#(hana: *chuckles* i'm in danger)
dawnthefox24 · 1 month
*Sojourn sighs softly and looks at D.va and Kiriko for a moment as she pinched the bridge of her nose, trying to not pop a blood vessel as she knows she's making a grave mistake* D.va: We would be the best baby sitters Viv trust us! Kiriko: Yeah and besides the kitsune is basically like a dog! Sojourn:*looks at Kiriko* You didn't not just compare your fox to Murphy... Kiriko:*is a bit nervous* Well..Uh... D.va:*laughs nervously* Don't mind her Sojourn, besides WE promise to take care of him... Sojourn: Murphy's a girl.. D.va: Yeah her.. Kirko: Anyways! We won't being feeding her scraps unlike Angela you knows. Sojourn: You're not giving her doughnuts either. Kiriko: Fuck... Sojourn: Ladies, look I understand that you want to take care of Murphy and everything but please understand that she's not a toy nor is she someone you can neglect got it. You need to understand that Murphy is high maintenance... D.va: We know that! Kiriko: Yeah look we'll take care of her like she was our own child! Sojourn:*points at D.va* You barely can keep yourself clean whenever you stream. D.va: HEY! Sojourn: And Your going to feed Murphy doughnuts... Kiriko:*just smiles nervously* What! No.... Sojourn: When I said I want one or at least two people who are responsible to take care of Murphy I was expecting someone like oh I don't know...Brigitte or maybe Sloan....Hell maybe Fareeha of all people....Better yet Hanzo. Kiriko and D.va: WHAT!? Sojourn: *sighs* It's not that I don't trust you its....Actually yeah I'm not going to lie...I really don't trust you around my Murphy.... Kiriko:*gasps* Well how rude! Just because I'm a bit reckless doesn't mean I would put Murphy in danger! D.va: Yeah! Are you saying that taking care of Murphy would be to hard for us!? I can take care of a dog! Kiriko: Yeah! Me too! Sojourn:*looks at them and gets an idea* Well if you want to prove to me that you can be good dogsitters for Murphy I'll- Kiriko and D.va: *cuts her off*DEAL! Sojourn:*smiles softly* Alright then, pack up your things since I hope you send me pictures on how you take care of her. Kiriko and D.va:*nods before taking off to pack their things to spend some time with Murphy* *While doing so Cassidy walked over as he looked at Sojourn for a moment then back at Kiriko and D.va* Cassidy: What's got them so excited? Sojourn: They're Murphy's babysitters. Cassidy:*sighs* Poor Murphy... Sojourn: Nah Murphy is in good hands besides I didn't get to finish what I was about to say. Cassidy: Oh and what will that be? Sojourn: They've got to volunteer at the dog shelter if they can take care of Murphy, a few dogs needs some attention who lost there homes... Cassidy:*chuckles softly* I see well then I hope they find out soon enough when they become Murphy's babysitter. Sojourn: Better then Angela giving her scraps of food Cassidy:*laughs* Yeah well be warned if Kiriko or Hana gives Murphy chips or doughnuts. Sojourn:*sighs* I know....
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weebnotheree · 1 year
TBHK x M!R CH8. || Anothe assistant
You know how sometimes you keep losing things for no reason? That's because Yousei is trying to play games with you. 
¨no way¨
¨dont tell me you lost something again, that's been happening a lot better hope it's not yousei or you could end up dead¨
They say that if you see yousei and look directly at it, it will take your life. However, [handful of candy] ¨Here¨¨candy?¨¨yeah carry some pieces around in your pocket if your suffering from a yousei attack, candy distracts it so it'll forget all about stealing your things and wont want to kill you¨
¨For real? I've never heard that before.¨
¨good luck, I gotta go now¨ Shiro said waving at them.
¨club meetings? Your so busy lately..¨
¨I'm going to visit a friend.¨[giggles]
¨huh?! In the girls' bathroom?!¨Σ(▼□▼メ) they both said.
¨she's so weird¨
¨ωєєє¨five of the are Mokke are seen sliding down the rail of the stairs with candy in their hand that M/n gave to them. They were happily walking when they suddenly bumped into someone. The first one fell back and dropped his candy and then the others did. ¨hey runts. Where are they?¨ They look up at him. ¨im looking for your buddies Hanako and m/n.¨ They huddled together [scared noises]¨ωнσ'ѕ тнαт?¨
[Whoosh! 💨] 
They all ran off leaving their candy behind. ¨wait come back! (౦ ‸ ౦ ;)¨ ??? said reaching out to them sweatdropping. ¨whatever that's fine ill just track them down myself (¬_¬).  . .when I find Hanako and m/n that will be the end, time to exercise! AHAHAHAhhahahah¨ he said with determination. ¨Whats with him?¨ a guy said.
¨he's a bit crazy¨ a girl said.
¨yeah, just keep away from him¨  another girl said.
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M/n, Hanako, and Yashiro(imma call her Shiro) are reading this fairytale book. M/n is in the middle, Hana is holding the left side of the book and Shiro is holding the other. 
[Sighs] ¨I wish a hot guy would fall out of the sky for me that way.¨(ノ︶ヮ︶) She said happy sighing? while me and Hana blinked twice (• -• )and said ¨seriously?¨
¨No not seriously. I know the difference between reality and fiction thank you. But I'm working as an assistant and subordinate to ghosts so yeah sometimes I wonder about those kinds of experiences.¨
¨what experiences?¨ Hana asked and I agreed nodding my head wanting to know too.
¨so many but like in this movie, for example,{A gorgeous young girl is held captive by an evil spirit. And just when she starts to lose hope, a man falls from the sky and rescues her.[Heya]}He skillfully strips the spirit from his powers. Then he and the girl are free to fall in love.¨ 
¨was Hana just exercised in that daydream¨(0^0) I questioned. ¨You have a dangerous mind¨
(•.•)Hana said while taking the book from Shiro.  ¨whats more [grabs her chin] dreams like that are useless. [Leans in closer to her] You still got me ann m/n here after all.~¨ M/n made jealous noises and puffed-up face (//¬>c¬//)until-
[Bang of a foot being stumped]
¨Thats enough! Don't you dare harm her evil spirits.¨ he said pointing his golden staff at Hana and me. Hanna let her go and goes 'huh', I stopped what I was doing. We all looked at who it was. It was a boy with yellow golden hair and blue eyes on top of the roof on the balcony where we were. He then proceeded and jumped down landing.
¨Im from Kamome Academy junior high. 3rd year¨'A boy from the sky!'(人//✧▽✧//)。o○♡[Hot guy- ¨Nene come to me¨]¨Im Kuo Minamoto, in case they ask you how you're finally sent to the underworld. Hehehehehe¨ [nene]groans as her dream disappears. All of our faces - (-.-)(¬ヘ¬)(o^o)I started chuckling and my hair slowly turned white 'huh..?' Kuo thought. 
My chuckle then came to a laugh. They all stared at me.
 ¨Why're you laughing at?! Σ(▼□▼╬)¨ Kuo said. 
I tried to calm down and held my stomach. Then I opened my eyes and they were red¨You think you're stronger than us¨ I said pointing at him. ¨Just go ahead and try it¨ I finished and he gripped his staff.
(•ヮ•) [Hana gasping]
¨M/n calm down¨ 。゚(p~q)゚。 Shiro said panicking trying to calm me down. ¨Here, have some candy¨She said giving me candy making me immediately calm down. My hair slowly went back to black and my eyes went back to teal blue. I started eating the candy squatting down beside Shiro then she said¨wait a sec, do you guys know him Hanako?¨
¨I don't know about Kichō but we never actually met in person. But I know who he is he's from the Minamoto Clan.¨ Hana said grinning.
¨what does that mean?¨ Shiro says rubbing my locks. 
¨Back when the skies were deeper and darker than they are now, apparitions were called yokai and we were much more powerful than we are today. That was until yokai were dispelled by a brilliant exorcist called Minamoto no Yorimitsu. He was an ancestor of this kid.¨Hana explained. ¨So you know your stuff huh? Guess I shouldn't be surprised.[points staff at hanako] You should be trembling at the very mention of my name. And now, its time to do my duty as a member of the Minamoto Clan.¨  
[nene gasps]
¨Hope your ready¨ He jumps in the air, lifting his hands along with the staff. My eyes widen, I was about to get up and stop him from hitting Hana but then¨Hana..¨He hits Hana on the left shoulder. . .It had no effect on him. (•-•)
¨exercise me? And do you honestly expect to pull that off¨Hana said gripping his staff. / ¨uh yeah¨
[⚡⚡TzzZZzzzZz!!⚡⚡] ¨Huh¨ Hana 'shocked' face.
♡♡ I Hope you enjoyed! Bye mini dumplings!  ♡♡
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ivyprism · 3 years
Romance Anime AU Plot 3 Intro (Romance Anime AU)
Trigger Warnings: Violence, implied vampire, etc.
"I'm a writer who tries her best to write characters..."
"I can't wait to see what you do with this character, Hana," Magnolia remarked as she gazed at the character's drawing, Demetrius.
"I still haven't gotten to his backstory... But I have a feeling he'd be the company's spy." Magnolia was informed by Hana. Magnolia nodded as she examined the photograph.
But he's really hot." Magnolia mentioned. Hana lightly smacks Magnolia's shoulder as she chuckles.
"Magnolia, he's supposed to be charming. He'd devour you." Hana chuckled as she returned to writing characters.
"I didn't expect the next thing to happen... Or that I would be caught up in something."
"Maybe I should write Syrup to be a more heroic type... But if I over-heroize him..." Hana was walking by herself, mumbling to herself.
"You're going to save the world." A hissing sound was heard. Hana came to a halt at her feet. Hana looked around, perplexed. "Save the world from its death." Once more, the voice whispered. Hana's confusion grew as she looked around. As a bright light blinded Hana, she flinched. She tightly closes her eyes. Then she felt herself falling, and she reached out helplessly as she fell through.
"Then... I woke up. In a forest."
"Ugh..." Hana slowly rises to her feet. She keeps her head held high. She exhales as she takes in her surroundings. The grass was green, the trees were tall, and she was no longer in the city. She looks around while holding her leg. She makes a soft groan. "Where... Am I?" Hana blinks and clenches her fists. She hears screams and the sound of fighting. She stands up and walks over to the tree. She examines the tree.
"Is that all you've got, Toxin?" A booming voice called out. When Hana heard the word "Toxin", she blinked. She stared as she saw her book's main villain fight her book's characters. She is staring at them as they fight. From the beginning, it's as if you're watching her book characters. She stood there in awe as it went on until she had to duck out of the way of a person flying at her.
"Oh, no!" Hana dashed towards the individual. When she saw her character, Cyrus, lying before her, she instantly froze. She panicked looked around before grabbing his arm and snapping it back into place.
"Ow- Fuck-!" Cyrus yelled, and Hana immediately backed up. He clutched his arm. "What the Hell-" Cyrus looked over and backed up, his eyes widening. "What are you doing here?" Cyrus yelled, and Hana raised her hands.
"Geez, sorry. I just noticed you broke your arm." Hana grumbled. She assisted him in getting up.
"Listen, uh..." Cyrus looked at her, perplexed.
"Hana," Hana responds bluntly. He gives her a slight glare. He sits up straighter.
"Hana, you're in danger here." Cyrus' eyes widened as he dove and shielded Hana from an errant attack. As he sits up, he winces.
"So are you... Maybe..." Hana thought to herself. She grabbed a rock and threw it as hard as she could. Toxin screams as it stings his eye. This gives the heroes the opportunity to attack him.
"Ow- Fuck!" Toxin yelled, covering his eyes. He takes a step back as he glares. Hana swerves to avoid being hit. She notices another monster attack Toxin. She sees Toxin's injuries worsen. To distract Toxin, she dodges and throws another rock. She vanishes after witnessing the villain's demise. She groans and clutches her head. She hears shouts before all vision fades.
"I woke up in a place and I saw all my characters from my books."
"You really don't remember?" Syrup inquired quietly. Hana nods slowly as he examines her. Demetrius examines her with suspicion and Hana tenses at the sight of him.
"Doesn't that seem suspicious?" Demetrius inquired, glaring at her. Hana returns the stare. She sighs and leans back.
"Like you have room to talk..." Demetrius stares at Hana as she whispers to herself. He was perplexed by her remark.
"What?" Demetrius inquired quietly. Hana responded with a shrug. She leans back as she stares at each character. She was familiar with all of them, but they all seemed slightly different from what she had imagined. She was too familiar with them, as was the main character. Her past, her childhood, and how each character came into and played a role in it. She knew what would happen and who Demetrius was. She knew what would happen and was prepared for it.
"All right, I'll stay here until I remember." Hana smiled as Syrup slowly nodded. Demetrius appeared unconvinced and irritated with Syrup. Cyrus and the others appeared to be overjoyed to have her... Others, perhaps, more than Cyrus, but still. She had no idea how valuable she was.
"I didn't expect what would happen..."
I DID NOT WRITE Demetrius and Cyrus, they belong to @kiokooo / @kiokodoodles
Toxin and Hana are my OCs~.
Syrup is my Underswap Papyrus.
Underswap belongs to Popcorn Pr1nce
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alj4890 · 4 years
I have an ask? What if Riley found out she was pregnant what would she do? How would Liam and her son’s react?
Here you go Nonny. Here's another look at Riley and Liam's family in the While We're Young collaboration with @krsnlove I'm picking this up after Drake and Olivia's surprise pregnancy short, Boxes. 
@lodberg​​ @hopefulmoonobject​​ @vickypoochoices​​ @zaffrenotes​​  @umccall71​​ @texaskitten30 @mynameiskaylabella​​ @museofbooks​​ @elbenmond​​ @annekebbphotography​​  @gibbles82​​  @krsnlove
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Something Unexpected
"This is amazing!" Hana exclaimed, hugging Olivia and Drake. "A new little one we can spoil!"
The group of friends laughed while toasting the expectant parents.
Their teenage children watched on, still in states of shock.
"I can't wrap my mind around it." Jackson muttered. "I mean, I just finished my first semester of college!"
His younger sister, Juliet, nodded, still in disbelief.
"I think it's sweet." Nicky Beaumont sighed. "Your parents are still so in love."
Izzy sighed along with her at the notion that true love could endure so long.
Emerick winced for his friends. "It's unnatural."
"What is?" Emily asked.
"People their age still..." He waved his hand as if that vague motion explained what they did.
Ellis and Alec snorted softly at the eye rolls he was receiving from the girls.
"It is perfectly natural!" Nicky snapped. "Emily and I still catch our parents in an impassioned kiss."
Ellis groaned. "So do we." The younger prince shivered in disgust. "I sometimes fear walking into Father's study."
"It is a dangerous place to enter." Emerick glanced at his parents. "Thankfully they seem to remember their age is nearer to grandparenthood rather than having a new baby."
"I still think it's awesome." Emily grumbled. "There will be a new Nevarkis-Walker in the world, one we get to play with and watch over."
"I suppose having another brother or finally having a sister isn't the worst thing that could happen." Juliet conceded. A smile similar to the one on her mother's face formed. "I am curious who the baby will take after."
A few days later...
"Riley, are you--" Liam paused on his way into the bedroom. "I thought we were going skiing."
"I think I'll leave that to the Rhys' men." She yawned. "The queen requires another hour or two of sleep."
He pressed a kiss to her cheek, tucking the covers around her. "Then the queen shall have it." He chuckled when she muttered that she better. "I'll make certain you aren't disturbed."
"That's what makes you perfect." She snuggled further down in bed and sighed. "Thank you."
"I'll see you soon." He grabbed his coat and gloves on the way out.
Once the door clicked shut, Riley bolted out of bed.
She just barely made it the bathroom before she lost all the contents of her stomach.
A short time later...
"Here." Olivia thrust a box in her hand.
"I think it's a virus or something." Riley argued.
"And this will either prove or disprove that." Olivia countered.
"I can't be pregnant." Riley threw her hands up. "I have two teenage sons that are practically adults! I'm too old and--"
Olivia merely cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh good lord." Riley dropped her head in her hands. "Why did we let Liam and Drake take us on that trip to Florence?"
"Beats me." Olivia sat down on the bathroom counter. "I knew between the wine and the nights you and Liam demanded we do something romantic that nothing good could come from it." A slight smirk formed as she lowered her eyes to her stomach and imagined the little one she would meet in six months. "Well, one thing good happened."
"I'm too old." Riley grumbled again, while unwrapping the test. "Too old to keep acting like Liam and I are the same people we were twenty years ago."
"It is disgusting that you are that enamored with one another. Actually, it always has been."
She glared at Olivia. "Thanks so much."
"You're welcome." Olivia couldn't help but chuckle. "Now go see how powerful that love is."
Riley took a deep breath and shut the door.
A few hours later...
"Poor old man." Ellis teased, placing a hand on Liam's shoulder. "Should we call for the royal walker? A wheelchair for your feebleness?"
Liam winced at the pain shooting in various places of his body. "Someone is walking a fine line of being banished."
Emerick grinned. "It's alright brother, I'll allow you back in once I am crowned king." His bright blue eyes danced with mischief. "At the rate Father is going, that should occur within the next few hours."
Liam eased himself down into a chair, biting his lip to keep from groaning. "Don't you two have someone else to torment?"
"Just you." Ellis remarked cheerfully. "Everyone else remained upright skiing."
"Lucky me." Liam grumbled.
"Here, let me." Emerick knelt down and helped pull off Liam's boots.
Ellis assisted in removing his father's coat.
"Thank you." He smiled at his sons. "I suppose you two aren't that heartless."
"You taught us to always respect the elderly." Emerick winked at him.
"So I did." He chuckled.
Liam couldn't help but groan as he pushed himself out of the chair. "I'm going to go soak this old body of mine in hot water."
Riley paced back and forth in their chambers.
"Liam, dearest, I have some news," she rehearsed.
She shook her head and started over.
"You know how surprised we were about Drake and Liv? Well hold onto your hat, we're..."
She wrinkled her nose and tried again.
"Remember Florence? Well, we brought home a souvenir we didn’t know--"
She jumped when the bedroom door opened.
Liam limped inside, pressing a hand against his lower back.
"What happened?!" She rushed to his side.
"My snow skiing skills were found to be lacking today." He grumbled. "Would you mind starting a tub for me."
"Of course." She gently patted his back, apologizing when he yelped in pain.
He flopped face first on the bed as she left the room.
He cracked his eyes open. "Yes, love?"
She hesitated in the bathroom doorway, holding the pregnancy test in her hand. "Um, I have something to show you."
"What is it?" He moaned while trying to turn over. "I hope it is a new body for me."
She chewed on her bottom lip and handed him the test.
He took it and glanced at it. Squinting momentarily, he made out the digital word on the screen.
He shot upright, ignoring the muscles screaming in agony. "Riley? What is this?!"
"I haven't been feeling right lately and Olivia thought I might have caught her condition." She tried to joke. "And it seems that what she had is highly contagious."
"You mean, this is yours? We are the ones pregnant now?!" He asked, eyes darting from the test to his wife's face.
"Yes." She sat down beside him. "We are going to have a baby."
"Riley!" He breathed, pulling her into his arms. "My love, you never cease in astounding me."
She smiled softly. "You aren't upset?"
"Upset? I'm thrilled!" He kissed her. "Our family is growing once more." He rested his forehead against hers. "You know that is all I want in life: you and our children."
"Liam." She kissed him, laughing when he expressed she be gentle or else he wouldn't be able to be a father again. "I can't believe it happened for us too."
He chuckled, placing a hand on her stomach. "Our child will be as lucky as I was. I have had Olivia and Drake in my life for as long as I can remember. This just shows how strong our friendship is that our children have the same close relationships. Even those yet to be born."
"You always know what to say to ease my worry." Riley rested her head on his shoulder. "I didn't think of this baby having a best friend in the making too."
Dinner, that night...
Liam tapped on his glass, drawing attention from their friends and offspring. "We have an announcement."
"Uh oh." Maxwell teased. "Is it that there will be no more Winter Olympics fr certain members of the crown?"
"In a way." Liam remarked, smiling at the laughter and jokes. "At least for the rest of the year."
"What do you mean?" Hana asked.
Liam took Riley's hand in his. "We are expecting."
"Expecting what?" Emerick called out with a bright smile. "Old age?"
"Retirement?" Ellis added, nudging his brother.
"We're pregnant." Riley explained.
Gasps followed by excited exclamations by their parents' friends occurred while the teenagers remained stunned.
"What?" Emerick managed.
"Pregnant." Ellis repeated, shutting his eyes against the thoughts of his parents still being their romantic, active selves.
"Two babies!" Nicky clasped her hands together. "How sweet! I hope it is a little princess. Just think how much fun we will have with little ballgowns and tiaras."
"Nicky." Emerick groaned. "They're too old!"
"I think biology says differently." She teased. "Seems they are young enough to continue to reproduce."
"Stop." Ellis begged. "Please don't talk about our parents reproducing."
"Is it too unnatural for you?" Emily asked, laughing at the princes dropping their heads on the table. "Come on guys, you will have a little brother or sister soon."
"Oh!" Izzy gasped. "What if Emerick met his princess this year?! And then they had a baby too."
"Lady Isabelle Kovak!" The recently turned eighteen year old prince gasped at the notion of his life ending before it even began. "Are you trying to make this worse?"
"Aww! Think how precious that would be." Nicky said with an evil grin forming. "Emerick would be a family man, one with a new baby of his own and a little brother or sister to care for."
"I've never been so happy to be the spare." Ellis muttered.
"Look at them." Juliet interrupted the torment being thrown at the princes by her brother and friends.
The group turned their attention to their parents celebrating and laughing about the newest members soon to join their families.
Riley and Liam were practically glowing along with Drake and Olivia. All the shared looks of love and joy were obvious to their offspring.
Emerick and Ellis looked at one another and smiled.
"Come on." Emerick got up and tugged his brother with him.
Liam and Riley turned toward their sons when they approached.
The princes smiled and hugged them.
"Congratulations." Emerick kissed his mother's cheek.
"I can't wait to be a big brother. Why should he have all the fun?" Ellis nodded toward his brother while he hugged them both. "By the way, I nominate Emerick as the Royal Diaper Changer."
"Nice try." Emerick hugged his father while trying to smack Ellis. "Everyone knows the spare to the heir needs more duties."
Riley and Liam shook their heads as their sons continued to tease one another.
"You sure you want to add another to the mix?" Liam whispered, wrapping his arms around her. He didn’t bother to hide how happy he was in this moment.
She smiled up at him, returning his hug. "Positive."
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umccall71 · 5 years
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The Dinner Party
Characters: King Liam & Queen Sexy, Drake,Maxwell,Bertrand,and Hana
Rating:Mature, NSFW,profanity
Word Count: 5177
Chapter One
Disclaimer:All characters are property of Pixelberry. The use of these characters are for entertainment only and I am only borrowing them.
Summary:A simple dinner party among friends is always a welcome distraction until the friends become the distraction. Friends always share everything, hugs, support,love,honesty… Can friendship weather true honesty and the fallout from said ....honesty?
Warning: This series contains sexuality,profanity, a bit of adult content.This story is far from fluff,this is a walk amongst open relationships. Please be advised If you're reading this series you are acknowledging you are 18+.
King Liam was head over heals and in love with his bride of a year.He is in heaven reveling in his every heart’s desire waking up next to his Queen Sexy. Liam and Sexy were an ideal down to earth couple, they worked together, lived together, loved together, played together, and tackled life on a world’s stage. So much of their life is spent under the scrutiny of the public eye, the press, their adoring people of Cordonia.Liam & Sexy relished those quiet moments when they experienced a rare period of downtime. When this rare moment occurred they spent it with the people closest to them, their friends, the friends that quickly turned to family during their courtship that was by no means conventional.
Sexy for Liam was it… the oxygen that he breathes...the blood flowing to his heart...she gave him all of herself and taught him that he is worth every ounce of love that she had to give.Liam had never imagined meeting the love of life on a spur of the moment trip to New York for a “bachelor” party.The chance meeting was an awakening for this mild mannered prince turned king, the meeting that flipped his world upside down... in a good way. Liam was all in with his marriage, their relationship was ideal goals for navigating love and life in the monarchy.Sexy was a tether for Liam in the maddening times that he fought hard for his people, his kingdom. He fought hard, he loved hard , and Sexy showed hjim that it was okay to play hard occasionally… he deserved it...they deserved it.
Life by all means was perfect, so perfect it was scary to the couple. They were now given another slice of heaven on earth...a family...expecting a baby...expecting an heir. Life was good, hell it was great for them. Liam and Sexy ran Cordonia like a well oiled machine running smoothly. When Liam’s ocean blue eyes locked with Sexy’s hazel eyes everything made sense. Every obstacle was surmountable, every decision could and would be handled.They both knew together there was nothing they couldn’t handle. It took them for a bit of a loop when Sexy was instructed to step back from her duties somewhat due her pregnancy hitting a bit of a hiccup. The doctor wanted to take extra precautions with the royal heir. She had been on limited restriction for 2 weeks and finally was about to be released to travel with her king. They were slated to leave in 2 days for a two week mini tour in North America. Sexy had not been back to the States since she and Liam became engaged. She thought back to the walk down memory lane from the bar, the beach, the pier, the boat ride to the Statue of Liberty that was accented by the love of her life dropping to her knees and flourishing a beautiful diamond ring.
Sexy rubbed her belly smiling at Liam, “you know i love our baby...i need some outside adult conversation”, she sighed exasperated and giggled.
Liam sidled up behind Sexy wrapping his arms around her waist stroking her baby bump, “I will try not to take offense love”,he smirked as he softly kissed her neck from behind. “Are you not entertained by my sparkling wit and humorous banter?”, he closed his eyes breathing in the scent of Jasmine and Vanilla.
“You know what I mean Liam, these last few weeks have been non-stop talk about the baby. A laundry list of do’s and don'ts from the doctor and from you. Trust me when I say that I will never do anything to jeopardize the health or life of our baby”,she twisted in his arms and planted a kiss on his nose after coming up on her tiptoes to reach. “I say we invite the gang over for a harmless dinner, in our home, to socialize and catch up,”she leaned into his ear lobe and pulled the soft flesh between her teeth as she whispered, “come on dad, it will be worth it.”
Liam could never say no to Sexy. He meant it when he told her that he would do everything in his power to provide each and every one of her heart’s desires.Sexy asking to spend time with their friends that had long become family was a no brainer. He had to tease her by making her think that he was not pliable to the idea.Liam knew that he had started living the night he met this firecracker in New York.Now his life began and ended with Sexy. He never wanted to imagine life without her again. Even during those months that they were separated by a pesky “engagement”.
He playfully palmed Sexy’s ass and asked, “What did I ever do to deserve you”?
She squealed from the sudden gesture, “ I guess lady luck is shining on you.”
Sexy slowly wrapped her arms around his neck tugging at the hairs on the nape of his neck. She knew that she could be starting something that she had not been in a position to finish. She felt guilty that her Liam was going without due to her pregnancy scare,but soon things would be back on track.Sexy ran her slender fingers down his chiseled chest. “Liam, what do you think about happiness? Do you ever feel that there is only so much to go around?
Liam’s blue eyes locked on his Sexy thoughtfully. “Sometimes it feels surreal how much happiness is in our lives. I have you , we have our baby on the way, the kingdom is thriving, life is good. Hell I'll even say great”,he chuckled.
“ I sometimes think that when one person’s tears stop, another starts to cry. It feels like a balancing act to keep our happiness without sacrificing the happiness of the ones closest to us.It’s like when a couple falls in love, somewhere in the universe another couple is ending in heartbreak.”
Liam considered her words as he pulled her tightly into his embrace as he stroked her belly, he smiled. “We are not in any danger of having anything but an abundance of happiness. You are making all of my dreams come true day after day.”
Sexy and Liam shared a kiss , their lips melted together drawing each other deeper into the kiss as they got lost in the moment as lips turned to tongues battling and twisting in a long shared desire. Liam missed these moments that would lead to him having his way pleasuring his queen … his name rolling off her tongue as he enjoyed the symphony of mingled moans and groans and whispers of I love yous.Sexy pulled back giddy with the feels from tasting her Liam’s lips. “If we keep up this pace we will never get anything done.”she giggled.
“I suppose you are right, Sexy. I never tire of getting lost in your touch, your kisses”, he peppered soft open mouth kisses down the supple skin of her neck. He wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him as he playfully ground his hips against her hips.
“You call to make the invites and I will arrange the dinner menu with the kitchen staff to make sure everything is to your satisfaction my love.”
“ I am looking forward to this time catching up and enjoying friends that are like family, good food, good drinks, and I am sure a night that we won't forget.”
The following evening Liam and Sexy looked forward to welcoming all of their friends. They had been so busy with duties and Sexy’s pregnancy, things had gone quiet.The knock at the door startled the couple as Sexy slipped into her flats and Liam adjusted his collared shirt. “Ready love?” Sexy smiled and nodded as they jointly went to the door to find everyone one of their friends had arrived simultaneously.
“It is wonderful to see you all tonight, it's been too long. I'm glad Sexy suggested we get together to catch up, especially before we leave on our trip.”Liam clapped his dear friend Drake on the shoulder. He pulled each Drake, Betrand and Maxwell into a quick hug. He nodded in the direction of Hana, “good evening Hana, it's good to see you too.”
Sexy smiled as she ushered the group into the great room for appetizers and drinks. “What can I get everyone to drink? Just because I cannot drink doesn't mean the rest of you can't enjoy it.” Sexy giggled as she rubbed her baby bump. She didn't miss the alcohol especially to keep her baby growing big and strong.
“Hey Taylor , it feels strange not drinking together. We shared quite a few strong whiskeys over the social season.” Drake smirked, shaking his head at the brief memory. “I'll help you with drinks...we couldn't do any heavy lifting with this little one.” Sexy and Drake retreated to the bar cart in the corner of the great room.
“It really is good seeing you all again… felt like forever . I admit I was going a little stir crazy without any outside conversation.” Sexy subconsciously rubbed circles on her belly as she looked over her shoulder to Liam with a sparkling glimmer in her hazel eyes.
“That doesn't get old at all … seeing how happy you two are. “Drake reflected on the path traveled for Sexy and Liam.
“It's something that you can have some day. Once upon a time you were a fixture around the palace, lately it has been ...crickets.”Sexy playfully swatted Drake’s arm as she approached the subject of Drake’s whereabouts as of lately.
Drake poured himself a tumbler of whiskey as he got quiet as if he contemplated if he should broach the elephant in the room. He ran his hand across his face before taking a swig.
“A penny for your thoughts… earth to Drake. Hey where’d you just disappear to a moment ago?”Sexy’s tone was low and concerned.”Something on your mind?” Drake’s chocolate orbs thoughtfully scanned the room as he considered if he should go there in his thoughts. “You seem ...different, a little distracted. What gives Walker?
Drake sighed deeply before he turned his back to the group focusing on Sexy. “What I'm about to say isn't exactly... public knowledge.”
“Well color me intrigued”, she teased. `No seriously, I'm not exactly going to release a press statement broadcasting to all of Cordonia that Drake Walker. The Drake Walker has a secret.”
“The reason I haven't exactly been a permanent fixture is because… well i've been spending some time in the Northern part of Cordonia.”Drake glanced to the floor before taking another sip. Sexy was pouring Liam a scotch, Bertrand a bourbon, Maxwell a whiskey, and Hana a glass of Red wine.
Sexy paused momentarily and quickly turned to Drake, “ Now i really wish Olivia were here.. She would know all the dirt around those parts of Cordonia.”
Drake threw back the remains of his drink and sat the tumbler down a little louder than he would have cared to place it down.
“Hey Walker, I'm just teasing. Whatever you share with me goes in the vault. Now...please share with me some juicy tidbits of what's been going on.” Sexy bumped her shoulder to Drake’s in an effort to help him feel comfortable enough to open up. “You're not about to make a pregnant woman beg , are you?” Sexy quietly laughed.
“Sexy, I've been up there spending time with..with ah .. with Liv.” He lowered his voice to keep the conversation to a minimal audience.
Sexy’s eyes stretched to the size of saucers as she processed the news. “ So wait.. You.. and OLivia? You two are dating?”
“Don't make a big deal of it Taylor. We have been enjoying each other’s company..no labels… no expectations. Just having fun.” Drake’s eyes did not convey the sentiment of his words..his empty words.
“ Why am I not believing you when you say it's just fun? I call bullshit Drake.” Sexy noticed the slight aversion from making eye contact.
Drake scoffed, “I don't see what's wrong with two people just having fun without any expectations.”
“Whose idea was it to just have fun? Yours or hers?” Sexy sensed the hesitation in his glance as he failed to respond. “Well for what it's worth, i'm happy that you're having… fun. You deserve that and so much more. I wish you both the best.”Sexy grabbed Liam’s scotch and Hana’s wine as she nodded approvingly.
Drake refilled his drink and grabbed Maxwell and Bertrand’s drinks joining them in the great room. As Sexy was about to join the group she was caught off guard when she noticed Hana staring intently,almost hypnotized in the direction of the group.She smiled and her smile faltered when her line of vision came to rest on whom it was in Hana’s sights...her king. Sexy was not one to jump to conclusions so she gave it another moment. She spied Hana’s doe-like eyes transfixed on watching Liam in silence, no rhyme or reason behind her fixation on the king...her king.
Sexy slowly approached Hana, careful not to startle her or interrupt her train of thought . She had stood behind Hana for a couple more minutes before she gently cleared her throat to make her presence known. “Hana,how are you doing over here?
Hana tried to mask her discomfort from the thoughts that were in her mind moments ago. “Oh Sexy, i'm good. You caught me a little by surprise is all.” Hana quickly composed her facial expression not to betray her thoughts moments earlier.
Hana smiled before engaging in small talk, “it's still hard to believe that Liam would have met and married a woman he had met in New York.”she feigned a laugher that was dry and humorless.
Sexy laughed along with Hana playing her part as if the intended message was lost on her. Her hazel eyes cut across taking in the sight of her husband that was sharing a good time with friends. “I don't follow, you all knew that Liam would be getting married at the end of the social season.Whats so hard to believe?”, she asked as if she didn't already know the answer.
Hana eyes darted back and forth nervously, “no we knew that he would marry, i guess we figured that he would be getting engaged to a lady of court.” She sipped her wine to cover for the faux pas that had taken place.
“He did marry a lady of court.”Sexy chimed in without revealing her annoyance at the implications.I was here in Cordonia as a member of the royal court at the request of the Beaumont brothers.” She pushed her golden lock curls behind her ear as she considered her words.
“Thats … thats not what i meant. I mean I would have thought he would have chosen a woman that had a similar background growing up in the life of ...nobility.” Hana began fidgeting with the tiniest thread on her blouse to distract her.
“Well he did choose someone from Cordonian nobility… we call it the Madeline period”,she chuckled to break the awkwardness of this conversation.
“Oh I know... we all knew that Madeline was nothing like Liam when he chose her.I would have expected a woman with a similar temperament.”Hana stumbled to clear up the confusion in what she was trying to say.
Sexy bit the inner cheek before she took a deep breath, “ nobody expected that the beautiful man would fall for and marry a waitress from New York no less.” She glanced at the tumbler in her hand, “where is my head ? I need to get Liam his drink. Let's join the group...wouldn't want them to think we were starting a party without them.”
Both of the ladies turned and sauntered back over to join the men. Hana sat in one of the two leather wingback chairs as Sexy perched on the arm of the couch closest to her king . She extended her hand holding out the drink to Liam. He looked up at her instantly smiling as they locked eyes and accepted the drink. “You take such good care of me love.” Liam leaned forward planting a gentle kiss to her baby bump.
Drake reacted excitedly,”wow i still cannot believe in several months you two are going to be parents! Who would have thought a year after marriage you two would be waiting on the birth of a little Liam & Sexy?”, he laughed and raised his glass to propose a toast. “To King Liam and Queen Sexy…”, he was interrupted by Liam.
“We are all here tonight as friends...none of the king and queen titles.”Sexy reached down and gripped his shoulder massaging sensually.Liam’s eyes traveled the length of her body hungrily biting his lower lip.He playfully pulled her into his lap, grinding ever so subtly into her ass . Liam whispered, “careful...this little shindig could be over before it starts.” Sexy swatted his hand as he held her firmly, she could feel his member hardening at the touch. She knew that they were a very physical couple. They loved each other in every way. They both got a sense of satisfaction from pleasing the other.
There was another knock at the door, Bastien announced, “sir the kitchen has delivered your dinner. The staff is ready to serve if you both are.”
Liam nipped at Sexy’s shoulder, “saved by the dinner bell.” She stood and ushered their guest to the dining room as Liam adjusted himself to hide the gift that Sexy had left him within his lap. “Great, just what i need to explain to the peanut gallery.”
After waiting a couple of minutes he joined everyone in the dining room.He took his place at the head of the table with Sexy to his left. Drake sat next to Sexy, Maxwell to Liam’s right, Hana, and Bertrand.The staff began service of Caesar salad, lasagna, garlic bread, a continuous flow of libations, and followed by a dessert of Tiramisu and coffee.
The conversation between friends flowed as easily as the alcohol.Drink after drink opened the floodgates of I remember when and I missed the time when we…
Sexy observed the inebriated state of the table. Liam was extra touchy feely under the table prying her thighs apart try to touch her sex.She eyed Maxwell stealing glances at Hana and Hana imperceptibly gazing at Liam again.Betrand seemed a little deep in thought as he nursed another bourbon.
Sexy broke the ice when a lull in the talks slowed. “Bertrand, how is life with Savannah and Bartie? I could only imagine how it must be to learn that the woman you had feelings for has given birth to your child, your son.”
Betrand stared down into his glass reflectively. He felt honored to realize that the next generation Beaumont was born of his loin. “A father to a son, that is an amazing feeling. I am thrilled to have Savannah back in my life. We are settling into life as a couple nicely...since I finally removed my foot from my mouth and allowed her in...truly. She is a wonderful woman.” He flipped his cell phone to briefly look at his lock screen photo, his family.
Sexy continued, “ finding love amongst your opposite. I'm sure you did not anticipate that happening. You love who you love Bertrand. There are people that would not have seen Liam marrying me in a thousand years. A waitress from New York, i guess i would be considered marrying down.Hell you even had the thought that your brother lost his marbles when he arrived with me to the masquerade ball.”Sexy rubbed her belly under the table as she pondered what immense changes had taken in her life since meeting and marrying Liam.
Bertrand rebuttal, “well i realized that i was wrong to come off as such an ass. I should have never doubted Maxwell or especially you Sexy.You have truly come into your own as Queen and an honorary Beaumont. You are like a sister to us Sexy, and now you are about to become a mom yourself… to the heir to the throne.”
“Understood B, I myself never expected to fall in love that night in New York, but I did and I never regret a moment of our life together.”
Hana’s eyes danced between her glass and Liam.It wasn't lost on Sexy seeing the looks again.She turned to look at Liam and noted, “ you know Liam, apparently our marriage left quite a few people pondering why you chose me. Isn't that right Hana?”
Hana fell quiet not knowing how to respond. She didn't want to make an awkward situation worse. “Sexy you two are good together and everyone sees it.”
“Answer a question for me without a diplomatic answer, just be honest. Can we all do that tonight? A night of honesty among friends?” Everyone nodded in agreement, somewhat cautious of landmines.
“Do you feel that Liam made the right choice in choosing me? You know with the sea of women that were of like minds and social status?Honesty Hana, we are all adults and can handle it. Do you think you would have been better suited to rule beside Liam?
The room went silent ,not sure anyone was truly ready...for the honest answer.Hana looked down to her wine glass again before finishing off the contents of the glass. She blew out the air from her lungs as if she were bolstering her courage to respond...honestly. “Sexy, it doesn't matter, you two are married, there is no need playing devil’s advocate now.”
Sexy’s voice raised slightly becoming irritated at the tap dancing she was attempting to do. “Thats not what i fucking asked you? I asked ``did you feel you were a better choice for Liam?”
Hana blurted out , “YES!” She clasped her hand over her mouth not believing herself that she had admitted it.
Sexy let out a loud boisterous fit of laughter, “ Finally! You finally said it, I knew that you felt that way. Now admit it, you want to fuck my husband don't you? We might well stay on a roll with this honesty. I'm a big girl, I can take it. I've seen the way you've been eye fucking him all night.”
“Sexy that's enough, we have all had a little too much to drink.”Liam reached over and grasped her hand trying to draw her in.
“No Liam, we're all good to be honest. Tomorrow we leave for the States, but tonight we are just spending time with our nearest and dearest. Now ...where were we?, thats right...Hana do you want to fuck my husband ? Have you ever thought about it? Have you considered his hands on you?”Sexy rattled off question after question waiting for Ms. Lee to get it out.
She whispered ever so slightly, “yes i have thought about it.” One by one all eyes around the table landed on Hana. She grabbed for her cloth napkin to try and excuse herself from the table, when she heard, “Don't ...there is no need to leave the table ashamed. I cant say i blame you, he is gorgeous, sexy as fuck, and willing to go to the mat to make me satisfied.” Sexy stood up and positioned herself behind her husband, “Liam, do you remember the night you proposed to me in New York, the time at the beach when we reflected on our friends and how much they've been there for us. I recall something shared that night in light of Hana’s declaration. Do you remember when you were telling me about Hana?
“What did you think about our friend Hana?”
Liam smiled at the memory“Even then I could tell we were kindred spirits.”
Sexy questioned, “ What do you mean?”
“We have a lot in common.We were both bred for a certain life...both bound by familial expectations…”
“Did you think you might pick her? The first time you met I mean?”
“She would have been an excellent match, she's brilliant at a great many things...hiding her feelings isn't one of them. Her heart simply wasn't in it. How could I choose that life for her?”
“I guess her heart was more into it than either of us would have thought. Liam, I never asked you back then , was there any attraction there...with Hana?”
“Sexy none of that matters except you and I . I have my queen...this is the life I am intended to live. I realized that a life without love and passion is no life for me. What I knew was that there were several beautiful women in contention for my hand, but only one in contention for my heart.”
Sexy returned to her seat, “Thats beautiful, but it doesn't really answer my question.”
“Yes she was ...is an attractive woman ,but that means nothing to me.” Liam finished the last of his drink. He stood and reached out to Sexy. Are you ready to call it a night?”
“Nope..we are just getting started. Maxwell, is there anything you would like to share with the class?”Sexy giggled. Maxwell kept looking to Hana, “I think Hana is a pretty great woman, i wouldn't going out with her...on a date.”There was no biting back what he felt when he so clearly stated , “ I could see possibilities with her .No pressure though.I'm happy to be her friend.”
“Drake… what about you? Any confessions you'd like to share?
We all spent a great deal of time together during the social season, the engagement tour and then when you two became engaged.I'm a man Taylor, was there a time that i thought things could go further?, yes. Would I act on it? Hell no i was not blind, you were very much in love with Liam and we needed to focus on Uncovering the conspiracy. I made my peace with being just friends , never to try anything.”
“I'm glad that you didn't. I never wanted to make it awkward between us. Of course i could tell that you were wanting more than friendship. I chose to ignore the signs because I knew I would never allow it to go any further than friendship.” Sexy smiled yet she was focused on clearing the unspoken that was plaguing her thoughts. She needed to get this out once and for all.
“Liam you know I would never want an arrangement in our marriage, but I want you to have a one night time only offer. Get it out of your system...so to speak. I love you enough to make this your day to … indulge.”Sexy’s eyes surveyed the table but honed in on her husband and Hana Lee for reactions.” We all need honesty of nothing else, so I will ask you both…. would you like to fuck Hana tonight with her … permission of course?”
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose as his blue eyes fixated on his queen. “Sexy, I would never ask something like that of you.We don’t have that type of marriage….”
Sexy interrupted, “your not asking me anything, I offered and I stand by my offer… only for you my love. Relax, I have no intention on fucking Drake… not my style… not my type. No offense Drake”, she flippantly advised.
“None taken… I’m not stupid Sexy. “ Drake tolled his eyes and took a large gulp of the whiskey sat in the dining table.
Sexy stood and walked over behind Hana, leaned forward and whispered, “admit that you want Liam to fuck you Hana, don’t you?”
Hana squeezed her chocolate eyes closed and nodded ever so softly. She never thought that she would be admitting , let alone considering feeling the king’s hands and manhood on her, in her… making her scream with pleasure. “ I need to hear your answer Hana… we wouldn’t want anyone thinking anything that transpired was nothing but consensual .”
“Yes… I want to be with him … in that way. I consent to whatever he wants to do to me”, she sounded almost desperate and hungry with a need to have him.
Sexy placed her hand on Hana shoulder, “stand and follow me.” Hana pushed her chair back and stood silently, eyes darting around the table in a nervously worried about judgement. Hana carried herself in a particular manner in polite society. Her parents would cringe at the thought of her being the king’s concubine… even for one night.
Sexy addressed the rest of her friend, “your welcome to stay and drink or you can see yourselves out for the evening.Either way we thank you all for spending the evening with us.” Sexy and Hana slowly started walking toward the hall leading to the guest rooms. She loved Liam , but would never violate the sanctity of their marital bed with her king screwing another woman.
Sexy stopped at the path leading to the bedrooms,”Are you going to us my king?”Liam stood from the table adjusting his button down shirt , grabbed the bottle of scotch , “ good evening gentlemen… I must retire for the evening with my queen .” He followed the two beautiful women down the hall to the last guest room on the right. Sexy sat in the comfy chair in the corner putting her feet up. Hana stood unsure of what exactly would happen next or where this evening would turn. Liam quietly closed the bedroom door only leaving the echo of a click .
Maxwell, Bertrand, and Drake each looked at each other in stunned amazement, “ So do you really think Sexy will allow Liam to … be with Hana?”Maxwell asked Inquisitively. “Silly man, what the king wants… the king gets”Bertrand scoffed adjusting his collar as he took another drink. All three men sat at the table carrying on as if a proposition had not been made for three of his friends to change the direction of the relationship .
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rosemerriam · 5 years
Heiress and the Bodyguard
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Summary: Heejin, the heiress of the widely successful company, ViSual, is being given a bodyguard. To avoid any bad rumors, her mothers have given Heejin a bodyguard her age. A little fic with some angst and a wee bit of fluff at the end. 1.9 k words.
 Heejin's breathing stilled. Her ear in her hand, trying to listen.
 "I'm telling you that it's necessary!"
 "And I'm telling you that you're overreacting! You're worrying too much!"
 "Worrying too much? You're not worrying enough! We're talking about our children!"
 "Hey, Heejin!" Yeojin's loud voice broke Heejin's concentration. "What're you doing by the door?"
 Heejin shot right up, speed walking away from the suddenly quiet room. She dragged Yeojin away but not fast enough before one of her mothers stopped her.
 "Heejin, where do you think you're going with Yeojin?" Heejin turned to see Haseul leaning by the doorway with her arms folded. Vivi was still inside the room. Heejin could have sworn she was ironing a dress in attempts to relieve any anger.
 "Oh, us?" Heejin pointed at herself, putting on her most innocent looking face. "Oh, well, Yeojin said she wanted more yogurt so I was gonna take her to the convenience store to get some."
 "Uh-huh, nice try," Vivi called out from the room.
 Haseul let out a sigh and walked back into the room. Her daughters trailed after her and took a seat on a couch opposite of Vivi ironing and Haseul standing.
 "So your mother and I were thinking," Haseul let out another sigh, "and, well, that is--"
 "You need a security guard."
 Haseul looked at Vivi exasperated.
 "Yes," Haseul said. "Um, so, your mother and I will begin looking for someone to that, that being making sure you two stay safe. You know the world is a, uh, very dangerous place and well, Heejin, with all your modeling and commercial gigs and everything else--uh, your promoting of the company!"
 Heejin could feel herself zoning in and out of Haseul's ramblings. Yeojin looked over at Heejin and let out, "So what type of security guard are we getting? Are they, like, gonna be this big ol' guy with crazy ass muscles?"
 "Yeojin, don't say ass in front of me," Vivi said, her eyes not even looking up. She took the pile of clothes and folded them into a neat little stack for Haseul to take and put away. When Haseul left the room, Vivi began to pace slowly in front of the two. "First off, they aren't going to be a 'big ol' guy.' I am not comfortable with a man being around you two all day long. And some strange man following you two around, the media may get some strange thoughts. Strange thoughts will lead to the tainting of our company's image."
 "So who are you going to hire then?" Heejin asked, feeling impatient.
 "A girl. Maybe someone around your age. The media isn't going to suspect something strange if the guard is a girl near your age. They'll just think you two are friends dragging Yeojin around."
 Vivi paused to look at Heejin and Yeojin to see if they had any objections. They looked back at her blankly. She could practically hear the elevator music in their heads.
 "I'm going to find your mother. We'll begin looking for applicants. I'll try to get someone who is near your school's so that they can pick you two up." The serious mother left the room, leaving the two behind.
 "So..." Yeojin leaned close to Heejin. "You were saying something about getting me yogurt?"
 "Whatever. You want to go get some now?"
 "Yeah! Oh! We can get some snacks too, right?"
 "Sure. You're lucky all these commercial deals are paying me well."
 "Ha! Yeah, I am!"
 Yeojin kept rambling all over the place on the way to the nearby convenience store.
 "...like I'm telling you, Hana's snail is no way near cool as mine!"
 "Is that so?" Heejin mused.
 "Yeah! Listen, my snail is, like, way faster than hers so obviously mine is gonna be cooler. It's just science!"
 "Obviously," Heejin smirked at her little sister.
 They walked into the convenience store. Yeojin immediately ran to the snack sections. Heejin took her time getting their drinks.
 "...are there really no job openings?" Heejin turned around to see a girl her age talking to the cashier.
 "Listen, sorry kid but like I said last month, we aren't hiring," the cashier shrugged. His eyes softened. "Look, I really am sorry. Maybe try the place down the street again?"
 Heejin could see the girl blink away her tears as she let out a shaky sigh.
 "Oh? Heejin, what are you doing?" Yeojin's loud voice broke Heejin out of her trance.
 "Oh, sorry," she looked away from the girl. "Did you want juice or the drink with the jellies?"
 "The jellies, please!"
 "Yeojin, you have to use your inside voice." Heejin scolded Yeojin's loudness.
 "Oh! Sorry!"
 "Oh! Sorry..." the apology this time coming out as a harsh whisper.
 They paid for the snacks and walked back. Each step Heejin took was the memory of the crying girl slipping away. Until one day after school…
 Heejin turned around to see a very familiar face waving to her.
 "Ah! Hello! You are...?" Heejin's head tilted in confusion.
 "Oh! I'm Kim Hyunjin," the girl bowed slightly. "I'm going to be your bodyguard from this day on."
 "Ah, I see," Heejin smiled at the girl. She thought about bringing up how she had seen her before but thought better of it. It would only make things awkward between the two. "Alright, well we have to go pick Yeojin up from school and then from there it's a modeling gig for a perfume company."
 "Yes, ma'am. Your mothers sent for a car so that we don't have to walk."
 "Oh, please don't call me ma'am. We're in the same grade, aren't we? Yellow uniforms mean Junior Year."
 "Right," Hyunjin chuckled nervously. "So what would you prefer me to call you?"
 "Heiress Heejin," she replied with the most cheesy grin.
 "Okay, Heiress Heejin," Hyunjin said with a blank face.
 "Of course, Heiress Heejin is the one I am going to be with the most and so whatever she wishes, I will grant."
 "Oh goodness..." Heejin got into the car. It wasn't any fun if the new employee didn't have a good reaction to her teasing.
 The driver stopped in front of Yeojin’s school where Yeojin stood.
 “Where were you? I was standing there for two hours?”
 The two girls made room for Yeojin in the car.
 “‘Two hours’?” Heejin questioned. “I thought your school ended 10 minutes after mine.”
 “Yeah, except every other Tuesday, c’mon, Heejin,” Yeojin said exasperated.
 Heejin felt stupid when she realized that Yeojin was correct.
 "Whatever, let's just go to the photo shoot already; it's rude to keep all the staff waiting," she snapped at Yeojin. Heejin untangled her earbuds. She listened to her playlist, daydreaming until they reached the building.
 "Miss Heejin! Welcome, your changing room is right this way." An intern greeted them when Heejin stepped out of the car.
 "Thank you, lead the way." 
Hyunjin and Yeojin followed after Heejin.
 "So what's your name? I don't think I recognize you."
 The photoshoot was going fine. While the staff was preparing to change sets, Heejin went back to her changing room.
 “Yes, Heiress Heejin?”
 “Oh, you’re still calling me that. Never mind that, could you get me some coffee? I’m feeling especially drained from this shoot.”
 “Of course.”
 Hyunjin left the room.
 Yeojin spoke up. “Why is she calling you that?”
 “I told her to call me that as a joke but now she won’t stop.”
 “I know.”
 The intern comes into the room.
 “Miss Heejin, there’s going to be a bit of a delay until we’re ready for you again.”
 “Ugh, are you kidding me?” Heejin shouted. She gasped at the harshness of her words. “I am so so sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come out like that.”
 “It’s fine,” the intern said but it did nothing to reassure Heejin.
 Heejin slouched into her chair.
 “Yikes, that went well,” Yeojin said from the back of the room.
 “Shut up, go play somewhere else,” Heejin said, irritated.
 She could feel another mood swing coming so Yeojin left. As Yeojin was leaving, she bumped into Hyunjin. The bump caused Hyunjin to spill a hot coffee onto herself.
 “Oof, sorry about that, Hyunjin. You could give her that other coffee.”
 “Right.” Hyunjin went into the room attempting to ignore the scalding hot coffee on her uniform.
 Heejin put on a plastered smile when she turned to face Hyunjin.
 “Some coffee, finally,” Heejin sighed in relief. She took the coffee from Hyunjin but her face contorted.
 “Is something wrong, Heiress Heejin?” Hyunjin didn’t think she could take more hits from the universe.
 “What type of coffee is this?” Heejin’s voice barely above a whisper.
 “Well originally that coffee was meant for me but som—“
 “What type of coffee is this?” Heejin repeated her question. Her voice was slowly rising.
 Hyunjin wasn’t sure what to say to make Heejin calm down.
 “It’s an iced caramel frappe, Heiress Heejin.”
 Heejin was silent for a second, but only for a second before all hell broke loose.
 “An iced caramel frappe? What am I, a middle schooler? And for goodness sake, would you quit calling me that? I said that to tease you. Look at how that turned out. God, the one thing, the one thing, I ask you to do and you can’t even do that right. I asked for some coffee, not some poor excuse of sugar disguising itself as a proper pick-me-up!”
 A knock on the door prevented Heejin to continue her temper tantrum.
 “Miss Heejin? We’re ready for you now.”
 A beat of silence.
 “Okay, coming!”
 Heejin tried her best to relax her face and ignore all the thoughts swirling in her head but it was no use. She could see the disappointment in everyone’s eyes. She couldn’t live up to their expectations.
 “Okay, that’s a wrap!” The director shouted and everyone went on their merry way.
 “Thank you for all the hard work!” Heejin bowed to all the staff.
 Yeojin walked up to Heejin.
 “Hey stupid!” Yeojin shouted at her older sister.
 “Hey! Who are you calling stupid?”
 “I’m calling you stupid, stupid!”
 Heejin sighed. “What?”
 “Nice going back there, yelling at Hyunjin.”
 Heejin said nothing as Yeojin continued. “It’s her first day at work and all she wants to do is impress you, do everything you tell her to do. You told her to call you Heiress, she did. You told her to get coffee, she did. I bumped into her and made her spill your coffee. She gave you hers instead. And then you started screaming like a total psycho to the point that everyone could hear.”
 “Whatever,” Heejin said, looking away from Yeojin’s stern face. Why did her face feel so warm suddenly? Heejin walked to her changing room where Hyunjin was sleeping on the couch.
 “Hey,” Heejin shook Hyunjin’s arm gently.
 Hyunjin groaned grumpily. Heejin had to bite back a laugh. The cranky girl had the cutest pout when woken up.
 “Come on, let’s go. The driver usually takes us to ice cream after shoots.” Heejin offered her a warm smile.
 Hyunjin scanned Heejin’s face. Just a moment ago, the girl was screaming at her. But, ice cream sure did sound good…
 “Alright!” Hyunjin smiled back at her.
 For a second, Heejin could have sworn she felt her heart flutter.
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solarbird · 5 years
What do you know, this does have a chapter two!
Amélie Lacroix used to be the Widowmaker. She's not, anymore. Talon is gone, and the threat is over. But few if any governments are really willing to forgive a known terrorist with dozens - no, hundreds - of kills under her belt, so coming in from the cold wasn't really an option.
But one has to make a living somehow. A lot of the same skills used to infiltrate for assassination work just as well for other kinds of infiltration, and Amélie always did have an eye for spotting value in art.
[ao3 link]
The Queen's Toaster Chapter 2: The Bird Wives
The dark-haried woman took off her Raptora helmet, and shook her head, short hair immediately spiking up, as it always did.
Flying in this is so different, she thought, to flying a jet.
She looked down at the armoured helmet with its beak-like visor and grinned at herself. It may not be the same as a jet, but flying in it brought her even more of a rush, with so little between her and the wind, and the clouds - and the anti-aircraft fire, too.
Grabbing a cleaning kit and a towel, she wiped the helmet clean, dried it, and ran the towel through her own hair for good measure.
That won't do, I need a shower! she thought. But it'll wait 'til I get home.
The base showers didn't bother with hot water. Lukewarm from the ground was good enough, unless she had the option of better, and she did.
She'd just about finished flight training, at long last. Since the end of Talon had meant a second end for Overwatch - at least, for a while - she'd had to do something with her life. And sure, Helix might not be the same, but having regular income again helped make up for it.
That, and the other benefits.
I wonder if these come in orange?
She popped the helmet into her locker, and started dismantling the rest of her armour, pulling it off piece by piece, for storage and overnight checkout before next flight.
"Oh, please - take your time," she heard from the disarmament station behind her. "It's far too nice a job to rush."
Lena spun 'round, surprised, and jinked forward, past two benches. "You're back! Already?!"
Angela grinned, and kissed her younger wife's forehead as she leapt into her arms. "Yes!"
Lena wasn't settling for that, not under any circumstances, and hopped up on her toes, to give her elder wife a proper kiss. "Fuck, I've missed you. Where's Reeha?"
"Talking with your instructor. She'll be here any moment now."
Lena pulled Angela against her, holding her tightly. "Fuck, I've missed you."
"I've missed you too, Lena. We both have."
The Englishwoman leaned back, smiling broadly, hands on her wife's hips. "How was the conference? How's Winston? How's eep!"
"Come here, tiny wife!" Fareeha said, hauling Lena bodily up into the air as Lena shrieked, giggling, teleporting just to turn in place, not wanting out of her younger wife's arms, but definitely wanting to see her face to face.
The two women kissed, as Angela smiled at the sight.
"Your instructor had good things to say - except for your tendency to teleport your way out of trouble."
"And why shouldn't I? 'Use every tool at your disposal,' first rule of combat, you know that." She grinned.
Fareeha licked Lena's nose. "'Don't get into trouble in the first place' is the real first rule of combat, and you know that."
"Yeh, yeh..." She sighed, and put her head down on Reeha's shoulder. "Fuck me, I've missed you so much."
"I will! But not on base."
Lena bit at Fareeha's neck, and Ree snorted, dropping Lena to the ground. "Finish getting undressed first. And shower here. We're taking you out to dinner before going home."
"Oh, are we? I thought we were gonna get some overdue R&R?"
"You have to finish flight training, Captain," Fareeha replied. "But consider this a downpayment. Undress and shower, and be ready to go in five minutes. That's an order."
"Aye-aye, Colonel." Captain Oxton saluted her wife in the most sarcastic way she knew how, and hopped to.
They'd gone straight from their all-too-short honeymoon to a deployment to two separate conferences and training, so there was no way in hell she was going to be late for this.
"She get there?" read the purple text.
"Oh yeah, she got there," Emily typed in reply, in orange text, sitting at her desk in her small office.
Amélie sat out in the living room, on a couch, communicating with her buyer, confirming acquisition and arranging alternate delivery for the package.
"Right where you said she'd be, too. _And_ about to set off an alarm."
"Thanks for picking her up for me," came the purple hacker's reply. "It's not my story to tell, but"
Emily interrupted, the shared cursor turning orange as she typed. "You saying that is hilarious, you do realise, yeh?"
The cursor blinked for a moment, before turning back to purple.
"Yes. It is. I know. But seriously, she's been through a lot. And she was totally going to get busted sooner or later, and I knew it, even if I didn't know how or where All her infiltration training is based around range work. Close up, she has some, but not as much. But she had to deliver on this job, and... well... I had to make sure it happened."
"I know, I know. What's a favour for a friend? Besides, she's _smokin'_ hot. Totally worth it."
"I told you!"
"You told me, but you didn't _tell_ me, luv. Oh god, it's all I can do to keep my hands off her. But then I'd 'find out' about her too early, and... if she's she who I think she is..."
"I didn't tell you," insisted purple.
"You really didn't," assured orange. "But I'm pretty sure I know."
"Then... in that case..."
Emily shook out her hands. C'mon, girl. Keep it in your trousers. If I'm right, she's one very hot property.
She looked over at the apparently-black-haired woman whose artificial skin colourant wasn't quite enough to keep a blue tinge entirely at bay in the cloudy daylight.
This is going to be tricky enough as it is. You've laid the table, now just let her decide whether she wants to bite.
"Still - if what you actually will tell me is true," she started typing, in orange.
"It is," purple text interrupted.
"...then hey, maybe you won't owe me one. Maybe I'll owe _you_."
"Now _that_," a glowing purple sugar skull replied, "is what I like to hear."
The newlyweds smiled at each other, leaning back in their chairs, relaxing as the dinner plates were cleared, the dessert course ordered but not yet at the table, the three of them sipping tea, qahwah arabiyya, and abricotine, according to their tastes.
Lena wasn't sure exactly when she'd developed her fondness for abricotine, but she was pretty sure it had something to do with joint testimony to the UN in Geneva - or, much more specifically, when she'd had to share quarters with Fareeha and Angela the whole week. Athena had apologised, calling it an 'accidental oversight,' but at least the one bed was a full king. Hana never let any of them hear the end of it, all while stridently denying being the RPF shipper whose name translated from the Korean meant SoManyBunnies.
Despite what everyone at Gibraltar assumed, they didn't start being "a thing" there - but they had become surprisingly comfortable with each other, very quickly. The actual "thing" would start not long afterwards, the three of them hunkered down in the desert, Fareeha wounded but not in any real danger, waiting for extraction after a successful but extremely difficult mission in the Sudan.
They'd a critical hidden Talon information relay and communications centre deep in the Nubian Desert, on desperately-useful information provided by the Widowmaker herself. At first, all three of them thought of that night as a one-off - the stress of battle will do that, after all - but then there was a dinner, and they found they had so much to talk about, then another dinner, and then an after dinner, and...
Lena's phone buzzed, and she pulled it from her pocket, hoping it wasn't a callback for mission. Talon may be gone, but Helix's work was never done, not with Vishkar out there, and tensions still high between omnics and humanity, and O'Deorain still on the loose, and more.
But instead, purple text reported Package delivered, and the teleporter smiled, before looking up to her curious wives.
"Is it...?" Fareeha asked, hopefully, as Angela looked to Lena, expectantly.
"She's home," Lena replied, relief in her voice.
"Oh good," Angela said, letting go of a little bit of tension she hadn't been fully aware she carried. "I hope this works out. She's been through so much."
"Yeh," Lena agreed, while replying, "Brilliant. Thank you ❤," and putting her phone away. "She really has."
"So have we," Fareeha noted, having mostly forgiven, but entirely not forgot.
"Yes," Angela said, reaching out and holding her taller wife's hand. "Too much."
"It's in the past," Fareeha insisted, squeezing Angela's hand.
"Not for all of us," Lena replied, as dessert arrived. "Particularly not for her."
"No," Fareeha agreed, after a moment. "I suppose not."
"Still, though," Angela said, "she's in... well. I'm not going to say good hands..."
Fareeha chuckled. "No."
"But," Angela continued, "given everything, probably the best available."
"Give 'er more credit than that, love," Lena said, putting aside her apricot eau-de-vie before picking up a piece of the feteer meshaltet, and dipping it into the lovely black honey served on the side. "It's probably the best chance she'll get."
"For your sake," Fareeha smiled, affectionately, choosing the white honey and cream, as Angela chose, in turn, the soft cheese, "...I'll hope you're right."
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camillemontespan · 5 years
a kingdom divided [part five] [drake walker x mc]
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Part Four here!
I’m now obsessed with writing this series. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!
@jovialyouthmusic @drakesensworld @pug-bitch @moonlightgem7 @tacohead13 @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @iplaydrake @notoriouscs @drakewalkerisreal @sirbeepsalot @katedrakeohd @ifyouseekheart
Drake sat in his study reading the latest newspapers. On his laptop, he had open a number of tabs, all of which showed the same type of article.
He was doing research. He had found, so far, 20 articles all calling for a Republic. Many articles wrote about how the King was unwilling to bend to the will of the people. How they had asked him repeatedly for a special committee to be made up of citizens who could meet with the King to discuss issues. Some argued that the monarchy was stuck in the past. But the main theme was how King Liam had chosen his own friends to represent the public, when the public wanted to represent themselves.
Drake sighed and took a deep gulp of his coffee. It was 9am. He had been up for hours, pouring over the newspapers. He was trying to see it from Liam's side but he was struggling.
The doorbell rang. He heard the front door open and Camille say, 'Oh!' in surprise. Drake frowned and made his way to the hallway to see their visitor.
It was Liam. Drake stiffened. Their fight yesterday had been tense. Liam smiled at Camille and then nodded respectfully to Drake. 'Sorry its early. Can I please speak to you both? I have things to say.'
Camille looked at Drake who nodded. Camille smiled at the King. 'Of course. Shall we go out to the terrace?'
The King shook his head. 'I want to see the nursery.'
The three of them stood and studied the nursery with its broken window. Liam sighed. 'When is it being fixed?'
'Tomorrow,' Drake said. It was the first thing he had said. Liam nodded, his eyes downcast. 'I'm sorry this happened. Really sorry. If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have had this happen.'
Camille reached out and touched Liam's arm. 'Don't say that. It's not true.'
Liam paced the room. 'I want to apologise for my behaviour yesterday, Drake. I was unfair and narrow minded. I couldn't see past the fog. I thought about it after I dismissed you and I understand. You're a husband and soon to be a father. I was wrong to undermine that.'
Camille took Drake's hand in support. Drake let out a shaky breath. 'I didn't mean to say the republic might win.'
Liam shrugged. 'They have a good chance. Anyway, I'm sorry. I won't force you to hold another open house again and I won't demand that you put the kingdom before family again. That was selfish.'
Drake shuffled his feet awkwardly. Camille spoke up. 'Maybe we can host open houses once this has been sorted? Right now, it's too dangerous but when everything has gone back to normal, then our citizens can visit. Its good to hear their thoughts.' She was compromising, always fair. She and Drake had spoken last night in bed. Though Drake had been hesitant, he had to agree that an open house in a calm, peaceful kingdom wad a good idea.
Liam nodded. 'We can make arrangements once things are clearer. I'm making plans for now. So, I'm inviting you to the Palace tomorrow night for a dinner. All of our esteemed friends and courtiers will be in attendance. I want to show I love my court and keep them on my side.'
Drake paled. 'Are you sure that's a good idea? If we hold a dinner, the public might take that the wrong way..'
Camille nodded, agreeing. 'Perhaps we just lay low, work things out discreetly? Not hold a fancy dinner in this current climate.'
Liam sighed. 'I hear you both but I need my court on side. I want to start from inside and work my way outwards.'
Drake and Camille both swallowed but didn't protest. Liam, usually so calm and level headed, was now anything but.
'I'll have extra security,' Liam said. 'It'll be safe. But I would be so grateful if you both could be there. I don't want to lose you.'
Drake sighed. 'You're never going to lose us, Liam. We're your friends.'
Liam smiled weakly then looked at Camille. 'I want you to be safe and happy. I'm so sorry that I lost sight of that. I really hope you can forgive me.'
Camille stepped forward and wrapped him in a hug. 'Already forgiven.'
Liam said goodbye. Once Drake shut the door, he turned to Camille, a worried expression on his face. 'See what I mean? He won't listen. Most of the people want to be part of a committee so they can discuss the kingdom with the King. Nothing too radical. It’s just the more he pushes against them, the more angry they get and they do shit like throwing rocks at windows.'
Camille leaned her head on his chest. 'All we can do is be there for him, Drake. Try and guide him to do the right thing. He is the king, he knows how to rule. I think he's just a little.. Lost at the moment.'
Drake squeezed his eyes shut. 'We need to get him back.'
The nursery window was finally fixed. Camille had thought she would be happy about this but now, looking into the room, she just felt nothing.  To her, the nursery was no longer the nursery. How could she continue decorating and organising the room after what had happened? She knew she would never sleep easy again, knowing the baby was asleep in there. 
She clenched her fists. She felt so frustrated. Frustrated at Liam, for being too single minded to see the bigger picture and frustrated at the anti-monarchists who wouldn’t protest peacefully. 
Drake came up behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders, leaning in to kiss her neck. ‘You okay, honey?’ he asked. Camille sighed. ‘This isn’t the nursery anymore.’
Drake squeezed her shoulders. ‘I know.’
The newspapers quickly discovered and reported that the Palace was holding a dinner for the court. Drake's heart filled with dread as he read the articles but he felt useless.  He tried to push the thoughts of his mind as he faced the mirror, arranging his bow tie. 
Dinner at the palace was starting at 7.30pm. To say that this dinner was now his most dreaded courtly event he had ever been invited to was an understatement. He really didn’t want to go. He wanted to stay in with his wife, share a bottle of whiskey and pretend none of this was going on. 
He looked around to where Camille was sat at her dressing table, lining her eyes with kohl. She was dressed in a red silk dress which showed off her small bump. Her hair was swept up into a chignon and a diamond choker was wrapped around her neck. Drake now wished they could stay home so he could do things to her. 
‘Wow,’ he said, his eyes roaming down her body and back to her face. ‘You look stunning.’ Camille blushed. ‘You look pretty handsome yourself, Walker.’
He extended his arm and she took it. ‘Maybe we can sneak off halfway through like old times,’ she joked. Drake chuckled. ‘Please tell me you’re serious.’
She gave him a smile.  ‘Always am when it comes to you, Drake.’
Their driver dropped them off at the palace. Drake paled when he saw the number of security outside the palace doors. It did not look welcoming.  He placed a hand on the small of Camille’s back and guided her up the palace steps. The doorman let them inside and the smell of jasmine hit them. Liam had gone all out with the jasmine scented candles and lilies. Servants greeted them with a glasses of champagne, which Camille politely declined, and they made their way into the ballroom where 15 round tables were placed around the edges. The French doors opened out onto the Royal Balcony, where a string quartet was arranged and playing their lilting music. 
Drake and Camille were escorted to their table. They both breathed a sigh of relief when they found Maxwell, Bertrand, Hana and Olivia sat around it. 
‘Aaaah you’re here!’ Hana squealed, jumping up to give them a hug. ‘It’s been ages!’
She was always like an excited puppy who greeted their owner after being left alone all day. It was endearing and it was just the sort of happy relief that Camille needed. ‘I’ve missed you too, Hana,’ Camille told her, smiling. The others stood up to hug and kiss them. 
‘Right, more champagne for the table!’ Olivia decided. ‘Except for Camille.’ Another bottle was placed in the ice bucket and Camille settled with water. Drake pulled her chair out of her, ever the gentleman, and she sat down beside Bertrand. He turned to her with a warm smile on his face. ‘Window fixed?’
She nodded. ‘I’m not going to make that into the nursery anymore. It’s too painful.’
‘I wouldn’t expect you to,’ he replied. ‘You’ve got plenty other rooms to choose from anyway. I just want you to be able to relax now. How are you feeling tonight?’
Camille winced. ‘Nervous for Liam. But it’s nice to see all of you.’
Bertrand gave her hand a squeeze. ‘Likewise. Now, enough talk about republics and windows. Tell me, have you got baby names?’
Olivia turned to Drake, skimming her finger along the rim of her champagne glass. She was dressed in a red satin dress, the same colour as Camille; normally she would have been irritated that someone had worn the same colour as her, but for Camille, she made an exception.  ‘I heard you and Liam had words,’ she muttered. Drake took a sip of whiskey and nodded. ‘How do you know?’
‘He told me.’
‘Ah. Yeah, it wasn’t great.’
Olivia took a gulp of her drink and faced him, her face serious. There was a time when Drake would have rather gone without whiskey for a year than speak to Olivia, but now, after everything, they were good friends. She was fiercely loyal, brave and had a kind heart under that hard shell; she was the kind of friend Drake and Camille needed. 
‘I’m with you,’ she admitted. ‘I feel he is being so narrow minded. It’s not like him. I’m terrified he will lose who he is. His goodness. His kindness. But to ask you to put the kingdom before Camille and your baby... no. That was despicable.’  She spat the last word. Drake drew back, alarmed at her disgust. She took another swig of her champagne and looked to where Liam was standing, speaking to his mother. ‘But despite all of that, I love him..’ she murmured, her voice small. Drake watched her over the rim of his glass, taking a deep sip of his whiskey. He needed it. 
Hana and Maxwell brought their chairs round to where Bertrand and Camille sat. They were never that formal at these dinners; they wanted to see their friends and why not defy the seating plan? 
‘I want to be godfather!’ Bertrand was saying, very animated. Camille was laughing. ‘You’re in the running, don’t worry!’
Maxwell clapped his hands. ‘Am I in the running too?!’
Bertrand and Camille stared at him. He sat down quickly. ‘Yeah, I realised as soon as I said that..’
Camille squeezed his hand. ‘You can be the uncle. Uncles are more fun anyway.’
Bertrand widened his eyes in mock shock. ‘Are you saying I’m not fun?’
Hana snorted. 
‘I have seen you at Beaumont Bashes, you can be fun when you want to be,’ Camille replied, giving him a wink. Bertrand chuckled and downed his champagne. He beckoned over a servant. ‘Please can I have another bottle of this wonderful champagne and perhaps a virgin Mojito for my lovely Camille?’
He was quite tipsy now. As soon as he started calling Camille ‘lovely’, that was the beginning of a very interesting spiral. 
The servant nodded and turned to go to the kitchen, accidentally knocking into a group of courtiers, spilling their drinks. Hana groaned. One of the courtiers was Neville, who she had considered marrying until she discovered his arrogance and belief that nobles were better than anybody. Basically, the exact type of noble the anti-monarchists hated.  
‘You’ve ruined my suit jacket!’ he shouted at the servant. ‘Do you not realise how expensive this is?! Get away from me!’ 
The servant ran away from Neville’s wrath. 
Neville looked down at the table and sneered. ‘Look who it is. My favourite non-nobles.’
Bertrand glared at him. ‘You know I am the Duke of Ramsford-’
‘Shut up, Bertrand,’ Neville replied, sounding bored. His eyes went to Hana. ‘Miss Lee. How ravishing you look this evening.’
Hana resisted the need to dry heave. Neville looked around at the table, his eyes settling on Drake. Drake looked up at him, his glass of whiskey nearly at his lips. ‘Ha! Of course, the runt of the litter isn’t drinking champagne.’
Drake clenched the glass and felt Camille place her hand on his arm, trying to stop him from retaliating. Drake took a casual sip and raised his glass in Neville’s direction. ‘Always good to see you too, Neville,’ he replied cooly. Neville’s eyes flashed; he always wanted a fight. He looked at Camille, whose hand was still on Drake’s arm. ‘I meant to say. Congratulations on your new baby.’
Camille smiled politely. ‘Thank you.’
He smirked. ‘Let’s hope it shows it’s worthy of its title, otherwise it’ll be another fake noble runt.’
Drake bolted up from his chair but was only pulled down by Camille. ‘Don’t let him get to you,’ she said under her breath. ‘He’s not worth it.’
Drake gripped the edge of the table, resisting every urge to punch Neville in the face. He couldn’t do that. He was a Duke. His pregnant wife was sat right there. Neville sneered, knowing he had won. 
‘Pah. I feel sorry for you. Being given such a grand title and not knowing how to use it. Liam had no idea what he was doing when he made you both a Duke and Duchess. Idiot.’
Olivia straightened, her face set into a death stare. ‘Don’t you dare speak ill of the king,’ she said, her voice laced with venom. 
‘Everyone is now,’ Neville replied casually. ‘Everyone in court thinks he’s a terrible ruler. He gifts out titles to nobodies. He can’t defend Cordonia. He has left us open to numerous assassination attempts. He is weak. Sometimes, I agree with those commoners who say a republic would be better.’
Bertrand stood up, his face filled with fury. ‘You speak treason,’ he spat. Neville laughed bitterly. ‘I speak the truth.’ 
Drake stood up again, this time ignoring Camille’s attempts to pull him back down, and started to speak.‘You fucker-’
The sound of glass shattering filled the room. Camille screamed, the sound bringing her back to the nursery. The courtiers all gasped and began to shout as more of the windows broke into shards. The sound of chanting filled the air and through the broken windows, the court could see a crowd of around 300 people running towards the palace, throwing rocks. Some were holding signs.  All of them were shouting, ‘Republic! Republic! Republic!’ 
Drake grabbed Camille’s hand and, with his heart hammering against his chest, started to pull her up from her chair. ‘We all need to get of here!’ he cried. Olivia was already armed; she held a dagger in her hand. Her eyes were furious. Hana ran to Camille, her eyes filled with tears. ‘Camille, we have to keep you safe!’ Camille took her hand and squeezed it. Tears were also falling down her cheeks; she was sick of this. Absolutely sick of this. She was sick of the constant fear and anxiety. 
The mob were now trying to get past security, who were trying their best to hold them back. Drake saw Liam, who was running through the ballroom towards them. ‘Guys, up to the Royal Quarters! It’s safer there!’ he told them.
Camille burst into tears, overwhelmed. ‘I just want to be home,’ she sobbed. Drake turned to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. ‘Baby, we can’t go home yet. We need to get upstairs-’
She sobbed harder, knowing she wasn’t being brave. She felt numb as Drake wrapped his arms around her and guided her and Hana , who’s hand was still wrapped around hers, quickly through the ballroom. They were caught up in the flurry of courtiers who were all trying to get out, pushing at each other. Drake shielded her from the crowd, knowing it was every man for himself. They wouldn’t care that she was pregnant. They wouldn’t be careful. 
Hana’s hand clung to Camille’s, refusing to let her go. Drake heard Hana shouting at the courtiers: ‘Camille is pregnant! Stop shoving!’
Drake felt a slight relief. Thank God for Hana. 
The shouting from the mob was louder now, more furious. ‘Republic! Republic!’ 
Finally, Drake got Camille out of the ballroom and he lifted her up, carrying her up the stairs towards the Royal Quarters. He raced up the stairs as fast as he could, followed by Liam, Hana, Olivia, Maxwell and Bertrand. Tears blinding him, he ran for his and Camille’s lives. 
They reached the Royal Quarters and Liam was ahead of them now, a burst of energy flowing through him. He shoved open the door to his suite. Once they were all inside, he locked the door, before keeling down to the floor onto his knees, head in his hands. 
Drake placed Camille onto the bed, his head spinning. Hana stayed close to Camille, covering her hand with hers. Olivia leaned against the sideboard, staring straight ahead, her jaw clenched. Maxwell and Bertrand were holding each other up from the exertion of running up five flights of stairs. The same question was on everyone’s mind. What were they going to do now?
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mind-reader1 · 6 years
Queen of Hearts (Ch.9)
Drake x MC (Emma Barnes)
TRR AU: What would happen if Emma loved Drake but had to marry Liam?
Catch up here
Warnings: None. Pure Fluff 
Note: If you’d like to be added to the tag list let me know! Also I love talking with you guys about the chapters and story to please don’t be afraid to tell me what you thought! :) 
Word Count:  2735
Summary: The first stop on the engagement tour is Fydelia, Madeline’s home! Will she be able to recruit her as a press secretary and Madeleine’s family’s support? Emma and Drake find a moment to themselves and she tries her best to teach him the waltz.
Chapter 9: I don’t Dance (Lee Brice)
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I’ll never settle down, That’s what I always thought Yeah, I was that kind of man, Just ask anyone
I don’t dance, but here I am Spinning you around and around in circles It ain’t my style, but I don’t care I’d do anything with you anywhere Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand girl 'Cause, I don’t dance
Love’s never come my way, I’ve never been this far 'Cause you took these two left feet And waltzed away with my heart
Once he cleared the hall she went back into her room and started packing, it was the first day of the unity tour. She had just finished packing when there was a knock on the door.
“Maxwe- Bertrand?” She was surprised to see the elder Beaumont at her door. Now she was really glad that she had made Drake leave.
“I'm glad to see you're already packed and ready. Today is a very important day, it's the first stop on the unity tour.”
“Where are we going exactly?”
“Fydelia.” Emma laughed and looked at Bertrand whose expression didn't change.
“Good one, where are we really going?”
“We're going to Fydelia. It's an important stop, even more important since it's the first. It shows that you, Madeleine and Liam can put aside your differences and get along, and we're going to be recruiting Madeleine as your new press secretary.” Emma felt like she had walked into a nightmare.
Later that day in the boutique with Bertrand and Maxwell, Emma still hadn't wrapped her head around the idea.
“Of all the press secretaries in Europe, why does it have to be Madeleine?” Emma was getting desperate, she was willing to beg and grovel if it meant she didn't have to recruit Madeleine, her least favorite person in Cordonia.
“As you know Justin isn't an option because he was injured and is still in the hospital, he recommended Madeleine though. He was impressed by the way she handled the press during her brief engagement to Liam.”
“You have to admit she did manage to spin everything in a favorable manner.” Emma shot Maxwell a look, he was not helping her case. Maxwell being Maxwell however, took it in stride, he'd rather have Emma be upset with him for a few minutes than have Bertrand lecturing him about the impending doom of House Beaumont.
“If I must. I suppose it will be good to have her evil, snake charming powers working for me rather than against me.”
“Yes! The unlikely hero-villain team up against a greater threat.” Maxwell grinned.
“Exactly. She still holds much influence at court and is frankly far greater an asset than enemy.” Emma really couldn't argue with that, even if she tried it would be futile, Bertrand had made up his mind.
“This is all assuming we can convince her to help me. We never exactly had a close relationship, especially after everything that happened.”
“Precisely why you will need every advantage you can get, and why we are here.”
“A dress with the color of Madeleine and Adelaide's house. A dress as green as her envy towards you and as black as her shriveled heart.” With a flourish Maxwell pulled a dress off the rack. Emma grabbed the dress and slipped into the changing room. It was a club style dress, tight fighting so it hugged her curves but a halter, so it wouldn't slip while she was dancing. It appeared to be black with a patterned green lace over it, some of which extended past the end, just long enough to be classy. It was beautiful, as always.
“Don't forget this isn't only about Madeleine, you also must convince Adelaide to attend the wedding.” Emma brushed off Bertrand's concern.
“Adelaide won't take any convincing, if there's a party she's there.”
“Yes, but you will also need the support of Adelaide's husband, Madeleine's father which will be far more difficult.” Emma raised her eyebrows in surprise.
“Adelaide is married?”
“Duke Godfrey doesn't reside in Cordonia. He spends most of his time in England at his duchy.”
“The rumors at court are that Adelaide and Godfrey don't exactly get along.” Maxwell whispered as if someone may overhear.
“Which means his attendance at your wedding will be so important and hold a lot of sway, further into this tour.”
“So, do the impossible. Sounds like a normal day at this point.”
That evening Emma approached Madeleine's estate with her friends, but she hung back as they gushed over it, not feeling in much of a party mood.
“What's on your mind Barnes?” Drake fell into step beside her.
“What do you know about Godfrey and his relationship with Adelaide?” Drake sighed.
“Not much. Married for political reasons, as far as nobles go, he's as uptight and pretentious as they come. All he cares about is titles. My least favorite kind of noble.”
“Well I guess I have my work cut out for me then.”
“If anyone can do it Barnes, it's you.” Emma reached over and squeezed his hand, releasing it before they entered the ballroom which was…surprisingly empty.
“Wow, this place is like a ghost town.”
“Father mentioned that there would be a lot turn out. Fear is still high along the nobles after the attack on the palace and more recently the video.”
“They're afraid to be seen supporting the monarchy.” Drake scowled. He hated the idea that his best friend and love of his life had to put their lives in danger while the other nobles hid like the cowards he always thought they were. Scanning the room, Emma saw Adelaide speaking with Constantine and Regina, and a man with white hair, a permanent scowl on his face who she assumed was Godfrey as he took a seat right next to Adelaide.
“You'll win then over though, you always do. It's like magic!” Maxwell inserted himself into the conversation.
“It'll be easier to talk to them alone though.” Emma noticed Madeleine on the other side of the room, clearly not interested in the party. She approached Madeleine who properly greeted her for the sake of tradition.
“You've been greeted, could you leave me alone now, for once?”
“Actually, I needed to speak to you about something, an opportunity for you.”
“I'm sure it's of no interest to me.” Madeleine tried to leave.
“I want you to be my press secretary on this upcoming tour.” Madeleine stopped and turned, a satisfied smirk on her face.
“I knew it. You've come crawling back to me, begging for help because you've dug yourself too deep into a hole. Good luck getting yourself out. I'll be sitting at the top watching.” Madeleine hissed, and this time didn't stop as she walked away from her. Emma explained what happened to her friends and they decided to take a break. While they were getting some food, Drake accidentally bumped into Neville. Emma couldn't help but roll her eyes as she approached, he was amongst her least favorite people. He droned on and on while still managing to find a way to insult them all. Drake stepped in to defend Emma, some part of her loved that Drake would defend her even if publicly she was with Liam, but another part wanted to be able to elevate Drakes status so people like Neville would leave him alone. When Neville had the audacity to compare Drake to a dog she could see him losing it, Emma almost lost control of her own temper, it took all of her will power not to.
“He's not worth it Drake.” She whispered in his ear. As much as he hated Neville, he couldn't make things more difficult for her or his best friend and so he backed off, Emma was right. Drake had a feeling that Neville would get what was coming to him, even if that day wasn't today.
“We still need his support though. We need all the nobles we can get.” Hana said. The idea that Drake would have to watch Emma get married to Liam, knowing Neville would be in the crowd to mock him made his anger spike again. He needed a moment to himself and so he made a beeline for outside, hoping he wouldn't be followed. He turned when he heard soft footsteps, relieved to see it was only Emma.
“I'm sorry, I just needed some fresh air. I couldn't let my anger get the best of me. He was right, if I do something rash it only hurts you and Liam.” Emma gave him a sympathetic smile.
“For the record, I want to punch him too.” Drake chuckled.
“I don't suppose there's a metaphorical way I could punch him.”
“Maybe if you knew what fork was for what purpose.” Drake smirked.
“Guy like him, he'd know all that stuff. I did have one idea though.” Emma raised her eyebrows at him.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, something you could help me with.”
“What would that be?”
“Don't make me say it Barnes. You know what I'm talking about.” Emma really had no idea though, she shrugged.
“Dancing. Maybe you could teach me some fancy court dances.” Emma grinned.
“The Drake Walker is asking for dancing lessons?”
“I know. Can you help me or not Barnes?” Emma smiled and grabbed Drake's hands.
“Let's start.” He led her to a secluded part of the gardens under an arch filled with twinkling lights.
“Why dancing?” Drake sighed.
“We'll be going to a lot of balls, dancing is usually involved.”
“Neville got to you. Fuck what he thinks Drake.”
“It's not just Neville. I want to do this for you! For Liam! You guys need all the support you can get, and I can't be just the commoner friend who sticks around, I need to show them that I'm an asset.”
“Drake you don't need to change. You don't need to earn their respect to be helpful. I could never ask you to change for me.” He lifted her chin gently.
“I want to Barnes.”
“I love you Drake. Despite what anyone else thinks.” Drake kissed her gently and smiled.
“Okay, where do we start?”
“What do you know?”
“You know me Barnes, I don't dance. I know the starting position and that's it.”
“Let's start there then!” Drake gently placed his hand on her waist and grabbed her other hand with his, holding it out. She put her hand on his shoulder and slowly began gliding him through box steps, as she sped up, he struggled to keep up with her. His footwork became sloppy, almost stomping on her toes. Drake sighed in frustration, breaking hold.
“This is hard. You always make it look so effortless.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“That's because I'm not stomping like I'm part of some military marching band, you need to glide. Your movements need to flow together rather than stiff, and individual.” Drake just stared at her like she was speaking another language.
“Imagine you're dancing on glasses of whiskey, every time you stomp you break a glass.” Drake gasped.
“That's a tragedy Barnes.”
“Then I guess you better learn to glide.” It only took Drake a few more steps to finally learn to glide.
“Am I good? A perfect dancer now?” Emma smiled and shook her head.
“You still need to correct your frame, you have to hold it at all times.” Emma waited for Drake to find the correct frame.
“When you hold your frame, it helps your partner react to your movements accordingly.”
“Like this?” Emma pretended to be checking over Drake's frame and snuck in for a kiss. Drake immediately broke hold, falling into the kiss before pulling away.
“That's not the next move.” Emma giggled.
“You don't know that. You said yourself you don't know anything about dancing.”
“I've been around court for years Barnes, nobles don't go around kissing each other. That was a cheap move.” She winked.
“You loved it though. Anyways, my point was that you need to be able to focus through distractions. Your partner is trusting you to lead them through the dance, especially this next step.” Emma demonstrated and explained the next step before Drake took his place with her. Drake glided forward, and Emma took a step back, spinning under Drake's arm.
“What's the last step?” Emma grinned and jumped into Drake's arms, catching him off guard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and enjoyed the quiet moment together.
“As much I love this, what's the real move?”
“A simple spin.” Drake began twirling and Emma giggled until he lost his balance and they tumbled into the bushes.
“Aah!” Drake hissed and grabbed his shoulder. Emma rolled off him and looked at him, worried.
“Drake I'm sorry! Are you okay?” He nodded and let out a deep breath.
“I'm fine.” He pulled Emma back on top of him who wasn't convinced.
“Your shoulder, Drake.” He silenced her by kissing her. Her protests immediately stopped as his tongue slipped into her mouth.
“Drake? Emma!” Maxwell's voice forced them apart just as Drake's hand began wandering up her dress.
“We've been gone too long.” She whispered. Drake sighed and helped her up.
“Right here Maxwell.” They brushed each other off and stepped out from the gardens.
“What were you doing out here?” He looked them up and down.
“I was teaching Drake to dance.” Maxwell clearly didn't buy it.
“She was Maxwell.” Everyone dropped the subject.
“Thanks Barnes. I never wanted to learn because I didn't want court to change me. You've done it all though, you're going to be queen, but you're still the New York waitress that I fell in love with. If you can do it, then so can I. For Liam, for Cordonia, for you.” He gave her a meaningful look and she returned it, walking back inside to the ball behind Maxwell.
“Lady Emma!”
“Bertrand!” She mocked his rushed tone and waited for him to explain.
“I've been looking everywhere for you. Adelaide and Godfrey are alone, you should talk to them now.” Emma made her way over to Adelaide and tried to recruit her with no luck, she also had no luck with Godfrey, but she was able to figure out why everyone was so tense. It was something at least, she needed to talk to Madeleine again though, Bertrand would be furious if she didn't recruit her.
“Any luck?” Hana asked. Emma shook her head.
“I need to talk to Madeleine again, I know what's bothering them all.”
“I think that's going to have to wait.” Emma followed Maxwell's gaze to where Neville was asking Madeleine to dance. Emma's lips curled into a smile, Liam was nowhere to been seen.
“Let's show them how it's done Drake.” He looked at her wide-eyed and shook his head. “You want to give him the courtly middle finger, this is how you do it. You've got this.” Emma grabbed his hand and dragged him on to the dance floor. Drake took one look at Neville and his demeanor changed, he deftly began guiding Emma through the steps. She looked over her shoulder and saw him scowling at them, Emma turned back to Drake and grinned.
“We're definitely getting to him.”
“Guess he can't handle a little competition.” Neville grew increasingly showy, twirling Madeleine and gliding her across the dance floor, his scowl never leaving them.
“I think he's going to do something big. Can you do a lift?” Emma looked at Drake and was genuinely concerned, she wasn't going to ask him to do something that would hurt him. He nodded and met her gaze, he could do it. As the music crested, Drake lifted Emma by her waist and spun her as she threw her arms back, he gently set her down as the music stopped.
“That was amazing Drake!” Emma wrapped her arms around him and laughed as their friends rushed over.
“I guess she really was teaching you to dance. Stop holding out on me Drake!”
“Where'd you learn to do that Drake?” Hana joined them as Neville stormed over. Again, he tried to pick a fight with Drake and the others.
“Just because you did one waltz doesn't mean you belong here with us.”
“Why are you so threatened by Drake? It it because you know that no matter what you do in your sniveling life you'll never be as good as the commoner who took a bullet for the future queen.” Emma got in Neville's face and he took a step back sneering.
“That's the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard.”
“Really? Then why are you running with your tail tucked between your legs?” Neville huffed and walked off, at a loss of words.
“Thanks Barnes.” Before Emma could say anymore, she heard a commotion and turned to see what it was. Madeleine and her parents had begun arguing in raised voices.
Tag List:  @notoriouscs @sleepwalkingelite @brightpinkpeppercorn @ooo-barff-ooo @princesstopgun @choicesyouplayandmore @leelee10898@roonarific @indigo39 @skyila @speedyoperarascalparty @andy-loves-corgis @furiousherringoperatortoad @blackwidow2721 @drakewalkerfics@findingdrake @sue9659 @smritysriv
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
The Legend of Hana Chapter 97
Warnings: We’re gonna switch things up here a bit. But trust me, it’s worth it! This does have brainwashing and abusive themes in this, so if you're uncomfortable with that, please skip this chapter
Rating: It's gonna get spicy. Proceed with caution
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Once upon a time...
Alright, that's a load of bullshit! I'm about to tell you my story, but without this "once upon a time" bullshit!
But--oh, alright. But you better make it good.
Oh, I will! I bet I can do it better than you!
Whatever! I am an amazing storyteller!
Sure you are
It all started when I was a little boy. I was probably around Hana's age when I adopted her at the time. My mom and I lived in a small house in Daybreak Town and we enjoyed every bit of it. It may have been small, but we did have a beautiful garden in the backyard. I would always help her out in the garden and we would always have the best foods to eat. But everything was about to change, and my life was about to become a shitshow.
One night, my mom and I were heading home from a playdate when we spotted a hooded man standing in front of us. He was obviously creepy 'cause why the fuck where there be a hooded man in the middle of the walkway, staring at my mom and me?! My mom hid me behind her and told the man to move out of the way.
"Now why would I want to do that when all I want to do is talk to you?"
"Well, standing here like this is definitely not how I would want to talk to someone."
"Oh c'mon, Rosalyne. All I want to do is talk."
"H-How do you know my name?"
"Oh, I know lots of things. I even know that your precious boy." When I saw him point at me, I knew that I was in danger. I felt my mom pull me closer as she still talked to the man.
"Why do you want my son?"
"I am a man who can see the future! And your son has a special power. Well, two special powers."
"Special powers? No! My son and I have been living a normal life without any powers and we don't need some creepy man barging in and saying all of these lies about my son!" The man chuckled, and with what felt like a blur, that was the last time I ever saw my mom.
I didn't know how long I was kept inside this hell hole that was my new home, but I did know that I was scared and hungry. But thankfully, I wasn't alone. There were other kids with me. Three other boys and two girls. Two of the boys seemed older than me while the other kids seemed younger only by like a year. One of the girls seemed really scared and I felt like it was my job to comfort her. Since we were in a tight space, it was hard to move around but I eventually made my way over to her.
"Hi, what's your name?"
"A-Ava. I-I don't know how I got here, but I'm scared."
"I'm Luxu. But it'll be okay. We'll get out of here and we'll see out parents." I knew that was a lie, but I had to cheer her up somehow. The door suddenly opened and the man who ruined our lives stepped in.
"So, how are my special kiddos doin'?"
"Why are you keeping us here?! We want to go home! We're just kids!"
"Oh, Ira. So gullible. You're here to become the best Keyblade Wielders in the world! You'll be so powerful that even kingdoms will want you! Don't worry, kiddos. I'll be taking such good care of you." Even though he had his hood up, I could see that bastard's smile. I pulled Ava close and she hid her face in my chest so she wouldn't have to look at him.
"At least feed us! We're so hungry, mister!"
"I'll feed you when I feel like it!" And thus began, the worst 13 years of our lives.
"C'mon Ava!" It was always rare that the master let us out to do whatever we want but it was always nice to spend it with Ava. He wouldn't let us out but that didn't stop me from spending time with Ava.
"What if we get in trouble? I don't wanna face any of the master's harsh punishments." It was true. Any time one of us gets in trouble, the master would give super harsh punishments.
"He won't! Promise! Now c'mon!" Ava took my hand and we ran through the streets of Daybreak Town to a field full of flowers that overlooked the town.
"Luxu, it's beautiful! How were you able to find this place?"
"I have my ways. Now, there is a reason I brought you here."
"What is it?" This was a big deal. I was about to confess to my best friend in the whole world. There were a lot of thoughts running through my head. What if she rejected me?! I wouldn't be able to look at her if she did! I took a deep breath and told her how I felt about her. "Ava, you're my best friend. We've been through almost everything and there's no one in the world who can replace you. So, what I'm trying to say is...I love you."
Ava looked at me in shock but pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed her back the best I could but with that damn mask the master gave her, it was practically impossible! She knew that it was in the way and took it off, revealing her gorgeous face and her beautiful platinum blonde locks. I obviously had to take my hood off! It was only fair! We kissed again, only this time it was deeper. We fell to the ground and made out amongst the flowers.
"I love you too Luxu." We took our clothes off and gently made love in the flower field. Sure, it was a little too fast but goddammit I loved her! Soon we had to go back and that was one of the last times I ever saw her. All thanks to that bastard.
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akiiyamashun · 3 years
"It seems like you are in a sticky situation." A gentle smile tugged at the Miss Tatsu's lips as she emerged from around the corner. The noises attracted her attention and curious killed the cat. "Need help?"
unscripted asks . always accepting
It was just impossibly hot inside the Sky Finance office - Akiyama had long discarded his jacket and contemplated undoing one more button of his shirt if Hana wasn't to return shortly with some food for while they sorted the client files for a few more hours - it was hardly the time to do so, in his opinion; but since they had recovered the documents from the Hatsushiba thugs, his secretary had been restless about ensuring that nothing was amiss in relation to their personal data.
Akiyama supposed she had a point - but his focus couldn't be further away from spreadsheets and detailed directories, particularly with that heat. Sighing, he stepped outside and produced a cigarette from the pack that he always carried in one of his pockets, and was about to lit it when his eyes fell on the scene going on right below in the Serena Alley.
A couple of girls were backed against the wall, their uniforms bringing a familiar yet bitter memory to the loan shark - high schoolers, and from the same one he frequented before going to university, too. He had no idea what a pair of students were doing in Kamurocho during the night of all places, but his smoke break was quickly forgotten - Akiyama instead went down the stairs in what was intended to be a lazy pace, but making as much noise as he could with each step he took.
By the time he made it to the ground, the thugs threatening the girls had predictably turned their attention to the single man who had emerged from one of the offices. They sized Akiyama up with some choice insults and serious looks, and he smiled and bowed in an almost apologetic manner - but not to the guys and rather to the students.
"Get out of here and go home - you aren't old enough to be around at this hour and you shouldn't be here to watch what is going to go down."
"Oh yeah? You talk big for a scrawny little office guy," one of the gang members drawled, spitting on the floor - but Akiyama's not so veiled threat had riled them enough to forget about the high school students, who promptly fled to Tenkaichi Street. The moneylender waited - and as soon as the first punch was thrown at his direction, he dodged the attack and kicked the first assailant - hard and fast, hitting his chest and connecting a second strike that went for his chin.
Now - getting into fights wasn't something Akiyama enjoyed doing; but he was also incapable of not intervening when innocent people were in danger. From the moment his feet connected to the first thug and then he started to evade and return the messy and angry punches from the other guys, they got pissed - and started throwing things around, making a lot of noise which was enough to draw the attention of the other people in the building - and apparently, the lady who had just turned the corner, too.
"Oh? Nothing I can't handle, ma'am - would hate to make a lady get her hands dirty with scum like this," the loan shark replied with an infuriating smirk, chuckling at the outraged cry of the guy who attempted to deck him in the face - Akiyama merely sidestepped him, pressing the man against the wall with the heel of his foot, then kicking him twice when he slipped to the ground before dodging another attempt by one of his companions and pirouetting backwards, landing on his feet and in time to turn and hit a third guy on his chest, sending the air out of his lungs.
He ended up near to the mysterious woman, offering her a smile that wasn't taunting or menacing in contrast to the ones he had displayed during his fight. "Although I'm a modern guy - if you want to have a go at these goons preying on high school girls, I'm happy to share."
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fearlessandchaotic · 4 years
Elijah nodded, "Right. This is our chance to find our perfect home." As they were driving further from the city, Elijah felt like it would be more and more perfect. Quieter, and darker, neighborhoods meant he could come and go in the night much easier. In the apartment he had to be careful her neighbors didn't spot him flying in at night. And trees close? It sounded perfect already, "We'll find out. I can't say I'm particularly picky, I mean I was living in an abandoned shack when you found me."
     Hana rolled her eyes. “You were illegally living on a crime scene!” She chuckled and lightly punched his thigh. “You’re lucky I was the one to find you, I’m not sure you would have been alive if it had been someone else.” She frowned as she thought about it. Some officers at the precinct were a little trigger happy when they felt in danger. Hana was starting to believe her grandmother had really put him on her path.
     “After the visit, remind me to bring you somewhere.” 
0 notes
imagines-never-die · 8 years
Support!reader who has a crush on cuties of your choice that are of a different class, but they're nervous about making a move because "oh I'm just a medic. I'm not nearly as impressive as they are"
(Let’s go withhh…Hanzo, D.Va, and Junkrat!)
Genji quietly watched as you watched Hanzo, waiting for the moment when you’d get up and actually say something to him.
“It has been a long time since someone has expressed romantic interest in my brother,” he pointed out.
“Oh, I don’t doubt it,” you sighed wistfully.
“And he often looks lonely after missions,” he continued.
“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” you mumbled, eyes still glued to the archer.
“…So!” Genji finally groaned.
“So what?” you snapped, finally turning to him.
“Go talk to him!”
“T-Talk to him?” you stuttered nervously, “No way, th-there’s no way he’d want to talk to me. Especially since he’s busy with those targets…”
“He’s always busy with targets,” Genji rolled his eyes from behind his visor, “He doesn’t need the extra practice, he just does it when he’s lonely or troubled,”
“It’s nice to watch…” you smirked a little, watching as his muscular arms drew back the bow.
“[Name!]” Genji brought you back to reality, “Why don’t you go talk to him. You’ve had this crush on him since you came to Overwatch, but you never make a move!”
“Well that’s because–I mean–he’s a sharpshooter, a sniper, a strong warrior of Overwatch! And I’m just a support unit…I hop in and out of fights to help people, relying on my teammates to protect my sorry butt…”
Genji sighed, “So you’re intimidated? Is that it?”
“…Yeah…” you admitted.
“[Name], I’m an offense unit,” he said bluntly, “You weren’t afraid to approach me,”
“Th-this is different,” you stammered, “I didn’t have a crush on you,”
“[Name], none of us think you’re a useless addition to the team. We all value our support units, especially you,” Genji explained softly, “Nobody would ever belittle you for your support status, especially Hanzo. I think he admires those who can save lives so easily,”
You shifted uncomfortably as you thought it over. It was just that grim, dead-set face Hanzo always had. He seemed like he never had time for anyone much less little support units.
“We are defined by who we are, not what we are,” Genji concluded, sounding just as zen as his master.
Taking a deep breathe, you nodded, “Ok, you’re right! I need to stop telling myself I’m not good enough! I-I just…need to go over to him…a-and say something,”
“That’s the spirit!” Genji cheered.
“Well go on,” he urged.
“I can’t. My feet feel like they’re stuck!” you whimpered nervously.
“Just get out there already!” Genji laughed, giving you a nudge towards his brother.
Stumbling forward, you watched the archer hit another bull’s-eye, pulling another arrow to his bow. Cautiously, you came up next to him, watching him release the arrow and hit another target in the center.
“Hello, [Name],” he said gruffly, still totally concentrated on his work, “Is there something you need?”
He looked so scary and powerful! Why were you trying to waste his time?! Aaagh! Nervously, you glanced back towards Genji for some kind of help. The cyborg just gave a little “go on” gesture.
“A-Actually…” you mumbled anxiously, “I–uh–came to watch your target practice a-and um take notes! Yeah, my…my aim really i-isn’t very good so um I mean yours is! So I thought I-I could learn a thing or–uh–two from you…I mean as long as that doesn’t bother you, you know…”
Hanzo suddenly stopped midway from grabbing another arrow. Then his eyes slowly turned toward you, looking more surprised than usual.
“You…want me to teach you?” he asked with a hopeful look in his eye.
“Ummm…” you glanced back to Genji who was nodding furiously and giving you a thumbs-up, “Y-Yes! If it’s not too much trouble!”
“Of course not,” Hanzo shook his head, picking up a practice bow and handing it to you, “I’ve noticed your aim in battle. I was hoping you would try to fix it,”
You cringed. Were you really that bad at hitting your targets?
“But I am glad you sought me out to help you,” he gave a slight smile, “I was afraid you had been avoiding me,”
“Avoiding? Heh, nah o-of course not!” you giggled.
“Support units seem to be so nervous around me,” he said in a ponderous tone, “I was beginning to worry that I had been frightening you away…”
“No, no, it’s not th-that!” you tried to tell him, “I’m shy by nature, I promise!”
He tapped his finger to his chin a few moments before saying, “Very well, let us begin with your stance,”
Your whole face grew hot as Hanzo suddenly stepped behind you, wrapping his arms around yours and guiding your hands into the right positions. Then he nudged your foot with his and instructed you to tighten your grip. You glanced back at Genji again, who looked like he was laughing from behind his visor.
You always admired D.Va so much. She fearlessly flew into every fight with her meka, disrupting the enemy’s ranks and wreaking havoc. Then just when they thought they had taken down her meka, she’d shout “nerf this!” and blow them all to smithereens! You thought she was simply amazing and almost made you wish that you were a tank unit. But you were just a support unit, sticking back with the offense units and keeping them supplied with shields and heals.
But one day, during a really rough battle, D.Va started calling on her comm link for extra backup: things like more firepower, defense, and a support unit to keep her going. No other supports responded, so you were the one to answer her call and move to the front lines. It was scary as all hell up there, explosions and bullets flying, yet Hana kept her cool like it was another day at the arcade!
“Thanks for coming to help guys! Their snipers are really annoying but their offense won’t let me get close to them! Could you guys keep their offense busy?” she explained, then turned to you, “And [Name], could you pocket heal me? My meka’s gonna fall apart without your heals!”
“U-Uh–yes! Yes ma’am!” you piped almost like a robot.
“Hee hee!!” Hana snorted, “Who’s ma’am? I’m D.Va, silly!”
You felt a little blush form on your face as she laughed her bubbly laugh.
“R-Right, D.Va…” you muttered.
“Let’s mooove out!” she cheered excitedly, taking off with her boosters.
Somehow you were able to keep up, steadily healing her as she disrupted the snipers, disarming them and booping them out of their nests. It was really hard at times; sometimes her meka’s health would go dangerously low even as you healed her all you could. But luckily, her meka never got wrecked…well until she wrecked it herself.
“Snipers eliminated!” she reported happily into her comm link, then looked back to you, “Watch this, [Name]!”
With that, she boosted her meka into the air, ejecting at the last second and sending it into self-destruct mode. It turned into a big ball of light, soaring through the air and eventually landing in the enemy base with a KABOOM! You watched awe-struck as the whole sky lit up and the base flew into a thousand pieces.
“Woohoo! Bonus points!” Hana cheered.
“That was amazing…” you breathed.
“Yeah, I guess it was,” she shrugged, “But I couldn’t have done it without you, [Name]. Your healing was what really kept me going!”
You blushed again, staring down at your shoes bashfully, “I mean, I wasn’t that great. Nothing different from what I usually do…”
“Hey!” she grinned, taking you by the hand and leading you back to your own base, “Do you wanna hang out sometime?”
“H…Hang out?” you couldn’t believe someone as famous and strong as D.Va was asking you to “hang out!”
“Uh-huh, you know that thing that people do when they wanna spend more time with each other?” she chuckled at you.
Your expression slowly dropped, remembering your place.
“But…you’re a tank unit, and I’m a support unit…” you mumbled.
“Yeah? Why is that important?” she shrugged.
“Because I’m just a support unit,” you admitted, “Don’t you want to hang out with someone cooler like another tank or attack unit?”
“Nope!” she smiled, “I wanna hang out with you, [Name]! Units don’t matter! They’re just dumb, stuffy titles,”
With that she slung an arm over your shoulder and pulled you close, making you stiffen up. You were so close to her! She smelled like bubblegum and new car…
“So what do you want to do? We could play video games or go to the arcade or go shopping–ooh! Do you like ice cream? I know this great place that gives me free…”
She’d be talking all the way back to base.
“Oi! I need healin’!” “Where’s my heals?” “Oi! Healer, over here!”
Why did you have to fall for a guy who treated supports like servants? Why did he only ever call you “Healer” or “Doc?” He was so tall and lanky, yet muscle-y at the same time, with a cute laugh and an outgoing attitude. Junkrat was everything you looked for in a guy, despite your friends saying you were crazy for it.
But you never once made a move. It always seemed like an arsonist would never have any time for a support unit, especially when he seemed to think they were so unimportant to the team. A lot of the other support units would get bad at him for his rude tone around him. They’d punish him with a smack on the head or a “no heal” policy for at least one battle. Some supports had given up on healing him altogether–he was the one who’d accidentally drop grenades on himself, after all.
But you just couldn’t keep yourself from healing him. It meant you got to admire him up close…even if you never said anything to him. Sometimes he’d even give you a little “Thanks, mate!” But as far as you were concerned, Jamison would never like a support unit. It wasn’t until the end of one of your missions that you were proven wrong.
“Hooly dooly, that was some fight!” Junkrat marveled at the wreckage as his hair smoked.
“No kidding,” you huffed as you tried to catch your breath, “I thought for sure we were gonna lose the point,”
“Same! We were the only ones on it!” he laughed, “I kept waitin’ for them to punt me off, but you kept me goin’!”
“Oh, yeah whatever,” you shrugged as you flopped down on the ground exhausted, “Well you did all the hard work,”
“Me? You were the one dodgin’ all those bullets and givin’ me all them buffs!” he pointed out as he sat down next to you, “I wouldn’t’ve been able to hold the point if it weren’t for you!”
A small blush crept its way onto your face, but you quickly shook your head and waved your hand dismissively.
“No, I wouldn’t have survived it if it weren’t for you blowing up anyone who came close to me.”
Seriously. Any flanker who’d try to sneak up on you would get a “Not my healer, you bitch!” from Junkrat.
“Well at least we can admit we work well together, eh?” he chuckled.
“Sure…” you mumbled bashfully, “Why not?”
“Eh c’mon, why ya hidin’ yer face now?” he smirked as he took your chin and gently guided it toward him.
“I-I’m not!” you squeaked in shock.
You hadn’t expected him to do that! His fingers felt all sooty and calloused…
“Yeah you are!” he sang.
“Sh-shut up…” you pouted, pulling away.
“Oi, why can’t ya just accept the complement?” he whined.
You crossed your arms, “Because I know you don’t mean it. You don’t care about support units in the slightest, Jamison,”
“The hell I do!” he retorted, “Well, only the good ones, that is,”
You gave him a glare and he put up his hands in defense, “I get it, I get it, you support-y types don’t like me. But you’re one of the only good ones on the team! You actually heal me and stick by me unlike all the other pricks who up and leave me for being ‘rude.’”
“But you, [Name], you’re a healer I can lean on!” he grinned, “ya’ve never let me down! That’s what I like about you!”
That’s what he…liked about you? Your face went red as you processed his words, looking like you had seen a giant spider.
“So…you don’t hate support units?” you asked.
“Hate ‘em? Nah!” he cackled, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close to him, “Just drongos who don’t give me the time of day!”
Slowly, a smile appeared on your lips as you melted into him, letting him hold you closer. Jamison was a prickly guy and hard to get close to, and you always thought you’d never get very far with him, but all that time you had spent around him had been one big step towards knowing the real him.
–Mod Sirana
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