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lonely-dog-draws · 13 days ago
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Rainy dog redraw
2015 -> 2025
blue & purple versions.
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gold-pavilion · 3 years ago
I finally found you again! Someone asked bout Chuuyas speech patterns and you mentioned that he speaks opposite to Dazais. Could you explain that? or do an analysis on dazais patterns?
Yeah, happy to oblige!
Let's start with the main features of Dazai’s speech style:
• He refers to himself as “watashi”, which is the most neutral and formal way to say “I”, outdated forms not considered. It’s so devoid of a particular tone, when men are so easily more prone to others (keyword: prone, just prone, many men do use watashi), that if I factor in that he’s not using it due to a great level of formality, it just gives me an impression of neutrality and distance.
• Speaking of his formality level, he tends to speak in standard casual japanese, so there’s also nothing super strong or outstanding in that general choice.
• However, he does have a lot of personal speech quirks. His sometimes silly personality carries over to all the little words he adds, like ending his sentences with a “ne?” (literally that’d translate to things like “right?”, “isn’t it?”, but is such a soft lil addition that it may not be worded in english at times), or starting them with things like “come on”, “see” or “now then”. He adds little pieces and particles for emphasis, for softening or for playfulness all the time. When you hear him end sentences in “yo”, “yo ne” or say a little “saa” or a “maa” between phrases, it’s that.
• He also softens his speech, I think. For one, he has the habit of ending his questions in “kai” instead of “ka”, a gentle particle that gives questioning a less striking sound. Just like this, his language usually lacks punch and confrontation. It’d be hard to translate those things 1:1 because it’s so slight, but he’s just… unthreatening and amicable.
• An exception to the previous would be the times when the dark-eyed Dazai comes out, when he’s facing an enemy. At such times, he’ll sometimes make use of a particular, unusual and a little more antiquated than modern form, which is “~tamae”. It’s one of the many forms used to tell someone to do something, and it’s used from someone superior to someone inferior. In translation, it’d have to be something like “go and do __” or “let’s see you do __”; something to convey that sense of power that can come off so condescending all of a sudden.
• All in all, he can throw in a big or antiquated word every now and then, but I’d say his vocabulary is regular, leaning to sophisticated/well-read. Again, I’m speaking of vocabulary, not style. That is to say, he knows a lot of words and can express himself intelligently, that’s all.
• Finally, a note on his casualness: he does switch to polite language and polite forms when needed. This would be when speaking to Fukuzawa, Mori, aaannddd… Ranpo. He treats Ranpo with clear respect by using a different style of japanese with him as well!
So... see? While Chuuya’s speech style is full of character, hypermasculine and strong, Dazai’s is neutral, even soft, unthreatening, as silly as it can be sophisticated. Even his confrontational moments are carried out in such a style, with a pinch of condescension. It’s an abyss of difference.
We should strive to portray it in english at least a little, be it with creative translation of their styles, working with tone or minding dialogue choices a bit more! I think that type of stuff is heaps of fun to do.
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saphirered · 4 years ago
Hey if you don’t mind could you write just a big fluffy Grog piece where I’m at right now I need me some Goliath cuddles 🖤🤍🖤🤍
Hope this turned out to your liking! 😘
There you are seated at your desk bend over stacks of books and paper scribbling as you go. You’ve been at this for more hours than you can count but you need to get this done. For your own sake because you don’t think you can handle another sleepless night just stuck thinking about this. Best to just get it over with. You’re hyper focused, driven by a lack of sleep. Everything around you as faded into the abyss, the scribbling of pen on paper drowning out the sounds of the world you. If no one comes to fetch you you’ll forget about breakfast, lunch, dinner, what time is it again? Nevermind. You’re almost done. Keep going!
Grog paces back and forth your door at the end of the hallway, book in one hand crumpled piece of paper encasing a feather quill that’s seen much better days. He takes a step closer in the direction of your chambers but refrains from taking another and goes back to pacing. He doesn’t want to disturb you. He knows you’re working on something important but you’ve been cooped up in your chambers for two days now and you haven’t come out to eat anything since lunch the day before. Two days is a long time to go without food and you surely haven’t had any Strongjaw Ale. He doesn’t know how you cope without.
“Hey big guy. Still hasn’t left the room?” Vax comes out of nowhere trying to jump scare the barbarian. Grog, although scared won’t admit it and play like it hadn’t affected him at all. Though, a keen ear could hear the grip on the quill tighten and crack. Unlucky for him Vax’ildan has keen ears. It doesn’t take a genius Vax worries for you too. It’s not healthy behaviour and you desperately need to eat something.
“Why don’t you go get something from the kitchen and bring them some food?” Vax had seen Grog’s pacing and moment of hesitation. He knows better than to play into his affections for you or whatever he’s doing with a book and piece of parchment filled with squiggly lines resembling letters.
“Yes. That is a good idea, I came up with myself but since you mention it, I think we are in agreement.” Grog holds his nose high. He should have thought of that himself but the half elf doesn’t know that, does he? Vax pats his arm. Totally pulled that off!
“Excuse me while I go get some food.” Grog excuses himself with the same attitude of a genius. Or at least a genius in his opinion. If he acts like this is his interpretation of a genius then what does he think you are? Vax doesn’t want to know and instead lets the goliath fetch you some much needed food.
Book and quill sticking out of his pocket, cask of ale under one arm and carrying a plate with a variety of things; mostly meats and things he’d actually seen you enjoy and knows you like. See? He can be a good listener! Grog approaches your door. Now how is he gonna knock? He knows you hate it when people just storm into your room. His arms are full. He’s got legs though. But what if he spills the ale? He’ll just gently bump into the door with his shoulder. Keyword; gently.
You hear a muffled knock on your door but you almost have this equation right! Just a little more. The knock returns a bit louder this time. You can’t snap out of it now! Almost! Another even louder knock more akin to something or someone slamming into your door. Ha! Success! You jump from your seat but are unsure if it’s because of your successful completion of your endeavour or because of the hulking goliath tumbling into your chambers.
Grog shoulder checks the door one more time and yes he’ll admit he might have been a tiny bit too rough as the door bursts open, he falls through. He allows the cask of ale to roll from his grasp and decides to save the plate of food. There you are jumping up from your seat nearly spilling a half drunken goblet but you too save it from spilling. You make eye contact with Grog and you burst out in laughter at the goliath quite literally presenting you a meal on his knees face inches away from the floor preventing a disaster.
“I brought you some food.” Grog states as he slowly gets up. He doesn’t dare look up at you yet both embarrassed and fearing he may have disturbed your work. When you walk around your desk over to him you take the tray from his hands. You nudge his arm, a thing you do to ask him to lean down a little, and when he does kiss his cheek. Immediately the worry disappears and the happy giddy Grog returns. He picks up the cask of ale as you guide him along to your desk and begin to clear the area to make space for the meal Grog brought.
Inspecting the contents presented on the fancy if not oversized platter, you notice they mainly contain meats which leaves you to think dinner but the waffles and fruits throw you off a little. Is this breakfast, lunch or dinner? You don’t know what to think. Grog takes one of the cups, the normal sized one first and fills it with ale presenting it to you. You accept it with a thank you pulling over a seat he could comfortably sit in.
You enjoy your meal, Grog having brought enough you tell him you’re not eating all of this alone so he better join in. You know he’d been eying that chicken, practically drooling. Grog fills you in on all the things you’ve missed in your uninterrupted work days. He may hype up some parts and underrate others, not mention some important things because he thinks they’re unimportant but you appreciate it nonetheless and enjoy the conversation. Grog gets more excited and loves every laugh and response you give hence him exaggerating some things knowing they’ll make you laugh.
Grog had forgotten the book, quill and parchment in his pocket until he adjusted his seating to be more comfortable and heard something creak, or more like crack and something tickle his bare stomach. He suppresses a giggle and you notice. Grog tries to move so the feather can’t tickle him but in doing so he makes it worse; the more he moves the more it tickles his side.
“Grog, is there something you need to share?” You question giving the goliath an opportunity to come clean about what the hell is up with him. You’re half suspecting some kind of prank from Vax or Scanlan to be the cause of this but you must admit you’re surprised when he pulls out a broken quill, crumpled piece of parchment and a book and puts them on the table. Grog looks down hiding his face from you as much as he can. You’re unsure if he’s embarrassed or nervous.
You grab the parchment and begin unfolding it. Grog squeaks quickly pressing his fingers to his lips. You give him a look. Eyes fall upon the parchment and you notice the top half as dwarvish while the second half is common. The lettering isn’t the neatest but it’s readable and has seen some practice. On the back you see everyone’s names written out, most misspelled but it’s clear they’re your names. There’s little drawings with each name some a bit juvenile to where you entertain the thought he might have drawn some inspiration from your satire ‘satyr’ friend… They are actually quite funny.
“Did you do this?” You ask as Grog is midway through eating his own fist in suspense.
“Yes.” It’s the tiniest squeak possible. You don’t know how that sound came out of the goliath’s mouth. You turn it over and return to the writing giving it a closer look.
“It says ‘can you teach me how to read please.’” Grog says awaiting your response.
“Why the sudden interest? I know Pike’s been working on dwarvish with you. Don’t you like her teachings?”
“No. I do. I just…. I’d like to… I want to read this.” Grog grabs the book and you read the title. It’s your favourite. It’s not an obscure story no one’s ever read. It’s a common fairytale collection you grew up with. No matter the age, everyone loves these stories, if anything they grow more interesting with age and the ability to comprehend them better.
“I like you and you like books so maybe if I got better at reading I could help you and you won’t have to spend your time alone working.” Grog admits and it makes your heart melt. You know how hard it is for Grog to read and write and to know he wants to learn more for you, is too much to bear. It makes you a bit emotional. You get up and walk around the desk engulfing the goliath in the biggest hug possible.
“Of course I’ll teach you, Grog. I’d love nothing more.” Happily his arms wrap around you and pull you even closer to where you’re lifted off your feet. You know this is a sign of happiness from the man.
“Really?” He chirps and you nod giving him a kiss to his cheek.
“Of course.” You smile. Grog releases you but sits you down on his lap grabbing the book.
“Can we start now?” He’s excited flipping to a random page in the book. He’s very glad there’s pictures in this one too. You begin explaining the fundamentals of the story hoping that context will make it easier for him to understand. Reading word for word is one thing so you try to make it easier so he doesn’t have to focus on deciphering what he’s reading about just yet and focus on the words.
It takes a good amount of time but you get through the first page. Grog’s aware you could have finished the whole book by the time he finished the first page but you don’t mind and are enjoying teaching him. The smile and kiss you give him ever time he finishes a paragraph makes him feel giddy on the inside. He knows you notice and makes you vow to never tell the others.
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zhongliologist · 4 years ago
Oh my gosh! Visions! Lore!! I hope you don't mind me rambling about visions and the in-game lore, this is my favourite part about the games and I'm very excited that you brought this up XD
I think you might be onto something with the visions! I definitely agree with what you said about each vision being a gift of sorts from each elemental archon to those they seem "worthy". I think Zhongli also mentioned that the reason why there hasn't been any new elecro allogenes was because it was the will of the electro archon? So I guess from there we can kind of surmise that at the very least, the respective elemental archons have some kind of influence on who gets what vision.
That being said though, I've always wondered if each archon tends to favour particular kinds of people, or if they there is a certain criteria to obtain a particular element vision (like maybe they give visions to people who embody a particular value or something). I feel like I've found some common thread between each element vision holder?? These are just my theories thoughh, so I'd love to know what you think!
Starting with what I think is the most obvious, I think the Pyro archon values passion. All of the pyro allogenes have something that they're very very passionate about, be it music, bombs, cooking, or defending their hometown.
(everything goes downhill from here the pyro one is the only one I'm confident about lmao)
For Geo visions, I think the connecting thread is resilience? Diligence, strength, and resilience in the face of adversity. People with wills of rock.
Electro visions, I think are given to those who are protecting something. The only common thread I can find between the electro characters was that they were protecting something or someone when they got their visions (ex: Razor protecting lupical, Fischl protecting her dreams and fantasies). I'm not too sure about this one though XD
Hydro, again, I'm not too sure if it's mastery over something, or if it's clarity? Like these people all have a particular value system or ideology that they live by (ex: chivalry, heal others with music, fight yeah!!), and they will not sway from that and will not hide who they are. It's less passion about a field and more discovery of self, I think.
Cryo took me a long time to figure out (Chongyun kept throwing a wrench in my plans 😭), but I believe the value the tsaritsa looks for is rebellion: People who dare to defy their fate, their origins, their physical conditions, to do what they want. It fits what we know of the Tsaritsa as well, with her (spoilers!) "rebellion against the divine" and what not.
Anemo I cannot figure out. I have tried. I have failed. If you know the answer, please tell me because I just cannot figure it out 😭
But yeah!! These are just my two cents. What do you think? P.S. I'm sorry to make you read so much, I got way too excited. XD Hope you're doing well 💕
Yepp!!! You surmised it well!! I do like the Vision part of the game (i mean more than Celestia's bs lmaooo) bc it's pretty interesting!
I'm gonna discuss this through the characters' traits and not through the archons! This is only my own take tho!
I like to think about Vision elements the same way as astrology does! Since astrology is better studied and you can actually infer some ideas from it!
Let's start from elements that have close qualities!
You're right about Pyro allogenes! They're pretty passionate. They'll stop at nothing to go do what they want. They're pretty brash, sometimes impulsive and impatient. They don't really wanna get told what to do. They have their own thing and you gotta respect it otherwise, you're gonna get burned.
For Geo,, it's sort of similar with Pyro but Geo allogenes are more self disciplined. They also won't stop at nothing to get what they want but they're more patient. They're willing to go through the long haul. They're also more grounded and calm. Patience is the keyword here.
For Cryo, i think Cryo allogenes are those who will do anything to survive. I think Resilient is the word to describe them. They are usually befallen by some sort of misfortune, but they still persevere to go on and live. I think the Tsaritsa respects that sort of drive and bestows Visions to those people.
Now for these two, I am unsure bc the characters are really different and I'm only grasping on straws for these ones.
For Hydro allogenes...to me, it's kind of difficult to say bc we have a variety of characters like Barbara, Mona, Xingqiu and Childe who are definitely not alike. But as I read their character stories, I realized that what these people usually feel like something is missing in their lives. They have the drive to search for that "thing", and often goes through some sort of "coming of age" test. Why do I say this?
Barbara always feels like she's less than her sister Jean. She wants to be like her but doesn't know what to do. Until she finds her purpose after singing for that boy with a high fever until her voice was hoarse.
For Xingqiu, he wanted to be like the martial arts characters he would read in books. As a sheltered kid, he wanted to do something other than ride the coattails of his family's fortune. We aren't sure how he got his Vision but I do think his time with a dwindling Guhua clan was his test.
For Mona, she wanted to be like her master. To see the truth through the stars. Perhaps her test was when her master had died and the burden to carry astrological knowledge and pass it on fell on her shoulders. It also fits if she did inherit her Vision from her master.
For Childe, he wanted to be stronger, like a naive kid who wants to be a hero, but maybe he wasn't supposed to be that twisted? Maybe he's just some adrenaline junkie who got twisted when he fell into the abyss. That was his test tho,,, but i dunno, we're not sure how he got his vision.
Now for Electro allogenes. These ones, I am unsure of the most. I mean....Keqing, Beidou, Fischl, Razor....they're so different. Maybe it's being Unusual and going out of the norm. They usually oppose something or are very, very different in their opinions. Keqing opposes the Archon's control over Liyue. Beidou, against all odds, wanted to defeat the Haishan. Fischl is living in her own world of dreams, and wishes to maintain those dreams even if people find it weird. Razor was basically raised by wolves, and generally do not mingle with society.
For Anemo allogenes...these guys are also very different. And if they're not bound by their element, they could've gone to other elements just by their personalities. Venti is the only one who embodies the free spirit personality. Jean and Xiao both have strong motivations to protect their homes. Sucrose has a voracious appetite to learn and discover. Perhaps Venti is just embodying the free spirit and gives Visions to whoever he wants lmaooo
Maybe Jean and Xiao are people who wish to protect the freedom of the people so they were graned Anemo visions?? I dunno. I'm stumped on this one....
But this is what I think! I feel like I've made a few lore mistakes here and there bc I don't know everything and only went to the wiki ebdbhshs
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visceralcoma · 5 years ago
Nutting a Naut
Fandom: Greedfall
Category: M/M
Pairing: Vasco/OC
Read on Ao3
It was their fifth night at sea to Teer Fradee and Beltran couldn't sleep. It was expected. He'd not been at sea for some time and never for this long. The thought of the endless abyssal ocean left him reeling with nightmares and a deep terror every time he looked out over the ocean. But he persisted and joined the voyage, if only to follow and serve his master, De Sardet. Said master slept peacefully, undisturbed by the rocking of the ship or the sound of the oceans.
Going to the main deck was a bad choice, but it was the only place he could really get fresh air. He kept his gaze away from the aft rails and instead looked up at the sails and sky.
That helped settle his nerves.
He jolted at the familiar tone of Captain Vasco who had meandered silent down from the helm. He tucked his head down, not meeting the Captain's gaze but the swaying had him looking up and right into it anyway.
"No, sir." Beltran gulped. He wasn't truly, but the sway reminded him of the ocean and he rather not think of it. If anything were to happen this far out, he'd drown. Body lost to the sea and never laid to rest. The thought sent a shiver through him. Even as a wee lad he'd been terrified of the ocean. Made for a bad match with the Nauts.
"Still afraid of sea monsters, Beltran?" Vasco burred as he leaned against the mast.
"No." He snapped, but then sheepishly took it back. "Not of monsters, but of drowning."
"How about a distraction then?" Vasco jerked his head to his quarters.
"You'll risk letting your crew see a simple servant enter your quarters?" Beltran joked as Vasco led the way.
"I'm the Captain, they'd not question it. Plus..." He pushed the door open. "I can do what I want."
"Aren't you so lucky?"
"Well one of us had to make something of themselves." Vasco teased.
"Well one of us, didn't have a warrant out for their arrest." Beltran retorted.
Vasco snorted. "Bet you gave em hell chasing ye?"
"More like, I turned myself in like the sensible lad I was." Beltran sniffed. The more he talked with Vasco, the more his hidden burr came out.
Vasco shook his head. "No sense of adventure, that's why the Nauts gave ya up." He grabbed a bottle from his desk. "Can I pour you a dram?"
"Oof, Scotch? Make it two if you can spare it." Beltran sat down uninvited. The door was closed and for a brief moment, it was like they were laddies again. Sneaking into the First Mate's quarters while they were docked and taking sips from the good spirits. They were inevitably caught and had their hides whipped red. Not that they felt it, they'd been piss drunk throughout it. Beltran smirked at the memory taking the offered glass.
"What's got ye grinning like a fool?"
"Remember when we snuck into Mate Smitty's quarters?" Beltran recalled.
Vasco drew in a sharp breath and grinned. "Didn't sit for a week."
"Some days I'll wake up thinking I've still got a bruise." Beltran joked.
"I remember how you'd walk around pulling ya trousers down checking." Vasco teased.
"Did not!"
"You did it outside Madame de Fer's. She near beat you from the affront!" Vasco cackled.
Beltran kicked at Vasco's chair and he went sprawling, his glass of scotch undisturbed as he rolled. Beltran had to admit, he was impressed.
"If a single drop of this had fallen, I would have taken ye over my knee and beaten ye myself!" He growled but set the glass down to brush the dirt from his coat.
"Ye wouldn't." Beltran sipped at his glass.
"Oh you don't think I can't still take ye?" Vasco sized him up.
"I think you've let your Captaincy get ta yer head." Beltran shot back, but set his glass down and began rolling his sleeves up. He knew where this was going.
"Careful, Bel." Vasco warned. "You don't know all I've learned since the last time."
"Aye, and ye don't know all I've mastered." Bel grinned. With glasses set aside they stood.
Vasco removed his coat and set it down. He loosened his sleeves and rolled them up, revealing the intricate tattoos that stretched from his jaw to his wrists.
"Usual rules?" Bel asked.
Vasco nodded as he moved the chairs aside. There wasn't much room but there was enough they could grapple without causing too much of a mess if they were careful. Keyword, If they were careful.
They watched each other, crouched low and waited for the other to make the first move. The time ticked by for far too long. Bel decided to make the first move. He lunged forward, intent on charging Vasco but he jumped up and over him to dodge, and rolled on the floor.
"Damn, forgot ye could do that." Bel swore.
"Ye getting slow in ye old age there." Vasco grinned.
This time Bel went higher, Vasco met him, their hands caught in each other and shoulders as their heads were side by side. Vasco pushed and he met each one. Bel tried to get under to throw Vasco off his footing, but he was too quick and agile. He flipped to the side and got over and behind him before Bel could blink. Vasco slammed them against the floor. He pinned his legs with his and pulled his arm back.
“Got ya.” Vasco heaved.
“Nah.” Bel strained and tried to wriggle out of the pin, his arm strained with an almost pop.
“Keep that up, see where it gets ya.” Vasco chuckled in his ear.
Bel growled and tried again. He used his legs and hips to try and throw Vasco off, but all he managed was to grind against him.
Vasco’s growl lowered and his breath panted against his ear sent a warmth to Bel’s cheeks.
“Ya really want to break something.” Vasco warned as Bel tried his arms again.
“Just yer hold.” Bel spit out but this time Vasco clenched harder. Their bodies now tight against each other.
“Do ye yield?”
It was a long moment, long for Bel anyway as he felt Vasco against him, hard. Even through their trousers. The cabin was quiet save for their breaths and the blood rushed in his ears. He turned his head to look at Vasco, to see his eyes were dark and full of want. Yet he didn't act on it, not until he saw Bel. Face flushed, mouth agape as he panted and licked his lips.
Vasco drew back and let him go. The both of them kept their distance as they rose. A question in the air between them. Vasco cleared his throat and grabbed the scotch from the desk and held it out. “Best finish that.”
“Yes…” Bel admitted. He tossed his head back, downing the drink. He let it linger in the back of his throat before he swallowed. “I should go.” He shifted the chairs out of the way to access the door, but Vasco slammed the door before he could leave. “What are you-?”
Vasco’s mouth was on him, hot and wet and demanded so much more. He pulled back, eyes alight and Bel didn’t stop him or push him away. No, he yanked him by his collar closer and returned the kiss. Their bodies pressed close.
This time, Vasco made the first move and yanked until his vest and shirt were open. It gave him access to his body. “Vas-”
He seared his mouth with his and swallowed every moan. He turned them until he bore down on Bel and pushed him up and against the desk.
“When’s the last time ye ate?” Vasco asked as he undid their pants.
“Been a few days.” Bel admitted as he pushed Vasco’s hands away to undo the intricate ties.
Vasco chuckled. “So you were seasick.” He grinned smug and satisfied as he reached for the drawer.
“Aye, now shut it.” Bel grunted as he tipped when the ship swayed an unexpected way.
“And ye’ve lost yer sealegs.” Vasco taunted around a kiss.
Bel grumbled and pushed his trousers down. Vasco stepped back enough to throw them aside and grabbed the jar from his drawer. While he opened it, Bel pushed down Vasco’s trousers quick.
Vasco was a sight to behold with his shirt and vest splayed open with no trousers. The intricate tattoos that worked their way down his body, accentuated every muscle. Vasco smirked as Bel appreciated him. His hand slid up his chest and back down to his crotch where Vasco held the jar for him.
With two fingers, Bel drew enough lube to coat Vasco’s length. He spread it with a slow pumping motion while he pushed his foreskin down each time. Vasco pressed a kiss to his temple. His hips flexed, as he restrained himself from thrusting into Bel’s grasp.
Once Vasco was properly coated, Bel took another dip and this time reach down to himself. One finger slipped in, spreading the lubricant deep enough.
Vasco kissed him and pulled one of his legs up to rest on his shoulder to spread him wide. He didn’t take over, but instead brought Bel close enough that he could once he was ready, instead his hand came around Bel’s cock and squeezed. His fingers teased down and cupped his balls.
Bel bit Vasco’s lip and sucked on it with a grin. Vasco squinted and squeezed his length until Bel moaned and had to stop preparing himself.
Vasco tutted and aligned himself. It was slow going, he’d push a bit and then pull back. Bel winced and clenched with each push in. Vasco would still, and distract Bel with another kiss, pulled him close or removed the remnants of their clothes until they were both naked. But when he finally sunk in and the flesh of his crotch met flesh Bel’s arse, he sighed.
“Vasco.” Bel moaned and twitched against him.
“Damnation, yer tighter than a nun’s gee.” Vasco laughed.
“Certainly hope ye’ve not been fucking any nuns, damn yer soul otherwise.” Bel wheezed. He tried to keep his laughter in check otherwise he’d clench even more.
“My soul’s been damned long before that.” Vasco grinned over him and pulled back. Bel tensed. “Don’t go tensing like that, else it’ll hurt.”
“I canna help it.” Bel grunted.
They both moaned when Vasco thrust in. The slap of flesh was obscene in the quiet of the captain’s quarters, but it soon filled it. A rhythmic noise that joined the thumping against the desk and the rocking and swaying of the ship.
Vasco gasped and Bel gripped his shoulder tight as they all but fused together with each thrust. His hips rolled up to meet each one.
“Bel…” Vasco rasped. “I’m…”
“Inside.” Bel pled. He understood what he asked and granted permission. He lay back against the desk as Vasco hunched over him. Both his legs held up at his knees and gave Vasco the access and angle as he rut inside deeper and faster. Bel squeezed his eyes shut in both the pain and the pleasurable warmth that soon followed as Vasco spent inside him.
It didn’t take long after, for Vasco to pull out and pull him closer to the edge of the desk and promptly went down on Bel.  His cock sensitive to Vasco’s tongue lavishing his length. He sucked and scraped his teeth until he came. Vasco perched himself up as he swallowed all Bel offered with a satisfied smirk.
“So…” Bel heaved with a smile once he could breathe without panting. “I’ll take that as win?”
Vasco barked with laughter and pushed Bel back down. “I still pinned you down.”
“That you did.” Bel grinned into the kiss Vasco.
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wallpapernifty · 5 years ago
13 New Thoughts About 13 X 13 Cushion Covers That Will Turn Your World Upside Down | 13 X 13 Cushion Covers
What’s the best adapted aspect for arresting backs in today’s NFL? Afterwards question, the acknowledgment is versatility. While the old-school lockdown abuttals cornerback or deep-third assurance is of basic importance, those types of players are in abbreviate supply. And in a alliance that has bristles or added arresting backs on the acreage over 70% of the time (for some teams, it’s afterpiece to 90%), you’d bigger accept guys who can comedy everywhere from the abuttals to the aperture to the box to single- and two-high alignments.
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So, as Mark Schofield and myself complete our Top 11 lists by position for the 2020 NFL abstract class, we took the charge for versatility to heart. Instead of amid cornerbacks and safeties, we alloyed those players in the spirit of breadth the NFL is headed in a big hurry. As a result, there’s aggregate from man-coverage and press-coverage stars to aperture bullies to multi-position safeties on this list.
One thing’s for sure: You’re activity to see all of these guys activity aboriginal in the 2020 draft. Because if you can’t awning from every bend these days, you adeptness as able-bodied not appearance up on the field. It’s why there are 12 arresting backs in our Top 50 big board, and alone Kyle Dugger, the assurance from Lenoir-Rhyne, didn’t additionally accomplish this list.
(Kelvin Kuo-USA TODAY Sports)
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Bio: The son of Nigerian immigrants, Okudah grew up in New Jersey aboriginal and afresh Texas, breadth he became the top cornerback apprehension in the nation at South Grand Prairie Aerial School. He chose Ohio Accompaniment afterwards accepting offers from aloof about every aloft program, and activate success as he climbed the Buckeyes’ abyss chart. In 2019, his aboriginal division as a full-time starter, he had 35 tackles, one accouterment for loss, two affected fumbles, 21 passes
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niharblr · 5 years ago
Designing Search and Filter
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The Internet is a bustling marketplace, complete with flashy category shelves, colorful slogans, and gravity-defying ‘value’ deals. In fact, the Internet can be considered an endless supermarket; the virtual counters of an online store or resource library boast of more options than a large retail outlet ever can! However, these economies of scale come with a few daunting challenges. One of these limitations is ‘search’. Searching for a product online and actually finding it in the vast abyss of virtual shelves, from across millions of product types, sizes, prices, colors, geographical variations, and many other such considerations is actually a Herculean task. An efficient search and filter criteria can make all the difference in conversion.
Why is ‘Search’ relevant?
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To put it simply, you can’t sell a product that your customers can’t find. Search is a fundamental mobile activity and a critical element of building a profitable app or site. Users expect smooth in-app experiences when they are browsing for products with the intention of making a purchase. The app interface must assist the user in finding the product or service without encountering too many navigational obstructions. Data suggests that users typically make very quick judgments about the application’s value based on the quality of one or two sets of search results. A search facility should help users find what they want quickly and easily.
Search is Contextual
Users browse product or service-oriented websites and apps in the pursuit of something. The search function must be efficient enough to connect the user to the object of their desire.
Let’s take two examples to compare the ‘Search’ function of two leading consumer-facing applications:
Netflix:All users who log in to the widely popular content streaming website, Netflix, are looking for something to watch. But since Netflix is an endless library of viewable content, how does the user find what they are looking for. The answer lies in the dynamic search bar. Positioned on the top-right corner of the homepage is the search criteria;  it allows users to search for a movie based on their mood or choice by providing certain set of filters such as style, genres, language et cetera. The user intent is captured there.
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Netflix gives related titles along with the list of movies populating below - all curated through search patterns analyzed by Netflix. Hence, Netflix drives users to exactly what they are looking for leading to quick decision-making.
Medium: On the other hand, the search function on Medium could do with a little tweaking. The prompts in the search field do not direct the user with the method of the search and a new user can easily get confused on how to navigate the website for content. Medium must streamline the search function to reduce the cognitive load on the user.
There are two key areas of consideration when it comes to designing the ‘Search’ functionality in an app: Search box design and Result pages; lets's dig into them further
Search Box Design
A search box is a combination of an input field and the submit button. Since the search box is one of the most frequently used design elements on content-heavy websites/applications, its usability is critical. Let’s look into the basic sets of recommended practices to be followed for Search box design:
One very important rule in search box design is its placement. The intention is to make the search function easily noticeable. Especially, where the search is an important function, it should be upfront, as it might serve as the fastest route to discovery. Search hidden under navigations or under icons has negative consequences. Below are the points to consider while placing your search field:
Prominently Display The Search Field
As a thumb rule search box should be the first or the second thing a user should see when they open the app. They need not necessarily be full length or wide open. To decide which style of search box to adopt, one needs to analyze the user motivation/goal for using that app. The placement of the search bar is dependent on the nature of the website and the product or services they offer. Let’s review the search option in some leading websites.
The primary goal of Google is search. Hence, the search engine has a wide search bar placed strategically in the middle of the page.
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The primary goal of users on Amazon is not search. A lot of users on e-commerce sites browse for products. Hence, the website has a visible search bar but not a full-width search box.
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Interestingly Pinterest has a different approach for both mobile and web interfaces. The web has a wide-open search box along with a few other options, but the mobile interface has an icon-only search approach. This is because most users on Pinterest browse creations rather than searching for a specific thing.
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In shorts
With inshorts, a different scenario manifests; the purpose of this application is to help users with a quick understanding of the news categories of their liking. The app identifies the interest areas of the users during the onboarding process itself. In case a user wants to search anything they tap on the ‘Discovery’ bar leading to search for news based on any categories/topics.
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Proper Size of Input field
The size of the input field is an important area for deliberation as it directly affects the usability of the app. Data suggests that 90% of the search queries are approximately 27 characters in length; this metric can be used as a yardstick while deciding the length of the input field.
Use magnifying-glass icon
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The magnifying glass icon is the universal symbol of search. Using the common and easily identifiable context reduces the cognitive load from users and helps them in quick understanding. We suggest to use the simplest version of the magnifying glass, not everything needs to be innovated!
Provide a search button for the search box
Typing out a query in the input field must be complemented by a trigger action, ie, pressing the search button. A button helps people recognize that there’s an additional step to trigger the search action.
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While designing the button, two considerations have to be taken; first, the button must be sized appropriately, so that users don’t have to point the mouse very precisely on a certain spot. A larger clickable area makes it easier to spot and to click. Second, to let users submit a search query using the ‘Enter’ button on the keyboard as well as on clicking the icon. Many users still have the habit of clicking an actual button to submit the search.
Prompt what users search for (hint text)
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It’s a good practice to let users know what all they can search for. It’s advisable to include a hint text in the input field to serve as examples of how queries can be worded. While designing the prompt, limit your hint to just a few words; remember we don’t want to overwhelm our users.
Use the auto-suggestion mechanism
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We all love the query suggestions that Google throws on us while searching, it’s just easier, ain’t it? In most websites/apps that include search as a key function, formulating a search query includes a specific logic or algorithm. Autosuggestion feature not only reduces keystrokes but also suggest more accurate terms to enable the users’ search process.
Show recent searches
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A key usability rule in user experience dictates that we as designers, respect the users’ effort. Apps should store all recent searches, in order to provide this data to the user the next time they conduct a search. It saves screen-time and effort in searching for the same item again and increases conversion.
Result Pages
The results page is a crucial piece of the puzzle and defines the search experience for the app. Here are some effective pointers for delivering a functional ‘results’ page.
Retain the users’ search query even after the initial ‘Search’
Data suggests that most users will not find accurate search results in the first try and will hence, try to search again by making slight modifications to the original query. For the sake of simplicity, leave the initial search term in the search box so that users don’t have to re-type the entire query again.
For example, Youtube retains users' search queries after they have submitted their search request (Good experience) while Amazon erases the same (poor experience). As per the usability principle of design, Youtube ranks higher than the e-commerce giant since it prevents the duplication of user effort to look for items on the site. Youtube saves recent searches as well as content that is frequently searched by an individual user to suggest customized playlists for their target audience.
Select a proper layout for your data
Search is no longer restricted to text. The layout of search pages must suit the content that it seeks to display. Two popular layouts for content presentation are:
List view: This format is better suited to display text-based search results with details of different articles or listicles arranged in the order of relevance. This layout format is also preferred for technical products that involve technical information in the summary to aid users’ decision-making process. Google employs the list view for its traditional keyword-based search.
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Grid view: This layout is suitable for any application that is visual or image-oriented. A popular example of the grid view layout is Instagram which is primarily an image sharing platform for its registered users. This layout is largely preferred by lifestyle and apparel retailers who seek to create visual distinctions between items to enable a healthy differentiation between their products.
Tip:Allow users to choose ‘list-view’ or ‘grid-view’ for search results. This gives your users the ability to choose how they view their results in a way preferable to them. Soundcloud is a good example of this hybrid approach.
Display the number of matching results
The result pages must display all the relevant matches to the search query entered in decreasing order of relevance with the most accurate search results on top. If your design can showcase the total search results, the number of search items available; Users can make informed decisions on how long they want to spend looking through results. This has been nailed by company Awwwards as they display the search matches by type, relevance and reach on the top of the page.
Show search progress
The average attention span of a human being is depleting as we speak. Data suggests that in this day and age of constant digital bombarding, our ability to direct our attention on something is down to 8 seconds of focus time. This makes it crucial for us as designers to not only build systems that deliver results faster, if not immediately, but also display a progress indicator to keep the user engrossed. This gives them a clear indication of how long they have to wait, while we collate results behind the scenes.
If the search takes more than 10 seconds, its advisable to use animation. Fine animation can distract your users and make them ignore long searching times. Here are two techniques that work:
Using Micro-interactions: Using illustrations, animations, and small games are fun ways to keep users engaged as the result page loads. Paytm flight search animation would be a good example.
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Lazy Loading: As the name suggests, lazy loading is a technique that loads partial results while the entire gamut of matched results are in the process of being delivered. Since the initial content to be displayed is limited, the initial page is loaded quickly which keeps the user engaged while the rest is retrieved for display. A few e-commerce websites use this method actively.
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Don’t show ‘’No results’’
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As a user, nothing can be quite as frustrating as the search query delivering zero relevant results. This is especially true for someone if they have tried multiple times without success. Here’s how you can navigate this situation without aggravating the end user.
Clearly explain that there are no matching results.
Offer starting points for moving forward. An e-commerce store can suggest related products from similar categories on the no-results page.
Sorting and filtering
Sort and filter options are the unsung saviors of online search. Sifting through a plethora of options online enlisted one after the other can be an exhausting task; filters simplify this task by narrowing the displayed results to reflect items as per the user’s need and not the entire universe of ‘related’ products. Filter & sort options are the sub-elements of any search as they can help users narrow and organize their search results, which otherwise requires extensive scrolling or pagination on a small screen.
However, it’s important not to overwhelm users with too many options. If your search requires a lot of filters, then some of these filters should collapse by default. Also, once the filter/sort is applied by the user then a button called ‘Reset Filters’ or ‘’Clear All’’ should be given next to the filters/sort so that the user can quickly make changes.
Search is a crucial, complex, and expensive feature. It has the potential to make or break an app because it serves as an important experience tool for the users. With the ever-changing technology, let’s embrace ourselves into a completely new world of search design. Today search is no longer limited to text; different formats of search queries can be submitted in a search box in any application/website. Are we ready for it and thinking about them? Below are some examples of popular alternative search formats, do let us know what are your design techniques for them.
Voice Search: Voice search uses the power of speech recognition to search the web instead of the traditional typed text. It is becoming an increasingly popular technique as it saves a lot of effort and time.
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Reverse Image Search: Unlike traditional search which requires accuracy in both recognizing relevant keywords as well as designing a search query, the reverse image search is a mechanism that relies entirely on images. It is characterized by a lack of search terms. Reverse image search also allows users to discover content that is related to a specific sample image and locate the source of the image for various purposes of use. These images when discovered via search queries can provide links to the content creator and their other work.  
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Image Pattern Recognition (Eg: Google lens): Google lens is another type of example when it comes to various types of searches. Instead of simply identifying what an object is, Google Lens can understand the context of the subject. So if you take a picture of a flower, Google Lens will not just identify the flower, but provide you with other helpful information, like where there are florists in your area. It also does useful things like scanning QR codes, copying written text, and even live translation of other languages.
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Music Recognition Search (Eg: Shazam, SoundHound, Musixmatch lyrics): Shazam, Sound Hound, Musixmatch lyrics are those applications that help users to search/figure out the name of a catchy song being played on the radio, television or other place. Users simply hold their device up to the speaker playing music and these applications will attempt to identify the tune's album, artist and song title.
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itbeatsbookmarks · 5 years ago
(Via: Hacker News)
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Metaprogramming, or the ability to inspect, modify and generate code at compile-time (as opposed to reflection, which is runtime introspection of code), has slowly been gaining momentum. Programmers are finally admitting that, after accidentally inventing turing complete template systems, maybe we should just have proper first-class support for generating code. Rust has macros, Zig has built-in compile time expressions, Nim lets you rewrite the AST however you please, and dependent types have been cropping up all over the place. However, with great power comes great responsibility undecidable type systems, whose undefined behavior may involve summoning eldritch abominations from the Black Abyss of Rěgne Ūt.
One particular place where metaprogramming is particularly useful is low-level, high-performance code, which is what Terra was created for. The idea behind Terra is that, instead of crafting ancient runes inscribed with infinitely nested variadic templates, just replace the whole thing with an actual turing-complete language, like say, Lua (technically including LuaJIT extensions for FFI). This all sounds nice, and no longer requires a circle of salt to ward off demonic syntax, which Terra is quick to point out. They espouse the magical wonders of replacing your metaprogramming system with an actual scripting language:
In Terra, we just gave in to the trend of making the meta-language of C/C++ more powerful and replaced it with a real programming language, Lua.
The combination of a low-level language meta-programmed by a high-level scripting language allows many behaviors that are not possible in other systems. Unlike C/C++, Terra code can be JIT-compiled and run interleaved with Lua evaluation, making it easy to write software libraries that depend on runtime code generation.
Features of other languages such as conditional compilation and templating simply fall out of the combination of using Lua to meta-program Terra
Terra even claims you can implement Java-like OOP inheritance models as libraries and drop them into your program. It may also cure cancer (the instructions were unclear).
As shown in the templating example, Terra allows you to define methods on struct types but does not provide any built-in mechanism for inheritance or polymorphism. Instead, normal class systems can be written as libraries. More information is available in our PLDI Paper.
The file lib/javalike.t has one possible implementation of a Java-like class system, while the file lib/golike.t is more similar to Google’s Go language.
I am here to warn you, traveler, that Terra sits on a throne of lies. I was foolish. I was taken in by their audacious claims and fake jewels. It is only when I finally sat down to dine with them that I realized I was surrounded by nothing but cheap plastic and slightly burnt toast.
The Bracket Syntax Problem
Terra exists as a syntax extension to Lua. This means it adds additional keywords on top of Lua’s existing grammar. Most languages, when extending a syntax, would go to great lengths to ensure the new grammar does not create any ambiguities or otherwise interfere with the original syntax, treating it like a delicate flower that mustn’t be disturbed, lest it lose a single petal.
Terra takes the flower, gently places it on the ground, and then stomps on it, repeatedly, until the flower is nothing but a pile of rubbish, as dead as the dirt it grew from. Then it sets the remains of the flower on fire, collects the ashes that once knew beauty, drives to a nearby cliffside, and throws them into the uncaring ocean. It probably took a piss too, but I can’t prove that.
To understand why, one must understand what the escape operator is. It allows you to splice an abstract AST generated from a Lua expression directly into Terra code. Here is an example from Terra’s website:
function get5() return 5 end terra foobar() return [ get5() + 1 ] end foobar:printpretty() > output: > foobar0 = terra() : {int32} > return 6 > end
But, wait, that means it’s… the same as the array indexing operator? You don’t mean you just put it inside like–
local rest = {symbol(int),symbol(int)} terra doit(first : int, [rest]) return first + [rest[1]] + [rest[2]] end
You were supposed to banish the syntax demons, not join them! This abomination is an insult to Nine Kingdoms of Asgard! It is the very foundation that Satan himself would use to unleash Evil upon the world. Behold, mortals, for I come as the harbinger of despair:
function idx(x) return `x end function gen(a, b) return `array(a, b) end terra test() -- Intended to evaluate to array(1, 2) 0 return [gen(1, 2)][idx(0)] end
For those of you joining us (probably because you heard a blood-curdling scream from down the hall), this syntax is exactly as ambiguous as you might think. Is it two splice statements put next to each other, or is a splice statement with an array index? You no longer know if a splice operator is supposed to index the array or act as a splice operator, as mentioned in this issue. Terra “resolves this” by just assuming that any two bracketed expressions put next to each other are always an array indexing operation, which is a lot like fixing your server overheating issue by running the fire suppression system all day. However, because this is Lua, whose syntax is very much like a delicate flower that cannot be disturbed, a much worse ambiguity comes up when we try to fix this.
function idx(x) return `x end function gen(a, b) return `array(a, b) end terra test() -- This is required to make it evaluate to array(1,2)[0] -- return [gen(1, 2)][ [idx(0)] ] -- This doesn't work: return [gen(1, 2)][[idx(0)]] -- This is equivalent to: -- return [gen(1, 2)] "idx(0)" end
We want to use a spliced Lua expression as the array index, but if we don’t use any spaces, it turns into a string because [[string]] is the Lua syntax for an unescaped string! Now, those of you who still possess functioning brains may believe that this would always result in a syntax error, as we have now placed a string next to a variable. Not so! Lua, in it’s infinite wisdom, converts anything of the form symbol"string" or symbol[[string]] into a function call with the string as the only parameter. That means that, in certain circumstances, we literally attempt to call our variable as a function with our expression as a string:
local lookups = {x = 0, y = 1, z = 2, w = 3 }; vec.metamethods.__entrymissing = macro(function(entryname, expr) if lookups[entryname] then -- This doesn't work return `expr.v[[lookups[entryname]]] -- This is equivalent to -- return `expr.v "lookups[entryname]" -- But it doesn't result in a syntax error, becase it's equivalent to: -- return `extr.v("lookups[entryname]") else error "That is not a valid field." end end)
As a result, you get a type error, not a syntax error, and a very bizarre one too, because it’s going to complain that v isn’t a function. This is like trying to bake pancakes for breakfast and accidentally going scuba diving instead. It’s not a sequence of events that should ever be related in any universe that obeys causality.
It should be noted that, after a friend of mine heard my screams of agony, an issue was raised to change the syntax to a summoning ritual that involves less self-mutilation. Unfortunately, this is a breaking change, and will probably require an exorcism.
The Documentation Is Wrong
Terra’s documentation is so wrong that it somehow manages to be wrong in both directions. That is, some of the documentation is out-of-date, while some of it refers to concepts that never made it into master. I can only assume that a time-traveling gremlin was hired to write the documentation, who promptly got lost amidst the diverging timelines. It is a quantum document, both right and wrong at the same time, yet somehow always useless, a puzzle beyond the grasp of modern physics.
The first thing talked about in the API Reference is a List object. It does not actually exist. A primitive incarnation of it does exist, but it only implements map() and insertall(). Almost the entire section is completely wrong for the 1.0.0-beta1 release. The actual List object being described sits alone and forgotten in the develop branch, dust already beginning to collect on it’s API calls, despite those API calls being the ones in the documentation… somehow.
:printpretty() is a function that prints out a pretty string representation of a given piece of Terra code, by parsing the AST representation. On it’s face, it does do exactly what is advertised: it prints a string. However, one might assume that it returns the string, or otherwise allows you to do something with it. This doesn’t happen. It literally calls the print() function, throwing the string out the window and straight into the stdout buffer without a care in the world. If you want the actual string, you must call either layoutstring() (for types) or prettystring() (for quotes). Neither function is documented, anywhere.
Macros can only be called from inside Terra code. Unless you give the constructor two parameters, where the second parameter is a function called from inside a Lua context. This behavior is not mentioned in any documentation, anywhere, which makes it even more confusing when someone defines a macro as macro(myfunction, myfunction) and then calls it from a Lua context, which, according to the documentation, should be impossible.
Struct fields are not specified by their name, but rather just held in a numbered list of {name, type} pairs. This is documented, but a consequence of this system is not: Struct field names do not have to be unique. They can all be the same thing. Terra doesn’t actually care. You can’t actually be sure that any given field name lookup will result in, y’know, one field. Nothing mentions this.
The documentation for saveobj is a special kind of infuriating, because everything is technically correct, yet it does not give you any examples and instead simply lists a function with 2 arguments and 4 interwoven optional arguments. In reality it’s absolutely trivial to use because you can ignore almost all the parameters. Just write terralib.saveobj("blah", {main = main}) and you’re done. But there isn’t a single example of this anywhere on the entire website. Only a paragraph and two sentences explaining in the briefest way possible how to use the function, followed by a highly technical example of how to initialize a custom target parameter, which doesn’t actually compile because it has errant semicolons. This is literally the most important function in the entire language, because it’s what actually compiles an executable!
The defer keyword is critical to being able to do proper error cleanup, because it functions similar to Go’s defer by performing a function call at the end of a lexical scope. It is not documented, anywhere, or even mentioned at all on the website. How Terra manages to implement new functionality it forgets to document while, at the same time, documenting functionality that doesn’t exist yet is a 4-dimensional puzzle fit for an extra-dimensional hyperintelligent race of aliens particularly fond of BDSM.
You’d think that compiling Terra on Linux would be a lot simpler, but you’d be wrong. Not only are the makefiles unreliable, but cmake itself doesn’t seem to work with LLVM 7 unless you pass in a very specific set of flags, none of which are documented, because compiling via cmake isn’t documented at all, and this is the only way to compile with LLVM 7 or above on the latest Ubuntu release!
Perhaps there are more tragedies hidden inside this baleful document, but I cannot know, as I have yet to unearth the true depths of the madness lurking within. I am, at most, on the third or fourth circle of hell.
Terra Doesn’t Actually Work On Windows
Saying that Terra supports Windows is a statement fraught with danger. It is a statement so full of holes that an entire screen door could try to sell you car insurance and it’d still be a safer bet than running Terra on Windows. Attempting to use Terra on Windows will work if you have Visual Studio 2015 installed. It might work if you have Visual Studio 2013 installed. No other scenarios are supported, especially not ones that involve being productive. Actually compiling Terra on Windows is a hellish endeavor comparable to climbing Mount Everest in a bathing suit, which requires either having Visual Studio 2015 installed to the default location, or manually modifying a Makefile with the exact absolute paths of all the relevant dependencies. At least up until last week, when I submitted a pull request to minimize the amount of mountain climbing required.
The problem Terra runs into is that it tries to use a registry value to find the location of Visual Studio and then work out where link.exe is from there, then finds the include directories for the C runtime. This hasn’t worked since Visual Studio 2017 and also requires custom handling for each version because compiling an iteration of Visual Studio apparently involves throwing the directory structure into the air, watching it land on the floor in a disorganized mess, and drawing lines between vaguely related concepts. Good for divining the true nature of the C library, bad for building directory structures. Unfortunately, should you somehow manage to compile Terra, it will abruptly stop working the moment you try to call printf, claiming that printf does not actually exist, even after importing stdio.h.
Many Terra tests assume that printf actually resolves to a concrete symbol. This is not true and hasn’t been true since Visual Studio 2015, which turned several stdio.h functions into inline-only implementations. In general, the C standard library is under no obligation to produce an actual concrete symbol for any function - or to make sense to a mere mortal, for that matter. In fact, it might be more productive to assume that the C standard was wrought from the unholy, broiling chaos of the void by Cthulhu himself, who saw fit to punish any being foolish enough to make reasonable assumptions about how C works.
Unfortunately, importing stdio.h does not fix this problem, for two reasons. One, Terra did not understand inline functions on Windows. They were ephemeral wisps, vanishing like a mote of dust on the wind the moment a C module was optimized. A pull request fixed this, but it can’t fix the fact that the Windows SDK was wrought from the innocent blood of a thousand vivisected COMDAT objects. Microsoft’s version of stdio.h can only be described as an extra-dimensional object, a meta-stable fragment of a past universe that can only be seen in brief slivers, never all at once.
Luckily for the Terra project, I am the demonic presence they need, for I was once a Microsoftie. Long ago, I walked the halls of the Operating Systems Group and helped craft black magic to sate the monster’s unending hunger. I saw True Evil blossom in those dark rooms, like having only three flavors of sparkling water and a pasta station only open on Tuesdays.
I know the words of Black Speech that must be spoken to reveal the true nature of Windows. I know how to bend the rules of our prison, to craft a mighty workspace from the bowels within. After fixing the cmake implementation to function correctly on Windows, I intend to perform the unholy incantations required to invoke the almighty powers of COM, so that it may find on which fifth-dimensional hyperplane Visual Studio exists. Only then can I disassociate myself from the mortal plane for long enough to tackle the stdio.h problem. You see, children, programming for Windows is easy! All you have to do is s͏̷E͏l͏̢҉l̷ ̸̕͡Y͏o҉u͝R̨͘ ̶͝sơ̷͟Ul̴
For those of you who actually wish to try Terra, but don’t want to wait for me to fix everything a new release, you can embed the following code at the top of your root Terra script:
if os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR") ~= nil then terralib.vshome = os.getenv("VCToolsInstallDir") if not terralib.vshome then terralib.vshome = os.getenv("VCINSTALLDIR") terralib.vclinker = terralib.vshome..[[BIN\x86_amd64\link.exe]] else terralib.vclinker = ([[%sbin\Host%s\%s\link.exe]]):format(terralib.vshome, os.getenv("VSCMD_ARG_HOST_ARCH"), os.getenv("VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH")) end terralib.includepath = os.getenv("INCLUDE") function terralib.getvclinker() local vclib = os.getenv("LIB") local vcpath = terralib.vcpath or os.getenv("Path") vclib,vcpath = "LIB="..vclib,"Path="..vcpath return terralib.vclinker,vclib,vcpath end end
Yes, we are literally overwriting parts of the compiler itself, at runtime, from our script. Welcome to Lua! Enjoy your stay, and don’t let the fact that any script you run could completely rewrite the compiler keep you up at night!
The Existential Horror of Terra Symbols
Symbols are one of the most slippery concepts introduced in Terra, despite their relative simplicity. When encountering a Terra Symbol, one usually finds it in a function that looks like this:
TkImpl.generate = function(skip, finish) return quote if [TkImpl.selfsym].count == 0 then goto [finish] end [TkImpl.selfsym].count = [TkImpl.selfsym].count - 1 [stype.generate(skip, finish)] end end
Where selfsym is a symbol that was set elsewhere.
“Aha!” says our observant student, “a reference to a variable from an outside context!” This construct does let you access a variable from another area of the same function, and using it to accomplish that will generally work as you expect, but what it’s actually doing is much worse more subtle. You see, grasshopper, a symbol is not a reference to a variable node in the AST, it is a reference to an identifier.
local sym = symbol(int) local inc = quote [sym] = [sym] + 1 end terra foo() var [sym] = 0 inc inc return [sym] end terra bar() var[sym] = 0 inc inc inc return [sym] end
Yes, that is valid Terra, and yes, the people who built this language did this on purpose. Why any human being still capable of love would ever design such a catastrophe is simply beyond me. Each symbol literally represents not a reference to a variable, but a unique variable name that will refer to any variable that has been initialized in the current Terra scope with that particular identifier. You aren’t passing around variable references, you’re passing around variable names.
These aren’t just symbols, they’re typed preprocessor macros. They are literally C preprocessor macros, capable of causing just as much woe and suffering as one, except that they are typed and they can’t redefine existing terms. This is, admittedly, slightly better than a normal C macro. However, seeing as there have been entire books written about humanity’s collective hatred of C macros, this is equivalent to being a slightly more usable programming language than Brainfuck. This is such a low bar it’s probably buried somewhere in the Mariana Trench.
Terra is C but the Preprocessor is Lua
You realize now, the monstrosity we have unleashed upon the world? The sin Terra has committed now lies naked before us.
Terra is C if you replaced the preprocessor with Lua.
Remember how Terra says you can implement Java-like and Go-like class systems? You can’t. Or rather, you will end up with a pathetic imitation, a facsimile of a real class system, striped down to the bone and bereft of any useful mechanisms. It is nothing more than an implementation of vtables, just like you would make in C. Because Terra is C. It’s metaprogrammable C.
There can be no constructors, or destructors, or automatic initialization, or any sort of borrow checking analysis, because Terra has no scoping mechanisms. The only thing it provides is defer, which only operates inside Lua lexical blocks (do and end)… sometimes, if you get lucky. The exact behavior is a bit confusing, and of course can only be divined by random experimentation because it isn’t documented anywhere! Terra’s only saving grace, the singular keyword that allows you to attempt to build some sort of pretend object system, isn’t actually mentioned anywhere.
Of course, Terra’s metaprogramming is turing complete, and it is technically possible to implement some of these mechanisms, but only if you either wrap absolutely every single variable declaration in a function, or you introspect the AST and annotate every single variable with initialization statuses and then run a metaprogram over it to figure out when constructors or destructors or assignment operators need to be called. Except, this might not work, because the (undocumented, of course) __update metamethod that is supposed to trigger when you assign something to a variable has a bug where it’s not always called in all situations. This turns catching assignments and finding the l-value or r-value status from a mind-bogglingly difficult, herculean task, to a near-impossible trial of cosmic proportions that probably requires the help of at least two Avengers.
There Is No Type System
If Terra was actually trying to build a metaprogramming equivalent to templates, it would have an actual type system. These languages already exist - Idris, Omega, F*, Ada, Sage, etc. but none of them are interested in using their dependent type systems to actually metaprogram low-level code (although F* can produce it). The problem is that building a recursively metaprogrammable type system requires building a proof assistant, and everyone is so proud of the fact they built a proof assistant they forget that dependent type systems can do other things too, like build really fast memcpy implementations.
Terra, on the other hand, provides only the briefest glimpse of a type system. Terra functions enjoy what is essentially a slightly more complex C type system. However, the higher-level Lua context is, well, Lua, which has five basic types: Tables, Functions, Strings, Booleans and Numbers (it also has Thread, Nil, Userdata and CData for certain edge cases). That’s it. Also, it’s dynamic, not static, so everything is a syntax or a runtime error, because it’s a scripting language. This means all your metaprogramming is sprinkled with type-verification calls like :istype() or :isstruct(), except the top came off the shaker and now the entire program is just sprinkles, everywhere. This is fine for when your metaprograms are, themselves, relatively simple. It is not fine when you are returning meta-programs out of meta-meta-functions.
This is the impasse I find myself at, and it is the answer to the question I know everyone wants to know the answer to. For the love of heaven and earth and all that lies between, why am I still using Terra?
The truth is that the project I’m working on requires highly complex metaprogramming techniques in order to properly generate type-safe mappings for arbitrary data structures. Explaining why would be an entire blog post on it’s own, but suffice to say, it’s a complex user interface library that’s intended to run on tiny embedded devices, which means I can’t simply give up and use Idris, or indeed anything that involves garbage collection.
What I really want is a low-level, recursively metaprogrammable language that is also recursively type-safe, in that any type strata can safely manipulate the code of any layer beneath it, preferably via algebriac subtyping that ensures all types are recursively a subset of types that contain them, ad nauseam. This would then allow you to move from a “low-level” language to a “high-level” language by simply walking up the tower of abstraction, building meta-meta-programs that manipulate meta-programs that generate low-level programs.
Alas, such beauty can only exist in the minds of mathematicians and small kittens. While I may one day attempt to build such a language, it will be nothing more than a poor imitation, forever striving for an ideal it cannot reach, cursed with a vision from the gods of a pristine language no mortal can ever possess.
I wish to forge galaxies, to wield the power of computation and sail the cosmos upon an infinite wave of creativity. Instead, I spend untold hours toiling inside LLVM, wondering why it won’t print “Hello World”.
In conclusion, everything is terrible and the universe is on fire.
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isearchgoood · 5 years ago
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networkingdefinition · 5 years ago
Lavender Quotes
Official Website: Lavender Quotes
  • A rhododendron bud lavender-tipped. Soon a glory of blooms to clash with the cardinals and gladden the hummingbirds! – Dave Beard • Add a drop of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you’re laughing at it. – Bill Bailey • As a kid I’d play with homemade recipes, like putting pineapple on my face to exfoliate my skin and doing facial steams with lavender or peppermint oils. I just loved doing stuff like that. It’s what motivated me to launch my skin care line. – Demi Lovato • As far as what I do love, I love birds; I love lavender. – Michael Moore • Avoid men who call you Baby, and women who have no friends, and dogs that scratch at their bellies and refuse to lie down at your feet. Wear dark glasses; bathe with lavender oil and cool fresh water. Seek shelter from the sun at noon. – Alice Hoffman
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Lavender', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_lavender').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_lavender img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Before bed, I read a book or flip on the radio – I’m not picky, I’ll just turn it on and see what comes up. I burn a yummy lavender- scented candle. – Carrie Underwood • Blue is the insides of something mysterious and lonely. I’d look at fish and birds, thinking the sky and water colored them. The first abyss is blue. An artist must go beyond the mercy of satin or water-from a gutty hue to that which is close to royal purple. All seasons and blossoms inbetween. Lavender. Theatrical and outrageous electric. Almost gray. True and false blue. Water and oil. The gas jet breathing in oblivion. The unstruck match. The blue of absence. The blue of deep presence. The insides of something perfect. – Yusef Komunyakaa • Both Matilda and Lavender were enthralled. It was quite clear to them that they were at this moment standing in the presence of a master. Here was somebody who had brought the art of skulduggery to the highest point of perfection, somebody, moreover, who was willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of her calling. They gazed in wonder at this goddess, and suddenly even the boil on her nose was no longer a blemish but a badge of courage. – Roald Dahl • Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It’s the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist. – Mia Kirshner • But you, you foolish girl, you have gone home to a leaky castle across the sea to lie awake in linen smelling of lavender, and hear the nightingale, and long for me. – Edna St. Vincent Millay
[clickbank-storefront-bestselling] • Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender? – J. K. Rowling • Day after day we looked for rain, and day after day we saw nothing but the sun. Lavender that we had planted in the spring died. The patch of grass in front of the house abandoned its ambitions to become a lawn and turned into the dirty yellow of poor straw. The earth shrank, revealing its knuckles and bones, rocks and roots that had been invisible before. – Peter Mayle • Even talking, I’m super-loud. I could never have that kind of meek, little wispy whimsical lavender and lace voice. It comes from my body. There’s no way I can fight it. – Beth Ditto • Gay people do not fight for freedom to live in a lavender bubble, but in a more just society. – Urvashi Vaid • He domesticated and developed the native wild flowers. He had one hill-side solidly clad with that low-growing purple verbena which mats over the hills of New Mexico. It was like a great violet velvet mantle thrown down in the sun; all the shades that the dyers and weavers of Italy and France strove for through centuries, the violet that is full of rose colour and is yet not lavender; the blue that becomes almost pink and then retreats again into sea-dark purple—the true Episcopal colour and countless variations of it. – Willa Cather • Here’s flowers for you; Hot lavender, mints, savoury, marjoram; The marigold, that goes to bed wi’ the sun And with him rises weeping: these are flowers Of middle summer, and I think they are given To men of middle age. – William Shakespeare • Hot lavender, mints, savory, marjoram; The marigold, that goes to bed wi’ the sun, and with him rise weeping. – William Shakespeare • I love Thieves, it is therapeutic, if you’re not feeling well. It has a very strong scent but is quite wonderful. I also use lavender. Peppermint, when my stomach is upset. – Donna Karan • I love you, Hermione,” said Ron, sinking back, rubbing his eyes wearily. Hermione turned faintly pink, but merely said, “Don’t let Lavender hear you saying that.” “I won’t,” said Ron into his hands. “Or maybe I will . . . then she’ll ditch me . . . – J. K. Rowling • I put a drop of lavender essential oil on my pillow before I go to sleep. – Melissa Joan Hart • I saw Chungking for the first time more than 40 years ago – a city of hills and mists, of grays and lavenders, two rivers shaping it to a point and the cliff rising above me like a challenge. – Theodore White • I turned over, and those big hands got to work on my back. I stifled a whimper in the pillow, because Marco’s idea of a massage bore no resemblance whatsoever to the relaxing spa variety. There was no lavender oil, no soothing music, no hot towels. Just an all-out assault on cramped muscles, until they cowered in surrender and turned to Jell-O. – Karen Chance • If feeling anxious about anything Dr Bachs night time rescue remedy is great. Sometimes a bath before bed helps. Burning Lavender or Clary Sage in the room before retiring. Try not to work on my computer very late and then bed straight after. Getting enough exercise definitely helps sleep. – Rachel Ryan • If you had to choose an oil…it would have to be lavender essential oil, because it is antibacterial and antiviral. So, it’s great to have when people around you are sick; it can also be used to relax. – Karen Rose • it always seems to me as if the lavender was a little woman in a green dress, with a lavender bonnet and a white kerchief. She’s one of those strong, sweet, wholesome people, who always rest you, and her sweetness lingers long after she goes away. – Myrtle Reed • It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer. Everything fades: the shimmer of gold over White Cove; the laughter in the night air; the lavender early morning light on the faces of skyscrapers, which had suddenly become so heroically tall. Every dawn seemed to promise fresh miracles, among other joys that are in short supply these days. And so I will try to tell you, while I still remember, how it was then, before everything changed-that final season of the era that roared. – Anna Godbersen • It was our favorite part of the day, this in-between time, and it always seemed to last longer than it should–a magic and lavender space unpinned from the hours around it, between worlds. – Paula McLain • Lavender is the new pink. I’ll never stop wearing pink but I wanted to venture out. – Nicki Minaj • London life was very full and exciting […] But in London there would be no greenhouse with a glossy tank, and no apple-room, and no potting-shed, earthy and warm, with bunches of poppy heads hanging from the ceiling, and sunflower seeds in a wooden box, and bulbs in thick paper bags, and hanks of tarred string, and lavender drying on a tea-tray. – Sylvia Townsend Warner • Look, why don’t you go talk to Ron about all this?” Harry asked. “Well, I would, but he’s always asleep when I go and see him!” said Lavender fretfully. “Is he?” said Harry, surprised, for he had found Ron perfectly alert every time he had been up to the hospital wing. – J. K. Rowling • My favorite name for a color is “puce.” It’s kind of a dried blood color. It’s a hideous color. But I love the word. It’s so euphonic. But my favorite colors are lavender, purple, periwinkle blue, and white. – Elizabeth Taylor • Oils of cinnamon and eucalyptus are as powerful against some microorganisms as conventional antibiotics, and are especially effective against flus. Sandalwood oil from Mysore, India, is not only a classic perfume oil but is also a traditional remedy for sore throats and laryngitis. Lavender oil, so often used in toilet waters and scented sachets, has a dramatic healing action on burns. – Robert Tisserand • One trick I swear by: I pour a little neroli or lavender oil onto a hot towel and use it to wipe off my makeup. It opens up my pores, and then my face cream sinks in better. – Courteney Cox • The air was fragrant with a thousand trodden aromatic herbs, with fields of lavender, and with the brightest roses blushing in tufts all over the meadows. – William C. Bryant • The raindrops played across the coast all through the night, until the soft new day shrugged itself awake, tried on amethyst and lavender for a while, and finally decided on pale yellow. – Gary D. Schmidt • The scent organ was playing a delightfully refreshing Herbal Capriccio – rippling arpeggios of thyme and lavender, of rosemary, basil, myrtle, tarragon; a series of daring modulations through the spice keys into ambergris; and a slow return through sandalwood, camphor, cedar and newmown hay (with occasional subtle touches of discord – a whiff of kidney pudding, the faintest suspicion of pig’s dung) back to the simple aromatics with which the piece began. The final blast of thyme died away; there was a round of applause; the lights went up. – Aldous Huxley • There are some things, after all, that Sally Owens knows for certain: Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender, for luck. Fall in love whenever you can. – Alice Hoffman • To make a perfume, take some rose water and wash your hands in it, then take a lavender flower and rub it with your palms, and you will achieve the desired effect. – Leonardo da Vinci • Valentine’s Day money-saving tips: Break up on February 13th, get back together on the 15th. In place of bubble bath, use lavender-scented dish-washing liquid. Forget rose petals. Sprinkle the bed with sliced beets! – David Letterman • We lavender folk spray up, spontaneously flowering in the color we had learned as an identifying mark of our culture when it was subterranean and secret. – Judy Grahn • What a turnaround in sentiment ‘Glee’ exemplifies. It was only a few years ago that pursuing the dream of a Broadway career or cabaret stardom relegated some poor yearning dope to a lavender ghetto of losers, self-deluders, and social rejects. – James Wolcott • What woman, however old, has not the bridal-favours and raiment stowed away, and packed in lavender, in the inmost cupboards of her heart? – William Makepeace Thackeray • When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the crescent of a lavender moon. Imagine it — delicate, slim, precise, like a paper-thin slice from a cabochon jewel. It may not be very useful, but it is beautiful. And sometimes it is enough. – Vera Nazarian • When the light turns green, you go. When the light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with orange and lavender spots? – Shel Silverstein • With this recitation of paraphernalia and detritus, O’Brien manages to encapsulate the experience of an army and of a particular war, of a mined and booby-trapped landscape, of cold nights and hot days, of soaking monsoons and rice paddies, and of the possibility of being shot, like Ted Lavender, suddenly and out of nowhere: not only in the middle of a sentence but in the midst of a subordinate clause. – Francine Prose • Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender. – Alice Walker • Yours is… il sent comme lavande.” Is that French for ‘You stink’?” It means ‘lavender’.” Huh.” She sniffed at her wrist. “I thought I smelled more like a grape Popsicle. – Lynn Viehl
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
0 notes
equitiesstocks · 5 years ago
Lavender Quotes
Official Website: Lavender Quotes
  • A rhododendron bud lavender-tipped. Soon a glory of blooms to clash with the cardinals and gladden the hummingbirds! – Dave Beard • Add a drop of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you’re laughing at it. – Bill Bailey • As a kid I’d play with homemade recipes, like putting pineapple on my face to exfoliate my skin and doing facial steams with lavender or peppermint oils. I just loved doing stuff like that. It’s what motivated me to launch my skin care line. – Demi Lovato • As far as what I do love, I love birds; I love lavender. – Michael Moore • Avoid men who call you Baby, and women who have no friends, and dogs that scratch at their bellies and refuse to lie down at your feet. Wear dark glasses; bathe with lavender oil and cool fresh water. Seek shelter from the sun at noon. – Alice Hoffman
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Lavender', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_lavender').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_lavender img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Before bed, I read a book or flip on the radio – I’m not picky, I’ll just turn it on and see what comes up. I burn a yummy lavender- scented candle. – Carrie Underwood • Blue is the insides of something mysterious and lonely. I’d look at fish and birds, thinking the sky and water colored them. The first abyss is blue. An artist must go beyond the mercy of satin or water-from a gutty hue to that which is close to royal purple. All seasons and blossoms inbetween. Lavender. Theatrical and outrageous electric. Almost gray. True and false blue. Water and oil. The gas jet breathing in oblivion. The unstruck match. The blue of absence. The blue of deep presence. The insides of something perfect. – Yusef Komunyakaa • Both Matilda and Lavender were enthralled. It was quite clear to them that they were at this moment standing in the presence of a master. Here was somebody who had brought the art of skulduggery to the highest point of perfection, somebody, moreover, who was willing to risk life and limb in pursuit of her calling. They gazed in wonder at this goddess, and suddenly even the boil on her nose was no longer a blemish but a badge of courage. – Roald Dahl • Bursts of gold on lavender melting into saffron. It’s the time of day when the sky looks like it has been spray-painted by a graffiti artist. – Mia Kirshner • But you, you foolish girl, you have gone home to a leaky castle across the sea to lie awake in linen smelling of lavender, and hear the nightingale, and long for me. – Edna St. Vincent Millay
[clickbank-storefront-bestselling] • Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender? – J. K. Rowling • Day after day we looked for rain, and day after day we saw nothing but the sun. Lavender that we had planted in the spring died. The patch of grass in front of the house abandoned its ambitions to become a lawn and turned into the dirty yellow of poor straw. The earth shrank, revealing its knuckles and bones, rocks and roots that had been invisible before. – Peter Mayle • Even talking, I’m super-loud. I could never have that kind of meek, little wispy whimsical lavender and lace voice. It comes from my body. There’s no way I can fight it. – Beth Ditto • Gay people do not fight for freedom to live in a lavender bubble, but in a more just society. – Urvashi Vaid • He domesticated and developed the native wild flowers. He had one hill-side solidly clad with that low-growing purple verbena which mats over the hills of New Mexico. It was like a great violet velvet mantle thrown down in the sun; all the shades that the dyers and weavers of Italy and France strove for through centuries, the violet that is full of rose colour and is yet not lavender; the blue that becomes almost pink and then retreats again into sea-dark purple—the true Episcopal colour and countless variations of it. – Willa Cather • Here’s flowers for you; Hot lavender, mints, savoury, marjoram; The marigold, that goes to bed wi’ the sun And with him rises weeping: these are flowers Of middle summer, and I think they are given To men of middle age. – William Shakespeare • Hot lavender, mints, savory, marjoram; The marigold, that goes to bed wi’ the sun, and with him rise weeping. – William Shakespeare • I love Thieves, it is therapeutic, if you’re not feeling well. It has a very strong scent but is quite wonderful. I also use lavender. Peppermint, when my stomach is upset. – Donna Karan • I love you, Hermione,” said Ron, sinking back, rubbing his eyes wearily. Hermione turned faintly pink, but merely said, “Don’t let Lavender hear you saying that.” “I won’t,” said Ron into his hands. “Or maybe I will . . . then she’ll ditch me . . . – J. K. Rowling • I put a drop of lavender essential oil on my pillow before I go to sleep. – Melissa Joan Hart • I saw Chungking for the first time more than 40 years ago – a city of hills and mists, of grays and lavenders, two rivers shaping it to a point and the cliff rising above me like a challenge. – Theodore White • I turned over, and those big hands got to work on my back. I stifled a whimper in the pillow, because Marco’s idea of a massage bore no resemblance whatsoever to the relaxing spa variety. There was no lavender oil, no soothing music, no hot towels. Just an all-out assault on cramped muscles, until they cowered in surrender and turned to Jell-O. – Karen Chance • If feeling anxious about anything Dr Bachs night time rescue remedy is great. Sometimes a bath before bed helps. Burning Lavender or Clary Sage in the room before retiring. Try not to work on my computer very late and then bed straight after. Getting enough exercise definitely helps sleep. – Rachel Ryan • If you had to choose an oil…it would have to be lavender essential oil, because it is antibacterial and antiviral. So, it’s great to have when people around you are sick; it can also be used to relax. – Karen Rose • it always seems to me as if the lavender was a little woman in a green dress, with a lavender bonnet and a white kerchief. She’s one of those strong, sweet, wholesome people, who always rest you, and her sweetness lingers long after she goes away. – Myrtle Reed • It is easy to forget now, how effervescent and free we all felt that summer. Everything fades: the shimmer of gold over White Cove; the laughter in the night air; the lavender early morning light on the faces of skyscrapers, which had suddenly become so heroically tall. Every dawn seemed to promise fresh miracles, among other joys that are in short supply these days. And so I will try to tell you, while I still remember, how it was then, before everything changed-that final season of the era that roared. – Anna Godbersen • It was our favorite part of the day, this in-between time, and it always seemed to last longer than it should–a magic and lavender space unpinned from the hours around it, between worlds. – Paula McLain • Lavender is the new pink. I’ll never stop wearing pink but I wanted to venture out. – Nicki Minaj • London life was very full and exciting […] But in London there would be no greenhouse with a glossy tank, and no apple-room, and no potting-shed, earthy and warm, with bunches of poppy heads hanging from the ceiling, and sunflower seeds in a wooden box, and bulbs in thick paper bags, and hanks of tarred string, and lavender drying on a tea-tray. – Sylvia Townsend Warner • Look, why don’t you go talk to Ron about all this?” Harry asked. “Well, I would, but he’s always asleep when I go and see him!” said Lavender fretfully. “Is he?” said Harry, surprised, for he had found Ron perfectly alert every time he had been up to the hospital wing. – J. K. Rowling • My favorite name for a color is “puce.” It’s kind of a dried blood color. It’s a hideous color. But I love the word. It’s so euphonic. But my favorite colors are lavender, purple, periwinkle blue, and white. – Elizabeth Taylor • Oils of cinnamon and eucalyptus are as powerful against some microorganisms as conventional antibiotics, and are especially effective against flus. Sandalwood oil from Mysore, India, is not only a classic perfume oil but is also a traditional remedy for sore throats and laryngitis. Lavender oil, so often used in toilet waters and scented sachets, has a dramatic healing action on burns. – Robert Tisserand • One trick I swear by: I pour a little neroli or lavender oil onto a hot towel and use it to wipe off my makeup. It opens up my pores, and then my face cream sinks in better. – Courteney Cox • The air was fragrant with a thousand trodden aromatic herbs, with fields of lavender, and with the brightest roses blushing in tufts all over the meadows. – William C. Bryant • The raindrops played across the coast all through the night, until the soft new day shrugged itself awake, tried on amethyst and lavender for a while, and finally decided on pale yellow. – Gary D. Schmidt • The scent organ was playing a delightfully refreshing Herbal Capriccio – rippling arpeggios of thyme and lavender, of rosemary, basil, myrtle, tarragon; a series of daring modulations through the spice keys into ambergris; and a slow return through sandalwood, camphor, cedar and newmown hay (with occasional subtle touches of discord – a whiff of kidney pudding, the faintest suspicion of pig’s dung) back to the simple aromatics with which the piece began. The final blast of thyme died away; there was a round of applause; the lights went up. – Aldous Huxley • There are some things, after all, that Sally Owens knows for certain: Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender, for luck. Fall in love whenever you can. – Alice Hoffman • To make a perfume, take some rose water and wash your hands in it, then take a lavender flower and rub it with your palms, and you will achieve the desired effect. – Leonardo da Vinci • Valentine’s Day money-saving tips: Break up on February 13th, get back together on the 15th. In place of bubble bath, use lavender-scented dish-washing liquid. Forget rose petals. Sprinkle the bed with sliced beets! – David Letterman • We lavender folk spray up, spontaneously flowering in the color we had learned as an identifying mark of our culture when it was subterranean and secret. – Judy Grahn • What a turnaround in sentiment ‘Glee’ exemplifies. It was only a few years ago that pursuing the dream of a Broadway career or cabaret stardom relegated some poor yearning dope to a lavender ghetto of losers, self-deluders, and social rejects. – James Wolcott • What woman, however old, has not the bridal-favours and raiment stowed away, and packed in lavender, in the inmost cupboards of her heart? – William Makepeace Thackeray • When hope is fleeting, stop for a moment and visualize, in a sky of silver, the crescent of a lavender moon. Imagine it — delicate, slim, precise, like a paper-thin slice from a cabochon jewel. It may not be very useful, but it is beautiful. And sometimes it is enough. – Vera Nazarian • When the light turns green, you go. When the light turns red, you stop. But what do you do when the light turns blue with orange and lavender spots? – Shel Silverstein • With this recitation of paraphernalia and detritus, O’Brien manages to encapsulate the experience of an army and of a particular war, of a mined and booby-trapped landscape, of cold nights and hot days, of soaking monsoons and rice paddies, and of the possibility of being shot, like Ted Lavender, suddenly and out of nowhere: not only in the middle of a sentence but in the midst of a subordinate clause. – Francine Prose • Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender. – Alice Walker • Yours is… il sent comme lavande.” Is that French for ‘You stink’?” It means ‘lavender’.” Huh.” She sniffed at her wrist. “I thought I smelled more like a grape Popsicle. – Lynn Viehl
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'e', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_e').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_e img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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homedevises · 6 years ago
30 Unexpected Ways Interior Design Types Can Make Your Life Better | interior design types
Be it during administration interiors of a new home or for renovating it, bodies generally attending for contemporary autogenous architecture inspirations. For all those who charge to accord a try to architecture their home in their way, this commodity explains altered autogenous architecture capacity (the best accepted ones about the globe) to booty account from. Scroll bottomward to apperceive altered capacity and actualize your own alloy of home décor ideas.
Basic Types of Traditional Home Interior Decoration Styles … – interior design types | interior design types
The Aesthetic Mid-Century Theme
During the mid-1900s, avant-garde homes were characterized with the minimalistic figures, aesthetic lines, and accustomed shapes. The autogenous décor articles were styled in a countless of architecture styles with the use plywood, aluminium, and molded plastic. To accept this autogenous architecture affair for today’s avant-garde homes, home owners can mix in the elements from the avant-garde apple and accord you appearance to this style. With the advanced availability of home adornment articles online, this will not be a challenge.
The Abyssal Theme
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Nautical décor, which additionally became as accepted as cottage décor, is authentic as warm, absolute and relaxing. The interiors were bedeviled by shades of white with dejected as the primary emphasis color. In the interiors with abyssal theme, one could calmly apprehension styles fabricated with jute ropes, seashells, sailboats, aeronautics maps and abounding agnate décor products. If this affair interests you, you can attending for chichi linen upholstery in shades of white and dejected while accomplishing home capacity articles online.
The Bohemian Theme
The airy and chance themed décor speaks for bohemian interiors. The bohemian autogenous affair is bedeviled with artistic use of active colors like shades of red & amethyst in affluent patterns. In bohemian theme, autogenous designers advisedly actualize a ‘messy’ attending with the use of throws, pillows, rugs, tapestry, etc. To get this look, analysis out home accoutrement articles online with indigenous or drifting vibes.
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The Farmhouse Theme
The agglomeration of broiled lavender twigs and added greeneries placed all about the abode in vases or planters gives a avant-garde access to the interiors which is decidedly accepted as Farmhouse décor. In this themed décor, afflicted copse appliance and adipose linen are called for styling. The colors majorly circumduct about white and biscuit base. In case home owners acquisition this attending captivating, they can add their bloom and burst of active colors for some definition. So, while attractive for home adornment articles online, you may-pick brighter shades with the aggregate of whites & biscuit base.
The Avant-garde Catholic Theme
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The avant-garde catholic affair is a admixture of adverse yet commutual characters. The home interiors with the avant-garde catholic affair are aggressive from alluring chichi patterns, minimalistic avant-garde designs, indigenous valuables, and anxious styles amidst the 21st aeon ambience of avant-garde homes. To transform your home into this look, while allotment home adornment articles online, go for ample appliance in avant-garde architecture and some geometrical shaped décor products.
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Interior Design Rendering Services: 30 Types of Images | ArchiCGI – interior design types | interior design types
Interior Design Styles: 8 Popular Types Explained – FROY BLOG – interior design types | interior design types
A New Type Of Housing ????? – interior design types | interior design types
Recognize Types Of Interior Design Styles – deannetsmith – interior design types | interior design types
Different Lighting Types in Interior Design – interior design types | interior design types
Career in Interior Design – Different Types of Interior Designers – interior design types | interior design types
Interior Design Styles: 30 Popular Types Explained | Closely Knit – interior design types | interior design types
Modern decorating styles, old farm houses with wrap around … – interior design types | interior design types
Different Types of Lightings – COZY IDEAS Interior Design Singapore – interior design types | interior design types
Army Photography Contest – 2007 – FMWRC – Arts and Crafts – The Colors Emerge – interior design types | interior design types
Different Lighting Types in Interior Design – interior design types | interior design types
5 Main Types of Restaurants – Basics of Interior Design … – interior design types | interior design types
Basic Types of Traditional Home Interior Decoration Styles … – interior design types | interior design types
Office Interior Design: 30 Main Workspace Types – interior design types | interior design types
Interior decorators in dubai | interiordecorationdubai – interior design types | interior design types
Different Types Of Lighting – Room Lighting Ideas – Elle Decor – interior design types | interior design types
Flooring Design: Various types of flooring in India Interior Design … – interior design types | interior design types
Top 8 Types of Interior Design Styles that Rock the World … – interior design types | interior design types
Interior Partition Types | Decoratingspecial.com – interior design types | interior design types
Decorating Style Series: Contemporary | My Love of Style … – interior design types | interior design types
Gondola in Venice – Gondola a Venezia – interior design types | interior design types
Interior Design Styles: The Definitive Guide – interior design types | interior design types
Different Lighting Types in Interior Design – interior design types | interior design types
from WordPress https://homedevise.com/30-unexpected-ways-interior-design-types-can-make-your-life-better-interior-design-types/
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manofnosleep · 7 years ago
Hell in Earth
I used to love exploring old mines as a kid with my dad, I mean I really did. We used to explore the old style abandoned ones, with timber lining the walls and everything, and by everything, I’m talking about old mining equipment, abandoned carts, headlamps, and tools, even a few old ladders and chutes the old miners used to help move the minerals they were looking for. I didn't mind the darkness of the mines, rather, I embraced it, felt at home in it. I didn’t care about the possibility of finding a large bloodthirsty monster, or even the giant cobwebs and tarantulas. It just didn't faze me. The promise of adventure, into somewhere where few people were brave enough to explore? That was enough for me to forget every single fear I had. At least inside the mines though. Outside of them, I was still afraid of even the tiniest of bugs. 
But still, everything about the mines was great back then. And it was all thanks to my dad, the real-life equivalent for me of Indiana Jones. Talc and silver mines were no problem, and new adventures seemed to come twice at least every month. It was our thing, at least until he contracted something from being inside the depths for too long. Apparently, my dad had done too much time in the mines and had caught a little souvenir in his lungs. We found out about this a year ago, and despite his doctor’s constant warnings, he still ventured down into the mines, without a care in the world. With his strength and endurance from his youth corroding away, leaving him with only the will to dive deeper into the depths, he wrote two letters to me, one containing his will, and the other, containing his suicide note.
Except he didn't call it that. He called it his going home letter, which was the title of it written on the envelope he sent it to me in. In it, he detailed how he saw no outcome in his future where he did not overcome the blackened remnant of an organ as he called it. My mom called me minutes after I had gotten the letter, obviously trying not to sob into the phone as she told me about how she hadn't seen my dad in 3 days. She obviously had gotten a copy of the letter, as the defeated and dead tone in her voice said it all. When I said I hadn't seen him at all, she responded to me with a simple “Oh…” like she had nothing more to say, and promptly hung up.
How could she say anything more? How do you just respond to the clear confirmation that the man you’ve loved for 25 years is now dead? You can’t. That's how, because no amount of sobbing, screaming, or typing can completely express in the truest sense how much pain she felt in herself at that moment. Because after that, after being complete for so long, a void, her husband; MY father once filled, there can be nothing- and I mean nothing, to fill its place.
My strength left me at that moment, it truly did. It felt as if a piece of me, of who I was, was ripped out of me, and what replaced it was only a sense of denial, that somewhere out there, my dad could actually still be alive!
At the moment that the denial took hold, I felt something completely alien to me.
A sense of hope. Of completely misplaced, synthetic, and dangerous hope. But it was enough to fuel me, to make me do what I did. I took another look at the letter, before completely dissecting it in my head, and one line in particular stuck out and blared alarms in my head.
“Going Home”
I knew exactly what it meant, because for him, "home" could have meant where my mother was, or where the nearest mine was. The nearest mine to his house, from where he had delivered the letter, was the Horton mine, some shitty old run down one we almost never explored because of the sitting water inside of it, which to him meant that there was a bit of a safety issue. I knew that it one of the many he would have liked to explore more, but I had to take the chance that it was the one he went to.
I packed up my hiking gear and a flashlight into my truck, and hauled ass over to the nearest place where I could park near the entrance. Sure enough, there was an old Silverado there too, the exact one that my dad had kept since they first rolled off the production line. I could feel the color drain from my face as I saw the characters on the license plate, and the strength in my legs begin feel limitless as I ran for the mine entrance.
Without a single care in the world, I threw myself into the cave without a second thought, turning on my flashlight only minutes into the already pitch black cavern. I didn't keep track of where I was going, nor what warning signs of instability I had already flown by. Creaking timbers, with standing water and mineral deposits, along with scattered feces of various animals passed by me with each step, alerting me that this mine was more than just unsafe, it was downright a fucking deathtrap.
I eventually caught sight of a boot trail in the dirt there, and saw where it led… down deeper, into another level of the mine where it seemed that no amount my light would reveal the bottom. I was hesitant to jump in, until I heard a wheezing noise from down below, in that unending dark pit of rubble.
I did the unfathomable.
I jumped, feet first into the abyss, hoping that the drop would not be so high as I suspected to be. It didn't matter though, I was so hopped up on fear and adrenaline that the concepts of rational thought and common sense had ceased to exist.
With a crash on the unforgiving, sharp ruble I thought to be the floor, I reached the bottom, and tried to stand up, with “tried” being the keyword there. In the fall, it seemed that I had sprained my ankle so much so that walking on it brought me unbearable pain, for even the copious amounts of adrenaline I had in my system could not dull the pain at all.
Only then, did the reality of my situation set in. I, was at the bottom of an abandoned mine, with no one knowing I was down here, along with a broken ankle, and with my only exit being an opening in what was now the ceiling of the cavern I was in. The adrenaline faded quickly after that, and the energy that drove me to go on, simply vanished.
My heart ached from being worked far past its limits, and as did every other muscle in my body. I collapsed into a ball of limp flesh on the floor, with only enough energy left to keep breathing. The pain in my ankle surged again with each attempt at moving and kept me subdued on the ground in agony.
Then I felt it, the rush of warm air from within the depths. I turned on the flashlight I took with me, trying my best to separate myself from the darkness trying to envelop me. I pointed the light first at the floor which revealed two things to me, hope and despair in the form of a lone boot and a set of minecart tracks.
I knew whos boot was on the ground, torn nearly to shreds and covered in a mucusy liquid. And I died inside when realization set in on me. When I realized that I had no chance of ever finding what I came for. When I realized that my dad was never coming back home, in a coffin, nor on his own.  When I realized that whatever tore him to shreds would surely tear me to shreds in the same cave. I felt my stomach sink as thoughts of feeling abandoned in a dark that surely no one would ever find me in. Damned. I was damned rot, and be consumed by the lurking in the fucking cave.
But then I looked back at the mine cart tracks. And I realized one thing.
Tracks mean carts nearby
Carts mean an exit for miners to dump minerals
An exit meant a way out.
Another rush of hot air blew through the cave, strong enough to blow back my hair and push the boot about a foot away.
And from within the absence of light, came 6 pinpricks of yellow lights from high above in the cave. My hand trembled as I held up the light revealing an unholy sight. A one I have no way of comparing to anything else on God's earth. As I angled the light to best see it's facial features the light revealed to me what I only would recognize as 4 sharp, jagged, ant-like mandibles surrounding it's fleshy, torn and heavily scarred maw. Its teeth were jagged and misshapen, and could visibly not allow the beast’s own jaws to fully close.
The eyes, though, those damn eyes!  As I raised up my light even higher I saw the beast’s eyes light up like that of a dog’s or cat's at night, with pure malice contained within them. They weren't even placed near each other as in nature, there was no symmetry in the placing of the eyes on its face! All of them it seemed was just haphazardly strewn about on it, With 2 of them resting at the top left of its face, one below the maw, another left at the top right corner of its face, and 2 placed on one of its mandibles.
I took my opportunity to run as soon as I had a chance to take in the sight of the unholy abomination before me, with a renewed sense of fear and energy pulsing through my body. With only survival on my mind and my flashlight the only thing saving me from spraining my ankle, even more, I sped up as much as I could and turned back to see, Satan himself gaining on me. I saw the damn thing behind me, scuttling towards me on millipede-like legs that served only to drag it through the cave, not even lift it’s body up.
I ran for at least 5 minutes straight, huffing and puffing while running on adrenaline fumes, while considering just laying down and waiting for my end. My muscles felt like they were on fire, and my body felt as if it were crying for me to stop as if the work I was putting in was just too much strain for it. But then, I saw a light. I saw the true light at the end of the of the tunnel. I forced myself to run as fast as I could with satan breathing down my neck, hoping that I could just make it far enough to jump out of the cave into the sunlight.
As I neared the cave’s end, I braced to throw myself out into the midday light, not willing to run any further. If sunlight was what would get this thing off my tail, then I would be thanking God for the rest of my life. If the sun didn't stop the devil himself, then so be it.
As I chucked myself out of the cave like a cannonball, I braced to roll myself a bit further way just to increase my chance of survival by just a little bit. I hit the ground with enough force to knock the wind out of myself, and rolled only a few feet more away from the cave’s opening. I rolled over to see the opening of the cave, and smiled.
I saw the abomination screech to a halt when it saw the border of shadow and sunlight, and I heard it’s shriek when I realized that the damn piece of shit was terrified of the sun. To my satisfaction, I smiled harder. I grinned like a madman as I stood up while satan scuttled backward into hell in earth, and limped to my truck.
I rested in my truck for a while, at least until someone called the paramedics on me for cooking in my truck while asleep, in summer desert heat. While I slept, two paramedics took me out of my truck and drove me to the nearest hospital. As the doctors wheeled me through the halls, I heard comments about how I was extremely dehydrated, and how I had a few cut wounds that would need extensive treatment. It seems that I didn't notice that the thing had knicked the back of my legs while I ran from it.
Thankfully, the doctors did their best, and now as I write on my laptop that my mother bought for me, I still smile, seeing as I’m being released in a few hours.
And I smile for another thing though still. That I have plans to go back to the mines. And that I’m gonna get my revenge, and take something that the beast took from me.
A life.
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blackhatseoguy · 7 years ago
Tips to troubleshoot your technical SEO
if you are can you can you know if you might try your hand at GSA
There are lots of articles filled with checklists that tell you what technical SEO items you should review on your website. This is not one of those lists. What I think people need is not another best practice guide, but some help with troubleshooting issues.
info: search operator
Often, [info:http://ift.tt/1MSYKnR] can help you diagnose a variety of issues. This command will let you know if a page is indexed and how it is indexed. Sometimes, Google chooses to fold pages together in their index and treat two or more duplicates as the same page. This command shows you the canonicalized version — not necessarily the one specified by the canonical tag, but rather what Google views as the version they want to index.
If you search for your page with this operator and see another page, then you’ll see the other URL ranking instead of this one in results — basically, Google didn’t want two of the same page in their index. (Even the cached version shown is the other URL!) If you make exact duplicates across country-language pairs in hreflang tags, for instance, the pages may be folded into one version and show the wrong page for the locations affected.
Occasionally, you’ll see this with hijacking SERPs as well, where an [info:] search on one domain/page will actually show a completely different domain/page. I had this happen during Wix’s SEO Hero contest earlier this year, when a stronger and more established domain copied my website and was able to take my position in the SERPs for a while. Dan Sharp also did this with Google’s SEO guide earlier this year.
&filter=0 added to Google Search URL
Adding &filter=0 to the end of the URL in a Google search will remove filters and show you more websites in Google’s consideration set. You might see two versions of a page when you add this, which may indicate issues with duplicate pages that weren’t rolled together; they might both say they are the correct version, for instance, and have signals to support that.
This URL appendix also shows you other eligible pages on websites that could rank for this query. If you have multiple eligible pages, you likely have opportunities to consolidate pages or add internal links from these other relevant pages to the page you want to rank.
site: search operator
A [site:domain.com] search can reveal a wealth of knowledge about a website. I would be looking for pages that are indexed in ways I wouldn’t expect, such as with parameters, pages in site sections I may not know about, and any issues with pages being indexed that shouldn’t be (like a dev server).
site:domain.com keyword
You can use [site:domain.com keyword] to check for relevant pages on your site for another look at consolidation or internal link opportunities.
Also interesting about this search is that it will show if your website is eligible for a featured snippet for that keyword. You can do this search for many of the top websites to see what is included in their featured snippets that are eligible to try and find out what your website is missing or why one may be showing over another.
If you use a “phrase” instead of a keyword, this can be used to check if content is being picked up by Google, which is handy on websites that are JavaScript-driven.
Static vs. dynamic
When you’re dealing with JavaScript (JS), it’s important to understand that JS can rewrite the HTML of a page. If you’re looking at view-source or even Google’s cache, what you’re looking at is the unprocessed code. These are not great views of what may actually be included once the JS is processed.
Use “inspect” instead of “view-source” to see what is loaded into the DOM (Document Object Model), and use “Fetch and Render” in Google Search Console instead of Google’s cache to get a better idea of how Google actually sees the page.
Don’t tell people it’s wrong because it looks funny in the cache or something isn’t in the source; it may be you who is wrong. There may be times where you look in the source and say something is right, but when processed, something in the <head> section breaks and causes it to end early, throwing many tags like canonical or hreflang into the <body> section, where they aren’t supported.
Why aren’t these tags supported in the body? Likely because it would allow hijacking of pages from other websites.
Check redirects and header responses
You can make either of these checks with Chrome Developer Tools, or to make it easier, you might want to check out extensions like Redirect Path or Link Redirect Trace. It’s important to see how your redirects are being handled. If you’re worried about a certain path and if signals are being consolidated, check the “Links to Your Site” report in Google Search Console and look for links that go to pages earlier in the chain to see if they are in the report for the page and shown as “Via this intermediate link.” If they are, it’s a safe bet Google is counting the links and consolidating the signals to the latest version of the page.
For header responses, things can get interesting. While rare, you may see canonical tags and hreflang tags here that can conflict with other tags on the page. Redirects using the HTTP Header can be problematic as well. More than once I’ve seen people set the “Location:” for the redirect without any information in the field and then redirect people on the page with, say, a JS redirect. Well, the user goes to the right page, but Googlebot processes the Location: first and goes into the abyss. They’re redirected to nothing before they can see the other redirect.
Check for multiple sets of tags
Many tags can be in multiple locations, like the HTTP Header, the <head> section and the sitemap. Check for any inconsistencies between the tags. There’s nothing stopping multiple sets of tags on a page, either. Maybe your template added a meta robots tag for index, then a plugin had one set for noindex.
You can’t just assume there is one tag for each item, so don’t stop your search after the first one. I’ve seen as many as four sets of robots meta tags on the same page, with three of them set to index and one set as noindex, but that one noindex wins every time.
Change UA to Googlebot
Sometimes, you just need to see what Google sees. There are lots of interesting issues around cloaking, redirecting users and caching. You can change this with Chrome Developer Tools (instructions here) or with a plugin like User-Agent Switcher. I would recommend if you’re going to do this that you do it in Incognito mode. You want to check to see that Googlebot isn’t being redirected somewhere — like maybe they can’t see a page in another country because they’re being redirected based on the US IP address to a different page.
Check your robots.txt for anything that might be blocked. If you block a page from being crawled and put a canonical on that page to another page or a noindex tag, Google can’t crawl the page and can’t see those tags.
Another important tip is to monitor your robots.txt for changes. There may be someone who does change something, or there may be unintentional issues with shared caching with a dev server, or any number of other issues — so it’s important to keep an eye on changes to this file.
You may have a problem with a page not being indexed and not be able to figure out why. Although not officially supported, a noindex via robots.txt will keep a page out of the index, and this is just another possible location to check.
Save yourself headaches
Any time you can set up any automated testing or remove points of failure — those things you just know that someone, somewhere will mess up — do it. Scale things as best you can because there’s always more work to do than resources to do it. Something as simple as setting a Content Security Policy for upgrade-insecure-requests when going to HTTPS will keep you from having to go tell all of your developers that they have to change all these resources to fix mixed content issues.
If you know a change is likely to break other systems, weigh the outcomes of that change with the resources needed for it and the chances of breaking something and resources needed to fix the system if that happens. There are always trade-offs with technical SEO, and just because something is right doesn’t mean it’s always the best solution (unfortunately), so learn how to work with other teams to weigh the risk/reward of the changes you’re suggesting.
Summing up
In a complex environment, there may be many teams working on projects. You might have multiple CMS systems, infrastructures, CDNs and so on. You have to assume everything will change and everything will break at some point. There are so many points of failure that it makes the job of a technical SEO interesting and challenging.
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from BHSEO GUY's Feed http://ift.tt/2zRqtXC via IFTTT
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homedevises · 6 years ago
I Will Tell You The Truth About Dizayn Home In The Next 27 Seconds | dizayn home
LAS VEGAS, Nev. – Las Vegas Bazaar appear that addition 13 home décor assets will admission new and broadcast showrooms at the summer 2017 Las Vegas Market, July 30-August 3.
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“Las Vegas Bazaar continues to acquaintance added appeal from bigger home décor suppliers for both abiding showrooms and acting exhibition space,” said Scott Eckman, admiral of appliance and home décor leasing and arch action officer, International Bazaar Centers. “No added U.S. bazaar offers retailers and designers such a across and abyss of bigger home décor alongside a abounding ambit of commutual appliance and allowance products.”
“Summer Classics had a record-setting Las Vegas Bazaar in January, and Gabby’s acknowledgment to Las Vegas this July provides a audible befalling for acknowledgment to new administration on the West Coast,” said Bew White, CEO, Gabriella White, LLC, ancestor aggregation of both Summer Classics and Gabby. “Putting both brands calm supports our advance initiatives by leveraging the absolute cross-over amid anniversary brand’s chump base, and acceptance our sales assembly to abutment both brands effectively.”
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Four added first-time Las Vegas Bazaar home décor vendors will admission showrooms at summer market: Chesterfield Leather, a Philadelphia-based supplier of cowhide, leather, sheepskin, affluence and alien attic coverings in a 1,637-square-foot area on C5; Cozy Nomad, a Los Angeles-based supplier of throws, pillows and furniture, in a 482-square-foot exhibit on C5; Eastern Accents, a Chicago-based artist and architect of affluence bedding in a 2,697-square-foot exhibit on A; and Hugo Park, a Delaware-based all-around importer of furniture, home accents and accessories in a 1,256-square-foot amplitude on C4.
Another nine high-profile home décor firms are accretion or relocating showrooms for summer market, including: Adesso Inc., a supplier of abreast lighting, appliance and home décor, with a 5,444-square-foot amplitude on A4; Diamond Star Glass, architect of floral and allowance glassware products, with a 5,561-square-foot area on A4; Norwalk Furniture, a custom upholstery manufacturer, with a 7,621-square-foot amplitude on A2; Saro Trading, a adapted home accent aggregation specializing in analogous linens, with a 4,670-square-foot exhibit on C4; Seasonal Living, an importer of calm and alfresco appliance and adorning accessories, with a 1,878-square-foot area on C4; Steven Shell, specializing in custom handcrafted appliance from Indonesia, relocating to a 6,376-square-foot exhibit on C4; Palecek, a architect of handcrafted furniture, accessories and lighting, with a 7,053-square-foot amplitude on C4; Pulvermacher Designs, a Miami Gardens-based ambassador of home bolt in an 823-square-foot area on C4: and Wesley Allen, a metal appliance designer, with a 4,904-square-foot area on C4.
dizayn home – dizayn home | dizayn home
Another 100-plus home décor suppliers will be showcased amid 500-plus acting exhibitors in The Pavilions at Las Vegas Market. HOME and B HOME – one of bristles categories of acting exhibitors – will acceptable first-time home décor exhibitors this summer, including: 727 Sailbags; ArtAllure; Evelyne Prelonge; Eydel Fine Arts; Filling Spaces; Gatsby Lighting; Gem Décor; Jo & Maddie; Mill Wood Art; Namo Rugs; Nedia Home; Neta Dizayn; New View; Pitkin Stearns International Inc.; Samplize LLC and The Model Keepers. These newcomers accompany notable home décor exhibitors in The Pavilions, including: Amalia Home Collection; Artistic Porcelain; Bahari; Deco Hides; Interior Illusions; Mirror-Tique; Picture King; Rodeo Cowhide Rugs Covering & Accessories; SH Lighting; Studio Vertu; TribalHome and Vahallan.
Another 100-plus home décor suppliers will be showcased amid 500-plus acting exhibitors in The Pavilions at Las Vegas Market. HOME and B HOME – one of bristles categories of acting exhibitors – will acceptable first-time home décor exhibitors this summer, including: 727 Sailbags; ArtAllure; Evelyne Prelonge; Eydel Fine Arts; Filling Spaces; Gatsby Lighting; Gem Décor; Jo & Maddie; Mill Wood Art; Namo Rugs; Nedia Home; Neta Dizayn; New View; Pitkin Stearns International Inc.; Samplize LLC and The Model Keepers. These newcomers accompany notable home décor exhibitors in The Pavilions, including: Amalia Home Collection; Artistic Porcelain; Bahari; Deco Hides; Interior Illusions; Mirror-Tique; Picture King; Rodeo Cowhide Rugs Covering & Accessories; SH Lighting; Studio Vertu; TribalHome and Vahallan.
Burc Dizayn Home Decor – dizayn home | dizayn home
Las Vegas Bazaar is the fastest-growing allowance and home décor bazaar in the United States, with 1,100,000-plus aboveboard anxiety of home décor assets presented on 13 exhibit floors in Buildings A, B and C, forth with acting exhibitors in The Pavilions at Las Vegas Market. Since 2013, bigger home décor advance has accelerated and design-driven assets accept calm – in accurate on floors B3, C3 and C4 as able-bodied as the anew launched Salon West on C5 – to actualize efficiencies for buyers. The summer 2017 Las Vegas Bazaar runs July 30-August 3. For added information, appointment www.lasvegasmarket.com
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Dizain Interior Living 2015 | Home Design Ideas – dizayn home | dizayn home
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