Luigi´s Wife
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Life with Luigi
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luigis-love · 4 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Based on the beautiful work made by Bornfromlines, in Tik Tok
Made this back on January 6th, but have been way too busy.
Two years together my dear... happy anniversary. I love you.
There are many universes, but in this one, we are happy.
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luigis-love · 4 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Such a difficult time, when not even the cutest and most careful sweet green bean is safe!!
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
I always use @thenamelessdoll videos in my class, so that my students can retell her stories.
This time, I had the change of having my dream come true, the man of my dreams and me in her beautiful style.
Thank you very much.
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Part of a WME commission for @misserinlasgalen. It was so much fun drawing Luigi in a different style. :D
Material used: Disney colouring pages, Free backgrounds ✿| Commission info | My “Watch Me Edit” Videos |  Other blog |✿
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
Such an amazing pair!!!
So, this is what my beautiful Luigi does when he has free time with his brother. Such a dorky pair!
Disclaimer: Anything you can recognize, does not belong to me.
Bodies,  MikuPirate
Belt,  ayn3D
Face,  AmuletFortun
Hair,  Sims3Ripper
Moustaches,  MMDFakewings18
blocks, pipe and caps. SAB64
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
There were no personal reasons to feel down, and yet, I was depressed and almost in tears.
He saw me, came and sat my my side on the bed. I looked at him and without words, he just hugged me, then he kissed my hair.
- I am sad...
I whispered against him.
- I am here.
He answered kissing me again.
Today I am not exactly feeling like myself, and came to my bed to stare at the ceiling and hug my Luigi plush.
He gave me comfort, and inspiration. Did this quickly, and I feel a little bit better, as if some of the sadness was lifted from my shoulders.
It feels nice to have him by my side.
Source image.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Day to day life
- Do you need anything else?
He asked from the kitchen, and you just smile while making an eye roll. Yesterday you had a small accident, you fell, you scratched, you have a few sore spots and a big bruise, but he treats you as if you just barely came alive from fighting Bowser.
- Luigi, love?
- Yeah?
- Do me a favor and come here.
He comes immediately and you give him a smile. It takes him a moment to realize that you find his behaviour amusing, and he starts laughing.
Luigi crawls on the bed, his nose against yours.
- Love you.
He says.
- And I love you.
You answer holding him and sharing your happiness with him.
As always, ai cannot draw even to save my life, so, this drawing is based on a picture.
There are many universes out there, but in this one, we are happy.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Sleeping Beauty
It´s been a long night at the palace, Peach needed you for some internal affairs, you are her confident, her right hand, the person who bounces her ideas....
She also likes to say that you are family, since each of you are dating a Mario Brother.
It is so late when you arrive home, and you want nothing but to sleep in the arms of the one you love the most.
Everything is dark, and you stumble inside the bedroom trying not to make any noise, some of your clothes already discarded along the way, your eyes wander to the bed, and you see him...
It is so easy to know he is naked under the blankets, to know that the contact you are craving is right there, a few meters from you. You know that as soon as you lie down he is going to half wake, embrace you, kiss you in the forehead and go back to sleep...
But before he does, you want to stare at him...
In silence you discard all of your clothes and just look at him, drinking at the sight of him, thanking to the stars that brought him to your life, thanking destiny for allowing you to be the chosen to be by his side.
Yoy really, really should go to sleep...
But it is so difficult... just one more minute, just one more.... all you want is to look at him... look at your very own sleeping beauty.
As always, I can't draw to save my life, this picture is based on this photo.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Relationships Goals
Because being in his arms was safety, happiness, love...
Being in his arms was home.
Based on the very best couple from Disney, Roger and Anita, from 101 Dalmatians.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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by rights Obi-wan should have been able to talk Anakin down, when you think about it
original post: (x)
requested by @a-smiling-travesty​
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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by rights Obi-wan should have been able to talk Anakin down, when you think about it
original post: (x)
requested by @a-smiling-travesty​
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
Life with Luigi
Kiss the Plumber
There you see him
Sitting there across the lawn
He doesn't say a lot
Because he is shy as heeell
And you don't know why
Maybe is the moustache
You wanna kiss the plumber!!
Based on picture.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Have I ever tell you how much I love you?
Tell me my dear Luigi, have I ever told you just how much I love you?
How fast my hearth beat when I am close to you?
Tell me Luigi, do you know how happy I feel when I know that I'll have you by my side until my very last breath?
I love you, more than you can imagine.
Thank you for being in my life.
Credits to the original image.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
How lucky to have someone with you, someone that can appreciate stars and make a wish for eternal happiness.
Based on Jay Lee Painting Work.
Models taken from Sab64, Luigi belongs to him, mine is an editing of his Peach model. (I asked his permission to do so)
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Peace and quiet
It was a good thing to be able to go away, away from judgmental stares, from curious Toads and angry ex girlfriends.
Only Mario and Peach supported us, both saw we were happy together, and the Mushroom Kingdom Hero only wanted his baby brother to be happy... and he was.
So we were there... peace and quiet, the sound of wind playing on the branches, the sun caressing the world surrounding us.
He fell sleep on my lap, and I caressed his hair almost with reverence...
Life with Luigi was perfect.
Based on the Jay Lee Painting video.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
A universe of freedom
Imagine a place were we can be free to be outside, to breath fresh air, to laugh and love and we care about nothing in this world, only me in your arms, secure from everything and everyone.
This picture has two origins, first, Meagan Griffith, a Lore Olympus fan I met in a LO FB group who made a beautiful picture of Hades lifting Persephone in his arms.
And second, from this picture, because as always, you know I cannot draw even to save my life.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Afternoon Delight
Imagine a Saturday, were I am off work and you are done with hanging out with your brother.
You told him were you were going and he teased you about it.
When I arrived, I saw you I saw you so relaxed on a big enough bricks platform, arms folded behind your back, legs handing off, just staring at the clouds, you shoes on the floor, in such a position that is clear that you just shook them out your feet while chilling up there.
So I take mine off and with no little effort I climb up the platform, you look at me, and offer me your hand. I huff and puff and end up with you.
I am not a big fan of this floating platforms.
So I put myself on top of you and you smile happily when my weight accommodates on top of you.
We spend hours like this, with soft teasing kisses, with my head on your chest to listen at your hearth, with your fingers going on my hair.
I can feel a little something stir under me, but we pay no mind. I just giggle and you cover your eyes and blush.
We both know that sooner or later we will both jump off this platform and go hand in hand to your pretty house to make use of that green bed of yours. (Remember Mario's teasing?) But right now we are happy were we are...
Just having an Afternoon Delight.
Made with the help of this image.
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luigis-love · 5 years ago
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Life with Luigi
Among princesses and castles, ghosts and crazy doctors, among teaching and taking the bus, going to the dentist and making dinner, among fire flowers and mega mushrooms... how nice it is, my love, to have a quiet moment with you.
As always, I cannot draw even to save my life. This picture is an edit from this photograph I found online.
There are many universes, but in this one, we are happy...
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