#(isn't best suited to it etc) but she knows who CAN do it & will put them in the position to do it & point them at the enemy
sage-nebula · 2 months
For the character ask game: Whisper the Wolf!
Thank you so much!!
How I feel about this character:
Summed up in a single image:
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She can do no wrong in my eyes. And even when she does do wrong, that's OK and I forgive her 💜
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I headcanon that Claire (from the OG Diamond Cutters, RIP) was her first girlfriend. And then of course, Tangle is her current girlfriend.
But I also like shipping her with Lanolin. 👀 Don't get me wrong, I don't think this would be a particularly healthy relationship. I think they would both enable each other's worst tendencies without realizing that's what they're doing, even as they tried to help each other in terms of coping with their respective traumas or whatnot. But not all ships have to be healthy, and in a situation where the Restoration Civil War arc I've been imagining came to pass (which I'm starting to lose hope will happen in canon, but I can always write it myself if it doesn't), I could definitely see this happening since I do believe Whisper would choose Lanolin's side while Tangle would choose Sonic's, leading to their breakup.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Her wisps! My biggest gripe with how Whisper is portrayed in canon is how little thought is given to her wisps. They aren't even given proper names, which is why I had to do find a way to do so while still adhering to how their colors are used in dialogue most of the time. But the wisps were partnered with the original Diamond Cutters; they were as much part of the team as the mobians were, and now they and Whisper are all that's left. So whenever I write stories where Whisper is the POV character, I make sure to include them as much as I can, because they're all she has left of her family, and she's all they have left, too. :(
After the wisps though, I also like how her relationship with Sonic has been portrayed. As much as I don't think she'd take his side in the Restoration Civil War arc (because she'd align more with Lanolin's "take the fight to Eggman and take him out" beliefs vs Sonic's "wait for Eggman to do something and then stop that and let him go" beliefs), she still clearly appreciates him as a friend, because of how respectful he is of her boundaries. Their moments together are always kind and soft, and it's nice. :)
My unpopular opinion about this character:
It's not really an opinion, but I guess just noticing and pointing out that Whisper has an attempted murder count of four in the comics so far? Because I remember getting into an argument with someone because they wanted to insist that Whisper wouldn't be able to kill Mimic, of all people, and so Silver should be the one to do it instead, when Whisper has canonically already tried to kill him twice and only didn't do it the second time because Tangle shielded him with her own body. (And only didn't do it the first time because she had to choose between killing him and saving Tangle, and she chose to save Tangle.) And she's also tried to kill Eggman twice, only stopping the first time because Cream shielded Eggman with her body, and the second time she did shoot him through the heart, but it didn't take because of Eggman's trap sticking her eeby deeby. I got accused of wanting to see Whisper as a brutal killer or a murderer or whatever, and it's just -- no? I'm just recognizing what is textual for her character, which is: if she determines that someone is an irredeemable villain, and she has a chance to kill them, she WILL take the shot. This is especially true if she has a personal vendetta with them, as she does with Eggman and ESPECIALLY with Mimic. I don't know if it's because she's a female character, because she's ordinarily soft-spoken and shy, or both that make some people want to ignore that about her, but it's nonetheless true. There are two characters generally aligned with the heroes (as in, against the villains) in this series who can be counted on to take the shot, and those characters are Shadow and Whisper. And apparently that's an unpopular opinion, but IMO it's not an opinion. It's just fact lmao.
(One could also argue Omega, but I think Omega only destroys badniks, so I'm not sure that really counts here. I think Whisper and Shadow are the only ones who'd take out humans / mobians like Eggman and Mimic.)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Aside from her wisps getting to have actual names / be more present characters as mentioned above (it's not like it's unheard of -- Lanolin's wisp is named Maggie!), I had to write a fix-it fic after the debacle of making her apologize about being upset over Tangle using the name Diamond Cutters for the new squad that Lanolin set up. Don't misunderstand, there was something Whisper did need to apologize for -- namely, trying to leave without saying goodbye prior to the Trial By Fire arc -- but she had every right to be upset with Tangle for using the name Diamond Cutters. That wasn't her name to use, and I think that it was glossed over too quickly, even though I do understand that they couldn't spend pages upon pages of comic space discussing it, lol. (Oh, and I had to show the wisps having opinions about it, too, because again, they were part of the original team, this affected them, too!)
Other than that, it would be nice to get to see Whisper having fun and being happy more often, as she was in the Endless Summer issue. She has been through so much; she deserves to actually smile and enjoy herself sometimes :') it would be nice to see that again.
Thanks again for sending this!!
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Hyunjin in Relationships Astro pt.1
So, i'm making this into a series in a sense because this is long. AS. FUCK. And only the planets, their house placements, and the asteroids and their house placements. Not even aspects, or just simply what signs fall in certain houses.
I’d recommend reading my tarot reading first. So, first off quick disclaimer, Hyunjin's birthtime isn't confirmed, and his is one of those charts where it's important. His Sun and Moon can both be completely different. HOWEVER, I personally think having a Pisces Sun, Virgo Moon, Pisces Mercury, Pisces Venus, and Aries Mars suits him better as a whole lineup and it's pretty much a unanimous agreement on that. I also personally believe he's a Cancer rising, and if he was a Cancer rising born at noon he would have those placements anyways, as that's both the standard reading time and the Cancer rising time, and so I will read for him as if he is one. If he confirms his rising then I'll change it, but for now this is what we have.
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So, first off, he has a strong drive to succeed and be recognized for his success. He knows what he wants, he knows he wants to do good at it, and he knows for a fact that he wants people to recognize that. With his sun in the 10th house, he definitely has very close ties with his public persona and even the persona he shows while working. How he outwardly portrays himself at the start is probably very consistent across the board.
Honestly, it would probably be hard to keep this a secret. Because of his sun being in the 10th house, I wouldn't be surprised if his relationship is outed by dispatch or something because he has a hard time keeping his personal life and work life from being so closely tied together. They always bleed together. Kind of like how his personal life is filled with SKZ who are his coworkers, or the bullying scandal that came out a long time ago that (While I genuinely believe was a two-sided conflict) did happen in his personal life when he was young.
He is very practical when it comes to his home life. He wants things to be perfect, and needs order and organization of the home. If his partner isn't neat, that can definitely start an argument. It stresses him out when things aren't perfect and his emotions go haywire. He also is a routine partner. I'm talking, the type of partner that even though they're all different, you're having your dates every Friday at 8:00 PM. He likes helping his partner in a practical way. He'll cook his partner meals, do the chores, and he just generally feels fulfilled helping take care of those he loves, especially his partners.
He likes to make sure his household is very harmonious, and generally his bonds are always very supportive on his end. He cares about his partner's well-being and needs a lot, and with this paired with his pisces stellium, he's very in-tuned with his partner's emotions. I'm talking he can notice slight shifts in your moods from like small details or just sense it. His mother is also probably very important to him, so if she doesn't have a good opinion on you...Time to kick rocks, I dunno what to tell you. Mama Hwang knows best. Now, he can be very very critical though. I'm talking criticizing your every move at least internally.
He's definitely the type who gets the ick extremely easily. Virgo moon AND a Pisces stellium? He creates fantasies and images of you in his mind that are simply impossible to achieve and when you inevitably don't meet them, it majorly puts him off.
He could also very easily not be in love with you at all but be with you for a while and act like he is. He could love the idea of you, or love the simple act of being in a relationship, he could love the love you show him but not you, he could love the image the relationship casts...Etc, etc. Being in a relationship with Hyunjin and being loved by Hyunjin sadly aren't always mutually exclusive.
Especially with him being an idol, I can definitely see him having a partner in Seoul that he sees only when he isn't promoting who doesn't have the time to necessarily shatter that image he so thoughtfully constructed, better yet if they're somewhere like LA where he isn't at often. Someone who can't shatter that image, someone he's still with so he's in a relationship like he always wants to be, someone who he can't be around physically often to scrutinize, someone who can fulfill that emotional need and show him love long-distance but he himself doesn't exactly love. He loves the image. The fact he's in a relationship. The fact that he's loved by someone. The fact that he can tell his group members he's in this relationship with the perfect person of his dreams.
He still doesn't love them.
Though he'll try his best to act like he does.
The people around him can still tell.
Hyunjin is also very particular about his partners going into relationships. He wants his partner to be attractive to him, which is fair. Looks matter to Hyunjin. They don't necessarily have to be conventionally attractive, though I do believe if his partner is perceived as attractive by a lot of people he'd like that (Though it'd also fan the flames of his jealous streak and mildly possessive behavior but that's a whole other section in and of itself). He appreciates beauty and art. He wants his partner to embody a beautiful art piece that'd come to life and chose him.
Now, Hyunjin is the romantic. He's also the hopeless romantic. Love is apart of who he is, and closely tied to his self-identity and life. He definitely believes in soulmates and is constantly trying to find his, and frankly he deludes himself into thinking every partner he has is his soulmate. He sees his partners through rose-tinted glasses to the point his partner could kill a man in broad daylight in front of a huge crowd and he'd try to justify it. (not literally but you get my point). He's the type who practically worships his partners, and elevates them to such high standards. (Probably attracts narcissists or egotistical maniacs because of it.)
He wants a perfect, fairytale type love. He wants to be the knight in shining armor (*Cough* Captain Save-A-Ho *COUGHHH*) but he also wants a mysterious partner who can always keep him on his toes and is constantly showing new sides of themselves, and taking him on new adventures. But in that same breath he wants a partner who's very vulnerable with him and who he can know emotionally very well, and know more things about them than anyone else does.
His wants for partners are probably extremely contradictory, so only someone who in and of themself is very contradictory in character could match it.
His relationships shape him a lot. Like if he was a character in a novel he would either be a Male Lead or Protagonist of a love story because of how much love impacts his life. His relationships shape his character, his worldview, etc.
I could see him being drawn more to foreign partners or partners with different religions since he's curious about different cultures, beliefs, etc. etc. Anything new and unique piques his interest. He also loves travel and wants to experience things outside of the bubble he lived and was raised in. His placements also indicate he meets partners through travel and are from different cultural and religious backgrounds.
But he also has troubles with commitment and for him love is a form of escapism. Maybe even uses relationships to cope with things? I'm not saying he's a fuckboy but if HE WAS, he'd be the type who gives and promises you the world, strings you along and makes you feel perfect and amazing and he truly means it too, and constantly promises you the relationship of your dreams, and maybe you believe you're truly together even if he doesn't ask you out, then he just disappears off the face of the earth and you never see him again. Cold turkey. That's what i'm getting here. AGAIN, not saying this happens but...Well, if he was a fuckboy that's how he'd be and I stand by it.
Also, he's extremely emotionally, mentally, and spiritually dependent on his partners. He will change every aspect of himself to try and fit the partner's wants and needs, and try to take on the colors of the people that his partner is close with or admires to the point he loses himself trying to be one with his partner and be loved by them.
In a relationship, Hyunjin would 100% be the best person to talk to about your problems. He listens quietly, and if you start getting emotional he's comforting and gentle, and truly empathizing with your emotions and being compassionate about it. The type who'll just hold you in your arms while you cry, telling you everything's going to be alright and promising you that things'll get better. (The only downside is he'll probably end up crying with you unless that's a plus for you). You can take as much time as you need and he'll be entirely invested with his heart and soul in what you're saying.
He also communicates in a way that gives you the most hard-hitting quote-worthy statements ever because it's so genuinely poetic. Like i'm talking his words are an art form in and of itself in certain situations.
But the only downside is he always feels like he needs to try and fix things. So if you're sad, he can't just accept that sometimes people just need to be sad, he'll try and find a way to fix it and will even shoulder the blame, even though it's just not something he can fix and not at all his fault.
If he's hurt...He can be very selfish and destructive. Like he's so wholly invested in you and pushes himself aside...Until he isn't. Until it's about him and only him and he goes from being so invested in his partner that he loses himself to only thinking about his wants and desires. If you get in an argument, he stops caring about how much he could hurt you near instantly, because your feelings be damned he needs to protect himself and he will.
He has a fucking temper let me tell you. He has THE temper. And you never expect it or see it coming. He doesn't stay angry for long, sure, but when he's mad he's mad and it's honestly a very scary sort of anger to witness.
Arguments with Hyunjin are bad for anyone's mental health to be honest. At first he'll probably be more hurt than mad and try to be very...Understanding of everything you say, and definitely try to defuse the situation.
Then he realizes you're not stopping and he starts crying either because he's genuinely upset or he wants you to shut the fuck up and it's a manipulation tactic. He starts playing the victim, and even if he isn't hurt he'll sure as hell act like you're attempting to verbally murder him, and if he is it's arguably worse because he plays it up to heaven and back.
And then things escalate. You say something that either really pisses him off or generally hits too close to home and all hell breaks loose.
Suddenly the tears are gone and he's screaming and he's good at it and he hits you with the most poetic, jaw-dropping, artful, creative insults and comebacks known to man to the point you stand there like "Wow."
Honestly, you're lucky you're his partner because if you weren't he'd curse you slap the fuck out. But you're unlucky it's Hwang motherfucking Hyunjin and he doesn't need curse words to make you feel like pure shit. He's way too creative in that aspect.
It's hard to truly get him to this point. Hell, you probably won't even if you cursed him out and called Bangchan a whore. But if you do, all the power to you babes. Anyone who has gotten Hyunjin beyond the point of no return...I was about to say qualifies for financial compensation but honestly if you got him that mad you probably deserve it.
There's no relationship after that point unless you're the pushover though. Because the shit he says would warrant the messiest breakup known to man.
He will criticize everything about you. He will use your emotions that he's so in-tuned with against you. He will scream and shout and break shit.
Granted this is him at his breaking point but still.
But on another note this man is in fact the life of the party. I'm talking the two of you will be the last people at the club because he's still partying and having fun after everyone calls it a night. He's the type of person who has gatherings with friends that're supposed to end at 7:00 but somehow you're all there until midnight and no one minds because they're having fun and he's so infectious.
Dates with Hyunjin will be fun. They'll be romantic but they'll be so outside of the box that you don't know if there was ever even a box in the first place. Dates are definitely planned and initiated by Hyunjin, as are most relationship milestones because he's so hot-headed and impulsive.
Like he meticulously plans out your first kiss, wants it to be something slow and romantic under the stars on a picnic date with candles and good food.
Then the real first kiss is him tonguing you down in the car right after he got gas because you were looking especially kissable and it's definitely hot as hell but not at all what he had planned.
He's very, very protective.
Controversial opinion: There's no way he can't fight. Because let's be so real here, his temper combined with his mouth means on the rare occasions he isn't the one that starts swinging someone will 100% swing on him during arguments. And practice makers perfect.
But yeah, he's a very protective person. Also very territorial, and borderline possessive. Like...I was going to say not in a toxic way, but possibly in a toxic way. Like he doesn't view you as property, and you have your own autonomy, but it's also like he views you as part of himself, so naturally you're his, so naturally there's no boundaries in fucking sight because you're not you're own person you're part of this little unit.
But with that being said, he's a very stable and trustworthy person. He's loyal to those who he loves and cares for to the point where it's a detriment to himself. He's charismatic and funny, and he can unintentionally charm the shit out of you without intending to just from being himself and speaking his mind. Because that's how he is.
He expects those things in return though. He expects trust, and loyalty, and a mutual respect in all of his interpersonal relationships. When he trusts, he trusts. When he's loyal, he's loyal. He's kind of like a dog in that sense? He trusts and he trusts because he's just that loyal, even if you hurt him beyond repair he still never stops fully loving and trusting you. And it never stops him from loving and trusting others. Because he's just that kind of a loving person.
He's also very generous. He'll probably spoil his partners a lot, buying them whatever they want and helping them out with whatever they may need help with.
He works hard in all his interpersonal relationships and is constantly trying to improve himself for the sake of things. He values bonds that last for a long time. His taurus Jupiter + Saturn mixed with his pisces stellium honestly is probably the reason why he has said he likes drawing older couples and why he believes that love should be something long-lasting and eternal, and why he'd prefer being someone's last over their first. And honestly i'm living for that.
In relationships he likes to have that emotional depth and someone who can stimulate him intellectually. He likes his relationships to be free and equal, and he likes to ensure his partners are aware of just how unique they are. He probably doesn't stick to traditional gender roles in relationships, and instead acknowledges that people have personal preferences that shouldn't be dictated just by gender. (Though there are obviously some things he likes doing that are more "masculine" roles, and some things he'd prefer his partner to take up that are more "feminine" roles but it's less about the gender part and more about the personal preference part)
Gives me malewife energy though in the sense that he probably enjoys doing a lot of things people would traditionally expect a wife to do.
He wants someone who he can grow with, but also someone who gives him room to be an individual. He naturally gravitates towards changing himself to please his partner, but will also develop resentment towards them if they're just constantly changing him and changing him, especially if they're not even changing or growing themselves.
He wants to be with someone who's his lover and his friend. Someone he shares ideals, visions, and goals with. He has an issue with learning the balance of giving and taking in relationships though. He just gives, gives, gives, gives and never bothers to take in return. He needs someone who can teach him it's okay to take, to ask his partner to do things for him or this that and the third instead of only acting almost as a personal maid waiting on his partner hand and foot while expecting nothing in turn.
His ideal lover is 100% someone he can finally be Hyunjin with instead of a franken version of himself. Someone that's his comfort zone and can return all that love, care, and affection he pours into his partners so readily.
That's not what he attracts though.
He attracts pushy people who do things he didn't sign up for. I'm talking about three dates in they show up at his door with their bags saying they sold their house to live with him because it's "better for the relationship". People who are overly involved in his every move and breath, and are definitely EXTREMELY toxic levels of possessive. They treat him like an object. He can't do this, he can't do that, he can't talk to this person or interact with that person. He attracts the type of partner that he needs to call just to get permission to order food or has to call and show the entire room he's in and its other occupants using his phone. The type of partner who knows 0 boundaries. The type who after inviting themselves to live with him completely changes the entire space to what they think suits "them" better. They want to be his everything and want to be his "Comfort Zone" that he craves but really has the opposite effect and it's overbearing and suffocating. Wouldn't be surprised if he's had partners who've tried to distance him from the group because they're "too close" (They may or may not have been successful I dunno)
He wants someone who awakens that special spark in him and knows him more than anyone else seems to. He also likes his partners to be very family-oriented. He likes peaceful relationships where he and his partner cherish one another. He likes making his partner feel amazing and likes making them feel like a god/goddess. Very forgiving and wants to do things that's in the best interest of his partner before things that are in his own best interest.
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Pt. 2
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hughiecampbelle · 1 month
Being Annie's Younger Sibling Would Include:
Requested: Can I request some headcanons please for being Starlight's younger sibling? How their dynamic would evolve as the show goes on? - anon
A/N: I wasn't sure if the reader is a Supe or not like Annie, so I split in half depending on the way you'd want to imagine it :) I love this idea and I could go on forever! I'm re-watching the first season, so things might be a little sketchy between s1 and s4. Thank you for requesting! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Being Annie's Younger Sibling As A Supe:
You and Annie were extremely close given that your mother pushed you two to be the best
From what you ate to who you hung out with to what you did with your free time was up to your controlling, domineering mother
You were so grateful for your big sister who gave you that kind of motherly unconditional love and support your own could not give you
Staying up late and talking in your shared room
"What are you gonna do when you join The Seven?"
"Make sure you're there with me."
Annie snuck you snacks that your mother decided was too sugary or bad, giving you her own just to see the smile on your face
Coming to her when you're having problems in school, with crushes, homework, and your Supe abilities
Because your mother is the way she is, she's constantly comparing you and Annie together. Who is stronger, faster, getting better grades, taking part in the most saves. etc.
Because she's older and has more experience, you have to work twice as hard to keep up with her. You don't hold this against Annie, though
She makes sure to tell you how good you're doing all the time and tells you how proud she is of you daily
Growing up, you and Annie would play The Seven and draw pictures of The Seven and what your suits would look like. It really was such a big dream of yours to be part of the team, to be a sibling duo too
Training together after school. You two take it very seriously, but when your mother isn't looking, you two goof off like regular kids and chase one another around shrieking and laughing
Playing dress up in your Maeve and Homelander costumes
Designing your costumes together
You both audition together, but only Annie gets the call. Though you're hurt you didn't make the cut, you're glad at least one of you got to live your dreams
Walking down the red carpet with Annie and your mom, feeling, for a moment, what it would be like to be part of the team
When it's time to leave, Annie promises she'll put in a good word for you. This is before she realizes who and what she'll be working with. Once she finds out, once she realizes, she regrets ever saying anything
To keep her in line, Homelander and Vought use you against her: they know you use the police scanner, they have the resources to fake a crime that ends up killing you (that is, if they want to be that discreet about it - Homelander is eager to laser you in half just for fun)
She keeps communication limited and her details sparse. She hates lying to you when you ask if it's everything you've dreamed of, but she can't tell you the truth. No one can know the truth
Instead she asks about what you're up to, if you've saved a stay cat from a tree or walked an old lady across a busy street
You know she's joking, but you can't help but feel like what you're doing compared to what she's doing is so small, so silly
Watching every interview and TV appearance she's in. Cheering her on!
Your mother purs all her focus into your career now. You can't do anything or go anywhere without her interrogating you
It's suffocating
By the time you're able to book a flight to see Annie (and escape your mother) she's deemed a traitor by The Seven
You show up anyway, demanding answers. She hasn't called you or texted. She hasn't been on TV. Annie's disappeared, and you're the only one who noticed. You're kicked out of Vought with even more questions and a terrible feeling
That's when you meet Hughie
Being Annie's Younger Sibling As A Non-Supe:
Growing up, you were kind of in the background, the shadows of your sisters success
Your mother put all her effort and dreams into Annie, creating a bit of resentment towards her and their relationship
Now that you're older, you know it wasn't love and affection that she was getting, rather it was pressure and constant critique
Sitting in the crowds of Annie's pageants, dragged along to events and celebrations for Supe kids, left to entertain yourself while your sister was doted on
Constantly hearing "Why can't you be more like your sister?"
Still, Annie did everything in her power to be the best big sister
She played with you and read to you and looked after you in school. She made sure no one messed with you or picked on you. As far as she was concerned, you might've been your mothers child, but you were her baby
Making your own Supe suit from dress up costumes and clothes you found around the house, pretending you too had powers
While your mother wouldn't entertain these ideas, Annie always called you whatever name you wanted, playing along with your "Supe powers"
When you two rough-housed she was always gentle with you, knowing she was so much stronger
You had to come up with your own dreams, your own ideas, since your mother wasn't projecting a future like she had with Annie
Going to college, getting a job, meeting someone, etc. Your milestones vs. your sisters seemed painfully average
Annie was excited for you, though. As silly as it might seem, she was, in a way, jealous. Where you saw average and boring, she saw safe and stable, a life uncontrolled by your mother
You're still in school when Annie gets the call about The Seven. You're overjoyed for her, but you can't help but think about how lonely it'll be here when it's just you and your mom
Annie was the glue holding your family together
You never miss an interview or appearance, everything she does and is part of is recorded so that you never forget this big moment for your family
Annie calls you once a week to fill you in on what's going on, leaving out the worst parts, both wanting to protect you from the truth and knowing she'll face consequences if she said anything
You're always sending her little things from back home: cards, pictures from your childhood, gift baskets, etc.
As far as you know, things are going great. She's living the dream your mother always had. Without her, you and your mom have little in common. She tries to take an interest in what you're doing, what you're studying, but for the most part she leaves you alone. You two have your own lives
You miss her a lot. Sleeping in your shared bedroom just isn't the same
You plan to fly out to see her between breaks in classes, but before then, she's deemed a traitor to The Seven. You call and text and even show up a Vought, demanding answers, but because you're not a Supe, you're not a member of the press, and you have no power, Homelander and Stormfront send you a way without answers
That's when you meet Hughie
Where The Two Lives Come Together:
He's heard all about you from Annie and gets your number from her just in case
When he realizes you're in the city, he makes his move, introducing himself as a friend with all the answers you could ever need
You're wary, but he shows you pictures and texts between him and Annie. If she liked him, if she trusted him, then so could you
He tries to ease you into the truth, but with Annie missing, you don't want to be lied to anymore. You're done being babied. You find out about everything: Compound V, and Homelander, and Vought, and everything
If you are a Supe, you feel this extra sense of fury towards your mother for poisoning you and your sister for her own gain
The Boys are wary of you: you seems down to earth and sweet, but naive. Even if you are a Supe, that still doesn't mean you're ready for this life. The constant danger, the harassment. They thought you should go back to Des Moines and let them handle it
Hughie sticks up for you, defending you, and eventually, you find your way on to the team, at least in Hughies good graces
When Annie gets out of Vought, defeats Stormfront, and wins her place back into The Seven, you take even more initiative with The Boys
You call your mother and tell her you won't be home for a while. She pries for more information, but you fear you've already given up too much
After Annie comes back to The Seven, her ratings are better than expected. You know it's safer for her to play along, even after Homelander announces they're in a relationship together
You try not to pry into her relationship, but you can't help but take sides: it's better this way, to "be" with Homelander. He can't hurt her if they're in a public relationship, at least not as much as he wants to
You and your sister argue about this (her safety) and yours. She doesn't want you anywhere near this kind of danger. She was trying to protect you from this, from Vought and Homelander
If you're not a Supe, you're more vulnerable
If you are a Supe, they know about you, your powers. They can figure out how to hurt you, kill you even
Regardless of abilities, she makes sure you don't let anyone know your real identity, making up a name for you to use with ID's and everything
She will do anything to protect you
Because you're so dedicated to one another, eventually The Boys realize maybe you're not so bad, maybe you have more to offer than they thought
When Hughie and Butcher get their hands on experimental V, you decide to take if you're not a Supe
Annie is furious at both you and Hughie. How could he let you take an experimental drug? How could he take it himself? She makes you both promise not to take it again, but both of you break that promise
You were always compared to your sister growing up, now you could be just like her, at least for a little while
After she publicly denounces her place at The Seven, she officially joins the team
Having her there with you feels like being back home, if you forget about everything else going on. Being with your sister, it reminds you what's important
Talking more to your mother, not necessarily being open, but talking nonetheless
"Mom, I'm fine. We're both fine."
She's furious Annie left The Seven and she blames you for her decision. Annie was always the perfect one, the better one. As far as she's concerned, you talked Annie out of it over jealousy and insecurity
Annie tries to stick up for you, but you know it's better if she gets it out of her system
Becoming fast friends with M.M. and eventually Kimiko
They both see what you're willing to do for your family, your sister, and there's a lot of merit in that
You're exceptionally close with Hughie. He sees you as a younger sibling too, someone to watch over and protect
Supe or not, Butcher still doesn't 100% like you, but the same can be said for any of them
Annie encourages you to keep up with your studies, to have that life you always wanted in the back of your mind, but you know, realistically, things will never be the same
Sending Hughie all of her most embarrassing pictures
In return, she tells him about your most embarrassing memories
It's not easy. It never will be. But when it's time to leave, you stick with your sister. If you're a Supe you get away with her, Hughie nodding at the both of you. If not, they take you with him. You beg her to go, get to safety, watching her abilities grow more powerful than ever before
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door · 6 months
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my friend asked me for murder show recs and i put together a list of a bunch of them and thought i'd also share it here in case anyone else who was not raised by the glow of mystery! on pbs might want an intro. extremely subjective commentary, obvs. enjoy.
hello. welcome to the world of finding television shows about people getting killed comforting. it's fucked up, but who isn't. here's a list of the ones i like and why and where to watch them.
midsomer murders (1997-current): this is one of those sterotypical "it ran for 25 years and did nearly 18 episodes" british shows. it was adapted from a book series, which are the early eps. they're really fucked up and great imo. the later ones lose that sharpness, but until seasons 20+ i think it's a really solid show. the theme song is performed on a theremin. pluses: every great british actor shows up at least once, incredibly great deaths, lots of hyper niche hobby groups, tom barnaby is the best. minuses: showrunner brian true-may quoted as saying that his version of "english countryside" is entirely white. he was booted from the show at that point, however. i've watched the entire series 2-3 times, except for s5e3 "Ring Out Your Dead" because there's a death in it that i found particularly tragic the first time i watched it and have no desire to revisit it (but ymmv). robyn's fave ep is s3e3 "Judgement Day," because a brass band plays the show's theme song at a village fete and also Orlando Bloom is run through with a pitchfork. (ACORN)
Poirot (1989-2013): truly the goat. David Suchet bodies this role. i don't know how familiar you are with christie, but hercule poirot was her recurring detective character, a fastidious little belgian living in 1930s England. in this show, it's the late 1930s for 20 years, and the sets and costumes are so good. not a single streamline moderne property in england is overlooked. the early episodes are short--40ish minutes each--but they transition to 90 minutes at some point. they adapt all of the poirot books, with the big ones--murder on the orient express and death on the nile--done as higher budget tv movies. (BRITBOX)
marple (2004-2013): another christie adaptation, with 2 actresses playing miss marple in sequence. they also adapted a bunch of non-marple stories to have miss marple in them. set post-WWII, mainly countryside english mysteries. (BRITBOX)
miss fisher's murder mysteries (2012-2015, film in 2020): set in 1920s melbourne, mfmm follows independently wealthy private eye phryne fisher. it's an adaptation of modern novels, so it's less conservative than the christies. phryne's best friend is a suit-wearing lesbian doctor. it's a sharp, smart show, and phryne herself (as well as her relationship with buttoned-up detective jack robinson) is very sexy. it ran three seasons and was followed by a crowd-funded film in 2020, which isn't GOOD, but it is FUN. there's another a spin-off set in the 1960s called miss fisher's modern mysteries, which follows phryne's niece. again--not good, but fun. nothing beats the og series tho. (ACORN)
lewis (2006-2015): this is technically a spin-off of the inspector morse series, which started in the 80s, but i've never watched it so you should be fine. this follows very un-academic inspector lewis and his very academic assistant DS hathaway in EXTREMELY academic oxford england. i really dig the pacing of this, as well as how profoundly weird smart people can be. the big downside is the actor who played hathaway is laurence fox, who's a real stinker of a dude. right-wing, racist, etc. so. ymmv. (BRITBOX)
vera (2011-current): vera is a nearly retired, irascible, set in her ways detective in northumberland. she heads her own department, so part of the appeal is definitely trim youngsters dashing to do her bidding with a "yes mum." she drives a huge old land rover, wears a raincoat everywhere, has no patience for class barriers, and in short i love her. in the newer seasons there is also a detective in her squad called Jaq who is a very cute butch. (BRITBOX)
dalgliesh (2021-current): adaptation of pd james novels following detective-poet adam dalgliesh. set in the 1970s, which sets it apart and which i quite enjoy. his character is really sensitive and thoughtful is a way that's unusual for cop shows. (ACORN)
annika (2021-current): i'm gonna dive into some of the weirder ones now. annika is still pretty serious, but the title character has a habit of breaking the 4th wall to loop the audience in on the meta nature of her thoughts--usually relating to a book or story. it's set in glasgow and they investigate marine crime specifically. annika is played by nicola walker, who full disclosure i find VERY attractive. she's norwegian, she's odd, and she's trying her best. she has a teenage daughter who's gay. (PBS)
queens of mystery (2019-current): this one is VERY odd. think british murders meets pushing daisies. there's a narrator, and occasional technicolor flights of fancy. it follows a very serious detective who was raised by her three aunts after her mother was killed. she comes back to work in her home town and has to navigate both sides of her life, plus still wanting to know who killed her mother. production was interrupted by covid, so the main actress changed between seasons, but the new person is also very good. (ACORN)
brokenwood mysteries (2014-current): this one is sort of...sillier than the rest? it's a new zealand show set in a small town. it's fairly queer (although not nearly queer enough), and one of the things i love the most about it is it maintains a roster of recurring characters (which i think is only possible because of the small size of the NZ film industry). pretty good maori rep, especially jared, a local who seems to know or be related in some way to everyone in town. i adore him. he's off the show now, and i miss him. (ACORN)
mcdonald & dodds (2020-current): set in bath, this is an odd couple partnership of an ambitious young cop lately from london and a shy older cop who has lived in bath all his life and hasn't seen action in a decade. their interactions are funny and lovely, and it's refreshing to see a black woman character allowed to be ambitious. (BRITBOX)
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greenerteacups · 6 months
dear, dear GTC 🩷 i was reflecting on the imagery of your last chapter. when Hermione returned from detention, and when they figured the scars could not be healed by magic. everyone with Muggle exposure scrambled to put together a first aid game plan. i know it crushed Draco to do next to nothing, to watch others assist "his Hermione, his girl." but i was thinking about how you highlighted the way he held her hand, never let it go, all throughout. it got me thinking that this (or their's) is the best kind of friendship. sure, we can't always have a solution or contribute to one, but if we can commit to holding a best friend's hand, to being their scene partner and mirror, to being actively present for the present and unseen future– it's the best kind of friendship, the best 'i will be here, i will love you,' we can ever give. congrats on another new chapter, can't wait to watch this magic unfold 🩷
This is a lovely comment, and I'm so pleased with it. The mechanics of wounds and injuries in the Harry Potter universe are a really fun sandbox, because on the one hand you've got all this magical healing that seems capable of reversing major (normal) injures (broken bones, gashes, wounds) really effectively, but you also have: scars! Harry's extremely visible and inconveniently iconic scar, which no one ever suggests fixing, implying that they can't. Ostensibly because it was created by magic, but still. Same with I cannot tell lies, Ron's scars from the brain vat in the DOM, and Hermione's "mudblood" scar on her arm. It's also much cooler on a subtextual level if magic can heal but not prevent scarring — like, you can recover from almost any wound, but you will never be as you were before it touched you. Sick.
Anyway, the scene in the common room is a chance for Harry to show off the skills he brings to the quartet, apart from being the rallying-point and de facto leader: his upbringing as what is effectively a house servant to the Dursleys means he has a suite of domestic skills that the others don't, e.g. cooking, cleaning, mending, basic first aid. I like this idea a lot as a reversal of the (supposedly) masculine suites of skills that protagonists often bring to the party, e.g. combat, strategy, decisiveness, etc. And it's also, crucially, a moment when magic doesn't help, and there's this sense that for once, being muggle-born/muggle-raised is a significant tactical advantage in the battle they're waging.
And then you have Draco, who is trying to figure out what his place is in all of this, and so far has come up with nothing better than: "by Hermione's side," which is, of course, a very good step, but still isn't a terribly stable foundation to build your identity on. He needs a purpose. After the end of Book 4, he's searching for someone to be that isn't the Draco Malfoy he at one point seemed destined to become, and doing so in the midst of this shocking violence leaves him scared and adrift. Holding her hand creates a lifeline for both of them: for her, a source of comfort and security as she undergoes a deeply harrowing experience, and for him, a source of purpose in an otherwise chaotic scene. They ground each other. I tend to see that as one of the core facets of their dynamic, and it comes especially to the fore in moments of danger/tension, like this one.
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papergirllife · 2 years
Johnny Suh, Jeong Jaehyun
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Santa! Jaehyun x reader x Polar bear hybrid! Johnny
What happens when you, a Santarina, one of the many helpers Santa has, screws up big time by sending an inappropriate gift? And to top it off, his best friend from the other department comes knocking on Jaehyun's door in the midst of the scalding heat that's happening at North pole...
Warnings: this is a self-indulgent crack fic, misuse of candy canes, food play, 'oh there's no lube' trope, slight breath play, cream pie, soft towards the end, intoxicated sex, unprotected sex, knotting, slight cum inflation, etc.
Don't like, don't read. Hate comments would be deleted then blocked, thank you
Unbeknownst to others, Santa isn't one person, it's several people overseeing a few regions, and the tradition of Santas delivering gifts on their own has changed in the last few decades, a special and secret unit of Santarinas have been created in lieu of the increasing inches added to the Santas' waists (and the fact that sneaking in like thieves have replaced the classic drop down the chimney acts), but there's a newly elected Santa in the region you're working for, Mr Jeong Jaehyun. He's been in position for a few years now, and needless to say, he's had the Santarinas falling head over heels for his charming good looks.
You huff at the expanse of paperwork you'd have to finish by the next Christmas, scratching your head at this next report you have to submit to reason 'why' a 15 year old wanted a remote controlled dinosaur for Christmas, yes, the lot of you still give gifts to kids up till they're 18, their parting gift.
You decided to put 'immaturity' as the reasoning when someone called your name, your boss appearing over your cubicle.
"Santa's looking for you, missy, and he's not happy, don't be too surprised if you need to pack your bags and leave north pole tomorrow," she says before swinging her hips away to pester some other poor santarina or elf under her supervision.
You swallow a lump down your throat, following your supervisor to the 'big room'.
The room is burgundy red, a stark difference from the bright red and dark green the rest of the office has, in the middle sits Jaehyun, even though there's a prominent glare on his face, he looks as gorgeous as ever, the first few buttons of his red suit unbuttoned, his hair tousled attractively, seemingly as if he's ran his hand through his hair a few times, which he probably did, seeing how stress he looks.
"You may leave now, Ms Lee," Jaehyun says before turning to you, "and you, explain why you gave an 18 year old girl a toy as a Christmas gift," Jaehyun demands, his arms crossing over his chest, further enhancing his cleavage and with the added view of his biceps, you're going to leave this room unemployed and panties drenched if he keeps this up.
"I, um, I thought it'd be a great goodbye and welcome to adulthood gift?" You say uncertainly, eyes avoiding his piercing gaze, but just one look of disappointment on his face gives you the need to explain yourself further, "she wanted it a long time though, I double checked and triple checked her cart on that site, I could go check up on her right now, if she doesn't like it I'll fix this mess immediately-
"There's nothing you can do to fix this mess, thank god I took a glance at the paperwork before it was sent off to HQ, I had to create some bullshit excuse to make up for your mistakes, I don't know how tight lipped the accounting department would be, but if shit gets out, you're going to say you accidently bought a sex toy thinking you were using your own personal card instead of the cooperate card, do you understand?" Jaehyun says, his tone stern and unforgiving.
"Understood," you said meekly, hands clasped together nervously as you prepare for the worse, "are you going to fire me now?" you ask, wanting to get over this as soon as possible.
"Fire you?" Jaehyun asks as he rounds his big oak table, "it would be a shame to let go of a slut like you, wouldn't it? Who would've thought of looking through someone's Adam and Eve's wishlist other than a whore like you?" Jaehyun says with a slight rumble in his chest, is it because he's mad or because he's turned on? "How about we make a deal, you've given so much stress to me the past day, it would be....appropriate if the source of my stress becomes my aid of distressing, isn't that right, slut?" Jaehyun leans back in his chair, eyes looking at you expectantly.
"Yes, sir," you said with a dazed tone, your dirty fantasies playing out before your eyes.
"Sir? That's not really my cup of tea," Jaehyun says with a tilt of his head, eyes still staring into yours.
"Daddy?" you try, if you get this right, you wonder how many kinks the two of you share in common.
"Come to daddy, baby, sit on Santa's lap," Jaehyun demands, patting his thighs invitingly.
You cross the few steps to Jaehyun eagerly, until the very last step, you hesitate, your nerves firing up, what if he's only joking? What if he's pulling a prank to humiliate you?
Before you could overthink the situation any further, Jaehyun grasps your hips with his strong hands, manhandling you onto his lap.
A shocked gasp leaves your lips, but before you could process what has happened, you feel Jaehyun's pouty lips on your neck, inhaling your scent.
You tilt your head back to give Jaehyun more access, shuddering when you feel his sharp teeth graze the expanse of your neck.
Jaehyun gauges your reactions, a sly smile on his face when he feels you squirming on his lap, he bares his mouth, sucking large purple marks onto your neck, your core drenched at the thought of walking out of his office with Jaehyun's touch written all over your body, letting everyone know.
Your squirming movements have led to something hard poking at your ass, and being none the wiser, you grinded back onto his cock without permission, earning a spank on your butt, a moan falling from your lips.
"I thought I was going to get a present on Santa's lap," you say, turning your head over to face Jaehyun with a pout.
"Presents or punishments, it's entirely up to you, baby," Jaehyun says before holding your jaw in his big hands, mushing your cheeks together to place a sloppy, possessive kiss on your lips, your hands bunched up in his red velvet top, his enthusiasm fueling you to go further, thinking of sliding your hands down his chest, but before you could do so, the door of his office bursts open, freezing at your movements, you turn back to stare at the intruder, heat rushing up your cheeks when you realise it's Jaehyun's best friend, the polar bear hybrid that heads his fellow polar bear hybrids in moving gifts onto sleighs.
"Well, looks like Mr Santa is having an early celebration, guess me and this bottle of whisky's got to look for some other company tonight," Johnny muses before he retreats a few steps to close the door, but before he could so, Jaehyun cuts in.
"Why don't you join us, you worked hard too, don't you think, baby?" Jaehyun asks, his warm hands running up and down your thighs.
You nod your head, not trusting your voice, you brain isn't registering the fact that two of the most popular men in your region department are going to have you for the night.
"Well, if the lady's welcoming me, it'd be rude for me to turn down the offer," Johnny says before stepping back in, locking the door.
Jaehyun turns his attention back to you, "get on your knees to suck Santa's candy cane, baby," Jaehyun orders, maneuvering your hips down for you.
You immediately comply, hands flying to undress Jaehyun, pulling his dress pants and boxers down in one go, his big cock springing up from its confines, hitting you in the face.
"Sorry, babe, guess it was excited to see you," Jaehyun says, petting your hair, guiding your head to his dick.
You wrap your lips around him, gentle hands reaching under, gently playing with his balls, cupping them while you tongue his tip, alternating between sucking his head and deep throating his length, earning groans of pleasure from the delicious man above you that send shocks of pleasure down to your core.
Busy pleasuring Jaehyun, you briefly forgot about Johnny's presence, until you feel him tugging up your skirt and your panties down.
"You got this wet just from sucking Jaehyun off, baby?" Johnny asks from behind you, hands grasping onto your cheeks, pulling them apart to reveal your puckered hole.
"You ever played with yourself here, baby?" Johnny asks before he drips a wad of spit down your opening, stuttering in your movements.
"How about I prep you with the candy cane challenge?" Johnny asks, you freeze in your movements, mind blanked.
You heard of the challenge. Every year on New Year's Day, anonymous accounts from your region would upload photos of their ass jammed up with candy canes on the 'after work' forum page, the person, identity unknown of course, with the most candy canes sticking out their ass wins.
You nod your head, not trusting your own voice, mentally preparing yourself for what's to come, not that you're against the idea, but the most you had in your butt was a small dildo, and Johnny's a polar bear hybrid, they're known for being big.
Johnny smiles slyly at your sudden shy demeanour, propping up your butt.
"This is going to get very interesting," Jaehyun muses, trying to keep his eyes open despite the pleasure streaming through his veins when you continued your ministrations on him.
You hear a pop of a bottle before you feel the cold drink drip down your crack, shivering at the contact.
"Sorry, baby, I don't think Jaehyun's got any lube in his office," Johnny apologises before breaching your rim with a finger, you hum a moan around Jaehyun's cock, his length constricting around your throat.
Jaehyun muffles a moan in his throat before he cums down your throat, spurts of warm liquid filling your belly.
When you were busy endulging in that sated feeling, you feel Johnny sliding his fingers out, trading it for a single candy cane, you're not sure how thick a single candy cane is, but when you saw the jar of candy on Jaehyun's table, it looked no less than 1 centimetres in thickness and maybe 6 inches long, you have no idea why Jaehyun stocks up on big candy canes throughout the office, maybe it's a Santa addiction.
As Jaehyun rides out his high with a hand on your hair, Johnny slides in another candy cane, fucking you open with the hooks of the candy, watching with lustful eyes as he watches your ass swallow the long candy, he adds two more into your rim, he moves the canes around, trying to locate that one spot that would make you scream his name when he's going to have his way with you, when Johnny hit a particular angle, your jaw slacks, having pulled out a moan from the man behind you, releasing Jaehyun's tip from your warm mouth.
"What a shame, I was enjoying her cockwarming me, but guess it's a sign for me to join the fun," Jaehyun notes before shuffling to the jar on the floor, picking up two candy canes, stuffing them into your ass, totaling the score to six candy canes, you're only halfway to last year's record, given that this challenge started 3 years ago, no one has topped last year's record of 12.
"She'll have to take lots more to fit me," Johnny muses before stuffing another three in your ass, he's given up on fucking you open now, just enjoying the sight of your ass being ruined by him and his best friend.
"I think she'll need at least 15 to take you, dude," Jaehyun says with a chuckle before putting another two in.
Your mind is getting hazy now, the feeling of being so full making you dumb, and the two men's comments aren't helping in the slightest.
"15?? Yeah, no, make it 20 at least," Johnny says with all seriousness before putting another two inside you, is it ten yet? You feel so stretched, you really hope you won't bleed after this.
As if hearing your thoughts, Jaehyun pours more whisky down your ass, but it goes amiss, cursing, he adjusts the angle of your butt, tilting it upwards and pouring the whisky onto the candy canes, letting it flow down into your ass before you feel someone shove another two into your butt, the stretch burning less now that there's more lubricant.
You don't know how long they keep repeating this cycle, but you could feel the whisky getting to your head even though you're good at handling your alcohol.
Before you knew it, the prodding of candy and whisky stops, the two men stand up to get a better look at you, your ass up in the air while your head rests on Jaehyun's chair, chest heaving from the mix of pleasure and alcohol in your system.
"I think we have a world record here, Jae, she's definitely beaten the forum's record," Johnny says with a proud tone, a warm fuzzy feeling sinking into your belly.
"By a lot?" you hear Jaehyun ask.
"By ten, she's got twenty two candy canes up her ass, now she's ready for a big boy like me," Johnny announces, but before you even think of pushing all the candy out, Jaehyun shuffles around his office for something.
"You don't mind me taking a picture right, baby? It'd be a waste not to post this on the forum, we're so proud of you, baby," Jaehyun definitely knows how to sweet talk, getting you to agree, it'd be a waste not to break the forum's record after all your hard work, right? No one's going to know it's you anyways.
You hear a snap of a shutter before Jaehyun comes shuffling in front of you, showing you your ruined asshole, bulging with so many candy canes, you're sure they opened a new pack of it just to complete the challenge.
"Isn't your hole so pretty, baby? Now it's time for part two of our little game," Johnny tells you before lifting you up from the ground, placing you on Jaehyun's desk, walking to the other side to fuck you properly, as you deserve of course, and before you knew it, you felt Johnny pull all the candy canes out your ass, leaving you gaping, and uncomfortably empty, you whine at the sudden loss in your butt, arching your ass up in silent notion of telling Johnny to hurry up and fuck you.
You hear a snicker behind you as Jaehyun takes a seat back on his own office chair, lightly jerking himself off, he's going to enjoy the view of your titties jiggling when his friend fucks you from behind.
Before you could whine any further, Johnny slides himself into your warmth, shuddering at the slight sticky residue the candy had leftover.
"Fuck, this isn't like anything I've felt before, holy shit," Johnny curses before pulling out, leaving the tip inside before slamming himself back into you, earning a scream of his name from you, silently thanking Jaehyun that his office is sound proofed, or he'd have lots of explaining to do.
Johnny busies himself by occupying a hand on your breast while the other is rubbing quick circles on your clit, his rough finger pads from all the moving has your legs twitching in pleasure, he wants to make a good impression if he doesnt want this to be the last time you let him hit.
You thought you'd be able to last quite a bit, but Jaehyun's suddenly standing up, his cock red at the tip, you know he wants more, so you open your mouth wide, but what you didn't expect was for him to shove one of his balls into your mouth, engulfing one of the most sensitive parts of his body into your mouth.
You suck and lick gently, switching for his other sack when you feel him tap your shoulder, slobbering onto his balls because, god, Johnny's fucking you brainless, once he's coated with your spit, he pulls away from you.
"Lift her up, Johnny, I wanna cum in her tight little pussy," Jaehyun says before you feel Johnny clasp a hand over your neck, pulling you up against his chest as if you weigh nothing, bless polar bear hybrids for having abnormal strength because you wouldn't have the energy to hold yourself up this way.
You let out a whimper when you feel Jaehyun thrust his whole length into you, giving you no time to adjust before he starts fucking you alongside his best friend, the feeling of two cocks almost breaching your thin walls separating your two holes is making you delirious, you're so far gone into sub space that all you could do was blabber words like 'so big' and 'so full' between moans of the word 'daddy' and Johnny's name.
Suddenly, the string in your core snapped and you could feel the pleasure from the tips of your toes to the pleasure points of your whole body, squirting onto Jaehyun's dick, coating him with your cum.
But the two men that have you sandwiched between them are still relentless, not stopping until they push you into overstimulation, you could feel tears prickling at the corner of your eyes and you swear you had another mini orgasm when Johnny and Jaehyun finally came together, fucking into your lifeless body with sloppy thrusts to milk the last of their orgasms, but what took you by surprise was that you haven't felt Johnny cumming despite him stopping, and that's when you felt it, the base of his cock chubbing up.
You gasp at the odd feeling, looking back in panic only to see Johnny smiling at you warmly.
"This is why I needed to stuff your ass with 22 candy canes, baby. Polar bear hybrids have knots, unlike those pretty boy elfs that you're used to fucking," Johnny says, not sure if he's implying your long term casual fling partner Jaemin or your recent one, Renjun, has he been keeping an eye on you?
You nod defeatedly, knowing that Johnny is probably the biggest you're ever going to have, and before you knew it, you feel thick ropes of cum streaming into your ass, filling you up with so much cum that Jaehyun pulls out to inspect the slight pudge on your lower belly.
"When you said the first orgasm right after hibernation is a fuck ton, I thought you were exaggerating," Jaehyun notes, still eyeing your bulged stomach.
"If only," Johnny says with a scoff, "but our baby's taking it like a champ, isn't she?" Johnny asks, in which you nod, your submissive self loving the amount of compliments Johnny showers you in.
"This is going to go on for quite a bit, can we lie down in your chambers?" Johnny asks, but he's already moving you.
Jaehyun nods, opening the door to his home, located just behind his office, and soon after, you feel the warmth of the sheets and you had drifted off to sleep, still connected to Johnny.
When you woke up, the bed you were in is empty, but you hear light chatter and laughter from outside, you look down to see you're adorned in a thick sweater that you swore Jaehyun's worn before, smiling at the familiar scent, you quickly slipped onto the house slippers set beside the bed for you, padding out of the bedroom.
"Looks like someone's up," Johnny says before taking a quick sip of his coffee.
"Morning, baby, slept well?" Jaehyun asks before embracing you into a hug, you hope he isn't this affectionate with all the girls he's slept with.
"Yeah, what about the both of you?" you ask, turning to Johnny too.
"It'd be an outrage not to sleep well after yesterday's events, baby, and speaking of which, take a look at the forum, you're trending and everyone's trying to guess who it is," Johnny says before Jaehyun opens up his phone for you to see.
There it is, a photo of your ass filled with candy canes, and some comments down below.
There's no way anyone could beat that next year.
If you don't got at least 15 up your ass, then you'd look like a loser next to this person.
I really wanted to try the challenge this year, guess we just got to work harder:(((
"Wow," you say, speechless at all the comments directed at you.
"Wow indeed, baby, and about last night, me and Jaehyun would really love to keep up with whatever we have between us, it's not everyday we meet a champ like you in bed, so.... what do you say, baby? Wanna trade hearts this Christmas?" Johnny asks.
"We swear we won't give it away next year," Jaehyun adds on, eyeing you hopefully.
"As long as the only tears I'm shedding are from sex then I'm in," you say, excited for what's to come for the three of you.
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maddymoreau · 5 months
I LOVE that we ended up having the same favorite companion, Raul is the best!!
His line before the Second Battle of Hoover Dam made me AN EMOTIONAL MESS ( ᵒ̴̶̷̥́ _ᵒ̴̶̷̣̥̀ )!!!!!!
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• He’s AroAce
• When upgrading the Presidential Suite in the Lucky 38, Madison (Courier Six) gets the Sunset Sarsaparilla Vending Machine just for Raul. While it comes out of her pay Mr. House restocks it regularly.
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• Raul and her both LOVE and bond over sweets. In the beginning Raul would play the 😔 “At my age this might be my last chance to enjoy something sweet” card. It worked every-time on her.
• When Raul gets bubble gum he gives her the temporary tattoo it comes with. Madison hands them out to kids she encounters on her travels (Freeside, The Boomers ETC.)
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• She indulges Raul’s sweet tooth to the point he has to go see Dr. Usanagi to get a bad cavity fixed and a few teeth implants.
• Raul teaches her about basic weapon repair. However not enough that she doesn’t need him.
• Together they collect the Star Sunset Sarsaparilla Caps. While not surprised they're both disappointed by the reward. Raul keeps the Pew Pew gun while Madison gives the toy deputy badges to kids.
Afterwards they continue to collect the Star Sunset Sarsaparilla Caps. Inside the Lucky 38 there’s a jar filled with them.
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• Out of all the human companions, Raul is the one Madison trusts the most. She will privately discuss Mr. House's plans and what he wants her to do. Madison loves all her companions but knows not everyone would support the actions Mr. House deems necessary. Madison believes once they see the results, they’ll understand. Which obviously isn't the case.
Other companions are uncertain, but Raul is completely aware how loyal Madison is to Mr. House.
Arcade is the best example saying, “I have to say I don't understand where you're going with Mr. House. The man's been manipulating the locals for as long as anyone can remember. If you help him kick the NCR and Legion out, he's going to keep right on doing it. The people in Freeside will be just as bad off as they ever were. If you can find a way to push Mr. House out of the picture as well, I think everyone will be better off."
• Before Raul leaves for his own journey post game, Madison gives him a custom medal. She designed it but commissioned Michael Angelo to make it. It’s something Raul always wears.
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• Although Raul becomes the Ghost-Vaquero who hunts down those who prey on the weak. Raul still makes it a point to visit her from time to time. He knows she’d miss his beautiful face.
• While unintentional when Raul visits they ALWAYS end up taking a nap together. They’ll be sitting on one of the couches talking then BOOM knocked out. Old habits die hard.
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• Since Madison’s medicine skill is really high she’ll massage Raul and try to help him with his pain.
• Speaking of which after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam Madison’s first luxury purchase is renting out the ENTIRE Ultra-Luxe Casino’s bathhouse.
I imagine they don't typically allow Ghouls in there so she uses this chance to try and help Raul.
Since soaking in salt water has a lot of benefits for your health like easing muscle cramps, relieving stiffness in joints, back pain ETC. She wants to show Raul her appreciation for everything he’s done for her. Also they’re both extremely sore after that huge battle.
I’m not sure if the saltwater used in the Ultra-Luxe Casino is sterile but if it is it’d also be good for any open wounds Raul might have as a Ghoul.
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• Madison offers to cover the entire cost for Raul to be put in a chamber similar to Mr. House’s. However he rejects her offer. When Raul eventually dies she broadcasts a recording of a mariachi band through every radio. She doesn't announce his death wanting the legend of the Ghost-Vaquero to live on forever.
This exchange perfectly describes their bond:
Madison: "Come, Raul, adventure awaits!"
Raul: "Sorry boss, but as much as I'd like to risk getting killed by your side, you seem to already have some help." or "Words cannot contain my excitement at the chance to throw myself headlong into danger with you again, boss."
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Writer Q&A Game
Thanks to @clairelsonao3 for tagging me!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm not exactly sure tbh. It almost feels like a compulsion. There are days where I simply do not feel good in my body if I haven't written anything. Then there are others where I can't bring myself to write because I'm too tired or too distracted from life. Honestly the second I get a clear head and enough time to myself, I'll start writing.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This isn't from my WIP, but from a fanfic I wrote a while ago. I want to try to find a way to incorporate it into something. Not sure where though.
“I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere,” he said, “but promise it’s not. I’ve had a long time to think about it.  A few years, actually. I guess, I just didn’t realize how deep I was in it until about five minutes ago.”
She kept silent, but the simple fact she hadn’t told him to get out gave him the confidence to keep going. . 
“I meant it when I said I’m crazy about you. I like that you take your sugar with a drop of coffee.  I like how you sing to yourself when you’re happy.  I like that you never seem to get cold.  I like that you never lose your head under fire, but still need me to get rid of spiders. I like that you can laugh at yourself.  I like that you can laugh at me. Hell, I like that you’re perfectly willing to slap my face if the situation calls for it.
I like so many things about you Liz, and that’s just the stuff I found out on accident.  I can only imagine the stuff I’d learn if I started loving you on purpose."
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
I really do enjoy writing Finn. The boy just makes my smile.
Close second is another OC which I wrote for fanfic who I want to save and put someplace else, Lucy. She's my softest girl who has a lot of love to give. Might figure out a way to put her in this regency setting somewhere, but who knows.
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The first draft spree. The moment when you get an idea and you have write it down as quickly as possible. It's rough and definitely will need some editing, but that rush cannot be topped. It just feels satisfying to exorcise even the smallest of scenes out of my body.
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Dialogue, hands down. It's at least the part I've gotten the most compliments on.
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
I've only just started to dip my toe in, but I really do love answering asks. I like seeing other writer's process and knowing I'm not alone. It's just fun!
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I've been using Scrivener and it's really helped me keep everything organized. I have a very conspiracy board way of drafting, so having all my random snippets in one place really helps.
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
Not sure world building is my strong suit for this current WIP. I suppose I'm enjoying expanding the world of the theatre, but I admittedly need to do more research.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write anyway. It doesn't have to be the scene that's giving you trouble. It doesn't even have to be for the piece you're trying to focus on, just don't get out of the habit of writing. Once you lose that momentum, it takes a long time to get it back.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters
Gotta give a shout out to @clairelsonao3 for being so welcoming in my introduction to the writeblr community. And @janec23, for being one of the few specifically romance writers to reach out.
But I really can't begin to thank all the people who have followed me from my fanfic blog over to this one. It really means so much to know people are interested in reading anything I put out there.
@flapjacques, @jo-harrington, @can-of-pringles, @handahbear, @auroramagpie, @justanothersadperson93, @sad-cat-hours, @ghostface001, @theowlwhocameback, @mattmurdocksscars, @roruna, @everything-intertwined, @sweetjedi, @arcanerazil, @vibratingbonesbis, @delirious0pandemonium, @llovelykenobi, @geek-girl7, @mixedupanddown
Know that I love and appreciate you all.
I'm also going to leave this an OPEN tag to anyone who wants to do this, and especially invite everyone who I have tagged above. (and
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zeciex · 2 months
Sometimes subtlety is the best, and you are left with the image of Aemond mistreating Helaena and threatening to kill her, when they really show (for me) the character at his most vulnerable point, he thought he was invincible and now he is scared to death by Rhaenyra. He goes to burn alive a house that supports Rhaenyra, he wants to force Helaena to go to war, while the kingdom gets out of hand and the people revolt. And hey, I think he's absolutely right, it's not just for the crown anymore, it's for his own survival, and his family. The scene with Helaena in the tower is top, for me she is the best of the episode, but him with the little tear there on the edge and it doesn't fall off, he hangs on, he hangs on. What.an.acting! I think he went back to being the scared and humiliated kid from the first season.
It has been confirmed that there will be 4 seasons, but I don't believe it for a second. They have to put a lot of plot, many deaths, many battles, new characters, betrayals etc.. And only 8 episodes per season?
Anyway, I think there are some things you can take or discard from this season, I'm sure you will make a much better version than the series.
Oh I loved the scene with Aemond because it really did show how desperate he is. He's the only one fighting for his family, everyone around him is either conspiring against him or vying for peace--for which there is none? Alicent doesn't seem to understand than.
Aegon and Sunfyre is out of commission due to his own rash actions/Aemond's rash actions. Daeron is off at Old Town and of no immediate help, and there really is only Helaena--he KNOWS his sister isn't suited for war, but he is DESPERATE! He is fighting for his family, he's fighting for survival, winning the war is the most important thing because that's how they survive, it's no longer about the glory of battle.
Rhaenyra now has enough dragons to really pose a risk, to take Vhagar and him out, and what is left then? He feels blindsided, he's angry, humiliated, and finally, he realize that having the biggest and oldest dragon doesn't make him invincible when they have the numbers to challenge that.
Him grabbing Helaena is showing just how desperate and frustrated he is--and Alicent getting in between them and telling him straight to his face that winning the war she started, the war she has spent years preparing them for, that it doesn't mean anything, that winning doesn't matter. BUT IT DOES MATTER because the Black's winning would mean they're all dead and he alone is trying to prevent that. AND SHE SPENT YEARS DRILLING IT INTO THEIR HEADS THAT RHAENYRA WOULD HAVE THEM ALL KILLED!!
Aemond going to Helaena in that tower is him coming to her on his knees, begging her to help him fight, to help him defend their family. And then suddenly, he is faced with scorn, his actions are thrown back in his face and then he's told that no matter what he does, he's going to die and be forgotten, lost and swallowed up at the gods eye, and his brother would still live-- and like the knife he is, he bites back with 'I could have you killed' but he doesn't want that, he's just lashing out. And she says 'it wouldn't change a thing.'
And suddenly he is that boy again with the world pressing in around him, that boy who stood alone, the boy who was teased and bullied, the boy that was overlooked, the boy that was alone and so so lonely, the boy that was nothing.
Ewan did a phenomenal job! He really played the nuances of Aemond well and I wish we got to see him more. He really deserved to be put at the forefront of the season, especially in his Regent Era.
And yes, there's a lot to be done, a lot to be discarded, a lot to be dismantled and reassembled, and some things to be tweaked and edited. I just hope... that I manage to do better than the show, and that the characters make sense even if they stay a little static (maybe?)
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myososheep · 6 months
1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13, 16, 17, 27, 33, 40 + A, B and F
for any OCs~
HELLO :DD that's a lot of questions, let's get started! (i'm going with my main group of OCs, if you wanna know about any others ask away)
1) What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
i order it would be : Vrisk, Othia, Alim, Rhea, Yoan, Hibi, Suzka. Vrisk is the one who could stay the longest, until they have to eat basically. Suzka would be the most restless
3) How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Rhea and Othia often read before going to bed
Suzka is a fast sleeper, let her get comfy and she's out!
Vrisk meditates, Alim too when tiring himself out exercising isn't working
Hibi uses him light magic to put himself to sleep
Yoan needs something to cuddle, a plush, a pillow or a friend ^^
5)How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
Alim is the most distrustful, close by is Othia
6) Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
Hibi, Yoan, and Othia would consider it immovable and follow it most (= "they're here for a good reason")
Rhea and Alim see most of them as immovable, and are neutral about it (= "they're here and we can't do much about them")
Vrisk and Suzka are the ones who would find loopholes or straight up break the law if it's in their interest
8) What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
Hibi was often pressured by peers (children and adults alike) to talk, thinking of his muteness as a tantrum or a choice
Yoan was most told to pay attention and stop forgetting important things
Rhea was told to stop reading so much by herself (which she never understood how that was a bad thing)
13) What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Vrisk mostly wear deep reds and purples, Yoan greens. i would say it suit them? idk i'm no stylist XD
16) What makes their stomach turn?
hmm i have trouble understanding this question sorry ^^'
17) Are they easily embarrassed?
Hibi and Alim would be the most easy to embarrass, Hibi because of his shyness and Alim because of his need to be taken seriously
 27) What causes them to feel dread? 
Alim dread being vulnerable, especially in front of others
for Vrisk it's forgetting, she has lived a long life but there's always that fear whenever she forget something
even though she doesn't show it, Suzka is afraid of losing the people close to her
33) Could they be considered lazy? 
during their journey, Othia would be the one considered the most 'lazy', as she is used to the royal life.
40) How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Yoan, Hibi and Rhea are the most sensitive to them. for Rhea it makes her doubt her place within the group as the journey goes on, Hibi hides his weakness behind Yoan, and Yoan focuses on his strength through toxic positivity in order to not let his negativity take over.
A) Why are you excited about this character?
oh man i'm excited about all of them! it's a story that i've been working on for like 5 years, Hibi and Yoan being the firsts created (explains why i love them so much). i keep reworking them, the plot and the world around them so the story unfolds nicely
B) What inspired you to create them?
i can't quite remember, after i created Hibi and Yoan i just kept finding new people and ideas. though as i fleshed them out some of their traits turned out to be mine as well (or amplified)
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
i'm always proud of how far they've all come, but i do feel a bit frustrated working on Rhea and Othia for their characters and motivations, as they're the ones who i relate the least.
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mickeys-malarkey · 2 years
Pt. 2/3: Expanding (Mostly) On My DCTL & TLO Thoughts
Thanks to reading @inkdemonapologist's thoughts on TLO, I can see where people are coming from saying it's an unnecessary addition to/doesn't fit with the rest of the series, etc. But I think the opposite is the case specifically because of some of the things she hit on. She asks why Joey would actually want his machine to amplify people's hidden emotions and personality traits to a cartoonishly extreme degree (because the inkwell's hive mind said the ink machine was never broken in the first place, so that must mean it was an intended function), and I think it's for one of the same reasons he wrote TIOL:
It's an S.O.S.
I think the ink didn't just make those infected with it into cartoonish personifications of their own emotions and personality traits, I think they became cartoonish personifications of Joey's emotions and personality traits. Look at the actual subjects of some of the amplified emotions/personality traits we see in BATIM, DCTL, and TLO, after everything we noticed in Part One of my analysis/theory.
The BATIM bosses seem more focused on the desire part of Joey's psyche:
Sammy desires someone who will protect and save him, tries his best to please and show love to the one he thinks can do that, but Bendy was a soulless monster that didn't care about anyone or anything (read “Henry didn't know about the full picture, just that he needed to take care of what he did understand before irreversible damage was done” and “Nathan was an abusive, manipulative monster”) and kills him (read “leaves to protect his marriage and his physical and mental health” and “turns him into an abusive, manipulative monster just like himself”), causing him to lash out because he feels betrayed and abandoned. He also goes from desiring to shed the human form he was born in (read “leave behind his poor-person origins and reinvent himself”), thinking that will be part of what sets him free in DCTL, to desiring to shed the ink form (read “escape the persona and terrible legacy”) that he was manipulated into trapping himself in by the ink (read “by Nathan”) when we see him in BATIM (by the way, please forgive all the extra colored text in this part of the list, I need it to illustrate which quotes belong to which character).
“That day the ink found me. It wanted me. He wanted me. At first I was scared. At first I could feel it inside, the drops I'd swallowed by accident. By luck. I could feel them moving around inside me. I shouldn't have been scared. I was foolish. Then the cravings started. I needed more ink. There was no choice. I had to. And the more I consumed the more I understood. The more I felt him. Heard him. I need to please him.” ~ Sammy Lawrence, Dreams Come to Life, pg. 259
“‘Joey now, Nathan,’ I said, taking a swig. Oban on the rocks. Delicious. How they managed to get it into New York City during Prohibition, I still to this day don't know. But I'll tell you one thing, since then my bar has never been without a bottle of the stuff. ‘And you can call me Nate! It's all about reinvention, isn't it?’ He smiled broadly and downed his drink in one gulp. ‘Let's dance! There are some mighty fine dolls on the floor tonight.’ I nodded and indicated I'd be right with him once I finished my drink. I returned the glass to the mirror-backed bar and gave the bartender a nod as he took it from me. I glanced at myself, I looked sharp in my tuxedo. I looked right. Joey and Nate. I shook my head at my reflection. This wasn't a reinvention. This was who I'd always been. Here, in this moment, in this suit, in this tie, in these shoes. These dancing shoes. I was Joey Drew. And Joey Drew was here to stay. I made my way to the mirrored floor, and boy oh boy, did I dance.” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 45-46
“It's been quite a struggle to put this into words, Nathan. After so many years, you know I'd never ask unless it was dire. But when a man's in a spot, he should call upon his friends. Truth is… well, the studio is… *slight tremor in voice* coming up a little short. Hit a few unexpected bumps. If you could… lend us the amount I mentioned in my last letter *inhale* it would be a big help to me… Hope this reaches you in South America. You and Tessa enjoy your vacation.” ~ Joey Drew, Boris and the Dark Survival
“He appears from the shadows to rain his sweet blessings upon me. I see you, my savior. I pray you hear me. Those old songs, yes, I still sing them. I know you are coming to save me. And I will be swept into your final loving embrace. But, love requires sacrifice. Can I get an amen?” ~ Sammy Lawrence, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 2
“She bent down. ‘It's just me, Arthur, it's just Isabel.’ She reached out her hand. ‘I'm going to touch your shoulder now. It's just me.’ She did so, very gently. She looked like an angel then, a reference I have obviously taken away and used later in my career, as you know. She was delicate, with a high sweet voice, and her touch seemed to cure him. The man slowly sat up, and she held him close now. I watched this bit of theater and was moved.” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 125
“…But here, at home, the things I keep and display, those are deeply personal things. Not trophies, but artifacts… …A letter from Henry. You might not think I'd keep such a thing, but I do. I have no ill will toward the man as you know. Him leaving, as I said, was the best thing that could have happened to the studio. His letter reminds me of that…” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 218
“…The time of sacrifice is at hand! And then, I will finally be freed from this… prison. This inky… dark… abyss I call a body…” ~ Sammy Lawrence, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 2
“Henry! Come visit the old workshop… There's something I need to show you.” ~ Joey Drew, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 5
Sounds to me like there might be some hidden context behind some of these remarks… Could he have (at least eventually) meant Henry leaving was a good thing a little more genuinely, some part of him (way) deep down understanding that his friend couldn't stay? That it was an act of self-sacrificial love to let him go? And could this mean he was going to sacrifice what was left his image in confessing everything to Henry, reinforcing that the worrying newspaper in his storage room was Nathan's doing, not his? 🤔
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Back to things I'm more certain about, I think the split here – the fact Joey thought both of them would protect and save him in different ways – explains why Sammy seems to be talking to/about multiple different people when we meet him again in BATIM Chapter 5. He... he literally is. He's not (entirely) screaming about Bendy and Joey, he's screaming exaggerated versions of what Joey wished he could say to/about Henry and Nathan.
“BETRAYED!!! ABANDONED!!! I trusted you! I gave you everything… and you left me to rot! …Why? WHY?! He said he'd save me! He said he'd set me free! Now, I have nothing. NOTHING!!! He lies! HE ALWAYS LIES!!! My lord! Why have you forsaken me?! No. Don't look at me. Stay away. HA! You lied to me. You said I'd be free. Well, I'm going to free you now. Free your head right off your shoulders! Sheep, sheep, sheep… it's time for… sleep.” ~ Sammy Lawrence, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 5
Susie desires to be perfect and loved and is devastated when someone she admired and who gave her opportunities to make her dreams come true (read “Nathan, Detective Sinclair, etc.”) takes away what she cherishes (read “Henry plus who knows who and what else,” “opportunities to tag along on his investigations,” etc.) and tells her that she's unlovable trash, which drives her to try harder and harder to make herself perfect, destroying herself and agreeing to horrible things that she never should've. She also desires to be safe, secure, stable, and be able to trust those around her, which when violated, causes her to lose trust in everyone, suspect everyone of lying, conspiring, wanting to betray and take advantage of her, leading her to harming innocents in her quests for self-preservation and vengeance, while also creating a split between two very conflicting sides of herself: the “Alice Angel side” that wants to do all the horrible things, and the “Susie Campbell side” that's heartbroken over the fact that she's doing it (let's call Joey's versions of this his “Joey Drew side” and his “Joseph Dempsey side,” based on the fact he tells us all about how he started going by “Joey” when he started the Studio Chapter of his life and the theory that “Drew” is actually a sort of stage name, not his legal one).
“Once upon a time, there was an angel. And she was beautiful. And loved by all. *Voice breaks with tears* She was perfect. No matter what Joey says.” ~ Susie Campbell/Twisted Alice, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 3
“…I appreciated the advance notice of what event I was attending, but to be honest wondered if he felt I hadn't dressed properly for the occasion at the art gallery. It stung a bit, and while my ego wasn't hurt (I never took that sort of thing personally) it did tell me that the detective was not someone I had any interest in becoming friends with in the future… …The fact was, of course, I didn't have many options in my closet, but I did my best to look put together and accomplished the task fairly easily. The good thing with my appearance is that it is very suited to a suit, so even the most basic one looks like it was tailored to fit me…” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 129 (emphasis added)
“They told me I was perfect for the role. Absolutely perfect. Now Joey's going around saying things behind closed doors. I can always tell. Now he wants to meet again tomorrow. Says he has an ‘opportunity’ for me. I'll hear him out. But if that smooth talker thinks he can double-cross an angel and get away with it, well. *Evil chuckle* Oh he's got another thing coming. *Dangerous tone* Alice doesn't like liars.” ~ Susie Campbell/Twisted Alice, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 3 (emphasis added)
“I didn't love this probing. I didn't trust it. They say it's women who love to gossip, but in my experience men love it just as much; they just do it differently. They hide it behind short sentences and indirect questions. What did Kyle care about my experience with shoes? I wondered. Probably trying to figure out my past, and that was none of his business. Then I told myself it didn't matter because I didn't care what he thought. He might have been richer than me at the time, but that's where his superiority ended. He was simple; he was downright silly. And his attempt to get more from me, to push me to admit something that wasn't true, was lazy and obvious. Never approved of a lazy man.” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 24 (emphasis added)
Bertrum desires the respect of others and praise for his work, and is so infuriated when he's belittled by and receives nothing but constant criticism and demands for change from someone who claims to respect, understand, and admire him but clearly doesn't (read “Nathan—” seriously, especially after my experience with my ex and his family, my gosh does his remark about the rewriting of history being a blemish make me wanna sock him! Talk to me when you can stop rewriting everything Joey says), that he is literally consumed by and made one with his doomed creation in his attempts to outshine and get back at him, nothing but an extremely miserable piece of his former self remaining.
“A grand idea is one that requires care and attention. A well calculated understanding between creation… and creator. I was told that Mr. Drew hired me to build his park for this very reason. He trusted my eye to craft and design something wondrous and exciting. So why do my notes keep coming back dripping with his critical red pen?! Changes! Corrections! Questions that a child wouldn't ask! Mr. Drew may consider himself a dreamer… but in the end, he's the man who can see the island but could never build the boat himself.” ~ Bertrum Piedmont, BATDR teaser audio log dated May 19th, 1940 (emphasis added)
“Joey definitely told me this [murder mystery] story early on in our friendship and I had the pleasure of watching him share it several other times, seeing how he perfected the telling of it. I'd say that this version is near perfect, and it's a good thing he wrote it down when he did because in later years it became more rambling, and characters would get mixed up. I even found myself correcting him once or twice, which you can imagine he did not appreciate…” ~ Nathan Arch, The Illusion of Living, pg. 98 (emphasis added)
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“…The only important question is this: Who are we, Henry? I thought I knew who I was… but… the success starved me. Nothing left but lines on a page. In the end, we followed two different roads of our own making. You, a lovely family… Me… a crooked empire. And my road burned. I let our creations become my life…” ~ Joey Drew, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 5
Meanwhile, the infected in TLO are more focused on the emotional reaction part of Joey's psyche:
This one's just gonna hafta be a bullet point list; there's just way too much material.
Bill is afraid of the future; of being out of control; of his dad's businesses, which will eventually be his own (read “the studio”); that he's a monster just like his dad (read “Nathan”) and cannot fix anything only destroy; of the people that his dad does business with (read “that he has to do business with, e.g., Nathan, the investors, etc.”); of indulging his desire to run away and start a new life and what that would entail, e.g., losing the safety his dad's (read “Nathan's”) money and connections do provide him. It's from this place of fear that we see Bill try to escape reality and forget the truth, but also what finally drives him to try and fight the monster when he realizes the full magnitude of the situation.
Constance is angry that she has no freedom; that she can't say what she wants and get it; at the inequality/power imbalances/etc. she suffers under (e.g., the fact that if she makes one wrong move her life could be ruined meanwhile so many others are just untouchable); at the fact she's not like the people she admires; at how everyone gossips about her and her sisters' love lives (read “his and probably also Henry and Nathan's love lives” *stares at every time Buddy got upset that people kept assuming he and Dot were dating and when Norman expressed surprise he hadn't once caught them -ahem- “fooling around,” and then at when Joey used his Angel & Devil play as a way to say “people will assume you're sleeping with someone if you're too affectionate but as long as the two of you know that ain't how it is then that's all that matters,” and then at when Constance almost got in big trouble with Bill's dad because he assumed she was trying to lure his son into marriage for his money and she flew into a rage*); at the lies and social games going on around her; at how Andrew (read “Nathan, Sammy, Jack, Norman, etc.”), someone who claims to love her, doesn't actually care and manipulatively tries to change the narrative around their breakup (read “Henry leaving”) taking her power away and making her the villain; that the people around her won't/can't help her; that she can't be her true self and has been forced to be what others want for so long that she doesn't even know what her own desires are— which she starts figuring out and trying to assert herself through discovering she might want nothing to do with romance ever and just want to focus on her career (“Nothing romantic, my darling, you don't need to run through the wall leaving a Joey-shaped hole in its place.” ~ Abby Lambert, The Illusion of Living, pg. 75 “…I knew I was a catch. But I was meant to swim the seas alone.” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 166). It's from this place of anger that we see Constance engage in cruel, unreasonable, and even violent outbursts as well as experience massive power trips, but it's also what keeps her on the path of trying to sabotage the machine and cure ink infection. She's also the character most vocal about what's wrong in her life (as you can probably tell from the sheer length of this list entry), just like how anger is the emotion seen most often in Joey (“That's the Joey I knew.” ~ Henry Stein in one of his BATIM Chapter 4 invisible ink messages, in reference to the first audio log where we hear Joey's charmer facade drop when he flies into a shouting rage because he didn't realize he was still being recorded, previously only having heard about these common occurrences secondhand… Y'know, now I think about it, that tape itself actually addresses Joey disliking who he was being forced to be pretty directly. “…Okay, let's stop it right there. I can only do so many takes of this trash in a day…” ~ Joey Drew, Bendy and the Ink Machine, ch. 4).
Brant is ashamed of his poor-person origins and invisibility/mediocrity; of the fact his pride is bruised so easily and it makes him do stupid things; of the underhanded crap he's having to do in order to get the attention, respect, and praise he craves; of the fact he betrayed the trust of a nice person he'd started to get attached to (read “all his employees and friends”); of the fact that he's not satisfied with the idea of getting married, having kids and dying like everyone else (read “Henry”) seems to be, as seen in how he wonders if there's something wrong with him as he contemplates the obituaries and their repetition of statements like “loving husband and father.” It's from this place of shame that we see Brant engage in downright manipulative behavior, but he's also the main character that we see the least of (read “emotion we have the hardest time seeing for the longest”), being “killed” by the Ink Demon (read “the Studio Chapter of his life”) shortly after he meets (read “starts”) it; but then he comes back near the end of the book (read “end of Joey's life”), his shame so strong and actually focused on the correct things that it drives him to try and make things right with those he wronged and join the fight against JDS (related: I don't think we should be dismissing the “Phil 2:03” note on Joey's cork board as not actually referring to such a freakishly relevant Bible verse because his appointments with Dr. Hackenbush are at weird times. “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves” does not feel like a coincidence, and as I said it seems like Nathan was not happy that Joey's conscience grew so loud and he reached out to Henry for help in the end; who knows how much of that very surreal memory was altered by outside forces for the sake of keeping Henry and Joey at odds beyond the grave? 👀).
Scott is paranoid that he's in constant danger and there's no escape for any of them, and is proven right (speaking of which, doesn't Joey being the one wrangling all the stray Lost Ones who almost escape make much more sense if 1: he's the literal center of the hive mind, so he can see exactly where those infected thoroughly enough with the right kind of ink are and what they're doing – as @inkdemonapologist pointed out, Buddy was clearly not exposed to the same kind of ink as Sammy+, explaining why Joey could never find him but he apparently eventually knew all about Sammy's Bendy worship and everything – and 2: he's not the real boss, he's just another puppet trapped in Nathan's twisted games).
Altogether, you get quite the full picture, indeed, if you ask me.
Maybe they didn't have everything planned this way from the very beginning, maybe they worked it all in when they realized how well it works (Lord knows I've done that, myself, as a writer. Especially in my and my bestie's BATIM fanfic, funnily enough), but the patterns match way too perfectly, at this point.
I think it's fascinating how this shows off how all of Joey's behavior that we perceive as being “because he's just an egotistical jerkwad like that” – asserting dominance and superiority at every opportunity, complimenting himself and putting others down constantly, being a control freak, lashing out for no good reason, etc. – is also completely normal behavior for people who have no freedom, hate themselves, have been wronged by others, etc…
“That big question. Why? The biggest of all the ‘W’ questions, I have found over my years, and often the hardest to answer. Especially when the why disguises itself as something else.” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 21 (emphasis added)
“‘What?’ The most used of the ‘W’ questions, and I think the most useless…” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 33
…It's also a fascinating way to illustrate how trauma often causes someone to cause the same trauma in others (whether intentionally or unintentionally), who cause the same trauma in others as well (thinking of how Alice stole Boris from Henry and then kept dangling the hope of achieving the dream of saving Boris in front of him until finally his cherished one and his dream were destroyed in the most devastating way possible), spiraling on and on into countless vicious cycles… until somebody decides to be the one to break that cycle. 👀
I think Joey, himself, has attempted this at points besides when he contacted Henry, though the attempts were unsuccessful for many reasons. From the more-obvious “his brain was still in Nathan's blender” to… well, my next point:
Anyone notice that both Joey and Bill clearly dissociate? I've personally experienced events both like Joey's window story where a switch flipped in my brain and suddenly nothing felt real (I usually tell people it feels like I'm dreaming, but “watching a play” is also an accurate description. Also, holy heck, this poor guy has literally been surrounded by death since he was 10, no wonder he's such a mess) and like Bill's experiences of memory blackouts whilst his body runs on autopilot. Notice how similar Brant's reaction to dissociated Bill (“He seemed strangely out of sorts; maybe he was just drunk. But it was different. It spooked me a little.”) is to Sammy's reaction to Bendy's (Joey's) smile (“That smile… Something's just wrong with that smile.” By the way, why don't I remember anyone talking about how it's clearly implied that Mr. Unger could tell Joey's hand perfectly matches Bendy's hand print in DCTL? I was not expecting the connection between the two to just be… spelled out like that). This suggests to me (as someone who's heard similar descriptions of her dissociated self) that Joey's smiles are not always malicious in nature as people tend to assume, but a sign that he's in terrible shape and trying to cope. *Stares at Nathan's Elves and the Shoemaker note* It also seems that we get further confirmation that his coping smiles are frequently caused by Nathan (and that Nathan enjoys not only watching Joey suffer, but making his reaction to suffering that people find the most unsettling happen in front of large groups of people, as abusers do because it adds to the illusion that the victim is actually the villain) in his Angel & Devil play.
“Devil: You will allow it because it is an important detail and the devil is in the details. I leaned over at this moment and placed each of my index fingers at the edge of her lips and pushed slightly to make them turn up. A forced smile. Abby's eyes grew wide but she followed along. We hadn't practiced this but it felt right for the devil to do. Smile! The devil is in the details! The audience laughed again, this time with a bit of discomfort; the forced smile had something extra to it. Something unsettling. I loved that. I dropped my fingers and Abby shook her head at me.” ~ Joey Drew, The Illusion of Living, pg. 86
I now want to point out how it's when Bill is the most visibly frightened that Joey tries to share his “philosophy” with him— Joey literally tries and fails to share one of his biggest coping mechanisms with Bill just like how Bill tried and failed to share his own “time skipping” coping mechanism with his dad.
“I hadn't been paying any attention. Now I regretted it. I remember trying to explain to Father as a child this feeling of losing moments. He couldn't grasp the concept and had no desire to try harder. Mother had just died and he hardly had room for his own thoughts. I don't blame him. But if he'd understood, I'd felt back then, then maybe this could help him too. Help him skip past the scary things, the frustrating things, and just focus on what needed to be done.” ~ Bill Chambers, Bendy: The Lost Ones, pg. 56
“Joey leaned in, and with a slight smile he said, ‘Have you ever considered, my boy, that your reality is no more real than a dream I had last night?’ ‘I… had not considered that, no,’ I replied. ‘Well, consider it now.’ ‘I… will.’ …I had no idea what he meant, and I had no desire to consider my own existence in that way…” ~ Bill Chambers, Bendy: The Lost Ones, pg. 207-208
Both of these scenes have very interesting parallels to the first paragraph of Nathan's foreword…
“The Illusion of Living first made its way onto our shelves in 1942. This was a moment in our country's history full of angst and turmoil, and Joey Drew, who I had known since we were teenagers, thought that this book might be of help to a nation in crisis. Indeed, it is my firm belief that, had readers not been so deeply invested in stories about the horrors of the world and savage satire, or the complete opposite, desiring to close their minds with silly pointless diversion, they might have found a true vision his memoir/treatise. A true hope for the future and a model for how to live a life full of positivity. As it was, the sales upon the original release of the book were not what anyone hoped for, but Joey Drew, ever the optimist, didn't get upset. He knew the world would be ready for his words when the world was ready.” ~ Nathan Arch, The Illusion of Living, pg. 1
Ignoring how much more passive-aggressively Nathan says that people weren't in a headspace to listen, and the clear implication that he would absolutely adore if more people would adopt his favorite puppet's maladaptive coping mechanism (*stares at his note where he states that part of him hopes Joey actually knew that the studio was already struggling financially in 1942 because he prided himself on knowing his studio so well and another part hopes that he didn't know because others were lying to him rather than he was lying to himself* this note doesn't reek of sinister motives at all, Nathan /s), I think this is actually a moment of truth. I think Joey genuinely believed that his so-called “philosophy” could help people because it was basically the only thing that was keeping him in any semblance of one piece, maybe even the only thing keeping him alive… and, at some point, he came to understand that people tend not to hear someone who's trying to help when they're in the wrong mindset. Feels like that might give new context to Joey's “you should've pushed a little harder” comment to Henry… Could he have really meant, “I wish you'd tried again when I could hear you?”
I'd like to point out that there's actually even more weirdly specific repeated themes/imagery across DCTL, TIOL, and TLO…
…and I think it might be direct evidence that Joey's thoughts are leaking into the minds of the infected through the ink's hive mind (much like how Bill's thoughts about Alice in Wonderland and Joey's “philosophy” leaked into Constance and Brant's minds). I'm not just talking about how Buddy, Bill, and Constance are all almost pressured into drinking like Joey successfully was at ages fricking 15-17ish (perhaps their avoiding it is wish fulfillment for Joey?), or how everyone keeps on hearing that it's dangerous to ask questions…
In DCTL, Buddy talks about how the noises in his family's apartment made him think the building was alive and then later mentions that his eyes adjust to darkness much more quickly now that he's ink than they did when he was human; in TIOL, Joey uses the very same “living thing” descriptions for his childhood home and in the very same story talks about being very good at forcing his eyes to adjust to darkness quickly. “You just need to focus hard enough,” he says. This insistence that he can control involuntary bodily functions through sheer willpower continues throughout TIOL, including an insistence towards the end of the book that he's not affected by things like cold and hunger due to having such a strong mind; then, TLO begins with Bill and Brant expressing how impressed they were that Constance didn't seem cold in her swimsuit and wondering how that was before Constance explains that she was actually freezing, but she had to pretend for the camera, so she forced her body to behave as if it were comfortable (considering Bill's dad was in charge of the advertisement she was filling in for her sister in, that doesn't seem to bode well for Joey's reasons to pretend he's impervious to every completely normal limitation of the human body and mind under the sun)…
I dunno about you, but at this point I think it's confirmed that Buddy's comment at the beginning of DCTL, heavily implied to be especially important…
“This has always stayed with me: Of all the memories that are getting mixed up a bit in here, in this brain, in this head, this… this for some reason just sticks out. Right then when he clapped, the lights came back on. It was like they were waiting for him, it was like he was in control of them. He wasn't. But I made that connection back then. Somehow it made sense that maybe, just maybe, he had the power to do that. He didn't. And he doesn't. Don't let anyone make you think he does.” ~ Buddy Lewek, Dreams Come to Life, pg. 20 (emphasis added)
…(you mean there's someone besides Joey, with his weird hierarchy charts in the Employee Handbook, etc., who wants us to think that Joey has power??) 1: was insider information gained from the ink's hive mind, and 2: was a little more… metaphorical than we thought; not referring to magical powers, but instead just… power in general…
Continued in Part Three: My BATDR Timeline & Plot Twist Theories
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lost-in-the-pink-mist · 10 months
This is the last time I do this I SWEAR but I have more questions augh
If there was a 'last ronin' type situation, who would it be?
What are the individual dynamics like between pairs (brains and brawn, a team, etc)? Is there sibling rivalry?
What's splinter like? Is he a good parent?
What are the villains like (shredder, krang, bishop, etc)
Which iteration inspired you the most?
I'm sorry for all the questions, again, you don't have to answer all of them!! I'm just super curious and incredibly invested
Please don't make this the last time you do this, we LOVE answering questions!
1. Thinking about this, at first we thought it was a pretty even tie between Raph and Lee, with Raph having a wide variety of magical skills and a general talent when it comes to using them to their full potential, but in terms of raw power, determination, and efficiency, it all goes to Lee. A last Ronin Lee would be very bitter and revenge focused, you wouldn't want to cross her, her powers were already inherently deadly even when she didn't want to kill (most people) with them.
2. This became a whole thing so we're gonna put all that in its own post so no one has to deal with that wall of text!
3. Splinter tries his best, can't say he's perfect because no parent is, especially in circumstances like the one the Hamatos are in, but for the most part he tried to raise them like regular kids. The earliest form of their training came when Lee was around 6, and it was only agility training in the form of sports and fun games. When Lee was 10 lessons became self defense, and then when she was 13 that evolved into the basics of martial arts, her siblings being introduced to the lessons at the same ages she had been introduced to them. It could be rough sometimes, they had to move homes every few years, and Splinter had been very obviously keeping things from them, but he was trying to both protect them from knowledge that would have put them in danger and also slowly introduce them to the seriousness of their situation at an age appropriate time. If there was a guidebook for raising kids while in hiding, Splinter hadn't found one, so he had to go with his gut a lot unfortunately.
4. Well, Shredder (and above him, the Krang) is the main villain for this au. He's been a pain in the ass for a long, long time, and it might be kinda obvious but he's the reason Splinter is in hiding, the reason why a lot of things went wrong and are as bad as they are. He hasn't even done much himself really, at least, he hadn't done much before Splinter's disappearance, and even after that the turtles didn't even know he existed for years, but the threat itself isn't what Shredder can do, its the power the Krang have, so without them the Shredder is kinda a bit of a joke, not in the full comic relief way, more in the "the worst he can do is stab somebody" way, he's a good fighter for sure, but he's beatable.
Other than the Shredder Krang alliance, the villains are kinda average, they'd all be considered an episodic villain, one plan in one episode and then they disappear for a little while before coming back with a new plan that'll be dealt with in that same episode. Bishop specifically we thought about for a long time, but in the end we decided to not have him appear in this iteration (at least, not in what we consider "part one" of the iteration, we'll go over his potential again to see if he would suit "part two" more), he just didn't suit the tone.
For original villains, we do have one group, we've mentioned them before, the polyamorous theatre group, who's theatre had been a casualty to one of Angie's bombs resulting in them swearing to ruin the turtles lives (and trying to rob banks and stuff on the side, to get enough money to rebuild), they have every skill you can think of and teach them to each other, and they can appear anywhere thanks to those skills, anything from being an ominous group of knive wielding chefs to a construction crew working late. They go all in on costumes and always stay in character, so they don't even really have distinguishable identities, which makes it even harder to tell when they're gonna show up.
5. Largely when we think of litpm, we draw from 2012, with a little bit of Rise thrown in for certain characters and dynamics
Don't apologise for asking! We really love being given an excuse to ramble about this au, sometimes its hard to figure out how to get our ideas out because we don't even know where to start sharing, so having questions to answer is a lifesaver!
(We'll be posting the answer to #2 in a sec, its already ready to go, so keep an eye out for that too!)
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mareenavee · 1 year
3, 5, 10, 22, 30, 39, 50, 51, 57 because why not throw a long list at you. For both pairings, because I'm evil. Chop and change as you like.
Hello. Yep this was asked over a month ago. I do apologize it's taken hell to freeze over for me to put down the fic and come wandering back over here <3 Ask game is here. So this is OTP asks iirc? Well it is now.
I cannot find a list that has numbers past 40 otherwise so. Here we go.
For Nyenna, Teldryn and Athis from my fic, The World on Our Shoulders. Below the cut coz it'll be a long one, bet. LOL Also there's some snippets toward the end!
3. Do they wear the other’s clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace, etc.) Nyenna is a very small bean by comparison. She can get away with stealing other's clothes. Athis is shorter, around 5'7-8 or so; his shirts fit her better. Teldryn has borrowed her cloak before.
5. Describe their cozy night in. READING. Nyenna definitely wants to catch up on reading. She's definitely going through it in the place we're at in the WIP and if she had her way, she'd be home with Athis by the fire pit with cozy blankets reading. If we're talking future timeline, rest is still mildly hard to come by. She and Teldryn might instead spend it at Orgnar's inn, listening to Sven make a fool of himself trying to be a bard and enjoying the company of their new neighbors. That's not really "a night in" but it kind of counts when your new hometown is as small as Riverwood.
10. Describe their first date. Nyenna and Athis... <3 They were a bit of a whirlwind. They skipped steps. Back before the nonsense, he would often take her out to dinner at the Bannered Mare, even after they were married. They had a few camping dates where he'd bring along a stash of some homemade mead on the way to some dungeon or another while they were working. He isn't much of a storyteller, but Nyenna definitely was and she'd also sing to him in Bosmeris until he fell asleep while she was on first watch. Nyenna and Teldryn did things glacially slow and in reverse order, lol. They didn't skip steps so much as do things completely backwards. They fell in love first. Then they...made mistakes. Then eventually they would have had a moment to spend with just each other and not the weight of destiny. Teldryn would have taken her to pretty places he'd found while he was wandering on his way home from one job or another. They love the Rift for picnics.
22. What reminds each of their partner? At this point in the fic, Nyenna is still very much always turning her thoughts toward Athis. They're still married and she still wears her wedding ring. They still write to each other constantly and she does try to return home as often as she can. Later on, after a few close calls, Teldryn has a dragonbone dagger each made for Nyenna and himself. This is before they admit any sort of love for each other. He thought it was symbolic, and also good back up if she ever ran out of magicka again. So you know, lethal weapons they hold on to for the rest of the fic. Suits, really. LOL
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing? Nyenna has picked out Athis's outfits since they were dating. He has terrible fashion sense. Have you seen his summer armor? Ugh. A mess. She had him in blue clothes and the Companions got him some Ebony Plate mail for their wedding. Speaking of, she also picked out his wedding outfit. Athis would look for any excuse for Nyenna to wear that dress again, speaking of. It's featured in one of his best memories, and the little embroidered tundra cotton flowers suited her. Teldryn always wears grey shirts when he's out of his armor. All his spare sets are gray, except his white shirts he wears as the first layer under the armor. Nyenna would insist on blue; it might be her favorite color, and it looks good on him. Teldryn has seen Nyenna dressed for a Thalmor party, but even then would still say she looks best in her grey and teal mage's robes.
39. Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think? Nyenna absolutely would rescue animals. Neither Athis nor Teldryn would not have the heart to dissuade her, even if there was no time or safety for such things.
50. Who's more likely to do something out of spite? Of the three, Teldryn. He's persisted this long out of spite, so it would track that he'd probably take on some activity or another and/or stick with it out of spite. He might not be spiteful necessarily, though. None of them really are.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you? There's a lot of this in the fic for everyone involved. I'll pick two and share mini snippets. For Nyenna toward Athis, she'd run her fingers through his hair.
“Mornin’,” he said, voice still heavy with sleep. He yawned widely and sat up, rubbing his eyes. He got up out of bed and cracked the stiffness from his neck. She approached him and ran her fingers through his hair. He had no idea why she did this, always admiring something about him he thought so little about. It was charming. When he tried to return the favor, his fingers got tangled in the silvery curls, same as every day, really. She let out a surprised laugh and helped him untangle. He smiled and leaned down to kiss her. Her hands were warm against his face as she kissed him back gently.
For Teldryn toward Nyenna, he will always heal her first before himself as best as he can.
He held her close, Healing spells active in both hands. “You’re okay?” he asked, worry written across all his features. She coughed weakly, but managed a nod. “What on Nirn…?” she whispered hoarsely, wincing. Her hand flew to her neck. He pressed his gauntleted hand over hers and concentrated his spell there. Her shoulders slumped as the overwhelming pain slowly started to subside.
57. Whose the serious one when grocery shopping and who likes to toss random things in the cart? LOL insofar as Tamriel has 'grocery' shopping...let's just call it a normal day at Belethor's shop. Nyenna is the responsible one and keeps household ledgers and has a list of needful things to retrieve. Athis and Teldryn are the "I'm not really saving up for anything" kind of people and would buy yet another cool knife if the opportunity presented itself.
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riftwalker-limbro · 1 year
well apparently angst is in the air today and it bit me too so
i've always examined vince vs jay from his own perspective but what do pule and verica even think.
edit post-writing this: oh this is a hot pile of half-formatted brain vomit. click the read more at your own risk. my goal was to get my thoughts straight, and i did, and now this is a mess and i'm not fucking fixing it
pule did his grieving while he was still human, i think. he never did expect to see jay again, but once he remembers the worst period of his fucking life while sitting next to the two (well, 1.9) people who notable weren't there for it, it's... well, a shock is putting it lightly, i imagine. they know his name, they have the right vibes that, despite the fact he'd never felt them as human like he could now as a warframe with transference, just fit - mostly. not all of it is correct, but enough is, and the second he manages to ask if it's jay, he gets swiftly but gently corrected, that, well, yes, but also it's vince now.
once he finds out Why it's vince now, pule struggles hard with being confronted with the walking, breathing truth of accidentally getting his best friend actually killed for a while still. part of the grieving process gets reset entirely, and as friend fashion show has pointed out so excellently, it does do pule a lot of good to hang out a lot with others (bruiser, notably) that he doesn't have a painful shared past with. the threads he dropped with jay are easy to pick back up with vince, though: sharing old jokes and making new ones referencing stuff only they know, ways of thinking that are still almost identical after years of close friendship, etc. they grew together for a significant formative period of their lives, and that still affects just how suited to be each other's friend they are.
verica has a more complex headspace around this. she actively searched for him, knowing that he hadn't died but instead had become a warframe, even though he stopped pinging on the orokin radars even before she got apprehended and warframe'd herself. there's such a huge chance that he's dead, but dammit, if anyone can do the impossible, it should be the mathematician who'd managed to put a pencil into a pocket dimension between solid reality & the poisonous void. and she's... partially right.
when she wakes up on kelth's orbiter, she's going to think the idiot before her is jay. he'd done it, he'd managed to come back from the dead, and found her scattered clues. and, well, we know it isn't really jay anymore. he doesn't even confess the whole thing, at first - he just says, well, i go by vince now. and she rolls with it completely because why wouldn't she. it's only when the cracks start to show, both in his behaviour and in one certain scene between the three of them that i'm sure i'll die two and a half times while writing before i'll get it just right, that she actually realises that Nope, Not Jay. Not Like That Anymore.
she struggles with even just accepting it in her head, at first - he's so much like jay, pinging Correct in so many little ways, but he's Not, calling him by that name hurts him, and thinking of him as jay is wrong for the person vince is now. she goes through the period of grief she hadn't allowed herself even before everything.
and now, all three of them are in the same space, grieving the shit that happened to them, that one of them had to die, but at least they now have each other again. for reasons mentioned before, bonds with vince are built up extremely fast, and they quickly get to the same level of friendship they were at with jay. they go beyond, even - vince needs them more than jay did, even if he might not want to phrase it like that to not force them into anything, but they respond to it in kind. one of the consequences of the way warframes are fundamentally changed, made more rigid and less flexible, from humans in my lore makes it so that they will seek out familiarity at ridiculous costs. removing the memories from fresh frames was a fix for that by the orokin, but you can't just make something Rigid/Inflexible, apply a Change, and expect it to not eventually pop back into its original shape like memory foam.
pule & verica is also an interesting initial dynamic, i think. pule feels guilty for, well, everything - he's still under the impression that he'd gotten ghosted for life, and the fact that the warframe he'd been glaring at from the corner of his eyes, the one that had looked way too much like the recently-vanished artist octavia to be anything like a respectful tribute, had actually been her all along and he hadn't even bothered to look into it- he does struggle with it. of her own part, verica's shocked to see him at all, didn't realise that he'd whole ass up and volunteer for the program if she also disappeared, didn't realise that sitting down and letting herself grieve with him had also been an option. i imagine she does also initially carry some guilt over this, though she gets over hers significantly faster than pule does, both because it's just Less Significant Levels of Guilt & because she's just way more prone to Alright Oops Let's Move On than he is (hi. musician who's been in public about it here. making mistakes & moving on like nothing happened is a Necessary & Learned Skill. show must go on & all that)
i think pule would initially expect her to be hostile towards him, after he gets over the shock of "holy shit you're a warframe too? holy shit you're That Warframe? i was never ghosted on purpose??". but 1. even if she did have the right to get hostile, which she knows she doesn't, it wouldn't do anything, and 2. buddy friend we're still here after everything why would i be mad about getting this second chance at life. i've already lost my other friends and family and everything from that life, just let me hang on to you and this other idiot with all the strength left in me.
anyway, that's how the three of them become inseparable on an almost-physical level. a true triad. they get a shared bedroom and sleep together in a pile and everything. you'll find out
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hotdog4321 · 2 years
Currently open for discord.
Welcome to sunnyd's request thread. I will keep this simple, in fact I'll keep this entire thing simple. Of course I'm looking to find a good partner, for more of a long term Roleplay. If you are looking for a quick and short RP, I'm sorry that's not for me. I have been Role-playing for about 3 years, learned alot since then, but I still find myself making simple mistakes, it happens, just know it happens. I generally crave the more smuty side of things, know that doesn't mean there won't be plot, there definitely will be. The rest be reason for characters to be where they are and have to be plausible I have to give a percentage, but because it's a popular thing around here,. I would say 75%\25% smut to plot.
1. I can write in both first and third person, but I generally go for third person as my main. HOWEVER, I do understand that some stories are better suited in first, or that the other partner my prefer a certain one. If that is the case however, please let me know off hand and I will have no problem complying.
2. I do prefer 2-3 paragraphs per reply, I can generally go anywhere from 1-4, but anything longer or shorter I lose interest. I prefer to just go with what the story requires, quantity or quality. As they say. Usually around 200 words.
3 I know my grammar, is off from time to time, I find myself not proofreading, but I will try to do my best, just let me know, If grammar is a big deal, and I'll make sure to do my best.
I only have one rule, that rule is, put some effort into your first message. I'm tired of reading the same intro. 'hi I'm looking to Roleplay' just include your kinks, what caught your eye. That's all I ask.
-public Humiliation
-Pet play
-rough. Hair pulling, chocking etc..
- Aphrodisiacs
Star wars
Game of thrones
Attack on Titan
Harry Potter
Rick and Morty
My hero academia
-Father x daughter
-Mother x son(s)
-Brother x sister
- cop x burglar
- doctor x patient
- boss x assistant
- female boss x male assistant
- teacher x student(s)
- hitchhiker x trucker
Hacked social media
Something I been thinking about. Recently I had a family member who's Facebook was hacked. There stole there pictures, threaten to release them. Began to sell there videos etc.... I would like to play this idea out. A person, brother, friend, neighbor, hacks YCs social media, and begins to blackmail her with it. It's simple I know, but I think it could be a lot of fun.
'my sister/daughter is a stripper?' fuck
(This could be a father or brother, but going to type it out, as if it was her brother.)
A young college woman got onto the stage and began to show off her body, to the many men around her. What she didn't realize was that her brother was hiding in the crowd, watching her like a hawk. He had just learned a couple of days ago is sister was a stripper, after coming to the strip club with his friends. He after going through the college rule book, he learned they had a no public nudity rule, strip clubs, porn, were a big no-no. He knew he could have his baby sister in his pocket
'From mother to slut'
Mother of a couple son's, is very stressed lately, having to work, and take care of her children. Her son's find her to be a bitch, but decide, to surprise her with a gift. A all inclusive, spy day treatment. Even then she has to be convinced. However, what she doesn't know, is this specific spy, is a front, it can double down as a Hypnosis treatment. The sons have paid the spy, to Hypnosis there mother, to no matter what she isn't allowed to say no to them.
' Two Bros and a sister '
Sister comes home late one night, drunk. And depending on your preference. The brothers get her to drink more and more until they have her worshiping there cock she would of course come to regret it, or she's comes home drunk crawls into bed with one of her brothers. Suducing her brother's, in her drunken State. Maybe she's doesn't regret it, and begins too sneak around behind her parents back.
A stressed businesses woman goes to a therapist to help her coap with her ever-growing stress. He suggests hypnotherapy, implying that the things that cause her stress could be removed if she simply wants it. After giving permission, he puts her under, after a couple of weeks she begins to realize that it was working, things like her incompetent employees, or her useless assistant, or the tons of clients no longer were pissing and stressing her. However what she didn't realize is that he was also putting commands into her, making it impossible to say no to anyone that would give her a command. If one of her employees told her to shut it and suck her cock, she would have to say yes.
(Hypnosis, rape, Humiliation more...)
' forced transformation '
A young man just getting out of a bar drunk, gets into a taxi, after a few too many beers. With no one else to talk to, he begins to rant with the taxi driver, and somehow the conversation spirals into how women are inferior to men. All this feminist bull shit is ridiculous, he told the driver. It mostly boiled down to the fact that his boss is a woman who always talks down to him. The drunken man then makes comments about how he would rape his boss if he could and any other woman he wanted. The driver didn't take this lightly, as it's a conversation that should not be joked around. Unknowingly the driver puts a curse on the man, when he wakes he would be transformed into a woman. A beautiful curvy big breasted woman. So I was thinking this one could either be a slow transformation, where her mind is still fighting it, he's a straight man, who is the perfect image of a man's man, but the longer he's in this body the more feminine he gets. Caring about his look, what he wears, and begins to like cock. Or simply, while he's a man trapped in a female's body, he can't say no to any order he receives.
(Transformation, mind-altering, Bimbo, gangbangs)
'unlucky train ride'
An unlucky woman gets on a train on her way to work. A short skirt, tight blouse, you know the look. Then suddenly she feels a hand on her ass, a man trying to touch her for his enjoyment. Not trying to cause a scene she tries to fight him off, quietly, pushing him away, but before she knows it, he has his hand buried in her panties and a hand over her mouth. would like to stretch this out, and involve blackmail. He record's the whole thing and uses it against her.
(Public Humiliation, molestation Butlackmail)
' human cow '
A Young woman steps off the bus, her four-inch heels almost causing her to fall. She couldn't believe her father was making her go and work at her uncle's farm, all because she was arrested for the third time that month. As she walked up to her uncle's house she passed just about every animal she thought of on her way. Pigs, cows, dogs. She hated just about everything she was seeing, it was her worse nightmare come true. Don't worry, she thought. She wasn't going to be working, she could talk her way out in almost any situation. She figured she just has to put on those puppy eyes and her uncle wouldn't make her work with those disgusting animals.
(Lactation, incest, Beastiality, non-con, drugged, bondage, many more)
'My sons bully'
I'm sure you heard the simple idea before the mother's son is being bullied, she can't take the t anymore, goes over to the bully's house to talk to him, but ends up being his fuck toy? Fun right. If you want to do that great I'm always down for it, but I thought if something slightly different. A father's son is being bullied. After months of hearing his son complain, he goes over to the bullies House, the parents are home, and he talks to them. A week later and his son is still being bullied. Once again, he goes over to their house, but this time the bully answered the door. To his surprise, it's a female. A cute one too. I think we know what's going to happen here...
(Non-con, rough sex, pet play, humiliation)
'Interracial play'
Don't have a plot for this one yet, but it includes white men and black/Asian women.
'Hermione yes girl'
Hermione or any witch we want? Was going beyond the lesson, which was not advised, and told no by the teacher. Hermione of course didn't listen, but there was a reason. Hermione began making the potion, and when she finished it, so confident she didn't even test it, she drunk it. But something happened, it didn't work. She couldn't get the reaction she wanted there was no reaction. At least that's what she thought. Later that day, after she gave up, walking down the hallway way, she heard a kid yell 'stop' suddenly Hermione couldn't move. That's when it hits her, whatever she had Concord up in her room, was forcing her to obey everyone's orders, no matter what. Maybe with enough time, she can fix this before someone finds out, that they could mess with her. Willing to play many, many different guys for this one, she could end up being the school whore after there done.
(Non-con, pet play, humiliation, gangbangs)
Azula put in her place
So I was thinking something with avatar the last air bender. Azula to be Specific. So the idea is real simple, Azula The princess of the fire nation gets taught a lesson in respect. I imagine this around sometime in season three if you remember the show? I was thinking After killing the avatar, she gets some sort of high ground. In her mind She did something her brother, father or grandfather couldn't do and that's kill the avatar. That along with Di lee agents she loses respect for her father. After a Incident ( Something we can discuss more detail) Her father had enough. One night when she's sleeping he has her captured and Restrained. Of course this could Involve any kink you like or any cannon character you like? I also like the idea Toph being captured. They break her down, humiliate her. Fore her to dress like a Child, a pacifier in her mouth etc....
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lancerious · 2 years
For the character bingo thing, King, Queen and Lancer
All right, I'll just do these one at a time:
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So first off...King. I'm going to keep this short because I could honestly go on a full rant about this...King is critically underrated and misunderstood by the MAJORITY of the Deltarune community, NOT all. I see a fair amount of folks actively dislike King or even outright despise him, which I don't really understand. King's not the best character morally, but he's not the worst character Toby Fox has created either. There's likely a lot more to him than we currently know. There's also a few people who misdraw King, such as presenting the blue part of his face as being a hood, suggesting the spade part of his face is mask of sorts, drawing King as if he has fur, etc. From what I can tell, this sort of thing isn't as extreme or common with King as it is with another certain character, but I'll get to him later. That explains most of the Bingo squares I put x's in. And the ships involving King don't...make sense. I'm not trying to condemn anyone who ships King with other characters, as it's a major part of the UT/DR community and there's no rule stopping anyone from doing so. But from a logical, game-presenting perspective, I see no ship that makes any sense at all. That, and I don't ship characters together, so I'm more inclined to reject shipping as a whole. This explains the last couple squares I filled in.
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Boy, this is likely going to ignite some flames...I'm not a major fan of Queen. It's not that she's a bad character. I do find some aspects of Queen fairly unique and interesting, such as her dialogue and her protectiveness of Noelle. But I never felt interested in her. I never wanted to sit down and go into brainstorming mode regarding her. In my opinion, she's overrated and is in Chapter 2 too much. She also seemed a lot less...threatening as a villain. She never intimidated me at all, whereas King did. There's just wasted potential with her. Yeah, my opinions about Queen are likely very controversial compared to what others think. I don't have anything else to say about her, so...next!
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WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT WE HAVE A BINGO! Where to begin...Lancer is my all-time favorite Deltarune character, hands-down. I love every single thing about him. There is nothing wrong with him whatsoever. He has never done a single bad thing, ever. The one issue I have with him lies within the Deltarune community...again, not every single person does this, but like King, people often depict Lancer as...not being the character he actually is. Some misrepresent his appearance. Some examples would be the same examples I used for King. This...drives me bonkers. I can't stand it. And there are apparently some people who even ship Lancer with other characters...I LITERALLY did not know about this until a friend of mine told me. Just...why? Lancer's a CHILD...probably ten years old maximum. Shipping him with other characters is not right at all...and THEN there are some people who depict Lancer as being younger than he seems to be, like toddler age. I'm pretty sure Lancer's not a toddler...he displays awareness, intelligence, and emotions a toddler does not possess. Anyway, Lancer rules, best Deltarune character ever, the end. I'm highly considering writing a similar essay with Lancer like the one I did for King, because I could go on about this bouncy little pumpkin for ages. But I'll leave it here for now.
Keep in mind that this is all my opinion...you have every right to have a different opinion. That's part of why so many different types of characters exist in the Deltarune universe...there are characters who suit everyone.
Thanks for the suggestions, Anon! These were fun to do, and feel free to send in more :)!
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