#(at length)
nvr-pass · 2 years
so the basic conflict structure in mash is hawkeye and trapper defying military rules on the basis of actually trying to help people, and frank and margaret in turn trying to uphold military rules - but! these two are not doing it for the the same reasons.
frank is pro-military bc he buys into mccarthyism / american pro-war propaganda. but margaret does it bc she believes that order and structure are good. and also the war is very serious to her, and hawkeye and trapper not taking military rules seriously translates to her as not taking the war seriously.
but whenever there are people who need help it's very clear hawkeye and trapper do take it seriously, they just don't extend that courtesy to any other aspect of their stay. margaret wants to enforce the rules bc she believes they are in place to help to help people. that adhering to structure and discipline is what will help people most.
this is why when it comes down to it, margaret is actually more on hawkeye and trapper's side, all it really takes for her is a series of events that force her to realise and confront that the military does not actually have the good of the people as it's objective.
in conclusion: i can fix her
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vse-kar-vem · 5 months
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i heard we were talking about ngvot lyrics (walks in with my shitty gcse english literature analysis)
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theninth09 · 1 month
This isn’t anything deep but I just love that both Liam and Theo know how to fake cry and have utilised. Liam when Scott and Stiles tied him up and Theo in the police station and in Scott’s car.
Also off topic, but is Liam blonde? Cuz I see illustrations and some fics where he is written as a blonde guy. I honestly kinda like the idea of blonde Liam.
omg you're right. liam even went all out with those teary puppy dog eyes and that weird whimper he does... like its not just forcing a little tear, he actually tries to appear as if hes scared with his facial expressions. and i mean, maybe he was a bit scared. just a lil. he doesnt believe that sciles are telling him the truth at that point (obviously) but getting attacked by some creature-person, scott biting him and then kidnapping him? even though liam handles that situation impressively well, i do think there was a little real fear inside of him. so maybe he drew on that as well to be even more convincing.
actually- this would fit thiams conversation in the truck from s6ep16. "people only feel one emotion at a time, liam. which is why you get angry when you're afraid." if we assume that he was afraid because of getting tied up and everything, this would explain his aggressive behavior afterwards. i think he definitely fakes most of it (the crying), but this may be a pattern for liam, as theo points out. instead of demanding an explanation from sciles, he attacks them and runs away. sure, he just thinks they're crazy and wants to get away from them. but its not like scott kidnapped him for no reason. liam saw. he witnessed a "person" not looking or acting like a person. he got attacked by it. he felt scott's fangs, he saw scott. as a human, none of that has a reasonable explanation. so him getting angry and running away... that was probably him actually being scared bc he cant make sense of what happened to him.
regardless, its impressive (and really funny) that he makes himself cry and puts on this "im just a scared boy :(" show. its even more impressive bc stiles seems to fall for it? stiles, famously known for Not falling for anyone's bullshit, stilinski? believing liam? like, okay. this feels like further proof to me that liams fear, at least, was real bc in later seasons hes kinda bad at pretending (that scene in s6a where him and mason show up at the house where sciles were bc of the ghostriders and he goes "h-hey what. what are u doing here" lmao) Anyway. love this instance of his quick thinking skills. hes actually very smart (when he wants to be.)
and theo does it constantly, yeah. those scenes are actually some of my favorites, if not my absolute favorites, from him in s5. its just so good and so hilarious how he makes himself small and makes his voice go all quiet and he literally starts stuttering and stumbling over his words, just for him to do his Evil Grin as soon as no one is looking at him anymore. makes me wonder what watching s5 would've been like if they hadn't shown us who theo actually is. i think that would've been kinda cool, getting manipulated and lied to by him as a viewer, just as he does to the pack. the twist at the end of s5a not only being a surprise to the characters, but the one's watching as well. and then getting shown his evil schemes in flashbacks... idk. could've been fun.
and okay omg. liams hair is so confusing to me. because in s4, he definitely looks blonde to me. look at this.
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thats blonde. not the lightest blonde ever, sure, but still. maybe a dirty blonde or whatever term fits here. i personally wouldnt call this brown. right? right. i think we can agree. blonde. in s5 his hair looks much the same, maybe a tiny bit darker but still.
and then. Then. s6ep1. excuse this weird fucking picture, its the only scene where his hair is like this.
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like. okay... on top it looks blonde, but it's noticeably darker at his neck. but again, this is the only scene in s6 where his hair is like this. in the same episode, even before this scene, his hair is darker, like its the entire rest of s6. pics for reference:
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the first one is the very first scene of s6ep1 and the lighting is shit but its still obviously dark. like that's brown. that is Brown.
so like obviously they filmed that kissing scene before any other scenes. makes sense, since that exact hairstyle is also the hairstyle he has at the very end of s5b. so like. is he blonde??? did they dye his hair??? i have genuinely no idea. if they did dye his hair, why? or did his hair just become darker as he aged? but in some scenes it looks like his roots are lighter than the rest of his hair...
i wish i could tell you what his hair color is. people have their own opinions about this, bc ive seen fanart where hes very blonde but ive also read fics where he gets described as having "raven locks" which?? i think of black when reading that. idk. its whatever. hes a blonde, a brunette, go wild. whatever makes you happy.
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aaandbackstabbed · 6 months
Donna Noble, Missy, River Song=Bentina Beakley, Black Heron, Goldie O’Gilt.
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magicwithered · 1 year
Something something Karna has nothing left to lose. All that is in this world is hunger and rot. She carved herself up, takes pieces of those that are but transactions to the hungry one as offering. As nourishment. If all that is left is your rotting skin, what could you possibly fear to lose? Secrets that hold no weight to you, a life that holds no meaning.
It is just her, her god, her hunger, and her measured dying breaths.
And she’s perfectly okay with that.
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newpartnerincrime · 23 days
having thoughts about android psychology.
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shackleton2 · 3 months
Hey 👋
Favourite falcon and winter soldier scenes??
Hi omg thanks for asking!!
Even though I agree with a lot of the criticism of its flaws this is actually the show that made me be like "holy shit I need to go back and become obsessed with Bucky Barnes" and then that took over my brain and I've rewatched it quite a few times
The fuckin Winter Soldier scene in ep 1, I love Winter Soldier mission content and I'm so glad they did it justice in terms of the badass competent terrible mind-control murder of it all. And connected to that, Bucky waking up from the nightmare in his sad insomnia floor sleeping spot.
Bucky breaking Zemo out again for competence and WS skills, also for his and Sam's back and forth and his line, "Offense."
WS fake activation scene
I didn't use to like the scene with Selby mostly because of her, but after reading some brilliant ranting on here by various folks I like it for the disturbing implications 👀
OBVIOUSLY THE WAKANDA FLASHBACK I mean what can I say. Aside from CA:WS scenes I think it's my fave in the whole MCU. I love it. Sebastian Stan of course destroying my heart, but Florence Kasumba too so much:: you notice that tiny tremor of deep emotion when she first says to him, "you are free?" aaaaaaaa
That's the highlights but I do like him saying "I'm going with you" to Sam, him talking to Karli on the phone, him being a hero—
oh fuck the therapy scene too! I mean there's a lot that's infuriatingly frustrating about it, but it's like this glimmering vision of What We Could Have: Scenes Of Our MCU Blorbos In Therapy Sessions!!!!!!
Plus the therapy scene was built upon amazingly, so so awesomely, in my favorite fic The Barnes Files :D
PS: the scenes of him interacting with Sarah because they're cute af and they were built upon amazingly too, into I Found A Dream which I just...couldn't stop rereading for a minute there lol
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mnyehlike · 1 year
I'm insane. I'm crayzyayay. insane. asylum. I'm gonna kill you. I'm insane. I'm insa
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altruistic-meme · 6 months
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i read This Winter and i love him even more
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313-248-317-87 · 10 months
Nines-kun, w-will you marry me? uwu
I am flattered. Come and sit on my lap. We’ll discuss your proposal.
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nvr-pass · 2 years
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[image description: a screenshot from season 2 episode 6 of bbc's "Ghosts" showing the Captain, Fanny, Kitty, Julian, Thomas, Alison and Mary huddled in front of the window as they watch the second bride arrive. /end ID]
this shot. this damn shot. i've been raving about the composition since i first saw it and i know i've said this all before. i know it's my favourite shot. i know it does an amazing job at showing that this moment is most significant to the captain by centering him even as he doesn't say anything. i know i always feel the special tension of this moment, soaking up what everyone else has to say about this, what everyone elso might have to say about YOU. i know it's an exceptional example of how to tell a silent queer story focussing on interal conflicts rather then the external. i know fanny and alison arguing about the morality of a same-sex marriage are placed each at one of the captain shoulders as if they are his own internal argument of old formality he clings to for comfort against new ideas he's trying to grapple with. i know, i know, i know. and STILL! after 2 years! i watch this scene and it still hits me like a brick!!!
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I love my partner dearly but he loves to call me on the phone and just fucking MONOLOGUE. We've been on the phone for 40 minutes and I've said maybe two sentences. Boy you need a therapist
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eggwishing · 3 months
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thottybrucewayne · 10 months
I don't think people realize that critiquing the media you enjoy is fun too.
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hamletthedane · 2 years
There’s a lot of excellent examples of the difference between a million and a billion, but here’s my new personal favorite from a conversation I had today:
A million minutes ago was April 2021, the height of the COVID pandemic.
A billion minutes ago was November 121 CE, the height of the Roman Empire.
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yamujiburo · 6 months
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pokeball nails!
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