#(impulse found a pocket watch on the floor and is giving to Bdubs)
psychic-anxiety · 1 year
Limited Life Playground
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ApartmentAU Masterpost 2:
Link to Previous: https://hermitcraftheadcanons.tumblr.com/post/617100021235662848/apartment-au-masterpost-everyone-lives-in-an
-Aswell as being the landlord, Xisuma is a bee keeper!
-While the top floor of the apartment IS very rundown, Xbs room is super stark from the rest of the hallway! I imagine it being super homy and welcoming despite everything else around it.
-I think x’s bees are on top of the appt where there is a roof garden. 👉👈
-Joe and Cleo's apartments are right next to each other, and if they end up showering at the same time they sing over dramatic shower duets (much to the annoyance of all the other hermits. those walls are thin.)
-The map district is just an old printer they have in the basement. When Cleo went to write the Herald on the computer there she found the Mumbo for Mayor file and had to report about it! (-🤔)
-Grian is actually a really great cook! he doesn’t cook for others very often but when he does he tends to get a lot of compliments (based on the fact that irl grian is a good cook, according to ren). In stark constrast, X is a very poor cook. Not in the ‘burns everything he touches’ kind of way, but in the ‘most bland and underwhelming chicken you’ve ever tasted in your life’ way -sapph
-oh, the hermits DEF get "Hamilton but everyone is played by Impulse". they get it every day. usually late at night or at 7 am sharp.
-Once Grian messes up and got a ton of eggs, and instead of returning them, he just did them around the others apartments and claimed it wasn’t him.
-In regards of that post of Jellie sneaking out of Scar's room. A hermit has probably tried to reenact that video of that russian guy ["Mooommm there's a weird cat outside! Looks like grandma the f*king thing!] Whenever they see Jellie just chilling on their window or at their door. -Dott.
-Grian plays saxophone; it started as a new way to annoy the other Hermits but he's actually gotten quite good at it.
-Hypno has a collection of old pocket watches.
-Joe answers any question asked within earshot. He is generally correct, even when the questions are oddly specific or about concerning topics. Sometimes he knows more about the mafia and gang stuff than actual members. When questioned on how he knows this, he cites reading books, sometimes specifically his time in Keralis' library, even when Keralis knows he doesn't have books that say that. His answers are also frequently very confusing and absurd, and make less sense the more you think about it. The hermits learned to not think too much about his answers after a while.
-Keralis and Xisuma still have the lookie lookie at my alpaca store but the alpacas are actually giant stuffed alpacas. Some hermits are too short to reach the bags on the alpacas and need to ride them to purchase stuff. Occasionally Keralis places an alpaca peeking out of a dark corner of someone's room if they accidentally leave their door unlocked. It scares the life out of Bdubs every single time.
-Joe will generally correctly answer any questions within earshot, and any means /any/. he usually won't crack if you're chatting with him directly, but sometimes when overhearing theorizing & murmurs in the halls, he /will/ pop in to spill the tea. tl;dr: hc that joe is lowkey a gossip.
-TFC has an assortment of different gems and cool looking stones in his room and if a Hermit asks where he got a specific one, he gives a unique story for it.
-zed’s “cave of contraptions” in the basement is a lot less..... sinister-looking when you actually turn the light on. It’s just a messy spare room with random parts, discarded or failed projects in random spots, and some magic kits. One time when he took a hermit down there, he just ended up making them watch him do card tricks for a half hour. -sapph
-Jevin when he cooks somehow always end up with either Jello or an other type of gelatinous meal. He once tried baking and made wiggly cookies. Nobody knows how he did it.
-Jessassin lived in the complex, but far away from the others. He was (obviously) one of the assassins from a gang, but nobody knows. He sneaky.
(All those reds are from anons!)
-The hermits' bases are actually lego sets. (With some exceptions like Iskall's omega tree of doom being a bonsai tree etc.) (-@smolpotato187.)
-Hermits always have a game night every week and the most popular game is DND. Xisuma is the dungeon master.
-Grian loves to hide at the stairwell of the apartment cause whenever he sings his voice echoes. Ren and Wels also does the same but they prefer to sing in their own rooms.
-Stress's room is at the same hall as the Grian, Mumbo, and Iskall. Stress being a sweetheart sometimes brings cookies to the boys' doors and help them around. Since she is on that hall, she is already used to Grian's pranks, Mumbo's spoon moments and yes, Iskall sneaking around in her room.
-Since Grian sings a lot on the stairwell and his voice echoes, I can imagine someone waking up in the middle of the night getting spooked cause they are hearing ‘disembodied voices’ in the air. 
-Cleo is v awkward on her own and gives pep talks to herself every morning and pats her own back bfore she goes to bed. This is to ensure she always has some good quality conversation with any hermits she encounters.
-As a callback to s6 build-off, Stress’ room is in-between Grian’s and Mumbo’s, and occasionally the two boys would hear singing from Stress’ room. Too bad Iskall misses out on it.
-Maybe false is good at fencing? I don't watch her, but I know she's good at PvP.
-Speaking of time (the hypno one) maybe the apartments are separated according to their timezones? This may not work based on previous asks or just better ideas, but it did pop in into my head.
-Maybe Iskall doesn't have a robot eye thing on his face, but rather a pair of glasses, of which one of the lens' is coloured blue. He liked the look of it so much that when he got a new pair of glasses, he ordered for one side to be green. Either that or he comissioned some kind of futuristic monocle for the hell of it. (-@oh-hecc-im-stupid-af.)
-TFC is a retired coal-miner. (-@tomcatacaphe)
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