#(it was a clip from the 70s tho… hopefully this wouldn’t happen nowadays)
sportsallover · 1 year
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Thibaut Pinot age 7
(screenshots from La Caméra explore le Tour, a segment in the show Vélo Club by France.tv)
Bonus: Thibaut being asked what he wants to do when he's grown up (while a kid off camera answers champion on the Tour de France!)
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Video under the readmore
Soundless video because I don't know how to gif, nor how to record both screen and sound. Sorry 🙈
Basically, he's asked who his favorite rider is (Richard Virenque), why (he is cut off by an off camera kid who says it's because he's won the polka dots jersey; he agrees), and what he wants to do once he's grown up (he doesn't know, but another off camera kid says "Champion of the Tour de France" :D)
(lmk if you know how to record videos properly! I can try again by tomorrow.)
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