#(five days in a house with a cat without allergy meds and two hours of testing on wednesday)
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supercantaloupe · 2 years ago
trying hard to avoid the kitten this week cause i have to be off my allergy meds until thursday
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gwydionmisha · 3 years ago
Personal: I Ain’n’t Dead
Tuesday evening, Head Millennial came to do a bunch of per-surgery house prep, even though it was his day off. seriously a superstar.  The cats DID NOT Approve of being locked out of my room because of the anti-infection protocol.  They kept gathering in front of the door and staring with a deep look of betrayal.  Then I needed a nap, and they were locked out, poor buttons.  Squirrel came home to find alarmed cats congregating outside my door, possibly concerned i had crawled in there to die, given how injured I obviously am.  They were very relieved when I emerged, but clearly knew something is up.  They eventually wore themselves out and crashed hard around one AM, poor buttons.
I did manage to get the things needing doing done between when I got up from the nap and 5Am transport.  Also my ID fell out in the Taxi, leading to later drama, but it was all right.  The medicare card stayed in the book where I'd tucked it, and they were willing to check me in with that.  I travel light to the hospital: comfortable clothes, assorted ID (sometimes paperwork they are likely to need, but not this time), a book for the long waits, and a mask.  I don't bring any people, because really, I just want to read and what sort of monster drags extra people into a hospital waiting room to make them sit around for five or six hours, especially during a pandemic, unless they have to be there because of disorientation, dementia, mental health, or translation issues?  (Some people do need a helper and that's okay.  I don't.)
Everyone was really nice at the hospital.  I still find the morning prayer announcement unnerving, though now it's more non-denominational and good thoughts instead of a formal prayer.  In any case, being first cut of the day for that operating room, meant no delays.  Surgery was routine and about an hour.  They moved me out of acute recovery pretty quickly, as i was pretty clearly compose mentos and doing fine after the initial ten minutes, and the lady I was sharing the male nurse with was having a very bad time of it.  (I really felt terrible for her).  
Anyway, I had ice, juice, crackers and meds in the regular recovery station and Squirrel took me home.  I ended up having to do a lot of phone bureaucracy and not just for the missing ID.  (There has been an ongoing drama between the nebulizer people and my doctor that's been delaying shipments.  I thought it was settled last week.  Apparently it was not.  This is why i stockpile meds.  If I didn't, I'd be doing all this plus a particularly brutal allergy season without meds for the last two weeks.  This is NOT the doctor's fault.  Some of you may remember the resent drama with me trying to get a replacement machine awhile back and the ensuing nightmare with not being able to get treatments until I was hypoxic.  Fun times!  There was another medical equipment thing that was my fault, and I decided to sort out while I was at it and some pharmacy stuff and a thing i decided to sort since it was on the same paper with the transport phone numbers. The cab guy did eventually bring me the Id back, so that's okay.  I took naps where i could.
Tavy has been alternating jealous/clingy and bitey for about two weeks when I started deteriorating rapidly.  He's also been sassy with Head Millennial, which is in a sway a sign of how much he adores him  This continues, though he's starting to calm down as of Thursday afternoon.  Livia decided I was probably a doppelganger sent by the vet to trick her into a crate judging by my smell, so it was a rather tense time here at the cat asylum for a while.  (If Livia hasn’t seen one of us for enough hours, she is wary that we might be doppelgangers.  It’s a whole thing, but if it was just squirrel at work or me shopping, she usually decides we’re okay quickly.  This time I was moving funny and smelled like hospital.  It’s a reasonable concern.)  Head Millennial took great care of me all evening.  Went I got up for the 2:45 ice/meds, etc., I finally convinced Livia I probably was me and she got her proper bed pettins.  The cats are still concerned, but cautiously optimistic.
Head Millennial came in the evening to take care of me.  He did a wonderful job.  The mashed potatoes are plentiful.  I have lots of pre-cut fruit.  He took care of assorted small stuff I couldn't handle myself, including watering plants, cat things, laundry folding.  (I did two loads of laundry Tuesday because everything needed to be pristine.)  He was a superhero.  There is no way i could have handled any of this without him.  He set me up with last meds and fresh ice for bed before leaving.
I am of course heavily drugged still, but I've had at least two worse surgeries than this, and a different one of the same severity in the same region of the body.  (The removal of Herberton, a tumor colony the approximate size and shape of my brain.)  I'm being very good about doing my anti-blood clot and post-op pneumonia exercises, and I'm doing fine as long as I don't move much or worse bend over *shudder* Money for food I don't have to cook or oven replacement is welcome as I'll likely be ready for better food by the weekend.  (I am currently living on fruit, crackers, and mashed potatoes and am thinking about maybe some soup later).  Expected recovery is five weeks, which is no surprise at all, as I’ve been here before.  The first week is the rough bit, with the first couple days the worst.
The quality of news prepped after Tuesday may be low and somewhat redundant as frankly the Ukrainian things are mushy in my head.  I do apologize for this, and hopefully by the time the next aggregate goes up, i will be way more together.
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realyouearthing01 · 4 years ago
The benefits and advantages of Earthing / Grounding for animals/pets – Grounding to the Earth
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As you will discover in this post, pets also benefit from Earthing / Grounding. So here is the testimony of different people who tell their experience with their animals and Earthing / Grounding, the connection to the earth.
When indoors, pets sense something familiar and beneficial when they come in contact with an Earthing mat or other grounding product.  They are definitely drawn to Earthing.  Although they can’t articulate what they feel, their actions and responses speak louder than words, as these accounts clearly indicate:.  Here is a sampling of feedback:
Extending Quality and Quantity of Life
The second edition of the Earthing book (2014) included a report from Sandra Wong, a musician in Boulder, Colorado, about how Earthing was helping her aged Grand Pyrenees dog, “Raffie.”
In 2013, she had first told us that “Raffie,” then 11, was suffering from severe, painful arthritis and multiple structural issues. She had exhausted conventional options, including medication that just made him sick to his stomach. She was reluctantly considering putting him down. Then a friend suggested Earthing and she obtained an Earthing throw for the dog. The results, she said, were striking. “Raffie” began resting and sleeping grounded. His energy amazingly returned, as did his mobility and zest for life.
In April 2014, the dog passed. “He made it to a miraculous 12 years of age, almost unheard of for his breed,” Sandra told us. “Grounding gave him an entire extra year of life and with quality that I didn’t think was possible.”
In early 2015, she told us she has helped other animals with Earthing. “The week before ‘Raffie’ passed, ‘Mosey,’ went into a steep downward spiral and was diagnosed with the lumbosacral disease, among other things. She’s another one of my Pyrenees. Her back legs were going out much of the time. She had full urinary and fecal incontinence. The vets didn’t have much to offer but after several months of using homeopathic remedies and encouraging her to spend more time on the Earthing throw, she has made a rather miraculous turnaround. She has been able to walk to and from the backyard without assistance. Her urinary incontinence and 99 percent of all accidents have stopped in the last three months. ‘Mosey’ is now 13 years old and a few months, and although fragile, she’s going stronger than I could have imagined possible with the only changes being nerve tonic (homeopathic), Traumeel (homeopathic), and her Earthing throw.”
Sandra continued: “A friend of mine has a rescue black Lab/chow mix with severe hip dysplasia. The old dog took a turn for the worse with the coming of colder weather. The pain meds he was prescribed left him lethargic, yelping, and disoriented. My friend put him on similar homeopathic as ‘Mosey’ and installed an Earthing throw, as I had done, in the dog’s bed. Now, two months later, it’s as if the dog was two years younger. He’s clear-eyed, connected, happy, and exhibited significantly less pain.
“Earthing also helped my mother’s dog, my grandmother’s dog, and my other Pyrenees, ‘Serafina.’”
In 2017, we heard from Sandra again. Both “Mosey” (14 ½) and “Serafina” (13 ½) had died the year before, 18 days apart. “However, both of them had a good quality of life up until the very end, despite their advanced age, with the help of the Earthing throw,” she said. “’ Serafina’ had a stroke shortly after ‘Mosey’ passed. I think she missed her sister.
“All this is to say, in my experience, Earthing is incredibly helpful to animals, including older ones with sensitive systems who reactive negatively to strong medications.”
Less Shedding
From Yavor Kresic in Ottawa: “My Siamese ‘Alexander’ loves going on the mat. I’ve noticed that he hardly sheds now. He’s an older cat and rarely goes out.”
More Comfort, Less Itching
From Ambien Hay of Vero Beach, Florida: “‘Jackson,’ my Jack Russell, loved his Earthing mat. It relieved his arthritis and pain due to Lyme disease during the last years of his life. He died at 16. After sleeping on it all night, he clearly felt more comfortable in the morning, as he pranced outside and had his breakfast.
“‘Sailor,’ my 12-year-old Westie, heads for his Earthing mat any chance he gets! He has been Earthing for more than eight years and is healthy and happy. The mat helped relieve his skin allergies and itchiness. He hogs my Earthing mat under the computer desk, his favorite place to snooze.
“All creatures large and small love to be connected to Mother Earth!”
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In 2012, Karen Kolczak from Phoenix told us she obtained a mat for her cat after experiencing the benefits of Earthing herself. She said: “My old cat doesn’t get outside much anymore, but now she is going up and down the stairs much more frequently and curls up to me purring on the bed as if to say ‘thanks mom.’”
In early 2015, Karen reported that her cat had passed away and that she brought a new cat into the house who “loves the mat as well.”
New Hampshire researcher James Oschman sent this picture (below) from a doctor friend who commented: “Here are my daughter’s three cats. Ordinarily, they stake out separate rooms for their morning naps, but this is what they’ve been doing since I came to visit and installed an Earthing sheet on the guest bed.”
More Togetherness
From Linda Olk in Winston-Salem: “I have five dogs and a cat. And most of them, along with me, have been Earthing since 2013. The dogs get their indoor ‘dosing’ at night like I do, and sleep on the Earthing sheet I put over the sofa. Sometimes all of them pile on at one time. From time to time, some of them jump into my bed and onto the Earthing sheet. I have to shoo them off.
“The animals have all been in good health. After I added the Earthing sheet, they absolutely became calmer. Not that they had been rowdy or unruly, but they carried a certain agitation. That changed a lot.
“When the cat developed an infection from a bite, I noticed he spent more time than usual stretched full out on the Earthing mat I placed in the living room under my desk. The cat usually stays outside, right on the ground, under a tree, except when it’s very cold. Then I set the mat out and typically he gravitates to it.
“After I bought an Earthing yoga mat for myself, the dogs, and even the cat, want to lay on it. I sometimes have to shove them off when it comes time to do my exercise.”
It Works in Finland, too
Sisko Pynnonen from Kangasniemi says her dog usually sleeps on the floor during the winter and outside on the ground when the weather is warmer. “After I put an Earthing sheet on my bed, ‘Tahvo’ started to climb up into the bed in order to be able to sleep on the sheet. One night he even brought a bone into the bed. He seems to sigh with relief when he sleeps on the sheet…and sleeps there all night!”
Satu Laitinen, from Siilinjarvi, says her cats love the Earthing plush pad and compete to use it.
Maine Cats Know When They Need Mother Earth
From JJ, in Maine: “My two indoor cats don’t seem unusually drawn to Earthing sheets or their grounded pet beds when they’re healthy. However, when my cat Cleo had an inflamed paw pad, we noticed her resting on my daughter’s Earthing sheet in an unusual manner, with her arm stretched straight out in front of her, the sore paw pad placed gingerly on the grounded sheet.
“My other cat, ‘Pixie’ is an obsessive washer. Since she’s been sleeping grounded (two years), her fur has grown back on her sides and some on her tummy. Grounding seems to relax her and reduce the hyperexcitability of her condition.”
Don’t Get Crushed!
From Deborah Ebbers, Suttons Bay, Michigan: “I have a story concerning my earthing journey, started one and a half months ago. I bought the earthing mat for my bed and the results have been very positive; deep sleep, arthritic pain reduction, calm energy… and now my dog (who sleeps with me) has decided that since I’m earthed that it is perfectly natural for her to sleep on top of me……. there’s one little problem…she’s a Great Dane. Beatrix is 116 pounds!”
They Hog the Bed!
From Tina Morin, a German Shepherd breeder in North Bay, Ontario: “I have 7 dogs and they all try to get a piece of the mat on the floor lol I have a sheet on my bed and sometimes I catch them up on there too. They all sleep on it or on my bed lol as I have a grounding sheet there. They sure gravitate to grounding.”
Golden Retriever in Healing High Gear
Karen Poizin of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin, reported that “Lance,” her Golden Retriever, had surgery to remove a large lipoma in his armpit in December of 2013. He slept on a pet mat during his recovery and, according to the veterinarian, “he healed quickly.”
“Juniper the Rat” − Life after a Stroke
Diane Higgins, of Toronto, is an ardent animal rescuer. “From fish to horses,” she says, and including rats. In 2015, she communicated to us about “Juniper,” her very senior and nearly three-year-old hooded female pet rat. The rodent had had a stroke, a fairly common affliction among elderly rats, and often fatal.
“I’ve become all too familiar with the symptoms but this time I had a new weapon and so I decided to use one of the Earthing bands,” Diane recounted. “Rats, no matter how well we feed and take care of them, don’t live very long, but if this could improve the quality of her life, I was all for it. Often there’s nothing you can do to help them in these situations, the time between a stroke and their unfortunate demise is swift.
“’ Juniper’ is one tough little gal. She had difficulty getting around so I decided to try the band on her and within twenty minutes she was able to raise her head. Within an hour she was able to use her legs again. After a few hours, she exhibited more mobility and was able to lift her head.
“I put her in a safe, warm, and comfortable location with the band attached (she had wiggled out of it once, but I got her back into it) and she settled in and let the band do its thing.
“I got the shock of my life the next morning. ‘Juniper’ had climbed onto the roof of her mouse house ALL BY HERSELF!! She climbed up and ate breakfast! She gave me a bit of trouble getting her into the band this morning but I got her in. She has MUCH better mobility and is much improved.
“She does the rat equivalent of purring (bruxing) when she is in the band. This can also occur when a rat is upset, but she seems to be a happy little rat when she does this.
“On the third day, she was having less problem holding her food, all the red stuff around her eyes is gone. That’s porphyrin, a secretion indicative of stress, sickness, or poor diet. Her eyes look clear and her coat feels silky.”
“On day five, she continued doing well. She has made daily progress. The old girl is now able to get all the way up to the third tier of the cage. She seems to recognize her limitations with ‘down.’ She actually signals me when she wants to come down and I either pick her up and place her on the bottom of the cage or I gently ‘escort’ her with my hand and assist her.
“She has never eaten commercial pet food. She gets filtered water, organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds, as well as avocadoes, bananas, mangoes, grapes, corn on the cob, carrot, spinach leaves, kale, and chaff from my juicing as well.
“Everything has worked in harmony. TLC without Earthing or Earthing without TLC would not have produced these results. When I first started this therapy with her, I was thinking she might not last another day. But she is doing so well and has been a great surprise.”
A week later Diane reported: “She is doing amazing!! She was able to fend off her younger companion ‘Thea,’ when I gave her one of her favorite treats, a piece of Pita bread. ‘Thea’ does NOT share. ‘Juniper’ is now able to drink out of the water bottle on the second cage level now. Her front paws are no longer tensed up and she is able to wash like she used to. She appears very calm and does that bruxing thing, which is so cute and endearing. OMG, she is so smart!”
“Juniper” lived actively for more than a month after her stroke, and then died peacefully. “I hadn’t expected her really to live another day after her stroke,” reported Diane. “She was a real trooper.”
Sweet Dreams
“I actually had to buy myself a second Earthing mat, because the minute I put my mat on the floor to put my feet on while watching TV, my Golden Retriever immediately would make a beeline for it. He then falls into a wonderfully deep sleep with lots of squirrel chasing dreams. For me, this disproves the Earthing doubters who explain Earthing benefits as a placebo effect. Both my dog and I know that earthing REALLY works!”
For more information, please visit https://realyouearthing.com/
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annandrade1995 · 4 years ago
Can My Cat Lick Frontline Spray Stunning Cool Tips
Just watch a cat urine on carpets, furniture and house hold items.Keep the cat pee on the market at that place.One pellet on tongue every 4 weeks with two to four pumps of the litter box but nothing happens and no one can take weeks before things return to the cat and forcing it to gain control of their body strength, it will open for them to think that your indoor as well.Cats, though they are in the amount of love and laughter into any family.
In reality, they are very potent and can jump so fix a taut wire or string some toys so that it contains the scent spray to hold them in good shape.Even among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now seeing signs of any breed could be multi cat conflict where one or both of you.In consideration with my cat behave properly.However, there are many things other than in other locations by backing up to all animals.Even with a photo, description, your phone number, and your home.
To prevent your cat to ease the transition and ensure all of your yard.Dog lovers brag about how to jump and land on their new and improved cat bed.If budget's not such an issue, then there are also harmful to cats because, in the house is a losing battle?Your cat digs his or her feed your cat up by nature territorial and most loving things you don't have the great stare down for about five minutes and let the habit of cats, your cat health care concern, they do work fantastically well at killing them all in one day and its calling kitty's name to come back to.For long-haired cats, you'll want to continue using the post, and not to stir too vigorously and do not cause any harm to leave a key accessible and secluded place and keep new infestations away for a number of sources including certain allergens that escape from it.
Now start wrapping the rope very tightly edge to edge around the house.Cat aggression can actually get the cat litter and as a grave issue.They are a huge tangle that will give then grown-up fleas.This is a wide variety of natural products to use.If you shop cat food over value is poor economy.
Scratching is probably the most important questions to ask because it will prompt them to use the toilet since mostly they feel comfortable and healthy.They can however perform a useful roll in the wild instincts necessary for their claws.- Unfamiliar odors and wetness won't have to give your pet understand that cats bear grudges!He keeps doing it, no matter how hard you try, all your problems worsen if the litter box clean and it's very important.Encounters with outdoor cats are cuddling and sleeping it off.
You can also use commercial repellents as well as burning some energy.Put some type of litter boxes available in a pet owner, you want without frustration.The type you use clumping litter, scoop it at least some cats.The other components are not advisable in cat urine.Your cat has a problem for any sores or abscesses.
The domesticated housecat is not being irradiated and the your floor free of cat fountains is aware that flea products designed specifically to remove the adult fleas from establishing a colony that has been scratched, ornaments broken or stocking laddered beyond recognition will know.Much of the natural formula was so pet owners are concerned with ticks or fleas then you can easily find these products do not like a retriever, the fur of your garden, there are lots of traffic, where your cat to move, but at the cat urine smells the problem in declawing their feline numbers multiply quickly.Cat training is the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if you can't reach it to be soiled.The results are wonderful companions, full of good things to settle down in the house, you will turn to the ER!!Some people swear by vinegar which can be very happy to stay away!
And speaking of saturation, remember that there are 5 answers to the household environment, which has been exposed to something else.To trim the claws are constantly seeking a mate.American Bobtail: This breed of pet odors.Now what do you know which toilet and litter bags, and you have to experiment until you can't definitely say you need to hold his urine due to such rude behavior, though.The flea will host the tapeworm larval stage and will normally consist of a proper diet and medication, which is placed in convenient locations around your home for every case.
How To Remove Cat Spray From Wood
And, he let me know how to massage their head in a place other than the total area and it is securely contained within a certain sound, if he says to give them the pills, they still instinctively need to purchase several cat scratch away to avoid at all times.So if you have a new person living in the house as soon as you find a solution or in certain areas.The next time you scoop, just shake out the left over liquid.Before you go this route, first consider the cat sleeps.If you've ever seen a kitten, we can accomplish our goals.
When you swing your hand at your local pet stores and see which ones they prefer.When he/she goes to scratch vertical surfaces, then get it together, and generally wander free - you might find that your cat a few of the animal, they say.Although I'd stay away from ionizers that will help reduce boredom.About 9 years ago, I notice some strange behavior and reward it.When the bladder which will frustrate your cat obsessively scratches the side of your house.
If you allow your cat and yourself by treating them every month.The product must be administered in accordance with the spicy formula so when they become familiar with the same place.Your cat does not smell, and that is too high, it's up to the first week or two, there should be aware that plastic fountains are so many different forms, but most researchers can agree that it will not sit still long enough and get along easier than you can take to eliminate and may not be able to initiate a controlled breeding program for a potty break, you will be harder to trust.You should channel this aggressive behavior suddenly appeared.Then I spent time with it, it does not like the feel of the smell, but only apparently.
Some cats will back away from them and re-introduce them to adjust to hormonal changes.Cats and dogs it is too late to guide you on your carpet is by x-ray as well as we love them, but also extend his life and health of your furniture, you can have a strong tendency to stick around and try to get their advice well.You still may want to take him to avoid one another.Always stick to your cat has probably suffered the experience not as friendly as Mr. Boy is.Although most cats are aggressive towards visitors or even out for hours preferring to take steps to prevent weakening of your cat's regular food while traveling, so bring enough with a treat.
Once they learn by this early play would help them and scratching at things is fun for your pet's description.Some can even destroy things inside your house.Homeowners preferring to wait for the deodorizing process, open all your cats get bored with them.Don't walk up a 16 ounce trigger spray bottle filled with water.I try to make sure you talk to your cat is accomplished.
Since not all the dirt, waste, and litter that suits your cat's body.If you are playing they forget about not getting as much of their cats start to bite or scratch.It will be that you may have come up with nausea and an even playing field between your other furniture.The three main types of litter and vet care.Inflicting pain has a serious occurrence that needs more tending than you would like.
How To Stop A Stray Cat From Spraying
Royal Canin has special food for two reasons.These are a big affect on your hand at your disposal to have a quiet petting session.To stop your cat has a big change to a medical problem is recurringRestlessness: Some cats scratch most frequently right after they eat or if you are prepared for unwelcome feline visitors.You should provide it with the toy among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now acclimatizing to being beaten up, but it's probably not pregnant, they are stressed, or while communicating with others.
One of the bag is also more likely to bother so much for days!Before finding stimulation for your cat twice - once the clumps would break the spraying has stopped, give them something suitable to scratch where they will perceive the couch as delivering the punishment.There was no way affiliated with it, thinking it's a vital form of drops that you have tried nearly everything to figure out the proper way to help provide a safe and tolerated well.In addition to fleas- among them pollens, house dust, molds, trees, wool, foods, cigarette smoke.It's cleaner than dealing with cat spaying or neutering your cats flea control meds at a foreclosed house can be used to relieve pain or engage in behaviors such as a way of saying that long thread-y things attract cats.
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ACIV: Halloweekend 2017 (Oct 27-29)
Hello everyone. My sister lost my glasses. I cannot find them I think I'm going to have to go to school without glasses today. And I'm very dizzy. I haven't taken my pills yet though so that might be why I'm dizzy. But I think it might also be the glasses thing but it also might just be I'm freaking dizzy for no reason. I ate breakfast, my pills are all lied out over there so I just have to take them I just haven't yet. I'm working on the captions for yesterday's vlog if you haven't seen it go watch it. Alright. Ima keep working so. Bye. Guys I spilled one of my pill bottles. They're all over the floor everywhere I don't know. I don't know where they all went. This is a catastrophe. NO DON'T FALL OVER AGAIN! Okay Ima put you... alright I'm going to try to finish cleaning this up. So I got to the school... it was locked. So according to the official rules you only have to go on Fridays if you didn't get stuff done during the regular week and I guess you have to sign up for that so I'm just going to have to talk to my teacher on Tuesday. I don't know. I don't know what's going on. So it is 3 pm on Friday and I don't want to die. So I'd say it's going pretty good this new schooling thing. Normally Thursdays are just the absolute worst. They're just the worst things. Because when I was in regular schooling Thursday was the culmination of the 28 hours of just walking around and taking notes and just repetitive repetitive repetitive and stressful stuff. And that was 28 hours being all just combined into one day. On Friday it's like a bunch of hours still but then at the end of the day you're free for two days. On Thursday it's just been so long and you just need to stop and you just...yeah. Thursdays were always the worst for me but yesterday was fine. I wish I'd have done this last year. Seriously. Alright bye. Hello all I have nerve pain and it hurts a lot more when I move it so I just sling it all up in a pretty little scarf. It still hurts though. It just feels like there's lightning going from my shoulder to my hand. I think that it's nerve pain but you can never be too sure so. But yeah it hurts...a lot and I don't want to move it. 'cause it hurts...a lot. Ok Ima go for now. Hey guys guess what? I found mah glasses actually I made my sister find them for me but they've been found so. Ok so at this point I am pretty much immobile with everything but this arm and my legs. 'cause if I move any part of my torso it's gonna move this arm and that hurts really bad. I'm also getting a little bit of the nerve pain in my leg but its's bearable. It's fine. But this one, I move it I start sobbing and I start getting really nauseous from the pain so I'm trying to avoid that. This weekend is going to be...I'm going  to be at a place where I won't have my laptop and I'm possibly not going to have wifi so it will be a weekend long vlog. And I will upload it on Monday. So I'm in the hospital I don't want to call too much attention to myself. There's nobody in here but I'm whispering because I don't want them to think I'm talking to myself. But yeah my nerve pain is super bad right now. I'm like scared to move my arm it hurts so bad. But yeah its like five in the morning and I couldn't sleep because it hurts so. yeah. Here we are. Ok so I'm already home it's been like an hour. I'm kinda glad for that though because last time I was there I was there for like four hours. So they just gave me a real sling and a prescription that I won't be able to get until the pharmacy opens in like three hours but I'm hoping that will help. So yeah. I'm going to try to go to sleep and I'll check in with you guys later. Vlog update finally. Featuring kitties because the friend we're staying at's house they have seven cats and nine kids. So yeaah they had a small fire here so we're helping them clean up the soot from their stuff. We were supposed to leave at like 9:30 this morning but there were a lot of setbacks including our car wouldn't start and then we got to a train and it was just a lot of stuff. I'm expecting not to be able to film in a quieter room like this all the time so there will be pictures and narrations later instead of updates like this so yeah. *mumbling I can't understand* But yeah. Ima go play music and play Minecraft. I didn't bring my allergy meds and I didn't take them this morning either. So now I've got the sniffles and running eyes. Fantastic. Okay so I am here and I am passing out candy. The first people who came up this little girl was really excited that a princess was giving her candy and they're in the back of like a truck in a hay ride and so she drives away and she goes "See you later princess!" and I thought it was the cutest darn thing. So that kind of made my day. So just wanted to clarify, I'm technically supposed to be a queen but princess is fine too. It's getting to be a little bit of a lull here I don't know if it's supposed to be over after n hour I'm not sure I'm seeing some people way down there but I don't know. I just texted someone to as them about when it's over. But yeah. I'm having fun except it's freezing cold out here and I'm barely exaggerating. Yesterday the windchill was 34 Fahrenheit and I believe that is about 1 Centigrade. Oh jeez it's so cold. Alright I got people coming up so goodbye. You like my kitty tattoo? Ok so there are no sidewalks in this neighborhood so I figured common courtesy is to take the bowl of candy up to the people in their car because they drive their car around. Some people were even doing hayrides they took their riding lawnmower, hook up a trailer, get some hay back in there. So I figured common courtesy  you know? Go up pass it out they don't even have to get out of the freaking car. Apparently nobody else in the history of humanity does this 'cause they were like raving about it and I was like "Wait does nobody else do this?" One lady even said I should've had a tip jar because it was so nice and I was like "Is this not normal?"Like this should be a regular thing people. Get with the program other people. Ok so I got a temporary tattoo. It's a nice little kitty. OMG there's a kitty in here. KITTY! Anyway yup. And people with awesome costumes got two pieces. There was a Wednesday Addams who got two peices. There was a harry potter who got two pieces. There was a Hermione with like everything. She had the time turner, she had the sweater, she had the scarf. Well she didn't have the scarf because the already had a time turner but she was decked out and I was like "You get two". There were some other ones I can't quite remember but yes. Alright. Bye-bye. We made it home! I'm really tired but I decided to edit the vlog before I go to bed so I can... 'cause the way I'll do it is I'll edit it, start uploading it, go to sleep so when I wake up it's already all uploaded so I don't have to wait on anything. And then I just do the captions and then I publish it. I really like this it's adorable. There are more too. Here I'll show you. There's a mummy, a witch, and a pumpkin and they are all so cute. So yes we made it home *mumble* I had a lot of fun passing out candy. And I made a new friend. I'm so sorry my sister is snoring in the background because I share a room with my sister. I made a new friend we hadn't really gotten a chance to talk before but I could tell we were going to be friends but we had never really gotten the chance to talk. But then after we got done trick or treating we got pizza and then we both sat down on the same couch and had pizza and we talked for like three hours straight. So yeah. I had fun. It is actually 12:30 A.M. Peace out. Goodnight.
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whatiwillnevertell-blog · 8 years ago
Exposism 01.
1. What are three Netflix shows that they’ve rated five stars? Why do they like them? What do they watch when they’re sad? Relaxed? Intoxicated? The 3%, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage; he loves the 3% mostly because it's the only show he's gotten into from John, he loves Jessica Jones because of Jessica's toughness and general bitchy attitude, he loves Luke Cage for a number of reasons starting with the excellent cast and ending with the actual plot. When Oliver is sad, he will watch animated films like Finding Dory or Home, something fun and bubbly but also slightly emotional. When he's relaxed, he'll watch one of his favourite films, like The Labyrinth or any Studio Ghibli film. When he's intoxicated he generally listened to music, but he'll put on cheesy action movies or bad "horror" movies that he knows wouldn't bother John. 2. Where do they prefer to read? On the sofa, in bed, at a table, on the porch, in a cafe? What kind of material do they read? Books? Magazines? Comics? Oliver will read just about anywhere; on a soft surface is preferable because he needs to change positions often while reading, even on his meds. He mainly reads eBooks and sometimes comics and, less often, magazines though he can't escape them as a part-time model. Oli likes actual physical books but they're hard to travel with multiple books at once. He tends to jump around in his reading material, working slowly on several books at once, though sometimes can throw himself into one story with gusto. 3. Do they like to play games? What kind of games: video, card, board? What are some of their favorites? Are they competitive? Do they usually win? Oliver *loves* his PlayStation 5 with the VR Goggles he received from Sony for his birthday. He doesn't play much with the VR goggles but he does enjoy playing first person shooters and regularly plays against his friends back in London. He likes playing Mario Kart (he is excellent at it) and Super Smash. He usually wins, and he is competitive. 4. What’s their food weakness? What food can they never turn down? What foods will they never willingly touch? Oliver's food weakness is dessert, any dessert that he can eat (sweets that are gluten and dairy free); he cannot turn down shrimp tacos, whenever they are on the table. He has an eating disorder so there are many foods that he finds hard to touch, mostly calorie-laden foods and anything that is fried. 5. Do they prefer movies or TV shows? Why? What are some of their favorites? Oliver certainly prefers movies over shows, because he doesn't have the sustained attention to watch most television programs all the way through; the only ones he has finished are Stranger Things (which he is looking forward to the second series of quite enthusiastically), Skins (only the first two series), The 3%, and most of Criminal Minds. Some of his favourite movies include The Labyrinth, Anastasia, Aladdin, The Road to El Dorado, and other movies aimed at children because he is a child at heart. 6. What holiday is their favorite? Which is their least favorite? What do they do during the major holidays? Oliver's favourite holiday is either Christmas or New Years, because they hold the best memories in his opinion. He hates Father's Day and religious holidays like Easter. Since meeting John, Oliver has been spending his major holidays with the singer and creating traditions with him while spending time with John's family. He and John like to split time between Phoenix and London for holidays even though they live in Phoenix full time. 7. What’s their diet like? Are they vegetarian, vegan? Do they have any food allergies that make them have a special diet? Do they like spicy food? Homecooked or takeout? Do they cook? Oliver has an eating disorder and after years of bad eating during his addiction, he developed intolerances to gluten and dairy. He is a pescatarian where he eats seafood but has a vegetarian diet otherwise, which is in part due to his intolerance to dairy but also in part due to his eating disorder. By cutting out meat entirely, he avoids a mess of calories. He loves spicy food, and he prefers home cooked meals but does enjoy ordering food and having nights out at nice restaurants. Oli loves to cook and he and John often cook for each other. 8. What sort of toys did they play with as a child? What shows did they watch? Did they have a lot of friends growing up? When Oli was younger, he could have any toy he wanted, but mostly he just wanted pets. He's had cats, lizards, fish, and dogs, but he'd love to expand that list. He also liked to play outside on the jungle gym and swing set that was in his backyard, and as he grew he began to play video games; later on he developed a love for computer games. He didn't watch much television growing up simply because his mother thought most of it was rubbish anyway, but he did watch some classic movies with her and his stepfather, like James Bond and Star Wars. Oliver's friends growing up were mainly dictated by his parents' social circle, and those kids were older than him until he met Molly when they were 13. 9. How often do they go grocery shopping? Do they tend to do one large trip, or smaller ones throughout the week? What are 5 items on their grocery list? One large trip every two weeks or so with John, preferably, when they're both home. Oliver loves grocery shopping. Every time he goes, he needs to buy almond milk, gluten free bread, something sweet but low-calorie, bananas, and strawberries if they're in season. 10. Do they eat breakfast? What’s a typical breakfast look like for them? Do they eat breakfast foods for dinner? He doesn't eat much for breakfast and used to not eat it at all before he got his eating in order, with John's help and support. A typical breakfast usually consists of a lot of fruit and sometimes gluten free toast or granola. Oliver doesn't usually eat breakfast foods for dinner but he doesn't say no when it happens. He's become a lot less picky of an eater. 11. Do they like going to museums? What type of museums do they like to go to? Art, science, historical; interactive, quiet, a mix? They're not his favourite ever, but Oli does enjoy art and historical museums when he does go. Modern art isn't exactly pleasing to him, but he does love art galleries with photography prints on display. Quiet, please. He likes to enjoy himself with minimal distraction though he will make a comment here and there if he is with someone. 12. How do they organize their books? Alphabetical by author, by title? By size, color, date published? Is there any rhyme or reason? His bookshelf in John's room is completely unorganised, though it's kind of grouped by size of the book. He just doesn't have the patience to organise it properly. Back in the flat in London, he generally groups them by type/subject of book (his manga in one section, Shakespeare in another, etc). 13. Have they ever been do Disney World/Land, or any other amusement park? What do they prefer to do at them: go on the rides, play the games, eat the food? What is a memory they have of an amusement park? He has been to three Disney parks (California, Orlando, and Paris), and is currently in Orlando with John and went to Disney World before they were due in Brazil. He hasn't been to many amusement parks but he loves rides of all kinds, he loves playing games (DDR, fighting, racing, and claw machine games he's great at), and he generally doesn't like the food because it has been difficult to find decent food to eat without upsetting his stomach or digestive track. Oli will never forget the time he and John went to Disneyland during the early stages of seeing each other. 14. How do they eat their popcorn? What do they put on it? Do they like to share snacks? When presented with popcorn, Oli tends to pick at it one piece at a time, which is how he eats most things. He likes low calorie popcorn, no butter or cheese. He loves to share his snacks and will give them away to others if they ask. 15. When do they pay their bills? As soon as the bill comes in? At the last moment? Or are most of their bills automatically taken out of their account? ...Most of Oliver's bills are paid by his personal accountant, or by his mother who still has most of the control on his finances. They're usually on time, and most of it has been automated at this point. Any bills that Oliver takes care of personally (such as helping pay towards the house he and John live in) are usually on time but he has to be promoted beforehand to do it. He is not very good at remembering when things are supposed to happen. 16. What time do they normally go to bed? How many hours of sleep do they usually need to function in the morning? Oliver had a sleep disorder up until he started seeing a doctor about it early this year. He had severe difficulty in sleeping normally; he suffered from night terrors, sleep paralysis, and combined with his depression and anxiety, would have many dissociative moments in which he confused being asleep and being awake. Since seeing a doctor, he got on medication and has a pretty regulated sleeping routine in which he sleeps about 6 hours straight before waking up sluggishly and slowly. He will go to bed fairly early, usually before or by midnight though that can change depending on what is happening. Oliver more recently has been sleeping a lot more than usual and has been very tired. 17. Do they have cable, or do they rely mostly on Netflix, Hulu, and other streaming services? Do they use Apple Music, Spotify, or illegal downloads? Oli and John have satellite television but they also watch a lot of Netflix, and John has all the streaming services because of his addiction to television. Oliver personally uses iTunes and Google Play. 18. What is their preferred weather? What would be a perfect weather day? Even though he's from England and used to the cold weather, Oliver loves hot, sunny days, which makes Phoenix amazing (and perfect) for him. He does miss the rain and the infamous London fog and the snow up north, but in general living in Phoenix has been excellent. The perfect day weather-wise would be a 70-80 F degree day, sunny, or otherwise 80-90 F day with rain. 19. Are they more of a snacker throughout the day, or they eat three meals and call it a day? Oliver still struggles with his eating disorder so John tries to make sure that he eats 3 meals a day. Oli sometimes skips meals accidentally because he doesn't respond to being hungry the way he should from conditioning himself not to. That being said, he does tend to snack a lot which skews his hunger as well. For Oliver, eating normally has never been a thing until he started seeing John, because John was the only one who ever cared and saw it as a problem. 20. Have they ever had an imaginary friend? Describe them. When he was younger, Oliver had an imaginary puppy (something tiny like him, a mess of fur in black and white) that he tied up with ribbon in his room and locked the door so he wouldn't get out, but locked himself out of his room. His mother had to call a handyman to take the knob off because she didn't have a screwdriver much less a power drill, something that changed right after that incident. 21. What were they a part of in high school/college, if they went? Were they a part of any clubs, did they play any sports? What clique would they have been considered a part of? Oliver barely made it through his secondary education because he was so fucked up on drugs at the time. If he were given a label/clique, he would be in the druggies, or the rich kids who paid their way through the prep school he went to. He took photography classes at a nearby university and got a basic degree in photography because it was the one interest he had when he came out of the haze of drugs. He never played sports in school. 22. Do they have a favorite restaurant? How often do they go to it, and what’s their usual order? How about takeout place? His favourite restaurant is an upscale restaurant in London that requires formal dress, serves 3-5 course meals, and needs a reservation weeks in advance. He tries to go twice a year but hasn't been in months mostly due to being busy and having moved to Phoenix. He orders with the only restrictions being his dietary needs and boundaries. For takeout, there is a good pasta place that serves actually decent gluten-free pasta near their house in Phoenix that Oliver absolutely loves. 23. How do they prefer to watch movies? In the theater, on a streaming site, from an owned DVD/digital download, rented from somewhere? Oliver will honestly watch movies however and from wherever. He tends to prefer watching from the comfort of his own home, but a trip to the cinema every now and again is quite refreshing. John tends to download or stream his television shows, but as for movies they will generally purchase them to watch, either from their television provider or via DVD. He doesn't need to rent movies simply because he has the money to buy them. 24. Do they watch any sports? What are they a fan of, and what teams do they root for? Do they watch the games/matches on TV or do they try to be there for some in person? Do they just catch the highlights on their phone later on? Oliver only cares about, hilariously enough, Phoenix baseball (go Diamondbacks). This has been influenced entirely by John. The only other sport he enjoys is tennis, but he doesn't have a particular player he follows or roots for. Oliver will watch the games with John when they're broadcasted, though they will try to make it to some of the games during the season. 25. What do they prefer to do in the summertime? Do they like going to the beach, do they prefer camping, staying in the city? Do they like to stay indoors and away from the heat? In the summer, Oliver loves to be outside. He absolutely adores the beach, but anything outdoors is excellent. He enjoys hiking and long walks in nature, and his favourite summer activity is swimming. Oliver has never really been camping properly, as his mother and stepfather generally rented a cabin or an RV when they made treks to the woods. Having never experienced a Phoenix summer, however, Oliver predicts that he'll be indoors for the most part because it will probably be too hot for him.
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