#(i didn't i went on a date with a guy who was real nice and sweet but then was like. he's real sweet. kind and smart. well-spoken
vanillajunmyeon · 1 month
not me, still on dating apps despite them clearly not being for me, seeing a blond guy with blue eyes going he looks like arthur pendragon... and liking his profile
nevermind that i don't even know if i like men - still confused on that part because i do find them attractive in theory - or anyone for that matter (never beating the aroace allegations)
and OF COURSE we matched because idk (cis) men on dating apps have 0 standards? my profile sucks (2 shitty pics, silly bio that gives nothing away) and i'm listed as nonbinary (and! my name on there is not feminine, i'm REALLY TALL and my 2 pics don't scream "woman" yknow like sure i dont look androgynous but??) and yet... y e t i get a bunch of cishet men liking my profile... and worst of all cishet men i feel would in fact discriminate me for fun (the apolitical and centrists)
i'm hilarious tho bc while i find blond men with blue eyes real pretty (maybe bc of bradley james) blue eyes unsettle me (maybe because of asa butterfield) so idk what im trying to do there
(the guy does kinda look like arthur on his pics and he also looks like a veeeery specific and yet generic type of french guy at the same time - looks like a right-leaning catholic but apparently is neither)
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My Darling
"Who even is that guy?"
"That's my darling"
It starts with a post.
Eddie had posted a photo on Instagram holding his acoustic guitar, cross legged on a chair.
Recently he had been front cover of a magazine of 'him' wrapped around a young woman. Living the Rockstar life.
His agent had suggested he show a more domestic side to him, a softer side.
Hence the acoustic.
It was summer so Steve was off of work and sleeping on the couch behind him, blankets up to his ears. The only thing visible was his hair peeking out and his arm hanging over the side of the couch. A sleeve of tattoos running down it all the way to his knuckles. Eddie loved that arm. He loved the way the tattoo curved around his knuckles like water. His nice, big. veiny hand that-
WOAH off topic.
He had done half the tattoos himself and made sure he payed for it all.It was the least he could do for all Steve has done for him.
They met eight and a half years ago, Steve had seen Eddie play at shitty clubs and recognized his mop of hair getting hit in the alleyway.
Eddie thought he was a goner for sure until Steve ripped the guy off him.
Steve just shot him a smile and complimented his guitar skills.
Eddie fell to his knees. He was gone for him.
He invited Steve to band practice as a thank you since he didn't have much to offer.
Two weeks later they were dating and Steve has been their number one fan since.
When Eddie got the record deal he dedicated everything to Steve.
Everything always was for him. As it should be.
Eddie posted the photo excited to promote the acoustic cover of his hit song 'My Hero, My Darling'.
The comments instantly went ballistic asking who the random man behind him was. He definitely wasn't in the band and why would notorious lady killer Eddie Munson have a man in his house...he couldn't possibly have friends.
Eddie responded to one comment only, knowing the rest would sort itself out.
"That's my darling ❤️"
"Eddie," Steve was frowning at him, poking his side with his foot.
"Eddie look at me this is serious."
"Yes my love?"
"You outed yourself. You were doing such a good job keeping this a secret. This will change everything."
Eddie turns over until his holding Steve close to him, his face in his hands.
"Good. I'm tired of hiding you my darling. I'm tired of the accusations."
"But Eddie you OUTED yourself."
"I won't say anything about you, I'd never out you Stevie. But I'm done hiding that I'm a simple man in love."
"...me too. I'm done too."
"Darling are you sure? This is a big deal. What about your school? Your principal?"
"I don't care. Everyone important to me knows. My family, my real family, know and don't care. They do wonder why I've been single for eight years but they'll get over it."
"Marry me."
"Marry me oh my god that's the hottest thing I've ever heard. I love you so much please I can't live another moment not having you mine. Besides, if you get fired that's definitely a lawsuit and you know I've been pleasing for you to quit so I can take care of you, but you love those damn kids. Just...be mine...please."
"I've been yours. Since the start. Since always." They both have tears in their eyes.
They're giggling through their kisses.
"Heeeeyyy everyone thanks for joining my live. I have something super important to inform you on! I'm getting married!!!!!"
The comments instantly flood in questioning him on moving too fast, asking if he's on drugs. The usual.
"Oooooh you guys have no idea."
The photo goes up an hour after the live ends.
It's Steve sitting on the couch, glasses on, red pen in his mouth. He's wearing a thick sweater and grumbling grading papers.
He looks so soft, so smooth, it's Eddie's favorite picture. The next picture in the carousel is Steve backstage at his concert. They're holding onto each other like they need each other to breathe.
The last picture is a selfie taken minutes after. Eddie with his stage makeup sweating off his face smiling brightly at the camera. and Steve kissing his cheek. Eyes squinted shut and eyeliner thick, he had worn it as a treat for Eddie.
It was well received.
The caption reads:
"I'm so happy to announce I'm marrying my best friend and partner of eight years! Everyone meet my darling. Steve is a local middle school teacher who has literally saved my life more than once. He saved my heart. God, I love him so much.
P.s. yes the tours are in the summer so Stevie can travel with us. I'd never leave him."
Bonus engagement edition:
"Yes. We've been over this."
Eddie stuck out his hand to shake, "hi, Eddie Munson, nice to meet you."
"Yes Dustin and you can't keep a secret."
"...fair...welcome to the family."
*inspired by my friend only learning her cousin was marrying someone famous when he showed up to Thanksgiving and she lost her mind
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boysmentfs · 2 months
My new boyfriend.
Tommy was Olivia's bff, he was always there for her above all things, they considered themselves almost "sisters" since tommy was not a guy like the others, he was a Twink, brown hair, youthful face, 20 years old, very thin, just like a noodle and clearly homosexual.
Olivia was the typical dumb blonde girl, tall, busty, the same age as tommy and popular but despite all this she always had things going wrong in love, she had recently met a fraternity guy named "Jake" But as expected, their relationship didn't last long and they had broken up a few hours ago, so she sent Tommy a message, so he could comfort her like he always does.
"Sis... I have ended my relationship with Jake, I am devastated... He was the most handsome guy in the world, I can't believe it"
"bestie, why do your relationships always take so little time? I mean, you've dated really hot guys... Hehe, I don't understand why they break up with you, you're beautiful, sis"
"I don't know, Tommy.... I would love to have a boyfriend who actually loves me for a long time, who protects me, listens to me and all that stuff, like you do."
"It's a shame I like guys, bff, because if I didn't, you know I'd be with you, but don't worry, you'll get a nice handsome guy with an attitude like mine!"
"I hope it doesn't take too long for that guy to come into my life, hey baddie, thanks for listening to me <3, now I have to go to sleep, sweet dreams! xoxo"
After that last message, olivia went straight to her computer and looked for something on the black market that could help her with her plan, and that's how he found a pair of red shorts, a chain and some earrings, In the description it said that with those things the guy who will use them would become the most handsome and loving guy in the world, so olivia did not hesitate twice and clicked to buy it.
The next day, the package arrived at her house, but I didn't want it to be so obvious, so I took the things out of the box where they were and handed them another one with a wrapper full of teddy bears and hearts, olivia knew that Tommy, seeing this, would not hesitate to open it, so once she closed the box, she sent it to Tommy's house.
A few minutes had passed since Olivia had sent the box to Tommy's house, When the package arrived someone knocked on the door and left, Tommy went directly to the door and opened it, curious to see the package he picked it up from the floor and began to open it, Tommy, seeing what was inside the box, was surprised. He never ordered clothes online, maybe they went to the wrong house, so he closed the box again, waiting for the real owner to claim it.
Once he left the box on the table, he went straight to the shower, when he finished his shower he grabbed his shirt but something was missing... And that was his special pink shorts, he remembered that he had lent them to his best friend so he thought of a solution, so he remembered that in the package they had sent him there were some red shorts so he went for them, once he used them, he would wash them so that the real owner would not suspect.
He grabbed the red shorts and put them on, It was a beautiful warm and sunny day so he decided to watch some TV, while watching TV he started to feel strange and a little hot, Something in his mind told him no try on what was in the box, the chain and the earrings, so he went for them and put them on, once je had them on he went to a mirror and saw himself, he laughed because he looked like one of her friend's boyfriends, but thin and without any muscle. After he saw herself in the mirror, he returned to the couch to continue watching TV.
And without realizing it, his foot began to enlarge as it became fleshier, his toes lengthened as veins sprouted and some hair grew on them, now he had feet of size 15, large masculine, all their delicacy was gone, now they looked like the feet of an jock.
His legs began to hurt, because they began to thicken and muscle began to come out, now his thighs were big while his calves were worthy of a real man, some hair began to grow on them.
The next thing to change was his butt and his bag, His big butt began to shrink to a decent size worthy of an jock, it was big but not as big as before although it was defined a little more, her pouch, which she was proud of since it was small and delicate, began to grow to a size 15 and also thickened while pubic hair came out, it seemed that she never shaved, but that made him look more masculine.
His designer thong also began to undergo changes, it went from being a red thong to becoming blue designer boxers so that his manhood would be highlighted even more along with his toned butt.
His stomach, which was thin, began to hurt as abdominal after abdominal came out in Tommy's stomach, a v began to be marked on the lateral sides while he gained a beautiful pack of 8 very worked abs, his chest began to expand outwards as two large defined pecs bulged out, a tattoo began to appear on a pectoral, his torso began to lengthen as he became more masculine, his back also underwent changes, it went from being feminine and thin, to being masculine and wide, muscle also appeared there, giving him a very manly back and worthy of admiration.
hiss shirt began to tear due to his large muscles, that was where Tommy reacted and was surprised and ran towards the mirror.
"Omg! What happened to me? I am dreaming? "This must be a dream, yes... I must wake up."
But before Tommy slapped himself, his arms began to hurt as they began to stretch and muscle began to come out, his biceps were now the size of a ball, his triceps were well worked, his delicate hands began to thicken while his fingers lengthened can and they started to look calloused due to all the exercise he did at the gym, wait... Exercise? Gym? He didn't exerc- but before Tommy reacted, two tattoos began to appear on his two muscular arms and another tattoo on one of his biceps.
Tommy couldn't anymore, he was about to cry, so he got the idea to call Olivia, but before he could do that, his face started to hurt.
Tommy's face, which was young, delicate and feminine, began to change as his jaw became marked, giving him a more manly appearance, His lips that were too full from being an expert cocksucker became thinner but still looked kissable, his nose became big and cuter, his eyes that were green began to turn brown, his beautiful blonde hair began to recede as it began to turn black, at the end, his hair ended up with a cut that any jock could have, his face had become the most beautiful, any girl who saw him would die to be with him, Tommy looked in the mirror again, looking at his new appearance, he became somewhat horny, without a doubt his new appearance was his ideal type, all the blood flowed into his bag giving him an obvious erection.
Tommy put his hand in his bag and started moving his hand up and down. He started to think about how many cute guys he could fuck... But as he thought about guys his erection faded, His mind began to give him new memories as a new alpha aura took over him. He began to imagine himself fucking girls with big butts and tits. His erection returned, but Tommy knew this wasn't right... He was... Homo... Homosexual?, NO, he was straight and loved raising beautiful girls with his bag, As he continued to raise and lower his hand he couldn't hold back anymore and he came and with that all his memories, personality and Tommy faded away.
"Seriously, Olivia is lucky to have me as a boyfriend, I mean, who wouldn't want someone like me?" Max said to himself as he flexed one of his arms in the mirror.
Tommy was now Max, Olivia's boyfriend, quarterback of the football team, leader of his fraternity, he loved parties, alcohol, exercising and having fun, max hated homosexuals, he said they could never be real men like him and his "bros."
After pulling up his pants he received a message from his girlfriend Olivia, Olivia knew that Tommy at this point had ceased to exist so she wanted to test out her new boyfriend.
"Hi love! I miss you... I would like to have you here with me, I want you to make me yours... come to my house <3"
"Well, today I'm free princess, to hell with today's training, I prefer to be with my beautiful girl, so you don't miss me so much while i arrived at your house, I'll send you a photo of me, princess ;)"
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Olivia was happy with her new boyfriend, he was affectionate and listened to her all day, just like she wanted.
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in3rci4 · 5 months
maybe you could do TBP boys x GN reader who is always serious and calm and doesn't have the habit of smiling, smiling for the first time
Thank you for the request and for giving an idea too 😊🥹 ! I appreciate it , hope it's not too bad ❤️‍🩹
" And then they smiled , that's what i'm after . A smile on their eyes , the sound of their laugher"
The title comes from a small piece of the lyrics of the song " Drift away" from Steven Universe
Prompt : The Black Phone boys reaction at the reader who's always serious and calm , smile and laugh for the first time
Characters included: Vance Hopper , Bruce Yamada , Billy Showalter , Robin Arellano , Griffin Stagg , Finney Blake
WARNINGS !! : Character x reader content , no use of y/n , idk what else to say , Gn ! Reader , Reader might have some backstory I guess ¿? maybe a mix of Fluff and Angst ¿? Some gonna be shorter than others , spelling mistakes
Vance Hopper
You two knew each other for some time now , you were home schooled not so long ago so you didn't had an idea of Pin Ball Vance Hopper reputation . The moment the teacher assigned the both of you for a project , you weren't walking on eggshells like everybody else did with him while talking , you didn't expect anything from him , for you , Vance was just ... Vance . That's the exact reason why you befriend him in no time , your non judgmental personality , and you were completely unaware he wasn't like this with anyone , anyone but you . Even if your words were nice and honest he noticed how cautious you were with your movements and expressions , he thought it was weird at first , your voice didn't matched with the look in your face in his opinion , but Vance got used to it pretty quick , he's not a smiley guy either , he was ... A little more grumpy person than you . Just like usual , in the weekend you would stay by his side watching him play his Pin Ball game , and also making sure he didn't beat anyone if anything went wrong with it , but those are details . You got hungry and decided to buy Mrs Ellen a small snack bag , when you went back to the side of the machine ( not too close to possibly bump it though ) he started to get close to beating his high score . You gasped in excitement and then he heard the sound of the machine saving his new record on the top of it . Vance let go of the arcade game machine and started to shake you excited as well by your arms , you doing the exact same thing with the snack bag still in your hands
" You did it Vance , you finally beat your high score !"
You said with a smile while laughing of enjoyment
" See !? Told ya , told ya I would fucking beat that shit , didn't I !? "
You kept laughing and smiling from the happiness of had seen it happening after so long , so many failed tries were worth for this day to happen . Vance in the other hand stopped moving your body to stare at you instead .
You were smiling , smiling in a genuine , happy and .... He would say in a beautiful way too . Is this how you look like when you're happy ? The real you ?
Maybe he should try to get you to smile more often .
Confused about the sudden change of attitude you asked him with a small giggle
" Vance , are you ok ? "
Yes , he would be ok , as long as you are with him for a little longer like this .
Bruce Yamada
He was a popular and loved guy , he didn't had trouble hanging with almost everybody in school, and Bruce didn't have to do any effort in finding someone to date either . And yet , a particular classmate of his , you , was the one that had all his attention . A person that minded their own business and never had smile in front of anybody before , and still looks like a magazine model .
Bruce wanted to get close to you for years , but he never had the opportunity , ironically , he never had the courage to go straight at you and tell how good looking you are , you look so serious that you kinda scared him , but not enough to stop liking you .
The biology teacher didn't had a clue how happy he made Bruce the day he paired you and him in a project for the science , finally he could have his opportunity , his chance with you . Dying of anxiety inside like his first baseball game , he asked you
" Hey , I know we never talked before and stuff , but would you like to stop at my house tomorrow to speed up things ? For the project , you know ? Maybe we could go out somewhere in the weekend if everything goes well "
Looking into his eyes and with suspicion in yours you asked as well
" As a date ?"
He wasn't expecting you to be straightforward as well , so he fidget with his fingers a little and with a nervous yet bright smile he said
" Yeah , I mean , if you want to of course "
The recess bell rang and everybody stood up to be free again , you grabbed your book and walked towards the door , but before you leave you said looking at him
" it's a date then "
With a smile that could've killed Bruce if he didn't want to stay alive to see you tomorrow , God bless the biology teachers man .
Billy Showalter
His dog Harper was Billy's loyal companion , a very well behaved girl too , never biting things that she shouldn't , no barking unless there's danger or she's commanded to , not jumping into people in excitement , in general , a really good girl . The mornings delivering News Papers are much better with her by his side , at that hour people are still processing their awakening and there's little people on the street , but the ones that are outside never got a complain about her , in fact , they usually want to ask for permission to pet her instead . Lately someone that he seen outside at early morning was you , sometimes with groceries in your hand , sometimes only walking by yourself . You were one of Billy's classmate , but he doesn't talk with anybody in it , at least not anymore , and you were no exception . Sometimes he founds himself staring at you and then snapping out of it , trying to ignore whatever feeling he had to do such thing , but something about you , that mysterious unexpressive charm , the stern look in your eyes , is something that he can't quite describe with words and is afraid of digging for a definition in his mind . Unfortunately for this boy one of those mornings you decided to walk your rescued male dog and Harper for the first time ran away towards the dog to meet him , both with waggy happy tails sniffing each other . Billy stops his bike at a mailbox and runs towards her , to you
" Harper ! Harper ! I'm Sorry , she's never like that , I don't know what's up with her "
The female dog comes close to you waiting to be petted , and you were more than happy to give her what she wanted
" it's ok , she's a really good girl , she just wanted to meet the new handsome boy here "
Billy knew you were referring about your dog , but his stupid brain still made his cheeks burn from the blush , why's he's being like this ?
Harper licks your hand and you giggle from the tickle feeling in your palm , you smile , and he smiles too . More pleased about the morning you said
" You want me to walk with you while you deliver your papers ? Then we can both take the dogs for a walk "
Something more mysterious about you was how quickly you made Billy accepted the fact once for all about his crush about you , maybe the moment your face light up with your smile had enchanted him
" Yeah , I don't mind , Harper hasn't seen that many dogs around anyway "
Harper always helping him in the simple things , she's for sure getting a special treat today after you're gone .
Robin Arellano
He may not seem like that , but he's a person with a good memory and remembers a bunch of people even they don't remember him ( Difficult to say since almost everybody in school knows his name ) . He remembers you from elementary school , Robin thought you were the cute one of the class , although his classmates prefer to call you the " quiet " one . He noticed how you never changed , always focusing on your studies and never smiling , not even for the photos , not even for politeness , always keeping your expressions neutral and seriousness in your way of acting .
Life crossed your paths the day a bully that didn't find his victim who didn't showed up in school decided to go after you instead , poor choice of decision , because Robin did , he showed up , and beat him up .
After he was done , he walked on his way to the boy's bathroom , but you stopped him , and Robin was deep down afraid he messed up things instead of making them better between both of you
" Robin ! "
Trying to keep his cool when he hears your voice behind him , he turns around and responds
" yeah ?"
Without finding more words to describe your gratitude , you kept it simple and said with a gentle smile
" Thank you "
Yes ! He did impressed you ! It was all damn worth it !
" No problem "
Robin walked again feeling like the main character of an action movie , and you smiled at him too ? You ? The good looking and serious you ? Nah he ain't forgetting this day for nothing !
Finney Blake
This year he wasn't sitting alone on the back on the class , well , he was still on the back on the class , but he was sharing his desk this time , with you . Finney had to admit it was hella awkward , I mean , he can't complain that much since it could be worse or Finney himself is too much of a shy guy to start a conversation or keep it on with a stranger . You , his desk mate , never talked to him , not even once , and your cold serious personality didn't make things easier , the two of you introverts , teachers never had to complain about the noise that you guys could make in class . A regular day in math class the teacher talked about the possibility of numbers being negative and being under the 0 , this got the interest of the students because it was something relatively new so far .
Finney murmured to himself casually
" Damn , not even numbers can't stay positive "
It was a bad joke ? Yes , but it was so unexpected he stole a snort and giggle from you , you had to shut yourself up with your hand or else more laughing would be heard by the teacher .
In Finney's opinion it was a terrible one , he's not even that funny , he was surprised yet amused at your sudden change of expression . Maybe he could push his luck a little further ?
" I guess we can't be negative if we just started "
You stopped from escaping a laugh from your mouth once again , maybe Finney couldn't see your complete smile , but your half closed happy eyes got his ego fly over the roof .
They say " stay with the one that makes you laugh "
So don't worry , laugh all you want from now on , he's good at math anyway , he can always teach you if you got too distracted for him .
Not like Finney minds your company at all .
Griffin Stagg
The day he saw you smile after 2 years of watching you keeping your face as unexpressed as possible , was the day a older group of bullies bumped into him , and God , he was so fine with being invisible for other students and not dealing with being a punch bag , that he tried to run away as fast as he could before they could do anything . But stronger and experts on making kid's lives hell , they quickly grabbed his shirt and started to mock him and test him in front of everybody in the cafeteria . Griffin didn't say anything , he couldn't , or else it would be worse , he knows that like the back of his hand . 3 tall dudes , 1 grabbing his shirt , 2 grabbing each of the boy's arms , it seemed like everything was lost , but you pulled up the one in front of Griffin by the shirt and tucked him to the ground . The two boys left pushed Griffin to the ground as well , and went straight to attack you .
But you dodge all of them easily .
After giving the whole cafeteria a show to watch , the boys got up and swore that it wasn't over , but you couldn't care less . You walked towards Griffin and offered him your hand , he stays still without knowing what to say or do more than stare in confusion , until he spoke
" Thank you ... For helping me "
With a big bright smile that didn't fit someone like you , so serious and capable of defeating 3 guys , you responded
" It's nothing , now get up Griff "
Griff ? No one has called him like that before . But , it doesn't sound bad , right ? He kinda likes the nickname .
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
TREVOR SPENGLER ; you make loving fun
summary ; you, Trevor's first proper non-toxic partner shows him true love, and how great it really is when you find your person
warnings ; language, mentions of making out, talk about toxic people/exes, verbal abuse, and emotional neglect
disclaimers ; Trevor is described as bisexual, reader is a garbage fan (green flag)
word count ; 1k
I'm working on reqs rn dw guys 🙏
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Trevor knew that the second he'd met you, he'd fallen head over heels.
The only thing he was worried about, after being reassured by both his mom and Pheobe, was how you'd treat him. His last ex was terrible to him, and by that point, he felt like he was an abuse magnet.
Thankfully, nothing was ever physical, he thanked whoever or whatever was looking over him for that, even fate itself.
Talking about past exes, his last ex-boyfriend first, he'd essentially treat him like shit and try to hide their relationship. He'd use him for pleasure and attention and then ignore him and act like he didn't know him. Trevor was always there for him, but he was never once available for Trevor. That shit ended quickly thanks to his mom convincing him to end things, plus moving away again made it easy.
His ex-girlfriend was slightly the same way.
For context, Trevor was never popular, but he wasn't ignored or bullied in school either. He was attractive enough to be boasted about, I guess, but he wasn't gathering hoards of girls to swoon over him either.
She used him as popularity points, as she was one of the half-popular girls who wanted brownie points for dating someone on a lower social level than herself. Trevor never saw it and had to deal with the consequences. The fighting, the way she'd scream and yell and argue with him over the simplest things. She treated him like a charity case.
So, he was fairly afraid to hurt himself again. He wanted to pursue you, he did. He was just fucking scared.
But, with enough pressure and reassurance from Pheobe, his mom, and new friend Lucky, he gathered the courage to ask you out. During that process, he rambled about how smitten he was for you and had to genuinely stop himself as he realized he'd never felt like this for anyone before. You weren't someone he just wanted to occasionally hold hands with and kiss. He wanted a genuine, healthy relationship with you. He wanted to be treated right, just this once.
But you, knowing about his past relationships, knew what he needed. And you were dedicated to showing him what actual loved looked like, what a real relationship felt like.
From dates at the roller-rink, to movie nights inside, you showed him that you could love him like how he needed to be loved. He needed to be shown that what he went through before wasn't normal and that you would never think to hurt him like people in his past did.
You made loving fun for him, he'd never smiled and had so much fun with someone, ever.
He loved making out with you in his new bedroom at the firehouse, and your soft kisses of reassurance when he was upset or stressed. He'd always find his stomach and lungs genuinely in pain from how much he laughed with you. He was infatuated with you, with holding your hand and caressing said hand with his thumb, with wrapping his arms around you to just hold you like that in silence.
His photos app is filled with pictures of you, over 500 through the past year. His lockscreen? A picture of you two at the county fair under dark blue neon lights.
He watches you sitting in the window, your body barely fitting onto the ledge. Thank God for bay windows, but christ, the people who made this building over 120 years ago needed some better architectural design here. What was the bay window for if not to sit in it?
He'd only woken up a bit ago, having been in the shower as you entered his room, awaiting his arrival. His family thankfully loved you, and would let you in no matter what.
"You look nice today," He comments, running a hand through his hair.
You turn to face him, raising an eyebrow. "Do I not usually look nice?"
"No, no, I mean, yeah! You always look nice!" He quickly sputters, "I-I like your shirt. Garbage, they're cool"
You lightly smile, reassured in his loyalty and kind-heartedness by his answer. "You're fine, Trev, I'm playing" You chuckle, "You've never even listened to Garbage"
You pull the sleeves of your undershirt down, feeling a cool wave hit your body like the wave of water at the beach. Your baggy jeans cover you perfectly as the sun peaks out from the clouds.
"You don't know that!" He exclaims, crossing his arms, "All your Spotify playlists are public, I can listen to whatever you are with a couple clicks"
"Okay, bud" You throw your hands up in a sarcastic annoyance. "Whatever you say, pal. I guess we gotta break u-" You quickly stop yourself, looking up at Trevor with slightly widened eyes. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry"
You quickly hop off the ledge of the window, your hands clenched into fists as you stand in front of him awkwardly, awaiting his reaction.
"I'm so sorry, that was uncalled for, I didn't mean to say that-"
"It's fine, Y/n/n" Trevor looks at you with a confused yet laid back expression. "Why are you apologizing?" He catches himself, finding the answer on his own, "Oh, well... it's not that big of a deal, it's okay" He shrugs, "It's fine"
"Sorry, uhm-"
Trevor quickly wraps you in a hug, resting his arms over your shoulders. "I love you, okay? I've never loved anyone so fun and amazing to me, joking about shit is fine"
You nod into his shoulder, "Sorry"
"It's okay" He chuckles, rubbing a hand over your back. "You're fine, it's alright"
"You're the fun one, by the way" You mumble.
"You're the one who makes loving fun, Trev"
He silently smiles, his face flushing as he holds you a little tighter.
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baby-alien11 · 1 year
being the good girl dating Ethan Morales
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Since the beggining of high school, well even before that, you were known as the girl who never got in trouble, got good grades and never went to parties, you were always invited, but never attended due to being occupied with school
You use to hang out with Devi, Eleanor and Fabiola because they were nice and study hang outs were always fun
Because of your personality and calmed aura, everyone expected you to date someone similar to you
So, when at the beggining of senior year you and Ethan Morales entered the school holding hands, everyone lost their minds, even the teachers
Theories started to fload almost inmediatly, some said that he lost a bet, others that it was a joke, some that you entered your rebel phase
But in reality, everything was real
Things started during summer when the both of you encounter at a night at a 7/11 where you went to get some snacks for the week, Ethan was there but getting some beers with his fake id
Unfortunately that night, you somehow forgot to take your wallet with you, and in a weird turn of events Ethan who was behind you in the line, pay for your snacks
"So, what's the princess doing this late out of her castle?", Ethan asked before you could leave, "What happened to the guardian dragons?"
"They are out of town", you responded knowing that he was refering to your parents, "And don't call my parents that"
"That doesn't respond my first question"
"I run out of my secret snacks and didn't want to wait until tomorrow"
"In that case, let me see what I just pay"
Without asking for permition, Ethan just started to dig into the bag until he pulled out a package of Sour Patch Kids
"Those are my favourites", you shrugged
"Mines too", Ethan smiled
In response, you also smiled feeling comfortable with him
That was the beggining of a friendship that evolute to a relationship
Even if the school found the relationship weird, you and Ethan were happy with each other
Thanks to you, he started to get better notes at school
And your spanish got better thanks to him
Heaven by Julia Michaels was your official relationship song
If someone ever think of messing with you, the next day or even sooner, the person will have something damaged
While you liked to wear some of his clothes like sweatshirts, frannels or shirts, he liked to wear your scrunchies and hair ties, your accesories like necklaces, bracelets and even some of your earings
Surprisingly, your parents loved him
At first they weren't so sure about the whole thing because of his bad boy look, but after seeing how happy both of you were, they started to accept it
Even if your parents kinda like him, both of you liked when they weren't in town because that meant Ethan spent all of that time in your house
Sex with him was amazing, and got better every single time
When your birthday arrived, he gifted you a Sour Patch plushie that somehow found online
You found that so sweet because it represented the first interaction between you two
He was the kind of guy that would do anything for you, even if it includes let you do a skin care routine on him or watch your favorite show or movie, doesn't matter how corny it is
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Eddie's girl
Plot- the party agreed on 1 thing only, do not let the new girl meet Eddie Munson (fluff)
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Steve and Robin were talking at the counter about his latest date. Well, Steve was, and Robin was mocking him.
 “I'm telling you, she was insane. She poured half the container of salt on her noodles. Who goes to an Indian restaurant and gets buttered noodles? " Steve complained.
Robin rolled her eyes and said, "Jeez, Dingus, you have such real problems in the world." As she checked in, all the tapes were returned.
 The pair's eyes rose when a shadow casted over the countertop. There stood the most gorgeous girl they had ever seen. She had her hair styled nicely, a smokey eye look, eyeliner sharp as a knife, and cherry red lips. Her arms were warmed by a leather jacket; a band tee lay underneath, and they guessed jeans would be covering her legs if they could see. Maybe a pair of sneakers to go with the look. She had her fingers decorated with chunky rings and black nails.
Steve felt drool hit the bottom of his chin. This girl looked like someone who knew how to ruin your life, and he wasn't mad about it.
Robin felt a blush creep on her cheeks. This girl looked like she'd ruined Robin's innocence with one touch, and she wasn't mad about it.
Then she spoke, and it sounded like heaven on earth. "Can you tell me where I can find the horror section?" Her voice was soft, in contrast to how she looked. She stood tall and confident.
The pair of them rushed to go around the counter. Robin stomped on Steve's toe to get ahead. She smiled proudly as Steve clenched his foot with a gasp.
"Follow me," Robin stated as she led the gorgeous girl to the section where horror movies were placed.
As Steve was checking her out, well, the movie as well. He spoke up, "So what's your name?" Robin leaned in close to hear the answer.
"Oh, it's Y/N." She answered with a smile. She could sense the pair were in awe of her, so she threw a wink on the way out the door.
 "She so wants me." Steve melted into the floor.
"Please, the wink was for me," Robin scoffed.
Steve rolled his eyes, "geez Robin I must have missed the part when she said she was a lesbian. " Robin punched his arm and went on with their work day. Both are thinking about her.
Dustin was biking to the grocery store to pick up food for the cat. His mom was in some mood about being scared to leave the house, so a trip after school was on his radar. 
Eddie offered to take him, but he felt like it would be an inconvenience to make him drive him to the store and then back to the school to get his bike, but he appreciated his offer.
Dustin was walking down aisle 3 when he collided with a body that was coming around the corner. The person dropped everything in their hands.
"I'm so sorry," he quickly apologized as he picked up the bags of popcorn and candy off the floor. He went to give him to the person when he looked up and saw the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen, including his ex-girlfriend Suzie. 
With a sweet smile, she answered, "No worries, cutie." Dustin smiled, braced teeth and all. He could feel his cheeks turning red and butterflies in his stomach. She looked older and more mature, and he loved it.
He didn't realize he'd been staring until she waved her manicured hand in his face. He snapped out of it. "Oh yeah, sorry again. I'm Dustin. Are you new around here? " He asked. It's a small town, and he felt like he'd seen everyone.
That damn smile came across her face again. With a smirk, she held out her hand, "The name is Y/N and I'm in town for my spring break. I used to live here but moved for college. " He was in awe of how her voice comforted him like a hug. He could smell her sweet perfume as he shook her hand. It was soft and the cold metal of her rings made him shiver. He's a freshman and she's in college. It'd definitely never happen, but you can't blame a guy for having a crush.
Lucas was practicing his shooting at the park when he saw a girl walking a dog. He was dribbling the ball with Jason when he caught her eyes. The ball was stolen by Jason, as he was distracted. 
"Lucas bro, I stole that way too easily. You got to pay attention. " His words went on deaf ears. Jason looked at him, puzzled, and followed his gaze. And he understood now.
 A girl wearing a small tank top, her belly button pierced. Tattoos covered her arms and bracelets lingered on her wrists. She was gorgeous. She was walking closer to them as her dog quickly moved ahead of her.
 She got close enough that the pair could see she was generally beautiful. No makeup covered her skin. She was naturally breathtaking. Jason quickly threw the ball near her feet. He pretended it rolled there on its own. He jogged up with an apologetic expression, "Sorry, lost sight of the ball."
The girl looked up at me with a smile and said, "Oh, it's all good. Are you boys on a team or something?" She pointed to their basketball shirts with the team logo on them. Lucas ran over to join the conversation. "Yes, we are. Practicing for the championship game."
Jason quickly grabbed the ball and introduced himself, as well as Lucas. They both learned the girl's name was Y/N and she used to attend their high school when she lived here. Jason technically wasn't single anymore and Lucas had a complicated thing going on with Max, but you couldn't blame a guy for staring.
It's been two days since everyone was smitten by the girl in their heads. The group was meeting at the video store to wait for Steve and Robin to finish their shift before they headed to Steve's house for movie night.
When Dustin arrived, Robin and Steve seemed to be arguing.
" Steve I'm telling you, she's not interested in you. She was looking at me. " Robin huffed, to which Steve answered with an eye roll.
 "Once again, Robin, nothing about her screamed lesbian."
"People don't always look like lesbians, you dingus."
Dustin cut in—"what are you two fighting about today?" He asked as he placed his hat on the counter.
Steve stood tall, "Well, this hot babe was totally checking me out and Robin had the nerve to think she was checking her out. Which she so was not. "
Dustin's eyes lit up as he remembered the beautiful stranger he ran into. “Speaking of hot babes, I ran into this gorgeous girl at the grocery store. She smelled like a flower. " He gushed.
Steve cringed, "Dude, that's weird." Dustin rolled his eyes and huffed.
"What's weird?" Lucas asked as he walked up.
"Dustin, smelling cute girls at the grocery store." Robin answered as she flipped through a magazine .
Lucas laughed and agreed. " I saw this hot chick covered in tattoos walking her dog the other day." 
Robin began to wonder how randomly everyone was smitten by a girl. "Wait, all of us met a mysterious girl at the same time?" She asked out loud.
Everyone seemed confused about what she was asking. She rolled her eyes. "Guys, was her name Y/N?" To which everyone answered "yes" at once.
They all looked at one another.” Oh come on. Do you all like her? " Steve pouted.
"Like you had a chance, dude. I hear she's in college, too smart for you, " Dustin teased," to which Steve answered, "and too old for you." Dustin pouted at the truth in it. Lucas laughed, but it was cut off when Robin cut in,
 "And you have a girlfriend, so no for you. Which leaves me left”. Lucas rolled his eyes.
 All the guys said at the same time, "She's not a lesbian!" Robin held her arms up in surrender. " We don't know for sure." She tried to explain.
Then it all clicked in Steve's head. "Shit." He cussed. The group looked at him confused.
" She can't meet Eddie." He added to their confused stares. Dustin frowned, "Eddie's not a bad guy. Get over it."
Steve shook his head. " That's not what I meant. She is totally his type. The confidence, the tattoos, rings, leather jackets, and band tees. He'd go after her in a second. And with his looks, good hair, and dumb band, he'd so win. " Steve pouted harder as he crossed his arms.
 " Agreed. Let's plan to keep her away from Eddie Munson. "
Speak of the devil, and he will appear."Keep who away from me?" He asked as he walked up to the group.
The group went dead silent. Eddie started to get confused as everyone refused to make eye contact with him. He almost felt like he hadn't said anything out loud when Steve spoke up. "Dustin's mom. She'd freak if she met you and wouldn't let you hang with Dustin anymore."
The group quickly agreed with nodding heads. Eddie frowned, "Why, what's wrong with me?" Well, that backfired. Now Steve felt like an ass and Dustin quickly tried to save him.
 "Nothing at all. She's a very old-fashioned woman who thinks guys with long hair are no good. " Eddie nodded along, eyes questioning the group silently. He didn't believe a word that was said, but Lucas quickly turned the topic to basketball. And the weird interaction was not brought up again.
 Until the same thing happened that night as the group watched their movies. When Eddie excused himself to go to the bathroom, the group was talking in quiet whispers. Laughing, giggling, and slight arguing. He couldn't make out a word they were saying, and by the time he was close enough, they all went silent. He watched them closely. Everyone was pretending not to notice his stare and acting like the movie was the most entertaining thing they'd seen. " What's going on?" Again, silence. "Guys, seriously?" No one spoke up. Eddie was starting to feel very unwelcome in a group he thought were his friends. He was quiet the rest of the night, just as they all had been.
 The next day wasn't any better. Eddie was returning a horror film and was hoping to talk to Steve or Robin about what was going on. He spotted Robin, and she smiled at his entrance. He smiled back and handed over the movie .
Robin's smile was slapped off her face when she saw the title. It was the same exact movie Y/N rented a few days ago. She rolled her eyes. Another thing they'd have in common to talk about/
Eddie's big brown eyes didn't miss the smile vanish and eye roll. He felt his heart sting a bit in his chest. What has he done wrong? "Did I do something?" He quickly asked. Robin's head shot up with a quick smile. "Oh no nothing. I just hate this movie." and typed in the return. Her eyes were confused to see that it came up under Y/N's name. She eyed Eddie but kept quiet. The computer must have been glitching. She has not, nor has anyone seen them together. There's no way he'd met her and already had a date.
Eddie didn't quite believe Robin at all, but he let it go. As he headed to the shelves for a new film, he spotted Steve. "Hey Munson, how have you been?" Steve waved with a big smile.
Eddie eyed him suspiciously and said, " I'm fine. But what's up with you? And everyone else? You are all being weird with me."
 Steve shot the idea down and said he was just imagining things. But Eddie knew for a fact he didn't imagine Steve looking over Eddie's shoulder, a big grin lighting up his face, then back to Eddie with fear. Eddie went to question him again when Steve grabbed Eddie's hand and dragged him to another aisle.
Steve couldn't let Y/N see he was talking with Eddie. She'd come over to say hi and fall in love with the curly head next to him. So he dragged him into another aisle. "I think these movies are a better fit." He wished he had looked at the aisle first, because they were smack in the middle of the little girls' section. The racks are filled with pink princesses and unicorns. Eddie coughed awkwardly.
 "Yeah, little girl movies aren't quite my thing, Harrington." Steve laughed along, a blush on his cheeks. "You're right. Sorry about that. I thought you'd want to try something new. " And once he saw Y/N walk out the door, Steve quickly left the aisle without saying anything. Eddie felt his shoulders slump. There it was again. Leaving him in the dust without saying why.
 Eddie went to the one person who he knew couldn't lie to him, Dustin. He cornered him in the hallway, by his locker. "Alright Dustin, tell me what's up with everyone before I shove your hat up your ass." He threatened
Dustin knew it was an empty threat, but he still shook in fear. A loud fake laugh left his throat, "Eddie, nothing is going on. You're just being silly. " Dustin was sweating underneath his hat. His palms were wet and his heart raced with anxiety. He wasn't good at lying to Eddie. It was like Eddie had these eyes that could see right through you. With another look, Dustin cracked.
 “Okay, there's a new girl and she's totally hot. And everyone has a crush on her, and none of us can go after her, except Steve, which sucks. But we didn't want to tell you because you'd so be her type and we didn't want you to start dating her. Because then I'd have this crush on your girlfriend and later it would be weird when you got married and had ki-" Eddie cut off the kids' rambling with a hand to his mouth.
"Slow down. I have no idea who you are talking about, so I definitely won't be getting married next week. and seriously? You guys were so afraid of competition that you all iced me out. That's so stupid. "
Dustin nodded, "It does sound stupid when you say it out loud." Eddie let out a laugh. “I'm sorry. And I know they are too. "
 Eddie winked at the apology and said, "I'm so going to use this against Harrington."
 As Steve walked into work the next day, he was racked with anxiety. Robin could sense her friend was under great stress as he paced and stared down the door. 
"What's wrong with you now?" She asked as she picked at her nails.
"I'm going to ask her out." Her head snapped up at that. She had a huge disagreement on her tongue when Y/N walked up. A huge smile was sent to the both of them.
 Before she could say anything, Steve blurted out, "Would you go on a date with me?" 
All three of them went silent. Y/N was caught off guard by the sudden question. Robin was shocked Steve got the words out, and Steve was amazed that it came out in a real sentence.
 Before Y/N could speak up, a teasing voice came from behind her. laced with humor and mockery.
"Harrington, what are you doing asking out my girlfriend?" Eddie wrapped his arm around her shoulder with a smirk.
 Robin and Steve's jaw dropped. Their heads were filled with questions. Before they could ask, Dustin was running in, "Steve I'm sorry I spilled. I couldn't hold it an-Eddie? Y/N? " He looked at them puzzled, then his eyes grew large as he saw them cuddled close.
"EDDIE ? Y/N? " He screamed. Eddie covered his ears and Y/N laughed. She was very confused about what was going on.
"Um, what's going on?" She spoke up, from underneath her boyfriend's arm.
"Steve was asking you out on a date, honey, and you didn't answer him yet." Eddie knew he sounded like an ass, but this was just too good. Everyone was smitten with his girlfriend, and he didn't blame them. He was hooked on her the second he met her in high school.
 "I think we've got the answer, Eddie," Steve said, blushing. He spoke with a sharp tone.
"Wait, so you two are together? Since when? How do you know each other? " Robin asked, she thought Y/N was decently new to town.
"Oh Eddie, we go way back. We met in Hellfire during our sophomore year. We were best friends, then started dating in our junior year. We've been together since. " She smiled at the group. She loved talking about Eddie; it was one of her favorite things to do.
"You made a good impression, babe. You have gotten all my friends to crush on you within seconds of meeting you. " Edie smirked proudly. He finally had something in his life that everyone admired. And he was going to soak it all in.
Y/N blushed. She knew she was a pretty face, but she had no idea that everyone was so infatuated with her. "Wait baby, are these the friends that were making you upset?" She asked as she looked up into his eyes. She noticed his cheeks turning red. She embarrassed him. "Shit, sorry." She mumbled something into his neck as she shoved herself into his chest. 
He cuddled her closer, "It's fine and yes, they are. They probably didn't want us to meet because you'd fall for my good looks and guitar skills. And Stevie here didn't want the competition. " Eddie smirked towards Steve, who sent a death glare to Dustin in return.
 Y/N giggled at the explanation, "Well, for starters, Steve, you are a very handsome guy." Eddie cut her off with a pout, "Excuse me." She put her finger to his lips in return. 
“And I am flattered, but Eddie is it for me and that won't change. And for the rest of you, Eddie adores you, and I wish you hadn't singled him out because of me. I was always scared of leaving him in this town because the people are shitty. But when he'd call me and talk about his favorite kid, Dustin, some chick named Buckley, and his new hellfire boys, I was so happy he had people to take care of him. So please continue to take care of him when I'm gone. "
 The group felt even worse for leaving Eddie in the dark. Now knowing how much they meant to him, they all quickly apologized.
"Baby, that is even more embarrassing. We are leaving. " Eddie pouted as he grabbed her arm and led her to the door. She rolled her eyes and pecked his lips, which had turned into a frown. Feeling her lipstick mark on his lips caused him to smile. Eddie was never one for a quick kiss; he dove his tongue straight into her mouth without missing a beat. He heard gags from around him as he dove his hand into the back pocket of her tight jeans.
He pulled away and placed her ahead with his hand on her back as he was going to open the door. The door opened before them, and there stood Billy Hargrove. He checked Y/N up and down, and a smirk landed on his face.
Before he could even get a word out, the group and Eddie, all together, yelled "NO."
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max1461 · 2 months
Continuing on with my America/Europe dichotomy, and this one's gonna be a doozy. This one's for the real thinkers. Ok so basically, Americas are uh, patriarchal and Europes are Oedipal. Ok. Look. This one, right, you're really gonna have to follow me on this one.
Look. In America, right, we do the whole single family home, like, patriarchal homestead medieval Icelandic family farm thing, the man is in charge of the house, rugged individualism and/or suburbia. But it's patriarchal. American man goes out and gets a hot trophy wife, who looks good and bleach blonde hair and signifies "this man is a Real Man, cause he got a hot trophy wife". Wife is like a fast car, wife is like a ferrari you get, to show off. For the American man. Remember China is also an America. Chinese gucci fuckboy chainsmoking guy needs to own a house, he needs to own a house and make one bajillion dollars to land a Chinese beauty standards thin and swan-necked hot Chinese babe to go with his gucci and his car. JUST like American man. Remember that China only ever had one empress in its million year history. Patriarchal.
In a Europe, right, every man wants to fuck his mom. He just does, I've met European men. They all want to fuck their mom. Italian guys? Fuhgeddaboudit. His wife is NOT a trophy to show of to other guys. He will expect her to cook, clean, wipe his ass. And there's this reputation, I know because I have family members who habitually date European men, there's this reputation where they literally live with their mom who cleans their underwear until they move in with their wife and now she cleans his underwear and pops out sixteen Catholic children. Right? Europe is oedipal. Ancient multi-generational homes... it breeds wanting to fuck your mom wanting a fucking mom-wife. Japan has had nine empresses. Squarely a Europe.
This is the source of all the other differences. They don't mind reusing old bathwater in Japan for the same reason moms don't mind when their kids barf on them... in America we don't mind poisonous chemicals in our food because young men don't care about that kind of shit. This is the fundamental difference.
IDEAL state of affairs, ok, is to be born in a wild and crazy America such as America or China, or maybe Russia (edge case), and then move to a nice and peaceful Europe in adulthood. They're great at walkable cities and shit in Europes, they love that shit. Doing what mommy tells them. And as an American it's a breath of fresh air. But it's important to be born and raised over here, you see, so you have that fuck you attitude, so you don't want to fuck your mom. Have I ever told this story? My grandad ate rat poison once, when he was a kid in the great depression riding the rails. I'm not making this up. Apparently he ate so much that his body didn't even try to digest it and it went right through him. He was fine. 🇺🇸
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mysteryshoptls · 2 months
SSR Ace Trappola - Suitor Suit Vignette
"I love..."
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[Cafeteria – Wedding Ceremony]
Crowley: Dearie me… Today was indeed an ordeal.
Crowley: It seems the ghosts have all disappeared, leaving our cafeteria still decorated for a wedding ceremony.
Crowley: How dare they take no responsibility for what happened.
Crowley: We won't be able to open for meals tomorrow if it stays like this.
Crowley: So, young freshmen. I'll leave it to you to clear up this "wedding venue" before heading back to your dormitories, then.
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Ehhhh~~~!?
Ace: When you say freshmen… That doesn't include me 'n Epel in all our tuxedo glory, right?
Crowley: No, I mean all freshmen. I pride myself as an educator who treats all my students the same!
Epel: Oh, come on…
Ace: Give us a break, already. I did so much today, I'm wiped out.
Crowley: I will admit that you played an integral part in today's procession… But that is that, and this is this.
Crowley: I do hope you lively youngsters will be quick about it!
Grim: Hey, Yuu. Stop spacing out! We're makin' a run for it before the Headmage notices us.
Crowley: Ah, of course, that includes [Yuu]-kun and Grim-kun, too.
Grim: Myaaaah!!
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Epel: Urgh. I've thrown away so many of these ribbon off the walls, and there's still more to go.
Grim: Whenever I try pullin' the lace off, it keeps getting' caught on my claws!
Ace: This chair's real sturdy. Where'd they even find… Wait, it's a tombstone! [shudders]
1. We're not anywhere close to getting finished. 2. I wanna go home already.
Ortho: Hey everyone, I'm here to help too, so let's put our all into it!
Ace: …Arrrgh, come on! I did so much to help out, too!
Ace: How much trouble do ghosts gotta put us through before they're satisfied, anyway?
Ace: 500 years? Crazy they've been obsessing over something like "love" for that long.
Ace: I'm pretty pissed at those ghost soldiers, sure… But I don't understand what that princess was thinking at all.
Ace: I'd've had a lot less trouble if she'd just given up on the whole marriage thing and lived a happy afterlife instead…
Epel: …
Epel: Ace-kun… Has there ever been someone you liked?
Ace: Huh!? Why're you asking me that all of a sudden?
Epel: Just thought it was strange… You saying she was "obsessive" or that you "don't understand" her.
Epel: 'Cause you kinda give off this vibe that you'd know a bit more about relationships.
Ace: What, you saying I'm a playboy or something?
Epel: N-No, I'm not saying that.
Grim: You shouldn't tease Ace like that, askin' about his love life. No way he'd have any idea about that sorta stuff.
Grim: There's no way a jerk like him would ever have any luck.
Ace: Hey, can you try not being jealous of me for one sec?
Ace: Back in middle school, even I had a girlfriend I'd take to amusement parks or movie theaters or whatever.
Grim: Wh-What!? You're soundin' pretty cocky for someone like you, Ace!
Ortho: Amusement parks and movies, hm. My manual says that regardless of the generation, those are pretty popular date spots!
Epel: Nice… all this talkin' about datin' and such's makin' me feel like we're really at our peak high school guy talk stage!
Epel: So? What happened?
Ace: Well…
Ace: You know girls, they're so scared of roller coasters, so all we'd ride was the merry-go-round or the ferris wheel.
Ace: She'd say everything was "Cute!" and take a ton of Magicam pictures, but I didn't really see what was so exciting about those rides.
Ace: Plus, whenever we went to see a movie, she never wanted to watch action or horror movies, just romance and cute animal movies…
Ace: It was just borin' with her, so we just slowly stopped messaging each other.
Epel: Oh, I see. Doesn't that seem a little…disappointing?
Ace: Yeah, but the worst was still to come. After I started slowly distancing myself, whaddya think happened next?
Ace: …One day, this group of girls I'd never met in my life started shouting at me…
Ace: "Why didn't you ever call her?" "How could you!" "She's been crying non-stop!" "You brute!"
Ace: …And they went on and on scolding me! What's with that, some kind of solidarity between girls or whatever?
Ace: That's when I realized. Love is just a pain to deal with!
Ace: I have way more fun just hangin' with the guys.
Grim: Man, you're just a kid, after all.
Ace: Don't wanna hear that from you, of all people.
Ace: …But, anyway!
Ace: I think it's not me we gotta worry about, but those guys over there.
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Hm?
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[Cafeteria – Wedding Ceremony]
Ace: I think it's not me we gotta worry about, but those guys over there.
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Hm?
Deuce: Hey, Ace. What have you guys been chatting away about over there?
Jack: Urgh… It's already past midnight and I don't think I can stay awake any longer. Let's hurry and finish cleaning up already.
Ace: You guys are tryin' to act all cool, but who was it that was just rolling around on the floor all day today?
Ace: Look at 'em, Grim. You should be saying that these dunderheads who couldn't even succeed in their mission are more like kids.
Grim: Hm, I guess…?
Grim: Deuce did look pretty lame when he froze up tryin' to talk to that bride.
Ace: Riiiight~?! I was laughing so hard I couldn't breathe at all.
Deuce: Wha… I couldn't help it! I'm not used to talking to girls.
Deuce: I clam up when I start thinking that I might say something stupid and callous…
Ace: Your middle school was co-ed, wasn't it? Weren't you popular enough?
Ace: I always thought that guys with that "tough guy" image always had girls falling at their feet.
Deuce: Falling at my feet?
Deuce: …Nah, no one ever talked to me.
Deuce: Every girl other than my mom ―or rather, every guy, too― would run away the moment we made eye contact.
Ace: Ah, I see… So you were just so scary no one wanted to come close…
Ace: Jack got rejected pretty quick too, so I guess guys who just look scary from the get-go just can't get girls, huh.
Jack: That's all useless talk. I don't really care if people like me.
Ace: Oho? What, you a sore loser or something?
Jack: No. Wolf beastmen like myself are destined to find the one person to care about forever.
Jack: Both my parents and my grandparents are the same… From the moment they wake up to the moment they go to sleep, they're always together. Even when taking a walk or having meals.
Jack: When the time comes that I fall in love, I plan on being with them for the rest of my life.
Jack: That's why I don't care if a bunch of folks like me.
Ace: Th... That's waaaaay too deep!
Ace: Dude, you're still a student, and you're talking about "the rest of my life"… You're taking this "love" stuff way too seriously!
Deuce: Also, can you really think about marriage before you've even got a career plan set up?
Grim: What a pain! I definitely don't wanna ever date Jack.
Jack: Well, I'm not asking you to!
Ace: Then, I guess it's more guys like Epel that'd get the most attention.
Ace: Instead of being scary looking, he's a pretty boy with potential!
Epel: Eh, m-me!?
Ace: Well, you were askin' about others, so you should cough up a story too. Was there anyone back home you had a crush on?
Epel: Uh…
Ace: Come on~ Don't keep it a secret~ We're tux buddies, ain't we?
Deuce: That's a rude way to drag him in. Why're you so hung up on hearing about other people's love lives?
Jack: I bet he's hoping that other people'll do his share of the clean up while he keeps the conversation going.
Deuce: Makes sense. That's a pretty Ace-like move.
Ace: You guys are totally interested in hearing too!
Jack/Deuce: Well…
Ace: You ever get confessed to? Was there someone you liked? Or even dated someone!?
Epel: …
Jack/Deuce/Ace: …!
Epel: …Hate to break it to you guys when you're all looking at me so intently…
Epel: But there's not many people in my hometown. And even then, most of the people there either way older or way younger than me.
Epel: I never really got to spend time with people my age once I came here to Night Raven College…
Epel: All I did was help out on my family's farm… So I don't really have any exciting story…
Ace: Dang, so you don't have any fun stories too, huh.
Epel: Sorry I couldn't live up to your expectations.
Ortho: If I were to compare against prior data gathered of boys of similar age, it seems like everyone here is drastically lacking when it comes to living your youthful years.
Ace: Shut it!
Sebek: Hey! Humans! You've all stalled in your work.
Ace: Here he comes, the guy who's got the worst chance among us.
Jack: Yeah, I was pretty disappointed too.
Sebek: Hmph. All of you are just going back and forth about falling in love and whatnot.
Sebek: We are students. If you have time for that sort of ridiculous leisure, you should focus on your studies instead!
Grim: Don't be talkin' down to us! You were one of the first to get rejected!
Sebek: I was not rejected! I rejected her!
Sebek: I am busy training every single day to be a capable guard for Malleus-sama. I have no time for frivolities like "love."
Ace: You say that, but what if someone that was really your type shows up one day?
Ace: You plannin' on droning on and on about Malleus-senpai to that person, too?
Sebek: I fully know what to do. Lilia-sama has explained to me what I should do if I were to meet my soulmate.
Ace: Correspondence!!?? You mean, write a letter!?
Ace: That's like something our grandparents would do!
Deuce: It'd be better if you sent a message on Magicam or email instead.
Sebek: Why is that? Lilia-sama would say that "Fountain pens and stationary are a lover's weapon."
Sebek: One should lay out their thoughts in the missive, and every third letter, also include a picture with a smile. This should continue until the 25th full moon of the courtship.
Sebek: Once enough correspondence has been exchanged…
Sebek: We are to sit on a bench together in Briar Valley Central Park, leaving enough space for one between us!
Epel: Yeah, you're definitely being led on…
Ace: Yeah, yeah. Pipe down already. It'll go on and on if we don't nip it in the bud here, so let's call it quits here!
Ace: [sigh]… But maybe Sebek has a bit of a point.
Jack: What, you gonna write some letters too?
Ace: Oh yeah, yeah, I'd totally whip out the white stationary and write in cursive "I love"… Not!!
Ace: Even for this, me and Epel needed Riddle-ryōchō and Rook-senpai's help, right?
Epel: …Yeah. If we didn't have those two, I don't think we would've been able to get as far as we did.
Ace: You know, it came to me when I saw my Housewarden taking on all those ghosts.
Ace: "My Housewarden's pretty cool."
Ace: I wanna get better at using magic, man.
Ace: I can't even compare against my Housewarden or other upperclassmen right now, but...
Ace: But someday, I'll totally show off what all I can do, and be all, "Check me out now!"
Ace: I totally get a jolt through my body imagining the shock on their faces when I finally show my awesome skills, see?
Ace: And in order to get to that point… I guess I need to focus up a bit more in my studies before thinking anything about love.
Epel: …Yeah. You're right. I think so too!
Sebek: Hmph. See, you do get it.
Deuce: Yeah, we need to hunker down with our studies.
Jack: When Deuce with all his failing marks says that, it just feels even more important to think about.
Sebek/Epel/Ace: Yeah.
Deuce: Why are you all in step when it comes to things like this!?
Ace: …Putting that all aside, we just really got carried away in conversation, huh. We ain't nowhere near done putting the cafeteria back in order!
Ace: Not only did we have to deal with all those ghosts, but now we gotta be held after to do more work…
Ace: We're so lame. Nothing good came out of today at all.
Ortho: That's not true!
Ace: Eh?
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[Cafeteria – Wedding Ceremony]
Ortho: I was watching the video with the Headmage when you barged into the wedding ceremony, and…
Ortho: It felt like I was watching a movie, seeing you burst in with your flower bouquet, shouting out "Wait a sec!"
Ortho: You were so passionately coming to my brother's rescue…
Ortho: It was suuuuuuuuuuuper cool!
Ace: Huh? I wasn't passionate anything.
Ace: That was because I had just finished running away from the ghosts… or more like I got caught up in the flow.
Ortho: Nah. I saw just how serious you looked when you rushed into the room.
Ortho: You totally meant every word you said to the bride and her retainers, didn't you?
Grim: There ain't no way Ace'd say anything that genuine.
Grim: All he did was just ramble on about stuff without putting in any thought, I bet.
Ace: Y-Yeah, yeah! You got it right on the money, Grim.
Ortho: Judging from what I gleaned from my infrared sensor, with his elevated body temperature, voice pitch and pupil dilation…
Ortho: All the preceding data brings us to the conclusion that Ace was being genuine.
Ortho: …There's no need for you to hide it. You're really shy, huh!
Deuce: Which means…
Sebek: All he said to the ghost bride about the "perfect marriage partner"…
Jack: Was Ace's actual genuine thoughts!?
Ortho: Yup. There's no doubt.
Ortho: It's wonderful that you have a real good image of your ideal partner.
Ace: Hah!? No way! Absolutely no way!
Ace: I just said whatever I thought the ghosts would swallow!
Jack/Deuce/Sebek: Ohooo~~??
Grim: Protesting too much, don'tcha think?
Ortho: Even the Headmage said, "I'm growing fonder of Trappola-kun by the second!"
Ortho: Based on prior literature, statistically speaking, if you were to confess to someone with the same passion as you did today…
Ortho: You're sure to have no trouble getting someone to fall in love with you!
Ace: There ain't no passion. That wasn't a confession!
Ace: …And all you stop your stupid grinning!
Epel: Wow, I didn't realize how much you put into it…
Epel: I wish I could've seen you looking so cool, Ace-kun.
Ortho: Leave it to me! I still have the recording. I'll send you the video later.
Deuce: Oh, nice thinking. We should all watch it later once we're done clearing everything away. You guys good with doing it at Ramshackle?
Jack: Running a play-by-play could be fun. I'm feeling more awake now.
Sebek: I shall give my own evaluation of it as well!
Sebek: You said I was the guy today with the worst chance among all of us. I'll make sure to thoroughly lambast you as penance.
1. No need to be shy. 2. We just want to pay tribute to your gallant speech.
Ortho: Yeah~!
Ortho: That's why you, Ace Trappola-san, who already has thought of what his ideal partner would be…
Ortho: Is the best suited suitor of all!
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Ace: …Aaaaah, come on! I've already told you… I wasn't serious at all!
Grim: Woah. Ace's turned completely red even to the tips of his ears!
Deuce: Haha, you're right. This isn't something we get to ever see.
Jack: Hey, Ortho. Make sure you capture this moment too.
Grim: You too, [Yuu], snap a shot on the ghost camera!
Ace: Why's everyone gotta mess with me like this…?
Ace: Just drop it already, guys~~!
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Requested by Anonymous.
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sweetbans29 · 5 months
That's Mine - CC
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Pairing: Caitlin Clark x Reader
Summary: You get jealous and don’t like when people take what’s yours (based off of THIS request)
Warnings: jealous reader, suggestive
Word Count: 2.6k
Sweetbans Masterlist
AN: Let me know what you guys think!
You and Caitlin had been dating for about 6 months now. The two of you met when you were helping your roommate take photos of the team. She was one of the student photographers who would photograph different sports teams on campus. She was in charge of women's volleyball, women's basketball, and track and field. It seemed like a lot but she juggled it well.
You got roped into helping her out for one of the media days for the women's basketball team. It was a Friday morning and you had no excuse to get out of it.
You joined your roommate, Sophie, at Carver-Hawkeye Arena. You were in charge of carrying around gear and getting whatever lens she needed ready. It was honestly pretty simple.
You helped her set up the space before any of the team got there. When you were done, you went to grab coffee for the two of you. On your walk back you bumped into a few of the girls from the team.
You started talking with them as you all walked to where the media day was being held. A few of them had classes with you, and the others got introduced. They were all super chill.
When you returned, you handed Soph her coffee and got to work. You gathered all the props that they had and handed them to the girls whenever they went to switch up a shot.
One of the girls came up to you to introduce herself.
"Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for helping out today. Sophie mentioned you would be helping out today. I'm Caitlin." She says as she extends her hand to shake yours.
"Hi, I know who you are," you say with a little smile and laugh. "You are truly incredible on the court."
She smiles and you swear you see a slight blush creep into her cheeks.
"Thanks." She says. "Well, I better get back, thanks again for helping out."
You thought it was sweet that Caitlin came over to introduce herself. She didn't need an introduction as she was well-known throughout campus as one of our star athletes. But it was nice to know that she now knows who you are.
The rest of the media day goes smoothly. Everyone looks amazing and the photos are the best media day photos you have seen your roommate take - and she has taken quite a few.
At the end of the shoot, you help her clean up when Caitlin comes over again.
"Hey," you say as you start folding up one of the lights.
"Hi," she says and just stands there.
You don't think much of it and continue to tear down. She is playing with her fingertips and seems like she wants to say something.
"How did we look today?" She ends up asking, not getting to her real reason for coming over. You stopped what you were doing to continue the conversation with her.
"The team looked absolutely amazing." You say. "I think one of my favorite shots was of you actually." When you say it, noticing a blush that creeps up into her cheeks.
"Oh ya? Which one?" She asks, trying to regain her confidence.
"The one where you were midair for the dunk." You say with a little smile.
"Oh that one was fire, I think it is one of my favorites as well," she says. It is now or never. She takes a deep breath and mumbles, "Would you maybe want to grab coffee or something sometime?"
At first, you stare at her - your brain trying to process what she is asking. There is no way she is asking you out right now, she has to mean it as friends.
“I would love that,” you say with a sweet smile. You try not to think anything of it but it is hard when a gorgeous all-start basketball star is asking to hang out. The two of you exchange phone numbers and go your separate ways.
Over the next 8 months, the two of you really get to know each other. The two of you became friends and started dating shortly after.
That leads you today. The two of you are with a few girls from the team. It is one of her teammate's birthdays and they wanted to go out to a nice dinner and then to their favorite ice cream spot.
Everyone dressed up nice to go out to dinner.
When you walk into where Caitlin is getting ready - she takes your breath away.
You walk up behind where she is sitting and place your hands on her shoulders, rubbing her arms.
"You look stunning." You say as you look at her through the mirror. She looks at you through the mirror with a smile. She is putting on some light makeup, not that she needs it, that compliments her well.
"You don't look too bad yourself," she says checking you out.
You lean over and kiss the top of her head.
"Are you ready to go?" You ask as you sit on her bed.
"Yep, just finishing up," she says. "Can you come help me put this necklace on?"
You get up and help her. It is a necklace you got her for her birthday. It was a diamond circle that fell beautifully on her chest.
Once the necklace is on, she turns round to face you. She takes in your appearance and takes a deep breath. You don't know how she does it but it brings butterflies to your stomach without even trying. You crumble beneath her gaze.
She leans down and places the lightest kiss on your lips. You lean into her wanting more. She gives in and lets you take the lead. When things get a little too heavy, you break away from her. Your breathing is uneven and your eyes are still closed.
"If we don't go now, we won't make it out the door," you say taking a few steps back from her.
She just gives you a look, knowing you are right.
The two of you head out and meet up with the other girls.
The night is nice, you are all enjoying dinner and each other's company. Following dinner you all head to THE ice cream spot. When you all arrive, there is a line around the corner. The is nothing new and you all head to the back of the line.
As you are waiting in line and talking to one of Caitlin's teammates, something catches your eye.
You glance over at Caitlin who is in conversation with the girl in front of her. At first, you think nothing of it as it didn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. You brush it off and get back to your conversation.
After about 10 minutes, you notice Caitlin is still talking to the same girl only this time, the girl's hand comes up to touch Caitlin's arm. Caitlin just laughs at something the girl says, making no effort to remove her hand.
You know it is harmless, but part of you was hoping your girlfriend would politely step back or remove the girl's hand from her body.
You try to shake the rising sense of jealousy that is building within you but it doesn't subside. Even though you are still in the conversation with Caitlin's friends, your ears and mind are trained on Caitlin and the girl.
After another five minutes, you hear the girl talking about how amazing Caitlin is on the court and how she has been following your girlfriend this past season, making sure she was at every game.
Caitlin being Caitlin, was very kind and to anyone else would look like she was flirting back. Deep down - you know she never would, but the insecurity that the jealousy brought, had you raving to get your girlfriend out of that situation. You wanted to stake your claim.
Your final straw was when the girl asked for a photo with Caitlin, which she happily agreed to. When the girl pulled out her phone, she leaned into Caitlin, putting her head in the crease of her neck, and tilted her head in. She was posing as if Caitlin was hers.
You had enough and excused yourself from your current conversation. You make your way over so you are standing right behind Caitlin.
You have a slight advantage since Caitlin is taller than you, so you could sneak up behind her without the other girl knowing. And when you do, you ever so lightly trail your fingers from her lower back all the way up to just below her neck. You see the hair on her neck stand straight up as her speech becomes uneven.
The dress she is wearing makes this all so easy. There is a large open slit that goes from her lower back up to her neck, right where your fingers just trailed and tied at the top. Your fingers begin to play with the strings as your other hand comes and plays with the bottom of the slit, hands teasing her waist.
You can feel every muscle in her body tense and you know that isn't the only part of her that is affected. You go on your tippy toes, just close enough for her, and only her, to hear what you say.
"Looks like I need to show you who you belong to tonight," you whisper in her ear. Caitlin's mouth goes dry as she politely excuses herself from the fan she was just talking to.
As she turns back to the group and you all approach the front of the line, she tries to grab your hand - wanting to make any sort of contact with you to ease the tension that builds inside her. You notice her hand coming to meet yours and move it - keeping up a playful conversation with the girls. The lowest of whines comes from your girl as she is becoming visually flustered and frustrated.
You knew exactly what to do to get her going, and once she was going, there was no turning her off.
The thing about your relationship with Caitlin is that when you two are intimate, it is usually sweet or based off of a mutual need for one another. And if there was any dominance, Caitlin would always be the one to take the lead. It has never been the other way around, until tonight.
You can see hands begin to fiddle with themselves and then come to the bottom of her dress, straightening it out and smoothing it over. She is doing everything in her power to keep it cool.
As the group enters the ice cream shop, you let her go first, placing your hand on her lower back, and guiding her in. She slows her movements, hoping to lean into your touch more yet nothing more than your fingers grace her body. She is itching for your touch.
She can barely focus as she is trying to decide what flavor to get. You are standing right next to her, your perfume overwhelming her. She wants to bring her arm around you and pull you into her body but is nervous about what repercussions that would have later that night. Your choosing to be the dominant one is new and the excitement that comes with that alone is enough for her to excuse the two of you to take you home to find out more.
When it is your turn to choose a flavor, you look over to Caitlin to let her go first.
"Ummm, can I please get....umm," she says, not knowing what to choose.
"She'll have a single scoop of your cherry vanilla," You say, not acknowledging Caitlin's look wondering why you weren't getting any.
"Can we also get a pint of that to go please," you ask the man who's taking your order, he gives a light nod and gets your order all set.
He hands it all over to you as you pay for it. You hand Caitlin her scoop and the paper bag holding the pint while mumbling something along the lines of 'tasting something sweeter tonight'.
Caitlin tries to engage in the conversation as everyone is sitting at a table that is too small for your group but can't focus on anything other than you. How your knee hits hers and your hand occasionally comes to her thigh when you laugh at something one of the girls says.
She leans over to you and quietly says, "Can we please go home?"
Her need for you continues to grow with each touch.
"I don't think I am ready yet," you say, finally looking into her eyes. Even the simple action of eye contact has her fighting back a squirm.
"Please," she whispers in your ear, practically begging.
You see how her thighs are pressing together and her hands can't keep still. You take a second to contemplate her request and cave. To be quite honest, seeing her in such a needy state has you riled up as well.
You stand and Caitlin immediately follows suit.
"We are going to head out, Caitlin doesn't feel too good," you say which isn't completely wrong. Everyone says their goodbyes and you say happy birthday to her teammate and begin the journey back. Everything was within walking distance of her apartment which made it an easy trip back.
Easy in the sense of the distance. Borderline unbearable to Caitlin as you still wouldn't hold her hand. She followed you like a lost puppy.
When you got back to her place, you didn't say a thing to her as you put the ice cream in the freezer and began looking through your phone. She expected you to have her pinned against the door the second you walked in the place, showing her who she belonged to just like you said you were going to.
She didn't know what to do when you didn't immediately jump her.
"Ummm," she doesn't know what to say but knows she wants you.
You look up from your phone and just stare at her. There are your eyes again, unraveling her without a single touch. Her heart rate going a mile a minute. You walk over to her and look her up and down.
"What do you want baby?" You ask low and slow, your hand coming to brush her own.
The control Caitlin wants to take is taking every ounce of willpower she has to subdue.
"Touch me," she says and your eyebrow raises. "Please, touch me."
Your hand comes to hold hers now, and her eyes flutter close. Her breath picks up and becomes uneven. She takes in the feeling of your skin on hers, even if it is just her hand. You then bring your other hand up to where the pads of your fingertips are skimming her neck, tracing her ear. Her neck tilts and she lets out the sweetest moan.
"Go get on the bed," you say as you grab one of the strings of her dress and pull it undone.
She immediately does what you say. You take your time in the kitchen, wanting her to sweat a little.
"If I find any evidence that you have touched yourself, that's it." You yell to her. You hear her groan in response.
You make your way to the freezer and grab the ice cream and a spoon. Once the freezer closes, you make your way to your girl in the bedroom.
AN: I hope this did the prompt justice. Please let me know what you think! And as always, thank you for the love and support 🤍
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Sweet and Strong
Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader Summary: You stop by the parlor to drop off some treats. Word Count: Over 2.3k Warnings: Fluff, flir-ting, slight insecurity if you squint, slight feels (it's me), Tess is a real one, Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?) Graphics talent and thanks: Banner - @sgt-seabass, Divider - @firefly-graphics, Bucky edit - Nix, Moodboard - yours truly A/N: More Hottie and Sugar from my Sin on Skin AU.❤️ Beta read by @whisperlullaby , so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You did your best not to let your mind wander during the work day, but Bucky hadn’t left your thoughts since he dropped you off at your place. A dopey smile formed on your face more times than you could count. The tattoo artist was your dream come true. Someone who looked like they could destroy everything in their path, but treated you with such care.
And he said yes to a date with you.
How does a man like him exist?
“Careful,” Tess said, nudging you to the side so she could take a cookie from the case. “Keep making that happy face and it’ll get stuck that way.”
“Is that a bad thing?” you smiled, making sure there were no customers looking as you typed a quick message to Bucky on your phone.
“Hope you have a good day, Hottie.”
After a moment, you cringed and put the device away. Though Bucky gave you his number after he dropped you off, you didn’t message him immediately. Waiting until today was better because enough time had passed, but was the text too casual? Not casual enough? Was it clingy to message him before you had your date?
Why am I overthinking this?
“If you’re smiling because of Bucky, it’s a very good thing. Especially after what he did to help you. I think he should get a permanent discount,” Tess said, making you raise an eyebrow when you didn’t detect a hint of sarcasm in her tone. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.”
“We talked about this,” you gently reminded her when she pouted, a look that told you she was still upset. “Please, stop apologizing. You have nothing to be sorry for.”
When Tess heard that Richard ambushed you after closing, she beat herself up for not being there. You assured her it wasn’t her fault that your ex showed up. She was thankful you were okay and that Bucky, and everyone else in the shop, stood up for you. She also added that if she saw Richard sniffing around the place that she’d kick him in the nuts.
Bucky assured you he wouldn’t come around and you believed him.
“I’m just sorry I didn’t see him get put in his place. Been a long time coming,” she said, a bit of mischief back in her eyes as she leaned against the counter to smile at you. “And I’m bummed I missed that kiss.”
“Why did I tell you about that?” you asked, your cheeks hot as you recalled the moment Bucky’s lip touched yours. If you closed your eyes, you could almost feel him kissing you again. The memory made your heart swell.
As if on cue, your phone went off.
“Day’s better now that I’ve heard from you, Sugar. Can’t wait for our date. Planned something special.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you reread the message and hugged the device to your chest. You weren't sure how many women Bucky dated or how many special dates he planned before you. The thought of it being a high number didn't make your stomach sink as you expected. What mattered was that the two of you were taking a chance on each other.
And even though you technically asked him out, he took the time to plan something for you. When was the last time a guy did anything remotely nice for you without expecting something in return? Why had you settled in the past for less than what you deserved?
“You told me because we’re best friends,” Tess answered with a smirk when you looked her way. “Is that him?”
“Yeah, it’s him,” you smiled, showing her the message. “I wonder what he has planned.”
“Whatever it is, you better give all the dirty details when he dicks you down. And not to be graphic, but I bet he eats pussy like-"
“Tess!" you groaned, praying the nearby customers weren’t listening. But, god, if you hadn’t thought about what he’d be like in bed. He’d be so good to you. “Let’s try and be professional.”
“Professional, my ass. I’m not the one flirting with the hunk or making eyes at him every time he steps into the shop,” she pointed out.
“And, look, I’m not saying you have to get laid on the first date, but I am saying you have to let him in your pants at some point,” she said, laughing as you tossed a towel at her face.
You laughed, too, and wondered just how the night would go. If you put out on the first date, would he think you were easy? If you waited too long, would he move on? You were overthinking again, but you couldn't help it. You really liked him.
He likes me, too, so I must be doing something right.
“What do you get out of it if I let him in my pants?” you asked curiously.
Tess placed a hand on your shoulder and squeezed. “I get to keep seeing you happy, which you have every right to be."
"Thanks," you smiled, a wave of fondness crashing over you. The two of you saw each other go through many ups and downs of life. She deserved the world and it meant a lot that she wanted that for you, too. "Is it too much if I run some treats over for him? Especially since I just texted him?"
Bringing a small selection of baked goods for Bucky and the guys would be a small way to thank them for defending you. Deep down, it was also an excuse to see him before your date. You hoped it wasn't too obvious.
"The guy has visited the shop for all of your shifts since he first came in. So, no, it isn't too much if you surprise him and send something his way. He might like it."
"I'll be quick," you promised, selecting some of the best treats from the case, including one with little hearts.
"Take your time. Jill and I can handle this," she smiled as if she sensed your giddiness. "Go treat your man."
"He isn't my man yet," you teased.
But I'm already his girl.
"Yeah, he is," Tess winked, giving you a gentle nudge. "Now go."
It didn't take you long to cross the street to the parlor and thankfully you didn't drop the box. You hoped you looked decent. Well, as much as you could during a work day. At least you had a cute apron on.
"Hi! Welcome to Sin on Skin!" Jake said as you walked through the door. "Sugar! It's you!"
You held back a laugh when his voice echoed. "Yeah, it's me," you smiled, holding up the box. "I wanted to drop these off Bucky and the rest of you, if that's okay?"
"You brought us food?!" he asked, leaning on his arms to look over the counter. "Hold on. Lemme grab him."
"You sure? If he's with a client…" you trailed off when Jake dashed away from the counter.
You took a moment to look around again, your gaze settling on an intricate flower tattoo. Seeing the place without the fear of your ex following you made it even brighter than before. Like your shop, it was expressive and inviting. Bucky likely put as much love into it as you did with yours.
"That was my first piece."
You tore your gaze away from the wall to find Bucky beside you, a dopey smile back on your face. There was only a small amount of space between you and your heart raced as you looked him over, the large man clad in his usual tight shirt and jeans. He had his hair pulled back and you resisted the urge to tuck a few strands back that came loose.
He would manage to look sexy as hell with latex gloves on.
"It's beautiful," you said honestly.
"Thanks. She's a good friend and still a client of mine. So is her husband," he smiled gently. "I'm glad you stopped by."
"Me, too," you smiled back, holding up the box in your hands. "I just wanted to say thanks again to you and the guys for sticking up for me. It isn't much, but I hope you all enjoy them."
"Oh." A slight frown formed on his face when you handed him the treats. "You know you don't have to give us these, right? We didn't do it expecting you to give us anything in return and I'm sure as hell not going to let anyone speak to you the way that prick did."
You furrowed your brows a bit, even as you nearly swooned at his protectiveness. Had you upset him? "I know I don't have to," you said, clearing your throat. Why did the thought of them defending you just for being good guys make you emotional? "I just wanted to do something nice for you."
Was this a bad idea?
You let out a breath when he smiled again. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you didn't feel obligated," he said, touching your arm. Even with the glove, the touch sent heat between your thighs. "It's a very sweet gesture, Sugar. Thank you."
"You're welcome," you said, satisfied that he wasn't unhappy with the small gift. "And I'll admit. I also stopped by because I wanted to see you before our date," you added.
"You did?" he smirked, bringing warmth to your cheeks as you nodded. "While we're admitting things to each other, I've been watching the door and hoping you'd stop in. I even dreamt about you when I took a nap."
"No, you didn't," you giggled, a sense of power and elatedness filling you that his pull to you was that strong.
"I swear. I don't think Steve will let me live that down" he chuckled. You wondered what exactly he dreamt about. Was it passionate? Intense? "Can't get you outta my mind. And, frankly, I don't want to."
You didn't think he could make your heart beat any faster, but he continued to surprise you. There was no shame or timidness in his tone or his stare. It was steadfast and true, like he wasn't afraid to wear his heart on his sleeve with you. If he could be vulnerable and open with you this way, you could do the same in return.
Go big or go home, right?
"I can't stop thinking about you either," you told him, proud that your voice didn't waver.
"You can't?" he whispered and you suddenly didn't like the box between your bodies. It made him feel too far away.
"No, I can't," you whispered back, gazing into his blue eyes. "I waited to text you because I didn't want it to be too soon. And even though I don't know where you're taking me on our date, I already have the perfect sundress laid out and ready to go."
"You can text me as much as you want. I don't care what time of day," he assured you before his eyes lit up mischievously, like he knew something you didn't. "And a sundress is fucking perfect, but no asking for hints about our date"
"Not even a little one? Please?" you asked, giving him what you hoped was a cute pout. You didn't actually want him to tell you because you wanted him to surprise you, but you hoped you looked enticing.
Bucky slowly licked his lips and shook his head. If he was trying to look hot, he more than succeeded. If he wasn't, did he have any idea what that teasing motion of his tongue did to you? "I'm tempted to tell you and I'm very tempted to kiss you right now, but no. No hints. I need to stay strong."
I'm very tempted to kiss you, too.
"Fine, Hottie. I'll be good," you teased, pouting again. "For now."
Bucky moved the box beside him so he could step closer, his eyes darker than before. "You wanna be good for me?"
Yes, sir.
"Yes," you answered, leaving out the "sir" that echoed in your mind and shivering as he continued to stare. Before you could say anything more, you noticed that the shop had gone quiet. You leaned over to look past Bucky and giggled when you saw the crew staring, taking you out of the moment. Steve and Hal both had knowing smirks on their faces, but no way could they have heard your conversation. "Hope you enjoy the treats!"
"Oh, we will," Hal winked. "What about you, Bucky? You gonna enjoy your treat?"
"Get back to work!" Bucky called back before he smiled disappointedly. "Speaking of, I should, too. I think my client gave me enough of a break."
"Yeah, I need to get back," you said. You didn't want to leave Tess and Jill hanging. "I hope you have a good rest of the day."
"You, too," he said as you went to the door. "Be good for me until I see you again."
"Only if you're good for me," you smiled over your shoulder, catching his surprised smirk before the door shut.
You took a breath, allowing the breeze to cool you off. Maybe a cold shower would do a better job. You smiled as your phone went off, expecting a teasing text from Tess. It caught you off guard when "Mom" popped up.
Well, that can't be good if she's texting me. God, did she somehow hear about Richard? The last thing I need is a lecture.
Instead of opening the message, you tucked your phone away. You needed to get back to work and you had a date to look forward to. You wouldn't allow your mom to sour your mood because Tess was right.
You had the right to be happy.
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No ruining this upcoming date, mom! Love and thanks for reading! 💙
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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strawberryblue-blog · 5 months
Disaster. Part 1 —Joao Felix.
summary: You see Joao again after he broke your heart and nothing goes as you expected.
warnings: none. enemy to lovers, exes to lovers, many curses, cute, soft.
words count: +2.3k
#SEXYNOTE: Don't worry, there will be a second part of this and it will come faster than you think. Thanks for waiting, sorry for being late. love y'all 💙
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The Uber took you to the place you had indicated when you left home, right outside the restaurant where you were supposed to have dinner. Before entering you took your purse and took out a gloss to put some on your lips, it was just a little gloss to look more appropriate. Even though you had left work an hour ago and after a quick shower and putting on the first thing you found, it wasn't like you were ready for your date.
Yes, a date. A blind date that your best friend had set up for you, which you clearly hadn't asked for but had had to agree to when she was so insistent that you come along.
Camila had taken it upon herself to find the perfect suitor for you, according to her. You had absolutely no idea who this was, you didn't even know if it was true or if it was going to be a joke from your friend. She was very insistent that your partners were invisible because she had never really seen you with one. But you had never done anything official with anyone for a long time, you didn't invest your time in men anymore.
You walked into the fancy restaurant, which you allowed yourself to admire as you closed the door behind you. Your friend had mentioned dressing well and you felt a little offended when she said it, but now you understood. Eating here was probably going to be expensive but you could treat yourself for today and if it all ended badly on the date, you would never come to this place again.
"Hello, excuse me" you called to the receptionist. "The table in the name of Y/LN?" you asked at the girl's kind smile.
"Good evening, your table is table 9" she kindly replied checking on her computer.
You politely thanked her and as you turned to go your way, your legs shook. You were nervous and you were not one to get nervous. But the thought of sitting down to dinner with a complete stranger made you hesitate. However, you plucked up your courage and went on your way, spotting the tables guiding you to find your number.
A man's marked back made you swallow your breath. You were a few steps away from him and when your eyes caught sight of the young man with his back turned, you sighed, calming your nerves. I'll just be a while, eat, chat and then leave. «Be nice» You said in your mind. Above all you were going to be polite, whatever your date, you were going to make a good impression.
You took your last steps, approaching the table and when the boy heard you, he looked up at you.
Oh, no. No way.
"Hello, Y/n" he greeted with a smile.
You, on the other hand, frowned in confusion feeling your legs wobble. Damn it. It couldn't be. This was a dream.
"I'm sorry, I think there's been a mistake" you said trying to pretend you didn't recognize it. Your voice dropped and you looked to your sides in confusion.
But inside you, everything moved. This was not true.
"There isn't" the young man mentioned. "Camila wanted to get us together apparently" came back a chuckle.
Damn it. You couldn't believe it was him sitting there. He looked so changed. He really looked more handsome, more mature, like a real man. But in your mind he was still the young man from a few summers ago, the handsome boy who had been driving you crazy since you were little.
"This has got to be a fucking joke," you sigh in disbelief.
Your friend really is crazy, how could she think she could bring you on a date with Joao? The same guy who had rejected you years ago and broke your heart, you hated him!
"You look great" he announced trying to flirt.
"Not with me, Joao" you warn denying.
You don't know whether to be offended by the situation, whether he had been sent by someone who hated you in this life or what was the reason he was here. But he definitely knew you would be here, while you came here hoping to connect with someone else.
You felt somewhat frustrated by what happened that the hunger or anxiety you felt vanished and the urge to run from the place came over you.
"I-I think I should go" you stammered starting to walk.
"Wait!" you heard him yell but you started running to get out of the place.
Yes, you felt offended, humiliated and weird. How were you supposed to connect with Joao if you guys weren't speaking to each other since that day, you hadn't even thought about seeing him again. You were supposed to move on with your lives and never cross paths again. Had Camila lost her mind? Of course she had. There was no other explanation.
You stood on the sidewalk of the place with your head looking sideways, waiting for a cab to arrive as quickly as possible. Damn it! You'd come here for nothing, now you were hungry and a goddamn craving for Joao!
It was clear that seeing him again had had an effect on you, even more so when he looked as fucking hot as he did. You weren't the same as before, now you were both grown up and you had the strength to face him, but he wasn't going to play with you again.
A sigh escaped your lips as no one seemed to appear in the night. Great, what else could go wrong? You'd already ruined dinner, you'd drive home hungry and embarrassed. There were no cabs around and walking was not an option.
Lights flashed in your view as a car approached you, you sighed gratefully. When it parked in front of you, you bit your lower lip with a grimace. It wasn't a cab or an Uber. It was a damn sports car that was worth more than your entire estate put together. It was Joao's car.
You ignored him as he leaned out the window, averting your eyes to the road praying a cab would show up right now. You weren't going to let him drive you home, you weren't going to let him into your life again.
"Stop acting immature, get in" he indicated after a few minutes.
No one had shown up until then. Not even a damn bus that could take you home. But you couldn't give in.
You turned on your heels and started walking briskly, with your head held high and taking it all in. Getting a little further away was a good option and maybe on the way you would find a cab. Beside you, you could see the car start to approach you, and you pressed your lips together indignantly. Why hadn't he left yet? Wasn't it enough for him to see you running out of the restaurant or to ignore him here?
As you walked, the car's lights still shining on you, you could see out of the corner of your eye how he was getting closer and closer to you. You were starting to get annoyed.
"Get in, Y/n, please" he shouted from inside like a plea. "It's late, let me take you home safe and sound" he said again and you stood up with a start.
You hated it. You had done something wrong in this life for karma to pay you back like this, right where it hurt the most. Of course. It's not easy to forget when a man rejects you in your full youth, much less one you liked very much. And he had hurt you so much.
You sigh cursing and grab the doorknob of the car, opening the door to sit in the seat with a serious little pout on your face. You stare straight ahead at all times, not giving him the pleasure of looking at you even though you know he smiled like he had won the lottery.
"Don't say a word" you point out angrily. Joao nods with a chuckle and sets off.
The silence is overwhelming inside the car and you can feel the nerves stinging on the tips of your toes. Your palms sweat and you don't know what to do. There is no music, no words. There are only sighs and the voice of the geolocator pointing the way to your house.
The tension becomes more and more suffocating, at times you find it hard to breathe and your gaze wanders a little to the boy's place. You swallow as your eyes focus on his muscular thighs and you shift uncomfortably in your seat. Joao notices your tension and turns from time to time to look at you, making it increasingly difficult.
Damn it. Through the window you catch a glimpse of his profile and your heart races at the sight of him looking so calm, when you're a mess inside thanks to him. The heat in your neck makes you swallow your saliva nervously, the trip seems to take forever and you start to get anxious about getting home.
A current of electricity runs down your back when Joao's hand releases the steering wheel and goes to your leg. Your breath hitches and you freeze. His fingers dig into your inner thigh and you stifle a gasp in your throat as he gently caresses you. You want to grab his hand and pull it away but you cannot. He's left you speechless. You don't even recognize yourself right now, but the fire begins to grow inside you and you despair that you can't control it.
You're thankful when you start to recognize the houses in your neighborhood, knowing you're close to home makes you feel a little safe. You need to get out of this car before something else grows inside you.
When his car parks in front of your house, you sigh to fill your sick lungs with air. You haven't breathed easy since his hand caressed you and when his hand is removed from your body, the air rushes back into your system. You open the door, staggering, anxious to get out. You listen as Joao also gets out of the car and you watch him from the corner of your eye circle the car.
On his face is a seductive smile, a smile that makes you think he won. Damn it, you should never have let him bring you home. Or let him touch you. «Great, Y/N, you're an idiot!»
When he's close to you, he's leaning against the side of the hood of his car, his hands in his pockets, staring at you. Your body is on its side, you turn your back to him and it's now that you feel humiliated. You have to thank him, it's the least you can do for driving here but your face falls in shame. You hug your body, giving yourself some reassurance and turn around facing him.
"Thanks for the ride" you say simply.
The distance between you is prudent but you know that doesn't ensure you feel your belly contract as you see him there, licking his lips with his exalted gaze on you. Your eyes tremble as they meet his, you try to look away but you can't help but think how cute they are. Everything about him. Damn it.
"My pleasure, Y/n" he says softly. You nod with a grimace.
You make the feint to turn around but stop yourself. You can't, your body acts on its own. You run up to him and kiss him without saying anything. Even though you took him by surprise, Joao rests his hands on your hips and pulls you to him, kissing your lips. Your tongues dance in rhythm, while your hands are busy caressing his chest. The taste of his mouth is still intact in your memory, recalling your first kiss years ago.
When the images of that night that was so special for you (but nothing special for Joao) come into your head, you quickly pull away from him. Your lips are numb and heavy, your heart pounding and the fire in your chest burning.
It was a nice kiss but that will be all.
You won't see him again, you don't want to see him again. This is just part of your mistake in having gone on the date in the first place. Tomorrow you can forget about it as long as you stay away from Joao.
Just like that, you turn and walk quickly for home, escaping his nets before it's too late.
It's not too late, is it?
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peppermintquartz · 3 months
"So what's it like, kissing Buck?"
Tommy misses the shot and Eddie catches the rebound. Tossing a shit-eating grin Tommy's way, Eddie races down the court, passing to Lee who's open, and his shot makes the basket.
Tommy shakes his head at Eddie. "That was low."
"Sorry," Eddie says, but he's very clearly not sorry at all.
Tommy's side loses by four points. As usual, winners buy a round of drinks for everyone - non-alcoholic for most of them, since they have to drive - and Eddie drops an ice-cold can of Dr Pepper into Tommy's waiting hands.
"For real, what's it like dating Buck?" Eddie asks quietly, while the other guys joke about something from their own stations.
Tommy can't help his smile. The mere thought of Evan makes his heart warm. "It's nice. It's different from my previous boyfriends. He just... He knows, somehow, what I mean when I say things. I can be an asshole and he's never taken my words the wrong way. So far, at least."
Eddie nudges him with an elbow. "Come on. It can't be all good. We know he can be a reckless idiot."
Tommy's smile fades slightly around the edges, and his tone becomes a little less friendly. "Evan's not an idiot. He's a little impulsive, maybe, but he's smart."
"Hey, didn't mean to imply he wasn't. But I've seen Buck make some truly stupid decisions before, and hell, half the time I was making those same decisions myself."
"Obviously I don't know him from before," says Tommy slowly, measuring out his words. "I've heard from Howie some stuff about the risks Evan took. About that lawsuit also. But thing is, that was then. This is now. And Evan's grown. He still feels things with his whole heart, but he's using his head too." He sighs. "Sometimes I wonder if you still think he's the twenty-something kid you met when you first walked into the 118. But that was how many years ago, Eddie? Even Christopher is a teenager now."
Eddie has to swig from his own can. That hits a little close to home.
"I know what you and he have is special. You two have this, this bond that I can't hope to replace, and, yeah I'm jealous sometimes, but I know he loves you and he loves Christopher, and I can't find it in myself to resent that he has so much love to give." Tommy smiles wryly and shakes his head. "I don't know. I mean, I look at myself back when and I cringe. Maybe Evan was an idiot, but I was a coward. Just went along with the flow, even though I knew the flow was fucking garbage."
"You're a pretty decent guy now," Eddie offers.
"You wouldn't let me date Evan otherwise, don't lie."
"Heh. If you were still an asshole, I would cockblock you every single chance I had. Hell, I'd date Buck myself to keep him from you."
Tommy freezes. His eyes widen. "You... want to date Evan?"
Eddie punches Tommy in the shoulder. "No, you dumbass, I don't. I want him to be happy, to be with a person I can tolerate and who can tolerate me." He lets out a sigh. "Not many women like that Buck and I are pretty tight."
"I'm glad you can tolerate me," says Tommy dryly. He presses the cold can of Dr Pepper to the back of Eddie's neck, making him yelp. "You'll find her. Or she'll find you. I'll even keep an eye out for someone like that." His grin grows cheeky and he chugs the rest of his beverage. "Anything to make sure you never even think of dating Evan."
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landograndprix · 11 months
「Feel the magic ๛ l.n」
part viii
✧.* sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can rise again, even if it's with a little help from the people around you.
✧.* this is a psa for the people who wanted to be on my taglist but never got tagged, i didn't forget or ignore you, I simply am unable to tag you and therefore removed you from the list feel free to ask me again so I can take a look at it. Taglist is open Love ya ❤️
✧.* prev part - next part
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liked by 287 others
wagsoff1 a source of ours who managed to be accepted to y/n's private account send us y/n's latest stories! It seems like the two are enjoying each others company this week in Sidney where they've been spotted earlier this week.
see all 201 comments
hamilt44n that's her private account for a reason.. Shane on you guys for even posting these pictures.
mrsnorris afraid to post this on her main because she knows that what she doing is wrong..
norry4 you keep repeating yourself.
norrizz would like to know who this source is..
landitosainz don't worry guys, lando will realize he's dating a grandma and leave her real soon. 😉
norrislandofour just like Carlos and Thomas 🤪
bott_ass funny, did they tell you they left y/n or are you talking out of your ass again?
charles16 this girl seriously needs to sort out her friends, I can't imagine her accidentally accepting a stranger follow request..
carlandooo 'source' just say Milou already..
y/nlandooo thought i was the only one who thinks its Milou who's behind all of what had happened so far 😔
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liked by 201 others
carlitosainz if Carlos looked at me like that, I'd fold so fucking fast 🥵
view all 88 comments
carlandooo girl where'd you get this picture?
carlitosainz it's a screenshot from a video of y/n and Carlos going around 😊
charlos16 no but they looked so in love, whe went wrong? 😔
sainzzz the power these two could've had om the grid of they so were together
yukisan my only worry is who leaked this video? I know y/n took it but I'm 100% sure she isn't the one to just randomly post it online..
y/nlandooo milou..
yukisan you really think so? I'm kinda new here so don't really know anything about her yet but she seems nice..
y/nlandooo nah girl, you're in for a treat..milou is manipulative, narcissistic and lied her way through life. Why'd do you think Charles dumped get ass after two months of dating? That boy is the only one who can see through milou her act..
y/nluv can we just leave these people alone? Neither Carlos or y/n asked for this..
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y/nusername posted to their story
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liked by y/nusername, maxfewtrell and 187,672 likes
mclaren lando is ready to fight for pole!
tagged: landonorris
view all 356 comments
hannahh where's the y/n content this week?
mrsnorris well she's not doing great this weekend does she now? 💀
hannahh girl we've only seen free practice, didn't tell us anything..
norrizz 😍 😍
markklein is this finally going to be his p1?
alx_bon y/n seems off this weekend..
laanddoo good, like she should 🤪
norry4 we're getting front row again for sure! 🙏
carlosnorris y/n so washed give Oscar the seat
bott_ass so original with the comments..round of 👏 for you
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Everything taglist; @thomaslefteyebrow @hopefulinlove @smoothopz @softboystarkey @honethatty12 @cixrosie @parkersmjs @ireadthensuetheauthors @celestialams @be-your-coffee-pot @heli991113 @kodzuvk @reality-is-a-con @80sloverry @bibissparkles @myescapefromthislife @lanando4 @elliegrey2803 @ravisinghs-wife
Feel the magic taglist: @celesteblack08 @mrsmaybank13 @cha-hot @judesgfirl @roseseraj @kissesandmartinis @jpg3 @amulhermaisfelizdomundo @marialovesf1 @silkenthusiasts @luvrrish @laneyspaulding19 @emily-b @formula1bby @buckybarnessweetheart @strawberrychita @iifloweringnightsii @buendiabebeta @jjsprobablywrong @babyvinnie @mishaandthebrits @hockeyboysarehot @ironmaiden1313 @justdreamersdream
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kaliforniahigh · 3 months
I'd rather take my whiskey neat.
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Bestfriend!Noah <3.
Warnings: two misogynistic comments from Noah and smut. I think that's it.
WC: 2.6k
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You and Noah are having an argument in the middle of the living room. You don't really remember what prompted it in the first place, but you know it is about the fact that you are going out on a date with one the band's good friends. And that really didn't sit well with Noah.
It is not that the dude is a bad guy. it's just that he is everything that Noah is not. He is blond with a buzzed head. He has blue eyes and not one tattoo in sight. And the fact that you wouldn't go after someone like him pisses him off. Or maybe just the fact that you didn't go for him and chose to go out with someone who you have barely met.
Anyways, he is heated and so arr you.
"I don't really understand why you would go after someone like him. There is literally nothing interesting about that guy!" he exclaims gesturing around with his hands, as if that is going to make you understand his point. you don't.
"There is the fact that he treats me well and is actually very nice to me. Isn't that enough for me to find a guy interesting? but if you're referring to something else, I actually do think he is good looking" you state, as a matter of fact you do think he is very cute.
"Well then he must be fucking you really good for you to defend him this much"
You go quiet after this comment. Mostly because you're sure your ears are deceiving you. He couldn't actually have said that, right? Noah has been your best friend for many years, he cares for you and he wouldn't make such a crude comment, right? But by the looks on Nicholas' and Jolly's faces he would. And he just did.
"I can't believe you would say that to me. Not that it matters in the slightest, but no, we haven't had sex yet. But if I wanted to let him fuck me on the first date, I would, because I can" you told with a serious face, your voice was quiet now.
He knew he should have stopped there. Hell, he should have stopped even before he made that stupid comment. But something made him continue, and later he would realize that it was the fact that imagining someone else fucking you drove him up the walls.
"Well, maybe that is what you need. A guy to fuck you real good so you stop being a fucking bitch."
The whole house went quiet. You could hear a pin drop and you swear Nicholas and Jolly even stopped breathing for a moment. Honestly, so did you.
In the next couple of seconds, as you stare at his face with a shocked expression, you wondered what do you need to stop being a bitch about. He started the argument, a completely useless and pointless argument, and he has the nerve to tell you that you're a bitch?
"You know something, Noah? I expected this from anyone, really, but I didn't expect this from you. Don't bother texting or calling me once you realize what a dickhead you're being, and I won't be coming around either."
With that, you left and got inside your car. You really don't remember the drive to your apartment, your mind was running a million miles a minute. But once you got inside, you decided that cleaning the whole apartment was a good idea to get your mind off of things.
What you didn't expect was to realise just how deeply rooted Noah is in your life. When you tried to organize your desk, you found the polaroids you took with him and of him when he invited you to tag along during the European leg of the tour because you were on vacation from work.
Or when you tried to organize your cabinets and you saw all of his favorite snacks that you kept for him when he came over.
Giving up on all that, you decided to fold and hang your clothes that were scattered around your room inside your closet. That is when you picked up your favorite sweatshirt, that obviously belonged to Noah. He gave it to you when you made a comment about how soft it was.
So you sat on your bed and wondered. About the reason he was so angry at you going on a date. And you thought about how you would react if the roles were reversed. He has obviously dated before, but they were never serious and he never really took the girls on dates.
The girls were fine, and they were temporary, you knew that. Deep down you knew none of them were good enough for him to have a serious relationship with. They didn't know how he liked his thermostat temperature. They didn't enjoy the horror movies he liked so much. They didn't know what time he went to bed or what time he woke up. How could they make him coffee in the morning if they didn't know how he liked his coffee?
And it dawned on you that YOU knew all of that. That you were the person who was ever going to be good enough to date him because you knew him inside out. And he was the same with you. And he knew this other guy could never treat you like he does, or do the things that you like, because Noah is the only one who knows how you like things, without you having to tell him.
So you gave up on trying to clean your room, you picked up your keys that you dropped off on the side table and drove to the place you have left not even an hour ago.
You didn't knock because you had a spare key. The house was quiet and there was only one car in the driveway, so you knew Noah was home. As you rounded the corner into the kitchen, there is where you found him. Back turned to you and drinking a White Claw.
"I thought you said you weren't going to come around" he quoted you from your argument earlier, not even turning to look at you, because he felt your presence the moment you unlocked the door.
"I want you to tell me why you think he isn't good enough for me." He sighed and finally looked at you. He had a dark look on his eyes that were so different from the soft one he always showcased around you. That fact took you back a little, and you knew this conversation was going to take a turn for something entirely different. You didn't mind that at all.
"Because he doesn't know you. Not like I do. And he can't treat you like I do, and he certaintly can't make you feel like I do."
"And how do you make me feel?" you challenge him with a look, wondering what his answer is going to be.
"Why don't you tell me? You're the one with your thighs clenched".
"You know what I'm thinking? I'm thinking you need to bend me over this counter so you can show me how you can actually make me feel. You know, that whole fucking the bitch out of me thing." You really couldn't believe you said this, but you couldn't take it back. You didn't want to.
He rounded the kitchen island and closed the distance between you in a couple of strides. Eyes never leaving yours. "I think I need to get you in my bed so you can be real comfortable when I eat this pussy for hours." He truly left you speechless with this one. "Ladies first", he motioned to the stairs.
So you went up to his room, where you've been in many times, just the context right now was completely different. He closed the door behind him, as you stood near his bed, honestly not knowing what to do now that this was about to happen.
You felt his presence behind you, making you shiver. "Turn around and look at me" you did as told, tilting your head up to look at his eyes. "You need to tell me you really want this, forget about that stupid comment I made, this is not about that."
"I do want this, and I know this isn't about that". As soon as you said this, he grabbed you by the nape of your neck, grabbing a fistful of your hair, tilting your head back. When his lips made contact with yours, you never felt something so right before. He guided you to his bed, lips never leaving yours, as you laid back and scooted up to laid your head on his pillow.
He left kisses all over your neck and collarbone, making you sigh loudly at the feeling. His hands roaming your body with purpose, gripping your sides and hips, travelling under your shirt to pull it up and off of you. His hands now encopassing both of your boobs completely, squeezing to feel how heavy they felt under his hands.
As he made his way down your body, finally arriving where you wanted him, he looked up at you, asking for confirmation once again. You just answered him by hooking your hands under your pants and taking them off completely. That is all he needed to begin cupping and feeling your warmth through your panties.
He dragged his nose up and down your covered slit, taking in your scent. "Fuck, I always wondered how you smelled like, how you tasted like. I bet you're really sweet, baby". You were about to quip back with a response when he pulled your panties to the side, licking a generous stripe from your hole all the way up to your clit.
You moaned, never having felt like this with just one touch. After tasting you for the first time, it was like he couldn't stop himself anymore. He just loved how you became do pliant and relaxed for him.
It didn't take long for him to pull the first orgasm out of you. Making you arch your back and close your thighs in on head. He just stayed there, running his hands up and down your thighs, licking you all throughout your high. When you finally relaxed back on the bed, he made his way up towars your face, kissing you throughoutly. You could taste yourself on his tonge and that made you feel the need to taste him.
When you tried to turn the two of you around on the bed, he didn't let you, he kept you in place with his hips pressing into yours. You could feel how hard he was under his sweatpants.
"As much as I want to have my cock in your mouth, I really need to be inside you right now or I'm going to go crazy", he told you and you thought you couldn't get wetter at this point, but you were absolutely wrong.
"I think you're wearing too many clothes for that to happen". He then stood by the end of the bed, taking his time with stripping down to his boxers, and then to nothing at all. You couldn't stop admiring him, the tattoos all over his body, his arms and suddently you couldn't just lay there and do nothing.
You crawled over to the end of the bed, kneeling so you were at eye level with his chest. You begin kissing him to your hearts content, running your hands all over him, scratching him with your nails. You looked up at him and his head was thrown back, eyes closed. You palmed him and descended your kisses even lower, leaving featherlight kisses on the head of his cock, only to feel his hand grip your hair and yank you away from him. "Get on the bed".
As you were about to get on all fours for him, he stopped you "Lay on your back. I need to look at your face when I first slide into you". You lay back on the pillows, spreading your legs as an invitation for him to fit in between them. He laid down over you, supporting himself on one elbow, as his other hand traveled down to grip himself and guide him to your entrance.
He was serious about looking at your face, his forehead was touching yours when he pushed into you. You gasped, your mouth making an "O" shape as you gripped his back with your nails.
"Fuck, you're so warm and so ready for me, baby. Feels like this pussy was made for me", you could only nod, as your legs went up to lock around his hips, pushing down, telling him you wanted him to move. "Give me a second, baby. I want this to last".
He began slowly, and then picked up his pace, getting up to kneel on the bed, spreading your legs wide open, gripping around your thighs to get more leverage so he could fuck into you harder. He had a hazy look in his eyes, as he watched your tits bounce with each thrust of his hips.
His tattoed hand roamed up your abdomen, in between your breasts and traced the outline of your lip. "Know you wanted to suck my dick, sweetheart, but you can be a good girl and suck on my fingers, right?"
"Yes, please. Give me your fingers", you asked as he slid two of his fingers inside your mouth. One of your hands gripped around his wrist, controlling the pace of the movements, swirling you tongue around his digits as it went in and out of your mouth.
When he deemed them wet enough for his liking, he pulled them out and begin tracing circles on your clit, making you gasp. "You're gonna make me cum", you told him, with your voice strained. "I know, baby, I can feel you clenching around me. Where do you want me to cum?"
"Cum inside of me, I need to feel you inside of me, please", you asked him with a begging tone. You noticed his pace falter a bit. "You can't say shit like that and expect me to not blow my load inside of you. Tell me when you're cumming".
You knew he was close by the way his thrusts became a bit sloppier, his fingers on your clit picking up their pace and you felt your high approaching. "I'm gonna cum, please don't stop, please", you moaned as your core tightened and your legs shook, a silent cry leaving your lips as your orgasm ripped though you.
Noah watched you with admiration and pride, knowing he was the one making you feel so good. Your orgasm prompted his, as he emptied himself inside of you with a loud groan.
He couldn't keep himself standing on his knees anymore, his bones felt weak and spent, so he laid down on top of you, burrowing his head in the crook of your neck, cradling your head, breathing heavily.
You closed your eyes, revelling in the feeling of his weight on you, as you started to run your hands through his hair. He was still inside of you, and you weren't sure you were ready to let go of the feeling yet.
"I'm taking you out on a date and then I'm keeping you to myself forever", he told you, voice muffled by your hair neck. You laughed lightly.
"You don't have to keep me, I'm already yours".
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breanime · 2 years
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You rushed around your room, securing your earrings as you rushed over to the mirror, taking in your appearance. You had a date tonight, and you wanted to look good. Quickly, you glanced at your phone. Your date had sent you a text a while ago saying that he was on his way, and you wanted to make sure you were ready before he arrived.
But despite your frantic rushing back and forth in your apartment, you had to admit--
--you weren't excited.
It wasn't that he wasn't a nice guy; he was sweet, handsome, had a good, stable job to go with his good, stable life. But that was the thing. You didn't want stable.
You wanted Rio.
But you couldn't handle the lies, the secrets, the long absences. It had gotten to the point where you felt more like an afterthought than a girlfriend.
Fixing your hair one last time, you paused. You could have sworn that you heard the door shut. Grabbing your phone, you walked out of your bedroom in search of your purse.
What you were met with was your ex-boyfriend standing in the middle of your living room.
You gasped, "What the fuck?"
Rio looked you up and down, his gaze slow, unrushed in the way that only a man like him could have; a man who could not be rushed. Slowly, his eyes locked on yours. "You look nice."
"What are you doing in my apartment?" You hissed.
He smirked, not at all repentant. "I wanted to see you," he shrugged, "I was in the neighborhood."
"In the-- Rio, what do you want?" You snapped. In all honesty, you weren't really that upset with him, Rio popping up in your place was a common thing when you were dating. And you loved it. It felt like a little surprise every time it happened. Even now, you kind of loved it. But that irritated you--he wasn't yours anymore, and you weren't his. You shouldn't be happy to see him at all. "Why are you here?"
Rio was eyeing you again, his dark gaze somewhere between appreciative--taking in your outfit, your jewelry, the soft tones of your makeup--and disapproving. "I already told you. Was in the neighborhood. Wanted to see you," he paused, licking his lips slowly, "You must got big plans tonight, huh? Dressed up so nice, lookin' so pretty."
You stood tall, "I've got a date."
"Yeah--he's on his way, actually," you went on, "So..."
He rolled his shoulders, his hands clenching in his pockets, "So," he nodded, "You want me to go?"
You paused. Logically, there was only one answer: yes, of course. Your date would be here any minute, Rio had his chance with you and he ruined it. He should go--he never should have been there in the first place--and you knew if you told him to leave, he would. That was the logical thing to do.
You did the opposite.
"No," you answered honestly, letting your heart take over and the words just came out, "But you can't stay. Not if you're gonna be the exact same as you were before. I can't go back to the lies and the long, lonely nights not even knowing where you are. And I won't. I'm not. So you can either stay, and we can talk, or you can go, and I can move on. Cause this guy is nice--he--he's great," you sighed, "but he isn't you." You took a breath, feeling exposed, like your skin was inside out, and looked at him.
Not taking his eyes off of you, Rio walked deeper into the room, and sat on the couch.
"Let's talk, mama," he said, eyes serious and determined, "Let's talk, and I'll be for real with you. I won't hide nothin', won't tell no lies," his eyes met yours, and you could see the dark determination in them, "Cause I want to stay. I wanna be here," he leaned forward, "I want you. So let's talk." He watched you approach the couch, wary, but willing. You sat, facing him, and Rio smirked.
"But first," he said, his low voice filling the room, "you should call old boy and cancel your date."
Goodnight! Thank you for reading!
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