#(he absolutely terrorizes the rope guy but they have never seen him so relaxed as when he was up there redoing all the lines)
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arsenicflame · 2 years ago
stede is 'oh this place has something related to my interest i must go in immediately' autistic and izzy is 'if we deviate one inch from my plan for today i will murder someone' autistic
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cy-fi-theansweris42 · 6 years ago
Inspired by some of @donitkitt‘s artwork during the stream yesterday for his Aftermath AU.  Trigger warnings for nightmares, angst, temporary character death, past torture, blood, and major character injury. (Holy heck that makes it sound so dark, I’m so sorry, and if I missed any warnings please let me know.)
It was quiet, the only sounds being the running water echoing off the tunnel walls and the group’s combined labored breathing, Mikey’s the worst by far with its hitching and shaking. Donnie’s was almost as bad for another reason, shallow and wet sounding, growing slower and weaker with every minute that passed, something that worried Raph to no end.
“Mikey, which way? We don’t know how long Splinter can keep Bishop off our shells.” Leo asked, urgency apparent as he glanced around at the diverging tunnels.
“I’m…I-I think…” Mikey stuttered, wide eyes darting around as he tried to figure out which path they needed to reach safety. “This…this way, yeah.”
They quickly moved down the tunnel to their left, Raphael doing his best to ignore the damp warmth from blood that wasn’t his own that steadily leaked down his carapace and how Donnie’s eyes were closing more by the second, his body slumping more against Raph’s, feeling heavier and heavier as their journey progressed.
“Hold on Don, we’ll be there soon, yeah?”
“Hhhggn.” The sound barely escaped Donnie’s mouth, whatever he was trying to say lost in the haze caused by the blood loss and fever that had set in. It had been too long since Bishop cruelly hacked off Don’s arm, punishment for not cooperating and joining his side, with the pathetic excuse for wrapping being the only medical attention Donatello received afterwards. The covered stump had been radiating a sickening warmth that screamed infection for who knows how long, a problem that needed to be dealt with as quickly as possible.
Raph had been watching Donnie since he set the dazed turtle against his shell and carried him out of the lab, eye out for any worrying signs. (Who’s he kidding, they’re all worrying and if he’s honest, he doesn’t know how much longer Donnie’s going to be able to hold on for.) As he glanced back at the younger turtle’s face, he watches as Donnie’s glazed eyes slide shut, and then his entire body went limp.
“Don? Donatello stay awake, do you hear me?!” Raphael didn’t bother to even try and hide the fear in his voice, feeling ice-cold fear shoot through his veins.
In his panic and focus on his younger brother, he didn’t see the raised edge of broken concrete that his foot caught on, sending them both sprawling. While Raph swore up a storm, Donnie didn’t make a noise, the only sound was the sickening crack of his shell as it connected with the concrete.
He wasn’t moving.
“Donnie?” Raph whispered, frozen for only a moment before scrambling over to the unmoving turtle. The flimsy bandages from Bishop’s shitty patch job were slightly unraveled, revealing the red and mutilated flesh hidden underneath, blood beginning to pool around the area where Donnie’s arm should have been connected to his shoulder. Raph kneeled, pressed a trembling finger (when did his hands start shaking?) to his little brother’s neck, checking for a pulse.
He couldn’t find one.
“Shit, shit shit shit, Donatello wake the fuck UP!” Raphael shouted, instantly starting CPR, his terror only increasing exponentially when he realizes that Donnie isn’t breathing either. He feels his own heart being to race and breathing become wheezy and shallow, his limbs going numb as a buzzing sets in and his vision tunnels. All he can see is Donnie’s slack face, eyes now open slightly and focused on nothing, unmoving.
Still as the dead.
He finished another set of chest compressions, checked for a pulse, for breath, just some sign of life, that his younger brother, his arrogant genius of a little brother is still here, still alive.
There’s nothing.
Raphael jerks up in bed, heart going a mile a minute and threatening to burst through his plastron. He tries taking a calming breath in, sadly no stranger to this panic now, gagging on the imagined smell of copper in the air.
Not real, it’s not real.
He breathes in through his mouth this time, hands gripping the bed sheets and focusing on the texture, trying to ground himself. It’s not the first time he’s had a nightmare since their escape, knows it definitely won’t be the last one, but that one…that was new, to say the least. That was the first one where Donnie…
Raph throws off the covers and stands, scrubbing at his face with exhaustion as he realizes he’s not getting anymore sleep tonight, at least not until he’s sure his younger brother is alright. He knows it was just a nightmare, that they got Donnie back before it was too late, and eventually the tech genius woke up and recovered, but that does nothing to alleviate the fear that took root during the dream.
So checking on Donatello it is.
He knows where to find him too, the same place he’s been holed up since he was able to stand up without wobbling, without causing any of his family alarm. Raphael stands in the entryway to the lab for a moment, just watching the hunched-over form of his immediate younger brother at work on that new arm of his.
Alive. He’s alive.
Not fine though, if the irritated grumbling is anything to go by. As he watches, Donnie moves his arm, the one actually attached to his body, to adjust something and as a result a component falls from the framework of a metal one.
“God-DAMMIT.” Donnie yells, slamming down the screwdriver that was previously in his hand.
“Need a hand?” Raph asks before he can stop himself, wincing at the unintentional and poorly-timed joke.
“Ha, ha.” Donatello deadpans as he turns around, not looking at Raphael and grabbing the fallen piece, examining it. “And that broke. Great, fan-fucking-tastic, just my luck.” He tosses the piece onto the desk, turning back towards Raph and this time actually focusing on him. “Can I help you?”
“Just wandering, thought I’d check on ya.” Raph shrugs, just now noticing how tensed up his shoulders were and forcing them to relax, walking into the lab and looking over Don’s shoulder at the project.
Currently, it was just the casing, a hollowed out metal appendage to be filled with circuitry and components so it would work just like a flesh-and-blood arm. Circuit boards and other metallic parts surrounded it, slowly being adapted for the project. Slowly was the problem though; before the capture, Donnie would crank out inventions one after the other, products of sleepless nights caused by a restless mind, but between losing his arm and the following recovery and adjustment, he was moving at a snail’s pace, something that frustrated him to no end. At this rate, it would be months before the arm would even be ready for testing, let alone use.
“Raph, I can see your hands trembling, are you alright?” Donnie questions, the usual laser-focus in his eyes now directed at the older turtle. Almost involuntarily, Raph clenches the traitorous appendages, stilling the subtle shaking.
“Yeah, I’m good.” He sighs, grabbing another chair and wheeling it over, taking a seat and staring at the project strewn on the table. “Ya need some help with this thing?”
Annoyance flares bright in Donatello’s eyes, the same as it always did when someone offered help since the incident, no matter if it ranged from something as small as grabbing a bowl to something as important as his projects. Instead of the usual quickly snapped “no thanks” though, there was hesitation as he stared at his brother, taking in every tired detail. He could easily guess the reason why Raph was awake, the same reason why any of them where up and wandering at these hours now.
For a moment, it was just the two brothers staring at each other, silent and yet so much still being said. Donnie broke the silence first, sighing and grabbing the screwdriver again.
“You fuck anything up and I’m kicking you out, got it?” Donnie warns, pointing the previously discarded screwdriver threateningly.
“Got it.” Raphael grins, taking the tool. “Just point me in the right direction.”
He moves the chair closer, in part to get at a better angle to work on Donnie’s precious tech, and also to be closer to his younger brother, the impatient tapping from not being able to work, his annoyed huffs of breath between near constant instructions, just his presence, the fact he was alive chasing away the remaining nerves brought by the nightmare. Raphael carefully focuses on the delicate task, knowing that without a doubt Donnie will make good on his promise if he makes a mistake, and feels calm.
Raph knows Don, knows how absolutely fucking stubborn the guy is, how he’d rather take an eternity on a project that needs to be completed than even hint that he needs help. So the fact that he’s accepting Raph’s offer? On such an important project like this one no less? The genius has to be at the end of his rope. Raph knows not to voice this thought though, to just silently help. Sometimes, that’s what Donnie needed more than anything else.
Donatello partially watches the last of the tension leave his older brother’s body as he works, the rest of his focus on Raphael’s work, glad that finally some solid progress is being made (not that he’d ever admit how tough it’s been to try and work on something one-handed, that he’s been frustrated beyond belief and it’s so satisfying to see actual progress). He’s seen Raph, seen everyone in the lair in fact, wandering around in the middle of the night before, talked with all of them before. Raph never hovered in the lab though, instead always making casual conversation before shuffling off somewhere else. Considering what had happened, how Raphael had been the one to carry him out of Bishop’s workshop when he was so close to bleeding out, he could guess what the events of tonight’s nightmare were and why they were causing Raph to stay nearby.
He didn’t want to think about how that had nearly become a reality.
Taking that guess and seeing how it was affecting the older turtle made Donnie’s blood boil in white-hot rage for two reasons. One, Bishop, that utter bastard had caused this, and was still causing his family pain in ways that just seemed to keep coming (like Leo’s sight; he saw how Leo was squinting at things, knew how Bishop loved to torture the oldest turtle, knew that something was up even if Leo hadn’t said anything). Two, his own inability to remedy the current situation. It was no secret that Donnie wasn’t the best with emotions, that he shoved aside his own because it was easier that way, and that after everything that happened if you needed comfort and calm then you went to Raph. So when it came to helping said brother calm down after his own nightmare? He wasn’t sure how to proceed, and he absolutely hated not knowing how to do something, how to help.
Donatello took a guess, a shot in the dark he could only hope would hit its mark. If he was right about the nightmare, then being close would help, a solid constant reminder that he was here, not gone. So he kept tapping away the energy that was usually spent building, kept the steady stream of “do this, no STOP, ok now just hold that there and that’ll work” going. Kept up the subtle reminders that everything was alright. Not good, good was something that was long gone, but alright.
Right now at least, everything was alright.
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lnicol1990 · 7 years ago
Isn’t It Obvious?
Okay, here’s the first story that needs to find its writer. It is for @squigglydigglydoo‘s Toon Henry AU for Bendy and the Ink Machine.
I am respectfully asking people not to like this post. It is not my work and I don’t deserve the credit! The rightful owner is @caspersthefriendlyghost, and as soon as they put this for their own blog, I am deleting this post.Everything below the keep reading is their work and I make no claim to it.
Everything below the keep reading is their work and I make no claim to it.
Alright! It only took forever but I did it! I’m a little rusty since I’ve had no time to write at all but I gave it my best shot!  (Marianna belongs to @upperstories!)
Being cornered by your former boss from thirty years ago in a different dimension was not how Henry wanted to spend his Friday night. Well, his date he had planned was the least of his concerns right now.
Joey limped closer to him. His back was already against the wall and he didn’t trust the toon logic to work in his favor. Shouldn’t his gimp foot not be affecting him anymore?
It didn’t matter. Not now at least. He still wasn’t exactly sure how cartoon logic would play out at the moment since technically speaking he is the good guy, but so far nothing has been going in his favor. Well maybe not good but not exactly bad either. How was he to know that if he tried to make a break for it that a banana peel wouldn’t show up out of nowhere?
“Henry, Henry, Henry. What to do with you.” Joey said with a smile. He was absolutely drenched in ink. At least his body wasn’t actually ink like Sammy. That poor son of a bitch…but he can’t think of that now. He can worry about him later.
“Joey…Joey please…don’t do this.” Henry begged. What could he do to get through to him?
His eyes quickly scanned the room. If Joey were to try something he needed a plan. Wait, is that Bendy? His eyes were wide and…scared? Alice and Boris had a hand on both of his shoulders. Wait a minute, cartoon logic. Bendy is the star of this show. Maybe since Bendy perceives Henry as the villain that’s why he’s always the one getting the short end of the stick. If that were the case he just needs to get him to see the truth, but how?
Wait. The hero being trapped by the villian. All the toons and even that fucking machine right there in all its glory. Evil genius with a master plan. Getting Joey, the evil genius, to tell him his master plan shouldn’t be too difficult.
This better work.
“Before you…you do whatever it is you plan to do with me…I need to at least know…why?” What was he thinking? Of course this wouldn’t work! Joey may be toonified, but he’s still Joey! And unfortunately Joey isn’t an idiot.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Never mind.
Henry saw the toons slip out of the door frame from the corner of his eye. Good. The last thing they needed was for Joey to catch onto his little plan.
“No? You brought our characters to life. What more do you want?” Henry tried to calm himself down. He was in no position to be yelling at Joey.
“What, them?!” Joey began to laugh. “Of course I want more! They’re only alive because I needed to make sure that I could actually pull this off!” Joey gestured to his beloved machine. “Yeah, I mean I they’re cute and nice to keep around but they’re nothing compared to what I have in store!” Henry refused to move. This couldn’t be right. Joey loved them when he still worked with him! They were his whole world! The reason he woke up in the morning! What happened?
“This machine is more then you think! Not only can it our bring cartoons to our reality, but it can bring us here! To this world! Where I am the god here. I can literally bend reality to my liking!” No. No this wasn’t the man he once knew. How could someone change so drastically? “One day I will have our world collide with this one. I will-”
“We really mean nothing, huh?”
Bendy’s voice caused Joey to jump at least a foot in the air. He turned around to look to the small toon. He was still surprisingly in his normal state. Well, he was dripping a bit.
“Bendy I…I just..I thought.” Joey stuttered.
“You created us…you promised we would one day leave! That we would be a family.” Bendy said. Henry’s heart hammered in his chest. He was just waiting for Bendy to snap, but Bendy kept calm. A little too calm.
“But Bendy I though that maybe you liked it here! We could still be a family I just need more time to figure out how to make this world merge with reality! You just need to wait.” Joey rambled. Bendy began to walk out of the door frame and into the room. Joey took a step back with every step Bendy took in.
“This was the place everyone walked out on me. This place is nothing but bad memories…I can’t stay here any longer. You promised we would leave soon!” Bendy stopped walking and stared at the ink machine.
Joey knelt down in front of Bendy and began to wipe the excess ink out from Bendy’s eyes. “We still can. You, me, Alice, and Boris can all live somewhere far away from here! We can still be the family you’ve always wanted! I just need more time and we’ll be okay.”
Bendy leaned forward into joey for a hug. Henry saw his eyes. They were void of all emotion.
“we can even rebuild our studio somewhere else. You can still become famous again.” Joey said. Bendy and Henry didnt break eye contact. What was Bendy thinking?
“Yeah…” Bendy murmered.
Poor Joey, he didnt even see it coming.
Bendy pulled away from the hug gently enough but he grabbed the collar from Joey’s shirt and pushed him back as hard as he could. Joey’s head made a sickening crack once it connected to the ink machine.
Henry couldn’t look away. No matter how badly he wanted too he just couldn’t. He just barely registered Alice getting in between Bendy and Joey. Judging by the starts swirling around Joey’s head, he was still alive.
He pushed himself off the wall. How dare Joey do this to him? To everyone? Didn’t he mean anything to Joey? What about Sammy? Oh god, who else did he bring down here that ended up worse then Sammy?
Henry’s fists clenched. He didn’t know whether it was the fact he was in a cartoon world or not, but nothing felt real. He had to keep Joey alive though.
“Bendy, don’t kill him.”
“I wasn’t planning on it.” Bendy’s voice was the softest he’s ever heard it. “Not in front of them anyways.”
Henry let out a breath he did even realize he was holding. What now? Was Bendy still hellbent on getting revenge on him? Would Bendy be okay? What will happen to them all when he leaves? When would he be able to leave?
Could Henry even get home?
No…no he had to be able to get back to his family, right? He couldn’t just be stuck here, right….right?!
One look at the toons and he knew that now was maybe not the best time to ask. Boris and Alice were tying up Joey with some rope they must have grabbed from the pocket dimension they all have behind their back while Bendy just stared at the ink machine.
This had to be the first time Henry ever seen Bendy drip without him being pissed at him and honestly? It hurt seeing Bendy like this. Sure, Bendy has been getting his kicks by messing with the old man, but he was…mostly harmless. Okay maybe mostly harmless is a stretch since Bendy got quite a few blows to him, not to mention Sammy, but still. If Joey hadn’t kept everything a secret from everyone and hadn’t been feeding the toons lies then Bendy wouldn’t be acting like this!
“Henry…” Bendy’s voice snapped Henry out of his thoughts. Out of instinct he blocked his face from the demon.
Bendy gulped and pushed back the excess ink out from his eyes. “You…you gotta get out of here…you….” Bendy walked up to Henry and sat down next to his feet. Henry soon followed his lead and sat with him.
“What are we gonna do?” Henry asked.
“what do you mean? I’ve seen Joey work that machine more times than I can count. You’ll be able to get outta here in no time.” Bendy whispered. His dripping only got worse. “you can go and live your life and…forgot about us again.”
Henry couldn’t help but laugh. “F-forget? Bendy, not a day has gone by where I haven’t thought about you!”
Bendy could have melted into a puddle right then and there. He’s honestly surprised he didn’t. “Then…but why…you didn’t…”
“Come back?” Henry finished. “I wish I could have. Joey told me if I took one step out the front door that I would be sorry if I ever came back…and I planned on coming back, I really did but…the war really fucked me up. I couldn’t function…would have been homeless or worse if it weren’t for my wife.”
Bendy shuddered. “but..but you’re better now, right?”
“well…not exactly. But I’m working on it…being here hasn’t exactly helped though.” Henry said. “But we can talk about this later. You said you can work this contraption so we can maybe have a cup of coffee and all of us can have a much needed heart to heart conversation. I’ll have to figure out all of our sleeping arrangements though. I’ll try to get everything situated to you can all have your own rooms, but for now would you all be okay if two of you had to share a room for a bit until Marianna get everyone’s rooms set up?”
Alice’s head snapped at attention. “wait.. all of us? At your house?” Alice looked over her’s and Boris’ work and they both sat in front of them, leaving Joey in the far corner of the room.
“Well yeah? I won’t just leave you here with Joey. I can’t just abandon you all.”
Bendy couldn’t take it anymore. Tears formed in his eyes before he crashed into Henry’s side, sobbing. Henry tensed. He already felt awkward and anxious about inviting Bendy to live with him since he was just terrorizing him not even ten minutes ago, but this was too much to handle.
“I-I’m so sor-sorry!” Bendy wailed. Henry relaxed a little at the state Bendy was in. It was sobering to see him so upset. Of course he feels guilty! He’s still the same little dork he once animated! He was just misguided. Maybe misguided isn’t a strong enough word. He was manipulated by the asshole currently tied up…who could wake up any second now.
“Hey Boris? Do you know how to use the machine to bring us back?” Henry asked while picking up Bendy and himself off the floor. He was in no condition to be doing anything.
“Uh..yeah I think so! Alice, could you help me just in case I forget something?”
“Of course.” Alice smiled weakly at Henry before running over to the machine with Boris.
The two managed to get the machine on with only a few hiccups here and there which Henry was surprised with. Joey must have worked on it with them more then he thought. It took Henry forever to turn it on in reality!
“Alright, y'all ready?” Boris asked, looking quite proud of himself and Alice.
“You two should go first. I’ll meet you out there with Bendy.” Henry said. Bendy pushed his face into Henry’s chest and wailed. The poor guy…but Henry didn’t have time to worry just yet.
Alice and Boris hesitated, but went anyways. First Boris, then Alice were sucked up into the nozzle of the ink machine. Henry couldn’t help but feel a bit sick. Would it hurt him to go through it? Would Bendy be able to go through it with him or would something happen? He wasn’t really in the mood to be molded together with the demon…but he had to try.
“Hen-ry.” Oh of course. Right when they were about to be home free Joey just had to wake up!
Against his better judgement, Henry turned around to look at him. He had his hand gently placed on the back of Bendy’s head so he wouldn’t have to look at the monster that created this mess.
“What do you want?” Henry all but hissed. He could feel Bendy’s body melt even more. His breathing started to get faster. He couldn’t stay here much longer.
“Please…Henry..my best and dearest friend..you can’t just leave me here.” Joey began to cry. “Please…you can’t…don’t leave me here.”
Henry’s grip on Bendy grew a little tighter. “Thirty one years ago i wouldn’t have dreamed of leaving you, you know that, right? I cared about you so damn much.” Henry felt his eyes sting. “But after all this shit you put us through?”
Henry turned around.
“I hope you rot in hell.”
He stepped up to the machine with Bendy securely in his arms and was sucked up back into reality.
They didn’t think twice about unplugging the machine.
Well, Marianna’s always talking about how she misses having children in the house. Hopefully three traumatised cartoons to raise will be enough for her. He just hopes she isn’t too angry with him for missing their date.
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lhugbereth · 7 years ago
Promptio on Ice Part 18
Ignoct’s First Date
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So yeah, back by popular demand, more of Ignis and Noctis being absolute dorks, now in public! @goramidiot and @fandolover Thanks for these prompts, I tried to incorporate your ideas as much as possible ;) 
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Noct thinks a lot about Iggy’s ass under the cut!  v v v
- Every time Prompto steps foot in Noct’s place, he feels overwhelmed. It’s less an apartment and more of a penthouse, located on the forty-seventh floor of the Caelum Residences (owned by his father, of course) and overlooking the bustle of the city. His bedroom alone is larger than Prompto’s entire apartment. Too big even with the three of them in it - Gladio lounging on the king-sized bed, Noctis standing in front of the mirror, and Prompto digging through his (well-stocked) closet for something to wear on his date with Ignis.
- “Are you even sure it’s really a date?” Gladio jokes from behind the pages of a hockey magazine he found on Noct’s shelf. His dark-haired friend shoots him a glare.
- “Well, yeah. I mean, obviously.” Noct tugs off the shirt he’s wearing and tosses it into the rapidly growing discard pile behind him. “Like, he gave me his number and everything.”
- “Your dad got his number for you when he was drunk,” Gladio retorts. “Maybe Iggy’s just being nice ‘cause he feels sorry for you.”
- “Aww, don’t be mean, Gladdy, Noct’s super nervous already,” Prompto says as he reemerges from the closet with an armful of new outfits. Noct shoots him a glare, too.
- “Am not! I’m just…. I want it to be perfect. I want him to really like me.”
- Gladio flashes Prompto a secret grin, and the blonde barely manages to contain himself as he pats Noctis on the back and hands him a suit jacket. “You’re hard not to like, buddy. Just smile a lot and he won’t be able to resist.” Falling quiet in thought for a moment, Noct shrugs on the jacket and adjusts it in the front. He turns, checks the side view, the back, musses his hair and practices his smile.
- “Hey, Specs,” he says, then straightens his posture and tries again. “Hi, Iggy. Um. Ignis.”
- “Iggy is better.”
- “Hey, Iggy. You look….really nice this evening.”
- “Tell him you like his ass,” Gladio chips in without looking up.
- “How the hell did you ever manage to get a date?” Noct says, glaring again.
- “I told Prom I like his ass.”
- Prompto snorts. “I probably would have slept with you faster if you had.” He turns back to Noct, who’s rolling his eyes hard enough to make Ignis proud. “Gladio’s got a point, though. Be honest, guys love that.”
- “Is Iggy really the kind of guy who wants to be checked out?” Noct’s voice is flat, disbelieving. Something tells him that too much honesty might just earn him a one-way ticket to ForeverAloneVillle. Like, for instance, if Iggy knew how many times Noct had jacked off to the thought of that sharp tongue massaging his balls, or how that lean body would look arching off the mattress, he would probably label him a pervert and never speak to him again.
- Apparently, Gladio disagrees. “How should we know what he’s into? Maybe he’s one of those dirty librarian types, y’know? Frigid on the outside, but a firecracker in the bedroom.”
- “So…,” Noct says, turning to him while Prom finishes styling his hair. “You’re saying there’s a chance?”
- “I’m saying you should go prepared. Never hurts.”
- At his side, Prompto offers a grin. “Yeah. Maybe you’ll get lucky, buddy.”
- Maybe in my dreams, Noct thinks to himself. With more confidence, he says, “Guess it’s worth a shot.”
- Ignis is already waiting for him when he arrives at the theater. Until now, Noct has only ever seen Ignis in two modes: his gym attire, or the formal suit he wore to the Gala. Tonight, then, is the first time Ignis has ever looked relaxed - underneath his dark coat, he’s wearing a light-colored buttonup and grey trousers. Combined with a pair of bright red sneakers, Iggy’s balancing a fine line between classy and casual. Noct simply thinks he looks stunning.
- “Ah, perfect timing.” Ignis smiles when he notices Noctis approaching. He steps back from the movie poster he’s been admiring to give his date the once-over. “You look nice this evening.”
- Shit, that was my line! Now he’s gotta think fast. “Hey, Specs. U-um, Iggy. Thanks, you look...hot. GREAT. You look great!” Shit, shit shit!
- An indulgent smile. “Hope you don’t mind, but I’ve already purchased our tickets.” Ignis withdrew two slips from his shirt pocket and handed one to Noct. It was surprisingly warm between his fingers. “Prompto told me you’re a fan of the Hunters’ Creed series, so I thought you might like to see the newest film.”
- “Yeah, definitely!” Forget the fact that Noct had already seen it (three times, actually, two of which had been with Prom), it was still easily one of his favorites. And knowing the ending would give him more time to focus his attention on Iggy - which was, in all honesty, probably Prompto’s plan anyway.
- But as they walk together into the theater (deciding that yes, one shared popcorn between them will be just fine), Noct has forgotten one crucial piece of information about the movie. It isn’t until they’re in their seats, smiling and laughing as they pass the popcorn between them, that he notices all the other young couples sitting around them. And then he remembers. And he curses Prompto because now he understands the real reason he suggested this show - the sex scene.
- It’s steamy, controversially so, and while Noct all but tuned it out the first three times (he was far more interested in the plot, thank you very much), he knows that will be impossible with Ignis sitting right next to him, completely unaware. So as the movie starts and the lights dim, he clutches the popcorn in his lap and swallows hard.
- “Y-y’know, Igs,” he starts in a hushed tone. “If there’s another movie you’d rather see….”
- But Ignis doesn’t hear him. The theme music is playing, and the scene opens with a car chase. By the looks of things, Iggy is already engrossed in the action - while Noct can only sink further in his seat and plot out how he’s going to get Prompto back for this.
- The movie moves fast, every bit the edge-of-your-seat blockbuster the posters promised, and halfway through even Noct can’t help but get into it. The Hunter confronts the demon overlord, he’s got him on the ropes, and Noct is so excited the bucket of popcorn is shaking in his lap. When the overlord transforms into a beast, Noct (even though he knew it was coming) nearly jumps out of his seat. Quick thinking by Ignis keeps the popcorn from flying all over the theater - but now it means his hand is positioned right between Noct’s legs just as That Scene starts up.
- There’s no preamble. Iggy lets out an audible gasp, and Noct feels his face heat up about a hundred degrees. It’s noisy, it’s wild, it’s why small children were banned from the screening. All around them in the theater, couples are exchanging heated looks.
- Iggy’s hand twitches in the popcorn, his wrist edging closer to Noct’s thigh.
- Noct is torn between wanting to run out of the room or climb into Ignis’ lap.
- When he forces himself to glance over, Ignis isn’t watching him, but rather staring at the blatant pornography on the screen with his eyes wide. Every time the woman on screen moans, his throat bobs a little and Noctis feels like he could ruin the inside of his jeans on the spot. Feeling bold (and too turned on to think better of it), Noctis rocks up every so slightly with his hips, rubbing against the tempting friction of Iggy’s wrist and startling the man right out of his trance. Ignis gasps, retracts his hand on instinct, and in the process knocks the popcorn onto the floor with a loud thunk.
- The rest of the theater turns to glare at them. But neither of them care. Laughing off their embarrassment, they drop to the floor and work together to scoop up the spill. The scene is over long before they settle back in their seats, and they enjoy the rest of the movie with their sticky fingers brushing together atop the armrest.
- “Well, what did you think?” Noct asks as they step outside into the cold evening air. It’s snowing again, and Ignis has his arm around Noctis’ shoulders in lieu of him wearing a proper coat.
- “Hm. Not terrible, but perhaps not worth ‘two thumbs way up.’ I’d give it a thumb and a half.”
- Noct snorts - snorts! - and turns a little closer against Iggy’s side. “Harsh critic. I’d love to know what kind of movies make it to the top of your list.”
- “The classics, mostly. I could show you, if you’d like.” He stops walking, bringing them to a halt just outside the parking garage. Green eyes go soft behind his lenses. “After all, the night is still young. And I did promise you dinner.”
- Dinner...at Iggy’s place?! Noct had been expecting a restaurant, maybe someplace with fancy wines and too many other people. He would have managed for the sake of his date, of course, but if he was hearing this correctly…. “You mean, at your place? Just the two of us?”
- Gods, why does his voice choose the worst times to crack?!
- Ignis merely smiles, almost as if he finds it...endearing? “If you’d like, yes. Not to brag, but I’ve been known to make a wicked stir-fry.”
- Stir-fry. That sounds like it has vegetables in it. Noct weighs the pros and cons - Con: a meal that isn’t deep fried and covered in cheese. Pro: The chance to spend more time with Specs. He finds that it isn’t a difficult choice at all.
- “I’m in,” he grins, and Ignis squeezes his shoulder. “Where’d you park I’ll follow you.”
- “Oh, I came by bus,” he admits. “Never saw the point in owning a vehicle in this city, not with such a convenient public transportation system.”
- Somehow, Noctis manages not to laugh. Ignis is a total hippie, and yeah, it’s cute, but now he’s terrified his dinner is going to be full of healthy, organic things. “We can take my car again,” he says, practically dragging Ignis after him into the parking lot, completely oblivious to the look of terror painted on his date’s face.
- They make it in one piece. Again, Iggy is convinced it’s a miracle, and decides a glass of wine each is the only way to ease the tension of the ride out of his shoulders. Leading Noctis into the kitchen, he directs him to a stool at the island counter and fishes out two glasses from the cabinet.
- “Nice place you got here,” Noct comments as his eyes scan the pristine room. A large dark sofa on a white rug in the living room, bookshelves lining the wall in place of a television, some exercise equipment neatly folded in the corner. It looks like something straight out of an interior design catalog. “Really clean.”
- “Yes, well. I’m not home that often, between my own lessons at the gym and coaching Prompto. Mostly to cook and to sleep - the bedroom is quite a mess, I’m afraid.”
- Please show me. Noct clears his throat. “I’m sure it isn’t that bad.”
- The challenge is palpable. Ignis watches him closely as he fills each glass with chardonnay, something tugging at the corners of his mouth - but whatever he’s thinking he keeps to himself. “Dinner will be just a moment. If you need the powder room, it’s around the corner.” And then he’s tugging on an apron and setting ingredients (as Noct feared, mostly veggies) out in preparation. While he cooks, they chat about nothing in particular - Prompto’s upcoming schedule, the kinds of classes Iggy teaches during the week (youth athletics for the most part), and Noct’s hobbies which include video games, comic books, and long naps.
- By the time they’ve both polished off their wine, the stir-fry is almost ready and Ignis is back in front of Noctis to set out the dishes.
- “Hey, Iggy, can I ask you something?”
- He smiles. “Of course, anything.”
- Deep breath. You can do this. “Are you seeing anyone?”
- Ignis stops. Above the counter, a plate hovers in mid-air where his hand has frozen in place, and his eyes are locked on Noct, curious, questioning. It’s not the reaction Noct was hoping for and he immediately stumbles for a recovery.
- “Sorry, that was dumb, forget it, um, what I meant was -- “
- “It depends.” Over his glasses his eyes are intense. Noct squirms in his seat, his heart racing.
- “O-on?”
- “Whether you’re interested or not.”
- Floored. No other word can describe the way Noct’s breath suddenly leaves him gaping and gasping with his knuckles white around the edge of the counter. For his part, Ignis interprets the stunned silence as he pleases, and goes back to serving up dinner as if nothing had happened. The steaming food (yes, vegetables and all) in front of Noct is a welcome distraction, and he stuffs the first forkful into his mouth as if it could prevent him from saying anything worse.
- Luckily for him, Ignis is an amazing cook. The first bite has him forgetting all about his embarrassment, and he digs in with enough gusto to make the front page of the tabloids - ‘Picky Caelum Son Eats Broccoli and Enjoys it!’
- His enthusiasm earns a chuckle from the seat to his right. “I’m flattered you enjoy the meal, Noct, but please remember to chew properly.”
- “Mff fhfmm.” He pauses, swallows noisily, and tries again. “You’re perfect!”
- He means to say ‘it’s’ - really, he does. His words are apparently intent on betraying him at every turn tonight, but this time the damage is done too quickly to take it back.
- Ignis blinks. Lays down his fork. Picks up a napkin and politely dabs at his mouth. Meanwhile, Noct’s heart thuds in his chest and he reaches for his (second) glass of wine. Knocks it back in one swift move. Then they’re both moving.
- Iggy’s lips are as warm and soft as Noct had imagined. Better, even, as they slide over his own in a kiss they both feel was long overdue. One or both of them surges forward, Noct’s hands tugging at Iggy’s shirt while deft fingers card through his black hair. They’re both breathless, but neither knows how to stop now that they’ve finally opened the floodgates.
- Eventually, cheeks a healthy pink, Ignis draws back just far enough to slip off his glasses. They’d been bumped askew on his nose, and are probably smudged up something fierce, yet Noct doesn’t have the presence of mind to apologize. On the contrary, he finds himself unable to look away from the powerful pull of Iggy’s unveiled eyes, piercing and beautiful and perfect and if he let’s out a little whine in his desperation, well, who can blame him?
- Those eyes soften in a smile. “Noctis. I hope I’m not being too forward, but would you like to -- “
- “I brought condoms.”
- “Oh, thank the gods.”
- When he tugs Noctis up (meals abandoned for now), the younger man goes more than willingly. Backwards, he steers them both down the hall, alternating between heated kisses and pausing to strip off another layer of unnecessary clothing between them. It’s hard, of course, with the way Noct’s arms are wrapped so tightly around him, or the way his hips are grinding against his thigh, but Ignis has always been good at multitasking. Noct doesn’t even bother to comment on the unsurprising tidiness of Iggy’s bedroom - he’s too focused on the bed itself, and on getting both of them naked and in it.
- They stop for a moment when Iggy’s calves hit the mattress. Green eyes meet dark blues and there’s a question there.  Noct swallows. Gasps when Ignis reaches down to palm him through the front of his boxers. “Y-you…want me to…?”
- “I do.”
- “Okay.”
- He watches in awe as Ignis strips off the last of his clothing and lays back onto the bed. His long legs fall open, he smiles and beckons Noctis to join him.
- Noct, for all his effort to restrain himself that evening, literally pounces at the invitation.
- Then entire apartment is quiet when Noct wakes up sometime later to the blinking of his phone screen on the floor. He groans inwardly, tries to ignore it and curl up deeper in Iggy’s arms, but the little blue light is damn persistent. Reluctantly, he disentangles himself from Spec’s still-sleeping form and scoops the phone up as fast as he can.
- There are over twenty unread texts, most of which are from Prompto (surprise, surprise) but also a few from Gladio, too. As he settles back under the sheets, he checks the ones from Prom first. Lots of ‘How’s it going, buddy?!?! Enjoy the moooovie??’ and enough emojis to make a teenage girl’s eyes burn.
- Noct smirks and replies with a simple thumbs up and a wink.
- Gladio’s messages are less predictible. He sent several texts to check in, to make sure Noct was safe and made it home (either his own or Iggy’s in one piece). He also mentioned leaving something special in Noct’s wallet. Which, Noct recalls, is in his jacket which is still somewhere in Ignis’ hallway. Whatever the surprise is, it’ll have to wait until morning.
- Noct chucks his phone to the foot of the bed, yawns, and snuggles up once again in now-familiar arms.
- In the morning, while Iggy whips up some eggs and toast and hums to himself, Noct comes out of the shower feeling incredibly refreshed. He greets Ignis with a grin and a kiss (well, a few kisses, actually, until Iggy has to shoo him away lest the eggs burn). His jacket has thoughtfully been laid out across the back of the sofa, and he digs around in his pockets for his wallet, curious but also worried about whatever he’s going to find inside.
- Surprisingly, it isn’t anything incriminating. Just a folded piece of paper, with a message scribbled on it in Gladio’s messy handwriting. ‘Don’t forget to be honest’ it reads - and Noct can’t help but laugh out loud.
- “What is it?” Ignis leans over the island counter, a plate of breakfast in one hand and a carton of orange juice in the other. Noct smiles and carries the note over to him.
- “Just a little advice for our date last night.”
- “Oh? Well, I’d say things went swimmingly even without it. But out of curiosity….”
- “I think Gladio wants me to tell you how much I like your ass.”
- Iggy smirks and, without missing a beat, says, “I hope you don’t mind me holding it against you.”
- Yeah. Noct is most definitely in love.
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adriennescomingbacktolife · 5 years ago
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Adrienne Levi Vs. Zane "Lab Rat" King/Backstage Segment
Author: Me
Terra Skye: Aw, that's sweet. Johnny Vegas: *Puke* Terra Skye: Oh whatever.. And it looks like we've got our next contenders for the Tag Titles, Trent Steel and Zephyr Quinn. An interesting team to be sure. Boy: FROZEN CHICKEN! Johnny Vegas: I'M NOT INTERESTED! Terra Skye: Well I AM! I think that's going to be a great match for the Tag Team Championships at We Are Relentless! Johnny Vegas: Alright...ANYWAY, what next? Oh. This loser again. You figure losing to Tits McGee and some painted up junkies would have taught her a lesson. Hey folks, sit back and watch the funeral of Adrienne Levi. Terra Skye: You’re the epitome of professionalism, Johnny. Johnny Vegas: Thanks, glad you finally noticed. Terra Skye: Right. So to follow up on that, Adrienne Levi continues her quest to become a star here and well, I don’t know how to describe this guy. The pictures don’t do him justice. This Lab Rat King? He looks to be chiseled out of stone. He’s a hulking behemoth and boy is he terrifying. Boy: BEEF! Kelly Carmichael: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Already in the ring, from Clearwater, Florida, weighing in at 135 pounds, Adrienne Levi! The dark haired competitor acknowledges the camera briefly with a curt nod. Kelly Carmichael: And her opponent, making his CARNAGE WRESTLING debut, hailing from Parts Unknown, weighing in at 285 POUNDS, HERE is the LAB RAT KING ...ZANE ...KING!!! The screens display a flickering, static-struck screen with the crowned rat logo, bone-white over a black and red spattered background as the first swelling, synthetic hits of "Professional Griefers" begin playing; when the first heavy stomp of bass in the music strikes, the logo shudders and glitches, electricity running through it from left to right like a broken heartbeat. Below the screens the entrance is flooded with rolling fog cast in blood-red light and white strobe lights that match the beat of the song and of the electric shock waves on the screen. Terra Skye: This is certainly ominous. Johnny Vegas: I like this fella already ...WHOA! Look at this son of a bitch! The Lab Rat King stepped out onto the stage, shackled in collar and chains. He was accompanied by half a dozen security guards - nearly as big as he was but in no way as imposing. King seems nonplussed by his current predicament and instead slowly makes his way down to the ring - staring at Adrienne. His keepers stay with him as he stalks around the ring, his eyes never leaving his opponent. The guards removed his bonds and one who seemed to be in charge prodded LRK into the ring. He snarled briefly towards him and then turned his attention back towards the match. He rolled up and stood tall and erect, double- maybe triple- the size of Adrienne Levi. DING DING!! As soon as the bell rang, Adrienne Levi of all people charged right at the Lab Rat King and slammed a forearm into his chest. He stumbled backwards but didn’t fall. However, if Levi had designs on further offense, they were abruptly ended when she ran right into the right hand of Lab Rat King. At that point, Zane was screaming or gibbering to the point that it was incomprehensible but the message was received as he let out a guttural scream as he dead lifted the smaller opponent into the air and then back down with a vicious chokeslam. The referee was taken aback as Zane seemingly stalked Levi each time she tried to recover. Looming over her like a shadow, he followed her into the corner. Defiant, Levi pushed away. This only incensed LRK. Zane King: Little birrrrrrrrrd!! TIME TO FLY!!!! His eyes were wide open, full of intensity as he grabbed handfuls of her shirt and heaved Adrienne into the air. Her body didn’t hit the mat until it was across the entire fifteen foot length of the ring. Terra Skye: I don’t know what to think of King. We’ve certainly had giants before, but nobody like him. He doesn’t seem human. Johnny Vegas: Whoa whoa whoa, you want me to get HR on the horn? Terra Skye: Shut your mouth, old man. Boy: MEAT SLAPPING MASTODON. This match continued down an ugly path as King dragged Levi to the middle of the ring. It was moments later that King twisted and contorted the young woman, forcing her into his brutal STF submission he calls the Tranquilizer! The facelock wrenched her neck back and as an added insult, he seemingly pried his fingers into her face, trying to tear and rip into it like a rat would. Zane King: Sleeeeeeeeep!!!!! SLEEEEEEPPPPPPPPP!!! Sleeee---AUGGGGH~! The camera zoomed in as Adrienne’s teeth were dug into King’s fingers. That forced a release on the hold but it didn’t look much better for Levi. His reprisal was swift as he dropped an elbow onto her lower back. Soon, he lifted Adrienne in the air for what seemed an eternity. Out of desperation, Levi raked his eyes. She landed on her feet behind him. Seeing an opening, she kicks at the back of his knee. He dropped to that knee, howling in anguish. Adrienne shakes that off and then runs past him, opting to execute an offensive maneuver that hasn’t failed her yet. The crossbody!!! However, it fails her now as King catches her out of the air. If one could see the expression under his mask, he was seething. He twirls her around and absolutely flattens her on the mat with a body slam. Terra Skye: I almost thought she had him there. Johnny Vegas: You’re really milking this. This freak is tearing Levi apart. Say goodbye to this broad. Terra Skye: Did you not take your meds or something? You’re especially stupid tonight. The assault continues as King shoves her back into the corner, raining down blow after blow. Punches, kicks, shoulders as Adrienne looks to be losing the light in her eyes. King is almost hysterical. Zane King: GONNA PUT youuuuu out of your MISERRYYYY!! Whipping her out of the corner, the hulking beast charged in and took a boot bottom of the chin. He nearly tripped over himself from the impact but he stayed up right. He could be seen lifting up his mask slightly to spit out a wad of saliva and blood to the mat. He didn’t look happy as he turned his attention back to Adrienne. By this time, the young lady was perched on top of the turnbuckle. She leapt off … and again King caught her. Helpless in his clutch, she was slammed back first into the turnbuckle before being spun around right into EMPTY, HOLLOW, THUD. The jackknife spelled the end for this encounter as the referee counted the three when King put his boot on Levi’s throat. DING DING DING!! Kelly Carmichael: Here is your winner... via PINFALL, the LAB RAT KING, ZANE KING!! The referee sure wasn’t raising this guy’s hand. And he didn’t seem to care. The bell meant nothing. He went right back to brutalizing Levi. Forcing her to her feet, he shoves her into the ropes and as she rebounds, she is flung into the air. As Levi comes down, she shows some life on the way down, twisting and dropping King with a tornado DDT out of nowhere!! King was down and out momentarily but he was back on his feet quickly. In fact, he was back up and was pretty damn pissed. He was seething, rambling, as the mere notion of her fighting back. Five of the guards swarm him, looking to get that huge collar and chains back around him. He fought them off as if they were mere flies. King was mere inches to getting his hands back on Adrienne who had retreated to a corner - when the sixth guard stuck some type of pen right into the side of veiny neck. King responded by backhanding that guy right in the face, shattering his sunglasses and probably his nose. But that seemed to be something, because all of a sudden, he became rather slow and sluggish. This allowed for his handlers to collar him. Still struggling, he was led away. Levi stumbled forth into the middle of the ring as King still had plenty to say to her. The cameras quickly caught a relaxed expression. But that didn’t last as it turned to wide eyed terror and frenzy as he still managed to struggle against his captors. Terra Skye: Somebody want to tell me who the hell that guy was? We’re hiring literal fucking monsters now? That guy is going to kill somebody! Johnny Vegas: Good good, we gotta get rid of some of this dead weight around here. Terra Skye: Oh, fuck you Johnny. Let that fucker come at you and see how your reactions change...
BACKSTAGE: Don't Stop Believing in Me Adrienne Levi comes through the black curtain into the backstage area. The cameraman catches her struggle down the stairs, favoring the back of her head. Red marks are on her arms and legs and noticeably there is a boot print on her neck that surely discolor her skin in the next few days. She seems distraught after her encounter with the Lab Rat King. The eccentric interviewer Greg Ace is the first on the scene, nearly shoving a microphone in the young woman’s face. Greg Ace: Well, hello there. Greasy apples. Adrienne stops, her expression quizzical in nature. She hadn’t shared one word with this man and yet he seemed to be familiar with her. Greg Ace: Tough loss out there, Adrienne. You’ve yet to find your footing here at Carnage Wrestling. What do you think it will take to get to the next level? Welcome to the old time fun Jamboree! Adrienne Levi: Thanks, I guess. As for your question, if I knew that, I’d tell you. No offense to you but may I? She asks for the microphone and she gets it. Greg walks off and he may have possibly stated, “Jumbo sized cashews fresh off the rind!” Adrienne isn’t affected much by that. She’s sore, short of breath, and had just been in an encounter with the most monstrous man she had ever seen. Adrienne Levi: I don’t know what to tell you. I’m just not very good. And this isn’t a solicitation for your attention. I don’t need any pity, or any of your atta-girls. The summer has been amazing so far. And unlike others, I am not going to get discouraged. I’ll be here as long as you want me here. She paused, wiping away sweat or tears from her eyes but ultimately the anguish of that fight. Adrienne Levi: It was arrogant of me to think that I could make an impact that matters and I’m sorry - but I’ll keep trying. And I’ll face anyone you put before me. Championship caliber athletes, monsters, and everyone in between. Next time around, I've got a partner and I don't know why he picked me. I've got opponents who think I'm a joke. But if there is anything, one small thing that I can ask of you. And I don’t know how many of you there are. But if there is just one person out there that sees this and doesn’t immediately dismiss Adrienne Levi - then I ask you, don’t stop believing in me. Politely she sets the microphone down and limps off camera.
0 notes
dwarva · 8 years ago
Stardew  Valley 30 Day Challenge Day 24. A Mysterious Note
The knocking door was nothing more than a formality now since Basil barked and ran at the entry way any time he heard someone approach with his ultra-sensitive hearing. So when Rae opened the door and found no one there her first instinct was to gently scold the Labrador for his enthusiasm. But as soon as the door was open he bolted out and ran off down the porch, towards the lane leading to town. He stopped at the farm's boundary, as he always did, but Rae thought she'd seen a hint of someone moving away as she peered in the distance.  
Eventually, once she saw no one was there, Basil came bounding back with his tongue hanging out cheerily. But instead of trying to run back into the warmth of the house as he'd been doing recently he headed towards the mail box and ran round it in circles, barking enthusiastically as he did.  
Just as she was about to go back to her cup of tea and cheesy romance novel, Rae noticed the red arm of the mailbox was stuck high in the air; peculiar since it was early afternoon and she was sure the mailman had already visited that morning. Abandoning all ideas of staying in the warm farmhouse she grabbed the shawl from the back of the sofa, wrapped it around her shivering body and shooed Basil away from the mailbox, reaching down to stroke him with her free hand.  
The mailbox was open just a crack, a corner of white paper sticking out. She reached out for it and immediately recognised the owners stereotypical doctor scrawl.  
"Rae, I have a surprise for you. Meet me by the railroad tracks. Harvey."
She narrowed her eyes but smiled knowingly. What was he up to? Pulling the shawl tighter around herself she snapped her fingers for Basil to come back into the house. He obeyed readily now she'd seen the note.  
Better grab my coat, she thought to herself as she thumbed the note absently.  
There was virtually no snow by the railroad tracks, likely because the areas was so protected against the elements by the surrounding vast mountains. Rae hadn't been up here since she'd lugged her suitcases off the train nearly a year ago. Wow, had it really been nearly a whole year she'd been in Pelican Town? So much had changed and as she thought back to the naive city slicker who'd thought that reading a book on crowing crops would prepare her for a life as a farmer she laughed softly to herself.  
Harvey's back was to her as she stood at the other side of the tracks so she enjoyed a few moments of affectionate and silent staring. He was wearing his dark winter jacket and boots but his hair was messed as though he'd just woken up. Rae longed to run her fingers through it and considered quietly sneaking up behind him and engulfing him in a hug but decided he was probably more likely to jump out of his skin than sink into her embrace.  
"Hello Mysterious Note Writer..." he turned to look at her and his face broke into a satisfied grin. His cheeks were stung pink with the cold and he wrung his hands slightly in his dark gloves then blew into them to try and warm them up.
"There you are. Just in time." She could have sworn he winked at her uncharacteristically but she giggled anyway.  
She looked at him playfully and shrugged. "What am I just in time for?" Harvey cocked his head and purposefully separated his hands, leaving them dangling awkwardly at his sides.  
He pointed up and, as he did, Rae saw a large shadow engulf the ground. "Look, here it comes." Harvey was desperately trying to sound casual and nonchalant but Rae could hear his voice hitch up an octave at the end of every sentence.  
This was not the tone of a relaxed man.  
Rae looked upwards to see what was causing the encroaching darkness but struggled to see as the sun streamed in from behind the large structure. Holding her hand up to shield her eyes she could still only see a rough shape appearing from the sky.
Harvey grabbed her hand and pulled her backwards just as a hot air balloon dropped heavily on the ground a few feet away. The mountain was suddenly in silence as the flame disappeared and the peculiar looking man in the purple suit and top hat grinned at them manically. Although Rae did fancy she could hear the thunder of Harvey's heart beating in his nervous chest.
"Marcello's Balloon Rentals at your service!" The grey beard that covered most of his face bobbed cheerily as he stretched his arms out and practically shouted at the pair. He looked like an old snake oil peddler who's default facial position was 'ecstatic'. Rae wasn't one to back down from enthusiasm but this guy was bordering on maniacal.  
Rae's eyes drifted from the peculiar little man to his transportation. A balloon ride? Rae side-eyed Harvey with scepticism and gripped onto his hand a little tighter. She'd never been on a hot air balloon before but the prospect of seeing the entire Valley made her skin tingle with anticipation. Her face cracked into a grin as the odd man launched himself out of the basket with much more poise than Rae would have guessed he was capable of. He landed on the ground in front of them with a thud.
"It's all yours for two hours. Now I was told there was a saloon around here?" He wandered off, leaving the pair standing in front of the balloon sharing slightly bemused expressions. He seemed like the sort that might drink Gus out of house and home but Rae was sure Pam would be glad of a new drinking buddy.
The balloon was navy blue with a slightly worrying large patch hastily covering one side. Rae wondered if it was prone to punctures but decided highlighting that to Harvey might not be a wise choice. He led her towards the basket with the large M on the site and they both peered inside to see a slightly open picnic basket that seemed to hold a bottle of champagne and two flutes.  
"I saw an ad in the paper for these balloon rides and I know I had to surprise you with one." Rae thought back to a month before where she'd mentioned wanting to see the whole area as a bird did; she hadn't even thought Harvey had been paying attention but here they were, about to see the whole town from the sky. Her eyes began to sparkle with tears so she took a gulp of cold air to steel herself and chewed on her lip.
Harvey's expression and tight grip on her hand betrayed his own teetering emotional state. She stroked his fingers with hers as the wind whipped at the balloon and made it gently sway from side to side in the valley. "....but aren't you afraid of heights?" She asked, remembering Harvey's admission that it was one of the many reasons he'd never be a pilot. She looked at him sadly, a tinge of guilt that she might have hurt his feelings by voicing her concern.  
"I am....yeah." He started straight ahead at the basked and ran the fingers of his free hand over the top. She was sure he'd be wringing his hands if she hadn't been holding one. "But I'm determined not to let that stop me from doing what I want and experiencing this with you."
The tears in Rae's eyes threatened even harder and she swallowed a lump that was forming in her throat. "Courage isn't being fearless Harvey; its doing things even though you're scared."
"I'll try not to be scared." He reassured her and he lifted his leg over the side of the basket and vaulted in with one arm. Rae almost laughed at the shock of him managing it with ease and stretched her own leg over the basket and held on to one of the ropes. But she judged the swing badly and her boot caught on the side of the rope, causing her to tumble into the basket in an inelegant heap.  
She grimaced at Harvey, her cheeks dark with embarrassment. He reached down for her and pulled her up close to him where she stared into a mixture of worry and affection. "Maybe I should fall over more often if this is where it ends up." She gave him a suggestive raised eye but his nerves were clearly taking over. He looked around and up towards the balloon itself.  
"Do you know how to fly one of these?" She asked. He nodded. Perhaps she should have asked if he'd ever actually been in one before but worried it would come across as distrust. She knew he wouldn't be doing this unless he was absolutely certain and had assessed many potential outcomes. So predictable her man.
Harvey pulled the cord, the flame grew in the balloon and the basket began to lift from the ground. It shook gently and Rae watched Harvey's own shaking grow more violent. She wrapped her hand around his and offered him her most reassuring smile. It worked for about a half a second but he looked down and terror filled his face. She pulled him in closer and wrapped herself around him. "Don't worry..." she whispered into his ear as they rose higher in the pink sky and the world began to fall away beneath their feet.  
The climb was steady and, before long, they were high above the town just below the clouds. Rae looked down at the town, her hand still tight in Harvey's, but leaned over the edge for a better look. Harvey's face turned ever paler as Rae's steps tipped the basket a little and eventually he pulled her back.
"We....we're up so high." Rae could hear him gulp in his throat and leaned back to be closer to him. He snuggled into her and she felt his whole body shake with fear. "I wanted to impress you but look at me I'm a trembling coward." His breath was ragged and his chest heaved. There was nothing even hinting at enjoyment in his expression. His eyes fell and he ruffled his moustache as the balloon swept slightly to the left and rose with the irregular gusts of wind.  
"You are not a trembling coward." Rae insisted. She turned him to look at her and stared hard at him. Did he realise how important it was he'd even tried this? Even stepped into the basket in the first place?  
Enclosed spaces, thought Rae. That was what made her as afraid as Harvey was right now. She remembered the time she'd locked herself in the pen closet when she worked at Joja and how she'd been a crying, quivering mess by the time her colleagues had found her only a few minutes later. The emotions didn't leave as soon as the door was open, they'd stayed with her a long time afterwards and caused nightmare upon nightmare. Harvey was smart enough to consider this as a possibility and by doing this, despite his fear, Rae knew this was a bigger achievement than he was giving himself credit for.  
He looked at her deep breathing and echoed it. He recognised that she was trying to calm him and closed his eyes tightly to focus on his inhales and exhales. A few deep breaths later and his chest was rising and falling more regularly. "Well you've got more than enough courage to make up for me Rae. That's....that's part of why I like you."  
She wrapped a hand around his waist and pulled him into her side so he could feel her chest move with his. A tiny smile broke on his lips. "OK I'm going to open my eyes and look down....don't let go of my hand."
His eyes opened carefully and when he realised how close he was to the side of the basket he jumped back and began to shake again as his eyes tightened again. Rae wanted to shush him and hug him in close but knew that he wanted to face the fear instead of falling into her familiar embrace. "Breathe Harvey." She whispered into his ear, willing him to relax.  
"I think I can do it now." And he opened his eyes once more and stared at the coral coloured sky with the slowly setting sun dipping below the mountains. His bottom lip trembled still but his breathing was regulated again. They looked down and could see the waters of the lakes and ocean all interlinking and forming a beautiful blue walkway through the town. The buildings and trees looked like models from so high up and Rae bristled with happiness at the sight of everything from such a height. This was far better than she could ever have expected. Harvey looked down and, although his knuckles were probably white with fear under his gloves as they gripped onto Rae's increasingly pained hand, he was looking more and more keen to actually see the sights.  
As he took a further step forward he lunged back as a flock of white birds flew by the balloon, honking into the evening sky. He glared at them with fear but soon realised they weren't keen on coming towards the balloon. He looked at her with adoration.
"Well Harvey, what do you think?" Rae asked tentatively.  
"Hey, this is incredible." Colour started to return to his face. "I think I can see Mayor Lewis standing in the town square." Rae looked down and could see the Mayor standing outside in the snow chatting to what looked like Marnie. After a few moments she and Harvey watched as the pair suddenly seemed to merge together and seemed to be...hugging? As realisation hit about what they were doing Rae began to cackle into her scarf.  
"Oh Mayor Lewis you dog..." she laughed. Harvey smiled and shook his head gently as he pulled his glove back over his wrist.  
"Oh dear, our time's almost up." Harvey seemed genuinely disappointed as he continued to look at the town over the side of the basket. He looked at her as though he was struggling to find the courage to say something so Rae smiled at him patiently. "Um Rae, we've known each other a while now and...I....er...."  
How was he still struggling to tell her how he thought, mused Rae. He knew she liked him. She knew he liked her. She knew she loved him. It all seemed so clear to her. And as he leaned in to kiss her she tilted her head slightly as her lips nearly touched his ear and whispered.  
"I love you Harvey. You don't need to say it back but it's important to me that you know that I do." She felt his chest still as he held his breath. She didn't give him the chance to respond as she touched her lips to his, the kiss starting tentatively but progressing into a tight embrace as the pair clung to one another as it increased in heat. Rae's hand travelled further downwards as she felt the basket sway under their feet. The frigid evening air was the only thing stopping her from undressing him and taking him right there on the basket floor. As she pulled back she could see a similar desire burned in his eyes. Instead she pressed her hips into his and ravaged his mouth with her own again.
For now they'd have to settle for that, but the emerging blaze between the two confirmed what Rae had long suspected. She wanted every single part of Harvey; to be as close to him as one person could be with another. She desperately hoped he felt the same.  
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