#(i am taking a death and dying class for my psychology minor)
yardsards · 2 years
i mentioned the owl house in death class today
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rengo-katze · 2 years
(A/N: Oh, look. Another post about how obsessed I am with this crackTP of mine. This takes place after the series ends and the LOV disbands [hopefully without anyone dying lmao] and Toga interacts with Bakugou long enough to encourage her to do a 180° redemption: to train as a hero in UA.)
✨ BakuToga / KatsuHimi headcanons that will rewrite your current perception of them ✨
+ Most stories would make Himiko the dom while Katsuki's her sub (bc yandere, that's all lol) but in reality, she's a totally shameless sub who wants someone really brave enough to pin her down (enter Katsuki 👀).
+ It was Katsuki who crushed on Himiko first; through their few "coincidental" meetings on the streets and at how she always made his blood boil at the sight of her. It was when she accidentally saved him from a minor fall that his interest in her solidified into something akin to infatuation (tho Himiko at that time was purely curious of the blonde; his confession to her later opening her mind to other opportunities in their peculiar relationship).
+ Himiko is both academically and athletically smart. It surprised a lot of 1-A to have her effortlessly ace her studies; but since she was required to catch up to them (with a ton of pre-requisite classes tailing her every end of school hours), she still found her adjustment to UA difficult.
+ After being his girlfriend, Katsuki never-ever physically abused Himiko. But he's still learning to tone down the verbal abuse.
+ And with that, Himiko also never-ever tolerates any of his toxic habits if they're geared towards her. She reprimands him, tho in an obnoxiously teasing and challenging way, similar to, "Aww, Kacchan, you really wanna die alone so bad that you'd scream at your beloved girl?"
+ Both are noisy but very bad at communicating. 🤧
+ Both were virgins but acted as if they weren't during their first time with each other. 👀 Needless to say, they quit the powerplay mid-way and got comfy with their sub-dom dynamic.
+ Himiko now "formally" asks for blood from everyone.
+ Himiko is a real good cook. Katsuki was also surprised and challenged by this. Since the time Himiko learned that he loved spicy food, she often tries experimenting on new dishes in the dorm's kitchen, which led to plenty of food that only the two of them could eat (since the spiciness level was over the roof by then--).
+ Katsuki expresses by actions, while Himiko could do both actions and words. One time, she got a little moody and asked Katsuki to try to learn to be more vocal and appreciative of her (through praises), and that why was it so easy for him to praise himself but not others? They had a blown up argument (pun intended) bc of this and 1-A was unable to apeace them the whole day. But as the night grew late, Katsuki decided to lower his pride and visit Himiko's room, instantly hugging the blonde girl when she opened the door, murmuring into her shoulder, "Look, Himi. I'm sorry. I'll try my best to learn. I'm really shitty with my words so be patient with me." And that was all it took for Himi to jump up and down while hugging him and flashing him a huge grin.
+ Katsuki takes Himiko to mountain hikes and climbs during free weekends, and since this was new to the city girl that Himiko was, she kinda found it a hassle at first (the backpacking, logistics, preparations and all that). But as she was really excited with nature, and also being able to accompany Katsuki in his favorite hobby, she tried her best to keep up. Eventually, she learned survival skills in the woods as well.
+ Both of them are adrenaline junkies but in a deep and information-seeking way. All the possibilities of things going wrong excited them like for example: bungee jumping. Before they tried it, the pair discussed the most morbid death that could "accidentally" occur. Their talk certainly made the line to the jump a lot shorter than normal with the people in front of them backing out.
+ They're both fans of horror, psychological, sci-fi, and fantasy movies. One would think they'd just like the blockbuster action movies that reflect how they act during hero training and all. But no, the mental stimulation of their favorite genres is their top priority.
+ Himiko has a hard time with Katsuki's want of being in control all of the time.
+ Katsuki has a hard time with Himiko's on-the-fly whims and inconsistencies.
+ Both are extremely loyal to each other, though. And they're still trying to argue less and less up to this day lmao.
+ As they grew up and became adults, they have been best-couple-friends with Izuku and Ochaco; a couple that up to this day has been learning to adjust on how scary the two blondes are and how to react to their eccentricities as heroes. Himiko, being super-duper extroverted and all, pushed to be closer to Ochaco and it worked actually, while Katsuki and Izuku just happened to gravitate towards each other since they were childhood friends and all. Katsuki has to remind Ochaco to "not give his wife any shitty advices and bouts of 'standards' that seemed normal to the fucking nerd and you, 'cause we ain't listening to that shit and this ain't couple's therapy," to which Ochaco has to remind him back that "Himiko is her own person and time off from you isn't gonna hurt your future with her; it's just something she deserves *in a bare whisper* because of how much of an ass you can be sometimes." And that prompts a fight that only Izuku can mediate.
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 1/?
Word Count: 1.3k
Author’s Note: Y/N - Your Name, A/N - Any name (your best friend’s name.)
This is just something I’ve been cooking up in my head during my maladaptive daydreaming. Not really having a plan for this one. ALSO: First post ever on Tumblr! I hope you enjoy it!
I forgot to include the Part 1 when I first posted this lmao F
Warnings: Curse Words, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
As a criminal psychology major, Jason Todd was an intelligent young man waiting to inherit a lot of Wayne Enterprises’ company. Not because Bruce was dying, but because that was Bruce’s promise to him, Graduate, he said, and you can work alongside me, boss and boss. The idea excited Jason entirely. To finally be seen as a colleague to his father was something he always needed from him, but he was too scared to say “Hey dad, am I more than just a sidekick now?” and he knew it.
She, too, was a criminal psychology major. An equally intelligent young woman fighting her way to the top of her class, Jason’s class. And of course, dating isn’t out of the question. Especially when she sees her peers, specifically the one with the white streak in his hair. There was something about him that made her insides twirl in many different ways, butterflies soaring throughout her as if he was destined to meet her. Luckily for her, he sat beside her. Before she could speak to him though, the Professor boomed at the class:
“Good morning class! I am your professor, Thomas Hangre, and welcome to Criminal Psych 101!”
And then began the quick and messy note-taking. She noticed the man beside her didn’t take notes. But, it’s his grade, not mine, she thought.
Little did she know.
When the professor finished, she went to pack up her notes, when the man tapped on her shoulder and outstretched his hand:
“Hey, I don’t think we got a chance to meet before Prof Hangre started spewing at us,” he laughed, “The name’s Jason, you?”
“Oh! My name’s Y/N. It’s nice to meet you, strange man from my criminal psych class, Jason.” she retorted and shook his hand.
“Well well, I can assure you if I was a criminal, Batman would have cracked down on me already, darling.” he stated, almost matter-of-fact-ly.
“You say that like you know Batman.”
“You don’t know if I don’t.”
She laughed at him, there was something about the way he delivered words and sentences that drew her in. This is the start of something good, she thought.
He nudged her slightly in a playful tap, “You want to get something to eat later? We can get to know each other better, and maybe rewrite those very, very sloppy notes of yours, Y/N?” he asked, he seemed shy about it.
“I would love to, Jason.”
They exchanged numbers and packed up her stuff. She figured he still had classes, but she didn’t. So she went back home to her roommate, A/N.
“Girl, you do not know the hunk of a man I met today, when I say carved by the Greek Gods and deliver words like a Wayne, I mean it!” she giggled with A/N, they were her best friend.
“C’mon, tell me that guy asked you out, at least to a book club if he’s that hot.” she asked.
“He did! We’re meeting up later at the library to rewrite my notes and chat. Do you think this outfit is cute? I want to make him swoon.”
A/N laughed, “Oh yeah? Girl you’re killing it and you know it. C’mon, red mini skirt, get that man. And maybe see if he has a brother.”
She roared out laughing, “A brother? He is the brother, no man comes from a family where there’s multiple nice ones, you know the saying.”
“Well still, roomies stick out for each other.”
“I know, I know.” she laughed. “Oh and have you seen the latest Bat news, apparently he’s gotten injured.”
“Serves him right for being a bat!”
“Be nice! The man protects us and you know it.” Just then, she looked at the clock, she had 30 minutes to meet up with Jason, so she started panicking.
“I gotta go now, wish me luck.”
“Go, get him.”
She pulled up to the library with her bag of hastily written notes and car keys on her lanyard. She was nervous. This was someone who was really cute, and so far, he seemed really sweet to her too. She gulped, getting out of her car. The thing was beaten up to hell and back, so she hoped Jason didn’t see her in it. But he did.
“Hey Y/N.” Jason whispered and she jumped. He laughed.
“Nice beat up car, Y/N. Really living out the broke college kid lifestyle, gotta respect it.” he joked.
“Oh yeah, this is, uh, just aesthetics. I’m secretly very, very rich. Millions of dollars. All my money too.” they both laughed and he lead her inside the library and they both sat down at a desk with two chairs and a computer. This was more luxury than she even had back with A/N.
 Jason grinned and took one of her notebooks and started trying to transcribe what she wrote onto a word document. She laughed, because even though she knew her handwriting was barely legible, he seemed to be managing, and she admired his efforts.
“You know, Jason, I can always transcribe it myself,” she said.
“No, no, it’s okay. If I write it then I can print it for both of us, so you don’t have to pay the printing fee.”
“There’s a printing fee?”
“Yeah, one of my brothers used to go here, my dad says if we all go here he’ll pay the fees since it’s worth it for this college.” he said.
“You have brothers?” she asked, shocked he opened up this quickly.
“Oh yeah I do. 4 to be exact. 3 sisters too. What about you?”
“A twin sister. She’s quite lovely, goes to a different college like a nerd though.” she joked.
He let out a booming laugh, “I think we’re the nerds, Ms. Criminal Psych Major.”
“You have got me there, Jason, you got me there.”
“I know I do, Y/N. So, what high school did you come from, or are you an out-of-city kid?”
“Not from this city, I’m actually from Metropolis. It’s huge and annoying there. Too many people. This is such a smaller city compared to Metropolis. I’m guessing you were a Gotham Academy kid?” she asked.
“Yeah, repping the Gotham Academy to death and back, I met a lot of good people there and I would have to agree, my uncle lives in Metropolis, it’s massive.” he said.
“Your uncle is probably a people-person then, I’m sure as hell not.” she retorted.
“Neither am I, but there was something about you that seemed inviting if I’m honest. I don’t regret asking you this, what is this? A date?” he asked.
“If you want to call it a date, we can call it a date, Jason.” you assured him.
“It’s been a date then.”
“Well I’m glad you thought I was inviting and worth your time, Jason. Really, this is lovely.” you once again assured him.
“Did I tell you that you look nice? Red’s a lovely colour. It’s even my favourite colour. It’s like you can read my mind and dress for the occasion.”
“Man, if I could read your mind, I’m sure it would be a joyride. Maybe I’ll know why you went into Criminal Psych over everything else.”
“That’s a story for another time, Y/N.” he said as he somehow finished typing out the last page of the notes, “I guess this will conclude our date, shame really.”
“Well, that just means there’s room for a second date, Jason.”
“I’ll make sure to tell my brothers about you, then.”
“Is the second date worthy of the Mighty-Jason’s brothers knowing about me?” you are inclined for the answer.
“Well, the first was the minor mention of your name, the second is saying ‘We had fun, I have hopes.’ You know?” he said.
“I know.”
And he printed the document.
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pnwriter · 4 years
Endemic Pandemic
Part 1:  Seattle as the Epicenter
How did it all start?  First, it was STEP A, everyone from China, talking about it and one student bemoaning the fact that some people in Wuhan, China will eat anything.  It seems eating a diseased bat started it, as contact with a monkey started AIDS.  That group made it back and we had a fun time.  The next two-week class was canceled because travel from China had been suspended.  I skipped the next group to go to Mexico with Rene and Anne, and started the fourth group with a reduced group.  After only one week, the UW decided to cancel in-person classes and that program ended.  Now, there is the worry that I may not even have enough work to retire as I had planned.  I started job hunting as soon as we heard the program will probably close the end of summer.  Now, it's the start of spring quarter, and we only have 20 new students (as opposed to a healthy 80).  Moreover, these classes may have to be on-line, so I'll have to learn a program called Zoom.  All the signs are pointing to me getting out of this career and Rene is talking about getting out of the country.  China and Iran took the biggest initial hits, then Italy closed down.  Just today, 3/11/2020, Dumptr canceled all flights to and from Europe, except for England, who Brexited earlier this year.  Also, today, the public schools followed the university's precedent, and closed down, as did the Burke Museum.  The governor has banned any meetings over 250 people.  Any meetings over 13 are discouraged and on my way back from the gym, which is still open, the train was mostly empty, with the buses being just a little fuller.   You see people in masks, bus drivers, students until the classes were cancelled, doctors and nurses, shoppers, passers by.  It's all disconcerting.  People are over reacting, in my opinion...the North Dakotan whose bus driver always made it through when all the others cancelled.  
Facebook and Instagram are double edged swords.  First, it is and always has been a community of contact at a time when face to face contact has decreased steadily over the years.  (Ironically, it's been decreasing directly because of the technology that gave us Facebook in the first place!)  I send a photo of a candle burning for all our brothers and sisters across the world to my Greek pagan witch friend Vas.   I am at home after going to our favorite neighborhood coffee shop this morning with the dog (hoping to see its friend Pinky there), only to find out that they are closing, due to the uncertainty.  There are those who say that what is happening now in Italy will happen here, too.  It's only a matter of time.  
Speaking of FB, I'm chatting on line now with Alban, my brother-from-another-life teacher friend in France, where everything is still normal.  We talked about how people are getting into being the characters in an epidemic horror film and acting accordingly.  We both acknowledge the advantages of learning in the flesh, but also know people are lazy and always take the easy way out.  Even as we communicated, President Macron issued the edict to close all schools and universities starting Monday.  I look outside to the sunny March day and think similar days greeted the Spanish Flu and the Black Death.  At least this one is not smelly.
Here's the resume I have sent:
My international experience began after undergraduate school with the Peace Corps in Morocco.  My strengths of responsibility, patience and adaptability gained from being raised on a farm contributed to a successful and rewarding overseas experience. The professional aspect of my international experience began with teaching and studying in the Teaching English as a Second Language Program at CSU.  As the Graduate Student Representative, in addition to teaching, being the liaison between the faculty and the students honed my leadership, organizational and diplomatic skills.  From my first teaching job at Saint Martin’s College to my extensive career at the University of Washington, these skills developed greatly over the years.  
                Writing and editing, International relations, counseling, public relations, intercultural communication,  
      English Language Instructor, UW Campus and downtown ELP, material development, listening and speaking and grammar specialties 3/16/2005 to present
      Compliance Specialist, (change to Professional Staff status from Extension Lecturer) effective March 2004
     Admissions and Immigration Director, University of Washington International Outreach Programs, Seattle WA.  Admissions and Immigration for all UW Educational Outreach International Programs.  Primary Designated Student Official in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement SEVIS program. 1/2004 to present.
    Director of Student Services, University of Washington Educational Outreach, Seattle, WA.  Directing all international student services in the English Language program including acceptance, immigration advising, orientation (initial and on-going), information dissemination (weekly newsletter), sponsors, housing, language exchange and extracurricular activities.   Teaching an English Language class is part of the administration positions.   9/2000 to 1/2004.
   Acting Director, Downtown ESL Program, Directing ESL program with 80 students and nine faculty and staff.  Payroll and expenditure authorization, supervising office staff and providing support for teachers and students.  June 12-August 18, 2000.
    International Student Advisor, ESL Programs, University of Washington Educational Outreach (UWEO), Seattle, WA.  Immigration, academic and personal advising.  Activities supervisor, conversation exchange program coordinator, extended orientation class development and instruction, weekly newsletter publisher.  Taught extended orientation class in ESL Program, speaking and listening focus.  Liaison with UWEO Business Office, sponsoring agencies and embassies, UW housing office, and home stay agencies. 3/87 to 9/2000.
Peace Corps Volunteer, Taza, Morocco.  High school instructor of English at Lycee Sidi Azzouz in Taza.  Outreach to disabled children in a special summer project at a special school in Martil, Morocco.  From 6/78-6/80.  
Member NAFSA: Association of International Educators and the Association of Washington International Student Affairs (AWISA).  Received Outstanding Service Award.  Reached out especially to the LGBT international community by producing a video and presenting workshops and sessions yearly at national and regional TESOL and NAFSA conferences.    
Cetlalic Language Program, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Intensive Spanish study January 3-16, 2004.
International House, Madrid, Spain, Intensive Spanish Study and Study Abroad experience 99-00
NAFSA Professional Development Training May 1998
M.A.  TESL/Linguistics, Colorado State University 1982
B.S. Psychology, Minor in French, University of North Dakota, 1977
a week, we had done some bonding and I was remembering the difference between the two girls with similar, to me, names.
Like the 1918 Spanish Flu, which took my grandmother Voeller and Catherine Thomas' husband, starting the huge Voeller clan, the last dying before this next-100-year epidemic took hold.  It centered in a nursing home in Kirkland, and has taken mostly the elderly.  Some say it is cleaning out the dark, negative energy.  
Part 2:  Two Months in
It's now been over two months since people were sent to their rooms to thinking long and hard about what they have done...to the
Mother, to Gaia.  Yesterday was Mother's Day and I posted photos both of my mother and Gaia in celebration of the day.  I have picked up a variety pack of online friends...Roial Co (Philippine Reiki Master (I attuned him from 2 to 3 over the phone in an hour-long ceremony last weekend.  He could be part of the soul family...other members being Kim, Aric, Bob, Bachir, Robert, Vivian, Paki, Roy, Cynthia, Alban for sure), Mahamed, Eryk (also for sure), Samuel and the latest...Randy.  There could be up to 90 scattered across the planet at this time...like shatters of glass (Roi).  I'm almost to the point where I can start writing in my books again.
The state was supposed to go into what is called "Stage 2" on June 1, five days from now, but people are still dying (up to 100,000 in the states, 300,000 worldwide) so now it's mid-month.  More monetary help is on the way.  The veil is thinning.  Strange events are starting to become common.  I am meeting good people around the world on social media.  We send money to Samuel after vetting him, but Kelvin Moore turns out to be a Yemeni hack.  Oh well.  My gardens, on the other hand, are glorious and giving me much pleasure.  I have fresh flowers here at my little at home desk and downstairs on the kitchen counter.  The ones at my office desk are from the top deck and the ones on the counter are from the east English garden.  I am trying to attract elves and fairies to both gardens and have started playing my harp out there, with melodies that come to me from the plants' exhalations.  I installed a lady bug house at the base of the climbing vines and will sit out there when the weather gets better and it's supposed to reach record heat this summer.  Yikes.  Along with world pandemic, murder hornets, ravaging storms and the 17 year cadydid cycle falling on 2020, a record heat wave and resulting fires are just par for the course.  
Going out in public these days, at least here in the city, you would see that nearly everyone has a mask on.  It's a bit disconcerting looking at eyes above various colors of masks, the new item of outer wear.  The cute barista wore a black one, the owner a bandanna, his wife, the chef, a more medical-looking surgical mask, the lady in front of me, a homemade jobby.  Out in the boonies, there is a culture war between those who believe we need to wear masks to protect both ourselves and others and those who believe that it's all a hoax and it's a way for the government to muzzle us, limit our freedom.  Both sides see the other as sheeple.  
Part 3:  Month 6
It's now 70 days until November 3 and as Antonio from Spain said, "At the end of the day, it's up to a few Floridians, a bunch of Ohioans and a handful of Michiganians to decide the future of mankind..."  The DNC went better than anyone had expected, with great speeches from both Michelle and Barack Obama, the AOC, Kamala Harris and culminating with one by Biden, himself.  This week, the shit show in a burning dumpster called teh RNC has started with hysterical screaming and drug-induced ramblings laying all blame the the Dems and predicting a daily reality of lawlessness, rioting and burning cities if Biden gets elected.  Only 70 days until we decide whether to stay in this country, or like our ancestors, try our luck in a new one:  Mexico, Spain or Portugal are the top runners right now.  We plan to go south to check out Flagstaff and Sedona, Arizona this Christmas.  Last Christmas, it was El Paso, Alpine and Marfa, Texas and Los Crucas, New Mexico.  
I am on the break between summer and fall...noteably the longest one of the year, often five weeks.  I usually go back to North Dakota during this time, but that's not happening this year, probably never again.  The last time I was there, I was suffering from depression and I had a feeling I would not be seeing it again.  Best to leave it to my memories of happier days there when the people I grew up with were still alive.
This divide in the country, instigated by Russian bots and carried out by Puppet Dumpster, has been the last straw, the one to have broken the camel's back that was my family connection.  Foreseen by my late sister Lori, when she said (in response to whether it was now my job to keep the family together), "We are all adults now.  If anyone decides to never see the others again, then that's up to them, not you."  First, it was LaVonne who stopped texting or answering my texts.  Then, Dennis stopped answering my phone calls and stopped calling as well.  Rosie and Jamie are still cyber-stalking me on Facebook and Instagram (Rosie made an Instagram account as soon as I said I was leaving FB in disgust.  She has never posted anything and has no photos in her folder...she just checks to see what I'm up to.)  I stopped posting political craziness last week as it was becoming too much work to research what was fear-inducing truth and what was fear-inducing fiction.  The tainted GOP is all about striking fear into the hearts of anyone who will listen to their rabid rantings.
Another week, another innocent black man shot by racist white police.  Then, to add insult to injury, a trumped up 17 year old from Illinois goes across the border to shoot two protesters, walking by police to go home and then turn himself in the next day.  (It comes out later that he shot the first victim in the back, and that his mom drove him to the protest, as if it were a soccer practice!) I had to break my political silence on FB, which I have just decided I will have to leave.  I don't know if I can deal with Liker, the current alternative, either.  It's the brainchild of some guy who saw where FB was going in 2012 and decided people needed an option.  They need an option, all right.  The option to opt out of social media, the new Dolls of the 2010s and now 20s.  
I wake up early on 8/27/2020 and disable my Facebook account.  I can't quite go cold turkey and get rid of Messenger along with it, because there are some people on there I still want to support.  This is the second time I have tried to do this.  After 13 years (is that all?  It seems half my life!), it's a main social outlet that I am moving away from.  Especially now, in the time of pandemics, it will be more isolating, but the vitriol and Hate being spewed forth is out of balance with what's really out there...I hope.  There were those who had to spew the venom that the skateboarder that was killed, a gentle, long-haired hippy soul, deserved to die.  I can not relate nor be exposed to such unadulterated hate.  Their minds have been poisoned by no other than the POTUS, (and the institutionalized racism/hate behind him) as well as hate speech on line.  My family has succumbed to the Fear of the Other as well.  So be it.  It may mean leaving the country if this upcoming election is stolen like the last one was.  I refuse to believe that a majority of people in this country have drunk the Kool-aid.  
Reading "The Witches are Coming" by Lindy West is giving me more insight, a chance to laugh and even some hope.  
"Our propensity for always, always, always choosing what is comfortable over what is right helped pave the road to this low and surreal moment in US history."
Part 4:  Month 7
From September 8 to 18, Seattle was socked in under a cloud of ash from the fires down south.  I could feel the ashes of the bodies the those who died, as well as the chemicals of the burnt human structures.  Breitenbush Hot Springs lay in ashes with only the main buildings saved.  I could feel the heaviness in my lungs.  Mishka could sense it and acted out by peeing outside the box.  On the 14th, it finally rained some and we still have more days to endure.  I got up from epic dreams of lost family (my mom, That Bitch Denis, DJ, my nieces who my mom prepared us for so they could come in and check us out sleeping) and went out into the acid rain to witness it.  The craziness coming from the POTUS and media intensifies as it's now 50 days till the election.  
Then, when it seems to be darkest before the dawn, the triple threat of the GOPruients, COVID-19 and the death-ash from the west coast fires, we find on the evening of 9/18/20 that the Notorious RBG, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, justice of the SCOTUS, died at 87, after having fought numerous ailments, including cancer.  That bitch, Moscow Mitch immediately states the Senate will vote on a replacement even before the body is cold, even though in 2016 he said that the people of the US should have a say in the next SCOTUS, therefore, the appointment should wait until the election of the new president...blocking Obama in this last year, from appointing one.  This will enable the Dumpster in his last weeks to appoint another conservative, anti-abortionist.
It becomes harder to grasp what is actually going on..these times are so unprecedented in our life times, though to those of us for whom AIDS was an epidemic, this is our second time around fearing for our lives.  We know it's a long haul with many casualties before we come out on the other side, but whatever was normal no longer will be.  
We go out for healthy burgers at Little Big Burger, where you can get a lettuce wrap in the place of a bun.  We are both on edge and irritable and go to our separate corners after we eat in silence to grieve in our own way.  Me typing here with all my altar lights on and a candle burning by the RBG candle, as the first fall rains sound outside, clearing the air for the first time in 10 days.  The temptation to sell the house and leave the country is strong.  The need to stay and fight on will probably prevail, but may not take the re-election of the anti-Christ, the embodiment of the Seven Deadly sins:  pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth,
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muffintonic · 4 years
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My fanfic trope tier list! (I saw @fanfic-inator795 do this the other day and thought it looked fun, haha.) Make your own here!
Placement reasoning under the cut.
Friends to Lovers: excellent, very natural that your lover would also be your friend.
Slow Burn: I like getting absorbed in a story, and the speed that I read at means I need longer ones so i’m not like, “Aww, man, that was it?” Also, the slow burns usually allow for progression at a more realistic pace as well as character development/analysis.
Mutual Pining: two people who love each other and eventually get together....Nice.
Missing Scenes: I am very nosey about characters i’m invested in, and sometimes I feel like whole other episodes and such could have been based off of what isn’t shown in between scenes.
Sharing a Bed: I like seeing the different ways that people contrive the bed-sharing to happen, haha. Also, there’s usually a lot of funny moments when getting to see the characters’ panicked thoughts. (The Kico WIP i’ve been sporadically working on since 2015 involves this, haha.)
Established Relationship: we don’t usually get to see this in media, so it’s refreshing!
Fluff: usually goes hand-in-hand with the above, and sometimes it’s nice to just know there’s nothing but happytimes happening.
Huddle for Warmth: similar to the bed sharing one, it’s all about the setting....with a side of either fluff or panicking, haha.
Fairytale AU: i’m a sucker for fantasy, and it’s fun to see which fairytales people use and their personal takes on them.
Magic AU: see above.
Fix it Fic: i’m not usually dissatisfied with how canon handles things, so this type of fic is, like, solely reserved for BOTW, bwaha. I’ve been really into BOTW since I got it/finished it last summer, though, so i’ve been reading a lot of The Champions Survive/Get Resurrected stuff and the ones i’ve read have had excellent worldbuilding and such.
Hurt Comfort: the intimacy of patching someone up/the thought behind it....Nice.
Fake Relationship: I am again a sucker for contrived coincidences, panicking, and realizations (another trope in my Kico WIP, though it only appears a little and is fake married). These sometimes come with angst though, which is why it’s not higher.
Gen Fic: I don’t often see these, but I...like the idea of them (I have an eternal WIP of my own for WBB that’s combined with Missing Scenes)? Also, sometimes the world isn’t built quite enough or we don’t get to see it utilized to its full extent in canon.
Humor: I wasn’t sure if this meant, like, fics written solely for comedic purposes or something, but I took it to mean having funny moments in them?? I love comedy above all else (which is why most of the A tier tropes are A tier--the inherent funniness of the situations to me).
In Vino Veritas: having what’s hidden in a character’s heart be exposed in a way that usually results in later panic....Nice (as evidenced by my own take in that one Perryshmirtz fic I did, haha). However, i’m not a big fan of alcohol for numerous reasons, which is why it’s not higher.
Soulmate AU: I don’t often find versions of these that I like, but when I do they’re pretty good. Worldbuilding and slow burn is a must for these.
Coffee Shop AU: I never really liked these before I got into BOTW....hmmm. Maybe it’s because I don’t really like characters from, like, slice-of-life/normal universes being changed into something even MORE mundane/too much like real life?? It’s fine if it’s an adventure story being calmed down, haha (but, like, ONLY adventure--I don’t like the idea of fantasy stories like Strange Magic getting dulled down to that extent).
*most of the tropes here are only not a D because I reserved D for the ones I hate/am most apathetic towards
Arranged Marriage: I don’t usually see these done well (bad characterization/not enough worldbuilding), and arranged marriage is still a thing that happens nowadays in real life so it’s kind of.....
Body Swap: I’ve only found a few renditions of this that I like, namely the funny ones where they’re all like “Wow so this is how it feels like to be a teeny tiny--” *gets punched.* Unfortunately, most of the ones for this trope are, like, either somehow super angsty or have consent problems.
Canon Divergence: another one that rarely has good characterization/logical divergence/follows the established rules already set in canon while being a take on “But what if THIS had accidentally happened instead.”
Historical AU: as someone who minored in History in undergrad, boy howdy is history a touchy thing to make fanfic about. I think there’s only been one AU of this that i’ve liked, and it was for a movie that already had its own version of history/the original canon wasn’t based on our world at all.
Time Loop: kind of a scary thing to think about.
Royalty AU: being a good leader is hard, which means there’s usually not a lot of time for gallivanting. Despite this, there tends to be a lot of that (and poor worldbuilding) in these types of fics.
Amnesia Fic: I don’t like it when someone forgets their loved ones.
First Kiss: I think first kisses are over romanticized. First kiss with the person who is now your lover? Good. First kiss overall? No.
Angst: reality (and sometimes the canon) is dark enough, thanks. Light angst with a happy ending is fine, but I seriously hate characters being subjected to one painful thing after another (I once read an entire published book where that was the case and I was just....so infuriated by the end).
Enemies to Lovers: rarely done to my taste. The two people have to be relatively on the same moral spectrum otherwise this DOESN’T WORK as a good/functioning relationship. Like, you can’t pair off someone who, say, killed their dad, spearheaded a war against innocents, and tortured the other person with the other person. Even when it’s someone who, for example, tried to destroy the entire universe, continually emotionally abused their only friend, laid siege to innocents despite knowing that it was wrong, killed the parent of that other person’s best friend, and physically/emotionally abused that other person, it’d be extremely short-sighted to pair them with that other person without AT LEAST them acknowledging how completely toxic they’ve been and spending a good amount of time (roughly equal or greater to how long they’ve been horrible) establishing that they have indeed changed and are making progress towards reparations and even betterment. Perryshmirtz? Good. Butterfly Bog? Also good. Those are the only two good examples I can think of.
College AU: pretty much in the same boat as the Coffee Shop AU, but sometimes I disagree with what majors get picked for the characters, haha. Good choice for characters around that age, but for some reason I don’t like it when characters get de-aged to make this work. I have yet to see one for older characters that keeps them that age--older people go to college! There was, like, a mom in my Abnormal Psychology class in undergrad!
ABO: horribly graphic, mostly non/dubcon, and reduces people to their biology.
Crossover: the media i’m invested in are usually so vastly different from one another that my brain just refuses to have them mix.
Dark Fic: like Angst, but worse. No thanks.
Major Character Death: I read the fix-it-fics to AVOID this, bwahaha!
High School AU: similar to College AU where I dislike characters being de-aged for this, which is unfortunately common. Also, Your Experiences Are Not Universal.
Crack Fic: I am generally a stickler for canon. Boo, absurdity!
Pregnancy Fic: not a big fan of the idea of pregnancy in general (the squishing of the organs, mood swings and whatever, that thing where your blood pressure can get super high randomly, dying in childbirth, postpartum depression, etc).
Love Triangle: these can usually be solved by either 1) poly relationship 2) maybe DON’T choose the “bad boy” that disrespects you and is emotionally distant?????
Unhappy Ending: WHY would I want this??????? See: Angst
Unrequited Love: similar to the above.
PWP: maybe it’s my aceness talking, but to quote Doof: “Backstory, backstory, backstory!”
Sex Pollen: too much like PWP, but with more consent problems
Bang or Die: see above
Baby Fic: similar to Pregnancy + I....can’t really imagine a lot of my favorite ships with kids?? Like, Butterfly Bog/Potionless and Panlie, sure. Doof already has Vanessa/Norm and Perry is an uncle......maybe Po and Tigress if they adopt?? I feel like they could also just be teachers together and their students would be their “kids.” Meh.
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thegreen1969pontiac · 5 years
L’appel Du Vide Chapter 1- I Don’t Speak French
                                        Eventual Dean x OC
Summary: When Hope’s sister is killed in a less than a normal house fire, and Sam, her sister's boyfriend, disappears with his brother after her death they’re her number one suspects. When the cops declare the case cold she begins her hunt for the Winchester boys. She follows them in hope for some evidence pointing to the death of her sister, but will she find more than just the cause and the killer? Will she find out more than she wanted to? 
Warning: minor mention of suicide, death, violence, lots of language
Word Count: 1392
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L’appel du Vide. It was something I learned in my psychology class. It was, obviously French.
It means ‘The Call To The Void’.
Its when, for a split second, when for that little moment you want to jump into oncoming traffic, or when you are in a multiple-story hotel and you want to jump off the balcony and onto the car below. It happens quite often with the myriad of potentially dangerous things that the world has to offer. 
I was often moving from crappy hotel room to another which gave me plenty of moments to experience this unfathomable feeling. Sometimes I would look out off of the white chipping balcony and lean just far enough off of it that I was no longer on the balcony, my torso was being supported by nothing other than my own spine, and then I could see the dark smoky sky above me and quickly suck in a breath and pull myself back.
After I would do this seemingly ritual action, I take one last sip from the Jack Daniels and coke mix and leave my highball glass for the next person to pick up. I’d open the dirty sliding plastic door that was made to look like glass and get under the lukewarm water with light pressure which honestly just felt like a hose, and wash my long, blonde, hair with the too small shampoo and conditioner bottles. Then occasionally I would end up shaving my legs which would later result in my cursing and bleeding all over the hotels decaying carpet.
 I would get in bed, think about how often couples would sleep there, close my eyes and then suddenly wake up in horror from the assumption that the sheets of the bed most likely haven’t been clean since they were bought and end up sleeping in the armchair that always seemed to come with the hotel room and shiver until morning. And that's how my life has played out since I turned eighteen four years ago, the big, ol’ green 1969 Pontiac GTO hauling me from town to town.
My pride and joy is Theo, I bought him off my uncle when I was 21 with my own money, it was one of the only things that was ever truly mine. Theo was old and needed a little care when I  took the big ol’ boy, but after summers of working on him with my Uncle, I couldn't give him up. Theo was a sight to be seen when I first saw him, the carpet and the leather seats were scratched and stained into oblivion. After a couple drinks shared with the mechanic in New Orleans on a typical rainy day, I agreed to get most of the interior replaced. After the grueling hours that Judd, the mechanic of Orleans put into the car for my sake I also made it my life goal to keep the outside of the car as clean and spotless as the inside.
The car was almost always washed and dried by my hand, in the parking lot of a crap-hole hotel and after it was, it would be waxed with a couple of dirty rags I had in the trunk of the car. I would spend 30 minutes or more scraping unfortunate bugs off of Theo’s windshield.
That's what I was doing, sitting underneath the blazing Wyoming sun and the flickering neon lights that shined down on Theo and I. I was relentlessly trying to dispel a crushed bug off of the corner of the windshield that wouldn’t release its unrelenting hold on the car. My drink was sitting on the pavement next to me, a cheap glass I found in a cabinet was filled to the brim with rum and coke with ice cubes reaching to the surface for a glimpse of the sun's blistering heat.
I normally am not a fan of heat. Sticky sweat and humidity is not my favorite, but the dry Wyoming desert was almost comforting, the warm sun engulfed me in a warm embrace, almost as if the vitamin D was seeping into my pores. I picked up my drink, the ice cubes struggling to still keep afloat as they were melting faster than they could cool my drink.
I hear the familiar ringing from inside Theo. It was the cell that save for my sister and my mother, I never used. 
Seeing as I only ever expected calls near around 7-ish I grew quickly concerned, my father tended to have heart issues and with my sister at college, my mother and father were alone more often than not. I set down my drink on the blacktop and heard the clinking of the glass on asphalt. I went over to the car's rolled down window and pulled the cell phone from out of the glove box. Answering the beeping ringtone before it faded away.
“Hello?” I asked unsure if I wanted to hear the response seeing as I knew it would only be something important, otherwise, they wouldn't have called so early.
“Somethings happened to Jessica. Honey, we can’t make it back there soon enough. You have to go make sure it's her.” My mother said the tears I could hear were threatening to spill. For a second I didn't comprehend what exactly she was asking of me. Identify her for what? Why would I need to make sure it's her?
Then it hit me, like a slap to the face. It felt as if someone ripped out my organs and threw them in a blender only to shove them back in. It hit me harder than anything I've ever felt, more than when my cat was hit by a car, more than when I broke my leg falling off the roof trying to sneak out, more than the worst thing I could have ever imagined.
They want me to identify her body, to identify her non-living body so they knew it was my sister and not some other unlucky girl that was too mutilated to be recognized. Then suddenly I couldn't breathe, I couldn’t speak, nothing. I felt all of that pain in what felt like a condensed ball rising out of my throat and I screeched.
The scream wasn't even that, it was something that dying animals make, something so horror filled and pain riddled that it didn’t sound human. My mother was sobbing on the phone now, I couldn’t find it in myself to console her. I couldn’t even calm myself down enough.
 I don't even remember falling. The stinging in my knees wasn’t important, the blood seeping out of my skin where it had made such abrupt contact with the asphalt didn't matter either. I felt none of it, all I could feel was the mind-numbing pain that seemed to be everywhere. My hands were shaking and tears streaming down my cheeks in large fat tears of utter pain.
“What happened?” I choked out. Nothing more came for a few seconds as if my mother was trying to control the overwhelming disaster that she knew both I and her were facing at the time.
“There was a fire,” I couldn't imagine it, not my baby sister, little Jess, little miss perfect dying in such an aggressive and vicious way.
I couldn't talk about it anymore, I needed to see her, to see what was left of her, see if she still was the young blonde college student that I left her. The smartest in the family, the daughter who was successful and went to Stanford, she was pretty, intelligent, and kind. So why had her death been so morbid?
“I love you.” That's all I could choke out to her as I ran into the hotel and grabbed my things, I threw them into Theo, tears still running down my face in frequent tracks, sobs falling from my trembling lips
 I heard the wheels screech as I whirled Theo out of the parking lot, the highball glass that I set down was crushed as I flew out of what seemed like the last place I would ever feel at peace again.
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I’m going to burst into Kevin’s office at 8 am sharp and throw down my checklist like, “Kevin, where the fuck is my cute little colored paper that shows me what classes I need! I have spoken with the other psych majors and I am the only one that didn’t get one. Also, explain to me how to get my degree because I did some math and it says I’m only five classes away from that, but I’m very bad at math!”
In all actuality, though, it looks like I’m five psych courses and two biology courses from finishing my major and minor, barring the issue of me not hitting the hour requirements. So double minoring will probably fit in nicely if I can figure out what exactly I need for it and how far along I would start into the English minor.
I’m also going to see if Kevin can do me a solid and get me into this course about dying. Kevin is objectively useless, but he’s a total pushover and should be able to get me into that course since I’m only an hour short of the prerequisite for it and I’m all about the psychology of death.
Human Interaction apparently isn’t offered in the spring, so that’s a bit of an issue. However, the dad also told me that I can’t just finish all of my psych courses in one semester because that will make me have a breakdown and he doesn’t want to deal with that. I told him that five psych courses at the same time isn’t that bad, but he did convince me that there’s no downside to spreading things out if I have to be here three more semesters.
I might be able to speed things up, too, if I do a winter course and a summer course. It’s taking on an extra load, but I’m honestly wanting to graduate as fast as I can since I had a two year medical leave. If I can cut out that third semester, then I’d be happy. I want to finish graduate school before I’m 30 and I’m not getting any younger. At this point, I had hoped to already be in it and thinking about my future. I’m honestly not sure how long I’ll live whatwith genetics and the impact of my health (we’re looking at anywhere from 70-100) and I’m very determined to have settled down and adopt some kids.
Advising day sucks.
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ephemeralem0tions · 7 years
Because y’all said YES TO THE LIST! here ya go!!!
If you want to leave asks or requests, send them over here x :3
DISCLAIMER: All LeviHan fics are AMAZING guys! There fics are just my recommendations and personal favorites and they are NOT ranked or ordered I swear! I am also running out of fics to read to please send me more :P
ALLOWANCE by eggs_and_toast
The story is about Hanji who falls in love with dancing first, after seeing Levi on a street performance. The unique part is that she wants to be the lead instead of the follow which defies gender traditions in the dance community. It also has a unique take when I said dance, because its ballroom instead of hiphop or modern. This personally had me wanting to take ballroom dance classes lol.
It is about Hanji, who is a prostitute in dire need of money for her sister’s child, Eren, and Levi, a rich business man whose family wanted him to marry his own cousin, Mikasa. Has EreMika as well and a really interesting fic due to its quirks and sassy lines. It is not yet completed, but it is a really good fic specially that its actually more of fluff than nsfw. I really hope that the author updates soon.
If you are into LeviHan, Mythical creatures and magic, plus a little touch of detective work, then this is the fic for you. It shows Levi who encounters a mysterious case during his job as a cop. He then seeks the help of Hanji and Eren who show him the different dimensions or planes of the universe. Really funny and descriptive, its like getting high with your imagination seriously, no joke.
Although filled with graphic violence and death, it shows that every human has a flaw and there is a reason for everything they do, the part I like most about this fic, aside from the thrill it brings. Levi and Hanji are two hired hitmen who were tasked to kidnap Eren for a code. The fic explores their pasts and the character development is a 10/10. Plus it has a dog in the fic.
PSYCHIATRIST by Melpomene (conspiracy_of_the_ravens)
Like the previous fic, I like this one because of Character development. Due to a hard past during his time in the military and even childhood, Levi is referred to Hanji for psychological treatment by Erwin, after he was relieved off the army due to injury. Knowing no one else in the city, Levi asks Hanji to pretend to be his wife when his grand parents visit, while Hanji finally gets to handle his case effectively as he opens up more and more each day.
Like the psychiatrist, Hanji, this time around, asks Levi, her best friend, to be her pretend boyfriend in exchange for a trip to Paris. This is because her mother was getting married for the second time around and she thinks that her daughter has a boy friend. I love it how this fic is about adventure and fixing your own mishaps instead of running away from them. Also, this is a great fluff for the night if you want to have good dreams.
MIRAGE by colonelmags
This is about Levi and Hanji having a one night stand after Levi’s drunken state due to his loss. A slowly developing fic about how to love a person, and distinguishing love from a sense of family. A really great fic if you yourself is confused about your emotions. It gives out the best advice about learning to love in my opinion.
NEVER TRULY ALONE by AbnormalSomething
A story about young Hanji and Levi, trying to fend off for themselves, and their young siblings. It is about trust, family love, acceptance and care. Also about effective home planning and deal making if you are looking for something like that. Also accentuates that Levi and Hanji are different, but similar at the same time.
When Erwin moves out of the country fro a new job, Levi looks for another roommate which comes in the name of Hanji Zoe. Also a slow building fic and fluff but very nice! Updates frequently too! Deals with acceptance, adjusting to each other’s differences and similarities, and learning to love. Really quirky and funny too! Plus it involves so many snk characters it feels like it could stand on a whole new anime/ manga on its own.
THE SIREN’S STONE by ConfusedMuse
A fic that just started, and its actually locked for now?? But a really good one too. Despite the short progress, it is about mermaid Hanji who is fascinated about humans and eventually washes up on the shore after a storm. Features really funny moments, and not set in a nudist beach. I really hope the author updates sooner or later because its really a fic worth the wait.
LICENSE TO SCIENCE (AND KILL) by Just_quintessentially_me
A secret agent fic wherein Hanji and Levi needed to stop the Titans from launching nuclear missiles into the atmosphere. It is really descriptive, therefore, my imagination almost tells me to become a secret agent as well, because the gear and scenes are cool hell yeah! The incorporation of all other characters are FLAWLESS! This can actually stand as another anime/ manga on its own like Challenge Accepted.
CITY COMMA STATE by ForecedSimile
This is about Hanji, moving in as Levi’s neighbor. Another slow paced fic, modern au take, but the intriguing thing is, it like breaks the time loop and mentions the SNK scenes from time to time, like there is something deeper bound to happen in the fic. But currently, on the last update, it was about their family which mean, fluff! But it also has a great outtake on friendship and family since the development there is really strong! Talks about forgiveness and love which I really love.
A BIRD LEAVES HER CAGE by crazyaniknowit
It is about a noble Hanji, leaving her mansion after her father arranged her marriage to another noble man. She meets mercenaries, Levi, Farlan and Isabel after an accident during her travel and stays with them for the time being. The twists so far in the last updates break my heart. Not becacuse the fic is bad, but its actually so well written I’m crying because my emotions are over flowing. NSFW but is reeally HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you want major feels.
ALL IN THE FAMILY by levis_taller_than_me
A Modern AU wherein Levi is sentenced for community service after assaulting a minor (it has a reason guys, not just anything ridiculous its nice actually). He is then deployed to help at an orphanage in which Hanji manages. What I love about this is we get to see Levi being a softy with kids, government flaws revealed such as the system for child custody and the flow of rape cases in the court, JeanMarco, and of course, LeviHan!
MODUS OPERANDI by coldcutcalamity
Review: A story about Hanji being a gift to Levi which came along his brand new house. Its actually more than just a funny fic as it has a thrilling part wherein Hanji is actually the daughter of the man who built the gear we all know. Of course she is now persecuted as she is only the one who knew how to make it after her father’s death ad it is Levi’s duty to make her safe. With a touch of badass Hanji as she shows that she can defend herself.
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Get to know me:
Tagged by talented/total babe @offansandflames ♡
Rules: answer 92 83 statements (i skipped some boring ones srry), tag whomever you please.
THE LAST. 1. Drink: pabst blue ribbon, yes im white trash 2. Phone call: mom 3. Text message: my bestfriend 4. Song you listened to: keaton henson, to your health 5. Time you cried: erm a lil yesterday but like deep convo tears
HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice?: a relit ciggarette never tastes the same 7. Kissed someone and regretted it?: Not enough to recall at the moment. 8. Been cheated on?: I haven’t taken many partners, so to my knowledge, no? 9. Lost someone special?: Yes 10: Been depressed: :,) 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: my life from 15-19 tbh, not in the party, neurotypical fashion more along the Wtf Pls exPlain type way or for shits n giggles
LIST THREE FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Baby pink and blue, black.
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends?:Yes if online counts? Very beautiful and enchanting spirits who i already love 16. Fallen out of love?: never do if its real, cuz im a romantic//also think u always care a little for those you really loved 17. Laughed until you cried?: yesterday actually like rllllly good because my girl dropped her entire jug of wine right before opening it. The universe flicked us off dirty. 18. Found out someone was talking about you?: Yeah, some good, some bad, some wild. Idk. 19. Met someone who changed you?: Yes some beautifully, made me fonder, some not so lovely but thats ok (try to make it ok) 20. Found out who your friends are?: I have fucking one bestfriend who i hold to that certain standard shes my lover/ soul mate and weve been through a fucking ride n shes still my number one. If others let me down i find ways to make it bittersweet. 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list?: yus GENERAL 22. How many Facebook friends do you know in real life?: Idk some r family and people from all the schools i went to. I dont care for facebook much. 23. Do you have any pets?: one black, perfect cat with lil rays of auburn going down her back, i named her clementine. Also 4 dumb n rlly cute dogs live with me. I like one a lot, Luna, shes my princess. (Yes i admit favorites idgaf/ she also knows she’s my fav n takes advantage) 24. Do you want to change your name?: mydad originally wanted to name me Xena (after xena princess warrior) whom i developed an intense crush on later. 25. What did you do for you last birthday?: yo lol i dont know i turned 22 i just had drinks and smoked with my bestfriend 26. What time did you wake up?: didnt check, i usually wake up multiple times n go back to sleep If i can 27. What were you doing midnight last night?: either in my gfs car or just getting home 28. Name something you can’t wait for?: my classes to start again, mini roadtrip to Gainesville and maybe being able to see my little cousin soon. 29. When was the last time you saw your mom?: lik e 2 seconds ago. 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life?: sjdufjekwns 31. What are you listening to right now?: Keaton Henson 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?: lol nah not that i remember 33. Something that’s getting on your nerves?: the state of the Union, how 2 get my smol dogs to stop barking, why do ppl have to live w abusers and when will my witch powers allow me to cast them off into The Void, my general discomfort n lack of motivation. To casually name a few ,, 34. Most visited website?: ao3, Tumblr RANDOM SHIT: 35. Mole/s?: lol?? Moles can b cute, i have a few. 36. Mark/s?: plenty, one in particular tho i have on my upper forehead not like harry potter sttle unfortunately, its all hidden near my scalp 37. Childhood dream?: i always wanted to do something that would let me swim with humpback whales in natural habitat ofcourse or track the lives n rituals of wolves and then i was like mayb ill just be aschool counsler, all of which i still kinda wana do. 38. Hair color?: blonde 39. Long or Short hair?: i have medium length hair but i like both 40. Do you have a crush on someone?: I literally always have a crush on someone, idk crushes to me means you make me happy and blushy and if you make me laugh, i crush. 41. What do you like about yourself?: i could say i like how i am when im with someone i love. N that some ppl are able to confide in me, id say my empathy but idk i can be a fuckface too. 42. Piercings?: tongue I got snakebites, industrial, bellybutton, reg ol ear piercings too. 43. Bloodtype?: i dont know o.O 44. Nickname?: cookie monster when i was younger, lali, lion, coocoomanga(my dad) renren, rin, my mom says lil shit endearingly and i got the habit. 45. Relationship status?: basically married 46. Zodiac sign?: Aries 47. Pronouns?: She/they 48. Favorite t.v show?: i binge and am not ashamed, supernatural, classic spongebob, south park, parks n rec, modern fam, a haunting, me and my mom watch ancient aliens 2gether , Steven Universe, Adventure Time, the fucking x files, malcolminthemiddle, etc, my animes as well are all shoved in here in my heart. Naruto/free/haikyuu/oourans host club/ HxH etc 49. Tattos: 5 and one on the way, matching one with my love 50. Right or left hand: Righty most def 51. Surgery?: luckily no 52. Hair dyed in different colors?: I maintain the blonde i had at like six, its naturally dirty brownish? At one point i dyed it platinum tho 53. Sport?: In my anime MORE GENERAL 54. I’m about to?: Finish some arts and crafts for some letters im making (: and then a smol walk 55. Waiting for?: some inspo, 56. Get married?: its not very important to me. But if my partner became passionate about it i would be rite there w em 57. Career?: I’m majoring in psychology/minor in education WHICH IS BETTER? 58. Hugs or kisses?: depends on who but I’m a sap for both 59. Lips or eyes?: Eyes, give me them soulful orbs 60. Shorter or taller?: no preference 61. Older or younger?: You can be a shithead at any age, so no preference. 62. Nice arms or nice stomach?: eh,, not sure to be honest. I love hands and forearms, so i suppose arms? 63. Sensitive or loud?: u gotta be both at least every now and then. Either extreme will be bothersome though 64. Hook up or relationship?: eh past experiences make hook ups generally uncomfortable n left me feeling ace/aceromantic for a good portion of my teen yrs but im not impartial 65. Troublemaker or hesitant: ive calmed down but im not hesitant unless my gut says so HAVE YOU EVER? 66. Kissed a stranger?: yes 67. Drank hard liquor?: yes 68. Lost glasses/contacts?: glasses, yes. 69. Turned someone down?: as a chick in miami ¿¿¿ of fucking course 70. Sex on the first date?: lol yes 71. Broken someone’s heart?: seems dramatic i dont feel like i have sincerely done that, just hurt them. 72. Had your heart broken?: In a way mostly by close friends / family 73. Been arrested?: when i was 15 for dumb shit like trespassing 74. Cried when someone died?: yes 75. Fallen for a friend?: i crush on all my friends because i love alot DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 76. Yourself?: Yes because Rock Lee would want me to 77. Miracles?: i think miracles are a byproduct of a fucking amazing universe. 78. Love at first sight?: i think of it as a magnetic pull n interest not love 79. Santa Clause?: i fucking love christmas, idgaf 80. Kiss on the first date?: yup OTHER 81. Current bestfriend?: @mariekankerr 7 years n countin babe 82. Eyecolor?: blue 83. Favorite Movie?: Lilo and Stitch, Pulp Fiction, The Iron Giant, A Fish Called Wanda, Murder By Death, Knights of the Round Table, mel brooks in general, The Changeling (bt like the oroginal one not w Angelina jolie it came out in like the 90s?) Spirited Away, Clue, Hot Chicks, A Bronx Tale I tag: @shamelesssasukestan @hotmessmuffin @narutoandsasukearecanon and i suck at this so just go for it and tag me so i can lurk on u
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pnwriter · 4 years
Endemic Pandemic
How did it all start?  First, it was STEP A, everyone from China, talking about it and one student bemoaning the fact that some people in Wuhan, China will eat anything.  It seems eating a diseased bat started it, as contact with a monkey started AIDS.  That group made it back and we had a fun time.  The next two-week class was canceled because travel from China had been suspended.  I skipped the next group to go to Mexico with Rene and Anne, and started the fourth group with a reduced group.  After only one week, the UW decided to cancel in-person classes and that program ended.  Now, there is the worry that I may not even have enough work to retire as I had planned.  I started job hunting as soon as we heard the program will probably close the end of summer.  Now, it's the start of spring quarter, and we only have 20 new students (as opposed to a healthy 80).  Moreover, these classes may have to be on-line, so I'll have to learn a program called Zoom.  All the signs are pointing to me getting out of this career and Rene is talking about getting out of the country.  China and Iran took the biggest initial hits, then Italy closed down.  Just today, 3/11/2020, Dumptr canceled all flights to and from Europe, except for England, who Brexited earlier this year.  Also, today, the public schools followed the university's precedent, and closed down, as did the Burke Museum.  The governor has banned any meetings over 250 people.  Any meetings over 13 are discouraged and on my way back from the gym, which is still open, the train was mostly empty, with the buses being just a little fuller.   You see people in masks, bus drivers, students until the classes were cancelled, doctors and nurses, shoppers, passers by.  It's all disconcerting.  People are over reacting, in my opinion...the North Dakotan whose bus driver always made it through when all the others cancelled.  
Facebook and Instagram are double edged swords.  First, it is and always has been a community of contact at a time when face to face contact has decreased steadily over the years.  (Ironically, it's been decreasing directly because of the technology that gave us Facebook in the first place!)  I send a photo of a candle burning for all our brothers and sisters across the world to my Greek pagan witch friend Vas.   I am at home after going to our favorite neighborhood coffee shop this morning with the dog (hoping to see its friend Pinky there), only to find out that they are closing, due to the uncertainty.  There are those who say that what is happening now in Italy will happen here, too.  It's only a matter of time.  
Speaking of FB, I'm chatting on line now with Alban, my brother-from-another-life teacher friend in France, where everything is still normal.  We talked about how people are getting into being the characters in an epidemic horror film and acting accordingly.  We both acknowledge the advantages of learning in the flesh, but also know people are lazy and always take the easy way out.  Even as we communicated, President Macron issued the edict to close all schools and universities starting Monday.  I look outside to the sunny March day and think similar days greeted the Spanish Flu and the Black Death.  At least this one is not smelly.
Here's the resume I have sent:
My international experience began after undergraduate school with the Peace Corps in Morocco.  My strengths of responsibility, patience and adaptability gained from being raised on a farm contributed to a successful and rewarding overseas experience. The professional aspect of my international experience began with teaching and studying in the Teaching English as a Second Language Program at CSU.  As the Graduate Student Representative, in addition to teaching, being the liaison between the faculty and the students honed my leadership, organizational and diplomatic skills.  From my first teaching job at Saint Martin’s College to my extensive career at the University of Washington, these skills developed greatly over the years.  
                Writing and editing, International relations, counseling, public relations, intercultural communication,  
      English Language Instructor, UW Campus and downtown ELP, material development, listening and speaking and grammar specialties 3/16/2005 to present
      Compliance Specialist, (change to Professional Staff status from Extension Lecturer) effective March 2004
     Admissions and Immigration Director, University of Washington International Outreach Programs, Seattle WA.  Admissions and Immigration for all UW Educational Outreach International Programs.  Primary Designated Student Official in the Immigration and Customs Enforcement SEVIS program. 1/2004 to present.
    Director of Student Services, University of Washington Educational Outreach, Seattle, WA.  Directing all international student services in the English Language program including acceptance, immigration advising, orientation (initial and on-going), information dissemination (weekly newsletter), sponsors, housing, language exchange and extracurricular activities.   Teaching an English Language class is part of the administration positions.   9/2000 to 1/2004.
   Acting Director, Downtown ESL Program, Directing ESL program with 80 students and nine faculty and staff.  Payroll and expenditure authorization, supervising office staff and providing support for teachers and students.  June 12-August 18, 2000.
    International Student Advisor, ESL Programs, University of Washington Educational Outreach (UWEO), Seattle, WA.  Immigration, academic and personal advising.  Activities supervisor, conversation exchange program coordinator, extended orientation class development and instruction, weekly newsletter publisher.  Taught extended orientation class in ESL Program, speaking and listening focus.  Liaison with UWEO Business Office, sponsoring agencies and embassies, UW housing office, and home stay agencies. 3/87 to 9/2000.
Peace Corps Volunteer, Taza, Morocco.  High school instructor of English at Lycee Sidi Azzouz in Taza.  Outreach to disabled children in a special summer project at a special school in Martil, Morocco.  From 6/78-6/80.  
Member NAFSA: Association of International Educators and the Association of Washington International Student Affairs (AWISA).  Received Outstanding Service Award.  Reached out especially to the LGBT international community by producing a video and presenting workshops and sessions yearly at national and regional TESOL and NAFSA conferences.    
Cetlalic Language Program, Cuernavaca, Mexico, Intensive Spanish study January 3-16, 2004.
International House, Madrid, Spain, Intensive Spanish Study and Study Abroad experience 99-00
NAFSA Professional Development Training May 1998
M.A.  TESL/Linguistics, Colorado State University 1982
B.S. Psychology, Minor in French, University of North Dakota, 1977
a week, we had done some bonding and I was remembering the difference between the two girls with similar, to me, names.
Like the 1918 Spanish Flu, which took my grandmother Voeller and Catherine Thomas' husband, starting the huge Voeller clan, the last dying before this next-100-year epidemic took hold.  It centered in a nursing home in Kirkland, and has taken mostly the elderly.  Some say it is cleaning out the dark, negative energy.  
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