#(feeds him snacks like a bug in a terrarium)
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nanstar200 · 10 months ago
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Also obligatory spamton doodles because @charrfie said cannon spamton was handsome and I wanted to incorporate some of that into my style! So these r just some messing around doodles (sobs)
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fluffyjothoughts · 4 months ago
What would it be like to adopt a pet with each of the boys? What kind of animal do they each choose? What kinds of cute things would they do with the pets?
ooooh i really like this!!!!
Kris: Bunny or guinea pig. Seems like the type. he’d check up on it every morning and pet it with his finger, holding it in his arms or sitting on the floor in front of its cage, feeding it snacks.
Bojan: a puppy. Specifically a dachshund. They’re so tiny and cute (gets slightly upset when you compare them but secretly sees the similarities). Takes it on walks, allows cuddles on the bed with the two of you because how could he not?! and a bunch of belly rubs.
Jan: Another cat. he’s a bit nervous as to how the kitten would react to Igor (and the other way around), but he knows a lot about owning one from previous experience. Enjoys cuddles with it and playing guitars while it’s curled up next to him, maybe absentmindedly petting its ears while he sits on the couch.
Jure: he’s either going for a dog or something like a poison dart frog.there is absolutely no in between. that being said, for a dog, he’d want a big dog, someone cuddly and protective, someone who he can take hiking. for a frog, he’d for sure build the terrarium himself, along with getting the proper sticks and greenery and such. Also finds feeding it bugs cool.
Nace: As expected, a dachshund. Cutesy little boy that lays by his side on the couch and wags his tail so hard his feet slip. they go on walks together and cuddle, he sits at nace’s feet as he plays bass at home. overall, the sweetest little thing.
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justaturtleindisguise · 2 years ago
I just found your Artemisia post and i absolutely need more info on the girlie. She has my heart!!!
Some prompts if you need inspo:
She loves bugs, but would she eat a bug? Did she try as a little kid maybe?
When she is older, does she learn to control the gravity aspect better? If she masters it eventually, does she go on flights with donnie as quality time???
Her nickname is artsie literally, has she tried to draw or otherwise be... artsy? If she did wll, does she bond through that with mikey? If she is baadddd then how did her bros console her? How did mikey specifically comfort her? (I need more mikey and lil sister)
You can answer these as text or maybe take one and draw a like a lil doodle 👀 ? Anything you give me will be tasty tasty meal. Ty for feeding me ^^
-@lunya-lunacy though my main bc I am too lazy to switch accounts just to leave an ask.
Heheheee I'm so glad you like my baby girl !!! :D
I'll give two answers for each question, because both Artsies are very different from each other :]
She loves bugs, but would she eat a bug? Did she try as a little kid maybe?
12!Artemísia definitely would eat a bug. She's absolutelly facinated with them because she never saw anything like bugs before and will admire them like they're sparkly glass marbles, but she's also very impulsive and likes to chew on stuff to try new textures, so eating a bug is not off her list- I like to imagine Raph seeing her happily chewing on something and then he notices is a goddamn ROACH and he absolutely panics and starts trying to make her spit it like she's a puppy chewing on plastic, like, "Oh no no no, spit it out for the love of GOD, THIS ISN'T GOOD FOR YOU-"
As for Rise!Artemísia, I don't think she'd even dream of eating a bug- Her interest and facination about bugs is more delicate (and nerdy) than her counterpart. She keeps entire ant colonies and spiders in glass terrariums and she takes care of them very attently. She names all her bugs and gets extremelly attached to them, and she's also a very picky eater. She'd see Raph snacking on a beatle and imediatelly start to cry her eyes out lmao-
When she is older, does she learn to control the gravity aspect better? If she masters it eventually, does she go on flights with donnie as quality time???
Flying is very hard for her, I think that even as a adult she'd struggle a little. But Artsie is good at finding the best parts of things and making them her streight, so instead of using her mystic gravity to go up, she'd start using it to press down. Make her punches heavier, to press her enemies against the ground and be more grounded during fights, the flying part working more like a way of traveling around or to make battles more favorable to her to avoid being attacked. Her and Donnie would absolutelly bond about it too, like to imagine them being the absolutelly chaos beans they are and testing her gravity control to the max and bending increasingly stronger materials like tin cans.
Her nickname is artsie literally, has she tried to draw or otherwise be... artsy? If she did wll, does she bond through that with mikey? If she is baadddd then how did her bros console her? How did mikey specifically comfort her? (I need more mikey and lil sister)
Rise!Artsie is not so good at material art like drawing/sculpting/sewing, but she's very good at musical art! She can play the guitar, the drums and the piano. I see Artie playing songs with her guitar and shaking her bow-mask like she's in a rock show while Mikey sings. They're so noisy and silly /aff She wouldn't let Mikey do things like paint on her shell tho, because is made out of cartilage and it's very sensible, but she'll watch him painting their brother's shells and giving lil ideas. When she feels sad she gets very snappy with everyone and doesn't like to talk a lot, so Mikey being the responsible big brother he is, makes her silent company, some times he makes her a lil snack or they turtle-pile until she feels like opening up to him.
12!Artsie is not much of an artist. She draws and doodles together with writing to express feelings to her family, but she's still learning to put things together. Mikey is absolutelly delightful everytime she draws something anyways and will show whatever it is to everyone. He's very excited to be a big brother for the first time in his life and he absolutelly loves that lil turtle kid. They do basically the same thing (as Rise) when she's feeling bad about something, but Mikey is still learning how to be a silent companion (under the threat of having his finger bitten off during Artzy's outbursts). Still a lot of trial and error, but he's getting the gists of being a big bro :)
Thank u for all the questions, it always makes me so happy to answer stuff about my characters !! /gen I'd draw some silly doodles to follow my answers too but is 6AM and I'm in the bus to school KAJSKA ;u;
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campfiresandsandcastles · 7 years ago
How Not to Feed Your Kids to the Crocs: Vivarium del Caribe
Located about 30 minutes north of Cartagena, Colombia is a lush, intimate destination called Vivarium del Caribe that is an educational tour packed with plenty of alligators, crocodiles, fish, turtles, insects, snakes and other reptiles. It’s a very hands-on experience and fun for the whole family.   
Enjoy the Tour
Upon arrival you’ll be met car-side by your personal tour guide who will accompany you the entire visit. Our guide only spoke Spanish, but knowing that our Spanish is limited, he did a great job of speaking slowly and “talking” with his hands to help us understand. I’ve heard that they also have English-speaking guides sometimes too.
The entrance to the reptile park has a small hand-painted sign, and a colorful cargo container painted with various reptile and amphibian scenes that doubles as an office. There’s a small table outside the container where you’ll pay your fee. I think it cost about $16mil COP per adult and $14 mil COP per child (approximately $6 and $5 USD, respectively).
From the entrance your guide will lead you on a designated walking tour through a series of exhibits. The guides are well educated about each exhibit and will provide great detail for each stop. Many of the exhibits include enclosed structures with terrariums and aquariums of insects, snakes, and fish, the main purpose of which is to educate you on the process of evolution.
Hold and Feed the Tortoises
One of the favorites was a small, open pen of baby tortoises that you can pick up and feed purple flowers. Then you are led into a big pen of large tortoises where you get to walk inside, staying on a wooden plank path, and feed the large tortoises with flowers hung on the end of a stick.
Learn to Feed Caimans and Crocodiles
The highlight of the visit was when we were led across a walking bridge to a platform in the center of a moat with over a hundred caiman alligators, and one crocodile. For a small fee ($5 mil...about $1.75 USD) we were given a bag filled with pieces of sausage. We got to feed the caimans by attaching the sausage to the end of a long string tied to a stick. Then we hung the stick over the edge of the railing and held on tight to the stick. We actually had to help our son hold onto the stick, because when the caiman decided to chomp, it is strong. I even managed to pull a caiman completely out of the water, dangling from my string, refusing to let go of the sausage even though he was 3 feet in the air! There are some real benefits to living in a country with lax regulations…I’m pretty sure you couldn’t do this in the US! It was a hoot, we bought two bags of sausages because it was so fun.
We also got to touch and hold a small caiman that had his jaws taped up (thankfully). Plus, our guide showed us the life cycle of a caiman that included seeing the incubator where they were hatching eggs of caiman and tortoises. Finally, we got to observe the feeding of a very, very large crocodile, but we didn’t get to feed him ourselves (thankfully).
During the tour, you are reminded again and again of the difference between an alligator and a crocodile...but I still can’t remember.
Helpful Hints
Location: Zona norte, Kilómetro 15, vía Pontezuela (13.72 mi), Cartagena, Colombia 130007. Use their Facebook page below to obtain their latitude and longitude coordinates. From I-90 just north of COJOWA’s Zona norte campus, take the exit heading inland (east) towards Pontezuela and Bayunca. The latitudes and longitudes provided by their Facebook page are slightly passed their actual location, so look for a black sign on the north side of the road before you reach those coordinates.
Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/vivariumdelcaribecartagena/. Like many locations in Colombia, they do not have a webpage.
Cost: Approximately $14-16mil COP. Bring cash, no credit cards accepted. Bring money for the entrance fee, to purchase the food for the alligators, and any snacks.
Bring: Water bottles, bug spray (there are tons of little gnats), and sunscreen.
Open: Everyday from 9am to 5pm. The place is generally a quiet place with few visitors. We only encountered one other group during our tour. And we saw a large tent area where they were having a birthday party.
Duration: We spent about 2 hours there.
Food: During the tour you are led to two areas of potential snacks. The first is a small area where there were a couple of vendors selling pre-packaged snacks. Then later there is a nice area inside a pen with a pond and ducks where we could have dined on fried empanadas, but they were a little fly-covered so we passed. If you do think you might get hungry, I would recommend you bring your own snacks and food to eat.
Megan’s blog: A friend of mine writes about her family’s experience as Expats in Cartagena and she includes posts on their trips, including one to the Vivarium. Be sure to take a look because she did a much better job at capturing photos of this place: https://leavingmainstreet.com/2017/10/30/vivarium-del-caribe/
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