#(being mistaken as a boy for having short hair is also so Black girl-core)
fromtheseventhhell · 17 days
Arya being masculinized, adultified, and having her trauma ignored because people think she's "too strong" to be a victim is such a core experience for young girls of color
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loksthegreat · 8 months
any gay royals? also who’s cassella martell??
Of course we got gays, these are Targaryens after all!! I’m gonna make a list of the ones I can think of for the top of my head but it sure isn’t a limited list by any means!!
Saeron I (106-154) was Visenyas third son and married lady Zahna Dayne after 6 years of betrothal, they weren’t compatible anyways but Saeron also was very much in love with Zahnas cousin Ser Aryon (a knight of his mothers Kingsguard). Saeron fell in love quickly and often but he never really had a long term lover.
King Maegor II (103-157) Visenyas first son wasn’t gay, but he had no desire to bed anyone really so by todays standards he would probably be asexual.
Aerion I (114-166) another son of Visenya also practiced a more open love, he had multiple male lovers among them his close friend the legendary adventurer and sells sword Ser Syn Sand and Ser Jory Greyjoy. He also married a multitude of women (two of his nieces) and was a big fan of polygamy.
Baelon II (134-156), Maekar I (134-157) and Daenera IV (35-157) all children of Maegor II were in a polygamous relationship, with Maekar and Daenera getting married since Baelon joined the Kingsguard (their daughter Aegara I is probably Baelons thou).
Daena I (144-241) another daughter of Maegor was known as ‘the maid of Driftmark’ and famously threatened every suitor that came to ask for her hand with the sword and generally preferred to stay in the company of women exclusively. She and her cousin Daena II were inseparable before the latter died in 171 AC (Yes they had the same fucking name I know) and after her passing Daena I never returned to Dragonstone, instead she spend her live on Driftmark riding her beloved dragon Evening and enjoying live with her lady love Marrisa Velaryon.
Daena II (147-171) the daughter of Aenna was a flaming bisexual that wore exclusively black and favored pants. She married her brother Aelyx and while they were very in love she also had a relationship with her cousin Daena I.
Laena II (132-150) the daughter of Rhaenar and Baela (the Baela from the show/books) was another sapphic granddaughter of Visenya, it was common knowledge that she married her uncle Aerion just to be able to enjoy the romantic freedom he could offer her and that she actually never shared the bed with him. She was romantically involved with the wife of her brother instead, Daella II.
Aenera II (159-185) the granddaughter of Aenna was a raging lesbian to the core. In her maiden days she had often laughed in the faces of the lordlings and knights that had approached her and her ladies. Aenera was known for her beauty and the eldest child of her parents so not marrying wasn’t really an option for her, but her true love laid with her cousin princess Aella III.
Aella III (157-178) was the granddaughter of Saeron and had always stood out among her religiously devoted and very well behaved siblings, she had been a quiet and studious girl but she also didn’t care much for marriage and men, she had rather ride dragons with her cousin Aenera all day.
Queen Rhaella IV (185-264) was a great granddaughter of Aenna, she had a rather scandalous love life, after the death of her second husband she supposedly had a long standing relationship with her sworn shield Ser Steffon Waynwood, in her youth however she was often rumored to have lain with women, among them her close companion Alianda Blackwood.
Naerys III (211-245) was a Great Great granddaughter of Aenna, she was a dragon rider and always kept her blond hair short and enjoyed being mistaken for a boy. She may have been in a romantic relationship with a Velaryon cousin of hers.
King Aeralon I (260-295) was a descendant of Visenya (to many greats to put here trust me) he was a big f-ing problem for everyone around him, especially his wife and kids, because his half brother Lord Torrhen Stark left him (Torrhen was his only relationship ever).
King Maelor II (276-317), Aerys I (278-317) and queen Elaera II (279-317) the children of Aeralon were in a polyamorous relationship. While Maelor and Elaera married, Aerys never did and stayed at court with his siblings all his live. Aerys also wasn’t shy to tell everyone who would listen about how much he loved his king and queen.
Daemion I (595-?) the son of Elaena IV was another Targaryen man in love with his brother the king, he however had no interest in women at all, which worked out fine because he was married to Alanna Velaryon who herself had little interest in men and preferred the company of women.
Jaehaerys III (602-?) another son of Elaena was also into men, he joined the kingsguard as a young man and had a live long relationship with his fellow knight Ser Ormond Allyrion, even though their story started out as a fierce rivalry.
Baelor V (609-?) ?? Another son of Elaena IV, he supposedly fell for his wife Beatriz Corbray while he taught she was a man and evidently enjoyed to … switch up positions during their love making (read as: man liked it up the ass), he also flirted with anyone and anything so I’d say it’s safe to assume he would have counted himself bi by todays standards.
Aella VI (609-?) a daughter of Elaena IV and Baelors twin, she was always prone to gushing over her mother female knight Lady Larissa and other lady knights of history, as a girl she had been a romantic through and through yet no boys ever strung her fancy. Instead she found love with her brothers wife, Amanda Wylde, called ‘wild Amy’ (the brother, Aegon was also probably a little gay so he didn’t really mind). Funnily enough her daughter and Amy’s daughter would also fall in love in the future.
Elaena V (629-?) the granddaughter of Queen Elaena (wild Amy’s daughter) was another bisexual girlie, she always flirted a little to much with knights and young lords, but her first love was with her cousin Jenny Arryn, and while both eventually married and happily at that they would always remain very close.
Sadly I don’t have the generations following Elaena all that figured out yet (I’m to busy making up new fun stories about her crazy kids if I’m being honst) so I might just make another post about the great numbers of sapphics and the occasional gay man that are sure to follow!!! Hope this answers your questions, all though I had love to talk more about any of these and the story of their lives if you had like that!!
If you wanna find out who my fav queen Cassie is, imma put the link here as soon as I post:
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ladykissingfish · 4 years
Highschool with the Akatsuki
Behavioral nightmare. Fidgets, drops things, disrupts others’ work, talks during study/quiet times. Has to be constantly reprimanded for his inappropriate jokes and foul language. Sent to the principal‘s office so much that he was asked his opinion when the man was choosing new carpeting. Most of his friends are exactly like him, so if they’re in the same class they have to be seated clear across the room from each other. Can be a good student when he TRIES; but doesn’t see the point in trying, so will just barely be passing his classes with C’s and D’s. Skinny jeans and Vans with open flannel shirts over white or black tank. Wears a necklace with strange symbol on it, when asked what it represents he’ll say “my religion” but won’t elaborate. In the bathroom between every class grabbing “a quick smoke”. Dyed his hair silver as a joke in the 6th grade, has kept it that way ever since.
As serious as a heart attack, no matter the situation. Incredibly tall and with a stern face; is almost always mistaken for being the teacher by new kids. Has an impressive collection of “old-man” sweaters. The stingiest guy alive with a buck; will actually make you hand-write him an IOU slip over borrowing 50 cents for the vending machine. Decent in all subjects but a star in Economics. Has one or two “friends” but doesn’t seem particularly close to them (or anyone else for that matter). Doesn’t talk a lot in class but when he does it’s usually because he disagrees with a point the teacher is making, and he isn’t afraid to debate him or her until he’s acknowledged as being correct.
Deidara is one of those people who needs constant stimulation to keep him engaged in whatever’s going on. Since school tends to involve a lot of tedious repetition, paying attention in class isn’t something he’s the best at. Most likely to “finish up” his homework assignments five minutes before class starts. Grades tend to fall in the B-/C+ range. The type to always pick a seat that’s in the back of the room and/or closest to the window. Has a sketchbook that he carries around with him wherever he goes. Style consists of ripped jeans over fishnets, combat boots, fingerless gloves, band t-shirts and oversized pullover hoodies. Super-long hair tied back in ponytail. One of the first (and only) people at school to *openly* identify as pansexual; gets asked out a lot but always declines everyone because dating “would interfere with his artistic process”. Doesn’t speak a lot in class unless the topic particularly interests him, in which case he will ramble on and on until politely stopped by the teacher. His table at lunch will always be full because others are drawn to his energy and charisma. The art room is his home away from home; on a first-name basis with the instructor.
The smart, quiet kid. Tends to keep to himself and always appears to be in his own little world. Doesn’t ever seem to be paying attention in class, but when the teacher randomly calls on him, he has the right answer every single time. Always gets A’s but will get upset over a “low A” (in the 90-94% range). A good budgeter of time and will usually manage to get most of his homework done at lunch or during study hall. Has a (small) core group of friends and not looking to add to it anytime soon. Wears a lot of khakis and long-sleeved shirts or sweaters (even in the summer). Because of his organizational skills, technical mind, and proficiency in using tools, he excels in woodshop; often informally used by the teacher as an “assistant” to help other students with their projects. Absolutely hates gym (his small stature and delicate nature make physical exertion difficult for him); this will be the only class he doesn’t try for an A in, as he skips it as often as possible.
Dear God, the girls ((and quite a few guys)) are crazy over this boy. Is thought of as being brooding, and mysterious ... and gut-wrenchingly handsome. Very quiet, rarely speaks in class, but when he DOES, it’s always something deep and profound. Top student grade-wise. Long dark hair and soulful eyes. Style is all black, distressed baggy pants with chains, long-sleeved band or anime shirts, boots, fishnet gloves, heavy silver bracelets and rings. Is polite to everyone but only has a handful of actual friends. Submits poems and short stories anonymously to the school paper; always gets published. Is occasionally persuaded by his teachers to volunteer as a student tutor; line will be literally out the door from people seeking his “help”. Has friends in the drama club so will go to every single school play to be supportive, even if all friend did was lighting or scenery.
Tall and athletic; captain of the swim team. Isn’t the most handsome guy but popular because of his personality. Not really the best student, but keeps his grades up enough to be able to keep playing sports. Sweatpants, Nikes, and Letterman’s jacket. The type to step in when he sees somebody getting bullied. Has a secret love for Orchestra music and likes to sit outside the band room when it’s members have rehearsals. Friends with/friendly to absolutely everybody. Will go through more than one tray at lunch. Shines the brightest during gym class. Also a surprisingly good cook; will voluntarily take Home Economics as an elective and be one of the best bakers in the class.
Known around school as “that one guy with the mask”. Was apparently in a bad accident as a child that left the side of his face heavily scarred; adopted the practice of wearing solid-color face masks to cover damage. Teachers are made aware of his situation so no one ever tries to make him take it off; although he will do so at lunch, at a table of his close friends. Smart and articulate, everyone turns to look at him when he speaks in class. Tall and moves quickly (and silently); nobody ever knows he’s there until he’s right behind them. Dark jeans, boots and will always wear a leather jacket or trench coat, even on ridiculously hot days. Doesn’t laugh a lot but when he does, the sound of it could make anyone fall in love. A big eater of sweets; will always have some kind of candy on him that he will quietly slip beneath the mask and eat during class. When caught by teacher, will claim he had low blood sugar, and because he’s a good student otherwise he won’t be questioned further on it. The type to, at the beginning of the school year, sign up for a ton of after-school clubs, stay in them for a week, decide they’re boring, and duck out.
Oddball kid who sits by himself and talks to himself more than seems normal. Teachers have learned early on not to call on him in class, because he’ll just sit there and give them a silent, intent stare until they move on to someone else. Surprisingly good grades despite never talking/participating. Wears cargo shorts, T-shirts and sandals with socks, no matter the weather. Always goes outside in-between class periods; sometimes misses class altogether just to nap under a tree with his face in the sun. Eventually founds and is “captain” of the school’s gardening club; not many members but the ones that do join are very environmentally conscious, modern-day “hippies”.
Legitimately has like, 9000 piercings. There’s not an inch of this guys face that doesn’t have a shiny silver stud in it. Red and black seem to be the only colors in his wardrobe; lots of button-up shirts and zip hoodies. Has a ridiculously deep voice and is always super-intense, even when just hanging out with friends. In group projects, he’s always very quickly designated as the Leader. In his group of friends, it’s clear he’s the Leader. Not the best grades but above-average. Spends a lot of time with the blue-haired girl; it’s always rumored that they’re dating although both parties have claimed to be “just friends”. A terrifyingly persuasive arguer; joins and becomes star of the debate team within a week. The type to ask a very deep, pointed question during class and change the entire course of the teacher’s lecture.
The type to have a lot of close male friends but almost zero female ones. Tends to be the “mom” amongst her group. Excellent student, always the top marks in her class. A lot of admirers but always politely turns down potential suitors. Some piercings but nothing very extravagant. The school used to have a very strict rule about dying one’s hair “wild colors”, but she dyed hers blue and led a successful protest regarding freedom of expression. Her favorite class is literature, especially when they get to the Greek Mythology and Shakespeare units. Does origami as a hobby; when bored in class will sit and tear up bits of paper or napkins and create gorgeous little flowers. Clean and organized in every aspect EXCEPT for her locker, which is a (legendary) jumbled and unholy catastrophe.
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Just Like Candy
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader
Genre: Angst / Smut
Word Count: 2,791
A/N: I gave the lovey @cho-ji-eun the choice of starting a new imagine for her birthday or finishing the one I had already promised her. Needless to say she said the one I had already started for her, so here it is for my Ji Baby.
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“Where’s Woojin? Isn’t he supposed to be your surprise guest?” You asked, plopping down onto the leather sofa and swinging your legs up onto it. Chan hummed in response, his fingers tapping at the keys on the keyboard, music beginning to pour from the speakers. He sighed, rolling back in his chair, your question finally registering as he looked at you.
“He’ll be here in a minute.” He rolled over to you, his gaze focused on your eyes, admiring the unique color they turned under the light of the room, “You sure you want to be in here while we run this live?” His knees met the sofa, his elbows coming to rest on his thighs as he leaned close to you.
“It’s okay, I’ll just play on my phone while you do your thing.” You watched as his cinnamon swirled irises fell to your lips, his tongue slowly swiping over his lips before pulling up into a smile, one that matched the devil’s, “What…?”
“Nothing. Just enjoying the thoughts that ran across my mind.”
“How about you let me on that.” You could see in his eyes that his thoughts weren’t exactly pure, but you were curious to see how risqué they were. His long fingers found their way to the back of your neck, pulling you to him, his lips grazing over your plumpness before the sound of the door opening made him sigh.
“I’m here, I’m here.” Woojin’s melodic tune filled the room as he rolled Chan out of the way to lift your legs and take the space next to you.
“You couldn’t have come like 30 minutes later?” Chan groaned, rolling back to the desk. You started to pull your legs to your square when Woojin rested his arms on your legs.
“You can keep them here, Y/N.” He gave you a gentle smile while his hands rubbed over your bare legs.
“O-okay…” You relaxed into the couch, pulling your phone out to unlock it. Chan’s blood started to boil when he noticed the way that Woojin was ogling you, catching the way that his eyes traced over your shape and you weren’t doing anything to stop him. Jealousy wasn’t something that he usually had to deal with, but watching another guy touch you made him so green-eyed.
“I’m about to start this.” He hissed turning back to the computer, his fingers typing in the website name and signing into it. You glanced over at him, your phone soon vibrating in your hand, telling you that Chan was going live. Insomnia played as Chan moved around in his chair, waving to his fans and jamming out the build-up to the chorus to the song.
But in the end, I get up again—I can’t sleep
“Woo!” Chan’s eyes were focused on the screen as he turned the music down a bit, “Hello everyone. Welcome to Chan’s room!” A wide smile spread over his lips while he made eye contact with the camera, his giggle soon spilling from his chest. As he waited for people to flood into the chat room, he kept an eye on you and Woojin; you noticed him glancing your way every few minutes, your heart skipping a beat every time your eyes met through greeting his fans. Your attention was quickly pulled to the feeling of a hand squeezing your thigh, making you gasp.
“Stop—you know I’m ticklish...” You whispered, attempting to stay as quiet as possible.
“And? Isn’t it about time for you to meet the fans?” He teased, digging his fingers into your flesh, knowing exactly where to grab to make you squeal, but you tried to escape Woojin’s grasp as you heard Chan start to talk.
“Hello, everyone. It’s 11:30 PM.” The laugh that came from Chan made you stop moving even though Woojin was still attacking your ticklish spots, “I came a bit late for you guys, I can’t remember whether I said this before, but I usually work at night. ” Chan continued to talk, trying to ignore the fact that Woojin was touching places on you that only he had ever touched before. He was mad, sure, but could he show that on camera, in front of all of the Stays that were watching at home? No, he couldn’t, but he knew one thing that would really piss you off, “Hello, Stay!” He waved at the camera once more, “Hello, Stay! Stay, who are also my baby girls.” He laughed a bit, letting his hands fall down into his lap, “Stays, if you girls are my baby girls, that would mean I’m your… da...ddy? Moving on!” The snap of your head from the side of the room caused a devilish smile to spread over his lips as he turned on the music.
What the…
You pushed Woojin’s hands from your body, your skin, and blood too hot to have his hands on you. You moved to the one side of the couch, pulling your legs up to your chest, your glare heavy on Chan as he acted like he did nothing wrong. The hour that the live lasted you held it together until he told the camera goodbye—and that's when you lost your cool.
“Thanks for joining me this time, Woojin.” Chan rolled back in his chair until he was next to Woojin who was relaxed in one of the leather chairs.
“No problem, I had fun.”
“I think Y/N and I are about to get some food, would you—”
“Actually, Chan...” You were quick to cut him off, your anger already about to spill over, “I need to have a talk with you before we do anything.”
“About?” He crossed his arms, a sly smile playing upon his lips.
“You damn well know what about.” You hissed, throwing your phone to the vacant side of the couch as you stood up.
“I think that’s my queue to leave.” Woojin mumbled as he got up from the chair.
“Wait, we’re about to go to eat.”
“Find me after you’ve had your talk...” Woojin left the room and with the click of the door, you walked over and locked the door, no one was going to mess up this conversation, and you were asking sure of that.
“What the hell kind of stunt was that, Chan?”
“Whatever do you mean?” He sighed rolling back to his spot in front of the desk.
“Are you really going to let Stays call you ‘daddy’?” He could sense the frustration in your voice without even having to look at you, he knew he hit a nerve and he was not the least bit sorry about it.
“Why does it matter if I do or don’t?” Chan stood from his chair to stretch, playing it off as if you were mad for no reason.
“Being called daddy means you have to be one and I don’t think you could be a daddy even if you tried.” The growled words caused him to move toward you, your body getting trapped between his hands and the wall. The spiciness of his cologne met your nose, turning the anger you harnessed into something else, something more carnal.
“You don’t think I can?” He growled, leaning into you, his hand leaving the wall for a moment to pull the hair that was covering your neck behind your ear. A fire crawled up into your cheeks, the carnal hunger that was growing inside you now spreading through your limbs, the heat between your thighs beginning to pool in the thinness of your underwear. Luscious lips pressed a gentle kiss to the tenderness of your neck, it sparking goosebumps over your skin, your breath got caught in your throat as you gripped the fabric of his black shirt, to feel a smile spread over his lips, “I guess you don't have an answer.” He pulled away from you, a chuckle erupting from his throat, the anger you once felt arising again.
“Seriously, Chan? Fucking own up to it if you're going to do it.” You growled, you hated the way he beat around the bush, it annoyed you to no end. Chan cupped your face, sliding his knee between your thighs—the good boy aura vanishing into an air that was darker, hungrier.
“You want me to punish you? You’ve been back talking a lot lately.” He ground his knee against your panty clad core, eliciting a whine from you.
“Please...” He gripped your hips, rocking them back and forth, making you ride his thighs.
“Don’t stop until I tell you to.” You nodded to his words, focusing on the friction his jeans were creating with yours, the way that the seam dug into the flesh of your pussy that was already aching for him without his fingers even touching you. His lips continued where they left off on your neck, hungry lips staining your skin shades of deep purple and red, marking your body—telling everyone that you were his and no one else’s. The constant digging from the seam your shorts over your throbbing clit was already bring you to your end, the messy rocking of your hips caught Chan’s attention while his lips trailed up your neck to the shell of your ear, “C’mon baby girl, I know you can ride better than that...” He whispered near your ear, the tight knot in your core making it hard to keep a steady pace.
“Chan, I can’t—”
“Is that so? My brat can’t even listen to me?” He pulled his leg from between yours to slip his hand into your shorts, past your panties to bury his fingers in between your slippery lips, “You’re getting wet so easily, Y/N. You all ready for me?” He dipped his fingers into your dripping core, them curling up into your sweet spot roughly, your already trembling legs feeling like they could give out under you at any moment, “You know the rules...” He hummed near your ear, “If you want to feel me, put me in your mouth, baby...” He pulled away with a sly smirk on his lips, your mouth watering to taste him. You dropped down to your knees, focusing on this hand roughly unbuttoning his pants, your excitement throbbing in your core, “If you think you’re gonna get off easy this time, you’re sadly mistaken, baby girl.”
“Is that so?” You kinked an eyebrow as he pulled his pants and boxers down just enough for his hard cock to spring free from the waistband.
“Don’t get cocky, Princess.” He gripped your chin, guiding his cock towards your mouth, “Open.” You opened your mouth, Chan calmly slid the tip onto your tongue, the rough sensation causing him to suck a breath in between his teeth. You knew Chan loved feeling your mouth wrapped around him and teasing him was your favorite thing—you hummed while swirling your tongue around his throbbing tip, his hips bucking at your sudden movement, “It’s not nice to tease.” He buried his hands into your hair, gripping your head as he hastily thrusted his hips into your mouth, sending his cock down your throat. You attempted to pull back from him, but he backed you up against the wall, using it to his advantage to use your mouth in whatever way he pleased; the burn in your lung screamed to breathe, but Chan didn’t look like he was going to be done anytime soon. His dark eyes were focused on his length buried past the plush of your lips, loving watching it grow as he pulled out of your mouth and disappear down your throat. Blistering tears ran down your cheeks, your tears finally pulling him out of his blissful moment to refocus on your face, “Are you ready to behave for daddy?” He gently caressed your cheeks as he pulled his throbbing cock from your lips, he ran his thumb over your reddened lips, smearing your drool mixed with his precum over your plumpness. Your fucked out expression fueled a hunger in him he’d never felt before, “Use your words, baby, otherwise I won’t let you cum.”
“Yes… daddy… I’m going to be a good girl now…” You batted your wet eyelashes up at him, catching a smile appear on his lips.
“Tell me what you want, princess…” His thumb ran over your lips once more, slipping into your mouth for your lips to wrap around it, your tongue searching for even a hint of his taste. Pulling his thumb from your mouth, you hummed, biting your lip a bit.
“I want your cock…” You popped up onto your knees, desperate hands sliding under his shirt to reveal soft forming abs, “I want to feel you…” Swollen lips pressed against his skin, making him groan, “Deep inside me… daddy… please…” You placed more kisses to his stomach, trailing down his defined V line to the base of his cock.
“Then bend over, baby girl.” You stood from your spot on the floor, quickly discarding your shorts and panties to bend over the arm of the couch, your ass high in the air. Chan walked over to the desk to open a drawer, a box of condoms slid to the front of it and he pulled one from the box before closing the drawer; he glanced over at your figure, your legs visibly shaking in anticipation of being able to feel him inside your aching core. He flicked his eyes back to the desk, his eyes catching the screen of the computer, the button to start a v-live flashing; what a perfect way to make this interesting. The subtle clicks of the keyboard held your attention for a moment as the sound of music began to pour from the speakers as well as a quiet ding from your phone.
Hold on… that’s the—
“Sorry Stays, I decided I couldn’t stay away for too long, how about another jam session?” You turned your head towards Chan to see him waving at the camera, every hair stood on end as all of your senses focused on your arousal dripping from your slick folds.
“You’re back? Is this a joke?” Chan read aloud, a stifled chuckle attempted to escape him.
“Hm… I don’t think so, but I have something to finish up so, bare with me for a few minutes.” Chan slipped out of the frame of the camera while ripping the condom open as quietly as possible and rolling it down onto his length; his cold fingers brushed against the bare skin of your ass, making you gasp as he took the spot behind you.
“Chan? What are you doing?” You whispered loud enough for him to hear, his body hovered over yours while he slipped his cock between your dripping wet folds.
“If you don’t want to get caught, you better not make any noise...” He guided his cock to your throbbing hole and thrusted his hips into you, making your body jerk from the pressure of him hitting your cervix. Chan gripped your hips tightly, the sound of his skin meeting yours got lost behind the loud music that came from the speakers, but it sounded so much louder to you; you gripped at the cushions as Chan’s relentless pace attacked your sensitive spots, you were so close to your release, so close that you almost let out grunts and groans that could give you away. Chan could sense you were about to unravel around him, your walls bore down on him hard enough that he could cum at any minute himself, but cumming before you wasn’t something he was going to do, “C’mon, baby girl… Cum for daddy…” He breathed, your core tightening up around him at his words; he leaned down, wrapping his arm around your waist, his hand immediately finding your aching clit. You growled into the pillow on the couch while he rolled your swollen nub between his fingers and teased your sweetest of spots, your high flooding your body as you felt the pulsing of his cock inside you, his own orgasm taking over him, “Fuck…” He hissed, burying his face into your shoulder, his cock pouring every drop he had into the condom; he pressed gentle kisses to your neck while he pulled out, the condom getting stuck inside your core. He watched as his cum dripped out of the latex, it starting to pool up on the floor under you.
“Chan…” You whispered, his voice quick to hush you.
“Relax, baby girl.” He pressed a kiss to your ass before speaking loudly, “Alright guys...” Pulling up his pants he began to return back to the computer; he plopped down into the computer chair, a smile pasted onto his lips, “What should we listen to?”
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bugheadspoby · 5 years
Bad, Sinful things. (Part 3 of Obsessed with my stalker)
Part 3.
*Please ask me in comments if you get confused because the story is just unfolding and Betty and Jughead have A LOT of bad past and psychotic things on their plates that they’re not ashamed of. Also it seems a little rushed but actually it isn’t and you’ll slowly get answers as the plot moves* *Frequent changes of POVS*
6:03 PM
“Going somewhere Elizabeth?” a queer bitchy voice reached my ears as I stopped in the tracks on the backside of Pops. “Who the fuck let you in?” I gasped making queer eye contact. “Oh, no one! I helped myself in..I used to live in Riverdale remember? ” she smirked. “Are you here to meet the boy of your dirty dreams?” “Why the hell do you care where I go or what I do? and why exactly are you showing me your disgusting face Darla?” I shouted. “Easy girl, easy! I’m just here to tell you that although I had some unfinished buisness with him..I had fun..” she said casually roaming around the broken tracks. “watching you kill that Blossom boy” she continued. “But right now… I prefer if you join him too” “So you’re here to kill me?” I frowned and laughed. “That’s the plan Cooper!” she smirked again. “And that’s why I decided to do it here! Killing you under his territory will bring nothing but joy to me” My mind rummaged quickly as she took out a pocket knife and stepped closer to me, holding it to my face and smiling like a freak. “It’s gonna be a long night if you oppose me now ponytail. So I suggest you step down and let my dagger taste your blood” she laughed. “Easy Darla! I bet you don’t wanna hurt me” I smirked looking at her face. “ I’ll bury you alive with..what was his name..your son? Kurtz?” I whispered smiling. Her face expressions turned hard and bothered as she gritted her teeth, cursing under her breath. “YOU. BITCH! you’ll pay” she shouted. “Both of you will!” I smiled looking back at the amazing yet awful memories of the sophomore homecoming night Jughead and I touched for the first time. *flashback* I was standing on the roof of the school as I watched Cheryl and Veronica kissing in the parking lot and I smiled because V finally got the nerve to ask her out but Cheryl being a bitch denied her the next day saying it was just the heat of the moment and she’s not interested. On the other side I saw Juggy, smoking a joint, annoyed just like me because of phonies and assholes that filled the place. He looked deliciously good that day with a black tux and his signature beanie and I caught him twice while he was checking me out at the party. He looked up at the roof and found me and I casually looked away but he didn’t. He kept on staring until I was out of breath. His stare did something to me that I could never understand. I was just enjoying this indirect eye fucking session when I felt a hand on my waist and I turned around to find the most annoying boy of Riverdale High,even more than Archie. Kurtz Tonsz. “What is a princess like you doing alone up here? In the middle of the dance?” he flirted. “I don’t feel like dancing Kurtz! Go away” I blurted taking his hands off of my waist. “Oh come on Elizabeth! Give boys like me a chance too.. I know you have your eyes on the most dangerous prize but I don’t think he’s into you” he said in a flirty tone as I looked at him in surprisingly disgusted manner. “You know nothing about me Kurtz. Get the hell away” I said and noticed Jughead smoking while his eyes were on fire looking at us. “He likes bad girls, the ones who are deadly” he said as I rolled my eyes.“You are the perfect girl Betty but maybe I can..” he said approaching closer as I flinched to get away from his tight grasp on my waist. “Maybe I can make you feel less of a good girl if you wanna be worthy for him. Just a tryout huh?” “Take your hands off of me Kurtz, now!” I shouted as the grip grew tighter. “Come on blondie don’t push too hard. I know you want it and I’ve never tasted a good girl before” he smirked at me pullinghis face closer as I pushed back and the next moment he was on the ground, bleeding from his mouth. “Betty are you okay?” he asked grabbing me by my arms. “J-Juggy?” I gasped, trying to comprehend what happened. “He’ll pay for it” he said as I just nodded, a little overwhelmed from the sudden turn of events. “He won’t touch you again..” he cupped my cheeks and pulled me a little closer to him with God knows what intention but it sent sparks into my body. “Go home Betty” His fingers caressed my waist and cold blooded eyes were burning holes in my body and when he finally let go, I ran off to home and locked myself in my room. After a while I just started smiling so hard, thinking about all the stuff that happened and I lost control over myself. We’ve been close before but never this close. I could literally feel his breath on my lips, his hands on my cheeks and his rough fingers on waist. I closed my eyes and laid down and before I could even think, my own mind betrayed me and hands went to places. I was feeling something so sinful touching myself in a way I never did before and when I realized what I was doing I was naked and dripping. It wasn’t just lust like I thought. It was something else about him. I was in love with him since a very long time but until that day I’ve mistaken it for lust. *end of flashback* 
“It took me three weeks to find him and when I did he was already buried” she spat. “Jughead didn’t bury him Darla! He just kicked him until he was out of Riverdale and in front of a car that ran, what was left of him, over” “But you know what blondie?!..it’ll be my pleasure to see him suffer over your trashed dead body” she moved forward a little and aimed the pocket knife on my throat as I smiled looking in her eyes. “Go ahead! What are you waiting for?” I laughed and she went on edge of anger when a bullet rummaged on the back of her leg and she fell down on her knees. “I thought I made myself clear when I threw you out of Riverdale Darla” Jughead said blowing the smoke out of his gun. “I guess I was wrong. Bitches like you never learn!” he smirked as she tried to struggle to get up on one knee. My eyes met his. His hair curl was casually sitting on his forehead covering his left eye, he was dressed in his signature ’S’ shirt and black jeans and he wasn’t wearing his beanie on his head and suddenly I began to realize that I wasn’t wearing any panties either. Our little moment ended when she suddenly screamed on the ground and attacked me with the knife and I fell to the ground too and everything went black all of a sudden. —- “Go ahead! What are you waiting for?” I heard her say and smirked at her courage. I knew this girl was trouble the first time I saw her. Courageous, beautiful, brave and drop dead gorgeous. Darla went on the edge of anger but before she could do it I shot her on the leg and she fell to the ground, grunting in pain. “I thought I made myself clear when I threw you out of Riverdale Darla” I said blowing the smoke out. “I guess I was wrong. Bitches like you never learn!” Somewhere in between her struggles I caught her eyes and she was busy checking me out, scratching her neck and biting her lips like she was freakishly turned on. We were just lusting on to each other when suddenly that filthy bitch attacked her with a knife and she fell to the ground. Serpents gathered at my call and took her away while I carried a passed out Betty in my arms. Her thighs were bleeding so bad and my trailer was pretty far away so I had to take her to the Wyrm. The Serpents called it a night and went back to their places after putting Darla into an abandoned trailer. I was literally in heaven as my inner pervert was finally a little bit satisfied by placing himself in between her legs, stitching her wounds and applying ointment. Her body started to tense up underneath my palms and I realized she was starting to wake up. It was so sexy how her body responded to my touch but it was a little awkward too. —- I opened my eyes and I was lying on a board-like uneasy surface, my legs were apart and hurted like a bitch. It took me sometime to realize that I had dirt in my hair and that someone was in between my opened legs trying to stitch my awkwardly placed wounds. I couldn’t get up because of the pain but I was finally awake and slowly realizing that I was on some sort of game board. Why is it so dark in here? Why are there p-poles? Stripper poles? Is this..? Holy Cr-Am I lying on a snooker table in the Whyte Wyrm? My mind flashed sparks and my eyes went to the back of my head when I recognized the touch between my legs. Was he stitching me up? Crap! I’m not even wearing anything underneath that terribly short skirt and my body is already reacting to him. I tried to get up despite of my jolting head and spinning vision. He was heating up his pocket knife with his lighter. He stopped to look up at me as I tried to maintain my sitting balance. “Hey! How are you feeling?” he asked caressing my cheeks. “I-I’ll be okay…just a little pain down there” I said as he smirked. “What are you doing with that knife?” “It’ll help your wounds heal better” “D-does that hurt?” I asked looking at the heated metal. “Yeah it will” he said. “But I know you can handle it” his whisper sent me to another world. My mind was on fire and so was my body and he was in charge of the situation right now which was even more sexier. He looked at me one last time before putting that fired metal on my leg and I screamed a little which made him smirk even more harder. I could clearly see right through him and his intentions were bad but in a good way. I was literally a meal on the table for him right now and for the first time in my life it felt so good to be helpless. He knew he had the authority right now, I even needed his help to move. He can do anything to me and I’ll be happy if he wants to take me right there on that snooker table. I can’t be on my knees right now but I’ll happily lick him to the core. “Where is everybody?” I asked breaking the silence. “Wyrm is closed on Thursdays” he said and I looked over to him. “Then what are you doing here?” I asked again as his eyes shot up to me. “What you’re trying to ask Betty? Shoot!” “Why did you call me in here when the Wyrm was closed and you weren’t working and Did you know about Darla?” “No! I didn’t know about Darla and I called you here on purpose” he confessed getting up from the floor and wiping his hands with a cloth. “I want this little game to be over Betty” “What game?” I asked as his face gained a mischievous smirk that burned my insides. “The game we’re both playing since ages” he whispered and sat down on the chair in front of me. “Lets confess the things we did for each other! Bad, sinful things” he grabbed both of my thighs and I went breathless looking in his eyes as his grip got tighter and tighter with every passing second. He slowly made his way underneath my skirt with his fingers and teased me. “I’ll go first” I must say he knew how to make a girl feel so vulnerable but yet so aroused at the same time and I was starting to wonder how his fingers will feel a little more inside of my skirt. “I am the one you probably presumed as your stalker” he finally confessed. “The one who left notes for you and roses that were just as beautiful as you are” “I can’t believe this!” I said as my eyes went wide. “I doubted you. I definitely did but..” “But what baby?” “F-FP?” I stuttered. “Yeah I did that! He deserved to be in jail for killing his own daughter but he never got in so.. I thought it’ll serve him well” he took one of his hands out of my skirt leaving a warm spot and brushed my hair out of my face. “Your turn” “I-” my words came out weak. I never felt this vulnerable to anybody. “I-I killed y-your Queen” I spat and started looking down for God knows what reason. It was maybe guilt, maybe shame or maybe just a thought that what will he think about me but then he suddenly pushed me back and I was lying on the table as he climbed up on me, between my opened legs. “My Queen?” he whispered in a different tone and I could’ve bet he’s angry at me. I don’t know what got me to confess something like this in front of him. I never knew what he felt about her and I just presumed that I’m the better option for him. “She’s not dead! She’s right here lying at the table as I’m praising her beauty” he said and looked at my surprised face before he casually pushed a finger inside and OH BOY that felt incredible. I gasped and lifted my body a little as his skillful fingers made there way in and he moaned and smiled too at the feeling of my wetness. “Don’t come yet” he commanded and I looked at his face but I was too turned on to observe the way he studied my face as his fingers went deeper. “Now my turn!” “I love watching you from Archie’s window” he bit his lip as I rolled my eyes in pleasure. “I was so close to jerk off the night I saw you naked but boy Archie had to destroy it, by existing” I giggled at his words and he gave me a little spin that threw me off the edge. “J-Juggy” I stuttered. “I-I can’t-I-I have to..please” I begged as he smiled vividly and then whispered coming close to my lips. “It was one of my sick fantasies to not let you come till you cry but you look so good begging for it” he gently touched my shivering face with the other hand. “Don’t hold anything back babe..let it all out” I screamed and the very next second I did what he commanded and he was just smiling at me with I don’t know pure adoration or something but it was something I’ve never seen on his face before. “That was even more beautiful than I ever imagined” he kissed me on the lips which lasted some moments and I knew that the taste was bound to last forever but the next moment he said something that twisted my heart and turned my world upside down. “I have another confession to make Betty” he sighed. The look on his face showed how bad it was going to be and I was terrified for a second followed by “What is it?” while I cupped his face gently and his face began to melt. “I killed Hal Cooper” he whispered.
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