#(and ppl of other religions too lbr)
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I’m having a nervous breakdown about whether or not I should participate in Secret Santa, casual
#text#alex speaks#like#I'm already doing the advent thing#which is fine and fun#BUT that one is more of a countdown to the Xmas ep than anything else#but secret Santa has broader implications#especially given the propensity of Christian people in fandom spaces to be... a tad insensitive towards Jewish ppl#(and ppl of other religions too lbr)#around this time of year#like see#my last serious fandom was the TSN one#where 3/4 of main characters were Jewish so we had different problems#this is a bit thornier#especially bc I think I'm the only Jewish person participating in this specific one?#would I be perpetuating harmful stereotypes about Jewish ppl that have already been cultivated to death by the media?#am I overthinking this?#am I UNDERTHINKING this?#should I talk to my Rabbi about it?#the last one's a joke
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Hey yaz! I was just wondering your opinion on why you think Liam's mgtm would have him "date" a 17/18 yo. I dont follow m*ya at all and know p nothing abt her except that she is a model (?) and her dad is famous (?). I just feel like its weird they would pick someone a decade younger than him. My friends who arent 1d fans all have bad opinions abt him bc of this so like why do you think she was the choice? I understand publicity for her and stuff but just curious on what you think.
hey! i honestly think they just don’t care that much about the age aspect of it (and probably didn’t even consider the fact that the reaction would be so icky or maybe they did but just didn’t care), i think it’s mainly just the old/usual tried and true PR and Promo for an Up and Coming Model™ gimmick that they’ve done time and again (because they know it works. because they’ve done 867 times now and still the het side of the fandom manages to fall for it every time and swoon their idiotic asses off) and the age gap was just a secondary thing that they were maybe hoping ppl either wouldn’t pay much attention to or wouldn’t care about. apparently they didn’t learn their lesson from the way ppl reacted to him and c and the whole gross pedophilic predator aspect of that whole scenario (w/ the stories of her flirting and preying after liam since he was 14, etc. smdh). but as pretty much everything has shown, 1dhq (or whoever is running shit now) and the entertainment industry in general tends to always be about 42 5-10 years behind when it comes to being cognizant of general public changing sentiments over things. i mean just look at how many shows and movies from within the last couple of years are STILL portraying relationships between adults and underage teenagers and acting like that’s normal and perfectly acceptable (riverdale, pll, shameless, etc.). maybe in the early 2000′s no one was really batting an eye that much (cause it was so normalized on tv/in movies over all these decades that a lot of us didn’t really think too hard about it) but that shit certainly ain’t flying in post-MeToo era and yet...asshats still out here showcasing it.
and the same with representation i mean shows like glee and modern family were a game-changer for sure but it still took like 5-10 or so years after those shows’ inceptions for the rest of hollywood to get with the program and start putting more queer characters in their shows and movies and just generally engaging in more diverse representation on a whole (as far as race, religion, gender/gender identity, neurodivergence plus-sized, and handi-capable representation, etc. as well). hollywood/the industry in general has always been super slow to change and get on board with the progression of the rest of society, and super reluctant/resistant to change at that. i mean i know all this is only tangentially related but they are largely still fighting the rise of streaming services tooth and nail despite the fact that most of the big ones have existed now for around a decade. i have a friend who works in the music industry who’s talked to me in-depth about how much the big record companies are still remaining super set in their old dinosaur ways and insanely obstinate about changing their business methods in a way that would make much more sense with the direction of the market and the heavy skew towards free streaming because they just refuse to accept that the entire market has changed and is only gonna continue to change. but instead just wanna sit and wallow and try to force ppl to play by their old games in a way that just is not sustainable and very likely only gonna wind up losing them money and business in the long run. and ofc we see the same with politics.
it’s all just old dinosaurs who can’t let go of the way things used to be and we’re unfortunately seeing that all play out in a weird way with this whole let’s make liam date a teenager bit. whoever came up with it, whether it was her family or 1dhq or both or whoever, is clearly wayyy behind the times when it comes to public sentiment and either did not even foresee/consider all the ways this was gonna be digested in a largely super negative way by the public (and by extension blow back on liam in a super negative way), OR is so fame-hungry/money-hungry and so desperate to get this girl some attention that they just did not care at all how it would look or be received.
...or both. honestly i’d be very willing to bet it’s a little bit of both lol
anyway short story long the gate-keepers of every major industry in this country (and lbr, the world in general) can’t deal with the fact that their breed and their business models are rapidly going extinct or becoming obsolete. they can try all they want to force their old (gross) ideals and outdated business practices on an unwilling public but the fact of the matter it’s very likely only gonna end up biting them in the ass and having the exact opposite result than what they wanted.
(that or it’s a huge concerted negative campaign against liam that’s going swimmingly lol but that’s way too tinhatty and conspiratorial even for me and i highly doubt they would do all this and expend this much time, effort, and money into something that was purely meant for the purpose of sabotaging liam and nothing more, and that didn’t also in some way guarantee mutually assured gain in the form of promo for m and her family. this is compounded by the fact that liam’s very clearly spent the majority of the last two years being photographed almost exclusively with either her, or shady people in the business and fashion industries that also seemingly happen to have strong ties/connections to her father. that’s not a coincidence. this is clearly largely for her benefit. but - as what i’m sure is a nice bonus for whoever made the other end of the agreement on liam’s behalf - also doubles as a continued opportunity to perpetuate the already highly problematic public image liam has unfortunately been saddled with, as well ofc the usual perpetual bearding and closeting)
#fire-and-water-for-your-love#asks#my thoughts#liam#maya#laya#1dhq#public perception#public sentiment#entertainment industry#shitty promo#pr relationships#ugh sorry this got soooooo long lol
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you've been given a chance to have a meal with 6 people. anyone can be invited, past or present, living or not, real or fictional, famous or otherwise. catch is you have to cook a meal for each of them, only one dish. you're allowed to have only 1 fictional character. you can keep 3 for the whole night till next morning, 3 will leave after eating the meal. And no language barrier. Who are those 6 ppl and what will be the dish?
Hmm, this is a really cool question (and excellent final act during my study break) (this got really long. You have so much more than you bargained for. Would place it under the cut but nah, I love these people and this q. Sorry for answering eons too late);
I’m assuming there’s no dietary requirements, so my amazing salmon salad is what I’m cooking. Plus, if they’re from the past, they could potentially do with the protein?
[... I answered this and then realised I was allowed fiction. Fuck.]
[... I have redrafted my reserve list several times. This q is taking me the best part of a half hour.]
[... Fuck. No. Changes to the main list must be made.]
Confirmed guests: Khadija bint Khuwaylid, Akbar the Great, Sansa Stark, Oscar Wilde, Oliver Saks and Hawraa Zakery.
Just dinner: Hawraa Zakery, Oscar Wilde, Oliver Saks.
[... I needed more females than in my original draft. Holding back the rant about the lack of representation of strong females in history and every career ever, as I had to Google these people bc I realised answering this how, even as I as a feminist, know of so little strong historical/written figures.]
Reserves who I’m going to get punched in the face by the universe for bumping; Ibn Sina, Rumi, Leonardo di Vinci, Cristina Yang.
If it were a dinner party, aka additional guests who would be invited before all the other invites (after the reserves) went out and my favourite funky glasses were allocated for (in order); Alexander the Great, Hades (+ Persephone, duh), Cleopatra, Captain Marvel, Rebecca Lee Crumpler.*
Super added bonus round because I’m an indecisive lil’ bitch: King Arthur and Merlin (knights and Lady of the Lake PLUS Morgana would be ideal, but that’s for like... the general list), Fa Mulan, Arya Stark, Ned Stark, the Muskeeters (plus D’Artagnan ofc).
* = I wanted to say Elizabeth Blackwell, but lbr, even as the first female surgeon, her experiences as a white woman would not be as relatable as Rebecca Lee Crumpler.
Who the fuck are these people and why are you inviting them to dinner, Hannah?HMMM SO GLAD YOU ASKED pls prep yourself for salty-ass additional comments (by order of priority) [... okay this is going under the cut bc I’ve been doing this for almost an hour and it’s long and cool ok];
Khadija bint Khuwaylid | Wife of Prophet Muhammad (SWAS), first female follower of Islam.Wealthy, educated divorcee who married a man a significant amount of years her junior in a sexist, ageist patriarchal world? Who was his first follower in what would later become the fastest growing, youngest and tbh probs most controversial religion in the modern world, whilst being a beloved spouse? I feel like she’d have some fucking useful insights to life tbh.Plus, it could never hurt to have a genuine, theological conversation regarding religion, philosophy and being a woman in the modern world (which, after some confusion, I feel like she’d still vibe with tbh) would be... Awesome.
Akbar the Great | Mughal Emperor at the height of its power.Initially first on my list. So many questions. So much advice. I’m also assuming my Dad would be invited and even if not - urgh, it’d be so cool. He was the Original Dude who, via basis of his marriages, formed ‘Desi’ South Asian (e.g large parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc) culture that has lasted to the modern day, whilst solidifying the Middle Eastern roots of the language and culture as well (e.g Persia - inc. surrounds in modern geography). He helped the expansion of Islam and was a figure of political enlightenment, encouraging acceptance in religious and racial diversity throughout his empire.I wanna know so much. I need to know so. Much. How did he feel about his family’s conversion to Islam? Their assimilation into a culture that, largely through his influence, created the mixing pot of cultures that exists as the Desi identity today? Bearing in mind the current political climate, does he regret that mix - because if that mix hadn’t started, there is an argument that more subtle divisions may have lessened the resentment and tensions between groups over hundreds of years of complicated history (not that that’s necessarily my view)?
Sansa Stark | fictional character from Game of ThronesShe has been through so much, she’s so smart, she’s so underrated and puts up with so much shit inside the GoT universe and outside, she is literally the embodiment of the ‘perfect’ 21st century young woman, with the difficulties attached to that included (though not from lack of abysmally poor characterisation from the male writers. Yes, all of them).Her over Arya because I feel Sansa more relatable and I feel she’d be a useful buffer at dinner and a delight to crack jokes w/ if things went South. Not Ned because idk if he’d walk in carrying his own head (how does this work?) and like... More females pls. She was literally the first female I thought of and now I can’t unsee it.
Oliver Saks | neurologist, authorI can’t believe all this time, I thought he was a brain surgeon and he’s not. What the fuck? But Henry Marsh would be potentially abrasive at dinner.I read my first Saks book at around 8; I then went out of my way to reference my own outdated, battered copy in my first neuro assignment at med school.All of the med talk. He was such a fantastic author and neurologist and did the most amazing research and I need all the career advice I can get.
Oscar Wilde | authorBecause I’m a fangirl and he wrote my favourite book. He’d also bring the fun to the party. And possibly the scandal, which is why I’d sit him near to Sansa.
Hawraa Zakery | human rights activist, mental health & psychology researcher, life coachI actually had to Google women to include and this one screams out at me. So much interesting, cool stuff.So much advice on looking after my messy ass self.
The others (who aren’t well known);
Rumi | famous poetI only chose Wilde out of loyalty to my favourite book, otherwise... Rumi. Famed poet, philosopher and academic. Yes pls. I’d also say Kabir, though Rumi influenced Shakespeare, so... Ya know.
Ibn Sina | ‘the father of early medicine’ aka Avicenna (but that’s not his nAME)Does this need justifying?
Rebecca Lee Crumpler | first female surgeon of colourSo many q’s. So much bowing.
Okay, I have to stop now because it’s an hour later and this was meant to be a fifteen minute revision break and that did not happen, did it?
#fave#inspo#hannah the med studeent#the student diaries#i want to tag this as everyone but i don't want to clutter tags but cool people are on my list and u should read about them ok#Anonymous
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I think there's a difference too between atheists who were previously religious and second-gen atheists. My mom was raised Catholic and has a fair amount of trauma associated with religion. I was raised without religion and although I am queer in a conservative Christian area and have my own issues with religion, I don't have that same level of trauma because I wasn't raised in a faith.
My mom actually expresses a lot of the 'white male atheist' sentiment that religion is stupid and people are stupid for falling for it. I actually think that her vehement opposition to religion is because of her trauma around it. As a second-gen atheist I don't have the strong negative associations with religion that a lot of formerly religious atheists do and am more comfortable with religion/religious people than most of the atheist community here.
IME with the local atheist community a lot of them can be pretty judgemental about religion but they have reasons for that. (And admittedly, most atheists are more inclined to do a little god-bashing in the company of others who are just as bewildered by the popularity of religion than they would to a religious person's face).
"How can you believe in a god that lets such awful things happen?" is an almost stereotypically atheist question because it's so universal and inevitable in any atheist discussion. That kind of thinking definitely isn't limited to marginalized atheists.
Idk, I guess what I'm getting at is that a) it depends and b) what makes an asshole atheist is more about if they're a dick to religious ppl about it than if they think atheism is logically superior. If they didn't think atheism was logically sound why would they be atheists?
I don't fundamentally disagree with the initial point though! Because lbr, the people who are most likely to be smug 'logical' assholes about this kind of thing is still gonna be entitled cishet white men. It's only that inevitably things are more complicated than *just* that.
the athiesm of women/people of color/lgbt people is absolutely different than the athiesm of cishet white men and i feel like people forget that a lot
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15, 16, 17, 22!
15. Describe your dream wedding lizzie… do you want to make me cry???? my dream wedding… having one first of all i guess. id have all my gay friends who seem to live on the other side of the world there. i feel like an outside wedding would be nice!! under some shelter of course bc the sun is the worst! I’d wear a dress and my wife would wear whatever she wants, the color scheme would be purple, red and white. maybe yellow too idk. id like to involve my religion a bit in my wedding tbh. the first dance would be something really meaningful like a song we made fun of each other for or something haha. uhhh the cake would be vanilla bc delicious. idk it would be a simple thing tbh, only a small amount of close people, i wouldn’t bother inviting everyone i went to school with or distant relatives who weren’t supposed to be distant. simple and sweet and fun (i wanna cry bc i cant even imagine getting married lbr here)
16. Do you want kids? these questions are gonna kill me. yeah, i do. i wasn’t sure i wanted to once i fully realised who i was. but i do! and i think bc ive thought so much abt my future lately, that’s why ive been having dreams of holding a toddler that looks like me in my arms. in my dreams i always know its my nonexistent sister, but im the only one taking care of her. wildddd.
17. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? id wanna live where my squad is :( yall are always meeting up and i can only watch bc im poor and so far away!!
22. What lesbian stereotypes do you fit into, if any? ahaha i tend to dress really simple and masculine sometimes. im not like full butch im sort of in the middle. i guess appearance wise im not the most feminine and ive had trouble with that. also bc my features are just really obviously racial and that makes me also look less feminine. ummm i get what ppl mean when they say lesbians are really quick to want everything with someone, i feel that. idk i kno so many sterotypes but ive gone blank! i like flannel, jean jackets and mens clothes. i rarely wear skirts and i love my sneakers and converse. also ive dyed my hair, that seems to be a common gay theme!
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DA:I and a whole lot of elfy shit (previously)
Leading the inquisition as a pointy-eared mage felt a bit like putting on two left shoes and your armor backwards, a deeply ill-fitting suit further cemented every time someone asked if you BELIEVE and the options on your table were to: - conform - dodge the question - tell them to stick the Maker up their ass
but then, BUT THEN the Arbor Wilds happened and hooo boy! *stuffs Sera into a trunk* let’s talk elfy shit.
the REVELATIONS, the minds BLOWN, history SHATTERED, gods TALKED TO!! bullet list time:
i’m pretty certain that singularly devastating moment in the beginning when you inquisitor asks what a temple of mythal is, is a glitch and a bug and i will accept no other alternative
also Morrigan schooling me on eluvians....... where was my elfy “i know this shit” option?
the fall of Arlathan was caused by ancient elves warring among themselves and Tevinter pretty much just swooped in to feed on a corpse ahahahaHAHWHAT
at this point i’m assuming the elven pantheon was just a bunch of really powerful mages. lbr here, there’s no gods around, Andraste herself was probably a mage too and “the maker” a spirit from the fade
and i’m MAD CACKLIN at the possible irony of Tevinter molding itself into a slavedriven mageocracy after the old elven empire because--
the face tattoos are slave markings
exchanging local slavers for foreign slavers. oh man this race has 0% luck! Trespasser better hold some answers here. i like them markings, they look cool :<
Flemeth carries to soul of Mythal
“You cannot posses the unwilling.” Well if that doesn’t point to Morrigan being the next vessel then i don’t know what does
and by next vessel, i mean right there in the epilogue where Flemeth is interacting with the eluvian
don’t even talk to me about Loki Solas rn, i don’t know what to think other than painful betrayal and a thousand questions
when she’s all you do The People proud, i’m like tears in my eyes bro, this is monumental
the all-around best use of inquisition points was grabbing history knowledge and arcane knowledge. the utter satisfaction of summing Flemeth’s story in one sentence and having her sarcastically comment on it was The Best™
that awkward moment when no one in your party gives a shit or likes that you performed elven rituals, except for an Ancient Egg and a Vint....... y’all.
...NO I’m NOT done! i built you Andrastean fucks a chantry in the garden, i gave you a place to practice your religion while i had no love for it, and they can’t even muster decency when their inquisitor enters his own place of worship? get off!
we’re totaly ignoring that ppl were dying outside while i solved puzzles. absolutely irrelevant.
ok but telling Solas and Morrigan to get a room when they tried to outnerd the other 8′D lmao perfect
figuring out who get’s to drink from The Well of Freaky Shit was a doozy, and it’s gonna keep haunting me through every playthrough
i refused because RP reasons, but it probably would have been the best fitting choice to drink. but when the Egg gives you such a stalwart NO then you know something’s rotten here. and it kinda was. kinda.
and yet, it also fits very nicely with Morrigan from a player perspective
also it gave me a chance to say “LOL now you gotta listen to your mom haha ;D”
i love my character so much, he even threw bear puns in Stone-Bear Hold. Cassandra’s groan was music to my ears
speaking of bear puns, the Jaws of Hakkon dlc was a wild loretastic ride that gets two thumbs up and more fuel for my chantry disdain
oh, what’s that? the first inquisitor and founder of the Seekers of Truth was an elven mage too? and history the Chantry buried all knowledge of him? and they abused his rite of tranquility to lobotomize mages?
oh wow. what a shock. i am truly surprised. ಠ_ಠ
the descent was good too. the moment i saw lyrium veins looked like actual cardiovascular veins i was screaming “we’re WALKING INSIDE A TITAN!” it took my character a while to catch on but boy was i glad to hear him say it
Titan blood! but who killed it--them? the elven gods? lyrium hunger intensifies and all that??
Coryphishit was such a steamrolled battle though, i barely even felt it. after such a hype train of lore discovery, his end was so anticlimactic, and the game’s (first) end was so... happy? it just didn’t feel right. it wrapped up with a bow too nicely (minus Solas, wtf man...) and i didn’t even lose an arm. I was mourning that arm the moment it got the anchor so imagine my surprise when the game “ends” and not only is my hand still there but it’s not even killing me? that i know off... clearly the true ending is in Trespasser but that doesn’t erase the fact that Coryphilulz was just not a good villain. He needed more screen time post Haven destruction.
The final party was v nice and a bit sad, as more than half of your inner circle had that “we’ll be leaving soon” vibe :< listening to Varric talk of Kirkwall made me so Hawke-nostalgic, Leliana would be off to murder the Chantry into a new era of tolerance, Cass i hope goes to rebuild the Seekers proper, Blackwall on one of those redemption journeys, Sera off to do Jenny shit probably, Cole and Bull might be sticking around at least, and Curly and Josie. that’s a nice thought. Viv is def going back to Orlais to play some stone cold games and eat fancy cakes, and Dorian is off to get political in Tevinter.
...that’s a one way ticked to assasiantion if i ever heard one. good intention bro, but i can’t let you do that *inquisitor rolls 20 on emotional blackmail* Dorian: well i guess i could stay a little longer Damn right you will.
the last shot you get in the quarters, that balcony sunset hug triumvirate, it made me want to fling myself into the fucking sun. it was just so---so---*clenches fist* cute.
i gotta say, at this point (game finished, minus Trespasser) i can’t imagine any other race filling the shoes of the inquisitor with quite as much payoff as an elf mage.
#this is long and rambly#and i didn't even mention half the shit i wanted to#da:i#dragon age inquisition#games#shitpost#i'm not even finished and i can't wait to play again
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