#(except peace seems to forget that for the rest of the series and it's never mentioned at all in the films which
ofyorkshire · 8 months
small open because bj should talk about things he likes more lol
          "He really gets me," BJ said, more to himself than to them, though, that could be the teenage-esque dreaminess in his voice. He was sprawled out on the couch, pillow cradled under his chin, and watching Labyrinth. Sarah, the film's heroine, had just met her questionable love interest and antagonist, Jareth the Goblin King. BJ, clearly, was more focused on the latter.
          "Look at him," he hummed. "The hair, the makeup... the way he carries himself. Bowie makes anything he wears look like it's wearing him, and this 'fit is tame for him." BJ pulled his knees up to his stomach to give them room to sit if they wanted, but spared them only a second of his attention away from the screen. "I wish I had that. Imagine being that fucking free."
          Of course, he knows it's not quite that simple. David Bowie was a rock star, and the crazy looks, the confidence, the eye-catching power was just part of the glam rock scene. He could wear a full-body chicken suit and the world would scream to him. BJ was just another weird guy on the street with no fame or talent, and society was rarely as kind to other civilians who didn't fit their conventional mold.
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askinkiskarma · 1 year
𝕄𝕠𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕀𝕟 𝕄𝕖 | ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕍𝕀: 𝕊𝕠𝕞𝕖𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘'𝕤 𝕄𝕒𝕕𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝔼𝕪𝕖𝕤 𝔾𝕠 ℂ𝕠𝕝𝕕
Pairing: Neteyam x (f)Omaticaya!Reader
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synopsis: Even in your state, memories of your past can't help but flood your subconscious, as Neteyam has a conversation with his father that will change the way he's viewed the last seven years of his life.
warnings: 18+ minors DNI, aged-up! Neteyam/Reader, enemies-to-lovers, angst (mentions of violence, battle, blood, death), strong language.
wc: 6.8k words
a/n: this chapter was written to pretty much be a mirror of last chapter, with the same concept of flashbacks vs present time, except this time we get to see Vi's memories from the 7 years they hated each other, which will hopefully provide context for why Neteyam's hatred doesn't only stem from that fateful conversation he overheard, but also from her petty, vindictive actions, that only grew as time went on. i hope you enjoy this chapter, besties (i feel very insecure about it so pls go easy on me, i'm still recovering hahaha) x there's only two chapters left, and i'm already sad about this story coming to an end, but i hope you enjoyed the ride. pls don't forget to leave a comment or a reblog and tell me your thoughts, i loveee to hear from you so much!
na'vi compendium: txepvi  - spark, sa'nok - mother, ite - daughter, Olo'eykte - female Olo'eyktan, oare - moon, nawm - great, syä - bitter
: ̗̀➛ previous chapter (x) : ̗̀➛ series masterlist (x) : ̗̀➛ series playlist (x)
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You and I walk a fragile line I have known it all this time But I never thought I'd live to see it break
Neteyam hasn’t blinked since the accident, it feels. He definitely hasn't blinked since he did last, when you opened your eyes and then closed them again, never to be opened since. He doesn’t know why. He doesn’t know why it matters so much that he stays so acutely present and aware, so that his eyes are locked onto your sleeping frame, doesn’t know why the thought of falling asleep and missing you, missing your eyes fluttering open or staying shut forever hurts him so beyond reason or words, so beyond anything he’s ever known. So he hasn’t blinked. Everyone else was long gone, including his grandmother, who hurried to the tree of souls to pray for the safe return of her family and the rest of the brave Na’vi warriors who were still fighting in that wretched battle, the one that seemed never-ending, the one that riddled Neteyam with guilt for not taking part in. 
“There’s nothing we can do for her now, ma ‘itan. She’s in Eywa’s hands now, we just have to wait and see.”
Neteyam hated those words. With a burning passion. Wait and see. So passive, so out of his control, so… hopeless. And yet here he was. Waiting, to see if you’d ever wake up, to see if his family, his mother and father, his friends, his clan members would survive the night and the challenge that might overtake them without him being there to help or stop it, or even witness it. Seeing, seeing you, powerless and lifeless, just a flicker of the bright spark you've always been, it stirred something in him.
You were so beautiful. He hated himself for realising it, but you were. You always have been, and although so much of your beauty came from the soul that was wild and untamed and too big to be contained inside you, still, you were beautiful. And like this, no usual frown or defiant smirk that you reserved for him, he could focus on your face and realise that you haven’t changed that much in all these years, not as much as he has led himself to believe in time. Like this, in this light, with a peaceful look on your face, eyelashes casting shadows over your lapis cheeks, your tahni glowing dimly and flickering softly, your lips slightly parted as you breathed in and out, you reminded him a lot of the Vi he used to love, the Vi before the ugly fights, and the constant war, before the hurt and the pain, before every day was just another opportunity to see who could hurt the other the most. He always thought you won those, all of those. 
His musings come to a swift closure as your lips move minutely, air barely getting pushed past them. You were speaking, and he felt himself coming back to life with each sound coming out of your mouth. 
It's getting dark and it's all too quiet And I can't trust anything now And it's coming over you like it's all a big mistake
You wake up in a sweat, like you did most days these days since the Iknimaya, whimpering the name of the boy you used to call your best friend, that you no longer could, for reasons you still couldn’t understand, that you feared more and more you never would. In your dreams, you fight and make up, and he tells you he’s sorry and that it was just a misunderstanding and that he’ll do whatever it takes to win you back, because just like you’ve gotten used to over the last few years, you two will always be bound by the hip and there was nothing that could ever come between you. It was a nice sentiment, but one that never manifested itself to you in any waking moment, as, since your Iknimaya, Neteyam has treated you like a stranger, like an ugly thought he fought his hardest to banish from his mind.
With a deep sigh, you put new clothes on and struggled to eat a few pieces of yovo fruit you picked up off the floor on your last hunt. You missed the food Neytiri made, and although they still brought you nourishment fresh every time they made it, it wasn’t the same without the familial, loving atmosphere you’ve come to rely on all these years, so you barely touched it, choosing instead to give it to the other orphans of the war that hadn't been as fortunate as you. You couldn’t bring yourself to go back to them, no matter how many times they asked. Not when you knew that if you did, you’d be met with a dead stare you couldn’t handle looking into, not without crying, and there’s nothing you hated more than crying in front of people. There’s nothing you hated more than showing weakness, and he didn’t deserve to see you weak. Not anymore. 
Days dragged in training without someone to help time pass faster, without someone to brighten up your days, but they did pass. You had to sit next to Neteyam in briefings and in shooting practice, your ikran still played with each other even mid flight until one of you had to will them away from one another so as to avoid an awkward interaction, his presence and spirit was everywhere around you and in you and yet, it’s like you didn’t exist in his life anymore. 
"Come over for dinner, kid. It's been weeks. We miss having you."
You didn't know how many more excuses you could come up with to not do as Jake said, although you did suspect they knew about your and Neteyam's fallout. It was hard not to know, when the air shifted whenever you were in each other's presence, when it became icy and glacial and empty like a vast, cold tundra that you couldn't escape no matter how much you tried.
"I know, you're sick and you don't want to get Tuk sick, you're too tired for food so you're just gonna crash in your tent, you have discovered a new allergy to an ingredient that Neytiri uses that's never been a problem in the years we've known you, but it suddenly is now... still, just come, okay?"
"Look, I promised your dad I'd take care of you. I can't do that if you're gonna push us away. Whatever it is between you and Neteyam... it will pass. You love each other too much for it not to pass. But hiding, moping, walking 'round looking hopeless and aimless - it isn't you. I need you to be the spark I know and love and fight. You've never gone down without a fight - don't start now. Ok?"
“Ma ‘itan.” 
Neteyam’s eyes snapped in the direction of the tent flap prying open, his mother’s lean, graceful figure emerging and he immediately rose from his spot to hurry to her side and envelop her in a hug they both desperately needed. She was fine. She was here, and walking and standing… alive. She was alive. 
“Sa’nok! Where’s father? What took so long? Is everyone ok? I am -”
“Shh, Neteyam.” His mother was a warrior, always. She was strong and capable and skilled, she was tough and knowledgeable. And yet somehow, beneath it all, she was still soft and kind and caring and empathetic, she knew exactly what her kids always felt, and she knew exactly what to say to make it better. When she her hand found the back of his neck, guiding him into her embrace, his face gently tucked in the crook of her neck, Neteyam found himself sobbing, finally able to let the pent-up emotion surface, all the anger, and sadness and guilt, and relief the last few days have brought washing over him and onto his mother’s shoulders, and she cooed affectionately, not saying a word. She knew there was no need for words, no words could ever made this better. 
“She’s dead, mum. Oare’s dead.”
“I know…” 
“Please tell me everyone’s alright. Please.” 
“It will all be alright, son. Everything will be alright.”
It will be alright… Everything will be alright.
Oh, I'm holding my breath Won't lose you again Something's made your eyes go cold
“Alright, now that you’re back in our tent, where you belong, we thought we’d celebrate both your and Neteyam’s incredible iknimaya! You both did phenomenally, kids, and we are so, so proud of you both. The youngest to ever have done it, too! I mean, I don’t want to brag, but I’m pretty sure it’s all my training regi-“ 
Jake ceased his monologue as soon as he noticed the dead silence in the tent, and the awkward looks that Neytiri kept shooting him when she discerned both your and Neteyam’s gazes stuck to the floor, a cold look on his face and an uncomfortable one on yours, neither of you in a celebratory mood, neither really ready or willing to relive the Iknimaya and how a beautiful, ethereal day turned into a nightmare in hindsight, plagued forever by the ill-feelings now tugging at both of your hearts.
You stared at Neteyam, as did most of his family, even the young Lo’ak who could not truly understand what was happening, why people were quiet, but could still feel the atmosphere shift, the air thicken, the silence linger and weigh heavily on all the people present in the room. Despite it all, you kept staring, kept hoping that throughout the newfound ice that enveloped the golden aura that he always exuded, that was your home and your light, your biggest question and adventure, your safety net and peace all in one, the memory of that night, so beautiful and far-removed, would bring him back to the boy you loved, the boy you needed, the boy you missed.
He was silent, still, a frown on his face and anger clear as day in his beautiful eyes, that you barely recognised, that you couldn’t believe belonged to Neteyam, your 'teyam. You kept staring and kept staring, until you felt the so-far unflinching sadness and despondency stew and seethe, until it changed and evolved, until you felt the familiar bubbling of anger remove reason or rhyme from your soul, until all you saw in front of your eyes was red, and Neteyam was the one taunting you with the blood-coloured cloth dangled in front of your face. Neteyam wanted this? Wanted to dismiss you and discard you like a toy he outgrew? Fine. You would make sure he regretted it - you have always been wild and creative, and without him, you now had heaps of time to be both, at the same time, all towards him. 
“Thank you, Jake. We couldn’t have done without your help and guidance all these years. Thank you for everything you and Neytiri and Mo’at have done for me, and I’m happy to tell you that, despite my momentary lapse in judgement, I am not going anywhere. I want to be here, I want to be part of your family if you want to have me, and I will let nothing stand in the way of that.”
As you talked, you rose from your spot to hug your adoptive parents, and they happily returned the gesture, pulling you tightly against their chests and pecking the top of your head. Lo’ak and Kiri joined enthusiastically and before long, you were suffocating in love and care and familial affection, Neteyam nowhere to be found. You were sad about it, you couldn’t help it, but for the first time in weeks the sadness was second-place, and so you found a small smirk haunting you at the prospect you were hurting him even a small amount - maybe a small fraction to the hurt he’s caused you, but there nonetheless. 
“Also… do I get a special reward for beating the Iknimaya in record time, the fastest it’s ever been done? I feel like I’m well on the way to stealing Neteyam’s spot as the next Olo’eykte. Wouldn’t that be just a riot?” 
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Something's gone terribly wrong You're all I wanted
"How is she?" Neteyam's eyes were heavier by the second, so tired and spent in light of everything that's transpired, in light of the bustling of crowds outside meeting what remained of the Na'vi forces that fought in a battle that while Neteyam wasn't sure, he suspected took more lives than he'll ever be able to live with. Kiri was quiet as she entered, and Neteyam was grateful for his sister, who stood with him most of the night, who checked in on you while the Tsa'hik was preoccupied with other, more pressing matters.
"The same, I think. She hasn't woken up, I don't think. She hasn't moved."
Kiri walked the length of the tent until she reached you, kneeling by your side and pressing the back of her palm on your forehead. She had something wrapped in a leaf that replaced her hand and Neteyam watched with curious eyes, hoping that by paying special attention to whatever remedy that was, it would work harder and faster, would bring you back screaming and thrashing and cursing him out, because if there's something that he's realised since your accident, it was that anything was better than the deafening silence that he couldn't escape and couldn't imagine living in for a second longer than he had to. Anything was better than this.
"Her fever's not going down. I think whatever it was she scratched herself on while she fell was poisonous. That, combined with the impact of the fall... she's lucky she's alive, Neteyam."
Neteyam couldn't help the shudder that took over his body. He didn't have any hair, the way that humans did, but he imagined if he did, it would all be standing up like blades of grass on the ground, taut and barely-moving in the warm breeze. He shifted slightly so Kiri could perch herself next to him, arms touching as she leaned on him, before placing her head on his shoulder.
"Why are you still here, big brother?"
Neteyam thought about it, until he couldn't anymore, because the thoughts weren't making sense, because they all contradicted each other, because he was tired and heartbroken and distraught, and losing Oare was obviously making him soft and delusional.
"You know you're in love with her, right? Please tell me you realise this, at least now, after all this time, in light of everything that's happened, in light of how you've acted it because of it. It's been so long, Neteyam. So long of us watching you be horrible to each other and hope that one day, you'd both wake up and realise the only reason you're acting like this is because you're too blind to see what's right in front of your eyes."
Neteyam's eyes widened progressively more with each word uttered, until they were so wide it hurt. To hear it out loud, spoken so casually, as if it were a fact, shocked the Sully man. Us? Who else thought this? Who else could possibly be blind enough to perpetuate such disparaging ideas that made Neteyam's skin crawl even at the notion.
"I'm not in love with her, Kiri. I can't be in love with her. After everything she's done... everything I've done... this can't be love. Maybe it was, once. Maybe I loved her once. Maybe I loved her so much I couldn't imagine my life without her." Neteyam sighed, looking at your face, tears pooling in his eyes as early memories of young Vi juxtaposed against later memories of you, so many memories he wanted to forget and banish from his mind, so many cruel, harmful, ugly memories that made up most of his view of you now. "But not anymore."
Kiri rises from her spot with a sigh, patting her brother's head with an exasperated sigh, before she leaves.
"You haven't moved. You haven't slept or eaten, you haven't blinked. Our parents need your help bringing back the injured, the clan needs your help as the future Olo'eyktan, and yet... you haven't moved. I think that says everything. The first step in solving any problem is recognising there is one, brother. The sooner you admit your feelings, the sooner you can work towards fixing your broken relationship."
Stood there and watched you walk away from everything we had But I still mean every word I said to you He will try to take away my pain and he just might make me smile But the whole time I'm wishing he was you instead
Desire burning deep in you was the only thing you felt as Akxo continued to trail kisses on your neck, a string of saliva connecting the purple lovebites that still stung slightly from when he marked you with them just a few minutes ago. With your eyes closed as they were, it was almost easy to imagine you were all alone, just you and this guy you’ve known your whole life but only recently realised had become a man, powerful and strong after just completing his Uniltaron just a few days ago. Despite your imagination, though, you were, in fact, not alone, nor isolated, but in plain view, propped against a tree of the clearing where you all trained in, that still had people working hard to improve on their skills, which is probably what you should be doing. But there was something so innately satisfying about doing this instead, as soon as Jake had to leave and tend to his other Olo’eyktan duties and left you and Neteyam in charge, doing it so he could watch, so he could stew in the bile that was his existence and know there’s nothing he could do to stop it, because he had no leverage over you and no power to hold over your head. Not now, and never again.  
Jake had been wrong. Whatever it was that happened between Neteyam and you didn’t pass, not a few months and definitely not now, years later. If anything, it got a lot, lot worse. Because while in the beginning it was uncomfortable silence and cold and unwieldy dejection, it was now fire and blood, it was teeth and claws, it was anger and resentment. You recognised a lot of it came from you. Most of it came from you. Because Jake might have been wrong about some things, but he was right about others. You’ve never gone down without a fight - and if a fight was what Neteyam wanted all this time, a fight was what he was going to get. Because while he might have been comfortable with the quiet, you wanted yelling and chaos, to reflect the hurt in your heart that hasn’t diminished even after all this time. You wanted to make him pay for banishing you from his mind and heart, from his life that you used to know so intimately, and you were good at payback, and continued to get better over time. 
“Are you trying to derail this whole fucking training session?” His voice, that you wanted to say hurt your ears, but if you were honest with yourself, it never could, not when it was melodic and beautiful, not when it still haunted your dreams, made Akxo straighten up faster than you could tell him to not bother, and you chuckled, a low and humourless sound that you’ve come to associate with dealing with Neteyam. 
“Don’t tell me you can’t ever handle a bunch of 13 year olds, Neteyam. I knew you couldn’t do anything right without me, but still, this is low, even for you.” 
“Akxo, I don’t think I’m making myself clear. She may be immune from the Olo’eyktan’s judgement, but you, my friend, are not. I’m sure there’s better ways to spend your days than wasting your breath on her. Trust me, she’s not worth it.”
“Ah, Neteyam, there’s no need to be bitter.” Your smirk only deepened as you ran your hands over your new flame’s abdomen. “One day, you too will find someone who won’t recoil at the thought of being in your presence, but you might need to work a little harder to not be so hard to stomach all the time for that to happen. I can coach you if you want, I mean… it wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to help you, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.”
I know, I know I just know You're not gone, you can't be gone, no
“These are the last of them.” Neteyam tried not to recoil in agony at the sight of so many dead Na’vi and pa’li, so many ikran, so much loss, more than anyone should ever know, but especially their tribe, that has had to come to terms with grief in a way most other tribes aren’t, in a way that’s unnatural and premature and wrong. It was all so wrong.
Kiri was right, he had to help. He had to help not because it was his duty, but because it was right. He couldn’t keep looking at you, not when every second he did, Kiri’s words rang in his ears and made his eardrums pound so hard it felt like they were about to explode, not when every second he spent thinking of you was making him feel a mix of emotions that he didn’t, couldn’t understand, not when the exhaustion from the last few days made him question himself and ponder if his sister was indeed right all along. So Neteyam left you in that tent and put you under lock and key in the back of his mind, and dealt with the immeasurable loss that once more plagued his clan. 
“Nawm Sa'nok, why?! My son, my son! There is supposed to be a balance! This isn't balance!” The wails of the woman, whom he’s known ever since he was born, that he can still remember playing with him when she brought his son over his family’s tent, hurt beyond comprehension. The usual peaceful, harmonious laughter and chatter intertwined with the sound of leaves rustling in the wind and soft, distant songs of animals and birds were gone, drowned by the cries and screams by the people that were trying to identify the dead, and figure out if life would ever be the same again. 
"Neteyam, ma 'itan. He's gone, he's gone! Oh, Great Mother!"
Neteyam's breath got pushed out of his lungs at the impact of her body crashing into him, that he struggled to keep upright as she was buckling under the weight of her loss. Her son was a good warrior, and a friend. He couldn't come to terms with his death, couldn't understand what was truly going on, his mind almost protecting him from the overwhelming grief by numbing his thoughts, by removing him slightly from the realities clearly displayed to him, that he experienced almost like in a dream.
"It's going to be alright, auntie. We're all going to be alright." His mother's words, a mantra he repeated to himself every second, now the only thing that he could utter, the only thing that didn't feel redundant... even though it was.
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Something's gone terribly wrong Won't finish what you started
Well, here you were, ready to eat your words, as the curiosity got the better of you and you found yourself sneaking to Neteyam’s new hiding spot, that he didn’t know you knew about, that you found yourself coming to a bit too often to call it nonchalance and yet, you just couldn’t help yourself. It was an itch you had to scratch, seeing what he was doing, who he was with, finding new ammunition for your petty revenge, it was all for research purposes, you always told yourself.
Whatever you saw here, and there were some wild things, you always kept quiet and left without ever being spotted, maintaining your cover and whatever dignity you knew would disappear if your friends found out you were stooping so low. But somehow, right now, watching as Neteyam was whispering sweet nothings in a stupid little healer’s ears, telling her how good she’s taking his cock and watching her eyes roll back in her head, your blood was boiling.
You didn’t know why it was boiling, it’s not like you haven’t seen him fuck girls before, or try to, it’s not like this was a completely unusual occurrence, but it was new just how into it the girl seemed to be. How desperate for his touch, how needy to feel him. Your fingers twisted around a branch so hard it snapped and you ducked as their heads snapped into the direction of the noise. You were just mad that you lost a subject that you knew got under his skin. That’s it. That must be it, not at all because your mind was conjuring all the ways that you should be in that girl’s shoes, and how he should be making you feel this way. No man’s ever made you feel this way. No man’s ever made you cry, the way she was crying, gripping at his back and shoulders so hard his skin was broken and bleeding. You hated him, that’s all. That’s why your blood was boiling. 
Well, he wouldn’t get the last word, not if you had anything to do with it. You returned to your spot around an hour later, half happy, half annoyed out of your mind that they were still going at it, and she was still screaming and crying, and he was still whispering praises in her ears, although they did have the decency to change position so at least you couldn’t see much anymore. With a wide smirk on your lips, you waited, until the unmistakable sound of footsteps echoed through the endless green forest. 
"Neteyam, are you there?"
Jake sounded angry, and you stifled an evil laugh as you saw them both scramble to untangle themselves from each other and from the floor, the girl's cries no longer of pleasure as she couldn't figure out how to tie her top around her neck anymore.
"Nete-, oh, my fucking God!" English came naturally to Jake, even 20 years later, whenever he was feeling any extreme emotion, and you were happy for the strenuous effort you put into learning it as a child just for this one moment, right here. This was all worth it. "Kole, your mother was looking for you. Can you just- oh, fuck - can you just go and meet her, please?"
"Yes, of course, ma Olo'eyktan."
You were still grinning about the interaction and the ass kicking that followed a couple days later, as you came back to your tent for the night. The smile faded progressively as you neared the entrance, as small whimpers and pleasured groans could be discerned vaguely, coming from behind your tent, a small nook that only you really knew about or frequented, that now was obviously occupied, by a person whose voice you recognised all too well. No way. Sure enough, as you snuck around the tent, a continuation of whatever it was you interupted a couple days ago was well underway, and you bit down a curse, enraged at the way not only did you not, in the end, get the last word, but Neteyam's new hiding spot was just about to ruin whatever remainder of peace and sanity you had left.
When you entered your tent, a small piece of paper with some writing rested on your sleeping mat, yet another human skill Jake insisted on his family to know, that you now regretted.
"This is for ruining my hiding spot. Enjoy hearing all the girls who don't recoil at the thought of being in my presence."
Come on, come on, don't leave me like this I thought I had you figured out Can't breathe whenever you're gone Can't go back, I'm haunted
Neteyam watched as his father entered the tent, a heaviness that he rarely lets people be privy to wearing him down and slouching his shoulders. Neteyam couldn’t imagine what his father was going through, couldn’t imagine how someday, he’ll have to bear this burden and do it well, do it honourably and proudly and still keep a head held high and keep it all together so other people can fall apart around him.
Neteyam had mostly love for his dad - deep, unconditional love that will never falter, not even in the face of adversity, or in the face of the deep seeded resentment that Neteyam still had after the years of torturous training, of pressure put on his very young shoulders, of guilt-tripping and being blamed for his brother’s mistakes, of being pushed aside and replaced with you, the perfect daughter who could do no wrong in his father’s eyes. Even despite all of this, Neteyam loved his dad. And yet, watching him come in, sad and worried sick about you, his lips pursed in a straight line, words on his tongue that Neteyam knew were coming and was terrified of… the love faltered just a little. 
“Mo’at said she got poisoned falling off her ikran.” 
“Yes. Oare’s dead.”
“I saw her in the line-up.” His father turned his sights from you to his oldest son, sighing as his eyes set on him, anger flashing in his eyes briefly before composing himself.
“What the hell happened out there, Neteyam? We were counting on you. On both of you.” 
Neteyam had no answer to that. He’s tried so hard to bury the thoughts, because he knew that if he succumbed to them, the guilt would eat him alive and pick its teeth with what remained of his frail bones. He didn’t think of how this was his fault, your fault, how if these stupid fights, that now seemed meaningless and daft, didn’t occupy so much space and time in both your minds, you would have slept, you would have not been tired and distracted, Oare wouldn’t have felt the nerves and fears emanating from you, and you would’ve done what you do best, inspire some people, kill others, be next to Jake, like you always were, like Neteyam was normally next to his mother, and get it done. The two of you were indispensable to the clan, as much was clear now. And although it wasn't fair, how much pressure there was on both your shoulders, it was the way things were. And now both of you will have to live with the consequences of your actions, will have to find a way to look the people in the eye again, knowing that you directly caused their family’s demise and the clan’s sorrow.
“Do you understand how serious this is, Neteyam? We lost good people today. Good people, strong people, dependable people. And the two people who I counted on the most left us all for dead, to fend for ourselves. This isn’t what I taught you. This isn’t who I raised, Neteyam. Even Lo’ak pulled his weight. We’re going to be reeling from these losses for the rest of our lives, and this has set us back months, and I need you to understand the weight of your actions.” 
Another sigh and a frown that aged the Olo’eyktan by a good 10 years was the last sign of disapproval before his attempt to leave Neteyam by himself, but for the first time in his life, Neteyam couldn’t let that happen. He didn’t know whether it was his words, or the continuous battle with you that he’s had to fight for the last 7 years, all years in which he’s felt heartbroken, and resentful, and inadequate, and pushed to the side, and ignored, and worked to the bone for very little appreciation, or the fatigue wearing him down, or the loss of your ikran, or the guilt that’s been gnawing at him long before his father’s contribution, but for the first time in his life, Neteyam’s anger was directed at someone else rather than you. 
“Understand the weight of my actions? Do you hear yourself right now? This whole mess, this whole shitshow that I’ve gone through, that we’ve both gone through, it’s all your fault. All of it.  This is going to weigh on me just as much as it will weigh on you, and the loss of these people, of Eywa’s children, will haunt me for the rest of my life. Of our lives. So don’t sit there and talk to me about responsibility, and about losing people.” He couldn’t help look at your unconscious form, that more and more felt like your own body was trying to protect you from the sadness that would wait for you when you woke. “I lost the person I loved the most, that was my shelter from the storm, a storm you caused. All you do is push me, and push us, and I’m so fucking tired of it.” a sob is all it took for his father to rush to his side, concern and confusion deeply rooted on his face as it met Neteyam’s, when his hands found his face and rose it to his level. 
“What are you talking about, son?” 
Neteyam’s chest was heaving with unshed tears as he looked in his father’s eyes through the fractured, refracted lens of the liquid threatening to spill. 
“I heard you.” One tear. “That night, the night after the Iknimaya.” Two tears. “I heard you telling grandmother how you want her to be Olo’eykte in my stead. How she deserves it.” Six tears. “I heard you… as you told her Vi would never have me. That she said she would never want to be my mate.” Too many tears to count. 
“Oh, Neteyam…” 
“I worked so hard, my whole life. I sacrificed more than anybody I know. And I did it all to please you, to live up to you. I did so you’d be proud of me, so you’d love me, and accept me. I did it all so I’d a good leader, a worthy Olo’eyktan, someone the clan can rely on to protect them.
I spent my whole childhood crying and aching, hating my life, wishing I could be anyone else instead, but I thought it would all be worth it one day because you told me as much, and that I have a title to live up to. And then I met Vi, and she changed everything… and I loved her, dad. And in one night you managed to take everything away from me.
Do you have any idea what that did to me? What the next seven years, in which we hated each other and competed for your love and praise, for your attention and affection, did to me? I’m there for everybody all the time. Every day and night, I am here for you, and for mum. I am here for Kiri and Lo’ak and Tuk. I am here for the clan. I am the mighty soldier, the doting brother, the dutiful son, the concerned clan member, the understanding karyu, the unbroken arrow in the quiver of your army.
Do you know there’s not a single day that I don’t hurt, that it doesn’t kill me inside, little by little, without a single soul to talk to, that cares or bothers to listen to my struggles?”
Sometime during that monologue, that Neteyam’s kept in his soul his whole life, he found himself in his father’s embrace, who was quiet and listened, who said nothing and just waited. Neteyam was sobbing in his father’s shoulder now, and he couldn’t find it in him to stop, like a spring that was buried underground with none the wiser until poked in just the right way, with unending streams now able to either fill a dam or flood a village. 
“Neteyam… fuck. I’m so sorry, son. I didn’t know. Any of it, I didn’t know. Neteyam… you never said anything. You never brought up that night, and I wish you did, son… I wish you did because if you had, then you would know that those words that you heard… those words weren’t mine, Neteyam.” 
There are very few moments where Neteyam feels like his soul has somehow exited his body and he’s experiencing a moment almost like from outside himself, like a stranger looking in. That’s how he felt now, as he could see himself removing his head from his father’s embrace, a dazed and almost uncharacteristic expression trying him. 
“What did you say?” 
“That night, if I remember correctly… we were talking about how well you did, both of you, in the Iknimaya. We were laughing at the fact you were both late, how I’d have to pretend to be mad and punish you, when in reality I not only expected it, but almost desired it, that you took that day to enjoy yourselves, to feel free of some of the burden I know I’ve placed on you.
I was reminded, seeing her, of her dad. Her dad who asked me to take care of her before he passed. Of the words he told me. That even back then, as nothing more than a child, he knew that she was special. That under other circumstances, she would have, no doubt in his mind, become the next Olo’eykte. That she was born for it, made for it. Those words always echoed in my ears as I watched her grow, and seen for myself the talent that comes so rarely, it seems almost like a fable. That I only ever saw in you. I considered it, making you both leaders at the same time - unheard of, maybe, but you both deserve it, you’re both made for it, and you used to complete each other, like two pieces of a perfectly fitted puzzle. That’s it, son. I would never want to replace you, Neteyam. I would never even think of it. Not only because you are my son, but because you are the greatest person I've ever met. Because there's no one else, there can be no one else.” 
Neteyam saw his face drop, his entire body shuddering under the weight of the new information, that changed everything, that he could have known all these years and yet didn’t, that shifted Neteyam’s whole world on its axis yet again and he almost wanted to reach out and console himself, the man that looked as young and scared as a pup lost in the woods, like he used to look all the time before he met you, like he swore to himself he’d never look like again after he lost you. His dad didn’t want to replace him. He never wanted to replace him. What was he supposed to do now, with this momentous information that he never thought he’d get to hear?
“I’m so sorry, son, that you’ve had to bear this weight all by yourself. I’m sorry for my contribution in it, and that I failed to see how I made it all so much harder to stomach. Your mother and I love you so, so much, Neteyam, and we want to be there for you, but, son… you don’t talk to us. You keep everything buried inside. We can’t help what we don’t know. We try our best, and we’re so sorry we failed you… that I failed you. And about Vi… Neteyam, you have to speak with her. You’ve carried this in you for far too long. You need to let it out. Let her explain. Let her give you an answer, or closure.” 
“What if she doesn’t wake up?” 
Neteyam didn’t know if his dad was saying this more to his son or to himself, but right now, it didn’t matter. 
“She will, son. She’ll wake up.”
The only other time Neteyam's left you since the accident was after the talk, the overwhelming urge to wash his face at the nearby river finally too great to be ignored. The water helped a little. It grounded him and nourished him, as much as it could, and Neteyam was slightly taken aback at the way his soul felt just slightly lighter, how his father's words, and the conversation he should have had years ago and didn't, changed so much in his mind. His father was right. Kiri was right. It was time to talk. Years and years of torture and pain, and it was finally time to talk. He just hoped you'd actually be there to listen.
Neteyam was startled by a frenzied Lo'ak, rushing to his side, panting as he put a hand on his chest, trying to catch his breath as he spoke.
"Have you seen her? Have you seen syä?"
"What do you mean, Lo'ak?"
"She's gone, bro. She's not in grandmother's tent anymore."
You and I walk a fragile line I have known it all this time Never ever thought I'd see it break Never thought I'd see it
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taglist: @fanboyluvr @theycallmesia @afro-hispwriter @soleilmoon @crazy4books1 @bakugouswaif@randxmthxughts @xreadersstuff @sirezaya @kimberlyshailany-blog @gyuventure @jujudsmyst @kikookii @nxptury @nonniesworld @koing-slvt @bakugouswaif @isnt-itstrange @tpwkforevermore @alahamums @tallulah477 @gknj9495@aquamarine001 @itssomeonereading @yumimak@sweetbread-m@eqgroil @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @juneonhoth @yagirlheree @jackiehollanderr @legendarynoodlebowl @iameatingmyhair @justasimps-blog@hannabanana-09 @xylianasblog @misscaller06 @yeosxxx @myh3artttt @teyamsbitch@musicownsme @i-live-in-a-fantasy-daydream @zoetrope1997 @itsmy-alteregohere @ntymavtr @curlszx88 @maki-z @riatesullironalite @baahsaama @luna-salem @teyamtesuli @koing-slvt @call-me-doll-face @puresirius-things @saturniac (sorry if i missed anyone this list is getting so longgg)
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thelov3lybookworm · 1 year
Caged In (part 6)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Day 6: Romance
A/n: and with this, we come to the end of this series 🥹 thank you to all who loved this so much. I'm grateful ❣️
It felt like Lucien put his whole soul into kissing Y/n.
Y/n wasn't complaining.
She kissed him right back with everything she had in her as she buried her fingers in his long silky hair. It was softer that she had imagined.
Lucien's hand encircled her waist as he began walking her backwards, not once faltering in the movements of his mouth against hers.
Only when Y/n felt the edge of her bed pressing into her calves did she pull back, her chest heaving. Lucien tried to follow her, nipping at her lips, but then seemed to decide that breathing was also a necessity.
The both of them stared at each other as they tried to catch their breath.
"Why were you so scared about me being with Azriel?"
"Because... because I was afraid that he'd take away the one person I love. It's not like it hasn't happened before, even if he had no intention of doing it. My mate, the person who was destined to be with me, is in love with him. You can't fault me for being scared that he'd steal you away too. And I wouldn't let that happen. Because I love you."
"What?" She questioned. Lucien gave her a puzzling look.
"What... what?"
A giggle burst free from Y/n's mouth. "What did you just say?"
"I– I love you." Then his face fell, and he took a step away. "I'm sorry. I didn't ask you if you felt the same way–"
Y/n stared at him for a moment before she threw herself at him, laughing wildly.
"Oh mother. Lucien, I feel like I've been waiting my whole life to hear those words from you! I love you too, you dumbass."
"Then thank the cauldron." He muttered, the corners of his lips lifting before he slammed them against Y/n's again.
It would be safe to say that no one had any nightmares for the rest of the night.
Because none of them got any sleep.
Lucien's pov.
Lucien was buzzing with nerves, trying not to fiddle with the white robe he wore as he stood in front of his father, waiting for his judgement. They were in a private family wing, a sprawling stairway behind Lucien leading up to the chambers. Where Y/n currently was.
It was the day of the coronation, six months after he had found out about his parentage.
In those six months, Lucien and his father had bonded, so much so that it was easy to forget they had only found out about being related a few months ago.
In those six months, Beron had been assassinated, all disputes settled, peace once again a thing between the human and faerie lands.
Beron's death meant that Lucien's mother and father could meet again after centuries of longing, and Lucien was glad that the both of them were happy.
But that also meant that his father wanted to spend maximum amount of time with his love, and he was stepping down from the throne.
When Lucien had questioned the decision, Helion had replied that he was getting old and cranky, and he wanted to spend all the time he had with Lucien's mother. So they would be living in a private home in the mountains away from the bustle of the city.
The act of passing the crown to a heir was a hard and painful one unless the current high lord died, but Helion was ready to take it all.
So today, during the coronation, Helion would be performing a complex ritual that would leave him nearly powerless, transferring all the power to Lucien, the new high lord.
Helion gave Lucien a smile, pride taking over his features before he pulled Lucien in for a bone crushing hug.
"I'm so proud of you, my son."
Lucien's throat clogged with emotions as he clutched his father. Never in his life had anyone, except his mother and Y/n, said that they were proud of him. Maybe Jurian.
"Thank you."
Helion took a step back, his hands on Lucien's shoulders. "You'll be an amazing high lord."
Lucien nodded, not knowing how to reply.
He was spared the struggle when the door behind his father opened and in stepped the inner circle.
Rhys gave Helion a hug as Feyre came up to Lucien, grinning.
"High Lord, eh? I'm so happy for you." Feyre tried hugging Lucien, but Nyx had other plans. He made grabby hands at Lucien, who laughed and took him in his arms.
Everyone began congratulating Lucien and his father, even Nesta smiled at him. Cassian and Azriel gave him small smiles.
Looking at Cassian, Lucien wondered if he should fear for his life.
"Congratulations." A soft, feminine voice litled from nearby, and Lucien looked away from Nyx to find Elain standing there in a soft pink gown. Lucien hadn't even realised she was here.
Lucien nodded his thanks, going back to babbling at Nyx. "Would you like to ride a pegasus Nyx? I have my own. We can take a ride later on." Nyx squealed in happiness, although he probably didn't understand what Lucien had said.
A small, dainty hand landed on Lucien's bicep, and he looked to find Elain smiling at him.
"Can I have a word?" She nodded her head towards one of the wide windows, and Lucien looked around in confusion before he handed Nyx to Feyre, following Elain, away from everyone. Feyre gave him a mischievous smile and Rhys winked at him.
"How are you doing?"
Lucien furrowed his brows. "I'm doing good. What did you want to talk about?"
Lucien wanted to get straight to the point. He didn't have time for small talk. Y/n would be walking down those stairs any moment now, and he wanted to be the first one to see her.
"Oh. Okay. I... I know I haven't been paying you any attention, like a mate should. But I think I'm ready to pursue a relationship with you. I want to get to know you better."
Lucien blinked at her before he remembered that neither she nor the inner circle knew about his relationship with Y/n.
"I– I'm sorry Elain, but I can't accept to be in the mating bond. It's too late now."
"What do you mean?" Hurt flashed across her face, and it came in waves at Lucien from her side of the bond.
"I've found my high lady already."
"Do you think I want this bond only because I want to be a high lady?" She asked angrily, and Lucien realised how his words could have come across.
"I didn't mean it that way, and I apologise if I gave you the wrong idea. I meant that I have already found someone and I love her very much."
Tears gathered in Elain's eyes. "Why?"
"I'm sorry. I really am. But there will come nothing out of a realtion between you and I."
She nodded, blinking away the tears before turning away. "Congratulations again."
Before he could think of apologising again, he heard the sound of skirts swishing on the floor, and everyone turned to look towards the top of the stairs.
There was a collective sharp drawing of breaths.
There, in a gown of the brightest white with a golden tiara on her head, stood Y/n, beaming down at him. He realised his mother had already arrived before Y/n, standing next to Helion.
Lucien couldn't look away from her. She looked so beautiful. She was practically glowing as she descended the stairs. Her eyes snagged on someone behind Lucien for a moment before returning to him.
Lucien walked up to her, grinning softly, unable to look away as she reached the bottom stair.
"Hello, my Lord." She curtsied slightly.
"Lady Y/n, its a pleasure." He gently grasped her hand and raised it to his lips, maintaining eye contact. She blushed.
"Y/n." Cassian breathed.
Y/n's pretty eyes flew to her brother and she swallowed.
"What is this?" Rhys questioned.
Y/n's eyes went glassy, and Lucien realised that they were conversing through his daemati powers.
Cassian walked up to Y/n and simply pulled her into a hug. "I'm sorry. I missed you so much."
"Cass, I'm sorry–"
"Hush. Its alright. We'll talk later." Then Cassian turned to Lucien. "We will talk." He glared, but in a way brothers would glare at their sister's partner.
Lucien smiled. "Sure."
Y/n grinned at Lucien. "You're in for an interrogation."
Lucien grinned back.
Y/n's pov.
Y/n clutched Lucien's hand tightly, trying not to go into fight or flight mode. She'd trained for this with Lucien and his mother. She should be able to do this.
But she wasn't ready.
And her biggest fear was tripping over her gown and falling face first in front of all the guests. That would be the recipe to a disaster. A really embarrassing start of her rulership.
Jurian would also make fun of her, as he would obviously be on the other side of that door. He and Vassa were said to have arrived recently, not being able to leave sooner due to the queen and king duties.
Those fears, combined with the rain did little to ease her nerves.
It was said that if it rained on someone's coronation day, it was a good sign.
Y/n's brain wasn't ready to understand that.
"Calm down love. It'll be all right." Lucien murmured in her ear. It was just the two of them in the hallway outside the Great Hall, where the coronation would take place. They would walk in soon, then enjoy the festivities for some time before the coronation took place.
"I'm calm." She mumbled.
She could practically feel his smirk. "Your grip on my hand says otherwise."
She immediatley let go. "Sorry."
He took her hand again. "It's alright." He studied her for a moment, then turned towards a nearby staircase. "Come. There is still time."
Y/n instantly became alarmed. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see."
He led her up the staircase and into a nearby balcony. It had beautifully potted plants and vines hanging all around, the rain giving it all a dreamy look.
"Why are we here?"
Lucien smirked at her. Before she could react, he pulled her onto the balcony, directly where the water was falling the most. Y/n squealed and tried to get back to the dry area, but Lucien's grip didn't falter.
"Come on my lady. This will be fun."
Lucien himself was already dripping with water, and he gave her a wild grin before pulling her in for a kiss. She let him, because who could say no to him? There was certainly something wrong with people who could deny Lucien of anything.
He deepened the kiss before moving onto her jaw and neck, peppering kisses on every bit of skin he could kiss. Y/n closed her eyes, feeling Lucien's lips and the drops splattering on her face.
"Lucien..." She said, breathless.
He relented, resting his forehead against hers.
Sometime later, without even realising it, the two of them had begun swaying to sound no one could hear, their movements perfectly synchronised.
As they danced in the rain, she realised she was no longer nervous. She had relaxed, the tensions bleeding from her shoulders.
"I love you." She sighed.
"I love you too." Lucien kissed her forehead.
Talons scraped against Y/n's mind, and she opened a window to Rhys, irritated at being interrupted.
What? She spat.
The coronation is about to start in a few moments. You need to make haste. He sounded so amused, Y/n wondered if she could punch him through his mind.
She looked up at Lucien, knowing he had also recieved the same message.
Lucien led her back to the stairs, drying his and her clothes with his magic.
Y/n nodded. "Thank you."
"My pleasure." He winked at her.
She grinned and shook her head.
She wanted to grab him and drag him to an alcove and never stop kissing his stupidly handsome face, but she couldn't do that.
A coronation awaited.
But more than that, Jurian and Vassa would never let her live that down.
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @lizziesfirstwife
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calmcoldevening · 2 years
Dᴏɴ'ᴛ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴡᴀᴋᴇ ᴜᴘ (Eyeless Jack x reader)
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Don't wake me
'Cause I don't wanna leave this dream
Don't wake me
'Cause I never seem to stay asleep enough
When it's you I'm dreaming of
I don't wanna wake up
(Don't wake me — Skillet)
The night wind pleasantly caressed your heated skin. Everything shone in the gentle milky light of the moon. The leaves whispered an unobtrusive melody, calming your swarming thoughts. How good it was sometimes to forget and let go of all the thoughts and doubts of everyday life that torment you. Quiet and peaceful.
The man was here again. He's always been here. It was as if he was in eternal expectation of your return after every sunrise and until late at night. An eternal midnight friend and his own guard against nightmares. If you hadn't known about his presence in this place, you wouldn't have seen him at all: his dark clothes on his hunched body merged with the monotonous surrounding landscape.
Jack was sitting on the grass in the shade of dense trees. Whenever you found him here, the man, like a small inquisitive child, sat and absorbed the surrounding nature in all possible ways, excluding vision. The rustle of leaves, the murmur of insects, the distant howl of wild animals and the cool night air on his equally grave cold skin.
You slowly approached him, putting your palm on his tense shoulders, and sat down next to him.
«Hello.» You babble, smiling at the man.
Jack nods curtly. He knew you were here even before you spoke to him, after all, his inhuman hearing is doing its job. Every day your return was only a matter of time, and a man has long learned to determine this time by his internal clock, minute by minute. You look at him, admiring the supernaturally beautiful features: pursed lips, ashen skin, soft-looking hair. And the eyes. Or rather, their absence. Deep black eye sockets with black tears running down the cheeks, like a beautiful night sky with thousands of twinkling stars. Looking at them, you were once again convinced that people were wrong about him. Jack is not a monster, he's just a lonely man. Besides, he is devilishly handsome, except for his negligence in relation to his own appearance.
«You'll burn a hole in me, bunny.»
You giggle softly. Only Jack always managed to say something threatening with such an even, calm voice, as if he was saying something painfully obvious.
Your happy laugh causes a warm pulling feeling in a man's chest. His lips curve into a slight, uncertain smile. Your presence has always made Jack feel strange, but not unpleasant. Every time you came back, his current existence made sense again, as if he was becoming human again, normal.
You met not so long ago— about a few months ago — but it seemed that you had known each other for ages. Although, probably, it was, because you knew this character, your favorite character, like the back of your hand. And yet to see him like this, in person, sitting in front of you, was something out of a series of fiction, which you were undoubtedly very happy about.
You rest your head on his shoulder, gazing at the sky. His noisy breathing echoes in your ears while you enjoy the movement of his rhythmically heaving chest.
After relaxing, you start telling Jack about how your day went, fingering your own fingers. Even if it is not visible behind the mask, the man listens attentively to you, watching your every word. It seems that he is really interested in learning a lot more about you, even if it means listening to a lot of repetitive stories from your daily life or childhood.
«Sometimes I don't wanna wake up so much. I wanna stay here. Forever...» You smile sadly. Jack puts his arm around you, as if comforting you. He often did this when he didn't know what to answer. After all, it's hard enough for him to understand other people's emotions. But you. I wanted to understand you. To help, comfort and support.
"Then I could be with you forever. It would be funny.»
«I'm always with you. You know it very well. Your life may not be easy, but that's no reason to want it to stop. The time will come, and we will meet, bunny. In your life.»
The man pulls you closer to him, sitting you on his knees, and puts his chin on the top of your head. His skin is cold, but in his arms it is always so warm and calm, as if it is the safest place in the world. Jack gently strokes your side, a dull purr escapes from his chest.
You happily close your eyes, starting to fall asleep. Jack is humming softly to himself, you can't make out the words, but the pleasant mumbling calms you down. A short yawn escapes from his chest, and the man presses you closer to his larger body.
You can stay here as long as you want. He will always be there to ward off monsters. All you have to do is ask him about it.
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Well, yeah I completely changed him... Here he isn't a killer, but he is your comfy pretty bf for cuddles and kisses)) I just wanted to show Jack in my dreams~
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lunarsilkscreen · 3 months
Why does Star Trek seem to never hit its mark?
Even today most people argue about who's a better captain; Picard or Kirk? And downsize just about every other franchise in the catalog.
Sure, the JJ Abrams Reboot was a fun action flick, but was it Star Trek? Then Seth McFarlane creates "The Orville". A seeming Parody of Star Trek, yet seemingly capturing all the elements that make Star Trek enjoyable to their fans.
Better even than most of the modern Star Treks.
I want to say here; Except ST:Picard, but I haven't watched it. It seems to capture the essence as well from outside of the Star Fleet lens.
What is it that makes Star Trek, Star Trek?
Well Roddenberry, like many men during the World War eras (and similar to Tolkien,) was in the military. Roddenberry was a pilot with the US Army Air Force.
And like many series of the time age, created a series that encapsulated his experiences with the military.
What makes Star Trek is enjoyable to what makes shows like M.A.S.H., Mission Impossible, and G.I. Joe enjoyable. Or Military films like "Red October", "Yuri", and even "A Few Good Men".
It's confused as a Space Drama, or a Space Western, when in reality; Star Trek is a military drama *set* in space.
As such, what makes the series special is not the conflict that the people are going through; but the interpersonal relationships and how the conflict affects the cast physically and mentally.
Sure there's "sci-fi tech" and shenanigans as filler. But it's always from that Military Drama perspective.
This and this Age of Exploration that the U.S.S enterprise represents harkens back to early American fiction about exploring the wild West of America. Like Lewis and Clark.
And even takes inspiration from Epics like Xena and Hercules.
Star Trek does two things for audience members. It makes them want to explore the stars. And, it makes palatable the conflicts we experience in present day earth, by remapping them to what if space scenarios.
And the focus is always on trying to find Diplomatic solutions.
Deep Space Nine was all about the later, but suffered from isolation, due to the nature of the space station. And never quote explored what it was like to feel isolated from the rest of Star Fleet.
By isolated I mean, a more home station feeling. Or even an overseas military base.
Voyager explored this isolation, but only because they were sent to the other side of the universe. And because they were on their way *home* viewed exploration as an obstacle to overcome. Instead of the expansive possibilities exploration brings, the crew is trying to return to the comfort of home.
And yet; trying to substitute the comforts of home with what they have. This is similar to a roving band of exiles, or people that have lost their home to warfare.
And yet; despite being one of my favorite Treks, still misses the mark because it often forgets what it's doing.
What makes Star Trek, Star Trek, is that it's a Military Drama in an Era of supposed peace. And exploring the conflicts that arise during peace, trying to avoid conflict as diplomaticly as possible.
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softboyluvr · 2 years
hi hi hi! i absolutely LOVE your fuckin fics duuuude! it’s so hard to find cute cedric fics and i’m LIVING for yours hehe <33
i have a request if it’s not too much :)
cedric and a gender neutral!reader (but if it’s easier you can do fem!reader) having a rainy day inside of ced’s dorm and going through his wardrobe and taking his clothes until he catches you and just gives u so much love AUUUUGH-!
once again if this is too much of a request you don’t have to fulfill it!! if you have any questions dm me!!!!
much love, jaylen xx
hihihi!!! i was so happy to hear (read?) that you like my writing and i was sooo excited to get to write this request (it is so cute i kicked my legs a little) so i hope i did it justice and you like it <3
plain sight
cedric diggory x gn! reader
(no pronouns used)
warnings: intentional lower caps, not proofread
his clothes were really nothing out of the ordinary. except, of course, they were his. and they were soft and inexplicably warm but above all they all smelled like him. that’s why you found yourself standing in front of his wardrobe on a thursday afternoon while he was out on quidditch practice. 
winter was fast approaching and you couldn’t ask your furnace of a boyfriend to keep you warm every night but, you knew a sweater of his would do the trick just fine. you also knew he would never notice some of his clothes being missing, as long as you kept it down to five items at most. he never noticed when you took his things or at least that’s what you thought. 
cedric’s practice had ended earlier than usual today due to the expected rain that would soon fall on the castle. there was nothing he wished more in the world than cuddling up to you in his dorm room, except for perhaps a shower. 
he all but skipped his way to his room, overly eager to spend the rest of the day surrounded by the smell of your shampoo while he listened to you talk. he silently opened his door as to not disrupt the peace of the hall and avoid drawing attention towards himself, and only as he closed the door to his prefect room did he see you. or well, the back of you. you were so lost in your mission of rummaging through his closet that you missed how he took a couple steps towards you and finally wrapped his arms around your middle, effectively startling you. 
“can’t say i’m surprised to see where my clothes have been shipping off. i just wondered when i would see this scene with my own eyes” he said with a smile as he pressed his lips to the space right below your ear, leaving a series of kisses there. 
“you knew?”
“of course i knew my love. your scent lingers when you return my things”
you turned in his embrace so that you were now face to face. “why didn’t you say anything?”
“why would i?” he leaned down to kiss your lips but you leaned backwards. earning a frown from him. 
“you’re not upset?”
he squeezed at your sides and repeated his question. “why would i? it seems my things were made for you to wear” he again leaned down to peck your lips and this time you let him. “i even started to leave the things that didn’t smell like you anymore where you would find them and take them”
you laughed at this. “what?”
“i could tell which things were your favorite” the pull between your brows didn’t loosen. “the brown hoodie disappears more often than not, and sometimes i see my spare tie used as an accessory. you somehow always forget a scarf when we’re going down to hogsmeade and i saw my red sweater under my jean jacket in an outfit you wore sometime last week”
he fell back on his bed and sat there, face nuzzled on your chest. “i found all of those things lying around”
he hummed, eyes still closed. “you know i’m not a messy guy”
and he wasn’t, never a thing out of it’s assigned place. and yet the best pieces, your favorite pieces, were always lying around in plain sight. you looked down at him, his eyes now open and looking up at you. a smile making his cheeks puffy. 
“i missed you today” he hummed and pulled you down to sit on his lap. pressing a loving kiss to your temple. “now what can a guy do to get you on that blue sweater you like and under the covers with me? i could use a nap”
requests are open
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wondernus · 3 years
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She Came in Spring and Left with the Seasons
❀ pairing: lee jihoon x reader (f); boo seungkwan (minor character)
❀ synopsis: just because cherry blossom trees don’t bloom for the whole year, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t appreciate them any less when they don’t
❀ genre: fluff, angst, magical realism
❀ warnings: food, loss of appetite, sickness, bruising, allusions to death (nobody dies)
❀ wc: 5.3k
❀ a/n: i've been wanting to try out the magical realism genre for a little while so I was super excited to write this. this imagine is part of the “they don’t end up together” universe published by seungcheol’s character in the series, but this can be read as a standalone. knowledge about tdeut is not needed! y/n can also be read as gn (but kept it as f because of the original excerpt). please let me know if I missed any warnings. -xoxo
❀ taglist: @anissanightyoung, @nokchaluv, @happyvitamin, @boowanie, @hobizi, @se-onghwa, @serenadesvt, @jiminismybabymochi, @justasoftstan
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If you walked past a Cherry Blossom tree that was not in bloom, would you see a beautiful Cherry Blossom tree, or would you see it only as it was – a bare tree just like the others around the street? Would you stop to ponder about how beautiful it would be once it was in bloom? Would you even recognize it as a Cherry Blossom? Cherry Blossoms only bloom for a little while, so many people come to appreciate it while it’s in season. Does this mean we shouldn’t appreciate the trees when they aren’t blooming?
I guess I am, in many ways, a Cherry Blossom tree.
It was nearing the middle of March. Spring seemed to be in full bloom around the city except near the river where it was once full of life.
Many years ago, beautiful Cherry Blossoms were planted to decorate the area around the river. When the petals fell, the beautiful pinks and whites painted the ground underneath it like a blanket of snow. People flocked from far and wide to experience the annual spectacle with their loved ones. Street vendors found spots along the bridge overlooking the river, and even those prone to pollen allergies couldn’t resist the beauty of nature.
However, the past few years only saw gloomy skies and brown trees. Nobody in particular really used the area around the river for recreation. Occasional bikers biked along the bridge while people only passed by to get from point A to B. The trees haven’t bloomed for so long that people often forget that the regular-looking trees were Cherry Blossoms.
That was why Lee Jihoon enjoyed practicing in the particular spot amongst the trees, overlooking the river. It was a tiny hill, and he often sat there on his mini foldable chair with his cello in front of him. It was peaceful and quiet. The open area was perfect for picnics, another tree, or even a lonely college student and his cello. It seemed like a daily routine for him to visit the little open area on the hill that it essentially became his second home. Even the imprints and dents his chair and cello endpin left in the dirt never seemed to be covered up even after heavy rains.
His left hand delicately cupped the neck of his cello, and his right arm guided the bow across the strings. The motion was so fluid from his shoulders to his elbows to his wrists. He closed his eyes and allowed muscle memory to do the rest. While he concentrated on memorizing a new piece for one of his classes, a boy younger than Jihoon sat on the ground next to his foldable chair and pulled out a Tupperware filled with homemade sandwiches, and began talking nonchalantly about whatever came to mind. Seungkwan was literally the only other person who hung around the area recreationally. As much as Jihoon hated to admit it, Seungkwan was also a friend.
Despite Seungkwan's constant rambling about the irony of the amount of litter on the bridge versus the lack of people who frequent the bridge, and random stories about his day, Seungkwan always brought food and his own company to share. It was a symbiotic friendship really: Jihoon provided the music while Seungkwan provided the food and company. Whenever Jihoon was tired of his friend, he would simply play louder to drown out his voice. Seungkwan didn’t mind at all; he thought it was funny.
The area around the river was so vast yet lonely – it was nice to have someone by their sides.
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Jihoon was having a rough day.
He forgot to turn on the ringer on his cellphone the night before and missed the alarm, which caused a series of chain reactions of small misfortunes. He skipped breakfast to run to the metro station and had to fight for space for both him and his cello on the metro. He almost fell asleep in his music theory classes and accidentally dropped his rosin case on the linoleum floor while setting up for symphony practice. It wasn’t the first time he dropped his rosin case, but this time the broken pieces still miraculously hanging onto the case were a little too sharp and cut some of his bow strings loose. He saved the larger chunks and tossed away the smaller pieces, and made a mental note to pick up some hard rosin at the music store when he had time. While he played, all he could smell was his sticky rosin-powdered hands and the fact that his stand partner was still very clearly recovering from a night out.
“You’re the Cherry Blossom guy right?”
You had been waiting for him outside of the music building, but he only ignored you while rolling his cello case behind him. All Jihoon wanted to do was to go straight home and take a fat nap. You didn’t seem to get the memo and immediately caught up to him.
“You’re Jihoon right?” you stopped in front of him.
He nodded his head.
“Can you take me to the Cherry Blossoms?”
“Do I even know you?” he was annoyed. Why would he take a random stranger to the river?
“No, but you can,” you smiled at him and stuck out your hand. “I’m Y/N.”
He ignored your gesture and started walking away.
It was normal for those around him to know him as the “Cherry Blossom Guy.” Everybody knew he still held onto the belief that the trees would one day bloom again. Maybe that was why he always frequented the river despite it being a few too many stops away from the university. It’s been so long since the trees bloomed that some even find it hard to believe those trees were even Cherry Blossoms. In all honesty, you were a stranger who heard about his nickname – he had no reason but to think that you were toying with him.
You continued to trail behind him until the two of you exited the school grounds.
“Can you stop following me?” It was a sudden outburst from Jihoon that made you stop in your tracks. He marched over to you and stated very plainly and clearly that, “They’re just regular trees planted around the river. There’s nothing special about them.”
“I’m not following you,” you mumbled, not being able to form a suitable response to Jihoon’s lecture. “I’m also headed to the metro station.”
He tilted his head in confusion and his lips parted. It was a misunderstanding. He shouldn’t have even talked to you. Meddling only makes things worse, and it clearly did.
“Also I don’t care if they look like regular trees. Aren’t all trees just trees anyway?” you reasoned, finding the right words to say. “Things come and go and sometimes they take more time to arrive. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t appreciate them any less. Isn’t that also the reason why you still call them Cherry Blossoms?”
He didn’t know what overcame him. Maybe it was your logic. Maybe, it was the fact that you seemed genuinely interested in the trees. Or maybe, it was the sudden overwhelming wave of shame and guilt that washed over him for being hypocritical towards you. At that moment, he somehow couldn’t deny your request. Hence, he showed you how to take the metro to the river thinking that was the last time he was ever going to see you.
Sometime that same week, you excitedly called out his name while he practiced on his little hill. You didn’t seem to be bothered by the way he treated you the first time you’ve met and were currently jogging over to his location. He could see you clearly this time: your hair pulled back with a silk scarf and your white t-shirt tucked into your high-waisted baggy tan pants. You had bumped into a guy called Seungkwan who told you that Jihoon would be at the exact spot he hastily described to you before running off to who knows where. You invited yourself to sit on the grass next to the musician and unzipped your backpack to pull out a sketchbook and some pens. From his seat, Jihoon curiously tried to peek over your shoulder to see what you were sketching, but you had turned away from him.
You seemed content in your spot and hummed along to whatever he was practicing in a sort of canon, but something was bothering him. When Jihoon stopped playing to massage his fingers, you paused your sketch to ask him what piece he was practicing. Instead, he pulled a jacket from his backpack and tossed it to you before sitting in position to play his instrument again.
“The ground is wet,” he said while you unfolded the bundled jacket. “Sit on it. You’re wearing light colored pants.”
You couldn’t help but to gasp at his kind gesture. His eyes were closed to better grasp and concentrate on his pitch. If they were open he knew he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from smiling in return.
“I have a symphony concert next week. Come if you want to hear what I’m practicing in full.”
There were many things to be left unsaid, like the real reason as to why Jihoon frequented the river or why he couldn’t hide his smile after inviting you, a person he barely knew, to his upcoming concert like you were a long-time friend.
That night, the Cherry Blossom trees surrounding the river turned a light green as new buds started to grow on its branches – a first in almost a decade.
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“On to more happier news, Cherry Blossom trees might be making a comeback. Local arborists report that the Cherry Blossom trees along the river have almost all magically sprouted baby green buds overnight. Could Cherry Blossom season at…”
Jihoon’s breath hitched while watching the news report blaring from the small television screen inside the city bus. It seemed too good to be true. One moment he was riding the bus home, and the next moment he found himself running along the river, looking at the trees around him. It was true. The barren trees have somehow magically turned green with tiny plump buds waiting to bloom with time. He couldn’t help but stop at the bottom of his small hill and look at his surroundings with awe. His mouth was wide open, and his small chuckles of belief and disbelief fell out of his mouth while he bent over to catch his breath. Some people were walking along the bridge, and some were taking pictures in front of the many green trees.
Then he saw the two of you sitting at his favorite spot with a picnic blanket laid out. You and Seungkwan were happily chatting and enjoying different kinds of fruit while people-watching those who have come to see the trees for themselves. When the two of you saw Jihoon at the bottom of the hill, both of you yelled for him to come over with such zeal in your voices. Jihoon felt it then, that little twinge in his heart.
“Jihoon! Did you know that Y/N is older than us?”
“Oh I washed the jacket you lent me last time. I’ll bring it to you at your concert.”
Something must have clicked or fallen perfectly in place and brought great waves of change to come – a seed was planted. A budding friendship was forming, waiting to bloom like the trees that waited years to finally bloom. It seemed like people around the three of you were collectively hoping that the trees would blossom. None of you were alone anymore.
“Stop being shy. It’s a beautiful day. Let’s take a picture together.”
For the first time in his life, Jihoon felt like he had a group of friends that he could rely on. He looked at Seungkwan while he stood up to attempt another impression and then looked at you bellowing over in laughter – your cheeks like tiny blushing milk buns baked under the glow of the afternoon Sun. There it was, a different twinge in his heart...a flutter perhaps. Perhaps it could come true, the real reason as to why he waited so patiently for the trees to bloom.
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Jihoon and Seungkwan spent almost an hour after the concert searching and trying to contact you. The three of you had been texting each other until the conductor raised their baton to signal for the symphony that it was time to tune their instruments. The context of the texts contained some memes, selfies, promises to take pictures with Jihoon and his shiny cummerbund after the concert, and the fact that Jihoon sat in the fifth chair despite practicing every single day. Jihoon blamed it on spending his time with the two of them instead of taking private lessons like the other students in his class. However, none of the texts included the fact that you would abruptly leave during one of the last movements the symphony performed and seemingly disappear from the face of the Earth.
The cellist wasn’t mad that you were gone. He was pretty sure you had a solid reason as to why you had to leave during the middle of the concert, but it was during times like this when he hated himself for not being the type of person anybody would immediately go to if they needed help or were feeling down. He wasn’t the sympathetic type, nor was he even as close to being as empathetic as Seungkwan. Even Seungkwan expected you to reach out to him, but you didn’t.
You were truly looking forward to the concert, and both of your friends knew it. You’ve prepared a little goodie basket with all of Jihoon’s favorite snacks along with his jacket that he lent you the other day. Jihoon already made it pretty clear that the symphony concert was just a fancy cover-up for their symphony class midterms – it was basically their midterm; you didn’t have to bring him anything. Bringing yourself was already more than enough for he never had a familiar face attend any of his university concerts until now.
He texted you a picture of Seungkwan and him outside the mini-concert hall, the shiny cummerbund wrapped around his waist in full view. He jokingly threatened to unsend the photo in half an hour if you didn’t reply. You didn't even read the text by the end of the night, but he still kept the picture in your text messages. Knowing you, you would probably save the photo and set it as your lock screen despite you not being in the picture. Was he disappointed? Was he worried? If there was one thing he knew for sure, it was the fact that the thought of you never left his mind the entire night and the next few days to come.
When Lee Jihoon woke up the next morning, his neck and back was stiff, but his hair was a beautiful dark brown color reminiscent of the Cherry Blossom trees along the river.
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To be honest, Jihoon used to enjoy the loneliness of his spot on the hill. However, without you there these days, the loneliness felt unbearable in many ways. He was so used to you being there that it felt like tracing a straight line by using a ruler with a small chipped edge – he could technically erase the squiggly part, but it would never be the same as using a perfect ruler.
He walked out of the music shop with a brand new case of hard rosin in his backpack and immediately headed to his favorite spot hoping his favorite person would be there. Sure enough, you were sitting in the same spot you sat on the day he lent you his jacket. Your chin rested on your bent knees, and you were looking solemnly at the river before you.
There was a part of him that wanted to walk up to you and scold you for sitting on the wet grass, but so much has changed over the past few days. Even Seungkwan was a lot less lively than usual.
Jihoon’s body ached a ton. He thought it was probably from the lack of sleep and from practicing his instrument amidst testing season. There were knots in his neck and shoulders and in places he never knew knots could exist. He constantly smelled like menthol and pain relief patches. His hair was just the tip of the iceberg.
That stiffness in his body seemed to translate to his current position a few meters behind you. He couldn’t bring himself to come up to you because he knew he was going to receive unpleasant news. He just didn’t know what it was going to be.
You seemed to know he was near because you turned around and gave him a sad smile. It broke his spell, and his body immediately moved to sit beside you. Your eyes were red and puffy, and like Jihoon, your dark eye circles and disheveled looks made the two of you look like a pair of raccoons perched on a tiny hill.
“I was never meant to stay a long time,” you sat up to stretch your legs while you looked up into the afternoon sky.
Okay that was unpleasant to hear.
“I have a friend who was preparing to pass through the next phase of his life,” Jihoon saw how your lips slightly curled upwards at the thought of your friend, “It happened that night.”
You turned to him and ran your fingers through his brown hair and trailed your hand down to cup his cheek in your warm palm.
“Jihoon…I’m so sorry, but I have to leave soon.”
That one hurt the most.
No matter how warm your touch was, his insides ran cold, and his mind suddenly blanked. The stiffness in his body returned, and his jaw clenched so much that his teeth ached. All he could do was stare at you in shock and frustration. He shouldn’t have meddled and helped you that one day outside of the Music Department. He literally just became friends with you, and you were already leaving his side. The last few days and weeks were filled to the brim with hope and happiness. Why did it have to end so soon?
You seemed to notice his change or lack of outwards emotion, so you awkwardly patted his shoulder in solace. Ripping off the bandage was better than ghosting someone for years to come, right? Jihoon was a university student with one of the kindest hearts ever known to mankind. Although he often found it hard to verbally convey his feelings and intentions, Jihoon often found an output through the creative whether it be through music or humor. It was easy to understand and get along with him once you gave him time. It was already hard to leave someone like him. It would have been even harder if you left him without telling him goodbye.
He was quietly scratching the surface of his rosin with a pair of keys in crisscrosses and straight lines. You asked him why he had to scratch a perfectly new and good piece of rosin. His shoulders loosened a bit, but you could still see a single tear roll down his cheek. Jihoon lifted his head and started swatting an imaginary fly, but you knew it was to inconspicuously wipe away his tear.
A quick lesson about rosin later, you were dragging Jihoon to the nearest bus stop.
“I’m taking you on a date,” you told him while you interlocked fingers, trudging him behind you like a dog running too fast for its owner. “If you don’t want to see it as a date, then just think of it as me repaying you for not being able to stay during the entire concert.”
His already calloused hands felt like sandpaper, like tree bark in your soft hands – like the sharp quills that grow on the backside of the soft and furry hedgehogs. They were two things that clearly juxtaposed each other, but made sense when used and put together.
That night, all of the trees’ florets extended, ready for its puffy white blossoms to come into view.
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“Something is different about you,” Seungkwan was currently holding onto the older boy’s shoulders and turned him around to face him. “It’s like you’re standing taller and your skin is paler, but not the sick kind. Your cheeks are rosy and you look happy…did something happen between Y/N and you?” his tone was sly and teasing.
When Jihoon scoffed and turned his head away from Seungkwan, Seungkwan couldn’t help but pull Jihoon into a hug and jump up and down with jubilance. He never thought he would be able to live to see the day, but it happened right there in his arms. His best friend was glowing and was desperately in love! On top of that, there were more and more people visiting the river as the news about the Cherry Blossoms spread further and further. Why wouldn’t he be happy?
“Seungkwan you better let go of me or I’ll punt you down this slope.”
“Tell me everything.”
He told him about the date that turned into dates. He told him about how they sat next to each other on the bus and never let go of their hands, the elated feelings in his heart and head. He made sure not to skimp on the details of the dates (down to how the food at the café you’ve been eying for a while tasted and how long he daydreamed about you until the food came).
Lee Jihoon wanted to dedicate symphonies to you, to summarize his feelings in overtures. He wanted to walk among the stupid crowded paths with all of the merchant stalls and see the Cherry Blossoms with you. That was his wish – to see the blossoms with people, with someone he loved. He wanted it to be with you.
However, the blossoms only last for a while, and so would this relationship.
He suddenly felt a wave of dizziness and hung onto Seungkwan for support. The younger boy helped him sit upright and gave him some water. How does one go from announcing his love to the world to looking parched and fatigued seconds later?
“Have you been eating well? Be honest with me,” Seungkwan stared at his friend in his eyes as if he was trying to diagnose him.
“Not really,” he mumbled under his breath, “I think it’s because Y/N’s impending departure is closer than I’ve imagined.”
“Maybe she’ll stay until the trees bloom. That’s also something she was looking forward to.”
Several kites flew in the distance, and the smell of street food wafted where the wind blew. All Jihoon could do was sit in his spot, not wanting to move, not being able to move. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach that traveled up into his arms and looked down to see dark green tinted hands.
“Is something wrong?”
Jihoon looked at him with much fear in his eyes.
“Call an ambulance.”
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During the couple days Jihoon spent in bed, several news stations were proud to report that the trees miraculously developed puffy white blossoms and would soon see fully bloomed Cherry Blossoms for the first time in years to come. His cello sat untouched in its hard case against his wardrobe. The cello case had several new stickers on it gifted by Seungkwan and you as well as a photobooth strip of the two of you.
Dark green bruises covered his arms, and the tips of his fingers were a concerning white color. However, the only thing painful to him was the fact that the several doctors he visited didn’t seem to realize or even diagnose him with something. They all said he was healthy.
What was healthy about not being able to eat or move to the point where he was bedridden for days? He kept his bedroom window ajar and the curtains completely pulled back to let in the sunlight. The sunlight made him feel a little bit better, and the warm breeze only served as an incentive for him to go outside. You and Seungkwan kept calling and messaging him, but as days passed, he couldn’t bring himself to even pick up the phone.
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The trees have bloomed in beautiful hues of pink and white, but Jihoon was still stuck in bed. His condition seemed to change with the weather. He would sleep the whole time when it was cold or raining. When it was sunny, he felt rejuvenated and refreshed. The doctors have continued to conclude that there was absolutely nothing wrong with Lee Jihoon. They continuously failed to notice the aching joints, the extremely rough skin, down to the green arms.
Part of him hated himself for not being able to spend time with the two of you, especially time with you because you were leaving soon.
Nevertheless, it was a sunny day without a cloud in the sky. Gentle breezes blew - the kind to make your hair kiss your cheeks over and over again. You convinced him to come out for a little, not minding the fact that you had to push him in a wheelchair the entire time. You didn’t care. You were happy to have him back even if it was for a little while.
While pushing his wheelchair, you told him about how Seungkwan was in a relationship and how he often walked with his partner along the river with their dogs from home. You didn’t know how they met, but you knew that Seungkwan was someone who had so much love to give and truly deserved someone who loved him back in full force. Rolling Jihoon up the slope, you joked about how it felt like you were pushing a fully grown tree to which he groaned.
The view he saw at the top of the hill was something he couldn’t have dreamed of even during the past few years of dreaming about that moment. His heart was full of elation. The years of waiting have finally paid off – he even fulfilled his wish.
“Your cheeks are the color of the Cherry Blossoms,” you poked his cheek which only made him blush harder. You had helped him onto the picnic blanket you brought with you and laid your head on his lap.
In that exact moment in time, Lee Jihoon finally felt the happiest and liveliest he had ever been in his entire life. It was as if his bouts of undiagnosed sickness never even existed. All three of you finally felt at peace.
His nose bumped into yours before his lips found yours and quickly retracted. You sat up in surprise and bashfully buried your head in his neck. He couldn’t help but smile and laugh while wrapping his arms around you. With shy glances and nervous laughter, the two of you found each other again, this time confidently and without regret.
It was enough to make up for a lifetime without each other.
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It’s been years since you left with the end of the season.
Years later, thousands of people still annually gather under the beautiful blossoming trees every Spring. Truthfully speaking, Seungkwan hasn’t visited the trees since he moved away after university, but here he was now. Seungkwan slowly walked up the familiar small hill with a bag filled with fresh fruits he cut and washed earlier in the day in one hand and a large picnic blanket in the other. A tiny boy reminiscent of Seungkwan’s features followed closely behind. He was carrying a large cello case behind his back while struggling to support the weight of the two folding chairs he was hugging against his tiny elementary school student chest.
At the base of the giant Cherry Blossom tree with branches that never seemed to end, Seungkwan gently set down his bag and flung open the large picnic blanket so his small family could gather on it while enjoying the beautiful view of the river from the hill. He carefully smoothed out each corner before removing several containers from the bag. His son dropped his cello case on the grass (to which Seungkwan loudly and visibly winced) and set up the foldable chairs for the both of them to sit on.
Jihoon’s old spot with the holes and dents has been covered for years by the large and sturdy roots of the stubborn Cherry Blossom. Although there were a ton of people, it was quiet at Jihoon’s old spot. It was as if the trees towards the bottom of the hill absorbed all of the sounds and commotion of the festivities down at the bridge below. The location was just as peaceful and inviting as it was years ago – just as Jihoon preferred it.
When the wind blew, Seungkwan could still hear the laughter of his youth. However, as he grew older the more meddled those memories became in his aging hippocampus. Were the memories of the time he spent together with the two of you real or were they all part of some beautiful dream he couldn’t seem to forget?
While his son began to play the cello, Seungkwan made himself comfortable on the blanket, laying down to look at the clouds through the beautiful speckled pink and white petals above. It felt like déjà vu – eating fruit, watching the scenery, and listening to music beside close friends. Even the tree beside Seungkwan seemed to revel in the same feeling and memories. Today it looked exceptionally happy to be growing and thriving in the same place a seasoned fifth chair cellist did years ago.
Jihoon was never that good at comforting others. He had an odd way of showing his affection toward others, but it was endearing in his own special way. Most of the time, sad memories remain sad while happy memories remain happy. However, there are times in which happy memories turn into sad ones. Because of this, Seungkwan felt sorry he couldn’t visit more often than he would have liked.
The tree seemed to respond to the man’s emotion and sent a single petal floating down onto his face and into his mouth.
Seungkwan removed the petal from his mouth and sat up to turn to glare at the tree behind him. It seemed to rustle with laughter from its childish action.
Seungkwan’s face softened.
“Jihoon, my old friend, you’ve bloomed beautifully.”
My first love. My only love.
She was heaven-sent and taught me to never take things for granted. However, she made my heart ache in pain, but I couldn’t help it. Her very being exists only to fill my mind with poetry. I have never loved one so deeply as to feel the need to express my love in stanzas up until the day I met her. Yet here I was, a single glance in my direction, and my brain would automatically fire warning signals upon warning signals throughout my body only to be pumped out of my heart, purified as love. The impression she left on me still occupies a space in my mind. Sometimes I find myself revisiting that space when I’m lonely or if I needed to double-check what it still looked like, if anything had changed…if I had changed. We’re not together anymore, but the memories I hold so close to my heart still replay so vividly in my brain, so much that I am able to relive those moments over and over again. Till this day, I still wonder if any man on earth has ever felt the same, this love in verse on an early spring day.
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technowoah · 3 years
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THESEUS - a dsmp story ( DreamSMP x Queen!Reader)
Chapter Summary: You had gotten what you wanted, but at what cost? Nightmares ensue, and Dream’s true colors begin to show.
pairing: c!wilbur x queen!reader
an// IM BACK!! hopefully yall like this chaper cause this is the last one that I wrote in the past, Im writing chapter 6 rn so it might take a while. Also sorry for not posting requests I really wanted to get this chapter out there
⚠︎ swearing, dsmp spoliers(?), angst, arguing, smoking, explosions, gaslighting(?), not proofread.
Series Masterlist 
"Good job you two! This is all yours now.”
Dream had led you and Eret back to the castle, all of them still battered and bruised from the war they recently had. You had already taken off your armor and now you were wearing underneath your L'Manburg outfit that was torn and burnt showing some of your skin which was also burnt or cut. You had noticed on the way to the castle that Dream had kept on looking at the outfit that Eret and you had on with disgust, like a taunt.
You could finally relax in the huge castle that you apparently deserved because you and Eret had taken the first lives of the citizens of L'Manburg. In your heart you knew that L'Manburg was still a country. They all have two more lives and they will build the country up again with those two lives. You sighed then kept walking into the throne room. you looked at the two big thrones that sat next to each other. One for a king and one for a queen.
"Why are you standing there? Sit down! Relax!" Dream patted one of the thrones.
You and Eret had sat down on the thrones next to each other looking around the huge throne room and Dream smiling right in front of them. Once you both sat down you tried to sit up straight, but you wanted to slump down into the comfy, plush, velvet and gold chair. The two of them sat on velvet and gold thrones while in burnt and torn L'Manburg uniforms. It was a sight to see, and if someone didn't know the context of what just happened, this scene would've made sense to them.
"I'm happy you did this. You deserve all of this." Dream said while walking along the marble floor.
"It's beautiful, but I'm exhausted." You let your head fall to the side. You sighed wanting Dream to leave so you could finally get some rest.
"I bet."
"Eret are you okay?" You spoke up after Dream.
Eret had a look that you couldn't make out. He just stared off into space in his own mind. He shook his head after you called for him again.
"Yeah, yeah I am fine. I'm just thinking." Eret quickly responded.
"What are you thinking about?" Dream said in a monotone voice.
"If we did the right thing." Eret sighed.
You slowly nodded because you were thinking the exact same thing. They were traitors, you had built somewhat of a connection with those people you helped kill. And now what? you're living in a huge castle and apparently you "Shouldn't be feeling this way", Dream claimed.
"You two are overreacting. They are fine." Dream said bluntly while staring at them with a straight face.
That was a huge lie, their lives were taken today. They're not just “fine”.
"You two were never a part of that place anyways. This is your home! Why would you need to wear those hideous colors? They look bad on you, it's unflattering. There is no need to go back." Dream explained.
You hang your head not knowing what to say to the man, there wasn’t really anything to say but you spoke up hoping the words will come to you.
"I don't-"
"You don't have to say anything, it's okay. You're safe now. Did you get hurt?" Dream asked.
The bruises and scars said differently.
"Remember when I said that?" Dream pushed the question.
You rubbed a burn mark on your wrist and laughed a bit. "No! Actually I don't. We're safe now, but that doesn't mean we aren't hurt." You chuckled in disbelief.
"Well maybe if you listened to me you wouldn't be so anxious. If you listened you wouldn't have been so hesitant. You're safe." Dream said sternly.
"Maybe you're tired, Dream. We're all tired. Shall we go to bed?" Eret stood up and held out his hand to help you up from your seat.
You accepted his hand and started to follow Eret through the huge castle making your way through the huge, high ceiling halls. The three walked towards the king's and queen's room in the castle, Dream kept a slower pace and walked behind the two wanting to get one more word in before leaving the castle.
"If you two are ever in doubt just remember that you are on the right side of history." Dream said then turned around to leave the two alone.
You both stopped and turned around to see Dream’s back facing the both of you as he walked away. You and Eret eventually made it to your new bedrooms. There was a big door which held a huge room made for the both of them to sleep in and two separate rooms next to the bigger door which were made for one person. Eret and you stood in front of the bigger door staring at the intricate designs on the door not speaking to each other.
"So?" Eret laughed.
"So!" You exclaimed while chuckling.
"Are you okay sleeping in that huge room tonight?" Eret asked.
"I'm not totally comfortable with that, but it would be weird if we slept in the same bed. Don't get me wrong! You're a great friend, but-"
"Y/N/N stop! I'm okay with that too. I wasn't looking to sleep in the same bed. Yes we're married, but we're just staying friends, hey we might get a divorce later." Eret explained.
"If I do, we won't be king and queen anymore." You said softly to your husband.
"Is that what you want? To be "queen"?" Eret asked while putting air quotes around the word queen.
You paused for a moment then answered his question.
"I don't know where I'm supposed to be, Eret." You looked up at him sadly and he pulled you in for a hug. It took you everything you had to not cry into the L'Manburg uniform Eret was wearing. Today drained you mentally and physically, your hands were raw from shooting arrows, you had burn marks on your skin and your feet hurt from running through the kingdom. You weren’t sure about where you would go, because this didn't feel like your home.
"Let's go to bed and we'll talk in the morning. Rest on it because I'll happily divorce you so you can find your place in this huge kingdom." Eret laughed and let you out of his arms.
You chuckled and then let him go walking into what was supposed to be the queen's room and right next to it was the king's room which they both walked in after saying goodnight and closing their doors finally having time to themselves after a long day.
You finally took off the L'Manburg uniform and laid it on a velvet chair in the corner of the huge room. You stared at the uniform before going to the nearest closet and picking out something to wear for that night. The queen's room was basically the huge couple's room that you found before, but just with a smaller bed. There were still trinkets, jewelry and even clothes in the closet. you took a nightgown out of the closet and sat on the plush bed. You ended up laying down staring at the high ceiling thinking of the predicament Eret's question brought.
You finally retired for the night and crawled into bed and got under the soft covers. The window was open so a soft cool breeze was blowing through the room letting the curtains flow with the breeze. If you left you wouldn't have anywhere to go except back to L'Manburg, they would never let you back even if you tried. They probably hated your guts by now, so maybe divorcing wasn't a good idea. You had a set home here, you had food, clothes, and you weren't under attack every minute. you didn't have to watch your back for any enemies.
Your mind slowed down as you finally lulled yourself into a deep sleep forgetting the troubles in your mind for only a moment.
The sunset fell over the horizon making it a gold, red color. It was beautiful. The trees were illuminated and the lakes had a certain glow to them. you could see mobs began to crawl out of the ground and caves, but you was safe up here.
You looked down and saw the familiar obsidian walls. It seemed like a faint memory, but in reality the walls were real. It was like you could feel the stone underneath your feet at this moment. you could see inside L'Manburg.
you saw Tubbo and Tommy laying in the grass talking to one another. you saw Fundy sleeping in the grass next to them. There were two new faces you had never seen before. It was a woman with short pink hair and another man with a shaved head. It might've been your mind putting people in your dreams to fill space. Then you saw Eret sitting by a small river letting his bare feet flow in the water. It was a peaceful scene.
"Beautiful sunset isn't it?" A voice showed up beside you.
It was Wilbur. He had his uniform on, it was clean like the war didn't even happen.
"It is really beautiful." You agreed watching the sun continue to lower over the trees.
"You know everything the sun touches is yours? It's all of ours. It just so happens that you can see the sunset and sunrise from L'Manburg. You can do anything as long as you see the sun rise and fall." Wilbur said, keeping his gaze soft at the sunset.
You hummed but stayed quiet admiring his words and the sunset.
"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known when I was young and dreamed of glory. You have no control who lives, who dies, who tells your story. After you took one of my lives away I understand now. You can't control other people and their motivations."
You hang your head in disappointment, but then Wilbur continued.
"But I know that we can win. I know that greatness lies in you, but remember from here on in that history has its eyes on you. History will forever have its eyes on you no matter what you do." Wilbur looked into your eyes as the sun set on the two of them the stars began to shine.
The light brown eyes Wilbur had turned darker because of the sunlight being gone. You looked out back at the mobs in the forest and the huge towers in the sky made the kingdoms members. you turned around and looked into L'Manburg. Or what was considered L'Manburg.
There was no one there anymore, instead of people there were huge amounts of TNT that filled the walls behind them. you could hear faint voices around them, people that you didn't know. It sounded like chaos. you whipped your head around to Wilbur who was dressed in a brown tattered trench coat, brown pants, and a white shirt instead of the L'Manburg uniform.
He had a cigarette in his mouth and matches in his hands. He smirked at you as the voices around you got louder and your head sounded like you were in the middle of a tornado. your head was buzzing as your eyes couldn't focus on Wilbur in front of you. It felt like these moments were happening right in front of your all at one time.
"You want to be a hero Tommy?"
"You know if I die, this country goes down with me."
"if respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back, then respect is nothing, right?"
"Kill me, Phil. Phil, kill me, Phil kill me! Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now, kill me! Look-"
"You know Y/N" Wilbur started next to you. He lit a match and turned around to L'Manburg which was now filled with TNT.
"Somethings. Somethings were never meant to be." He threw the match into the huge pile of TNT and all in a second the obsidian underneath your feet disappeared as you fell into the explosion beneath you.
"Fuck! Where am I?!" You shot up from your sleeping position in a cold sweat.
You frantically felt around the bed trying to convince yourself that you were physically at the castle in your bed. You finally caught your breath and laid back down in your bed finding yourself staring at the ceiling again. Even with the window open blowing cool air into the room, your skin still felt hot. You ended up tossing the covers off of you and making your way towards the entrance of the kingdom to get some air.
That dream was so much stuff in it you couldn't comprehend all of it. It was like Wilbur was there as if he was talking to you directly and it wasn't a dream and it made you second guess yourself and think that it may have not been a dream. You finally made it outside and sat on one of the steps that led people up into the kingdom. you sighed and breathed in the fresh air and it immediately relaxed your body and mind. You were alive, you were here and sadly Wilbur wasn't there. You closed your eyes and felt the breeze around you until you were startled by a figure beside you.
"You're up late. I thought you said you were mentally tired." Dream chuckled sitting beside you.
"I had a bad dream." You sighed.
"Hey don't take my name in vain like that" Dream laughed trying to bring up your mood.
Dream sighed and stood back up when he didn't get a response from his companion.
"Come one, let's go. Let's get your mind off of the one bad dream." Dream held his hand out, gesturing to you to take it.
You took his hand and then released it letting him lead the way to wherever the wind may take them. The dream is currently still stuck in your head. The voices from different people confused you and made your head spin.
"You want to be a hero Tommy?" What did that mean? Was someone threatening Tommy? Will someone threaten Tommy? You grew to care for that kid.
Who said "If I die, this country goes down with me"? What country. L'Manburg?
"If respect is the only thing protecting you from a knife in the back, then respect is nothing, right?" That one stumped you the most. you didn't even know if this was being spoken to you or to someone else. All of them except for the Tommy one.
Were they all even dreams? The one that haunted your mind the most was the one where someone was telling a man named Phil to kill them. Were you there for that moment? Did Phil kill the person? Who was Phil? All these thoughts and questions plagued your mind so much that your feet mindlessly carried you wherever Dream led you to.
"Here we are." Dream led You on top of a hill, a tall enough hill to see the main attraction. The place you missed the most, L'Manburg.
Tears started to form in your eyes and you tried blinking them away. All the moments of that dream appeared in your brain, but even stronger. you never felt these emotions before. Maybe L'Manburg was your home all along. you missed seeing Tubbo, Tommy, Eret and Fundy doing their own thing while your and Wilbur had a deep talk inside the van. you had spent weeks with them growing too attached to them and then ended up becoming a traitor.
"That place. You never belonged there. You're too good for them." Dream started and you stayed quiet watching the stars begin to disappear.
"Do you trust me?" Dream asked.
You stayed quiet not having the answer he wanted to hear. He wanted to hear you say that you trusted him when in reality you couldn’t, you weren't fully there yet, not anymore. 
"They lied to you. It's not your home." Dream continued on letting you listen and not talk.
"How did you know if someone said it was my home or not?" You asked, startled.
"I might've been keeping an eye on you. I wanted to make sure my flower was okay." Dream kept his gaze on L'Manburg.
"Stop calling me that." You sighed.
"I never started. This was the first time I said that. Who called you flower?" Dream suddenly got serious, staring at you.
you kept your sights on the obsidian walls, not sparing him a glance. The stars began to fade and the sun peeked over the horizon. As they stayed longer the sun rose over the walls of L'Manburg. You started to remember the words in the dream you had.
"You know everything the sun touches is yours? It's all of ours. It just so happens that you can see the sunset and sunrise from L'Manburg. You can do anything as long as you see the sun rise and fall."
L'Manburg stands for independence. Independence. That word kept ringing through your head like a mantra until a few voices below the hill and near the walls alerted you.
"HEY! Hey Wilbur! Give me back my shit!" Tommy yelled as he stomped after the older man.
"Wilbur get Tommy to stop shouting and give him his swords back please!" Fundy yelled trailing behind the two.
"No not until he learns not to go start stabbing shit!" Wilbur yelled back at the other two.
You missed that. you missed the bickering and the nonsense they all shared. you were upset that Tommy still hadn't learned his lesson and you wished you were there beside them at that moment.
Dream spoke up giving you a look you couldn’t quite get. "You are never allowed to step inside those walls again.
"What gives you the right to tell me what and what not to do? Who does that make you? Who do you think-"
"YOU ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO GO IN THOSE WALLS!" Dream yelled getting dangerously close to you.
You continued to stare at those blue eyes as the bright sun rose over the dark walls of L’Manburg. you didn't say anything but descended down the mountain alone with the sounds of Tommy, Fundy, and Wilbur bickering in the background, wishing you were there and not next to the man next to you who was staring at you angrily.
"I know what’s good for you! I know what's good for this country! Just trust me Y/N!" Dream yelled starting an argument
"Would you calm down! You came here to be all quiet and now you're yelling at me. You might want to be quiet before Wilbur hears you. Or do you want me to get him myself?" You yelled back, getting furious.
"Oh you wish! He doesn't care for you as much as me, Sapnap and George do! They agree as well!"
"Don't put words into his mouth!" You accused
"Oh! So if he cares so fucking much he would've help save you. And do you know what would happen if he saved you?! You would've died! I saved you! You were in a perfect situation and all you had to do is not complain! You're always overreacting." Dream ended with a huff and rolled his eyes while turning away..
you were speechless at this point. Overwhelming emotions consumed you. you couldn't believe you were overreacting. Maybe Wilbur wasn't everything you needed. you were overreacting, you were being selfish too. Dream was right. Dream walked over to you pulling you in a hug with L'Manburg was still in your sights.
"I did everything because I love you. You're too precious for them, you're not for them. They don't deserve you, you deserve someone who wants the best for you. A flower that needs a home and I'm here to give it to you." Dream softly explained.
Your eyes kept tearing up at the words and different emotions flowing through you. The sights on L'Manburg make your memories and questions come back. Where did you belong? But more importantly who was telling the truth?
Taglist: @hi-imuwu @k-l-a-w-s
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blissfulparker · 4 years
Sugar and Spice Pt.1→Dad!Mob!Tom
Parings: single!dad!tom x baker!reader
Warnings: none yet! Mafia!Au so future mention of guns, death, drinking, sex, smoking
Summary: Tom is one of the youngest Mobsters known to London, youngest and most successful he seems perfect to people, feared by people. But his deepest secret is that he’s been raising a son all by himself. No one to be with since the birth of his son until he walks into the small bakery last minute for his sons birthday and meets you.
A/n; so obviously this is more of a part one to a series(I know I always start series and then get really distracted with life) but I wanted a fresh idea and a fresh fic to start off the new year. I love mob!tom and I love dad!tom and I was hoping I could mix the two💗💗(also I have no idea how to do read more on mobile I’m so sorry😭)
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Secrets. Everyone had secrets. Tom Holland, one of London’s richest, youngest, most successful mobsters, Had a son.
He had a beautiful boy named Riley, he raised him with only the help of his best friend and brothers. He was the smartest little boy he knew, charming and innocent. A little boy who didn’t know any of the dangers of the world just yet.
That was his secret. At age 20 he was rushed into life with the beautiful boy and one of the most stressful and dangerous jobs to manage. He did everything he could for the boy, it was always his boy before his work. Stressful days where he could put a bullet into anyone who walked in on him turned better when his son came home from school with stories.
It had been six years since his little secret was born and it was his best and hardest secret to keep.
And now he had forgotten his sons birthday cake. He was turning six years old today and Tom promised the best Spider-Man cake with iron man, hulk, all of the avengers in the flavor chocolate. Now he had to find a baker that could do all of that in the time span of six hours.
After endless calls, endless hunting, he found a small bakery in the smallest corner of London that was willing to make his son's wild fantasy come true on his special day.
Suit and all, rushed from work, Tom had walked into the small bakery. Ready to pick up the birthday cake and make his sons birthday the best one.
He was greeted with the smell of sugary frosting and warm baked goods. A career so diffrent from his as he was a man with blood on his hands and the people working here were the ones with the flour.
“Can I help you?” Your voice is soft and takes him by surprise. Not the voice of the older women he spoke with on the phone.
You’re covered in flour, chocolate frosting wiped on your apron and you rinse your hands in the sink. But you have a soft face, one that calms him just by looking at. As if you never saw a day of anger, of pain, of anything. You were simply a poem he wanted to read.
It takes him a minute to come back. He hadn’t gotten with anyone seriously since the birth of his son. Overwhelmed with his work and his son, he also had feared the idea of no women being good enough for his son.
Although his son longed for a mother, he could tell. He could tell the stories at bedtime weren’t as good as if it were a mother’s, every Mother’s Day was missed and he knows deep down that every nightmare would be better if he was cuddled up in a mother’s arms. Tom could give him everything except a mother.
“I’m here to pick up a cake.” He clears his throat. You notice the watch, the expensive suit and his scent, a deep wood, an expensive scent. He had money yet of all the bakeries he chose it was the nearly dying one. “It’s Uh, it’s my sons birthday and I’m here to pick up the cake. My name is Tom. I spoke on the phone earlier...with someone…” he stuttered nervously as if you might not have it ready. Laughing softly you find his order on the computer. Even your laugh was angelic.
“Sophie? The older women?” You ask and he nods.
“Yes, yes!” He didn’t know why he was nervous, awkward even. He shoved his hands in his pocket to keep calm.
“Avengers cake…” you look up at the man and he has a red tint to his cheek.
“My son, he’s turning six.” He didn’t spark you to have a dad look, you had seen fathers come in and out of this bakery. Most of the men in their 40s and stressed over possibly a my little pony cake or cookies for a last minute club meeting to make their kid smile. Most fathers had the same look though, tired and worn out in possibly old sneakers and a wrinkled shirt. This man had a different look.
“Ahh,” you search for a ring but don’t see one. A single, young dad who looks to have everything together. A book. He looked like a character from a book. “I’ll be right back with that.” You smiled before turning to the back. Leaving the man alone, in the lobby of the bakery.
“Quite the last minute cake.” You came out with the large cake done beautifully. Done with red and blue frosting and on top was all the small figurines that you had to search for. But nonetheless, it was gorgeous.
“Your wife must be lucky to have a man willing to run out and surprise their kid so last minute.” You sparked the conversation in hopes that you would see if the man is single or not.
“Oh, no, just myself.” He pulls out his card ready to swipe and you press down on your lips. Maybe he didn’t want a girlfriend, he was young but he looked to have his hands full with a six year old and a clearly good job.
“Well, then he’s lucky to have such a great father.” You tell. He tries to hide his red tinted cheeks again but you notice.
“Your boyfriend must be lucky to have someone who must always smell like cakes.” He flirted back.
For the first time in years, Tom had flirted back with a girl without the intentions of sex. He flirted back without needing a drink in his hands and to be at a bar. He flirted back not hiding that he had a son at home that could potentially turn away a girl looking for fun.He flirted back as just himself. And so far you had seemed to like that.
“No boy.” You laugh softly.
Your eyes flicker and stare into his. They are light brown, light brown laced with a sort of mystery. A light brown laced with charm, lust and a secret.
“Well then,” was all he could think of. His game was off, he’s realized that. The dangerous mobster got nervous around you.
“Well then.” You repeated.
It’s a mistake. He will be making a mistake if he falls for you. The mistake of ruining your life as he doesn’t know how far he could go protecting the ones he loves. Riley’s life was in danger every day and he hated that, he hated the women he once loved for leaving him all alone but was also given the best gift of a son.
Although the nappies and endless nights of screaming were hard, he would do anything to protect his son. And if he were to find the future mother of his son, he would do anything to protect her but her life would be just as risk as his.
Maybe it would be you making the mistake. He would be selfish to go after you.
“I hope your Riley has a happy birthday.” You say and he’s taken aback. He doesn’t know how you know it until he looks down and written in black frosting in cursive is ‘Happy birthday Riley’.
“Well, with the best decorated cake i think I have ever seen in my life, I’m sure he will not forget this birthday. I might not either.” He smiles at you one last time and you look down trying to hide the burning smile that wanted to spread across your face.
Once he leaves the building you turn and rub your hands over your face, finally letting yourself grow a smile that has been hiding the entire time.
For the first time in awhile, a man has made you smile.
“Happy birthday to you.”
Smoke from the candles filled the room. Six years, Tom had offically spent six years of his life raising his son. Being a single father as well as the youngest Mobster, Tom had his struggles.
“A girl at the bakery?” Harrison, Toms best friend, smirked as the two of them washed up dishes while the kids played in the backyard after eating their cake.
“It’s nothing Haz. I’m busy, remember?” He scrubbed too hard at the plate as he placed in into the dishwasher.
For a man who had maids most days, he wanted it to just be family and friends in the house on his sons birthday.
“Yeah. But Riley isn’t.” He commented looking over to the boy who laughed with his friends from school he had invited to celebrate the special day.
With a silent sigh and a stubborn mindset, Harrison was right. Tom was busy but Riley was a child who needed a mother.
“See? I’m right. Once again. Why don’t you go back and get your number so you can get your dick-“ his best friend started but Tom didn’t want to hear the rest of it. Rolling his eyes and turning off the water, he walks over the ruined cake and places it on the counter.
No words leave Toms mouth and Harrison lets out a sigh. Coming over to his best friend, his best friend who seemed to have the world on his shoulders only at the age of 25.
“Tom, this isn’t just about Riley. This is about you as well. This is about you finding someone and finally having some peace because your life right now is simply just working and at the end of the day being a father. Sooner or later, Riley will realize his dad is always locked up in his office and maybe a women can change some things.” Harrison placed his hand on his shoulder before walking off.
“Daddy!” He hears the excitement of his sons voice come into the room.
“Hey Bubs!” He lifts up the boy. He plants a kiss on his cheek and he holds his new Spider-Man toy in hand.
“Can Jasper sleep over? He says he has a Spider-Man too and that we can play together. Can he please?” He pleads. For Riley, Harrison’s words echo in his head about the women.
Tom sighs, if he had a mother who wasn’t apart of a mafia like him. He would simply not have to deny his boy sleepovers and simple things.
“Sure.” He sighs thinking of how he will have to move his 8am meeting to the afternoon.
His best friend was right. He needed someone and maybe that someone would be you. Maybe he should for once take the leap and go for you.
Please leave feedback it helps me out and let’s me know if you want another part!
Permanent Taglist: @hoodiesparker @dahliaspidey @parkersvibes @itssss-a-bean @ppkrtingle @myfinalwords @bocauhl @tinyplanet-explorers @sincerlyfan @softbaby-tom @awesomeblackcottontail @rosebeegraham @stormyholland @unicorn-princess-1999 @spideyyypeter @marshyrebelcloud @oh-epiphany @yeahimcrying @highlydisfunctional1 @disgustangg @pterstingle @quacksonhq @starlightparker @reblogsfics @tomsrebeleyebrow @dreamyyholland d @imaginashawnns @alilpunkrock k @peterspideysenses @lovely-valllll l @lowkey-holland d @hannaholland1811 @kthemarsian @maryjane23 @jillianaholland @dummbiesshort @paracutepants @heartofholland @quacksonhehe @tomhollandssecurityguard @th0ttie4tommy @ladykxxx08 @bellelittleoff @peterspideysstuff
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justimajin · 4 years
Til Death Do Us Part ♜ Pt. 1
➟ Pairing: Namjoon x Reader 
➟ Genre: Angst, Fluff, Eventual Smut 
↳ (3.7k), Arranged Marriage AU
➟ Summary: If someone told you that you’d be marrying the Kim Namjoon, you would think you were being lied to, or worse, that you were hallucinating. However, fate seems to have it’s own ways of making the impossible possible and before you even know it, the title of Mrs. Kim is bestowed onto you. There’s just one problem: you’re not sure if Kim Namjoon is the person he says he is and the truth of your own identity is dangling by the strength of a mere thread. 
➟ Warnings: This series will involve themes of graphic violence, depictions of blood, major character death and hints of trauma. 18+ rating. Reader discretion is highly advised. 
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gif credit. 
➟ Next Update: Tuesday, December 22 
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Love is a strange thing. 
It pulls individuals together, sparking fireworks and blissful rays of euphoria within seconds. It renders people affectionate, words dripped with honey and caresses full of tenderness transcending  without a means of stopping. To be frank, it’s majestic through the eyes of the beholder. 
But love is indeed a strange thing. 
It’s history has been plagued with moments of weakness and hesitation, moments that rip away layers to reveal raw, vulnerable selves from every individual. It’s inability to forget and move on clutches onto the minds of those that chose to associate with it, invading their memories and never granting them a single second to run free. Love is a strange thing, but it’s most putrid use has always been the necessity to use it like a tool. 
A deep breath escapes your tinted red lips, cold hands clutching onto the delicate bouquet that’s been thrust into them. The petal pink and lilac purple flowers rest against the chaste white of your dress, the awaited arrival of yours long passed as you raise your head and sneak a peek at the person standing in front of you behind your veil. 
Clad in a special tailored suit for the occasion, his dark brown hair has been brushed back and neatly tucked into the corners of his hair. He stands tall and confident, seemingly captivated by the words the priest mumbles through as he drags on through every dull phase written in his book. As if he can tell your eyes are on him, he suddenly looks in your direction and you return your gaze back to the ground, clutching onto the array of petals in your hands. 
The priest goes on to dutifully declare the responsibilities you must carry, including the very ones that tie you to each other. 
For better, for worse. Rich, poor. Sickness, health. 
Love. Cherish. 
“Until death do you part?” The priest peers up with fatigued eyes, glancing in between you. You suck in a shaky breath, eyes fixating on everything except for the man standing on the opposing side.  
“I-I do.” You hastily mutter, swallowing the lump stuck in your throat. Patiently waiting for his answer, you try not to focus on the collection of eyes gawking at you from the altar. 
“I do.” He states, firm and resolute with his answer. It shakes you to your core, eyes immediately flickering up to meet his warm ones. 
You’re perplexed for a moment, but you’re not given time to dwell any longer once the priest shuts his book, content with your answers. Relief floods you in an instant, yet it’s short-lived and has your stomach churning instead. 
“You may kiss the bride.” The priest steps back as if you needed room for the grandiose gesture, eagerly awaiting the showcase with the rest of the people seated in front of the altar. Nevertheless, your hands begin to quiver despite your best wishes and you remain planted in place. 
Before you even know it, the delicate veil resting against your forehead is being pulled up and tucked away, projecting your dolled up features on full display. You can only fidget when he draws near, preparing for the worse until he pauses. 
Glancing up in surprise, you’re caught off guard from the lines crossing his forehead and the dismay clouding his eyes. For a second, you could have sworn that you were gazing into a mirror, an image of your combined concerns being painted right in front of you. 
You’re caught in between a daze and bewilderment when he advances again, however all you feel is a soft peck against your skin before your veil is placed back into place. Your audience seems to be at loss with the action, but once he turns around to face them in the midst of holding your hand, loud cheers and roars flood the room as congratulatory confetti bursts into the room. 
Unconsciously, your hand drifts over to your cheek with furrowed brows and you steal another glance at the man you will be bound to for eternity. 
The L/N Family. 
Tactical and resourceful, known for their skillful strategies and trade explorations, a business they would go on to proudly pronounce in the arms industry. Others would look to them for support and reassurance, and they would in return cohesively make protective deals that would ensure no harm. Yonghwa, their head, would go on to make a legacy out of his family name. 
The Kim Family. 
Discreet and powerful, known for their relentless determination and invokable hunger, characteristics that would eventually seep into their weapon manufacturing business. They know how and with whom to pick their fights, vigorously acquiring a steady position in the industry within a flash before everyone’s eyes. Namjung, their head, carved the Kim name into a status no one would have ever imagined. 
Trade and manufacturing, two able sides of the same coin. They seeked to forge an union that would unite their two sectors, to create a harmonious flow of success within their collective industries. 
But not all deals, go as planned. 
On the fateful day, Yonghwa was found on the ground in a pool of his own blood while Namjung was left visibly shaken. Catastrophe seemed to only follow the event there on after, with both families seeking revenge on the other. Their union seemed to be the last thing on either mind, but after the years passed and stained relations had been fully dragged out, there only seemed to be one solution that could bring peace to the two of them. 
The wheels of the large suitcase hit the polished ground. 
It’s lavish and grand, crystals littering the high held ceiling and lilies spread over the handles of the spiraling staircase. It ends right at the large chandelier, with more crystals dangling down opposite the shining marble that your slippers find purchase in. 
You remain in place, staring with wide eyes and an agape jaw the scenery before you. 
“Please,” A girl bows before you, dressed in a simple pale blouse and skirt that’s paired with an apron. There’s a small twinkle in her pleasant eyes paired with natural pouting lips; the delicate features drawing out the sheer youth the girl embodies. “Follow me.” 
You snap out of your daze once she advances forward, her hands careful weaving through yours to clutch onto your packed luggage. At first, you’re a bit unsure as to if you should let her carry the heavy load up the stairs, but you’re pleasantly surprised when she manages to hall it all the way up.
She roughly pushes herself against a large wooden door, revealing the grand room behind it. It’s decorated similarly to the main portion of the house, however the sheer size of it has your jaw dropping again, eyebrows furrowed as its appearance. 
Your suspicions are confirmed right away, “This will be your room, Miss Y/N.” 
“I-I…” You can’t help but hesitate, “Are you sure?”
She nods, placing your luggage now. “Of course, Master Kim asked us to prepare it for you.” 
You instinctively flinch at the sudden mention of your husband, but the girl tilts her head to the side, curiosity peeking through her. 
“Don’t they have such rooms in the L/N residence?” Her eyes suddenly widen, and she slaps a hand against her mouth, “Oh no, I-I didn’t mean it that way!” 
A smile curls on the corners of your lips, “What’s your name?” 
She gazes at you with surprise, like she had been expecting a scolding fit for her lifetime. Nonetheless, she hastily answers your question with a bow. 
“I am Eunjoo, one of Master Kim’s most faithful servants.” 
“Little flower.” You decipher, “Sounds like a fitting name.” 
“It could have been summer’s grace.” Eunjoo offers with a shrug, “Though I don’t really like summer, so I’ve tried my best to ignore that meaning.” 
You let out a genuine chuckle from that, something that has Eunjoo instantly beam. The news of her own Master getting married to someone from the L/N family was initially difficult for her to digest, but it appears that she was too early to judge. 
A lopped smile etching onto your features, “And to answer your previous question, unfortunately the L/N’s don’t have such a residence. We’ve lost much of our wealth after‒…” You pause, biting back your words, “...after, you know.” 
You wave your hand away in the air and Eunjoo understandably nods, no need to delve into the long-lived history of your families that is known to all. She hurriedly aids in you in unpacking much to your reassured protests, following and assisting you around like a little fairy. Her company ends up being both interesting and comfortable, especially since the two of you discovered the other wasn’t well in adapting the titles you carry. 
A knock resounds against the door, drawing out your attention. Immediately Eunjoo drops the clothes in her hands, right before she straightens up and takes a graceful bow. 
Her reaction is telling of who's at the door, so with pinched lips and a creased forehead, you turn around. 
He remains glued to the door frame, still adorned in his tailored black suit. Aside from the similarity in his put together appearance though, his shoulders are no longer hiked up in a noble stance, nor is there any remaining amount of warmth spreading through his eyes. Instead, he appears akin to how he was in the split-second before your ultimate union was official, the memory causing the skin of your cheek to slightly burn. 
Swaying from side to side, he hesitates to step into the room. 
“I see you’ve met Eunjoo.” He mentions. On cue, the servant straightens up, a huge smile on her lips. 
“I was just helping Miss Y/N unpack!” 
“Oh that’s nice, perhaps I can assist to‒” He isn’t able to finish his sentence, because the next thing you know you jolt at the sound of a loud crash that echoes through the room. 
“Master Kim!” Eunjoo immediately rushes forward, scurrying to help the fallen man. He instantly rises up to his feet and dusts off his suit jacket, but remains of glass are scattered all over the ground. 
He lets out a groan and Eunjoo sighs, “Master, you know you have to be careful.” She begins to quickly pluck up the shards of the vase, raising one up to eye level with a pout, “I especially picked this one out for your newly wedded wife.” 
At the mention of you, Namjoon instantly glances up, pupils shaking. “I-I can get you a new one soon, it might take around a week but if I put in a request now‒” He scrambles around for a moment, before checking the inner pockets of his jacket for something to write on in a haste. 
Unconsciously, a small smile cracks through the seam of your lips, increasing as he tries to intervene with Eunjoo to pick the shards, and she protests that he shouldn’t get his hands soiled with her errands. He eventually has to sheepishly stand to the side, staring at her defeated like a child that had just gotten scolded for misbehaving. 
Eunjoo eventually collects all the pieces and ushers herself out, reminding you of the pending family dinner you’ll need to attend in the evening. She leaves the room and you decide to resume unpacking, until you come across the realization that you’re not alone. 
“Do you need help?” He peers at your suitcase behind you, “I’m usually more capable with things that aren’t easy to break.” 
The abrupt proximity catches you by surprise, but you merely shake your head at his kind offer, “I should be fine, thank you.” 
He nods and you assume he’ll excuse himself after a moment, but he lingers and that’s when you crane your head over at him. 
Appearing to be in between a deep ponder, he snaps back into reality once your questioning eyes fall onto him. “Uh I‒” A lengthy sigh leaves his lips, “I know this is strange.”
You wonder what he's referring to until you notice him gesturing to the gap between you, “It’s strange for me, and it’s strange for you. We didn’t really have a choice in the matter.” 
He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck, a deep crease forming between his brows. You’re frozen in place, at a complete loss for words. 
He suddenly sucks in a breath, looking up to gaze into your eyes, “But I’d like to get to know you better….a-as my future wife.” 
Your eyes round and his declaration only receives dead silence in its awake. Flabbergasted, he attempts to correct himself amidst your prolonged response. 
“T-That doesn’t mean right away! We can take our time and I’m not expecting anything from you, so you don’t need to worry and‒” 
“I’d like that.” 
He freezes, “Wait, really?” 
You hum, a corner of your mouth lifting, “You’re right, it’s strange. But I’d like to get to know my husband better as well.” 
His eyes immediately sparkle, like you’ve said the very words he’s been aching to hear, “That’s great!” A breathtaking smile overtakes his features, “I guess I’ll see you at dinner then?” 
You nod with a smile,  and he departs, the euphoria never once leaving his lips. 
Evening draws near and long gone is the dilatory white piece of garment that’s forever confined you to your fate. Instead, it’s replaced with a delicate fabric of rose gold, perhaps to represent the luxury you have of being present in such a place or in the new beginnings that will soon follow you. 
Regardless, you prepare yourself. Although you’re simply arriving to dinner, there’s a family waiting at the table that you don’t know of yet. 
Eunjoo brings you down with her after putting your hair up and presenting a pair of matching heels your way. You’re wary as you walk down the spiraling staircase, barely balancing yourself on the elevated shoes. Luckily, Eunjoo notices and helps you down, but the split moment of relief is met with a jolt of surprise when you notice someone waiting at the bottom.
“I’ll take it from here, Eunjoo.” The women amiably bids. Eunjoo swiftly bows, mumbling something along the lines of Mistress Kim, before heading into the dinner room. 
You immediately whirl around, eyes on alert like a deer in headlights. She mirthfully smiles at you, carrying a warm tone in her eyes that feels familiar. 
“You don’t have to look so worried,” She reprimands, “I’m not going to bite your head off.” 
Your eyes widen even more, “I-I’m sorry?” 
She bursts out into laughter, concealing her ruby red lips with a hand that is glittering in assorted jewels. 
“Nothing, dear. I’m just teasing you.” You nervously laugh at that, and she places a hand against your back, guiding you forward. “Come, I’m eager to know what my son’s wife is like.” 
Politely nodding, you follow behind her and nearly freeze. If you had expected your bedroom to be astonishing, then you weren’t prepared for the enormous buffet that waits for you ahead. 
Pieces of food are scattered all over the decorated table, ranging from freshly cooked to foods you would have never imagined yourself eating. It reminds you of times your family could barely manage to have a decent meal for one night, lost scavenging for food that wouldn’t make your empty pockets hurt. 
You’re so lost in the thought that you don’t feel someone brush by you. There’s suddenly a warm hand planting onto your shoulder, drawing your attention with a smile full of dimples. 
“Do you want to sit down first?” He gestures to the table, where his mother sits next to his father and opposite to his sister. Embarrassed that you’ve been just gawking at the table, you hurriedly take a seat and so does Namjoon. 
Even though you’re only just sitting at the table, it seems like all eyes are on you, burning into your skin and tracing every move. The impending silence eventually does crack though, and it’s done by a person you would have least expected. 
“Is that chicken?” Namjoon’s father blurts out, his eyes following a tray one of the servants brings by. His wife immediately interjects, dismayed by his reaction. 
“Indeed,” She points a demanding finger at him, “But none for you, there’s a reason why your health hasn’t been the greatest as of lately.” 
He pouts at her response, longley staring at the dish once it arrives. The childlike display catches you a bit off guard, eyebrows raised. 
“That’s unreasonable though.” He suddenly looks in your direction, “What do you think, Y/N? Isn’t she being unreasonable?” 
The abrupt inquiry leaves you speechless, no coherent words manifesting at the tip of your tongue. His wife whirls around, cocking up a brow in his direction. 
“Why are you dragging her into this?” She faces you with a smile, “Y/N is the newest addition to our family so we should make her feel welcome, not bring her into such trivial matters.” 
The pleasant response astonishes you, but more so the mention of your inclusion. He lets out a sigh, acknowledging his wife’s sentiments. 
“You’re right.” He turns to you, “Y/N, why don’t you tell us about yourself?” 
His mother hums, “I’d like to hear about where you grew up, Y/N.” 
“Oh, it’s nothing really special,” You grow bashful, “I was raised in the outskirts of the country by my parents.” 
The two of them nod, intently listening to you, “Before coming here, I studied in the imperial academy for a while.” 
“Ah, involved in the industry I see.” He praises, “You must know a lot about how our businesses are conducted, right?” 
“Not quite.” There’s a strained smile on your lips, “I didn’t want to actively participate in it.” 
Although your answer seems to have taken both of them by surprise, his wife hums in approval. “So I’m assuming that was your personal choice?” 
When you nod, a giant smile stretches onto her lips, and she elbows her husband, “A gutsy one, don’t you think?” 
He smiles in retaliation, “Just like you.” 
She blushes at his sudden compliment, but a voice from afar breaks the two out of their daze. 
“Gross - we’re eating here.” 
Appalled at the feminine voice, you notice the young girl seated across from Namjoon, a deep frown etched onto her stern features. 
“Leave them be, Geongmin.” Namjoon coaxes his sister, but she lets out a grunt of disapproval in the midst of eating soup.
The corners of his mother’s lips turn up and his father faces you again, looking as if he had a million questions up his sleeve lined up just for you. 
Much to your surprise, the rest of the evening is spent exchanging pleasantries with them and keeping conversation light. There even comes a moment when both you and Namjoon end up reaching out for the bread basket, only to pull away once you discover your hands had ended up meeting halfway. As you grow bashful, you notice his mother smiling tenderly and his father chuckling at the abrupt affiliation. 
Once the evening begins to come to an end, you excuse yourself through the use of your own fatigue and request to head to bed first. They waste no time in understanding, with Namjoon’s father even wrapping a hand around his son and expressing that he needed to discuss some things with him anyway. 
You leave the room as he heads off with his family, granting you with some much-needed time and space. 
Treading back, you pause at the large wooden door that leads into your room. Your eyes briefly skim over the fine carvings on the wood, instead choosing to scrutinize the direction of your right and left side. A shadow casts over your pupils and your hand presses against the door, letting it slowly creak wide open. 
Step by step, you stroll inside and let the light fade out, replacing itself with only darkness. 
The moment the source of luminescence disappears, you move within a flash. The handle is locked, tugged at for a confirmation. There’s a speck of radiance coming from the small lamp you’ve turned on, enough to see the large suitcase you’ve brought get yanked out. 
Zippers are flying and the cover is ripped off. Clothes are frantically thrown astray, dumped into a careless heep without much of a second look. Your hands are weaving through the material and running rampant, eyes flickering with something akin to desire and alloyed with increasing unease. 
Once your hands meet with metal, a twinkle emerges within your orbs. The spindle of ore is unwound; detangling the material in a quickened manner. It looks distinctly similar to what one would use for electrical purposes, set with the intention of providing light in grim areas. 
Right. The intention. 
Unraveled, you cautiously drift over to the large window by the bedside and crank it open. Peering outside, there’s no glimmer or streak of luminescence meeting your eyes, only a dark, simple gray sky. 
Unconsciously a breath of relief leaves your lips and you reach out, reclining your body just enough to reach above and then below the window’s hilt. The instrument effortlessly blends in, appearing like a simple cable that’s been tightly strung around. 
You lean back and rummage through the luggage on the ground, pulling out a small plastic box that doesn’t appear to be much, but more or less, is the sole thing you couldn’t have departed without. With a small hinged click, it connects to the thin barbed string you just unraveled and right when a quiet buzz resonates through, does a smile tugs on the corner of your lips. 
A knock resonates through the box. Followed by another, and then another. It’s succeeded with a prolonged silence on your part, your entire body remaining in a frozen state. 
Static echoes and you let out the air you didn’t realize you were holding from your lungs. 
Within seconds, you are nimbly knocking against the box in repetitive notions. Your actions range from different types of knocks; heavy, light, twice the sound. 
More static echoes and your eyes immediately widen, hands balling up into tighter fists. 
A heavier one. 
“I have….” 
“...successfully infiltrated….” 
One last firm knock. 
“....the enemy household.”
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xaibaugrove · 3 years
Everyone in the Krew is Problematic
I was inspired to go on this rant by someone who recently brought up a question in a server I’m in, asking why so many people in the fandom seem to hate Mako and Makorra and why. This wouldn’t be the first time I defend Mako and it most likely won’t be the last, but it might be the first time I tear him and everyone else in the Krew down in the process, only to bring them back up. Hear me out though.
I think I’ve totally accepted that a lot of people in this fandom will always hate Mako and that I will have to perpetually defend him, I understand that this is the relationship I’ve chosen with this world. But what I still will never understand are the reasons why people hate/dislike him because compared to how much they love other characters in the Krew who honestly aren’t that much better than him (in some cases, even worse!), it doesn’t make any sense.
Let me also preface this by saying, I love these characters with all my heart and soul, probably more than I should love fictional characters, but this is the life I live and with that being said, I am going to tear them apart just to prove a point. Okay, here we go.
Most of his detractors list the usual criticisms, which are valid when isolated. He cheated on Asami, he lied to Korra, he was a terrible boyfriend and essentially he treated the women he claimed to love or care about horribly. Gee, it’s almost like the man was a teenager with no experience in having long-lasting, healthy relationships and was raised in the streets by gangmembers while doing anything to survive and provide for his younger sibling after seeing his parents killed right in front of him and suddenly being orphaned…
I think Mako has been torn down enough, so I won’t get too deep into the tearing down part for him. It really does baffle me how someone can claim to be woke and not comprehend how someone coming from poverty could possibly be a product of their environment. Like, does everyone think that poor people automatically have hearts of gold and turn out like Little Orphan Annie? Why are people surprised that when someone has a shitty life, they might do shitty things?
Also, sooo many people love Zuko, who actively tried to cause harm to Aang, Katara and Sokka numerous times, and sympathize with his troubled past. But like, sure Zuko had an abusive father and his mother peaced out of his life for whatever reasons but at least he had his uncle. Mako had his parents for maybe 8 years before they were murdered in front of him and then had...no one for the next 10 years? Except for Bolin, sure, but no other parental figure in his life. Dude literally had to become him and his brother’s own parent and joined a gang to survive, and after all that, the worst he does is acts as a bad boyfriend toward Korra and Asami and he is instantly thrown to the wolves. Something doesn’t add up. It’s just...I don’t get it.
Yes, the way he treated people was bad, but people can grow? That’s a thing humans can do. And he was a teenager, my god. No, we cannot allow our past to be an excuse for how we treat others, but we have to be aware that there is a growth process to being human. And being human in and of itself, isn’t pretty. You think Mako is problematic? Don’t get me started on your fave.
Ok, I love this woman to death but she is ridiculously problematic. She pursued someone in a relationship and essentially forced Mako to cheat on Asami by kissing him against his will, that’s already pretty awful and shows a lack of empathy on her part, also kissing people without their consent is no bueno. But also I just have to say it for the people who might not know this. One of the fundamental reasons why Makorra didn’t work was because KORRA WAS ABUSIVE. Okay? It wasn’t just that Mako was inadequate at relationships and didn’t know how to people, it wasn’t that she was secretly confused and wanting Asami the entire time (biphobia at it’s best) one of the main problems in the pairing was that Korra was crazy abusive towards Mako. Seriously, why don’t I see this more often in those discussions??
If we need examples, I have dozens. Honestly, it’s really easy to see how terrible Korra was to Mako, I’d actually argue that she treated him worse than he treated her. I mean, they were both terrible to one another, but in Korra’s case she went through the motions of being completely infatuated with your first teenage crush, getting with said crush, then crashing and burning once you realize that you have no idea how to treat a romantic partner so after the butterflies wear off you subject them to all the wonderful aspects of your anger issues. Not only did she scream at Mako during every argument they had, she also threatened him with bodily harm if she got really angry. Remember how their relationship crashed and burned in Book 2? Here are the things that Korra did during that time. Let me reiterate, this was not okay.
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Mako is visibly shaken by this!
This woman burst into her boyfriend’s place of work and violently kicked his desk out from in front of him with all his coworkers present. That is not normal behavior. That is a red flag. And after she came back, had amnesia or whatever and forgot they broke up after that scene, let’s not forget that Mako was legitimately Afraid to break up with her again. Korra made her partner frightened that they might suffer bodily harm if they upset her. Again, and I can’t stress this enough, this is not okay!
The little scene in Book 3 when Korra is lifting Mako like 100 feet off the ground with airbending while he’s screaming in fear just to make Asami laugh is cute, right? I’ll admit, I loved that little moment too, it’s one of the only instances of Korrasami development that we got, but also, there were sooo many things wrong with that scene lol. Not only does Korra terrify Mako for literally no reason, it’s also sort of just her continuing to exercise some degree of power over him for her own amusement. Almost like a subtle reminder to him saying, “I am stronger than you in every way and I can break your femur like a twig if I wanted to… but I won’t, so look how much fun we’re having!”
Now of course, there are reasons why Korra acts like this. She was isolated for almost her entire life and never learned how to treat people and be around people. The Avatar is human because they must live amongst the people they protect and that helps them develop empathy and cherish life. The White Lotus deprived her of that fundamental aspect of her duty as the Avatar and it showed throughout the beginning of the series. Clearly, she was young, didn’t see how her actions could negatively affect others and hurt the feelings of not just her partner but also friends and family (she was really awful towards a lot of people in her life!). But as the series went on, we see her having less outbursts and learning to control her temper more.
One can only assume that she does not have the same behavior with Asami because for one, I don’t think Asami would play that shit, she seems like she would electrocute a bitch in a heartbeat and not hesitate if needed, but also Korra is not the same shitty partner she used to be as a teenager. Again, kids do stupid things. Adults do stupid things. And we learn and we grow. Korra will probably make some more mistakes in her relationship with Asami. I don't think anyone can have one bad relationship and suddenly learn all the lessons they can from it and have a perfect one the next go around. I can totally picture Korra losing her temper and raising her voice at Asami if she gets frustrated and forgets who she’s dealing with. Managing anger issues is hard, I know this from experience, and it doesn’t magically get easier. Of course, if Korra does pop off, Asami would definitely put her in her place because she’s a bad bitch who doesn’t take anyone’s shit, next character.
You know her, you love her, you fantasize about her and you probably have her on your list of fictional characters you would totally bang if you had the chance (I know I do), yes, even your best girl is problematic. It’s interesting to me that a lot of people sympathize with Asami and very few openly criticize her (so few that I’ve never seen anyone say a bad thing about her). What’s there to criticize though? The poor girl was cheated on by Mako, had her feelings disregarded by Korra, who claimed to be her friend but pursued her then-boyfriend behind her back and then made up for it by simping for her for the rest of her life? Also her mom was murdered when she was just 6 years old, her father threatened to kill her once and physically abused her, then died right after they started repairing their relationship, essentially making her an orphan at the ripe age of 22. Suffice it to say, Asami has been through it.
So, how could she be problematic, you ask? Why, of course, through the classic Bryke technique of romance progression in storylines called Kissing People Without Their Consent
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To be honest, I did gloss over this with Korra, simply because there were sooo many other issues with that woman and I just couldn’t go through every single one in as much detail but that doesn’t negate how serious this whole sneak attack kissing thing is. Sure, Asami is very emotional and lonely and sort of desperate too, (it's a little sad, really) but Mako is clearly uncomfortable and completely caught off guard by the kiss. This is also the second time this happens to him in the series! There are a couple factors that might contribute to why Asami does this and acts this way, maybe Korra’s general awfulness rubbed off on her (don’t make a dirty joke) but this is still wrong.
AND that’s...pretty much it. Kissing people without their permission is a big no no, though. Not wanting to gloss over that, but Asami really is a good person who just did a not-so-great thing. Getting burned by Mako twice probably made her a little less inclined to be as forward with anyone though, and it looks like she now takes her time and is patient in her relationship with Korra. It even seems like Asami is the only person Korra is afraid to upset, as Korra does seem more gentle and calm when around her. And who knows? Maybe Asami living a life where a majority of the time she got whatever she wanted when she wanted it might have also influenced her to be more assertive or even imposing within her relationships.
If anything, those three fools getting into relationships with each other just showed how not ready they were to be in relationships in the first place and also how not okay they were.
Originally I titled this as “Everyone in the Krew is problematic (except Bolin)” but then I remembered that Bolin totally kissed a woman without her consent so I deleted the shit out of that!
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This asshole looks genuinely pleased with himself after essentially assaulting Ginger. Not a good look.
Sure, Bolin is baby. He will always be baby to me. But that does not erase the fact that he also actively supported a fascist dictator. Not only was the kissing without consent thing bad, but there’s also that. No matter how many times people around him warned him about the fact that he was on the wrong side of things, that he was helping someone who was putting people into concentration camps...Bolin wanted to believe the best of Kuvira. He ignored obvious signs that the woman was a dictator committing human rights violations like crazy and you know, there’s gotta be a reason for that too.
Maybe Bolin wanted to feel like he was doing something good for once. When you think about it, with his role as the comic relief in the Krew, and sort of constantly being infantilized by his older brother, I wouldn’t be surprised if the man developed some insecurity in his ability to do anything good or useful for anyone without screwing it up in some way. In Kuvira’s army, it seemed like he was actually taken seriously, he felt like he was doing something that mattered. Korra had being the Avatar, Asami had her business and mindblowing philanthropy (honestly, her ability to be as charitable as she is profitable is insane) and Mako had his police work (ACAB, tho). Bolin had...the role of being a joke. A superficial actor. A former pro-bending meathead.
Bolin lived his entire life following after his brother that once they were adults and Mako finally decided to live his own life for once, it left Bolin completely lost. And lost young men are perfect recruits for fascists.
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So, in conclusion, my whole reasoning behind destroying the integrity of my favorite characters is to prove a huge point. All of these characters are problematic. They have flaws, some bigger than others (looking at you, Korra. Just...wow), but ultimately, even if your fave is problematic... that’s okay. A lot of people, mostly younger people it seems, are really obsessed with being right about everything that they do and stan. And that’s a wonderful thing, so much change has come about by the younger generations calling out people who do fucked up shit, don’t want or try to improve, and get away with it. But it’s also caused a lot of people to be unforgiving and completely unwilling to acknowledge when people do improve and try to be better.
Personally, I love my problematic Krew because having issues that you’re constantly working on internally is human. It’s human to make mistakes, it’s human to grow from those mistakes. And it’s inspiring to me, who is wholly imperfect, to see myself reflected in fictional characters who aren’t perpetuating unrealistic ideals of human nature, characters who are messy, crazy and ultimately human.
As one of my favorite manga artists and queen of impeccable character creation Rumiko Takahashi once said:
“I think that perfect people are not very interesting.”
And I will always wholeheartedly agree.
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flowerwrites06 · 4 years
break my mind’s eye IV — jjk
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Plot: Jungkook thinks marriage is the only way to seal a deal.
Pairing(s): Druglord!Jungkook x Fashion Designer!OC (Name: Belle)
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Two Parter | Series
Parts: Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Special 
Word Count: 7k+
Genre: Mafia | Angst/Smut/Fluff
Tags & Warnings (for entire series): drug dealing, marriage through trickery, explicit smut, drug use, dubious consent, prostitution, miscarriage, lots of manipulation, impregnation through manipulation
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Three days passed since their reconciliation and it felt as if the layer of ice around them finally melted into a somewhat comforting warmth. Mornings rose with an innocent conversation on their jobs except Jungkook tried to keep things discreet while they were eating. Nights ended in peaceful slumber, on the few occasions where Belle would sleep on his chest or Jungkook hugged her from behind.
The heavy pit in her stomach elated soon after a couple of decent sleeps. Especially now that the designing process for the Spring Line was almost over. Madame Saitos’ dresses were incredibly rare because each piece of clothing was handmade save for a few trips on the sewing machine. Which is why the designing process comes with a time restraint to ensure that the most raw ideas spewed onto the paper. Of course tweaks here and there would always be required but that time limit created some of Saito’s most prestigious fashion museum worthy designs.
Since Belle designed around half of the finalized line, she would handmake her own designs and the news alone could keep her happy for the rest of the year. After losing an opportunity to see her designs on the runway a tear almost jerked in her eye getting that chance again.
Secretly though her favourite design she made this month was the satin white suit for her ever fashionably selective ‘boyfriend’. Belle saw the kind of suits in his wardrobe, burgundy velvet, black with golden vectors, silk deep blue and over half of them were Saitos’ original designs. She knew that this suit had to match the standard of his entire wardrobe.
This morning Belle stood in front of an ironing board, briefly smoothing out the textures of the newly designed trouser ensuring that minimal pressure was placed. Glasses slightly slipped down her nose with her hair in a loose bun. Her body draped in a fitted black long sleeve tucked into a khaki green midi skirt and a short scarf tied around her neck.
The woman had enough time out of her work schedule to showcase the suit himself. Especially since ‘Jeon Jungkook preferred private deliveries’ as Saito would say with a playful roll of her eyes.
From what she observed Jungkook came back to the mansion for a lunch time refresh and almost right on the minute, the sound of a car stopping rung in her ears. Something fluttered in her heart knowing whose footsteps grew louder as the corner of her lips curled up when the familiar male showed himself, a small smile directed towards her.
Jungkook muttered a few words about the car to one of the guards before walking towards her while the pants now laid out on the ironing board neatly. “You’re working at home?” Hands dug into his pockets, eyes flickered down to the soft white pants.
Belle smiled with a bright glint in her gaze before turning around and grabbing the open box. “I wanted to give it you properly but—” Partially bandaged fingers hovered over the fabric of the freshly ironed jacket folded with care inside the box. “Do you want to try it?”
Something jolted inside him seeing the woman look over at him that he couldn’t quite describe in any sentence. But he nodded nonetheless. Shrugging off his own blazer, Jungkook kept a close eye on the graceful way she brought the long back suit out displaying it in front of him first. The corners of his lips instantly curled seeing the familiar winged design on the back, similar color to the whole suit except it had a sheen like texture that glistened when brought into the light. A design that resembled one animal he admired the most next to dogs. “Phoenix wings?”
The girl nodding enthusiastically. “Yeah. It’s the first time I’m making a suit for you so–I wanted it to be personal.”
Her voice had turned so sweet in the past few days that Jungkook could melt by the sound at this point.
Belle walked closer and draped the blazer around him, letting his arms into the sleeves before it perfectly lay on his shoulders. As distracting as the measuring session was the woman managed to make the fitting as close as possible. “Is it comfortable?” When the male agreed, she felt a sense of accomplishment burst through her. Saito had her make and mend suits all the time when she was not named a ‘designer’ but somehow knowing this one was done well allowed for a tiny celebration in her belly.
Jungkook watched her beautiful eyes light up, that strange jolt sparking inside him again which he ignored for the time being. “I want to give you something too.” He glanced down at the magnificent blazer before looking up at her.
“What is it?” Belle watched him carefully shrug off the suit so the entire outfit could be placed neatly for the event it’s meant for.
Gentle hand wrapped around hers, Jungkook led her upstairs to their shared bedroom.
Once they reached the area Belle was made to wait on the bed while the male rushed into the walk-in wardrobe. The only thing she could make out properly were the sounds of rummaging through clothes and slight slamming of something wooden. Then his figure appeared again holding a small deep red velvet box in his hand. As soon as her eyes reached the object, her heart hammered before her mind could even catch up. It didn’t take an expert to assume what might lay inside the box as she had seen many like it for one particular occasion.
“I know it looks daunting.” Jungkook reassured as if sensing the thoughts rushing inside her mind. “A lot of deals tend to have paper contracts which we will get at some point.” He padded closer before kneeling down completely in front of her while she sat on the edge, his arms brushing against her knees. “But for now—I want to give you this. As a promise that I’ll never pull the rug from under you…ever. This agreement is as solid as the pillars of this mansion. Nothing will ever happen to it.”
Like a thin paper ripped out from her eyes Belle faced her true reality staring down at the now open box, showcasing a glimmering diamond ring. Growing up the woman had been one of those people who believed marriage was a sacred bond. A promise that two people would stay loyally and happily together till the end of their comforting days. Jungkook showed no sign of being disloyal nor did Belle feel any deep sense of unhappiness in these few days. Looking at the truth behind the veil seemed naïve in this situation knowing it would only make their ordeal miserable all over again. She couldn’t afford to be miserable now. Taehyung was getting better, taking his medicine and moving to become a better man and she had to stay strong to ensure that happened. He deserved to come out happier from all this just as much as she did.
So she smiled down at the male seeing a comforting shine in the ring now. Perhaps a sign of hope rather than some sensationalized sacred bond. “Which finger should I put it on?”
Jungkook chuckled, pulling the ring out and gently taking her left hand. In no manner of hesitation the ring was softly placed on her fourth finger fitted to near perfection. “I borrowed one of your rings to get the fit.”
“It’s beautiful.” She whispered. Her hand absentmindedly reached out to caress the skin under his white collar feeling a slight warmth. Leaning in, Belle pressed a tender kiss just on the corner of his lips before pulling away.
His breath choked in his damn throat feeling her soft lips; his hands almost wanting to caress every inch of her skin and forget about the rest of the days’ work. Though Jungkook respected that Belle understood they couldn’t. No matter how amazing the idea sounded. He merely let out a slightly shaky sigh before giving the beauty a smile. Unfortunately he had to look back at the watch knowing there was a meeting looming in the next half hour almost leaving an empty feeling in his gut. “I have to go back to work.”
Belle nodded, snapping herself back to reality. “I have to go too.”
Hesitantly unlocking their joined hands they both went to their separate locations for the rest of the work-day.
Another two days went by in a blissful rush as Jungkook and Belle grew friendlier towards each other to the point where they would even share laughter through jokes from work or childhood life. Belle found out that his mother worked at a magazine company in Beijing while his father ran the investment companies in the US. They were very hands-off parents when he was growing up so his aunt practically adopted and raised him which is why his personality differed greatly from his father. Though his tactics in this business were heavily influenced by him.
Jungkook discovered her parents had been more fond of a son than a daughter so she had to jump through a lot more hoops to be good in their eyes. Eventually it never worked, Taehyung took care of her most of her life so far. That is until her parents were killed in an accidental explosion at their place of work which led to her older brothers’ downfall. Belle’s uncle and aunt tried to take care of him from time to time while she worked at the boutique until at some point they grew tired of babysitting a drug addict.
The two never really had a person to truly share mixed feelings about their upbringing. Even if Belle had Taehyung, he would always somehow reel back and tell her that their parents loved them both equally. Which she knew fully well was not true no matter how much it felt comforting to believe it.
Though the deep conversations usually faded back into playful serenity again now more comfortable with each other’s presence than ever before.
In came the day of the garden party.
Belle dressed herself in a baby blue midi dress, the overlay adorned with the same colored flowers on a sheer material trailing down to touch her knees, crème colored hat to finish it off. The second event she was going to with Jungkook but this time no sense of dread passed through her nor any stress. In fact the woman wanted to see Jungkooks’ aunt wearing the gorgeous dress she chose for the occasion. And Jungkook wearing his own custom made suit.
A similar routine where she walked down the stairs while the white-suited male gave some instructions to the guards possibly about keeping an eye on the mansion while they were away. Then he turned to face her once she reached the center of the living room, a soft smile immediately tugging at the corner of her lips.
The extremely aware corner of her mind now buried itself under all the elation developed through the past few days. Some part already knew that this was a ruse. Jungkook was successfully gaining everything he asked for without barely lifting a finger and Belle truly had no valid choice to disagree. Though if that thought swirled around in her head for too long, it would start aching and this whole experience could fade into torture again.
Perhaps there was a comfort in pretending that his hand intertwined with hers radiated comfort rather than entrapment. The guards bowing to them and leading them into the car showed a sign of protection rather than no means of escape. Jungkook might think the woman a pawn but that did not mean she was one.
From where she sat in the car shoulder pressed to him and hands still linked, Belle imagined herself to sit at the far end of the chess board rather than the front as a mere pawn.
Once they reached the garden party the couple was welcomed with a vibrant burst of nature, people in colorful dress and bright suits floating through the bushes like pixies. Occasionally a photographer or two flashed their camera towards them but hardly anything intimidating like the previous event. Eyes almost immediately flickered over to them when they walked out of the car. Holding Jungkooks’ hand actually provided some kind of comfort knowing she was not alone and exposed to all these people.
Bushes shaped to represent different safari animals, crowds of pink, white and red roses all around coupled with fragrant jasmines and chrysanthemums. The garden looked almost endless from the sides. Belle noticed the large cherry and peach blossoms, little petals falling gracefully and a gorgeous mansion to pull the whole picture together. The building adorned a taupe sandstone with golden detailing similar to Jungkooks’ estate except aged a bit more.
“Darlings!” Boyoungs’ voice rung in her ears as the woman bounced towards the couple wearing a royal purple midi dress with some matching wrist gloves and a floral hat to top it off. Purple tinted lips stretched out in a bright smile, hugging the both of them with the same enthusiasm.
The older female led them to the main table where her husband sat with a few other family friends who welcomed her with an intrigued smile. Sitting under the shade of the laced line umbrella provided some cool away from the warm sun while they were served tea.
Boyoungs’ eyes immediately flickered towards the shining diamond around Belle’s finger and a small gasp caught in her throat. “Oh you proposed!” Her announcement ripped through the entire group and onto a few others outside of the umbrella as a rush of cheer passed on like a infection.
Belle merely smiled with her gaze fixed on the rose tea while Jungkook chuckled nervously. She hoped they would not ask for a romantic proposal story but they all seemed to just pat the young male on the back. Some of the ladies asked what kind of cut it was which the girl gave an answer from observation. It didn’t take long for her to realize that most of these people were probably arranged to marry. So the idea of any romantic story would be useless to them even though Belle and Jungkook were supposed to be a ‘love’ marriage.
Somehow the lack of her own froufrou story made it easier and harder to sit at the table. Belle politely listened to stories of awkward marriage arrangement along with an attempt to sound less hostile towards each other. For a minute she prided in being so good at pretending that her marriage was happy and full of light.
Though the pretense became exhausting really quickly. Her posture began to falter as her rose tea reached the end of its fill and the shade from the sun created cloud over her mind.
“Excuse me.” Belle spoke as gently as she could to the crowd. “I’m going to take a stroll.” She smiled getting up from the chair, chest feeling a little constricted.
Jungkook watched her in slight concern when she excused herself. Truthfully nothing about this conversation comforted him either. The whole idea of marriage, especially one that came from a business arrangement didn’t spark happy stories and it was a situation that some attendees at the table could relate to. The only thing he could do as a sign of comfort was touch her hand lightly which she squeezed in response before he watched her walk deeper into the gardens.
A couple of minutes passed and Jungkook grew tired of the conversations bubbling between his family friends so his eyes wandered to other attendees. Eventually his eyes set on one particular male, simple black suit with a silver necklace around his neck and blue lens glasses over his eyes.
Excusing himself from the table politely, he walked over to where the other male had been examining the jasmines. A few colorful pixies rolled in front of him and giggled when he gave them way until finally he was able to come close to a more reassuring face. Well second most reassuring to the one that just glazed through the gardens on her own.
“Didn’t know you were so fond of nature.” Jungkook smirked standing next to him.
“Well a lot of my supplies come from plants.” He shrugged, eyes merely scanning over the flowers and trees not really focusing on anything in particular.
“Technically they’re my supplies but sure.” He dug his hands into his jacket pockets, attention trailing and silently searching for a familiar blue dress. “Anything to report?” It was a regular, almost absentminded question at this point whenever he saw the male since he was responsible for most of the sells around this area.
Hoseok took a generous sip of tea before wincing as he stared at the decorative cup. “Rose tea tastes like piss.” He cleared his throat, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. “Everything’s fine so far. Clients are rolling in payments from all corners, some even paid in advance to ensure secrecy.” He placed the tea cup on one of the vacant tables before looking out in the gardens again. “Except a few regulars like Kim Taehyung still hasn’t paid.”
“I told he already paid all his previous payments.” Jungkook shook his head, brows furrowing.
“What about the one the five days ago?”
The younger male had to connect the dots for a few seconds as his forehead knitted. “Five days ago? He’s been in rehab for almost a fortnight.”
Hoseok shook his head. “Doesn’t look like it’s working. I remember all my sells.” He rolled his eyes a little. “Well I kinda just give it to Taehyung instead of sell.”
“You do know I could kill you for doing things like that, right?” Anger bubbled right up to his throat except not directed towards Hoseok.
“Hey you’re the one who told me to give younger clients a break.” He defended.
“I know.” Jungkook had the strong urge to tell him that Taehyung already paid the biggest price of all strolling around the cherry blossoms. “Don’t sell it to him anymore.” He ordered simply.
“If he asks again, send him to me. Don’t give him anything.” He seethed the last word spotting Belle now as a bright suited man walked up to her. It didn’t take long for him to recognize the familiar face even from this distance.
Hoseok stared at the male quizzically. No client ever received this kind of special treatment even to send some kind of a message. Hell if he wanted to send a message, Taehyung would have been dead in a ditch somewhere for police to scrap him off. Yet Jungkook wanted to keep the man alive for some reason. “Why—”
“Just…” Jungkook sighed trying to push his frustrations even though he wanted to explode right there and then. “…Just do as I say.” Eyes flickered back over to Belle again who was now conversing and smiling with the man causing a small twinge in his chest. “I’m trusting you to do this for me, Hobi. Alright?”
The older male still looked utterly confused but nodded nonetheless. “Of course, man. You’re the boss.” He pressed his lips together. “Now can you tell where they put the whiskey?”
Jungkook glanced around the party before leaning into him. “Ask the server with the blue flower on his breast pocket. They usually bring in secret batches for more important guests. The password is periwinkle.”
“Is that some kind of fancy slang for penis?” Hoseok winced.
He stammered already imagining Belles’ reaction to that statement being far more dramatic than his. “It’s a shade of—just go.” Jungkook couldn’t help but roll his eyes a little as the male rushed to find his source of sanctuary.
Boyoung was definitely on par with the seasoning of fashion since a garden party was the absolute perfect way to create inspiration for spring design. Granted this years’ line finished in its designing process, there was no reason not to take in the sheer amount of beauty. How ethereal would those peach blossoms look on a silk kimono or chrysanthemum detailing on a wedding dress. So many colours and designs all around her Belle had the strong urge to twirl like a little child in pure happiness.
But to keep up a decent appearance she merely smiled watching the cherry blossoms fall gracefully down to the ground. Hand held out the woman managed to have one land on her palm. That was when a voice spoke from behind her.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
She turned around to see a man with a wisteria shaded suit and a charming plump lipped smile. His chocolate brown hair parted to the side with eyes that expressed both kindness mixed into a little intimidation. “It is.” Belle smiled at the male before glancing back at the scenery again.
He took a small step forward. “I’m Kim Seokjin.” He stated holding his hand out which the woman accepted kindly after a moments’ hesitation. “The owner of the Sangria House.”
Belle only heard a few rumors about the Sangria House much like a person who evaluated life in a brothel based on assumptions and fiction stories. From what she knew, it had the mixture of a teahouse and a brothel but that was pretty much everything. Either way she smiled knowingly trying to be polite even though the girl had no intention in admiring a neatly dressed pimp too much. “Kim Belle. Nice to meet you.”
“With the murmurs I’m hearing, it seems Kim will be turning to Jeon very soon.” Seokjin smirked, glancing over his shoulder towards the flowing pixies all over the garden.
The woman tried to maintain the smile despite her prior momentary peace in the garden now being diminished. “Maybe not that soon.” She mumbled.
“Why do you say that?”
Her heart leaped slightly, the sudden urge to just spew out her whole situation in hopes that Seokjin would never be in her line of sight again. But the woman knew better to keep quiet especially since these attendees would probably not be that helpful nor would they find her ordeal abnormal. “I have a lot of other responsibilities right now.”
“Ah yes the new and coming designer for Saito.” Seokjin nodded, gaze lowered to his feet for a moment before looking over at her again.
Belle smiled politely feeling a sense of pride towards her workplace. Saitos’ outfits were rare so it was hard hearing about them from just anyone. Except from the way this man held himself and the reputation of the Sangria House, she knew Seokjin was not just anyone.
“You know, I had been wanting to order a few new dresses from Madame Saito as a refreshed décor for my angels.” Seokjins’ request lingered in the light breezy garden. “Maybe I could personally order you as my designer.”
A chill rushed down her spine either from the breeze or the fact he said ‘my designer’. Still the woman sighed lightly and smiled. The opportunity to create a contact was a literal dream come true. But the man did not know her designs nor did he see how she worked. Which gave the unsettling assumption that Seokjin was asking on his mere personal interest just by looking at and talking to her.
Belle heard a familiar voice call out as a flash of white strolled towards the two of them. Immediately a more genuine smile tugged at her lips when Jungkook stood, arm gently wrapped around her waist.
“Mr. Jeon.”
“Mr. Kim.” Jungkook’s fingers gripped at her dress for a second before smoothing it down. “I hope you don’t mind if I whisk away my lady for a minute.” It wasn’t really a question from the sound of his tone and when he was already pulling her away.
“Think about my offer, Ms. Kim.” Seokjin smirked.
Belle could only get the chance to nod before she felt herself being led off towards the mansion.
“Bit of a rushed interaction.” Belle remarked as they walked into the majestic building Jeon Boyoung called her home. Instead of crème, the mansion adorned a dark wooden interior with antique hand-painted portraits of what she assumed were ancestors of the Jeon family including a modern one of Jungkooks’ extended family. The large painting was the first thing people saw when they walked in, Jungkooks’ aunt and father sitting on chairs while their spouses and children stood on the far ends.
She could easily see the mixture between Jungkooks’ parents from his mothers’ soft round eyes and small pouty lips to his fathers’ sharp jaw and intimidating brows.
“You looked like you needed a bit of rescuing.” Jungkook replied simply with a shrug following her gaze up to the portrait.
“Oh yeah he was definitely ‘talking’ me to death.” Sarcasm seeped through her tone as she walked forward towards the wide entry hall having the strong urge to scream and see if there was an echo.
“Believe me that’s his superpower.” He tried to explain as well as keeping up with her slightly excited exploration. “Seokjin got his company to the highest ranks of the elite through his eloquence. Hell he even convinced me to invest.”
“So you invest in brothels.” Belle turned around to face him now, not really caring what he did in his work since it all could be listed down into a category of inappropriate. “Did you get good discounts?”
Jungkook chuckled. “Sangria House is not just a brothel.”
“Yes yes don’t think a girl working alone in the city hasn’t heard that before on the streets.” She raised a brow. “Let me guess…it’s a respected establishment with highly trained employees who get paid a fair wage. Did I forget to mention the highest bidder gets to take away a novices’ virginity? And the fair wage only exists if you’re a full-fledged angel. Oh and they get to wear pretty dresses.” Belle gave him an advertisement happy smile before walking carefully backwards.
“You’re telling me you’ve been recruited into Sangria House before?”
Belle shrugged nonchalantly. “I’m sure every person who looked unemployed enough has.”
Jungkook kept glancing behind her to check if it was safe enough to be walking like that. “Guess fate wanted you to come to this place one way or another.” He smiled.
“Ah so you did get a few investor gifts.” She turned back around walking towards the flight of stairs. “What were they like?”
His eyes trailed down her body when she bounced up the stairs feeling a quick tremble. “I’ve experienced better.” Jungkook quickly caught up to the woman and grabbed onto her hand to keep her close to him for a few more moments.
Belle smirked up at him trying to back away cheekily before her back hit the wall. “I think he had a good offer.” She muttered averting her gaze a little.
“Really?” He tilted his head placing his palm on the wall next to her head. “Do you have to wear a pretty dress to come with it?”
She playfully slapped his chest. “Not that kind of offer.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but admire her every little movement as if he would lose her if he missed a second.
“He wants me to design some dresses for his angels.”
“Are you going to agree?”
Belle shrugged soothing the place she slapped lightly. “He’s ordered from Saitos’ before so—should be a good contact.”
Jungkook only hummed in response.
“What?” The corners of her lips curled up already sensing what made the man look so uncomfortable at the prospect.
“Alright, I’ll just go back and talk to him again.”
Before Belle could prance down the stairs, Jungkook hooked his arm around her waist and pressed her back against the wall. One free arm leaned next to her head while he leaned down with a small smirk. “Everyone’s been talking to you today.” He brushed away the loose hair from her face before his arm wrapped around her again, making sure no space escaped between their bodies. “Maybe I just want you to myself for a minute.”
“I am an independent woman, Mr. Jeon.” She teased with a faint smirk. “You’re going to have to ask nicely.”
Jungkook smiled as she played with his sharp collars. “May I—please have you all to myself for a minute, Ms. Kim?”
Belle hummed, taking her hat off and wrapping her arms around his neck. “Just for a minute.” She acknowledged in a whisper.
All he needed was her say and his lips magnetized onto hers, tasting the brownie she nibbled on earlier. Palms rubbed over the soft fabric of her blue dress to her bare arms and the back of her neck, sliding down to where he could feel the curve of her plush peach. Almost a week had passed since they last touched each other in this manner but Jungkook burned up so much, he could surpass a furnace. Kisses trailed down to her jawline.
Pausing on a soft patch of skin on her neck he bit onto it humming in satisfaction when she gasped lightly. Jungkook could listen to those sounds on a record player if he ever wanted to find peace when she was away. He couldn’t help her squeeze her whole body a little to ensure that this wasn’t all a dream. But the heat radiating together told no lie.
Soon frustration seeped in as the clothing around her felt too restricting causing his hand to sneak under the skirt of her dress. A satisfied sigh brushed against her lips feeling how warm her bare skin felt against his own almost lulling to a transient relaxation. Like nothing could go wrong at this moment.
“We can’t do that under a minute.” Belle giggled, noses nudging against each other as they intoxicated themselves in each other’s breathy laughter.
“I just missed touching you.” Jungkook whispered feeling his mind far too blurry to care about putting up a wall and sounded more calm about this situation. He loved feeling her against his skin. So much so that he had rub his hand up her hips, torso and breast after sneaking out of her skirt. Every crevice drove him insane.
Her core pooled at the firm brush against her body, lightly touching her nipple before he gently grabbed her by the neck. Eyes closed unable to focus on anything else in the hallway even if she tried, her lips practically parting on its own for Jungkooks’ tongue to explore her mouth once again.
“Jungkook! Belle! Aunt Boyoungs’ calling!”
Jungkook groaned under his throat making Belle chuckle at how desperate he got from a few naughty touches in their momentary privacy.
Fixing her dress to make it look proper again, the couple walked out holding hands towards the party with a new air of joy around them.
Patience had always been one of this strong suits. A trait many men of his stature lacked so when he excelled at it, respect for him shot up through the roof. So why was it that he could not keep his hands to himself whenever Belle so much as stood next to him? Merely a day passed since the garden party and Jungkook had already kissed every part of her face whenever he got his chance in the morning.
It didn’t help that the woman had a talent in noticing when someone was literally trembling to feel more of her. She got ready wearing nothing but a thin, satin robe causing her slightly plump thighs to peek out of the clothing. The man had to physically turn his head away so he could focus on putting his tie on without looking like a toddler doing it for the first time. Even then he still pecked her temple and cheek when he stood behind her.
Even when she finally left for her work, her small goodbye kiss lingered on his lips for most of the afternoon which meant he had to space out for a few seconds during meetings before finally answering any questions or making any demands.
Then a call rung in his phone while he sat in a car on his way for a check-in at the warehouse.
Hoseoks’ name appeared on the screen.
Heart sinking down to an abyss, Jungkook answered the phone. “What is it?”
A sigh passed from the other side of the phone. “He came back again. I’ve sent him to you now. He’s on the way to the mansion.” Hoseok sounded just about as helpless as Jungkook felt when the two quickly ended the call not wanting to waste any more time.
Postponing the check-in, the driver took him straight back to the mansion a little quicker than he was legally allowed to but they reached before Jungkook could groan in frustration. He wanted to get the whole situation over and done with. Dealing with client was already frustration as it were on a normal day but now more than ever he wished he didn’t throw away his pack of cigarettes already.
Not that it was his fault anyway since Taehyung decided to ruin the entire deal in less than a month.
Once inside the mansion Jungkook saw the hooded man on his knees with four guards surrounding him in front of the dormant fireplace. Shrugging off his blazer he slammed it down onto the floor before stomping over to him. He spotted the mans’ blood shot eyes and chapped lips, skin glistening in sweat. When he finally stood before him, a deafening silence lingered in the air.
This was what would have happened. Taehyung on his knees ready to accept his bloody fate for taking advantage of his long trained patience. The man had the shaking urge to continue with that plan. It almost worked until he remembered the soft linger on his lips again. “How long have you been taking it?” He asked in a grim tone.
Taehyung hung his head, lips pursing together.
“I asked you a question.” Jungkook spoke through gritted teeth, feeling his final nerve being tugged at.
“Couple of days.”
“A week is not a ‘couple of days’” His fingers curled up into tight fists. “And you had the gall to ask for more? Did you even finish it all?”
“I—I didn’t ask for that much.” His voice was meek under his breath.
Jungkook scoffed turning around for a moment to catch his fiery heaving. “You didn’t ask for that much.” He repeated the statement in his own mind and felt the lava flooding past his control. When it reached the peak of the volcano, one of his fists swung across Taehyung’s face, a crunch sound touching his ears.
The male cowered on the floor, hands over his nose as blood trickled through his fingers and his eyes looked more bloodshot than before.
“This isn’t a buy and sell anymore, Taehyung!” His voice echoed throughout the walls of the mansion. “Do you even realize your little sister lives here now? Because of you!” Jungkook spat watching Taehyung struggle to get himself back up again. “You think she’s here just so you can continue scrapping drugs for free?!”
“You’re the one who made the deal in the first place!” He shrieked through his hands.
Jungkook grabbed at his hair, forcing him to look up at the male. Blood drenched him from his nose down his neck but it only angered the man further. “I only made the deal because I thought you’d do anything to make sure your sister was safe. Even if it meant facing the real world without anything numbing you out.”
“Jungkook…” He heard a familiar murmur from behind him almost making his stomach jump up to his throat. Before he could turn back to see, the floral dressed figure already padded closer to the scene, eyes flooding with tears.
Despite the ache in his heart, the male still let go of Taehyung roughly to limp back onto the floor. “Tell her.” A growl sneaked within his voice. “I want you to tell her what you did.” He gestured towards the woman.
Belle hesitantly walked and knelt down in front of her brother as he tried to get up again. Her hands held onto his shoulders just until he was on his knees as well. A sob caught in her throat seeing the blood smeared on her older brothers’ face. His blood drenched hands attempted to hold her somehow but only ended up staining her skin and some of the lighter flowers on her black background dress. “What happened?” She whispered.
Taehyung lowered his head, biting down his bottom lip to conceal a small sob.
“Tae—” A little annoyance flew straight to her head thinning her patience to near nothingness but to be the cool headed one in the volcanic pit made from the living room, she kept her voice calm. “Tae, please answer me.”
“I couldn’t—” He sniffled, gripping onto her arms. “I couldn’t do it.”
She pressed her lips together as the tears jerked out of her, streaming down her light berry colored cheeks. Immediately the woman shook her head before wiping them away. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay.” Jungkook argued. “He had a responsibility.”
“And you made a promise.” Belle met his gaze with a subtle tremble in her tone, getting off the floor. “Addiction isn’t just going to go away.” Her voice rung soft in his ears as she padded closer to Jungkook instantly melting away most of his fury. “You could’ve done the absolute worst to me, it was still going to take time.”
His eyes twitched a little feeling the ache on his knuckles a little too prominently, desperately wishing he took a small puff of a cigarette prior to this meeting. Jungkook glared back at Taehyung who already looked like he was going to pass out from the one punch before he looked at Belle. Everything felt so much better in these few days. He saw her smiling more often and playing around that now watching her face drenched in tears and her neck streaked with blood made his chest clench in immense pain. “He’s going to stay here from now on.” He declared struggling to keep his voice steady. “We’ll have nurses and guards looking after him until he gets better. There’s no chance of him sneaking out anywhere.”
Belle watched the male gesture towards his guards who grabbed Taehyung firmly and led him towards another room through the hall next to the bar. Silence plunged back into the room as the woman tried to meet Jungkooks’ gaze again. Even if she tried to form them, no words managed come out of her. She did not know whether to be thankful or just more exhausted about this whole ordeal; the ring around her finger now felt heavier than ever.
Jungkook walked towards the bar. With a loud sigh, the male practically threw a glass onto the table before roughly pouring some golden liquid to the brim and taking a generous swig.
In small hesitant steps she stood behind the counter. Grabbing a cloth and drenching it under a tap, Belle wiped off any residue of blood on her neck and arm.
“How’re you so calm about this?” Jungkook asked solemnly.
Who knew that simple question could cause a thick lump in her throat. “I’m not calm.” Fresh tears gathered at the brim of her eyes while she cleaned out the towel again. “I’m just tired.” She sniffled feeling an invisible but heavy weight on her shoulders that she couldn’t get rid of even if she wanted to. “Really tired.”
Jungkook watched her from over his shoulder trying to drink another sip to get rid of that ache in his chest again. A few maids walked out of Taehyungs’ new room with some old sheets and bloody cloth, bowing to the two of them quickly before excusing themselves. Once the room only consisted of them, he pulled out another empty glass.
“I don’t drink.” Belle muttered, standing next to the male in front of the counter.
He turned back towards the small fridge behind them and reached inside for a plastic bottle with some red liquid inside. “You like cranberry juice?”
She nodded after a moment’s hesitation. The right corner of her lip twitched a little as Jungkook filled her glass up halfway. “Thank you.” She whispered, gently holding the crystal before taking a shy sip.
Jungkook sighed leaning on his elbows against the table, eyes scanning the now empty living room. “I’m really tired too.” He murmured. “It’s not really 9 to 5 job like it looks, you have to—mold it with your personal life and let it run you until finally…” He held up his glass. “This kills you… Fun old life, isn’t it? Violence, alcohol and—”
“Not really getting much of that lately.”
“Don’t expect it tonight either.” Belle took a more generous sip. “Maybe next time beat people up in a warehouse like all the normal crime lords.” She gestured towards the empty space in the living room. “That was the second time.”
He looked at the empty space again with an added annoyance before hanging his head, scoffing. “You couldn’t have told me that earlier?”
She had a tiny smirk curled up her lips before leaning to press a warm kiss on his cheek. “That’s what you get for punching my brother.” She whispered. “Too bad though.” Belle looked down at her outfit. “I really wanted to show you something.”
Jungkooks’ eyes immediately trailed down her form again, fingers twitching. “Showing me something isn’t technically sex.”
“Nice try.” Belle patted his back before leaving him in own heated mess to go upstairs. “Good night, Mr. Jeon.”
Once again he was left watching the beauty walk away from him and all he could do was take in every inch of her body and every strand of her hair until it drove him mad. If the alcohol didn’t kill him, she might just.
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literate-lamb · 3 years
Man of the House | five
Sam Wilson/fem!Reader, dark!Bucky Barnes/fem!Reader | 18+
A visit to your landlord uncovers a past.
► word count: 3.6k
► warnings(!): injuries, masturbation, hallucination. this is a dark fic.
|| Series Masterlist ||
A/N: A bit of a slow chapter but we’re nearing the end lads! 
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𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝔼𝕝𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟
“We’ve checked everything, sir.”
It was hard to believe. There must be somewhere they had overlooked. Something felt amiss, you knew it.
“There were no signs of a forced entry. Everything was locked. Well, except for the balcony doors, but she had opened those.”
Had they checked the attic? The basement? He was there in the parlour windows, and the next, he was at the bottom of the stairs, close to the front door. You refused to believe he had came in easily, as if he had apparated in.
“The door she claimed the assailant kicked showed no damage whatsoever.”
That was impossible. You had heard it. You watched it shake as he demanded entry. You had  felt  it, the vibrations from his heavy boots passing through the floorboards. If there were no marked footprints, there should’ve been at least a splinter in the wood.
“We’ve received complaints like these before regarding the Rogers’ house, but we can’t really do anything when there’s no evidence. A ‘ghostly’ touch on the ankle can’t be taken as evidence.”
And just like that, your case was dismissed. Your encounter, taken with a grain of salt. Your experience, dismissed as a mere ghostly tale.
You had almost wanted to show them the purples around your neck. To take off the makeup and show them, to pass them off as evidence of an assault. But with no recollection of the event, and no solid evidence, you refrained. It would only backfire; not only towards you, but towards Sam as well.
“Thank you, officers. For all your help, but we can handle it from here.”
It was a long night and it ended when the officers had left. They had searched your house, taken your statement, and calmed you down. They were polite enough, listening when you recounted your harrowing experience, giving you comfort in the form of a shock blanket. However, their quick dismissal left a sour aftertaste within you. The disheartening feeling of being seen as a hysterical woman. 
You only had Sam who believed. You hoped he did.
“Sam, you believe me... right?”
“Of course, baby. Of course.”
Too shook up after last night’s incident, sleep evaded you until the wee hours of the morning, all the while curled up next to your saviour. He had soothed you, a protective arm at all times, giving you time. He never left your side throughout the night.
Now, huddled under the warm comforter of your guest room, you played last night’s events on loop. Heart palpating by even the sight of your bedroom door, Sam had decided a switch was in order.
At the end of the bed, Peaches laid in a white loaf by your feet, softly purring. She was a comforting presence, the heavy weight a reminder you weren’t alone. A guardian angel in her own way.
The day came and went faster than you could register.
In the morning, Wanda had came by with Vis to check up on you. She was worried after your abrupt goodbye on the phone and she was right to be. You missed their visit, being at the forefront of sleep. The warm serving of Paprikash you had for lunch was the sole indication of her visit.
Tony and Pepper had called and sent a large bouquet of colourful assortments with a ‘get well soon’ card attached right to your doorstep. They had heard from Sam, who had taken the duty of taking messages and answering your calls for you, citing your need for rest. Both had expressed the desire to visit, unfortunately corporate obligation had swamped them both.
In the late afternoon, Sam had came in with snacks in bed to soothe your cravings before dinner. He had prepared a few biscuits and fruits and made the grand gesture of feeding you with grapes. 
“Some folks in the area actually came by to give these to you,” Sam said, shooing a hissing Peaches off the bed. Those two will never get along. “A Mrs Proctor and her grandkid, said you’ve met before at her shop. Seems like you’ve been making friends.”
You hummed, confirming the information. It’s been a while, yet you still remembered your little visit and the incident. Warm, welcoming grandmother and her sour, distrustful grandchild. But after your harrowing experience, you came to realize maybe the teen had known something; it wasn’t just a tale told to scare teenagers off the property on Halloween.
If the both of them knew, then the whole neighbourhood knew. It isn’t a secret when the local police visited you in the middle of the night. Word always traveled fast in small neighbourhoods.
“She sent her regards and hope you’ll come visit soon,” he continued. “Her grandkid told me to relay a message to you too.”
You eyed him, prompting him to resume.
“She said ‘all the best’.”
There was no help coming for you.
 As the Sun slowly descended into the horizon, you received your last visitor at the end of the day. He came to the house while you were in the bath, finally having the energy to rid off the grime from the last horror. 
You scrubbed your skin until it felt raw, the stinging a reminder to stop. You watched as the water swirled down the drain, bringing with it the impurities of the previous night. 
You began dressing, the dark turtleneck a warm choice against frigid Autumn. Wiping the fogged up mirror, you stared at your reflection, observing your state. Your skin was deadly pale with dark rings concentrated beneath your eyes; a perfect representation of a troubled person.
Carefully rolling down the collar, you gently thumbed the delicate skin of your neck. What was once a large bruise had shrunk, covering you in patches. They were now a faded purple with a tint of green; a sign of healing. 
They disgust you.
Your stomach churned looking at them. They were a reminder of a fog: thick, dense, a swallower of memories. You stared at them hard, racking your mind for a smidge of something, for anything. The longer it took, the uglier they became.
You unconsciously wrapped a hand around your neck, covering the ugly bruises from sight. It felt familiar, yet foreign. Slowly, you began putting pressure, firmly squeezing the sides. You felt an amounting rush.
You sat yourself on the opened toilet seat, back resting against the body. With the unoccupied hand, you hastily pushed your skirt and underwear aside. You worked yourself, rubbing your clit and running fingers down your lower lips, spreading your gathering slick. You let your mind stray away, forgetting the upsetting contusions, driven by only pleasure. 
Mewling, you pleasured yourself, knees in the air. More and more, you squeezed thoughtlessly, cutting your airways to chase that building pleasure. You let your imagination wander; visualizing thicker fingers spearing you and heavier palms circling your throat. Intermittently you’d pull out, slapping your cunt while envisioning rough digits handling you. You didn’t envision the physique of anyone, just the feel of a touch. They were familiar, kept in the back of your mind like a hidden memory. You were sure they were not that of your boyfriend. 
You were becoming dizzy, high off adrenaline from your asphyxiation. Nearing the tipping point, you quickened your ministrations until you finally snapped. Your thighs quivered as you came crashing, gasping for oxygen as you released your hold. Slick painted your thighs as they trembled. Eyes brimming with tears, you eyed yourself in the opposite mirror. You sighed, lost in blissful delirium; the sound of a woman spent.
Your bliss was short-lived when a knock came on the bathroom door.
“Baby, you okay in there? Your landlord came by for a visit, he just left.”
The tenor of Sam’s voice startled you, grounding you back to reality. You sprung up, adjusting your clothes and making yourself seem proper. Thighs still shaky, your legs felt like putty as you tried to stand up.
“In a minute!” you respond.
When you’ve deemed yourself decent enough, you opened the door. Sam’s toothy smile greeted you.
“My girl’s lookin’ all fresh and smellin’ beautiful,” he whistled. 
“That’s silly,” you laughed, hitting his chest. Sam grabbed you by the waist, pulling you closer to plant a kiss on your lips. 
“How are you?” he asked.
“Feeling slightly better.” It wasn’t a lie, but it wasn’t closer to the truth either. “Being taken care of really did wonders, I want this to last forever,” you kissed him again. “Just the two of us.”
“I’d love that as well.”
It was quiet for a time, the both of you lost in a peaceful bliss. Foreheads touching, you both focused on the moment; taking in the scent of your partner, hearing the beat of each other’s heart, and overall enjoying being in the other’s company. If given, you would prefer to stay like this forever. The beating of his heart, it grounded you. This was your safe place. 
Minutes passed and you were both still locked in each other. It took a sudden loud thump in the ceiling for you two to part.
 You quickly jumped away, horribly spooked. You were on high alert, fidgety, and distraught. The loud noise triggered your flight or fight, leaving you frantically searching for the source.
“Look at me, look at me,” Sam called your name. He grabbed your shoulders, rubbing your forearms in soothing circles. “You’re fine. Breath, you’re fine. I’m here.”
Sam guided your breathing and you followed his rhythm. After a while, you were calmed once more. It was obvious you were still spooked, a second thud confirmed it when you shot up at the sound. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Sam’s soothing voice cooed. “Would it make you feel better if I checked?”
You frantically nodded. Sam hastily strided through the hall with you close behind. He pulled the attic hatch but it wouldn’t open. 
“It’s stuck.” 
Sam tried again, giving it a pull a few times. On the strongest pull, it finally relented, revealing the ladder. As it slid down, a large heavy object came tumbling along with it, thudding by your feet. Sam picked it up and upon closer inspection it was an album. The word “Memories” greeted you; it was the photo album you had found a week earlier. You felt a cold run through you.
“Now, what do we have here.” 
He flipped through, stopping on the wedding photo of Mr Rogers and his wife, their fading faces smiling at you. Photos of their vacations, anniversaries, and holidays passed.
“Seems that he had a fulfilling life.”
Sam continued flipping before stopping on an older photograph. It showed a younger Mr Rogers and a brunette man with his arm slung over the shorter blonde. You immediately paled, recognizing this man. The same hair colour, except shorter. The same steel blue eyes, except brighter. The same chiselled cleft chin.
It was no doubt, this man was your  intruder .
You felt the temperature plunge upon your realization; wondering why he had seemed familiar. Panic began to consume you as Sam continued to flip through, the blue eyes in each photo seeming more sinister than the last, haunting your subconscious. 
Sam stopped when he noticed your trembling. Your eyes were glassy as you stared at the photo of the brunette decked in a peacoat.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Sam asked, worried.
“T-this man,” you pointed to the photo. “It was him last night.”
“Are you sure?” Sam closed the album, giving you a concerning gaze. “Do you need to lay down?”
How dare he. He didn’t believe you. After everything, was it all pity?
“Yes, I’m freaking sure!” you shouted, tears spilling over. “And I do not need to lay down, Sam. I’m perfectly fine.”
It was tense from there. None of you spoke for a while. You could see a shine of regret reflected in his orbs, softening your anger by bit. Despite his reserved apprehension, he had saved and later, attended to you. He didn’t deserve your fury.
“I-I’m sorry for shouting, but why would I lie about this Sam?” you sighed. You were tired. “I don’t know who he is or if he’s even alive. I’ve never met him, but it seems like my landlord has.”
“Do you want to see him? Tomorrow?” Sam asked. “I can arrange it.”
“Yes, please,” you pleaded, giving him an empty smile. “Ghosts or not, I need answers.”
“Okay,” he slipped the album beneath his arm. “Let me check the attic first.”
Sam had checked every corner twice before climbing down. There was nothing unusual, saved for the coincidental album.
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 𝔻𝕒𝕪 𝕋𝕨𝕖𝕝𝕧𝕖
The wet concrete was a hazard as you exited the car. Fall brought in cold winds as well as the small drizzles and showers here and there. The smell of rain mixed in with mud was high as you and Sam took deliberate steps on the pavement. 
The mailbox was a rusted red with ‘Rogers’ scrawled in white, the lawn an immaculate green spread that showed its upkeep. Opposed to the grandeur and foreboding nature of your rental, Mr Rogers’ abode was a small little thing. It looked old and worn, with a browning chimney and paint chipping off its sides.
You rang the doorbell and waited. Soon, Mr Rogers greeted you and welcomed you both in.
“Come in, come in. Make yourselves comfy, it’s not much but it’s home.” he ushered in. “Please, take a seat. I’m making some tea in the kitchen. It won’t be long.” Mr Rogers disappeared, leaving you and Sam time in his living room.
Similar to the exterior, the interior was just as worn, with the lumpy couches and yellow staining the ceiling. This house had seen better days but you couldn’t deny the certain charm. Off to the side of the living room, a fireplace stood, its mantle littered with framed photographs. You took a step closer to observe them. 
There were many photos of Mr Rogers with his wife, but there were equally the same amount with that of this elusive ‘James Barnes’. All of them were of the brunette with shorter hair, clean shaven, and lean; a contrast of the man who had grabbed you. A feature that stood out were his eyes. They looked hopeful and bright in these, the opposite of what you’ve seen. You shivered at the memory of locking with them through many mirrors. 
“I hope you’re both fine with regular black tea.” The older man came in, carrying a tray of bone china tea set and finger sandwiches. He poured you each a cup, placing them on the coffee table.
“It’s more than fine, sir,” Sam took a cup. “Thank you for your hospitality.” 
It was quiet for a moment with everyone sipping their tea. You sat beside Sam on the lumpy couch to the opposite of the older gentleman. You didn’t know where to start.
“I heard of what happened,” Mr Rogers started to your relief. “Officers Matthews and McCray phoned me in the morning. They’re probably exasperated, those two. Always getting calls about my house.”
“Enough about that, I should be asking you about your well-being. How are you doing, dear?” he asked, giving you a forlorn expression.
The blues of his eyes began to change, taking on a much more steely quality. His platinum strands darkened and lengthened, becoming dull and greasy. His frail body began bulking and doubling in size. The wrinkles of his skin disappeared, pulling taut over his cheekbones. 
He was morphing, taking on the figure that haunts you.
In his place was your monster.
 A nudge surprised you, pulling you away. The face of your nightmare nowhere, Mr Rogers remained in his armchair.
“Hey, you alright?” Sam shook you, concerned. “We lost you for a minute there.”
“Um, yeah.” 
You looked at him, eyes vacant. You turned towards the older man, he gave you the same look of concern. 
“It’s nothing, just thought I— Sorry, it’s nothing.” you gave a nervous chuckle. 
“Is there anything I can help with?” Mr Rogers asked, refilling your cup. “I know this is far from just a friendly visit. From my experience with past tenants, I understand if you want to leave. And don’t you worry about the deposit, I’ll give a full refund. It’s the least I could do.”
Relief filled your chest at hearing those words. This wasn’t what you had come here for, but it was a welcomed balm to your already tumultuous mind. It was one less thing to worry about.
“Thank you, Mr Rogers,” you said. “But that’s not actually what we’re here for.”
Signalling towards Sam, he uncovered the photo album from a canvas bag. You took it and carefully set it on the coffee table, spreading it open to a portrait of a brunette soldier. 
“We’re sorry for bringing this here, but it dropped from the attic when we opened the hatch,” Sam explained.
You watched as the elder’s fingers ghosted over the lettering of the man’s name;  James Buchanan Barnes . They were light, careful, afraid of ruining the piece of antiquity. 
“Mr Rogers, can you tell us a bit about this man?” you asked, desperate for answers. “Were the two of you friends?”
It took a while before he answered, eyes never taking off the photo.
“Bucky was my best friend. We grew up together in Brooklyn and he always had my back. Though, he was always neckin’ with a dame once in a while,” he mirthlessly chuckled. “He was always there.”
“When my ma contracted TB and passed, Bucky always helped. Late on the rent? He’ll cover it for ya. Low on food? He can cook.” 
He flipped through the album, recounting every tale that came with a photo and you let him. This was a man who missed his youth, left for only time to claim.
He recited how they went to Connie Island and how he threw up after riding the Cyclone. The many dance hall dates that left him for his friend. The many tales of how ‘Bucky’ had saved his butt in alley fights. The war they spent together fighting in Europe, defeating Nazi base after Nazi base. The war where he returned the favour of becoming ‘Bucky’s’ saviour.
“Bucky was all I had.”
 He stopped at the last page, where a photo of them in uniform in the snowy mountains stood. 
“What happened to him?” Sam asked.
A long stretch of silence filled between the three of you, not readying you for the answer you were to receive.
“He died. Fell off a train in the Alps. I never saw him again.” 
And it was back to silence. A beat or two passed.
“What’s this sudden interest in him?” the elder man asked, accompanied by a mirthless chuckle. “I didn’t think I’d be reciting his tale again after so long.”
You flipped the pages back to the portrait, stomach becoming queasy as you prepared to tell your tale.
“This man,” you paused, pointing at the photo. “He’s the one that came into the house the other night.”
“How…? Are you sure?” Mr Rogers’ breath hitched. “He’s been long gone for 75 years.”
“We’re not sure how,” you started. “But I have a theory.”
Sam handed you a flimsy folder. You opened it, taking out clipped pieces of paper. Most of them were screenshots of blog posts from previous tenants, recounting their part of the story living in your current residence. There was a similarity in their retellings that you noticed.
“These are some of the blog posts I managed to find on the house.” You arranged the papers on the coffee table, making them face the elderly man. “Sorry to sprung these on you, but I noticed a consistency in the hauntings that tenants before me have experienced.”
“Go on.”
You let out a breath before continuing, ”In each of the stories, everyone has said that they’ve seen an apparition of a man.” 
You pointed to the highlighted texts, their descriptions of an encounter similar.
“Sometimes in an army uniform.”
You turned to the portrait film of ‘Bucky’ in his World War II uniform.
“And sometimes in a blue coat.”
You flipped to the photo of Mr Rogers and ‘Bucky’ on the Alps. It was too good of a coincidence.
“So, what you’re saying,” Mr Rogers put two and two. “Maybe it’s his spirit that has been haunting the house all along.”
“That’s a way to put it,” you confirmed.
He seemed to still be taking it all in. A conflicted expression on his face, full of sadness and worry. Minutes passed and everyone started to move on, with the elder steering the conversation away. You thought it would take time for him, after the sudden resurgence and recalling of a traumatic past. You thought he would have more questions. But he surprised you and Sam by bouncing back, carrying the conversation with the fond memories of his past. It seemed a bit odd, but you put it behind you.
 The both of you ended up staying over for dinner. 
“Won’t you keep an old man company? It can be quite lonely since I don’t have kids of my own.”
The evening flew faster, with Sam and Mr Rogers exchanging military stories over plates of spaghetti. They bonded over their shared experience, with you chiming in questions  once in a while. You looked on in fondness, enjoying the time spent. Maybe you could do it again.
When it came time to leave, you both thanked Mr Rogers for his hospitality. You slipped him an invitation to have a meal at the house some time. However, before you could leave, the elder stopped you, a hand gripping your shoulder.
“Sorry dear, I needed to know. This theory of yours,” he said, forehead creasing. “You don’t believe in them, do you?”
You were caught in surprise by his sudden line of questioning, having thought of already getting past it. Nevertheless, you answered.
“Maybe I’m starting to have a change of thought.” 
And finally, you were no longer in denial.
A/N: Next up: The Witch’s Visit
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kingwuko · 3 years
Wuko in the Comics: Ruins of the Empire, Book 1 part 2
Welcome to my series of posts discussing Wuko in the Comics. In this post I'll continue to discuss RotE Book 1. There are some... interesting moments in the second half of this comic, including a very famous line that all but confirms canon Wuko.
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Plot Summary
Fearing that Guan will use violence to stop the election, the Krew decides to bring Kuvira along with them to Gaoling, hoping that she can talk him down. When they come face-to-face with Guan, however, they discover he does not intend to use violence, but will run in Gaoling’s election. The Krew decides the best solution is to find another candidate with enough public support to defeat Guan fair and square; and they decide to ask Toph to run. It is revealed, however, that Guan does not intend to win fair and square. He’s planning to brainwash Gaoling’s citizens to vote for him.
Major Plot points in the second half of Book 1
We start off right away with the Sauna Scene. Everyone looks excellent. The ladies' sauna wear is lovely. Mako and Bolin have their classic swim suits seen in season 1. Wu is literally just wearing a towel. I found myself googling saunas and steam baths to see if it’s normal to wear swimsuits or just a towel, and everything I read said pretty much anything goes as long as you are comfortable, but I do find it interesting that everyone wears swimsuits except Wu. Maybe because he does steam baths more often and he’s just more comfortable in that setting? He seems pretty confident and not at all shy. I don’t have anything analytical to say about it, I just think it’s an interesting detail, that he doesn’t seem to have any hang-ups about being nearly naked around Mako his friends.
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They are discussing Guan’s militaristic movement toward Gaoling, and tossing ideas around to handle the situation. Mako not-so-helpfully suggests using force with the united forces which Zhu Li shoots down right away, not wanting to escalate the situation. Wu agrees and wants to find a peaceful resolution. Korra, remembering her conversation with Kuvira, thinks she has the answer. She proposes bringing Kuvira along to Gaoling, which NOBODY is happy about. Asami is upset because she made it clear earlier she does not want to be in the same room as Kuvira, Bolin is distressed because Kuvira nearly had him killed when he defected from her inner circle, Mako points out that he nearly lost his arm taking down the mech, Zhu Li says she invaded republic city, Asami reminds everyone that Kuvira killed her father, and Wu boldly declares that we can’t forget she ruined his coronation… He quickly reads the room and apologises (character growth?).
Korra acknowledges everyone’s concerns and points out that she truly believes Kuvira can be an ally- she was their ally when Zaheer was trying to kill her and the airbenders; and when her spirit vine weapon ripped open a new portal to the spirit world, Kuvira thought she had died and Korra believes that changed her. Bolin points out that Kuvira is very persuasive and may have a good shot at convincing Guan to stand down. Everyone is convinced and declares their support for the plan.
Zhu Li orders Kuvira’s release and Korra brings her onto the airship taking them all to Gaoling. And, I’m sorry, this frame is like, the bitchiest collective look from Mako, Wu, Bolin and Pabu. I just love it.
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They initially plan to restrain her, but decide it’s pointless when Kuvira points out if she wanted to escape that she would have already. They arrive at Gaoling and there’s no sign of Guan and his army. Kuvira is certain he’ll be there, and points out that she needs to change so she doesn’t meet with him looking like a prisoner.
Korra and Wu go to meet with the election candidates. Their portraits are on the wall and it’s revealed that the candidates are both elderly magistrates who have been working in the local government for a long time. They are practically indistinguishable from each other, which causes Korra concern. Wu isn’t happy about it either, he was hoping the elections would bring in new leaders to take the earth kingdom in a new direction. Instead, it looks like nothing will change in Gaoling or the rest of the earth kingdom if things play out the same way. They are both disappointed but Korra is optimistic that this is the first election and over things will improve as they iron out the political kinks
Back in the flying machine, they give Kuvira an outfit of Asami’s that is…. Like I can’t put it into words. I’ve never seen asami wear it and that is a shame. The word that comes to mind is “Dapper”. Like is we saw Asami wearing it when they first introduced her character literally everyone would have predicted Cannon Korrasami and immeadiately said “yup Asami’s gay straight women don’t dress like that”. Slacks, a collared long sleeve shirt, with a grey vest over top. Just like, amazing. I am so disappointed we never saw Asami wear this. Someone point me to a fanart of Asami in this outfit that canonically belongs to her please.
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Guan arrives and Kuvira tries to talk to him, which goes about as well as you’d expect. So she tries to appeal directly to his troops and urges them to surrender, and they all say in unison “Hail Commander Guan!”. So Kuvira decides to challenge Guan and beats the crap out of him in a punch that looks like something directly out of a WWII propaganda poster or something.
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Kuvira is literally about to kill him by bending the metal collar around his neck when suddenly Asami electrocutes her with some device she had hidden in the belt she gave Kuvira.
Once Mako and Bolin drag Kuvira away, Korra attempts to reason with Guan and tells him she won’t let him interfere with the election. Guan then reveals he has no intention of interfering- he plans on running in the election! He immediately turns in all the necessary paperwork to be on the ballot. He informs the Krew that soon, all the upcoming elections will have Earth Empire representatives running and once they have power in every territory, no one will question the Earth Empire's right to rule.
They reconvene back on the airship, where Kuvira is detained in the platinum box. They explain to Kuvira that she was wrong to provoke him, but right that he is an excellent strategist. Mako then tells Wu that he should just call off the election. Wu replies “Mako, you know I love you, but I’m trying to encourage democracy. I can’t just go around canceling elections because I don’t like one of the candidates. We need to see how this plays out”
Yes. “Mako, you know I love you”
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We’ll discuss that at length in a bit.
They decide the best path forward is to find a new candidate who is popular enough to beat Guan. Korra excitedly suggests Toph. Which, like, wouldn’t have been the first person to come to mind for me, but I guess she’s the only person they know who is originally from Goaling? But everyone seems on board, except presumably Toph because she doesn't like to get involved in worldly affairs… So Korra announces they will just have to convince her!!
We then cut to Guan's encampment, where he is discussing Kuvira’s actions with a Doctor Sheng, observing that Kuvira just isn’t the same, and that the Avatar has corrupted her mind. The doctor suggests they “recalibrate” Kuvira’s mind and leads him into a structure where she shows him their latest “recruits'. We then see Goaling citizens tied up in chairs with devices on their heads. They are being brainwashed to vote for Guan! Yikes!
Mako and Wu Scenes
The Sauna scene
The meeting that took place in the sauna was at the behest of Wu. He said he was very stressed out so he couldn’t miss his steam bath. I know there are lots of jokes about Wu being high maintenance because he needs his spa days or whatever, but he is in a highly stressful situation right now and we know that self care is essential to maintain one’s mental health and in order to perform one’s job well. I think this was an interesting way to weave together his seemingly superficial hobbies with his new maturity and responsibility. I really loved this scene for that (though seeing all the hot people in sauna-wear is a bonus).
Also there is a recurring thing where Mako is just offering the worst advice to Korra. He wants the United Republic, a completely separate Nation from the Earth Kingdom, to just.. March into another country and ‘enforce’ their democratic process??? Like…. If you know anything about world history and current events we know that is awful and wouldn’t be received well and would be a recipe for political instability and long term conflict. Thank goodness everyone is like Mako no. I’m pointing this out because, as much as we think of Wu as being immature, irresponsible, whatever, the reality is that he has a level head while Mako is actually giving the irresponsible solutions here. It’s a really interesting evolution from the infamous Wu meltdown scene where Mako was the voice of reason, but here things have reversed.
Also, I want to point out the moment where Wu backs down after he adds his grievance to the list everyone is giving (She ruined my coordination!), it’s kind of played for laughs but like… Wu has a totally valid reason to be upset on par with everyone else, considering Kuvira had him drugged and kidnapped…. Why wouldn’t he have said that? Well, the simple and obvious answer is- the writers wanted to make a “Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking” joke. But since us fans like to give depths to the characters that they deserve, maybe Wu is genuinely traumatized and just doesn’t want to bring it up. And maybe everyone knows he’s traumatized and doesn't want to bring it up, because no one else is like “Wu, did you forget she had you drugged and kidnapped???” They just give him a look and he’s like “LOL oops sorry should have said my thing first!!” maybe Team Avatar understands that it was a really scary moment for him and they just let him shield himself with humor.
I know it isn’t isn’t exactly a strong Wuko moment, but the bitchy look that Moko, Bolin, Wu and Pabu give to Kuvira in the airship breathed life into me for some reason. I’m loving how they look like a group of mean girls who were just badmouthing Kuvira before she walked in. I think they were having a nice bonding moment before this.
Mako, you know I love you
Ok. So after Mako casually mentions just calling off the election, Wu flat out says “I love you” to Mako. This is a line us Wuko shippers just DIE for. The full line is as follows:
Mako: I say you call off the vote, at least for now. Make it impossible for Guan to win
Wu: Mako, you know I love you, but I’m trying to encourage democracy. I can’t just go around cancelling elections because I don’t like one of the candidates. We need to let this play out.
So. Like, what the heck are we supposed to make of this?
I’m not going to dig too deep and force my own interpretations and headcanons onto you. This I love you could mean a number of different things. I just want to pose some rhetorical questions about it and the context to give us all some things to think about.
Is Wu flirting? Does Mako actually know that Wu loves him? Is this an extension of Wu’s many other instances of flirting with complimenting Mako (on par with ‘my big tough guy” while staring at his ass)? Has Wu said “I love you” to Mako before? How many times has Wu said “Mako I love you” before? Is this evidence of them actually being in a romantic relationship during this comic? Or is it evidence of romantic tension building? Is Mako just totally oblivious to the fact that Wu said I love you? Or did he hear it and his brain blue-screened from the shock of being blatantly told I love you? Has Wu just gotten fed up that Mako seems oblivious to all his previous flirtations and he just decided to up the ante? Does Mako love Wu back?!
Lots of questions. Lots of interpretations. But (as far as I remember) Mako has only said I love you to two people- his brother and Korra (I don’t think he said I love you to Asami but I could be wrong). And if you’ve read this you know that Mako’s relationship with Wu is not brotherly. We’ve never heard “I love you” from Wu toward anyone else that I can recall so I don’t think he makes a habit of throwing the phrase around lightly. Also, worth noting: Literally no one reacts to the casual “I love you”. Everyone just goes on with the conversation at hand. The next frame that we see of Wu and Mako’s faces together, Mako is SMILING at Wu.
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So like, he’s clearly not uncomfortable with being told that Wu loves him. And no one else is uncomfortable with it either. So what gives? Are they together? Are they flirting? Is everyone else just like “yup Wu said I love you Mako nothing out of the ordinary here because it’s painfully obvious Wu is into Mako, let's move on, nothing to see here”?
Wu and Korra
One thing I LOVE about these comics is the friendship between Korra and Wu. During the series, Korra tolerated Wu, warming up to him a bit at the very end when he told her his plan to abdicate. But through these comics there seems to be a comfortable familiarity between them. A bit of teasing, loads of moral support, and not a hint of her (or anyone) being super annoyed by him. He also doesn’t hit on her or anyone else except Mako, which is a very refreshing character growth because it was very tiresome to watch him objectify women in the animated series.
Korra and Wu spend a good amount of time together as she accompanies him to Gaoling’s city hall. They seem very comfortable with each other, comfortable enough that the writers included a fart joke.
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Korra reassures Wu when he expresses worry about the election being pointless, she steps forward somewhat protectively when Guan shows up- the entire scene with Guan, Korra is standing between him and Wu.
Basically I bring this up because I genuinely love the idea that Korra and Wu are close and friendly, that they have moved on from his cringy behavior from the series (I like to think he apologized to both her and Asami?)
What this means for Wuko
If you are writing fic or just coming up with headcanon, there are two ways to look at the scenes. Either they are in a relationship, or they aren’t. You could easily just say they are in a relationship and are being quiet about it, because they aren’t ready to be fully public, or maybe because they are still figuring things out, or they are waiting for Wu to abdicate and move back to Republic City, etc. “You know I love you” is such an easy piece of canon content to make this your headcanon.
Likewise, one could say they are Not Together right now. Pre-relationship, if you will. Maybe they’ve danced around the idea, discussed feelings without actually getting together. Or maybe they are still clueless that there is a potential for a relationship. Wu might be putting out feelers to see how Mako responds to his flirtations. Mako might be wondering if he’s misinterpreting Wu’s affectionate touches and words. Lots of romantic tension, pining, each wondering if the other one has any feelings.
I also love the idea that Wu and Korra are friends and have discussed or will discuss Mako and Wu’s feelings for him.
So, in summary, Wu loves Mako. It’s canon. It’s right there in black and white. Make of it what you will!
Next post I will discuss Wuko in the first half of RotE Book 2. Wu goes on a life-changing field trip with Korra to meet Toph and confront a swamp-vision of his Late Great Aunt, while Mako gets captured and brainwashed by Guan. Wu and Mako are not together during these scenes but there will be lots of wonderful Wu backstory along with plenty of angst potential from the brainwashing storyline.
Wuko in Turf Wars
Wuko in RotE part 1
71 notes · View notes
jabbagabba · 4 years
La La Land
Read Prologue, One
Warning ⚠️
Triggering subjects: disassociation, manipulation, mind control, gaslighting (READ AT OWN RISK)
Wandavision: Spoilers (up to episode 7, just to be safe) cheesy sitcom talk, the fifties, the ‘dinner table’ scene, The nickname ‘kiddo’
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Oh, Kiddo
“Uh oh.” You didn’t need to check the recipe book to know that cookies weren’t suppose to make smoke invade the inside of the oven.
“Still better then the last batch.” Wanda said, a small cough falling from her mouth as you tipped the burnt treats into a small bin under the counter.
The sight of the now empty tray made you sigh sadly, the burnt pieces of dough was going to take decades to scrub off!
“I’m sorry about the tray.” You let it drop into the sink. “I promise, as soon as mom comes back, I’ll get you a new one.”
Wanda scoffed playfully, a point of her finger making the tray levitate in front of her. “Don’t be silly, kiddo!” You watched in awe as it turned back to its shiny silver. “I have an amazing cleaner.” You both giggle.
“Well I should at least do the dishes myself.” The sight of Wanda trying to argue made you hold your hand up in silent protest “No, no. You aren’t the only one who has hands.”
“You wash, I dry?” The perfect compromise.
The kitchen fell into peaceful silence except for the bubbly soap that filled the sink. It was the perfect start of a new day (maybe not for the oven) and you couldn’t help smile at the warmth that swelled through you.
“Busy hands make the heart grow fonder” Your mother’s words echoed inside of you as you finished the final dish.
The thought didn’t stay for long before the sound of a plate breaking made you jump, turning quickly as it hit the floor.
“My wife and her flying sources.” Vision quipped as the last of the shattered plate fell off his shoulder, dressed in a respectable suit and dress shoes.
“My husband and his indestructible head.” Wanda replied with a teasing smile. The perfect couple was a sight to behold as you grabbed the glass from the air above her and placed it back in the cuboard.
“Aren’t we a fine pair?” Vision gave his a wife a small kiss on the head and turned to you with a small smile. “Good morning, Kiddo.” You greeted him, drying your hands on the skirt of your dress. “I’m starting to think you came with the house.” Wanda chuckled.
“Mom will be back soon, I promise, the house will be teenage free before you know it.”
“Oh, don’t be silly!” He lets the newspaper in his hand slide across the countertop. “I’m only teasing.”
“What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee?” Wanda’s words made your mouth water, it felt as though you hadn’t eaten in days and a full breakfast was just what you needed.
“I say. ‘Oh, I don’t eat food.’” He smiled.
“Well, that explains the empty refrigerator.” Her words confused you. There wasn’t even the carton of milk you were sure was there earl-
“Wanda?” Vision’s voice snaps you out of your thoughts, she simply hummed in question.
“Is there something special about today?”
“Well, I know the apron is a bit much, dear, but I am doing my best to blend in.” You watch as she crosses the kitchen.
“No, no, there on the calander. Someone’s drawn a little heart right above today’s date.” He lets his chin rest on her head while you move closer to see. Sure enough, there it was.
“Oh, yes.” Wanda said with tense shoulders. “The heart.” She looked over at you for some guidance, the confused look she saw didn’t help calm her nerves. “Well, don’t tell me you have forgotten, Vis.” She turned in his arms with a look of accusation and hands laid on her hips.
“Forgotten?” He scoffed. “Oh, Wanda, I’m incapable of forgetfulness. I remember everything. That’s not an exaggeration. In fact, I’m incapable of exaggeration.”
“Well, then tell me what’s so important about today’s date.”
You had to stifle a laugh when you looked at him; mouth blown out like a fish and eyes wide, a stern look from Wanda made you cover it with a cough.
“What was the question again?” Vision turned quickly. “Oh, well. Perhaps, you’ve forgotten yourself.”
“Me? Heavens, no. I’ve been so looking forward to it.” You let Vision pass you, choosing to keep to yourself and take a sit at the table.
“As have I.” He said proudly with arms folded. “Today we are celebrating...”
Why were you so hungry?
“You bet we are...”
Why were you always, so hungry?
“It’s the first time we....have ever celebrated this occasion before.”
“It’s a.... special day!”
Something doesn’t feel right
“Perhaps an evening... of great significance...”
Can you feel her clawing?
“Kiddo?” Her voice makes you jump in your seat, letting out a small hiss from hitting your knee underneath the table. “You alright?”
“I...” Silly you, always dozing off. “I’m just peachy keen, Wanda!” A series of knocks on the door makes her pause and you’re quick to stand. “I’ll get it!”
“Oh, you don’t have to do that...” She trailed behind you, a polite smile on her face as you open the door.
You barley grab the large plant that’s shoved in your face, the woman breezing past you with her hand out.
“Hello. dear, I’m Agnes. Your neighbour to the right.” Wanda lets out a awkward laugh but takes her hand anyway. “My right, not yours.” She’s loud and very, very talkative. “Forgive me for not stopping by sooner to welcome you to the block. My mother in-law was in town, so I wasn’t.”
You pull the plant away from you with a huff. Wanda gives you an apologetic look, grabbing it from your hands, both of you watching as Agnes makes her way through.
“So, what’s your name? Where are you from, and most importantly, how’s your bridge game, hon?”
Very talkative indeed.
Wanda laughs as she crosses the room -leaving you to close the door - and sent Agnes a friendly smile.
“I’m Wanda.” She gestures to you over the woman’s shoulder. “And we call her ‘Kiddo’.”
“Easier that way.” You add as you smooth out your skirt once more, choosing to sit on the edge of the couch. Agnes turns to you with a smile.
“Oh, I’m sorry dear!” You wave her off with another friendly smile. “Wanda, Kiddo, lovely names for two lovely ladies.” You all share a small giggle.
“Golly.” Agnes’ eyes scan the room. “You settled in fast! Did you use a moving company?”
“I sure did.” You wanted nothing but to rip off that stupidly large bow off that equally obnoxious plant, but you didn’t want to be rude. “Those boxes don’t move themselves.” Agnes chuckled and you were itching to move it from the table Wanda placed it on.
“So what’s a single gal like you doing rattling around this big house? With a daughter no less.” You and Wanda were quick to explain.
“I’m not her daughter.” You move back as her dress skirt fills your vision, looking over at Wanda. “Just visiting.”
“I’m married.” She added with a gleeful shine in her eyes.
“Oh, I don’t see a ring.”
“Well, I assure you I’m married.” She covers her hand with the other. “To a man. A human one and tall.”
Agnes was a very suffocating presence; her dress bold and checker patterned, your polka dots looked rather bland compared to it and when she took a seat next to you - practically in your lap at one point of readjusting - you had never felt so small.
“As a matter of fact, he’ll be home later tonight for a special occasion. Just the two of us.”
“Oh, is it someone’s birthday?”
“Not a birthday.”
“Well today isn’t a holiday, is it?”
Were there any holidays in March? You - like most days - were left completely blank.
“No, it’s not a holiday...” Wanda’s hands fidget, you couldn’t help but join, opting to pick at a thread on your sleeve.
Today was.... hmm, what was today? You tried to remember if Vision or Wanda spoke of anything special, but nothing really stood out from the crowd.
“An anniversary then?”
“Ye... yes!” The relief on her face was almost comical. “Yes! It’s our anniversary!” Agnes couldn’t hide her excitement, grabbing your hand mid pull of the thread and held another one for Wanda to take.
“Oh, how marvellous.” She turned forward, putting both of your hands in her lap as Wanda joined on the couch. “How many years?”
“Well, it feels like we’ve always been together.”
“Lucky gal.” Agnes shook your hand with a smile. “Isn’t it just, having such a wonderful influence like that?” Wanda blushed. “The only way Ralph would remember our anniversary is if there was a beer named ‘June 2nd’. “ At least she was entertaining, right? “So, what do you have planned?”
“How do you mean?”
“For your special night. A young thing like you doesn’t have to do much, but it’s still nice to set the scene.” You and Wanda shared a glance as Agnes turned once more. “Say, I was just reading a crackerjack magazine article -“ She gave you both a playful slap on the thigh as she stood. “- called ‘How To Treat Your Husband To Keep Your Husband,’ and let me tell you, what Ralph could really use is, ‘How To Goose Your Wife So You Don’t Lose Your Wife’.”
Maybe you were just a bad judge of character or you were simply just insecure, but Agnes, to her credit, had quickly found a way to pull on your hearstrings in a perfect way.
Or maybe she was just very funny.
“Hang on. I’ll go grab it and we can start planning.” She turned to you before leaving and pointed a perfectly manicured finger. “Now, I hope you don’t have plans, Kiddo! Suducing a man is a lesson no school could teach you, Though a pretty gal like you shouldn’t need a whole lot.” She laughed and you couldn’t help but feel the warm rush to your cheeks at the compliment. “Oh, this is gonna be a gas!”
With a final giggle and smile, Agnes was gone. You moved closer to Wanda as she let out a happy sigh.
“Before she comes back,” She turns to you fully. “- can I throw that horrid plant out?”
“-and you don’t have a song? Nothing special you played at your weddding?” Agnes asked, the magazine sitting on her lap.
“No, nothing special.” That seemed to be the go to answer for Wanda; no song, no inside joke and not even a favourite date. Maybe that was the new era of marriage?
“I’ll just loan you some records then.” Agnes said before pointing to the notepad in your hand. “Mark that off the list, Kiddo.” You nodded and did just that. “What are we up to?”
“We’ve got wardrobe, music and...” God, you had horrible handwriting. “Oh, decor!” Agnes let out a happy hum and looked back at the article.
“Hmm... oh, what about seduction techniques?”
“Oh, I have those.” The loud chuckle made Wanda frown, suddenly unsure.
Agnes was really good at that.
“Of course, you do.”
“Just out of curiosity, what does it say?” You both leaned in, the chair you were sitting on unfortunately made it impossible to see over her shoulder.
“That you should stumble when you walk into a room so he can catch you. It’s romantic.”
“Any other tricks?”
“You could point out that the death rate of single men is twice that of married men.” She suggested with a smirk.
“Now, that’s romantic.” The shared laughter is quick to die down when the phone rings. “Oh.” Agnes hands you a glass of apple cider, a small enough glass to blur the moral line of underage drinking, and raised hers with a grin.
“Drink up, dear.”
“Vision residents.” Wanda said politely over the phone, the voice of her husband making her grin. “Vision, sweetheart.” You had to stop yourself from grimacing at the bitterness of the drink, not a hint of apple was in it. Alcohol was truely disgusting.
“Don’t worry, dear. I have everything under control.” She turned towards you both with a knowing smile, debating whether or not to wrap the cord around her fingers like the giddy school girl she felt like.
Agnes took another sip and clicked her tongue. “Oh! I knew you looked familiar.” She said, adverting you attention. “You’re Lori’s girl, aren’t you?” You couldn’t explain why your stomach dropped. “Lovely woman, real smart cookie. Didn’t she want to be an actress or a.... hmm, oh....um -“
“A journalist.” The bitterness of the cider in that moment seemed like heaven, and you downed the rest in one go. Agnes giggled and nodded.
“That’s right, a journalist, very modern.” The conversation died after that, instead filled with tonight’s plan for Wanda. But even when you laughed and giggled along, deciding which record of Agnes’ to put on, that pit of dread remained.
You just wanted to know why.
So maybe baking wasn’t your strong suit, or even a decent hobby, but you did know how to set a mood. The candlight that filled the living room and the smell of vanilla (Agnes had enough of it to make you dizzy) was just the right amount of sweetness and romance.
“All done!” You call with a proud smile on your face. You turned as Wanda peaked her head out from the kitchen door.
“Aw, Kiddo, what would I do without you?” She had her hair curled to perfection, and makeup that made her look like a porcelain doll. She was the perfect wife and you had to admit, Agnes was right about you taking notes. “Are you sure you’ll get home okay?”
“I’ll be fine.” You grab your coat from the dining chair and give her a final smile. “Have fun.” She disappears back in the kitchen and you try to hide the knowing smirk on your face as you hear the front door. “I know, I know, I’ll be gone in two min-“
“You never told me you had kids.” A male voice, one you had never heard before, interrupted you. Your coat buttons were long forgotten as the couple strolled in; Vision looking just as horrified and confused as you.
“I... uh.”
“I didn’t know you were joining us for dinner, Kiddo.” Vision said with a nervous laugh. “Mr. Hart, this is my...”
“Cousin. Just flew in.” You can’t stop your hands from fidgeting as Vision nods.
“Yes! Yes, my cousin, Kiddo.”
“You’re name is ‘Kiddo’?” Mr. Hart is hostile, and his wife has to slap his shoulder when he glares at you.
“Oh stop it, it’s a lovely name.” She steps from behind her husband and lets out a small gasp. “Oh, how every atmospheric.” You forced a polite smile, blowing out one of the candles when she turns.
“What’s going on here, Vision? You blow a fuse?”
“Why don’t you take a seat...” You are quick to grab onto Vision’s hand and pull towards you with a smile. “And we’ll go and fetch the lady of the house.” Vision almost trips on the way to the kitchen behind you, you were a lot stronger then you looked.
“What’s going on?” This was not at all what you thought was going to happen. Maybe you had too much cider? “Where is she?” Vision didn’t wait for you to answer, already out of the kitchen before you could even think of a answer. “Wanda!” She was only there a moment ago.
“Vision.” Her smile fades to horror and she’s quick to move her hands away from Mr. Hart. “Oh! Oh!” She looks back and fourth from Vision and the Harts. When she caught glimpse of you, she nearly fainted, covering her chest as her cheeks bloomed a bright red.
“What is the meaning of this?”
“Well, what is... yeah, what is the meaning of...” His stammering wasn’t helping, at all, to calm anyone’s confusion. “Oh, the meaning of it! You want to know the meaning of it.... and the meaning of it is that this is the traditional Sokovian greeting of hospitality.” Wanda nodded, quickly making her way over as Vision covered her eyes. “Guess who?”
“Is that my host behind me?” She faked a laugh and you chose to find interest in your shoes.
“It certainly is.”
“Lovely to make you acquaintance.”
“Yes!” You wished the floor would suck you down to a hole in the ground, the awkwardness almost suffocating. “See, I forgot to tell you my wife is from Europe.” You look up with a grin as Vision put a hand on your shoulder. “And... so is my cousin.”
“Oh, how exotic!” Mrs. Hart said with a grin of her own, how on earth did they buy that?
“We don’t break bread with Bolsheviks.” Her husband grumbled.
“Oh, hush, Arthur!” She slapped his chest playfully with a chuckle. “Have you no culture at all ? And that dress!”
“Yes! It’s... “ Vision can’t help but take a double take at his wife’s appearance. “It’s so... Sokovian, Is what it is! Yes!”
“Can I just see you in the kitchen for a moment, sweetheart?” Wanda was light and fast on her feet, making sure to pull the fabric from a lamp before going to the kitchen.
“Oh, Yes!” Vision gestures to the candles and follows his wife.
You turn to the couple, with the brightest smile you can muster.
“Please.” You say with arms wide. “Take a seat, make yourselves comfortable.” The minute they reach the couch and sit, you get to work on the candles. You only get five done before Vision barrels through the door.
“Can you help Wanda? She’s just... “ Mrs. Hart glances over her shoulder with an eyebrow raised. “- finishing dinner.”
You are quick to excuse yourself.
“Oh, where is she?” Wanda tightens her apron for the third time, eyes glued to the door. She had changed from the silk, now wearing a modest evening dress.
“Oh, thank heavens!” Agnes had barley even walked past the window and Wanda, wasting no time, opened the back door wide. “Oh, Agnes! You’re a life-saver.”
“What kind of housewife would I be if I didn’t have a gourmet meal for five just lying about the place?” Both you and Wanda grab for the various tins and trays, trying to save the poor woman’s arms. “Not that Ralph ever wants to eat anything but baked beans which explains a lot about his personal hygiene, mind you.”
“I can take that.” You weren’t expecting her to drop the large pot so carelessly, not being able to catch it in time as it hit your foot with loud bang on the floor. “Ow.”
“Oh, my!” Agnes dropped to her knees, wiping off your shoe and picking up the pot and lid. “Butter fingers.” You chuckle and wave it off.
“It’s okay.” She gives you a bright smile and placing everything properly on the bench.
“- sure she’s absolutely fine in there!” The sound of Vision’s voice booms through the kitchen, a warning that made you both flustered.
“Oh, thank you, Agnes. I think we’ve got it covered from here.” Wanda said, placing her hands on the woman’s back and pushing gently.
“Are you sure dear?” Agnes asked, getting a small “mhmm” back from her. “Many hands make light work. And many mouths make good gossip.”
“You’re so naughty.” Wanda scolds playfully, you were kept busy with unpacking several vegetables from her wicker basket.
“Oh, shall I pre-heat the oven then, dear?” The witch was quick to steer her around from it as you moved out of the way.
“That won’t be necessary.”
“Oh, alright then. Well I know you’re in a pinch so this menu can be done in a snap.” Agnes made sure to snap her fingers, always one for the theatrics. “Lobster Thermidor with mini-minced turnovers to start.” She moved back towards the counter, Wanda letting out a breath as she followed. “Chicken à la king with twice-cooked new potatos for your second course.” She gave you a pat as she passed you. “And steak Diane and mint jellies for your main.”
Wanda had to move back as Agnes turned once more, finger inches from her face. “Do you set you own jellies, dear?” You both nod. “Good girls.” Wanda grabs her waist again and pushed but as she inches from the outside, she calls out to you. “Recipe cards are on the counter.”
Wanda closes the door, hands up as you read one of the cards.
“So, I guess we should start with-“
“No time, Kiddo.” With a flick of her wrist; every cuboard opened and you had to duck your head down to advoid getting hit with a frying pan. “Sorry.”
The kitchen quickly was in complete chaos; the smell of various veggies and seasonings overwhelmed your senses, and while you tried desperately to grab a wooden spoon from the air to stir, the kitchen bar devider opened.
Yeah, take out the papers and the trash, or you won’t get no spending cash
You and Wanda both watched in a mix of confusion and fear, apparently Vision could sing. You reached up on your toes once more and pulled the spoon down with a satisfied grin.
If You don’t scrub the kitchen floor, you ain’t gonna rock and roll no more
Oh, right. Mrs. Hart was inches away from a stressed out witch and her teenage sidekick surrounding by levitating kitchen supplies.
Time to close the shutters.
Yakety yak! Don’t talk back
You closed them with a sharp slam.
The past ten minutes had to be on the list of “worst moments ever” of your life, the world felt a little too off center and you had to remind yourself that breathing wasn’t just a personal choice. Wanda wasn’t doing too great either; the chicken went from borderline ash to newly laid eggs, it was starting to feel a little too warm in here. If you weren’t panicking so much, you might have remembered that the large coat you wore that had wool lining was easily removable.
“How’s the potatos, Kiddo?” Wanda turned to you with a frown at your apparence; you were covered in flour and unmoving from the corner, bowl in hand and eyes shinny.
“Am I moving?” You ask.
“No.” She gently grabs the bowl from your hands, grimacing at the mush inside and pulling you to the table. “Why don’t you have a seat? Hmm, take a few deep breaths and just re- oh no!” It was too late to save the cream from spilling on the floor.
Wanda almost wanted to join you at the table.
“Oh, what was I supposed to do next? What was the main course again?” She let the cards float around her, hands quickly turning them.”it was... steak.” Wrong card. “No. Steak...steak Diane!”
“Yes?!” You manage to look over at the closed blinds, Vision’s voice following again soon after. “I’m just coming... Fred.”
Wanda - after taking her own advice - had finally managed to put the kitchen back in order, all pots and pans back perfectly in their cupboards. You were finally calming down, able take a minute to process as she floated the lobster to the pot of boiling water.
But both of you felt the familiar panic burn through your veins when someone came rushing in from the living room, Wanda letting out a startled gasp and throwing the meat out the window. It was only after the window slammed shut that you realised it was just Vision.
“How can I be of assistance?” He asked with huff. Funny, you wouldn’t think a robot would need to take a breather.
“Well, the chicken is no longer a chicken and the lobsters just flew the coop so the steak is the last man standing.” Wanda replied, grabbing the recipe card from the counter. “It says here I can cut down the prep time with a meat tenderizer.”
“Excellent plan. Where’s the tenderizer?”
“I’m looking at him.” He gingerly took the mallet with a small “ah” and was forced to look up when the divider opened once more.
“Hoo-hoo in there!” Mrs. Hart’s head popped in and Wanda was quick to move, almost ruining the poor woman’s curls when she closed it.
“Hoo-hoo back to you!” She pulls at the strings of her apron with a sigh. “Finish the meat, find the lobsters.” She turned to you. “Lose the coat, Kiddo.” Her apron is pulled from her hips and Vision barley catches it. “We’ll be right back.”
You stand, pulling off the emerald green coat. One look at your dress and Wanda lets out a gasp.
“Can’t go out like that.” She grabbed the coat from you and folded it on your chair, the dress was covered and she had hoped that the coat would have been an effective shield.
“I can go home and change.” You say with a wipe of your cheek. Wanda stops you from moving.
“No, allow me.” She clicks her fingers and - with a dramatic puff of smoke - your old dress is replaced with a beautiful turquoise one, white lining on the collar and floral skirt to match. It was gorgeous. “Perfection. Now, lets go.”
You give a quick “sorry” at the door, startling Mrs. Hart as you trail behind your frazzled friend.
“I hope you’re hungry.” She said with a smile.
“Starved, is more like it.” Mr. Hart replied as he pushed off the couch, a frown permanently placed on his face.
“My head is starting to feel woozy.” A low growl from your stomach seemed to agree with Mrs. Hart, luckily a loud bang from the kitchen covered the sound.
“Were either of you aware that married men are killing single men at an alarming rate?” Wanda’s hands never stopped moving, and the nervous chuckle only made Mr. Hart more frustrated.
“What are you going on about?” Another loud bang made you all jump and you had to stop yourself from cursing. “And what’s going on in there?” You luckily didn’t have to stop him from moving as Wanda fell ontop of him, his hands catching her by the arms.
The room seemed to spin, things were moving so quickly you could barley keep up. Wanda was still in the man’s arms when a loud knocking filled the room, you were sure you were going to faint.
“Who could that be?” Wanda practically ran to the door, happy for the distraction and Vision was quick on her heels. Mrs. Hart pulled at your sleeve, a kind smile on her face.
“Are you alright, dear?”
“I... uh,” The words got lost in your mouth. Could everyone just calm down for a second? The slam of the door forced you both out of the small moment.
“Who was that?” Her husband asked.
“A salesman”
“Telegram!” Vision felt the glare of Mr. Hart. “A man selling telegrams.”
“Wouldn’t you know it.” Wanda added, hands behind her back. “Good news is more expensive.” You couldn’t hear what Vision said after that, but by the way his wife frowned and pulled her apron off him, it must’ve been yet another problem. She glided past you, the sight of a pineapple behind her back didn’t answer any questions, but you let her go on her way regardless.
“Well.” Vision said, hands on his hips proudly. “I think tonight’s going swimmingly. Anyone for Parcheesi?”
“My head is spinning.” Mrs. Hart replied, feet dragging her to the couch.
“Oh, Mrs. Hart -“ You grabbed her arm, gently helping her down as Vision fanned her face.
“Did you hear that? My wife’s head is spinning. Generally speaking, I don’t like her head to do that.” You could feel the annoyance radiating off him. “You know, I’m beginning to think you’re not management material, Vision.”
“Sir, if you could just wait a few -“ The glare he gave almost made your knees buckle, looking at Vision for help as he continued.
“You know, I had high hopes for you. But from what I’ve seen here tonight, you can barley keep it together. I mean, look around.” He gestured around him with his hands. “There’s all the chaos going on in your household. Now, when are we gonna eat?”
“Dinner is served.”
Oh, thank God.
The table behind you was set to perfection; each plate the perfect distance apart, and each with a set of cutlery and wine glass. You’re stomach was growling and you were quick to move to your seat - the only glass filled with some kind of juice - and gave Wanda a grateful smile.
“Breakfast for dinner? How very-“
“European.” Mrs. Hart interrupted, eyes glued to the table.
“Ohh! Let’s have a toast!” Vision moves to his end of the table, the Harts following as you raise your glass. “To my lovely and talented wife.”
“To our esteemed guests.” Wanda adds with a smile. You all clink your glasses with a small “cheers” and take a sip of the juice. It was sugary sweet, but did nothing to fill your belly. “Well, please eat before it gets cold.”
You don’t have to be told twice; sitting besides Mrs. Hart - who Vision was quick to offer a chair to like a gentleman - and letting your napkin rest on your thighs.
“So,” She said as everyone settled properly in their seats. “Where did you two move from?” She grabbed her napkin. “What brought you here?” You cut a small piece of the sausage and raised it to your mouth. “How long have you been married? And why don’t you have children yet?” Wanda let out a small laugh, so many questions!
“I think what my wife means to say is that we moved from...” You took another bite, warmth filling your body, and it took everything in to not gulp down the whole plate.
“Yes, we moved from...” Wanda’s face was a exact mirror of her husband’s, both struggling with empty memory.
“And we were married...”
You couldn’t stop eating, fork always full of egg and toast, the conversation becoming background noise.
“Yes, yes, we were married in...”
“Well? Moved from where ? Married when?” Mr. Hart’s voice snapped you back, another bite and you swallowed it down with a gulp of juice, eyes now between each end of the table.
“Now, patience, Arthur. They’re setting up their story. Let them tell it.” His wife waved him off with a smile and bite of food. Wanda stumbled once more, her fumbling only causing the tension to rise.
“Yes, what exactly is your story?”
“Oh, just leave the poor kids alone.” You took another sip, gagging as you felt something on your tongue.
“No, really, I mean,” It was slimy and thin, and as you pulled it out with your fingers, confusion filled you at the sight of a brown leaf. “I think it’s a perfectly simple question. Honestly.” It dropped to your plate and you picked up the almost empty glass, the bottom was a dark orange, and the hundreds of little pieces floating in it made you feel sick. “Why did you come here? Why?”
Something’s Wrong
Mr. Hart slammed his hand down on the table, startling you to the point of completey dropping your glass, juice staining the carpet by your feet. You were left helpless as you stared at the man in front of you.
“Damn it, why? Why did you...” The air from his lungs vanishes, face turning red as he chokes.
“Oh, Arthur, stop it.”
Why won’t you move?
“Stop it.”
This doesn’t make sense
“Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.”
Mr. Hart grips the table, letting out another failed attempt of breath before vanishing under it, still chocking.
“Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.”
This is wrong, all wrong
“Stop it.”
I want to go home
“Vision, help him.”
And just like that, the world makes sense again.
You let out a shaky laugh as Vision helps the man up from the floor. You take one more bite of food as Mr. Hart checks his watch with a sigh.
“Well, would you look at the time?”
“Yes. We’d better be going.” Mrs. Hart replies, standing as you follow suit, making sure to tuck your chair in.
“Well... are you both alright?” Wanda asks, giving you a small smile as they walk to the door.
“We had such a lovely time.” She turns quickly and wraps her hands around Wanda’s eyes. “This guest is leaving your home.” She laughs.
“Yes, thank you for coming.”
You pay them no mind; body moving passed them on autopilot, you didn’t care to hear them say goodbye, didn’t care when Mr. Hart told Vision about a promotion, or when Wanda offered you the guest bedroom since it was just “too late to walk home alone, you didn’t care.
And when you finally slipped into the covers, eyes shutting as sleep took hold of you, you finally felt at peace.
Your mind was yours, and yours alone for the first time that day, and you wanted nothing more then to wake up under the star-lights in your bedroom.
Tag list (open, just ask)
@white-wolf-buckaroo @y-napotat @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @fruitiseavey
All my stuff is open, and I’m always happy to hear from people so feel free to let me know what ya thought. I always get stuck halfway through writing but I hope it wasn’t too hard to read
Off to the sixties we go
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klvbxlove · 3 years
endearing (yu & kanji x gn! reader)
a/n: so, thanks to my cousins who’ve been talking about it often in our groupchat, i’ve gotten hella obsessed with the anime, “persona 4: the animation″! i frickin’ love yu and kanji; they’re my new anime husbandos LOL. anyways, i know i mainly write for iida (BNHA), but i figured i’d give this a try ‘cause why not? (and besides, i wanted to express my love for yu and kanji and maybe feed some simps LMAO). i should also point out that because this is my first time writing for persona 4, the characters might be OOC; i apologize :( but regardless, i hope y’all will like it! 
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reader type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: yu and kanji find you cute-- no wait, endearing, no matter what, especially when you’re sleeping
word count: 1.3k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(f/a/c) = favorite anime character (h/c) = hair color (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Usually, you would have spent the weekend like any other weekend. Watch anime and eat nothing but your favorite food by yourself.
   And well? You were not by yourself anymore. Instead, you found yourself in your room with your boyfriends, Yu and Kanji. You had your lap on Yu’s lap, feeling his hand stroke your (H/C) hair, as Kanji leaned against the gray-haired male. Both of them were talking about something, but you did not pay much attention to it.
   In all honesty, you were still in shock that you were able to spend moments like this with them. Well, it was more of you being shocked that you ended up in a poly relationship with the duo in the first place!
   You remembered you had wanted to confess your feelings towards Yu and Kanji, but you could not. For one, you were too much of a coward. Two, you knew both of them would not feel the same way (Yu was extremely popular with the ladies, and Rise did seem to have a bit of a crush on him. Meanwhile, Kanji seemed to be crushing hard on Naoto). And three, you would have difficulty deciding which person to confess. You did not even know if either of them were okay with a poly relationship! 
   But of course, you cannot forget to mention you did not want to make your friendship with them awkward by confessing to them and having them reject you. You could not even imagine yourself hanging around the boys as often if that were to occur!
   Finding out that Yu and Kanji just so happened to feel the same way about you felt like a bit of a dream. Reminiscing to their flustered faces after their confessions (although Kanji was much more flustered than Yu), you swore your jaw almost dropped to the ground (literally). You even almost considered asking Chie to knock you out with her kung-fu moves to wake you up if this was a dream.
   Nope! It turns out it was not a dream at all. 
   And of course, you said yes.
   Whether or not you were exaggerating, you did not care. But that day felt like one of the best days ever in your life. No other day could compare to it. And since that day, you felt lucky to call Kanji and Yu your boyfriends.
   Back to the present, you slowly felt a sense of drowsiness overcome you as your eyes were beginning to close. There something about the feeling of Yu’s hand against any part of your body that easily comforted you, especially whenever he is calming you down from crying. It must have been a feeling of comfort if you could put it that way. It was so comforting that it was already making you feel sleepy. 
   But you know what? No point in trying to fight your eyes back open. Besides, you have been tired the whole day.  And the position you were in was also comfortable.
   “Hey, do you think they would like this?” Kanji turned around towards Yu, holding up a handmade plush he had finished. It was supposed to replicate one of your favorite anime characters. Kanji originally wanted to make it small like his usual plushies. However, he had taken notice of how you preferred the larger ones that you could hug.
   “I saw them watching some anime series the other day and found out they love this character a whole damn lot.” Kanji explained. While Yu noticed how proud he was of his creation, he also noticed some slight jealousy in his tone. The gray-haired male assumed that Kanji felt insecure about seeing their significant other practically squeal over an anime character. Not that you would ever break up with them for that. You would never be disloyal to them for an anime character!
   As Yu’s eyes looked over the plush once again, he smiled softly and reached out to take it from Kanji. “Yeah, it is pretty cute,” he answered, feeling the softness of the creation against his skin. He could already imagine you holding it tightly as if your life depended on it. “Do you wanna give it to them?”
   “I mean, yeah, I was kinda planning to,” Kanji rubbed the back of his neck. Then he looked down at you. “Hey, (Y/N).” 
   No response. Kanji waited a few moments before trying again. “(Y/N)?” he called your name, making his voice a little louder. 
   Yu also attempted to get a response by gently tapping your shoulder. But when you let out a soft snore, both of them realized you had fallen asleep.
   “Okay, well, I guess I can give it to them later, then,” Kanji said, lowering his voice so he would not wake you up.
   “Yeah,” Yu nodded, putting the (F/A/C) plush down. He figured you should sleep on your bed instead. So Yu carefully lifted you into his arms and stood up, carried you in a bridal style, and walked over towards your bed to put you down. He made sure your head was resting on your pillow before he pulled the blanket over your body.
   For a while, your boyfriends watched you (non creepily!) as your chest rose up and down from your breathing. For the most part, you did not move often in your sleep. Although every once in a while, you would make a noise. 
   “You know,” Kanji spoke up amidst the silence; a blush was already covering his cheeks. “I never realized how cute (Y/N) was when they sleep." Then his eyes widened. "N-Not that I’m trying to be a creep or anything!” He began defending himself, like Yu had some suspicions, as he waved his hands. “I’m just saying! I mean--”
   “It’s fine, Kanji,” Yu chuckled, interrupting him. “I understand. I mean, cute is a bit of an understatement. They are quite endearing. And not just during their sleep.”
   More moments of the boys watching you passed. At this point, Kanji was developing the urge to climb into bed with you and hold you close against his chest in an attempt to cuddle you. Meanwhile, Yu felt a pang at his heart due to the sight in your peaceful form.
   It seems like you had that effect on your boyfriends. And you did not even know it.
   “Should we...leave or something?” Kanji leaned over towards Yu and whispered. “I dunno. I think it would be a bit weird if we kept staring at them like this.”
   “Mmm. Kanji, Yu...”
   Said boys averted their eyes towards you. You had your hands reached out, almost as if you were trying to grab something. At first, they were confused (did you want something?), but Yu walked over towards your bed and kneeled in front of you. Out of curiosity, he placed his hands into yours, and you immediately grabbed it, holding it tight as if you were scared he would slip out of your grip. Yu smiled softly again, then turned back. “Or maybe we should cuddle them?" he suggested.
   Kanji knew he must have looked like a tomato, but he did not care at this point (Not like anyone else could see). You being clingy was something that always made his heart race. He could already hear your voice whining their names and saw you pouting with those puppy dog eyes.
   Damn it! You were way too cute-- no, way too ENDEARING for him! He almost could not take it!
   “Alright, I guess we could,” Kanji mumbled. Carefully, he climbed into bed, getting into the position where he could big spoon you and wrap his arms around your waist. Yu did the same thing, except he was facing you. The boys looked at you with loving glances while Yu gently caressed your cheek using his free hand (your grip on his other hand never released).
   “Sleep well, (Y/N),” The gray-haired male whispered, placing a kiss on your cheek before brushing a strand of your (H/C) hair out of your face. After Kanji decided to do the same thing, except he placed a kiss on your neck, they eventually fell asleep with you secured in your arms. 
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