#(it's been so long tumblr has forgotten that tag)
anguis-sapphire · 1 year
mmmph you can tell if negative feelings are persistent if the song you always jam out to is not helping with them
I was distracted by Several Happenings in the process of making this post but i'm still saying screw it and posting it
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ilosttrackofthings · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jemma Simmons/Grant Ward Characters: Grant Ward, Jemma Simmons, Leo Fitz Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 02, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Hydra Grant Ward, rock fic Summary:
She closes her eyes as he reaches for her, but Fitz interrupts him. “That’s not Simmons!” Grant stills. “Or,” Fitz grunts, “it is. Sort of.”
Or: Grant's people capture the wrong Simmons—who turns out to be the right Simmons.
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frick6101719 · 2 years
Good evening everyone; turns out it's Wee Blurb Sunday:
Inej tried not to blame herself for her past mistakes. She had only been in Ketterdam a year, and she still had a lot to learn about these people and their strange culture of money worship and holy commerce. She had a lot to learn about many things, in fact. 
The contract had been in Ravkan--that didn’t mean it was easy to understand. She’d read it as carefully as she could, and asked questions whenever they arose, but after nearly half an hour her desire to get out of the Menagerie outweighed her suspicion. Foolishly (and it was foolish—she could try not to blame herself but it was so foolish) she’d skimmed the rest of the document, put down her initials and signature everywhere it was required, and handed it to Kaz Brekker.
She’d regretted her hastiness shortly thereafter, as she stood in the atelier’s being measured under the watchful eye of her new boss. There wasn’t much for her to do besides raise her arms and lift her chin when instructed, as Kaz Brekker was the one giving orders to the seamstress about what was required. Occasionally he had questions for her: did she find it easier to move in clothing that was tight and stretchy or loose and flowing? Did she tend to run especially warm or cold?
Inej might have felt comforted by such attentiveness if the questions had come from someone else—someone whose eyes didn’t follow her every movement like it was a change in an equation he was trying to calculate. She couldn’t help but think of all the questions she should have asked him when reading over her contract, not to mention the questions she should have asked herself, like whether she was just trading one horror for another by trusting someone like Kaz Brekker. 
There was one phrase she remembered, as clearly as though the paper was right before her again: “Reimbursement will be provided for all services performed within the reasonable scope of the undersigned’s contracted duties.” When she’d asked him what that meant, he’d raised one eyebrow and almost smiled. She thought he might have been laughing at her, at some joke she’d unknowingly walked right into. 
“If I could tell you exactly what’s reasonable in the eyes of the law, I would be a very wealthy man in a very different line of work.”
She hadn’t known what that meant, and she hadn’t inquired further. 
But the word stuck with her. Reasonable. Reasonable according to whom? In the eyes of the law? The law didn’t care about her; if it did, Heleen would never have been able to hold her indenture over her head like she had. At least, that’s what he said; it’s not as though Inej knew enough about Kerch law or anything else to confirm his claim that her indenture contract would be nullified in front of an honest judge. What she did know, what her time at the Menagerie had taught her, was that honest judges were awfully hard to come by in this Saints-forsaken city. The judges she’d met hadn’t found it unreasonable to pay for a fourteen-year-old Suli girl to lay back and open her body to them. They hadn’t found it unreasonable that she couldn’t say no for fear of the beating she would receive from Heleen.
Inej looked up at the boy folded into the plush chair in the corner of the shop, one hand on his cane, the other tucked beneath his jaw as he scrutinised the garment the seamstress held up. It was some kind of vest with many pockets. 
What was reasonable for Kaz Brekker? 
He’d told her that the language of the contract had been kept deliberately vague because he didn’t yet know what exactly her duties would be, and not, as she’d suspected, because of the illegal nature of her new job. He’d said something about how Kerch was the only country without laws against contracts with illegal object or cause, and though that meant little to her, it sounded important. He explained that he didn’t yet know just what she was capable of, and those little details would have to wait until he did. 
Inej was a fool. This man had bought her from a pleasure house; he had at least some idea what she was “capable of.”
Most Barrel thugs didn’t frequent the Menagerie–maybe because they had no taste for foreign girls, or  maybe because they had no taste for their expensive price tags. Inej couldn’t say for sure either way. Tante Heleen had once told her it was because they were practically wild animals, not caring whom they fucked or where.  “Barrel rats are not the sort to be trusted with pretty things,” she’d said, caressing Inej’s cheek with a cold, many-ringed hand. “Not unless you want those pretty things broken.”
Whatever the reason, Inej had been glad for it. The bankers, council members, lawyers, and merchers had been bad enough, and they weren’t the ones out there on the streets, carrying pistols and daggers and looking for excuses to use them. 
Now she supposed she would find out just how much she’d really been spared under Heleen’s roof. 
She left the atelier’s dressed in a simple shirt and trousers with an order placed for new clothes “better suited to the work.” Inej walked the streets beside her new master, and tried to find a silver lining in her new situation. She was, after all, supposed to be something called a spider, and based on the part of the contract she had understood, that meant she would be out in the city most nights. There would be less time for her to be doing... other work, if her schedule was already so busy. And after all, at the Menagerie she had worked thirteen out of every fourteen nights, so even seeing clients a couple of nights a week with the Dregs would be an improvement. Wouldn’t it?
She kept her eyes on the dark-haired young man leading her through the streets of the Barrel, bustling with activity at this hour of night, and found the flicker of optimism she’d managed to kindle dwindling. The Dregs were a gang, full of hardened criminals like the one with her now. The truth was she had no idea the depths of their depravity. They could make those two nights a week a living hell. 
Kaz Brekker took her directly to Per Haskell, the leader of his gang—her gang now, she reminded herself. Haskell was an old man, but he didn’t seem overly cruel. He even smiled at her almost kindly when she greeted him in rather good Kerch. 
But she didn’t miss the look he gave his lieutenant when Kaz closed the door behind them. She couldn’t have missed it, not after his eyes had just slid appraisingly over her form before jumping to Brekker’s with a knowing gleam. That look said he was impressed, that he approved, that Brekker had practically outdone himself. 
Perhaps mercifully, the old man hardly looked at her again throughout the rest of their meeting, instead speaking to his lieutenant as though she wasn’t even there. But that indulgent smirk never quite went away, and Inej could practically feel the effect it was having on Kaz, souring his mood, causing him to grip the crow’s head of his cane tighter and tighter with every passing second. 
It was easy to see that while the lieutenant had his boss’s respect, and had earned the right to make important decisions, Haskell was enjoyed reminding him that he was in charge—he was the one who got a cut of every bit of business, the one with the final say on every job. Inej found his posturing confusing—could he not see the contempt in Kaz’s cold, dark eyes? Inej suspected if he did know of his lieutenant’s resentment, he wouldn’t be grinning at him like that. But how could she see it, and he couldn’t? 
It was probably just that her new boss simply didn’t care. Haskell didn’t seem to care much about Brekker’s plans for her, at least, but was instead content to have his name at the top of the contract and leave the messy particulars to Brekker. 
“Miss Ghafa is your acquisition, after all,” he said, shrugging. “I’m sure you’ve already got plans to make her a profitable one.” 
Inej spent those first days tiptoing on a knife’s edge, remembering the smirk on Haskell’s face as he looked at Kaz, her instincts on high alert every second. She had thought that it wouldn’t be long before she figured out what her schedule would be, and what to expect from these gangsters, but then days passed, then a week, and then two, and nothing. She almost thought maybe she’d been wrong about this, about the “reasonable scope” of her duties.
She barely saw the lieutenant; from her very first night in the gang he’d passed her off to others to teach her what she needed to know. She learned the layout of the city from a young man named Harvald, one of the gang’s other “spiders.” They would sleep during the day and then go out at night—as she had hoped—walking through the streets with maps in their hands, learning every street by name and by location. After a week Harvald took her up onto the roof tops. It was supposed to be just to get a feel for the city from above, but they ended up spending the entire night jumping between buildings, flying over the rooftops like enormous, nocturnal birds.
Inej was even smiling when they got back to the Slat, just as a grey dawn was washing over the city, and the activity of the Barrel was finally slowing down. It was the closest thing to fun she’d enjoyed in over a year. Despite her contract, despite the ugly feeling of being owned, leaping across the city like that felt like freedom. 
Later that morning, when she was emerging from the tiny room she’d been assigned, she heard Harvald, half drunk, telling some of the others about how “the new girl is a fucking natural—it was like there was no difference between the roof and the ground!” She found herself smiling again, so distractedly she almost ran right into Kaz Brekker in the hallway. 
He didn’t seem as surprised to see her as she would have thought. “I was just coming to find you.” His coat was dirty, and he leaned rather heavily on his cane. It was past ten in the morning, but he was clearly just coming back from a night out. “Harvald says you’re ready for your first job.”
“I am?”
He raised an eyebrow. “Do you disagree?”
She didn’t know. A job? What did that even mean? “What will I do?” 
“If everything goes well, not much,” he said. “You’re going to be up on the roof with Harvald, watching and learning. Covering our asses, if necessary.”
“How am I supposed to do that?”
“I’ll get you a gun.”
She stepped back. “I don’t want a gun. I-I don’t want to kill anybody.” 
“These are not the kind of people to be moved by a kind word,” he said, dark eyes flashing with annoyance. “You’ll carry a gun because I’m not letting you get killed before you’ve even begun to pay off your loan.”
Right then if she’d had a gun, she might have been able to use it. Instead she just glared right back at him. “Fine,” she said. She had to remember that there were worse things than this job, even if she had to carry a gun.
But oh, she hated it. She hated the weight of it, the way it threw her off-balance, the way she felt constantly like it might go off in the holster strapped to her hips. For the first time she felt like a criminal, but without the cool confidence the others seemed to have. Kaz Brekker had called her dangerous, but she only felt afraid. Afraid and angry. 
Nothing went wrong on the job—a simple break-in to an actuary’s office—so she didn’t have to use the pistol, but that didn’t matter. Next time, she told herself, she would insist. She did not want to carry a gun, and she wouldn’t. She could do her job, and she could be very good at it, without needing a gun. And if he disagreed, she would prove him wrong. 
The next job came a few nights later. The first had been just him and one other Dreg whose name Inej hadn’t learnt, but this time there were nearly a dozen of them, preparing for something called a parley. She insisted, just like she promised herself she would, and after fighting with the lieutenant about it for five minutes he’d finally snapped and told her she was welcome to risk her life if she wanted to.
The parley went well. It seemed, for all Dirtyhands’s brutal reputation and unfriendly demeanour, he really knew what he was doing. 
The whole crew was in good spirits when they returned to their boarding house, talking and joking and congratulating each other on a job well done. Even Kaz didn’t seem as dour as usual. 
She’d been with the gang for about two weeks. She’d begun to think maybe this was all there was to it—nights on rooftops, trying to fit in, trying to figure out the cantankerous young thug who’d brought her into this world. 
Foolish, foolish girl. 
The others were trying to rope him into a third round of celebratory shots, which he was declining. Inej was sneaking off toward the staircase to go to bed when he began following her. She pretended not to notice, heart hammering, but to no avail. 
“Inej,” he said, in that grinding, raspy voice of his. It was unmistakably the sound of a command. “Follow me.”
She turned. He was almost right behind her, on the second floor landing. “Where?”
He nodded up. Up to the attic—his rooms. 
Her heart had been racing, but now it felt like it stopped completely. “I was… I was going to sleep,” she said, fighting to keep her voice steady. 
“That can wait.”
She took a deep breath, but it didn’t help much. “Do I have to?” 
She must have lost her mind, or at least her sense of self-preservation. Kaz Brekker looked at her with barely-restrained fury. Dirtyhands, she thought, panicking. 
“Of course,” he growled. “I’m your boss—you do as I tell you.”
Dirtyhands. Why did they call him that?
And she had refused the gun… she really had lost her mind. What was she supposed to do now? 
She had learnt very quickly at the Menagerie that “no” was not an option. Heleen always made sure that her girls knew that if they tried to refuse any customer anything they wanted, she would make them wish they hadn’t. 
“There’s always something worse,” she would say. “So be a good girl, and don’t make me show you.”
But there couldn’t always be something worse. Something had to be the worst, right? But how would she know when it was that she was facing? 
And had she trusted that Heleen was telling the truth, or had she just been too afraid?
She was afraid now, but there was something stiffer beneath it—determination, indignation, outrage. Two weeks had been enough—she was free of the Menagerie, and she was not a pleasure slave anymore. 
Not even for Kaz Brekker. Not even for Dirtyhands. She would run—she would fight, and she would run as far from this place as she could. Breaking her contract was a serious crime, but she didn’t care. She would get so far that these backwards Kerch laws couldn’t reach her.
She waited until he was closing the door behind them, until the moment she heard the lock click into place. Inej had no real plan, and he was much bigger than she, but she had surprise on her side. Surprise, and two good legs. She would run.  
She shoved him as hard as she could—which was hard enough his head cracked against the heavy wooden door, but not hard enough to stun him for more than a precious fraction of a second. She kicked his cane out of his grip, then tried to kick out the foot of his bad leg from under him. He was quick, and she didn’t expect him to keep his footing as he stumbled and turned to grab at her. He was fast, but she was faster. She was practically liquid moving through the air, spinning out of his reach as she dove after the only weapon around: his cane. 
He might as well have read her mind; Dirtyhands moved at the same time she did, and if she’d expected him to use some sort of fancy fighting technique, she thought wrong. He lunged with the same wild ferocity she felt, grabbing a handful of the back of her shirt, grabbing the loose tail of her braid, and yanking her back. He got an elbow to the mouth for his efforts, but aside from a grunt, didn’t seem to notice. 
They scrambled across the floor of the attic, the cane held between them—the last barrier against his advances. Her shirt was torn; his lip was split and his teeth were coated in blood. 
He was bigger than her, and she didn’t have much of an agility advantage on the floor. All she had was her fear, a fear that fueled her anger and her muscles as she gave one last desperate heave, pushing his body away from hers and slipping out of his grip. 
She was barely two steps away when there was a crack and a sudden, bright pain blossoming in her right ankle. She cried out, stumbling on one useless leg, reaching for the edge of his desk to steady her before she fell. She realised too late that his “desk” was just a door balanced atop some crates, and was unable to slow her momentum before it collapsed under her weight. The whole thing upended like a see-saw, coming crashing down around her. The door landed on her back, hitting her right shoulder and the side of her head, dazing her further and dumping something wet down her neck as papers flew about like snowflakes in a blizzard. 
It was graceless and ugly, and it was all for naught. Before the papers settled and she could see him, Inej heard the tell-tale click of a revolver, and didn’t have to look to know where it was pointed. 
She went still, closing her eyes. She was half tempted to keep fighting, to make him shoot her, but something stopped her. Maybe it was the fact that she realised her ankle wasn’t broken, even though she’d seen him break several bones with that cane already. Maybe it was some instinct from the Saints, telling her that yes, there were fates worse than death, but what awaited her here was not one of them. Maybe she was just tired of fighting losing battles. 
Kaz was wild, his dark eyes wide and furious as he trained the gun on her. His hair and clothes were more of a mess than she’d ever seen them. 
“What the fuck is this?” he demanded, his voice a terrifying snarl. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
The pain in her ankle was horrible, but it had not dimmed her defiance, and Inej raised her chin, pretending her breath wasn’t coming in shaky gasps. “I won’t,” she said. She cleared her throat. “I won't. Not again. Not anymore.”
His expression turned incredulous, like she’d lost her mind. “You wha—” the gun dropped half an inch, his face slackened, but a heartbeat later he recovered. He understood. “That’s not why I brought you up here,” he said through gritted teeth. “This isn’t the House of Exotics. I’m not Heleen van Houten.”
“How was I to know?” She asked, wincing as she tried to move her ankle. Saints, it might not have been broken, but it hurt. “Why else would you bring me here?” 
His jaw worked, a clear sign he was trying to rein in his temper. “I need you for another job, tonight,” he said. “There were some things I needed to sort through with you first.”
“It couldn’t wait?”
“No,” he snapped. “It couldn’t.” 
They stayed there, frozen, staring each other down for a long moment before finally he lowered the gun. He may have looked slightly less angry, but he certainly didn’t look apologetic. 
A horrible thought seized her. He won’t send me back… will he?
“Please,” she said, her voice small. She felt pathetic, in a heap on the floor like a scolded child. “I… this won’t happen again.”
Kaz said nothing, watching her like he really was trying to decide what to do with her.
She had a choice to make. It can always be worse, Tante Heleen had said. She steeled herself. “I don’t want to go back there,” she said. “I’ll… I will do what you need me to do. What I agreed to do.” An offer was on the tip of her tongue. I’ll do whatever you want me to, be whatever you want me to be, just don’t send me back. Better to be one man’s whore than a hundred’s… right?
But the words wouldn’t leave her mouth. She wouldn’t be any man’s whore, not again. Not even if it would save her life. 
Finally Kaz spoke. “This will happen again,” he said, surprising her. “You’re here to be a Spider, Inej, not anything else.”
Her frown must have shown her confusion, because he continued: “There might be some who will try. They’ll push you, lie to you—tell you it’s part of your duties. It’s not.” His face was like stone. “Do what you like, but no one here can make you do that again. Not even me.” 
Not even him. 
“And if they try, stop them.” 
He made it sound so simple. “How?”
He paused, then slowly his mouth curled into something that Inej figured must have been a smile. He clicked the safety off on the pistol and it disappeared somewhere into his coat. “What you did just here seems reasonable,” he said. “Though carrying a pistol wouldn’t hurt.”
Despite the pain in her ankle, she rose to her feet in one fluid motion. “I don’t like guns.”
“A knife then. Maybe even two.”
She saw herself walking down the streets of the Barrel with a knife in each hand, daring anyone to touch her. She imagined how differently her time at the House of Exotics would have been if she'd had proper claws. “Alright, a knife or two.”
He nodded, watching as she tested her weight on her injured foot. “If you attack me again, I will break it,” he said simply. 
Likely you’ll do worse, she thought. She met his gaze, almost able to feel the cool grip of a blade in her palm. Dangerous, he’d called her. “If I attack you again, you might not get the chance.”
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itsbenedict · 2 years
at work: very gently explain to the client that we cannot automatically import data that they have not yet given us access to
excitement and adventure session
witch time
+4 meow
clean kitchen
do dishes
situps + weights
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
I absolutely love your portrayal of Khare! You thought through about how her mutation works. Which amphibians she was basically fused with and how they each have their own role in her mutation that when brought together makes for a very cool yet terrifying way to live.
Also such a beautiful tragedy with her story. How she had a normal life before being snatched away to get experimented on by Prometheus. Her escape, how the heavy trauma doesn't stop there nor does the practical storytelling as she had to survive in the wilderness on her own for a time. Gaining injuries and of the sort until she ends up in Gotham city. A perfect place to lay low from people who work for Prometheus as there still could be a chance they're out looking for her.
How her mutation slowly spreads, hindering her memory and slowly eating away her mind. And that's ALONG with the eyes and teeth growing all over her body especially after getting juried. The uncertainty of if there is a cure, or a way to keep the mutation at bay. Or if Khare's fate is sealed and she is living on precious time. How one day, she'll loose herself. Every bit that makes her human, the friends she's made, her compassion, kindness, her determination. All her emotions and thoughts slowly decay as she watches her own body deform into something else.
Not to mention how relatable and sympathetic someone may feel when Khare is too scared to tell her family that she's alive because of how powerful Prometheus is. Like, a giant corporation, with MANY connections. Surely they figured out where her family lives and are waiting for the day Khare might return.
All of this to say that you have a perfect balance of tragedy along with a slice of life. The way you write Khare being drained from long shifts hits the nail on the head on how it actually feels like. It's so easy getting entranced with your writing! always worth waiting for as it's always so descriptive even when it's just a few sentences! Khare is just so human and I love it!
Her mutations are very cool but they actually come with a cost and you show it. Which I don't think is done enough in media. (especially with some superhero powers where theirs "comes with a cost" but it actually doesn't show or feel like it does. It's just generic and on top of that the superhero is out doing superhero shit. Contradictory with Khare. Who actually reads and FEELS like a normal person being stuck with powers that come with a cost but only wants a normal life. And actually lives a normal life! That's what makes Khare stand out. Because in the situations where she does fight it feels more genuine and so much less scripted.)
Please tell me your favorite things about my portrayal/muse?
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RUUUUUUUUUE, WHY YOU GOTTA SLAY ME LIKE THIS???? 😭😭😭😭 This right here? Is hands down is the loveliest message EVER like... where do we even begin? First and foremost, thank you so, so much for taking the time to write down and send such a dedicated and thoughtful message - it means the world to me, as do YOU in having been such a phenomenal writing partner through both Rorschach and Oswald (and while we're at it, let's not forget Dan!) Receiving such a detailed message about the things you like concerning Khare is just about the highest praise imaginable considering what an excellent writer you are yourself! You have a fantastic eye for storytelling, delving deep into the narrative to shape not only your muse but the world they live in, how they grow and develop through interacting with that world which is not always the easiest take and yet somehow you always make it seem so effortless? Ever since we started talking, your writing has been a huge influence and a stellar example of roleplaying to not only look up to but to admire and emulate. Writing is hard as fuck even on the best of days but you? Have really helped shape my perspective on so many things, how to write well without padding everything with purple prose and to get into a muse's head. Rorschach is a beautiful example of that what with being very much in his head (and not the forthcoming man in his feelings or words.) It's just one of the many reasons I love the relationship our muses have, Rorschach being incredibly unhinged and aggressive as he was during Watchmen but clearly having changed since his untimely demise, awakening somewhere in the middle of Gotham. You've made that feel so real, how very disconcerting it would feel to die only to wake up in a completely different world, in a universe oddly similar yet so different to the one you left behind. And then there's Dan over on @made-of-archimedes, being Rorschach's polar opposite in being so much more approachable and affable but having his 'darker' side present too, his woes, his worries and very real concerns. I guess what I'm trying to say is that you encapsulate personality so well, making your muses feel so very human with minds of their own, as though you've plucked them straight from the movie. You mentioned once before how you didn't feel you did that, that maybe you weren't writing them 'right' but that's not true at all. Your portrayal made me love your two ragingly repressed men and to appreciate their characters all the more after seeing them from your lens. Ah, I'm so sorry to have waffled on like that but honestly Rue, how you're always so kind and thoughtful is a mystery even Dr. Manhatten couldn't solve. Thank you again so much for saying so many wonderful things about Khare! I've tried so hard to describe some of these things (with less success than I'd have liked) so for you to have nailed everything on the head like you did? Means a lot to me, from your thoughts regarding her mutation to her struggles and fears to why she doesn't contact her family back home. She's fucking scared, completely at a loss on what to do or even if she'll manage to survive when every day there's a new tooth or eye to greet her. Her mutation isn't a cute issue at all, instead being the shit-covered end of the stick of gaining a 'useful' power with very heavy costs. Not everybody gets superpowers like Peter Parker and her story is an example of what happens when things go terribly, terribly wrong. Tumblr is getting fucky now and won't save this post so again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for such a lovely, uplifting message! It means so much that you like my silly frog-fish shambling flesh horror of a girl and her relationship with Rorschach is hands down my favourite part about her development as a character! I look forwards to interacting with him (and Dan) much more in future and for their stories to continue!
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shibaraki · 9 months
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hi lovelies!! as the year is coming to an end I wanted to work with my followers to compile a rec list of fics that have stuck with us as one massive thank you to all of the writers in our corner of tumblr/AO3. below you will find x reader fics from multiple different fandoms, and everything is in alphabetical order. I am grateful to all of you for the amazing work you do, and to those who participated!
extra note: I read through and tried my best to make sure everything is appropriately tagged (reader type and blushes included) but do let me know if anything needs amending—or if you are on this list and wish to be taken off it. happy reading and happy new year! (and thank you to @namodawrites for helping with the banners ily)
fics: 100 fandoms: 23 total word count: 💀
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an observer of longing by shibaraki [ONESHOT] [18K] #: afab reader - childhood best friends to lovers - romantic and sexual tension - mutual pining - casual physical affection - love confession - eventual sexual content
Could Hajime really return your feelings? Tooru certainly thinks so. And Issei, and Takahiro. Seemingly everyone that has been within twenty feet of you.
I wanna be yours by gabseyoo [ONESHOT] [5.9K] #: fem reader - recreational drug use - stoner suna rintaro - friends to lovers - shotgunning - smut - face riding - unprotected sex - sex under the influence
Your usual smoking date with your best friend takes an unexpected turn after a certain song starts playing.
in orbit by neonghxst [MULTI-CHAP] [27K] #: fem reader - slow burn - fluff - angst - enemies to friends to lovers - childhood friends - breaking up/making up
You tend to have a habit of coming and going, life sending you away at odd intervals and guiding you back into his path without warning. Akin to two planets caught in each other’s orbits, you pushed and pulled in a never-ending cycle. But if there was one thing Atsumu was certain of, it was that you would always find your way back to him (and this time, he’s determined to make you stay).
lover be good to me by suguwu [MULTI-CHAP] [30K] #: fem reader - soulmate au - slow burn - hurt/comfort - partner death (not kita shinsuke)
You meet Kita Shinsuke on a rainy summer day, with a sea of hydrangeas swirling at your feet. You know him instantly, as only a soulmate can. He seems like a good man. Like a good soulmate. But it's your wedding day.
miya atsumu and the chronic lovesick disease by fushisagi [ONESHOT] [12.6K] #: gender neutral reader - university au - fluff - friends to lovers - denial of feelings - mutual pining
The question comes to him one autumn night, surrounded by his friends and the chilly november breeze, asked by, who he assumes to be, just another nobody looking for money: what is it that you desire most, boy? the psychic asks, her saccharine smile forgotten when he looks into the crystal ball and all he ends up seeing is you. Alternatively: Miya Atsumu is not in love. what the hell? who would ever suggest something like that?
monster by satendou [SERIES: ONGOING] [13K] #: fem reader - unprotected sex - creampie - vaginal fingering - mentions of bullying - insecurities - described as blushing
You like horror movies, Tendou likes horror movies, what could go wrong?
storm chaser by amjustagirl [MULTI-CHAP] [163K] #: fem reader - post canon - domestic fluff - friends to lovers - romance - marriage - parenthood - angst
Living life with Miya Atsumu is like chasing a storm - equal parts exhilaration and danger. After all, it’s impossible to tame a storm.
the burden of being by sashimiyas [ONESHOT] [22K] #: fem reader - angst - fluff - amnesia - pro volleyball player osamu - unhealthy coping mechanisms
There was an Osamu who loved you once. Who loved Onigiri Miya so much he spent most of his waking hours there, supported loyally by the members of Hyogo Ward. A fire changes that and he and his twin brother adopt their old high school motto: we don’t need the memories. Now they’re gone and memories are all you have. So as an homage to the man you love, you reopen his restaurant back up for him.
the inbetween by oh-katsuki [ONESHOT] [25K] #: fem reader - manga spoilers - childhood friends to lovers - slow burn - angst - sexual content
You and Tendou have been best friends since before you can remember. You share everything with each other and over the years have fallen into a friendship with clear boundaries but intimate values. When you start to notice Tendou growing more distant, you begin to worry that he’s keeping more secrets than you thought. 
there are reasons why a body stays in motion by gardenofnoah [ONESHOT] [4.7K] #: afab reader - strangers to lovers - fluff - eventual sexual content
You work too hard—kita knows it the second he meets you. He’s not expecting you to take him up on his offer. You don’t either, until you end up on his farm.
the blood of the witch is not ours by demxnscous [ONESHOT] [11K] #: afab reader - vampire miya osamu - strangers to friends to lovers - modern setting with a hidden supernatural world - blood and injury - eventual sexual content
The door opens. Osamu whines pitifully, a shallow breath that scarcely pulls at the lacerations along his body, blood of his own and of another creature matts his fur to his ribs, along his spine, and he lifts his head. “Oh, fuck.” From the threshold, your eyes widen, a stranger to the fox you find.
to: tokyo, love hyogo by akimind [ONESHOT] [15K] #: fem reader - described as blushing - reunions - angst - fluff - exes to lovers
Your mind wasn’t tricking you when it caught sight of this name from across the street you rarely frequent; it remains the same name even as you stand directly below now and reread that sign again. Onigiri Miya. …I’ll meet you in Hyogo. The same echo. The same memory.
roommate osamu kiss by shibaraki [DRABBLE] [0.6K] #: gender neutral reader - pre relationship - fluff - roommate miya osamu - sleepy kiss
Osamu likes to think that unlike Atsumu, he has some semblance of control over his impulses. it’s a fine art. When you softly touch his waist as you squeeze past, or dig your feet under his thigh on the couch, or lean into his side as you share the small bathroom, he can will his body still and maintain the equilibrium you’ve crafted together. But this morning he is frayed at the seams.
venus by saetyrn [ONESHOT] [15K] #: cisfem reader - mutual pining - alcohol consumption - friends to lovers - eventual sexual content - reader is inexperienced
After returning to Japan from studying abroad in California, Hajime’s found that his desire for you has only grown stronger in his year away. He hopes you feel the same, and see him as he sees you. What he doesn’t expect is for it all to go tits up when you ask him--your trusted friend--for help with losing your virginity.
wet haired kuroo by mrs-kurooo [DRABBLE] [0.8K] #: gender neutral reader - pre relationship - romantic tension
His hair lies flat, unlike the usual unruly, gravity-defying mess of black that sits on his head. It’s still a little damp, slowly drying in the warmth of your apartment, a lone droplet of water dripping from the ends and landing on his towel. It hangs in his eyes a little, more so than usual and the urge to run your fingers through it overwhelms you - it just looks so soft.
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a duke's son and a baron's daughter by katsukikitten [ONESHOT] [14K] #: fem reader - victorian era au - arranged marriage - pining - slow burn - suggestive content - lord bakugo katsuki - lord todoroki shouto
The room ebbs in the low light of flickering candles, people gather in clusters like lost geese as they honk their gossip at one another causing you to sigh. It would be another long night of mental games as your cold eyes fail to warm from the eccentric sights. Silk dresses, long gloves, shimmering gems, and endless drink and food.  Yet you hated how little power you had over your choice of being here or not. 
a light that never comes by mighty-mighty-man [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [430K] #: fem reader - enemies to friends to lovers - reader is an ex villain - worldbuilding - polotics - drama - eventual romance
After your life is saved by a quirkless middle-schooler, you find yourself roped back into the world of Heroism you've spent years trying to escape. Your mentor convinces you to take a job at U.A. that will bring you perilously close to your former best friend, Toshinori Yagi, who you have been avoiding since you mysteriously dropped out of high school in your third year. Being a Hero never gets any easier. And high school never ends.
all the times i told you by gardenofnoah [SERIES] [8K+] #: afab reader - estbalished relationship - fluff - intimacy - hurt/comfort - eventual sexual content
A sweet little multi-parter about being so in love it makes you sick, featuring Katsuki.
a withered rose by potionpeddlerpatchy [ONESHOT] [18K] #: fem reader - mythical au - reader is a nymph - god of sleep shinsou hitoshi - sexual content - dubious consent - somnophilia - manipulation
In the center of all the strange but wonderful opulence sat a giant glass orb propped so beautifully atop of a pillar, woven so intricately like vines, of tourmaline. You couldn’t help but approach it, the alluring purple aura seemed to call out to you, reaching your delicate hand before you, nothing else crossed your mind that your desire to touch the orb's smooth surface. “You’re a bold little one, aren’t you?” Hitoshi spoke, chuckling deeply as he took in your startled form. 
a world away by invie [MULTI-CHAP] [26K] #: fem reader - slow burn - timeskips - pro hero bakugo katsuki - parallel universes - dimension travel - feelings realisation - first meetings - fluff - angst - love confessions
He met you at 16 and hasn't known peace since then.
casual by ghostbeam [ONESHOT] [4K] #: fem reader - no quirk au - friends with benefits - friends to lovers - sexual content - todoroki family feels
“My mom wants to meet you.” It’s a sentence uttered as Touya pulls the T-shirt he’d discarded earlier (while he was pushing you toward your bed and sucking your tongue into his mouth) over his head. It comes as a shock, lying in your bed completely bare, still struggling to catch your breath. It shouldn’t make you feel excited in the way that it does, not when Touya has been more than clear about the nature of the relationship between the two of you. Nothing serious. No commitment.
cruise universe by bfbkg [SERIES] #: fem reader - cruise au - pro hero bakugo - developing relationship - strangers to lovers - fluff - alcohol consumption - eventual sexual content
Your cruise holiday with your friends has got some pretty views, your favourite being the grumpy pretty blonde.
deceiving the duke by andypantsx3 [MULTI-CHAP] [30K] #: fem reader - regency au - class differences - romance - identity porn - eventual sexual content
When Camie Utsushimi elopes on the eve of her society debut, scandal threatens to destroy the family’s prospects. It’s up to you, a maid, to impersonate Camie throughout the Season, long enough that her elder sister can make a match. The only trouble? Lord Shouto Todoroki is also intent on making a match—and that match, quite impossibly, appears to involve you.
fill my little world by shibaraki [ONESHOT] [20K] #: afab reader - no quirk au - single dad aizawa shouta - nanny reader - falling in love - eventual sexual content
You are employed by Aizawa Shouta to nanny for his vulnerable adoptive daughter Eri while he’s at work. As time passes you find yourself equally smitten with them both, longing for a more permanent place in their family.
heart of the ocean by secondhand_trash [TWOSHOT] [13K] #: fem reader - pirate au - inspired by princess bride - romance - pirate todoroki touya - angst with a happy ending - sexual content
You had met many sailors in your life growing up by the sea, but there was only one like him.
higher than the mountain, deeper than the sea by itoshisoup [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [50K+] #: fem reader - psychological drama - childhood friends to lovers - stockholm syndrome - hurt/comfort - noncon elements
Touya watches you stare feebly out the window, your fingers curled around those useless flowers he bought, and he finally understands why his pathetic excuse of a father could never find the words to apologize to his mother.
I'll make this feel like home by missmeinyourbones [ONESHOT] [6K] #: afab reader - angst - canon compliant - hurt/comfort - dabi centric - todoroki family reveal - sexual content
Touya was eight years old when his youngest brother was born—the same age realized that his house no longer felt like home. 
incendiary by andypantsx3 [MULTI-CHAP] [30K] #: fem reader - enemies to lovers - quirkless discrimination - reader is a college student - romance- eventual sexual content
When you accidentally go viral in defense of quirkless people, an extremist group puts a target on your back. Pro hero Dynamight is the last person you want watching it.
in the dark of morning, you promise me the sun by kirketeer [MULTI-CHAP] [78K] #: fem reader - major character death - slow burn - grief and mourning - angst with a happy ending - eventual sexual content
When Denki, your long-term boyfriend, is stabbed by a villain on his way home from work, left to bleed out on the sidewalk only a mile from your apartment, you find yourself adrift. Strangely enough, it's Bakugou that helps with what comes after.
kingdom of ashes by shibaraki [TWOSHOT] [11K] #: fem reader - historical royalty au - prince todoroki touya - arranged marriage - sexual content - fluff - angst - hopeful ending
When you are suddenly uprooted from your life to enter an arranged marriage with Prince Touya you are unprepared for how greatly he defies your expectations, nor for how quickly you fall for him.
lights will guide you home by a11eya [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [22K] #: gender neutral reader - soulmate au - trope inversion/subversion - slow burn - getting together - falling in love - eventual sexual content
Soul-lights aren’t as common in this day and age as they were in the past, before quirks, but they’re common enough that people do still find their soulmates. At thirteen, you meet Bakugou Katsuki, and he lights up for you in orange and gold. You tell him he's your soulmate. He sneers and tells you that you aren't his. He makes your adolescence miserable until you part ways. You meet again as adults, late at night, in a grocery store, over a pile of bok choy. He apologizes for how he treated you when you were children. (In which you have a choice—to reject Bakugou's apology, reject him, or to let him show you the man he's become, to learn with him what it means to love and forgive.)
one for the rules by alkhale [ONESHOT] [9K] #: fem reader - actor au - soulmates and identifying marks - romance - actor kita shinsuke - implied sexual content - reader described with long hair
“(Y/n)-san,” Kita whispers, low, just for you. Your eyes flicker nervously up to meet his, heart beating so wildly in your chest you feel like you’ll explode. Any minute now. There’ll be nothing left for him but little bits of nonsense. “I know I have no right to stop you… but please, if you’d be willing to wait, just a bit…” Kita pulls both your hands together now, away from both your shared marks. He holds them in both of his and he gazes at you the entire time, a man truly from another era, from a lost era of things so hopeless romantic and earnest you feel like there’s nothing you can do in the very face of it. Kita brings your hands up and he presses a kiss to your knuckles, peering up at you, eyes like honey, voice soft and warm and everywhere around you. “Would you give me the chance to show you my worth?” Kita asks. Ah, that’s it. Your heart really can’t take anymore.
passing peonies by dira333 [MULTI-CHAP] [34K] #: fem reader - recovery - mental health issues - returning to society - healing todoroki family - reader described to have a ponytail - angst
When the war ended, Midoriya Izuku had proven one thing: That Villains did not need to be killed to be defeated. That you could make friends from enemies. Touya Todoroki, formerly known as Dabi, had been one of those taken into the rehabilitation program. After one year of intense physical and psychological therapy, he's got the chance to prove himself. To prove that he can be a part of this world.
something just like this by ofmermaidstories [MULTI-CHAP] [200K] #: fem reader - strangers to lovers - pro hero deku - manga artist reader - eventual sexual content
It probably says a lot about you that your first thought on meeting Deku, international Symbol of Peace, isn't something like "Oh, wow," or, "Oh he's so nice," but is, instead, the un-Plus Ultra thought of, "I definitely would’ve bullied him, in high school." At least until those muscles came in.
the cardinal rule by coopigeoncoo [ONESHOT] [9K] #: gender neutral reader - romantic comedy - bird puns - blood and injury
A story where Hawks learns that while humans might be awed by his flying skills, the bird population is decidedly less impressed.
the widening sky by ofmermaidstories [MULTI-CHAP] [37K] #: fem reader - merpeople au - merman bakugo katsuki - canon typical violence - grief and mourning - eventual sexual content - bittersweet ending
You don’t believe your Grandmother’s stories about mermaids — until you meet one.
triptych by narumi-gens [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [20K] #: fem reader - yandere chisaki kai - psychological abuse - angst - codependency - imprisonment - canon typical violence - sexual content
Your life is nothing more than a triptych, a work of art in three parts with each panel depicting a distinct period — a beginning, a middle, an end. And in the triptych that is your life, the central figure has always been Chisaki Kai.
when to cradle, when to pry by therealvalkyrie [ONESHOT] [1.3K] #: fem reader - established relationship - depresson and panic attacks - reader has low self esteem - hurt/comfort
As he re-learns the joys of loving you, Katsuki also learns how to help you back on your own feet when you need it. OR An "in the aftermath" look at the relationship in 'you feel love in the sodium'
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11:49pm by shotorus [DRABBLE] [0.4K] #: gender neutral reader - fluff and intimacy
Gojo is larger than life, but you make him feel small.
all that is solid by grilledtandoorismoke [SERIES] [38K] #: fem reader - arranged marriage - curse user reader - described as blushing - hurt/comfort - domestic fluff - angst - canon typical violence
Coming from a family of curse users and the first person in three hundred years to have your clan's inherited technique, political machinations force you to attend Jujutsu Tech while having to agree to an arranged marriage to Gojo Satoru.
am I (25F) the asshole for fucking my boyfriend's older brother (28M) by rinhaler [ONESHOT] [10K] #: fem reader - sexual content - dom/sub dynamics - older brother ryomen sukuna - sex under the influence - cheating - daddy kink
I know it sounds bad but we got high and he's hot!!
blood and pearls by vennilavee [SERIES: ONGOING] [10K] #: fem reader - trueform sukuna - developing relationship - canon typical violence - cannibalism - eventual sexual content
A lonely water nymph washes up to the shores of an enchanted lake with dreams of the sun and the stars. Little do you know, that this enchanted lake belongs to the king of curses himself, Ryomen Sukuna.
candied hearts by mrs-kurooo [ONESHOT] [10k] #: fem reader - no curse au - hurt/comfort - fluff - third party infidelity - sexual content - body worship - size difference - pull out method
Gojo is a nuisance. What more is there to say.
cor unum by vampyrsm [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [130K] #: fem reader - trueform sukuna - slow burn - period typical sexism - body horror - cannibalism - blood and violence - eventual sexual content
A tale of how the Shogun's daughter ends up in the maw of one of the most fierce curse users to ever exist.
godmaker by firein-thesky [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [50K] #: fem reader - arranged marriage - angst - unhealthy relationships - parental abuse - canon typical violence - hurt/comfort - slow burn - eventual sexual content
And the form leans down, closer, as their voice drops to a murmur, all honey and thorns, the promise of something far greater than you. A storm to come. The future that you will bear upon the slant of your shoulders. And when they speak, you know they’ve cursed you; “I will teach you how to make a God.”
hey lonely stranger (won't you meet my eye?) by stellamancer [ONESHOT] [6.4K] #: fem reader - speed dating - unresolved romantic tension - jealous gojo satoru - allusions to canon typical violence
You attend a match-making event and who else should be there but the last person you want to see: Satoru Gojo.
how to be a dog by prettyboykatsuki [TWOSHOT] [37K] #: fem reader - yandere gojo satoru - manipulation and coercion - stalking - graphic depictions of violence - rape/non-con - forced intimacy - sexual content
"Of course you must learn to love, to love always and love entirely and to be wounded by nothing so much as the violence of your own love." - ANDREW KANE, HOW TO BE A DOG. With six eyes to see, it becomes clear. You are being watched.
intrinsic warmth by thatdesklamp [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [150K] #: fem reader - slow burn - childhood friends - mutual pining - angst - canon typical violence
You meet Satoru on 7th September, 1996. Some time later, you realise you love him.
let your hand become a blade so i may take it by seravphs [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [10K] #: princess reader - knight gojo satoru - royal au - forbidden love - period typical misogyny - childhood friends to enemies to lovers
Knights are bound by duty and honor, but Gojo is more devoted to his princess than he ever was to his oaths.
limerence by shibaraki [ONESHOT] [4K] #: gender neutral reader - friends to lovers - pining - masturbation - sexual tension
The little intimacies you shared together were a fix of Gojo's.
lucky by izvmimi [ONESHOT] [3.5K] #: fem reader - crack - plot heavy with a little porn - todo aoi's otaku behaviour
You meet someone desperate to win a competition.
men are so quick to blame the gods by awearywritersworld [SERIES] [16K+] #: fem reader - enemies to lovers - developing relationship - angst - fluff - canon typical violence - not canon compliant - jealousy
Your boyfriend is a heavy sleeper, leaving you to form an unlikely relationship with the curse occupying his body during the late hours of the night.
playing pretend by itadorey [ONESHOT] [5.4K] #: gender neutral reader - fake dating - friends to lovers - slice of life and humour
Gojo lies to Shoko in order to win a bet and you're dragged along for the ride.
🔒 polluted by heich0e [ONESHOT] [11K] #: fem reader - university au - sexual content - recreational drug use - sex under the influence - gangbang - double penetration - dubcon
"Weed doesn't make her annoying," Sukuna drawls, tossing the basketball up again, only this time away from him—you watch as it curves gracefully in the air, swishing through the little net Geto and Gojo have affixed to the back of their dorm room door. "She's always annoying." [...] Sukuna's smirk turns into something even sharper, a smile unfurling slow and wicked across his face. "Weed doesn't make her annoying--it makes her into a whore."
seat taker by coconutdays [ONESHOT] [10K] #: fem reader - university au - biker geto suguru - sexual tension - fluff - strangers to lovers - eventual sexual content
You have a crush on the smartest and sexiest guy in your lit class who happens to ride a motorcycle with spooky season around the corner. what ever might happen?
still melting? by arminsumi [ONESHOT] [1.4K] #: fem reader - best friend geto suguru - romantic and sexual tension - flirting
Practicing putting eyeliner on your best friend, while sat in his lap. He can't help but take this chance to flirt with you. Of course, a certain someone interrupts your moment right at the end
sunset by princess-okkotsu [ONESHOT] [5.6K] #: princess reader - knight zen'in maki - reader implied shorter than maki - royal au - period typical attitudes - sexual content
You’re a princess, though the last of several siblings, set to never wear the crown of your kingdom. The last to marry, you're suddenly betrothed after your father waged your hand in marriage in some game of bow and arrow. Though you and your knight, Maki, have been content with bottling up your affections for one another, this sudden betrothal has you both wishing for something you know you can't have.
they were just friends by wanderwithme [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [65K] #: fem reader - fireman fushiguro toji - slow burn - roommates - character death - eventual romance - described as blushing
It’s 4:24 p.m. and the love of your life is cheating on you.
turn me like a beast / hold you to the floor by gardenofnoah [ONESHOT] [6.5K] #: princess reader - strangers to unfortunate lovers - hunter nanami kento - the fall of a dynasty - major character death - reincarnation - bittersweet ending
The world is at its end, and an unlikely pair finds solace in each other. To love is an animal thing.
wormwood by linkcities [ONESHOT] [25K] #: fem reader - angst with a happy ending - canon compliant - childhood friends to lovers - mutual pining - codependency - new beginnings
Absence festers in the presence of little yellow wormwood flowers, and you come to learn about how it goes hand in hand with lingering bitterness when you meet Gojo Satoru. or, As the young God’s only friend, you are punctured with the burden of his companionship, regardless if you deem yourself unworthy of it.
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风月 | wind, moon by itoshisoup [ONESHOT] [7.5K] #: gender neutral reader - established relationship - fluff - romance
In which you drag Dan Heng halfway across the universe for a candied fruit skewer, and he gets a taste of the life that was once denied to him.
christmas countdown by suguwu [ONESHOT] [16K] #: gender neutral reader - hallmark au - holiday fluff - age gap - romance
Your company is taking on a new project and desperately wants the backing and expertise of retired CEO Jing Yuan. Dispatched out into the countryside to bring him on board, you find it won't be as easy as you think. Jing Yuan strikes a bargain with you: spend the upcoming days with him, until Christmas Eve, and he'll tell you exactly what it will take for him to come back if you don't figure it out yourself. Let the Christmas countdown begin.
nexus by ddarker-dreams [MULTI-CHAP] [51K] #: fem reader - yandere blade - codependency - eventual sexual content - dark comedy - space politics
You belong to a specialized group — the Arbiters — who are capable of influencing others' perceptions. Your clients hail from all corners of the universe to see their wildest fantasies come true. By establishing a link with them, they can experience a dreamscape of their choosing, more convincing than the latest developments in augmented reality. You have received many unique requests throughout the years. After the Stellaron Hunter's swordsman saves you from an early demise, you offer him the chance to experience any phantasia of his choosing. It is then that you're posed with a trying challenge: "Show me what it's like to die."
scrap metal by lorelune [TWOSHOT] [5K] #: gender neutral reader - captive reader - injury - use of a muzzle - non consensual touching - yandere blade - force feeding
Per Elio's newest script, the Stellaron Hunters take in a stray.
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love like no other by nanamimizz [ONESHOT] [2.6K] #: fem reader - sexual content - established relationship - open communication
Al Haitham is man solemnly thought he would never find love, so when he has that and more the night turns...physical.
you didn't teach me how to forget you by haitaniapologist [TWOSHOT] [15K] #: ragnvindr fem reader - described as blushing - fluff - lovesick childe - possessiveness
You never thought you would find the boy who haunted your childhood in a trip to Liyue.
arranged marriages and well-kept secrets by dearayato [ONESHOT] [1.7K] #: gender neutral reader - established relationship - talk of marriage - proposals
Ayato props himself on his elbows, a smug smile adorning his face, “Don’t worry love, the only person I see in my future is you.”
for you are the world by lorelune [MULTI-CHAP] [29K] #: fem reader - childhood friends to lovers - post trauma - fluff - hurt/comfort - chronic injuries - sexual content - protective diluc
You return to Mondstadt after many years away, sick, with an feeling that's all-too familiar and unwelcome.
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bury me by deskaisers [ONESHOT] [8.8K] #: fem reader - described as blushing - stepcest - step brother oliver aiku - virginity - corruption kink - unprotected sex
Your father's new relationship was rather unexpected, but there was no way in hell you could have predicted everything else that came with it.
everything's better when you're honest by prettyboykatsuki [ONESHOT] [11K] #: fem reader - friends to lovers - professional athlete isagi yoichi - reader is sexually experienced - sexual content
you notice early on that isagi is always holding back something. the deeper into your relationship you go, the more you wish he'd let loose.
to my first love by by-moonflower [TWOSHOT][17.3K] #: fem reader - high school au to married au - non-linear narrative - exploring girlhood - fluff - angst - romance - suggestive - described as blushing
When you agreed to date itoshi sae in mid-October of 1993, you never imagined he'd be your first love—whose presence would continue to linger in your life, hauntingly, even if a year, two, or ten came to pass.
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finding peace in the spontaneous wild (that is you) by tired-biscuit [ONESHOT] [26K] #: fem reader - university au - modern supernatural elements - friends to lovers - werewolf kiba - mutual pining - eventual sexual content
You run into Kiba at the grocery store, around two weeks after returning home from college.
🔒 tacenda by namodawrites [MULTI-CHAP] [100K] #: gender neutral reader - mutual pining - slow burn - childhood friends to lovers - canon typical violence - rivalry
Somewhere along the way trying to prove Neji wrong about fate and destiny, you fall in love.
den of wolves by kuramakakashi [MULTICHAP] [37K] #: senju reader - descriptions of gore - uchiha centric - canon typical violence - worldbuilding
Peace in our time – it was the dream your cousin had championed since childhood, and it was the foundation for all of his efforts to bring the constant warring between clans to a permanent end.  And it was why he sent you into the den of wolves with only one order: Save Izuna Uchiha.  
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🔒 birds of a feather by namodawrites [ONESHOT] [18K] #: gender neutral reader - touchstarved - possessive behaviour - comfort/angst - canon typical violence
Knives rediscovers his humanity while recovering. You fight hard not to lose yours.
bittersweet by heich0e [ONESHOT [6K] #: afab reader - domestic fluff - sharing a bed - gentle sex - sweet soggy vash
Something shuffles in the dark. Papa left you a gun, too. Even taught you how to shoot it. Mama hated that. She hated how good you were at it even more. She used to say that shooting was gonna be your husband’s job someday, and that even in a world this wicked Papa was teaching you things you didn’t need to know. But now Mama’s gone. And Papa’s gone. And the world is still wicked. And you’ve got no husband, but you have a gun you know how to shoot.
and I know it’s hard enough to love me (but I woke up in a safe house) by seoafin [ONESHOT] [4K] #: fem reader - sharing a bed - tending to wounds - fluff - blood and injury
“My husband and I would like a room. We’re on our honeymoon”. “In this shithole of a town?” The innkeeper asks with a raised eyebrow, looking from you to Vash, who only lets out a sheepish chuckle as he scratches the back of his head. Despite his sluggish breaths, his slow blinking gaze, and the red slowly staining his shirt.
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solar lunacy by bamsara [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [225K] #: gender neutral reader - slow burn - fluff and angst - developing relationships - blood and injury - posessive behaviour
You weren’t a technician, you weren’t a security guard, you weren’t a daycare assistant. You’re just an employee. Staff. The ‘jack-of-all-trades’ employee with mediocre at best skills and specialty in none, tasked with doing miscellaneous jobs that robots couldn’t do and human staff couldn’t care to. The job is unpredictable, but it pays good and it’s relatively easy. Except for the part where all the animatronics are more sentient than you thought, and you’re roped into a mystery surrounding the Daycare Attendants, who are bit too curious about you for your liking. You don’t think this was in your employee contact.
cryptid sightings by naffeclipse [MULTICHAP] [250K] #: gender neutral reader - cryptid au - reader is a cryptid hunter - horror - blood and violence - sleep terrors - non-sexual intimacy - posessive behaviour
Perhaps this would scare a person, being all alone in the woods in the dark, but not you. You’re too intertwined with the paranormal and inexplicable. It’s in your blood. That doesn’t mean your heart won’t pound with terror when you face something with fangs and hungry eyes for flesh, but you don’t run away, and that’s what matters most. You will face the monsters.
celestial sundown by pillowspace [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [80K] #: gender neutral reader - god au - historical fantasy - slow burn - blood and injury - developing relationships - dimension travel
You are a peasant living in the middle of the woods, Sun is the god of day you brought back home with you, and Moon is the god of night tucked away in the Celestial Realm.
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method acting by seeingivy [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [168K] #: fem reader - celebrity au - actor eren jaeger - enemies to friends to lovers - slow burn - miscommunication - eventual fluff - social media elements
Method acting is a very powerful skill. Using your own personal, physical, and emotional self and pouring it into the character on the screen makes for a powerful performance. Except when it's you and Eren - you're not sure where the acting starts, and real life begins.
public relations by crybaby-ink [ONESHOT] [12K] #: afab reader - office romance - boss/employee relationship - power dynamics - drama - politics - sexual content
Even though Zeke has had a little crush on you for a while now, he’s mostly okay with things in the office staying exactly the way they are. Mostly.
vestal virgin by bokutosdove [ONESHOT] [6K] #: fem reader - modern au - sexual content - loss of virginity - jean kirstein has a corruption kink - protected sex - implied dom/sub dynamic
A virgin consecrated and vowed to chastity; a chaste woman.
wild card by wellitcouldbeworse3 [MULTI-CHAP] [215K] #: fem reader - hunger games au - tribute levi ackerman - blood and violence - slow burn - psychological torture - character death - reader is proficient at archery - described as blushing
When you're selected to be the tribute representing District 12 in the 121st annual Hunger Games, you're pretty sure you're screwed. But, somehow, there's two things working in your favor. One: you're not half bad with a bow and arrow. Two: the male tribute from District 2 seems to have his eye on you...
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something blue by extrav1rgin [ONESHOT] [11K] #: fem reader - described as blushing - arranged marriage - angst with a happy ending - hurt/comfort - not canon compliant
Turning away you trace your way back through the route Giyuu had taken you down before. As you walk nearly silently you keep your ears out for the sound of another human. You find a note stuck to the door when you make your way toward it. If it was there before you must’ve missed it. ‘Gone on a mission, will be back.’ And you suppose that’s that.
safe for one more night with you by nagumoan [ONESHOT] [3.3K] #: fem reader - established relationship - domestic fluff - humour - sexual content
You get to share one last night with your husband Shion before his work will steal him from the warmth of your embrace with the first rays of the sun in the morning.
pharos by auraxins [ONESHOT] [14K] #: afab reader - mer au - eldritch mer chuuya - strangers to lovers - island survival - blood and injury - eventual sexual content - unprotected sex
“Who are you?” you call. “What business have you here?” “You don't know?” barks the man, incredulousness in his tone. “You summoned me here.” “I fixed the lighthouse,” you correct. “I did not summon anything.”
from his mind to hers by embossross [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [102K] #: fem reader - dark content - patient x doctor relationship - sexual content - stalking - cheating
Forced into therapy, Hanma expects to waste his time and yours, but you’re not about to let the chance of a high-profile and higher paying patient slip through your grasp. The fact that you’re both attracted to each other doesn’t hurt either.
breathe me in by standfucker [ONESHOT] [7.4K] #: fem reader - inappropriate use of devil fruit powers - described as blushing - rough unprotected sex - creampie and breeding
As a woman in the Marines, the path to Read Admiral has been rough, but Smoker's been there for you since the beginning.
through the gates of horn and oak by sensoo [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [116K] #: fem reader - graphic depictions of violence - sexual content - fluff - F/M/M threesomes - spoilers marked by chapter
Each of them needs something different, but under the surface it's really the same thing. The burden of leadership is isolating and it is so difficult to carry on alone. Zevlor is trying to navigate through the shattered pieces of his life. Halsin is haunted by regrets and the tasks left unfinished. And you can't stop meddling in everyone else's affairs, even as you swear up and down that you're just trying to survive. Living is more than survival, but both are getting increasingly more difficult.
the five senses by nanamimizz [SERIES] [9K] #: fem cleric reader - non-sexual intimacy - angst - hurt/comfort - developing relationship - exploring trauma
A five part mini-series with everyone's favorite high elf vampire focusing on non-sexual intimacy and the budding relationship you foster with the guarded rouge.
uniform by giratinazero [ONESHOT] [2.4K] #: fem reader - non-sexual intimacy - undressing
With one gloved hand he reached up, threading his delicate fingers through a loop in the heart-shaped collar to drag you down to his height. Riddle slowly, purposely ran his eyes up and down the length of your body— you could feel the frustration that simmered just under the surface, like a teapot left on the heat and about to burst with steam.
inescapable by dynamites [ONESHOT] [7K] #: gender neutral reader - light angst - crossing timelines - pining
From half across the somber battlefield, someone keeps glancing your way.
cherry coloured funk by grinmjows [ONESHOT] [8.7K] #: fem reader - described to have dark hair and pale skin - explicit incest - sexual content
You usually find the moonlit nights strangely empty, for when you call your brother's name through them, he never answers.
desperate measures by ghost-party [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [27K] #: fem reader - modern au - transactional relationship - sugar daddy - age difference - dom/sub dynamic - sexual content - violence
After you’ve been laid off from your job, your friend Rangiku recommends a very specific kind of dating app — one where rich, lonely men seek younger partners to spoil. Reluctantly, you decide to give it a try. You tell yourself it’s a one-time thing, and that you have no plans on becoming dependent on anyone, let alone falling for them. But Sosuke Aizen makes you rethink everything…
in the eyes of the tide by namodawrites [ONESHOT] [15K] #: gender neutral reader - merman au - secret identity - angst - hurt/comfort
Oogami Banri is a calm, unassuming man. His first and second impressions of you had been undignified to say the least: encountering you passed out on a bench outside of a little shop, sheltered beneath its slanted tiled awning; assisting you to escape a cave during high tide, too afraid of the strange shapes you’d seen in the water to make the short journey alone.
and touched with the wonder of mortal beauty, her face by vampireloverz [ONESHOT] [8.8K] #: fem reader - pre-canon - size difference - sexual content - unprotected sex - canon-typical violence - described with body hair - reader is lifted by character
You hum to yourself, curious about what business he has in the woods, maybe it has something to do with whatever mysterious thing he has wrapped in foreign fabric. Through the days, you find yourself thinking of him. This warrior, this man, so elusive he feels almost like a ghost. You find yourself earnestly looking forward to the next time you come across each other.
kinktober: monsterfucking by mintmatcha [TWOSHOT][5K] #: cisfem reader - original character romance - racism in a fantasy setting - sexual content - monsterfucking
After months of adventuring with your party, you can't help but be curious about a certain dragonborne...
the death of an actor by uzurimisery [MULTI-CHAP: ONGOING] [36K] #: fem reader - fake dating - misogyny - reader is dr. gaul's daughter - sexual content - unhealthy dynamics
Y/N Gaul the Capitol's unregulated daughter of Dr. Gaul. Argumentative, independent, and hindrance to Coriolanus Snow's life plans.He can't stand you, you’re impossible for him to read. When your mother concocts a hairbrained plan to better set up her protege you’re caught in the crossfire and forced to play the part of Snow’s lover. Now if only the lines of what's an act and what was real wouldn’t get so blurry.
callipygian by onesmartcookie78, pennydragons [MULTI-CHAP: ONGONG] [70K] #: original female character - described as blushing - canon typical violence - enemies to friends to lovers - secret identity - batfamily drama
"She knows that ass. In fact, she'd spent the whole day staring at pictures of it. So she is absolutely, 100% certain that ass belongs to Dick Grayson. Now, if Dick Grayson wants to run across the rooftops dressed in spandex, that's his prerogative. The problem is, he's not just Dick Grayson. No. Dick Grayson is Nightwing. And she has questions." She hadn't been trying to figure out who he was. In fact, she was trying to uncover the identity of the Red Hood. But now that she knows, she can't go back.
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let me just add there are an infinite amount of other amazing fics that will not have made this rec list purely due to the time constraints, submission limit and lack of reach, etc. your fic is valuable and loved whether it made the cut or not—please do remember that!!!!!!
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killerlookz · 2 months
Bloody Kisses | Joost Klein
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Description: joost klein x f! reader-(reupload) after joining the moshpit at his own show Joost winds up with a bloody nose, which reader is tasked with cleaning up. (not a blood kink fic, this is a very common moshing injury, no need to clutch your pearls)
Content: 18+ (mdni), suggestive content (no smut), prestablished relationship, making out, hickies, some "over the pants" touching, nosebleeds/blood- THIS FIC CONTAINS RPF AND HAS BEEN TAGGED AS SUCH, IF THAT MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE, DO NOT INTERACT. this has also only been tagged under joost fanfic tags so like if you’re here it means you searched for it! (like seriously, its really not that hard lmao just keep scrolling and stop looking for shit to be mad at), I ask you KINDLY, DO NOT SHARE MY WORK EITHER AS SCREEN SHOTS OR IN ITS ENTIRETY ON OTHER SOCIAL MEDIAS, keep tumblr stuff on tumblr and i swear everyone will be so much happier <3
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Joost couldn't help himself, not as the crowd of hundreds of festival goers buzzed with excitement. Not as a larger chunk of the crowd than he expected screams every word he sings back to him. He had to get in on the action, live entirely in the moment.
Joost was no stranger to joining the crowd at his shows, often times asking the crowd to clear a space around him so on his count he could start a mosh pit around him. And tonight was no different, except the crowd had been rowdier than usual, not that he really minded, having long gotten over any fear of being hurt in the pit. The fear had so long left his mind that, he had forgotten he could get hurt. An elbow to the face was a swift reminder of that fact, an intense force colliding skin with skin.
Joost was quick to hurry out of the pit once he noticed the bitter liquid that dripped down his mouth. While an injury, much less a simple nosebleed, wasn't going to slow him down, bleeding on your fans, Joost felt, wasn't a particularly smart course of action.
Luckily for him he was finishing off his final song- making him able to get out of the crowd, thank everyone for a good show, and get off the stage before the metallic taste on his tongue became too much to bear.
"What happened?" You furrow your eyebrows, watching Joost step off the stage, a dark crimson running down his face, dripping off his chin.
"Fucking hit in the face," He says, in more of a disbelief than any actual upset of having gotten hurt. He places his fingers against his upper lip, swiping upward towards his nose. The blood smears on his face and coats his fingers as he attempts to wipe it away. He looks down at the liquid that covers his hands, eyes widening.
"Is it bad?" His gaze flicks back towards you. You nod reluctantly, it's pretty bad. Gushing, even.
"C'mon," You pout, grabbing his non-blood stained hand, "I'll clean you up."
Luckily for Joost his trailer wasn't far from the stage, allowing for the two of you to move quickly so you could get him cleaned up.
"Go stand by the sink in the bathroom and tilt your head back." You motion to Joost as you enter the trailer, leaving him alone for a moment to sift through your things, knowing you had a small pack of tissues somewhere, heading back to the small trailer bathroom after retrieving it.
Joost leans against the sink with his head tilted backward, the position putting his face's bone structure on full display. The way his neck stretches upward perfectly highlights the angles of his jawline, his cheekbones hollowed out as he clenches his jaw, attempting to keep any blood out of his mouth. The rest of his body glistens with sweat, his hair perfectly messy, and his chest still rapidly rising and falling in an attempt to catch his breath from all the excitement of the show,
For a moment you forget what you're meant to be doing, all too caught up in the way he looks.
"Some help?" Joost asks, clocking how long you had been standing motionless.
"Oh-yeah, sure." You smile, walking a few steps closer to the sink. You place the tissue package on the rim of the sink, taking a couple out. "Keep your head back," You say, placing one hand on Joost's hip, and using the others to pinch his nose with the tissues to try and stop the bleeding. "Does that hurt?"
He doesn't really need to answer, not with the way he groans under your touch. The sharp noise sends shivers down your spine.
"I'm alright," He sighs, his eyes screwing shut.
"Doesn't sound like it." You can't help but giggle at his feigned assurance.
"Just a nosebleed." With his hands snake around your waist, attempting to pull you closer to him.
You don't budge as you unclamp your fingers from around his nose, the tissues already soaked in his blood. You toss the dirtied tissues in the garbage, not far from where you're standing before grabbing a couple more. You pinch his nose once more, forcing him to suck in a sharp inhale, his chest rising as he winces.
"Sorry," You mumble, but as you force his head back a little farther, you can't help but to be slightly enticed by how almost pathetic he seems now. His small gasps and groans take your mind to a place far from the current moment.
Joost's fingers dig into your lower back as you pinch a little higher on his nose, hoping for the pressure to stop the bleeding soon. His strong grip finally forces you closer to him, your chest nearly pressed to his. You try not to lose sight at the task at hand, fighting the urge to press just a little bit harder to earn another gasp out of him.
Slowly, you remove the tissues from his nose, realizing they don't seem to be getting any bloodier.
"I think the bleeding stopped," You remove your hand from his waist, instead placing it on his jaw to pull his head from its tipped back position. His face is still obviously bloodied, lips and chin smeared with streaks of red. You pat the area around his nose with a clean part of the tissue, attempting to dry it up, throwing the tissue away once it had become too bloodied.
With your hand still on his jaw, you place your thumb to his lips, swiping away the blood that remained. He looked a little cleaner now, some blood still dried around his nose, and his lips stained red.
Not exactly thinking you remove your hand from his face, sticking your thumb in your mouth to clean off the blood. Your eyes widen a little as the metallic taste hits your tongue. Joost is caught off guard, rightfully shocked that you just licked his blood off of your hand. You hadn't even meant to, the action was almost involuntary. But things suddenly feel much more intimate as you stared up at him through your lashes, your thumb hanging half-way out of your mouth, forcing your lips into a pout. You linger for a moment before Joost raises an eyebrow,
"What was that?"
"Nothing," You let your hand fall from your face, and attempt to play off the action "A little blood isn't going to kill me."
He smiles, revealing his teeth, lightly stained with blood. A chuckle falls from his lips,
"Guess you're my little vampire now,"
"I suppose I wouldn't mind sinking my teeth into your neck," You laugh, shrugging innocently.
"Oh," Joost's eyes widen, "By all means then." He tilts his head to the side, putting his neck on full display for you. You eye up the Lola Bunny tattoo that sits at the side of his neck, and admire the way his muscles strain as he stretches his neck.
You slide one hand up Joost's torso, letting your touch linger on the length of his body before finally resting your palm on his shoulder. You push yourself up on your toes a little, and let your body fall closer to Joost's, your chests fully pressed together.
You tilt your head, leaning forward so your lips press against his neck, slowly beginning to kiss at his flesh. As your lips connect with his neck a small gasp leaves his mouth, sounding much sweeter now that it was out of pleasure instead of purely pain.
You kiss up his neck before slipping your tongue from your mouth, searching for where his pulse pounds the strongest. You trail your tongue up, finding his pulse right below his jaw. You return your lips to his skin, sucking against the throbbing artery. Joost's fingers once again dig into your back, his fingernails surely leaving small crescent moon shaped imprints in your flesh. Ever-so-lightly you nip as his neck, before quickly flattening your tongue over the area to soothe the bite. The simple action resulting in a groan leaving Joost's mouth. The small sound sends vibrations down his throat, meeting your lips, eliciting a hum back from you.
Using his grip on your hips, Joost pulls you flesh against him, his belt buckle pressing into your abdomen. You smirk against his neck upon the realization that the buckle of his belt is not the only thing pressing into you. The full extent to which he had been enjoying the way you kissed at his neck on display as you push your hips forward, letting the bulge in his jeans graze your crotch. Your stomach tightens at the feeling, and you're suddenly not in as much control as you thought you had been, feeling weak in the knees at realizing how bad you need him.
You continue your pattern of biting and sucking at Joost's neck then soothing the marks with your tongue. You knew as soon as you lifted his head his neck would be littered with splotches of purple and red. Slowly, you pull your hips from his, allowing you to slot your hand between your bodies, pressing into where he strains against his jeans. The pressure you apply against Joost has him groaning above you, his hips following your hands, chasing the friction. Your kisses become quicker, no longer lingering on his skin with each movement, instead you peck up his neck, to his jaw before slowly pulling away.
Joost smirks down at you, your body set ablaze as your eyes meet his. His gaze quickly becomes to much to bare, and you avert your eyes, instead trailing your vision down his torso.
"Oh, no," You force a pout, realizing the white tank top he wears had been stained with blood, not only that but you realize how poor of a job you had honestly done cleaning him up, blood dried on his chin and down his neck. "Your shirt." You lift your hand from where it presses against his crotch, letting your fingers crawl up to the hem of his tank top.
"What?" He asks, quickly turning his head down to look.
"It's all bloody," You sigh, purposefully poorly acting out being disappointed, "I guess you have to take it off." You shrug.
Joost hums, shaking his head, trying to desperately to hide the smirk that was threatening his lips, "I guess so."
"I've got it," You respond confidently when you notice his hands beginning to slip from your waist. "Arms up," You smile.
Joost obliges, raising his arms as you play with the hem of his shirt with one hand before grabbing it on both sides, lifting it over his head, careful to not hit into where his nose is injured. You quickly toss the shirt on the floor, eager to get your hands on him.
You place both of your palms flat against his chest, his skin is soft, sticky, still covered in a fine layer of sweat. You push into him, sliding your hands upward until they rest on his shoulders. Joost slips a hand to the back of your head, the other returning to your waist. With the vantage point of having a hand behind your head, Joost is able to guide your lips to his, him bending down slightly so he can engage you in a passionate kiss.
You moan lightly at the taste of the blood that lingers on his lips, unable to entirely understand just what about your boyfriend having been bloodied was getting you so worked up. You apply more pressure onto his lips with your own, your mouth parting slightly so you can slip your tongue into his. Joost eagerly accepts, allowing you to deepen the kiss.
You slide your hands back down the length of Joost's body, your fingers once again finding themselves at his waist. You swipe a finger across the waistband of his underwear, which stick out from the jeans that hang low on his hips. Slowly, you let that singular finger slip into the waistband, dragging it back and forth, teasingly.
After letting your fingers tease the waist band of Joost's boxers for too long apparently, Joost finally speaks up, briefly parting from the kiss.
"You wanna move those hands a little lower?"
You mumble into his lips as he returns to you, "Mhm," Your fingers fall from the tight elastic to his belt. You're a bit uncoordinated due, trembling fingers making awkward movements against the thick buckle. Eventually you get it, the cool metal unhooking with a jangly sound as you let the belt open.
"Joost!" A sudden voice somewhere else in the trailer calls, causing your blood to run cold as both of your heads perk up, forcing you out of the kiss, "Are you here buddy? Everyone's been looking everywhere for you, you kind of just ran off."
"Ja-Ja," Joost stutters, trying his best to call out, "Just getting cleaned up!"
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starshinegazer · 3 months
Shoutout Sunday
I just wanted to collect some of the most memorable Astarion fanfics I've read so far and to give them and their authors a big ol' shoutout. These are some of the fics I strongly suggest others to check out, if you haven't yet.
Also, please feel free to comment and recommend your favorites as well! And, if you know of some of these authors on tumblr, lemme know, so I can add them too :) I'm not too good with words, so I'll be slapping some of the authors own words as descriptions (for now). Oh, and do be mindful of tags etc etc... Here goes, in no particular order:
Pieces Still Stuck In Your Teeth by howlsmovinglibrary (@wetcatspellcaster) "The Vampire Ascendent has crossed a line. Eleven years after making the biggest mistake of her life and losing the man she loved, tiefling wizard (now Archmage) Rosalie decides it’s time to put this Astarion in the ground for good. Hopefully, both her head and her heart are strong enough to see this awful task through to its end."
An Honest Lie by howlsmovinglibrary (@wetcatspellcaster) "Astarion and Rosalie think they understand each other perfectly, but they have each fallen prey to the other’s mask. As they both go forward with their adventure, will either of them dare to be honest?"
A Crooked Touch by eyes_of_the_lamb "If you want to read a story where Astarion is sweet from the start and Tav is here to fix him, this isn't the one. If you want to read about two terribly broken men spending a good long while making each other worse before they make each other better, this might be for you. If you thought the in-game romance was a little too easy and it should have been ten times more painful and difficult to convince Astarion he's worthy of love, this is definitely for you."
Perfect Slaughter by Imagineitdear (@imagineitdearies ) "Tyrus, a low-born drow with aspirations for necromantic wizardry, finds none of the hospitality he expected from his new noble patron, Cazador Szarr. Quickly he loses his life and future, his hopes and dreams—only to find something new to fight for in the unlikely arms of Cazador’s least favorite spawn."
A Novel Experience by meanboss (@meanbossart ) "Initially just an epilogue for my own game campaign with my big meaty dark urge drow, turned whole story which I accidentally deleted and am now reuploading, my bad LOL
Hope you enjoy!"
Carving Through The Dark by skitter "The realm is safe and the story is over.
Wren and Astarion descend into the Underdark in search of a new purpose, and learn a few things along the way. Namely, that healing isn't linear and sometimes love takes the long way round."
Blood In The Weave by gingealish "There is no need to breathe, but I miss it all the same. The suffocating silence, the desperate darkness have encapsulated me for I don’t even know how long; It could have been tendays or years. I’ve long since accepted my punishment, stopped trying in vain to crack the seal of my tomb against the onslaught of panic and hunger. Now I lay here, thinking of the friends I’ve lost, the lover who turned on me, and how to finally get even.
Astarion is the new Big Bad Evil Guy. Spawn Tav is rescued by a familiar face. "
When He’s all but Forgotten How to Love Again by bg_brainrot "You saved Baldur’s Gate almost 300 years ago. You died 150 years ago. On a new life now, you find that memories from your past lead you to a specific silver-haired man. Who was he, and why won't he leave you be? tldr; An Elf-Tav reincarnation story where Tav dreams about Astarion in their nightly reveries and eventually seeks him out once they reach maturity. Things definitely totally go well."
More Than Any Words by mataglap "They have saved the city and possibly the world. All is great and everyone is happy... except Astarion has been banished back into the shadows, and Tav is stuck in an uneven battle with his own oath. He's losing the fight. He knew he would from the moment he fell for Astarion. But he can't lose yet, not before they find a way for Astarion to walk in the sun again."
Inexhaustible Oil by homeward_bound "This is the absolute opposite of a redemption fic. A post-canon, fall-from-grace, "I can make you infinitely worse" kind of story, in which there is no simple happy ending. But there's mystery on the way. And dragons. True love, even. So if you're fine with that, come aboard. It's going to be a wild ride."
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vickyzangels · 1 year
% “..but i kinda hope they catch us, anyway.”
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# synopsis ; an anon asked for sfw and nsfw headcanons for tom but i accidentally deleted the ask while trying to fight for my life against tumblr because every time i added a border two other pictures would disappear tumblr i hope you fall down the stairs
# pairing ; tom kaulitz x reader
# word count ; 551
# tags ; nsfw further under “keep reading” (mdni)
a/n ; i’m gonna drop this first but i have a nearly finished smut oneshot literally sitting in docs rn if i get decent enough feedback on this i’ll drop it
y’all remember that interview where he said he’d “fall in love for only a night but that he’d be down for true love later”? yeah unfortunately that applied to you, too
this can go one of two ways, you work close to the band as staff or you were a fan at one of their concerts that for some reason has to keep coming back and tom took a visual liking to you
what goes down between you two after he first notices you is vague but tom keeps seeing you every time you’re around and you started weaseling your way into his head at every hour of the day
he’d never admit that though (yet), so he’s still gonna keep up his playboy act for a bit but you’re gonna pick up that he’s being closer to you like making small jokes with you and being a little nicer
god it took you so long but he finally let you squeeze through his shell enough to be relatively close friends for a while but this definitely became a “do i wanna know if this feeling flows both ways” situation
yes the feeling did flow both ways, too bad he was still a player and you didn’t wanna ruin anything so you just endlessly flirted with each other
i am 92% sure he came to you first at an afterparty absolutely wasted and told you in german “du bist so unglaublich schön und ich will dich so sehr.” you are so infuriatingly beautiful and i want you so bad.
unfortunately, bill had to translate for you
i’ve been talking a lot so i’ll try to sum up a relationship with him and add miscellaneous points
he makes an effort to act like a boyfriend in your relationship, like he doesn’t openly flirt with other people out of genuine respect for you
first date was something like you two staying over at one of your houses for the night like a sleepover or doing something in the city
he has never forgotten any important day for you. never. and on that topic, he’ll get gifts for those days nearly months in advance
he appreciates a person with aesthetic
i’m lying, tom would fall head over heels in love if you wear something even remotely close to his style
tom is a dog, y’all have seen the way he talks about what he wants to do during sex but he’s the most respectful person someone could probably ever ask for, someone who wouldn’t hesitate to pause everything if you told him you felt a little uncomfortable
the type of guy to fake bang you from behind when you bend over to grab something.
he’d spit in your mouth, having you kneel in front of him and holding your jaw open by squeezing it then making you swallow it if you wanted to be touched at all
this almost isn’t a headcanon but he’s a tit guy, regardless of size he’d froth at the mouth just to hold them
there’s not a big dom/sub thing between you two but he’s a switch because i said so
y’all… his favorite position is doggy or prone bone doesn’t matter as long as he gets to pull you by your neck up to him
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a/n ; wow. didn’t think i could write something like this but i have a lot more so lmk if i should make a part 2?
© ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO VICKYZANGELS. do not steal, repost, plagiarize, or use my work for anything.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 7 months
Was reading over the reverie arc tag and saw that you said to re-ask you about Im after what happened is revealed. (I'd provide the link but tumblr won't let me) So, while not much was revealed, thoughts?
what i think is really interesting about imu is how they compare and contrast to the other characters who have been set up for us as endgame villains, those being blackbeard and akainu. compared to both of them, imu is established quite late in the series, and how they will fit into the unrolling narrative and themes of the story is still somewhat unclear.
both blackbeard and akainu are established firmly well before they enter the main story as primary antagonists. we hear about blackbeard as far back as alabasta and meet him in jaya, while akainu is first seen in robin's enies lobby flashback and mentioned even before that. and they each also embody a strong thematic conflict with the main characters that is going to need to be overcome by the end of the story.
blackbeard mirrors luffy in his pursuit of the pirate king's throne, existing in the same lineage of villains as doflamingo and big mom. it seems almost certain that he will be the final and most difficult fellow challenger for the title of pirate king that luffy will need to face, and the eventual showdown between the blackbeards and strawhats has been telegraphed for quite some time. the question this conflict asks is, what does it mean to be a pirate? what does it mean to be a pirate king?
meanwhile, akainu is the embodiment of authoritarianism. he's the law, brutal and indiscriminate; he represents the order that would stifle freedom. he is much more alike to antagonists like rob lucci and cp-9. while i usually try to avoid speculation on this blog, i think akainu's final defeat will probably not be at luffy's hands; i think a showdown with sabo is much more likely. and the reason i think this is because the question that the conflict with akainu asks is, what does real justice look like? this is ultimately the question of the conflict between the marines and the revolutionaries; they are two armies fighting over whether the current order will be maintained or torn down and built anew.
so, then, imu. we meet them quite late in the game, and still know very little about them. however, i do think this is in itself thematically resonant; we see almost no trace of imu anywhere else until we reach mariejois itself, because they have been deliberately erased from the world. imu is tied, specifically and inextricably, to the mystery of the void century, of the erased history, and we will only learn the truth about them when we learn the truth about everything else.
imu's role in the story seems to be specifically to finally provide a direct antagonist to the overarching myth arc of the void century, the forgotten ancient kingdom, and the will of d; the imperial crimes of the world government, shoved endlessly under the rug. can you build a world-spanning kingdom on a lie? will it stand? for how long? there can be no such thing as an immortal empire no matter how much force you might use to make it so. you can't pin the sun in place in the sky.
while it's impossible to really guess this conflict is going to unfold given how much information we still don't have, my top three guesses for who will be primarily involved are robin (for obvious reasons; unraveling the truth of the void century is her dream, and imu stands directly in the way of that), vivi (also obvious; imu is targeting her directly), and law (both because his new goal is to unravel the meaning of the will of d and because it seems significant that imu is likely a previous recipient of the ope-ope no mi's immortality technique).
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chiisdiary · 30 days
missed calls ⋆ ˚。⋆
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leon s kennedy x fem! reader, mentioned carlos oliveira fem! reader summary: After an argument with your boyfriend, you found yourself at a familiar nightclub meeting a familiar face. tags: smut, dom!leon, cheating, mild angst ?, semi-public, against the wall, toxic relationship, possessive! leon, +18 ! word count: 3.8k ? a/n: i originally posted this a while back for ao3, thought why not tumblr too ! mind the tags, mdni ! pls enjoy, feedback is much appreciated ily all !
⋆ ˚。⋆୨✧୧⋆ ˚。⋆
[ You have 3 missed calls ]
You shouldn’t be here. You know you shouldn’t be here. But one dumb argument with Carlos (about God knows what) had sent you crawling back here. In this loud and obnoxious club, sitting by yourself at the bar half way through your fourth rum coke of the night. The mixture was smooth, giving your head a temporary floaty feeling that you loved so much. 
The bass of the music vibrated through your body as your eyes slowly averted to the gray flip phone you had turned off just before you arrived. How many times has Carlos called and texted you since you left the apartment? He didn’t have a clue where you were right now. He knew to give you space after a fight like this anyway but he was probably still so worried about you. Carlos was too good for you. You knew that. You loved him a lot. He took such good care of you. He would always stop by your apartment after a long night shift or surprise you at work during one of his breaks. He was always there for you. 
You hated how much he cared because you knew deep down you didn’t really deserve it. Didn’t deserve him.
You sighed as you finished the last few sips of the coconut concoction as a fifth drink slid in your direction. The bartender, Bret, along with the other employees at Heaven’s Night, knew you very well. 
You couldn’t count how many times you spent hours a night here before you met Carlos. How many times you’ve been here with him . You remembered the times he would lead you to the dance floor, how his strong dry callused hands would find your hips to guide you to match the rhythm of the music’s beat. He would always have to lean down to your ear to tease you about how you could never find the beat before his hands would pull you back to him.
“C’mon baby..” His voice would start. “You must’ve forgotten how to use those hips how I like. Here let me remind you.. Uh huh.. Just like that. That’s my girl.”
You couldn’t remember the last time the two of you were last together. You’ve tried texting him. Calling him, desperately hoping and wishing he would reply. He never did. 
It was so pathetic. You were so pathetic. 
You should go back home. Call Carlos back, tell him you’re sorry for how you acted.
Leave. Apologize. Leave. Apologize. Leave. Apologize. 
Your conscience repeated the words over and over as you finished your fourth and last drink, slipping Bret the cash to close out your tab for the night and muttering a low embarrassed ‘Thank you.’ Grabbing your purse and flipping open your phone, you started towards the exit. Thanking the voice in your head for nagging you to leave as a new wave of people began to pour into the nightclub. You kept your eyes to the screen of your phone, powering it on so you could call a cab or Carlos or both. 
Your body squeezed and pushed past the excited crowd going in the opposite direction of you. Almost as if you were fighting the strong waves of an ocean. You were annoyed, bumping shoulders hard enough you thought you would bruise. Your fingers clenched tightly around your phone, trying to press the numbers for a ride when someone bumps into you extra hard. Fed up, your head snapped back.
“Hey! Watch it, asshole!”
“Woah, woah. Easy sweetheart.” An all too familiar voice from beside you said with a light chuckle. 
Your body froze. The blaring music drowned out in your ears. You felt breathless, like you were drowning. Your head and your heart ached. (Maybe four drinks tonight pushed it just a tad bit.) 
“I… Leon?” was all your mouth could muster out. A few more people had pushed past you. You two were kind of in the way now staring at each other like past lovers from a shitty romance movie.
This couldn’t be real. This wasn’t real. You were drunk. You were seeing things. You were desperate to believe anything because there was no way he, Leon S. Kennedy, was standing right next to you at Heaven’s Night. Your special place.
“It’s been a while, huh? Were you headed out? Think you have some time to talk ?”
⋆ ˚。⋆୨✧୧⋆ ˚。⋆
‘Time to talk’ has never meant just talk to Leon. He knew that. You knew that. But there you were following behind him to the club’s back exit, staring at the back of his slightly wrinkled navy blue dress shirt. He was always shit at ironing his shirts properly. You smirk to yourself, recalling one morning where you had to help him iron out his shirt and pants because he was running late for work and thought just throwing on clothes would look just as nice. It didn’t. 
You hugged yourself as the two of you stepped outside. The night air was so chilly against your skin. The one time you forget to bring a jacket or sweater with you.
Small puddles were spread across the dark soaked pavement, reflecting the dim yellow outdoor lights. You figured it must have rained earlier, being inside a club drowned out most of the sounds from the outside world. God forbid a zombie outbreak happened, club goers wouldn’t have a clue what horrors would await them.
With his foot, Leon slid a rock to prop the back door open just a crack. Your eyes scanned over him carefully. He, for the most part, still looked the same. His arms looked more muscular than you remembered. His jaw seemed more defined than before as well. Did he grow out his hair a bit too? Your mind couldn’t remember it too well as every meet up with Leon resulted in your face pressed into his sheets or his couch or the wall turning your mind into mush ,unable to think or form coherent words.
You kept staring at him as he reached into his pocket for a cigarette and a lighter. You began to open your mouth to ask why exactly he had loose cigarettes just hanging in his pocket like that but then his blue eyes looked over at you.
“Still smoking, Kennedy?” You questioned him with a slight frown on your face, leaning back against the brick wall. 
“Hm.” He shrugged, the cigarette hanging from his between lips as he tried to light it before putting the lighter back into his pocket. Leon knew how much you hated the smell, how much you hated smoking in general. Even if he did look hot as hell blowing a cloud of smoke away from you. Leon started to walk towards you but you quickly stopped him with your words.
“I’ve met someone,y’know? Dating someone.”
You expected that nonchalant response from him. You nearly wished he reacted differently. Maybe showed some hint of jealousy. It’s not like the two of you ever dated. You fucked a lot but never had a relationship past fuck friends. You did like him you guess. You were sure he liked you too, but you both agreed it wouldn’t work because of Leon’s work.  He disappeared a lot (for work as he would tell you). For days, weeks and even months. Never this long though. You were sure he was dead or relocated to who fucking knows where. He never told you what he did for work specifically. Some vague shit about the government or something. You even joked to yourself one time he was the President’s lapdog and he was off to rescue his daughter in some country far away.
“His name is Carlos.” you told him.
“He’s a cop.”
“I was a cop.”
“Leon.” You huffed, “You said you wanted to talk. I’m trying to talk. I haven’t seen you.. I haven’t heard from you in two  fucking years. I thought.. Fuck, I thought you were fucking dead or something. You never answer my calls or texts. And now that I’ve finally moved on, you’re suddenly back? I.. I don’t get you.”
“I’ve been busy with work. You know how it is.”
“Yeah. Right. Work .” You scoffed, looking down to your phone again. “You still could’ve texted back. A simple ‘Hey! I’m not dead btw.’ woulda been nice.” You checked the call history in your phone, searching for the number of the taxi service.
[ You have 7 missed calls. ]
Great. Now you were a hypocrite.
“So where’s this cop boyfriend of yours? He know where you are?” Leon’s voice nearly sounded mocking.
“No.” You didn’t mean to answer that, especially not that quickly. “Got into an argument. I’m probably in the wrong.”
“Huh.” Now it was Leon’s turn to scoff. “Must’ve been real bad if you crawled to this hellhole. Our hellhole.” 
You cracked a small smile, relieved your face was mostly hidden from him. You didn’t want to not give him the satisfaction. 
You shook your head. 
“Still corny as ever, Kennedy. Nice knowing you’re the same guy from all those years ago.” 
You lifted your head to watch Leon getting closer to you again. This time you didn’t say anything to stop him as he had you completely backed against the brick wall. The strong scent of his cologne was almost enough to mask the smell of cigarettes. 
“I missed you, y’know?” His voice was low, breathy. A toned arm over your head as the other kept the lit cigarette away from you. 
Your breath hitched as you inhaled attempting to calm the rapid rhythm that ached in your chest.
“Hm.. You sure don’t act like it.”
“Could always make it up to you. In that way that you like.”
You couldn’t shouldn’t do that to Carlos.
“Yeah, yeah. Cop boyfriend whatever guy. He’s probably a good guy. Better than me anyway. Mostly.” He snickered, tossing the cigarette to the soaked pavement and extinguishing it under his foot. 
“I should go..” You told him.
“You probably should but that’s not what you want, is it, baby?” 
You bit down on your tongue. You didn’t answer his assumptions but the both of you knew he was right. 
Two years. It took you two years to finally let go of any thoughts of Leon. At the thought there was a possibility you two would be something more. 
It took you two years to stop laying in bed curled up in an old t-shirt of his that no matter how many times you washed, his scent continued to linger. 
It took you two years to get over Leon S. Kennedy and in the matter of 10 minutes, he unraveled all of that. 
“I hate you.” You quietly told him, eyes burning from the tears that threatened to leave them.
“I know, baby, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” He apologized. 
His free hand lifted your chin to make you look up at him. His thumb traced along your glossy lips that instinctively parted with a quiet inhale. He chuckled at how quickly you submitted to his actions. 
You were always such a good girl for him. 
Slowly your eyes closed. A calloused hand had slowly traced down your curves to rest possessively on your hip, yanking you close to him to fill the gap between you. His fingers gripped you tightly as if he wouldn't allow you to get away. Not when he finally had you again after all these years. 
Hungrily, Leon’s lips found yours. You always hated when he would kiss you after he smoked. You wished he would quit but you know that he wouldn’t and it was stupid of you to think that. 
Not nearly as stupid thinking you could move on with sweet, kind Carlos knowing that if he ever did return, Leon would always find his way back to you. Back into your mind, your heart. The part of you that you had sworn was missing for so long has now sewn its way back into you. You weren’t sure if you would be able to let him go again.
Rough fingers began to slip under your blouse. You shivered. His fingertips were fucking freezing against your warm belly.
“Fuck, Kennedy… Fingers cold..” You grumbled on his lips. You tried to pry his hand off, wiggling uncomfortably in his grip, but of course he was much stronger than you. Stronger than he was before he left. You felt him breathe out a chuckle.
“Hmm.. Sorry, baby. Warm me up, okay? Like you always do.” His fingers continued to tip toe up your smooth stomach, popping a couple buttons from underneath just careful enough to keep them intact.
“Le-on !” 
Leon took advantage of your parting lips to slip his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss. Your cheeks flushed, your hands moving from his wrist to slide up his arm and shoulder to his neck. The tips of your fingers grabbed a small bit of his hair, dirty blonde strands wrapping around them loosely. You felt him smirk cockily in the kiss which only slightly annoyed you.
His hand cupped your right tit, giving it a quick squeeze to make you hum. Fingers traced the lacy outline of your bra. Leon slightly growled. It’s been two years but he remembered that when you wore that bra, it meant you were also wearing that black lacy thong to match. 
You always knew how to drive Leon crazy even when you weren’t trying to. He couldn’t count on fingers how many nights he tore those same panties from your perfect legs. The times the fabric would be shoved into your pretty little mouth if you moaned too loudly in the hallway of your apartment building or his or the bathroom of this club. Those afternoons his fingers were pressed so hard against your cunt, you would hide the soaked thong in your purse after lunch breaks. Hoping, praying you wouldn’t have to make too many trips to the printer for your boss and colleagues.
The hand that once caressed your hip began to graze down between your plush thighs, a thumb lightly brushing against your sensitive aching mound. You tried to gasp but Leon kept your lips busy with his own. He barely touched you and you were already a mess. Your thighs closed around his hand but another light touch caused them to open just enough for Leon to palm your heat.
You were so fucking wet . Fuck !
Leon groaned. Oh fuck - he just wanted to take you right there and then. Bury his throbbing length so deep inside of you that you would croak out his name and forget that good cop (whatever the fuck his name was). 
But Leon couldn’t, not yet anyway. He had to take care of his good girl first. Make up for those two lousy years he was forced to spend from you. 
His palm pressed up against your clothed pussy. The pressure alone made your eyes flutter. You gripped his hair a bit tighter, the other hand pressed firmly on the wall behind you. Your hips rocked forward then pushed back then back forward again and back once more. You could hardly hear the friction of your fabric over your small pants and whimpers. Your head was fuck spinning, an intoxicating blend of your lust and tipsyness clouding your better judgement. 
At some point, you were looking up at Leon who was watching you with hooded eyes and a satisfied smirk. You flushed with embarrassment. Stupid cocky asshole.
Your hips slowed down for just a moment. Leon frowned for a moment. He slid his hand from your breast to press firmly against your belly, making you lean against the wall even more than you were before. Quickly, his palm rubbed your pussy hard enough that your vision dimmed and you cried out so beautifully. Like a fucking siren trying to lure him into your trap. 
“Fu..fu..” You tried so desperately to say the word. The heat in your stomach grew with each harsh rub. Your lips puckered. Curled up. Teeth biting down on your bottom lip to stifle a moan which displeased Leon. And his hand would pull back just to come back up with an unforgiving slap!  You would whine, he’d smile and right back on your cunt his hand would go to rub as he brought you closer and closer and closer to that sweet release you oh so desperately were chasing after.
You barely noticed how bunched up your skirt was up on your hips. The cold air of the city blew against your exposed thighs and you trembled again. You squeezed your eyes shut, moans croaking from your throat. Right there. Right there.
“Oh my God, Leon! I’m-”
Leon pulled his hand away at your announcement and you nearly fell to the pavement but Leon still had you trapped between him and the wall like some sort of fucked up sandwich. 
You looked up at him with eyes wet from tears, lips agape. Shocked. Disappointed. Confused. Angry.
“L-Leon, why would you-”
His lips were back on yours. You tilted your head back to melt in the possessive kiss. A finger hooked on your panties, yanking them down as much as he could get them. He let you wiggle your hips so they could drop to your ankles, now bounding your legs from moving too much. 
You were so fucking cute and sexy. Leon was going to devour you.
“...’round…” He muttered, barely allowing your lips to be apart more than a half inch.
His hands were holding your hips now, squeezing so hard you were sure would leave marks to hide from Carlos.
“Fucking turn around.”
You whined. Leon gave you little time to react before he was turning you around away from him. Your cheek gently pressed on the cold brick wall. His eyes looked over you, savoring the curves of your frame with hunger. His thumbs pressed into the dips of your back for just a moment. 
You could hardly see what he was doing between the poorly lit alley and the fact your head movements were limited at the moment. He pressed himself into you, his head craning so his lips could pepper small pecks on your ear and side of your head.
“I know, baby, fuck. I need you. I fucking need you.” He muttered in your ear. Your heart fluttered at the sound of his belt loosening, his zipper being pulled down.
“Need to be inside of you. Need to feel you fucking cum all over my cock.” The head of his cock was already coated in pre-cum. He swiped a thumb over the tip, making him let out a feral growl. He teased it against your waiting heat a few times, your legs trembling with anticipation. 
He wanted to tease you until you were begging for him to be inside but Leon couldn’t stand another second not being inside his baby girl.
Holding your hips with both of his hands, Leon lined his cock up with your entrance and slid it inside of you groaning your name and forcing you to cry his out in return. Leon didn’t let you settle or adjust to the girth of his cock. With how much he’s fucked you back then, it wasn’t necessary. 
Your eyes, again, rolled back. The velvety warm walls of your cunt clenched immediately around Leon, the warmth you felt in your lower abdomen flared up once more and when your eyes shut tightly, you swore you saw speckles of stars. Any lick of sense or morals you had before were fucked out your mind, leaving you just to focus on your messy orgasm.
“Fuuuuck.. Fucking good girl.. Mmf.. That’s a good fucking girl. Now make me feel good, baby. Fuck, fuck, just like that. Oh fuck.” Leon moaned through gritted teeth. 
His hand snaked from your hips, up your soft tummy, to your neck where he gripped just tight enough that you gasped. He held you so tightly but lovingly, pounding into your cunt faster and faster. 
The plaps of your bodies meeting each other in the alley were drowned out by the sounds of the city, cars honking, and the muffled music and chatter from inside. Your mind wondered what would happen if someone were to walk across this alley or an employee leaving from the back to take out the garbage and you tightened once more around Leon. He groaned.
“Naughty girl, thinking about if someone were to catch you getting fucked by me, huh?” You hated how well he read your mind. You couldn’t say anything, just a moan in response and he chuckled. 
“Ha.. Mmm.. What would your good guy cop boyfriend think, huh? Seeing his girl being reclaimed by the asshole that abandoned her. Tsk.. Tsk..” There goes that mocking tone that you were sure was followed by a cocky grin. 
Fuck Leon.
But you couldn’t protest with his hand gripping your neck. Your painted nails clawed at the wall. Leon was showing no signs of letting go or slowing down. Not when he was getting so close. His cock pulsed inside of you, brushing just shy from your g-spot that you whined.
Harder, Leon. Just a little bit harder.
“Gonna fucking.. Fill you up with my cum.. F-fucking breed my girl.. Oh fuck, tighten just a little bit more, baby girl.”
An arm found itself wrapped around your thigh, Leon’s rough fingers working your sensitive clit so you would tighten more just like he wanted. He grunted into your ear, thrusting one, two, three, four more times. 
“..th.. me.. Cum with me, baby. Come on. Give it to me.”
It was just enough to send you over the edge once more. A second orgasm that not even you knew you had in you. A sudden heat shoots right into you, one final thrust that filled your cunt with so much of Leon’s seed that it overflowed and trickled down the sides of your thighs.
“God, Leon.. Fuck!” You shouted when his grasp left your throat. He held onto your hips, kissed your ear, your cheek, the top of your head. He begrudgingly pulled out of you, smacking a hand across your ass to make you yelp. You looked behind to glare at him but he shrugged like the asshole he is.
Leon held you as you shamefully pulled your underwear back up, readjusted your skirt and blouse and bent over to pick up the flip phone you had apparently dropped at some point. You wiped the built up sweat from your forehead, turning back around to watch Leon tuck his dick back into his dark jeans. He looked over to catch you staring and he smiled but you looked away with a dark blush across your cheeks.
“I’m going to have to clean up now, no thanks to you.” You grumbled, shifting on your feet. Leon laughed at your complaint.
“Could always help you with that, y'know. Take you back to my place to ‘clean each other up.’” He winked. You groaned but Leon kept that damn smirk on his face while he watched you, digging back into his pocket to fetch another cigarette.
You flipped your phone open, navigating back to the phone history to call that cab. You felt a pit in your stomach.
“Oh fuck.”
[ You have 13 missed calls ]
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cleo-fox · 3 months
As the Clock Strikes Midnight - Part IV
Series Masterlist Chapter Summary: In which you visit Loki's rooms. Chapter Warnings: Fingering, making out, orgasms, dirty talk, praise kink, more of Loki being a horrendous tease.
Tag List: I don’t have a tag list for this fic, sorry! The best way to hear about updates is to follow me on Tumblr or subscribe to the fic on AO3.
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In the light of morning, this all looks like a very bad idea. You are a servant; he is a prince. There is no future with him, certainly, and while he seems to be infatuated with you at present, there’s no telling how long that particular whim will last. You have no guarantee that he has your best interests in mind. Sneaking around after dark was risky enough in itself when you were just going to the library to read—sneaking to a prince’s bedchamber for activities that most would consider indecent is a level of recklessness that you’ve never even come close to before. If Fritjof finds out about this, you are fairly certain you’ll end up in the dungeons.
But at the same time...the idea is appealing in a way that makes the risk seem worth it. Loki is handsome and clever and you like how his wit is as sharp as your own. You like how he makes you feel. You’d had some relationships before—a short-lived tryst with a handsome stablehand, a brief infatuation with a valet, a whirlwind romance with a merchant—but none of them had ever been quite like this. You hadn’t wanted them like you want Loki...and the thought of Loki wanting you is far more intoxicating than it has any right to be.
You should not go. You want to go. You shouldn’t. You want to. You go back and forth with yourself on this for most of the day, to the point that Anja scolds you for your inattentiveness.
There’s part of you, though, that knows all along what your choice will be.
And so, against every shred of good judgment you possess, you find yourself walking to Loki’s chambers later that evening. It’s a nerve-wracking walk and you find yourself jumping at every shadow, your heart nearly leaping out of your chest with every unexpected noise.
He opens the door before you can knock, almost like he can sense how fragile this is, how close you are to turning around and running back to your room, how wildly your heart is beating in your chest.
You’ve never been in any of the royal chambers before and you’re surprised by how immediately out of place you feel. His rooms are beautifully appointed and it only makes you more aware of the plainness of your work dress, reinforcing the fact that you’re not supposed to be here. You smooth your hands awkwardly against the fabric of your skirts as the door clicks shut behind you.
“Are you nervous?”
His voice startles you slightly, though you certainly haven’t forgotten his presence. You turn to face him, your chin jutting out defiantly.
“I am no maiden, if that’s what you’re asking,” you say.
He laughs quietly. “I wasn’t, but I shall take that under advisement.”
Your cheeks burn—you really need to think more carefully before you speak. It’s just that you’re so wildly out of your element right now that you don’t really know how to act, especially not with Loki looking like he means to undress you with his gaze. At least the library is familiar and dim enough to blunt the wrongness of what you’re doing. These beautiful rooms make you feel exposed and awkward.
You square your shoulders and stare him down as he approaches, trying to ignore the obvious smirk pulling at his lips.
“You didn’t answer my question,” he says softly, stopping mere inches in front of you. He reaches up, fingers tracing the line of your jaw. “Are you nervous?”
You swallow and try to keep your face expressionless, even though he can surely feel your heart pounding when his thumb grazes your pulse point. “I suppose I don’t really know what to expect,” you say.
He gives you a rather devilish grin and heat flares between your legs. “I rather think you’ll enjoy it,” he says, taking both of your hands in his as he leads you over to the couch in a little sitting area. “In fact, I intend to make sure of it.”
“Once again, your confidence is inspiring,” you say, though your bravado is mostly to hide your nerves.
He chuckles as he sits down, pulling you into his lap so that you straddle his hips, your skirts riding up to the middle of your thighs. “I am looking forward to quieting that wicked tongue.”
“I thought you were going to endeavor to make me scream,” you say.
He chuckles, his large, warm hands stroking up your legs, pausing at your knees. “So dreadfully impertinent.”
“You like it.”
He hums, his hands inching up your thighs. “Not nearly as much as I like the idea of you becoming pliant and yielding under my touch.”
“You certainly have a high opinion of your ability.”
You say this to bait him and you’re immediately gratified by the dark look in his eyes and his hands coming to rest at the juncture where your hips meet your thighs. Your stomach muscles tense in delicious anticipation.
“Do I?” he murmurs, his fingertips gently grazing the thin layer of fabric that covers your sex. “I can feel how slick you are already and I haven’t even touched you.”
Without realizing it, you’ve tilted your head so that your forehead rests against his and he takes advantage of the closeness, slanting his mouth over yours, sliding his tongue along your lower lip until you open your mouth to him. He is equal parts rough and tender, a combination that leaves your head spinning and intensifies the ache between your legs as his fingers press lightly against you. He nips at your lower lip, soothing the sting with a sensuous swipe of his tongue before luring you back into a slow and seductive rhythm that makes it difficult to think about anything other than the taste of his lips, the dull ache building between your thighs, and the hard length straining at his trousers.
He breaks the kiss to look at you, green eyes boring into yours. Your breath hitches as he pushes the fabric of your undergarments aside, his fingers hovering teasingly over your sex.
Your breath has become rapid and shallow. He looks at you, eyes lust glazed, but still cool and calm and completely in control.
“Tell me what you want, darling.” 
There’s a small part of you that still has the wherewithal to be a little annoyed. Of course this is just another game, another trick to play. The bastard has the gall to look amused at how flustered you are, how you’re practically trembling and panting in anticipation of his touch.
But you’re just lust-crazed enough to play along with his tricks and games and his hand is so deliciously close to where you need him. “Touch me,” you murmur.
You decide to ignore the teasing, triumphant glint in his eyes—for now, at least. One finger strokes the very edge of your sex—not where you need to be touched, not anywhere that brings you relief.
“Here?” he asks, his eyes wide with feigned innocence.
You have enough presence of mind to scowl at him. “You know what I want.”
His grin is devilish. “Perhaps I want to hear it from you.”
You sigh, but you decide it’s worth it. “I...I want you to make me come.”
His eyes take on a dark and hungry focus that makes you shiver and his fingers finally—finally—part the slick folds of your sex, circling the swollen nub of your clit. Your eyes close and you let out a breath, a soft moan falling from your lips.
“See, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” he murmurs.
“Smugness doesn’t suit you,” you say.
He gives a low laugh. “We both know that’s a lie.” He slides one finger inside of you and you can’t help the whimper that falls from your lips. “So slick already,” he murmurs, his thumb sliding up to rub your clit. “Did you touch yourself after I left you last night?”
You had certainly considered it—he had you wound so tightly that it took you nearly an hour to fall asleep. But you also suspected that he would make you wait another night if you took matters into your own hands and you were fairly certain you would die if you had to wait any longer, so you refrained, as difficult as it was.
“No,” you say and the look on his face when he realizes that you’re not lying almost makes the sexual frustration worth it.
“No?” he says, pressing a kiss against the side of your neck. “Even after I left you so terribly unsatisfied?”
“You told me you would make it worth my wait,” you say, your hips rocking with his hand. “So I waited.”
The look he gives you is dark and hungry and a little wild. “Good girl,” he purrs and you tighten reflexively around his fingers. You’re almost embarrassed by the effect that his words have on you, but you can’t bring yourself to care overly much, not with the way his fingers are moving inside of you and how his thumb is rubbing those perfect little circles against your clit. Your eyes shut and your head tips back as you moan. A warm, pulsing heat is building in your belly, rising like a tide, waiting to sweep you under.
“Yes,” he breathes, “that’s lovely, darling, you’re so responsive.”
You keen at his words and his fingers curl inside of you, pressing firmly against a spot that makes you see stars.
“Look at me,” he says in that purr of a voice. You somehow summon the concentration to raise your head and lift your eyes to him. “I want to hear you, do you understand?” he says. “No holding back.”
The pleasure is becoming unbearable and you can feel yourself tensing around his fingers, poised on the edge, about to fall. You whimper, your fingernails digging into his shoulders, hips rocking. 
“That’s it, you’re almost there.” His breathing is slightly heavy and he’s looking at you like you’re something wonderful. The hunger in his eyes summons a bolt of longing in you that translates to a physical ache in your hips. The thought of him wanting you like that is a kind of intense thrill that you’ve never felt before—so intense, in fact, that it’s enough to give you that final nudge over the edge and you come with a soft cry.
“Lovely.” He reaches for you and pulls you into a lazy kiss as you ride out the wave of your high. You sigh against his mouth and he nips at your lower lip. “But you were holding back,” he says.
You’re about to ask him why he thinks that, but his hand is moving again and it’s distracting, to say the least. 
“I suppose I’ll just have to make you come again,” he says with a mock sigh, his voice coming out as a bit of a growl. “Do try to follow my instructions this time.”
Distantly, you note that this is the sort of thing that requires a smart and snappy reply, which would be forthcoming if his fingers weren’t doing such unspeakably good things between your legs. With anyone else, it would be too much too close to your previous orgasm, but Loki has an almost uncanny sense of how to touch you. He is coaxing something warm and wicked out of those aftershocks, something that is building low in your hips, making you tighten around his fingers. You’re panting, a needy whimper falling from your lips.
“Yes, darling,” he murmurs, his eyes sliding over you appreciatively. “I want to hear you scream for me. No holding back this time.”
The thing is, you’re not sure you can hold back, even if you wanted to. It’s become rapidly apparent that you’re going to come again and by the way your whole body seems to be anticipating it, you’re fairly certain it’s going to be more intense than the last time.
“Oh, you’re so close,” he purrs. “I can feel that.”
Your breath stutters in your throat as you feel your body tense tighter and tighter, hurtling toward a glorious release.
But then just before you tip back over the edge, he stops, his hand stilling, lips pulling into a smirk. You let out a frustrated whine, your hips moving fruitlessly as you try to capture what had been so easily in your grasp mere seconds ago.
“Something you want, love?” he asks lightly, not even bothering to hide the laugh from his voice.
There’s some distant part of you that’s a little disappointed by how quickly you resort to begging, but you can’t bring yourself to care right now, not while you feel so wildly unsatisfied. “Please don’t stop, please.”
“Are you going to follow my instructions this time?” he asks. “Are you going to scream for me?”
“Yes, yes, please, I promise, please don’t stop, please, please—”
His fingers curl inside of you and begin moving again and you moan loudly, partly from relief and partly because you’re so close and can’t help it and partly because you don’t want him to stop again.
“Yes, that’s it, let me hear you,” he breathes.
Everything seems to slow as the building pressure in your hips suddenly crests and expands. You cry out—almost embarrassingly loudly—as your muscles spasm and release into a rush of feeling that makes your insides fizz. It seems to go on for ages, the aftershocks rolling through you, coaxed on by Loki’s still thrusting fingers and the soothing rumble of his low voice in your ear.
“Beautiful,” he murmurs, pressing a sweet kiss against your neck.
You lean on his shoulder, your legs trembling as you try to catch your breath. He runs a hand down the column of your spine, gently pressing you against his chest.
You allow yourself to rest for a moment as he strokes your back, your head pillowed against his chest. It’s nice, sitting here like this, though you know you can’t allow yourself to become too sentimental, grow too attached. This is lovely, but temporary. You’d do well to remember that.
After a moment, you sit back up, leaning in to kiss him. He’s soft and languid in his movements—every time you try to draw him deeper, he resists just slightly, giving you just enough to make you long for him even more.
“Do you want more?” he asks, his lips barely moving from yours.
You’re well past the point of pride now. Sated and sweaty as you feel, there’s a lingering ache between your legs, a need for something more than what his fingers could provide. “Yes. Please,” you sigh, fingers tangling in his hair.
He presses a chaste kiss against your lips. “Come back tomorrow after dark.”
You pull back from him, frowning. “You’re not serious,” you say.
“I’m quite serious,” he says lightly, not quite able to hide the amusement from his expression. “I would hate to overexert you.”
Your eyes narrow. “My constitution is quite hearty, I assure you.”
He chuckles and slides out from underneath you. “I believe a very clever woman once told me that a little chase makes the conquest all the sweeter,” he says, standing.
You are not sure if you are more furious with him or with yourself. Of course that line would come back to bite you. Of course. You are slightly too distracted by your own fury and absentmindedly take his hand when he offers it to you.
“Perhaps I won’t be inclined to participate in the conquest,” you say sourly as you stand. “Perhaps I won’t return tomorrow.”
He leans in and kisses you, his tongue expertly parting your lips and returning some of the ardor that he had denied you earlier and that’s all it takes for you to immediately undercut your own point. You press wantonly against him, your fingers threading through his hair.
He is smirking when he pulls back. “I rather think you will.”
You scowl, knowing that he’s right.
Next chapter
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sweetercalypso · 11 months
Watch Party || Joel Miller
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word count: 1.5k
summary: renting a Halloween movie turns into a nightmare when poltergeist!Joel Miller crawls out of your TV
notes: part two in my week of horror series! minors dni; female mast., male mast., voyeurism, facial, afab reader, better tags on a03 because tumblr hates this post
It’d started as a joke.
The dusty VHS tape sitting on your coffee table was a relic, an obsolete piece of lewd cinema recorded and forgotten by time. ‘Night of the Lustful Undead’ is clearly an outdated work, but you doubt that the twenty-first century has produced anything that rivals the corny obscenity featured in this parody of a classic horror film.
Static from the TV flickers in a black and white trance, casting a strange light over your living room, dancing across the furniture with an eerie glow.
You grab the tape and slide it into the VHS player that you’d pulled from storage just for this occasion, and settle onto the couch with the remote in hand. This started as a joke, but you’re in too deep to back out now.
When your Halloween plans had been cancelled for the third time in a row, you’d assumed it was a sign that you were meant to spend the holiday weekend at home. You’d told your friend about your dilemma over brunch one morning, and she’d said that time alone could be just as fun, as long as you knew how to spend it.
You’d blushed at the implication and laughed off her suggestive tone, but the idea had planted a seed in your mind, and by the end of the month, it’d grown into something more.
­­­­If you were going to spend the holiday by yourself, you decided that you wanted to stay on theme with your choice of celebration. A movie rental company on the other side of town had exactly the entertainment you were looking for.
You’d been grateful for the anonymity of the empty, dated storefront, though you’d struggled to make eye contact with the cashier as he’d stuffed your purchase into an inconspicuously plain plastic bag.
Now, as the opening credits roll across the screen, you’re still telling yourself that this is just an ironic charade. You’re not actually interested in the passionate plot you’d read on the back of the cover; you’re not secretly glad that your friends hadn’t invited you out at the last minute; you’re not vaguely aware of the heat simmering in your belly at the thought of what’s to come.
The scene opens with a grainy shot of a scantily dressed woman barricaded in the cellar of an old farmhouse – a reference to the film’s inspiration.
She’s toying with a radio to call for help when the reanimated “zombie” bursts through the door, mangled shirt barely covering his tan chest. He lunges towards her and she gives an exaggerated gasp before zealously attempting to wrangle herself free.
“Oh, that’s so fake,” you scoff, though your hands twitch absentmindedly at your sides.
Their stilted performances makes the movie seem more gaudy than you’d anticipated, but you’re too distracted by their heated struggle to worry about bad acting.
The performer in the scene is handsome enough – a burly, broad-shouldered man with dark eyes and a stony expression. The undead part of his character had been implied solely in his tattered clothes and the baritone warble of his voice, and now that he’s stripped down to his popped-open jeans, you can’t remember much else about his role.
Your hands inch into your lap as the two actors tangle themselves together, almost entirely abandoning the storyline they’d spent the first ten minutes building up. He lays the woman down on a conveniently placed blanket and moves between her thighs with the promise to ‘give her what she needs’.
The camera changes angles and you shift in your seat as the expanse of his back fills the screen. His muscles flex in time with his first experimental thrust, spine bent at an awkward angle as he leans down to groan against the woman’s throat. You barely notice the sound of her high-pitched moans over the guttural noises he sings against her skin.
When the point of view changes again and you’re met with a close up of his side profile, you’re immediately entranced by the sight. His nose is pressed against the woman’s cheek, brows pinching together as they share greedy breaths between their open mouths.
You gasp as he glances over at the camera. For a split second, it felt like he was looking directly into your eyes.
The thought is enough to bring you to your breaking point, finally caving in and slipping your fingers beneath the waistband of your sweats. You’re soaked between your thighs and the sound of the actor’s heady pants fuels the urgency in your touch.
Your fingers swipe messily at your clit as the man on the screen picks up pace, grunting a breathless command of ‘don’t come without me’ into the small room.
The camera switches to a more scenic shot of the pair and you mourn the loss of his close-up features. The woman seems to have forgotten her character’s earlier reservations, thighs wrapped snugly around his waist, one hand knitted into his dark, tussled hair. You silently envy the way she gets to explore his form.  
She throws her head back in pleasure and you imitate the act, almost like you’re trying to envision yourself in her place. Your eyes squint shut and you picture his face again, dipping your fingers into your core.
Light from the TV flashes behind your closed eyes, a wild display of vivid colors that doesn’t fit the setting of the movie. The sounds of their affair are replaced with a jarring static that makes you groan and slump down into the couch. The tape must be jammed.
You peel your eyes open with a disappointed sigh, already feeling the tightly-wound coil in your gut beginning to unravel. So much for enjoying your alone time.
From the flicker of the screen, you notice a tall silhouette looming beside the TV. The color drains from your face when it begins to move closer and you realize that it’s taken the shape of a man.
You’re frozen in fear, too scared to move and too dazed to consider whether your heart is hammering out of panic or eager anticipation.
The figure stops just a few feet away and you’re able to piece together his identity. The mused hair, the stubble on his cheeks, the hills and valleys of his exposed shoulders and chest – the man from the screen is here in front of you.
You look towards the TV in disbelief. Everything seems to be exactly the same, minus the empty space that he had once filled.
His scene partner is still plastered on the screen, blurred by the digital lines running across her image. Without his presence, the movie seems much more like the unserious spoof film you thought you’d purchased.
“I didn’t tell you to stop,” his gruff baritone breaks the monotonous white noise coming from the speakers.
“How did you…” your question trails off before you can finish it. What could he say that would make you understand?
He nods towards where your hand disappears beneath the waist of your bottoms. “Keep going. I want to watch.”
His own hand is wrapped around the length of his cock, moving slowly to keep his interest limited to your assent. He’s close enough that you can see the pearl of precum dripping from his ruddy tip, glinting in the light of the flickering screen.
Your fingers move of their own volition, circling your clit with a gentle pressure, matching the leisure pace of his hand gliding over his length. Small chirps and sounds of pleasure fill the air, turning into little hums and choked sobs as your shared tempo becomes faster.
“Y’like my cock?” He spits, thighs flexing as he bucks into his palm. “Dirty girl, getting off on watching other people fuck.”
You whimper and stretch your free hand out to motion him to come closer, but he shakes his head and bats it away. “No – you’re gonna finish what you started.”
He takes another step closer and rubs his thumb over the underside of his cock, laughing to himself as your jaw hangs open in awe.
“Make yourself come, and then I’ll touch you however you want.”
A few more swipes over your clit is all it takes for you to reach your peak, crumpling forward and shuddering through your release. You’re still catching your breath when a warm hand meets your cheek, pulling your attention up to the man towering above you.
His cock stands just inches from your face, and he twists over the shaft once, twice, before he comes, striping the evidence of his arousal over your glazed features. He hisses out a blissful noise and taps the weeping head against your parted lips, leaving a salty taste in your mouth that makes your walls clench.
He tips his head to the side, admiring the opaque lines streaked across your face. When he takes a step back and glances at the TV over his shoulder, you’re afraid for a moment that he might disappear. He turns his focus back towards you with a grin, and the look in his eyes says he’s not leaving anytime soon.
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cellarspider · 1 year
Good lord I take a week off of tumblr and now there’s a lot of you
Hello to everyone who’s just followed me in the past week! Most of you have come from a long ramble of mine on interdisciplinary learning, medieval head trauma, and Gallus’ well-wishings on my recent graduation (https://www.tumblr.com/gallusrostromegalus/727017193756327936), thank you to Gallus for that. Thank you to those of you who’ve commented with kind words as well. Specific shout-outs, links to relevant rambles, and questions are below, in the section “Link Roundup and Shoutouts”.
Yes, this is a post with sections. This is how we roll here.
Introduction to Spider
For those who don’t know, I’m Spider! I’ve just gotten my PhD in Mammalian Genetics, having gotten a Masters in Informatics and a Bachelors in Medieval Studies before that. I’ll quite happily ramble about any of them, with the following caveats: an undergraduate degree means I know the basics, but they may be increasingly out of date. And advanced degrees are increasingly specialized in their scope as you go along—you gain the skills to more easily understand things from related specialties, but you only become truly, deeply knowledgeable on very specific topics. However, these topics are not always limited to the field of study generally expected by the degree-granting institution! My focus ended up being significantly divergent from everyone else’s, which resulted in an interesting challenge of communicating my project to others at the institute.
The field I dove into for my PhD was systems genetics. Rather than studying individual genes and how they function, my work examined the wider view: think the difference between a local weather forecast versus modeling the global climate. Both synthesize vast amounts of information, just on different scales and levels of detail.
Many people love studying the tiny details around individual genes, because they can dig down into the mechanisms that make the gene work, how it might break and cause disease, and maybe how to fix those diseases. My love is for the global view of things, which gives you the ability to characterize general statements about how genes are regulated and modified. It’s a field that’s very hard to study without good data that’s complicated to acquire, so it’s a very exciting subject to work on! I’m looking forward to carrying that on into a postdoctoral study, in which I’ll work with a new lab and learn the dreaded skill of grant writing. I’ll be starting this month!
…As Gallus mentioned, my time until then is very much devoted to Baldur’s Gate 3. Happily for me, the new research group I’ll be joining has also been going nuts for Baldur’s Gate 3, so I’ll have a lot to talk about with my coworkers once I’m back to the lab.
In my free time, I’m happy to ramble upon request about the subjects I love, including but not limited to my fields of academic study, my constructed language hobby, scientific ethics and its portrayal in media, creepy-crawlies (always appropriately tagged for people’s phobias), and Baldur’s Gate 3.
…Lots of Baldur’s Gate 3. (I’ve only just reached the Lost Light Inn, please no spoilers!)
Link Roundup and Shoutouts
For those who are interested to see my ramble about why European medical texts in the medieval period tended to be terrible, it’s available here: https://www.tumblr.com/cellarspider/680342023316930560/hi-please-rant-about-medieval-european-medical
Thank you to all those who dug up the name of the academic text I’d forgotten! Its title, in all its wordy glory, is Injuries of the skull and brain, as described in the myths, legends, and folk-tales of the various peoples of the world, with some comments on the significance and reliability of this information in evaluating contemporary concepts as to their nature and lethality by Cyril B. Courville, 1967. It’s a fantastic book, and good lord that title just does not stop
Thank you to fellow spiders @one-spider-from-mars and @vaspider for their comments. We are many. We are mighty.
Thank you to @belovedbright for the fantastic story of the death of Conchobar mac Nessa via brain trauma inflicted by a brain https://www.tumblr.com/belovedbright/727132485919604736
To @doomhamster's question on whether egg whites were used in the medieval treatment of burns: I don’t know! Unfortunately I can’t access the translation of the medical manual I referred to back then (https://worldcat.org/title/1123716578), and the only version I can find online at the moment is in 14th century French (https://www.bl.uk/manuscripts/FullDisplay.aspx?ref=Sloane_MS_1977). Egg whites do appear 33 times in the translation, according to the limited ability I have to search the text, and they show up throughout the book.
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kingofbodyrolls · 7 months
My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | teaser + drop date
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Hi all you lovely people 🥰
I just want to give you an update on ‘My Heart’s Home’, because I said I’d hoped to be able to post it this week (week 9), but I have to push it one more week— IT HAS BEEN RELEASED; chapter 1 🥳
And then, a chapter will be posted twice a week! (on Mondays and Thursdays)
I want to thank each and every one of you— especially those on the taglist and @letjungcoook7! Thank you so much for being interested in the story, and Lua, for reading some of it and hyping me up 🥹 To be honest, I didn’t think anyone could be interested in it, or care. So I’m over the moon, and I hope you will enjoy it ✨
*the book cover is just me having fun lol, I couldn’t help myself 😂 Because you’ve been so patient and nice, I’ll give you a 1.2k teaser for ‘My Heart’s Home’.
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Summary: You’d never thought you’d step foot back at the ranch– a place you used to call home a long time ago. When you are forced to go back, reconcile with your sister and a certain childhood friend that you had long forgotten, will sparks reunite?
Pairing: jimin x reader (main) and jungkook x reader (one time). There’s other pairings throughout the story, but those aren’t with the reader, but between the other characters— there’s one mxm relationship but it’s very minor.
Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters.
AUs: ranch!au, slice of life!au
Genres: smut, humor, fluff, slow burn and angst (yes, it’s got everything lol!)
Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
Word count for the teaser: 1.2k (approx. 180k for whole series)
Taglist: @kookswifesblog @kiki-zb @babejinnie @ownthesunshine @allie-is-a-panda @glllhjh* @bergandysam @13-manggaetteok
*tumblr isn’t letting me tag you! There could be a lot of reasons for that, please check out this lovely post about it.
Looking for the masterlist?
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In the morning, you gradually rouse to the sensation of something firm pressing against your face, yet there's an unexpected tenderness, a gentle caress against your skin. Your pillow, typically mundane, now cradles your head in an oddly satisfying manner, prompting you to nuzzle into it, seeking additional solace. A contented murmur escapes your lips in fatigue as you attempt to stretch your limbs, only to discover the subtle ache that permeates your entire body.
Your eyes snap open in realization. This isn't the familiar embrace of your bed, and the comforting pillow beneath your head is anything but ordinary. A surge of awareness courses through you as you come to terms with an unexpected reality – you're sprawled across Jimin's thigh. 
More precisely, you’re nestled against his groin, where you abruptly discover the undeniable evidence of his morning arousal.
You spring to attention, the warmth of embarrassment coloring your cheeks, heart racing like a runaway train against your ribcage. In the hazy glow of early morning, you fumble for the most sincere apology you can conjure, breathlessly exclaiming, “Oh, goodness! I'm so sorry!”
As you settle onto the couch, your gaze locks with his still sleepy and drowsy eyes. The realization hits that you both must have drifted off in this intimate position, with you cradled in the warmth of his inviting lap.
Jimin's chuckle resonates like a melodious tune in the early morning, a soothing sound that plays a soft serenade to your ears. Despite your efforts to steady your heartbeat and contain the fluttering sensations, his laughter creates a symphony that dances through the awakening air.
“It's okay. I just woke up,” he rises and stretches, a lazy yawn escaping his lips. Why does he have to look this enticing? His blonde locks cascade in unruly curls, framing a face that's both soft and slightly puffy from sleep. Those pink lips, as if kissed by the night, slightly nibbled, beckon dangerous thoughts. As he stretches, biceps tensing and shirt teasingly riding up, a glimpse of his happy trail emerges, a sight your eyes try to resist but fail. Damn it, you scold yourself, but then his armpit becomes visible, and even that seems inexplicably appealing.
Oh, he smells divine—powdery softness, a hint of sweetness, warmth, and richness all mingling to craft an intoxicating musky scent. It envelops you, leaving your entire being tingling with an irresistible allure.
Jimin appears entirely unfazed, but you're left feeling utterly flustered, convinced your cheeks must be ablaze. “I'm so sorry for dozing off on you. I meant to offer you my bed, but I guess I fell asleep before I could say anything,” you chuckle, trying to shake off the lingering traces of sleep from your weary body.
A sudden realization strikes you like a bolt of lightning. 
Oh my god. If you’re sore, Jimin must be too! You practically slept on his injured leg!
“I apologize for your leg—I can't believe I slept on it. I might have undone all the massage from yesterday,” you groan in frustration, scolding yourself for your apparent weakness for this man. He's your childhood friend, the one who came and told you that you belong— at the place you once called home, reigniting something dormant within you, a feeling that has slumbered for centuries, now awakening and blossoming slowly.
“It's really okay,” he assures you with a soft squeeze to your leg. His hand feels firm and warm, mirroring his comforting presence. You realize a desire for more, but you tread carefully on dangerous waters, doing your best to keep your more horny thoughts in check.
“I'll have to head back soon,” he says, punctuating his statement with another heartfelt yawn, a languid stretch emphasizing the inevitable departure.
“Do you like pancakes? I could whip up a batch before you head out,” you suggest, caught between the genuine desire to treat him to a hearty breakfast and the subtle hope that it might extend his stay, sparing him the long drive on an empty stomach.
“Absolutely,” he responds, his soft smile revealing a glimpse of those charmingly crooked teeth. As you rise from your seat and head into the kitchen to whip up the pancakes, a subtle urgency whispers in your mind, warning that if you linger too long, keeping your hands to yourself might become an increasingly challenging feat.
With a culinary flair, you whip up the pancakes in record time, the aroma of warm batter filling the air. As you both settle around the small dining table, the atmosphere is filled with the comforting clinks of cutlery against plates. Amidst bites of fluffy pancakes, Jimin unveils the captivating tale of wild horses roaming the ranch, a narrative that unfolds with tales of Yoongi's quest to tame these untamed spirits, turning them into dependable companions through a gentle, patient approach. 
Fascinated, you ponder the intricacies of Jimin's story. “I had no idea such a thing was possible,” you muse, savoring a sip of water as if to quench not just your thirst but also your curiosity.
“Yoongi has a real knack for gentling horses, it's like second nature to him,” he shares, his smile lighting up the room as he effortlessly joins you in tidying up after the meal.
As the moment lingers, a subtle sense of farewell hovers in the air, but you're not quite ready to part ways with Jimin. The warmth of his company, the echoes of the past, all make you wish he didn't have to leave just yet.
Gratitude colors his words as he stands in the hallway, boots on, ready to step out into the world again. “Thank you for having me over,” he expresses, his gaze carrying a blend of sincerity and a hint of reluctance.
“No problem,” you respond with a soft smile, “having you here was truly enjoyable.”
“I hope to see you again, maybe back home?” His gaze lingers in your eyes for what feels like an eternity. There you stand, like a lovestruck fool, anticipating the one thing your brain has been yearning for since you glimpsed his softly bitten lips in the morning. The hope in his voice resonates, causing your heart to beat erratically in your chest once more.
Your gaze rises to meet his, and as he strides closer, his eyes lock onto yours. The proximity is electrifying; you sense his warm breath teasing your face, and anticipation builds as he leans in, closing the space between you.
You surrender to the moment, shutting your eyes as his warm hands cradle your cheeks. A delicate touch, his nose brushes against yours, setting off a delightful jolt that courses through your entire being. Then, in a tender ascent, his plush lips descend upon your forehead, leaving an imprint of warmth that lingers.
Instinctively, your fingers tighten around his biceps, a reflexive response to the unexpected closeness. A soft chuckle escapes your lips as the realization dawns – he's kissing your forehead, a gentlemanly gesture that leaves a trail of warmth lingering on your skin.
He withdraws, and as you open your eyes, his warm, smiling face is the last thing you see. “See you at home,” he whispers, leaving you with a fluttering heart and a lingering promise in the air.
As he gracefully exits the room, descending the stairs with an effortless charm, your heart beats wildly, a flutter of butterflies threatening to carry you away. Your entire being tingles, breath caught in a sweet suspension. A lovestruck smile plays on your lips, lingering like the echo of his presence.
He wants you to come home.
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸
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mcytblraufest · 1 year
Holiday Exchange: General Rules and FAQ
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TIMELINE:  Sign-ups open, Discord Opens: 18 October Sign-ups close, everyone must have joined the Discord: 15 November Assignments sent out: 23 November - 26 November Check-in: 9 December - 10 December  Posting Week: Sunday 24th December through Monday 1 January.
RULES FOR PARTICIPATING:  - Must join our Discord for communication - Must tag your recipient in the eventual post  - Must tag this blog in your post so we can keep track of gifts - DM a mod ASAP if you don’t think you’ll get your gift out on time or at all, or you want to withdraw - Must check in at the half-way mark to make sure everything is on-track. -Must request and offer to create around a minimum of three characters. -Any under-18 persons found requesting or offering NSFW content will be banned from this and all future iterations of the exchange. -Because of Tumblr, Ao3 and Discord TOS, you must be 13 to participate.
RULES FOR CREATING:  - Make a good-faith effort to respect creator boundaries - Your gift doesn’t have to contain only requested characters, but it does have to centre on at least one requested character.  - Any shipping must be kept to PG-13 levels or below unless your recipient specifically requested NSFW. Any non-requested NSFW is grounds for a ban from this and all future iterations of the exchange.  -Respect your giftee's DNW. Any gift found to be in violation of a reasonable DNW is grounds for a ban from future iterations of the exchange. - Dark or Violent themes must be tagged appropriately -No AI-created content.
DISCORD LINK - Discord: [here]
CREATING RESOURCES:  - How to add your fic to an Ao3 Collection. [link]  - The Ao3 Collection. [link]  - How to image-describe your art. [link1] [link2]
MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS:  - Art (1 drawing, created to a standard you would normally post as “finished”)  - Writing (1k+ words)  - Playlist (2 hour-long playlists)  - Moodboard (2 boards, at least 9 elements each, for a total of at minimum 18 elements between both boards. Speak to mods if that really doesn't work for your designs)  - Web Weaving (1 board of at least 10 elements)
MISC:  - Tag this blog as well, so we can reblog you!  - You will not necessarily be matched with someone who matches your ‘willing to create about’ exactly. The goal is to have multiple matches, but in cases of more obscure requests you might be matched with someone who only has one commonality between your ‘willing to create’ and their wish list. In that case at least you know what to make your gift around pretty quickly. :D  - Please send asks if you need information. If it is something you do not feel comfortable sending in an ask, you can message the head mod at @antimony-medusa​ - If you ask us a question about something that has been already outlined in this post we will not answer!
-I changed my mind about my gift list, I want to add something, what do I do? You can re-do your entry and we will delete the earlier version of any duplicate entries, or you send us an ask (off anon if you want an answer back) to change something (only minor changes using this method, please).
-Is there an Ao3 collection? I want to add my fic to it. There will be! It will be released once assignments are sent out.
-I added my fic to the Ao3 collection, but I can’t see it? The collection is currently set to ‘unrevealed’, so works can be added but won’t be visible before reveal day, so it’s all a surprise.
-I need to contact my recipient, but they have anon off! What do I do? Talk to us, we’ll contact them for you.
- I didn’t save my assignment message and now I’ve forgotten my assignment, what now? Get in contact with us, we’ll resend it. 
-I can’t finish my gift by the deadline, what do I do? You have two options. Option one is to consider if you can still finish it by a couple days or a week or so later, and ask the mods if you can get an extension. We will check with your recipient to see if it’s okay to extend your deadline. Option two is to drop entirely, in which case you tell a mod, and we will assign your gift to a pinch-hitter so your recipient still gets something. In both cases, the important thing is that you get in contact with a mod ( @antimony-medusa is head mod) as soon as possible to figure out a plan.
-If I want to make more than one gift, can I? You can make as many gifts as you'd like! If you really enjoy making gifts, we suggest signing up as a Pinch Hitter in the discord
-I don't celebrate Christmas, can I sign up? This exchange welcomes all holidays (even a complete lack of holidays), and people will have an opportunity to opt in to what events they want represented in their gift, whether that's real-world holidays, imaginary minecraft events, or no holidays at all.
-I'm only a fan of a small server, can I sign up? You are very welcome to sign up even if your fandom doesn't have the most active tag, this is a broad MCYT exchange. We will do our best to match you with someone else who also likes your block people. If your fandom has less than a thousand fics on the archive, we recommend that you try and recruit friends into the exchange too, so you know that there are people who like the same characters as you in the matching pool. We can't absolutely promise to match on smaller characters, but we have run this exchange twice and we haven't had anyone be entirely unmatchable yet, so fingers crossed that continues.
-Is RPF allowed? While MCYT is in a fuzzy space while we're often close to RPF and many of our older works are still tagged with Video Blogging RPF, this is a character-focused exchange. You will not be able to request or offer direct RPF for this exchange.
-Is shipping allowed? Yes. For the comfort of the greatest number of participants, we ask that participants make a good-faith effort to ensure that any shipping is boundary-respecting, but because there is no broad fandom-wide consensus about how that is defined in specific cases (whether it's okay to write beeduo as /r or /p is an obvious case) or between specific fandoms (lifesteal approach to shipping is different from HBG is different from DSMP), the mods will not be policing any specific understanding of boundaries across the event. The event will operate on Don't Like Don't Read, in that everyone will have the chance to opt in for themselves as to if they are comfortable with shipping or NSFW for each specific character they want to work with, and mods will match based on that.
-Is NSFW allowed? Yes, NSFW is permitted as long as it respects creator boundaries, and both sides of the gift exchange are 18+. People will only be matched to others who specifically requested NSFW work. For the comfort of the greatest number of people in the exchange and the mod team, nothing that would warrant the tags Underage, Rape/Noncon, Dubcon, Adult/Minor, or Incest is permitted.
-My person requested characters I don't want to write, and one of them is a ship I don't like. What do I do? You are only expected to create a gift for the characters you matched on. If you offered to create for Grian (shipping allowed), Good times with Scar (shipping allowed) and Docm77 (only gen), and you matched to someone requesting Grian (shipping allowed), Docm77 (shipping allowed) and Keralis (only gen), you are only expected to make a gift with the characters and relationships you matched on, in this case, Grian. If you are entirely uncomfortable with your match, you can tell a mod, and we can take it off your hands and get it pinch-hit. You will still receive a gift.
-If noncon isn't permitted, is non-consentual touching (platonic) allowed? As technically a punch in the face counts as non-consensual touching, and pvp is a classic part of most MCYT canons, we find banning all nonconsensual contact to be unnecessarily restrictive. As long as nonconsensual contact is not sexual in nature, it is permitted, however, it must be tagged for adequately along with any other potentially triggering content.
-Do you allow dark or violent content? Yes. The lore of many mcyt servers includes death games, abuse, cannibalism, murder-for-hire, and other dark or violent themes. However, all potentially triggering content must be tagged for so readers and giftees can make an informed choice to get infolved or not. We would recommend that you not include particularly dark topics unless requested to by your giftee.
-What is a Pinch Hitter? A pinch hitter is a person who saves the day and steps in when the original creator is unable to deliver their work for whatever reason, making a new work on an accelerated timeline. You can sign up to be a Pinch Hitter in the discord.
-What is a DNW? All participants will have the opportunity to fill out a DNW, which stands for Do Not Want. This is anything that has the potential to ruin a gift for you. DNWs must be phrased politely, (so no "No foster aus because they suck and you suck if you like them"), and they must be reasonable, (so no attempting to box someone into a specific gift, i.e. "DNW anything that isn't a space au where Tommy is a dinosaur-hybrid and Tubbo is a ghost bee and they rampage through the living ship named Las Nevadas"), but they can be as petty (disliking specific art styles) or as broad-reaching (no modern aus, no specific ships, no crossovers with specific servers) as you like. Deliberately breaking someone's DNW is grounds for a ban from the exchange.
-When do I have to join the discord? You have the option to join the dicord and hang out as soon as signup starts on October 18, and you must join the discord so we can communicate with you by November 15. Anyone not in the discord once we start matching will have their sign-ups deleted.
-Is the discord a social server? Can I expect game nights? The discord is primarily an event server, we are not going to be hosting events. We will have a directory of other social servers, if you want to take a conversation started in the discord into a more convivial space.
-What's a check-in and how do they work? Check-ins are there to make sure everyone is on track to finish their piece in time, and to communicate any issues with the mods! If you know that you won’t be able to check in on a specific date (lack of internet, etc), please contact the mods in advance.
-What if I need to drop out? It is your responsibility to communicate with us if you need to drop out of the event for any reason, and we do need that communication. We know that life is no respecter of fic and art deadlines, so no hard feelings if something happens. However, we would hate for anyone to end up having no gift, so please think about this if you are thinking of dropping out close to reveals. Please inform us in advance if you must drop out or think you will not be able to complete your gift on time. Dropping out after the last check-in without informing the mods will result in not being permitted to take part in further events run by this mod team.
I have a question not answered here? Send us an ask on tumblr, contact @antimony-medusa on tumblr or discord!
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