#(i’m dyslexic/adhd and trying to make my posts accessible to people like me)
burntpaws · 4 months
to admit something that might get me shot on sight by the fandom: i don’t like mothpool.
i love mothwing and leafpool individually but frankly i don’t think it’d be a healthy relationship. they definitely are close, and i won’t deny that i think they’re sweet as friends, but that’s where it’d stop for me.
leafpool is very dedicated to starclan. she gave up so much to be held in their favor and do as they asked. and mothwing can’t quite understand that because of her own lack of faith. i’m not saying that interfaith relationships can’t work! i love my boyfriend and we have different faiths! but mothpool is on a very different level with these two’s dedication or lack thereof towards the faith.
starclan obviously means a lot to leafpool, and it’d likely be a common conversation between them, especially considering their careers. mothwing would get upset or feel awkward. even if she doesn’t outwardly express it. mothwing wouldn’t be happy in that relationship.
i think a lot of people forget that to be in a relationship means doing more than just having fun, kissing, cuddling, and comforting each other. it’s also talking about things that aren’t easy to talk about with anyone else. i just don’t think mothpool would have that.
there’s also the fact that it suffers from a lot of infantilization from the fandom. i remember a lot of mothpool fans being like “LOOK AT MY SWEET BABIES!!!!” which is almost okay! be happy about your favorite ships! but maybe don’t call them babies. mothpool is a fandom favorite wlw ship and i don’t think they should be treated like they’re just here for shipping. mothwing and leafpool aren’t just there to kiss each other, don’t remove their whole characters just for shipping! although as someone who isn’t wlw, perhaps it’s best i leave that conversation to someone better suited for it ^^;
tldr i don’t like mothpool bc i don’t think they’d be healthy
Edit: HOWEVER this doesn’t mean i hate/dislike mothpool shippers! there’s nothing canonically wrong w them (ie abusive, related, etc!) so i have no quarrel w mothpool shippers!
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deafarcher · 2 years
ooc: rules
After reading these rules, please visit the verses page for a summary of Clint’s world (see the other muses' blogs for their verses, but theirs are generally the same as Clint's)
Natasha: https://avengersoul.tumblr.com
Coulson: https://shieldagentcoulson.tumblr.com
Bobbi: https://mxckingbxrd.tumblr.com
***Last Updated: august 22, 2024***
Shipping is based on chemistry, however Bruce/Natasha is definitely going to be a hard no, romantically (no exceptions).
Spam and unsolicited requests for money policy
Automatically reported and blocked.
Smut and Shipping Policy
I'm willing to write smut, however I'm not great at writing it in my opinion (I need practice), so I'm always happy to fade to black on request.
OC Policy
Original characters (OCs) are always welcome.
Following Back Policy
I am selective about who I follow, but I am not that selective about doing threads. Please don’t use whether I follow you back or not as an indicator of my interest.
Hate Anon Policy (also known as the ‘If Mun or Muse Annoy/Offend You Policy’)
Blocked on sight if you send a hate anon. If something offends you, I am open to learning why (if not yelled at). I try to not engage with people who immediately assume the worst of others.
Magic Anons/Anonymous/Random Asks
Always welcome. Always.
Memes and Ask Memes
Always welcome to send in, regardless of how long it’s been since the post was posted. Just make sure your ask includes what the symbol/word means.
Private/Discord Roleplays
Mun prefers to not do private roleplays/roleplay on discord. Exceptions will be made on a case by case basis however.
Mun is dyslexic. Putting an entire post into the cursive font that tumblr has will make your reply illegible to me. Making the text of your post small will also make it difficult for me to read. A long reply that’s just a wall of text is also a problem for me. Mixing bold and italic text in your reply for the aesthetic won’t necessarily mess with my ability to read replies though.
I’m also ADHD and chronically anxious about when it is appropriate to remind people about replying to threads, please bear with me on that, and absolutely let me know if I am a pest about it, because I can assure you, I am not intending to be annoying about it. I do use a thread tracker, but I don't put all of my threads in it, so if you don't get a response within a couple days, you may want to check in with me.
I don’t always use icons or gifs. If you want to, that’s fine by me, just try to avoid using gifs that are particularly flashy if possible. Unless otherwise specified, none of the icons I use were made by me.
Matching Reply Length
I don’t expect you to match the length of my replies and I will not try to match yours, I feel that interferes with the flow of the story being told in the thread. If you feel like my reply is too short for you to work with, I can attempt to edit it.
Duplicate Muses/Threads
I love writing with duplicates. I write with everyone in their own verses, so it’s not a problem at all for me to write with multiples of the same character, even of my own muses. I love seeing how different people approach the same characters.
I also have no problem revisiting ideas and concepts from past threads, with the same muse or with a completely different one, even at the same time.
Tagging Triggers and Spoilers Policy
I am terrible with tagging stuff consistently (just see the number of times I tag the wrong blog on replies), but if I know someone specifically needs something tagged, I do a better job of remembering, so please let me know. Or don’t follow me at all, if you need it reliably tagged. I won’t be offended. Also I won’t go back and tag triggers on old posts, there’s just too many posts to go thru to do that.
Spoilers will never be tagged. I don’t watch Marvel movies/TV shows for the most part until after they’re available on Disney+ for at least a month, if I ever watch them at all, so half the time I don’t know what movie/tv show stuff is from unless it’s labelled. Comics spoilers are also not tagged for the same reason.
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marinsawakening · 6 years
Actually while I’m on the topic of ableism you know what else bothers me? The way this site is so incredibly performative when it comes to accessibility.
Okay, so my followers (yes, all 2.5 of you and the piece of lint I found in my pocket) know that I try my best to add image descriptions to every single post I reblog. I don’t have a perfect streak, but I’m damn well trying, and regularly forgo reblogging things (like comics) because I can’t caption them. 
And, every once in a while, the OP reblogs the post with my image description added, saying something like ‘thank you for the id!’ in the tags, often followed by some kind of excuse as to why they didn’t add it themselves, like “i didn’t even think to add one”. Sometimes, I even get PM’s or asks from the OP thanking me. This has always happened, even on my old blog, where I wasn’t even nearly as consistent with captioning as I am now.
And it’s the weirdest fucking thing to me. Adding image descriptions should not be some big deal? I mean, I’m sighted, and I can’t presume to speak for the blind community, but I’m pretty damn sure that making Tumblr posts accessible is pretty much the minimum you can do for them. Image descriptions are a necessary tool to make posts accessible to blind people; I should not be getting thanked or praised for adding them, it should be the norm.
But that’s not what pisses me off. What pisses me off is that I’ll go to the OP’s blog and see that, except for mine, their posts don’t have a single image description. Not before they reblogged my description, and not after, either.
Look. If you didn’t know you needed to add descriptions, now you do. If you didn’t remember to add one, this should at least serve as a temporary reminder. If you don’t know how to add image descriptions, research it or take mine as an example. But if I don’t see a single. fucking. post. captioned. I start to wonder whether you ever cared at all.
Aside from my own, the only blogs I know who consistently add image descriptions to what they make/reblog are disability blogs, and even they don’t do it nearly as often as they should! And even if they did, the idea that the disabled community is solely responsible for making posts accessible for other disabled people is fucked up as hell. 
I know some people can’t add image descriptions (because of chronic pain, being blind themselves, chronic fatigue, whatever), and that’s fine. In fact, that should also not be a big deal! People’s needs (especially the needs of disabled people) are going to conflict with other people’s needs! And if everyone who didn’t have issues adding image descriptions added image descriptions to their own damn posts, they wouldn’t even need to add image descriptions the vast majority of the time, and when they do, we could pick up the slack! 
But the truth is that, even to people with no actual problems adding image descriptions, which is, let’s face it, mostly abled people, accessibility doesn’t matter enough to expend that little extra effort it takes to add descriptions. They’d rather wait until someone else does it, then remember that they should be doing that with a shock of guilt, and then reblog it with some damn excuse in the tags, and forget about it and never actually make any move to make their blog accessible.
I’m using image descriptions as an example here because it’s the easiest for me to make my point with it, but here’s some other things y’all do that can make your blog either partly or completely inaccessible to disabled folks:
Picking a blog theme that puts entire posts in italics/writing long paragraphs or entire posts in italics. Italics are very hard to read for dyslexic people can make your blog inaccessible if used excessively.
Not adding audio transcripts to audio posts for d/Deaf and HOH people.
Not adding video descriptions/transcripts - again, d/Deaf and HOH people, as well as people with an auditory processing disorder, might not understand the spoken text in a video, and blind people won’t be able to see it, so they still need a transcription.
A long, unbroken paragraph of text can be hard or even impossible to read for people with ADHD.
Writing entire posts in capslock. Some people have negative reactions to this (for example, it can be associated with yelling, which can be triggering to abuse survivors). Same goes for bold text. I’m saying you should abandon it entirely, I’m just saying to be mindful when you use it.
Blog themes with tiny fonts are already annoying for abled people, but it can make your blog completely inaccessible for more than a couple of disabled people. 
A blog theme that isn’t easy to navigate (for example, you need many clicks to get to the home page, or the home page is just straight up hidden) can also make your blog inaccessible, because many disabled people (including autistic people, hi) need easy-to-navigate layouts, and having a theme that requires a lot of clicks to do basic things can be a problem for people with hand problems (for example, chronic pain).
Putting GIFs in your post for no reason whatsoever. Sometimes, a GIF can help illustrate what you mean, or sometimes the GIF is the post itself. This is fine! What’s not fine is when people (looking at you, writeblr) make long posts about some kind of subject and add random GIFs to it that have no value to the post at all, other than to add some visual component that isn’t even really needed. GIFs can be inaccessible for a number of reasons (migraines, epilepsy, etc) and you shouldn’t add them when they aren’t strictly necessary or the entire point of the post.
And these are just the things that I can think off from the top of my head. 
Look, we’ll never be able to make our blogs completely, 100% accessible because of the conflicting needs of many disabled people, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try to at least not make your blogs completely inaccessible for certain disabled people.
I am sick and tired of this hellsite pretending to give a shit about us when you can’t even put in the effort to make your own blog, or at the very least your own damn posts, accessible. 
Accessibility shouldn’t be an exception, it should be the norm, and if you believe that too, than I expect you to handle accordingly.
(And PS don’t bother reblogging or liking this unless you actually plan to listen to any of this. I don’t want any hollow words here, those are the reason I made this post in the first place, and if you want to reblog/like this without actually examining your own behaviour, you are part of the problem.)
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