#(god I love the women on this show. so awful but so much fun)
bougiebutchbitch · 1 month
"The doctor says my sperm are bad. Like, really, really bad. Like a bunch of... of fat, dead tadpoles..."
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webslingingslasher · 4 months
Hey J, can you write something fluffy? Any Peter would do. it's exam season and it's stressing me out! I'm just searching for a little comfort 🥹
*cleaning out my inbox, based off some terrible storms we're having in my area. nerdy!peter* also- go me for coming out of retirement, i hope i'm still good 😁
there are three things that wake peter up in the dead of night.
the first was a loud crack of thunder, the second was a whimper, and the third was his skin being latched onto like he's velcro. peter's room flashes when lightning strikes outside his window, rain beating against it like it's begging to come inside.
there's another soft cry, hot breath washes across his ribcage.
'angel?' peter isn't awake enough to make the full connection yet. a pregnant pause, he can hear how hard the rain is coming down, his roof amplifies the sound.
'petey.' it's the soft drawl you have, you're calling out for him like he's your lifeline.
it's enough for him to rid all thoughts of sleep from his mind. 'hey, hey, hey, you're okay.' peter can feel you tremble under his hold, another strike of lightning, he's praying thunder doesn't follow.
'it's bad, it's so bad.' if peter had known about the storm he would've prepared better, instead it caught you both off guard and that made it so much worse for you.
'it's so loud. i don't like it, i don't like it, i don't like it.' you cling to him by hitching your leg over his hips, your arm thrown over his waist to keep yourself pressed against him is threatening a bruise.
peter's thankful this happened to be on a night you were sleeping over. 'sit up.' he rubs your back as a way to raise you, you shake your head. 'i think you need a hug.'
you're up in a second, peter's halfway to meeting you when the thunder he was terrified of hits and you scream while holding your hands over your ears.
peter has a funny feeling another rumble was coming, his hands pressing over yours- you scream again, you swear you felt the walls shake and peter wouldn't disagree.
you dive for him, a bundle of sobs and fast tears. 'you're okay, i promise you're okay.' your chest rises and falls rapidly, you weakly agree. 'i'm okay.'
'i'm here, right? you know i wouldn't let anything happen to you.' you nod. peter keeps you tucked in his neck, he thinks he can hear the rain lighten up, just barely. he reaches for his phone and looks for his weather app, a full radar shows him the threat is moving away.
'hey,' peter keeps his voice low for you. 'look at this,' you peek an eye open and lightly squint at the light, your focus settles in and you finally feel your heart rate lower. 'watch,' peter slides a bar, within the next thirty minutes it'll be completely past you.
'oh thank god, there's an end to my torment.'
'see? i'll will anything for my girl.' it's a nice thought but he can't control the weather. 'you can't control mother nature, petey.' the smile he gives you makes you doubt your words.
'but for you, i'd try.' he's never made fun of your fears, he's only ever been your security blanket when you need one. you can throw him a bone. 'i mean... it did go away after you woke up, so...'
peter laughs, your cheeks feel dry from your tear tracks. you sniff and feel silly for the bought of tears, peter doesn't think you're silly though, he thinks you're brave for toughing it out. he always does.
'you only screamed twice, and that's just because it caught you off guard! you're killing this, angel.' he's always so sweet, out of all the things you love about him, you think that's number one.
pouting your bottom lip out, you give him a small peck. 'i love you.' the rain comes to a sudden stop, peter gestures to his window, 'that's the kind of power your love gives me. bam, i just made mother nature my bitch.'
'peter, don't call women bitches.'
'she's a bitch for making you cry.'
'aw, okay, bitch usage allowed.'
this time, peter kisses you. it's gentle, not because you're weak from the near panic attack- because he's only ever known to be delicate with you. god, you really love his heart. 'i think you're the best person i know. i'm going to look into how to nominate you for a humanitarian award.'
peter ponders it for a second. 'well, the best part of me is you, so i'm not sure how-' you stop him with a light smack to his shoulder, he bows his head and accepts your compliment how you wanted, with a shy grin.
'as long as you keep me around to fight mother nature, i'll keep accepting your awards.'
that's a bet you're willing to take. 
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Menace - Hobie Brown (Spiderpunk)
notes - here's the hobie fic for the poll that ended today!!! This is just a cute little drabble that was overall just really fun to write! I hope all of my Hobie simps enjoy it as much as I do! God, I literally love him though like Jesus he should not be allowed to be THIS FINE. Anyways, stay hydrated, loves <3 word count - 817
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"Hobie, I don't think I'm exactly allowed in here," you whispered, following behind your boyfriend who was decked out in his spidersuit. It wasn't the fact that he was spiderman right now that bothered you, but the fact that there were hundreds of other spidermen and women surrounding the two of you.
"Aw, who cares?" he whispered back. "I don't follow their rules anyway."
"Yeah, but-"
"Hey Hobie!" you heard a cheery voice say. You quickly hid behind your boyfriend and heard him - in overenthusiastic British slang - greet a boy named 'Pavitr.'
The conversation seemed to play out just fine until you heard the boy say, "Huh? Hobie, who's that?"
You froze. You were dead for sure.
"Oh, this?" Hobie pulled you out from behind him and your face flushed red from embarrassment. "This is my partner."
"Oh my goodness!" Pavitr put his hands together and slipped off his spider-mask, smiling at you brightly. "Well aren't you two cute together? I'm Pavitr! Nice to meet you..."
"y/n," you muttered out, taking his hand.
"Nice to meet you, y/n! Wait, how did you get in here?" He grabbed his chin and thought about it, but in the middle of that thought process, Hobie patted him on the back and led you away from him before things god messy.
You played with the day pass on your wrist that Hobie stole for you. "We're gonna get caught by someone who cares." you said.
"So what? I don't care. He didn't care. No one cares. Plus, we won't be here long, love, I just wanted to show you the cafe."
He led you into a giant room with tables on the walls, ceiling, and floor, hundreds of spider-people just chatting and eating away at their food.
As you were in awe of the room, you didn't even notice that Hobie had left your side and went to the counter. When you did notice, you ran over to him.
"Why'd you leave me?"
"You found your way, right?" He winked at you and leaned on the ordering counter. "Could I get two spiderman 2099 patties and uhm... two orders of chips please?"
The person behind the counter nodded at him and Hobie led you to a table that was luckily more hidden from the rest of them.
"Did you want a drink?" he asked.
"Yes please."
"Be right back."
When Hobie left, you were left in astonishment at this place. It wasn't like anything you'd seen in real life, so this had to be a dream. You thought one spiderman was crazy, especially when the one in your city was your boyfriend, but to see thousands of different types from different dimensions all in one area was somehow even crazier.
"Mystery drink." Hobie laughed, sliding you over a cup.
You took a sip out of it and were pleasantly surprised.
"So," Hobie said, playing with the wrapper of his straw. "Whaddya think?"
"It's a lot," you admitted.
"You think so? You told me that I was a lot."
"Yeah, but this is a lot a lot." you laughed.
He simply nodded at you and took a sip of his drink as someone served your food to you. The design on the burger made you laugh, but you took a bite anyway.
"By the way, babe," he said, taking a bite of his fries. "If you see someone who looks like the design of that patty, run."
"I'm serious," he said, which frightened you, because he never was. "If you're scared of one of these guys finding you out, you don't even wanna know how he would react."
"Can do." You saluted to Hobie, who just leaned over the table and pressed his lips to your cheek.
"Stawp, Hobie," you chuckled.
"Let's get home then, before he actually does show up. Sometimes he'll just appear out of no where. Scares the crap out of me, that bloke." He opened a portal next to your table and you scooped up your food and walked through, Hobie right behind you.
The two of you ended up in an empty parking lot not far from home and you sat right on one of the parking lines, taking a deep breath. There was so much the world didn't know about... how cool.
"You're really pretty tonight, love."
You turned to Hobie and laughed. "Aren't I always pretty?"
He just rolled his eyes at you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. "Yes, but especially tonight."
You faced Hobie and smiled, pressing your lips to his before leaning your head on his shoulder.
"Thanks for showing me around spidey HQ," you giggled.
"And not getting us caught."
"We were close."
"But we didn't get caught!"
"Fine, fine. You're right."
Hobie rubbed your shoulder and you leaned closer to him while you finished your food.
Your boyfriend was a menace, but he was your menace.
into the spiderverse masterlist | pinned post 2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
As a history and Mythological lover, I love your works, they are so addictive, and you write so well, and the Minotaur konig fic was such a pleasure to read. I remember when you first uploaded the Roman konig story and I was so ecstatic about it, I remember checking on my break at work, If you’d uploaded another part haha, I mean I still check tumblr on my breaks to see who had uploaded so I know what I can read after I get home lol.
I think you’ve found your niche!
Also if you don’t mind answering what other time periods you’d think konig would fit in? Victorian era?
Nasty, oily and covered in coal, konig is walking home through the streets and bumped into a clean wealthy beautiful young woman, ooh do I love forbidden romances, just like your nun fic lol.
Ahh thank you! Mythology, fairytales and historical au’s are a passion of mine 😭
And puh-leeze, a forbidden romance between a dirty worker and a rich uptown girl? Filthy coal miner König who bumps into this fancy lady dressed in white? How can he ever make up for his clumsiness?? Please don’t have him beaten like the poor bastard he is, he already fucked up today by accidentally destroying boss’s new machinery by showing off his strength...
Tries to steal a peek at her ankles, and under her dress while dusting off her skirts with some napkin that’s hardly much cleaner than his hands. And she’s just giggling at him – great, now he’s hard... How is he going to explain this when he rises from here?? (Rich lady also being protected at all costs from dirty dogs like him! He's soon panting at her door!)
As for other historical au’s and fairytales... >:)
CW: Fear of SA (historical au), wife stealing (yandere fairytale imagine)
Obviously I see König as this dark knight of the Teutonic Order, punishing pagans with his sword somewhere in the wild woods of old Europe. How about another forbidden romance between a cold-hearted crusader & a cute pagan girl who lives in the woods and worships the old gods?
She gets captured during some awful raid, and is pulled into the camp by her hair, angry tears streaming down her face. The soldiers tie her to a thick wooden cross and leave her in the rain, probably to have their way with her later, taking turns with her after they've gambled and had a drink. Then this dark, giant knight happens to walk by, not a regular foot soldier but an actual knight with armor as black as night. She remembers him from the battlefield, wielding a fat morningstar, splitting people’s skulls from atop the huge black destrier he rode...
A terrible beast, dark and silent and big, the rain batters his helmet as he takes one look at the shivering maiden on the cross, her white linen dress glued to her skin in the downpour, and stops.
The soldiers have a crude sense of humour and what’s arousing, but he has seen worse… The knights of the Holy Order are even more perverted when it comes to having “fun” with women. But something pierces his defense when seeing the frightened stare of this pagan girl, her weak body trembling on the cross, the wide dark nipples perked up from cold. He’s seen so much death, his soul is drenched in blood by this point, but somehow, this woman who hasn’t even been broken in is the last straw.
Ends up taking her down, and she attaches herself to him like he’s her saviour, even the cold black armor apparently warmer to her skin than the cold rain. The cruelest of knights feels a moment of pity for this girl and sets her free, pushes her to the woods and waves his hand in a gesture of Get the hell out of here while you still can. (=gtfo before I get hard enough to take you in the mud...)
Months later, she finds him bleeding to death under a tree after a battle. All the other soldiers are screaming and crying for their mothers, but this one is silent, eyes darkening when he recognizes her. He says something, already delusional, and she can’t help but kneel and offer him water…
(and from this point on it would go somewhere in @wordstome s Kosovo maiden territory, perhaps slightly darker? But you get the point!)
And then there’s this old Inuit story that always reminds me of König, it has many variations but it’s basically about this lonely hunter who gets a little too resentful for not having a wife yet. Goes to paddle his boat in these moonlit waters and sees a bunch of maidens dancing in the moonlight on a small little island, notices their seal skins on the ground, and because he’s lonely and in despair, he steals one of them.
One by one, the maidens put their seal skins on and rush back into the water, but one woman can’t find her seal skin no matter how hard she looks for it. The hunter emerges, holding her beautiful skin, saying he’ll give it back to her if she comes to live as his wife for 7 years. She has no other choice but to say yes, and for a while they live happily, they even have a son, but then the seal woman starts to miss her seal skin and the sea...
It’s a tragic tale and the hunter won’t let her leave even if she cries so this would make a wonderful yandere scenario, you could always make a twist and write the woman as some other animal, a deer perhaps, and König as this lonely brooding hunter of the Austrian mountains :)
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bengiyo · 9 months
I Became the Main Role of a BL Drama Ep 3 (Finale) Stray Thoughts
Last time, Akafuji recognized that he has a crush on Aoyanagi for real, and Aoyanagi also recognized there may be something going on with him. The two lonely boys are trying to put on their best faces for the sake of the drama, but Akafuji is crushed by his own attraction, and Aoyanagi by his own doubts in himself as an actor. Aoyanagi rescued Kuromiya from an aggressive can, and we learned he's afraid of aggressive women. Kuromiya intervened, and Akafuji took Aoyanagi on a date. The two of them practiced kissing, but it was sad as fuck, and then the network cut the kiss from their show.
This curry looks pretty good.
Oh yes. Thank you voiceover for confirming they're both thinking about the kiss.
I'm glad Akafuji can still benefit from his stan knowledge, but now he's spiraling.
Welcome back, baby is a messy eater.
It definitely feels like they're having more fun separating themselves from the characters.
I will love Akafuji forever. He responded to being dumped for loving his hobby by loving it harder.
I would also stan Aoyanagi if he took me so seriously and then praised me for loving my stories.
I love when one confesses when they think the other is sleeping.
Aoyanagi has the best eyes of the year OMG.
I like the manager listening in to check on his charge.
Ope. Tendo-san called it falling in love.
I love the shot of the manager stepping over Hajime in the front as it's implied he's putting himself between Hajime and Akafuji.
Oh no. My boy is gonna be alone on his birthday again.
Oh, of course it was intended as a surprise party. I love Akafuji.
Aoyanagi is crying. I'm crying.
Welcome back, The Heart Knows!
They cut a kiss from a friends to lovers BL with this much sexual tension?? Come on.
I'm glad the rest of the crew knows that Aoyanagi is a good actor who usually hits his marks.
They really had that boy spit on the 4th wall. Holy shit.
Fucking paparazzi holy shit.
Oh, I hate misunderstandings like this, but I get it.
Tendo-san, please fix this!
OH MY GOD. I'VE HAD TO GIVE FOR SO LONG AND I FINALLY GET TO RECEIVE. I had hoped the managers would be real and I was not expecting this!
Run, baby boy, RUN!!!
Holy shit, this indeed a stan's apartment.
He has the cutout!!
This is a completely acceptable stan reaction, and also a fantastic shot.
"I like you as myself" will never get old.
"I'm sorry for going on about myself. Anyway, what did you want to talk about?" Sorry to all other BL characters, but we have a new king.
I love this confession.
They planned to remove a kiss that was in the manga??? EVIL.
Aw, this was so close to perfect, but then they chickened out on a real kiss.
Final Verdict: 9.5, This Show Will Drown You in BL Goodness. If they had kissed properly, this would have a 10 and the new standard for all comedy BL follow. Instead, I will say that this show executes comedy with meta commentary about BL better than any other attempt before it (excepting A Man Who Defies the World of BL). Despite confirming the managers, the show chickened out on the mains and I will be docking it for that. Still, this show was excellently paced and will be my new default reaction image whenever someone insists that a Thai BL should be 12 episodes of meandering nonsense with no fucking idea where it's going or what story it's telling. This show executed a great arc in three movements. Everyone else, have several seats.
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chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi Volume 13 Part 2
Welcome back! Things are about to get crazy, so let's dive right in!
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Is it any wonder the community unanimously decided this was Marcille's chimera-sona? She's cute, she's sky-fish adjacent, she has a flower crown (A hallmark of only the most mentally stable characters). What's not to love? And as Mithrun will agree, snake women are sexy.
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Later, Kabru suspects Laios stumbled into saving the world, but my man was seriously planning six steps ahead. He came up with the ultimate plan to kill the ultimate monster.
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Marcille is understandably upset that the lion stole her cool outfit. She wanted to show that to Falin later!
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Nothing personal kid.
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The demon isn't malevolent my ass. It knows what Mithrun wants. It just can't be assed to bother.
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I know the right page is the important one, but oh my god. Laios, did you seriously doodle blueprints of your stupid "Falin lives in a hole now" plan? Did you seriously doodle your "female faligon" idea?
Anyway, as is tradition with ultimate chimera appearances, here is another one of my creatures!
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I'll leave it to the viewer to try and figure out what inspired this freak.
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Of course Laios' takeaway from the succubus was that Scyllas are cool. Fun fact, some of these details are actually relevant. The ability to change shape is apparently how he managed to return to human form, and the poop thing explains why New Melini is forested despite being underwater for 1000 years.
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Marcille isn't even surprised at this point. Just deeply disappointed.
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Toshiro, why are you smiling? Kabru, that looks more like awe than fear.
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Bitch, I'm fabulous.
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Marcille, you're the one who created the monster that vores people, that's it's whole job.
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Don't worry Marcille. This disaster is due to an incredibly complex confluence of unpredictable events. In other words, it's everybody's fault! Hooray!
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God, this is so funny.
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Leave my boy alone! At least we can all agree the collar is cool.
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Oh, that's a neat detail. Time is stopped for all the humans, but the monsters can still move.
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When I first read this, I thought the plan was that now that the lion is in a finite body, we can eat it. Like, I thought that was how it was going to end as soon as they swapped. But Laios is way ahead of me.
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Good to see the rest of the party came to the same conclusion I did. And Marcille's eyes are still on the prize.
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Famous last words.
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Yeah, but we're expressing a desire regarding his treatment you raging douche-muffin. You're freaking infinite. We've seen you have the power to pacify monsters peacefully.
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It's so fitting, that Laios, our favorite dog, saved the world by eating something he really shouldn't have.
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👏Full Circle!👏
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Oh Marcille. I'd have thought you'd have learned by now to have a little more faith in your brother-in-law.
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Ah, dungeon food. To eat is the privilege of the living. There is no hierarchy.
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That sounds like the words of a loser to me.
And that's it for volume 13! Didn't have as much to say as I thought I might. Guess this climax speaks for itself. What a powerful and thematic ending to the demon. See why I'm having trouble figuring out what direction to take my AU? Figuring out the changes to monster of the week chapters is easy. Figuring out how to do the big thematic battles against Thistle and the Demon are hard. It's hard to imagine anyone but Laios prevailing against such opponents.
Anyway, see you next time for the finale! Here, have a couple of extra Marcilles. I thought I would need more of them.
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A precious image.
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serxinns · 8 months
Yandere mha x scarlet witch reader extras 2: The dare
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Context: you and the girls were playing or dare at the sleepover it went terribly wrong..
Fun fact : this was inspired by a ramble idea me and @lady-ashfade came up with a while ago
•You and the girls decided to have a sleepover how fun but this time it was gonna be different tonight was truth or dare
•After everyone got ready and the snacks and stuff were here y'all decides to play
•The rounds of truth of dare were sane at 1st just ordinary questions like "I dare you to dance embarrassingly in front of everyone" "Or who do you like todoroki or bakugo?" (none of you answered that)
The girls were pressuring you to tell who you like which you didn't so they gave up with fake tears in their eyes
•The more you played truth and dare with them the more intense the dares were until you picked a dare
• "alright y/n truth or dare!" Mina said while giggling while the others stared at you, eagerly wondering what were you gonna choose "haven't picked dare in a while so dare" Mina giggled mischievously while you and the other girls were looking at her a bit nervous about what the dare was
•"I dare you to dress up like a dog and go out on the sidewalk acting like it!" minas smirk was wide now the others gasped and Momo protested "Thts crazy y/n isn't gon-" "I accept the dare" Momo and the girls gasped while mina was a bit surprised but kept her composer "heh..lets do it" "This is crazy Y/n sweetie you don't have to-" But you put your hand up "It'll be find momo it's just a prank I'm pretty sure nothing will go wrong" you reassured her momo and the others wanted to say anything but zipped their lips u decided to do it
•So Mina chose the dog onesie it was a cute little brown dog onesie with a bow on the head she gave to you to put on. Once you put it on you and the girls walked out mina and the others were in awe and cooking at you behind you when they got at the side walk the girls hid in the nearby bush across from you and snickered while Tsuyu quieted them down
•You got on your hands and knees and started to act like a dog barking, and crawling around tongue hanging out looking goofy the other girls laughed quietly you were showing off by shaking your tail and crawling around until a truck came by the girls quickly quieted down but still snickered women in uniform came out "Oh what a poor little puppy" the women said frowning up and looking down at you
• "Uh.. Woof?" you said confused about what she meant by that "Thats it im gonna take you to a nice lovely place come on puppy" She picked you up by the waist and began to take you to the back of the truck "Wait wait wait- H-Hold on now im, not a d-dog-" but your protest was deafened when the women threw you in the back of the truck and drove you away when the girls saw and panicked when they looked at the truck turns out it was a dog catcher and they were taking you to the pound once they realized it was too late the truck took you away..Oh god
•They ran back into the school seeing aizawa in his classroom grading papers they bust down the door and starts to talk at once and panicking
Aizawa: QUIET! What is the meaning of this why are you panicking talk ONE BY ONE
Mina: well you see we..
• Let's just say Aizawa was panicking as well he called the other teachers over and told you about your disappearance and now they're panicking too hawks were flying over and overheard the news and told the other pros like Mount Lady and Fatgum and now they're also looking for you too
•Class 1a boys found out about what the girls and as much as they wanna yell at them they were too busy trying to find you too the big 3 also heard about this mirio was Panicking going through each dog pound to see where you were calling out ur name neijire was pissed threatening each dog catcher staff to tell you were they and Tamaki is crying and determine to save you at the same time begging the staff to each dog pound to where you were everyone was stressing and the whole town is at chaos
•"Aw what a cute little dog" A lovely couple in their early 20s came in looking for a dog and when they saw you they were in love and now they're petting you banging you and cooing u like a dog..you were getting annoyed but had an idea you stood up and said "and I can talk too!" the couple scream and quickly ran out saying demon dog demon dog all over again you laughed as you saw the couple running out with tears in their eyes and suddenly had an idea and smirk mischievously
• during your stay you scared 12 people at that night 4 of them were couples and one was a family of 4 and the little girl was a spoiled brat while the boy was rough kept pulling the onesies ears and kept pulling your tail you had enough and stood up the kids were shooking shivering seeing you stand you walked towards them by saying a simple boo and off the 2 kids went dashing down the halls behind their parents legs the parents apologized and took the scared kids home and while they weren't looking you gave the kids a evil smirk which made the crying all was good until you heard a familiar voice "I knew it was something chaotic going on in this store " it was shinsou
Y/n: Toshiiiii how you find me
Shinsou: eh I saw a couple screaming demon dog and I knew you were the cause of that
Y/n: you know me so well 🥺
Shinsou: Yea yea now let's get you of that dog costume and get you to Senpai he's not happy
Y/n: damn what the hell happen while I was out
Shinsou: well the teachers are running to every dog pound they see, the pro hero's we're running to every pet store to see if you were in there, and the big 3 are also looking for you as well, class 1a and shindo are posting millions of missing posters of ya and Mei is desperately trying to track you down with her devices
Y/n: wow..soooo your gonna take me out
Shinsou: Yep lets go before you start a war out there
Y/N: Hehe alright
The Aftermath:
•The teachers gave you a bigggg hug after that the pros are constantly asking you if someone did something to you while checking your body seeing if they're any scars or scratches
•Class 1a is relieved and decides to have a big sleepover in the common room and Sato makes a "glad you returning from being mistaken as a dog" cake for you while you and the bakusquad and the dekusquad are fighting about who gets to cuddle you 1st while the big 3 tries to drag you into their sleepover while they aren't looking
•Mina was ofc punished with detection (rip our girl 🫡)
•and everything is swell ig happy ending for all!
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
You know, One Piece is all fun and happyness untill you learn that the world and themes are actually some of the darkest and most depressing things that were ever put on paper. The biggest potrayal of this tho is the fact that many characters have different running gags and quirks that are actually products of their horrible past trauma and messed up life.
Luffy- Wants to befriends literally everybody because of his fear of being alone and picks fights with all the people he doesn't like because he wants to protect his friends.
Nami- Her greed and kleptomania were developed because her mom literally died because sge was poor and was never able to give her and Nojiko all they wanted/needed.
Usopp- Makes absurd lies about everything because as a kid he had to keep lying to keep his mother happy and when she died he kept on doing so to keep himself safe.
Sanji- Puts all women on a super high pedestal because growing up women like his mom and sister wrre the only good people in his life and men like his Judge and his brothers were fucking awful.
Brook and Robin- Super S tier dark humor to cope with S tier dark trauma.
In other words, One Piece is just a comedy passing drmatic anime, but I think we all already knew that.
Ah, yes, I love this topic so much.
But I wouldn't say One Piece is a "comedy passing dramatic anime". One Piece is both comedy and drama. The drama doesn't hide behind comedy at any moment. You don't have to actively look for it or read between the lines to understand the characters. I think Oda is an amazing writer because he manages to just tell us/show us about his characters in the clearest and most obvious of ways. He throws hints at us over the episodes to then explaining it to us very carefully how his characters are built. This is why I find so difficult to understand why people (mainly from the general audience or, y'know, dudebros) don't get the characters in the first watch/read. An example of a comedy passing dramatic show would probably be just any sort of satiric comedic show in which they don't actually address the drama but instead make jokes about it. Like It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (God I love that sitcom).
I know what you mean, though. You're talking about the whole "making jokes/running gags about something when the reason behind them is actually way deeper". And I agree wholeheartedly.
Luffy has abandonment issues and that's why he keeps wanting to protect his friends and hates being alone, Nami sees money as safety and comfort because her mom died because they lacked money, Usopp's lies come from trying to make her mom happy because his dad left them, Sanji has an obsession with women because they're the only ones who never hurt him, Brook and Robin have no filter when it comes to dark humor because they've been alone for so long that the only way they have to cope is jokes and nobody gets them except them... And also:
We treat Zoro's relationship with Tashigi as comedic at some points but he has so much trauma regarding his best friend dying that he can't be close to someone who looks like her.
We make fun of and exaggerate Sabo's love for Luffy to the point of brocon/possessiveness because he literally spent most of his life having forgotten him and when he remembers his brothers, one of them dies, so of course he wants to look after the little one.
Boa's love for Luffy exists exclusively because she feels safe around him and it's the first man who has never seen her as a sexual object.
And a lot more of these but, basically, Oda is great at character building and writing because these are not things that you have to read between the lines. These are not exaggerations for the reader to understand what's going on with the characters. These are just trauma responses that constantly happen in real life. It's just a well-written story with awesome, realistic characters, and I absolutely love it.
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violetasteracademic · 4 months
Can I beseech the SJM internet space for a moment of consideration?
The mean girl energy in this fandom is WILD.
Reading should never be gate-kept. I think it is INCREDIBLE that a hard working, talented author in fantasy, a genre long held down by men, has changed the reading landscape. I'm so happy people who haven't picked up a book in years are getting back into it because of SJM. She deserves all her success, and everyone deserves the joy of reading an incredible book.
But damn. Some of you never sat in the back of the classroom with cheap box dye purple hair, ripped thumb holes in your black hoodie wardrobe, aggressively hiding your shitty poetry and god awful doodles of dragons and elves and of Daughters of the Moon characters when it was not cool and it shows 🤣
I'm tired of artists, writers, and content creators getting bullied out of this fandom. It's getting worse than white men in the Star Wars fandom when they went *GASP* "woke," by casting women and BIPOC actors. And that's embarrassing. We should all feel embarrassed. Does it not embarrass you to be mean to other women on the internet or harass artists because they want different faeries to fuck each other than you? Does that not unsettle you deep in your bones?
Is it even possible to steer this ship back to a place of kindness, respect, fun and fantasy? I feel like it isn't much to ask to have some basic etiquette for how we speak to artists. Personally, I'm sick of AI. After a while it all starts to look the same. I have so much respect for the time and energy artists continue to contribute to this fandom FOR FREE only to see them get run out by rabid fans who only want to see a character portrayed the way they expect them to be portrayed, or who will literally send death threats for pairings of characters that they do not want to see together. The entitlement is so far behind unhinged I don't even know if there is a word for it.
It's disheartening. I don't know if there is anything to be done. And I know all sides do it. So I am just imploring those who I know will see this in my safe little Elriel bubble, be kind. Stay out of anti spaces. Leave artists who don't portray the art you are hoping to see alone, because someone else might love their work. If the art space is welcoming, we are more likely to find those who have an aesthetic and style we vibe with. If it is unwelcoming, everyone loses.
For a book series written by women for women, with an actual meaningful focus on female friendship, sometimes I wonder what exactly it is people are taking away from these books. This fandom does not behave in a way that is in alignment with the message of the author's books.
Fantasy fandoms should not be a safe space for bullying artists and creators.
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princessbellecerise · 3 months
so, so many thoughts for episode 3. spoilers
first, BAELA AND MOONDANCER I LOVE MY GIRL SO MUCH OMG. the Hightowers absolutely pissing themselves and gwayne crying. my girl had them crying in fear she’s soooo daemon’s daughter
second—im kind of conflicted. On one hand im pissed that Rhaenyra and rhaenys refuse to acknowledge that they’re already in a war, like they are MARCHING as you speak and it’s so frustrating bc theyre trying to prevent a war THATS ALREADY HAPPENING! there IS NO preventing it!! it started the day they usurped your throne girl. you didn’t honestly think you’d get it back without resistance did you?
like I understand them trying to prevent bloodshed and Rhae is trying to be a good Queen and spare her subjects but at this points it’s like girl, either you fight back or you just give up your throne bc sitting there in denial trying to convince your childhood friend to put a stop this isn’t cutting it
And I’m sorry but show rhaenys is just pissing me off. Giving vague, awful advice to Rhaenyra, and not advising her to act as the enemy is literally marching on them?? Girl wtf
The brothel scene…oh my god
aegon sitting there making fun of his brother and we finally get to see that he was Aemond’s bully along, even in adulthood when aemond has done nothing but support his brother
“I’m as fearsome as any of the them” the way the whole room was trying not to laugh… 😭
She turned Rhaenyra away not because she disagrees, but because she now fully realizes that she has no more power anymore. Even if she wanted to stop the war, SHE CANT. She put the men around her in power and now she’s forced to watch them completely overrun her. Aegon isn’t as malleable as she thought, Otto is gone and she knows what aemond is (and what he’s gonna become). Bless Rhaenyra and I think it’s just beautiful how she truly thought alicent had power because she as Queen is used to wielding that kind of power but she doesn’t realize that most women do not have that opportunity. Even the dowager queen is just that—a widow. Without Viserys, no one listens to alicent anymore and now she can’t even speak through her sons
I’m sorry but I don’t like what they’re doing with Helaena. Idk if it’s gonna manifest later that she’s going mad but Jaehaerys’ death is literally the spiral that leads to her own death. Idk if they’re gonna change it or what but they’re gonna have to
I’m sorry but the last twenty minutes were pure fanfiction bc how the hell does public enemy #1 sneak into Kings Landing, the white of her hair sticking out, and NO ONE NOTICES. the writers need to just stop but besides that I did like that they finally addressed Alicent’s ‘misunderstanding.’ I swear my heart was pounding in that scene and I was so happy she finally knows he was STILL TALKING ABOUT RHAENYRA. She knows, but it’s too late.
last but not least, Rhaena. I understand her frustration but honestly I agree with Rhaenyra, and I like how they’re foreshadowing that she indeed will be the last of the Targaryen legacy <333
okay I lied, Jace is last BUT I can’t be only one who sees how frustrated he’s getting and I think he’s gonna snap. I think he doesn’t agree with the way her council is talking to his mother but he DOES agree that they need to act. I think he knows that trying to prevent war that’s already happening is fruitless and they’re wasting time and he knows and I wonder how that’s gonna play out with Rhaenyra
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sanityshorror · 1 month
Plz I need more Killian and Negan being a chaotic, god-awful, downright disgusting duo😭😭🙏🙏🙏
PS. I'm 99.9% sure that Killian thinks even less of Patrick than Julius does lmao☠️☠️☠️
Okay okay okay! HC time YAY YAY YAY YAY lmao. So I'm going to do the part about Patrick Bateman in a separate post to keep it more organized especially since I have a lot to say on that. So without further ado, here's more of my Killian and Negan HCs:
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Negan and Killian would definitely street race together. Both of them would have Black Betty blasting on repeat lol
Matching outfits. They definitely do matching outfits sometimes and DAYUM THEY LOOK GOOD.
Bros absolutely go out to dive bars together to pick up women, drink, and play pool.
Negan still is convinced that Cian is Killian's brother. Killian is still convinced that Carl is Negan's biological son.
Speaking of Cian and Carl, they probably get along lol so quadruple the chaos but Cian and Carl are both a lot more chill especially as adults so they would be the wranglers. Lol
Negan would probably get Killian into sports. Specifically baseball (duh) and American football.
"You're one huge son of a bitch, built like a fuckin' line backer!" - Negan, talking to Killian, probably
They beat the living shit out of each other for fun. Neither one of them will stop until they both have two black eyes and busted lips. As long as Killian doesn't use his demon strength they're actually in the same weight class so yeah they're basically doing backyard MMA.
Drink together and smoke cigars while swapping stories about crazy sex and crazy kills. Killian, of course, has many that involve both acts combined into one.
Negan's initial reaction was to the information:
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Negan started laughing pretty quick though and called Killian a crazy son of a bitch.
They both do that bro-arm around the shoulder thing to each other that's like an affectionate choke hold.
Killian brought Negan a new leather jacket made special just for him with the name Lucille embroidered beautifully over the heart. "...Jules made this, didn't he?" "No goddamn shit." "...Well, it would be a waste of a life to not fuckin wear the human leather jacket 😂😂😂" yeah, negan loves it.
Negan is still high key a bit disturbed at the reasoning behind Killian's cane being named "Bethany," given it's basically the polar opposite to why he named his bat "Lucille."
Negan is half terrified of Killian, and half not remotely scared of him. He knows Killian isn't going to hurt him... Well, at least not badly.
Killian gave Negan the mob brand without initiation to show he holds the utmost respect for Negan. Negan is more than smart enough to understand how much that says and how serious it is.
Negan tried on Killian's boots but they were too big on him. Killian did his usual "YOU KNOW WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT SMALL FEET? SMALL FUCKIN DICK WHAHSHAHAHAHAHA" thing. Negan has a very similar sense of humor so he just started wheezing.
Cian and Carl keep stealing their guns.........
I have a lot more but I'll stop here xD
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p1nkfr1day · 1 year
QQ Couples Quiz
Pairing: Rapper Aran Ojiro x Black Reader
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content, use of N word, fluff
A/N: it’s been so long and this been sitting in my drafts for about two years. I need it gone! This was inspired by Teyana Taylor & Iman Shrumpet’s video. This is also a short chapter from my story abt Rapper Aran and Black Reader. Enjoy lol.
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“Hey GQ, it’s y/n here, with my favorite person everr.” You look to him so he can introduce himself. “Aran Ojiro, top tog” he threw gang signs up and you guys laughed together.
You guys are sitting in an illuminated room, with two spinning chairs and the GQ producers and crew members were all doing their role and laughing a little too.
“first question, besides you, who’s my celebrity crush.” you smirked.
“Brent Faiyez. Easy.” He said rolling his eyes. The women on the set all laughed cause they know Brent fine asf. He went on to tell a short story about how you fan girled when you met him.
“Oh you don’t know this one…” you read over the next question.
“man hit me.” he smacked his teeth.
“how many tattoos do I have?” you giggled, you could already tell he was bout to say some outta pocket shit.
“girl my mouth been on every part of yo body and you think I don’t know how many tattoos you have?” He looked confused.
You looked to the producers and asked if you could curse and they said yes, it’s fine.
“nigga stop stalling and answer the question.”
“the heart behind your ear, the butterflies on your rib cage, your birthday in Roman numerals on your shoulder, and our lil secret on your index finger.”
“show off. what’s my favorite color?”
“easyyy. pink”
“the first movie we watched together?”
“aw man. after the BET awards, you made me watch every marvel movie ever made. but we started from the beginning so iron man.”
“stop acting like you didn’t like it. What’s something on my bucket list?” you scooted your chair closer to him to look him in the eye. he pecked your lips sense you were so close.
you laughed and backed up. “To do a song with Nicki Minaj.”
“Yesss. If you know me, you know I’m a huge Nicki fan.” He looked into to camera and rolled his eyes.
“How you know when I’m mad at you?” You laughed. You never really got mad at him unless he ate your food.
“You blast breakup music in my house.” He mean mugged you.
“that is not true.” you made a buzzard noise.
“What color are my eyes?” You asked next.
“psh. That’s easy bro. Brown.” He responded.
“You right that was an easy question.. let me see.” You looked through the cards for a harder question to ask him.
“I know you.” He laughed taking a sip of the water while he waited.
“If I wasn’t a singer, what would I be?”
“Damn, an.. Athletic Trainer” he smiled knowing he got it right.
“Oh my god. If you know me, you know I got a full ride scholarship to Clark Atl for that. But I chose to pursue my music with the help of my daddy”
“Shout out to pops. The real og.” He winked.
“Boy my daddy don’t even like you.” You pushed.
“That’s cause he don’t know me! I bet he’ll like me more than he like you.” He held his hand out for you to shake.
“How much?” You asked before you shook his hand.
“Boy I am not betting you $20. Get out my face.” You pushed his hand away and everyone laughed.
“Ok, last question. What is my favorite song by you?” You smiled while hiding your face with the cards.
“Released or Unreleased?” He asked knowing that you know all his songs.
“It don’t matter.”
“Prada U. Only because it’s about you though.”
“All your love songs better be about me.” You threatened. To which he threw his hands up and said they are.
“Aye, thank yall for watching our GQ Couples Quiz. It’s been fun.” He said laughing and looking at the camera.
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ijwrsmff · 2 years
Yae Miko and Ei love triangle that turns into a poly-relationship?
Here you goooooo very very late getting requests done but I’m trying my best XD 
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Word Count: 1,449
Finally…finally you had some peace and quiet. You sat in the grass, on a tall hill of Inazuma. You’d saved the day many times by now, and after a lot of hard work helping the citizens of Inazuma, you were able to relax. You weren’t doing much, just laying down looking up at the sky. 
You closed your eyes, and enjoyed the feeling of the sun’s warmth surrounding you. The slight breeze was relaxing to say the least, and you found yourself nearly falling asleep. It was serene, and it was simply…perfect. Your mind was blank, and that was just how you wanted it. No worries, no fears, just the sun and wind flowing over you. Being a savior was hard, and you were enjoying this well needed moment of calmness. 
Was it getting dark already? Did you really fall asleep here? Your eyes slowly opened, and revealed Yae Miko and Ei themselves standing over you. They were dressed in yukatas, and both had a smile on their faces. 
“What are you doing here?” You mumbled, sitting up for a moment before regaining your composure and stood up. You took a bit to stretch out, and looked at the two women quizzically. 
Yae spoke up first, “We’re going to the festival. We wanted to go with you.” She gave her signature smirk, and placed a finger under your chin to make you look at her. 
You smiled right back at her, and said “Of course I’ll go with you. Though…I had no idea that today was the festival. Aren’t I a bit underdressed?” It was then that you noticed a medium sized box that Ei was holding. You tilted your head a bit “What’s that?” 
Ei rolled her eyes (as she tended to do), but the smile on her face reassured that she wasn’t upset in any way. “We figured you would be unprepared, so we took the liberty to bring you an outfit we thought you’d like.” She held out the box, and patted your head. 
“Heheh…” You chuckled, “You know me so well, don’t you?” And you took the box gratefully. Opening it, you found it to be a perfect outfit. It was your favorite color, and perfect for the festival. “Guys…this looks amazing! Thank you so much!” 
Yae stepped forward, “Anything for you, dear~” and then turned around, Ei following suit. They were allowing you the privacy to change, and it meant a lot to you. 
You changed quickly, not wanting to keep them waiting. “You can turn around now! Lead the way.” You would be lying if you said you weren’t excited, after all…you would be going to a fantastic festival with two women that were close to your heart. 
You followed them to the festival, and it was fun! Booths of traders and salesmen, with anything you could ever want. Food, trinkets, weapons…they had it all. You knew that Yoimiya would be putting on a show of the best fireworks. Ones that would leave everyone in awe, since she was an expert craftswoman. 
You spent hours running around the booths, with Yae Miko and Ei buying you many things. So many things…that you all had to carry bags of goods. You weren’t worried about people stealing them from you, since you were renowned as Inazuma’s savior, Yae was the high priestess, and Ei their God. 
Finding a nice spot to watch the fireworks, the three of you sat and waited. It was the new year, how could you forget? Since that was the case, you were even more excited for the show. Ei was to your left, Yae to your right, putting you comfortably in the middle. You debated holding their hands, but you didn’t wanna push it. 
Yae caught you staring at her hand and smirked once more, “Oh…is our little friend wanting affection?” Without thinking twice, she reached over and held your hand. It was…comfortable. She rubbed your hand with her thumb, and interlocked your fingers. “How cute~.”
Ei looked over, and reached for your other hand. “Now, now Yae…you can’t possibly think of holding their hand without me holding it as well…” She smiled at you, and you found yourself smiling back. 
These two…they were really sweet to you. Big teasing from Yae, but that made things more fun. Sometimes Ei too would tease, if Yae was also teasing. It just…worked. You did your fair share of teasing too, but didn’t want to take it too far. You knew they were both together, so it had to be purely as friends that you interacted with them. 
You looked around, and the countdown had begun. Everyone was counting down till midnight, waiting eagerly for the fireworks to begin. The streets were filled with people, all looking toward the small island in which the fireworks will shoot off from. 
You glanced at Yae and Ei, seeing them also looking towards the island. They must be excited to see what Yoimiya had concocted for this special occasion. You looked between them, more focused on them than the fireworks. With only the lantern lights floating around, the scene was so…beautiful. 
Now you looked to the island, deciding to watch the fireworks with the two that you cared for so deeply. They both squeezed your hands, and it left you with an adoring smile on your face. 
Soon…soon it would be time for the fireworks. Not only that, but also marking a new year you plan to spend with the two women on either side of you. It might hurt sometimes, being around people you wanted to fall in love with, but not being able to do so. The last thing you’d want is to ruin their relationship…
It was time! Just another second and the show would really begin. You grew even more excited, you were good friends with Yoimiya, you knew it would be spectacular. 
As the fireworks shot off, you felt the soft touch of the women’s lips against your cheeks. Did they…really just…? 
You turned a shade of crimson, and found yourself glancing between Yae and Ei. “I…uh…I mean…did you…I just…” You couldn’t form words, too happy at the act of kindness from these two. 
Yae gave a little chuckle, and you hear Ei let out the smallest of laughs. Yae stated “We like you. We want to be with you, if you’ll have us.” She ran her fingers across your cheek, where she just kissed. It was a soft touch, and you felt yourself leaning into it. 
“I would like that…” You looked back at the fireworks, not looking at either woman. “I don’t want to ruin what you two have though.” You gave a sad smile, and rubbed their hands. 
This time it was Ei who used her finger on your chin to direct attention to her. “We have thought long and hard about this. We agreed upon it. You won’t ‘ruin’ anything. We trust you, very much so.” She gave a smile, and leaned forward to kiss your forehead. “If we didn’t think we could handle it, we wouldn’t bring it up. But you’re special to us.”
“Are you…sure?” You asked, still reluctant to accept such an offer. It seemed too good to be true, and you were a bit skeptical. How could the two prettiest women of Inazuma be interested in you? “If…if you’re sure, then…I accept.”
“That’s what I like to hear~” And Yae directed your attention towards her. “We mean it. You’re special to us. All teasing aside, we look forward to a bright future with you by our side.” She smiled warmly for a second, before returning to her natural smirk. “Unless you think you can’t handle us~, if that’s the case we’ll leave you be.” And she shrugged. 
You huffed, “I can handle you both just fine.” And you leaned towards Yae, “I’m up for the challenge,” as you rubbed your hand down the side of her face as a teasing motion. 
Her smirk only grew, “Perfect. We expect you to do your best.” She leaned towards you, closing the gap. Now her lips were on yours, and it filled you with joy. They were so soft…you could see yourself getting addicted to these kinds of kisses. 
Before, you aimed to travel the world. However…now that you were with Yae and Ei, the thought was no longer appealing. You’d stay here, in Inazuma, happy to be with the two you held dear. No matter what Inazuma went through, you’d be there to keep the people safe. Visiting both Yae and Ei as much as you could between adventures. 
Yeah…things were good. You liked them just the way they were. 
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misslavenderlady · 2 years
Hey bestie!!! I don’t know if your asks are open. If not just yeet this out. Buuuut
May I pretty pretty please get a fem! Vamp Reader fic with maybe being a mate of Paul and Marko (best two to be in between—) who’s got like a rocker style,,,,I mean yk my style but? 👉👈 👁️👁️
And maybe some smut. I feral for them-🤭😇
(Also just realized I can’t put pictures in this damn. I was gonna give you an meme angel emoji 😭♥️
Ilysmmm and you’re doing amazing!!! Keep up the fabulous work!!! 🥹♥️♥️
Waiting for a Girl Like You🌹
Summary: You have the most gorgeous men in all of California wrapped around your finger. Even though they're vampires, you love them so much. Soon they'll make you one of them, and it's a very pleasurable change~
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Thank you @auntvamp for the request! I hope you enjoy this! Everyone, give Auntie some love! ♥️
WARNINGS: Nsfw/Smut/18+ Readers Only, Poly Throuple, Flirting, Pet names, Dirty Talk, Teasing, Nipple play, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Double Penetration, Language Kink, Threesome, Creampie, Blood drinking, Vampire transformation, Song lyrics
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You were a bombshell in every sense of the word. Beautiful, blonde, stylish. Wherever you went, heads turned and eyes widened as men and women alike stared in awe at you. It was quite the ego stroke to get that kind of attention.
But there was much more to you than looks. You had many passions and dreams to keep your spirits high. The skills you had in makeup were professional-level, you had a deep love of painting, and you were a hardcore fan of all things rock-and-roll. It felt like there was a music video going on in your head, constantly spinning you around with the fun tunes you loved so much. 
Everything that made you the way you were caught the attention of two other blondies. Marko and Paul, you adoring lovers. It was at a record store where you met the two of them. Your hand fell on a Van Halen record, as did the hand of another shopper. To your surprise, the other person interested was a lot like you. Blond hair, blue eyes, and dressed like someone in a rock band. 
You were immediately in love with the gorgeous stranger, and the look in his eyes told you he felt the same. 
As if that weren’t already amazing, it got even better. A shorter boy with long curls dressed in leather and patches came up to him, holding some cassette tapes to show off. His words were cut short when he saw what had caught his friend’s gaze.
You didn’t think it was possible to fall in love twice in a matter of seconds, but it turned out to be so. It was just meant to be. 
Marko and Paul swept you off your feet in no time. They asked you out on three-person dates to the boardwalk almost every night. Even if it was the same location, there was always something new and exciting to do. Sometimes they’d take you to romantic dinners and let you get your favorite foods. Sometimes they’d show you the wildest rides at the theme park. You had a growing collection of stuffed animals from all the carnival games they had mastered. 
When it first started out, you worried that one of them would get jealous of the other. That they would start fighting over you and insist you pick one of them. It was your worst nightmare, as you couldn’t possibly imagine having one of them instead of both. Thankfully, they worked so well together giving you equal attention and love. You were more than happy to give that love back. 
The true challenge in your relationship was learning they were vampires. 
It was a miracle that you took it so well in the long run. They were true, honest-to-God monsters that hunted and devoured humans for sustenance, yet you still longed to be with them. Paul was still that lovable goofball who liked to dance around at concerts with you. Marko was still the artistic soul with a sense of playfulness and mischief. You would never stop loving them, and it relieved them both to know they hadn’t driven you away.
The three of you had a true bond, and it was about to get stronger. 
They had invited you over for a night in at their cave hideout. You practically lived there at that point, having a special room in one of the alcoves that was full of your stuff. Band posters, makeup, slim, black outfits, leather jackets, rollers, and a mountain of pillows and blankets to keep you warm in the chilly cave. It was so nice to be able to call it your second home. 
Marko and Paul were eagerly waiting for you on the couch, visibly perking up when you stepped into the room. It warmed your heart to be so wanted.
“There’s my principessa!” Marko cooed, reaching out to take your hand and plant a kiss on your knuckles. It always got you going whenever he spoke his mother tongue.
“Hey, Sugar! You’re lookin’ fine as hell tonight~” Paul purred, eyeing you up and down in hunger. 
You giggled flirtatiously at their sweet words. They always knew exactly what to say to make you feel good. You all but melted into their embrace as they got up from their spot and held you in their arms. 
"Hello, my loves," you greeted them, kissing Paul's cheek, and then Marko's. "Where are we going for date night today?" 
For a moment, your boys were silent. There was a visible shift in their mood, any sweetness turning sultry as they eyed you hungrily. You knew that look very well. It meant pleasure was going to come your way. 
"Actually, we were hoping to…stay in tonight~" Marko said. 
"Yeah! We actually have a surprise set up in your room~" Paul whispered, leaning in close to nibble on your ear. 
Shivers ran down your spine from the excitement building up inside. You didn't want to waste a second, so you let the two of them lead you from the lobby and down the hall to your special room. The beating of your heart was getting faster as the anticipation built up.
When you finally arrived, your excitement only grew stronger. 
The room was decorated beautifully. Rose petals scattered, candles illuminating the space, a silky, red blanket spread over your bed. Paul’s boombox was propped up on the nightstand and playing music from your favorite romantic rock station.  
“Do you know what today is, baby~?” Marko whispered in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist as he did so.
You shook your head, as you weren’t sure what the special occasion was. Paul snickered as he nuzzled your neck.
“It’s the one-year anniversary of us telling you that we’re vampires. We wanted to surprise you….and offer you something as a present~”
Your eyes widened as reality washed over you. It wasn’t a secret that the boys wanted you to become one of them. It had been on your mind for quite a while now, but you wanted them to be the ones to decide when the time was right. They were savoring you for who you were as a human, but they adored the idea of spending eternity with their lover. 
They stared at you with such intensity. Such passion. You could tell how badly they wanted to claim you in every way. How could you possibly refuse?
As the opening notes of the next song started to play, you sweetly asked for them to take you.
So long, I've been looking too hard
I've been waiting too long
Sometimes I don't know what I will find
I only know it's a matter of time
Paul was the first to kiss you, caressing your cheek as his lips met yours. You loved the way he smiled into each kiss he gave you, expressing how happy he was to be with a woman like you. The two of you worked together to remove your jackets and shoes, already feeling too hot with your clothes on.
Marko stole you away for his own kisses and helped you slip off your top and your skirt. He loved it when you wore skimpy outfits under your trusty leather jacket. It made him act extra handsy. You couldn’t stop yourself from giggling as he nipped playfully at your lip.
When you love someone
When you love someone
It feels so right, so warm and true
I need to know if you feel it too
With all three of you naked and eager for more, the boys pulled you down on the bed. They absolutely spoiled you with affection, Paul running his tongue along your exposed nipple while Marko sucked at your neck to bruise you with hickies. Sighs fell from your mouth as you relaxed into their touch. They knew just what you liked.
“Lemme fuck you, Sugar. I need you so goddamn bad~” Paul purred. You nodded eagerly, and Marko helped position you so you were leaning up against his strong chest. He pawed at your breasts, holding you close and savoring your body. 
Paul was practically salivating while lining himself up to your pussy. The tip of his cock rubbed over your clit, teasing you just a bit. It made you mewl and shiver with desire. Your bottom lip stuck out, giving a silent plea for him to finally fuck you. 
Maybe I'm wrong
Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong?
This heart of mine has been hurt before
This time I want to be sure
“Shhhhh babygirl, I gotcha~” he cooed as he slid right in. The two of you moaned out, both of you overwhelmed by the pleasure. Marko snickered into your neck as he watched all the fun play out. You could feel his own cock pressing against your ass and his fingers teasing your hole. 
“Ooooh Paulie…yes~” you moaned out. He filled you so perfectly as if your bodies were meant to be together. Without even thinking, you wrapped your legs around his waist, and pulled him in closer. Behind you, Marko was keeping you close as well, toying with every sweet, sensitive spot you had.
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
Paul slipped his tongue past your lips, kissing you deeply to express his lust. It made you dizzy as your head clouded, the only thought on your mind being how good the boys made you feel. Meanwhile, you could hear the sound of Marko grunting in your ear while he pushed his lube cock into your ass. The sensation of getting filled even more was making you tremble and shake. 
“God fuckin’ damn, I love this ass~” Marko growled. “Like a vice grip on my cock….mmmh…makes me wanna keep you like this forever~”
If all went well tonight, he could possibly fulfill his wish. You wanted nothing more than to feel the embrace of your two lovers all night long. Every night could be like this. Three vampires ravishing one another as mates and making the most of immortality. The mere thought only added to your pleasure.
You're so good
When we make love it's understood
It's more than a touch or a word can say
Only in dreams could it be this way
Marko and Paul moved perfectly together, matching each other’s pace of thrusting in both your holes. Their moans were only turning you on more. Your voice mixed with both of theirs, singing out your pleasure. It only encouraged them to keep it up.
“Oooh amore mio….sei tutto per me~” Marko whispered in your ear as he fucked you. He always said the most romantic things in Italian. It never failed to make you blush.
“F-Fuck….shit…I l-love…love you, Sugar~” Paul moaned, barely able to form a full sentence. Still, it was cute to see him so intoxicated from your body.
When you love someone
Yeah, I really love someone
Now, I know it's right
From the moment I wake up 'til deep in the night
There's nowhere on earth that I'd rather be than holding you tenderly
You couldn’t possibly last much longer. With the way they stuffed you and filled you up, your body was getting closer and closer to the release you needed so badly. Your legs tightened around Paul while you reached around to caress Marko’s chiseled face. It was like your body was screaming for them. 
“Marko! Paul! Oooh god! FUCK!!” you cried out. The waves of ecstasy came crashing down on you, and it was absolute perfection. Your boys were quick to follow, both of them cumming deep inside your body together. Their animalistic growls rang out as they filled you to the very brim.
The three of you collapsed onto the bed, panting and glistening from the intense fucking you had gone through. A lazy smile painted your face and your mind and body went absolutely fuzzy from the afterglow. You were incredibly grateful to have not one but two lovers that always made you cum. 
I've been waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
I've been waiting for a girl like you, your a love that will survive
I've been waiting for someone new to make me feel alive
Yeah, waiting for a girl like you to come into my life
“Now then~” Marko said, interrupting the peaceful moment. “How about we give you that gift we mentioned?”
You perked up as Paul slipped away for just a moment to grab a familiar-looking wine bottle. Red jewels glimmered in the candlelight, catching your eye. The two of them smiled as they handed you the drink.
“It’s got blood from both of us in it,” Paul explained. “That way we’ll both be claiming you. Even when we’re apart, you’ll always have us with you”
I've been waiting for a girl like you, I've been waiting
Won't you come into my life?
It was all so incredibly romantic. Your heart swelled with love for Marko and Paul. They were so good to you. They really were your soul mates, and you never wanted to experience life without them by your side. As you uncorked the bottle, the sweet scent of their blood teased your nose. This was really happening. You would be a vampire.
There was no hesitation as you took a sip. 
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You were still a bombshell. Though the sunlight was your enemy and the night brought you inhuman powers, your beauty had followed you into your new, undead life. The rocker look was still your style, but now there was a sense of mystic charm to your personality. People still stopped and stared, but now you could lure them to follow you. 
Lure them away and quench your thirst for blood.
And all the while, Paul and Marko stayed by your side. They were amazing teachers, showing you all the ropes for using your powers. Whether it was flying in the sky or fighting hunters, they cheered you on. You knew you were going to love them forever, and you would enjoy every second of it.
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panda-noosh · 1 year
the barbie movie made me want to hug my grandmother
i went to see the new Barbie movie yesterday.
honestly, despite the hype of this film, i wasn’t all that interested in seeing it. barbies were never something i played with, and i’d never seen any of the other barbie films, and i had no idea how much of a message this movie would hold - so i just kind of. . . skimmed past it anytime it showed up on my feed.
but my two best friends were ecstatic, and because i love just being in the presence of people i love and appreciate, i decided to come along too. so i bought a ticket, got my popcorn - i even wore pink! we got our seats, and the movie began.
and right from the get-go, i knew this wasn’t a film to be messed with.
it sounds so dramatic, but it was just so good. i usually hate the cinema (autism, don’t ask...), but i sat through this film like a rock, honest to god. not once did i check the time to see when i could get up and leave. not once did i think it was dragging. i was genuinely so involved with this film as i was watching it, that it was a surprise when the end credits started rolling. i wanted more. i could have sat there, living in barbieland, forever. 
it’s a very feminist film, as i’m sure everybody knows by now. the way it was done was also perfect; i’m kind of getting sick of these ‘feminist films’ where the message is so. . . subtle. it’s one scene of a woman becoming CEO in a big name company, or a Mum finally getting the chance to live her life! don’t get me wrong, that’s always so lovely to see, but Barbie wasn’t subtle about the feminism in the slightest. our greta was not afraid to show the ugly truth of a woman’s world. she wasn’t afraid to hurt the feelings of men. she wasn’t being careful. in a fun and respectful way, she was able to illuminate the daily struggles of women all over the world, how desensitised we have come to the horrendous ways we have been treated over the years, the expectations set upon us that we don’t even question anymore. it showed women appreciating women, women being successful, women living for themselves. it was just fantastic, and it didn’t take itself too seriously, and it was beautiful.
i knew it was a good feminist film when my best friend reached over and held my hand for the last half of it. for no reason that i could pinpoint, she just reached over our drinks and took my hand in hers, just two women living in solidarity, struggling through the same patriarchal world. it was the type of film that made me want to go hug my grandmother. it made me want to compliment every single woman i encountered on the way back to my car. it reminded me that i am indeed a woman, and i am indeed living under the thumb of men in more ways than i was ever able to recognise, because it was just so normal. i’m so guilty of lowering my standards for men sometimes. i’m so guilty so letting them get away with things, because they’re men! they don’t know any better! i’m so guilty of giving into the patriarchal system, half my head on my own goals whilst the other half stays dead set on keeping everyone else happy. this movie reminded me that i - and everyone else - needs to find who they are without the influence of anyone else’s opinion or presence. 
so, overall, this movie was ten out of ten. one of the only ten out of ten films i’ve seen this year. i was in absolute awe of how a piece of media could be so funny yet so enlightening at the same time. 
thank you, greta gerwig. you created yet another masterpiece. 
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spaceorphan18 · 9 months
About the pairing tournament I had the bad idea to see the reposts and read the tags. and it was awful. I still don't understand why if you like a pairing you need to automatically bash the other. And no, the klainers actually were not the ones doing the bashing. It's been 10 years for God's sake. *shakes head*
When this was all over, I was going to do a reflection post about it, might as well use this ask.
The thing about the poll, that I've exerted since the beginning, is that it's not that one thing is better than the other -- it's that one thing ultimately has more people voting for it than the other. It's a popularity contest. There was a day that Klaine would have dominated so hard that it would never have been a contest, but those days are gone.
The Klaine army is, though, still around. We're just old and tired and polls like this don't really matter anymore. We've won a ton of them. I think the Brittana fans are we were ten years ago when we gobbled every poll up.
Anyway... some thoughts.
Yes, unfortunately, I read ever single note on the blog. Not one single Klainer was mean. Not one. Be proud of that.
I do think 90% of the Brittana fans were fine -- some of them said nice things about Klaine. Some of them were here just for the fun of competition (looking at brittanapolls). Most of them did just want their team to win.
Also... no one cared about this tournament until the very end. Much like the song tournament (which was not me) people showed up who didn't even partake in 99% of the other polls. Which... fine. But the point of the tournament was just fun, and I think a majority of the tournament was fun. People didn't get nasty until the very end, which was a shame.
Out of the people who were asshats.... I noticed a trend. Most of them were -- Not Glee blogs -- or in that I could not find Glee content on their blogs. Which makes me wonder if they even like the show -- or they just prefer w/w pairings.
And, there were three-ish things I kept seeing in the notes --
A) How dare Klaine crash the Brittana wedding which, omg, *pinches nose* Clearly what is missed is the fact that the writers wanted to appease everyone while making lengthy speeches about gay rights. I don't think anyone was fully happy with that, and I know a lot of us Klainers would have liked something different, too -- but to have that be a reason to be mean? That is bonkers to me.
B) Blaine and the cheating came up again, which I find hilariously hypocritical. Santana admits that she cheated all the time. Brittany cheated on Artie without much thought. Neither of them seem to have any remorse about it. So... that point doesn't hold water at all.
C) The one I think really got under all of our skin - that somehow voting for Klaine meant misogyny or hating women. And I just can't with this... voting in a meaningless poll has nothing to do with supporting women. If you really want to support women -- you can, volunteer somewhere that helps women in need, vote for abortion and transwomen's rights, or.... respect the fact that some women connect to different fictional characters than you. My god.
So, anyway... it's a shame these people live in their hate more than their love. You do have to shake your head on that. Nothing they say, though, should make you feel bad or less about what you love. We all do connect to different fictional characters for different reasons.
Stay positive guys <3
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