#(i hope my botw-leaning friends and followers feel loved)
evil-robot-cat · 8 months
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Music practice! For some reason, Zelda encouraged Link to take up the ocarina. The reason being, I'm not confident enough to sculpt an entire accordion in 1:14 scale. Ahem, either way, Sidon is more than happy to join in!
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Coming Home
Written for @hey-a33butt for the SidLink gift exchange!
I picked the prompt Coming Home because I wasn’t sure if you’d be too pleased with my first idea of sparring. I wanted to do the fight in the parking lot from Superstore but put into BOTW. And yeah. I didn’t think that would fly ^^;
Title: I’m Coming Home
Summary: Link and Sidon have been courting for some time, both before and after the slaying of the Calamity. But they are never able to stay together for long. But they talk about it. And when that day comes where Link can come back to the Domain for good, that final ‘Welcome Home’ hits all the right spots.
 There was nothing like looking at the night sky in Hyrule. So many gorgeous stars. Even the three red beams that pointed towards the castle didn’t deter from their beauty. And there was none more gorgeous than the one laying next to him.
Sidon had felt the pressure of the last few months coming down on him in that moment, the aching and pining he had been feeling ever since Link had calmed Vah Ruta and set his sister’s spirit free. He sometimes felt like he couldn’t describe his feelings for the Hero of Hyrule, the little spitfire of a Hylian that didn’t speak much but knew just what to say at just the right moment.
Sidon knew his head was always full of words, it was evident in how often he praised him and how varied and enthusiastic those praises could be. But in this moment he couldn’t find the ones he wanted to say. The reason he had brought Link out here, to set a romantic mood and see if he could find his way into Link’s heart the way that the other had crawled right into his. Instead of telling him, he instead asked what the other would do once this journey was over.
“What will you do when you defeat the Calamity?”
Linked glanced over at Sidon. They had been friends, and he wasn’t sure how things would stand with them after this evening. He hoped Sidon would say something, he knew there was this special connection between them. Everyone in the Domain could see it in the way their Prince lit up when he heard of Link’s arrival or how he’d compliment him or how sometimes he just couldn’t stop talking about him and would end up lost in thought with the goofiest smile on his face.
It had taken him so long to see it himself. But when he did begin to notice it and that realization dawned on him, that his own feelings for his ‘best friend’ went far beyond that of any friend, it made his chest feel warm and happy. Like he was…he was…
“I suppose I’ll go home,” Link finally said.
“Where is that?”
Link shrugged. “Dunno. Suppose there’s Hateno.” Oh, right. Sidon remembered Link mentioning his house in Hateno. “Though after everything I would think Zelda might want to rebuild Hyrule Castle and Castle Town. So who knows. Maybe that will be home.”
Sidon swallowed. It was now or never.
“What if you came here?”
Link’s eyes went wide. He had gone and done it. And Link was thankful for it too; as the embodiment of Courage he didn’t know if he’d find enough strength to let Sidon know of his own feelings.
“To the Domain,” Sidon continued. “Everyone here adores you.” He rolled to face Link, then reached out to take his hands. The Prince’s large ones engulfed his, but it made that warmth in his heart spread throughout his body. “I adore you,” he finally added on, and that was all Link needed.
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. A promise. To one day return home.
The celebration that followed the defeat of the Calamity was widespread and took place over many months. Each faction wanted to congratulate and honour the Hero and Princess and their unshakeable bravery. Perhaps it would have done some good to collaborate and hold a grand ball and feast as a united Hyrule. But everyone wanted to do their own thing. And so it took longer for Link to fulfill that promise to come home.
“You won’t stay this time?”
As of late there had been too much build-up of wanting to see his lover. Link would find times to sneak off with the Sheikah Slate to go to the Domain any evening he could. Some nights they would lay outside and watch the stars, just as they had the time Sidon had confessed his love. Others they would cuddle together and do nothing but talk. Or well, Sidon would talk. Link would mostly listen, add in a few things here and there.
Some others their snuggling would turn to heavy petting, and result in evenings of passion, only stopping for a moment’s rest or to watch the sun rise. This was one of those nights.
“You know I can’t,” Link said, reaching out and touching Sidon’s cheek. “We finished our tour of Hyrule, but we have only just started rebuilding the Castle and New Castle Town.” Sidon sighed. He had been receiving almost daily correspondence on how things were moving along since the two had reached the castle once more and clean-up had begun. It felt torturously slow, and Sidon couldn’t help but feel somewhat neglected. The depth of his love for Link and his undying faith in him were enough keep him going, but he sometimes couldn’t help but hold a bit of resentment. Whether it was towards Queen Zelda or all of Hyrule keeping them apart, he wasn’t sure.
Link leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “You’re mad.”
“A little.”
“You know we can always stop. We don’t have to continue this if it’s causing you that much trouble.”
Sidon shot up at that idea, distressed that he had caused Link to think that. “I would never!” When Link looked at him and started to smile he pressed forward with defending himself. “I love you too much to even entertain such a thought, Link! I just…” he stopped, squeezed the sheets, wished he wasn’t prone to such jealousy and selfishness. “I just want you to come home.”
“I know,” Link said, and he sat up as well, leaning in once more to gently press their lips together. “I love you too. And I want nothing more than to return to you for good and not just keep sneaking around on my free time to be with you.” Link pressed his forehead against Sidon’s crest. “Just be patient. Please?”
“But for how long?” Sidon knew of Link’s duties, but it still came out as a bit of a whine.
“I don’t know. But it will happen. Do you trust me?”
“More than anything.”
They left it at that. A few hours later he kissed Link goodbye, watching him disappear in a swirl of blue light to return to New Castle Town, returning to fulfill his promise to help rebuild and train a new legion of guards.
He would just have to learn to be more patient.
The second anniversary of the Calamity’s fall was quickly approaching. Sidon’s own duties done for the day, he couldn’t help but look out at the starry sky and think of that night he had asked Link to join him in the Domain. A promise two years old, and while he was working on his patience the loneliness Link would leave behind felt unbearable some days.
“Pardon me, your Highness?”
Sidon turned, surprised that the Captain of the Guard would want to see him so late. “Yes?” he asked, and when Bazz stepped forward he saw that there was a letter in his hand. “What’s this all about?”
“Forgive me for not giving this to you sooner, my Prince. But I hadn’t had the chance to meet with you ever since the Rito Courier dropped this off this afternoon.” Sidon nodded in understanding and took the letter, when he recognized Link’s handwriting addressing it to him he nearly ripped the letter open with his teeth. Not quite taking it too far, he was able to curb his enthusiasm a bit, but did still ended up scrambling a little as he fumbled with it to get it open without tearing it to shreds.
The message inside was short and sweet, but still moved Sidon to tears.
“Prince Sidon?” Bazz asked. “Is everything alright?”
Sidon nodded enthusiastically, unable to stop himself from launching forward to embrace the Captain in his joy.
I’m coming home.
After receiving the letter Sidon had no idea just how long it would take. But he knew it would be soon. He rushed to finish any royal duties he had during the day and finish up his training each and every morning. Anything that required immediate attention he would wake up and the crack of dawn to get done so that by afternoon he could stand by the bridge and wait.
It took four days. But on that fourth day he was unable to stop himself  from running to greet him as soon as he saw that telltale tuft of blond hair peaking over the horizon. And with a hearty and tearful laugh he scooped Link up, spun him around, pecked his cheeks with several kisses as Link laughed along with him.
“Welcome home, my love.”
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queakenstein · 7 years
How about botw zelink first kiss?
There was little time in Zelda’s life for romance and, to be completely honestly, she never felt the need to push the issue. Her hours had been spent praying, studying, discovering and being the general figurehead of hope that her Father needed her to be. Her mother died before she ever managed to pass on any life lessons in love or how to activate the powers her veins carried.
Which left Zelda to figuring it out all on her own.
Well, until Urbosa. The Gerudo took the girl under her wing as best that she could while still maintaining her role of Champion. Urbosa did not teach Zelda from books or in the drawling way that her teachers did. She sat her down and spoke with the utmost honesty. Something the then sixteen-year-old appreciated.
Blonde hair tied into a twisting bun, Zelda slumped against the inner wall of Naboris with a groan. Urbosa raised an eyebrow and peered down at the girl. “Something amiss, Princess?”
“This heat… it is making my…” She faltered, speaking such things aloud would have given her Father a shock but Urbosa understood. She always did. “Cycle especially tortuous.” She managed a pained smile. “Your tips have helped. Thank you.”
“I’m just surprised that you’d never heard of them!” The Gerudo slid down to join her companion. “I wonder what else they have not told you?” Urbosa frowned, deeply. “Sex?”
Zelda flushed, brightly, and rapped her on the shoulder. “Urbosa!” She covered her blush with her palms. “Of course.”
“Good.” She laughed, loudly, at Zelda’s embarrassment though her amusement quickly turned to gentleness. “And what of love, young one?”
Urbosa sighed, pulled her charge close, and leaned her cheek against Zelda’s golden hair. “Love. Being in love. What it means, what it can mean?”  She shifted so that she can look into the teenager’s eyes. “I worry for you. ” She took her hand into her own. It was warm, calloused and gentle. “You have not experienced much of the world, Princess. I fear that they will place you in a loveless marriage and I do not want that for you.” The Gerudo smiled, softly. “Do not allow them to steal real love from you.”
She never really finished that conversation with Urbosa. Link arrived with a summons from her father and they parted ways. They saw each other from time to time but neither approached the subject. There were more important things to be discussed than matters of the heart.
It’s something Zelda can recall following Calamity’s defeat. Urbosa’s gentle words and the oppressing feeling of time running between her fingers. Link takes her hand to help her ascend to the top of a peak. The heat is unbearable but lightning stands, unwavering, before them.
His fingers linger around her palm. He releases her to move toward the Beast and Zelda remarks on how steadfast he has been for her. Link glances back and smiles, gently. “Would you like a moment… alone with her?”
“Yes.” She shouldn’t be surprised that she’s already an emotional wreck. She’s cried upon visiting every single one of them. This was the last one. The hardest good-bye to swallow. Zelda walks forward to press forehead against the machine. “There are so many things I want to ask you, to share with you. I never thanked you for your guidance or the care you showed. For the love, you gave me when I needed it.” A shaky breath. “Like so many others, I do not know that I am ready to say good-bye but I wish you peace.” She steps back and brushes the tears from her face. There is so much more to say but Zelda turns away.
Link smiles and steps forward with his hand out. “We will see them, again.” She takes it and lets him curl her into his chest. 
“I know.” Zelda twists so that his hands locked behind her lower back. She holds his face in her palms and smiles. “Thank you for coming with me.” 
“Of course.” He says because he needed to say goodbye too and because she needed him. 
Zelda doesn’t know what romantic love is like. It has never been explained to her in words that she can fully comprehend… looking at this man. She thinks she might be coming to a conclusion. She tests that theory by planting a gentle kiss upon his lips. For a moment, she wonders if Naboris has struck her with lightening when Link returns the action with the tilt of his mouth.
She has many things to discover about life and love. She hopes her friend will be proud that she intends to find it all out her own way.
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oc-avalanche · 7 years
Unrequited Love
Word Count: 1,445
So I wrote this awhile back and forgot to post it. XD Hopefully I caught most of the mistakes. I wrote it in my notebook the typed it on here, though I’m pretty sure I got most of the mistakes.
The characters you see in this story belongs to my friend (Fawkes and Ayfara) and me (Veran). It doesn’t follow any certain point of the BoTW storyline, it’s just our OCs interacting.
Hope you enjoy!
Fawkes poked at the fire, being mindful of his feathers, and gave a quick glance to Veran who was ringing his scarf in his hands. With simple grace he handed the half Zora his water skin.
“Thanks,” Veran managed dryly taking a quick sip then another before handing it back to Fawkes. Silence once again surrounded them interrupted only by the cracks of the dying fire.
“I’ll go get some more firewood.” With that announcement Veran stood up, a bit stiff, and grabbed his spear sitting next to him. “Be back in a bit!” He waved Fawkes off and entered the woods surrounding them, slightly conscious about danger.
Taking a few deep breaths, Veran relaxed his shoulders and gather his thoughts. “Okay Veran, just keep calm. You can do this. Just tell him about your feelings and if he doesn’t feel the same then you both try to act like it never happened.” His only answer was the howling of the wind and Veran groaned, stopping in his tracks. Who am I kidding, he thought as he looked down at his webbed hands. He’ll never like me, hell I don’t even like me. Pushing away his dark thoughts, Veran started forwards once more, eyes searching for wood.
Veran approached back to the camp, his arms full of sticks that proved worthy to be thrown to the fire. He felt his heart pound with every stop, imagining Fawke’s face lit by the fire’s flames, his feathers taking a golden tone from the light.
A warm smile stretched on Veran’s face as he pictured the scene perfectly. Fawkes would be seated in between Veran and Ayfara, Ayfara and Fawkes would be on the makeshift bench while Veran would be comfortable on the ground his back leaning against the bench. They would laugh and tell stories or sit in complete and comfortable silence.
The camp was just a few feet away and there was the sound of a calm familiar laugh, Ayfara’s laugh. A warm feeling rose in Veran’s stomach, enjoying the sound of her laughter.
“Hey, Fawkes, can I tell you something?” Ayfara’s voice was soft, it’s lowish tone coming off nervous. Veran stopped and listened.
Fawkes voicee was serious but there was a softness to it that felt... intimate. “Sure.”
There was a moment of silence then Ayfara finally spoke up. “I’m afraid that I can no longer keep my feelings for you a secret. You, see, I’ve begun to think of you more as a friend and I wonder if you feel the same?”
Silence, there was complete and utter silence. Veran dared a look trying to steady his arms which had begun to tremble. The two were in a hug, foreheads touching, one of the many ways Rito’s showed affection.
“I feel the same.”
Hearing Fawkes say those words, Veran dropped the pile of sticks, gaining their attention. Ayfara spoke his name with a mix of surprise and regret, but that was all he allowed himself to hear.
Veran turned back were he had come from and ran, ignoring the shouts of his friends along with the the tears that had begun to slide down his cheeks. He didn’t even have to look where he was going, the memory of the same path was burned in his mind, in just a few moments he would be near a lake and at that lake was a call cavern. It’s floor was slightly flooding due to the underwater entrance that laid beneath it and the crevice that played as the cave’s thin entrance. The opening was thin and hard to get through and it would be hard for anyone other then a Zora to make it to the underwater entrance due to it’s depth. It was the perfect hiding spot, hidden and safe.
So all it came down to was instinct as the lake came into view. Slipping of his shirt to give his gills some air, he dived in, going deep enough so that his two friends wouldn’t see him. They appeared briefly exchanging words he did not hear, then disappeared. Once out of sight he swam to the underwater entrance which was a large hole a few feet under water and same to the cave’s surface.
This was the first in a very long long time that Veran felt anything like this. The painful feeling in his chest, like somebody was ripping it out, slowly, rawly. It was like when he was little again after his father had ordered him to run, the words from before cutting deeper then any knife could do against Veran’s scales. Back when he was little he understood what was going on, but at the same time didn’t understand, he had heard and known about death, but he had never seen it. He knew about love, but didn’t quite remember it until it was gone. He thought he knew loneliness until he truly was alone.
The cave was unhappy, it was ugly and cold, but it was safe, safe and alone. It was roughly the same as it was all those years ago, though the markings he had made were more or less gone now. This was the place that kept the bullies from him, this was the place that he hid from the attackers, this was were he first met Misha and Sidon still covered in blood and filth, starving. Veran had been back a few times after being taken in by the Zora’s Royal Family, but had not given this place much thought in the last decade or so.
It was weird, to say the least, that he was back in this cave, sitting in the same place as when he was young, hugging his knees to his chest. When all was quiet around him, he let out a choked sob. What a fool I was, he thought as Ayfara’s confession replayed in his head. Of course he would have no feelings towards me. What a fool I was. Cursing himself silently, Veran rested his forehead against his knees and allowed the tears to fall, mingling with the drips of water that came from the ceiling.
That same ceiling gave off a luminous blue color, giving off enough light to allow the cave to be seen fully. This same lighting reflected off Veran’s scales giving him an illusion of youth. That’s what Fawkes thought as he did a double take when he first entered the cavern, ignoring the heavy, uncomfortable feeling that his feathers had from the water that seeped into them.
Veran had briefly mentioned this place back when they were making camp, Fawkes barely notice the opening until Ayfara had seen it while running around the proximities. She was right behind him, her eyes full of worry.
Neither of them knew exactly what to do, but Ayfara took the lead. “Stay here” she began, placing a firm hand on his chest. “I’ll speak to him.”
She started towards Veran, her footsteps echoing in the water. Kneeling before him, Ayfara cautiously reached out to him as if he would run in fears. “Veran?”
His name hung low between them, the emptiness of the cave carrying it no farther. Veran looked up and Ayfara felt regret swell up in her heart. “Veran, I am so sorry. I should have-”
“Don’t worry about it.” Ayfara looked at him, surprised. Veran smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m just glad you’re happy, that’s all that matters.”
Ayfara shook her head. “Your happiness is just as important as ours. I should have told you my newfound feelings for Fawkes a long time ago. I mean you told me, why shouldn’t I do the same?”
Her hand rests on his and Veran can feel the remorse in her grasp. With her gaze still down, he places his other hand over hers gaining her attention. “It’s okay, Ayfara. It was bound to happen, I shouldn’t have applied that unnecessary pressure on you.” There was a moment of silence before Ayfara suddenly pulled him into a hug. Vera held stiff before relaxing and wrapping his own arms around her.
“Though if you guys don’t mind,” Veran’s voice finally echoed in the cave, Fawkes finally hearing their words. “I kind of want to go back home and skip the next adventure. Today has been... exhausting and I just need some time to gather myself.”
Ayfara nodded, still hugging him. “Of course! Fawkes and I will be fine, besides it’s nothing major so you won’t miss much.”
Fawkes and Veran’s eyes meet. With and encouraging smile, Fawkes gave his friends a thumbs up. 
Veran hugged Ayfara tighter and returned the gesture to Fawkes. “Thanks.”
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
Could you please do prompt #14 with botw zelink? I loved their chemistry in the game and I know you can do them justice ❤👍
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This nails them to a ‘T’ in my opinion. Whether it’s botw or another game, I feel this hits they’re characters well enough for me to not have to strain so much to stay in character.
Thank you, I’m going to enjoy this :3
Zelda walked pristinely with her head down in long, slow strides down her castle halls.
Link, being ever faithful, remained close behind her.
This wasn’t new to them. After her father had ordered her to fixate the rest of her time on her prayers, she was soon found moping around the castle, having come back from previous praying.
She remained silent, almost as silent as the dusk, as the sun began to set.
Link kept up her pace, but looked down.
Something inside him told him something was wrong,… and he should say something.
Often remaining silent about his feelings upon everything, he wondered how long she would remain under silence…
The silence wasn’t new to him, but he knew it was silently paining her inside.
She was usually cheerful about the things she liked.
He stopped walking a moment, and Zelda broke her stride, turning behind her.
He remained looking to the side, outside the window, spotting something that completely took over his interests.
She paused a moment, before turning around, her dress carrying the motion. “What’s wrong, Link..? What do you see?” she turned to the window, and then back to Link, walking towards him.
“Has something caught your eye?”
He continued to stare…
Suddenly, he rushed forward, startling Zelda. “Ah! Link!” she faltered back, before stumbling to rebalance herself and ran towards the window.
He placed a foot up on the ledge, and jumped, looking determined as he flew downward with his arms out wide.
“Liiink!” she rammed herself against the edge of the windowsill, and looked around, worried.
When she saw him rushing to the garden, her eyes widened in shock, not sure what he was doing, and quickly darted to the stairs, lifting her dress up and hurrying to find out-
“What on earth had possessed you to-!?” she looked pretty angry, but mostly surprised and panicked with worry, before stopping in mid-sentence and stride, lifting a hand up.
Link had picked a flower for her.
He held it with a neutral expression on his face, then nodded his head and walked towards her.
Bending to one knee, he ducked his head and held it out for her to accept.
Her eyes delicately stared down in wonder at the flower, before smiling kindly and tilting her head, understanding his true intent.
“Link…” she drew forth her hand, and lightly took the flower from his hand, barely skimming her fingers against his own.
He lightly blushed from the sensation of it, but with his head down, no one could tell.
He rose it up, as if half expecting her to acknowledge it, but knew he was probably just thinking oddly and shook his head, quickly getting up from kneeling.
He readjusted himself as she smiled even more warmly towards the flower, and held it up to her nose.
“…Link, have you been paying attention to my herbal lessons?” She tilted her head, a slightly cheeky look coming on her face.
He honestly didn’t know what she was talking about, and put a hand up behind his head, scratching it.
“Hmm… I guess not.” she turned around, facing her back to him.
“..This flower… is called Love Eternal.”
“Wa-ah!” he seemed to trip on her words, before regaining himself.
Had he just accidentally confessed!?
She giggled lightly, a breathy one, before lightly touching the petals of the flower.
“It’s said that when women are too shy to say it, since the tradition has always stood that men do those honors first… that they plant these in their gardens and flowerbeds… a silent invitation for him to propose.”
She lightly turned her head back to Link, nodding some comfort to him, but still teasing him.
“I assumed you didn’t know. It’s alright. I thought it was very cute, and awfully funny of you. Thank you… Link. It did make me feel better.”
Her kindness… her gentle reassurance not to worry…
His shoulders fell as he lowered his arm from being raised, and looked down, nodding in his embarrassment.
“Please, don’t act so modest. I honestly felt flattered.” Zelda closed her eyes and smiled, nodding another reassurance for him not to worry.
“Now then.” she lowered her hands, keeping the flower tightly in one of them.
She regained her natural dignity, and looked seriously back to the castle. “Father has forbidden me to leave the castle walls if not for the sole purpose of my prayers… we should return before he suspects us of any treason against his words…”
Link looked up.
He realized how much she held back.. the true pain at saying those words.
Even his adventurous spirit felt trapped and coped up here… but it was more than just tolerable, because he was protecting the princess.
So long as he had the princess….
On her way to her quarters, Link stopped once again.
“…” Zelda turned her head once more, “Link,…”
He looked out the window.
“..You’re not planning to jump out of the window again are you?” Zelda smiled, turning around, “I swear, Link.” she giggled, “You almost gave me a heart attack last time.”
He looked back at her, and smiled kindly, before looking apologetic.
He then lowered his head.
He closed his eyes, deeply looking troubled and saddened.
“…What ever is the matter?”
Zelda walked back towards him, and waited in front of him.
When his eyes slowly opened, but didn’t look to her, she lightly raised a hand, but never fully touched him.
He looked up, following the gesture.
“…I know you’re worried about me.” Zelda looked understanding, and with every ounce of a gentle loving friend, she spoke again, “And I must ask you to keep enduring for me.”
“A-ah…” he voiced out, stepping to balance himself more.
She knew?
She looked down, turning her head away, and placing her hand holding the flower up against her chest.
“I understand you feel at a loss… wanting to help me, but not being able to disobey orders.”
He held his stare, but closed his mouth tightly.
“I’m sorry, Link… I truly do hope you know…” she looked back up at him, her pleasant face always sending a feeling through him… but he just wasn’t sure what to call it.
His eyes quickly darted to the flower, before blinking back up at her fast as instantly as he had glanced.
“I enjoyed the confession today.” She mischievously beamed.
She laughed, seeing his over-exaggerated expression.
She held another hand over her mouth, bending down and then slowly coming back up, enjoying his hilarious expression and reaction.
“Oh, Link! Haha, forgive me, haha! I couldn’t help but repeat myself again. Haha!”
She was smiling… she was genuinely laughing… at least that was enough.
Link continued to turn, embarrassed.
Later that night, as she slept silently in her bed, Link stood by her window.
He held his sword out in front, down to the floor, as his hands rested on it’s hilt.
In the shadows, he turned from his position of guarding to stare at her a moment… and the Love Eternal flower, glistening in the moonlight.
He slowly walked over to it.
Then bent down by Zelda’s side, looking over at her calm, peacefully sleeping face.
He leaned down, a quiet voice in her dreams…
“What if… I did..?”
She lightly stirred as wind passed by her ear.
the curtains of the open balcony window lightly draped over the moonlight, revealing the beautiful landscape of Hyrule outside.
The flower lightly dropped a petal from it’s watery glass.
“…Love you.”
Zelda felt something warm and slightly moist upon her cheek, but never spoke of the dreamed voice sense.
(Got a little AU at the end there. I should have just ended with, instead of ‘what if I did?’ to “Always” huh? May have kept it fully in character canon, lol)
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princelesbian · 7 years
Sidlink Fic: Connecting Chapter 1
Heyo, I’m going to be posting all of my fic parts here too as I’ve just made a new BotW blog, and my Ao3 was running a bit before this. Enjoy!
Chapter 1 // Chapter 2
After the defeat of Calamity Ganon, Zelda needs help from every race to rebuild Hyrule. The Zora, however, still hold their prejudices against Hylians and refuse to give aid. According to tradition, there is only one thing that can be done.
That may or may not be a marriage of convenience.
   Brushing her fingers through the alabaster steed’s mane in a gentle manner, she smiled softly. Wandering her hands to the saddlebag, Zelda fished out what little food remained from the journey. Rice balls, salted meat, and some apples they had picked along the road. Nodding to herself, she gathered the rice balls and meat, determining to save the apples for the horses. For now, they may as well have most of what was left as their destination was less than a day's ride. No doubt Link would much prefer to fill up on the fresh caught Zora cuisine. Link, who accompanied her travels even now as he did one hundred years ago. She could feel his gaze on her back, stoic and protective as it ever was. Absently, she spoke over her shoulder as she buckled the bag.
   "Our rations are running low, as expected. We'll need to restock once we get to Zora's Domain, though I must say I'm not much looking forward to seafood for the next few weeks." Zelda laughed, giving her horse one last pat with her free hand as she turned. Link nodded from his spot in front of the crackling fire, damp gear spread from the morning downpour.
   “There are six apples left for Storm and Ayla, I figured they could have those during our stay in case they get too nervous. We won’t be there long, but even so.” Zelda trailed, handing that night’s rations to Link. She would never understand how he could still stand fish after the idea of eating it raw for the next month.
   “We will only go to investigate Vah Ruta and to request their warriors’ help to clear the camps surrounding what was and will be Castle Town.” She settled next to the Hylian Champion with a sigh. “We’ll need all the help we can get.”
   “We’ll be there in no more than an hour. I suppose I overestimated the distance, perhaps it's because I’m a more than little nervous. The Zora people are very traditional and don’t change their ways very much, I doubt they would have in one hundred years. I fear you may hold more political knowledge of them than I do, Link.” Zelda laughed wearily, gazing over the cliff and the swift river below. She turned to Link as he brought Ayla closer. “I will not give up, however. This is the freedom I've longed for my entire life.”
   Link rested a hand on her shoulder, expression content.
   “You'll do great.” He nodded, bringing his hand back to the reigns. He breathed the crisp air in deeply, basking in the nostalgia that washed over him as they neared Zora’s Domain. As his memories continued to recover, Link realized how much Hyrule had changed over the past hundred years and how much he himself had changed. It was overwhelming at times, seeing how much was different while continuing to remember the past as it were new. The Zora however, were unchanging. Those he once knew were older, but they were there as they'd always been. The structure hadn't changed, nor had the waters surrounding. The roads were overgrown and littered with Lizalfos before the defeat of Calamity Ganon, but the familiarity of it all was undeniable. He had always felt at home with the Zora people, and he did moreso now than ever before. An excitement bubbled in the pit of his stomach at the prospect returning to the only constant that he had ever known. A broad grin stretched across his lips despite himself as they began moving forward again.
   Zelda watched Link as his eyes lit up with recognition of the surrounding area, contentedness apparent in his features and posture. She smiled to herself, relaxing against her horse. While she may not have been very close with the Zora people, Link had always connected with them as if they were family. For many political trips in the past, Link had been only useful for protection and company. She found that he had a certain distaste for politics, and knew very little of the inner workings of the races. However here, he was a vital ally for hopes of regaining the Zora's trust. Her confidence risen and relaxed, she was grateful to have her companion once again.
   They traveled in silence across the rocky grown paths and through the deserted monster camps. They had stopped once to collect abandoned shock arrows, and Link briefly regaled the time he stormed these camps during a blood moon.
   As they crossed the Great Zora Bridge into Zora’s Domain, Zelda stared in awe at the elegant architecture and craftsmanship of the towering spires surrounding the open rooms, and Mipha’s pearlescent form towering over the center. It had been far too long since she had last seen the unique beauty of the Zora kingdom, she had nearly forgotten how awe-struck it left her each time. Link on the other hand seemed at home in the domain, already idly chatting with a guard as he dismounted Ayla. Zelda followed suit.
   “Ah, Master Link! It's good to see you again! It’s been quite some time, but at least you didn’t leave us waiting another hundred years.” The taller of the guards, Rivan, laughed, grabbing at the Hylian Champion’s hand roughly in greeting. He turned his attention to Zelda and bowed. “You must be Princess Zelda. We were informed of your arrival and have sent word to the the King at your approach. Prince Sidon insisted on escorting you.”
   Zelda nodded curtly, memory of the Prince’s name tugging her mind. “Thank you.”
   Link opened his mouth to speak again to Rivan, but snapped it shut when the towering Zora prince came into view, moving quickly at the word of their arrival. His eyes lit up as he caught sight of Link.
   “It’s so good to see you, dear friend!” He said excitedly, clasping a hand firmly on the Hylian’s shoulder. Link smiled up at him, craning his neck to do so. Sidon’s gaze fell behind the Champion to the Princess, and let his hand drop. He cleared his throat and stood straighter. “Welcome to Zora’s Domain, Your Highness. I am to escort you to your rooms, and I will then present you to the King. Pardon the haste, it must have been a long journey. Leave your horses at the bridge if you will, they will be tended to.”
   Zelda nodded blankly, and turned to her horse. “Be good, Storm.” She stroked his mane briefly, patting his side. Link handed the Princess an apple, fetching one for Ayla as she pressed her velvety snout against his hand. He passed the reigns to Rivan and looked up expectantly at the Prince. Sidon nodded, turning on his heel. Zelda’s mouth quirked into a frown as they were led into the heart of Zora’s Domain and towards the royal chambers. He paused in front of two ornate doors.
   “As our esteemed guests, you will have the best rooms we have to offer. I will return in approximately one hour to present you to the king.” Sidon said with a nod, hands folded behind his back. Without waiting for an answer, he turned and left briskly down the hall.
   Zelda opened the door closest to her and peered inside the dimly lit room. It was small but ornate with delicate swirling designs patterning the walls. Luminous stone lit the space in a soft bluish glow, and a large water bed took up much of the room. There was a door in the back, which she assumed was the washroom. Zelda sighed. As much as she loved journeying and being on the road, it wasn't kind on her aching limbs to sleep on the bare earth. She turned to Link.
   “I’m going to clean up, I suggest you do the same. We should make a good impression on the Zora people if we are to come to an agreement.” She said, waving Link away to his own room. She closed the door as he nodded.
   As Link reached for his door, a hand fell upon his shoulder. In an instant he turned, hand flown to the hilt of his sword.
   Prince Sidon drew away quickly, expression that of surprise, then amused not a moment later. Link sighed.
   “I don't bite, promise.” Sidon grinned.
   “Zelda might feed me to a Molduga if I so much as scratched the crown prince of the people she's trying to win the favor of.” Link chuckled, sheathing his sword. Sidon let out a full laugh.
   “That is the only reason you would feel bad?” The Zora prince said, amusement fixed to his features. Link shook his head with a smile and entered the room.
   “Ah, no worries, my friend, I should not have startled you.” Sidon trailed behind him inside. Link fell over onto the bed with a groan, sinking into it slightly. Sidon sat next to him, gentler. “I must apologize, I am to represent my entire people to the Princess, I wasn’t able to fully express how glad I am that you are here once again.”
   “She wouldn’t worry as much if you talked to her less formally.” Link rolled his eyes, face pressed into the bed. Sidon shook his head.
   “It wouldn’t please my father, though.” The Zora prince pointed. Link shrugged as Sidon stood. “I mustn’t keep you, however much I'd love to hear of your adventures. You must be tired from the travel, I’ll be back soon.”
   Sidon paused at the door and turned to Link with a wide grin, teeth glinting in the low light. “Oh, and before I forget, there is to be a feast tonight, in honor of your defeat of Calamity Ganon. You will attend won’t you?”
   A low moan muffled from the bed came as a response. Sidon chuckled as he left, satisfied with the reaction. The Hylian Champion was never one to turn down a good meal.
   Her shoulders slumped visibly, defeated.
   “So you will not aid us?”
   “It is not that we do not want to, Princess, it is our elders that refuse.” King Dorephan leaned back on the throne, his expression apologetic. At her side, Link stood silently watching the exchange, though he no longer looked so happy. Prince Sidon stood aside, regal and imposing.
   “Surely there is something that can be done?” Zelda held her hands out in front of her, desperate to keep any sort of hysteria out of her voice. The King nodded slowly, a look of understanding passing over his wise features.
   “The elders of the council, as you know, do not take kindly to Hylians. While I and many other Zora do not care for such trivial hatred, they wish to remain true to tradition. We owe our deepest gratitude to those who defeated Calamity Ganon and quelled Vah Ruta, but I cannot sway the minds of my council.” The King paused. “Not without a connection to the Hylian royal family, that is.”
   Zelda’s brows knit as she shared a look with Link.
   “What are you saying?” She asked, catching the Prince’s gaze.
   “The only way to convince the council to deploy soldiers to Hyrule Castle would be through a marriage arrangement. It is Zora tradition to lend aid to those connected to the royal family. Seeing as you are the only left alive, there has been no connection for over one hundred years. There may have been at one point, but all documentation of such has been since lost. My deepest apologies, Princess, I sincerely wish to help if I could.” King Dorephan bowed his head forward as much as his size allowed. The Hylian princess pursed her lips and nodded curtly.
   “Well, thank you for the effort regardless, your Majesty.” She turned briskly, grabbing Link roughly by the arm as she stormed away quietly.
   Left in the throne room was a smug council, penitent king, and a nervous prince.
   The dining hall reserved for public festivities such as this one was full and welcome to any who wished to join. The Zora people chatted idly, surrounded in good food and good company. The children ducked under the chairs and tables, knocked into a few of them in their games. King Dorephan looked upon the hall with an amused glint in his eye. A banquet of such degree hadn’t been held in over a century, and the king was overjoyed to have a reason for one. Seated with him, as custom of royal guests and parties, were his son, the Princess, and the Hylian Champion.
   “Excuse me, Father. I must show my proper gratitude to our heroes.” Sidon stood as he spoke, earning a nod from the King. The room silenced with the action, the Zora prince towering over all save for his own father. As attention turned solely on Sidon, he cleared his throat. The women of his fan club swooned, and Zelda’s expression soured.
   “My friends, rejoice! We are gathered for celebration in honor of the successful defeat of Calamity Ganon. This banquet is dedicated to our heroes, Hylian Champion Link and Princess Zelda for their victorious quelling of the darkness that had spread over our lands one hundred years ago. This feast is to those who lost their lives, to the Champions and to our own beloved Princess Mipha. We celebrate the lives they lead, and we will hold the memories we have of them dearly. Their valiant deeds will never be forgotten, nor will their goals. And so, tonight we dine in their memory.” Sidon spoke surely and clear, his voice echoing and captivating to all who listened and revered his words. Many Zora had since bowed their heads low in silent reverence, a quiet wave washing over the hall. A slow clapping rang out from one of the tables, and suddenly everyone was clapping and cheering, calling out the names of the fallen heroes. Sidon nodded to himself, smiling contentedly as he took his seat.
   Link rested his hand on the Prince’s forearm and nodded silently in thanks, before returning to his meal with vigor. Sidon blinked at the Hylian, a bemused smile playing at his lips. He would never fully understand Link’s antics, he was by far the most interesting person the Zora prince had ever met. Zelda on the other hand, picked at her bass, frowning still. Her disappointment from earlier’s court was almost tangible, and nearly intimidating for such a slight woman.
   A Zora woman approached the table not moments after resuming the festivities. Sidon recognized her, but could not place a name. Her gaze was fixed on Link.
   “Linny! It's so good to see you back and in one piece!” She said excitedly. Link looked up, surprised. Sidon stifled a chuckle.
   “Linny?” He whispered under his breath to the side. Link’s attention never wavered from the woman, but Sidon felt the kick under the table.
   “Oh, hey Kodah.” Link wiped off his mouth.
   “Linny, I know you're a little busy right now, but I swear I’ll only be a few moments. You’ll spare time for an old friend, right?” The woman, Kodah, grabbed at his hands expectantly. Link nodded slowly.
   “I want you to meet my family! My husband Kayden, and my daughter, Finley. I haven’t been able to properly introduce you to them, and I think now is a wonderful time!” she said. Link threw a mournful glance to his meal before standing to follow Kodah. Sidon watched him leave, smiling at how the Hylian interacted with his old friends. He turned his attention to Zelda, who was frowning slightly and piercing chunks of fish and mushroom with a little too much force. He steeled himself, standing abruptly. The Princess looked up and him with narrowed eyes.
   “Princess, if I could have a moment of your time.” Sidon bowed, hands folded. He didn’t miss how her eyes flicked to side towards Link for a moment. The Hylian Champion was preoccupied with children tugging at his tunic and bow, using his limbs as a swing. Sidon smiled briefly, nearly chuckling at the sight. He cleared his throat and squared his shoulders straighter, regaining a regal composure. He turned back to the Princess.
   “Alright, very well then.” She pursed her lips, standing as well. He nodded in thanks and led her into the hallway as discreetly as possible. She stood a distance away to avoid having to crane her neck to meet his gaze.
   “I am sorry to keep you from the festivities Princess, but it is about the matter that was brought up to court earlier.” He explained with an unwavering expression. Zelda’s eyes widened, and her persistent frown faltered.
   “Have you found some other way?” She spoke, hoping the desperation in her voice wasn't too prominent. Sidon tensed, and flicked his gaze to the side for a moment. Zelda’s hopes were crushed immediately, and her expression dropped once more. The answer wouldn't be one she wanted to hear.
   “As the King told in court today, without proper documentation, the only way for such an agreement to occur is through marriage. As such, I brought you aside to formally ask your hand, Princess Zelda. I am determined to lend my aid as I possibly can. This connection would be beneficial to both of our races.” He kept his expression steely, head held high. Zelda could hardly keep from gaping at the Prince. Clearly, it was a solution neither side wanted. She opened her mouth to speak, but paused in thought.
   “This is very sudden, I must apologize. I will need time to think on it and review our options.” She said quietly, her stomach turning. Sidon nodded curtly.
   “Of course Princess. Enjoy the rest of your night.” He said, leaving from where they came and back into the dining hall. The door clicked shut, and Zelda stared at it. She sighed as she listened to the muffled bustle of the party from the other side of the door. There had to be another way.
Chapter 2
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