#(it's because of a snek)
sygneth · 10 months
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"The Fall of the Starmaker"
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 313
You know what? Snake Danny. But not just any snake! Space naga. The world serpent, but literal- a moving galaxy, comets caught in the wakes of his movement, stars nestled between his scales. He’s like a giant cosmic LBM, wandering throughout time and space while he learns how to be an Ancient. 
He’s having fun! Learning so much and it’s a great way to chill for the weekends… er, or whenever he is seeing as sometimes Clockwork sends him off to not break a timeline or something. Who knows or cares, he was in space! 
Sometimes Tucker and Sam joined too, and honestly it’s all so much fun- especially now that they can make their own portals! C’mon he wants to check on this cool dimension he visited a while ago! 
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vivilingriphyn · 10 months
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My personal headcanon with Jay and his powers for a really long time, after watching in the earliest season when he turned into a snake that, that it never truly been cured or left but has some what merged with himself and his lighting, and the more he uses his powers the more snake like he becomes, his Canines turning more into fangs, snake like pupils, body becoming inhumanely flexible, (just imagine someone twisting his arm but the man can't feel shit) and blue scales slowly appearing on his body. (of course they're gonna be blue, because i say so and cause it's merge with his lighting sooo—)
Not only does it affect his physical body and traits but also his weapons and fighting style. I used the golden weapon in the earlier seasons for this is because I HAVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THIS FOR A LOOOONG and I always had that vision with those weapons first, also another personal headcanon with the golden weapon and how it in my head had so much potential! So I had been thinking that the on the dragon's mouth would open and lighting would shoot out, can act as a tazer, or when Jay concentrates his lighting enough to have a sort of form he could make it have a sharp edge like a dagger or a long sword for stabby stabs, but my personal favorite is a whip with of course a snake at the tip, I was thinking of the snake looking harmless and with it's mouth closed at first to catch his enemies by surprise when suddenly the whip tries to bite them and the snake suddenly coming alive, that is if they even noticed the snake to begin with, with how I imagine Jay would be going wild with whipping his whip around, and just laughing maniacally.
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katiefrog217 · 5 months
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[The Fall]
If you Fall, I'll be there to catch you. Even if I can't stop your Descent - If all I can do is delay the inevitable, At least you won't be alone when you hit the ground.
"I won't leave you on your own" - Anthony J. Crowley, S2 Ep 5
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eddievedders · 1 year
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David Tennant as Anthony J. Crowley "I Know Where I'm Going featuring the minisode The Resurrectionists".
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ineffablenlghtingales · 2 months
Okay, here it is. So I did a thing.
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a very silly attempt at drawing this:
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I only did the top halves because too lazy and proportions are not my forte whoops.
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jragons-fr-hole · 4 days
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I promise I'm working on comms I'm just awfully sick rn so I drew Skana (or more accurately her srcy) to cope o7
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mizgnomer · 1 year
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Crowley in Good Omens 2 Trailers/Previews gifs
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scarlet97531 · 3 months
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⭕️❗️y’all have been blessed by Clover’s beautiful boop-able snoot.
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vellichorom · 1 year
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& awhile back, @thisonesnek was kind enough to commission me for some extremely wholesome, domesticated DADDIES! & TO THIS DAY, i'm still very charmed by their request & moved by their donation.
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snekverse · 2 months
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Jury of Nine lineup!! Snek's rewrite lore under the cut ;)
An elite force designed to act as humanity's moral compass and the upholders of Avon's beliefs, the Jury was originally composed of the original Divine Warriors (sans Shad, as the Jury wasn't formed until after his banishment). Positions on the Jury were originally granted to those wielding one of the Divine Relics, but over the years as mankind became cruel and corrupt, and as they strayed from Avon's ideals, Jury positions were given out to cherry picked soldiers, often hand picked by the High Priest/Priestess who is representative of Avon herself, and the agenda they uphold is no longer Avon's, but that of O'khasis.
From a storytelling perspective, I want each of the current Jurors to reflect/represent/relate to one of the Divine, and I'm still a little on the fence on whether or not I want to show that via unique uniforms (similar to the way they are in canon) - let me know which you guys prefer! might even set up a poll for it later
From left to right the characters are Zane (Avon), Janus (Kebek), Katelyn (Menphia), Jeffory (Esmund), Ivy (Roska), Teony (Aenia), Ivan (Enki), and my OCs Edric (Kul'zak) and Della (Absol)
I'd love to go on forever about this lol but this post is already pretty long.. if you wanna ask me anything about this or about my rewrite in general I'm ALWAYS excited to chat.
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viperwhispered · 6 months
Hot take: Overblot Jamil keeping the reader behind as a pet/slave is pre-relationship.
Jamil's whole thing in a romantic relationship is equality and freedom. He wants to spoil and be spoiled. He wants his s/o safe and happy. His biggest fantasy is them loving a blissful domestic life in their own little home away from all the obligations and troubles of the world.
Jamil spent his whole life being treated as lesser and being denied his freedom. He would drop dead before even thinking of treating his s/o the same way. This is the person who has fully accepted every bit of him and given every bit of themselves in return. No way would Jamil, overblot or not, ever try to abuse that. In his eyes, his s/o deserves the universe. They're his partner, his queen, his rani, his sultana.
And this goes triple for his Overblot. Jamil who's at that stage where he is 10000% comfortable and smitten by his s/o would rip his own heart out before daring to enslave his love.
Instead, OB Jamil is rejoicing at finally having the means to grant the luxury he feels his s/o deserves. He's crowning them the Sultana of Scarabia, hosting elaborate feasts with their favorites, dressing them in fine silk designs fit for royalty (aka not a harem girl). Jamil knows his s/o very well and does everything to keep them comfortable and happy.
And that's why it's so hard to want to reason with him. Not because of some porno "he's so mean but he's hot" situation. But because OB!Jamil is still Jamil. He still cuddles, pampers, teases, and shows his unyielding love for them. Only difference is that he no longer has any embarrassment or fluster holding him back. He doesn't care if all of Scarabia is watching him, if he wants to kiss them he gets to kiss them. Honestly it's kind of cute how he shamelessly pouts for their affection. Any manipulation towards them is a familiar and light hearted attempt at getting their attention.
The only consistent argument his s/o has for him is that the overblot will kill him and they can't stand the thought of loosing him.
Interesting 👀
My reply got kinda long again so putting it behind a read more again.
I feel like this depends a lot on where Jamil is as a person when the overblot happens. And, well, if we’re going for the canonical overblot, that was not exactly a high point for his emotional wellbeing and all - not that an overblot ever is. So by definition, it already is a point where the existing rules start to crack, and once the overblot hits, it really is arguable just how much they're in control of themselves at that point.
Though it is true that it is still their feelings and thoughts and desires moving them at least somewhat, just potentially twisted by the overblot itself and/or the emotional anguish they're usually going through at that point as well.
I’m curious, do you have any particular basis on saying that equality and freedom would be the cornerstones in a relationship for Jamil? Simply because (romantic) relationships are not talked about much in twst, and with Jamil especially I have a hard time figuring out what exactly it might be that he wants, what he’d come to value over time, and what might “do good” to him even if he might not recognize it or be aware of it himself.
Though I certainly agree, being on equal footing with his s/o would be good for him. Someone he can rely on and trust in, and where they can lean on each other. A true partner rather than someone who’s above or below.
But there is also that part of him that enjoys feeling powerful, that wants to climb that ladder to not being the one just taking the orders anymore. And especially with being under the influence of the overblot, I could see that extending to his partner as well. Like, at that point he really might think that what he wants is the adoration and the submission, to finally get those things he’s been craving, even from the person he’d normally consider his partner and equal.
Though yeah, this also really does depend on what would trigger the overblot in this scenario. Like with the right circumstances, I could definitely see him going for this more adoring scenario you described. I mean, for book 6 (I really hope this isn’t spoilers for you), we saw what an overblot is like when it is born from anguish over another, rather than from more “personal” issues. So it is not that the overblot has the characters necessarily acting in a purely selfish manner, even if most of them pretty much have. Idia, however, was very much doing everything in his power for Ortho after the overblot - selfish, still, in a way, but not in the same way as the others who were basically lashing out at everyone. So it definitely could happen.
And all this being said, I do absolutely love the idea of a Jamil who’s not holding back and is going all out pampering his s/o and letting the world know just how much they mean to him. I mean, it definitely would be the s/o's turn to be the one flustered in that scenario, and it indeed would definitely make it a little harder to give that all up and to persuade him that, you know, the overblot indeed is kinda deadly.
Just, him doing all those things he’s always wanted to do, but which he’s always stopped himself from doing (consciously or even subconsciously, or simply because it has not been practically possible). It really would be kinda sweet - if not also a little unsettling in some way to have him act so out of his usual character.
(Tho ngl, personally, I could also go for the “if evil why hot” approach because, well, that’s delicious too. So many potential avenues here.)
Also hadsf the thought of him in all his overblot glory and then just pouting because you’re not paying attention to him. An amusing image indeed.
Imagine this caring, shameless overblot Jamil when he thinks someone is threatening his s/o, tho. Ngl, I kinda love that idea, too (I mean, also concerning because even more blot, but you know).
I hope it doesn’t feel like I’m arguing against you too much with these, or anything like that. I feel like we approach Jamil from somewhat different angles, and so I kinda have to work my way through what I think is going on in his head before I can really start thinking about the scenario itself.
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local-robotgirlthing · 2 months
all robots should be hugged btw :3
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snek-panini · 1 year
Books! The ongoing project I've had half-finished since March continues to thwart me, so I want to show off a project from May that turned out incredibly well. I'm extremely proud of these!
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Ta-da! Look at my creations! Are they not beautiful?? This is a set of two related works, From the Deep and Into the Deep. They are by the same author, @worse0mens, and they share a lot of worldbuilding but are not a series and can be read independently. They are siren AUs with very solid characterization, both for everyone's favorite main characters (three guesses who I mean; this is a Good Omens work) and for the secondaries as well (Eve in Into the Deep is a particular favorite for me). The worldbuilding is another star; I would read non-fanwork originals in this universe and that's not something I usually say.
More photos and process talk under the cut! I had to make a lot of adjustments to the design while it was a work in progress, so this post got even longer than usual.
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Since these are so closely related even without being a series I really wanted to make them look like a set, and I honestly think I nailed that. I found the pale blue scale-patterned paper on ChibiJay before I even started the typeset and knew it would be perfect if I could match it in black, given that those colors are so heavily associated with our two viewpoint characters. The original plan was to have one in all blue and one in all black, but that blue paper was kind of a nightmare for color-matching. It clashed horribly with the blue book cloth, so I switched that to the black book, and then it also clashed with the black cloth I had chosen. So it got charcoal in the end, and it ended up coming together quite well. The titles are HTV, first time using that on cloth, and that also did not go well. It very much did not want to stick, took more than twice as long as it should have to press, and I still ended up with some wrinkling. Further experiments are needed, I think. It was worth it in the end, though--colors and fonts are perfect, and I like the vertical orientation even more than I thought I would.
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Endpapers are solid brown on both books. Another nightmare of color matching. Black is easy! Everything looks good! But that blue was really stubborn about what I could match it to, and this was the only paper that I could find that looked good with both. It's ludicrously thick and was hard to trim even with my plow. Endbands and bookmark are solid black and solid blue respectively, the only easy match in the entire project. Even then, I had originally wanted a gold bookmark on both, to match the gold lines on the covers, but I couldn't find one that was thin enough. Everything in the right colors was wider than the spines. I was very glad to find that blue ribbon, and it was an exact match for some endbands I got ages ago as part of a variety pack. Stroke of luck, there.
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Interiors. As I said above, I wanted them to look like a set, so the same fonts, sizing, and text ornaments are used throughout both copies. All the images came from rawpixel, all I did was resize them and I think adjust the color. I was originally planning a much simpler look for these, and the typeset reflects that sort of stripped-down look; there are fewer text ornaments than I normally use, and the title fonts are less curly and ornate than my usual. The plain endpapers were also chosen with that thought in mind, but the covers turned out way more ornate than I thought when I first pictured them in my head. I don't think the insides match the outsides terribly well, but both came out so nicely that I don't mind. I could never regret those covers, they are too gorgeous for that.
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Top view on both books. I had some issues with the boards warping on this project, which you can see in the first two pictures. The one on the left is how it looks normally, and you can see that the boards curve away from the text block in the middle, leaving a gap. If you squeeze the book (middle image) this gap goes away. It's present in both books, though more visible on the blue one. I think I made an error with the grain direction, possibly in the endpapers. Or the very heavy endpapers just have more pull to them than the much lighter chiyogami on the outside, and it can't compensate. Hopefully it won't lead to any structural issues further down the line. It's just less than ideal, is all.
I've toyed with the idea of making a slipcase for these. They're already a set, but they could be a BOXED set. Very fancy. I've never done boxes before though, so I'm a bit intimidated. I may revisit them someday to do that.
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affectionatecorpse · 3 months
Since y'all liked my picture of Kelloggs, here's some more! He loves the attention ^^
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He's roughly 4 months old so only a wee baby. It's a cute story, actually! He was the last of his litter left that hadn't been homed, so was cheaper than the other infants. Now I've been terrified of snakes most of my life, ever since a royal python nearly choked me out when I was about 5. No blame to the snake, I was too young to know how to remove him, I don't blame him whatsoever, but obviously it gave me some anxiety, even with baby snakes.
Now, I went to pick up food for my tarantulas when I noticed him, a few months back. I don't know what it was, but for the first time in years, I didn't feel afraid. I don't know what it is about him, but I fell in love. Now of course, I wasn't going to spontaneously buy him. I got the breeder's attention to ask questions first. He explained the little guy's siblings were all sold out a few weeks before. That he was perfectly friendly, he'd never bitten in his life, and had concerningly low anxiety, going face to face with the breeder's dog on one occasion and barely reacting, just licked at it with no second thoughts, as though he had no survival instincts.
I figured he was a great way to combat my fear of snakes. This small, gentle, absurdly nonhostile worm of a creature and his big autism creature eyes quickly became an important part of my life. He quickly grew attached, as did I in return, and while he'll let anyone hold him, he always quickly slithers to me when I get him out, nuzzling into me like I'm the most important person in the world. If anyone can make me feel special, it's this goober.
I'm still nervous with snakes, it hasn't been that long, but with how fast Kelloggs and I bonded, how much we trust each other after what barely sounds like any time at all, I daresay my future with snakes is bright.
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duckzrule4ever · 15 days
just sir Pentious and his kids.. I mean minions..
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