#(it's no)
sambargestuff · 1 year
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I watched a couple episodes of Ten Pound Poms yesterday and, well.  I’m not watching anymore.  My expectations weren’t high but I was imagining a feel good story about immigrants getting on and building a life in a new place.  I was hoping for good dresses and inoffensive stories.  Also, as a fan of Andor, I wanted to support Faye Marsay, but she’s on her own here.  She’s a good actor and does what she can with the material but you can’t make a silk purse from this sow’s ear.
All I could think while watching is that they should emigrated to Canada.  Here they wouldn’t have had to actually immigrate.  As British citizens, they could have just walked in and, if they felt like it, written to the Canadian gov’t to sort out their Canadian citizenship while they got down to the business of getting jobs, good houses, and secure futures. No sacrificing of passports or visas required; they’re British, for god’s sake.  They’re more Canadian than we are.
My uncle was a tradesman who immigrated to Canada from Italy in 1955 and he got a job in his trade immediately.  That’s WHY they let him immigrate. But, according to this TV series, a British skilled builder can’t get a job in Australia in his trade. Really?  The only job he can get is as a ditch digger on a crew that is, at least at the outset, all white and all Australian-born.  Really?  In the middle of a labour shortage none of these white, able-bodied, Australian-born men could get an easier job with better pay, even though most of them seem to be war veterans.  Really?  And in the post-War home-building boom, a skilled builder couldn’t get any other job than digging ditches. REALLY? 
It’s going to take some willing suspension of disbelief to watch this show.
And I haven’t even gotten to the part where the British immigrants are shocked - shocked, I tell you -  by the racism they witness in Australia.  They’ve never heard tell of such things in Manchester.  Prospective Asian immigrants are roughed up in full view of the immigration queue because, as the immigrant official makes clear, Australia is for “white’s only.”  Nobody thought to tell the Asian immigrants that they wouldn’t be allowed to enter the country before they got on the fucking boat for a 6 week journey?  Because, I imagine that would be something that would have come up.
And don’t even get me started on the British disapproval of the racism white Australians have for aboriginal Australians.  Where did these white Australians even come from with those sorts of attitudes?
Apparently they didn’t have sexism in Southport either because that comes as a huge, distasteful shock as well. 
I guess the plucky Brits are just going to have to band together and lead their Italian and German fellow immigrants through this racist, sexist hellhole to a bright, sunshiny future.  I guess. I won’t be watching to find out. 
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Is there anything better then flannelete sheets when it's cold?
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"It's no #accident as to the reason why this #society looks to #kill the #black #man."
-Deacon Yawasap
Excerpt taken from class "The Enemy From Without And Within"
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curious-shadow-cat · 4 years
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akaispirit · 6 years
Friend: were all doing inktober this month!
Me, a digital artist: oh neat! Wait... Do I have pens?... Do I have paper?
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barbiebinch · 6 years
is there any better feeling than holding a baby?
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wulffsbane · 7 years
Full moons left him feeling ragged, but none the worse for wear. A few new scrapes on swollen knuckles, fingernails torn jagged, lingering strange tastes in his mouth that felt foreign on his human tongue. Returning home to his village after a full moon’s absence was usually a quiet affair that often went unnoticed. But there was a witcher about, and one who surely would find Bigby’s return a little more than peculiar.
He’d broken out of his restraints this time, his clothes likely gone with the wind. Clearly less of a state to be returning home in. But at least the rain might hinder the early risers who begin their day at first light. So he navigated downwind to the coast, where Aphrodite’s cottage sat quaintly upon a cliff, the little gaggle of swans tucked away under the eaves of her manger to wait out the downpour. 
Bigby himself chose the shelter of Dite’s kitchen, sneaking in the back door to warmth himself by the hearth before rifling through her cupboards for some cheese and stale bread. The damned cat made her appearance first, mewling something wretched at him until he bent to offer her a pinch of cheese from his fingers. 
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“You’ll wake your mistress, you little savage,” he cooed at her, reaching for her soft ears. “Not too much, now. I’ve got to replace this later.”
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andrebearakovsky · 7 years
are they on a team that isnt the capitals
my sleep-deprived brain had a hard time determining what this ask was trying to ask me
yes? no?
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wdcasey1895 · 7 years
8anner de88. golly i am fuckin. never goin to look again.
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butchelves · 7 years
Have you ever been cool
We both know the answer to that Scotty boi
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alivingmarionette · 7 years
Le sigh 2
If I could stop being so easily talked into stuff (no not regards to my other post) that'd be great too. Can I just please stand by what I think and not get affected by others. Why do I have to be so insecure and easily manipulated. Why the fuck did life dump lemons on me and when will I start hearing voices too?
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brownpositivity · 8 years
this blog makes me so so happy, thank you 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
🌈 nei takk
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karosuno · 8 years
will i ever get over my crush on donald glover? only time will tell
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mercenarypark · 8 years
Can I Go One Fuckign Day Without Crying: The Shocking Answer
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cliff-art-blog · 8 years
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oh yeah thanks for 30 followers btw i didnt expect to get more than two
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gloamingdawn · 8 years
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