#(impatient self-absorbed and generally volatile)
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 11 months ago
I've been thinking about what the Nimona characters would be doing after the events of the movie and have decided that Ambrosius, after all the pressure that had been on him to maintain this big public image and have a huge career and be a rich successful icon, I have decided that he would be a Stay At Home Dad and nobody can tell me different. He'd adopt some adorable child/ren with Ballister and he would spend his days building a family and a household filled with the warmth, love, and intimacy that he lacked growing up.
He wouldn't have to deal with the normal issues with that lifestyle bc he comes from a stupid rich family which eliminates the financial danger of becoming a SAHD, and we all KNOW Ballister would NOT be some incompetent father!! He would recognize his husband's rewarding but exhausting labor for what it was and share household responsibilities whenever possible and be an active and involved parent and husband ‼️Also Ballister would still cook because his Rich Kid Husband cannot be trusted!! They are partners in life fr
I am just giddy at the thought of Ambrosius planning out crafts and other activities for his kid(s) and finally, finally getting to live in peace. Ballister is the one who craved adventure and honor, Ambrosius just wanted to love his family. He deserves it 💛
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tcmpcral · 4 years ago
that one animal personality quiz
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Small to medium size • Attractive • Mischievous • Flirtatious • Conceited • Untrustworthy SCIENTIFIC NAME: Mustela nivalis COLLECTIVE TERM: A sneak of weasels
Weasel personalities are closely related to badgers and skunks and are suave and disarmingly charming. With their quick minds and lithe physiques they might appear to be promising companions, but are notorious for the Machiavellian streak that underscores their personalities.
Their behavior is motivated by the fact that they are one of the world's smallest carnivores, and while lions and wolves may be able to afford a direct approach in acquiring resources the smaller personality of the weasel requires more devious tactics. Its survival strategy is based on the manipulation of others and it uses charm as its chief weapon.
Weasels lack the emotional and spiritual maturity found in the larger carnivores. They are masters of chaos and their above average intelligence allows them to think fast on their feet. This is why weasels are attracted to unorthodox environments, where their quick minds are able to take advantage of rapidly changing situations and they'll always emerge with more than their fair share of the booty. They share the same ambitious streak as their cousin the beaver, but their distaste for hard work has them behaving more like their devious skunk relatives.
Weasels will disguise their intelligence when they believe it to be in their best interest. Natural liars, their earnest persuasions make it difficult to discern their true motives. They have no internal moral struggle with their behavior, since they believe that the end justifies the means – which is why weasels are natural politicians.
Weasels have an uncanny knack of sensing weakness in others and will often team up with more successful animal personalities to gain their trust and milk them for all they're worth. These relationships are completely one sided... taking what they need, the weasel will scuttle off to find its next victim. Weasel lawyers are the essence of what is wrong with the justice system.
Weasels love to be the center of attention and often toy with the idea of becoming professional entertainers. However, their love for the craft is secondary to their love for themselves, so they usually never make it to the top as performers.
Weasels and their related species are the world's most widespread carnivores. They are extremely adaptable animals and are found throughout Asia, Europe, North America, and Africa.
Rumor has it that a weasel can make itself small enough to pass through a wedding ring. While this is difficult to prove, it has been shown that its skull can be pulled through a one-inch hole.
The weasel is a relentless killer. Courageous out of all proportion to its size, it is able to bring down a full-grown cottontail three times its own weight. Sometimes weasels will follow larger predators, wait for them to make the kill, and then scurry off with a piece of the prey.
The weasel's natural enemies are hawks, foxes, owls, and even domestic cats. Because of its reputation as a chicken killer, man has increasingly contributed to its diminishing numbers.
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Sex is an escape for the weasel, and although it has no shortage of willing partners, it favors connections with its preferred targets: badgers, prairie dogs, and wildcats.
The weasel lover is earnest and attentive and has an uncanny ability to make its partner feel as though he or she were the only person in the world. Its appealing shyness and disarming vulnerability heightens the illusion, but since honesty is an obstacle to its quest for sex, most partners remain unaware of this rascal's true intentions until they've met his wife and kids.
Weasels are suckers for sexiness and have a natural affinity for members of the cat family whose sensual movements and dangerous rhythms drive them crazy. If and when it comes to marriage, it is better suited to the shrew personality who can handle its elusive persona. Since weasels clash terribly with anyone who has the gumption to call them on their conniving ways; rhinos, elephants, and bears should be carefully avoided.
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Passionate • Dynamic • Determined • Untamable • Impatient SCIENTIFIC NAME: Equus burchelli COLLECTIVE TERM: A stripe of zebra
These strong shouldered quadrupeds are closely related to horse personalities, but since zebras evolved in the competitive environment of the African plains, they've developed a tougher exterior and more aggressive demeanor than their more domesticated cousins.
Those that come into contact with the zebra find it to be a powerfully loyal and intelligent friend. Its black and white nature shuns the gray zones of compromise, and its decided idealism is incapable of accepting defeat in an argument. Zebras find it difficult to be punctual when it comes to meeting commitments that have little value to them, and close examination of this trait reveals the subtle arrogance that pervades the zebra's personality.
While its behavior might be construed as selfish, the zebra is generally appalled to discover that others may perceive it to be egotistical, because zebras always expect to be given the benefit of the doubt. They are perpetually on the offensive when it comes to setting the record straight with regard to their motives.
Wild and untamable, zebras have quite an aggressive streak and their enormous self-confidence gives them an unusually swaggering gait. Quick to anger, a zebra's temper often gets the better of it and they are considered so volatile that even lion personalities will think twice before accosting them. However, they rarely initiate confrontations, and tend to be peaceable and self-contained if left alone. Zebras have a tendency to view the world in black and white and have a strong sense of right and wrong. Unlike their horse cousins, they are unwilling to be saddled with the burdens of others and insist that everyone carry his or her own weight.
Once the zebra's mind is made up, it is difficult to shift its position, which explains its reputation for stubbornness. This reputation is somewhat unfounded however, since the zebra's opinions are only formed after deliberate and logical consideration. This analytical thinking primes them for careers in science, engineering, accounting and football refereeing.
Zebras' strong sense of justice makes them ideal for careers in the legal system, including police work or law, while their ability to endure a long race might bring them success in politics. Their love for things tangible makes it unlikely that they'll excel in the arts, and a distaste for physical labor makes zebras largely unsuitable for blue-collar jobs.
Zebras are differentiated from horses and asses by the distinctive stripes on their bodies. Only recently settled was the debate about whether the zebra's stripes are white on black or black on white. (It has black stripes on a white background.)
Zebras are aggressive and protect themselves and their young when attacked. It is only herbivore known to use its teeth as weapons; a kick from its powerful hindquarters is quite capable shattering a lion's jaw.
A species of zebra known as the quagga has a sad story. Hunted into extinction by South African settlers in the mid-1800s, it was not until the last quagga was shot that anyone realized that it was even endangered. Zoos requesting replacement animals were shocked to be informed, "We can't seem to find any."
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You should never flirt with a zebra unless you mean it. This highly sexual beast is always on the lookout for a causal relationship and even an offhanded encouragement will stampede the zebra's libido into a full gallop. But zebras don't expect sex to provide them with any kind of meaningful relationship; it serves simply as a sensory indulgence to distract them from their busy and competitive lives.
There's no such thing as a wishy-washy relationship with a zebra, and although they have a rather blasé attitude toward sex, they always take their mating duties very seriously. But as a partner, they can prove to be a handful. Compliant enough when it comes to trivial issues, they tend to take unassailable stances on matters of family strategy... where the children go to school, how they are disciplined, and who will handle the purse strings are not issues for debate. The zebra knows best.
The challenge is to find a mate that can equal its intensity and ambition. Few animal personalities meet these standards however, and the zebra's best bet is with the herbivorous sable, horse, and deer personalities. Relationships with traditional rivals, including lions, tigers, and wolves should be avoided.
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Sensitive • Creative • Paranoid SCIENTIFIC NAME: Sorex araneus COLLECTIVE TERM: A lament of shrews
The diminutive shrew is the archetypal insectivore. Intelligent, thrifty and self-absorbed, it knows how to get what it wants regardless of who stands in its way. Cursed with an overactive metabolism, the shrew is unable to stand still for even a minute. Whether it's picking up the kids, shopping at a garage sale or poking its nose into other people's business, it just keeps going and going. If its outta-my-way attitude provokes resentment from friends, that's just too bad. A shrew's gotta do what a shrew's gotta do.
Sharing does not come naturally to shrews and they are typically the last to pay their share at a group dinner. It's not that shrews are greedy... it's rather that they're responding to a compulsive need to save for the future. In this respect they are much like their cousin the mouse personality, who take planning for the future to extremes.
With the conviction that it knows what's best for everyone, shrews are always ready with free advice. They seem to delight in butting into other people's private affairs. Sometimes the shrew turns this hobby into a career as a gossip columnist, movie critic, or TV evangelist, but more often than not, it retains its amateur status and practices on its long-suffering friends.
Because shrews are constantly on the move, careers that require concentration and sober thinking are unsuitable. They perform best in chaotic jobs and thrive on the unpredictability of disorder, making them natural production assistants, circus performers, wedding organizers or emergency room technicians.
Their predilection for collecting and organizing things would also make them good librarians and bookkeepers, while the desire to keep moving makes them suitable for any job requiring travel and creativity.
Shrews' sharp eyes have a knack for spotting the hole in the fence, and with their ability to make instant decisions they impetuously seize the moment and scuttle on through. Their smart mouths and high energy are put good use in the workplace, and they excel as salespeople and journalists, but sometimes their reputation precedes them and they encounter built-in resistance to their pitch even before they've opened their mouths.
The smallest of all mammals, shrews are pound for pound among the most belligerent creatures on earth. Also extremely nervous and sensitive, they have been rumored to die from the shock of a loud noise. In reality, they are remarkably resilient and are quite capable of handling the stresses of life near the bottom of the food chain.
Shrews live solitary lives among ground litter or in shallow tunnels. Their high-pitched squeaks suggest that they also use ultrasonics for echolocation, although not to the same degree as bats. Because of their high metabolic rates, shrews are constantly on the hunt for food, although basically insectivorous, they eat seeds, snails, worms, and even carrion. Although domestic cats will kill shrews, they will not eat them, perhaps because of the musk glands in each flank that emit a foul odor.
Journalist • Paramedic • Librarian • Salesperson • Actor Traveling • Computer games • Thrift store shopping
The shrew has an enviable set of bedpost notches, for when it comes to chatting up the opposite sex, they are exceptionally persuasive. They pride themselves on being able to talk anyone into a fling -- especially those torrid encounters of which the shrew is so fond. With no qualms about telling white lies, they have become so adept at these little falsehoods that they're prone to believing in them themselves. With its devilish sense of humor, the shrew will romance you with its witticisms and inspire you with its insights.
There's something about a shrew's sexuality that makes them seem younger than they really are. Perhaps it's their bright eyes, glossy hair, or excess makeup, but more likely it's that high energy level that reminds us of our youth.
A shrew should find a mate that is not threatened by its platonic relationships with its ex-mates. Partners with the tools to handle its bad self are drawn mainly from the insectivore family: porcupines, bats, prairie dogs, and mice, for these animated creatures all appreciate the challenges provided by the shrew's demons of tumult.
Life for a shrew is too brief to waste on failed relationships. The instant its marriage has problems, the shrew simply files for divorce and moves on.
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birdlingstarot · 5 years ago
Hey! I was wondering if i can get a general tarot reading about my relationship between me and my boyfriend (Nel), just like what's going between us and what needs to change. I'll send you a picture of us because your rules say is okay to do so, and maybe it will help you more. Thank you! - Valentina 🌻
Hello  🌻 Valentina!
A little birdie told me this 🕊
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What represents your relationship currently? XLIV - The Box
This relationship has a great potential. However, the shine of the relationship is being limited, be it through others’ opinions, both of your opinions, what is believed to be the norm etc. This relationship is being played out using what you know or expect to work consciously or subconsciously. This resulted in limiting the potential of the relationship. 
The relationship could potentially become boring or lack the passion you and/or your partner hope to have in a romantic relationship. Try something new together. Remember that the relationship is between both of you. Are the expectations of your relationship formed from both of you or are they rooted from a source outside of your relationship.
Communicate with each other on what makes each of you happy, ticked off and the like. Be open to each other. Make sure that what you do for your partner is what makes your partner happy not what you expect would make your partner happy. 
To put in an example for better explanation, it’s like you bringing your partner out to a high class restaurant because you believe that it is romantic and sure it does make your partner happy but they would be happier if both of you have a candlelight dinner at home prepared by the both of you together instead.
This would help igniting more passion into the relationship as one/both of you might feel that the relationship is lacking.
Through this, your partner would out in more effort into the relationship to woo the other to reciprocate the affection.
What does 🌻 Valentina wants in this relationship? Frog, Lamb and Rabbit
You want someone who can be your pillar of support especially during tough times. A relationship where you are not afraid of being vulnerable in. You want someone who is attentive to you and listens to you, be it happy moments or sad/ angry moments. Slightly docile as well. Sensitive to your emotions and takes good care of you to sum it up slightly.
Nel could likely be someone with earth dominant with water following after in his natal chart if you are interested in astrology. 
(I am getting a feeling that Nel might have an earth sun and water moon, taurus energy too, he likely likes the finer things in life and does not mind splurging where he deem is worth it)
(I am also getting the feeling that you have air and water dominant in your chart, leo sun with air moon/ rising) [Please tell me if this is true, I’m trying to improve, thank you! :D]
You likely want someone energetic but drama-free, someone who provides you comfort when you are out of your comfort zone, be it trying new things or when you’re in a tough spot in your life as well as someone who would remind you to take care of yourself. 
You likely prefer men who leans more towards the hairy side of the spectrum when it comes to appearance. 
In addition, you would also like for them to be spiritual or at least someone who is open about spirituality one way or another.
You want someone who is able to provide you guidance gently and patiently. 
You might also need to be patient with your partner as here as they are likely one who would prefer to approach you after thinking things through while you might prefer to immediately have a discussion.
What does 🌻 Nel wants in this relationship? Crocodile; Son (Knight) of Cups, 10 of Swords, Son (Knight) of Swords, 8 of Wands and 4 of Pentacles
Please prepare yourself 🌻 Valentina. Please read through this entirety before overthinking.
Nel is likely still thinking about his past relationship, this could be romantic, platonic, family etc. However, this person affected him a lot and could still be in contact with him currently.
He wants someone that does not lash out suddenly but is able to snap him out of himself when he got too absorb in the past. He wants someone strong and firm with him in this regards. as he is still has quite a bit to learn regarding emotional stability. 
He is likely someone who prefers to keep to themselves when he has a problem and overthinks. This makes himself the worst enermy to him, which is when you come in. He wants someone who can get him moving.
For example:
Him: *Brooding and overthinking about someone with millions of potential scenarios* 
You: Snap, snap boy! Get your shit together, it ain’t a big deal and you don’t know hoe it’ll end if you never start. 
Him: But...
You: JUST DO IT!!!! 
Him: A’ight girl, I’m moving, I’m moving.
You: FASTER!!!!
Something like that.
He’d likely have a plan put together after a while of pondering on the problem but needs the push to get started in implementing it.
He’s likely someone who is creative artistically and could be surprisingly passionate about things which could come off as a surprise as he tends to protray a much more toned down when speaking about his passion. He’d be happy if you could recognise them and praise him. (He might try to be cool about your praise but he’s jumping right up cloud by cloud to cloud nine internally)
He likes to be in control and panics if he’s not, especially when it comes to the materialistic world. He would like someone who can calm him down and supprot him when that happens. He likely needs to learn to let go of control and let things flow. 
What does 🌻 Valentina needs in this relationship? Mother of Cups, Judgement, 6 of Pentacles and 2 of Cups
You need a someone who is emotionally mature and is able to provide tender comfort, hugs, when you don’t feel the best. Preferably, those that listens to you ranting, crying and be like ‘it’s okay babe’ type compared to the solving all your issues/ being a ‘professional’ problem-solver, at least initially. After a while, if the problem persist than he would sit down with you to discuss how to tackle the problem together.
You should get hugs. You’ll feel better with hugs.
You need someone who have strong morals and objective, especially during tough times when your feelings are more volatile. Someone’s whose able to stay calm and logical and provide guidance in tough times. 
10 and 2 might be numbers you’d like to take note of if they are repetitive during certain periods, especially 1010. 
You need someone committed in the relationship who’s not playing around and someone you can connect to on the emotional level. 
In addition, your relationship should not progress too fast. You are likely to be impatient and wants immediate results but you should slow down.
Your relationship should grow like a plant, carefully and tenderly and overtime, bears fruits and flowers. Recognize the smaller things and be grateful to them, don’t let expectations shift your attention from them. Enjoy the journey and you’ll find happiness closer than you think. 
What does 🌻 Nel needs in this relationship? Temperance, Ace of Sups, 4 of Swords
He needs someone to balance him out in the relationship, someone opposite to him is ideal. For instance, when he gets too inactive in the physical world, he needs someone who could toss him out of whatever hole he’s in and get moving or if he gets too panicky about a situation, he needs someone who’s chill in that situation. Generally, someone to bring him back into balance when he gets too extreme in any particular situation.
He needs someone who is like a breath of fresh air to him or rather, he needs to recognize that you are a different person compared to whoever he is very affected by back when we were speaking about in what he wants in this relationship. 
He needs someone who is mentally strong who can help him improve mentally. Again, he tends to overthink and make a small issue seem much larger than it is which could very likely leads to self-deprecating. 
Remember all these stated is vice versa, both of you can and should improve together, this is stated in the generally manner of things, especially when things get tough for one or both of you.
Remember it’s:
Both of you VS Issue
You VS Him
Sit down, sip some good tea and discuss the issue. Write points down and address them if that helps.
Advice for 🌻 Valentina:
Helping her boyfriend 17 Minimus, 24 Paradisiacal, 6 Epiphany
Guide him through his tough times through discussions. Help him find the source of the issue that is bothering him and discuss methods to help/ solve the issue as likely he would have trouble identifying the source.
Be yourself not what you expect what he wants you to be. It is definitely understandable that both of you want to be as perfect as possible to each other but don’t compromise your unique qualities because they are amazing. They are, in fact, one of the most effective and unconscious efforts to bring him to recognize that you are not someone else and to not associate you with someone else. Be confident in your own skin!
Words of affirmations and hugs for him, especially since he’d have a tendency to degrade himself mentally. Smack your affection and how you view him into his face and shove it down his throat. He needs to know how amazing he is and you are happy to be with him but will be happier if he recognize more of his worth. Scream it at him. Text him. Leave notes. Attack him with hugs and kisses. Whatever that both of you fancy. Don’t go too crazy though. (Don’t take the screaming advice, it’s not advice but if it works go ahead)
On yourself: 5 Gilded Regret
Accept the past for what’s it to be. It’s alright to think about the past but remember the past is the past. Be it yours or his. Don’t let it linger and affect you, him and/or your relationship because of what has already left. 
This is applicable to your boyfriend as well.
To improve this relationship: 
43 Owl Spirit - You see clearly now
Quiet down and observe. You already know what’s needs to be done. You can see it clearly and not through a fog now. You have the power to see things clearly and decide. 
You hold power here. You are the empress here. You know the wise decision. Don’t rush, don’t panic. 
Simply observe and you’ll know. Be objective and listen to your intuition.
57 Squirrel Spirit - Believe in yourself
Be confident. Don’t keep relying on others. It’s good to hear opinions but they shouldn’t be the foundation of your actions or how you see your relationship or anything connected to your relationship to be. They should only provide another view to look at the situation.
You know best here. Accept and see different views before acting. Trust yourself and what your intuition and mind tells you.
28 Frog Spirit - Clear out the clutter
Don’t cling on to what’s not there. 
Release what needs to be. Communicate with your boyfriend and understand each other. What is it about each other that has changed? Observe and learn to accept them. 
Don’t bring the past into your relationship. Look at the present and the future, they are more important and requires both of your attention, not the past.
Understand where the foundation of your relationship lies. Understand what keeps the relationship strong and what weakens the relationship.
You do not need to toss out what weakens the relationship but communicate and improve on the weaknesses and create something out of them to strengthen your relationship. Once done, be grateful and release what is then in the past.
Don;t play games. Don’t explode. 
Calmly present your emotions and wear your heart on your sleeve.
25 Elephant Spirit - Learn from the past
Again, learn from the past but don’t hold on to them. Appreciate what had happen and let them go.
Don’t let the past affect your emotions and the relationship.
Build on the past but never linger too long. 
The past is like a museum, something to be appreciated from time to time but never affecting you more than what it had already did.
The divine spirit guides are guiding you, don’t worry.
35 Koala Spirit - Spirit has a plan
Do not worry, the divine spirit guides are guiding you, lighting your way however small the light might be. Don’t panic when things doesn’t seem to be going as expected or if something seems off. 
Make sure to separate what came about from overthinking or rose-coloured glasses from the truth of things.
26 Flamingo Spirit - Embrace the in-between
Learn to appreciate even the smallest of things. 
Learn to appreciate the good side in every bad situation and the bad side in every good situation. 
Appreciate what is between the both of you. It is something beautiful and should be treated with respect and kindness. 
It’s the little things, you know. People tend to forget that. 
Bring them into your daily life. 
Oh, you cooked? Thank you, it’s amazing.
Oh, tired? You’d worked hard.
You washed the dishes? Thank you, that’s very thoughtful of you.
Love even the smallest of things and you’ll be surprised at how much love can be accumulated. Every little counts, right?
Anything you feel even remotely about, say it. Communicate it. Don’t let them be stored within you. You should share what the other had done that made you happy. Cheesy? Probably. Worth it? Damn straight it is. Sharing is caring.
4 Badger Spirit - Be fearless and bold
Be confident. Trust yourself and your intuition. Step up to initiate something. The box we mentioned that represents your relationship has many layers. It’s time to break them to shine greater. 
Don’t limit yourself. Don’t limit the potential. 
It can be destabilizing but what’s good doesn’t come cheap. 
We always say that the more challenges you’d overcome, the stronger you are. We can say the same with any relationship. Always remember that in this relationship, you overcome the hurdles together not separately. Work together, not against each other.
I believe that you already understood the areas you can improve on in this relationship. All the best to the both of you! May this relationship blossom beautifully. (Remember to tend to the weeds, water it and love and care for it)
If you require more assistance, please feel free to ring our doorbell again! 
We hope this had helped you, 🌻 Valentina!
For now, the little birdie shall return home 🏡 ~ Ring our doorbell whenever!
Rest well 💤 ~
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astrognossienne · 6 years ago
🦀 cancer moons 🦀
aries sun/cancer moon: angry and sensitive as hell, super protective, temperamental, childish, impatient, independent, clannish, devoted, romantic, self-centered yet sympathetic, charismatic, genuine, actually says the right thing at the right time, seductive, more concerned for themselves than they are for other people, prone to bitterness and depression if they’re critiqued or otherwise not embraced, very proud, subjective, takes themselves quite seriously, wants security and adventure, brooding, spiteful, overreacts a lot, volatile, full of petulant fury, dramatic, poetic, needs to belong yet needs to be different, creative, great and often legendary voices, moody, unstable, ultra-defensive, enthusiastic, an uncanny knack for capturing the imagination of others, moved by the whims of the public yet sees themselves as mavericks, easily invites resistance and conflict, too attached to their own views, great motivators, natural leaders
taurus sun/cancer moon: EXCELLENT business and economic sense, the most perfect parents out of them all, obstinate, stubborn, introverted, prejudiced, if they don’t experience it then they don’t care/it doesn’t exist, determined, sensitive, likes to be well thought of, means well, is a rock, sacrificing, mature most of the time, immense sense of gravitas and dignity, is a genuinely good and giving person, can be surprisingly cold and insensitive to their loved ones’ feelings, self-absorbed, hypocritical, moody, values people outside their circle more than the ones in it yet ironically is “all about family”, seeks to retreat to the secure and familiar, gets stuck in ruts, obsessed with genealogy and tracing their family history, likes being in the house, great provider fro their families, believes in practical material support rather than emotional, a sweetheart, much put upon, takes a lot of shit from others, often taken for granted, full of integrity, very patient and accommodating but don’t push them, can be surprisingly volatile, the most understating people on the face of this earth, cinnamon rolls who should be protected and defended at all costs
gemini sun/cancer moon: friendly, chatty. kind, receptive minds, sympathetic ears, private and cautious but has a great interest in people, super nervous, tends to spread themselves too thin, more than likely has great relationships with their siblings, over-sensitivity to criticism, defensive, falls in love easily but apprehensively, moody and doesn’t understand where their feelings come from, expressive, never settling for long, insatiably curious, quick-witted, charming, sympathetic, very warm and welcoming to others, ultra-sociable, has a light-hearted human touch which is well respected and appreciated, worries about small things, can become the neighborhood gossip, nosy, petty, childlike, restless and often uncertain, won’t be content unless they have something and someone that truly absorbs them utterly, desperately needs discipline, both a people and a private person, can be emotionally biased, quick learners, has a well-developed sixth sense about a lot of things
double cancer: whoa nelly...lol, hypersensitive, tenacious, imaginative, expressive, manipulative, petty, childish, excellent at business and making money in general, at the mercy of their moods and emotions, perceptive, defensive, narrow-minded, attached to the past, selfish, clannish, secretive, shrewd, craves sympathy and understanding, annoyingly cautious, goes into their shell a lot, needs to realize that not everything is a slight or insult, often unnecessarily vicious, nurtures and protects and expects nurturing and protection in return, crabby, clingy, often is misunderstood, needs to feel safe and secure, cagey, super nutty, these people are not for those who deal in logic and like to make sense of the world, they deal in emotions, may need to open up a bit and not let subjective prejudices cloud their judgment, needs protection always but also needs to learn that no one and nothing can fully protect them from life and they have to deal just like everyone else does
leo sun/cancer moon: ardent, generous, touchy as hell, VERY self-absorbed, open to others’ experiences, sexy, enigmatic, vulnerable, loyal, SUPER dramatic, childish, needy, requires validation almost all the time, romantic, loves to be loved, sincere, whoever falls in love with them with definitely have their work cut out needs someone who can deal with their passionate and possessive nature, emotional, sulks when they don’t get their way, vulnerable, hugely creative spirit, overreacts when hurt, resilient and bounces back with every setback, robust, gives as good as they get, engages with their lover powerfully, enjoys being a little complex and likes being “figured out” when they’re in a bad mood, takes risks, the classic romantics, home is their sanctuary, individualistic, big-hearted, sociable, understanding, hard to deal with and even harder to live with, can’t seem to keep a lover long-term, strong aesthetic sensitivity, high standards, a tad haughty, a bit overpowering at times, wants to be center stage and have domestic security, big personalities, definitely interesting creatures if nothing else
virgo sun/cancer moon: quick-thinking, intuitive, practical, sensitive, mindful, principled but flexible, the “mom” friend, nagging, nervous, defensive, fussy and worrisome, self-reflective, conscientious, sweats the small stuff, petty, approachable, has a need to better others’ lives, their frazzled mental state can often leave them depleted and withdrawn, pedantic, finicky,overly cautious, discreet, wallflowers, quiet generosity, loyal to family and friends, loves to bitch and moan, whiny, self-pitying, gets stuck in ruts, if they feel ignored they get  insecure and terribly hurt, needs someone with whom they can communicate intelligently and trust emotionally, their personality is a blend of logic and imagination, moody, considerate, affectionate, supportive, seems self-sufficient but high-key wants a hug, gets involved in a lot of misunderstandings, very touchy and precious, prone to anxiety, warmer than the average virgo
libra sun/cancer moon: sensitive, emotional, entertaining, adaptable, moody, artistic, romantic, musical, talkative, nervous, intellectually curious, warm, devoted friends, you can actually tug at their heartstrings, likes to think of themselves as impartial and fair yet can be envious and in their feelings when others trigger them (which is often), probably knows how to put their best foot forward, uses their intuition to protect themselves from disharmony, torn between their feelings/sentimentality and their need for reasonable and clear-headed relationships, sociable, has a quiet individualism, respects the rights of others, DETESTS injustice of any kind, resentful, deplores unkindness, other people affect them in a very strong way, tends to romanticize people, gets hurt easily, gets whiny and self-pitying when people don’t look after them in the “right” way, needs a harmonious home life, has an overwhelming desire to please others, more compassionate and timid than the average libra,
scorpio sun/cancer moon: has very STRONG feelings, really hard to get along with, dealing with them is like walking on a minefield, has a desire to make their own mark on the world, self-assertive, great when it comes to giving people what they want, ambitious, intuitive, resilient, nurtures the downtrodden, often reacts irrationally, combines self-interest and ruthless decision making with traditional family values, not very rational yet can be quite shrewd, strongly sentimental, family-oriented, would make the most devoted mothers, nosy yet wants others to mind their business when it comes to them, hypocritical, super sensitive to the point of being unnecessarily vicious, crappy way of communicating, clannish, charismatic, tough, tender, deep wells of strength especially in times of crisis, sexy, deeply subjective, emotionally egocentric, wants the world to come to them instead of reaching out, can be demanding and obsessive, SUPER manipulative, serene and self-sufficient, profoundly perceptive, deeply empathetic, magnetic, sensual, needs emotional security, very possessive, wants revenge for past slights, has a quiet concern and compassion for others, a very instinctual creature
sagittarius sun/cancer moon: BIG TIME feelings, super expansive, loves to laugh and is absolutely HILARIOUS, enthusiastic, sensitive, prophetic, dramatic, full of pizzazz, great personalities more often than not, naturally magnetic, genuinely persuasive, moody, torn between pity and scorn for everyone including themselves yet has tremendous FAITH, adaptable, has great zest for life and appeal, fiercely assertive yet gently caring, thrives through contact with other people and making new connections, can be a bit private, self-absorbed, optimistic, will throw themselves into any experience at least once, trustingly naive and may be taken for a fool, can go to behavioural extremes, excellent motivators, friends and teachers, needs emotional stimulation and can’t stomach boredom, needs someone who can capture their wild imagination, put up with their moods and appreciate their love for variety, can be a hard worker, charismatic but actually knows how to use it, GREAT to party with, hates to be tied down, needs the freedom to explore and a home to come back to, really emotional and a romantic with it, surprisingly intuitive for a sagittarius, everywhere is home for these characters, an absolute joy to be around
capricorn sun/cancer moon: considerate, responsible, maternal, shrewd, strong family person, professional, supremely competent, doesn’t know whether to be self-controlled or let their feelings flow, loves nature, kind and supportive, self-absorbed, creative, relationships are important to them (even if they don’t admit it), tends to close off from others when they feel slighted, when evolved they’re highly sensitive to the needs of others, practical, concerned for the welfare of others, loyal, overly sensitive to others’ moods while suffering wild mood swings themselves, takes criticism personally, loners, conflicted between being tough and being tender, deeply engaged yet very distant, hardworking, great at getting the best out of people, naturally insightful, gentle disciplinarians, introverted, patient, not interested in fast-paced highly-charged relationships, over-sensitive and cautious, good business sense, romantic, values security and continuity, needs roots, can be over-nurturing and protecting, needs admiration and respect, needs to be needed, the sweetest capricorn
aquarius sun/cancer moon: hypocritical, self-righteous, loves to be in their damn feelings even though they don’t think they are, loves to live in and constantly bring up the past, can be pretty basic, naive, friendly, seemingly cool on the surface yet trusting, clannish, possessive, and vulnerable on the inside, one of those annoying sjws, unconsciously prejudiced, needs a lot of affection and a sense of belonging to a greater collective, thinks they’re objective when they really are driven by feelings, likes to help others, is as traditional as they are progressive, secretly romantic, needs human interaction for their very wellbeing, intelligently kind, far-reachingly imaginative, thinks they’re independent but they’re really controlled by their old behavioural patterns more than they care to admit, paradoxical because they can be moved to tears by someone’s plight yet quite indifferent to their nearest and dearest if they’re too cloying, rationalizes everything, emotionally immature, not easy to live with, when they’re at peace with themselves however they can actually be pleasant people to be around, hands down the most emotional aquarius
pisces sun/cancer moon: ultra-sensitive, cagey, defensive, wily, versatile, retiring, socially aware, great mimics, timid, poetic, caring, emotional, needs to be loved, fears getting hurt yet they’re more emotionally resilient than they think they are, quiet, unobtrusive, instinctively giving but gets resentful when their giving nature isn’t appreciated or reciprocated, warm-hearted, genuinely compassionate, truly understanding, wants to be closely involved with others and is very psychic, sweethearts more often than not, moody, hard to understand, romantic, easily malleable to more stronger personalities, impressionable, colourful, dramatic, childish, weak-willed, manipulative, needy, doormats, martyrs, generous, can be smothering and nurturing, early in life they figure out ways of getting what they want, wants to simultaneously rush into love with arms outstretched yet hide under a rock, unreasonable sometimes (usually when they try to communicate), artistic, tends to give more than they get when it comes to love (or anything else), an emotional sponge that wears their heart on their sleeve
descriptions series
aries moon ◈ taurus moon ◈ gemini moon ◈ cancer moon ◈ leo moon ◈ virgo moon ◈ libra moon ◈ scorpio moon ◈ sagittarius moon ◈ capricorn moon ◈ aquarius moon ◈ pisces moon
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inamorata-botanist · 5 years ago
absent-minded | abusive | addict | adrenaline junkie | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | angsty | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly loyal | blunt | bossy | brooding | callous | childish | chronic heroism | cheater | clingy | closed off | clumsy | cocky | codependent | cold | competitive | controlling | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | deceptive | delinquent | dependent | depressed | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | fixated | flaky | frail | fraudulent | foul mouthed | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | (one sided) gossiper | gruff | grudge holding | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | infamous | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | neglectful | nervous | nosy | ornery | outsider | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | possessive | practical | pushover | rebellious | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigid | rude | sadistic | sarcastic | selfish | self-absorbed | self-destructive | self-martyr | shallow | skeptic | smart-ass | snobby | softhearted | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | suspicious | taciturn | tactless | temperamental | timid | thief | traitorous | trouble-maker | trust issues | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | volatile | wasteful | withdrawn | workaholic
Bold what applies. Italicize what sort of applies.
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