon.
               “Shit. No wonder my mom was panicking,” said Catalina.
               There was something else weighing on her mind. Something she wasn’t sure they’d have the answers for.
               “So, something strange has been happening with me, and I think I understand what it is, but I don’t know how it’s possible,” said Catalina. Everyone was listening intently. “About a week or so after I moved here, I started having these dreams. They would always start out chaotic, mostly me running from something. Then they would end in a library or den and Namjoon would be there, telling me about the book he read last.”
               Various faces of confusion stared back at her.
               “The weird part is, we hadn’t met any of you yet,” said Catalina. “I met Namjoon in my dreams before I met him in real life. But it didn’t stop there. The night after our bonfire at Jungkook’s house, I had a dream that I was being chased in a tunnel with a metal floor. And the person chasing me said something like, ‘Don’t you know girls like you get eaten…’, or, what was it? Like, ‘Here kitty kitty, don’t you know trespassers get eaten?’. And these dreams kept happening, the same one over and over again, me being chased in this tunnel and the person chasing me kept saying something similar to that, a little different each time. And then, the night before the battle, I had a dream that me and Jimin were being held captive and I woke up when our necks were slit.
               “When Amanda was chasing me the day of the battle, I was running through the same tunnel as the one in my dreams. But I didn’t think about it too much because she was following me and taunting me and she said those words. She said, ‘Here, kitty kitty. If you keep running, you’ll run into monsters down here. And pretty kitties like you will get eaten by the monsters’, something like that. And I realized that this was the moment I had been dreaming about all along. And I knew what happened next but I couldn’t do anything to stop it.”
               Catalina felt a tear run down her face, which she wiped away quickly. She didn’t want to cry, she wanted to be mad. But there was no point in being mad at a dead woman. She supposed there was also no point in being mad at a situation that was meant to be anyway.
               “Fascinating,” Namjoon said after a long pause. “You’re a prophet.”
               “I thought you didn’t believe in stuff like that,” said Yoongi.
               “I don’t, I mean I didn’t,” he said. “But it doesn’t matter what I believe in. If she’s telling the truth, which she has no reason not to, then that’s proof. That implies that destiny is real, and we don’t truly have free will.”
               Namjoon rubbed his chin and looked off into space before continuing.
               “But not entirely,” said Namjoon. “If your dreams were a little bit different each time, that means that the future isn’t completely set in stone. It might still be possible to change it, especially if you know what to expect. It might be difficult though, since it sounded like all your dreams had about the same outcome.”
               “No, not all of them,” said Catalina. “Some of them ended with me finding you all and you protecting me from whatever was chasing me. One of them ended with Jungkook getting injured. He was unconscious and both of us were locked in one of those cells.”
               “So, it sounds like the future is changeable,” said Yoongi. “I bet your dreams were shifting every time someone made a decision.”
                “This isn’t unheard of, Catalina,” Namjoon said. “Lots of vampires have some sort of special ability. Usually it’s just things like hypnotism, or having an affinity for certain skills, but this could be very useful. And very interesting. The philosophical implications of this are well worth looking into.”
               “I don’t like it,” said Catalina.
               “You better get used to it,” said Yoongi. “There’s a lot of things about this life you won’t like.”
               “Well, vampires don’t need to sleep, right?” Jimin said. “If you don’t like it, just don’t sleep.”
               “Oh, that’s true,” said Hoseok.
               It was then that she remembered the last dream she had. The one on the beach. If that one came true, like the others did, then maybe this gift of hers wouldn’t be so bad.
               “What are you smiling about?” Jungkook asked.
               “The last dream I had, before I woke up today,” she said, her smile growing wider. “I hope it comes true.”
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tact-and-impulse · 7 years
At Arm’s Length Chapter 6
I’m gonna be busy today, but let me just post before I head out. Hopefully, this is just in time for the next chapter of the Hokkaido arc! Which for me, is a Pretty Big Deal, considering this story. Don’t worry, I’ll continue to write it, and it’s my priority now that Eating Together, Drinking Alone is completed. *bows* Please continue to support me! FF.net, AO3.
Chapter 6: The House of Death
The dense, dark red ohagi were carefully arranged on a plate. They also had just the right amount of sweetness, and the red bean flavor came through nicely. Koshijiro took another bite of his.
“This is very good. Thank you, Takani-san.” Beside him, Kaoru and Yahiko eagerly worked through the rest of the sweets.
Across the table, Himura finished off the one in his hand. “Yes, they taste delicious.”
Takani smiled, cheerfully replying. “Ohagi always are, no matter who makes them. Oh, would you like some?” She turned her head, noticing Sagara standing in the door.
“There’s plenty.” Yahiko offered through his mouthful.
“I’d rather have Jou-chan’s cooking than anything made by that opium woman! I’m taking the spare bedroom, wake me up at noon.” He scoffed and turned on his heel. Takani had visibly wilted.
Koshijiro could understand Sagara’s hostility. The police were investigating multiple opium-related deaths, including that of his friend. In the ten days since Takani arrived, Sagara had rarely visited. He was conducting his own inquiries on the streets; the Spider’s Web opium was still being distributed, albeit on a reduced level. It seemed that Takeda Kanryuu was laying low for now.
Koshijiro swallowed the remainder of his ohagi, and gripped the table as he brought himself to his feet. “I’m leaving for the police station. If I find out anything official regarding this situation, I will let you all know.”
“Mmkay, Otou-san.” Kaoru’s reply was muffled.
However, when he arrived, he was waylaid by the police chief. “Kamiya-san, come into my office, I need to speak with you.”
His first thought was that Takani’s presence had been discovered and there would be dire consequences for harboring a fugitive. He stifled it, reminding himself that they had taken precautions to ensure Takani did not leave the house, and that even Sagara was unlikely to betray her. He kept a neutral expression, as he took the armchair opposite the chief.
“Would you like coffee first?” His superior officer had grown fond of the Western drink.
“No, thank you.” He declined, and braced himself.
Slowly, almost agonizingly, the chief drank from his cup before setting it down. “I wanted to delay this, but we’re going to have a personnel change. Is there anyone you’d prefer to send to Shizuoka?”
So, it was an internal matter. Koshijiro masked his relief with a frown. “How many do you need?”
“Only one. A high-ranking officer requested to be in Tokyo next month, but with the opium case, I can’t spare anyone other than a rookie.”
That was reasonable, but he was just getting to know his charges. Despite the amount of progress still needed, they were improving already. “I’ll need time to think, I’m still assessing them.”
“Of course. Come to me when you’ve made a decision.”
After he was dismissed, he left for the training yard, where the new officers were waiting. To his satisfaction, the group of fifteen stood straight and saluted, in perfect form. “Good morning, Kamiya-san!”
He let out a breath and relaxed. “Good morning, let’s get started.”
Yes, he needed time to think.
However, training was the only thing went well, for Koshijiro returned home to a tense standoff in the yard. Sagara was apart from the other three, arms folded ominously and standing to his full height.
“I refuse. You can find Kanryuu’s mansion on your own.”
“Tch, you’re being stubborn!” Yahiko blurted. “Oh, hello, Kamiya-san. Lunch is, er, not ready yet.”
“That isn’t a problem. What’s happening?”
“Megumi’s gone, she left this letter.” He held up a single sheet of paper.
Koshijiro skimmed through the brief contents, in which Takani explained she had decided to quickly depart for Aizu. “This isn’t genuine.”
“No…” Kaoru agreed. “We think she’s been kidnapped by Kanryuu, while she was at the well. But Sano…”
“Why the hell should I help her? Her opium killed my friend, and I’m not as forgiving as you are.”
Tense silence followed, before Himura quietly spoke. “During this past week, did you notice how she looked? She might have had a brave face, but at times, she appeared to be lonely, searching for those she could trust. By staying in the Kamiya dojo, she found that here. Now she needs us, and that is enough of a reason to act.”
That subdued Sagara, and after a moment, he muttered. “The middle of the day is a bad time for an ambush.”
“We can leave at sunset, but no later.”
“Fine. By the way, do you still need this, Kenshin?” He dug out a scrap of paper from his pocket. Koshijiro remembered it as the one Himura wrote, the night Takani arrived.
“No.” He answered, just as a gust of wind blew it out of Sagara’s hand.
Koshijiro caught it, ignoring the young man’s protest as he shook it open. “Thirty yakuza, ten swordsmen, ten infantry, and ten other unidentified men. This doesn’t include the Oniwanbanshuu. And the two of you will fight all of them?”
Himura gave the slightest of nods, and Sagara shrugged. “Sure, that’s the plan.”
“Are you that confident of yourself?”
The promise of a good fight seemed to encourage him, and he grinned. “Hell yeah.”
Koshijiro bluntly replied. “Well, I’m not.” With sixty opponents, they would need backup, but getting the police involved would endanger Takani’s safety…
“And that’s why I’ll help.” Kaoru stepped forward. “I don’t know if I could call her a friend, but Megumi was my guest, and under the dojo’s protection. As the master of Kamiya Kasshin, I’ll honor that commitment.”
“Sure.” Sagara wasn’t taking her seriously. “But this isn’t a sparring match, these are thugs who’ll kill you as soon as look at you. It could take the whole night. We’ll see you in the morning, for breakfast for six.”
That was belittling, and Kaoru was rightfully enraged. “Why, you-! I’m not your maid! Or your mother!” She lunged for him, but Koshijiro stopped her with his arm.
“Wait, Kaoru.”
Her glare was fierce. “Otou-san, let me through so I can beat him into next month.”
“Then, I’ll help instead!” Yahiko volunteered, worming between them. “I owe Megumi for saving my life!”
But Koshijiro grabbed his collar. “No, the three of us will stay. It’s too dangerous.”
This did not please Kaoru. “And I’m on the same level as Yahiko?”
“Both of you had narrow escapes only recently.” He had not forgotten about the recent scare, when she had been the enemy’s hostage.
“Kaoru-dono.” Himura spoke up. During the conversation, he had only been listening, yet with his posture set, as if he had already made up his mind. Evidently, he had not forgotten about Jin-e either. “Perhaps, it would be best for you to wait with Yahiko and Kamiya-dono.”
“And who’ll be there for you? Sano’s still recovering from last week’s burns, and you were injured too. That’s why I should go, who else will watch your backs?”
Yahiko squirmed in Koshijiro’s hold, indignantly adding. “What’s the point of the sword that protects life, if we can’t use it to help someone?”
Again, Kamiya Kasshin was being used to argue against him! He knew Himura and Sagara were capable, but Kaoru was also right. How long would their endurance last against sheer numbers? If his daughter and Yahiko were present, it could make a difference, but who would ensure their safety in the midst of battle?
Koshijiro released him, thinking aloud. “Then, we’ll all go. Himura-san and Sagara-san can focus on rescuing Takani-san, while Kaoru and Yahiko watch them. In turn, I’ll watch the two of you.”
Now, Himura relented. “That could work.”
Sagara shrugged. “Alright then, we’re going for a full assault. Let’s work on strategy…after I grab lunch. I’m starving…” He wandered off, past the gate and down the road.
“There were onigiri, but he doesn’t deserve them right now.” Kaoru huffed. “Well, that’s more for us. Before he comes back, Yahiko, we need to prepare too.”
“Yeah, yeah.” However, there was an excited skip to his step.
“And thank you, Otou-san.” She turned to him, with a bright smile. “For coming up with the best solution.”
“It wasn’t an easy decision.” He said, but his daughter was already entering the house, with Yahiko on her heels. “Especially after what happened, the last time she wanted to follow you.” He added, for Himura, who inclined his head.
“This one knows. It wasn’t easy for this one as well. More than anything, this one also wants her to be safe.” His gaze lingered on the house, too intently for Koshijiro’s liking.
“Yes.” He cleared his throat. “So, we’ll work together, to ensure all six of us will return unharmed.”
“Of course.” And there was that rurouni smile.
Takeda Kanryuu’s mansion was on the outskirts of town, and for good reason. The property could have easily consisted of three row houses, and the surrounding yard at least three more. In a time when land in Tokyo was so valuable, this was a display of opulence and waste, reflecting the characteristics of the owner. It was filthy money too, for it had been leeched from opium addicts and repaid with death.
“This place always creeps me out.” Sagara muttered and rolled his shoulders, the bones cracking. Despite his lack of a weapon, he and Himura had swiftly dispatched the two guards patrolling the street outside.
Koshijiro glanced at Kaoru and Yahiko, holding their bokken and shinai, respectively. “You two must stay close.” He had his own wooden sword, but he would have to rely on his years of experience, to compensate for his single arm. And failure would be unacceptable.
“Yes, we know.” His daughter stiffly nodded. Her gaze was directed ahead to the mansion.
“The question is whether Sano can keep up.” Yahiko quipped, earning him a shake from the former street fighter.
With a serious look, Himura stopped them from scuffling. He already had one hand resting on his sakabato’s hilt, ready to draw again at a moment’s notice. “We’ll rush them and take them by surprise. Let’s go.”
They ran past the gate. Shadows materialized in the darkness, becoming men loitering in the house’s courtyard. They barely had time to notice the presence of intruders, before Himura and Sagara charged forward. Sagara relied on the strength of his fists, even bowling one man into two more. Himura moved in a dynamic flurry, crouching, turning, dodging, and sliding on the grass. Swordsmen fell around him, like cut bamboo. Perhaps, this was why he didn’t flinch against the possibility of so many opponents, his fighting style was best suited for it. And it was most likely why the Ishin Shishi had employed him, Koshijiro realized.
Kaoru and Yahiko were the second wave of attack, ensuring Takeda’s men stayed down. One was in the midst of raising himself to his knees, and Kaoru soundly disarmed him, striking his hands. He howled as he let go of his sword, and Koshijiro confiscated it, raising the hilt to knock him out. As he did so, Yahiko darted past him, and soon, he was only another shadow.
Then, in the moonlight, metal gun barrels gleamed. But the infantry didn’t have time to fire, before Himura attacked. Like the others, they fell, and Sagara dove into the fray to dismantle the guns. However…
“Yahiko!” Kaoru cried out. “Where are you?”
“I’m here!” He suddenly popped up, from a bush near the groaning infantry leader. They rushed over, Kaoru soundly whacking the enemy’s head and causing him to fall face-down. Yahiko showed off a stolen pistol. “He thought he could fire this, but he underestimated a pickpocket.”
“Yes, that was useful, but next time, don’t stray so far ahead without informing anyone else.” Koshijiro warned.
“Geez, what if you were shot?” Kaoru sighed, but ruffled his hair. “But, I’m glad you took the opportunity to help Kenshin and Sano. That’s what we’re here for.”
“You don’t have to remind me!” Still, he seemed a little more puffed up.
Koshijiro looked over his shoulder, at the strewn bodies scattered across the pavement. He had been keeping count the entire time and reaffirmed the number. The infantry made fifty men in total, so that only left the Oniwabanshuu deeper within the mansion, as well as…
“Takeda Kanryuu.” Himura addressed the open window over the front doors. A thin man, with oiled hair and a pair of eyeglasses, was staring down at them in disbelief. “Give up, and come down with Megumi-dono.”
Takeda flinched, but he recovered, even applauding and laughing. “How wonderful! As expected of Hitokiri Battousai, to take out all fifty of my men just like that!”
“He knows who Kenshin is.” Kaoru whispered.
Sagara replied in the same way. “The Oniwabanshuu must have found out.”
Takeda was still talking. “I like your strength. If you joined the Oniwabanshuu, I’d be free from worry. I’ll pay you as much as fifty men, how about that? Be my bodyguard?”
But it wouldn’t sway Himura. “Are you coming down? Or not?”
“One hundred men, then?” Takeda appeared to be sweating, as Himura took another step in response. “T-two hundred…? Fine, I surrender! I’ll release her, but I need to prepare, so I’ll send her in an hour!”
“Don’t do it, Kenshin!” Yahiko hissed.
“If you come up before then, I’ll send her down piece by piece!”
It was a cowardly move, but Koshijiro acknowledged Takeda had the upper hand. Himura seemed to accept this, yet he tightened his grip on his sword. “One hour!”
“You didn’t have to listen to him.” Sagara scoffed, but Himura shortly replied.
“We can take this time to recover. Be prepared for the next fight.” He turned to Kaoru and Yahiko. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, we are.”
“Heh, we caught up with you the whole time.” Yahiko was smug.
Himura didn’t react. “What’s next won’t compare. If Sano and this one fall against the Oniwabanshuu, then run. Kamiya-dono, please retreat with them if you must.”
“I had already planned as much.” He still had his doubts about Himura and Sagara winning against the other infamous spies.
“Thank you.”
The first few minutes were spent on surveillance, to ensure there weren’t any more of Takeda’s men lurking on the property. They didn’t find any, but Koshijiro found plenty of rope in a nearby shed. “We can bind everyone in the yard, so they won’t escape. For good measure, we’ll tie them together, back to back.” It was a tedious task, but enough to pass most of the time.
Sagara paced idly, with Yahiko doing the same, before he quickly tired and stretched out on the grass. Himura stayed apart, keeping watch. A short distance away, Kaoru gazed at him, her brow furrowed, and Koshijiro approached her.
“Good work so far, Kamiya-sensei.”
“Otou-san, that sounds weird, coming from you.” She protested but visibly relaxed. “Kenshin is the one leading anyway.” She glanced at Himura once more.
“You will tense up more, if you keep looking.”
“I can’t help it. Kenshin’s angry and worried. So,” She said, with renewed ferocity. “I’ll make sure he smiles again when we’re all safe and at home! Ah!” She lowered her voice, but it was too late, Himura must have heard. Although he didn’t turn around, his shoulders slackened, almost imperceptibly. Kaoru didn’t notice, but Koshijiro did.
“As long as you keep an arm’s length between the both of you.”
“That rule again.” But she didn’t sound irritated.
After exactly one hour, they stood before the front doors. “Don’t let your guard down.” Yahiko reminded them, earning another hair ruffle, this time from Sagara.
“We don’t need to hear that from you.” He kicked upon the doors, which were unlocked. It made for an overly dramatic entrance, fitting the grandeur of the first floor. But the gilt-edged walls and tile floors were hardly noticed.
The Hann’ya man stood in the middle of the hallway. “Hann’ya, of the Edo Castle’s Oniwabanshuu. I will guard this post, in accordance with the Okashira’s wishes.”
“This one would like to avoid an unnecessary fight. Will you stand down?”
“The Okashira’s commands are absolute.” Hann’ya threw his fists together, and a clang resounded.
“That sounds like gauntlets. No wonder Kenshin fell down when he was hit.” Sagara muttered, as the masked man slid into a familiar stance.
“Kempo.” Kaoru informed Yahiko, who had been puzzled by it. “Such a skill will help in stopping blows, as the gauntlets absorb the shock.”
Koshijiro was paying attention to the man’s arms instead. The combination of red and black was unusual and the stripes even more for a spy, who had to prize discretion. “I’m more curious about those tattoos…”
With complete concentration, Himura held his sword before him. “Then, this one won’t hold back.”
“The same for me.” Hann’ya charged, fist first.
But surprisingly, Himura was thrown off. He was punched, then backhanded, landing on the tiles. Hann’ya posed to strike again, and Himura moved back, retreating.
“Kenshin, what’s wrong?” Kaoru almost stepped towards him, before restraining herself. Sagara didn’t say anything, his expression confused.
Yahiko was harsher. “What are you doing, getting beat up like this? What about reading the next move with Hiten Mitsurugi?”
“This one is. Just now, this one dodged by a small margin. At the last second, it seemed like his arm…became longer.” Himura said, deep in consideration. Then, he adjusted his stance, his feet apart and arms outstretched, with the sakabato pointing straight ahead.
“Sei-gan stance?” Yahiko suggested, but Kaoru corrected him.
“It’s the shin-ken stance, ‘the sword that believes’, for complete defense and quick response. It’s very traditional kenjutsu.”
“You haven’t taught him yet?” Koshijiro asked. He had trained his daughter well, in recognizing the old schools.
“…It’s next on the lesson plan.”
Hann’ya was disappointed. “It’s a coward’s last resort. You could never face the Okashira with that, so I will kill you right here.” He charged again, but this time, Himura dodged and aimed for the forehead. He didn’t miss, and Hann’ya staggered, holding his mask.
“He did it!” Yahiko whooped, and Sagara grinned.
“You figured it out, didn’t you, Kenshin?”
“Yes. Kamiya-dono was right to be curious about the tattoos. They are why this one was hit earlier, the sideways pattern creates an optical illusion.”
“Oh, so things look shorter and fatter than they are, and you misjudged the distance.” His tone was so casual, it was as if he knew the secret the entire time.
“So the sakabato was like a ruler, because you know how long that is!” Yahiko jumped in.
A high-pitched clink interrupted them. Hann’ya let his hands down, letting more fragments of his mask fall to the floor. Now, Koshijiro could understand why he had worn the mask. His face was terribly disfigured, as if he was the victim of an unfortunate accident that had taken his nose and lips. One eye was permanently squinted, his cheekbones sunken in.
“He’s a demon.” Yahiko was frightened, and the others were also shaken.
“It’s a convenient face.” Hann’ya grinned, all his teeth overly sharp. “With it, I can become anyone. It is my usefulness to Aoshi-sama, along with these.” He snapped his wrists, and kagitsume, like three cat claws, unsheathed on each hand. He attacked, stretching a deadly hand towards Himura.
The sakabato flew upwards, catching between two of the long blades. Then, Himura pushed him back, before dealing the finishing blow. His arm was nicked in retaliation, but Hann’ya himself crumpled. “You’re no match…for Aoshi-sama…” He didn’t speak again, and now, they could proceed past him.
“Kenshin, is it a deep cut?” Kaoru fiddled with the edge of her sleeve, preparing to tear it.
Himura shook his head. “No, the bleeding is already stopping. More importantly, Megumi-dono’s waiting for us. Let’s hurry.”
They continued on, and the staircase to the second floor appeared to be unguarded. But that wasn’t the case. Six more men had been waiting, although they appeared to be extremely reluctant. Koshijiro supposed they had been coerced by the Oniwabanshuu, to make up the final ten. Their clothing was shabby, and if they were poor, Takeda’s money would have enticed them. However, even though it was unlikely they had seen bloodshed, they still had the bearing of swordsmen.
Kaoru straightened. “This, I can handle. Kenshin, you and Sano get Megumi!”
“This one will trust you and Yahiko!” He replied, as he and Sagara sprinted their way to the upper floor.
“We’ll leave the small fry to you!” Sagara sounded cocky, but he suddenly stopped. There was a heavy thud.
“Sano?!” Yahiko called out. From what they could see, Sagara was holding something heavy, and his opponent was a heavily muscled man with many scars on his body. Himura had darted past, down the hallway.
“Stop worrying about me, and focus!” At the last word, Sagara threw what was in his grip, and a heavy metal ball bore into the adjacent wall. The Oniwabanshuu’s cronies flinched; they really had never been in a true fight. But that made them suitable targets for a bokken and a shinai.
The noise of Sagara’s match with the next Oniwaban member faded into the background, as the cronies ran forward. The first man received a blow to the head by Kaoru, but the second man drew his blade. In perfect form, Kaoru crouched, crossing her wrists above her head and catching the blade with the backs of her hands. Hadome. She still kept a firm grip on her own bokken, taking the second step to strike. “Kamiya Kasshin Ryuu Succession Technique: Hawatari!” She moved quickly and powerfully; the man struck the floor hard.
How many times had Koshijiro seen her practice the Hadome and Hawatari, against the dojo’s other students? They had complained how often she wanted to beat them, but she insisted she needed to perfect the techniques. She still wasn’t ready, before he left for Satsuma, yet he was glad he was here, to see his daughter perform them now.
Yahiko managed to take down one on his own, scrambling up the man’s back and striking his knees. Kaoru demonstrated the succession techniques with the fourth man, and Yahiko joined her to help with the fifth. The last man tried to retreat, but Koshijiro blocked him. He swung the bokken, moving his left foot forward and grounding himself to that point of contact. There, his balance was corrected, and he hit the man’s temple. He turned cross-eyed for a moment, swaying, then dropping.
“That’s all of them.” Koshijiro reported and nodded at Kaoru. “Those were perfect examples of Hadome and Hawatari.”
“Well, I feel like the master of Kamiya Kasshin now, since I won against opponents with the succession techniques.” She beamed. “And it sounds like Sano’s done, so we should join him.”
To their surprise, Sagara was collapsed on the floor. Yahiko proceeded to slap him. “Sano, are you dead?”
“As if.” He groaned. He had a bad head wound, blood trickling down his face. “Shikijou was strong, it was a good fight.” The muscled man was limp, lying near the stairs. “Kenshin went to fight Shinomori Aoshi, they should be in the ballroom.”
“There’s a ballroom?” Kaoru’s eyes widened. “For dancing?”
“I don’t think they’re dancing in there, but yeah. I don’t know how Kenshin’s doing.”
“We’ll know when we meet up with him.” She firmly said. “Yahiko, let’s help him up.” They each took an arm and supported him so he could stand.
Koshijiro drew out his handkerchief, and pressed it to Sagara’s scalp. Red immediately seeped into the cloth. “We’ll have you see Dr. Gensai after this.”
“Thanks, old man.” His grin was also bloody.
Sudden, rapid gunfire roared through the mansion, and they all froze.
“W-what was that?” Yahiko expressed their collective nervousness.
“It sounds like it came from the ballroom.” That voice did not belong to any one of them, and they were startled by Hann’ya, walking up the stairs. Sagara started, but the man lifted his hand. “The Oniwabanshuu loses honorably. Back to the present matter, I am concerned about Aoshi-sama. Don’t you feel the same, Shikijou?”
The muscled man rose with effort. “I feel like I shouldn’t have to see your face, first thing when I wake up.”
“I see you’re alright.” He scoffed but offered a hand to his comrade. Off the battlefield, they seemed to get along.
The gunfire continued, and they drew closer to the ballroom. The doors were open, and Koshijiro went ahead, glimpsing inside. Kanryuu was cackling wildly, cranking a Gatling gun. Where he had obtained it, Koshijiro had no idea, but he was elated, screaming two syllables as he swung the barrel around. There was another man, running back and forth. This had to be Shinomori Aoshi, the leader of the Oniwabanshuu. He was surprisingly young, with a smooth but cold face. Himura was a little bloodier, bleeding from his head as well, but he was still able to dodge the bullets. “Himura-san is in there, he’s alive.” However, his sakabato was on the other side of the room.
“Thank goodness.” Kaoru breathed. “But the gunfire…”
“Don’t move.” He warned. “It’s far too dangerous.” The smell of gunpowder unpleasantly reminded of the Satsuma battlefield.
Yahiko tilted his head. “Are those police whistles?”
Koshijiro strained his ears, confirming the distant sound. “Yes, they are.” Two of his own officers were patrolling tonight, and certainly around this time, they would be approaching this area. Apparently, they had heard the gunfire, and were alerting others for backup. “That’s good, they can take Kanryuu into custody.”
“And Megumi?”
Kaoru answered. “We’ll have to find her first. Could she be in the observation tower?” A fresh wave of gunfire stopped them from moving.
“We’re gonna get killed before we find her!” Yahiko shouted.
“Kanryuu! What are you doing?” Koshijiro faintly registered an unfamiliar voice from the ballroom, probably Shinomori’s.
“You dare addressing me with a title?! It’s Takeda-sama!” The gunfire changed pitch, indicating the barrel had turned, but it was also accompanied with a thud.
“Okashira!” Hann’ya rushed into the ballroom, Shikijou after him. Shinomori’s thighs were bleeding, he could no longer stand.
Takeda had stopped firing for now, gloating over his success. “Ha! You wanted the title of the strongest, you wanted to take it from Hitokiri Battousai! But neither of you are, it’s me! With the revenue from my opium, I can buy an entire line of Gatling guns! It’s money that rules the world, it’s money that gives power! So you can all just roll over and die!” He aimed again at Shinomori, who could not move. But Shikijou dove in front of him.
“No!” The sound of bullets did not echo.
This time, Koshijiro was pushed aside by Sagara, who stared at the scene in the ballroom. His former opponent was now dying, his body riddled with bullets as he still continued to shield his commander. “Shikijou…”
Kaoru and Yahiko took advantage of Koshijiro’s unobstructed left side, peeking in as well. “Oh, no…” His daughter gasped. Yahiko’s eyes were wide, and even Himura was shocked, standing still.
Shinomori’s expressionless demeanor had shattered. He shook his head, in denial. “Shikijou, you…”
“I…am…content…to serve…you…until the end.” Shikijou exhaled, and then, he dropped to his knees.
Takeda tsked, preparing to fire again. “He should have been pulverized.”
The other door to the ballroom flew open, Hyottoko standing there. “Then, I’ll be your opponent! If you’d like to be blown up!” If a bullet hit the oil sack…they’d go up in flames. Koshijiro eyed the stairs, the nearest exit route.
But Takeda had anticipated and aimed, right at Hyottoko’s head. A spray of blood bloomed from one eye. “Heh…he got me…” He seemed resigned, as he fell.
“Hyottoko!” Shinomori cried out, then blinked at the shadow rising from the man’s back. “…wait, Beshimi!”
The poisoner leapt in the air, but before he could throw a single dart, the Gatling gun started again. He hit the floor, still grinning at his commander. “Okashira…sorry….we weren’t…much help…” Then, he was gone as well.
Shinomori was distraught, blankly staring in shock. His men had greatly respected him, but now, Koshijiro could see he cared for them in turn.
But Takeda still had bullets left and gladly made it known. Koshijiro moved out of the line of fire, herding Kaoru and Yahiko with him. Sagara dove as well. Meanwhile, Hann’ya and Himura moved in opposite directions within the ballroom. Himura reached his sakabato, but Hann’ya received the full force of the attack. Unlike the others, he didn’t make a sound, his expression twisted in final defiance. Neither did Shinomori, who doubled over, as if surrendering at last.
Takeda swiveled the gun towards Himura. “Hmph, you used him as a decoy, Hitokiri Battousai. But you just delayed the inevitable, it’s your turn! Huh?” Instead of bullets, there was only a clicking sound when he cranked.
“What’s happening?” Kaoru demanded, struggling to see past Koshijiro. “Otou-san! How many bullets are left?”
“None, it looks like.” There were so many shells scattered on the ballroom floor, and that must have been why the Oniwabanshuu sacrificed themselves: to accept all the bullets, so their commander’s life would be preserved.
Himura drew his sakabato, his glare intense. “You’ve been firing all this time, and it was the Oniwabanshuu that defeated your Gatling gun. Now…where’s your money to help you?”
Takeda cursed, still trying to fire without avail. Himura closed the distance, stopping the opium dealer with an upward blow to the face. His teeth were loose, and they rattled as he jerked backwards. The thud of his body could have been hollow.
Shinomori had forced himself to stand, his face turned away. He had to be left alone in his grief, and they quietly shuffled past him, to the observation tower.
“That’s not a small wound.” Kaoru bit her lip at the three slashes on Himura’s front.
“Yes, but we need to hurry. The police will be here soon.” He waved away Sagara’s hand, and walked with the rest of them.
There was a single locked door at the end of the hallway, and Koshijiro stepped forward. “This will save time. Allow me.” He used his own weight to break down the flimsy door. Takani was alone, with a knife in her hands.
“Oh, good, no ambush.” Yahiko was satisfied, looking around at the mostly empty room.
“Yahiko, Sanosuke? Kamiya-san, you’re here, and even Kaoru. And…Ken-san. You’re injured.”
“We had trouble, but at least, you are safe.” Himura replied.
Takani looked at all of them, her red mouth turning downwards. “I’m sorry, I involved all of you in this. This dangerous mess. But…” She drew the knife, pressing the blade’s edge against her wrist. “I won’t bother you anymore. I…regret many things, but not meeting you. Thank you.”
“Wait!” Himura lunged forward.
“Takani-san!” Koshijiro called out, but Sagara reached her first. His own hand closed around the knife, preventing it from touching her. He ignored his bleeding hand, as he raised his voice.
“You…you idiot! Kenshin, Yahiko, Jou-chan, even the old man risked their lives to rescue you! You wanna waste their efforts, throw your life away when we worked this hard?!” He spat, pulling the knife away from her.
“But…what can I do? What’s left for me, when I made opium that killed people? There’s only death-”
“If you die, that doesn’t mean you can bring your victims back.” Himura interjected. “You can atone by dying, but you can also atone by saving others. That is the answer this one found.”
Takani stared for a moment, and then, she began to cry in earnest. No one said anything else, as they left the empty observatory room. It had been a long, sad night in this house of death, but at last, it had come to an end.
It was definitely fortunate that Takani had safely returned with them, because they were all injured. The worst off were Himura and Sagara, who had been treated with her family’s traditional medicine. Yahiko had a cut on his cheek, and Kaoru’s fingers were bandaged, from catching blades.
“Kaoru-dono, your fingers.” Himura bent his head, eyeing her clasped hands on the table.
“Oh, don’t worry, it was just from the Kamiya Kasshin techniques. It’s nothing compared to your injuries.” But she blushed, her gaze darting away to see who just entered. “Ah, Sano and Yahiko, you’re finally up! Do you want breakfast?”
“That depends. Did you cook it?” Sagara yawned.
“Then, no way!” Yahiko stuck his tongue out at her.
“You two, after I worked so hard-!” She stood, but Himura held her off, grabbing her shoulders from under her raised arms. His chest was touching her back.
“Now, Kaoru-dono…everyone is still recovering.” He was saying, but Koshijiro could hardly hear him over the roar in his ears. This contact was far too close! Over the line!
Koshijiro narrowed his eyes. “Arm’s length, Himura-san.” He maintained a pointed look, until Kaoru sat down again and Himura’s hands were to himself.
Takani noticed. “Oh ho! You’re restricted. That means it would be alright if it’s me…”
“You better not!” Kaoru was indignant, and Koshijiro wasn’t sure whether they could survive the certain storm between the girls.
However, only a few days later, they were bidding Takani farewell at the door. She was moving on, citing the house’s limited space. Furthermore, she had a new job in the city.
Yahiko waved, with both hands. “See you around!”
“Enjoy working.” Sagara offhandedly said, but that made her smile.
“Good luck, Megumi-dono.” Himura cheerfully said, and Takani’s smile widened even more.
Kaoru had decided to be generous. “You can visit us when you’d like.”
“Thank you.” She blinked, surprised. “And thank you, Kamiya-san. I look forward to working with Dr. Gensai.”
“He’s been searching for a suitable apprentice, so I think this should work out well.”
“I hope so. Ah, that sounds like them.” There was loud chatter from Dr. Gensai’s granddaughters, presumably just behind the gate. She wryly smiled and bowed. “Then, goodbye, everyone.”
“I’ll see you off.” Kaoru offered, and when they walked together, they almost looked like friends.
Himura turned to Koshijiro. “Thank you, Kamiya-dono, for settling Megumi-dono’s innocence with the police.”
“It helps that I was at the scene, and Takeda Kanryuu isn’t known for being truthful. Takani-san also has no evidence tied to her.” That could be faulted on Takeda, who most likely hid any trace of his manufacturer to protect his asset. In that end, that saved her.
“But what about Shinomori Aoshi?” Yahiko wondered aloud. “Didn’t you say he was missing?”
“Yes, he disappeared, along with the heads of the Oniwabanshuu.” The four bodies had been decapitated, a trail of blood leading to a secret passageway. Shinomori was assumed to have escaped into the surrounding area.
“It’s very likely, that we will see him again.” Himura mused aloud. “He still wants to be the strongest, and now that this one is tied to the deaths of his comrades…”
It was possible that Shinomori had set his sights on Himura. Hopefully, another fight would not be for some time. “For now, we are still investigating.”
“If you say so.” Sagara remained dubious. “No offense, but the opium investigation wasn’t that great. Still, at least Kanryuu’s been charged for my friend’s death. That’s something.”
“We’ll do our best. Speaking of which, I need to settle one more matter with the chief today.” He explained and later set out, in the afternoon.
He still remembered the night at Takeda’s mansion. They had come downstairs to see the police arrests in action, and Officers Tanaka and Abe greeted him.
“Kamiya-san, you’re here!”
“Yes, and so are you. Were you the ones who called for backup?” They affirmed that they were, and he approved. “Good work, you two.”
But to his surprise, the other thirteen were present, taking Takeda’s men into custody. Officer Shinichi was eager to participate, bowing briefly when he saw Koshijiro before returning to questioning an infantryman. All of his officers were helping in various ways, accepting responsibilities to alleviate the serious situation. They were still novices, but efficient novices. When he returned to his duties, he would treat them to a meal at the Akabeko. And that meant they all needed to be present.
For the second time this month, he entered the chief’s office, and his boss was pleased to see him. “It’s busy, but it’s good, now that Takeda Kanryuu’s finally in custody. And you had no small part in it.”
“Well…the raid was led by Himura-san.”
The chief nodded, understanding. “That’s expected of a veteran, who was on the front lines. But you are our representative, and I commend your officers for arriving on the scene so quickly. They were among the first ones there, calling for backup and locking down the perimeter. Shinomori did escape, but he was a spy, after all. And we have the other fifty.”
“That’s true.” Koshijiro paused. “I have my answer, regarding the personnel change.”
“All fifteen of them behaved admirably, and I hesitate to end anyone’s training when they show such promise. I don’t think I can spare any one of them at the moment.”
The chief smiled. “I see. I’ll contact the other department and find out if they have other options. In the meantime, rest up so you can return to us soon.”
“I will, thank you.” And with that, he headed out into the street. The spring air was warm from the day’s sunshine, and he turned his feet towards home.
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