#(edited 08.07.2020)
rkxluda · 4 years
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Monday, 2020.07.06
It was more than just a little surprising that sphere actually gave her access to the group’s vlive channel right after debuting. Hopefully she wouldn’t say anything wrong, but she did take notes on things that she wasn’t allowed to talk about. Very general ones, so in case the notes reflected on something, no one would be able to make any sense of them. Probably unnecessary, but she’d always been a careful person.
As Luda set up the stream and waited for everything to load, it suddenly felt like there wasn’t enough oxygen in the room. Her hands were shaking a little, as she pulled a strand of hair back, out of her face and she took a deep breath. She’d never done this before, so she had no idea how it would turn out. Of course she’d tried to prepare herself as best as possible, watching other idol’s streams and such, but the practical experience was still missing. Maybe she should’ve asked Minhee to do this together.
She took deep breaths until it seemed to have loaded, her face immediately lit up, the corners of her mouth pulling into a big grin and her eyes scanning the screen to see if everything was as it should be or whether there was any kind of notification that the sound or any such thing wasn’t working properly. Luda bowed and waved at the viewers that already joined the stream, but those that watched from the very beginning would have caught her confused expression before she’d realised that the stream had already started.
She’d posted the link to her social media on the previous day, but had still worried if anyone would show up at all. Her smile only widened as the viewer’s numbers went up and her eyes went big once the counter hit 2.000. Maybe not a big number overall, but definitely to her.
“Hello! I’m Heartz’ girl of the month of July, Lee Luda!” she introduced herself, bowing politely again. “Should I introduce myself a little bit more, first?” she asked a little awkwardly once she was sitting up straight again and put attention to her posture being properly straight. “I’m currently 23 years old and grew up in Seoul as an only child, but my mum makes the best cakes in the world!” she chuckled, “Ah! And if you have any questions, please ask! I will do my best to answer as much as possible~” she was still smiling at the camera and looked at the comments section, until her eyes briefly switched to the camera again, “Of course I can’t answer anything about future debuts or plans, though!” she noted, her face looking more serious just for a moment.
Not sure if she should say anything more as she looked at the comments section, she started to hum “I’ll Be There”, so there wouldn’t be complete silence as she was reading.
“Oh,‘white, milk, or dark chocolate?’ someone wants to know, hmm,” she pondered, her index finger covered her lips and her eyes looked up to the side, in thought. Probably, she was taking this more serious than she needed to, but better this, than the opposite. She didn’t want anyone to think that she wasn’t taking them serious enough. “This is a really tough question, I love chocolate, but I think white has to be my favourite! Now, I know that white chocolate isn’t technically chocolate, but it’s delicious, especially with whole hazelnuts in it!” Luda chuckled. “I love other chocolate as well though, and- Ah! Do you guys know Tiramisu? My mum sometimes made it when I was a child, so she changed some ingredients up. She uses chocolate and cocoa powder! If you haven’t yet tried it, you definitely should! It’s also really easy to make!” she mentioned briefly about the coffee and alcohol free version she grew up with.
“Hmm~“ she hummed scrolling further and stopped at a random one, closing her eyes until she stopped at a random comment and read it aloud, “ Sangkeumyuzu says ‘Eonni, I love you~’ “ she chuckled, holding one hand in front of her face, a little embarrassed, “Aaah, thank you! Eonni loves you too~“ she said, blushing, her thin layer of makeup unable to hide it. Not sure how to properly react, she shyly went on to the next comment.
“What else do we have~~ Ah, KingKiwi97 asked: “Who are your role-models? Please sing us a song from your favourite artist!’ that’s easy!” she was grinning again, happy to have gotten a question that asked her to sing. There were two artists she had in mind and the first artist’s song she’d heard and sung so often, it came quite naturally to her. She took a sip of water, turned to the side of the frame, before she started.
Sky that pours light (I) stand under it Fly as if I’m dreaming My life is a beauty
She sang a few lines, with her eyes closed, before she stopped and looked into the camera again. She wasn’t sure how much she should sing, not wanting to bore anyone, but wanting to follow through with the request as well. “Chi Chi’s Nara has such a beautiful voice, right? I’ve been a fan of hers for a really long time. And as for my favourite group…”
I shouldn’t have let you go like that What was so great about my pride that I couldn’t hold onto you? I can’t believe that I won’t ever see you again When you were all I knew
This night is still following you No matter how hard I try, I miss you so much This night is passing I hate myself for not being able to sleep without you No matter how much I wait, you’re not here And I can’t sleep
When will I get over you and fall asleep comfortably? I just can’t help it, I’m just waiting for morning to come
“Sorry, I know it’s a bit sad,” she smiled after doing her best to sing, again, sounding calm but befittingly sad. They both were songs she’s sung over and over again, so she was pretty confident in having done well. “But Melody Day is one of my favourite groups as well, they all sing sooo well, right? Their osts are always great… but really, there are so many great artists, I could list them all day!” she chuckled. “Let me know if I should sing you something more, okay?”
“Notice me? I’ve officially noticed you!“ she laughed, though she wasn’t sure if that was really such a great thing. “Oh, but Sangkeumyuzu aren’t you the same person as earlier? Then I’ve already noticed you!“ she said.
“My favourite sport?” she hummed, thinking for a moment as she tilted her head to the side, her index finger toughing the bottom of her chin. “I’m not sure if this counts, but I like doing Yoga, it’s relaxing, but it can also be quite difficult! I like jogging too and if I can manage to go, I love swimming! I heard it’s very healthy to swim, yet not as exhausting on the body, for example on the ankles and joints in general!” she started losing her trail of thoughts a little and just went rambling on for a moment, until she caught herself soon after. “Is there any type of sport you can recommend to me?” she added.
The next question made Luda chuckle, it just sounded too adorable. “Hm… mini_bunny asked '5 minhees or a 5 year old minhee?’ That’s a tough question… Minhee-unnie is a great person you know? If you haven’t yet you should watch her music videos!! It’s a very fun song and video, and she did just perfectly! And she always works so hard!” she wasn’t only smiling brightly as before, but the admiration for her friend was quite evident in her expression and choice of words. However, that didn’t make the question any easier. “Minhee is great, but 5 Minhees would be 5 times as great right? Then again, there can only be one real Minhee…” she said with furrowed brows, taking the question much more serious than it was probably intended to be. “But Minhee as a five year old must be sooo adorable, I’d like to see that! She always takes great care of me, of anyone around her honestly, so I’d like to be the older one for once and give back all the kindness!” Luda nodded to affirm her statement.
“Let’s see what the next one says... Oh?” she said, grinning widely, recognising the handle. “It’s from user Sangkeumyuzu again! Thank you for dedication!” she said, bowing politely, not really having expected anyone to keep commenting like this. And she wasn’t going to lie, it made her happy, which her smile showed quite obviously. “ ‘I’m your biggest faaaaan’ “ Again, she wasn’t sure how to react and again, she hid behind her hands, chuckling and blushing. “Thank you very much, this makes me very happy to hear!” She finally said, sincerely looking at the camera as she did so.
There were many more comments than she’d expected. Surely not as many as someone popular would have, but that was fine, she was just happy that some people cared at all. It was crazy to think about how she was actually officially debuted now, but she couldn’t concentrate on that, shouldn’t let herself be distracted so easily.
“Hmm, there’s a few of you asking what my favourite animal is, but can you guess?” she returned the question and chuckled reading the comments section. “Dogs, cats… and sheep? That’s an interesting answer, I do like sheep, they’re so fluffy, round and soft! But they’re not quite my favourites… Bumblebees? They’re also cute and so round! I never would have guessed you’d answer so creatively, I fear my answer will be really boring compared to that~” Luda paused for a moment, for some added 'suspense’ if one could call it that. “Those saying cats were right! Though dogs are a close second. I love how determined cats are! They know what they want and they work hard to get there! For example with those toys that hide treats inside of them. And when a cat shows affection once in a blue moon… that feels super special, right?”
Scanning the messages again, her lips were quickly pulled into a cute pout, “Ah, I told you my answer wouldn’t be as interesting, don’t be too disappointed, okay~~?” she asked of the viewers that indeed seemed to have expected a more interesting answer. “But I was very lucky, because I got to film with cats! There were so so many cats in the music video! Have you seen it yet? I hope that if you haven’t, you will~~ The staff and I put a lot of effort in, to make it the best it can be! But I promise to learn more and do better in the future as well!” her eyes were clear as she looked at the camera. She was still nervous, but not shaking anymore and Luda was almost surprised at how much fun she had while streaming. It was a great feeling, really.
“What’s your favourite item?” again, she didn’t need to think for very long. Her instinct was to jump up and get the little device, but instead she decided to stay and search the item on the internet. “This little thing right here, does anyone know what it is?” Luda asked, holding her phone in front of the camera, not considering that she could’ve gotten a message from someone, saying something that wasn’t meant for the public eye. Luckily nothing happened. Her eyes widened a little, her mouth forming the appropriate “o” to go with it and she chuckled, glad that the little mini-heart attack she just got was easy to distract herself from. “Of course you guys are smart! You’re right, it’s a galaxy projector! A dear friend gave it to me as a birthday gift! It’s very nice to just turn the lights off and look at the projected galaxy on the ceiling! Very calming and a little… mysterious? I like it very much.”
The stream had been going on for a while and she started to suppress the yawns that crawled up on her. “It’s getting late, so I’ll choose one last question!” she announced, smiling softly. Her eyes moved over the words written by complete strangers, something she’d never thought she’d get to do. Especially not this soon.
“Can you sing me a lullaby?” she repeated aloud. “That sounds like a good way to end the stream, right? Hm… Ah!” she looked directly at the camera again, after looking to the side to think, her index finger pointing up as her mind spontaneously formed a plan. “I’ll sing you two lullabies, okay? The first one is a little bit more upbeat and called 'Night Moon’ by SBGB the second one is a little more sad but also calmer, making it easier to fall asleep to, it’s called 'How are you, my dear’ by Saevom~”
She played both song’s instrumentals over her phone, one after the other, and sang softly. Sometimes she looked off to the bottom/side, but more often than that Luda looked at the camera, a soft smile on her lips here and there, but she was concentrating on singing well first and foremost. Her voice was clear and she realised what a perfect fit “Around You” really was for her… maybe she should’ve sung that instead? But she didn’t want to look like she was shamelessly promoting her own song either.
The second song ended and she quietly looked at the camera for a moment, still smiling softly. “What do you think?” She asked, whispering, “Next time I will sing 'Around You’ for you, so be sure to watch again, okay?” she decided on the spot, wanting to point out that she hadn’t forgotten her own song at all. “Good night, everyone, and I hope you can sleep a little easier tonight. Don’t go to sleep too late, alright?” she continued whispering, having heard about asmr recently. After waving at the camera and making finger hearts with both hands, accompanied by a cute face, she ended the stream. Luda was weirdly happy but also felt somehow empty. It was hard to grasp and describe.
But after this she decided she wanted to be to fans what lullabies were to her. A comfort, giving the feeling of calmness and making it easier for people to sleep, so they could get a good night’s rest to start afresh on a new morning. She wanted to be the voice people heard before they sunk into a deep, comfortable sleep, dreaming about whatever it was they most wanted to dream about.
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onlineruby · 4 years
hi everyone! it’s jackie. just wanted to warn/update people. i know i have a small following & most people won’t even notice, but thought it would be considerate to put it out there.
i apologize if my posting is a lil inconsistent for a couple days and the following weeks. i just moved back into my apartment (from visiting family over the summer), so i have been settling in. also, i am actually studying for the lsat exam for a couple months and have my exam in three weeks. i will be retaking it again in october, but i will try my best to post. sims actually is my way of getting away from all of that stress. just warning everyone if my blog is slow!! <3 thank you to all my new followers & all the love on my edits. i appreciate everything and feel so welcomed in this community! 
i will still be around, so if you have any questions about sim related things or not sim related, don’t hesitate to shoot me an ask. 
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em-dashes · 4 years
08.07.2020 - The Jail Break
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Rian gritted his teeth so hard his jaw ached. This was a trick. A ploy to convince him to cooperate. Dr. Scott had sent Holly in here knowing she was the only person Rian wouldn’t hurt, the only person Rian would listen to. And it had almost worked--he had wanted to believe Holly. He had wanted to stay.
He dug his fingernails into his palms.
Dr. Scott was right. He would never hurt Holly.
But he didn’t need to.
He gathered all the strings connected to Holly and compelled her body to stop.
Holly took in a sharp breath. Her brown eyes went wide as she realized she couldn’t move.
Rian targeted the cameras next. He compelled them to break. 
Pop. Pop. Pop. Pop.
“Rian,” said Holly.
He tore the wires and tubes from his skin and clambered off the bed, clutching the rails for balance. His eyes dropped to the keycard attached to Holly’s lapel.
“Rian,” Holly pleaded. “Don’t do this.”
Rian wavered. But only for a second.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
He seized the badge and ran.
Aphelion Intro | Character Portraits | Character Intros | Trailer | Playlist
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A bit of a more spoilery excerpt today, but writing this chapter got me so hyped up that I just wanted to share a part of it. This is from Chapter 4 AKA Rian Tries To Escape. It’s a looooong chapter, just shy of 6k words, but DANG if it isn’t one of the coolest chapters I’ve written so far.
Technically I was just editing this chapter instead of drafting it, but the editing process actually required quite a bit of restructuring, and thus, rewriting. Word count is up to 45993.
As a whole, I’m still a little stuck on Chapter 2. I’ve generally filled the plot gap, but figuring out exactly how the events play out still poses a challenge. I drew out a map and everything, and yet, the chapter is still ending up too long and complicated, so I’d need to simply the events some more.
C’est tout pour le moment! Please let the tags work this time lol.
Taglist: @ditzysworld​ @sunlight-and-starskies​ @v-snippets​ @kentwrites​ @wildswrites​ @gray-sometimes-writes​ @shadescrawls​ :^)
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“Last night while we were FaceTiming I was just looking at your face for like a good 10 seconds and thinking about how nice it is that I still find you so beautiful. Especially when you smile. And I was thinking back to before we were even dating of how pretty I thought you were.”
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theart2rock · 5 years
Deep Purple melden sich zurück
DEEP PURPLE kündigen ihr brandneues Studioalbum “Whoosh!” für den 12.Juni bei earMUSIC an
“Another album?! Whoosh?!! Gordon Bennet!!!”
‘When the Deep Purple falls Over sleepy garden walls And the stars begin to twinkle In the night…’  Ian Gillan
Deep Purple geben den Titel und das Veröffentlichungsdatum ihres brandneuen Studioalbums bekannt. “Whoosh!” ist der Nachfolger der weltweiten Chart-Erfolge “inFinite” (2017) und “NOW What?!” (2013).
Nachdem kryptische Botschaften und Interviews des Sängers Ian Gillan im vergangenen Dezember Spannung und Spekulationen innerhalb der Fangemeinde ausgelöst haben, bestätigt die Band nun die Veröffentlichung ihres 21. Studioalbums am 12. Juni 2020 über earMUSIC.
Für “Whoosh!“ vereinen Deep Purple zum dritten Mal ihre Kräfte mit Produzent Bob Ezrin. Gemeinsam schrieben und nahmen sie in Nashville die neuen Songs auf und kreierten das bislang vielseitigste Werk ihrer Zusammenarbeit.
Deep Purple lassen sich in ihrem Schaffen nicht eingrenzen, strecken sich in alle Richtungen aus und lassen ihrer Kreativität freien Lauf.
“Putting the Deep back into Purple” wurde im Studio schnell zum inoffiziellen Motto. Bereits mit den ersten Songs war klar: Deep Purple und Bob Ezrin waren auf dem Weg ein neues Album zu schaffen, das die Grenzen der Zeit überschreitet, während sie sich mit ihrem Unmut über die aktuelle Situation der Welt an alle Generationen richten.
“Whoosh!” erscheint als limitiertes CD+DVD Mediabook (inkl. 1h Video “Roger Glover and Bob Ezrin in Conversation” und der erstmaligen Veröffentlichung der vollständigen Perfomance der Band beim Hellfest 2017), 2LP+DVD Edition, limitiertes Boxset und als digitale Version am 12. Juni 2020 über earMUSIC.
Das Album kann hier vorbestellt werden: https://deeppurple.lnk.to/WhooshPR
“Wir haben alles mit aufgenommen, was die ganze Band zum Lächeln gebracht hat, einschließlich Bob Ezrin. Wir haben es immer genossen, Musik zu machen und den unglaublichen Luxus eines treuen Publikums zu haben.”         
– Steve Morse
Ian Gillan, Roger Glover, Ian Paice, Steve Morse und Don Airey reisen weiterhin durch das Universum des Hard Rock – die Texturen und Nuancen ihrer letzten Werke sind dabei alles andere als langweilige Nachahmungen. Wenn man eine zufällige Wiedergabe für den gesamten Katalog der Band auswählt, ist das Resultat eines der besten, das die Rockmusik zu bieten hat.
Das 20. Studioalbum “inFinite” hat sich zu einem ihrer erfolgreichsten Alben aller Zeiten entwickelt und brach alle Chart-Rekorde, die von den Hard-Rock-Legenden über ihre 50-jährige Laufbahn angesammelt wurden. Es ist das erfolgreichste Album der Band seit ihrem Meilenstein-Album “Perfect Strangers” aus dem Jahre ihrer Wiedervereinigung 1984. “inFinite” landete direkt auf #1 der deutschen Album-Charts, erhielt Gold für über 100.000 verkaufte Exemplare und erreichte zudem die Top 10 in zehn Ländern weltweit. „inFinite“ folgte der Veröffentlichung von “NOW What?!” (2013), welches auf #1 in fünf europäischen Ländern chartete, die Top 10 in über 15 Ländern weltweit knackte und mit mehr als 100.000 verkauften Exemplaren ebenfalls den Gold Status in Deutschland erhielt.
In den letzten Jahren haben Deep Purple nach und nach neue Bereiche erkundet und damit das Interesse von neuen Fans geweckt, die das Licht der Welt erblickten, nachdem die mächtige Purple-Maschine die Musikwelt beherrschte. Ihr heiliger Gral aus “In Rock” (1970), “Machine Head” (1972) und “Made In Japan” (1973) katapultierte Deep Purple an die Spitze der Konzert- und Albumverkäufe auf der ganzen Welt, mit Tracks wie “Smoke On The Water”, die zum Mega-Status aufstiegen.
Ab Juni begeben sich Deep Purple mit ihrem neuen Album auf große Europatournee.
31.05.2020    Moscow – MEGASPORT ICE PALACE (RU) 03.06.2020    Istanbul – Lifepark (TR) 06.06.2020    Athens – Rockwave Festival (Terravibe Park) (GR) 20.06.2020    Clisson – HellFest (FR) 21.06.2020    Dessel – Graspop Metal Meeting (BE) 24.06.2020    Hamburg – Stadtpark Freilichtbühne (DE) 25.06.2020    Aalborg – Skovdalen (Open Air) (DK) 27.06.2020    Oslo – Tons of Rock Ekeberg (NO) 30.06.2020    Paris (Boulogne Billancourt) – La Seine Musicale (FR) 01.07.2020    Nimes – Festival De Nimes Les Arenes (FR) 03.07.2020    Klam – Clam Rock (AT 04.07.2020    Eisenstadt – Lovely Days (AT)´ 06.07.2020    Bologna – Bologna Sonic Park (IT) 08.07.2020    Sion – Sion sous Sion sous les étoiles (CH) 10.07.2020    Bonn – Kunst Rasen Granau (DE) 11.07.2020    Rosenheim – Rosenheim Sommerfestival (DE) 14.07.2020    Halle (Saale) – Freilichtbühne Peißnitz (DE) 15.07.2020    Mainz – Open Air Volkspark Mainz (DE) 17.07.2020    St Julien en Genevois – Guitare en Scene Festival (FR) 18.07.2020    Brombach – Lieder Am See (DE) 20.07.2020    Carcassone – Festival De Carcassone Theatre Jean Deschamps (FR) 22.07.2020    Lörrach – Stimmen Festival (DE) 24.07.2020    Colmar – Festival De La Foire Aux Vins de Colmar Parc Des expositions (FR) 26.09.2020    Stockholm – Hovet Ice Hall (SE) 27.09.2020    Gothenburg – Partille Arena (SE) 29.09.2020    Copenhagen – Royal Arena (DK) 02.10.2020    Manchester – Manchester Arena (GB) 03.10.2020    London – O2 (London) (GB) 05.10.2020    Glasgow – Hydro (GB) 06.10.2020    Leeds – FD Arena (GB) 08.10.2020    Birmingham – Arena (Birmingham) (GB) 10.10.2020    Luxembourg – Rockhal (LU) 13.10.2020    Berlin – Max Schmeling Halle (DE) 14.10.2020    Lodz – Atlas Arena (PL) 16.10.2020    Stuttgart – Schleyer-Halle (DE) 17.10.2020    Oberhausen – KP Arena (DE) 19.10.2020    Milan – Forum (IT) 20.10.2020    Zurich – Hallenstadion (CH) 22.10.2020    Lille – Zenith (FR) 24.10.2020    Dijon – Zenith (FR) 26.10.2020    Clermont Ferrand – Zenith D’Auvergne (FR) 28.10.2020    Amsterdam – Ziggo Dome (NL)
Weitere Infos unter  Web: www.deeppurple.com Facebook: www.facebook.com/officialdeeppurple Twitter: www.twitter.com/_DeepPurple Die Band hat vor Kurzem ihr Instagram-Profil ins Leben gerufen: www.instagram.com/deeppurple_official
Deep Purple melden sich zurück was originally published on The Art 2 Rock
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