#(i rearranged it from 1-2-3 to 1-3-2 bc i like it better this way :p)
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heymeowmao · 2 years ago
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Three times Xiang Liu tried to get Xiaoliu to fall into her arms before she decided fck it, and fall herself.
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mego42 · 5 years ago
Sorry to do this to you but I would now like to know your Top 10 GG moments with your commentary on why it’s The Best (I’ll accept Top 5 if that’s too daunting, hahah)
I’d say you’re the worst but I guess I did this to myself and also this was actually fun to think about aside from the unreasonable amount of panic that I’m forgetting stuff. 
With the exception of #1, please don’t hold me to this ranking order, it came out in the order I thought of stuff.
1. I mean…….how was it?
ALL TIME REINING CHAMPION OF GOOD GIRLS MOMENTS. Ruby’s facial journey is absolutely priceless. Honorable mention shout out to Annie’s “I’ll tell you what got into her, gang friend” and also how they just???? decided????? to leave the bar???????? through the kitchen??????????? I don’t understand, what was wrong with the front door they presumably used in the first place. Such a weird choice.
2. The worst game of 20 questions in history
So much to love about this scene. Rio’s loft and the introduction of Known Art Ho Rio! Beth fondling his t-shirts like a deeply relatable creeper! Beanie!Rio! Beth and Rio standing with their faces unreasonably close together! Beth being super dtf in spite of Rio having literally mailed her pieces of a dead body for weeks! Girl’s got some hilariously screwed up and yet understandable priorities!
3. Rio shooting Dean
The chaotic energy! The bloody knuckles! Dean’s face looking like a rearranged plate of raw hamburger! What are you doing, Elizabeth! Chin touching! Hair stroking! A t-shirt! Stupid inexplicably attractive tattoos! That lip! Dean getting shot! What’s not to love tbh??
4. Ben coming out to Annie
*incoherent weeping*
5. The entirety of 204
This entire episode was perfect.
6. Mary Pat telling the story of the body in her freezer
Another series of unmatched facial journeys. I hated Mary Pat but dear god I love that actress. This scene was peak visual storytelling and I love it.
7. Ruby and Stan getting stoned
I just *clenches fist* love them so much??????? The way their relationship is so deeply lived in and real and affectionate, their shared history, how goofy and sweet they are with each other. Singing Nelly!! Stan and the snacks!!!! Ruby forgetting why she’d pulled out the pot in the first place!!!!! The little pause when Ruby asks Stan to tell her stuff and then he gets all excited to gossip!!!!!!!!! It’s all top notch and I would like more of this please.
8. THE!!!!!! RETURN!!!!!!!!!!! OF THE DUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh god the first time I watched this episode I started hyperventilating as soon as the trash man brought in that envelope and was up off my couch screaming when Beth opened it. My soul left my body and I ascended to a higher plane.
9. The 109 break up
This scene was absolutely electric and I loved everything about it but especial shout out to the first use of Elizabeth, I stg I went catatonic for at least an hour
10. You, me, we, it’s just business
This whole conversation is so loaded and heavy and I love it because it’s got a little bit of so many things I can’t get enough of: Beth snarking in the face of danger, Rio being done with Beth’s shit, actual verbal acknowledgment of some of the things that have happened between them, Rio lying like a little liar about their personal relationship, it’s good shit
Honorable mentions include:
p much everything in 209 with the exception of the bits where it went all the way wrong (ESPECIALLY JT!!!!! Cannot believe JT didn’t make the top 10, not sure who I am rn tbh)
actually you know what swap 209 with you, me we, it’s just business 209 should be on the top 10 list
why don’t I just move it now while I’m typing? shut up do I tell you how to live your life?
any time someone points out how Dean’s the worst (s1 was so great for this, please bring it back)
you look good behind that desk but you’d look so much better on top of it
beth bargaining to buy back her life in 304
the montage of Beth teaching Max how to shoot (10/10 nearly good enough for me to forgive the hitman thing which is saying something bc my god do I hate it) (I’m tacking the scene with the two of them in the van and Beth talking about how she feels nothing onto this because oooof that makes me feel stuff)
Ruby’s I’m that bitch speech AN ABSOLUTE CLASSIC!! RETTA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!
Annie helping Nancy give birth
Stan getting the pen cap back (aside from that being Such A Moment, I adore how the show built the tension to it)
Don’t say panties (the laughter! The smiling! The casual camaraderie!)
What are you doing with someone like me (obvs the whole scene but special shout out to the way Beth’s brain completely breaks) (this episode also features hoodie!rio and some top notch rio + Annie content) (oh god and “his name is rio!”) (oh man and the girls giving the money to ruby for Sarah) (AND THE AND HE KISSED ME SPEECH TO TURNER) (amending this to be all of 105) (maybe I should’ve just done top ten episodes) (oh no)
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haus-of-wu · 5 years ago
The Evolution of “It’s You”
To be honest, I’m pretty sure “It’s You” was the first SJ song I went absolutely feral on, because the beat is so damn catchy, and best of all, it’s a SAD BOP!
If you’ve ever wanted a sad dance track with emotional vibes about how even after a breakup, the one in their heart will always be you (we appreciate a gender neutral love song), then this is the one.
“It’s You” holds a special place for being the last MV that all thirteen members are involved in. It also is the song that SJ was promoting while Kibum was taking a step back from singing (Kibum doesn’t have lines and is missing from promo activities because he was already pivoting to acting at this point in time) and Han Geng was filing his lawsuit. Super turbulent times in 2009.
I was going through all the different live performances of “It’s You” for nostalgia’s sake during these social distancing hours, and I was kinda punched in the gut at how much this song means to me as an ELF. I literally took an eight-year break from following anything k-pop related, yet somehow I ended back here, with Super Junior, as a full-ass adult. I’ve grown to love all the other parts of SMTown and a bunch of other groups and artists, but SJ will always be the one for me, no matter what (okay if anyone pulls something like seungri did they’re dead to me).
"It’s You” really highlights not only SJ’s versatility, but also their growth. Super Junior’s gone through so many line-up changes over the years, and no matter what version of the line distribution and choreo they perform, “It’s You” just continues to develop like fine wine. (How is this song ELEVEN YEARS OLD)
Come through under the cut for the masterlist of performance videos, what stood out to me about each of them, and to experience the evolution yourself! :)
ALSO - please send me song requests for more “Evolution of ___” type posts bc it’s just so much fun to see how performances change and age
SBS Inkigayo (May 17th, 2009)
The first performance of “It’s You”. Ever.
Donghae’s opening vocals were sooo iffy (especially if Ryeowook or Kyuhyun were juxtaposed in the verse right after) back in the day, it’s wild - but also have the time you gotta ask whether he was sick at the time or not smh
ELF are already serving the fan chant sing-along when the song had barely been out for a week - iconic, given the fact that you literally had to buy or pirate in 2009 bc streaming wasn’t a thing
What is Leeteuk’s ponytail
I miss the simplicity of 2nd gen choreo - like the whole vibe of this was “we’re going to move to the beat and make it very obvious via formation who is singing a verse/chorus (giant hint, it’s the center)”
Dance line’s (read: Eunhyuk and Shindong’s) chest pops hitting everyone in the feels - oh wait WTF this camera completely cuts off Eunhyuk and Shindong’s chest pop duet
2009 Eunhyuk and Shindong, don’t worry, your suave vocals will come soon, just give it a few more years
Yesung’s ad-lib solos during the last chorus were done standing up and off to the side - just wait for the the drama to escalate in later performances folks
 Music Core (May 30, 2009)
(I’m maxing out on the number of embedded videos so click the header for the link)
Not much different from the one above, just better camera angles and resolution, and the first(?) time Yesung does his ad-lib solos while kneeling on the floor, bc you gotta add some d r a m a
Music Core (June 6, 2009)
(Once again, click above for the link)
Don’t really know whether this one or the performance right below came first
But Han Geng is MIA bc of...Reasons™, so Siwon takes over his opening ad-libs
Yesung’s face has a blankness to it during his verse, which is just so sad; usually he has an aura of confidence but it was completely not there during this at all (literally just compare directly to the performance above and it’s SO different)
Leeteuk’s awkwardly like smiling during his verse? (It comes off like he’s trying too hard to make it look like things are fine) But it’s not his usual camera expression so you just know something is wrong
Ironically this is probably the stablest Eunhyuk’s vocals have been during 2009 for his line
It’s really obvious that Yesung is struggling to keep it together emotionally for this performance like good god, he’s really been blank-slating a lot of this performance
And then Heechul has to come in looking depressed as fuck (which is hella valid) for his solo and nails it (while looking like his cat died - long live han j(ae) heebum)
Siwon and Yesung bump into each other as they get into the ending pose
God I really could say more about how each member performs as they cope with this but I’ll refrain
Music Core (Sometime later, 2009)
(Once again, click above for the link)
Hella sad times because Hangeng is notably missing right from the get-go again, with Yesung taking his opening ad-libs
Also Kangin is missing but I cannot remember why - kudos to Sungmin for covering (but idk why he was trying so hard to sound raspier like Kangin bc that did not work for him)
Imagine having to rearrange all the formations and reassign parts to promote on a regular music show because you’re missing two whole members
Correction, THREE whole members because Heechul was so emotionally fucked up from Hangeng leaving
Kudos to Leeteuk for being that Bitch and delivering on Heechul’s solo
Like, this was the peak of 2009 turmoil for SJ
At least Yesung had some (angry) spark in him for this performance bc I would not be able to handle another sad/blank performance from him (that shit hurted ok)
This whole performance has a simultaneous sense of muted solemnity and (angry/petulant) fighting spirit to it bc they’re all trying real hard to compartmentalize the shit that’s happening outside of this stage
I think the phrase is more like “y’all think this shit is going to break us, but it’s not” which once again goes along with the whole “SJ is a bunch of veterans that will keep going on even if the road is barren/till the end of the line” concept that they’ve painted for themselves
Super Show 5 - Seoul (2013, no 83line)
The Super Show DVDs give such superior sound quality (infinitely better when listened to with headphones). You can really hear the distinct timbre among all their voices.
eunhyuk what are those glasses/shindong what is that hair
congrats to dance/rap line on their vocal growth !!
Leeteuk and Heechul were off in the military during SS5, which means that Ryeowook and Kyuhyun got to take over Heechul’s mid-song solo. (I honestly don’t think I would have survived had Ryeowook done the ending of that part, because he has the type of voice that pierces through your heart)
yesung going feral during his solo on the platform is everything tbh
Super Show 5 - Osaka (2013, no Yesung)
It’s the same tour, so most aspects of the performance are the same. Yesung’s absence (due to mandatory service) led to some interesting change-ups, namely:
Sungmin taking his first verse with his fresh clear vocals
Heechul pulling a Heechul, appearing on the platform and then promptly disappearing - king of GHOSTING
Ryeowook being in charge of the SCREAM solo. KRY have completely different timbres, and Ryeowook’s take on this solo gives a very different feel.
Yesung’s known for having the more soulful voice, whereas Ryeowook executes in a clearer manner that comes off as more technical/didactic way
KRY comeback next month guys it’s COMING
Super Show 7 - Seoul (2017)
(You’re gonna have to jump to 3:30 bc this is a 2-in-1 vid)
SS7 brought this hit back in a completely new way.
The blindfolds, guys... p l e a s e.
The original choreo relied a lot on the number of members. Even though the choreography has completely changed, and there’s only half the number of members, the song still hits.
Once again, not shutting up about how much Eunhyuk’s vocals have improved. Like...he really was out here during the 8th album/SS7 and taking over main vocal lines. He’s developed so much control over his voice, and the result we hear is a honey-sweet smooth timbre.
Chest pop dance break reinvented but still referencing the dance line duet
You barely notice when Siwon covers Kangin’s lines and Leeteuk covers Sungmin’s during the second verse, bc this time around they actually picked members with similar timbres (i am still ?? at why sungmin tried to emulate kangin’s voice to the point where it messed up his own verse during that 2009 performance)
Shindong leading a chorus, did 2009 us ever see this coming
The fact that Yesung finally does his kneeling scream solo smack in center sends
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