#(and then read fanfic for two hours but shhhh)
jae-birde · 4 months
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Started watching 3rd Life, like, a week and a half ago and decided that I absolutely love the Desert Duo, so have a fanart!
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candymeowz · 3 years
Oh my, I was also thinking about joining Genshin for the fanfics 😂
And about Levi… My thing with Levi is that I like listening to people talk + I love magical girls, so I really love the part of him that would spend 6 hours talking about Ruri-chan. But his "can't handle physical contact" part really frustrates me when I have him as a special guest 😔 But then, I like to give compliments so I'd love to tell him he's the best, every day, every hour-
Yes yes, something like that :D I was a hardcore My Candy Love fan like 5 years ago (though the obssesion with the first season bois never ended lol), and I'm trying to play Eldarya again but the story is too boring for me :'D
I also log in just to do the daily tasks + sometimes read the chats, I'm trying to collect as much as I can so that I can get through at least one lesson without having to pray before each battle lol. But now Satan's event is here so I guess the saving can wait a little bit TuT (R.I.P all the AP I saved so far)
Fanfics is a fantastic way to promote a game or series 😂
'I'd love to tell him he's the best, every day, every hour-' you sure you're not already simpin' for Levi? 👀
I have no idea what that is, but ooooh! Obey Me's my first otome game, but I'm currently also playin' Tears of Themis~ They're from the same company as Genshin Impact!
You pray before each battle?! 😂😂 I pray before each gacha pull but shhhh.
I've got like, 120+ rainbow glowsticks I've yet to use, but currently I'm tryin' to level up at least two URs of each sin to 100, which is why I haven't progressed in months...
*me, who never once saved APs in her life.
Wait, you save APs???
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kate837 · 4 years
Valium (chapter one)
@the-moon-without-world you requested this fanfic to be written! This fic is set for early to mid season two and entails an AU of Jane having night terrors so Borden prescribes her Valium to help her sleep but one particularly bad night she gets absolutely no sleep and decides to take the Valium in the morning before work which inevitably leads to Kurt finding Jane in her safehouse on the floor high out of her mind! (This fic is angst, comfort, and fluff, OH and how could I forget crack!!) Enjoy!!
It's a particularly cold September morning. Jane had been back with the team for four months and they had finally found some kind of normal. Nas on the other hand could be pretty hard to work with.
It was officially 8am and Reade, Tasha, Patterson, Nas, and Kurt were all at their respective 'biomes' within the NYO. But Jane... Jane was nowhere to be found.
"I already tried, it goes straight to voicemail everytime." Kurt says agitatedly. He and Nas had just walked into his office continuing their conversation from Patterson's lab.
"Look Kurt chances are that Sandstorm may have grabbed her." Nas replies desperately trying to keep up with Kurt's pace.
Kurt walked behind his office desk.
"And that doesn't concern you?!"
"She's doing the job we asked her to do!" Nas yelled.
"I'm done arguing with you."
"Where do you think you're going?!"
Kurt shrugged on his jacket and tried to walk past Nas before she grabbed his arm.
"Let. Me. Go."
"Why? So you can go make sure your girlfriend is alright?"
Kurt pulled his arm out from her and clenched his jaw. Not entertaining her, he tried to calmly answer.
"What?! I was in bed with you last night and now this morning you're willing to put the biggest case of your life at risk to make sure another woman is okay!"
"You really want to do this here?"
"You're doing this on your own Kurt."
"Fine if you wanna talk we can talk." Kurt reached behind his desk and in a file to pull out a micro transparent listening device. "We can talk about that. You've been spying on me and my team for God knows how long and you expect me to care when you get jealous over Jane?"
Nas tried to reason with him but was getting nowhere, especially now. He was shutting down... Well more like shutting her out. She needed to change tactics. And fast.
"You are going to get her killed."
"What?" Kurt glared.
"You going to her safehouse to check on her will most definitely tip Sandstorm off and you will be the sole reason that she is killed! When she signed up for this operation she knew the risks-"
"How do you know Sandstorm has her?" Kurt questioned and slightly stepped closer towards Nas.
"What if they don't have her? Have you thought about that?"
"That would be great, then she would come in eventually."
"Eventually?! You don't care about her at all do you? Your only concern is this mission!"
Kurt made a beeline for his office door.
"Kurt wait!"
The door was slightly cracked before he stopped.
"No nas, I'm done. I can't do this. Your blatant disregard for the safety of my team, you hiding things from me, bugging our offices, I'm done." With that said Kurt walked out of his office and headed straight for the SIOC elevator.
It was a particularly hard night. It was the worst night. Shortly after escaping the blacksite, in Oregon, the nightmares came. But recently, as if they weren't bad enough, they've evolved into fully fledged night terrors. After going three consecutive days with only two hours of sleep per, she consulted Borden who prescribed her Valium to help her sleep and it worked.
Until last night.
Jane had taken her normal dose and fallen asleep within a half hour like normal. But not even twenty minutes later her protective detail, which had been immediately reassigned to her once she returned, had rushed into her safehouse because they heard gut-wrenching screams from within. Upon realization they carefully, but definitely panicked, tried to wake her. Once they succeeded their first instinct was to call Weller and update him but she begged them not to, and after seeing her in such an awful state they decided against it. Rationalizing with the sense that she wasn't in any actual danger so what need would they have to wake their boss up in the middle of the night?
Eventually Jane tried to fall back asleep, to no avail as within forty-five minutes her detail was back in her room. After that Jane realized that she wasn't going to get any more sleep and instead started to distract herself. She exercised, drew, cooked (ish), and showered.
Once five-am rolled around Jane thought to take matter into her own hands. She needed sleep! She opened her prescription bottle, got out three times her prescribed dosage, threw her head back, and popped 'em in.
Kurt had taken the Lexus and parked about three blocks from Jane's safehouse because whether he wanted to admit it or not, Nas was right Sandstorm could definitely see him coming to Jane's safehouse as a huge red flag and decide to "cut their losses".
While walking Kurt shot Jane a quick text to let her know that he would be coming through her back door.
No answer.
He slid open her back door and immediately closed it once he was inside.
He took a couple steps deeper into the house silently praying that she didn't just oversleep.
Then he saw her.... Well her hair, she was covered by the small coffee table in Kurt's direct sight line. She seemed to be laying on the ground in... The middle of her living room?
Kurt side stepped the coffee table, his first instinct being to check for injuries. He took a couple more steps before turning completely around.
Kurt said internally.
"Jane what are you doing?!" She obviously wasn't injured or distressed. This just kept more and more bizarre.
"Excuse me?" Kurt said still turned around.
"Shhhh this is Jane's calm zone."
"Your what?"
What is wrong with her? Is she sick? No she's not coughing, or sneezing, or sweating, panting, moaning.....
Weller oh my God this is serious, get your mind out of the gutter!
Kurt scolded himself.
Okay okay okay so she's naked, on the floor, engaging in odd behaviors, and talking strangely..... Oh God.
"Jane are you high?"
"Ohhhh yeahhh."
Jane giggles and lightly snorts.
"Most definitely."
"Okay then what are you on?"
"These little pills called Vaseline. Uh- no umm like valentine...valet??? Viola... Things."
"YEAH! You're so smart, my next guess was Voldemort."
"Where did you get them from?"
"Th- that british guy, who's kind of hot."
What am I supposed to do with her? She obviously can't go to work.
Kurt looks over his shoulder to see Jane "stargazing" at her popcorn ceiling.
"Look Kurt I found the big dipper!"
"Jane it's 11am and you're inside!"
Ugh God. Okay first and foremost I need to get her off the floor, into some clothes, fed, and then straight to sleep. Then contact my team to let them know I'll be taking the day and so will Jane. Optics be dam*ed, she needs me. And after Jane wakes up we are going to have a serious talk. Okay let's move.
Later at SIOC.
"Guys it's Weller!" Patterson yelled signaling for Reade, Zapata, and Nas to follow her to the center console of her lab.
"You're on speaker."
"Is everyone there?" Kurt asked.
"Yep you got all of us." Tasha answered.
"Great. Jane and I are taking the day off. She has a couple of... issues to work out, to say the least, but we'll be back tomorrow."
No-one of the team dared to question this initiative, so Kurt started to delegate.
"No field-work is done without my say-so. Patterson you are in charge of any and all investigative work involving the tattoos. Nas the same instructions go for you except with the Sandstorm case. Tasha-" Kurt was cut off by a loud crash in the background.
"Yes?" Tasha responded.
"Hold on." Kurt walked from his "pacing spot" in Jane's living room to see Jane on her counter top with five porcelain, easily breakable, plates in her hands. "Jane, get down from there! What are you doing?" Kurt approached her slowly. She threw another plate at the wall mimicking the crash from earlier.
"Borden says channeling your anger is good for you!"
Jane says as she breaks another plate.
"I'm pretty sure this isn't what he meant!"
Another plate.
"Jane! Okay okay okay, why are you angry?"
"Because you made me put on clothes!"
She says throwing a plate towards Kurt who just barely dodged it.
"Um-" Kurt sputters fully aware that he's still on speaker phone, and the entire team can most definitely hear this conversation.
"Jane please get off the counter."
Kurt rubs his temple then brings the phone back up to his ear.
Tasha and Reade are equally stunned and confused, Patterson is trying her hardest to stifle her laughter, while Nas is completely unamused.
"Trouble in paradise?" Reade asked.
Patterson and Tasha back away from the console and cover their mouths to not let Weller hear their laughter.
"Very funny." Kurt says and rolls his eyes.
"Okay seriously what is going on? Why is Jane talking like that? And is she okay?" Tasha questions back to back.
"Oh-My-God." Patterson says, in complete Patterson fashion, wheels turning in her brain so fast you can almost see them. "She's high."
Tasha, Reade, and Nas collectively turn to look at Patterson.
"No... No way. Jane is way too hyper-focused on this to be on something." Reade tries to rationalize.
Kurt rubs his temple again.
"Look Jane and I are taking the day, Patterson you have tattoos, Nas you have Sandstorm, Tasha you're on approvals and clearances that anyone may need from me today, and Reade you get the fun job... Paperwork!" Kurt jokes (a rare occurrence really).
"Oh come on!" Reade exclaims.
The team, even Nas, chuckles while they hear another crash from the other side of the phone.
"Jane I swear to God if you throw ONE MORE PLATE!" Kurt directs his attention back to his team. " Ok everyone I really need to go. I'll see you all tomorrow."
"What about Jane?" Tasha asks.
"Let me worry about her."
"Well at very least try not to get a concussion." Reade quips.
"I'm hanging up now."
"Wait!" Patterson says.
"Don't think I don't notice."
"Excuse me?"
" Okay okay okay? You're taking a couple of pages out of my book! I'm actually quite flattered." Patterson smirks.
Kurt lets out a light chuckle.
"I think we all have actually. I heard Reade say 'opposite opposite' the other day!"
"Oh really!"
"Hey! We were supposed to keep that between us!" Reade jokingly scolds Kurt.
"I really have to go now, I'll see you guys tomorrow."
Kurt hangs up.
Once Jane ran out of plates Kurt looped his arms around her knees and pulled her forward so she would fall over his shoulder. Then he calmly walked her back to her bedroom, where he thought she had been sleeping, and layed her down.
It would have been awkward to carry Jane to bed in only a shirt and panties in a completely platonic way, if he hadn't already done it three other times already. And counting. Plus he was glad (somewhat disappointed, if we're being honest) that she even kept on that much. Trying to control Jane had always been hard even when she first came out of that bag in Times Square, let alone now!
Kurt tucked her in for the fourth time today.
"Now Jane, I really need you to stay in bed this time okay?"
When Jane didn't acknowledge him, Kurt sighed and climbed into the other half of her bed to lay down.
"We are taking a nap!"
Jane gasps. "A Jeller sleepover!"
"Jeller?" Kurt chuckles.
"It's Jane and Weller, I made it up a longggg time ago."
He's gotta admit that when she's not a royal pain "high Jane" was actually pretty funny.
It seems as though having a "Jeller sleepover" was a perfect idea because once she grabbed Kurt's midsection, intertwined her bare legs with his,and snuggled up with him she immediately started dozing off.
That's when Kurt started asking questions. He figured that the best time to try and get any useful information out of her would be now, at her most vulnerable, high and tired.
"Hmmm?" Jane basically hummed, her voice almost completely back to normal.
She readjusted her 'snuggling grip' around Kurt, holding him tighter. Kurt couldn't stop the butterflies he got from the gesture.
"What did you want to ask?"
He didn't want to ask her why she needed the pills. He wanted her to confide in him with that information, not scheme it out of her. Only when she's completely competent and sober will he ask her that.
"How long have you been taking Valium?"
"About four months, I think?"
Four months. So as soon as she got back from the black site, almost half a year and I had no idea.
"Can I go to sleep now?" Jane said with almost childlike innocence.
Kurt hated to deny her anything but he needed answers.
"Two more questions okay?" He stroked her hair then quickly took his hand away.
"Okay." Jane nuzzled her head into his chest.
More butterflies.
Kurt cleared his throat to compose himself.
"Earlier, when you were on the counter you said that Borden told you that you needed to get your anger out."
Jane yawned.
"Yeah, he said breaking things is a normal coping mechanism with PTSD, and actually one of the least destructive ones compared to drinking."
She has PTSD??? Of course she has PTSD she was in a freaking blacksite for three months what did you expect? And you didn't even check in on her.
"Ok last one, you said earlier that you were utilizing your "Jane calm zone". What is that?"
Jane closed her eyes.
"It's where it's quiet." Jane looked up at Kurt for the first time since he got in her bed.
"My thoughts swirl around my head all day unwantedly. They distract me, all the time. Sometimes I can't think because they're screaming. So I imagine a calm place,it's different everytime. The setting doesn't really matter, I just need quiet."
Kurt just stared at her. Whatever he was expecting her to say, that definitely wasn't it. He thought her "calm place" was just a direct hallucination from the Valium, but to know she actually uses it to.... Quiet her thoughts.
He shivered.
"Go to sleep now Jane."
He stroked her hair again. He's been refraining from touching her. High or not he would still be holding her in bed, but he was exhausted. So what the h*ll he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her even closer than she was holding him. It felt better than it should.
He was still actively ignoring his feelings about Jane but he wasn't mad at her anymore. They could even laugh and joke sometimes. He wanted to be there for her. Now more than ever. She needed him, whether she would be able to even remember today or not, she needed him.
Within two minutes of them holding each other they were both in a deep sleep. That couldn't last long enough.
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Saorsa, Chapter 27
A/N  Here is the next installment of Saorsa.  Jamie finally acknowledges what we knew all along, and Claire takes a bath.
Rather than link to all previously posted chapters, I’ll just direct those of you wanting to catch up on your Saorsa-reading to my AO3 page, where the fic is posted in its entirety.
Thank you to each of you liking and reblogging!  It does my little fanfic writer’s heart good.
Shearing sheep hadn’t changed much in two hundred years, Jamie thought as he hefted another startled ewe from the shearing pen and pinned her to the ground with a well-placed knee.   Murtagh mentioned that some of the larger farms used a mechanical trimmer, but they both preferred the time-honoured method of metal shears, sharp as daggers.   Today was their third day.   Jamie’s shoulders and arms were throbbing from the constant effort, but they were almost done.
“Tis good fortune we’re having a bonnie spring,” Murtagh commented as they broke for a drink of fresh water from the well.
“Aye.  I need tae be on the road wi’in the week, if I’m tae be back a’fore the bairn arrives.”
“I’m surprised the mistress is allowin’ ye tae go at all, wi’ the way she fusses o’er ye like a wee whelp.”
Jamie’s mouth opened and closed, trying to find words to defend his masculine honour against the truth in the old man’s claim.  He caught the twitch of Murtagh’s lips through his heavy beard.  He cuffed him on the shoulder, laughing at himself.
“She’s lining ‘er nest, ye ken.  I reckon she needs me tae practice upon, a’fore the we’un gets here,” he quipped.
“Oh, aye.  I’m sure tha’s it.”  Murtagh’s sarcasm was so thick, you could serve it on toast.
Jamie groaned as he lowered himself into the armchair in their bedchamber, trying to reach down to untie his laces and failing miserably.
“Here, let me,” Claire offered, before realizing she couldn’t bend over the growing bulk of her belly.
“We’re a fine pair.  I’m too lame and ye’re too big a’bout the middle.”
“Speak for yourself,” his wife retorted as she carefully lowered herself to the floor.   She gently eased off each boot, then proceeded to unbutton and draw his trews down as well.  He sighed and cupped her jaw as she began to gently knead the bunched muscles of his thighs.
“Careful, Sassenach.  Ye wouldna want tae start somethin’ ne’er of us is in fit condition tae finish,” he warned, feeling himself stir despite his bone-deep exhaustion.
“Wouldn’t I?”  Warm eyes gleamed up at him.  And then, more gently, “Lean back.”
Unsure what was being asked of him, he complied by letting his back fall against the cushions, his long legs stretched on either side of where Claire knelt on the floor.  Having never accustomed himself to the modern notion of underclothing, he was naked from the waist down and hardening quickly below the flimsy hem of his linen top.
Leaning forward so that her moist breath seeped between the buttons of his shirt and over the fine hairs of his belly, Claire began to run her hands languorously up and down his legs, reaching higher with each pass.
“Sassenach,” he warned, and then more urgently, “Claire.”
“Shhhh,” she whispered, before her fingertips brushed against his baws.
“I’ve never done this before,” she murmured, as though speaking to herself.  “Tell me if… well… if it doesn’t feel good.”
And before he could wonder what she meant, she was lifting his shirt, exposing his very emphatic endorsement of whatever she was planning.  A tentative moist swipe against the head, where it lay aching against his quivering belly, and then a sensation unlike anything he’d ever experienced.  It was the humid welcome of her sex combined with the nimble manipulation of her fine-boned hand, and yet so much more than the sum of those parts.  A lightning bolt of sensation shot up his spine, lighting the back of his eyeballs with colourful explosions.  A senseless groan burst from his lungs.
Between the exertions of shearing and the elaborate logistics of making love to a woman almost eight months with child, it had been nearly a week since he’d last lain with his wife.   A lifetime, in the bountiful feast that marked their newborn marriage.  He wasn’t certain it would have made much difference, though.  Anything that felt this absurdly good was certain to be over soon, lest it kill him with pleasure.
As it was, it was mere minutes after first feeling her mouth around him before he knew the end was nigh.
“A dhia.  Sassenach.  Mo nighean donn.  Christ, please, ye must…”
Whatever pleas he was trying to utter were lost to the onrush of his release, racing from his body with the force of a gale, whipping around to slam his head backwards as he groaned in blissful agony.
When he was next able to focus, Claire was carefully unbuttoning his shirt.  She extended her hands so that he could help her to her feet.  He rose as well, naked and blushing to the tips of his ears.  Whatever had just happened, he felt compelled to apologize, if only he could do so without alluding to the actual event.
“Sassenach…” he began.
“Let’s get you washed up, shall we?  It’s been a long day.”
He was still new to the art of reading his wife’s unspoken wishes, but this one was plain enough.  She did not want to discuss or debate the propriety of what they’d just done, probably a bit shy herself.  They would leave it here in the murky shadows of their bedchamber, where it could visit with the other nameless wonders they’d released inside its walls.  He followed her docilely from the room.
One modern amenity Jamie had absolutely no qualms about embracing was indoor plumbing, and the associated boon of having a bath whenever a bath was needed or desired.   Claire lit thick-trunked tapers in the washroom, formerly a servant’s room adjacent to the laird’s quarters.   Bent over the billows of steam that rose from the gushing copper pipes, she reminded him of a painting of a water nymph he’d seen as a boy, all translucent skin and bonnie curls.
He gingerly lifted his legs over the high-backed tub and grimaced as the water seared his skin.
“Too hot?”
“Nah.  Jus’ right.”  He extended his hand gallantly, as though assisting a lady from her carriage.   “Join me?” he offered, before adding, “If ye dinna think it immoral.”
Something about the scene struck them both as a trifle ridiculous, and they snickered.
Claire slipped her nightgown over her shoulders, letting it puddle around her feet, before carefully stepping into the water, holding onto Jamie for balance.
“Now what?” she challenged, eyebrow raised.
“Now I hold onto ye.  Ye and the little one.”  They sunk together into the steaming water.
She found a resting spot between his legs, forehead tucked under his jaw.   Jamie amused himself by scoping up palmfuls of water and letting them loose to roam across the hills and valleys of her torso.  Time slowed, as did the vigilant beating of his heart.  The water cooled and one by one the tapers guttered, and still they did not move.   It was in those peaceful moments, with nothing but the silky stroke of water, the honey whiff of candle wax and the quiet stirrings of a new life beneath the taut skin of her belly, that he realized he loved her.   Not in the demure, fitting way that a man was meant to love his wife.  But in a pivotal, essential way that was as integral to him as breathing and as endless as the tides.
“Ye’ll watch o’er her?  Make certain she is no’ rebuildin’ the castle nor tilling the fields by hand, or whate’er stubborn notion settles in her hard heid?”
Murtagh had heard this request, or others very similar, every day for the past fortnight.  It spoke to his forbearance that he produced his standard response without a flicker of exasperation.
“Aye, lad.  I canna promise ye she willna be stubborn, but I’ll see her safe.”
It was the best he could hope for, and the primary reason Murtagh was staying behind at Lallybroch rather than accompanying Jamie on his journey to Galashiels, much to Claire’s vocal displeasure.   She only acquiesced when it was agreed that Rupert would join him as far as Edinburgh, ostensibly to visit relatives.   Jamie had an opinion on the true reason for Rupert’s sudden interest in leaving the Highlands for the first time, but he wouldn’t be sharing it with Murtagh.
Fourteen bales of wool were loaded carefully into the estate’s hay wagon.  Weighing over a tonne, it would take both Clydesdale plow horses to drag the load over two hundred miles to Galashiels, near the border with England.  Rupert would drive the wagon while Jamie rode his favourite horse, Donas.
The smoothest, most direct route southward was available to them only after nightfall, when motorized traffic was forbidden on the roadways on account of the blackout.  That meant they’d do most of their travelling by night, which posed its own challenges.   In addition to a small bag of provisions and spare clothing, Jamie was also armed with a dirk and a pistol, though he longed for the familiar heft of his broad sword.
The whole trip should take two fortnights, a little less than a month.  The plan was to leave immediately after Easter, so he could be home by late April with time to spare before the Duke of Sandringham’s visit and Claire’s confinement.
In the early morning hours the day before his departure, Jamie crept out of the castle while everyone was still abed and walked up the hill to his parents’ graves.  He was pleased to note that the exertion no longer winded him; that he had regained his previous strength.  He owed that to Claire; that and so much more.   She had given him back his freedom when he thought he was trapped in amber.  Offered him a place to stand when every other foothold was lost.  She was his redemption.  Saorsa.
He knelt beside the graves, now cleaned of moss with bluebells sprouting between the stones.  Resting his forehead against the cool stone, he began to pray.  That Claire might be safe.  That the bairn be healthy.   That his voyage be swift and without peril.  And selfishly, that he be the kind of man his parents would be proud of in this strange new world.
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fritillary · 4 years
Reading your tags is always a delight and I mean that in the most affectionate and loving way. Yes this has something to do with the Kurloz thing. Yes this may be a subtle plea for you to let me know if your feelings for him even return. Have a wonderful day, I hope you’re doing alright.
JUST FOR YOU... I will reveal all the homestuck characters i’ve had crushes on because my homestuck phase (phase should be in scare quotes because it never *really* left but shhhh). i didn’t know what f/os were at the time but if i did they would have all been f/os
aradia. i drew her face badly on one of my pillow cases in permanent marker and slept cuddling it. i still own the pillow case and cant get it off
dave. i had a two year long WILDLY out of character demonstuck roleplay with a rando that was my main source of comfort during a rough patch at school. i woke up at 6am so i could spend an hour before catching the train roleplaying. i roleplayed from when i got home til i fell asleep, often at my laptop. i am so mad the site died and i didn’t save the logs. they were absolutely abysmal but they would have been so funny & nostalgic to look over
i also lusted for all of the dancestors. all of them. i had no taste and i have no idea why i was sexually fixated on them but i was. i was in the throws of puberty (along with some other stuff that would make this ask significantly less fun) and i just unrepentant LOL. the only romantic flame i held was towards damara, i wanted to hug her and Fix Her. i had a dancestor high school au in which i lowkey self inserted as horuss (idk why him of all people but i made my choice) and i probably still have the notebooks somewhere. you bet your ass i wrote that fanfic during the lunch hour while hiding in the library. i was a very cool 13 year old as you can tell
i considered rereading hs over quarantine but i’m so afraid of what it may awaken within me once again. near the end of my stay in the fandom i became a hardcore vriska stan and if i was to re-enter the fandom with f/o stuff in mind i’d probably make my self insert her moirail. your gamzee posting makes me so nostalgic, you’re such an absolute ray of sunshine and your ship is pure gold. i hope you’re doing well too bro!
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Dark Truths
A Criminal Minds FanFic.
Chapter 4 
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Summary: Jamie has been missing for a year, subjected to horrible torture. Her friends/team/family aka the BAU team scramble to find her. Once she is found it will be a challenge to help her get back to her normal life.
Master List (Multi Chapter) 
Pairing:  ReidxJamie (OC)
Warnings: This story is explicit and deals with s*xual assault and psychological torture. I will add notes for where to skip and pick back up to for those who want to read this but avoid the warning content as best I can. 
When JJ came back she had her a grey t-shirt and a sweatshirt and purple PJ shorts. She walked back into the room where Reid and Jamie were smiling seeing them both. Jamie jumped when the door opened squeezing Reid's hand. JJ smiled seeing they made her casts a swirl of light and dark purple "I told them you liked purple… I hope that's okay." She said softly walking over "I also got you these. If you want to change"
Jamie looked at Reid almost as if asking for permission to accept them. Sighing he nodded knowing this was something they would have to work on. "Do you want me to leave and JJ can help you change?"
Jamie looked at him nervous not wanting him gone. JJ was quick to notice, "Why don't you stay and just face the other way and we can pull the curtain closed. That way you are here but I can help her, sound good?"
Jamie nodded quickly. Spencer gave her hand a quick squeeze before getting up, closing the curtain, and facing away from the girls.
JJ smiled at the small girl reassuringly. She slowly helped her into the shirt and then into the PJ shorts. It took everything she had to cry, not to flinch, or react at all to the marks that marred Jamie's pale skin. "Alight, all dressed. Now we are working on getting you out of here so just sit tight and then we can head to the jet and get you home. Sound good?"
Jamie didn't know how to respond. It sounded great but too good to be true. She looked down at the clothes' eyes watering as she started to let herself feel safe, she hadn't realized she had started sobbing. Quickly Spencer was sitting next to her on the bed, "may I hold you?" he asked nervous that just doing it would feel like a violation.
Nodding Jamie leaned into his chest, she could feel his arms wrap around her. The tears wouldn’t stop as she continued to sob into his chest. She didn't know why she was crying at this point but it felt good to her. It felt good to cry, to be held by someone who wasn't going to hurt her.
JJ watched the two for a moment before leaving and going to the team, tears in her own eyes. "S-she's dressed… let's get her home soon I think that is going to do her some good."
Hotch nodded in agreement going to the doctor for the release papers. He had talked with the doctor for an hour about letting Jamie out of the hospital. At first, the doctor was adamant but Hotch had promised that he would make sure he followed all the instructions to take care of her and at the first sign on trouble she would go to the hospital close to their homes.
"Here are all of her medications. And my recommendations for treatment which include therapy." The doctor said taking the now signed papers from Hotch.
"We will take good care of her, I can assure you of that." Said Hotch before going to Rossi. "I am going to head to the jet. I think for the time being its best if I give her some space. I'll sit towards the back and you guys can get her there and keep her in the front. I don't want to scare her anymore."
Rossi nodded, "it's going to get better, we will have her there soon." He watched as Hotch walked off going to the car that Emily was still in. "Morgan lets get the car, JJ wait for them?"
JJ nodded watching them walk out the door.
Reid smiled when the nurse came in with a wheelchair to say she could leave. In his arms was Jamie still crying but a little calmer, "hear that? We can get you home now? Isn't that great?" he was hoping she would smile at the news.
Jamie was numb. Home. She looked at Reid as the tears stopped but didn't give any reaction. She could hear him sigh as he helped her into the chair and started pushing her out of the room. She tried to pull her legs up to her chest but her cast was too heavy for her to lift, instead, she curled around her stomach closing her eyes. The lights were bright to her and the noises too loud, and the people, too many people around her. She felt like they could see everything that had happened to her just by looking.
"Shhhh it’s okay we are almost to the car," whispered Reid to her while he exchanged worried looks with JJ. "I am going to pick you up okay? Do you want me to hold you while we drive?"
Jamie started sobbing again but she nodded through the tears, the only thing she could think of that she wanted right now was him, when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to his chest she could hardly keep her self from burying her face into his chest. She heard the car door shut, jumping at the sound, slipping back into a memory she wished was just a nightmare…
Jamie walked from the BAU office out to the car with a large stack of files. In her head she was thinking about Spencer Reid, how every night he would walk her to the car and talk, sometimes they would get dinner or coffee, other times they would just say goodnight and go separate ways. But every time he walked her to her car she had wished that he would kiss her. She bit her lip thinking about his lips touching hers, about his arms pulling her closer at the waist, it was all she wanted. She opened her car door to set the files in, she had texted him that she would here waiting for him and was surprised when she heard footsteps coming to her car so soon. As she stood from her car she saw it wasn't Reid she tried to scream but the man grabbed her hair and slammed her head into the side of her car. Seeing blood across it before dragging her semi-unconscious body into his truck, "Drive!" the man yelled as he slammed the door shut.
"Jamie? Jamie… shh, it's okay you are safe okay… see look around JJ is here and so am I, Morgan and Rossi are taking us to the BAU jet… and we're taking you home okay?" He looked up catching Morgan glancing back from the rearview mirror. They all noticed Jamie go stiff and her breathing pick up when JJ shut the door as they drove off. They didn't know what she was seeing anymore but by looking at her glazed over eyes they knew it wasn't good. Slowly she came out of the memory laying her head back on Reid's chest
Hotch watched from the window in the back of the jet as the rest of his team pulled up. He had sat in a chair that would be the most out of view for Jamie when they brought her in the jet. His heart felt like a stone in his chest knowing he couldn’t comfort or hold his daughter without causing her more pain. 
He looked down at the paperwork on the table. He didn’t want to look at the medical report any longer but it needed to get consolidated into a report. For a little over a year, his smart, beautiful, little girl had been drugged, tortured, and raped. The biggest clue they had in finding her was the redacted information in her file that he had all along. How could he not have connected that sooner? 
Hotch shook his head and watched intently as the team filed in. JJ and Emily came on first and quickly started getting out blankets, water, and snacks so Jamie could have them if she wanted. Rossi came in next, stopping to watch Reid behind him as he carried her up the jet stairs, Morgan stayed behind him in case he lost his balance not wanting either of them to get hurt. 
Jamie hadn’t moved a muscle since she had the flashback in the car. Her eyes darted quickly to look at something then back down to a fixed spot on the floor. 
Don’t let them see you look around. You’re not allowed to do anything without permission, and even then they’re bound to hate you and punish you. Stupid girl. Jamie was lost in her own mind. She didn’t notice that Spencer had sat down with her on the jet couch and was asking if she was comfortable. She didn’t notice the blanket JJ draped over her after asking several times if it was okay without an answer. She couldn’t see the shared glances between them and the hushed whispers of her friends worrying about her. 
Why would they be here to save you? You’re not even worth saving. You have been used in every way convincible. You are broken. Disgusting. Worthless. Every one of your friends was better off with you gone. 
Tears fell down Jamies face silently. Reid gently wiped them from her cheeks with such a soft gesture she could have imagined it. Even if all of what her mind was telling her. This seemed nice. 
For now.
She felt safe. 
For now. 
She could at least sleep. Before she knew it she was out cold. 
Reid watched her sleep in his arms. Everyone watched her sleep. 
Rossi finally broke the silence, keeping his voice low so as not to wake the poor girl, “We need a plan. Where is she going to go when we land? Who is going to coordinate with NYPD? If this is connected with her parents, we need to understand why they came after her.” 
“I’ll coordinate with NYPD” Morgan stated flatly.
“Jamie could stay with me?” Offered JJ 
“No. Jamie is staying with me,” Reid said with more affirmation in his voice than they had ever heard from him before. “I was able to earn her trust when we got in...there. I am her best friend. I can keep her safe, I won’t let her out of my sight and if she shows any signs of needed medical care I will take her to a hospital. But she stays with me.”
Rossi nodded, “Anyone want to argue with Dr. Reid on that one? No? Okay. I want PD stationed outside your apartment day and night. Someone else should be there too in case Reid needs help, we can take shifts. Hotch - You need to bring us all up to speed on the McConnell case.” 
Hotch nodded, taking a look at Jamie, then focusing his mind on the case from 22 years ago.
“Mary and Deckland were former members of the Irish Mob, actually Mary was formerly married to John Gilligan. With the help of Interpol, we were able to identify Deckland McConnell’s true name Deckland O’Conner, John Gilligan’s right hand.”  
“Are you talking about the John Gilligan? The drug kingpin?” Prentis asked. She had been undercover working to over through the Irish Mob what seemed like a lifetime ago but never made it that close. 
“Yes. Mary and Deckland must have fallen in love and wanted out. A pregnant Marry and her new lover boarded a plane in Belfast late one night using their new alias’ and came to the states. They settled in LA, and on March 19th, 1992 Jamie McConnell was born,” Hotch paused taking a breath. “They lived under their new alias and didn’t seem to have any problems. They lived a normal life, Mary a teacher and Deckland worked in a bar, they lived within their means. Well actually they loved well below their means, not only did they run off together but they stole a large amount of money Gilligan and put it in their daughter’s name.” 
“We assume Gilligan found them. We never found out how. They broke inside the house one day, Jamie hid in a closet that had a false back and supplies in it and a small hole she could peer through. They were prepared for this if only to keep Jamie safe.  She saw them beat and murder her parents and never left the closet until we arrived. After connecting the dots, Gilligan was not only after his money but his daughter we needed to protect her. We changed her name to Daniels, stuck her in foster care, and relocated her to Virginia so we could keep an eye on her. We had to move her several times, I had come to visit her every week since and when she was 9 I finally brought her home to stay with Hayley and me. The case was taken over by Interpol and the CIA, I never heard anything on it again.” 
Reid watched the girl in his arms sleep. She had been through so much and never talked about it ever. She looked fragile, she felt fragile, but he knew someone who had been through that and still came out smiling was much stronger than anyone could ever see. 
“So, she is Gilligan’s long lost child, and does she still have his money?” Rossi asked 
Hotch nodded. 
“We have the motive now. We just need to catch these men” JJ said as the plane began landing.
~Can also be read on AO3 and Fanfic by anonymouslymine ~
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khaosgaming22 · 4 years
Take a Break- A Bribe Fanfic
Shiro sat at his desk looking over the maps that the Vanguard had sent him about a new location. An icy moon in the outer orbit of Saturn, much further than Titan, where you could see the blast that was left from the Taken War just by simply looking up. Vex and Fallen? Interesting combination, only place the two ever intersected was Nessus. He laid out the few projections that Zavala had given him of the area, one was a surface shot, another looked like a cave with Vex structures and the last was a Clovis Bray facility. He was so into his exploration and notes he barely heard the door open.
“I’m baaack!” Said a cheerful Cora as Alastair yipped happily at his mother coming through the door. “Yes hello you little cutie, I see you. Cmon let’s get you some food,” She looked over at Shiro who hadn’t noticed any of this going on. “because I’m sure your father has neglected to do so...” Alastair lead the way to the kitchen area and she poured some food for the wolf pup putting her hands on his scruffy cheeks. “You’re da onwy one who woves me anymore huh Aly? Yes you awe the big meanie Exo won’t pway with mommy.” Alastair looked at her confused and gave her a look that read “Let me eat in peace please crazy lady.” Cora pouted and stood up to make something for herself out of the food there because someone still had not gone to the store. She huffed and grabbed the last cup of noodles putting it in the microwave as Alastair gobbled down his kibble.
Cora started to think of a way she could get him to pause his work as the microwave hummed lowly. She could think of a few things but none of them she liked the idea of much, either too drastic or too passive. Just as the machine peeped announcing her food was cooked she looked down at her armor and got an idea...
Cora ate her dinner as she took off her armor in their room, she looked over at a picture of them on the wall they took a few years ago. She held up a peace sign as Shiro took the picture of the two of them in front of a defeated Cabal Centurion. She missed when they did stuff like that, nowadays it was always work with the two of them. Guardians always had work to do sure, but they had time off as well and lately they didn’t have much of that anymore. If this didn’t work she didn’t know what would. She let down her auburn hair and took off the rest with a determined look that was a bit undertoned by the noodles half in her mouth still. “Maybe I should finish this first.”
Shiro checked some coordinates spinning the hologram for the millionth time trying to make sense of why the Vex structures were on this icy moon. Were they trying to terraform it like they did Nessus? He didn’t know, he’d have to ask Ikora on that one- Shit. Another broken pencil, he sighed and let the electric sharpener do it’s thing as the door to their bedroom opened behind him. Part one of her plan, see if Alastair could distract him, then she’d take care of the rest. She set down the wolf pup and he scampered over to Shiro’s side with a ball in his mouth.
“Hey buddy.” Shiro looked down and ruffled Alastair’s fur on his head then went back to his maps. The wolf pup looked over at the door opened just a crack and Cora motioned for him to keep going prompting Alastair to jump up on Shiro’s lap. “Ah! Alastair not now, daddy’s working okay?” He set down the wolf and Alastair trotted over defeated to Cora.
“It’s okay baby, you did your best.” She pet his fur and kissed his head giving him a treat. “Okay then, Plan B.” She opened the door and walked over to Shiro’s work desk which she then sat down on and turned off a hologram.
“Hey what giiiiiii...” The Exo looked up from his work at an almost naked Cora who had only a training bra and underwear on. She smirked at his dumbfounded face.
“Do I have your attention now you workaholic?” She teased and arched an eyebrow at her lover. If Exo’s could blush Shiro would be as red as a Cabal right about now. He regained his composure trying not to stare and look up at her eyes instead.
“Y- you do.” He stuttered and she gave a chuckle very much enjoying herself. He quickly looked at the clock on the wall next to him. “Oh my Light how long have you been here...” He asked realizing and feeling ashamed.
“‘Bout a half an hour.” She shrugged and got off the desk to sit in his lap. Shiro put down his newly sharpened pencil and wrapped his arms around his love. Cora smiled happy for the affection finally and reached back to put her hand on his cheek plate.
“I’m sorry darling, I’ve just been so busy with work lately that I-“
“Sh sh sh shhhh.” She put a finger over his metallic mouth. “No more work talk, just cuddles.” He nodded embarrassingly. “Good. Now kiss me.” She put her soft lips to his wrapping her arms around his neck and he reciprocated by putting his hands at her sides. She shifted a bit as she got her smooches in and pulled away eventually to look at his LED eyes that glowed a neon blue.
“Why’d ya stop?” He asked tilting his head as his circuits whirred. Cora rolled her boring human eyes and touched her hands to his face.
“Cause I wanted to look at your eyes dum dum.” She smiled and kissed him again before touching her forehead to his.
“Why is there something wrong with them?”
“Oh my LIGHT you are so dense! No you idiot I just want to look at you cause you’re cute!” She got a good look at them as his shutters opened wide at that which made her giggle.
“Sorry, been a while since we did... this.” Cora nodded.
“I know. Which is why I’m gonna have to teach you all over again.” She said pouting a bit and he brought her closer to him where her chest brushed up against his. “Well at least you remember a few things.”
“Yeah, guess I do.” He glanced over at his papers and she shifted his head back toward her.
“If I have to shred your journal to get you to love me I will not hesitate.” She said annoyed.
“Okay okay message received! You want more time together I get it, please don’t erase my work!” He pleaded and she giggled.
“I’m kidding!” Shiro breathed a sigh of relief. “...Mostly kidding.” She smiled and he looked at her concerned. “Depends on how much you love me tonight.” She said as her smile turned into a smirk making Shiro embarrassed again until Alastair came up to them with his ball and broke the tension. They both giggled at that.
“Seems I’ve refrained from playing with you a bit too much as well.” He held Cora close with his one hand and threw the pup’s ball with the other. Alastair went to go after it and Cora nuzzled into her lover’s neck happily.
“I love you.” She smiled as Alastair came back for another throw. Shiro threw again and kissed her head running his hand through her hair lovingly.
“Love you too Cora.”
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ayzenigma · 4 years
tagged by @your-turn-to-role yeet thanks for the tag!
Rules: Tag some people you want to get to know better/catch up with and then answer these questions
Last Song: not counting like. youtube hour+ long “dark autumn music” or “celtic fantasy music” videos, uhhhh prooobably Flares by The Script? like,,, a week or two or more ago? (serious i Don’t listen to music ;alkjsf) when i listened to it on repeat thinking about caleb widogast and having All The Feels al;ksfjaljksf
Last Movie: if we’re talking about movies in their entirety uhh i thiiiiiiink it was little women? maybe??? idk its been A While since ive watched a movie bc what is attention span :b aka why the old guard is still on my too watch list (shhhh pay no attention to regularly sitting through 3+ hour long cr episodes its Different okay) if we’re talking any movie in part uhhh. jumanji: the next level, that i saw like maybe 20 ish minutes of during a dentist appointment
Currently Reading: if i cant count fanfic or textbooks/articles for school reading, then i got nothing else at the moment ;ajfdk. and im like. in the  middle of at least 3 fics soooooooooo ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Currently Watching: critical role and pokemon lol. got plenty on my list of to watch but welp
Currently Craving: ...am i allowed to say hugs? hugs and cuddles? because pls
Currently Working On: TOO MANY THINGS HECK. got a club website to update, homework, like 3 wip fanarts, at least a dozen personal art projects, planning for nanowrimo, dnd homebrew universe that i dmed like two sessions of and is now on the back-burner whoops, attempting to schedule and calendar my life for once, and a couple of fic ideas that are still bubbling in my head. actively working on right now though? website, homework, and nano probably
Currently Playing: 3 different games of dnd, various sudoku/tile match/conceptis phone app games, and uhhh sort of summer of memories by gagex. (ive finished, but am going through again trying to see if i can get a different non-good ending. we’ll see) uhhh yeah i think that’s about it for things i’m actually playing really. oh also. catch up. always playing catch up as;dkfl with school life projects all of the above. (and also playing keep away with deadlines, i guess)
tagging people yeet lets go! for once lol hmmmm lets go with... @bunnyinatree @essektheylyss @ausp-ice @vellaphoria @shmoo92 and @themandylion​ i suppose!
as usual, only if y’all want to, no pressure <3
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chelledoggo · 5 years
[Fanfic] Bonds Restored [101 Dalmatian Street]
genre: slice of life, oneshot
age rating: all ages
content warnings: none
a sequel to Forgiveness, set several weeks later. tensions slowly ease up between Dylan and Deepak, but Dylan is still worried. however, he soon finds a box addressed to him placed outside his treehouse.
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It had been about three weeks since that evening. That was the day Dylan had agreed to give Deepak space to heal from a verbal altercation they'd had earlier in the week.
Some harsh things had been said back then, and Deepak was understandably nearly dead-set on closing off the bridge between him and his brother.
Fortunately, Dylan was able to set aside his ego, fully own up to his actions, and respect Deepak's feelings.
Moved by this, Deepak promised he would be able to fully forgive Dylan in due time, provided he leave him be and not try to force it.
In the three weeks following that time, Deepak was slowly, but surely, beginning to come around. He'd started talking to Dylan again little by little.
At first, Deepak only addressed Dylan when he needed something important. After a few days, he started greeting Dylan in the morning and before bed. After a week and a half, he began casually greeting Dylan in passing, even smiling at him from time to time. By the two-week mark, Deepak was holding brief, if not stifled or awkward, conversations with Dylan.
Week three was coming to an end, and Deepak's attitude around Dylan seemed to be nearly back to normal.
However, Dylan was still uncertain.
That argument all those weeks back kept replaying again and again in his head. The hurt, heartbroken look on Deepak's face was still etched into his mind. The conversation the little pup had had with Dolly days later. The things that were said.
Despite the relatively peaceful atmosphere between them now, Dylan wasn't convinced that Deepak would ever fully forgive him. And why should he? Dylan completely lost his cool with perhaps the most gentle, peaceful, sensitive little pup in the world...his own little brother.
But, Dylan missed his brotherly relationship with Deepak. He missed attending his Rainbow Rhythm breath classes. He missed the night they'd spend up in the treehouse when Dylan would point out constellations and Deepak would talk about Astrology and the alignments of the planets. Most of all, he missed being Deepak's friend.
Now he felt more like a civil acquaintance. Neither a friend nor foe. Just someone to be polite to out of familial obligation.
Oh well, Dylan thought gloomily. That'll teach me for letting my ego get out of control, I guess.
Dylan figured he'd get his mind off things by doing a bit of nighttime reading up in his treehouse.
He walked outside and began making his way up the spiral staircase built into the tree's trunk. When he finally reached the top, he noticed a box sitting in front of the treehouse door. On top of it was taped a folded-up piece of paper with “Dylan” written on it in impeccable pawligraphy. It was undoubtedly Deepak's handiwork.
Dylan froze in confusion for a moment, unsure of how to process this situation. He then gently nudged the box into the treehouse with his nose, and sat down comfortably inside to inspect it.
Dylan gently removed the piece of paper from atop the box, took in a deep breath, slowly opened it, and began to read the contents.
Dearest Brother Dylan,
Thank you so much for being patient these past few weeks.
I understand that this was no doubt difficult for you. It was no easier for me, to be honest.
But seeing your restraint and respect for my wishes has shown me without a doubt that you truly do care for me; Not for the sake of your ego or for personal gain, but simply because you love me.
I can't stress enough how happy this makes me, and how very proud I am of you.
All is forgiven, big brother.
To commemorate the re-forging of our now stronger-than-ever brotherly bond, I had Da Vinci help me make this gift for you. I hope that it will help welcome positive energy into your treehouse, and serve as a constant reminder of the ties of love that join me and you, and our entire family, together.
In love and light,
P.S.: I will be holding my next Rainbow Rhythm breath class tomorrow morning. I hope you will be able to attend. I honestly missed having you there.
Dylan wiped at his eyes in vain to control the outpouring of tears that flowed from them. His entire body was shaking from his heavy sobbing.
He felt like he'd witnessed a miracle; like the entire weight of the world had been lifted off his chest. He struggled to believe that he wasn't just dreaming.
He had his little brother back. For good, this time.
In his emotional state, Dylan had nearly forgotten that the note had come with a present. He opened the box and removed the gift tissue from the top to reveal something shiny and metallic inside.
He slowly lifted up a delicately crafted hanging mobile. In the center was a metal moon with ornate patterns etched into it. Around the moon, dangled several wire-wrap “stars” with various gemstones nestled inside them; the very crystals that Dylan had offered Deepak in an attempt to earn back his favor.
Dylan's eyes glistened at the sight of this precious gift from the heart. He knew immediately where he would hang it.
He made his way up to the upper level of the treehouse, where he had his telescope set up. Dylan had figured the mobile would look nice catching the moonlight through the open skylight.
When he entered the room, he was pleasantly surprised to find that Deepak was quietly meditating on one of the floor cushions.
Upon hearing his older brother enter, Deepak slowly opened one eye and smiled at Dylan.
Dylan wiped away more tears from his eyes and smiled back, overjoyed to finally have his little zen brother back in his life.
“Deepak,” Dylan said with a sniffle. “Th-thank you so much. I--”
“Shhhh....” Deepak gently cut Dylan off. “The Great Dog and Little Dog are in clear view tonight. Shall we have a look?”
Dylan nodded gleefully, and sat down comfortably on a cushion behind his telescope.
Deepak curled up next to Dylan, smiling warmly up at him before turning his gaze to the night sky.
“You know,” Deepak said. “When the Great and Little Dogs are at this point in the sky, it's a sign of the strengthening of spiritual unity, especially between family members.”
“Did you just make that up?” Dylan asked with a good-natured chuckle.
“I promise, I didn't!” Deepak giggled in return.
The two brothers sat up for hours, gazing at the celestial bodies and waxing philosophical until they both eventually fell asleep.
It was just like old times. Better, even.
There was once again peace between them, and everything was right with the universe.
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Runaways- A Mayans MC Fanfic
Part 1
Part 2
*Warnings: Slight mention of violence 
Parking the car in front of the house I got out and opened the trunk revealing all the bags in the back. Grabbing two of them I headed up the steps and into the house. Placing the groceries onto the kitchen counter I turned around to see David staring at me with his arms crossed.
“Where the hell have you been?” He asked glaring at me, nostrils flared.
Pointing at the note on the fridge I replied, “Can’t you read? I went to the store. We can’t survive on canned beans forever.” I crossed my arms and matched his glare.
Sighing he leaned against the entryway pinching the bridge of his nose with his eyes closed.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I panicked when I couldn’t find you and saw the car missing.” He said opening his eyes, softness replacing the hard glare from before. “You got the keys? I need to head out and start looking for a job or before we know it we’ll be broke.”
Pulling the keys from my pocket I tossed them to him.
“Just gotta grab the rest of the groceries out the back then she’s all good to go. Full tank and everything.” I replied giving him a half smile
“I’ll go get them,” he said heading out of the kitchen. Turning around just before he was out of sight he looked back at me, “We’ll get through this. Together.”
“Together” I replied quietly as he turned and walked out of sight.
Putting away the groceries I brought in I got lost in thought. Sometimes I forget how hard this must be for David too. He dropped everything to help his family. The only reason we have a house here was because of him. I have been so worried about Nicky and how he was handling everything that I never thought about how David was handling it, having to clean up another mess his two younger siblings created.
“Hey we got anything to eat? I’m fucking starving,”
Jumping out of my thoughts I quickly turned around a hand to my chest trying to calm myself. Nicky was sitting at the table looking at his phone.
“Shit you scared me. You can’t just sneak up on people like that.” Grabbing a box of cereal and a bowl I placed them down in front of him. “I’m not cooking anything so you're gonna have to settle for that for now. Milk’s in the fridge.”
“Thank God, your cooking is horrendous.” He teased giving the first hint of a real smile I have seen him have since the incident.
Rolling my eyes I went back to the counter and saw the rest of the groceries that David must have brought in while I was distracted. Finishing putting everything away I went to join my brother at the table grabbing myself a bowl of cereal. We ate in silence and when we were finished Nicky grabbed the dishes to wash them up.
“Hey, you good here alone for a bit?” I asked Nicky, “I want to get out and go for a walk. Clear my head.”
“Yeah. I don’t need a babysitter 24/7. I will probably just unpack some stuff maybe watch some tv or something.” He said shrugging. “I’ll be fine.”
I wasn’t completely convinced but needed to get some fresh air so I decided to trust him.
“Call if you need anything and I will come straight back. Got it?”
Walking for about an hour I passed our neighbor’s house smiling as I saw EZ, and I’m guessing his brother, sitting on the steps of their father’s house chatting and smoking.
“Hey Willow!”
Turning around I saw EZ stand up crushing his cigarette under his boot before walking towards me with a smile. Behind him his brother did the same before swaggering up beside his brother.
“Angel, the big brother.” He introduced himself extending his hand.
Shaking his hand I started to introduce myself but was cut off by Angel.
“Willow, I know, baby bro here couldn’t stop talking about the new neighbor all day.”
Blushing I looked to EZ whose gaze was to the ground with an embarrassed smile on his face.
“So how you liking Ms. Rosa’s place?” Angel pulled my attention back to him.
“It’s lovely. Did you know her well?” I questioned looking between the two men
“Yeah she used to watch us quite a lot when we were little,” EZ joined in “sometimes we were over there more than our own home.”
The boys chuckled as they thought about memories of their childhood.
“Man she made the best cookies. Every week it would be a different kind too and she always let me have as many as I wanted,” smiling Angel added, “I’m pretty sure she’s the reason I was such a chubby little fucker.”
I gave a little giggle finding it hard to imagine him as a chubby kid. But then again it’s amazing how much people can change.
“So is it just you living there by yourself, or is there a boyfriend or husband?” Angel tried to question casually.
Shaking my head slightly smiling I looked at EZ when I replied.
“No boyfriend or husband. It’s just me and my two brothers.”
Angel gave his brother a teasing smile before patting him on the shoulder and then looking at me.
“Well it was lovely to meet you Willow but I have to get going. I’m sure I’ll be seeing you around.” Smiling Angel winked before turning away from us and heading towards his bike.
A few moments passed that felt like forever as EZ and I stood around awkwardly. Looking at him I tried to take as much in as I could. Physically he was very impressive with the biggest arms I had ever seen. He had two tattoos, that I could see at least, one on each arm. He was wearing a leather cut with his brother wearing a matching one which I noticed said Mayans on it recalling seeing a tattoo on Angle’s arm saying the same thing. Then I noticed the prospect patch on the front. Looking up at his face I noticed he was checking me out as well. A small blushed formed on my cheeks as I looked down briefly then back up into his eyes. He had a huge grin on his face. Out of everything I think his smile was my favorite thing. Breaking the silence I decided to ask him about his cut.
Pointing I asked, “So are you part of some biker gang or something?”
“Club,” He corrected me chuckling, “We’re just a motorcycle club. Just a bunch of guys who work together and like to ride.”
Not buying it completely I just smiled and nodded understandingly. It wasn’t really my business anyways but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t curious.
“So the prospect patch? What’s that exactly?”
Grabbing his cut up by his chest he explained, “All new members have to prospect for at least a year before they can be voted in as a full patched member, my vote is coming up soon though.”
“So I’m guessing that means you get to do all the dirty work?”
“Yeah, something like that.” Motioning to his bike he asked “Would you maybe like to go for a ride?”
Looking at his bike and then back at him all I wanted to do was say yes. I don’t know what it was but I just felt this connection with him. I was never one to just run off with a guy I just met, but with EZ it felt different, it felt nice. Talking to him I forgot about all the shit that went down back home, why we were here in the first place. He gave me hope that maybe we would be safe here. Maybe just maybe I had a future here and maybe he was a part of that.
“I would really love to EZ,” more than I should, “but I can’t right now. I told my younger brother Nicky I wouldn't be gone too long and I should really get back to him. Can we take a rain check?”
“Sure.” He said understandingly.
“Could I borrow your phone real quick?”
Pulling it out of his cut and unlocking it he handed it to me with a slightly confused look on his face.
Smiling I opened up his contacts and added my number to his phone.
“Give me a call or text sometime,” I said boldly handing him his phone back. “I really enjoyed talking with you.”
Smiling I turned and and walked back to my house before he had the chance to say anything else.
Walking in our house I slipped my shoes off and placed them in the rack by the door. Stepping into the living room I sat down on the couch with a smile on my face thinking about the man I left outside and secretly hoping he was thinking about me too. Looking around I noticed David still wasn’t home and I got up to go look for Nicky.
Going down the hall I noticed his room was shut. I knocked lightly and put my ear up to the door to listen for a response. Not hearing anything I went to open the door only to find out it was locked.
“Nicky, you okay in there?” I called out softly knocking again.
There was a few minutes before I heard some movement, a click and then the door slowly opened. I was instantly hit with the smell of weed and I looked up to look into my brother’s puffy red eyes, both from getting high and crying. He turned around and slowly walked over to his bed sliding down and sitting on the floor leaning against it.
I followed and sat down next to him all the light happiness from before completely gone and the reality sinking back in.
“Please talk to me,” I pleaded with tears starting to form in my eyes. I hated seeing how much pain my brother was in.
“There’s nothing to say,” his voice was shaky, “I took someone’s life. I fucking killed a man Will!” His voice broke as he began sobbing again.
He leaned over laying his head in my lap and clutched onto me as he cried. Running my hand through his hair I tried to comfort him.
“Shhhh,” I soothed,” It’s going to be okay. We are going to get through this. Together. I will always be here for you.”
I gently grabbed his face and guided him to look at me. Looking him in the eyes I tried to keep my own tears from falling failing as I felt a few slip.
“You saved my life. Remember that, if you hadn’t been there, if you hadn’t protected me, I would be dead. I’m sorry you had to do that but I’m so thankful for what you did for me.”
He broke down even harder after my words laying his head back down holding me tighter than before.
“I’m so sorry Will.” He said between sobs. “It's all my fault. It’s all my fault.”
I stayed there running my hand through his hair until he started to calm down and his exhaustion took over. Once I could hear him snoring I broke completely. I sat there and started sobbing myself. My younger brother was so broken and there was nothing I could do to ease his pain and it was all because of what he had to do to save me.
I don’t even know who the man was other than he was a part of a gang, his tattoos telling us that much. I figured it must have been a random attack or maybe part of an initiation. I was in my apartment cleaning with my headphones on when the man must have broken in. I never heard anything and didn’t know someone was even with me til I walked into my kitchen and saw a man there. That’s when he attacked me. I have never been so scared in my life. Turns out the man was kind of a big deal in his gang and he wasn’t going to just go missing unnoticed. David thought it best to get out of there. If someone knew where he was going or if for some reason there was a hit out on me we would not be safe there or anywhere nearby anymore.
Exhausted, I leaned my head back against the bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
A bang from the living room startled me from my sleep. Gently moving Nicky’s head off my lap I slowly got up and made my way to the living room. Turning on the light I found David there picking up a stack of books that had fallen from a shelf that he must have ran into. Looking at the clock I saw it was two in the morning.
“Where have you been all day?” I questioned him annoyed. “We could have really used you here.”
Thinking of the state our baby brother was in I was pissed he wasn’t here to help me. I was starting to get the impression he was trying to avoid Nicky.
“Why? You and Nick need someone to get rid of a body again?” Sitting down he gruffly started untying his boots and taking them off chucking them to the side.
“That’s not fair.” I snapped crossing my arms defensively.
“Fair?” He huffed standing up and swiftly coming to stand right in front of me, “This whole situation ain’t fair sister. But fair doesn’t mean shit. It never has to you or Nicky. You have always expected me to clean up your messes, bail you out when you guys get into trouble, and boy does trouble always find you two!” His voice got louder as he continued. “You need to stop babying him! Maybe, maybe if you knew the whole truth you would….” he started to trail off catching himself before he said too much.
“The truth? What do you mean?” My anger turned to confusion. What could he mean by that?
“Nothing. I need a shower” He dismissed my question walking past me into the bathroom slamming the door behind him.
Sighing I turned the light back off going to Nicky’s room. Placing a blanket over him and a kiss to his forehead I then went to my own room closing my door slowly. Exhausted I undressed and crawled into bed under the covers. I layed there staring into the darkness thinking about the last twenty four hours. We would get through this together. Although it didn’t really feel like we were together anymore.
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borhapstyles · 6 years
Headcanon: Meeting Ben
Not a request, but just kinda wanted this cause I think about it too much lol 
Although I promise I’m not ignoring the millions of headcanon requests inside my inbox I just need to sort my life also who wants to take my classes for me at uni I’ll pay u in love 
Tumblr media
I’ll probably end up editing this some time later on cause I’m not fully happy with it but I just wanted to get something out for you guys, enjoy x
For Ben, he just knew you were the one
Perhaps not right away, because he never quite believed in love at first sight
But from the moment that he saw your smile, heard your life and the intonation rise in your voice when you spoke about something that excited you
He knew he couldn’t just let you go
and he never quite wanted to
For you, however, you didn’t quite know what to make of yourself
You were a fan of Ben’s, to say the least, and for as many fanfics as you read of him
You weren’t naive to think that he’d just look at you and fall in love
but of course, you always had a sliver of hope that he might at least find you pretty
((he does, he always does shhhh))
so when you saw him across the street from you in London
you couldn’t believe he was genuinely right there
just chatting with two other guys outside a cafe
and you were sure Joe would be jealous if he saw this
there was a big part of you that didn’t want to bother him
a part that felt scared to even walk over because you didn’t to embarrass yourself
but you knew that if you didn’t go say hello at least, you’d regret it for the rest of your life
so you sped up your pace and crossed the street to where he was standing, his back facing you 
and you stood still for just a second, admiring this view of him and 
your heart was racing like never before, palms sweaty and stomach just churning
“Ben!” you called out. you had shouted it but you were almost reluctant to
and he turned around, eyes bouncing to find who just called him
you waved at him slowly, the biggest grin on your lips
Ben then smiled and took a couple steps towards you
it took everything in you not to faint right then at there because he smiled with his teeth when he looked at you and homeboy never really does that
“h-hi, sorry if I bothered you, I’m a really big fan of yours and I just wanted to say hello.. I guess” you said before laughing at yourself
Ben also chuckled and nodded and said something along the lines of how you’re not bothering him
“no, no, not at all, thank you for being a fan.” his smile grew even bigger
and you’re sliiiightly more relieved as he seemed okay speaking with you
you had read a few encounters of fans meeting Ben and was told he was very sweet in person
but it was nice to actually experience it for yourself
but what reaally made you happy was the fact that he seemed to carry the conversation
“are you visiting London? not to sort of state the obvious but i think from your accent you don’t sound like you’re from here”
let’s pretend you’re not from england / london if u are ok ok 
aaaaaaand that’s when you two spurned into a conversation about places to visit, restaurants to eat at
Ben went so far as to tell you his favorite place to eat in London
which I mean, Ben knew the dangers of because he knew you were a fan
but something with you felt far safer, and somehow he felt okay with the idea of running into you there
in fact he wanted to
and no matter how much of a dork Ben could be at times
he also knew his way around words and would throw in a compliment every once in a while, hoping you’d catch it
and you did, your cheeks turning redder every time
and Ben wasn’t even aware of it but he had this habit of biting his lip and he seemed to do that a lot with you
he also didn’t realise how long he was speaking with you until his friends called him
“hey, Ben, we’re actually gonna head off, not sure if you’re still planning to come with us”
and suddenly you’re both embarrassed and sad
cause you took up what was apparently a good chunk of his time while also realising that you’d probably never see him again
but on the other end, Ben’s rather torn
he had a lads day out with his friends planned and was also slightly embarrassed cause 
if he’s honest
he forgot they were there when he was listening to you talk
Ben knew you for a total of 10 minutes but already loved the sound of your voice
he was also kinda scared to ask you out right then and there in front of his friends
also kinda scared to be rejected by you, he didn’t want to assume anything of you
so for a moment he was just kinda like uuhhhhhhh
so you were like “oh my god, I’m so sorry I took so much of your time! I’ll let you go, I didn’t mean to interrupt your time with them”
and Ben’s like “no, no, you’re not, it’s been really lovely chatting with you actually” 
and a part of you gets sad when he says this cause it means he really will be leaving
not that you expected him to do anything to stay with you but one can dream
so you smiled, really wide, and said “I’m gonna head inside and grab a coffee so I’ll let you guys head off”
“oh, oh right, yeah, this place has some of the best coffe in London” 
so you stepped ahead towards the shop, feeling Ben’s eyes on you
but part of you wanted one last word with him, one last excuse to talk to him 
so you turned around and made eye contact with Ben, smiling just for a moment 
and right before you were going to ask him a question about drinks 
his friends stepped in, having read his eyes and just knowing they didn’t want to be cockblockers
“actually, mate, I just got a text from the wife, she’s not really feeling well so I need to go home to her”
and his other friend, scrambling for an excuse, was like “y-yeah, there’s some things I need to take care of for today actually, so I need to go do them...”
so they leave you two before he can say anything 
and Ben’s cheeks were blushing really hard and he blinked at you for a moment before the two of you laughed
and you licked your lips, genuinely stunned at the moment
Ben’s just thanking his lucky stars that that happened
“I was just going to ask you what I should get here but it looks like you just got abandoned by your friends” you laughed
and Ben’s like “that’s alright, I think I’m in better company now”
so you’re like oh that’s how this is gonna be huh Benjamin
“well you’re welcome to join me for some coffee”
“I’d love to”
and when inside, Ben paid for your drink no matter how much you insisted on doing it yourself
and you two managed to grab a cute little table in the back of the cafe, right in the corner underneath a lovely painting
where you and Ben ended up chatting for hours
about everything really, from places he could visit in regards to your own hometown / area, to your favorite films, to songs he recommended for you 
and you two eventually felt like you had known each other for ages
a couple fans actually came up to Ben later in the day, taking photos with him
and they stared at you curiously
but you said nothing and Ben knew he’d see it later on social media
and get texts from the boys about it
but honestly
he couldn’t give two fucks
because he wanted more with you, that was certain
and eventually it would’ve come out
if he could wish for it, then he would have you around him for a while
so that’s exactly what happened
from that afternoon came the courage Ben grew to ask you on a proper date
and another
and another
eventually in bed one lazy Sunday afternoon 
you took Ben’s hand in yours, playing with his fingers and said
“you don’t know how glad I am that you were at that cafe that day”
and Ben’s like “you don’t know how glad I am that you were even near that cafe in London that day. you could’ve been anywhere”
“but I wasn’t, cause I was right where I needed to be” you replied
then Ben kissed the top of your head
then you said “i really wanted you to stay, i’m so grateful that your friends left, i mean i love them, but i didn’t want you to go”
and Ben laughed and was like “i would’ve stayed anyways, don’t worry on that. or else i would’ve found you, either way, i would’ve ended up back with you”
and then you just laid there, head resting on his bare chest, admiring the afternoon sun and staring at the painting that reminded you very much of the same one in that cafe 
“wish we could stay like this forever” you sighed
Ben rubbed your fingers against his, going particularly around your ring finger
you noticed his silence but decided not to say anything about it until he pulled a ring into view from your other hand
and part of you was like where did that even come from
but then Ben said “well then why don’t we?”
you were in shock at this point and Ben just grinned 
“will you marry me, y/n?” 
I feel like this massively sucked, i’m so sorry. i just whipped this out when really i should’ve done my sociology reading but i love you guys and also i just wanted to make something cause i’ve been watching a lot of London vlogs and I’m waiting for the day I meet the love of my life but this will have to do
may or may not make some sort of little series out of this?? cute little story of your life with Ben thing, kinda like my Harry series but who knows, lemme know what you think xx
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luigis-love · 5 years
 The phone rang. Chichi looked over at her one year old Goten peacefully sleeping in a blanket and pillows nest in the living room, so she hurriedly dried her hands from the soapy water and rushed to answer. Last night, her baby had been a little sick, and she wanted nothing to disturb him when he was finally sleeping.
 -          Hello…
-          Oh my God, Bulma?
-          HE SAID IT OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD!!
-          Who said what? Are you ok???
-          VEGUETA SAID IT!!!
 For a moment, Chichi was confused and took away the phone from her ear to look at it like it was a two headed toad, but suddenly, it just clicked, and she could not avoid gasp, squeak and bark into happy noises all at the same time while trying to keep quiet and not to disturb Goten. She put it back in her ear.
 -          Oh Kami! Bulma, congratulations! I am just SO, SO happy for you! I can’t believe it!
-          Oh well I… umm… well you see, Goten was sick last night.
 Chichi laughed awkwardly while a drop of sweat went down her forehead, wondering when, among all the screaming, she could have mentioned that piece of information.
 -          He is better, don´t worry. He had a little bit of colic, but he is better now.
-          Well, I am sorry if I sound like a bitch, but seriously, I. NEED. YOU. Like… NOW! If you can´t come, would you mind if I go to your place?
-          That would be lovely Bulma! I am dying to hear everything about it!
-          I´ll be there in an hour!
 Goku was an asshole. Not the first time he thought about it, and most probably not the last. He was sure.
 The green alien growled, listening to the muffled sounds of Gohan crying… AGAIN.
 It´s been two weeks since those blasted Cell Games, and the young boy could not spend a single day without blaming himself for the tragedy that had happened in his family.
 Standing on the roof, Piccolo scanned the surroundings of the mountain. It was such a quiet place, meant to peace and happiness, not to…
 -          Oh God no…
 The namek promptly turned around at the breathy voice somewhere along the house.
 It was Chichi. Under normal circumstances, he would have destroyed a wall to go see what was wrong with her, but he knew better than that. That woman was insane, and he wanted to keep his ears without bleeding.
 So he floated to the sound of the woman, who now was crying, making the namek uncomfortable, since now there were two people crying in the same house. He located the source of the sound and he looked throw the small window up in the wall of the bathroom.
 Chichi was sitting on the closed toilet, her face hidden on her right hand, while in the left she was holding a small and weird white plastic thing.
 -          What am I going to do, what am I going to do? Oh Goku, why…?
 Piccolo was completely lost. All he knew was that whatever was happening right now, Goku was an asshole.
 As soon as the door opened, Bulma jumped over Chichi and hugged her until she was starting to turn blue.
 -          Oh Chichi! I am so, so, so so, so happy! I mean, I KNEW he was my soul mate, I have known it for years now! But to actually hear it!
-          Yeah well…
-          I mean, WHO ELSE could be such a disrespectful bastard like Vegeta! On that phrase?? I mean IT HAD TO BE HIM!!
-          Aja…
-          When we started to talk back during the whole Namekusein thing, I swear I almost dropped dead! I could not believe it was him! Something had to be wrong!
-          Bulma…?
-          But then time went by, and I started to feel, you know all that…
-          Bulma…?
-          And then somehow I knew, I just KNEW everything was going to be ok!
-          BULMA!
-          What??
-          Do you want a cup of coffee in the kitchen and we can sit? Maybe… breathe and talk instead of just talking and going insane by yourself? Piccolo and Gohan shall be back in maybe an hour or something. And…
 Bulma smiled brightly and just hugged Chichi again, this time in a normal way. The black haired woman smiled and hugged her back.
 Even with everything that happened to her, she was happy for her friend.
 Chichi was starting to get round.
 The namek blinked a few times, but then he decided that that weird light coming from her was not a mind trick of a strange effect of whatever thing his brain was trying to pull on him.
 Chichi was glowing.  And she was gorgeous.
 The namek shook his head. Where the hell where those thoughts coming from? He scratched his chest.
 -          Piccolo?
-          What?
-          I need you to drive me to my doctor´s appointment.
-          And why would I do that?
 Piccolo groaned, and that sound seemed to make her screech even more. Goodbye to the stupid glow, now she was a bitch, a loud bitch and nothing more. Oh how he wanted to just toss her out the window and never have to deal with her ever again.
 Why was he even here? Is not like he cared about this damn woman…
 But he did care about Gohan, and he loved his mother.
 Piccolo groaned. He had to take care of her because she was important to Gohan, nothing more. Nothing!
 His chest itched, and he ignored it this time.
 Bulma took a sip of her coffee and smiled. No matter what she did or who did it, no one made food or drink like Chichi. She looked at the other woman, and seeing little Goten sleeping made her calm a little bit.
 -          Yesterday, Vegeta and I were arguing.
-          No surprised there.
-          Yeah well… he had been gone for quite a while, after… well…
 Bulma seemed uncomfortable, and the widow knew why.
 -          Because of Goku, I guess…
-          Yeah… since he… well… since that day, he kind of… changed, he was gone most of the time, me and Trunks almost never saw him, and when he was around, he was always training in that stupid gravity chamber.
 Chichi said nothing, trying not to make the parallels between the saiyan prince and her late husband.
 -          Maybe… a week ago, I was sleeping, and I heard noises coming from Trunks intercom.  So I woke up scared, but I recognized Vegeta´s voice… I… I don´t know what he was saying, I think he was talking in his native language or something, whatever, but at the end he just, he just left Trunks and came to the bedroom, he went inside the bed and he held me from behind. I know he knew I was awake, but I didn´t want to say anything…
 The dark haired woman placed a hand on her hearth unconsciously at the romantic story, awwing at the prince´s actions.
 -          I thought things were going to change… BUT I WAS SO FUCKING WRONG!!!
-          Bulma! Shhhh!!!
-          Oh yeah, sorry, sorry. But the next day, SEIOUSLY! He kept being a stupid manner less monkey with a severe lack of education UUURGGG!!!!
-          Right…
-          And then yesterday…
 Bulma´s expression softened.
 -          Yesterday, we were arguing again, I was so pissed, so hearth broken, and… and so sick of all of this… and then well… then I opened my mouth…
 Being around a pregnant woman was just WAY too much for Piccolo. It has been seven months now, Chichi looked like a freaking balloon and she was always, always complaining about something or the other, her sore feet, her lost figure, her late husband, being hungry for this or that… he was just TIRED…
 But then, well…
 Piccolo smiled, remembering the sound of the child´s heartbeat, a sound that seemed to be made for his ears only.  Chichi felt him kick, but he heard him, and it was truly a beautiful sound, he was just in love with that sound… not that he was going to ever admit it, of course.
 And then there was that time when she invited him to touch her round beach ball stomach. That moment had been…
 The namek smiled as an idiot.  He did not know who had him more like an idiot… the mother or the unborn child. And then there was of course the older brother. Gohan smiled, laughed, made plans of how to take care of his baby brother, and everything he was going to teach to his baby brother, and all the books he was going to read for his baby brother. He was madly in love with the little one, and he was not even born yet.
 -          Is there a reason why you are smiling like an idiot? Or is it just your normal state?
 Piccolo rolled his eyes, because yeah, he loved them and all of that. Again, he was NOT going to admit it. But being near them was a little bit of overwhelming for his limited set of emotions. So he was just training with all mighty prince of the saiyans himself.
 From his position sitting on the floor, Piccolo turned around and saw Vegeta adjusting a bandage that he always used in his ankle. Seriously, he had never seen him without it, which was weird.
 In that moment, he came up for a surprise. He had been God of the planet, he knew they existed, but he did not expect Vegeta to have one.  There in his leg, in clear words going up his ankle it said “I know that you love fighting more than me”.
 Bulma opened her blouse and showed her friend a part of her right breast that up until now had been covered in layers of makeup.
 In clear golden words it read “God dammit woman, you are an idiot if you think I love THAT more than you”.
 -          And what is “that” if I can ask.
-          Fighting.
 Chichi´s eyebrowns shot up and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish.
 -          That´s quite a declaration there…
-          I know.
 Bulma covered herself again and smiled, covering her breast with her hand.
 -          Well… umm… wow… just, wow… coming from him…
-          I know.
 Both ended up in silence, and Bulma saw her friend, who seemed a little bit sad.
 -          Chichi?
-          Um?
 Neither of them heard the namek and his student landing outside. Gohan was very tired, and he just allowed himself to fall on the grass, arms and legs spread out. Piccolo just shook his head with a small smile. Goten had been sick the last night and he had promised Chichi that her older son would arrive well fed and not bothering her after such a long night. Which he complied in the form of a freaking gigantic fish that the young saiyan had whipped off of existence in minutes. Seriously, it had taken the blasted thing longer to be cooked than to be eaten. His ears twitched at the voice that had not been there when they left earlier in the morning.
 -          I… I know that is private and all, but… what about you? I mean, I am sorry for being noisy but I am really, really curious… what does your mark say? Where is it?
 Piccolo´s ears twitched. Vegeta had said that was not information to be shared. He told him to cover his stupid words. He looked down at the barely changed gi he wore since that day in the desert, just a little bit wider than the normal ones he wore… big enough to cover that forsaken phrase.
 -          Oh… oh that well… you see…
 Chichi sounded uncomfortable. Piccolo wondered if he should be listening, he was seriously debating himself.
 -          I… I don´t have them.
 Bulma and Piccolo froze.
 -          What?
-          Yeah, well… I… I don´t have them.
 Chichi did not want to talk about how she used to have them. She did not want to talk about how they disappeared. She wanted to keep private the reason that there were almost no mirrors in her house.
 Bulma understood and hugged Chichi, who unaware of herself, started to silently cry.
 Outside, Piccolo flew away.
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Buzzfeed of Gotham: Chapter Two
Tim Drake Is Valid: The Aftermath Tim Drake/Red Robin (others if you squint) | Social Media Nonsense | Mature for referenced sexual content and explicit language 
also on ao3 | chapter one | chapter two | chapter three
Posted six hours ago: GenericTimDrakeFanAccount: @TimDrakeOfficial so….. thoughts on Red Robin?
Posted six hours ago: GenericTimDrakeFanAccount: @TimDrakeOfficial so….. thoughts on Red Robin?
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: you really need to see this... Message:
Fifty Shades of Red: Chapter 3
Tim stares at the skyline, uncertain and nervous. Is this really what he wants? Does he want to take this step? He prides himself on being professional, on treating others with respect, on doing the right thing. But this…
“You can say no,” Red Robin says, “it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, or, uh, coffee, in your case.” Then he laughs and smirks, something wicked and sexy and all too flustering, “Our case.”
“It’s not that,” Tim sighs, finally spinning on his heels. Red Robin looks all kinds of guarded and needy and it makes Tim want him more. “It’s just… your whole secret identity thing, won’t that be ruined?”
Red Robin takes a bold step forward. “I’m sure you can be persuaded, Mr. Drake,” he says, voice low, smooth, making Tim’s stomach pool with heat, “to keep a secret.” (via xxxRedRobinLoverxxx - Wattpad)
From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: RE: you really need to see this… Message:
Don’t ever use your work email/my work email to send stuff like this; it’s unprofessional.
Don’t ever make me read something like that again.
Jason: look what i found…. Jason: [attachment: CumFacialAlleywayBlowJobRRTD.png]
Steph: i’m so happy this exists [pink-sparkle heart emoji]
Jason: me tf too tho
Steph: ohhhhhhhh Steph: i found another Steph: [attachment: BottomRRTopTDDeskSex.png]
Jason: make a tumblr w/ me
Steph: fucking YES
Trending: #BatmanDoesntLoveTheRobins
Posted five hours ago: RandomGothamCitizen: one time Spoiler asked for ice cream after patrol and Batman said no??? #BatmanDoesntLoveTheRobins #OrSpoiler #GoingToIncludeHer #OnlyInGotham 40 Retweets / 300 Likes
Posted five hours ago: RedHoodIsASinnamonRoll: @TimDrakeOfficial make all the gotham vigilantes your sugar babies… not like you can’t afford it #IAmLookingAtYouRedHood #MaybeIfYouCouldBuyASnickersYouWouldntBeSoAngry #GettingLaidWouldHelpToo #BatmanDoesntLoveTheRobins 300 Retweets / 1k Likes
Posted four hours ago: AverageGothamCitizen: People Not From Gotham: ohhHhhhH batman is so scary ahHhhh People From Gotham: @ Batman wtf bro let lil robin adopt all the stray cats #BatmanDoesntLoveTheRobins #OnlyInGotham 5k Retweets / 15k Likes
Bruce is appalled, to be quite honest. So appalled that he considers buying Twitter just to shut it down.
Posted four hours ago: RedRobinFanBoyz: @TimDrakeOfficial plz confirm do you stan RR yes or no
Steph: apparently people ship everyone with everyone
Jason: I’ve been scrolling through some fanfic website Jason: majority of people write Spoiler as a FemDom Jason: usually paired with Red Robin or Red Hood or Batgirl
Steph: spicey
Posted three hours ago: EverythingRedRobin: so who’s going to start the petition for @TimDrakeOfficial to become RR’s sugar daddy
Posted three hours ago: RedRobinRocksMySocks: @EverythingRedRobin i think everyone is scared batman will track them down and come at them
Steph: hey Steph: do you think that cum facial artist takes commissions?
Jason: omfg steph Jason: this is why you’re my favorite [black-heart emoji]
Steph: [smirking emoji] [winking emoji] [purple-heart emoji]
Bruce: Fix this. Now.
Tim’s first instinct is to reply it’s not my fault! but it totally is.
Steph: this artist takes commissions Steph: [attachment: RRUnderTheDeskBlowJobTDDuringMeeting.png]
Duke: hi steph
Duke: who was it meant for then [laughing-crying emoji]
Steph: Jason
Duke: [side-eyes emoji]
Steph: oh Steph: s h i t Steph: i mean
Duke: [side-eyes emoji] Duke: [side-eyes emoji] [side-eyes emoji] [side-eyes emoji] Duke: add me to a group chat
Posted one hour ago: xxxRedxxxTimxxx: just saying i shipped it before all this happened and there’s lots of papz photos of Tim wearing RR shirts (almost as much as his Superboy shirt) (not to be confused with Lil Robin’s Superboy though)
Posted forty minutes ago: DickGraysonOfficial: I can see everyone tagging me in posts. So many people are really hyped about this. However, there’s also a lot of hate going on and some things that are a little concerning. I’ve seen people crossing some lines. Please respect Tim’s privacy. It’s not okay to harass him or stalk him. Tim will talk about it once he’s ready. 3k Retweets / 4k Likes
Jason: i’m adding dick
Duke: you mean nsfw art or Grayson?
Jason: grayson
Jason: shhhh
Dick: why is this group chat called Totally Not a Tim Selfcest Appreciation Chat
Dick: ok but scrolling up…
Steph: Jason wyd where’d you go Steph: DON’T LEAVE US HERE WITH DICK NO PLEASE
Duke: where’d he gooooo
Steph: JASON
Jason: shhhhhhhhh steph babe relax Jason: now Jason: Dick Mother Fucking Grayson [side-eyes emoji]
Dick: yessss?
Jason:  [attachment: DickGraysonTweetScreenShot.png] Jason: cluemaster? Jason: seriously?
Dick: oops [blushing emoji] [angel emoji]
Damian: Let me in the group chat
Jason: why
Damian: Let me in the group chat, Todd
Jason: dick would not want you seeing all that nsfw stuff Jason: you’re like ten
Damian: [red angry emoji]
Jason: [rolling-eyes emoji] Jason: fine Jason: but Jason: if you start shit or take screenshots and show bruce i’m kicking you out and putting a cap in your ass
Damian: Noted
Dick: who added damian?
Duke: not me fam
Jason: he asked Jason: and said he wouldn’t tattle Jason: don’t worry i threatened him
Steph: you threaten everyone though??
Dick: yeah, sorry jay Dick: we’re all immune at this point
Jason: well fuck you guys
Damian: [attachment: TDRRDomesticMorningCoffee.png]
Duke: [OK emoji] good shit
Dick: aww
Steph: fuck that is cute
Jason: ^ i second that
Damian: [attachment: TDLeashCollarSubRR.png] Damian: [attachment: TDBondageWithTieSubRR.png]
Dick: o h
Steph: those Steph: are Steph: really nice
Damian: [attachment: TDRRComeEating.png]
Jason: that is Jason: yep
Steph: where are you finding these? Steph: they’re 10/10
Damian: I drew them
Dick: YOU WHAT!?
Tim finally opens twitter and types out his statement, then texts Bruce, there, I said something, and then immediately turns his phone off and shoves it in his desk.
Posted thirty seconds ago: TimDrakeOfficial: me: how am i going to fix this? also me: well you literally fucked your way into this mess you can fuck your way out
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tea4life707-blog · 6 years
“The Boy Who Broke Through His Ice”
Hi everyone! Okay so basically in English class recently, we had to write short stories based on themes in a book we read. I don’t actually write stories or anything, but since I’m BnHA trash now I thought, why not write a very bleak fan fiction about Todoroki angst??  So I wrote this short story and it’s only around 1,400 words, so please feel free to read if you would like~^^ Synopsis: Boy shut away and trapped in his life with his father finds a new freedom in another person and discovers himself along with his desire to escape his reality. It’s actually a tododeku fanfic AU set at the beach but shhhh my teacher doesn’t know that
I used a bit of imagery with ice and fire in it because it’s apart of expressing Todoroki breaking out of his shell, and also how Midoriya’s warmth encourages him to do so. I didn’t name the characters as well because I wanted to keep it as a sort of universal story, but it’s actually mostly because I needed to stay under the radar from my teacher haha. Can’t let myself be exposed lmao ~Be warned it’s a bit angsty but not too bad~
Enjoy :)
The boy sat in the dark corner of his room, his head in his hands. His father was on a rage again. Can he just stop? The boy thought. Ever since his mother died, his father would surround himself in alcohol, getting into drunken fights at bars, finding their family in debt, and a large variety of things that any normal person would be ashamed of. But his father wasn’t normal. He was depressed and in a slump, and the boy could see that, but he could not do anything other than accept that this was his reality. The boy stirred in his balled up position. He opened his eyes. Had he been asleep? He thought. Deciding on that explanation for his drowsiness, he moved from his position and shuffled his feet towards the bathroom. He found that his day had a lack of productivity, but he was used to it he guessed. These days he would simply go to school in the morning, come home in the evening, and if his father was awake, subject himself as a tool, a tool his father relieves his frustrations upon and uses to do his work and responsibilities, such as organising money, cooking, cleaning…..all of these things……yet the boy never said a word. After all, all he could do was accept that this was his reality. The reflection that presented itself when the boy viewed the mirror, was one of exhaustion and hopeless desperation to escape his reality, yet the boy only ever knew his current life. He raised his left hand and lightly stroked over the area surrounding his left eye, the image of boiling water and excruciating pain felt after it made contact with his skin, still apparent and locked in his memory.  The boy did not know his mother well now that he thought about it. She died when he was at a young age, but he remembered her soft light hair and tired grey eyes. Even though she appeared cold, she was very warm he remembered, and the boy missed her, he missed her so much. Closing his eyes, the boy could feel the warm, wet tears running down his face. I don’t understand this he thought, as he grasped at his shirt to bear the painful memories that resurfaced his mind. Yet, the boy did not understand his sadness.  After several passing minutes, there was an apparent silence in the house. The boy walked out of the bathroom, quietly as though he was an animal stalking its prey, and entered the living room, the area in which his father occupied. Looking around, the boy found his father’s dormant body laying on the sofa. He had a strong scent of alcohol tainting the room, and his loud snores soon contrasted the short silence. This is my chance the boy soon realised. Careful not to make a sound on his way out, he swiftly passed through the front door, closed it, and left the house.  The bright sun was very characteristic to the warm Sunday afternoon, and its sunlight vibrantly reflected off the boy’s red hair as he made his way down to the shoreline. The weak strength of the small tumbling waves brushed against his ankles as he place his feet into the sand. He closed his eyes and let his thoughts and feelings melt into his mind as he raised his head up to the sky. Ice……..all he could feel was ice, he realised. He felt trapped as though he was frozen, unable to move, unable to scream, unable to escape. All this as the cold slowly crept up and froze his heart, becoming a victim to an inability to feel the emotions of others and forever be trapped in his father’s image. All his life he had accepted this feeling, never feeling the desire to leave it behind. At least that is what he thought, since all he could do was accept that this was his re-  “Why are you crying?” His thoughts suddenly stopped as he shot open his eyes. It was as though his emotions were shattered into pieces and blown away by the wind’s breeze. A shock so great that it appeared out of nowhere. He turned his head and looked to his right. There was a boy. “I…” He was speechless, he didn’t know what to say. The boy next to him shuffled closer and looked up at him with curiosity. That boy was like a fire he thought, so bright and warm with his volumed curly hair and face dusted with freckles…..he was almost the embodiment of sunshine.  “I think I’ve seen you at school before. You seem to spend a lot of time by yourself, don’t you?” It was true, the boy thought. Throughout his life he had never been allowed to have friends and would always isolate himself, not because he wanted to, but because the time he spent with his father simply led him to a lack of understanding on how to react to others. “Are you okay? You’re standing here all alone”. The boy talked to him again. How strange, he thought. “I…..don’t know.” he replied with. He wasn’t sure if it was concern, but there was something about the other boy’s expression that made him feel a bit…..touched? The idea made his heart flutter. “Well….how about we go for a walk? There’s this cool rock pool up ahead! Only if you want to though….” The other boy seemed a bit timid, clenching the hem of shirt. The one standing in the ocean only nodded in response. At this the unfamiliar face smiled up at him. This new person was making him feel weird. He didn’t know why but he wanted to follow that dark curly hair, follow him anywhere…...he thought. The freckled boy suddenly stopped and turned to him. “Here, you still have tears on your face”. The boy reached up his hands to his face and lightly brushed his skin wiping his tears away. By this one action, this point of contact, a flaming fire broke through the boy’s ice. For the first time since his mother, he has felt warmth. 
The boys spent the rest of the afternoon walking along the beach. They became friends, the boy’s first friend......and they promised to meet again.  Throughout the next few weekends, the boy would sneak out of the house and meet his friend at the beach. His friend seemed to be quite talkative, fluently connecting words together, but the boy didn’t mind. If he could, he would walk with that freckled boy and listen to him talk forever. Whenever they were together, this fluttering feeling he had, there was no other word to describe it as anything other than happiness. One day after returning from the beach, the boy opened his bedroom door to find his father standing by the window. “Where have you been?” He asked. His eyes were dark and unstable. The boy remained quiet, he had no desire to share his secret meetings with his father. “Where have you been?” The father repeated, anger boiling and fuming in his voice. The boy looked away from his father. “No where.” he stated. “No…” the father started, “You’ve been going somewhere…I know because I sometimes wake up and you’re not there.” There was some sincerity in his voice, but all that disappeared with the appearance of his enraged expression. The father walked up to his son and grabbed his shirt. “You’re trying to leave me, aren’t you?! You’re trying to escape from me!” He was yelling, obviously drunk, but the boy was startled by him. “I don’t understand…..just look at that scar on your face. No one cares about you, so why??” The boy simply stood there. For some reason, he felt this fire being lit inside him. A strong burning desire to tell his father that he’s wrong……and the boy gave into it. “You’re wrong father…” the boy said. “Someone does care about me, but you wouldn’t understand.” The boy took his father’s arm and pushed it away, finally giving in to his longing to leave his father behind. “Good-bye….” he stated, bright flames dancing around his determination, melting away all the ice that had trapped him…..and finally drowning out his father with the pools of water left behind. He closed the door behind him and walked away from the unjust cage that was his old life. A new life starts now, he thought.  He found his friend at the beach and ran towards him, just to see those green eyes he loved so much. When he caught up he gently grabbed his friend’s hand, “Let’s go now” he said, as he felt his burning confidence, and they both left the beach together. .....The boy did not know where he was going, but he’d happily go anywhere, go beyond……as long as he was with that freckled boy….. The boy who broke through his ice. 
Ahhhh if you made it this far then thank you so much for reading!! 💕✨ I’m not gonna lie, I wrote this in about two hours on paper (procrastination is a real talent) and I did have to tweak it a little when typing it up.....but really I hope you liked it!! Please feel free to let me know what you think~^^ I’d appreciate feedback! Oh and please keep in mind this is an AU, so I only chose to depict Todoroki’s father this way for the emotional impact of the story. So please know this is not how I view Endeavor in the cannon story!  I still hate his guts in the cannon though, I’m a Todoroki stan so y’all can’t stop me lmao So anyway thanks again! :) Have a great day/night <3 *slithers back into the darkness of Tumblr for the next few months never to post again*
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Recurring Dream (Swamp Monster)
My first fanfic, please bear with me :)
This is becca x mc
First person POV
Rated M (on the tame side)
Let me know what you think!
Thanks guys!
I awake with a gasp, shivering; drenched in icy hot sweat. I had the dream again..
“Same nightmare?” I turn to see Kaitlyn crouching by my bedside, concern reflecting in her soft features. Her lips look so soft when she pouts. I shake my head.
“Yeah” I mutter, wondering how long I can maintain the lie “Damn swamp monster almost got me this time” She giggles.
“You should really watch more horror movies, you know, desensitize a little. I could..you know, watch some with you if you--”
“No!” I cut her off; I don't want to have to hurt her feelings later on. I'm not looking to get back together. She withdraws quickly, visibly hurt.
“Uh, I mean, no that's okay, I think they'll stop happening soon” I hoped it was true. These ‘nightmares’ are beginning to drive me insane. I feign a smile and reach for her clutched hand.
“Thanks for checking in on me, it means--”
“I should go” she says suddenly, snatching her hand away “Have a good night”
She opens the door and pauses “..don’t let the bed bugs--er, ‘swamp monsters’ bite”
The door clicks behind her.
“Swamp monster?!” I whisper to myself “That's the best I could come up with? I wrote half a book for Christ’s sake”
I groan into my pillow, it kills me to hurt her like this. I sigh and flush it out of my mind, allowing my thoughts to return to the events of my (recurring) dream.
“Hey Bruce” she calls.”Hey Selina” I return.
Café passersby look on in confusion as I slide into the booth opposite her. As it turns out, only avid Batman fans, or in this case, ‘role players’ would catch the reference.
Without looking up from her phone, she wordlessly offers me some of her iced tea.
“For me?” I smirk, feigning an air of gracious marvel, while quickly snatching it away “Mmm two sugars, you do care!”
She rolls her eyes, still not breaking her glance from her phone “Don't go making a big thing of this, I expect full payment in return”
I grin, dumbly fumbling through my purse.
I shrug “Aw shucks, I seem to have forgotten my wallet!”
Becca rolls her eyes again but can't hide a smirk. She smiles slyly, and winks.
“Arrangements can be made”
I grin.
“My place or yours?”
We burst through the doors into my room, Becca leading with me in tow--dragging along by a belt loop. Before I can shut the door, her fingers tease the hem of my blouse, nagging it upward and hastily pulling it over my head.
I pull away to attend to the door but she doesn't let me, reaching an arm around my waist and pulling me closer to her. My eyes dart between the beautiful eyes songs are written about to the kissable lips they're sung through. I close the distance between us and brush her lips with mine, savoring the strawberry taste. Our mouths melt together, letting my mind do the same, forgetting about the world around us.
Before long, we're piled on my now queen-sized bed with nothing but silk lingerie between us. I managed to top her, leaving her vulnerable to my every kiss and touch. I lower my lips to hers yet again and tease along her lower lip with my the tip of my tongue, asking for invitation. She obliges, and I kiss her deeply, massaging her tongue with my own. I lean down on one elbow and trail my other hand along her bra, slipping it underneath. She groans into my mouth as I massage her breasts; first one, then the other. I slip her bra off and move my mouth from her lips to her neck, peppering kisses downward to her breasts, which I suck tenderly.
She moans loudly, and I raise my head to shush her, when I suddenly remember the door, which still remains ajar.
“Shit!” I hiss, realizing that my roommates must have already come home. “Fuck!”
Her eyes open suddenly.
“What? What's wrong?!” she demands, suddenly blushing and withdrawing from me in a fashion I can only guess its insecurity. I shake my head.
“The door, Becca” I cast a sidelong glance “It's still open, I'm sorry, I know you wanted this to be--” she stops me.
“It's fine”
“It's not, Zack must be home by now--he must've seen. I'm sorry, Becca”
She sighs a smile “No, really, it's okay. They were going to find out eventually”
“What? That I'm your pit stop?”
“That I make you..That you make me..happy”
Without warning, she flips us over, topping me.
“Hey I wasn't finished with you yet!” I snapped, I struggle weakly against the surprisingly muscular legs pinning me down. All in vain, however, as the very moment our lips touch, I relinquish all willpower to escape. She pulls her lips away and lowers them to my ear.
“Let me make you happy”
I nod breathlessly, desperately stretching my neck to taste her strawberry lips again. I slide my hands down her back, hungrily pulling her toward me.
She grins and shakes her head, instead lowering her lips to my collarbone, making me shiver. A moan escapes my lips as she kisses down my chest, kneading my breasts with her perfectly manicured fingers. She kisses down to my stomach and further, making my back arch in anticipation. Feeling her kiss the silk of my underwear almost sends me over the edge, my fingers finding themselves tangled in a silky blonde jungle.
She all-too carefully uses her teeth to pull my underwear down. I gasp feeling the sudden rush of vulnerability I have grown to know all too well. She leans in and I startle myself with a deep groan;
I open my eyes to see Zack’s face glowing in the darkness next to my bed.
“Nope!” he grins “Just your favorite buddy you forgot to tell about your newest conquest”
My eyes widen.
His hand instantly covers my mouth.
“Shhhhhhhh! Do you really want Kaitlyn or Chris coming in right now?! I might not be--ahem-- ‘Beccaaa’” mock swooning “but I'm probably the next best thing!”
I sigh. “What do you know?”
“Nothing” he smirks “Aside from the identity of the ‘swamp monster’ terrorizing you dreams, that is”
I groan. “I guess there's no use in keeping the rest from you then”
He perks up. “Yes!! Do tell!”
As I retell my misadventures as Becca’s “pit stop” over the past few months, including the details of my “swamp monster” dreams, I start to get teary eyed. Zack, while thoroughly amazed by the drama that had so far passed under his nose, suddenly notices my change of heart. He rests a reassuring hand on my shoulder.
“What's on your mind? It sounded like a whole lot of fun”
I sigh “It's just..ugh I don't know”
He gives me a sidelong smile “pit stop”
I wince. He got it.
He grabs my phone, 6:24 AM.
“The minute this clock strikes 10, you're gonna text the little swamp monster”
“And tell her how I feel?! Are you crazy?!”
He laughs. “No and no..well I'll get back to you on the second one. Text her to meet up”
“Ughhhhh 10 is sooooo far awayyyy” I groan. He winks.
“I have the perfect way to pass the time, I'll be right back” He rushes off out of the room, leaving me to debate smothering myself with my pillow, wallowing in self-pity.
He comes back in, laptop in one hand bag of chips in the other. He starts his laptop and opens the bag, tossing a potato chip into his mouth with nonchalance. As the screen loads, I'm presented with a familiar title sequence.
“Zack!” I tease “I thought you were ‘too cool’”
He laughs. “Believe me, I'm not. Just don't tell Tyler and Abbie that I ship Kenna with Diavolos”
We catch up together while the hours pass by, one eye on the screen, the other on the clock.
As soon as 10:00 passes, i grab my phone eagerly. I look to Zack pleadingly.
“What do I say?!”
He rolls his eyes and takes my phone from me.
“HEY BEXX jst wntd 2 tell u tht I rly car bout u n wntd 2 no if u feel the same way?”
I snatch my phone back and read it over incredulously.
“‘CAR?’ Seriously?!”
“Whaaat, it's how all the kids talk today..”
“Hey wanna hang later?”
I tilt the screen to show him, keeping it out of reach “How's that?”
“I maintain that my draft was more to the point.. But yeah, that's perfect, kid” he winks. I send it.
“Kid?” I scoff “I'm two months older than you”
He ignores me, continuing on “Ahh, young love..” I prepare a retort but am interrupted by my phone vibrating.
“Hey Bruce, meet me at the café in 20”
My eyes go wide. Zack reads the message off.
He glances at the time and gasps.
“And in less than two minutes since you texted first!”
We stare at each other, lowering our voices.
“You know what that means... She loves you too!”
“ZACK shhhh” I warn him, wary of my nearby roommates and painfully thin walls.
I finally calm him down when I hear the sound of a throat clearing. I look up and see Kaitlyn standing in the doorway with a wide grin. “So the swamp monster beckons?”
I gasp “Kaitlyn I'm so sorry--”
“You should be! For trying to keep this from me. We're best friends, not to mention ex-girlfriends--you really think I can't tell your nightmare noises from your..’swamp monster’ noises?” she throws her head back in a laugh.
I sputter “I..I..”
“Yeah yeah, you're sorry, I'm sorry.. We don't have time for this! We have to get you ready!”
She starts rifling through my closet, tossing out matching ensembles. I walk up to her and touch her shoulder.
“Hey... Thanks. I'm really sorry, I know you--” she brings a finger to my lips.
“Say no more”
I open my mouth to argue but before I can say anything she says “Really, I’m understanding, but if Chris catches wind, he'll be in over his head”
We chuckle together.
“Well what are you waiting for? Get all guzzied up! (and wear this outfit to unlock a special scene with Becca)”
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crispychrissy · 7 years
Shrink - Chapter 3
Summary:  When patients of a psychiatrist that caters exclusively to hunters start going crazy and dying, Sam and Dean Winchester investigate what might be causing these bizarre episodes. Pairing: None yet Word Count: 1252 Warnings: None, unless Sleepy!Dean counts. A/N: My first fanfic! This is going to be a series, probably over 30 chapters total. Any feedback is appreciated, I am a newbie!
“I hear you, man.” Dean grumbled, eyes still closed, his body wrapped up in blankets on his bed. Switching the cell phone from his right to left hand, he tilted his head to look at the alarm clock resting on the nightstand next to his bed, blinking rapidly until he could make out the numbers – 8:14am. 
Flinging off the covers and sitting up in his bed, he rubbed his eyes and let out a long yawn; he had just gone to bed four hours ago. “Hang on a second,” he said as grunted and propelled himself out of bed, pausing a moment to stretch his arms and legs before he shuffled over across the room to the sink. 
“Like 3 weeks ago, me and Sam were knee deep in vamp corpses, but ever since then it’s been quiet.” Dean looked at himself in the mirror, scratching at the longer-than-usual stubble on his chin. “Too quiet, if you ask me.” “Yeah, bro. It’s like someone slipped a roofie into the water supply for the entire country and it only affects monsters,” a voice replied on the other end of the phone. Raising an inquisitive eyebrow at his phone, Dean grabbed his electric razor that was sitting on the side of the sink. “I…guess you could think of it like that, Rick.” Dean replied. He glanced at his razor, then back at the stubble on his face. Dean smiled, and set his razor back down. “Sam has his eyes glued to his laptop as usual, so if anyone drops in your neck of the woods, we’ll give you a call.” “Thanks, man. Tell Sam I said whatup.” Rick cheerfully replied. Dean rolled his eyes and hit the “end call” button on his phone, throwing it gently back onto his bed. Still only in his boxers and a t-shirt, he slipped his robe off the hook next to his door and slid it on. He snatched his phone off his bed, sliding it into the robe pocket, walked over to the door, and opened it slightly before stopping and side stepping over to put on the slippers that were on the floor in front of his dresser. 
The bunker is climate controlled, but the floors are still concrete and get very cold, especially in late fall. Swinging the door open, Dean stepped through it and walked down the hallway, headed to the kitchen. As he rounded the corner a few steps away from the kitchen, Dean was greeted by the familiar savory smell of fresh coffee brewing. Breathing in deeply and smiling, Dean continued down the hallway and took a sharp turn into the kitchen. Practically leaping down the small set of steps that lead down from the doorway, he bounded over to the coffee maker on the right side of the room. Pulling the glass coffee pot from the brewer, he grabbed a ceramic coffee cup, twirling it around with his finger before setting it on the counter and pouring the coffee. “Well good morning to you, too.” Sam said, looking up at Dean from behind his laptop at the table in the kitchen. “Shhhh. Not before my coffee.” Dean replied in a whisper. He raised the cup to his lips and blew before taking a sip. “Ooohh, man. That’s good,” he said to himself before taking several more sips. Sam smiled and shook his head. “Do you two need some time alone? I can leave if yo-“ “Shut up.” Dean replied, cutting him off. He turned around and leaned back against the counter, facing Sam. “Anything?” Dean said, gesturing to Sam’s laptop. “Nothing. I’ve been up for two hours searching and there’s nothing. I had two other hunters reach out asking if we have anything for them.” Sam replied while picking up and checking his phone. “Make that three hunters. Heather just texted me.” “Yeah,” Dean said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Rick woke me up asking if we knew of any jobs near him because he’s coming up dry as well.” “Doesn’t this seem odd to you?” Sam asked, leaning back in his chair, running his fingers through his hair. “Unless all monsters were somehow eradicated out of the US a few weeks ago…” “Hey, I’m enjoying the break. I haven’t worn pants in six days.” Dean said, taking another sip from his coffee. “You heard from Cas?” “Yeah, he’s on his way to Sioux Falls to visit Claire. Apparently the Grigori sword she stole-“ “Commandeered.” Dean interrupted, smiling. Sam sighed, “‘Commandeered’” he said, doing air quotes with his fingers. “-has some Enochian spell work etched into it that the angels want to study and research. The sword is hidden from the angels due to that spell work, or so they assume, and it’s peaked their interest.” Dean scoffed and shrugged. “I guess the angels are bored, too.” “Yeah, I guess so.” Sam replied, his voice drifting off as he went back to typing and clicking on his laptop. “I left you some eggs and made some bacon, by the way.” He said, not moving his eyes from the laptop. Dean perked up, looking over at the counter in front of the stove, eyes darting left and right before he located the plate of eggs and bacon. He rushed over and grabbed the plate and a fork off the counter before quickly returning to the table and sitting down opposite Sam. He scooped up a big heap of eggs and was about to put it into his mouth when he looked up at Sam, who was currently staring at him with raised eyebrows and a half smirk on his face. “What did you do to these?” Dean said, setting the fork back down. “Nothing!” Sam replied, somewhat offended Dean would think he sabotaged his food. “Mmm-hmm.” Dean replied, narrowing his eyes at Sam. Right as Dean took a cautious bite of the eggs on his plate, Sam’s computer emitted three dings. “Finally.” Sam said with a smile, rubbing his hands together before rapidly typing. “I think we got a case.” “Where abouts?” Dean mumbled, chewing away. “Glenpool, Oklahoma…a small town just south of Tulsa. Guy went crazy and stabbed a liquor store clerk to death before being shot by police. Security footage shows the guy collapsing on the floor before he sat up and started rocking back and forth.” Sam clicked twice and kept reading. “The clerk came over to him and the guy just freaked out, choking and stabbing him. Apparently the whole attack was so brutal, they didn’t include it in the report they posted, nor are they releasing the name until they can notify next of kin. It also says the guy was smiling when he lunged at them with a knife.” Sam said, scrolling through the rest of the police report. “It could be nothing…just a run-of-the-mill guy who snapped…” “Is it ever nothing, Sammy? I’ll get dressed.” Dean said, quickly heaving the remaining heaps of eggs into his mouth before grabbing his cup of coffee and getting up from the table. After Dean passed through the doorway and on his way down the hall, Sam yelled “And shave your face, dude! You look like a homeless person,” hearing his voice echo down the hallway. “A very handsome, badass, homeless person!” Dean yelled back, smiling. Sam shook his head and rolled his eyes as he stood up from the table and lifted his laptop, balancing it on his arm as he walked out of the kitchen.
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