#(ask me about the relationships pls its a literal love square)
pheonix-inside · 3 months
As a person who doesn’t know about your superhero au I’d like to know a bit more about it :)
Hehehehehehe ok ok ok :)
So my working title for it, at the moment, is Roman Pryce: Teenage Superhero
So Roman is 16 years old, with the ability to conjure anything at will (inspired by Another Goddamn Hero Story on Ao3 go read it), and the insistence that his father was a superhero. Now the thing is that Roman's dad died when he was like 3, and he's since then been adopted by two wonderful women, Piper and Danielle (the two princesses from the second vine), but he has a few memories of the man, and he's in a hero suit and using his powers in most of them, so Roman has to continue the legacy, right? Plus, he just wants the glory (and the helping people) that comes with being a hero.
But the hero organization only accepts adults, and he is very much not one. So he does what any stupid, stubborn kid with powers does and decides to try to become a vigilante!
And immediately gets caught by his best friend, Logan, because he has the subtlety of a brick to the face. But Logan doesn't stop him, just insists on helping him and making sure he doesn't get killed, so he becomes Roman's sort of "man in the chair." Of course, only a few weeks (maybe a month, tops) after that, Patton, the third member of his and Logan's group and Roman's self proclaimed soulmate (not that anybody but Logan has ever heard him say it, and he never noticed how Logan grimaces when he does), notices that something's up.
And after that the game is up, he's immediately in on it, and he insists on being Roman's second man in the chair, despite not having any sort of knowledge necessary. But it's Patton, so of course they let him, because Logan can provide the tech knowledge and Patton can be the morale, and also he's from the richest family in the city and his parents don't check his receipts, so he can buy all the first aid they need.
And they kinda exist like that for a little while, until Roman has a run-in with a well-known vigilante, who goes by Gale, and of course immediately makes an enemy. Not necessarily a fist fighting, "I hate you so much" enemy, but certainly a rival. Never mind the fact that Gale is trying to help people just as much as Roman.
Over time the rivalry fades to something more playful, and they actually work together sometimes. After one such battle, however, Gale gets injured badly enough to go unconscious, and before Roman can even react he's got Patton in his earpiece telling him to bring him to their base ASAP so they can patch him up. Logan knows all of the technicalities of first aid, but Patton's really good at applying it, so Roman brings him.
And after that Gale is a friend of theirs. And after another heart to heart that I don't have a lot of the details of, he joins their team! And he even tells them his name - Virgil. Turns out, despite having been a vigilante for years now, he's the same age as the rest of them, and is an amazing teammate.
But uh. Things get a little more complicated when the group realizes that Virgil... basically lives at their base now. He never mentions school, or a family, or even a home, and gets kinda cagey whenever the group mentions anything.
And then one day, while on patrol, Roman and Virgil come across a new villain wreaking havoc. Only, oddly, this guy isn't wearing a mask.
More oddly, the guy looks just like Roman.
And oddest of all, he knows Virgil.
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
buncha kisses
warnings: mature language, Good music mention, slight suggestive content, lotta name calling!, basically just fluff
tags: sapnap x fem!reader (a continuation of [renamed from “a collection of moments at the beginning of your relationship”] win for me, basically, with college!au)
words: 1447
A/N: a very sweet anon requested a continuation of college!au with sappy and had some great ideas for me! i love when you guys interact and talk with me pls continue to do so! been receiving a lot of really encouraging attention from some of my favorite people (ahem, for example @strawberrymilkgeorge [among others] <3) so i just wanted to say thanks for that :)
It’s a sticky day in May.
It’s that kind of hot that irritates under the skin and works its way through the hair on your arms. Makes you want to either rip your skin off or sink into a pool full of ice.
May is a month that Florida doesn’t take very well; it’s either raining like it’s the Great Flood, or hot as a mosquito’s ball sack.
And to make matters worse, it’s the due date of a huge calculus project. Like— weighted heavier than the final kind of huge.
You’d gotten up three hours before your final at 9 just to cram. Your desk was littered with folders, chapter notes, and highlighters dull with use. A half-eaten bagel was off to the side, staling by the second.
That was before your AC broke. Yup. Broke. Ka-put. Just full on died—it was almost audible. Your roommate had stumbled into your room, face creased with sleep, and cursed for thirty seconds straight.
Completely understandable, actually.
But you didn’t have time to fret about the damn temperature. You just took your shirt off, kicked the box fan near your bed into the highest gear, and breathed hot anger down into your notes.
The only relief you would find would be lunch with Sapnap after your final. His apartment had air conditioning, and he was surprisingly deft with a knife and cutting board. Dude didn’t know how to figure the mechanics for emailing his film class project to you that one time last semester but could whip up a Greek salad and broiled chicken like no other. Your own little Gordon Ramsey.
He was yours now, officially. As of last month he was yours. A month full of drive-in movies, failed study dates, and an absurd amount of McFlurry’s.
And that’s what is waiting for you in Sapnap’s cup holder when you swing your way into his car with an exasperated look on your face. You just melt, eyes flicking up to his gratefully and silently taking it.
“How was the final?” He lays a hand on the gear shifter and nudges the AC up one more tick. The door closes behind you and you shuffle your legs apart, leg hair tingling in this heat.
“It was fucking brutal. I think I developed an ulcer just looking at the reference page,” you huff and he just shakes his head, laugh hot on his lips. “Absolutely not worth the studying—think I got a good grade, though.”
“Well, that’s cool. I’m proud of you.” The engine chugs to life when he shifts into drive and starts for the side street.
“Thanks.” Your cheeks blush ever so lightly but you pass it off to the heat. A moment passes. “So.” The straw makes a choking noise as it nudges at the bottom of an empty cup. Jesus, you finished that fast. “What’s on the menu for today?” Brandy’s Sunny Day lilts softly into the blasting air as you settle into a comfortable conversation, schoolwork at the back of your mind.
“Thinking of making banana chocolate chip muffins and pigging on those. Thoughts?” Flicking on his left turn signal with his left hand, the right slides onto your knee.
It’s never too hot for that.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply, voice small in a sudden bout of shyness. He double-takes with a smile, squeezing once at your leg.
Pigging is a perfect term for what you two do the second those muffins are out of the oven; it is too easy to shove three of those in a matter of seconds. Bellies full and in a sugar coma, you two lay under the whirring of his living room’s fan and stare up at the ceiling.
“This feels so good,” he mumbles, eyes half-lidded. Reaching a hand out, he pats his way to your hand and takes it, immediately squeezing it. “Wish you were kissing me right now.”
“Oh, yeah?” You taunt and hike a leg up onto his hips, swinging onto his lap and leaning to get your lips near his.
And that’s that.
The night is perfect.
Sapnap ushered you into his car at midnight and within four minutes you were on a US freeway with your head out the window. Like a dog.
A lone bird flies past in the dark air and you watch it swing into a patch of trees. You just close your eyes and breathe.
The stress literally melts. Melts into a puddle and drips out of you, falling onto the black pavement whipping past at a moment’s notice. School is a bitch already, much less an American college education. Grades and tests and professors and GPA’s and all that.
You swear Logan Lerman’s character knew what he was talking about when he said “we were infinite” in The Perks of Being A Wallflower. That’s what this feels like: infinity. Going 70 in a car driven by your hunk of a boyfriend, feeling the wind in your hair and the taste of midnight in between your teeth.
The inside of the car feels sweet when you duck your head back in, smile wide and hair crazy and a content look in your eyes. Sapnap gives you a glance before looking back at the road nonchalantly and lifting to curl and twitch two fingers at you. You instinctively move forward, eyebrows drawn together in curiosity. Three fingers grip your jaw tight, and then his mouth is on yours as the chorus of The King swells through the speakers. You only get two seconds to hum in happiness and slide a hand up his chest before he’s pulling away and has those beautiful eyes back on the road.
“You’re mean to me,” you sigh, and settle back into your seat with a ‘hmph’. He just looks smug. Bastard.
The nights Sapnap plays video games with his friends are—hm. Definitely something. You like to let him have those nights with no distractions most of the time; and you’re categorized as a distraction by the amount of times he “lags” when giving you a kiss or getting you on his lap.
Tonight, he got off work early and on the drive home called and asked if you’d come over and sit with him while he Robloxes with his friends. (“It’s like you can’t go one day without your hands on me,” you’d teased, but he couldn’t say a thing in response. You were right, needless to say.) “You can bring your paints!” he’d even added, knowing you like to watercolor as a hobby. You weren’t necessarily Etsy-worthy but it was fun and a stress-reliever.
And so here you were. Legs crossed, sketch pad in your lap, watching your adult boyfriend yell so loud that his voice cracks and breaks with every change of tone. You really had to remember to apologize to his neighbors…
“Baby—,” Sapnap starts, swinging around in his chair to hit you with a look so pouty his lip was in danger of falling off. “My dear girlfriend. My lovely woman.” His question doesn’t even need to be asked— he wants you to go get him a drink.
“You’re a misogynist. I’m calling NOW on you.” But you’re already heaving yourself off of his mattress and heading into the hallway, faux-annoyed look on your face. It melts into a smile upon seeing that little canvas mounted on the wall next to the door to his bathroom. It was a haphazard portrait of his parent’s dog Bowser that you’d drawn the few days his step-mom forced him to bring you home over spring break.
When you return to his room a few minutes later with a Bang and a couple of snacks for yourself, Sapnap has his headphones off and is swinging his feet in his chair like a child waiting for their parents to pick them up from school. You approach him, apprehensive smile on your face, and hand his drink over.
“Thank you,” he drawls, mid-yawn, and sets it down on the desk. Snaking an arm around your waist, he drags you between his legs and stuffs his face into your shirt. He inhales deeply but pulls away after a pause, hands tight on your abdomen. You press a thumb into his cheek and rub fondly at his facial hair, watching the way his eyes close calmly and relax.
“You’re so cute it causes me physical pain,” is all you get out before leaning and pressing a kiss square on his pink lips. They move against yours like they were meant to, one hand sliding up the material of your shirt and onto your warm skin.
“You smell like Subway,” he murmurs, and then the moment’s over.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D let me know what you think in the comments!
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fockinastro · 4 years
astro observations
a/n: most of these are personal observations or theories lmao so pls don’t bully me too hard but yes i love astro observations--also, if u believe i took your comment/observation without credit, please reach out and let me know! i have no problem including you in my post (or taking it down if u ask :))
this may be obvious but i’ve noticed that people with retrograde planets tend to have difficulty expressing its energy; eg. mercury retrograde people may have difficulty communicating or may stutter or find it difficult to put things into words, etc. 
venus in sag in the 6th may manifest as having a difficult time with the idea of settling down to one job/career for the rest of their life
i’ve noticed that lilith in 8th & neptune in 8th tend to not fear the idea or concept of death or just think it’s so natural that it doesn’t make them uncomfortable to think about
some astrologers say that having your sun sign in its fall (libra) or detriment (aquarius) may make it harder to relate to your sun sign or express its energy which i find to be true (personally)—this is also true bc these two signs are people signs meanwhile aries & leo are self-centric signs
i think every astrologers opinions differ on this but i think that 0 degrees can manifest as taking some/a little bit of its previous sign’s energy (the same concept as the anaretic/29 degree) eg. 0 degrees taurus may have a speck of aries energy but i can definitely see how the 0 degrees manifests as the purest form of that sign
i believe degrees definitely affect a person’s personality and how that planet/house/sign is expressed
for example, my brother has a 28 (cancer degree) degrees aries moon and i know aries moons get bad rep for being out of control with their emotions and explosive but he’s literally the most emotionally intuitive & intelligent person i know--he’s also literally so mellowed out (and he’s a LEO so...)
gemini & virgo moons (or even other placements) tend to blend well together even though they square one another; this is because they are both ruled by mercury
same concept goes for aries/scorpio; libra/taurus; sag/pisces imo
i personally just think that because they are co-ruled, it makes it easier to have similarities to get along
a mix of aquarius & virgo makes for an person that’s super hard on themselves and also very nonchalant or ‘unfeeling’ or maybe even monotone
my best friend has this placement and she is definitely this emoji -> 😐
this is a gimme but gemini/virgo/6th house creates such an anxious person; like they are overcome with so much anxious energy that they have a tendency to overthink, worry too much and be unable to sit still
18th degree MC can manifest as physical & mental illnesses due to your career
‘working yourself to death’ vibes, especially if it’s in a cardinal or earth sign since cardinal takes the initiative to do things and earth signs are stubborn and fixated on what they are getting out of their work
some may not realize this but the second house can represent self-esteem and i’ve noticed having pluto there may make you a very insecure person
other things that may affect your self-esteem would be taurus degrees/energy in chiron, lilith and malefic planets such as pluto
mars & moon in the same house may create difficult feelings or aggression towards that house’s theme but the moon may mellow it out or create feelings of obligation
for example: mars & moon in 4th may create discourse with your family but moon in 4th can show feelings of obligation to your family (back and forth situation)
don’t hate me for this but i’ve noticed undeveloped taurus moons are so manipulative and people tend not to notice this aspect because they are ruled by venus which can be easily overlooked but i be hella skeptical about taurus moons so...
i used to think aquariuses were super open-minded (and they are!) but being a fixed sign does make them fixated on their own opinions but they are very good about listening to what other people have to say--they just won’t agree with you if they don’t agree with you
this is also probs obvious too but i’ve noticed that people that have intercepted charts and whatever sign and/or planets they have there tends to have a hard time expressing that aspect or they may be confused about that part of themselves
for example: aries/libra interception can point to having difficulty expressing these energies or you can attract these types of energies/signs into your life
another example: venus & mercury can manifest as difficult expressing/obtaining love & communication/thoughts
an astrologer stated that they include the second part of the degree and i can see how that part comes into play--i need to do more research on this but i do think it takes an effect on someone’s chart/personality
an example: 5′44 degrees virgo moon makes them also have this leo & scorpio aura which i can definitely see how it comes into play
this might also be another reason (aside from house placements and other aspects) how certain asteroids or generational planets affect people differently even if they may be in the same sign or house, etc. 
saturn in the 7th house brings about lots of struggles and lessons in terms of romantic relationships and these people may have to wait a while before being able to find the right person to settle down with
i’ve noticed having leo placements/degrees/house can really illuminate a person’s personality due to the sun’s effects--it gives a showy/braggy energy but also very warm and creative vibe
rip to people with opposing sun & moon signs bc i know that's gotta be tuff
scorpio & sagittarius mercuries i’ve noticed are similar in the sense that they are super blunt and tend to have no filter
i think whichever house you have leo in can indicate a talent for that house’s theme
for example: leo in 3rd can show a talent in communication or leo in 7th can indicate a talent for finding romantic partners
this is all i have for you guys tonight lmao enjoy!
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ashdumpsterpile · 4 years
For the gays. (And @damcrows who’s been dead for the past 24 hours. Rest in peace babe. Read some gay fic. Deny the inevitability of canon. <3)
the end, but the start (of all things that are left to do)  by @ajkal2
Jon wakes up.
aka. mag200 tore out my heart
(Very smol, very short, very spoiler. Def recommend for anyone who just finished the podcast.)
remind me how to smile by @tamerofdarkstars
Jon is probably fine, just hiding out somewhere while the whole murder thing blows over and that's... fine. Martin is fine with that explanation. Really. He's got plenty to distract himself - like listening through the entire What the Ghost episode library, for example. Or watching Georgie Barker's Instagram livestreams.
(Yea this was in the last rec list, but you don’t understand THE ADMIRAL GIVES CUDDLES)
Chamomile by Dribbledscribbles
Whatever the ex-tea was, if it really had ever been that last bag of chamomile Martin claimed he’d found tucked in the back of the cupboard, it was fast now.
Martin had tried catching it, chasing it, blocking its way with shoebox lids and plates and an upended footstool, but the thing was just too quick. Jon knew as well as Knew that he might have left off the attempts completely if not for the creature’s preferred game.
The game was, See How Many Times I Can Push Martin Towards Cardiac Arrest Before He Comes at Me with The Broom.
(Scottish Honeymoon Era. Adorable and weird. A vampire gets harassed.)
hey stranger by @ennuijpg
It’s a late night Tesco run, how eventful could it be? It’s not like Martin is going to run into his boss who’s wearing something absurdly different from usual and get the most acute form of whiplash possible from seeing him, right?
(Martin runs into Jon at the grocery store and has an existential crisis.)
roses roses, roses. by @judesstfrancis
Rose scented laundry detergent. Running into Jon in the breakroom. Running into Jon on his way back to his desk. Rose scented detergent. Running into Jon. Roses. Jon. Roses, roses, roses. 
(Canon enemies to friends to lovers au-ish. Martin POV. Very pining much sweet.)
go softly by doomcountry
And there is nothing else besides this. 
(More hurt/comfort than fluff. Scottish Honeymoon Era. Mild eye mutilation.)
Not Alone by @backofthebookshelf
After the coffin, Daisy and Jon are both fragile. They hold each other up. 
(Post-buried Jon&Daisy starter pack. Very hurt/comfort.)
trust my love by antlsepticeye
“you… you’re real, aren’t you?” jon whispers, the fog slowly dissipating from his mind. “it is not a trick?”
“i’m here,” martin says softly, reaching up to grab jon’s hand that was resting on his cheek, intertwining his fingers with jon’s and squeezing. he moves jon’s hand to martin’s chest, resting it over his heart. “you’re alright. i’m alright. take your time, love. let’s just take some deep breaths, okay?”
reaching out by Athina_Blaine
By the time things settled, when Martin had finally managed to crack through his cold shell, feel some of his old self returning to him in bits and pieces, they had found their little routine.
One that had the two of them sleeping in the same bed, making breakfast, going to the mart. Where Jon reached for his wrist while they slept, and Martin luxuriated in the gentle warmth of his fingers.  
But not one where Martin reached back. One that had Martin kissing Jon awake or taking his hand over the breakfast table, because ... Martin never had the courage to try. And then it never became a part of the routine.
And Martin desperately wanted it to be.
Martin and Jon have an important conversation.
(More Scottish Honeymoon Era for the soul. Hurt/comfort/fluff.)
Belabor by @janekfan​
Jon's given the position of Archivist and is falling apart at the seams. Tim and Sasha are upset and playing games. Elias is overbearing and manipulative.
And poor Martin is stuck cleaning up the mess.
(THEE first fic I ever read for tma. Season 1, hurt/comfort/fluff, and hints of Jmartin. janekfan is the absolute master of seasons 1-3 hurt/comfort. This is my favorite, but pls check out the rest of their fics.)
tea, blankets, and a damnable stubborn attitude by ivelostmyspectacles
“Are you really gonna stay here and pester Jon all evening?”
“I’m not pestering him,” Martin retorted, sounding vehement if not busy going through the cupboards. “I’m heating up soup.”
“Oh, you might as well make him another cup of tea while you’re at it.”
“Oh, good idea.”
Jon shot Tim a withering look.
(The one where Jon is ill, Martin makes tea and they watch doctor who together. Fluff 1000%.)
A Kind Hand by @voiceless-terror
Jonathan Sims was adjusting just fine, thank you very much.
In which a minor workplace spill causes Jon to realize that he might have friends.
(Ah yes, the other master of seasons 1-3 fic aka voiceless-terror being my other fav author in the fandom. This one is also season 1 hurt/comfort/fluff.)
A Weather In The Flesh by @cuttoothed
"There is a span of years where Jon doesn’t touch anyone other than the occasional hand shake. It’s not so bad. He’s never been someone who’s needed physical affection."
Jon has never been any good at making people want to stick around.
(More touched starved Jon! Much hurt/comfort!)
Something Old, Something New by @cirrus-grey
Months have passed, and everyone is doing better than they were. Daisy and Basira are getting married, Melanie is feeling her old self, Georgie is as much herself as she has ever been, and even Jon has stabilized on his wild fall away from humanity. Everyone is doing better.
Well. Almost everyone.
(Daisy/Barsira wedding! Melanie is a bitch and we love her! Jmartin dance! Post-canon (almost) everyone lives!)
The Weight of Love by @voiceless-terror
Jon is a restless sleeper. Martin attempts to adjust. 
(The fic where Jon is literally me and Martin attempts to sleep for 1k words.)
The Art of Conversation by @voiceless-terror
"Do you ever stop talking?"
Jon has a complicated relationship with words. Difficulties come and go.
(Jon has adhd and Martin is in love.)
Novelty by @backofthebookshelf
Jon experiences A Sexual Attraction; Martin has A Concern. They figure it out.
(Any fic that explores the ace spectrum is a 10/10. We stan all ace interpretations of jon on this blog.)
Half a Hug by Dathen
I know you weren’t going to hurt me, I trust you, he said again and again. And then a different kind of fear shone through, hollow and echoing: “Please don’t stop touching me."
Or: Life is hard when you're touch-starved but have trauma related to your closest friend.  Spoilers through TMA 132.
(Honestly bless every author who saw jon&daisy and was like. They’re siblings. No I will not elaborate.)
the loneliness never left me (but i can put it down in the pleasure of your company) by Athina_Blaine
It was about Martin making Jon feel safe, treasured, and loved. And it had been so, so long since anyone made him feel that way.
And, in the face of it all, Jon was starting to flounder.
(At this point I just need to make separate rec list for Scottish Honeymoon Era.)
you can watch me corrode by scarletfish
"So, how long have you been pulling this shit then?"
"I… excuse me?" Jon’s indignant, certain she can’t mean what he thinks she means.
"When was the last time you ate?"
(Georgie decides Jon and Melanie need a normal day off. Jon learns that he and Melanie have more in common than he thought.)
(Look, Melanie isn’t my favorite person in tma, but she and Jon are like THE SAME PERSON and I adore fics that elaborate on their relationship.)
Out of the Wind, In From the Cold by @ostentenacity
There are two bedrooms in the safehouse, and two beds.
For a moment, Jon considers asking to share, but decides against it with a wince. “I really loved you,” Martin had told him. Loved. Past tense. And Martin doesn’t exactly have a lot of choices right now in terms of company; it would be cruel to demand he play at feelings he no longer has just to make Jon happy.
(For a moment, Martin considers asking to share. But he dismisses the idea with a shake of his head. Jon has already done so much for him. Martin isn’t about to ask for more, especially not when it’s something he doesn’t really need. He has his right mind back, and he has Jon’s friendship. That should be enough for him. It’ll have to be.)
Jon thinks that Martin doesn’t love him. Martin thinks that Jon doesn’t love him. They do not, of course, discuss this. Unrequited love is already awkward enough, right? No need to dwell on it.
I Do by @voiceless-terror
“I, um- this was supposed to be a lot more romantic, I swear.” Martin looks down at the dirty bar floor. “I had it all planned out, I-I was going to take you somewhere nice, and then we’d go for a walk in the square- I’ll still do it!” He hurries to explain, as if that’s the most pressing part of this situation. “It’ll be really nice, I’ve already hired a photographer-”
In a fit of protectiveness, Martin proposes to Jon.
(Everyone lives, Martin accidentally proposes and Jon is crying in public.) 
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1111jenx · 4 years
Hii, love I hope you are doing extremely fine and sorry for the bother ✨✨
Would you mind providing insight on what happens when someone's North node is in your 8 house and yours in their 12 house.
His Pluto, chiron and lilith also falls in my 12 house.
One of the most scary synastry of my life honestly 😂😂😂
I really love your blog and the way you go deep into the subject. Waiting very eagerly for the reply💕💕
First of all thank you so so soooo much for your kind words this is so sweet and wholesome!!!
And yes ofcourse, I'd be more than happy to answer this question:)
Its funny how I was just talking abt how scary 8H and 12H synastry actually is just now anddddd today as i go through my asks i saw this😂
I'll focus on y'all North Node today for some changes hehe
NN 8th house synastry:
Obsessive tendencies from both sides, but more apparent on the 8H's side.
Soul-deep relationship, can linger in one another's life for quite some time.
NN acknowledge and take pride in how much power they have over the 8H person but they dont realize that as they go deeper into the relationships, they are getting more and more invested.
NN person see the 8H person for what they can become. They see potentials and hidden power within 8H grasp.
NN changed 8H life significantly in some way. (romantically, sexually, financially). If well aspected (venus aspects, harmonious 8H) i'd even say that NN got involve w 8H finance and help them a lot, 8H=other people's money.
A lot of time for romantic context, NN often end up introducing the 8H person to deeper themes of intimacy and sexual experiences. Think that girl from 50 shades of gray entering the red room
Will be extremely hard to forget one another. Will always have some kind of entanglement or cross path later on in life.
Both parties consider the other person as one of their "soul family".
Twin flame placement in my opinion. Astrologers believe this can even go as far as a marriage placement.
8H person subconsciously can rely on the NN person a lot.
In a nonromantic context, this indicates a supportive friendship but also a transformative one with loads of ups and downs. Fights often but are very loyal to one another.
NN 12th house synastry:
NN person will see the 12H at their worst, literally. Will see through their facade most of the time and understand that there are a deeper and more spiritual side to the 12H person.
12H person sometimes can seem a lil spacey, but this should be encouraged as it is healthy for the relationship.
NN will support 12H's needs for depth while helping them slowly build their self esteem. Can seem like NN really knows 12H's struggles and pain despite not knowing them beforehand.
12H may rebel though. As in sometimes they might lash out at NN person for some petty reasons and have a harder time effectively communicate if they're in a bad mood. They refuse to listen to the NN person since they feel extremely exposed. NN may feel very left out sometimes.
A need to keep their relationship as private as possible.
12H may feel that in a way, NN "saved" them from some kind of addictive or toxic patterns that kept reoccurring in the past.
Painful attachment. There will be a lot of tears involved.
In romantic context I observe that couples with this are very involved in one another's lives and tend to know almost everything about each other, even the hidden secrets. I think that depends on the 2 people's charts, if there are too much chaotic energy like Pluto and Mars or a lot of squares in prominent placement can cause them to go crazy on each other and will hurt the other person for fun. will try to "get back" at the other person for wronging them if things go wrong.
An entanglement. Both parties can be clueless as to what they are. Hard to put a label on things.
This is a very very shallow summary as to what the NN synastry dynamic will play out between you and your partner😋 As per usual, pls be careful love and trust me, 12H synastry and 8H synastry going to literally shift how you see things in life. This indicate that you both are extremely significant in one anothers lives in some way.
saint jenx🕊
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Imagine doing this with Tom but the boys ask you questions about each other
this tik tok is so cute pls <3 
。☆✼★━━ requests are closed ━━★✼☆。
Part of every great relationship is seeing who knows more about each other. You’ve got Tom down pretty well, considering he’s a blabber mouth during interviews and with you. Now, you’re willing to put it to the test. Tom’s competitive like that, so he won’t give up a challenge.
It was a silly tiktok that happened to land on your for-you-page, that sparked the idea, but now it’s unraveled into a true competition. You’ve got a simple pair of sweats on, and an oversized shirt. Tom also has his grey sweats on, and a navy blue tee that accentuates the bulge of his biceps.
Two water bottles are filled with iced water, thanks to Harry and his need to make everything extreme. Harrison places two towels on a chair beside the patio table. Yeah, you’re doing this outside, so not only is the water refreshing during this (rare) London sunshine, but it’s also easier for clean-up duty.
“Get ready to lose, love,” Tom strides out the back door with such cocky confidence that you roll your eyes — playfully, of course.
You scoff roughly to feed into the atmosphere. “As if, Tommy. You’ll be kissing my ass.”
“He does that anyways,” Harrison pipes up, commenting like the little shit that he is.
Harry makes a pained expression, one of disgust, and you laugh at him, Tom joining you. “Ugh, Harrison! Did you really need to say that?”
“Hey,” he raises his hands in surrender, “He’s your brother.”
“Are we ready?” Tom interrupts, picking up one of the water bottles, handing the other to you.
“Thank you,” you say in an accent.
“But of course, darling,” he says back in his best Victorian-English accent. You giggle, and then motion for Sam to begin the recording. Your phone records from its place in the tripod, and Harry reads off the first question on his index card.
“When did Tom first break his nose?”
“Uhm…” you’re bending your knees slightly, ready to squirt Tom with water despite the fact that it’s his turn. “20… 17?” You cower away as Tom giggles while spraying you. “I wasn’t done guessing!”
“You get one guess!” He says back, laughing at your wet face and now splotchy shirt.
You roll your eyes, “Next question!”
Tom chuckles and so does Harry, and Harrison reads out the next question. “Who’s Y/N’s favorite villain?”
Tom’s brows furrow and he freezes for a moment, arms coming out in bewilderment. “I don’t know? Who would know that?!”
“Me!” Harry says while you squirt Tom. Immediately, his curls dampen and then flatten completely, wetted by the cold water.
“Agh!” He shrieks, wiping at his eyes. “I didn’t even guess!”
“Ooh!” Harrison raises his hand like a child. “I have a good one!”
You raise your eyebrows before encouraging him to continue.
“What’s Tom most cocky about?”
You smirk, something that makes Tom raise a suspicious eyebrow. “His bedroom skills.”
Harry gasps in surprise at such a blunt response, and Tom’s mouth hits the floor. “Y/N!” Your mouth opens too and in a matter of seconds, you use a hand to cover your mouth in shock. Harrison gasps in realization too, and Tom looks around at everyone as if you’re all crazy.
“You didn’t squirt me!” You yell, pointing a finger at him and cheering.
“Damn, Y/N!” Harrison cheers. “She got it right, mate!”
“Screw you guys,” Tom pouts, and you laugh harder, coming down to your senses to continue the game.
“Aren’t you glad I know you so well?” You tease. Tom doesn’t miss a beat when replying.
“Yeah, and how’d you know about my arrogant bedroom antics?”
“Ewww,” Harry winces. “You two are disgusting.”
“Disgustingly cute,” You smile brightly, so much so that it makes Tom laugh.
“Tom,” Harry says, “How does Y/N like her tea?”
Tom pulls his brows together while he ponders the question. You’re so ready to spray him with the water, because he makes tea every morning yet never seems to pay attention. “She… doesn’t drink tea!”
You let out a loud laugh, squeezing the bottle with all your might and watching it hit Tom’s hair and face in content. “Tom, even you know that’s not true!” you laugh, looking at the boys with a bizarre expression.
“Fuck, I know,” He whines, clearing his eyes of the fresh water.
“Your shirt is literally drenched.”
“Would you rather it be off?”
“I mean…” You match his smirk, but before you go any further, Harrison breaks it up.
“We’re still filming!”
“Last question!” Harry squeals.
“What’s Tom’s zodiac sign?”
You look at them, stifling a laugh. “That’s like asking what his birthday is!”
“Well, what is it?!”
“He’s a gemini!” You squeal, protecting yourself.
“I get an extra point for the shit question,” Tom quickly brings the water bottle over your head, squeezing harshly. The veins that run along his arms and hands pop out while he does this, and you run from your spot, shivering from the cold sensation.
“Hey—!” Tom runs after you, but you splash him in the face. Tom squirts back, accidentally hitting Harry during his attempt to splash you again. Harry gasps, hoodie dampening, and he stands hastily, grabbing one of the spare bottles and getting Tom square in the face.
Tom has to stop chasing you from the shock of the cold liquid running down his face. “Harry!”
“You got me first!”
“Yeah, by accident, you div!” He extends his arms to squirt him again, but Harry steps out of the way and Tom’s water hits Harrison’s chest, shirt drenching in the water.
“Aw, c’mon!” Harrison yells. Hastily, he picks up the remaining water bottle and goes after Tom, who simultaneously outruns both boys and continues chasing you. You run backwards for a bit of time, wetting Tom’s front while Harry get’s Tom’s backside.
“You fuckers!” Sam yells from his seat on the patio, beside Tessa. “The video ended!” None of you bother stopping though, and as Tom makes the distance towards you, you squeal, squeezing the bottle until all the water runs out.
“Catch me! I dare you!”
“Just you wait, love,” Tom steals Harry’s bottle, who then gasps in surprise at the action. “I’m gonna get you.”
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plaidbooks · 3 years
Dark Secrets: Secrets Exposed
A/N: Here’s chapter two of vampire!Sonny, and boy oh boy is it a doozy. I have another one planned, but it won’t be for the bingo. Also, the reason this is jumping around so much is because it’s an arc; Karen and I can come back at any time and fill in gaps with short chapters/drabbles.
Anyways, this covers the Monster square in @adarafaelbarba​ moodboard bingo!
Tags: smut, rough p in v sex, blood (is it blood play if he drinks it?), biting kink, marking/bruising skin, squirting
Words: 3105
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart​  @beccabarba​  @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @permanentlydizzy​ @ben-c-group-therapy​  @infiniteoddball​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​ @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @alwaysachorusgirl​  @glimmerglittergirl​ @joanofarkansass​ @caracalwithchips​ @berniesilvas​​  @reading--mermaid​  @averyhotchner​  @mrsrafaelbarba​ @detective-giggles​ @crowleysqueenofhell​ @dreamlover31​
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Three months. They were the longest three months of your life. Sonny never contacted you, and you worried about him every day. Was he compromised? Hurt? Dead? You had no way of knowing, and it kept you up at night. He had to be okay, right? You’d feel if he was hurt, you knew it in your heart.
You were also upset with yourself; the last conversation you had with him was…hard. Why didn’t you just wait a day, tell him how much you loved him instead? And now, what if it was too late to tell him?
There was a knock at your door, and you braced yourself for the worst. But when you opened it to find Sonny standing there, a sheepish smile on his face, you felt such relief that you cried out before launching against his chest. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him close.
“Oh my god, I’ve missed you so much! I’m so happy you’re okay,” you exclaimed, pulling him to you in a deep kiss.
He kissed you back just as fiercely, walking you backwards into your place. “I’ve missed you,” he muttered against your lips before kissing you again.
You wrapped a leg around his waist, scratching at his back, and he groaned. You needed him, now more than ever. You wanted him so desperately. But still, he hesitated.
“W—wait a moment, doll,” he said, panting. You gently released him, looking up into his face. His eyes were blown with lust, a mirror to your own. “We need to talk.”
You gave him a sultry smile, leaning against him. “It can wait,” you replied before kissing his neck.
Sonny groaned again, melting under your mouth as you continued to kiss and suck his neck. “N—no; stop, please.” You stopped your assault, leaning back to look at him. “It can’t wait, I’m sorry, doll.”
You moved to sit on your couch, and Sonny stood in front of you, determined to stay slightly away from you. “What is it, Sonny?”
“First of all, what I’m about to tell you is illegal; we’ll have to fill out all the paperwork later. Second, I’m going to talk, and I want you to listen; it’s a lot of information to get through,” he said.
You weren’t sure what to make of his demeanor “Is everything okay? You’re scaring me, babe.”
“It will be, just…just listen.” He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. “I lied about the UC; I wasn’t undercover the past three months.”
“What?!” you yelled in confusion; why did he lie? What was he hiding?”
“Please, let me explain; I spent the past three months in a cabin upstate, alone. I…I wanted to sit and really think about our relationship, about what I feel for you. And I—I love you. I love you so much more than I could ever say. You’re the one I want to spend eternity with. I’ve—I’ve never felt like this with anyone before; sure, I’ve had past lovers over the years, but nothing compared to you. I love you, everything about you, your spirit, your intellect, all of it,” he concluded.
You blinked at him. Was he…proposing? After lying about where he was? “Why lie, Sonny? I would’ve understood if you needed some time.”
“Because I—I wanted to make sure I was alone; I’m not done.” He took yet another deep breath, his piercing blue eyes locking to yours. “I wanted to make sure I could tell you this, without the fear of a…scene.” You rose an eyebrow, and he softly said, “I’m not human, doll. I’m a vampire.”
You blinked at him. “A vampire? Like Dracula or—”
“Oh, Dracula is a bunch of crap; a fictional story written by a human. I’m a real vampire; I have fangs, drink blood to survive, live forever unless I’m killed—”
“I don’t see how this is different than Dracula yet,” you replied, stifling a chuckle.
Sonny’s eyes narrowed as he looked at you. “I’m being serious, here! It’s also highly illegal for me to tell you all of this, since you’re a human.”
“Uh huh. A vampire, you say…” you trailed off, thinking. It did make a lot of sense, with how he didn’t eat or drink often, and why he tended to stay out of the sun. But he still went out and about in daylight, and besides, monsters weren’t real.
He rolled his eyes, then opened his mouth. Your eyes widened as his incisors seemed to grow an extra inch, becoming fangs.
“H—how’d you do that?” you whispered in shock.
Slowly, they retracted to normal size again. “I need them to puncture skin to get to the veins,” he explained.
“You really are a vampire, aren’t you?” you asked, voice hushed.
He nodded. “I am; all those manuscripts I’ve ‘found’? I was around when they were written; that’s why I know history so well, doll. It’s also why I haven’t wanted to move in. I didn’t want you to see that I don’t really eat, at least not human food…. It’s also why we haven’t had sex.”
“Because we’d make some sort of abomination if I got pregnant?” you joked.
Sonny’s eyes widened. “What? No, I can’t have biological kids. But I—I can’t get, um…hard, not unless I feed…. Need the blood and all….”
“Oh…oh! So, it’s not me?” Somehow, this was a relief.
He chuckled in disbelief. “No, it’s not you. I told you, I’ve wanted to have sex with you. I just didn’t think I could go ‘let me feed really quick then come back’.”
You laughed, and he looked at you like you’ve gone crazy. “Well, if that’s all, come here.” You patted the couch next to you, and he seemed skeptical, like this was somehow a trick.
Sonny came around the table to sit on the couch next to you, but he still left space between you, as if touching you would hurt you in some way. “You’re taking this surprisingly well,” he muttered.
You shifted to face him, and you reached out for his hand. He didn’t pull away when you took one of his hands between both of yours. “Dominick, I love you, no matter what you are, human or vampire, or whatever. I only love you.”
“But—but I’m a monster—”
“No, you’re not. You’re my sweet, loving boyfriend. I know you, Dom; I know your morals, your heart. We can talk about what all this means for us tomorrow. Right now, I want you,” you replied.
His eyes widened, and you were sure he’d be blushing if he could—could vampires blush? Gently, you leaned in, pressing your lips to his. He seemed stunned, frozen in shock, and you pulled away. His eyes searched your face for a moment before he was on you, lips colliding with yours almost painfully.
The kiss quickly deepened, his tongue easily forcing its way into your mouth. He pushed you down on the couch, kissing you for so long, you thought your lungs would surely shrivel up. Then he was picking you up, carrying you as if your weighed nothing, heading for your bedroom.
Sonny gently laid you on the bed before he ripped—literally tore—his shirt off himself. He climbed over your body, his lips coming back to yours. You scratched at his back, grinding against his thigh as his lips dominated yours.
His mouth trailed down your jaw, nipping as he went. “Pl—please tell me you’ve fed recently. I n—need you, Dominick,” you whined.
“I did, but not enough for this—I never thought this would go so well,” he replied, his voice husky. He pressed a kiss to your neck before leaning back to look at you. His normally blue eyes were a deep red, and it somehow made him more attractive. “If you want, I can go down on you, then go feed really quick and come back. It’ll be a few hours though; I have to leave the city to find animals.”
You moaned in frustration before a thought struck you. “Feed from me.”
“What?!” Sonny asked in shock.
You smiled softly at him. “Use me, Dominick. Drink from me.”
His eyes were almost completely black with his arousal, the red reduced to a bright ring on the outside of his pupils, and he swallowed hard. “I—I don’t think that’s safe, doll.”
“I trust you, it’ll be fine. Please, babe; I need you inside me, I want you, please.”
His breathing was coming in sharper as his arousal was taking over his rational mind. “And if I can’t stop? If I hurt you?”
“That’s a chance I’m willing to take. Because I love you, and you love me; I don’t believe you’ll hurt me. It’s okay, Dom.” To make your point, you propped yourself on an elbow, sweeping your hair off one side of your neck before laying back down.
Sonny didn’t notice that he leaned closer to you, only realized when his nose made contact with your throat. He sniffed at you, smelling your sweet blood just under your skin, and his mouth watered.
“That’s it, Dominick. Bite me, drink your fill,” you cooed.
“St—stop tempting me,” he groaned, voice full of arousal. He pressed kisses to your throat before he moved to nuzzle the crook of your neck. His tongue darted out, tasting your skin, and you sighed at the feeling.
“It’s fine; I give you permission. I trust you with my life,” you breathed.
Slowly, you reached up to grip his biceps, his arms caging your body. He sucked and kissed your neck, and you felt his lips move as his fangs grew. “Do you even know how hard it’s been to simply kiss your neck, when all I’ve wanted was to taste you?” he growled, his breath hot on your skin.
“Now’s your chance. Do it; drink.”
He grazed his teeth over your skin as he searched for your vein. “I’m so sorry,” he muttered before he sunk his fangs into you. You gasped in pain as he easily broke skin, your grip on his arms bruising a normal human. His fangs retracted, and he sucked at the incisions, drinking your blood. The magic in his saliva had you seeing stars; it was a mix of euphoria, pleasure, and pain all wrapped into one.
Sonny groaned the moment your blood touched his tongue. He had never tasted anything so delicious in his life. He could easily drink until your body was empty of blood…which is why he made sure to pay close attention to you, your heartbeat. But god, he could never get enough of you, your taste. He barely felt the blood entering his system; he was too distracted with the taste and with your heart. When your grip on his arms started to loosen, he used a great amount of restraint to detach from your neck.
He was panting as he leaned back, licking the blood from his lips. It was only then that he noticed how hard his cock was from just that small amount from you. It was true that he had fed recently, that he didn’t need much more, but he didn’t think that little would be enough.
You gave him a soft smile before you sat up, kissing him deeply. You could taste the coppery tang of blood on his tongue, but you didn’t care; you needed him, now. Sonny pushed you back down, then stood just long enough to undress the both of you before he was back on top of you.
“Are you sure—”
“Fuck me, Dominick, please,” you begged. He didn’t need to be told twice before he pushed into you fully. You moaned loudly at the feel of him inside you; his cock was long, curving to brush up against your g-spot perfectly.
“Ready for me, doll?” he asked softly, feeling your walls expand around him.
You gripped his shoulder, light-headed, though from the feel of him or the loss of blood, you weren’t quite sure. “I’ve been ready for you since the moment I met you, my love.”
His expression softened, and he kissed you deeply before he started to move. You could tell he was holding back, afraid to hurt you; he set a slow pace, thrusting deep into you. Your hands traveled down his back to cup his ass, pulling him deeper into you, and he grunted at the feeling.
“You—you feel so amazing. I love you, I love you so much,” he whispered before trailing his lips down to your throat. He sucked marks into you, and you gasped in pleasure; you had told him about your biting kink, something that you now found hilarious.
“S-same; feels so g—good. Fuck, Dom, move faster, please. You’re not going to hurt me,” you moaned.
He kissed your throat once more before he made his way to the two holes on the side of your neck, a drop of blood slowly dripping down your skin. His tongue flicked out, lapping at your blood, and the pace of his hips went up. He dipped his head down to the crook of your neck, kissing your injury, and you moaned again.
“D—Dominick—fuuuuck!—harder, please!” you gasped, trying to match his pace.
With a great force of will, he pulled his mouth from your neck, instead brushing your hair from the other side. He pressed his lips to your skin, kissing and sucking more marks into you.
You dragged one of your hands from behind him, wedging it between your bodies. You quickly found your clit, rubbing yourself as he fucked you into the mattress. Sonny opened his mouth, biting that side of your neck—without his fangs—and it was enough to send you over the edge. You cried out as you came, liquid gushing from you as pleasure washed through your body.
He propped himself up, looking at the mess you made, then smirked. Taking one of your legs, he threw it over his shoulder, sinking even deeper into you. You screamed his name in pleasure as he pounded into you.
“You got another one in ya, doll. Give it to me,” he growled. You brought your hand back to your clit, but he slapped it away, using his own fingers to rub you viciously. You squirmed as he assaulted your overstimulated clit, crying out at the feeling. You grabbed his wrist, but his arm was like stone; you couldn’t pull him away no matter what you did. You screamed as your orgasm crashed through you like a wave. But still, he didn’t stop.
“One more, doll. Be a good girl and cum for me again, I know you can,” Sonny cooed, his hips moving impossibly faster. His fingers were still playing with your clit, and you shuddered at the feeling. His hips hit yours so hard, you were slowly being pushed up the bed until his free hand gripped your hip, bring you down to meet him.
“Dom—Dominick—! Too much—gonna c—cum!” you warned. He doubled his efforts and you gasped as he pulled another orgasm from you. The hand that was rubbing you moved to your hips, and he jackhammered into you, chasing his release. His fingers gripped you hard enough to leave bruises, and you sure you wouldn’t be walking anytime soon.
He leaned down over you, the sound of skin slapping deafening in the room. And then he was groaning your name, his cock twitching as he exploded into you, filling you with his release. He kept thrusting, milking his balls into you, making you whimper. Then he collapsed on top of you, kissing your neck.
“Fucking hell, sweetheart. That was fantastic,” he muttered. It took him a moment, but he seemed to remember in that moment that you were human, and he climbed off you. “Holy shit, I’m sorry, are you okay? Was that too much?”
You chuckled, your body aching. But it was a good sore. “Fine, fine. Just a little tired—”
“Right, I’m sorry. It’s—it’s been a while. Here, let me clean you.” He stood, scooping you into his arms and carrying you to the bathroom. His hands were gentle as he washed you carefully, but you noticed his eyes going back to your neck often. Eventually, he had enough.
“I—I have to bandage that bite; the smell of your blood is intoxicating,” he explained before hurrying to your first aid kit.
While he was gone, you assessed the damage in the mirror. Your neck and throat looked like one huge bruise with how many marks he made. But the two puncture wounds on the side of your neck stood out like a sore thumb. All of this did nothing but turn you on more; you loved being bitten and marked by your partners.
“Was I your first?—human, that is. Uh, human blood?” you asked awkwardly.
Sonny came back quick enough with gauze and tape, and he set about cleaning and disinfecting the wound. “Um, no, you’re not. Definitely first time I’ve had fresh human blood in maybe a century. But you just…you taste like nothing I’ve ever had before. It’s, like I said, intoxicating. I swear I could drain you in an instant if I had a little less control.”
“Good thing you have control, then,” you said, chuckling softly.
He finished bandaging you and looked into your eyes. His were a brighter blue than you’d ever seen before, the red completely gone. “I had control this time, and even then, I should’ve been in full control. I shouldn’t have even bit you, should never have tasted your blood.”
“It’s fine—”
“It’s really not. Now, any time I’m hungry, I’m going to be thinking of you and how good you are. Which just means I’ll have to leave for my feedings earlier than before, to not wait until I’m so hungry,” he explained.
You rose a hand to cup his face, your thumb running over his soft skin. “I love you, Dominick, and I trust you. Now that I know what you are, you can do what you need to survive, without worrying about lying to me.”
He melted against you hand, closing his eyes briefly. “You’re right. Now that you know, I feel so much closer to you than before.”
“And tomorrow, we talk; I want to know everything about you, about your life and your world.”
He smiled softly. “Deal. Plus, we must start working on the paperwork; monsters are not allowed to reveal themselves to the human world. There’s a lot of hoops to jump through—”
“Tomorrow. Right now, I just want you to hold me as we sleep, okay?” you asked, hopeful.
His smile grew and he helped you stand. “I will hold you for as long as you want or need.”
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blxetsi · 4 years
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modern sasha braus dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!sasha braus x gn!reader
had to write something for my queen 😌✨
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- she shares her food with you. I Dont Care She Does
- also since this is a modern au i dont think she would have such an obsession with food as she does in the canonverse (if we can even call it an obsession) i still think she would have a big appetite (and she'd be proud of it tf 😏🙏) but i just dont see her always being hungry as the fandom makes her out to be
- really likes to hold hands with you
- i think itd be really cute if she was studying to become a baker ?? maybe taking a culinary course at the university you two attend ?? maybe you somehow met there or through a friend
- i think she'd still be insecure about her accent (ig if this is au is set in america she'd be from the south 😐🤚) and would speak kind of like a robot to people she didn't know that well
- connie and jean ALWAYS bring out her accent tho,, like with them she can really be herself
- i think when you were starting to get to know her she would be speaking very formally, and youd take it like shes being kinda stand offish or like,, just doesnt wanna talk so youre thinking "okay maybe she doesnt wanna be friends 😁👍" and would back off
- now sasha's upset because you are so cool and unique and she just wants to know so much about you but youve been very distant lately ?? like did she do something wrong ??
- she tells connie, jean, marco, and niccolo one night and connie and jean are on the side of "find y/n and demand to know why their behavior has changed" while marco and niccolo are on the side of "respectfully dm y/n and ask why they havent been wanting to see sasha recently"
- sasha goes with the latter of the two and dms you after passing you in the dining hall, you two literally keep glancing at each other, texting while you sit with your respective friend groups
- after everything gets cleared up sasha is immediately inviting you to hang out with her crew, and even getting some of her other friends like eren, mikasa, and ymir and historia to come join too
- if she has all the people shes comfortable with there, itll be less scary talking with her accent !
- You Love It. You Think Its Adorable.
- you guys would definitely have a friends to lovers type relationship
- like friendly hugs turn into slightly longer hugs, and now sasha will constantly ask to sit next to you during movie nights
- loves to rest her head on your lap while she spreads across the couch
- i think you two would have your first kiss in niccolos apartment
- you two were sitting in his kitchen, with sasha munching on the leftover food he made that night for your get together
- his mom had called him so he decided to leave to go to his bedroom to answer it
- and slowly you guys just kind of,,,, leaned in 🙈✨
- it was slow and really romantic, kinda rough with the crumbs that were around sasha's lips but you didn't mind
- niccolo barged in and ruined the moment 😐🤚 good going pal 😁👍
- you two were so shocked that you two tried to leave
- ended up just walking down the road in silence like wtf i thought yall were trying to get away from each other 😭😭😭😭
- sasha ended up staying the night 🤩‼️
- NOT in a sexual way
- but in like a,,,, rue and jules kinda way where jules comes in through the window (but only sasha didnt come in through the window she came in the front door with you) and you two held each other and gave each other smooches for the rest of the night
- sasha woke up late and missed her morning classes 😐🤚 didnt even care and went back to sleep with you
- i think for the most part you get along well with her friend group
- youre definitely closer to connie, jean, niccolo, marco, and historia
- ymir teases you guys a lot and you cant tell if what she says is just jokes (it always is) or if shes completely serious
- eren, mikasa, armin, annie, along with reiner and bertholdt are more of aquantances to you, just because you dont see them as often as you do the others
- she has such a weird relationship with her english professor
- will literally complain how much work he gives his class and then the next day will gush about how great he his bc he gave her a granola bar for her effort in her assignment
- girl pick a script and stick to it 😐🤚
- has a collection of stuffies on her bed. i dont make the rules.
- anytime theres a carnival in town she drags EVERYONE there.
- you all agree to split up into groups so you can all check out what you want, but you always agree to meet up and eat funnel cake together 🥺
- sasha tries to get you to win her new stuffies
- if you cant do it, or just want some for yourself, shes calling connie and niccolo up PLEADING with them to come find you guys,
- then she claims theres been an ACCIDENT and that you two need help
- niccolo is zooming bc he cares abt his besties 😌✨
- connie texts jean and marco to come find you guys too 😭😭😭
- who gets a kick and a lecture for lying courtesy of niccolo ? sasha. but who also gets a bunch of stuffies won for her courtesy of niccolo ? sasha.
- for your anniversary i think she'd want to do something really fun with you
- she'd set up a pillow fort and have a bunch ot string lights and stuff, have all of her favourite stuffies (which are the ones she thinks of you when she sees) in there too.
- she has chips, she baked little pastries and cookies, and she ordered your favourite takeout
- you guys just watch whatever you want on netflix or whatever and its such a nice night
- it becomes a tradition for you guys, but you two always take turns with setup
- one year sasha did all of the planning, baking and whatnot ? okay now its your turn 😁👍
- you guys even started doing themes now 🤩
- if you guys play board games with your friends youre on sasha's side whether you want to be or not.
- shes also the kind of person that says "i can win fair and square !" but then when bertholdt starts kicking her ass in monopoly her script changes real quick 🙄
- now its "y/n,,, give me some of ur money" and "y/n, buy this property for me" like girl,,,, what happened to playing fair 😍⁉️
- will try and do all of those s/o pranks you see on tiktok
- its hard to get a genuine reaction out of you bc you can TELL SHES RECORDING but she tries anyways
- we love a perservering queen 😌✨
- will call you at random times of the day asking if you guys can see each other
- "y/n ??? are you there ??" "sasha its 2am wtf do you want 😐" "do you wanna ride your bike with me down to the park 🥺"
- also is very observant, knows when youre overworking yourself
- will try and pull you away from what youre working on like "lets go get you something to drink, or maybe we can watch an episode of that show you like before you continue working !"
- if youre persistent that you just HAVE to finish it tonight and cant stop and take a break she'll respect that, until you stay at your laptop for over an hour 😐
- just softly pulls you away like "no lovebug, lets get some sleep okay ?"
- is also very protective of you
- overheard someone making fun of you ?? talking shit ??? her besties better hold her back before she gets suspended 😤‼️
- and since connie and jean absolutely ADORE you, you better believe theyre helping their girl sasha out
- those three are the LEADERS of the "protect y/n club"
- it just becomes niccolo and marco trying to dissolve the situation before it gets physical, and then reiner and armin joining when they walk directly into the chaos
- armin tells you what happened and as much as youre thankful that sasha cares about you so much that she'd defend you like that, you lecture her, jean and connie on not making scenes like that again
- sasha's love language is kind of like,, a mixture of quality time and physical touch
- she just really loves spending time with you, but also very much enjoys being in your arms
- she doesnt shy away from it, and is usually the one to initiate those things
- will hold your hand PROUDLY down hallways or on streets
- always hypes you up too, shes very much so your personal hypeman
- "oh lovebug you look SO GOOD rn oh my god" "sasha pls im in my pyjamas" "and you look like a model baby !"
- sasha is very stubborn however, and if you guys ever fight she is NEVER the one to apologize first, or seek you out to talk about it
- even if shes in the wrong she cant bring herself to admit it, she dug herself into such a deep hole with the stance she took that she doesnt want to take the walk of shame in admitting that she wasnt right
- this can cause a lot of problems in your relationship, but after you explain how much it affects you, shes trying to change
- will always work on her stubborn-ness and pride
- and it actually makes her feel a lot better being able to admit defeat, or being wrong
- she really likes being communicative and honest, especially with you
- i think overall your relationship with sasha is very very fun, filled with good memories, good food, good friends, and most importantly, love.
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no bc i really do love her 😐🤚 lemme marry miss braus rq 😏✨
hope u guys enjoyed !! remember requests are open so if you have anything youd like me to write DONT BE SHY ❤️‼️
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kyufiber-moved · 5 years
do you have any web kdrama recs? I'll do a trade and recommend Banana Actually- the whole series is 20 minutes long (at most) very good, digestible, and has some ~good~ kiss scenes.
i’ll check it out!! i do have lots of webdrama recs hehe ^^ i recommended most of them yesterday but here is a larger list of only webdramas !! it’s kinda long, so i put a keep reading !!
like- a korean webdrama that you can find on youtube starring kim yu an, kim kangmin (maybe, maybe not), yoo jungwoo (love after school), and seo ji hye- about a group of students who create a film club to make youtube videos and the dumb shit they get into, plus there’s some romance, betrayal, and fuckboys.- so so so so cute honestly. the dynamic between the characters of the club is so cute and funny, plus the love triangle has me wheezing. also the asshole fuckboy gets what he deserves which is super satisfying. it hasn’t finished airing yet, but so far it’s really cute
failing in love- korean webdrama  you can find on youtube starring son sang yeon (triple fling), yang hye ji, and shin yoon seop- about a group of high schoolers who deal with falling in love, crushes, rejection, etc.- ok so the summary i gave was pretty vague but that’s because any more and i’d be exposing the whole plot. there is humor and fluff but also teenage angst, and the characters are all more complex than they first appear. i would highly recommend this show !!!
want more 19- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung ha joon, sin gi hwan,  jeon yoo rim, nam yoon soo, and lee jungha- a story of 5 friends in high school. A mutual crush, a one-sided love, and a rough patch for sweethearts, all taking place right around the end their senior year- OH GOD i can’t breathe this drama is so cute. it had me squealing every single episode, and it’s very lighthearted with hardly any angst
triple fling (s1)- a short choose-your-own-ending  korean webdrama on youtube starring jung bomin, son sangyeon (failing in love), themanblk’s jeongyou, and themanblk’s eom sewoong- lee sehee accidentally becomes friends with the three most popular boys in school and ends up in a love square with them- alright im whipped for stuff like this so naturally i loved it. i also really liked how viewers could choose their own ending as for which boy she chose. there is a second season that i haven’t seen yet that focuses on another girl in ANOTHER love square (containing one of the guys from sehee’s love square) in which it shows which boy she actually did choose (and it was my favorite so . yay!)
when you love yourself (s1)- a short webdrama you can find on youtube starring jung mingyu (sweet revenge 2) and saet byeol .- about a girl who is heavier than her classmates who struggles with self-love and self-acceptance, and along the way finds love- god. i can’t even explain how much i loved this drama. the message is wonderful and there’s no moment where she glows up and loses weight and then gets the guy’s attention or anything: he simply loves her as who she is, no matter what weight she is, and is supportive. there’s also an episode that focuses on the queen bee girl who also struggles with weight and self-love and it’s just beautiful
my woofy poofy love / my dog-like dating- a short korean webdrama you can find on youtube starring chae ji an and kim do hoon (your imagination becomes reality)- a girl who has recently been cruelly dumped by her boyfriend brings a stray dog back to her home and wakes up to find that instead of a dog, there is a man! she happens to be looking for a roommate, and so this man (who can turn into a dog) becomes her new housemate- literally adorable. female lead is stunning and the relationship is so cute and fluffy and innocent, but the kiss is steamy as hell.
ok to be sensitive (s1)- a webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim da ye and kim youngdae (extraordinary you) and others im too lazy to put- focuses on feminist issues like sexism and sexual harassment in a college setting, which each episode focusing on one particular incident and the characters dealing with it- listen so like . this show had me emotional at some points bc of how amazing the message was. it dealt with sexual harassment, sexism, how females are expected to act, stalking, pressure to have sex… etc and basically every episode was like . you can stand up for yourself. you don’t have to “take it” just bc you’re a female, etc. also there was really cute romance uwu
ok to be sensitive (s2)- season 2 of otbs, also can be found on youtube, starring yoo hye in and lee shin young, as well as others but again im too lazy to list them all- same thing as season 1, but a different cast of main characters, and set in an office workplace. (original cast makes a cameo at the end)- the issues in season 2 were definitely a bit darker because it was set in a work place, where the main characters were worried about getting fired if they stood up for themselves, but the way things were handled was really admirable imo. also the male lead in this one is ABSOLUTELY adorable
go back diary- a 4 episode webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ye ji and lee jong won (jaemin’s webdrama how to hate you)- about a boy who sees a girl at a karaoke bar (?) and instantly develops a crush on her. she then transfers to his school, and it tells the story of their love story after 10 years.- i’ll just say it right now. the whole drama was adorable except for the ending, which fucking sucked. literally was horrible. boycott episode 4 pls i was SO UPSET. otherwise, great webdrama
love after school (s1)- korean webdrama that can be found on youtube starring park so eun and yoo jungwoo (like)- about a couple who fell in love in high school and their story, told from 5 years later when they meet again- i love love love this bitch. LOVE. season 2 … we won’t speak of her lol. but season 1 is super cute and the ???? kiss at the end(ish)??? DEAD. literally anything with yoo jungwoo will destroy me but omg. it was fantastic
maybe, maybe not- a webdrama starring kim kangmin (like) and gong yoorim- a girl who can read minds and is an outside bc she knows what everyone is really thinking meets a guy that she can’t read the mind of- so fluffy. so cute. oh god. pls watch it’s so soft and cute
what to do with you- a korean webdrama - that is actually literally an ad for a facemask - starring lee hayoung and kim youngdae (extraordinary you)- saerom and geun are friends, but it feels like they’re something more. will they ever take the next step?- yeah this webdrama is super cute and that’s really all lol. also the bitchy girl in love after school is the best friend in this one oho
your imagination becomes reality- a webdrama that can be found on youtube starring oh se young, kim dohoon (my woofy poofy love), and jin ho eun- soram has a crush on a mysterious upperclassman, and wishes to see him again: she does, soon after. each time she makes a wish, it seems to magically come true. - yeah so like . it’s not a supernatural thing or anything, it’s just a cute college romance that’s basically every girl with a crush’s dream lol~! 
crushes reverse- webdrama on youtube starring kim shi eun (miss independant jieun s2) and jung hyojun- yoo somi has a huge crush on her older sister’s longtime boyfriend, and her best friend at school happens to be his younger brother- i find the beginning hard to watch bc of the second hand embarrassment i feel when i do watch it but . it has a super cute ending and the main girl reminds me of shin hye sun so much it’s wack 
how to hate you- webdrama starring nct’s jaemin, jim ji in (extraordinary you), lee jongwon (go back diary), and kim yoojin- oh miri meets her ideal type while working as a part-timer, but right before she’s about to confess, she realizes that he is her best friend’s mystery boyfriend. she asks han daekang, her new friend, to pretend to be her boyfriend for the time being. - the summary i gave was terrible but ITS RLY CUTE . also the main girl in this plays dan oh’s best friend / juda’s bully in extraordinary you and THE CHARACTERS ARE SO INCREDIBLY DIFFERENT DUDE . Legend. anyways its a bit cliche and we dont get any actual lip on lip action but its still cute lol
have a nice dessert! / drunk in good taste- drama special / webdrama starring kim hyanggi (sweet revenge 1; moment at 18) and kim mingyu (just between lovers ((as the crippled best friend’s anti fan turned romantic interest)))- chongnam loves desserts, and even has an instagram dedicated to taking photos of various deserts she eats. when her college life starts, she mistakes a classmate as an upperclassman, only to find out they’re the same age, and they become friends- listen . this shit was adorable. as when every single kim hyanggi drama, the kisses are cardboard flat and terrible but ! BUT ! the couple is super cute
a-teen (s1 & s2)- 2 season webdrama starring april’s naeun, shin yeeun (he is psychometric), shin seungho, kim donghee, kim soohyun, and ryu euihyun- about a group of friends who go through various troubles and grow closer as a group, as well as fall in love- ok so ... technically i haven’t even finished season 1 yet but !!! i know it’s a good show bc i did watch a lot of it !! plus in s1 episode 20 at 10:35 there’s a nomin cameo LOL SJKFSD there’s also a webdrama called “the guilty secret” i haven’t watched yet starring victon’s subin and others that is set at the same school as a-teen 1 and 2 and features the original cast in cameos !!
i have 3 boyfriends / boyfri3nds- short webdrama you can find on youtube starring kim ji eun, park sungwoo (produce 101 season 2 [that 30 year old dude who danced to rain’s song OMG], moon jihoo, and lee jungsik- when la hi gets in a car accident and wakes up with amnesia she finds that she has 3 men all claiming to be her boyfriend.- OK LISTEN . this show is so funny and cute. let me just say: you MUST watch to the end. that’s all i’ll say. pLS WATCH
lily fever- a short webdrama starring kim hyeyoon (just between lovers) and jung yeonjoo (witch’s romance)- kyungju needs her passport back, which her ex boyfriend has, but it turns out he left it at a friend’s place. when she arrives, the friend is leaving but says she can go inside: just be mindful of the houseguest inside...- yeah this is lesbian as fuck . it has like . hardly any plot, has a shit ton of crackheadery, and lots of STEAMY AS FUCK kisses. it literally makes like no sense though skdfksjd but if ur in the mood for some easy to watch girl pairing stuff, this is it my dude ! 
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kansou · 6 years
Why Zarry?
Zayn had nudes of Harry on his phone. He accidentally tweeted it once with the caption "Enjoying my view ;)" but took it down. The pic is still on the internet, it's not that hard to find. And he also said that he accidentally sent a nude of Harry to a group message of 6 people. They also used to post joking-lovey shit about each other on twitter too, like comfortable "bromancey" stuff that you only do when you really click with someone. 
Probably the most convincing thing about Zarry is the fact that even though Zayn and Harry were super close, as much if not more than they were with the other boys, when Zayn left he said in an interview "I never spoke to Harry even while I was in the band, so I never expected much of a relationship with him". I think til this day, they have never cleared up in any interview whether or not they actually talk to each other, and I think Harry only started following Zayn's twitter again in 2017 (Zayn left 2015). Even Liam was confused and said he was never aware that Zayn and Harry were never friends.
 This basically means Zayn is straight up saying bullshit lol. Why exactly would he (kind of vehemently) deny a relationship, even if it was only a bromance, if he wasn't bitter about something? And if they were "never close" how could you even be THAT bitter about something to the point that you're trying to deny that you ever had a relationship to begin with? The fact that he's lying speaks volumes. Zayn first got in touch with Liam, Niall shook his hand at music award (he kind of wasn't expecting it and was shook) and they're okay now, and Louis' late mom kind of forced both of them to reconcile because it was her last wish. Literally the only person that's up in the air is Harry, and NO ONE has anything bad to say about Harry (except tswift but she's irrelevant). Zayn is the only other person ever that I know of who has come close to shading Harry in a weird apathetic way. No one knows why, no one asks them why.
 There's a lot more stuff though (like A LOT) and it's still going tbh. Like 2017, before Harry's tour, he was promoting his album. He blanked out his instagram and posted 3 empty squares on March 25 (exact same date Zayn left the band and released his official statement that he's quitting). Back in 2016, Zayn did THE EXACT SAME THING when he released his album (blank instagram, 3 empty squares, on March 25). After Harry did this, Harry posted a teaser of him walking out through a smoke screen, and ON THE NEXT DAY I swear to god, I'm not making this up, Zayn tweets "Clouded in your love, but I'll follow it". They did this during a time where they were supposedly NOT talking to each other. 
To add to this, Harry's songs are so fucking... omfg almost every song on his album relates to his relationship with Zayn in some way, like its all about sad, bittersweet love, sexual experimentation, losing someone, not communicating enough in a relationship, having arguments. And small aside, Harry has never had a serious girlfriend that we know of so idek where all this sad, hurt boy persona is coming from if you're looking at his "girlfriend" track record. And he's been writing songs like this since Zayn left the band (listen to If I Could Fly). He chose to cover this song called "Girl Crush". It's about a girl, who has a crush on another girl, who took her man away from her. The lyrics are like "I want to taste her lips cause she tastes like you", "I want her long blonde hair, I want her magic touch, so maybe then, you'd love me just as much", he uses female pronouns, and Zayn has been dating blondes (Perrie and Gigi). 
Harry also wrote his own song which he says is "the most honest song on his album" called From The Dining Table, and in this song he's crooning over some lost significant other, the lyrics are like "We haven't spoke since you went away, comfortable silence is so overrated" and "Woke up to a girl who looked just like you, I almost said your name". Harry was dating Kendall at the time.
This isn't even the tip of the iceberg. If you want to ruin your life over IRL pinning, get into Zarry lol. I don't ship real people, and even when I do, I'm always conscious of the fact that they're not actually in a relationship and I only ship for fun and aesthetic. But JFC Zarry makes it really hard to think that way when there is literally too many coincidences. It's also worth mentioning that Zayn's songs also parallel Harry's. Harry's motif is always "call me pls, I miss you" (He sings 1D songs in his concerts and he actually said "I miss you" on his tour after singing Zayn's part) and Zayn's lyrics are all over the place, but a couple of his songs have "I wanted to call, but I didn't" (Too Much ft Timbaland, it's recent) and they both have this weird "affair and cheating, I'm addicted to you" theme thing going on. Harry's is more "I want u, I want u", Zayn's is more "I want u, but I cant have you, I dont know what I want, life is hard". 
(Copied from a youtube comment)
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angelofthequeers · 6 years
Catalyst thoughts
Okay wow I have FEELINGS about this episode and holy shit I’m still reeling.
Also, like every other non-French speaker out there, I’m relying on the English subs for now sooooo some things might be lost in translation haha.
And yes I had to stitch some pics together because a CERTAIN APP only lets me use 10 in a post and I had so many ugh
MY OUT OF ORDER THOUGHTS WHILE WATCHING (because I’m writing after the ep and can’t be assed ordering them):
• M R D A M O C L E S
• Volpina’s return. I also feel guilty as heck because I love Alya to bits buuuut Volpina’s outfit appeals to me more
• Saaaame Mari
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• Ewww Hawkmoth wtf you’re spying on a young teen girl no but seriously those implications in a kid’s show why Gabriel
• How has Lila not been caught out in her lie yet???
• No she really does need help because that degree of lying probably means a super low self-esteem but seriously perform a stop it your lies get other people hurt they ARE NOT JUST HARMLESS WHITE LIES
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• Though I’m kinda annoyed that Marinette’s outfit is just literally Antibug even though I do get that Lila wasn’t going for a flashy outfit and was probably more focused on scaring the shit out of Paris than making Ladybug look cool
• Okay but like Marinette deserves way better than tangling herself in a lie just because she’s busy being Ladybug an actual hero wow she really gets crapped on
• But at the same time it IS a flaw of hers that she’s very determined to do things her way so idk that might be foreshadowing
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• So Nathalie lets herself be corrupted so she can enhance Hawkmoth’s corruption so he can terrorise a whole city who’s already mourning who they think is an akumatised Ladybug and a Thanos’d Chat Noir all so he can bring back his dead wife when his assistant is hopelessly in love with him
• Shit just went down y’all
• I literally can’t see anything other than this pls send help
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• Hawkmoth: My son’s safety is priority
• Also Hawkmoth: Looooool time to terrorise Paris and send a giant gorilla after Adrien with no guarantee my son will be safe
• TIKKI!!! IN!!! A!!! SMOL!!! CHEF!!! HAT!!!
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(Yes I know the GIF has a typo but I couldn’t use multiple because pic limit so)
• Omg Nora I love you so much best big sister
• Really you akumatised the freaking baby again
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So this was a VERY strong episode and there wasn’t much to fault, which is great for an episode that literally relies on its succeeding episode as this one does for a two-part finale. I just wish that the season had a more definite order, as that only would’ve helped this finale and the emotional impacts from character growth (I honestly can’t pinpoint that much growth from Adrien or Marinette, which really sucks).
Also, as much as I want Gabriel’s ass to be kicked, the relationship between him and Nathalie is just so amazing purely because a lot of it is unspoken. Sure, you’ve got that speech about giving him strength and being loyal, but it’s the hug she gives him in ‘Queen Wasp’ where he doesn’t pull away or even react, implying it’s something she’s done before and not been pushed away for. It’s the way he lets her into his plans and trusts her to be there for him, to not go running and backstab him when SO much of his plan, even down to his very identity, relies on secrecy. It’s the tender way he akumatises her, as opposed to gloating about evilising everybody else, and the way he even asks her in the garden if she’s okay with it. That actually throws me off and makes me completely unsure of whether he’d forcefully akumatise her if she said no or just leave her be. And that uncertainty just adds to the air of evil around him.
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Honestly, I’d be all for Gabriel eventually realising what Nathalie means to him and how much she’s done for him and choosing her over Emilie but let’s be real that ain’t ever happening.
Also, the way Nathalie responds is very telling and honestly opens the door for a deeper analysis into Hawkmoth’s powers. Notice how when he akumatises literally anyone else, they get that dark, purplish shadow around their eyes, along with the purple butterfly outline. But with Nathalie? There’s no shadow. She doesn’t look she’s gone overboard with the eye makeup and turned into the Winter Soldier like everyone else does.
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So that makes me wonder if a willing akumatisation born from more positive emotions (like the love Nathalie feels for Gabriel) is far more powerful than what Hawkmoth’s been doing so far (capitalising on negative emotions and forcing it) and even if, despite all his angry speeches, the purpose of Hawkmoth’s akumas wasn’t actually to get the Miraculouses. Of course, that would’ve been a nice addition, but I suspect that the true reason for the akumas was to amass an army of people who’d already been akumatised and therefore could be easily akumatised again. Which means that he probably didn’t fully expect any of them to succeed, and this also would’ve thrown LB and Chat off. I’m fairly certain that he’s been building to this day, when he could use Nathalie as a willing akuma fuelled by more positive emotions to boost his in turn, and if that’s the case then I regret ever doubting Hawkmoth’s capabilities because man, he’s got patience.
Can he also sense positive emotions??? Cause if he can and he’s just stringing Nathalie along by her feelings for him then I’m gonna scream even though I definitely feel that he likes her as far more than just an assistant
Prepare thy butthole for Mayura, it’s gonna be a wild ride. It HAS to be Nathalie who gets the Peacock cause like who else would Gabriel trust to use the Miraculous he’s got.
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htommo · 7 years
anyway i cant believe there are still people out there who dont think zayn and liam are in a relationship when:
zayn has been in love with liam since i can even remember 
he knows liam’s entire music history
liam was in in love with zayn too but it took him a while before he figured it out (see tattoo section for more)
x, x
this masterpost
the vegas fight happened..... which led to the beginning of their relationship where we can see them being all loved up:
itunes x, x, x
germany x, x, trying to walk and early bird gets the worm was about zayn and liam, not louis and harry, x, x, :) :), x, x (germany is even more painful than the yougeneration video)
just as many ziam vids have been deleted as larry vids (e.g. x) 
it’s you before she happened
zayn titled his his entire album in alternating capitals just to disguise the sHe 
zayn whispered brave???? when he wasn’t even meant to be describing liam???? this isnt the only time they’ve fawned over each other either/showed how in love they are:
zayn’s always been there helping liam out
liam had a speech dedicated to zayn’s singing basically every night in the tmh tour 
they call each other babe
they’re literally attached at the hip
liam is little spoon
the soft waist touching??? x, x
liam is zayn’s teddy bear???
they influence each other :( and have the same interests :(
they inspire each other :( 
i need to stop (pls note the lap sitting) 
flirting galore
what is this
this wasnt even meant for public consumption he just wanted to tell zayn he loved him :(, and zayn did the same another time :( 
kisses? jealousy? liam only letting zayn touch his head???
larry AND ziam mirroring and again, and again
more body language!!!
:) :) :) (see section u in particular - liam can’t get comfortable) 
they get jealous too  
they love each other
ok boys
i hate them
subtle 1d day things
liam looked distraught every time the z*rrie “engagement” was brought up (and shook his head when someone asked zayn if he was sure: x)
liam said thank you when someone congratulated zayn on his engagement 
this happened??
all this happened too (including liam saying the rings are gonna get lost) 
see i like your skirt mary’s vids for more 
but zayn and liam are probably most definitely engaged if not married:
:) :)
zayn gave liam a cartier love bracelet
they both have rings
liam’s ring (x) which he replaced with a ‘4′ tattoo which represents an angel aka zayn
zayn’s ring which he replaced with the tattoo below:
zayn has a mandala tattoo which pakistani brides get aka they are marRIED (and a follow up post)
liam’s already married :) :) :) (to zayn if u hadn’t caught my drift)
whilst we’re on the topic of tattoos:
we are the quiet ones is about zayn and liam 
zayn literally has liam’s name tattooed on him
zayn literally has liam’s outline tattooed on him?? dont @ ME 
roses are very important to the boys (liam even got them tattooed TWICE and they mean ‘i love you’) 
‘i figured it out’ and you and i 
liam figured out that he’s in love with zayn and you and i is their song - it’s so important to him that liam got the lyrics tattooed :) (from x)
liam always sings this song to zayn too (x, x) and zayn sings it back
their tattoos match :)
both have constantly made reference to having beards (see: zouiam beardy boys, zouiam ‘progression of beards’ (go to 4 mins in), zouis ‘you grew a beard’ ‘i do have one actually’ ‘so do i’)
(some of this section is only available on mobile)
liam... literally had........ beard..... auditions......
p*yzer 1.0 is shady as fuck and p*yzer 2.0 is definitely fake
z*rrie is fake
also the niall/s*phia weirdness
s*phiam is fake as fuck and rbb predicted the breakup with a 5 day countdown
do i even need to explain why ch*am and z*gi are fake 
z*gi and z*rrie are the same relationship
all the stunts follow the same storyline 
rbb predicted bg with ch*ryl aka colgate 
also zouiam avoiding girl questions led by liam 
“c’mon then, c’mon” is a thing (i.e. a literal confirmed ziam kiss)
also the toothpaste kiss!! 
:) (from x)
they constantly share/match clothes (esp on red carpets) 
x, x, x, x, zayn’s pocket square literally matches liam’s shirt??, x, matching bracelets
their family loves BOTH of them
they all hang out :)
zayn’s aunt constantly likes ziam posts on ig
their friends love them too
they have pets together (x) 
liam does not have a baby :)
that’s a post in itself so tl;dr liam shaded and predicted bg by calling a doll thrown on stage a fake baby multiple times, along with louis 
they both support the lgbtq+ community
liam cowrote on home and end of the day which are lgbtq+ anthems e.g. :) 
x, x
they are still!! together!! (because zayn leaving was a stunt and all 5 boys are still friends, x !!, x !!)
liam’s constant positive talk about zayn since zayn left 1d (x, x)
he even said i love you zayn during the ot4 history performance on txf (don’t @ me it happened) 
sure sounds like they’re on bad terms!!!! 
they still love ziams news :) wonder why :) 
they! are! together!
they communicate through their clothing
liam wants to collab with zayn
ziam linkage in the media
lyric parallels (get low and fdtd)
???? niall?????????
sharing even in 2018 :)
liam brings up zayn at any given opportunity and is always up-to-date with his zayn facts and he can still do zayn’s accent spot on despite the fact that they’ve not publicly seen/spoken to each other in 3 years 
do they even have separate wardrobes at this point?
ziam love roses 
zayn is liam’s protector
zayn confesses his love for the 1023923490234823th time in let me and i am not ok
this needs a point all on its own
they kissed at an award’s show
fighting the closet
ziam being extra x100
everything in this tag
ziam in comparison with larry?
why louis and harry’s closeting didn’t work, but zayn and liam’s did
they ARE TOGETher
this is definitely not an extensive list (there has definitely been more stuff but this is already long and i can’t include everything because there’s too much) but if u wanna add something feel free (if u want more ziam content, u can check out my ziam tag!)
see also my liam is not straight post
also look at i like your skirt mary’s videos 
tl;dr they are in love; always have been, and always will be 
credit to the ziam gc (in particular @softestziam, @ziam-is-golden, @xxsincerely-insanityxx, and @marvelsziam) for helping me massively 
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fiftyeightminutes · 7 years
I love to read how kalagang relationship would if they're not sensates can you write this prompt Someone gave me a fake phone number and it’s actually yours and if you can't its okay and I really enjoyed reading your drabbles thankyou
I also got another request from another anon for the same prompt:
“Omfg I saw ur reblog about thrilling au’s and I was wondering if you could do the “someone gave you a fake number and its mine” with kalagang pls and thank you”
First of all, thanks both of you for being so nice. :)  I’m glad you guys like my writing so much.  Also, holy shit this really isn’t a drabble anymore.  This became like 2500+ words.  I really don’t think I know how to do short AU fics lol.  Kala is working inBerlin in this AU because that made things easier for my brain.  Please accept any geographical errors, theonly part of Germany I’ve ever visited was Munich.  (Also holy shit y’all, people are making baddecisions in this fic.  I do not advisedoing what people do in this fic.  Like Imade it fluffy, but IRL this is not a good idea lol.)
When Kala wakes up on Saturday morning, she finds a textfrom an unknown number on her phone.
Do you want to come tomy place? (Received 3:02 AM)
She’s confused.  Noone she knows would have messaged her at that hour.  Kala wakes up early to visit the local templeevery morning, and she doesn’t keep that fact a secret.  Plus, her family is a million miles away.
Who is this?(Delivered 8:39 AM)
Unsurprisingly, she doesn’t receive a response rightaway.  If they were asking someone over at three in the morning, they’reprobably in bed now, she reasons. Kala puts it out of her mind, choosing instead to get out of bed and concentrateon preparing for her day.
Kala has all but forgotten about the stray text message bythe time she’s finished praying that morning. When she gets home and begins to cook herself some breakfast, her phonebuzzes.  She absentmindedly takes it outof her pocket, unlocking the screen to find that she finally has a responsefrom the unknown number.
Wolfgang.  We met at the club last night.  (Received 10:46 AM)
She raises her eyebrow. She’s only been living in Berlin for two weeks or so, but she didn’tthink anyone was actually named Wolfgang anymore.  Kala wonders if this person has given her afake name for some reason.  She dismissesthe thought pretty quickly, though.  Towhat end would they do that?
I think you have thewrong number. (Delivered 10:49 AM)
And with that message, Kala figures her conversation withthis stranger is done.  She puts herphone down on the counter and turns her attention back to her food.  Several minutes pass as Kala finishes cookingand serves herself a plate.  She grabsher phone to listen to music while she’s eating, only to find that she hasanother text.
I just checked.  This is the number that was written on thenapkin.  If you don’t want to come over,I’m not offended.  (Received 10:55 AM)
She chuckles as she realizes what must have happened.  Poor guy.
I’m not sure who youthink I am, but I didn’t go to any club last night.  Someone gave you a bad number.  (Delivered 11:07 AM)
Kala eats her food and cleans up after herself, her phonebuzzing as she’s putting everything into the dishwasher.
Sorry.  My mistake. Won’t bother you again. (Received11:21 AM)
And from there, Kala intends to forget about the exchangeentirely.
A little over a week later, Kala ends up getting stranded ather job.  She had been working late, justwanting to test a few more things before going home for the day.  But before she knew it, thirty minutes turnedinto an hour turned into three, and now it’s dark out.  Normally she walks home, but normally shealso leaves work at 5 PM.  She is a lotless comfortable with the idea of walking home in a strange city at night.  Kala checks her bank statement on her phoneand winces.  She hasn’t received herfirst paycheck from her new job yet, and without that Kala isn’t sure she canafford both cab fare and groceries for the week.  She hasn’t even been in town long enough toreally make friends, either, so she doesn’t know anyone she can ask for a lift.
Kala scrolls through her text messages just for something todo with her hands while she’s thinking over her options when she happens uponthe unknown number from the previous week. The area code tells her the number is from Berlin.  She doesn’t want to contact this person – she’snever met them, doesn’t know anything about them except that they wereaccidentally given her number.  But shefigures it can’t hurt to ask a local for advice.
Do you know a cheapway to get from Rhinstrasse to Haupstrasse? (Delivered 8:11 PM)
When she doesn’t get an answer right away, Kala startsscolding herself.  What am I doing?  You don’t knowthis Wolfgang person and now you’ve told him where you are and where you wantto go?  But Kala considers her otheroptions and sighs.  She can’t come upwith a better idea.  A few minutes later,her phone vibrates in her hands, and she tentatively opens the message.
How cheap are wetalking? (Received 8:17 PM)
Kala thinks about her bank account.
As close to free aspossible? (Delivered 8:19 PM)
She wonders why this person on the other end is answering atall.  But since they’re kind of her onlylifeline right now, she figures beggars can’t be choosers.
There’s nothing reallylike that.  Why do you ask? (Received8:22 PM)
Kala’s wondering that herself.  She’s not sure what exactly sheexpected.  All she knows is she’s gettingkind of desperate.  There’s no food inthe building where she works, but if she leaves to get some, the timed locks onthe doors will stay shut behind her.  Soit’s stay here and go hungry for the night, risk walking home alone, or messagethis person.  None of the choices aregood.
I’m new to Berlin andstuck at work.  Was just hoping theremight be an inexpensive way home.  Thankyou anyway.  (Delivered 8:24 PM)
The next message comes almost immediately.
How stuck areyou?  Is it an emergency? (Received 8:25PM)
She half laughs at that, as if she would be contacting somestranger if she had any other choice.
I mean, I’m not goingto die if I stay the night, if that’s what you mean.  But there is no food.  (Delivered 8:26 PM)
Again, she receives a reply almost instantly.
I’m near Rhinstrasseif you need a ride. (Received 8:27 PM)
Kala considers this. Is she really going to accept a ride from a stranger?  Her stomach growls as if to answer herthoughts.  She hasn’t eaten since aroundnoon and is actually starting to feel a bit light-headed, but she doesn’t wantthat to distract her from the danger she may be putting herself in.  She weighs it against the potential risk ofwalking home in the dark, and finds that both kind of terrify her.  Part of her feels like she should just try tostick the night out in the office without food, but she also wonders what theywould even look like to her boss tomorrow. (She imagines herself, and she knows it won’t look good.  Nothing nearby that sells food opens up untilaround the same time as she is supposed to get to work, which will mean she won’tget a chance to eat until lunch.  Wearingthe same clothes as the day before and possibly sick, she wonders what thatwould even look like to her supervisor. She literally can’t afford to lose this job.)  In the end, she’s not sure if it’s logic orhunger she’s following, but she decides to text this Wolfgang person back.
Sure.  I’ll meet you at the corner of Rhinstrasseand Allee der Kosmonauten. (Delivered 8:30 PM)
She’s only been waiting for a few minutes when a black carparks nearby.  After a moment, shereceives a text.
I’m here.  I just realized I don’t know who I am lookingfor. (Received 8:48 PM)
Kala looks down at her clothes, grateful she’s always had acolorful sense of fashion.
I’m the woman inyellow pants. (Delivered 8:49 PM)
And sure enough, after that message is sent the black carpulls up to her.  When it gets to thecurb, the man inside the car rolls down his window.  “Hello?” he asks.
“Wolfgang?” Kala replies with her own question.
The man nods and she hears the doors of his car unlock.  Tentatively, she pulls the passenger dooropen and gets in.  She clutches her phonetightly, the thought that at least she can still call the police if necessarythe only comfort in her mind.  After shebuckles herself in and they start pulling away, he asks, “Do I get to know yourname?”
She looks down in embarrassment, not even realizing she’dnever given it to him.  “Kala,” she sayssoftly.
Wolfgang doesn’t reply, instead focusing back on theroad.  She looks back up, finally takinga moment to actually observe the stranger she is trusting.  His features are sharp, intense blue eyesframed by high cheekbones and a square jaw. He’s dressed in black from head to toe. She notes with amusement that he’s even sporting a leather jacket to completethe ensemble.  Part of her wonders if she’sjust gotten into a car with a German mobster.
To his credit, though, he is taking the fastest route to theaddress Kala gave him.  (If he’s planning on trying something, shethinks, at least it’s not a kidnapping.)  Never good with silence, Kala feels the needto say speak.  “Thank you for doingthis.  I know you don’t know me and thisis probably a huge inconvenience, but I really didn’t have anyone else to ask.”
Wolfgang shakes his head, giving her a small smile beforelooking back to the cars ahead of him.  “Don’tworry about it.”
Kala shakes her head. Now that she’s out of the immediate panic, she’s frustrated with herselffor even getting stuck in this situation in the first place.  “It’s my own fault.  I just got so caught up at work that I losttrack of time.”
“What do you do?” he asks.
“I work for a pharmaceutical company,” she answers beforeshe thinks about it.  (She wonders whyshe’s telling him any of this, actually. Why is this man she’s never met so easy to talk to?)
“So you make drugs,” he says with a chuckle.
Kala scoffs.  “Idevelop new medicines.”
“The only difference between the two is how you use them,”he replies.
She pauses.  “That’sone way to look at it.”
Before Kala knows it, they’re pulling up to her street.  Wolfgang pulls over at her address and stopsthe car.  The doors are still unlocked,and she realizes he really isn’t going to try anything.  He’s letting her leave.  This stranger really just showed up out ofnowhere to drive her home, with no ulterior motive at all.  She’s kind of amazed at her luck.
“Do you want gas money?” she asks.
He shakes his head.  “Isaid don’t worry about it.”
Kala nods, but she still feels like she should thank himsome way.  “Have you eaten?” she asks.
Wolfgang shakes his head again.
“Just a minute.  Waithere,” she says.  Kala gets out of hiscar and hurries up to her apartment.  She’snot sure if he’ll still be there when she gets back, but she wants to at leastgive him something.  When she gets intoher home, Kala scurries over to her kitchen and grabs some tupperware out of acabinet.  She then grabs some of theleftovers that she had been planning to eat that night out of the fridge andscoops a hearty amount into the new container. It’s not fresh, but she figures it’s better than nothing.
She’s almost surprised to find Wolfgang still waiting whenshe comes back outside.  But there he is,checking his phone while his car idles at the curb.  She knocks on the passenger window to get hisattention, and he rolls it down.
“Here,” Kala says with a smile and hands him the food.
“What’s this?” he asks.
“Nothing special. Just some leftover lamb curry. But I figured it was the least I could do.”
Wolfgang inspects the food for a moment, then puts it on hispassenger seat and smiles up at her.  “Thankyou.”
Kala shakes her head. “You’re the one who came to save me.”
He chuckles.  “I wasin the neighborhood.  It’s nothing.”
She shrugs.  “Well,the food’s there now.  So you might aswell enjoy it.”
Wolfgang’s grin widens. “Alright, alright.”
“Thank you again, Wolfgang,” Kala says.
“Any time,” he replies with a nod.  With that, he finally rolls back up thewindow and pulls away.  For some reasonthat Kala can’t quite place, she feels a bit disappointed.
That Friday, Kala is feeling restless.  Other than her adventure at the beginning ofthe week, she hasn’t had a chance to do anything but go to temple, work, eat,and sleep.  Once she gets out of work,she wants to do something different for a change.  But she still doesn’t know her way aroundBerlin or have anyone to show her, so she’s not sure what to do.
An idea comes to her. Kala’s not sure if it’s a good one, but she just got her first paychecktoday so she really wants to go out somewhere to treat herself.  So even though she has no reason to expectthis to be a necessarily great plan, she texts the only local person outside ofher coworkers that she has in her phone.
Hey.  Are you busy tonight? (Delivered 9:01 PM)
She doesn’t get a response at first, and she scolds herselffor having sent the message at all.  Just because he helped you in an emergencydoesn’t mean he wants to be friends, Kala thinks.  You don’teven know him.
Kala has all but resigned herself to another night in whenshe feels her phone vibrate in her pocket. (She doesn’t admit to herself how eager she is when she retrieves it tocheck the message.)
No.  What’s up? (Received 9:26 PM)
She thinks about how to word what she wants to saynext.  (Kala feels a bit like a teenageragain, analyzing text messages so acutely.) In the end, she scrolls back up to their first conversation and decidesto take a cue from there.
Do you know any clubsnear Hauptstrasse?  Finally got paid and wantedto see what Berlin has to offer. (Delivered 9:28 PM)
Wolfgang’s next answer comes much more quickly.
I can think of acouple.  Do you need another ride?(Received 9:29 PM)
No.  I was thinking more of a tour guide this time.(Delivered 9:30 PM)
If that’s okay, Imean.  Don’t feel obligated.  (Delivered 9:31 PM)
Kala kind of wants to smack herself.  (She wonders why she’s so bad at this, whentalking to him in the car had felt so easy.) Then her phone goes off again.
I think we could worksomething out.  Meet you in 30? (Received9:33 PM)
She pretends her stomach isn’t full of butterflies, but whenshe goes to her bathroom to start putting on makeup, Kala finds she can’t stopsmiling.
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