#(idk if he has a tag actually! he might be too old of an oc)
unikhroma · 12 days
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various silly alignment charts i did of my ocs. i edited the last one though lol
i don't have a link for all of these but i'll put the ones that i do have: 1, 3, 4
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chaotixdragon · 3 months
This AU consists of three main archs (with a fourth being planned for the future) :
-Lost Light
- (Earthspark)
I'm still thinking of an acronym for my AU but I'm thinking it might be TFAM? idk,,,
Prologue follows Atlas! My very obvious self-insert OC (lol). He's a human who was saved by Optimus then basically adopted by Team Prime. He gets kidnapped by Starscream (who uses him as a bargaining tool to get back into the Decepticons after getting kicked out because of his shenanigans) half way through the story and learns about the war from both perspectives, and learns a lot about Starscream.
Well Starscream realizes (with some Atlas therapy) that Megatron kinda sucks when he's on Chaos Lean so he should dump his ass, and basically gives Atlas back to Optimus, which almost gets him killed and he goes into hiding. (It's much more dramatic, I can always write short stories for these scenes if anyone is interested.)
Everything in TFP (except the parts with the OG humans cause I cut em out) happens as usual.
But Atlas is on Earth, and realizes, "Shit, if these guys go back to Cybertron, I won't have anyone..." So he says FUCK IT, ROBO TIME.
He then spends the next five years (between TFP and the movie) building a body. He uses parts from a vehicon, (not Steve don't worry), Dreadwing, and car parts from an old 1998 Subaru Impreza he found in a car dump. Using Shockwave's tech, and some help from Ratchet who begrudgingly agreed to help him, he basically Frankensteined himself into this body and became the first artificial Human/Cybertronian crossbreed? thing.
He cleans up some loose ends on Earth (mainly evidence of his existence and some evidence of the Cybertronians' existence) then GOES TO THE MOON (with wheeljack, who picks him up and then takes him to Cybertron)
He learns that RATCHET DIDN'T TELL HIM THAT OPTIMUS DIED and he's sparkbroken :(
Ratchet was too though, Optimus and him were low key husbands.
Then we have AFTERMATH!
This was a dnd campaign I ran with one of my friends, I only had one actual player, who played Pierce-tail! The last of Shockwave's predacons, who he made to be a guard-dog for a small bunker he was hiding in on Cybertron after Megatron surrendered. The story follows Pierce-tail, who has mysterious magical powers that nobody can explain, and his fight to save Cybertron and Earth from Shockwave and Tarn, who've teamed up to rebuild the Decepticon army and colonize Earth.
Spoiler alert, Pierce-tail kills Shockwave and fights Tarn to the death and kills both Tarn and himself by literally exploding due to his powers overloading his frame and turning his spark into a nuke.
And then we have Lost Light!
Rodimus (Who was cryogenically frozen for a little while and didn't know the war ended), Ultra Magnus (who was retired from being Cybertron's ruler because he got too power-hungry and racist) and Megatron (Who's taking extensive therapy and learning to be a good leader and prove himself as a worthy member of society with help of Atlas) take a crew of 40 members to find the LOST KNIGHTS OF CYBERTRON!
(It's basically a big dating sim for my three players.)
I'll do big plot updates on what happens in TFAM: Lost Light, but anybody who's interested in this AU, feel free to ask me any questions, I love getting asks! They make my day :3
Most of these ramblings I won't tag with the usual Transformers tags cause I don't wanna clog up the tag with my stuff ;-;
But this one I will!
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blitzkennedyrieg · 5 months
Hi! so i realised your very very underrated, no offense..
So, as a person who gets somewhat noticed, i will give you some tips.
#Hashtags jesus Christ they are important
A hashtag is something im sure all tumblr users or just most ppl on social media are.. they help connect people with things they enjoy and like, which brings more attention to posts. I realised you dont do much or any at all Hashtag(s) and unfortunately you kinda need to. Maybe about 20-30, i know that sounds like a lot but its relatively easy to make a hashtag. Put what your post is about in many many forms of saying it, and no you cant do the same hashtag, it doesn't work. But just say it in different ways multiple times. anything can be made into a hashtag and you'll see everything you make below. Just click then 20-30 more later. You'll probably get the attention you deserve.
when answering asks i notice a lot of people just put #Asks or #Ask as the only hashtag when answering someones ask..But..That probably wont work, just hashtag a lot about what its about, or what the person asked about instead of just putting #Ask or #Example name Asked..which also wont work if you're not remotely popular
Also, when it comes to oc's you might have to realize you probably wont get much attention. people are more interested in something they already know everything about, like pennywise..sorta. Im a pennywise fan, so my work about him gets popular, because it has a fandom, or spy, he has a fandom too! So there are more people to interact with it because they know about it, more than just and oc only you might know about.
I also wanna say it takes a little bit of time, and i see you are taking a little bit of time. So, i apologize if this was like, idk forcing? I would just like to see your art get more recommended or recognised because your art is absolutely amazing dude. Keep it going man!
(also i love both the pennywise(s) and spy art<33)
hello anon! thank you for the tips and compliments i actually appreciate them a lot <3 but the reason i don't really tag my posts is because i've been on tumblr for like 2+ years i think and my days of trying to become a recognised popular artist are kinda in the past
i think i deleted all my old posts but if they were still up you'd be able to tell i was trying to get seen because i did add like a bajillion tags. there was a point where i stopped adding as many tags because i was content with the like 5 people looking at my posts
i appreciate the attention i get with the tags i do add but most of the time i just tag my stuff for blog organisation purposes. especially when it comes to my like OCs and stuff i just tag them with their story name. it's mainly just for my mutuals and friends to see and if anyone else happens to be interested while looking through my blog then that's a plus
but thank you nonetheless :^)
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ladytauria · 10 months
hey liv sorry in advance i am nosy
dont be sorry! i enjoy nosy uwu
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
i was 12. my favorite tv show at the time was this old disney cartoon, "super robot monkey team hyper force go" (abbreviated as SRMTHFG or SRMTHG. i prefer the first but plenty of people use the second.) it was canceled after its 4th season and, uh. the ending was SO bad. like, major major cliffhanger.
anyway, i was looking up... i don't even remember at the time. and i discovered deviantart, and i discovered this person's OCs. read a lot about them, including some fanfic, and then eventually discovered fanfiction.net
i didn't realize what it was at first; i thought it was just a writing in general site? and i was like oh! i can share the book i'm working on! (i have been trying to write a novel since i was 10). and then as i was looking into where i would post it, i realized what it actually was. (no, the title didn't give it away. idk why.)
so then i was like oh!!! this is really cool actually!!! and i wrote my first fanfic xD
that was in 2011? so i was 12, almost 13.
and i've been reading & writing fic ever since~
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
okay so this is a tough question
bc like
i love love love love love second person.
*adore* it.
second person, present tense is my absolute fave, but past tense is good too. (i have written an entire sapphic little mermaid retelling [12k words i think] in second person. uh, it needs revisions but it's a full draft. i opened it it the other day and im still so proud of it uwu)
howEVER. outside of writing second person w/o ever explicitly naming the pov character i have not actually written a reader-insert? so for that reason alone i will have to say 'prefer writing oc's'
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
i'm a chronic oversharer (mostly in the tags) so that's kind of tough!
ah! since my grandmother's memory issues started, i've been doing about half of the cooking (it's been a bit of a battle, as she keeps trying to do everything xD) and i've cooked a lot of new things this year!! i've gotten very good at cooking pork chops. which 🤔 now that i bring that up, i might make friday! or tonight, but they're still in the freezer, so...
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
my grandmother's memory situation has improved a lot!! it's still not great, but like. strides ahead of where we were 7-8 months ago!
my anxiety has been much kinder to me this year <3 i've made some very lovely friends this year~
mmm, oH, my energy levels have been fantastic this year. i didn't realize just how bad they had gotten until i started these new meds, and now i'm just. <333 much better.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
idk if i have any unpopular opinions...? i mean. i'm sure i must, but... nothing immediately comes to mind ^^;
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
recently been trying to get in the habit of summarizing what i want to do before i start writing. it makes the process much easier, if ik a bit about what i want to do before going in?
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
i am much better at being patient than i ever gave myself credit for in the past <3
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
i can't think of one piece in particular, as the places i find inspiration are. all over the board?
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
picked a wip from my open tabs at random! funnily enough this is also the one i ended up doing for the emoji ask xD
it's also almost triple what this asked for but once i started writing i couldn't stop <3
He swallows, staring up at Tim. Jason has had plenty of practice reading people through a domino, but. He has no reference for the look Tim is giving him now. Only that it— That the feeling it gives him is… is new and strange. He has no name for it, the way his stomach feels fluttery and tight, his scalp and fingers tingling. His mouth opens—but all that escapes is a stuttery puff of air. That’s okay. He doesn’t know what he was going to say anyway. Tim hooks a gloved finger under his chin; tipping his face up. He leans in, slowly—so slow that Jason— There’s nothing keeping him there. He could run. Turn away. But he feels caught, feet anchored in place. Tim’s mouth touches his, and all thought leaves him. Jason has never been kissed before.
[ writers truth or dare ask game ]
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outpost51 · 1 year
🍸🎳🤦‍♀️ foooooor Kadmos, Atria and Dillon pls?
OC Emoji Asks
🍸- Favourite drink?
Kadmos: brandy in a warmed glass, or whisky on the rocks — if cocktails are being served, he likes an Old Fashioned.
Atria: she doesn’t drink because she watched what it did to her dad :’) but! She and her Squad™️ have a mixed drink they’ve affectionately dubbed an “engine sludge” — half a can of any energy drink, half a bottle of Tupari, a few spoonfuls of frozen juice concentrate, one (1) energy shot, and a handful of off-brand Skittles. Idk how they’re not all dead, honestly.
Dillon: Anything that “comes with a snack” (edible garnish)!
🎳 - Do they have hobbies? If yes, what are they?
Kadmos: he’s got a few, actually! He loves being out on the water, whether it’s on a yacht or a kayak or a little fishing boat — he’ll fish off a dock, even, and keeps a portable grill with his tackle box. Loves camping (in cabins) and hunting with his uncle. He’s picked up a few active hobbies while researching roles, too!
Atria: tinkering! She loves scrapping together random shit in the garage to make functional gadgets, sometimes to the detriment of her own health (broken bones from the hoverboard, electrical burns on her hands, Torch’s gun arm wound up and pinched her finger real good, etc)
Dillon: answered here!
🤦‍♀️ - Something that continues to embarrass them to this day
Kadmos: he’ll claim he’s never done anything embarrassing ever, then change the subject. His family, on the other hand, has plenty of stories that prove quite the opposite. When he was still just a twiggy little drake (i know, kadmos? little?), he was uhhhhh feeding a snitch to the snapjaw in the lake behind his grandfather's house and wasn't paying attention to the stake he was tying the bait rope to. The snapjaw grabbed its meal, the rope pulled taught over the branch, and that stake he tied the rope to? His spur. Not the stake. He got yanked all the way up into the tree feet first, broke his spur, and lost his pants along the way. Poor Kaddy was only stuck up there for about ten minutes before someone came to check on him, but he'll hide in his cowl if any of his aunts bring it up.
Atria: so while she’s recovering after the events of BRHP, she and Torch both get to hang with uncle Hericus all day — partially for physical therapy, partially just to get them out of the house. Hericus, being the weird hippie brother that lives in the woods behind his dad’s house, has always been pretty big on conservation and ensuring the food chain stays balanced; as such, this means he keeps track of the local shatha population since they’re nonnative to Taetrus — I’ll probably go into that worldbuilding some day. ANYWAY. He has a database and tags the ones he comes across in the Wildlands, so he took the girls out with him! Atria doesn’t like guns, so she was on tagging duty while Torch and Hericus handled the tranq darts. Periodically, the tags need to get scanned to ensure they’re still tracking properly and to snag some extra data off them, and that’s precisely what Atria was doing with M-41 (who they think might be Pudge’s dad, or an uncle) when the big bastard took a deep breath and she went ass-over-tea-kettle off his flank, right into the swamp water. Yeah, not her proudest moment.
Dillon: You'd think it would be The Incident that mortified her out of wearing skirts, but no, it was the time when her parents had taken her and Daisy out to a decent restaurant to celebrate Daisy getting a solo at the dance studio -- mind you, Dillon was only five and Daisy was eight. Cheryl took baby pickle to the bathroom, and when they re-emerged, Dillon announced to the entire restaurant (at the tippy-top of her little lungs) what she'd accomplished upon the porcelain throne. Cheryl still tells the story any time Dillon gets a little too cocky.
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Morri!!! first of all, how are you???
I wanted to tell you that I started for the first time playing a solo ttprg with like the whole deal (well this one uses 2 d10 and a d6 but I added a d12 to make a scale yes/no/maybe answers bc sometimes you just gotta ask fate no?) and I look up to you a lot for all your DnD ocs so the moment I started I was like "damn, gotta tell Morri!"
anywayyyy I am playing Iron Valley which is basically a big what if Stardew Valley were a solo (or +2 people! but idk anyone irl to play ttrpgs with so I'm going solo) ttrpg?? Is not DND cause... I need friends for that I think. And it intimidated me. BUT I am having so much fun???? And since is solo there's a lot of writing down and journaling involved so is SUCH an amazing wiring exercise?? (← hasn't written her wip since uhhhh April? yeah more or less)
would you mind if I asked you about your ocs?? I am so curious!
CARMEN! HI!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your first ttrpg!! I've never actually played a solo one before, but that's mostly because I kind of need other people to keep me focused. (I get distracted way too easily, adkjasd.) But Iron Valley sounds so cool!! I love that you're adding your own mechanics!
And yeah!!! Playing ttrpgs is GREAT for your creativity!! My DnD characters are my current biggest source of inspiration, and they're the focus of most of my creative output right now.
(I also haven't written anything in MONTHS, so don't worry. You're not alone there. <3)
As for asking about my ocs, of COURSE you are welcome to ask!!! I'm obsessed with these ridiculous people in my head!!!!
(putting discussion about OCs under the cut, because I talk too much.)
My two current characters are Rook (half-elf swashbuckler rogue) and Asola (aasimar oath of vengeance paladin). And I adore both of them SO MUCH.
I'm obsessed with Rook to an unhealthy degree, lmao. He's the love of my life, and a complete disaster of a man. (You can find all the stuff I've posted about him on my personal blog here.) Me and my DM are currently plotting on how to absolutely ruin his life.
Our current plans include forcing him to face his intense trauma from Captain Wolf (the woman who held him prisoner for two years and tortured him), and also dealing with cursed nightmares sent by a literal demon lord. My boy is NOT going to be having a good time soon.
Asola is a little less developed, but she's growing with every session!! Just last session I realized that her oath of vengeance isn't against just one person or group, but rather against the unfairness and shittyness of life as a whole. Specifically, she takes anything that hurts the people she cares about personally.
The most recent example of this is our party's 16-year-old bard, who has a very fucked up past. At the end of last session, he was abandoned by his only real friend (who he's known for 11 years). None of the rest of the party even knew this "friend" existed, since he communicated with / lived inside Val's head. But when Sola finds out, she is going to be FURIOUS. (But not at Vallamir.)
(Sola's tag is here.)
I'm also eagerly awaiting the moment I get to use my Grand Fuck You. (Screenshots to follow.) The way I have it flavored is that Sola doesn't know she's an aasimar, and she has no control over her Radiant Consumption. Instead, it activates in times of extreme emotion, usually anger or grief. The only time it's happened in her life to date was when she found out her family had been killed. So I'm just waiting for the day that the DM does something that will break her enough for me to use this. (Also, as a fun bonus, none of the other characters know she's an aasimar either, since even she doesn't know. So it will be fun for them to find out. Especially since they might be trying to help her, but she will be burning them if they get close.)
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(if you do the math, and assume I was level 20, and only rolled exactly half on the dice, that one hit would do 70 points of damage, not accounting for any weapon bonuses.)
I have another character, who I'm going to use after Rook's campaign is done. We're going to be playing Pathfinder (which I don't like, but I will survive), and my character is a fetchling witch named Morana Novak. (Her tag on my personal blog is here.)
As for other DnD ocs, I have about 20 more that are in varying stages of development, but talking about them all would require me to write a novel, lmao.
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lotusmuses · 3 years
when you're 18 you should not be self shipping with 14 year olds
hi anon!
so this post is a little long because i know it's about hiro and if you're one of my followers, you know i always have a lot of thoughts and can never shut up about him. (i guess it could be about varian too? but i don't ship him with anyone but hugo and nuru or my non self insert oc in an au). also i just woke up from a nap so there's a possibility that nothing i say makes sense.
anyways people might hate me for this but
i started liking hiro when i was 10, i think it was a week before my 11th birthday when the movie came out
and he was a very very relatable character for me, i made a post about that so i won't go into details
anyways he became my comfort character and that.. hasn't went away.
like if it was up to choice i wouldn't self ship because i know that really as soon as i turned 18 (almost 2 months ago) most characters that i like became socially off limits?
but it's not working like that. i don't know if it's because i've liked him for so long or because my neurodivergent brain decided to cling to the character that keeps it happy (literally as soon as i turned 14, mentally he and i were the same age even if he's technically 4 years older than me and now i'm technically 4 years older than him and since then we aged together? if that makes sense) but he's still very important to me
like when i watch the movie or show that's like the equivalent of hearing about a friend's past to me
in my mind he's 18 (a few months older than me actually) and has graduated sfit and is working at krei tech and considering going back for grad school
i know it's weird but yeah.
also just to clarify i'm aroace-spec and i headcanon that he is too (actually i've heard that he is in canon?) so when i have my self insert, those two are mainly in a qpr? idk if that makes it better but i know some people are specifically upset about things like this being sexualised, so just wanted to say that its not that
i'm often in a pretty bad place mentally and imagining that there's a character that would listen and understand how it feels and just be there for me is really nice.
but uh i get where you're coming from. i honestly thought about asking if this is okay? like self shipping in general. but i don't know how others handle that characters don't age? like i don't self ship with anyone else, like my si/hf characters that are older than me (saeran from mystic messenger who is 21/22, viktor from arcane who is in his 30s i think) are all older sibling or even teacher like with my self inserts. but also none of them are real so there's that.
that's it, i think. adding what i think are relevant tags. if you or anyone wants to discuss this, just send me another ask/comment/dm me! normally i say thanks for asking but this wasn’t a question haha. so er thanks for talking to me? :)
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forerussake · 2 years
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have wips.
i was tagged by the wonderful @thedaughterofshadows tnx!!! <3
i’m tagging: @aredhel-of-doylkien @scaredysap @psychic-waffles @phantomhydeoftheopera @youngks-smile @cute-rocks @stupid-lemon-eater @pangzi @enjaami @omaenanimonoda @lynne-monstr @morifiinwe @elenothar if you feel like it. idk if yall all write xD
unfortunately mine is also going to be very boring, bc the file names of my WIP files are generally just the fandom name + character name + WIP or sth along those lines. also my WIP files (several ones for different fandoms) sadly contain many things I started such a long time ago that i do not think I will ever go back to them, for the simple reason that my writing has evolved and the styles would not fit together anymore, but here goes nothing :D putting it under a read more bc it got long...
1. DMBJ gnc Wu Xie fic : pretty much what it says on the tin. post-tltr wu xie exploring some gender stuff he wasn’t ready for before
2. Cheng Xinyan fic : Guardian, obviously. This one is set after the scene where sw gets soaked kneeling in the rain to get the annoying doctor to fix zyl’s eyes. sw goes to see his old uni buddy afterwards bc he needs some tlc. the whole thing is an exploration of their relationship and shared history, as well as sw’s emotional state in the present. 
3. Guardian fic - A hand within a hand (holding light) : i’m working on chapter 6 atm. fic is an exploration of various oc povs of sw throughout the guardian timeline. the current chapter follows my oc chen anjing, who is a dixingren single mother living in haixing with her young son, who both have a history with hei pao shi that takes a lot of effort to get past. 
4. Student Shen Wei fic : this one might get scrapped bc the intended plot is very similar to what i ended up doing in chapter 4 of the fic above this one, only with prof. Zhou in place of my oc :/
5. MDZS murder mystery : i have every intention of getting to this one one day but damn if it isn’t too complicated for me. it’s a murder mystery fic surrounding the death of a young boy in a village on the border between lanling and qinghe. lan xichen, jiang cheng and a bunch of ocs set out to solve the murder, and in the process they unearth a bunch of lxc’s old trauma he thought he’d worked through. the whole thing is told in flashback, from the post-canon perspective of nie huaisang who is the only one still alive who knows what actually happened those days and what lxc and jc did not manage to figure out.
6. SHL modern au : a ballet/dancer au of word of honour. not much to say about it honestly.
7. Immovable rock x desert dust fic : QZGS fic also known as the immovable rock amnesia fic. tells a story about a weird forest, an eldritch being with immense power, and the avatars who get caught in the web of fate.
8. Life Extinguisher fic : QZGS fic, about what would happen if someone devised a weapon that could fry LE’s mechanical box in battle. so basically LE getting electrocuted. great fun xD
9. Vaccaria x Troubling rain fic : an exploration of vaccaria’s power as the magician and the reason he wears his eyepatch. (hint: there’s chaos in his soul that only good pk can calm)
10. Shishen bond fic : YYM-DOE fic, explores the nature of the shishen bond, and what it actually entails to give a spirit guardian an order, especially one they do not want to follow. set post-canon, focuses on snow hound’s recovery after the serpent battle.
11. Tryptich WIP : YYM-DOE fic, also known as the Metaphorical Serpent Modern AU. it’s a modern au centred around killing stone. the basic premise is that the serpent of the movie is not a real entity but rather a metaphor for our personal demons. it’s a very heavy story about the mental health of all its characters that loosely follows canon, in which qingming is not a yin yang master but a psychiatrist, and the shishen are not qingming’s spirit guardians but his patients.
12. YYM fanfic - what’s in a name? : fic exploring the meaning behind the various shishen’s names.
13. LotR the disadvantages of kingship : Thranduil takes up the crown after his father’s death, in the middle of a raging war. this one is so old, it’s probably the first fic i ever started writing, because it literally came to me in a dream when i was 13, and it never got finished. bc i was 13.
14. the time before time : a Silm fanfic that chronicles (pun intended) the time before time. from the birth of the ainur in the timeless halls up until the creation of arda. probably the second fic i ever tried to write. didn’t go anywhere even though i had like 11 chapters planned.
15. Feanor wip : about fëanor’s mental state after the burning of the ships
16. ecthelion wip : about the crossing of the ice, the founding of gondolin, and how ecthelion became the lord of the fountain.
17. And miles to go (before i sleep) : fic about finarfin’s return. i would love to finish this bc it was important to me, but i cannot say for sure i ever will.
18. celebrimbor wip : about celebrimbor disowning (i guess) his father after doriath.
19. fingolfin wip : from the start of dagor bragollach until his duel with and death at the hands of morgoth, told from both his and fingon’s perspective.
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gorbo-longstocking · 2 years
i love your rambling please dont apologize. and like i get it about the immersion - ive known people who get real hung up on 'readers' doing or saying things they personally wouldnt do even though its kinda hard to tell a story that fits diverse people without making like idk a vosual noval or something. Personally i just think of reader inserts as a different way of telling a story and sharing love of characters and i dont mind the vehicle character being an oc because like you can turn that on and off in your head as needed but then thats probably just me. i kinda think if it as youre a reader too yanno? like the dm is a player too. My headcannons and yours dont have to match even if you are the author because of how youre telling the story. i dont mind you sharing your thoughts on mc because like im super curious about everything to do with your story but i also get it if you think its a safer bet not to because it might ruin the experience for someone else. totally up to you! i DO like that mc is old enough to have some level of greying hair because you dont see too many stories with readers that are older. usually its like theyre just starting out but this mc actually has some level of experience with life and relationships and shiz. and if i havent said it recently thank you so much for writing.
YES I TOTALLY SEE WHAT YOURE SAYING. its especially hard creating a compelling blank slate character. like, not to be an anime fan on main, but in a lot of anime you have that generic male protagonist for the watcher to project on. and personally, im not too fond of that because while i understand his purpose of being a vessel for the audience MAN is he boring. and its really hard doing that with a pov character who has an inner monologue and thoughts and opinions to share. especially when my favorite part of writing is characterization.
im not even going to lie i have no self control and its not an if i drop in depth mc profiles or something its a when. but when i do, i could probably put it under cut or something or tag it a specific way if ppl dont want to see! that way its there for ppl who do want it, and avoidable for ppl who do >:3
oh yeah the mc in asmgg is older and explicitly so mostly to try and closer match the age of the royals! plus i just think it opens the door for frisk calling them old every opportunity they get.
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lumilasi · 3 years
I saw this in my feed and since I was pretty bored and FINALLY free from the said boredom, figured I could do this one. I generally enjoy question based tags, especially if they relate to art/writing/fandom/are some general things about favorite colors, music, foods, things about your home country etc.
(basically, you can tag me in stuff similar to listed above things and I’ll probably do them if I see them/have time lmao)
Fic Writer Questions!
How many works do you have on AO3? 
44 total. I used to have more but I’ve deleted an old Bleach one I knew I’d never continue to write, and two bnha ones for the same reason (those two were also at the very beginning stages so nobody missed a lot anyway)
What's your total AO3 wordcount? 
4 269 068......wow. It’s even MORE than I even imagined. Over 4 million words. 
....Someone take my writing tools away from me lmao
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
 Three. I started with MCU, moved on to Bleach and now I’ve done most ofr BNHA
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 
Crossroads - 3069 
Family Secrets - 3015 
Reanimate - 1534 
The neighbor - 809 
Espada and Fraccion - 782
.....Admittedly this list surprised me. Not the first three but the last two. The fifth is an one shot for Bleach that I wrote AGES ago. I also for some reason expected this list to match the bookmark list more lmao
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always try to respond to every comment I get, but often times when it’s just one word or a heart emoji I don’t really know what to say, so I might not reply to those. I do appreciate every comment I get, and read every single one, even if I don’t respond
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? 
I don’t do angst endings typically, but Family Secrets is probs the most obvious choice, given what happens at the end. 
- and its not even the real end, because I couldn’t help myself and made two more stories for the AU that was like “hey! this character I made you all love so much actually DIDN’T die, he just had unfinished business back home” lmao
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you've ever written? 
Rarely, typically they’re between my own fics (the story that crosses the paths of Crossroads and Family Secrets AU’s, literally titled Crossover, creative name I know OTL I was out of ideas) 
Or between me and other people’s fics. Currently there’s two, both with Crossroads: one with Theteapotofdoom’s fic Something Good, and another with leontheneon’s fic Here with you. Both stories are basically a two part series that is non canon to actual Crossroads. The first story is finished, second one has two chapters left...that...I uh...struggle to write it seems OTL
(not tagging either person into this because Tea is very busy IRL right now so I don’t want to bother her, and Leon hasn’t been around in ages, IDK if they even use tumblr anymore)
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Not really no? I can only remember one time with somebody kind of demanding me to completely rewrite one fic in the past. It wasn’t really hate, more just...kinda unreasonable in my eyes? This was years ago by now.
While I did understand their side and the particular struggle they had (once they actually explained it, the first comment at the time came off pretty rude and demanding), I still feel them wanting me to re-write an entire multi-chapter fic just for them is a bit unreasonable, like said.
Like it wasn’t just couple of grammatical errors that was their issue, we’re talking weeks and even months long process of completely reworking multi-chapter story, because the grammar wasn’t tip top perfect. (I’m not a native speaker so there’s bound to be some mistakes; pointing out small occasional things is one thing - asking me to rewrite an entire multi-chapter story is another)
You can imagine that is not exactly high on my priorities list with IRL responsibilities and being more focused on the actual content of what I write, the ongoing stories I’m updating. This fic isn’t even finished yet either, so...yeah. Like after they explained their side of the story I was a bit more understanding, but its still....a bit ridiculous and unreasonable in my eyes to ask somebody to do such a massive overhaul when the story isn’t even finished yet?? Like maybe once its done and I have time I can go and edit it, but not when I haven’t even finished it lmao
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Nah. I don’t care about smut a whole lot personally. I much more enjoy writing emotional scenes, character interactions and mystery. Plot over porn basically lmao 
Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
I don’t...do people actually do this? It feels like such a weird and pointless thing to do. It’s fanfic. stuff you write for fun and for free, for people to read for free. I’d also imagine its pretty easy to get caught given AO3 shows when you first posted your story. 
Have you ever had a fic translated?
 Yes, a couple of times. In Russian and I think other one was Chinese?
Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Writing the crossovers was kinda that? Like I asked feedback from Tea and Leon on how to write them. there was also actually third crossover story that was supposed to happen (only I wasn’t going to be the one to write it) but this project has been shelved as the other person had to drop majority of online activity due to some IRL health related things. (I’m just glad they recently contacted me to inform they were doing better)
What’s your all time favorite ship? 
Right now it’s..probably pretty obvious its Shigadabi, but I can never really say any ship is my all time fave, as it always changes depending on the fandom lmao. 
I guess my favorite character x proper sleep/emotional stability/happiness will always be the OTP
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Oof. I always try to finish every single one, and if I absolutely know I won’t, I tend to just delete them. Thankfully I’ve only done it thrice. Which I guess is still a lot, but compared to how much I write, in context not really? 
What are your writing strengths?
From what I’ve gathered of feedback, its typically emotional moments/character dialogue and interaction/character arcs and so. Mystery plots too. Or maybe that last one is just me lmao
What are your writing weakness?
Personally, while I tend to get positive feedback on both, sometimes I feel like I struggle to choose a good pacing for a fic, and fight scenes are always a pain. Namely, I might struggle with making the pace too long-winded and slow sometimes. Ironically, my IRL update pacing is probs a bit too fast in turn. (To add another layer of irony, I got an update ready for Unravel that I’ll post after making this tag)
Also writing shorter stories. I’ve been trying to write one-shots more (like the Spinaraki series thing) to kinda try and get myself to pack up my stories better and not let them always spiral out of control haha
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I did try to do that once with a fic I deleted, I had a native speaker help me with the canadian french bits. This person is no longer active on tumblr, and I deleted that fic because I realized I’d never finish it. 
Technically tho, as a non-native English speaker, EVERY word is in other language to me lmao. I could only add Finnish as an extra one easily, and it rarely makes sense to do so anyway.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? 
MCU. It’s what I originally made my AO3 for, as I felt brave enough to post things. I also can’t remember writing fandom related stuff before that, it was typically more oc related. Writing fics has helped me learn a lot about world-building, character consistency and all that stuff, without having to make everything from scratch (tho I do enjoy doing that as well of course). I feel like my original work writing has improved too thanks to my fic writing shenanigans in a way lmao. Tho that might just be me, IDK
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? 
Oooof. This changes a lot depending on the time. I can never really pick just one either: my current favorites are Stringmaster, The neighbor and Family Secrets
Stringmaster because I love building the Steampunk AU, and Tomura’s relationship with Dabi and his Sensei, The neighbor because I personally think the romance build up in that one is probably one of the best I’ve done so far (the character dialogue in that is among my favorites I’ve written as well) and FS, because it taught me a lot about character building through writing a character like Hisashi.
 Plus I just really like Hisashi. 
And baby Izuku and little Tenko are super adorable. 
And Inko is the best mum.
 Also the fact the whole story is so ironic in a sense its still kinda funny to me. 
The only writer I know that might be around rn is @nightlilly0110 soo...I guess I’ll tag them if they want to do this! Anybody who’s a writer can snatch this too of course ;)
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mallowstep · 3 years
I’m thinking about writing a short OC piece about Windclan and I’d love to see your notes about its culture and the hymns you’ve written so far, everything you’ve done for Windclan appreciation month has really inspired me :)
hello anon!
alright, first things first: please send me ur piece when ur done if you're comfortable doing so! i will publish it from you, or if you don't want to be associated with it in Any Way, i will also just read it and add it to the queue with no indication why it's there. or if you don't want me to share it at all, i'd still like to read it.
as for your ask,
i'm working on it. however, underneath the read more, i'll include a few snippets for u.
alright, i'm just going to post links with some commentary as i go. feel free to ask any more questions you have.
windclan (search) | windclan (tag) | wcam tag | five clans (narrative essays)
i would link the elders den, but there's no windclan stories in there ATM.
moving on, i'm just going to go through posts in reverse chronological order.
tallstar taking a mate admittedly, this is more about cats and sexuality than windclan, but i provide the commentary that windclan...has a particular view on sexuality and fluidity. one thing i haven't explored but should is the role visiting cats have in windclan.
whoops that's a code word, my plug for solacefruit has been activated. okay, as you may be aware, based on the fact that i have a whole tag for it, i'm obsessed with solacefruit. now, i love everything they do, but i would like to point you particularly to "make a mighty sound" for a fantastic exploration of this idea.
i don't want to spoil anything, but i do think windclan, and maybe cats as a whole, but windclan has a certain view towards relationships that very much breaks them into pieces. i'm a "love is a verb" person, so the idea that you can grow to love someone romantically by going through the actions of love makes sense. not to say you will, but you can.
(to be clear i'm not out advocating for arranged marriages just saying that they can work, they're not destined to be bad, and there's a difference between forced marriage and arranged marriage.)
this was a lot of words to say, cats do not have a human (and particularly, western/american) understanding of relationships, which makes analyzing them in those terms difficult.
early hymn talk i'll probably say more below, but it is here.
general ibtwicm notes might get you into the headspace for some of my choices in ibtwicm.
i don't have a ton to say because this pretty much all holds, but uh, yeah.
poetry and language this isn't strictly about windclan, but it does explain some of what i think about when writing hymns.
obviously, i'm writing english translations, but these general themes are what i have in mind. it's also part of why i say i don't think i'll ever release a "full hymnal" for windclan, because i don't know if my weak worldbuilding heart could take it if i only had translations.
names part two very much not about windclan, but just some thoughts on names. as i've said before, i support all names and worldbuilding equally, but if you want my thoughts on names, go buckwild.
clan culture fic rec list just stuff i think does a good job, if you want other sources of inspiration.
general clan culture notes this is really old, but it mostly holds.
i've obviously expanded a lot on windclan since i wrote it, so shrug? idk man.
alright, i'm going to move into hymn discussion below the cut, but best of luck! and i hope u have a good time. it makes my brain shut down to read that i inspired you, straight up got brain juice pouring out of my ears, but i'm really, really happy to hear that.
windclan holds a special place in my heart. (i know my oc avatar is from skyclan shhh it's because of the backstory he sees ghosts.) but i grew up in this super sporty household as a lil asthmatic klutz, and running was a sport i couldn't mess up, so of course windclan appealed to me.
they're actually third on my list of favorite clans, but they. it's a special place in my heart that they hold, especially after reading dawn of the clans and moth flight's vision, where i got an asthmatic cat and an adhd cat, both in windclan.
god i should reread dotc it's good.
alright, here's the deal on hymns: i am not going to fight to get duets to post correctly. there's a 0% chance i can in tumblr's wonky ass new editor with no markdown, not to mention how difficult it would have been in the old editor. so i'm going to talk a lil about what i've got, and post some stanzas that i think don't get explored a lot in ibtwicm.
we're discussing these in the order that they go in. a reminder that these are all sections of one epic poem. that said, i don't know where the gaps are. like, i don't know what's between these, if that makes sense.
the wind
the wind, the very first hymn. this is an ode to, well, windclan. it's a song about everything that makes them them. it's filled with poetry about the wind, about the seasons, and it's just...well, it's a bit of a genesis, in a way.
The wind — like the rain, like the river — calls the name of each star in its breath. The wind — like the earth, like the stone — anchors us to our home. The wind — like the sun, like the sky — is knowable only by name.
i wanted to share this stanza because the last line doesn't show up in ibtwicm (at least so far, i cut the reference), and it really, really, makes a difference imo.
anyway, windclan is basically tying the wind in with every other fundamental part of their life here.
they are the wind, and that's that.
the hare
okay, this one has a line that comes up a lot in ch1, but i already talked about that, so instead, i'm going to talk about this stanza
Speak of the earth and the dens, and you will be answered: By the call of the howling gales, the open earth singing in response. But speak of that which grows above, of the grass and field, And you will be answered by the softness of the buds and the roots.
okay, we get deadfoot thinking about this when he's talking to yellowfang.
i like this stanza because it really tells us what the hare is about. now, hares are not something windclan catches. hares are huge, y'all, there's no way they take one down. i take liberties with ecology, but not that many.
(i.e., a team of cats definitely could take one down, but i know too much, and would prefer letting team hunting stay a plot thing, and not fundamentally alter the environment in the way it would.)
now anyway, all of these hymns come from the time of the tunnelers. and the point of this is, even though the work of tunnelers and moor runners is disconnected, they fundamentally affect each other.
a moor runner must trust the hollows of the earth beneath them won't collapse, and a tunneler must trust that the prey they chase up will be caught.
it's all very symbiotic and is, well, in a way, a love poem. plus i really like the line "the open earth singing in response"
of the warrens
so this has one line, one you might not even know is a hymn, in ch1, but i'll share the whole stanza.
And as for the subject of fallow fields: Fallowed fields make for hungry prey, Yet hungry prey makes desperate rabbits, Who leap into our claws.
and ig my big point is, the hymns are a cultural artifact. just like many of the rules in the old testament have to do with hygiene things being codified into religion, this whole hymn is about hunting advice.
the moon on the river
okay, out of all the hymns, this is the most complete, and because ashfoot and deadfoot sing it together, and deadfoot discusses it, i only have one stanza to share.
Under the coldness, you shine back at me, And I do everything to keep the clouds from threatening you.
now, this poem is about love, grief, and being separated. it's a particular kind of grief, and windclan discourages grief, so this is one of only a few ways to really, fully express it.
and this section, in particular, is about love in times of hardship.
i don't have. a lot to say here. but the way hardship changes how you love someone can be particular and intense.
(temporarily, this happens sometime before "Spare for my chosen few / All I have is given towards the distant ground.")
the gorse in the wind
oh shit! i have so fucking much to say okay first.
the series title does not come from this hymn.
second, this is a challenging hymn okay. fuck. i have so much to say. where to start so! moors are actually relatively wet. think british countryside, not, like, a cool desert.
this is something i always knew? i read the secret garden a lot as a kid. but. i've seen stuff about moors being dry, and it's just one of those things that really...starts to eat under your skin. anyway.
okay, so. gorse is a dry plant. it does not like rain. it grows in sandy soil, etc etc, and yet. aside from everything we know about gorse and warriors, it also grows in this moor. because i say so.
okay, so. so so so. the lines quotes here are really deceptive, and i bet no one understood why, and that makes me just a little sad, but i couldn't find a good way to explain it in text, so uh, yeah, anyway. there's an exchange between ashfoot and deadfoot: "THE GORSE: You called me the heather and I grew stronger. / THE WIND: I called you the heather and brought rain for you to grow."
so...so do you see? do you see the point? it's about communication, needs, challenging each other. fadskj;l i love this. okay, so. the point is that heather is fragile, soft, pretty, and gorse is the opposite. the part of the wind is trying to be kind and complimentary, but the gorse is saying, fuck that, you are not being kind to me by undercutting my strength.
anyway, this passage is sung by the gorse:
In what good company have I set down roots, That even through snow fall I flower. You called me the heather and yet I've weathered, Far more than your sweet-named love.
so uh, yeah, this adds context. gorse! gorse is a hardy plant that continues to flower basically all season round. it's cool. it's cool. gorse is super cool. fuuuck y'all it's such a small thing and i've contained talking about it until now, but now it's too much. the floodgates are open, and i thought about this small detail too much.
okay. deep breath. gorse is a really easy plant to grow, but it's still adapted for dry environments. so the "even through snow fall I flower" part is a little tongue in cheek: gorse itself will flower in the cold, but snow is a type of precipitation, which as we've covered, is not gorse friendly.
then we have some rhyming and puns in the next line, and finally, "yet I've weathered, / Far more than your sweet-named love." like. yes. love as a form of softness is not necessarily helpful.
i mean, consider the damaging "soft trans boi" problem. same energy.
right. okay. so we've got all that? now if you remember, this is sung when deadfoot thinks ashpaw doesn't respect him, and ashpaw says she'll sing with him if she can sing the gorse, so in essence, she's telling him...not to back off, per se, but that...she is the "hard part" of the relationship. like, okay, i refuse to even bring up gender roles in human relationships, but uh, her point is very much, "i am the gorse, and you are the wind," and it's a very monumental moment.
it's anchored, i believe, in the other scenes, but this is a small thing that matters a lot to me.
like a lot.
okay, now that i've talked about like four lines for the length of this entire post, moving on.
the heather and earth
okay, this is the last hymn i have in concrete terms, and i cut a bit of it from the latest chapter, so yeah. it's also, uh, okay everything i have for it is only a line or two, but i wanted to share this closing line (sung together):
Sing a song of forgiveness, of growing together, and we will make madness, And madness from hence will everything beautiful grow.
and i just like these lines. they got cut, it was initially part of an exchange between ashfoot and deadfoot, but i can't share the part of it they talk about, because i'm reusing it for a later chapter and i'll 100% spoil shit if i try to talk about it.
but these lines? mmm they speak to me.
i don't have a ton to say about them, but i just. i like it.
if we apply the same ecology discussion from the gorse and the wind, we see heather is a plant that grows in acidic, infertile soil, and heath (which is not the same as a heather, but also kind of is) is a defining quality of heathland, which is...i'm not kidding, it's hot discourse about the difference between moorland and heathland.
i'm not getting involved, but my point is, if the gorse in the wind is a hymn about finding a working relationship, about mutual respect, etc., then the heather and earth is a hymn about working well together in a terrible situation.
uh, wow! can you tell i like plants? because while parts of my ecology are dubious (see: everything regarding the rabbits in ch1), the plants part are well thought out. this shit is carefully detailed metaphor.
and that's why i won't be releasing a full hymnal. it's hard to as on top of this as i want to be. i'm not kidding, writing even four lines of a hymn usually takes me about twenty minutes, because i pull up a lot of research about how things work, how they interact with each other, etc., and then there's wordsmithing, cat worldview filter, etc.
but i hope this overview of what i've got is a good insight into my general thoughts. and i will eventually release more and more of the hymns i've got written.
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clarionglass · 3 years
tagged by @dheiress to post the first line of my last 20 fics (thank you! <3)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 other authors!
aight my lads here we go, there’s going to be a few unpublished wips and other piece of dubious writing in here bc i doubt i have 20 stories but anyway, here we go (this is very long! press j to skip or just get that dash scrollin bc this might take a while :// ) in very rough chronological order going backwards, starting with the published work:
1. so i ran to the river (tma grifters au, unpublished yet but will be soon!): The sunlight feels different on a face fresh out of prison, and it feels even better to Jonathan Sims now that he’s truly home.
2. crowned by an overture bold and beyond (tma pretentious college au, based loosely on the secret history):  It was a cool, rainy day in late March when I first approached the Magnus Institute--one of those days that served as a reminder that the London spring, that fragile creature, was still all too vulnerable to the occasional strike from the claws of winter.
3. we should ride this wave to shore (tma chatfic where everything is beautiful and nothing hurts): Friday, 3:14 P.M. “archives research & statement envestigation” Timothy Stoker renamed the group “drinks drinks drinks” Timothy Stoker changed Sasha James’s nickname to saucy sash Timothy Stoker changed Martin Blackwood’s nickname to martini kart Timothy Stoker changed his nickname to stonked stonked: so how bout it lads saucy sash: oh god.
4. i am the maker of rules (dealing with fools) (tma chatfic, an elias-and-peter-focused accompaniment to wsrtwts): Monday, 7:39 P.M. Elias Bouchard to Peter Lukas Elias Bouchard: Peter, I need to talk to you. Elias Bouchard: I’ve had the most infuriating day at work.
5. An Optimistic Tragedy (good omens orchestra au that i swear to god i’ll finish one day): Three years ago Eve shifted in her chair, her mind clearly on things other than Milhaud and the music in front of her.
6. The Spaces Between the Stars (the Beast of a dw fic that i can’t even begin to describe; a mate and i have been working on this since 2015 and it’s a sprawling mass of writing that encompasses Many google docs--what’s on ao3 atm is a very small percentage of it,,,,): The Doctor clutched the TARDIS railing as if somehow, it could take the pain away.
7. Carol of the Bells (a chrismas chatfic companion to aot! i’ve always been a sucker for a chatfic but oof looking back on this one my formatting style sure has changed): [Friday December 13, 1:31am] Anthony Crowley to Angelface: u up? ;)
8. An Exploration into The Nature of Human Beings, sub. Homo Sapiens: A Research Paper by Milton Jones (british comedy rpf. this is my oldest piece on ao3 and it shows, but there’s a special place in my heart for this dorky lil fic about an alien researcher making a place for himself in british comedy. fun fact! i actually added the final three sentences to this a couple of days ago, and will post it when i do my next fic update): <<I knew you’d be down here, as per usual. Do you never stop working?>>
and now for the stuff that i like but hasn’t yet/will never/one day, if i get my act together, might be posted to ao3... please ask me about these bc i love them, even though i’ll probably never post them :)
9. untitled mitchell spy comedy (a show that @monimolimnion​ and i want to pitch to the bbc in which david mitchell and victoria coren mitchell are married spies who work for MI5 and MI6 respectively, and most of britcom pops up in one place or another. it’s nothing more than a Lot of planning and a few snippets, but i love returning to this doc): [David is sitting at his desk, shaking his head at an open file.] David: They’re taking the piss. That’s what they’re doing, they’re taking the piss.
10. In the Demonic Style (a good omens au of @teashoesandhair’s glorious smooching contest piece, which is the first piece of fiction writing in the reblog chain. i’ve promised a chapter 2 to this, which i’m halfway through, and feel incredibly guilty for not finishing. still, my quarter-year’s resolution is to finish something old whenever i post something new, so maybe it’ll get done soon!): “It’s the end of the world” was not a good statement with which to start one’s morning in any circumstances, but the angel Bryndael was in the middle of cataloguing his newest shipment of tea samples when said statement reached his ears, and he didn’t much appreciate being disturbed.
11. magpie (good omens canon-mostly-compliant fic based around the song magpie by the unthanks/the magpie folk song/nursery rhyme): Wednesday (approximately 11 years before the end of the world) From a bird’s-eye view, St James’s Park was beautiful at this time of year.
12. untitled ficlet for tales of dwrwedd (a present for my writing buddy! the link is to her fic, i just wrote a bit of her two witcherverse ocs being soft as hell): The two women seated by the hearth didn't look old, either of them. But there was something about the pair--in their movements, or their mannerisms--that suggested an age far beyond what their unlined faces would suggest.
13: Tempo d’Attacco (an original bit of Light Crime a la midsomer murders, set in a university music department that is naturally a thinly-veiled copy of my own, hence why it will never ever be posted anywhere. i wrote this for my supervisor at the end of honours (her character is the sleuth) :P ) Dr Marisa Tan didn’t exactly start her morning well, on the day that everything seemed to upend itself.
patterns...... i’m not seeing that many, tbh? idk if i could call this in media res, but there’s certainly a good bit of plot starting without heaps of setup. 
my favourite? hmmmmmm i’d say my favourites would be crowned by an overture bold and beyond, and in the demonic style. i gotta say, going back to revisit a lot of my older writing has been nice! time and distance have been v kind :)
i’m hella bad at tagging things so if you see this and want to share your own writing please go ahead! i’m very shy when it comes to Fandom Interaction (tm) so i don’t feel comfortable launching myself into people’s notes (i loved this tho! i just need other people to make the first move lol), however i will give a specific shoutout to @monimolimnion whose writing i adore and who needs to do this!
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eddiethehead-uwu · 4 years
✨My jojo ocs for a possible fan part I might actually write but I'm intrudicing them to you in a tag yourself style template✨
(warning: long post)
(warning: I know cringe culture is dead, but it might get cringy)
So basically the main gang is an upcoming metal band going on their first world tour, weird shit happens and this fan part's Jojo finds out things about her past she would have much rather not known, like her real lineage and all that, and, you know, more stuff happens
This part is set in the future, in a universe very similar to the original one, except for a few things like the uhhh reset not happening and some things going differently in part 5, in Morioh. Some of the characters below are related to preexisting characters, some are not
Ok I'm done here's the squad
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-the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch
-can be super annoying and quite manipulative like 80% of the time
-super determined, will cut a bitch to get what she wants
-"danger is my middle name 😎"
-wants to be a rockstar but needs to calm the f down like where the hell do you think you're going with that attitude?
-stand: Motorhead (aka punchy ghost n. Uhhh I lost count)
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-shady and sly af ngl probably invented the 300iq impostor strategy for among us
-a freaking beast when it comes to guitars (shares Jouko's same dream)
-looks always upbeat and happy but has a pretty mischievous personality
-*crushes on basically anyone*
-gets distracted pretty easily
-stand: Judas Priest (aka Chomp Ghost)
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-will fight you if you disagree with her
-pretty careless, doesn't really care about others
-gets pissed off super easily
-like, my God, chill dude wtf
-can't say what happens to her next bc it would be a spoiler if I actually end up writing this fucking story
-stand: iron maiden (fkn shape-shifting metal object thing hehehhe knife girl)
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-an actual angel
-definetly stoned 24/7
-super friendly, will help you with everything and will hug you if you need support
-just the chillest person ever
-druggie mom friend
-rip srr i had to
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-shy 👉����😔
-always anxious of messing things up or hitting the wrong note on the keyboard while performing with the band
-basic math? Idk her
-only wears black and red
-never gets angry, bottles all of her frustration up and when she lashes out it's usually when her second personality (kameko) is dominant
-stand: digital love (LAZERZ GHOST)
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-annoying bitch 2: simp edition
-"you spilled lipstick in my black Valentino bag!?"
-loves Halloween a bit too much
-did I already mention he's a simp?
-can't shut his mouth for 2 seconds
-who even made him part of the band? Ah yeah right he's the only one with a driving licence
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-CEO of tragic backstories
-doesn't display any emotion and doesn't display any eyebrows either
-has definetly killed someone with no regrets
-2 stands!?? Nah mate
-"you have beautiful eyes" "thanks. They don't work."
-stand: Nightwish (W A T E R G H O ST)
-bonus: also gets followed around by Chariot Re- AHEM ALESTORM YES SHE NAMED HIM ALESTORM because she doesn't know his real name nor who the user is/was
-he just,, follows her. When she was 5 she gave him a feather and he kept it ever since lol ok I'll stop
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-bruh he still alive
-got tired of being left out of his master's shenanigans and being treated like dog shit
-if it wasn't obvious he holds grudges for looooooong times
-will kill you just with slurs
-wants to annihilate into oblivion his old master
-still undecided whether to give him a stand or not
Ok I'm done, this is the main cast, some of them are not gonna make it through, sorry already.
I want to start writing something for them because I have a long ass list of things that could happen and how the story could jnfold, but I'm not sure where to write it. Sooo idk
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franeridart · 5 years
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Anon said: How are those doodles?? Your "doodles" are a million times better than any of my finished drawings (i love them btw they are so f*cking cute!!!!)
AHHHH THANK YOU!!!! They really are doodles though haha 
Anon said: What are your OCs' names?? They are so cool I'm in love with them ♡♡
If you’re talking about the four in the latest original art post I made, then they’re Chris (with the undercut), Josh (with the long hair), Max (with the scarf) and Leo (with the eyepatch)!! I’m so so happy you like them, they’re old enough to be part of me by now so seeing them liked is always such a warm feeling!!
Anon said: Do you take prompts/suggestions? Sorry I don’t know your policy but would you consider drawing Bokuro ft jealous!Bo? I’ve always headcanoned that Kuroo is really popular with both boys and girls because of his confidence and effortless charm; whether he’s oblivious to this attention despite his intelligence or aware of it yet ignoring it is anyone’s guess~ I always look forward to your art and recently got into Haikyuu!! And damn, I do ship Kuroken too but you have me addicted to Bokuro now *_* ||  Aah finally got the FAQ open (blame mobile tumblr for being a bitch), and yup my last ask is def a suggestion and I hope you’ll consider using it~ Somewhat unrelated, do you regularly add stuff to your red bubble? I love your Kiribaku art but I’m a huge fan of Momo (&Todomomo) and Kuroo (&Bokuro), is there any chance you have something in the works with them up for sale soon? Thanks
GOSH thank you so much for liking my old hq stuff enough to ask for more!! I’m not sure if I’ll get back to drawing bokuro soon, honestly? So I can’t promise that if I’ll go through with the suggestion it’ll be soon, but I’ll definitely keep it in mind for when the mood strikes!! And about the shop, I add to it whenever I feel there’s enough stuff piled up to? Though I plan to start adding more often than that from now on - I don’t really have anything for momo and kuroo to add on rb that isn’t already there, but as soon as I’ll have more of either of them I’ll remember to put them up! Thank you so so much for the interest in buying from me!!
Anon said: Ok but that Kirishima art was absolutely amazing
Anon said: Hi! First I really really love your art and I make this little muffed scream every time I see your stuff pop up on me feed. You’re amazing!! Second, can I ask how you do shadows? I can never make them look right or lay across my character correctly. Yours always look so amazing
Thank you!!!!!! I actually used to have that same problem with shadows? However much I kept track of where the lightsource was and the shapes I was working with it always looked wrong, somehow - the way I fixed it was by adding more shadows, actually. If you’ll pick any of my colored pieces you’ll see I don’t really put down lights all that often, which means the base color ends up being my light color too, and everything else is just shadows getting darker the further I go from where the light hits the object I’m shading - generally, I use a soft tool like a brush or a marker to very roughly put down where I want the shadows to go, and then using the same tool I smudge and darken it till it looks right to me. I can’t really explain it any better than this? But I have a small tutorial for how I do this in my art tips tag, if you wanna give it a look!
Anon said: I come back to look at your art almost every day, especially when I’m feeling down; so I’d just like to thank you for posting your beautiful art for all of us to experience. On behalf of all of your followers, Thank you! :,)))
Anon you’re gonna make me cryyyyy!!!!!! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you so so much, both for this ask and for liking my stuff to begin with! <3
Anon said: Your anatomy is so so so so good! And don’t even get me started on your colours! Perfection
GOSH I still have a long long way to go, but thank you so much for thinking so!!! It makes all the effort feel worth it! ( TT^TT)<3
Anon said: I love everything about ur art! from the sketches to the full colored pieces, it's the highlight of my week whenever you post! I was actually wondering where you get the ideas for clothes! I always see the variety and was wondering if you came up with them or are they from somewhere ^v^ keep up the amazing work!!
It’s a mixture of both, actually! I like to look at clothing, both irl (on people I see, or stuff in the shops I visit, or even pics and movies and tv shows!) and drawn too - in anime and illustrations and manga and cartoons! I look at them and try to remember how they’re made, and then when I draw I think about it all and come up with my own by mixing stuff I liked from all those things - unless I see a piece of clothing that’d work just right as it is on a character, in which case I just draw it either as best as I can from memory or, if I have it, using a ref! It’s one of the things I find the most fun when drawing, I’m glad to hear you like what I come up with!! Thank you so much!!!
Anon said: Thoughts on KiriTodo? Because I. Am. Hooked.
I like it!! I don’t actively ship it, since my only actual ship for Kirishima is kiribaku, but I like the look of him with todo, aesthetically, and their friendship is highly entertaining to me, which means their potential relationship in a romantic setting is too - and, as we’ve seen with my very random dip into the non-existent kirijiro fandom, that’s more than enough for me to decide maybe I’ll wanna go and draw for them, one of these days haha
Anon said: Haven't seen KiriSero or KamiSero Fusions yet! Got some ideas for those? (Filling out the Bakusquad pentagon XD)
I really never got around to drawing those, did I! That’s actually surprising, hadn’t you pointed that out I’d have never realized - I’m not doing fusions anymore right now, but maybe I could make an exception for these two............ if the inspiration strikes, why not!
Anon said: Did you see the newer bnha episodes?! Miritama made it feel like a shoujo... (In a good way)
THIS IS SO OLD OH GOD sorry I didn’t get around to answering this sooner!!! The miritama relationship is really wonderful, isn’t it? They make me cry so much, soft warm boys, so in love............. TT’’’TT <3<3<3
Anon said: This whole year has been a trainwreck for me and your blog was one of the few things that stayed constant, so thank you for being my favorite spot on the internet. Hope you keep drawing and I love your art so much!
AH, THANK YOU! I really really hope I’ll keep on drawing too!!! I’ll do my best 💪💪
Anon said: Some days I’ll just sit in bed at 2 am and be like “I need a hug” and then I read ur blog and it’s like a safe mental hug. So thanks for that.
That’s!!!!!!!!!! so sweet oh my god!!!!!!!!! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I’m so glad my stuff can make you feel warm like that, anon!! <3<3
Anon said: So it says you don't do requests in your faq does that include commissions as well
Not right now!! Maybe sometime at the beginning of next month, ✨Stay Tuned✨
Anon said: Hellooo hope you are having a good day. It's always so fun to scroll through your blogs and enjoy your art 💕💕 Idk if it's a little weird to ask but I also love your old aokaga art and I was wondering if you had any interest left in that fandom or would ever consider drawing for it again? xx
Gods, I really don’t know? It’s been so long since I’ve last engaged with anything related to knb........ I still do love the ship though, so, maybe? I really have no clue, I might though!! Thank you so much for liking even such old things from me!!!!
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fiction-fun · 4 years
This one too is atleast a year old. Not tagging again cause idk whod want to see it hahaha
Saved and Loved
Fandom: The Simpsons
Pairings: Bart/Nelson, Lisa/OC
Words: 2876
Warnings: None
The girl swung a bit on the swing as she watched the unfolding events. They weren’t supervised on recess not really anyway.
“GET BACK HERE NERD!” A rough angry voice screamed.
“NO!” Returned a harried voice as a boy in a red shirt shoved through the swings sending her flying.
“Hey!” She shouted clutching the chains.
The boy looped back trying to lose the larger figure behind him.
“SORRY!” he yelled as he ran back passed.
She glared and huffed but this was a weekly occurrence. She sighed and went back to swinging. A few minutes later the swing beside her was occupied by the boy from earlier sporting a few more bruises.
“Sorry about that, Kay.” He said shoving off a bit.
The girl, Kay, sighed as she turned to look at her only friend giving him a look.
“It’s fine Bart, I’m used to being shoved during recess.” She returned.
The boy, Bart nodded swinging slowly. She gave him a concerned look.
“Bart it’s fine, really.” She tried to reassure him.
He let out a sigh as he stopped the swing.
“it’s not that Kaley, although I’ll try to run away from the swings next time. It’s…. just this whole thing.” Bart said gesturing to the play equipment, other kids and then to his own face.
She nodded.
“I know Bart. I don’t know why you let it happen. Aren’t they Nelson’s lackeys? Aren’t you two some kind of friends? Why don’t you tell him?” she asked looking at him.
Bart shrugged.
“Yeah I probably should but…I don’t want to bother him. Or make him angry.” Bart said seemingly adding the last bit as an after thought.
Kaley watched him for a few seconds.
“I don’t think he’d be angry at you, at them probably but not you.” Kaley said softly.
Bart shrugged and just as Kaley went to say something more the bell went.
“I have to get to class, you should too.” She said gently.
Bart nodded and stood up stuffing his hands into his pants pockets. Kaley watched as he walked away a plan forming in her mind. She went to class and ended the day.
“Bart! Call me later ok?” Kaley said as she paused at his locker briefly.
“Yeah, I’ll try.” Bart said still distracted.
Kaley smiled gently and laid a hand on his shoulder.
“I’ll help you with your homework?” she offered, trying to convince him to call her.
Bart hesitated for a few seconds before nodding.
“Alright, if mom'll let me.” Bart said.
Kaley nodded and waved as she ran out of the school, and got into her dad’s car.
“Hi Daddy.” She said dropping her bag in the back and smiling at her dad.
He leaned over and hugged her.
“Hello sweetheart how was your day today?” he asked as he turned back to the front and started the drive home.
Kaley let out a sigh and slouched back in her seat.
“They chased Bart again, and he still won’t tell Nelson.” She said looking down at her hands.
Her dad looked at her at a stop sign.
“Maybe you should tell him?” her dad suggested.
Kaley nodded and stayed silent for a minute.
“They only do it when Nelson has to stay inside. Because they know he favors Bart. Without proof it’ll be me against them.” She said voice low.
Her dad parked the car, before turning to look at her.
“Maybe we can figure something out.” Her dad suggested.
She smiled slightly, glad she had gotten her dad’s brain and her father’s cunning. Her plan was coming together nicely.
“I was thinking Daddy, maybe I could use one of the mini cams you and Father use to monitor employees? We could disguise it as a bow.” Kaley suggested mildly.
Her Dad hummed a bit before looking towards the house.
“We’ll talk with your Father and see what he says.” Her Dad said.
She nodded and the two of them headed inside. Kaley headed up to her room to work on her homework. A few hours later her, her dad and her Father shared a nice dinner and talked lightly. And then after dinner Bart finally called.
“Hey Bart, how are you?’ she asked as she settled on her bed in her pajamas with her homework spread in front of her.
She heard a groan from the other side.
“Not great but better then I’d be if they’d caught me sooner.” Bart returned.
Kaley hummed and they quickly moved on to homework since they both had to be in bed soon. About an hour later they had finished.
“Ok that’s it, thanks for the help.” Bart said and she heard a book close and then a bag zip shut.
Kaley smiled and closed her own books setting them off to the side for now she still had another assignment to do.
“No problem Bart. I have to go, I’ll see you, tomorrow right?” she asked.
“Yeah see you tomorrow. Night, Kaley.” Bart returned.
“Good night, Bart.” She said ending the call.
Just as she placed the receiver back on its cradle her parents walked in.
“Just what have you got planned?” her Father asked her.
Kaley looked up at him from her bed and pulling her notebook back towards her she pulled out a few pages from the back passing them to her parents with a smile.
“I want to record them messing with Bart, so I can show Nelson what happens when he’s not around. But to do so, I’ll have to get indoor recess one day. That is a full outline of my plan and the different things I could do to get that indoor recess. I’m not planning to do this now, maybe a month or so I want to get a lot of evidence.” She said determinedly.
Her Father nodded as he read the plan.
“I would prefer no class damage.” Her dad said in response.
Kaley shrugged.
“Then I’ll swear. It might get me two days though.” She said.
Her parents looked at each other and nodded.
“Alright.” Her Father said.
And with that they said good night and headed to bed. Over the next two months Kaley wore a bow with a camera hidden inside it, anytime anyone asked why she wore it, she just said her Father had gotten it for her and she liked it. The green bow sat adorably atop her dark brown high ponytail, recording everything. Anything the teachers did wrong, her dad who reviewed the footage with her each day, made an extensive log of. But by the end of the two months she had in her possession a video of evidence for Nelson. The class before recess that day she heard Nelson whinning that he was stuck inside and she was already a little annoyed about her math test grade so she quickly scribbled a note to Bart.
'Sorry.’ It read and Kaley passed it to him quickly.
He gave her a look and she held up a finger.
“Nelson quit bitching.” She said loudly.
“Inside recess and your Father will hear about this!” the teacher yelled, which was also caught on the camera she still wore.
When that class ended, she paused at the door and waited for Nelson.
“Hey Nelson, I’m sorry. I just needed to get inside recess today. I need to show you something. Will you show me to the inside recess room?” Kaley asked looking at him.
Nelson went from angry to curious before nodding and leading her from the room. Within a few seconds they got to the inside room, beanbags games and cards lay around in a semi organized mess. No teacher watching them, but a tv with a tape player stood at the front.
“What did you have to show me?” Nelson asked looking at her.
Kaley pulled the tape from her bag and motioned for him sit down. He did that and waited while she put the tape in.
“Nelson, this is a tape containing the days you aren’t at recess, this is the last two months but it happens every time you aren’t out there.” Kaley said simply hitting play before taking a seat by him.
He watched the TV as the video played. Kaley watched as he seemingly grew angrier and angrier. When the tape ended, he turned to her.
“That tapes real?” he asked.
She nodded and pointed to her bow.
“I have a camera in here.” She said revealing it.
Nelson nodded and rose to his feet, pacing around the room.
“It happens every time I’m not out there?” He asked seemingly to clarify.
Kaley nodded again.
“Every time.” She affirmed.
Nelson nodded and continued to pace before in the last five minutes of recess he sat back down beside her.
“You keep that bow camera and you watch our boy.” He said firmly.
She nodded but raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“What are you gonna do?” She asked.
He gave her an evil look.
“I’m going to get suspended for at least a week.” Nelson said as the bell rang
Nelson stood nodded to Kaley and walked into the hall calmly. Kaley jumped to her feet grabbed the tape and raced to the hallway, slipping the tape Into her bag, she paused at Bart’s side right as Nelson took his two goons to the ground. Skinner arriving shortly to break the fight up. Nelson paused in front of Bart and Kaley.
“Bart beat them if they do it again. Kaley you know what to do.” He said firmly.
Both of them nodded as he was walked to the office. Nelson’s prediction was right and he was suspended for ten days, just over the week he said. Kaley made sure to record everything while he was gone and Bart did his best to fight back. That seemed enough to make them leave Bart alone. Only for them to turn and go after Kaley.
“This is a bad idea.” She said calmly.
They cracked their knuckles and continued forward. It had been nine days since Nelson’s suspension.
“Oh yeah? Why?” one of the two asked, she didn’t know his name.
She rolled her eyes and looked at them with a glare.
“Because my last name is Smithers-Burns, and you really don’t want the other two with that name to come after you.” Kaley said calmly voice distant and low.
The two backed off at that realizing their mess-up. When Nelson came back, he made an actual effort not to get recess detention even though his friends had actually laid off Bart a bit. It was five years later when anything else happened. Kaley had taken to wearing the green camera bow constantly, as the camera updated over the five years her bow changed a bit. She smiled as she paused next to Bart, his silver earring glinting in the light as he slouched against his locker.
“Hey Bart.” She said happily.
He hummed lightly before shaking himself and looking at her.
“Oh, hey Kaley.” He said standing up.
Kaley looked over to where he’d been staring, seeing Nelson at his locker, she rolled her eyes.
“Seriously Bart? You’ve liked him for five years just go tell him!” She exclaimed with an annoyed huff.
Bart quickly covered her mouth and dragged her into an empty room.
“Are you insane!? He’s fully straight!” Bart half shouted back.
She rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“No, he’s not.” She said simply.
He looked at her confused, before shaking his head and shrugging.
“It doesn’t matter, even if he’s not, he can do better than me.” Bart said with a sigh.
Kaley went to say something but the bell rang.
“Just think about it!” She called as Bart rushed from the room.
Kaley didn’t go anywhere as the room Bart had dragged her into was her next class. The next person in was Nelson and they took their seats at the lab table.
“What’s up with Bart?” Nelson asked.
Kaley sighed and looked at him with a slight glare. Nelson nudged her.
“You look like your father when you do that.” He said.
Kaley cracked a small smile and looked at him fully.
“He’s fallen for someone but won’t tell them.” Kaley said without telling Nelson anything.
Nelson huffed and turned around to the front looking glum. Kaley sighed and faced the front as well. A week later Kaley walked into the Park to see Bart getting beaten up by Nelson’s ex goons. Kaley paused took a picture texted it to Nelson and immediately called him.
“Nelson your boyfriend needs help. We’re at Springfield park.” Kaley said before ending the call just as quickly.
She ran over and tried to pull them off, being stronger than she looked had its advantages sometimes, although right now she was just struggling to keep one of them off Bart. It took a few minutes and the one Kaley held had just managed to bust free sending her slamming to the ground, before Nelson ran Into the park. He didn’t hesitate as he ran into the fray and sent both of the others to the ground, quickly getting them away from both Bart and Kaley. Nelson turned and helped Bart up, Kaley rising up by herself.
“You ok, Bart?” Nelson asked quietly.
Bart looked at Nelson and turned slightly, cheeks tinting red.
“Y-yeah I’m ok Nelson.” He said faintly.
Nelson nodded and looked him over. Kaley rolled her eyes.
“Just fucking kiss already.” She huffed looking at the two of them.
They both turned red and looked at her, she put her hands on her hips.
“You’ve been dancing around each other since you were ten. Just fucking date already. As both of your best friend, I beg you.” Kaley said with a small huff.
Nelson turned to look at Bart and drew him into a light kiss, Bart freezing for a second before kissing back. Kaley sighed and smiled softly. The rest of the year went decently no one dared to mess with Bart with him dating Nelson. Although Bart’s dad did kick him out and he started living with Kaley her parents.
“Bart! Nelson’s on the phone! Could you hurry up though! I want to call Lisa!” Kaley shouted through his door.
Bart opened his door and leaned against it, taking the phone from her.
“Hold on, Nel. It’s weird as hell that you’re dating my sister, and just use the downstairs line!” Bart grumped.
Kaley slammed her hand against the door as he tried to close it.
“It’s not weird. And I want to be able to laugh and giggle and talk with my girlfriend in my room like you get to talk to Nelson! You two always hog the phone!” she huffed annoyed.
Bart made a face before forcing the door shut. She yelled out a groan and turned to stomp back to her room.
“Kaley.” Her dad called from up the hall.
She looked up at him and smiled.
“Hi daddy, what’s up?” She asked.
Her dad smiled and waved her close before directing her into her room where her Father stood with a small platter in his hands.
“Father you’re home!” Kaley called happily and ran over hugging him gently.
Her Father smiled and nodded.
“Yes, I am, and your dad and I have decided to change a few things around here. Starting with this.” Her father said pulling the lid off the platter with a flourish.
Sitting on the platter was a landline phone.
“My own phone line?” she asked.
Her parents nodded.
“Yes, Bart is always taking the phone up here which is fine but it causes issues between you two and that’s not right. So now you have your own line.” Her Dad explained.
She squealed and hugged them both, before they hooked up the line and left so she could call Lisa. Both Bart and Kaley stopped fighting but now Waylon had the hard task of getting them off the phone for dinner. Two years later and they all graduated, even Lisa who had skipped two grades to join them. They spent the night laughing sitting in the park talking about how much they had changed. Nelson had an ear and nose piercing; Bart had his ear piercing. Both Kaley and Lisa had multiple piercings in their ears Kaley also had a tongue piercing and snake bites, while Lisa had gotten a nose piercing. They laughed long into the night sharing stupid stories from their point of view.
“Got Kaley to thank for this.” Nelson said hours later.
Bart and Lisa looked at him.
“I secretly made a tape of those idiots chasing and beating on Bart way back in what fourth grade? And when I told Nelson to stop bitching it was my plan to show him the tape.” Kaley said with a shrug.
Bart smiled and shook his head laughing.
“I wouldn’t tell him, so you found a way to show him.” Bart said.
That caused more laughter to ring through the group. Over the next few years the girls went to college and the guys started work and they ended up living in a duplex in town together, spending the majority of their time together.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
sprung spring | found you | jacob black [m]
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“You’re kinda small. It’s cute.” + Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes + Suck + Being dared to kiss + against a wall/door -
Hey, look... Years ago, I actually STARTED writing in the Twilight fandom. I feel like things have come full circle now, kinda? Idk.. Anyway, just wanted everyone to know that this takes place AFTER the series. Jacob is grown up here. So is the OC omega/imprint. If people bother me enough I miiight be tempted to sit down and come up with an actual story for these two, idek... Enjoy the filth. I blame the recent announcement of the Midnight Sun movie / book... Anyway, yeah.
Oh yeah and just so you know... I kinda took imprinting and alpha x omega bonds and mashed them together. So the oc here is not only Jacob’s imprint but she is also his omega. 
Jacob Black [ alpha ] x ofc, Lily [ omega ] 
Uhh... the usual stuff that goes with a/o.. Meeting a guy at a bar and hooking up. Protected sex, for once -yeah, that’s right, you heard it here guys and dolls, Ash FINALLY remembered that condoms exist.. Biting.
Writer does NOT agree or disagree with hooking up casually. Writer says to make up your own mind about these things. Alcohol warning, btw.
@micolegg​ - just because | @kyleoreillysknee​ - they’re the only person on my Twilight tag list. If you want to be on any of my taglists, once again, go [here] otherwise, you will not be getting tagged.
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( nobody @ me. I had to use this gif. I had to. )
“Okay, if you’re really over the jerk, I dare you to kiss the next guy who walks through the door.” 
Lily scoffed at her best friend’s dare and rolled her eyes, picking at her nails. “No, I believe I’ll pass. Knowing my craptastic luck, it’ll be one of those creepy Cullens or Nelson’s ass.” 
Cassandra’s gaze was fixed intently on the doors that lead into the crowded sports bar and she let out a low whistle. “I mean, if you wanna pass on that, by all means.” she gestured to where Jacob Black stood, tugging off a weathered brown leather jacket to toss at an empty booth. She nudged Lily again so that she’d look up and see the man for herself.
Lily swore sharply and finally tore her gaze off of her phone. “What the hell--” her sentence died on her lips and she swallowed down a baseball sized lump in her throat, blinking. Raising a hand to rub her eyes when blinking didn’t just make him disappear.
“Jacob?” her voice came almost whisper quiet, eyes fixed on him intently. She shook her head, it had to be some kind of hallucination. Jacob had been in Canada since a few weeks before Bella’s wedding. And every letter he sent home to Billy suggested that Canada is where he intended to stay. Or that’s the last thing her father told her when she bothered to ask last month.
So why come back now, she found herself wondering. She didn’t even realize that she’d started to move towards him until she bumped into Jessica’s back, muttering a distracted and quick apology, shoving past her until she caught up to Jacob Black.
Jacob was distracted; entranced by the warm and heavy sweetness of the vanilla scent he’d followed into the bar. Brown eyes darted around and his fists clenched at his sides as he tried to keep himself pulled together. For a split second, he thought he caught sight of Lily, an old neighbor, but when he tried to focus, see if it was really her, she was gone. 
“I’m here, might as well grab a drink.” Jacob mused to himself as he glanced around again, turning and preparing to walk back to the booth he’d left his jacket in. The scent of vanilla permeated the air around him heavily and he felt his skin tightening, his blood almost boiling. His vision started to tunnel and when he turned around fully, he found himself body to body with Lily.
“Jacob, hi.” Lily bit her lip and stared up at him, reaching up to toy with the end of soft long jet black locks. He let his hair grow back, Lily thought to herself distractedly, thank God. She quickly snatched back her hand when she realized what she’d done.
Her feet felt rooted to the floor. Why wasn’t she moving?
She wasn’t the same stammering little mess she’d been back then, damn it. Suddenly, Cassandra’s dare came rushing back and Lily took a deep breath, her eyes locking intently on kissable lips. 
“Fuck it. Yolo.” Lily muttered quietly, molding herself against Jacob, raising to tippy toe, tugging his mouth closer to her own as he bent down to make up for the difference in height. Rough hands dug into her lower back, lifting her off the floor slightly as his mouth crashed against her mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair, tugging at it so that the kiss deepened and his hand moved up her back, fingers catching in a long jet black braid, raking through it until it tumbled loose down her back. His tongue trailed over the outline of her lips and when she rubbed against him just a little, he groaned, the taste of rum filling his mouth as he deepened the kiss to a point where he knew she had to be getting dizzy and he could feel their breathing sync up, almost as if they were breathing for each other.
The kiss broke, the pair springing apart as Lily took a few deep breaths and raised her hand, smoothing it over her hair, pushing shaggy bangs out of her eyes. Jacob’s mouth opened and closed and his hand raised, dragging through his hair. All he could do was stare at her as everything he’d seen and the scent of her bombarded his brain and dominated every single part of his thoughts. He chuckled, rubbing his chin. “Hi, Lily. So, uh… is this how you greet everyone?”
“No, no.” the word tumbled out, making him laugh, making him flash her that bright and cocky grin of his. When she blurted out what transpired before he walked in, she wanted to kick herself, adding quickly to the end of her explanation, “But I wasn’t gonna do it til Cassandra got me to look up and I saw you walk in. Shit. Fuck. You know what? I’m gonna take this as my cue and go.”
Lily turned abruptly, already halfway back across the bar by the time Jacob processed what she’d basically just admitted. He was on his feet again, shoving through the crowd, deep brown eyes darting around all over as his nose honed in on the scent of her. He found her easily, sitting in the back in a booth with a group of two or three other girls he remembered from La Push High.
He cleared his throat and the girls all surrounding his imprint shared a look and stood abruptly after doing so, making a hasty retreat.
Lily lightly beat her head against the tabletop. “I swear to God, I just want to disappear right now, Cass. He has to think I’m still a huge dork.”
“Actually, no.” Jacob spoke up as he slid into the booth bench beside her, an arm going around the back of it. 
Lily raised her head reluctantly, her cheeks almost an angry red as she stared at him a few seconds. That intense heat was lingering in the air all over again and the spicy scent of him pierced her nostrils as she felt her skin tightening all over again.
The urge to straddle his lap took over before she could stop it and she didn’t even realize that every single dirty little thing on her mind was being broadcast directly to his until he leaned in close and chuckled against the shell of her ear, “Are you okay? You look like you’re burning up right now.”
It clicked into place what was happening and she crossed her legs, clenching them tight beneath the table.  Oh naturally, he’s my Alpha and I make an entire ass of myself… 
Jacob’s gaze shifted to her hands and the way they were almost white knuckle, her palms flat against the wooden tabletop. It happened again, just like earlier when she’d kissed him. Every single noisy thought flooded his brain and the animal side kicked into overdrive.
Yeah, he knew how imprinting worked but this felt… Different. A thousand times more intense. It was imprinting and something different… Something so much more than that. This primal urge to get her alone and lay claim.
When it hit him, his jaw dropped and for a few seconds, he sat there in a daze, staring straight ahead. 
Lily toyed with the wrapping to the straw in her mixed drink after noisily slurping down the last of it and taking a few labored breaths. The way he looked at her just now was… Deeper than any look he’d given her before.
To be fair, she found herself thinking with mild annoyance, before it was all about Bella. 
“Do you dance, Lily?” Jacob leaned in and muttered the question against the shell of her ear as someone put the Halsey version of I Walk The Line on to play in the music box at the front of the bar. He needed her closer. He needed to know she was okay. He needed to feel her body molded against his again because only then could he feel centered.
“Nobody dances in here, Jake.”
“There’s a first time for everything, Lil. C’mon. Unless you’re too tipsy?” he teased her gently, his eyes fixing on the pyramid of shot glasses in front of where she sat and the two empty glasses that contained mixed drinks.
This got his inebriated imprint slash omega on her feet. Between the alcohol in her system and the effects of what he suspected to be her heat setting in, she swayed a good bit. Jacob stood too and pulled her completely against him, his hands drifting down and gripping her ass to hold her in place. Lily looked up, staring deep into dark brown eyes. “I’m not too tipsy for anything, Jacob. I’ll… I’ll have you know, I-I’m perfectly sober right now.” she nuzzled her face against his shirt as soon as she dropped her gaze again and Jacob barely contained the low growl that arose from deep in his chest. His hands splayed across both sides of her ass, fingertips digging in just a little as his nose buried in the crown of her hair and he breathed in the scent of his mate as deep as he possibly could. After a few seconds, he gave a quiet laugh at her words.
“Right.” Jacob continued to snicker quietly to himself, a fond smile tugging his mouth upward as he fixed his gaze on her intently.
Lily’s head raised and she poked out her tongue at him, prompting him to snicker about it. 
“What’s so funny, Jake?” 
… God, is she ever not going to get me hard or distract the living hell out of me?. This is going to take a lot of getting used to, but it’s fine. It’s perfect, actually.. the thought came and went and rather than be dumb and let it slip out, he instead went with, “You’re kinda small. It’s cute,actually.”
“Oh hahahaha. Says the guy who reached man size in what? Seventh grade?” Lily teased gently, trying hard not to think about just how good it felt to be pressed against him like this, but just how many layers of clothing were still between them and how badly she wanted those gone.
“Ninth, actually. And I was not man sized.” Jacob chuckled, a soft gaze down at her. There it was at last, that truly lightweight and give no fucks feeling that came with the imprint bond.
“Y-you are.” Lily muttered, stumbling over the words lightly. With each little step they took, she found herself rubbed right against him and the slick coursed down her inner thighs, coating them. “Y-you were more of a man t-than any of t-those other s-shitheads at our school.”
… I seriously just said that… Ugh, can someone just strike me mute? Before I totally fuck up?... the thought came floating into her mind and Lily muttered a quick apology, giving him a little dirty look when he managed to mis step and stepped on her toes. 
“Fuck, I’m sorry.” Jacob apologized, laughing. He dipped her down and as she came back up, their faces bumped against each other. Just the feel of her lips against his own had him struggling to keep the animal within at bay.
 Lily’s tongue danced over the outline of his lips and his grip on her body tightened as he hauled her up fully, pressing into her so much that she had to lean back, her back meeting the edge of the booth with a soft smack. “It’s...it’s okay.” Lily managed to gasp out between sloppy and rough kisses that seemed to dominate her mouth and set her pulse racing. A throat clearing nearby had the two springing apart momentarily and it served to put the brakes on for the two momentarily. 
“You wanna get outta here, Lily?” Jacob pressed into her heavily, his hands on her hips, his mouth next to her ear. 
… isn’t this a little fast?...
… better too fast than never, besides… haven’t I waited long enough?... his mind was at war with itself and the stronger side, the animal side, that was winning.
Lily found herself staring deep into dark brown eyes and getting lost, just like she used to when they were kids. After a few seconds, it occurred to her that he’d said something and she managed to respond, “Oh god, yeah. Take me home, Jake.”  as she slipped her tongue past his lips all over again, her hands drifting down, tugging almost impatiently at the waistband of his jeans.
Jacob bent at the waist, scooping her up, making quick strides towards the doors of the little sports bar. Once they were outside in the chilled night air, he sat her down on the back of his motorcycle, getting on in front. 
“Hold on tight.”
Lily’s arms slipped around his waist and she pressed herself into him as the motorcycle’s powerful engine roared to life, the motorcycle taking off at a decent speed towards the reservation.
“Your place or mine?” Lily muttered quietly next to his ear as she grazed her lips against. Jacob’s breath caught for a second and he chuckled quietly, shrugging. Lily continued, “Because I’m the only one staying at my place… No interruptions.” her lips dancing right over the rapid pulse in his neck. Jacob bucked a little, feeling himself getting harder and harder. 
The reservation was coming into view and he drove down the dirt road they both lived on, parking his motorcycle beneath the carport next to the little red cabin she lived in. 
Getting off the motorcycle, he scooped her up in his arms again, quick strides up the porch steps, Lily digging around for her house key after climbing out of his arms, reaching out to unlock the door as Jacob lightly kicked it open with his foot, stepping inside the darkened house as he shut the door behind them and locked it. 
Her back pressed against the wooden door with a soft smack and Jacob’s hands were all over her. Her mouth latched onto his neck and chest, anywhere she could reach and when she rose to tiptoe all over again, Jacob chuckled and slid her up his body to sit her down on top of her dining table, his mouth latching onto her mouth and then dancing down her neck. 
As soon as he found the spot where her scent glands were, he could feel the pierce of his fangs at his gums. Lily was rubbing herself against him, her legs wrapped around him, her hands moving down between them and then her fingertips catching in the hem of his tee shirt, starting to pull it upward. The warmth of his breath against her neck felt so fucking good. She gasped and let her head fall to the opposite side, giving his mouth better access.
Jacob pulled away a second or two, eyeing her as she continued to rub against him, shaky fingers catching on the button to his jeans and pulling it free, then lingering down, lowering his zipper slowly. In a daze, he kicked his jeans and underwear free when they pooled at his ankles, a low and primal growl filling the air as his eyes settled on his mate all over again, his tongue trailing slowly over his lips as he gazed down at her. 
“Aren’t you going to do it?” Lily’s voice was a breathy drawl as her fingertips trailed up and down his bare chest and she fixed her eyes on him almost expectantly. She rubbed herself against him with more urgency, her whimpers and moans echoing off the walls of the dining room. Jacob licked his lips and smirking, he lowered his mouth back down to her neck, his teeth scraping against scent glands again.
“You’re sure, right?” his voice came out deeper, sending a jolt racing through her and another wave of slick coating the insides of her thighs. Lily gazed up at him, biting her lip. “I asked for it, didn’t I, Jake?”
“Yeah, but..” he trailed off, unable to finish his words because she took his face in her hands, scooting herself closer to the edge of the table, rubbing against him all over again, more urgently. Jacob’s hand went down to the jagged hem of her crop top, tugging it up and over her head, letting it settle on the table top behind her. He gave a low growl as his eyes roamed over her, his mouth almost watering at the way her scent intensified. Wiping the back of his hand over his mouth, he leaned in again, reaching around, the quiet tear of satin as her bra was torn away breaking the semi-silence between the two as he tugged it free from her body next. And then, he was leaning in, ghosting his mouth down the side of her neck, his tongue trailing over soft skin boldly, his lips latching onto the patch of skin her scent glands lingered beneath. 
This time when he felt his fangs starting to prick through and push to the surface, he didn’t bother fighting it. Instead, he sank his teeth into the sac just below the surface of the patch of skin. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she rocked herself against him, legs clenching his hips tight as she gasped. “Oh, oh wow..” the rush of the bond took over, leaving her to lean into him heavily, clinging to his body. Jacob leaned right back against her heavily, chuckling as he muttered the same against her skin.
The wooden tabletop was cool against her back as she wound up flat against it, Jacob pinning both her hands at either side of her head, his mouth crashing against hers again, muttering against her lips, “Just a second… stay right there.” and raising up, letting go of her hands, bending to pick his jeans off the floor, rifling through the pockets. He tore open the condom wrapper with his teeth, sliding the condom down over his cock before turning back around to face her, stepping back between her legs as he leaned down, his hips pressing into her lower body, his mouth roaming over her neck, littering soft skin with bites and suck marks as he groaned and rutted himself into her, the tip of his cock teasing between her folds and making her whimper out loud, rubbing herself right back against him. As his cock sank deep into her heat, she got louder, Jacob chuckling against her mouth as he pressed into her, going still to let her get used to his size as the knot began to form.
“I think I’m okay.” Lily managed to gasp, rocking her hips against him urgently. Jacob sank his cock in a little deeper, a quiet growl escaping into the kiss as he pulled his mouth away, staring down at her. “You’re sure?”
Lily gritted her teeth as she felt him burying his cock in even deeper. She felt like she was being split in two, stretched and overfilled. Her nails dug into his shoulder and she gasped as she started to really get used to the way he felt buried inside her, trying to rock her hips against him all over again. “Yeah, yeah. Fuck.” she moaned out, “so big.” 
“I’m not hurting you, right?”
“No, fuck no. Feels so..” Lily met the deep and steady drives he made into her tight and dripping cunt with her own thrusts eagerly, “So good. Fuck.”
Jacob slowed to an almost stop, she was so tight around him, it felt too damn good. His fingers dug into her hips and he growled quietly as he slammed her up and down his massive cock, panting next to her ear in quiet and filthy growls, “You’re so tight, fuck. Feels so good to bury my cock in you.” 
Her fingers dug into his shoulders and she moaned louder and louder, the table creaking quietly beneath them and making them both pause and eye the table, then each other. “Maybe we should move this to the couch.” Lily muttered, giving a soft laugh as she caught her breath for a few seconds. Jacob scooped her off the tabletop and went to step out of the dining room and into the living room. Lily’s back met the wall as Jacob’s mouth buried in hers all over again and he started to fuck into her slowly, making her moan and whimper and bite down on his neck as she begged for more. “On second thought, this… Oh fuck it feels so good, baby. So good. Don’t stop.” 
Jacob slipped her legs over his forearms and started to fuck into her harder and faster, feeling her clench around his cock as he slammed into her throbbing G spot again and again. Her nails danced down his back and from the way her mouth kept latching onto his neck, he had no doubt in his mind that tomorrow, he would not be hiding the marks left behind. Then again, neither would she, because he’d definitely left marks of his own. He felt her tense up and chuckling into her mouth he asked quietly, “Are you getting closer, baby girl?”
“So close. So close.” Lily gasped into his lips as he continued to pump in and out of her, the sound of their sloppy kisses and quiet moans and growls breaking any silence in the room. “C’mon, Lily. Let go.” Jacob coaxed as he felt himself getting closer too. “Wanna feel you, princess.” 
“ -oh fuck. Oh yeah, that’s it.” Lily moaned as he slammed against her g spot all over again, and she felt her orgasm shatter through. Her walls clenched his cock and Jacob’s thrusts became erratic, skin smacking loudly against skin as he fucked them through their orgasm, holding her against him and kissing her all over the face as they both tried to catch their breath. He nipped at her ear and muttered quietly, “Are you okay?”
“If you’re going to carry me around a little while, yeah.” Lily teased gently, catching the corner of his mouth with her own as their stomachs both growled noisily. “But I am kinda hungry…”
“Me too.” Jacob chuckled against her mouth, his forehead pressed against hers as he kissed her again, tender and deep.
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