#(and once again this gets way longer than i intended aaaa)
the-nysh · 4 years
Hey! I just wanted to say that I love your writings and character analysis! :D. Do you have more examples of garou being an empath?
Oh! 😳 Thank you, ah you probably saw some of those recent posts about it, yeah? :O Are you looking for more story examples or older posts previously written more in depth? Cause I think this one went into most detail before, but also oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve ever used that precise term (diagnosis?) for him either, hmm mainly because I’m no clinical expert he most often practices avoidance - both with his feelings and in forming relationships with others, in favor of focusing on his goals instead. (Familiarly, he’s that lone wolf introvert who isolates himself out of having to deal with such socially difficult situations.)
So other than Tareo, we haven’t really seen him...allow himself many other opportunities to empathize or connect with others yet (even when he has the potential & capacity for it, which I feel Garou has some of what Bang lacks and needs most to improve his teaching method, in that regard). Also because whenever he finds himself caring too much (like about Bang, whom he still closely emulates, so you can interpret Garou’s ‘absorbency’ trait as a symbolic manifestation or another side to him being an empath, heh :P) he gets pissed at himself for feeling that way, cause it interferes with his goals and how he thinks he should act & behave instead. :’)) So here he is, getting pissed whenever he runs across or experiences injustice (compelling him to act on emotion, instinct, or gut intuition which he can hastily misjudge), but then also getting pissed at himself when he doesn’t fully understand why he’s upset, or when he feels it goes against his ‘image of a monster,’ only to forcefully push those feelings aside and once again avoid thinking about them any further. Ohh!!! lol someone help him always suffering a cycle at conflict with his own feelings...
But! Saying all that, I feel the first instance that closely represents this, as part of his origins to show he was always empathetic like this, comes from when he stood up for the other kid getting hurt by Tacchan:
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“That’s dangerous; I feel sorry for him!” Getting upset for the other kid’s pain (already knowing this game’s behavior is wrong for the violence inflicted & injustice suffered) and instantly stepping in to break it up. (Driven to help out only for the other kids to turn on him as the next easy target...) 
This also ties into why he relates most to the fictional representations of monsters on tv; he sees himself in their shoes and sympathizes with their pain and situations too, so to speak. Not because they’re ‘evil bad guys’ per se, but rather cause they’re the unpopular ‘outcasts’ like him, who have dreams and aspirations to live too, but get unfairly targeted, outnumbered, humiliated, and crushed underfoot by.....the representations of those preaching ‘justice’ (like Tacchan above). When what Garou clearly sees, feels, and takes from this, is the unbalanced injustice suffered by those in these designated ‘monster/villain’ roles instead. (Counterpoint: these fictional roles he saw in cartoons, or reenacted in games, were not accurate to real monsters & heroes, but that’s Garou’s other struggle he comes to realize as he experiences more of the real world...) Another way of looking at it: when the favored/popular/strong group deems another marginalized group as ‘bad’ or undesirable, it absolves them of any guilt and their capacity & kindness to care, giving them the freedom to enact violence on them (ie bully the weak) without shame. For ex: ‘oh you’re a [insert any dehumanizing label here] monster? Prepare to be dogpiled and eliminated in the name of performative justice! :3′  I’m getting ahead of myself, but does this not ring a bell to anyone familiar with online cult movements? Which is precisely the unjust behavior Garou hates.
So another instance of him stepping in to inadvertently help a stranger in distress, as another victim to what he hates seeing (with the excuse ~they just happened to be in his way~) was when he stomps over to break up a fight between an old man and a rowdy drunk outside the dine n dash restaurant. He could have ignored it, walked on by, or gone to another place to eat, but nooo; seeing this behavior still pissed him off enough to intervene and deescalate the fight by scaring off the aggressor. 
With non-strangers, naturally we see most examples of Garou’s empathetic side with Tareo, cause Garou sees much of his bullied past-self in him, and he can’t help but care and react to his similarly felt distress even if Garou is very tsundere denying how much he cares; remember his ‘I didn’t come here to save you’ blatant lie line? Yeah; no one else made a beeline responding to Tareo’s cries for help, heh. 
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(As covered in the other posts you’ve seen) he sensed and understood why Tareo was upset without him even having to fully explain it. Since he empathized enough with that familiar frustration (peers messing with him) to step in and help out with advice. Which was a gracefully ineloquent way with words, but hey he tried the gesture actually calmed Tareo down and got him to stop crying. :’)
Likewise, later witnessing Tareo suffering from the bullies pissed him off for reasons Garou can directly relate to (they were even calling Tareo a monster!) so once again, he’s compelled to step in, break it up, and deescalate the behavior.....then waltz down there to check in with how Tareo’s doing.
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Offering another “I feel sorry for you.” :’) Which he plays off as more detached pity before he whoaaa, quickly turns around to leave with a ‘tch, go home’ once Tareo speaks. :’D (Like he can’t emotionally handle facing this, even turning his back when Tareo thanks him for helping him twice now since the shed scene.) But, we know there’s empathy felt for Tareo getting picked on, which drove Garou to act and intervene on his behalf here, BECAUSE..!!! Look what drives that evidence home:
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Ohoho...probably one of his biggest telling moments! 8′D Recognizing what’s on Darkshine’s face now (while rendered overpowered & unable to fight back)...is the same he remembers relating to in Tareo, cause it’s similarly what he’s felt and suffered before in his past! :O Ahhh!! Making him go ‘oshit, wait...NO,’ as he realizes this is what he hates; ‘this isn’t what I want to do or who I want to be,’ and forcefully stops himself (he breaks up his own fight) before soon barreling over as the pain and consequences of everything finally catch up to him.
So...! Based on his track record, and provided he’s not off on his lonesome anymore or unable to interact/socialize with anyone in the near future, then he’s highly likely to add on more examples of such moments. Especially whenever he witnesses what he hates seeing (similar cycles of what he’s felt in his past, attuned to the same injustice suffered by others that he’s already experienced himself) that he can’t help but intervene & act on their behalf. Even when it gets emotionally overwhelming (for him to get upset with himself and want to avoid it as much as possible) or in direct contrast to the person (ie closed-off ‘monster’) he’s trying to be, ever at conflict with the inner empathetic kid he always was. :’)
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zims-left-shoe · 4 years
I'd about this stuff but zim x reader where reader has to introduce zim to family and its awkward and fluffy?!?! Did I do that correctly??
AAAA yes!! This prompt actually works perfectly. Ily bby!! I really need to get back on Insta and Snap so we can talk more lmao.
Romance. What even is it? You could never say for sure, and yet you had been playing the courtship expert for about a month or so. What else were you supposed to do? Not only would he not take no for an answer, it was a fine way to kill your boredom. He had zero expectations, which was what made it great. You could tell him anything and he would believe it. Boyfriends were supposed to do their s/o's homework for them? He never questioned it once. To be completely honest, he was the only reason you were passing chemistry and calculus. 
That being said, at the end of the day, it was all one big game. Wasn't it? All he had asked of you was to be his 'lovepig' in a romantic experiment he was conducting. You had nothing else better to do, and hell, it wasn't like you needed to be keeping your options open. You were just as unpopular as the alien freak himself. So, why not? Wasn't it just some mutualistic dynamic? You both benefited from it. He got 'data' (the accuracy of it questionable) for his Earth infiltration, and you got to have some fun. Plus, there was the fact that you haven't touched a homework assignment in weeks.
These were all things you had told yourself. You had managed to explain away all the times you had defended him from Dib and your classmates as being all part of the experiment. If there was a deeper reason, like real feelings perhaps, you didn't want to consider it too much. This relationship was intended to be one big joke after all. 
"Y/n? Hello?" A hand was waved in front of your face, ripping you from your thoughts and reflections. 
"Huh? Did you say something?" You tore your gaze from the plate of uneaten food that sat before you, eyes dragging up to meet those of your father. The man next to him groaned; your other father. You loved them both, but they were both staring at you with slightly annoyed frustration. They particularly disliked when you would space out while they were talking to you, which apparently they had been.
"Yes, I did. I said, when do we get to meet the boyfriend?" The one you called Father spoke; he was your biological sire, and the one you tended to get annoyed with the most. Genetics, you supposed. You were too much alike, and thus you butted heads often.
"Zim? I dunno." Shrugging, you picked at the dinner on your plate with your fork. It was a response that you hoped would suffice, despite knowing full well you had no intentions of ever introducing the Irken soldier for obvious reasons. Having lived with you for so long, they both knew what your response meant. At first, you assumed they'd only sigh and move on, but that wouldn't be the case. 
"We really want to meet him. We've given it a month, but I think it's time that we finally see him." Your father spoke again, voice firmer than the last time.
"I know you said he's...er, unique, but we promise we won't think anything of it. So long as he's good to you, it doesn't matter." The one you called Dad chimed in, a kind smile on his face. You knew he wasn't just saying that, and that he meant it. He was probably the nicest person you had ever met, and you were thankful to have him in your life.
That being said, you couldn't help but scoff at what was said, particularly the last line. Good to you? Zim was probably the most selfish person you had ever met in your life. Still, he did provide you with a source of entertainment. And if you worded things the right way, he would do anything you wanted him to. He was surprisingly easy to manipulate. 
"What's so funny?" 
"Nothing, Dad. But, no. I don't think you'll be meeting him." You expected that to be the end of it, bringing a forkful of dinner to your lips. 
"Y/n M/n L/n, you will bring your boyfriend home within the next week or else you won't be seeing him ever again." Eyes widening in surprise, your fork clattered against your plate as it slipped through your fingers. You would never have predicted your father to become so agitated over this. On some level, you supposed he was just looking out for you, wanting to make sure that Zim was a decent guy and all that. But at the same time, it was annoying. Did he not trust you to handle yourself? Plus, you were almost certain they wouldn't be satisfied upon actually meeting Zim. 
You remained silent. What you should have done was once again shrug your shoulders and say, 'fine'. Your relationship wasn't even supposed to be real, just some experiment that didn't matter too much to either of you. So why should you care if they forced you to break up because you wouldn't bring him home? And yet...you found yourself devastated at the mere thought of that. Was it because you enjoyed the absence of boredom? That had to be it. It couldn't possibly be because you had developed feelings for the little roach...no way. 
"You either bring him home for dinner Friday night, or-" Your father pressed, and you slammed your palm on the table before he could continue.
"Fine, okay!" Glaring at your food, you were no longer hungry. You just wanted dinner to be over. "May I be excused?" You asked, voice still seething with attitude. They both waved you off, so you took your plate and covered it, putting it in the fridge for later. Storming off to your room, you supposed you shared more similarities with your 'boyfriend' than you'd like to admit. You both had quick tempers for one thing, but you both liked being in control for another. You were about to get a rude awakening soon enough; you weren't keeping your feelings and relationships in check as much as you thought.
(more under the cut)
There were several ways your peers, if asked, would describe you. Nice, however, was not particularly one of them. It wasn't that you weren't a good person deep down. You just preferred to make yourself your number one priority, even if it turned you into a little bit of a bitch in the process. It was much easier than taking the risk of offering yourself up to others. After all, who really wants to deal with untangling the mess of emotions? Ignoring everything was the safest thing to do. Considering that, it wasn't surprising that you and Zim had been drawn together. They say opposites attract, but you found it to work almost the same for those who are similar. 
After all, Zim was also a big supporter of suppressing all emotions, so much so that you were sure he forgot he even had any. And maybe he didn't. You didn't think it was possible, considering he was still pretty much a person, but at the same time, you never asked about Irken psychology.
Not only that, but Zim seemed to care only for himself at all times. Even in the times he would do anything that vaguely resembled an act of love, it still had everything to do with his own personal motivations of gaining human courtship data. 
With all of that on the table, plus the fact that you weren't really sure what the status of your relationship even was, you weren't expecting you would be bringing him home for dinner Friday. What you envisioned happening was for him to call this whole thing off once you gave him the ultimatum, claiming that he had enough research so you would be through.
And again, there was that small wave of anxiety that passed over you. For whatever reason, you didn't want to lose whatever it was the two of you had going on. You had grown used to having someone to talk to everyday, even if the majority of conversation was listening to him drone on about his evil plans to conquer the Earth in the name of the Irken empire. Frowning, you glanced down to whatever toxic food substance was sitting on your tray. 
The surrounding cafeteria was filled with the chatter of your classmates, all rambling about mostly unimportant things. You had your popular kids laughing and running their own psychoanalysis on Dib, who in turn ignored them from across the room while his sister played video games by his side. You also had your social outcasts, sitting by themselves and discussing whatever they liked to talk about; well, Gretchen wasn't exactly talking. She chose to occupy her time by staring at Dib, who in turn ignored her too. Same shit as always. 
The din of irrelevant voices and clattering plates barely did anything to mask the forceful footsteps approaching your table, ones that could only be brought about by a soldier's march. Whether it was because you had grown so used to the sound or you were so wrapped up in your mind, the noise didn't register with you until a tray was harshly dropped onto the table.
"Why do you look like that?" The alien now sitting across from you asked, with a hint of something that at first you thought was distaste, but later recognized to be Zim's version of concern. Which was strange in itself, concern for others was always an afterthought for him, sometimes not even a thought at all.
"Like what?"
"All shmoopy." You narrowed your eyes, about to give a remark of denial, but whatever words died in your throat as you instinctively straightened up from your slouch, lips straightening from downturned into a neutral expression.
Breathing out a sigh, you decided to just get straight to the point before he would go off on a tangent about whatever thing Dib said in class that offended him. "Look, Zim. You need to come over for dinner Friday night, or else our relationship, experiment, whatever the hell it is, is over." Zim opened his mouth to say something, but you continued on before he could get even a single syllable out. "I know you don't want to, and believe me, you embarrassing yourself in front of my family is the last thing I want, but my parents are demanding to meet you. And if they don't, they're forbidding me from seeing you again or whatever." 
The Irken stayed quiet for a moment, thinking this over. To you, you guessed that his silence was him formulating some great break up speech in his head, so you braced for it. Why you even cared was beyond you, but it was still not what you wanted. "First of all, Zim will not embarrass himself!" You fixed him with a disbelieving look. There was no chance in any of the infinite parallel universes that he would not make a complete fool of himself. "But FINE! Zim will conquer this...interrogation."
Rolling your eyes, you attempted to fight the grin tugging at your lips. "It's not an interrogation, roach boy."
He disregarded your comment, clearly no longer listening. Instead, he hopped up onto the table, heeled soldier boots striking the tabletop, the sound echoing off the cafeteria walls. "Zim will be the best love-mate your parental units have ever laid eyes on!!" He yelled, throwing his fists in the air. Shrinking into yourself, you covered your face with your arms, face burning from the heads that were all turning in your direction to stare.
"Please don't say it like that." After a moment, Zim climbed back down and into his seat on the bench. Your classmates quickly lost interest, as these outbursts were commonplace. Eventually, you came out of your self cocoon to lay some very specific instructions on him. "Okay, cool. I need you to listen very carefully."
"Eh?" He snapped his attention back to you. Groaning, you reached across the tabled to grab his hand, your go to move to make sure he listened to you.
"Come over Friday at six. The whole time, just smile and nod. Don't say anything more than necessary. Just get by with the bare minimum, and then go home. Do you understand?" You looked to him with an intense look in your eyes. You knew that if you were not explicitly clear, the night could end in disaster. House-exploding, alien death battle kind of disaster. 
"Of course I do! Don't worry your stinky head, Zim has it under control." He dropped your hand, waving you off, overconfident as always. 
"Alright...I'm trusting you." You didn't trust him in the slightest. But there was really nothing you would be capable of doing. You had instructed him, very specifically you might add, and that was all you could do. And hope. You would be hoping too. With one last relenting sigh, you had no time to process the relief that came with the surprise of not being broken up with. Whatever relaxation you had briefly felt was immediately replaced by dread for Friday.
You laid sprawled on the couch, staring at the ceiling and drumming your fingers on your stomach. You really hoped that Zim would take your advice and behave himself over the course of the next few hours, but in the back of your mind, you knew that to be impossible. The house had been quiet, save for the clanging of pots and pans in the kitchen as your dad worked on dinner. Meanwhile, your father was just finishing tidying up the house, despite you telling him that it didn't matter. You told him that Zim wouldn't care, but the real reason it didn't matter is it probably would end up in worse shape regardless. His response had been to ignore you as he continued to wipe down surfaces you forgot existed. 
Right at six o'clock on the dot, your doorbell rang. You bolted up right, scrambling to reach the door faster than your father. Unfortunately, you weren't quite quick enough to match his long-legged stride, and he threw open the door just as you had the doorway within your sights. You had to skid to a halt in order to stop yourself from slamming into your father's back. 
"You must be Zim." Your father's voice was firm, but not threatening. At least not yet. You peered around him to get a good look at Zim, who, to your relief, was smiling and nodding. You stifled the laugh that was brought on at the sight of a simple black bow tie that was tied very incorrectly around his neck. It was a strange sight, considering it didn't quite fit with the standard invader uniform he always adorned. 
Your father stepped aside to let him in, sticking his hand out afterwards, prompting the Irken to shake it. Zim gazed at it quizzically, apparently not understanding what to do. Just as you were about to bestow a helpful hint, his face brightened as he kicked his leg up, resting his foot in your father's hand. He still seemed to be processing the motivations behind Zim's actions, but before he could respond, you grabbed ahold of Zim's leg, yanking it back onto the ground. The invader stumbled, and before he could fall, you threw an arm around his shoulders, pulling him in close and poking his cheek.
"Oh, Zim, what a jokester! Anyway, we'll be off now, call when dinner's ready-" You tried to drag your alien counterpart away before he could do anything else stupid, but unfortunately, your father had other plans.
"No, I don't think so." Although his voice was less than pleased, you knew he was just trying to put up an intimidating front. He wanted to scare Zim at least a little bit. Groaning, you turned around. "So, you think this whole thing is one big joke, huh?"
"Father, please-" You rolled your eyes, knowing that Zim was too dense to actually be pressured by your father's act. 
"You do drugs? Ever been suspended?"
"I thought you said this wasn't an interrogation." Zim muttered to you, and although it was intended to only be heard by you, Zim is physically incapable of speaking under his breath, and thus your father heard it too. You thought he was more fazed by Zim being unaffected by his grill attempts than what was actually said. 
"What's with the...you know?" Your father decided to ignore Zim's comment and go right for the green elephant in the room: Zim's appearance. In all honesty, it was a rude question. But, Zim was used to it by now.
"We talked about this! It's a skin condition!" You sighed in exasperation, just wanting to get through this night with your sanity intact. "Also, you can't just ask people that." There was an awkward pause between everybody, and you almost wished Zim would start screaming about something not even relevant.
Luckily, you didn't have to stew in silence for much longer. "Dinner's ready, come get it or don't!" Your dad called from the table. You gestured for Zim to follow you as you shuffled after your father, whose strides were quick and long, making it hard to keep up at a normal pace. Both parents had sat down, you following suit across from them. Zim, however, stayed standing, eyes fixated on the plate and glass of water resting on the table in front of the chair next to you. You hoped he was sensible enough to just ignore the food and sit there politely. 
"You can sit down, you know." Your father eyed Zim skeptically. The invitation to take a seat seemed to snap Zim out of his trance, as he sat down so fast he bumped the table, making the silverware shake. He finally appeared to take notice of your parents, and pointed a clawed finger across the table.
"It's like my Tallest!" His grin was wide, and his contacts portrayed his excitement. Your parents, on the other hand, looked to be beyond confused. You didn't exactly blame Zim for the association, considering both were tall males, and his comment made you notice that they were coincidentally wearing hues of red and purple. "I didn't know you had your own Tallest." 
"Who?" Your dad asked, eyes flicking between you and your uninformed alien boyfriend. You gave Zim a swift swat to his thigh under the table, intending to convey the message of 'what happened to smiling and nodding?'. He seemed to understand your intention, and answered your dad's question by cracking a smile and nodding furiously. Internally, you were smacking yourself in the face as both parents stared at you as if they were wondering whether or not Zim was higher than a fucking kite. The dinner so far was going fantastic. At least he hadn't caused any physical damage yet.
Your father cleared his throat, deciding to move on. "So, Zim...what are your plans after high school?" Thank god, a subject change. That being said, your relief only lasted about a half a second before you realized he didn't have any answers to this type of question, and he was horrible at bullshitting. 
"Um...oh, you know...stuff." Zim took a fork and began to experimentally stab at the food that was on his plate. "Sciency stuff." He tacked on those words, sensing your father not being satisfied with his original answer.
"Like what, doing an internship at Membrane Labs or something?" Your father continued to ask questions, but at this point you were helpless to stop him. Zim was on his own. 
"Yes!" Your father seemed to not believe Zim's confirmation, so you decided to help him out.
"Yeah, he's actually really good friends with Dib. You know, the Professor's son." You offered, albeit a stretch of the truth. The two knew each other very well, and, well, enemies after enough time are basically friends anyway. 
"Yes...the Dib-worm is my best friend." Zim spoke through gritted teeth, and you prayed that your parents wouldn't pick up on the venom seeping into every syllable. 
"You have any siblings?" Your dad asked, gaze less critical than the man next to him.
"No." His answer was short, almost as if he was attempting to speedrun the questions to get this dinner over with faster. Unfortunately, your parents would only fill it with more questions. Any attempt to stop them would be futile. 
"Where are you from exactly?" 
"Somewhere that isn't here. Eh, uh, er...it's very far. You wouldn't know it." Your father raised an eyebrow, growing tired of Zim's evasive and nonspecific responses. In a shocking turn of events, Zim was actually able to read the room for once in his life, picking up on your parents' distrust. "Wow, is this good food or what?" Before you could squeak out a single sound, Zim began to shovel the food on his plate into his mouth as fast as he could, washing it down by chugging the glass of water.
This of course sent you into a panic. You reached out an arm, to do what you weren't sure, but you never made contact. Instead, your hand hovered in the air as you gawked at Zim in bewilderment. He wasn't smoking, flailing, or screaming. In fact, he was taking it quite well. Everything seemed to be okay, and even he seemed to be surprised. His face relaxed into a smile when he realized that nothing was trying to kill him from the inside. Which, if that was what he had expected, you weren't quite sure what his plan had been in the first place, but you knew better than to question him. Questioning Zim only led to long rants that no one had the energy or the willpower to listen to. 
"Thank you-" Your dad's gratitude was cut off by Zim's ear piercing shriek as he dropped to the ground, knocking aside his chair in the process. He thrashed about like a fish out of water as he clawed desperately at his throat and face. Apparently, the delayed reaction had kicked in. His ear-piercing screeches were chopped up by choking and spluttering as he continued to kick and flounder his limbs around wildly. Looking up from the Irken rolling around on the ground to your parents, you noticed that they looked absolutely petrified. 
"He's fine! He'll be fine!" You waved your hands desperately, despite knowing full well they would never believe you. As if to accentuate the incorrectness of your statement, Zim howled out another cry of pain, the sound twisting your face into a cringe. At once, your parents clambered out of their seats, stumbling over each other to get to your side of the table. Your dad kneeled down next to Zim and tried to help him, completely at a loss for what was going on. Meanwhile, your father grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you off around the corner to the kitchen.
As you're being hauled away, you hear a distant "Should I call 911?" from your dad. 
As soon as you were out of ear shot of your suffering boyfriend, your father whisper yelled at you. "What the hell is wrong with him?!"
Again, you felt the need to defend him. It wasn't his fault that his alien biology couldn't handle Earth food, and that he didn't understand Earth culture too well. Okay, maybe that last one was his fault considering he's been on the planet for about four years and blending in was kind of his job. But still! "Look, I promise he's a decent guy once you get to know him."
"He's strange, Y/n! Not in the good way, in a concerning way." He hissed to you, never dropping eye contact. 
"He's just a little different is all!"
"A little different?! He's dying in our dining room!" Suppressing the urge to say, 'you mean our die-ning room?', you took a deep breath, preparing to explain away the probably traumatizing situation your parents were witnessing.
"He has a biological condition that makes it to where he can't a majority of foods." You thought that maybe that statement would calm him down, but it only seemed to worry him more.
"Jesus, Y/n, you couldn't have told us about the dietary restrictions before you brought him over? We almost just killed him!" Running a hand through his hair, he watched as you cast your eyes toward the ground, wringing your hands together. You knew he was right. It was something you should have thought of saying beforehand, you should have just told Zim to bring some Irken food along. But you had expected him to not even think about touching the food. And yet, you had just watched as he scarfed down almost the entire plate and a whole glass of water. 
"Sorry! But...would you please just give him another chance?" You pleaded, voice sweeter than you had ever sounded in your life. 
With a heavy sigh, your father nodded, waving you in the direction of the dining room. "Fine, if he doesn't need to go to the hospital, he can stay for the movie if he wants to. Just go hang out upstairs while we clean up" Your smile displayed your thanks as you made your way back to the scene of the accident. Things seemed to be alright now. If anything, your dad was more shaken up than Zim was. The Irken was standing again, pretending as if nothing happened.
"C'mon." You said nothing more as you took him by the hand, pulling him towards your room. He didn't protest, glad to be away from your dad who had been continuing to fuss over him. As you shut the door to your room behind you, the solace that came with knowing he was okay completely drained from your body. "What the hell was that?!" You smacked him lightly on the arm. He should know better than to consume food that would cause his insides to sizzle and smoke. Apparently, he seemed to still think that had been an ingenious idea.
"Zim was trying to show them that I am a good candidate for your love partner!" Your eyes widened, astonished on multiple levels. He really was a special kind of clueless, wasn't he?
"That was not the way! And why do you even care? I thought this was just some stupid experiment? Why should you care if this whole thing ends, you can just find someone else!" Throwing your hands up, your voice raised in volume, fire licking every word.
"Because Zim doesn't want someone else! Zim wants you, Stinky...Stink-worm." His voice had matched yours in loudness at first, but near the end of his words he grew quieter, arms crossed tightly against his chest, eyes averted in curt sheepishness. If Irkens could blush, you were sure he would be.
Any follow up argument you possessed had fled your brain, the only thing replacing it being the slight heat that flushed your cheeks. "Zim...are you saying that you actually...like me?" You were surprised, but pleasantly so. Now that you had to force yourself to think on it, you had realized that somewhere along the way, you began to like the roach boy more than you care to admit. It was a bit irritating to dwell on, considering this whole arrangement was, in the end, supposed to be no strings attached. He got his data, you had something to fill your time. Life has a funny way of panning things out, regardless of your intentions. 
"Zim is saying nothing!" His eyes were shut tight, a sign you could interpret as confirmation to your question. Neither of you would admit it, nor ever wanted to. That was the unfortunate downside to both sides of the equation having destructively low EQs. 
Even if you wanted to press him more, you were interrupted by your parents calling you for the movie. Sighing, it seemed you would have to shelve this conversation for a later date, which was fine by you. Feelings were messy and complicated anyway. "Let's go, roach boy." Zim followed without complaint, and as soon as you both came into view, your parents hit play on the film, which you instantly recognized as E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, something you had seen a million times. It had been your movie of choice as a kid. "Topical." You murmured under your breath, directing Zim to the couch. 
Your parents seemed impressed to see Zim alive and well, acting as if he hadn't been borderline dying on the dining room floor less than twenty minutes ago. "We've seen this about a hundred times, we know how it ends. You two have fun." Your father smiled to the both of you. Apparently, he actually listened to you and was giving Zim the benefit of the doubt.
"But not too much fun." Your dad added helpfully, but of course the implications of his comment flew right over Zim's head. 
"Anyway, if we don't see you before you leave, it was nice to meet you, Zim. Sorry for almost killing you." Your father didn't wait for a response--which he most likely wouldn't have gotten anyway--before heading to bed with your dad, most likely to watch something of their own. Your parents flicked the lights off as they exited, leaving the room dark, save for the light being thrown from the TV, as well as a soft glow coming from Zim's PAK. You had never noticed that before, but it made sense, considering this was the first time you had seen him in the dark before.
"You might like this. It's about an alien who comes to Earth. Well, more like gets stranded on Earth." 
"Hmm." Zim peered at the screen with interest, but began to frantically rub at his eyes, blinking repeatedly. Before you could even ask if he was okay, he snapped a tired response. "Contacts are bothering Zim." 
"Just take 'em out." He attempted to fix you with a distrusting stare, but it was broken by another stint of scratching. "They won't be coming back out, at least not before you leave. You'll be fine." You sank into the couch cushions, the darkness and familiarity of a favorite movie easing you into a contented state.
"Fine. But Zim is blaming you if you're wrong, Stink-worm." With speed and skill, he peeled the lenses from his eyes, stowing them in his PAK, which didn't seem all that sanitary. He blinked a few more times, but seemed comfortable. You directed your attention to the TV screen, but it was snapped away again at the feeling of weight settling on your thigh. Looking down, you saw Zim's head casually laid on your leg, eyes fixated on the movie. "Say anything and I'm replacing your organs with space squids." Zim grumbled, still not looking at you. 
"That's not very nice." You snickered through your words. You knew his threat was empty, and you weren't exactly a stranger to outlandish warnings yourself.
The Irken groaned, still not moving. "Ugh, fine. Say anything, and I'll, eh, lick your face or something." You said nothing more, arm resting lazily on his side, hand hanging near his own. Out of his own volition, he intertwined his claws with your fingers, almost daring you to say something. You didn't.
As the movie progressed, you could tell Zim was a hundred percent into it. That being said, when it came time for the scenes of Elliot and E.T. dying and being treated by the government, you felt Zim grip you a little tighter. You were beginning to wonder if you should turn it off. You were only encouraged in that thought when you felt Zim's back tremble, and although you couldn't see his face, you believed him to be crying.
You reached out your free hand for the remote, but stopped at the sound of Zim's uncharacteristically shaky voice. "Do-don't." You drew back your free hand, the other hand being tucked closer into Zim's chest. A sigh slipped past your lips, and you lifted him up and set him on the ground while he swiped at his eyes so you could kick your legs up and across the couch, reaching out to grab him and lay him on top of you before he could even begin to protest about being moved.
"You okay?" You asked, expecting a fight about being placed in this position. 
To your amazement, he didn't squirm off of you at all, instead, saying a simple "Yes." He even cuddled into you, head resting on your chest as he watched the film. This was the calmest you had ever seen the normally high-energy alien. A hand began to absentmindedly stroke his back, the texture of the fabric of his uniform unlike any you had ever felt. At first you were at a loss for what the rumbling against your chest was, but after a moment you were able to place it. Purrs were rising from Zim's throat, and although it was reminiscent of a cat, it was still a sound that was distinctly alien. It was a noise you had never heard before.
"For the record, I like you. A lot." You murmured quietly, hoping he was too enthralled by the movie to register what was said. Regrettably for you, Zim only seemed to listen when you wished him not to.
"Zim also thinks you are quite tolerable...for an Earth-worm."
"Gee, thanks. I feel so special." Despite your words, there was still a smile in your voice. At this point, the movie was past it's tearjerker moments, and the kids were all trying to get E.T. back to the forest. "So, do Irkens have a thing like E.T., where they connect with someone?" The syncing of Elliot and E.T.'s biological functions, emotions, and thoughts was a main plot point in the movie, and it got you wondering if maybe there was some accuracy, if not with Irkens, perhaps with another alien race?
"Sort of." His answer was unfocused, still drawn into the end of the film. You guessed this would be his new favorite Earth movie, which meant he would most certainly be demanding for you two to watch it together at least twice a month. 
"What do you mean, ‘sort of’?"
"We mate for life." He paused while you were still processing his statement. "But I don't think that was the connection you were asking about."
"Oh brother." You mumbled, deciding to toss that information out the window. Good to know that you wouldn't be getting of the roach anytime soon...or ever. 
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butgilinsky · 4 years
oop- this is longer than i intended it to be. also i told you i would do it tomorrow but i lied im sry
14- I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship
15- You’re breaking my heart, babe.
you knew this day would come. you being from a place with zero snow for your entire life had never done you wrong before, until now. you knew that there was little to no leeway surrounding this situation when you started dating nolan. it was only a matter of time before you found yourself in this position.
“it’s not that scary.” he tapped the side of your knee after he finished tying the laces on your second skate. your eyes blew wide at his claim, and you were sure he was on the brink of insanity.
“not that scary? i have razor blades on my feet, nol. i’m going to be walking on ice with razor blades on my feet!” you pointed at your feet where your skates sat, though nolan didn’t have to follow your gesture. he knew you had skates on your feet because he just spent the last five minutes tying them for you.
“thank you for explaining what ice skating is to me, babe. what would i do without you?” you huffed in defeat as he stood up, reaching his hands out to lift you onto your feet.
“why did i have to fall for a hockey player?” he rolled his eyes at your over dramatization but smiled regardless.
“you’re breaking my heart, babe.” he pushed his hands closer to you, dropping his eyes down to them in hopes that you’d grab them and lift yourself up.
he saw your hesitation, and he knew it had been brewing for quite some time now. it had taken him six months to get you to agree to this, he expected a little bit of hesitation. he waited patiently, hands ready to take yours whenever you were ready.
“what if i fall?”
“i’ll pick you back up.”
“what if i break something?”
“you won’t break anything.”
“what if i can’t do it.”
“you can do it.”
“but what if i can’t?”
“then it’ll be good entertainment.”
“nolan!” you swatted at one of his hands and he couldn’t help the laugh that spilled from his lips.
“baby.” he grabbed your hands himself and lifted you onto your feet so you stood in front of him. “you’re going to be okay. if you fall, you’ll get back up. you’ll try again, and eventually, you’ll get the hang of it.”
you sighed softly, watching a grin spread across his lips. “you’re standing on your own yknow? that’s half the battle.”
“the other half is actually moving.” you mumbled softly and nolan kissed your forehead gently. “promise you won’t let go of me.”
“i promise i won’t let go of you.”
the first five minutes barely had you moving at all. you were trying, truly, but your fear kept getting in the way of being able to actually do it. but with nolan’s hands gripping yours the entire time, and not complaining once about how hard you were squeezing them, you finally got yourself to relax a little.
“do you think you can do it on your own?” it had been close to twenty minutes now, and nolan had practically skated backwards the entire time. he kept an eye on you, let you hold his hands the entire time, and you had actually started to get the hang of it, but his question had reinstalled your fear.
“no no no. nol, you said you wouldn’t let go of me.” you whines softly and he bit back the laugh bubbling in his throat.
“just try, y/n-“
“nolan patrick, dont you dare let go of me-“
“i’m gonna let go-“
“nolan, dont.”
“watch me.”
“I think you forgot who wears the pants in this relationship.” his head flung back as a heavy laugh filled the air around the two of you.
he slipped his hands out of yours in an attempt to catch his breath, one hand pressed to his chest as he came down from his laughing high. you crossed your arms over your chest and poured, watching nolan smile brightly at you.
“why are you looking at me like that?” you huffed in a pouty tone, but nolan just shrugged.
“you’re doing it by yourself.” you hadn’t realized the two of you were still moving, too distracted by nolan to notice that you were in fact doing it yourself.
“i’m doing it? nolan i’m doing it!” you looked at your feet, amazed at how you actually caught the hang of it.
“you’re doing it, baby.” he smiled at the sight of you so excited by your achievement, almost missing the way your face turned to panic rather quickly.
“nol?” he hummed softly, eyebrows pulling together. “you’re going to have to teach me how to stop.”
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sunnomnoms · 4 years
Hiiii I Found Your Blog In The Tags And I Never Thought I Would Enjoy Ace Attorney Imagines Before. I've Been Into It For Years And I Think This Idea Is So Adorable. I Hope Requests Are Open, And If I Can Ask For Relationship Headcanons For Hobo Phoenix Where There Is An Established Relationship Between You Two, And How It Continues Once He Gets Disbarred? I Always Wonder How Those Eight Years Would Have Been When He Had Some Light In His Life Besides Trucy. Btw I Love Your Aizawa Writing!
Aaaa ! A new anon that actually likes my AA stuff ! I’m so blessed :,) I’m truly flattered my writing is what got you interested aha, you’re too sweet ! Also, thank you!
Fun fact: I actually cried while writing it 🥺🥺
Some warnings: this is female coded! Some angst, some fluff, family cuteness, family struggles, agh-! It has a happy ending though!!!!! 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
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You had known Phoenix for at least a year or so before you started dating. You were a witness to a crime he took, which is what brought you two together in the first place. If it’s important, yes, your testimony did help a good bit for solving the case!
While working on it, Phoenix found himself feeling a bit... fuzzy, around you. It wasn’t ever something he intended to happen, he wasn’t even sure if he wanted to be in a relationship. But he couldn’t just deny the immense amount of chemistry going on between the both of you.
Oddly enough, the two of you didn’t lose contact after the case was over. Phoenix took it upon himself to go and see you sometimes when he wasn’t working on anything. This fuzzy feeling was starting to get worse, and the chemistry was slowly turning into tension...
... and within a year or so of knowing you, he took it upon himself to ask if you would be interested in something more. You happily accepted.
With you now at his side, Phoenix felt a bit more confident. You meant a lot to him, and he made sure to express it as much as he could to you. He really was a sweetheart, he made it his goal to let you know how much he loved and appreciate all you did for him. Whether it be helping him figure out a case or just making him dinner after a long day in the office, he never took any of it for granted.
The incident happened a few years later, and it wasn’t something you could have seen coming from a million miles away.
Your boyfriend, an attorney, came home without his beloved badge... and a few days later, was asked to care for a child.
Phoenix was reasonably shaken about losing his badge due to his fatal mistake, but he was more worried about someone else.
“[Y/N], she’s got no where to go...” He said as he held your hands, tears brimming his eyes. The little girl I’m question, Trucy, sat in your living room as the two of you spoke quietly in your bedroom. You felt Phoenix give your hands a gentle squeeze. “Why don’t we give it a try...?”
Truth be told, you and Phoenix had been trying for a baby for a good while now, but nothing seemed to be working. It had started to take a toll on you mentally, making you fear you would never have children at all. Trucy had appeared at a time when you were sure you were going to give up entirely. Perhaps... this could be what you needed all along...?
With tears in your eyes, you agreed happily to raising Trucy with Phoenix. He brought you into a tight embrace as you began to feel yourself cry. He quietly whispered about how good of a mother you were going to be to her, and how he’s going to do everything he could with you to give her a normal life.
Raising Trucy wasn’t a struggle at all. Though mischievous at times, she was a delight to deal with. Your stresses of how you were raising her was fading, because despite everything... she held on tight and was strong. She seemed just as determined to live a normal life as you were to give her one. That is, as normal as raising a little magician can be!
Phoenix, in the beginning, was also great with her. You had never felt so close to him until now. You felt like you had that family you always dreamed of. Granted, it wasn’t perfect, Phoenix was still struggling with coping over his lost badge. You did what you could to assure him that life would untangle itself with time, and that no matter what, you were sure things were going to end up okay. You were there on the countless nights he felt himself fall to apart, you always helped him put back the pieces.
For awhile, you were sure things were getting better. Trucy was doing great, and it seemed like Phoenix was...
Unfortunately, your beloved wasn’t always honest with his feelings. He had suppressed so much... and before you could help him, it’s as if he fell into disrepair.
The struggles came with Phoenix’s sudden and rapidly declining mental health. He had gained a habit to isolate, and you began to go days without seeing him. When he’d show up again, he was vague as to where he was, if he told you at all. It began to take a toll on you, you were beginning to practically raise Trucy alone at this point. Sometimes he’d disappear with Trucy, and that tortured your poor heart more than anything. You could only handle so much paranoia about where they were.
It got to a point in which you basically begged for Phoenix to get professional help. He seemed stubborn when it came to the topic, as if he didn’t want to better himself. You couldn’t even be mad at him, you were too busy sorting out your feelings of dispair and hopelessness. You just wanted a normal life, you wanted a lover, a child, a stable family... you were so close, why did everyone have to fall apart...?
You had ended up taking yourself to therapy to sort out your feelings. Your family and friends gave you conflicting answers as to what to do. Some said to leave him and take Trucy, some said to stay and try and talk to him more, some said to take legal action...
You couldn’t tell what was right at this point. With so many people saying so many things, you weren’t sure what you were supposed to believe. Part of you downplayed the situation, this was how all dads were supposed to be, right? Part of you felt hypersensitive to everything, part of your conscious screaming that you should have ran away the second the red flags began to appear. You didn’t know what to do... so you chose to endure. For Trucy.
It didn’t help that Phoenix picked up a habit for drinking.
The only thing you could ever thank him for was that he stayed away from Trucy when intoxicated. She didn’t need to see him like that. Besides that, he was insufferable to deal with when intoxicated. He was the “I’m not that drunk!!” type, even if he couldn’t stand up. If you had a dime for all the times you had to drag him to bed, you’d never have to worry about the bills ever again. When drunk, he wasn’t physically violent or anything, but he had a habit of saying things that really hurt. It was common for you to put him to bed and spend the rest of the night crying and wonder what went wrong between you two. It was awful that occasionally, Trucy had to come and console you. You felt safer with your daughter than you did you own boyfriend... was it truly supposed to be this way...?
When Apollo came into the picture, you were delighted to meet him. He reminded you of how Phoenix once was when he was a lawyer. Apollo often questioned the family life of the three of you, but you always responded with vague answers. Things like “it’s certainly not perfect, but when is life ever supposed to be perfect?” We’re common time hear from you. It satisfied him for awhile. You’d always hear a ton about Apollo through Trucy, and it was for the most part positive things. Whenever he and Trucy visited the house, you’d quietly thank him for looking over Trucy when Phoenix wasn’t around. He always said it was no issue or whatnot, but you knew deep down he wasn’t expecting to be lowkey babysitting as a lawyer.
As far as you were concerned, Apollo was an addition to the family. Trucy always spoke of him as if he was a big brother, and it warmed your heart to know Trucy had a positive male figure in her life now.
When Phoenix had gone away for longer than usual for his “secret mission”, you had only expected for him to be away to go get messed up in a town over or something. But when he came back, he... brang news.
It was so much to take in at once. Trucy participated in her fathers “disappearance”, her mother was still alive, and Apollo was her half sibling.... what were you to do with yourself? What was it all supposed to mean? Was Trucy going to stay with you? And Apollo, was he now... your son?
You saw Apollo a bit less for the next week or so, you knew that case took a toll on him mentally and you were sure he was up to his eyes in paperwork. You made sure to call him at least once a day to make sure he wasn’t overworking himself.
Trucy was home a bit more now. You were happy to see here in the midst of the storm passing over the whole lot of you. You could tell she was torn up inside, but she still beamed at you with that beautiful smile you adored the second she came into your life. She was so strong, you couldn’t help but tear up a little when you saw her smile in the face of it all.
And Phoenix...
He was still gone for a bit after the fact, but one night he had come home late without you realizing. You were about to go to bed when you heard him call your name from the porch.
You felt your heart drop hearing him, worrying he might be drunk again. You padded your way to the back door, opening it and walking out onto the porch. Phoenix stood from his previous position of leaning on the railing, gesturing to some of the chairs on the deck. “Come sit. I... I wanna talk.”
You sat in one of the chairs, Phoenix pulling up one right in front of you. He inhaled deeply, then letting out a sigh. You were about to ask what this was all about when he gently took both of your hands.
“I... I’m sorry I dumped a bunch of information and left for a few days.” He apologized softly. “... I’ve been getting help.”
You let out a soft gasp. Phoenix looked up at you, and you felt yourself get lost in those beautiful steal blue eyes the same way you did all those years ago. You knew he was being sincere when he said it, but part of you didn’t believe it, what was this supposed to mean...?
“N-Nick, what is this about...?” You said, your voice barely above a whisper as you felt yourself getting choked up.
“[Y/N], this is about us. I lost sight of everything all those years ago- this isn’t what I wanted. This isn’t what I want and I know it’s not what you want.” Phoenix said, his gentle gaze never leaving you. You searched his face for any sign of insincerity but it just wasn’t there.
“Nick...” you croaked, tears beginning to roll down your face. You watched the tears begin to well up in his own eyes, but he quickly blinked them away.
“[Y/N]... I want to be a family again. A real family, [Y/N], I don’t want to be a stranger in this house anymore. I don’t want you to be afraid of where I am anymore, or be afraid of how Trucy is gonna grow up. I want a real family. I want you, me, Trucy and even Apollo to function like a real family...” He said, bringing your hands to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to them.
“... I’m so sorry [Y/N].” He spoke against your fingers. “I understand if you don’t forgive me, but I regret these past years so much... I need you to know that I’m sorry [Y/N]....”
You tried to hold back so you could speak, but your frantic sniffling caught Phoenix’s attention immediately.
“Nick, I-I-!”
He wrapped his arms tightly around you as you fell to pieces in his arms. You sobbed harder than you probably ever had for those past seven years or so. You clutched onto him for dear life, terrified he might disappear again if you let go.
“N-Nick- I-Ive waited s-seven years to hear you say you’ll come back!!! I-I-I’ve waited so long for you to c-come back home again, I-I-!” You wailed, your sobs getting the better of you as you gasped for air between your tears. He whispered gentle apologies to you as he ran his fingers through your hair.
The two of you stayed like that for a good bit. You sooner or later leveled out, your sobs dying down to gentle sniffles. Phoenix gently released you from his embrace, taking your hands in his again.
“Y-Yeah?” You responded shakily. He looked you in the eyes again, a gentle smile on his face.
“I... I want you to be my wife.” He said gently, earning another gasp from you. “Y-You don’t have to say yes now, I understand, b-but I don’t want to just be a lover to you anymore, I-I want to be your husband, [Y/N].” He spoke gently. You felt the tears sting your eyes again. He watched your face for a second, waiting for any sign of an answer to his proposal. You brought a hand to your face as you wiped the fresh tears rolling down your face.
“Oh Nick, I... I’d love to be your wife, Nick. I-I truly thought you would never ask...” You said, smiling as you watched his eyes light up. He let out a laugh of disbelief.
“Y-You mean it? After everything I’ve done you... you still love me..?” He asked. You nodded. “Of course I do.” Letting out another laugh in disbelief, he cupped your face and brought you into a deep kiss.
You were basically smothered with kisses, the two of you giggling like idiots, as giddy as teenagers getting their first tastes of love.
“I’m gonna get better just for you, and I’m gonna go retake the bar exam and I’m gonna fix all of this [Y/N]. I’m gonna give you the life you want and the life you deserve. I’m never going to lose sight of you again. Not you, not Trucy, not even Apollo, we’re gonna be a family and I’m not gonna let anything ever destroy that again. Maybe we can try again for another kid, maybe we can adopt another, I’ll give you anything to make our life perfect again...”
“I love you so much [Y/N].”
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onyourzeus · 4 years
• stress-free | kwp
ykcyj ➝ arskyh
title: stress-free pairing: kim wonpil (of day6) & you (she/her pronouns) genre: FLUFF, college!au words: 3.4k
author’s note: @pirimiritiddy​ requested a fic about wonpil, and here it is. it went on for longer than i previously planned, buuuuut. i hope it’s still okay aaaa 
(this is the 1st time i’ve written something for wonpil so if i get his personality wrong, i do apologize. i am also a baby myday huhu)
this dot fic (bullet style) is part of the falling asleep on the bus scenario that i intend to write for each day6 member. check out the others: dowoon (currently only 2/5 completed)
any requests? check my pinned post if i’m accepting any at the moment, thanks!
wonpil hates his schedule for this winter term 
who assigns a class that is only available at seven in the evening??
3 times a week
did he mention it’s a major lecture he’s required to take?? 
psychology of stress, more like
this class is giving him the kind of stress it is specifically warning its students about 
anyway, what can he say. he chose this major, there’s only 1 more term after this one and then finally: graduation
it’ll be fine, he’ll live
thank the heavens they didn’t need to attend the first two meetings, but some reading material was provided 
and was expected by the professor to have been read and reflected upon 
the class is really living up to its name because when wonpil opened the pdf 
it was 30 pages of tiny font sized sentences (for ants!) about the definition of stress and how it affects every part of the body yada yada yada
wonpil tried. he really tried 
that is to say he fell asleep on his desk while going over the same 20th page of the document 
if it weren’t for jae shaking him awake, he’d miss his first night class 
it would’ve been nice… if only the professor didn’t take attendance (something about being generous enough to make the first 2 classes “free,” so everyone has an obligation to come in for the remainder of the semester)
great, he’s stuck freezing his ass off just walking to the bus stop alone 
hopefully they turn the heater all the way up in the auditorium or else
the thousands spent in tuition would have literally been for nothing
overdramatic wonpil, can you blame him 
he thinks about reading the remaining 10 pages on the bus, even if he knows nothing of value will be absorbed
he wants to tries anyway, he does feel a little bit refreshed from that impromptu nap 
the bus has arrived, and it’s packed as usual; a lot of the students riding the shuttle are just yet to take off in the following stops
wonpil squeezes his way inside, 30 pages of stress psychology research gripped in both hands 
“excuse me, sorry,” wonpil mumbles, eyeing for a spot to sit to make him comfortable 
because once all the people standing up leave, it’s usually a race for the exit 
he’ll never understand college students
finally, he sees an empty seat way in the back. there was a girl on one end and two other students who seem to be ready to get off on the right side
wonpil doesn’t mind sitting next to someone, but once those 2 are gone he’ll just scoot over to give the girl on the left some privacy 
she seems very much in deep sleep anyway, wonpil wonders if her stop is coming or she’s riding to go to campus? 
wonpil doesn’t have time to think about other people, it causes him unnecessary stress
once sat down, his eyes focus on the last page he left off of 
the words register as gibberish in his brain, and with the bus moving so much it makes it even more difficult to follow along the paragraphs
wonpil takes in a deep breath, holds it in, and sighs very heavily 
his patience is usually the best out of his friends, but this class is turning more and more into the psychology of how to get you stressed tf out instead 
the bus nears its next stop, and the two people on his side stand up to leave, yes he can breathe normal air
hold on
his shoulder feels heavy 
turning his head slightly, for some reason once the bus had stopped its engine the girl’s head had flipped over to lean against wonpil’s shoulder instead 
oh no oh no oh no 
his shoulders suddenly freeze, as if blasted with a ray gun filled with ice 
it’s heavy and he can’t move, it’s numb and this girl’s hair is splayed all over his his sweater 
and she
she smells of coffee, and wonpil inhales it in
it’s not foul or anything, but it’s definitely exuding notes of espresso bean and freshly roasted coffee 
it makes wonpil feel a little more awake 
but he still can’t move his shoulders, and suddenly he’s panicking because the bus started moving again and even though capacity has lessened by 80%
someone decided to sit on the other end of the row he’s at
so if he even attempts to move, he’ll still be seated next to someone 
wonpil grumbles, lower lip jutting forward
something shifts
and he realizes he shook his shoulders a little bit with his frustration
“ah…” he exclaims inaudibly, panicking at the possibility that he had woken her up from her nap
wonpil tenses up, shoulders stiff and eyes peering at his side to see what she’s up to
she lifts her head just a few inches off of wonpil’s shoulder, and for a moment he’s relieved that maybe she realizes what’s going on
but wonpil only hears a soft yawn coming from her, and she returns to using his very rigid shoulder as her pillow during this bus ride
let’s just say that the next thirteen minutes was more stress-inducing than wonpil wanted it to be
right when the bus reaches the final stop (main campus), wonpil exerts any and all efforts he has to shake his shoulder, up and down, enough to elicit an awake response from this stranger 
the moment he feels her let up, wonpil dashes through that bus door like there’s no tomorrow
he is greeted with the coldest wind hitting his face, and his shoulder feeling numb from all the.. pillow roleplaying it did, if you will 
wonpil feels bad, borderline guilty for leaving her like that— what if she’s asleep until now?? he can almost hear soft snores from her end for a minute there, too, and it took so much of wonpil to resist chuckling at it while in panic mode simultaneously
suffice to say, he was not able to read the rest of the document
in wonpil’s defense, he had encountered it first hand — how stress overcomes one’s body and mind 
he forces himself to focus on what’s ahead, as boring as it sounds
he enters the lecture hall with a few minutes so spare, deciding to sit in the back
the projector screens are big and wonpil is not about to take his chances of getting called on today
luckily enough, he finds a row with visibly no other student sitting around the area 
shoulder feeling more alive, he comes back to his senses as well 
he takes off his outer sweater as it had become toastier inside. he still had a couple layers beneath his clothes
as the professor starts talking, wonpil finds himself yawning a few times
he doesn’t know if the video playing on screen is boring him or the girl in the bus affected his sleepiness
suddenly he remembers the smell of coffee, and how that’d sound real good right about now 
he slaps both of his cheeks lightly, trying to take him back in the zone of at least writing down important notes 
he’s on the fifth bullet point of his note-taking when the door behind him opens abruptly
it wasn’t loud or disrupting to the whole class, virtually no one even batted an eye
but thats because they’re far from the door
and wonpil is literally ten feet away, so when he feels the cold suddenly hit his back he had to know the source of the sudden hit in temperature
the class hadn’t been going on for less than an hour, and there have been students coming in on the other end of the auditorium
so wonpil isn’t that surprised that another student has just arrived 
he caught a glimpse of her hair, but that’s about it as wonpil goes back to his tedious notes 
until the very same person scoots herself in wonpil’s row
he huffs under his breath, the illusion of some privacy now shattered 
with a polite (semi-forced) smile, wonpil turns to the side to greet his classmate
again, wonpil becomes frozen in spot 
kind of like when you feel a magnetic pull somewhere, you follow it
and then suddenly you see it from afar, not believing your eyes if it’s actually real; if it’s actually there
in wonpil’s case, he’s one seat away from her
recognizing the flow of her hair, but more importantly
that distinct scent of coffee beans from her clothes 
this time, wonpil has a clear look on her face and he’s… speechless 
his polite smile has turned into a look of awe, eyes glued towards her 
she senses his gaze, turns to him and quickly bows down as a polite greeting 
“sorry, but has the class been going on for a while?” 
she speaks 
“oh, um, what— what?” 
“oh,” she looks confused, but rephrases her question, “what time did the class start? i had a hard time finding this lecture hall.” 
she’s talking to him, not just leaning her head on his shoulder
was all wonpil could say 
“it started at 7? cool, i’m not that late then!” she cheers, grinning shyly. wonpil watches the way she puts a strand of hair tucked beneath her ear. she’s pulling out her laptop from her bag when she notices a pair of wide eyes still on her person
“is… is this seat taken?” she asks, and wonpil hasn’t even taken in the fact that this is the same person from the bus 
tongue-tied wonpil strikes again, blinking back his own obliviousness to her question
“i mean— no, now it is, by you. you’re sitting there, um, i— feel free to sit wherever you want”
he’s scrambling for his words, flustered cheeks heating up amidst the warmth of the room
she just nods her head in understanding, and wonpil finally realizes he’s been staring at her direction for longer than he should have
the professor verbalized into her mic which causes wonpil to look to the front all of a sudden 
right, right. he’s at a lecture. what’s gotten him so fidgety and embarrassed and now all that he’s pretending to type on his google doc is
just so he looks busy next to the girl who fell asleep on him on the bus
was there any point in preoccupying his mind with thoughts of her, and her head resting on him? no it’s stupid, wonpil knows this. 
people do it all the time, by accident, due to exhaustion, they don’t mean a thing by it
but wonpil is curious, and this is going to kill him. for sure
so he peeks at her again, and like a normal, decent student that she is (compared to wonpil at this point let’s be real) her hands are busy hand writing whatever the professor was saying
meanwhile, wonpil continues to sdfjskgnglddfjs his way to a passing B in this class
even in this large, spacious lecture hall he can still take in her scent
maybe it’s a new perfume that’s up and coming, that’s why it smells so strongly on her
oh! he can ask that? hey, do you mind sharing what line of perfume you’re using? it smells really good
it sounds like a common question, right? i mean if you wear strong fragrances you’re bound to be asked a question about it
he’s about to ask, he really was so ready to ask, what was he gonna lose? his dignity? 
over a simple, inquisitive question? 
“and now before we go on a twenty minute break, it’s time to introduce yourself to the person sitting close to you”
why do college professors have to do this? 
wonpil bites his lip, at this point in time he’s a senior who’s fed up with ice breakers like this. if it were any other person sitting next to him, in front of him, behind him— he would just go with his usual introduction
“hi i’m kim wonpil, studying psychology and i graduate in the spring. i’m taking this class for a major requirement” 
then go about his merry way.
but with her? she and him have history
sort of, and it’s the kind of history that is recent and wonpil is unsure if she is even aware of the weird string of fate-like connection they have 
or, wonpil, hear your consciousness out
it’s not a big deal, and in the scenario she doesn’t remember she fell asleep on the bus on another person
then you can just say hi like usual, and cut the string of fate there and then
(but does wonpil really want that?)
oh crap she’s started it 
wonpil braces himself for whatever outcome this interaction comes out to. he’ll let her speak, and tailor his response from there
“i’m sorry, this might be really weird but that’s your sweater, right?” 
so she didn’t give her name, her major, anything substantial about herself but instead shoots wonpil a question
pointing at the sweater that’s draped on the seat in front of wonpil
wonpil doesn’t even check to look. he gulps, nods his head and squeaks, “yeah… why?” 
something in her eyes flash by, almost like a glint of recognition
she puts a hand on her mouth, and wonpil can make out the faintest shade of pink blushing its way to her ears
it’s kinda cute
“did someone happen to… fall asleep on you on the bus coming to campus today?” 
“... yes?” 
“that was me” she buries her face even further into her hands, almost lowering down to the chair 
wonpil thought she was gonna fall for some reason so he had to remedy the situation somewhat
“i.. i, um, did you have a good nap?” 
great comeback 
wonpil was so ready to leave the auditorium and never come back after the break
but he hears her giggle, and slowly come out of her shyness
and it’s a sweet sight, to finally see the way her cheeks look full of embarrassed laughter
as she twirls around a length of hair nervously
and taps the pen on the surface of her desk repeatedly 
it was endearing, and wonpil forgets about why he was panicking in the first place 
she then explains that she had work the whole day, and only had an hour to rest up before going to this 7pm class
wonpil listens intently, watching her mannerisms and the lilt in her voice when she continues to apologize for falling asleep on him without realizing it
“i’m not usually a deep sleeper, but work was exceptionally tiring today and i just needed at least a bit of shut eye” wonpil nods understandingly, almost worried about her health
“where do you work if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“at the coffee shop a few blocks away from campus,” she answers, head tilting to the side “i’m still wearing my uniform for it… is it too obvious?”
wonpil didn’t even realize her black long sleeves was a cafe uniform
but it did explain her strong coffee smell 
“something like that,” wonpil decided to say, curling his lips upward, feeling content and relieved at the turnout of events 
for the 20 minute break, wonpil thought they’d reconcile over what transpired between them and mind their own business soon enough— even if he thinks it’s hard to do that now knowing something about her
which intrigues wonpil 
and, quite frankly, he’d like to talk to her more
just so he has an excuse to watch her emotions paint her face beautifully
but there was a pause right after their short conversation 
and in real Awkward Wonpil Fashion, he shows her the 30 page reading material, in all of its flimsy glory and starts asking questions about it
“so uh did you read the whole thing? i thought it was interesting up until the part that i dozed off” 
and wonpil got his wish; he sees her eyes shine in surprise at his sudden attempt of an intellectual discussion
but she doesn’t deter him away
and actually, she’s read the whole damn thing. and wonpil was beyond amazed at the level of detail she explains to him about the parts he didn’t understand
he actually starts typing real notes while she was talking
this made her laugh in between her explanations, and wonpil didn’t understand what was so funny about
the fight or flight response
“it’s just. the way you’re typing this down so seriously, i’m sure the prof can explain it better”
wonpil shakes his head no, shakes it so much it hurt his temples
she laughs again, and he likes hearing that sound
“do you want to see what i’ve typed the past hour and a half of this class?’
“bet :p”
“actually nevermind” flashbacks of dsfkjsdjffdslkg ring true in wonpil’s mind as he quickly backspaces the nonsense in his notes
and the conversation continues from more psychology talks, to figuring out they’re in the same major but she’s a recent transfer student from last year 
and had been juggling work and school since the start of her senior year
wonpil wonders why he hasn’t seen her in the coffee shop yet
he would have done a double take the first time meeting her there for sure
“oh you’re too kind,” she suddenly replies??? 
wonpil had said his thoughts out loud 
without further embarrassing him, she says that she had only started working there since it’s more convenient for her; wonpil feels grateful she doesn’t dwell on the compliment any longer
alas, the break finishes and the droll of the professor’s voice reverberates throughout the room
this time, though, wonpil definitely feels more alert (awake enthusiastic) as the two of them exchange little comments about the class material
and before you know it, class is over and wonpil is an excited bunny. since they’re by the door they got to leave before everyone else
wonpil thinks it’s time to part ways… but this time they’re not fully strangers at all. they’re taking the same class, same major, they even know each other’s name. 
surely this isn’t the last time, right?
“hey, wonpil…” he didn’t even realize that they have started walking towards the bus stop together
“i think i owe you one,” she starts, stopping her tracks to face him. eyebrows up in hesitation, wonpil waits for her to finish
“you know, for taking over your personal space for my own comfort”
“oh that? haha that’s nothing :)” honestly if wonpil can do it again he’d volunteer in a heartbeat
“no, really. let me make it up to you. coffee? on me? i make a mean cappuccino” she winks 
it strikes through wonpil’s heart 
no need for resuscitation.. yet
“or a matcha latte? whatever you’d like it’ll be on me”
“anything!” wonpil exclaims, suddenly realizing the offer being given to him, the excitement bubbling up inside him again. “i mean, anything you’d like to have me try. surprise me,” he corrects himself
that manages to have her grin widely, eyes twinkling in excitement similar to wonpil’s and he thinks
they can get along
they can get to know each other better this way 
“would you be up to go for one now?” 
“oh— oh! now?” 
“yeah, that way none of us takes the risk of falling asleep back on the bus hehe” 
well, he really wouldn’t mind that happening a second time
“really now, wonpil?”
andddd he exposed himself again
it’s fine, she tugs his hand slightly to lead him to the bus that has arrived and wonpil follows in a daze
it’s a little full, so they have no other choice but to stand and hold onto the railings above
“guess no falling asleep here…” she teases, and now wonpil can’t use his hands to hide his blushing face
but the feeling of her just close by 
and the scent of coffee lingering in the air
in between them
just inches away from each other
it’ll do for now
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sparkly-angell · 6 years
Stuckony Fic Rec because why not
*= series
ATTENTION! LOST ARM (If found please contact:) by Fakesheep-luna Teen, 8k Bucky doesn't understand why everyone is so worked up. He just went out for a few drinks, made some new friends and passed out in a dumpster. No big deal! "No big deal??" Steve squeaks, throwing his hands up in the air "You lost your arm! And you don't even remember how!" "Well, at least it wasn't the good one."
Guys!! This fic is comedy approved! its really good, made me laugh a lot, and the plot? amazing. Go read!
Break In by Tenspencerriedplease 7k Scott Lang, at least, understood why Tony hated this stupid job so damn much. He had a Masters degree in engineering but Tony was working on a PhD. Unfortunately for him even with his previous experience and schooling- good schooling- he was stuck working in a knockoff version of McDonald’s meets Subway. At least he works there until he meets Steve and Bucky.
askfjnsfdjsn aaaaaaaa I love gang AU and this one is Great. Highly recomend!
Brooklyn Boys - Bakey Au* by Quicksylver28 Teen/Mature 27k Tony is a bachelor college professor who walks into Steve and Bucky's Bakery/ Cafe. Awkward Flirting ensues.... and fluff, we wont forget the fluff.
ITS SO SWEET! Pun intended. Gosh, I wish I could eat all those baked goods. Sounds delicious. Anyways, the fic is sweet. Peter is a good friend.
Bruises and Drunken Heart Tattoos by Akira_of_the_twilight Teen, 6k An older man in his thirties was standing over Bucky with a bottle of aspirin in one hand, and the fingers of his other hand still gripping the rim of the cup he’d set down on the nightstand. Amber eyes blinked at Bucky in mild surprise. The man’s lips curved into a teasing smirk. “I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
I wanna hug Tony so hard over the course of this fic. It’s cute the way they fall in love. And it’s also funny. 
Canvas, Ink & Paint* by Ficlicious Teen, 11k Bucky's got one goal: to rescue a captured SHIELD agent and get out before the guards realize he's not one of them. Unfortunately, apparently he's also got soulmates, and when their messages and sketches start appearing on his skin, his mission becomes a complicated mess of trying not to get caught covered in their ink.
!!!!!! I love soulmate aus and this fic is one of my favorites!! Poor Bucky, tho, he was just trying to do his work. Go read!! 
Carrier by Just_another_tinker Explicit, 49k Steve and Bucky gift Tony with their jacket that survived from the 1940's. Turns out that wasn't the only thing that survived.
YALL. SO. MUCH. ANGST. and with a happy ending? someone said Pining? PERFECTION. I love the group dimensions in this fic. 
Comic Books and Kings by Ashes0909 Explicit, 10k Tony Stark read Captain America comics and everyone knew it, but it was only ever about Bucky Barnes.
Freacking great! Tony having a crush on Bucky before his crush on Steve? Godsent. 
Coffee Love* by Syriala Good, 8k Tony thought his best day was when Steve walked into the coffee shop he was working in. That was until Bucky came in a few days later.
The fluff!! The flirting!! Their kind of pining! *heart eyes*
Cried For Love (Can’t Stand It) by Potrix Explicit, 7k Bucky braces his hands on his hips, and tilts his head to the side, expression caught somewhere between anxious, confused, and nervous. “Well, shit.” “Yeah,” Steve agrees, worrying at his bottom lip, and rubbing at the back of his neck. “That can’t be good.”
Steve and Bucky become spirits and Tony blames himself (which he shouldn’t but thats Tony for you). I love this fic a loooot! (and i wanna hug tony a loooot too)
Difficult Conversations by Yumekiumono Mature, 34k HYDRA had brainwashed their Asset into silence, and then muzzled him to boot. It's not that surprising that Bucky no longer considers talking to be one of his strong suits. So why does he keep having to have difficult conversations? Or, the road to loving Tony Stark is never an easy one.
!!! Man! Tony/Bucky is strong in this fic, but also Steve is there and he is cute. Ive read some WinterIron fics with a similar plot, but the fact that this is Stuckony makes it 100% better. 
Don’t Say It by Bibliomaniac Teen, 35k Tony Stark is autistic and nonverbal. Which is fine, obviously, except for it means that Steve and Bucky don't have his words, and it only takes him a few minutes to decide they don't need to know he has theirs. That's also totally and definitely fine, until he goes and falls in love with them.
So. Fuckin. Good! Soulmate au. Its a must read fanfic. For real. The pining and the angst. Gosh, Tony is the best fuckin person. He doesn’t deserve all this pain.
Eagles by Spqr Teen, 6k Natasha presses her hand over her heart, and – Tony has heard rumors, that her skin is blank, or that she killed her other half, but he doesn’t believe them. “They deserve to know, don’t you think?” “They’ve been together for ninety years, Nat,” he says. “They’re practically married. There’s no room for me.”
Gosh!! Another soulmate au. Me addicted in them? yes. This one hurts more. I think i really cried while reading it. But has a happy ending so its worth it! 
From Winter’s Cold by 27dragons Explicit, 64 Thanks to one of Thor's crazy stalkers, Tony finds himself stranded in the past. If he significantly changes the course of history, he might never get home again. The choice, when it appears, turns out to be not nearly as difficult as he might have expected.
I simply love this fic. One of my personal favorites! Tony is taken back to 1945 and he finds no one other than.... Bucky. Go read! 
Liebestraum No.3 in A Flat by Daecyan_Shikoba Teen, 10k I humbly request to the pianist: Liebestraum No.3 in A flat
Im actually just doing this rec because of this fic. sfdjnsdkjfsn i love it SO much. Pianist Tony has a crush on his neighbours and has anonymous requests to play the piano. Its great. This fic is so relaxing to read.  
Long Distance by Notevenclosetostraight Explicit, 44k At the end of a bad day, Tony gets drunk and texts Rhodey all his woes. Except he typed the wrong number, and has been texting someone named Steve– who is blond, 28, teaches art and somehow charmed by Tonys drunk rambles.
Go read!!!!!!!! Its cute, full of sexy times and fluff. 
Hands by ezazahaz Teen, 1k He pushed harder, feeling the suit start to crack under his metal hand, the arc reactor giving way. Just a bit more force, and it might push through the grafted skin and false sternum that had replaced the device that had once been a part of the man. This time, instead of saving the man's heart, it would crush it, and he could never hurt Bucky again, never hurt Steve again. Bucky has a nightmare.
I know this one is smoll. But! it’s full of emotion and hurt/comfort. It’s cute. Mostly Bucky/Tony
Hollowness by amobisan Explicit, 63k It feels like a hollowness, when Tony first realizes. First sees. And the first thought, the first thought his useless, traitorous, genius brain can come up with was "At least this time when he leaves, it wasn't your fault."
So. Many. Feels. Tony is so selfless and sad it’s painful. But there’s also so much fluff!!! And a Lot of sexy times. 
How Good You’ve Got It by Orphan Account Mature, 2k Tony was only trying to work on deciphering Loki's power signature, which admittedly what Steve would call 'poking an angry brown bear with a pointy stick'. But if he could just- Shit. It wasn't supposed to do that.
Goddamn. One of my favorite fics!! I’ve already reread this like, three times. It’s small, I know, but the plot? Incredible.
Me through Him to You* by sahiya Teen/Explicit, 71k “You’re sick, you need someone to look after you. This mission could take a couple of days, and I want you in one piece when I get home.” Tony sighed. “Why do you care?” Steve’s mouth twisted unhappily. “I hope that’s the fever talking.” He stepped closer. “When I get home,” he said, so quietly that Tony didn’t think even the nosiest of their nosy friends could hear it, “we’re going to talk, all right? Until then, please let Bucky look after you. Consider it me looking after you, through him.”
First fic: sick fic, sick fic, sick fic!! Fluff!!! Love! Second fic: all. the. angst. you never knew you needed, with ahappy ending, tho. 
Not Like That At All by Catchclaw Explicit, 8k One last gig. That’s what Steve tells himself this'll be.
Hilarious! I s w e a r it’s so funny. I mean- theres a lot of smut that happens but the end? comical. And sweet. Go read!
One Date Wonder by Arukou Explicit, 20k Every week, the same guy comes into Steve and Bucky's diner and every week, he's got a new date on his arm. Guy just can't seem to catch a break, and after a particularly bad date, Steve and Bucky start taking matters into their own hands to help him out.
Sweet, cute, fluffy! Poor Tony I want to hug him :’( Amazing Diner!Au, a must read.
Pretend You Don’t Know Me!  by Aknightofagoodking Teen, 16k Peter forgets that his class is taking a field trip to Stark Tower. Tomorrow. ["So you want us to pretend we don't know you that well?" Mister Stark asks, looking somewhat unhappy. "Yes! Exactly! Pretend I'm actually just an intern. Can you do that for me, please?"]
Ok, so this focus more on Peter. But Stuckony as Peter’s dad? Isn’t that just the best thing in the world? 
Scientific Heresy by Antigrav_vector Mature, 34k In the process of running the particle accelerator in his basement and fixing the arc reactor, Tony finds himself flung into the past where he has to take on a fight not his own if he wants to get home to stop Vanko. At least he had a chance to replace the old rector that had been killing him with the new one before everything went sideways... But now he has no choice but to face off with family, friends, and old heroes, and none of that sounds remotely appealing. Well, okay, getting to meet them all during their glory days kinda does.
AAAA Ok, I love time travel stories, so i might be biased a little, but this is the best!! There’s a lot of action scenes which are great and engaging. It’s a must read. 
That Damn Flight Suit by Orphan Account Explicit, 2k James and Steve make a very interesting discovery about what really is under the Iron Man suit. Cue awkward boners, oblivious Tony, and slightly possessive super-soldiers who really don't want to share his...assets... with the world.
I mean- It’s smut. 
The Sex Shop Around the Corner by sadieb798 Mature, 16k Tony really hates his job. When he tries to figure out what he wants to do next, Tony decides that instead of making weapons for war, he should make things for pleasure. So he decides he's going to open his own sex shop.
cmon, tell me this isn’t the best au out there. skdjfsdkfsn but for real tho, the fic is full of fluff, some pining and kind of a mis communication? perfect. 
The Shirt by Sailorchibi Explicit, 3k How an impulsive decision that Tony made at sixteen and an equally impulsive decision that Tony made at forty-three combined to have the best outcome ever.
Smut. Again. But its damn good as well.
The Stories We Write by Notevenclosetostraight Mature, 33k A question at an interview leads to Steve and Bucky discovering fan fiction, and after piles of coffeeshop au's and fake dating tropes (and screaming over ABO fics) they find an author that writes some of the best fics they've ever read-- reader inserts starring a dark haired, dark eyed male reader as their shared love interest.
This fic is so freacking amazing!! Steve and Bucky are such nerds. Tony is mostly unaware until--
Thats it!!! Hope you enjoy reading them all :) If you want more, you know where to find me ;)
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osseincactus · 5 years
Fallout Oc Companion Meme
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I got tagged by @satanasss666 to do this! This is a “Lynn never became courier 6 so she never got shot in the head and instead was just the weird part-time mailman, rich ncr girl au” 
This ended up being way longer than I intended so I’m putting it under a read more. Hopefully it’s easy to read ;; I don’t write all this for nothing. 
You have a chance to find Lynn at any ncr camps, although you will always have a higher chance of finding her at Camp McCarran. If you don’t have her recruited as a companion and she’s wandering a camp the npcs around may have special dialogue the mentions her being there. If you have high enough speech or barter you can convince Colonel Hsu at McCarran to call Lynn to the camp. It’ll take a day for her to get there however. She will not be recruitable if the player has positive reputation with the powder gangers. 
 Name: Lynn Elizabeth Chelsea 
Weapons: Sweetie (her gold club, it has a unique texture covered in stickers with chipped pink paint and a bow tied to the handle), power fists, and a plasma defender. 
Companion perk: Keeping the Peace: ncr will never be hostile regardless of the players reputation. Player will gain almost double the reputation with the ncr each time rep is gained. 
I think we should travel together: “Oh thank god, I thought you’d never ask! {whispered} Just between you and me, I’d rather be anywhere but here.” / “I knew ya wouldn’t survive being away much longer” 
Use Melee: “{chuckles} Yeah, just my speed.” / “{squeals} Oh fun! Ya won’t regret this!”
Use Ranged: “Uhh you sure ya wanna do that?” / “{groans} Ugh do I have to? Can’t you do it?” 
Open Inventory: “Having fun digging through my pockets huh?” / “Probably for the best I carry it yeah?” / (If you take any of the stuffed animals) “HEY! Don’t touch those they’re...{quietly} just don’t touch them okay?” 
Stay Close: “Don’t even have to ask doll.” / “You don’t have to beat around the bush ya know? I’ve seen the way you look at me {chuckles}”
Keep Distance: “Aww what, ya don’t like me anymore?” / “That’s good too! Ya know the view from here is great. {laughs}”  
Stealth: “Was that a joke? That’s not funny ya know.” / “Ah yeah, that’s code for “fail miserably and die” right?” 
Back up: “Agk sorry!” 
Be Passive: “You sound like dad ya know that?” / “{chuckles} ya gotta be soft like a lamb right” 
Be Aggressive: “Oh you’ve made me the happiest girl in the world!” / “Well dont tell Hsu or we’ll both be in trouble.” 
Use Stimpaks: “Oh you’re the doctor now?” / “{grumbles} If I need one I think I could decide for myself don’t ya think?”
Wait Here: “I’ll try.. not promising anything.” / “oh... yeah... okay...” 
Follow me: “YOU CAME BACK!!! I mean uhh...yeah lets go!” / “Ah you’re back, thank god!” 
Send to the Lucky 38: “{Gasps then squeals} Really? Like really really? Can I sleep on your bed? Are there holotapes there? I’m gonna steal your food is that okay with you? Ca-” (Player cuts her off) “Oh.. sorry.. imma go there now.. bye!” 
Send Home: “Really? Are you sure? ...Yeah I guess I have missed dad a bit...” / “You’re gonna come get me again right?” 
Combat: “Sweetie it’s fighting time!” / “Finally some action!” / “Oh boy... We got friends here!” (if enemies are raiders) “Don’t kill them. I wanna deal with it..” / “Not so fun now is it?” 
Death: “...cold... so.. cold..” / “That’s... not good...” / “In my bag... quick... I-...”
Lynn has a few special dialogue moments at certain locations. 
If the player shoots when there are no enemies around she will say, “GAck jesus watch out, don’t you think I have enough scars?”  
When travelling to any ranger station she’ll say “Oh dad used to bring me here... not very often, but sometimes! ...Not like there’s much to see here.” 
When traveling to Camp Golf she’ll mention that “It used to be like the others... ya know the big military camps that “get stuff done”... but now it’s just full of kids that I don’t think wanna be here.”
Lynn will comment on McCarran saying “Dad comes here a lot! So watch out... he might kill you with hugs if he catches us...” but she will only comment if you did not recruit her in McCarran. 
She will also comment on the dam warning you to “watch out for Moore.. she’s got claws..” 
Lynn will also give you one warning before she leaves you’re party permanently. 
If you gain high reputation with the powder gangers while she is recruited she will pull you aside and tell you “Listen, I’m not trying to tell ya how to live your life, but if this is gonna be the way you’re acting then I don’t think I want anything to do with you...” The player will need to pass a small speech check to promise her you wont continue helping them. 
If you continue to gain reputation, help the Khans get drugs to the fiends, or attack Camp McCarran Lynn will once again initiate a conversation “YOU BASTARD! You promised me you would stop, why would you help them? Do you like to see me hurt is that it? This whole time I trusted you just for you to turn around and do this? I... I think I should leave...” After this the conversation will end and the player will get a message saying Lynn has gone back to Camp McCarran. The player will also lose major reputation with the ncr and no longer be able to recruit Lynn as a companion as well as random npcs around the mojave will start to mention you hurting Lynn. If you attack McCarran before the first warning Lynn will leave without any dialogue.
Aggression: Aggressive 
Confidence: Foolhardy
Assistance: Helps friends and allies
Various people around the mojave will comment on Lynn:
Ncr soldiers will say “Is that August’s kid? I thought she hated coming outside?” / “Lynn? How’d you get her out?” or “Uhh does your dad know who you’re traveling with Lynn?”
Freeside residents will say “Hey Lynn! Y’all running jobs for your dad?” / “When you go back home could you tell Gus I need some help?” and “You’re in good company there!” 
While Freeside drunks will ask Lynn for some caps saying “This is the last time I promise.” 
The Followers of the Apocalypse say “Lynn! Is that a new recruit?” / “Julie is upstairs if you’re looking for her!” and “Y’all looking for Arcade? He’s in one of theses tents... probably..” 
AAAA this ended up being way too long but it was fun! I hope the read more i put works... imma post it here and come back later to add her companion quest once i figure that out!
I don’t know who all has done this so if you wanna do it just say I tagged you!
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all my thoughts watching 1992 Newsies for the first time in 4 years
Buckle your seatbelts this is a lot longer than I intended
- this music still means so much to me
- YAAAAAS SLAY PATRICK’S MOM why wasn’t this in the stage musical
- Elmer is so frikkin adorable
- look at them goooooooo
- ugh I love these bois
- C R U T C H Y
- I just can’t get over the feather in Oscar’s hat
- loving these instrumentals and harmonies
- LES WITH A TINY SWORD okay I love him
- I feel like I’ve seen Wiesel in something before
- “not like last time” “uh-huh” RACE WHAT AN ICON HAHAHA
- Davey I love you
- that look in Crutchy’s eyes when he says “ya learn from the best” is Priceless
- okay one glimpse of someone who may or may not look sorta like Katherine
- Where. Is. Hannah.
- “now, when I created the World-” *eye roll* haha love this guy
- *dramatic disney villain music*
- 57 rounds of boxing oof
- is that Snyder? that’s probably Snyder
- yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyep
- JACK WHAT DID YOU DO oh wait nope false alarm he’s fine
- “WAIT TILL I GET YOU BACK TO THE REFUUUUUUGE” good to know Snyder hasn’t lost his flair for drama
- “well you have a way of improving the truth” okay I see what all you Javid people mean now
- THAT’S MEDDA?!?!?!?!
- Larkson? wonder why they changed it
- Les I love you
- “oh, you’re good” okay she’s okay
- WHAT EVEN IS THIS SONG I’m very uncomfortable
- OH HIS PARENTS ARE OUT WEST IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW that’s really cool wonder why they cut that
- ooh we actually get to meet the whole Jacobs family!!!!!
- SARAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- those Knowing Looks TM between the Jacobs parents
- Les...sweetie...
- why is my head blaring “tonight” from west side story...the scenes looks so similar
- oh wow Santa Fe comes a lot earlier and THE FAMILY ASPECT UGH so good
- “ain’t you glad nobody’s waitin up for you” Jack sweetie aaaaaaaa!!!
- so this guy is totally cool with the fact that a random boy is singing on his wagon
- oh okay there’s a hat now?
- y e e t
- I’m not sure if we know enough about Jack to feel enough sympathy for him at this point, but it’s a short movie so
- so THIS is the dance break y’all have been talking about
- P R I C E L E S S
- he just. steals a horse
- and it all comes back to the family aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
- the instrumentals, lovely as usual
- that was a Ride
- still no Hannah.
- “dghdghdghdghdghdghdghdghdghdhgdgh” -the distinguished Joseph Pulitzer
- so they’re just giving Hannah’s lines to this guy. I like this guy but still bitter about The Severe Lack Of Hannah
- We Are All Love Mush
- “s w e l l” in case you didn’t know, I. LOVE. CRUTCHY.
- Les being the first one to agree with the strike and holding up his lil wooden sword- AAAAAAAAAAAAA
- oh boy here we go
- from what I’m seeing Boots is important WHERE IS HE BROADWAY I WANT ANSWERS
- this singing. wow. okay. cool.
- Davey just walking around them like “okay is this what we’re doing? musical numbers every day? right here in the street?”
- yas get those turns
- is this Denton? I feel like this might be Denton
- Jack honey that’s not how you pronounce it (I. Love. This. Movie.)
- okay Javids I can see where you’re coming from this is Really Something
- “he has to!” *thrown out of door* That’s movies for ya
- “so...is the newsie strike important? it all depends on you.” I like him. Give him a Watch What Happens come on disney I want a Denton song
- wow nice zoom-out this is so 90s I love it
- @ disney on broadway: Where. Is. Boots.
- that slingshot tho
- Davey you’re doing amazing sweetie
- okay he’s wearing The Hat again
- Davey getting into the Dramatics TM
- jumpy bois
- okay we’ve still got a few backflips and jump splits
- RACE HAS A HARMONICA?!?!?!?! love that for him
- Denton just kind of taking notes about their revolutionary dance number
- ooh here come the scabs I’m so ready for the monologue-wait where’s the monologue
- ok so it just breaks into a fight? what happened to “we’re all in this together”?
- yas tip that wagon just like in actual history! rip those papers! woooooo!
- oh no here come the bulls
- ominous musiiiiiiiiiic
- wow this is...quite a plan
- “Heya Dave, how ya doin?” I LOVE HIM.
- look at his faaaaaaaaaaaaaace
- he doesn’t want anyone carrying him? tell that to livesies Albert
- well yeah of course they’re not going to “just go away”
- “done with once and for all” heh heh
- THOSE H A R M O N I E S I love a capella
- yas you go drum kid
- oh boy it’s dance break time
- *t w i r l*
- I love them
- oh boy it’s the scabs
- Davey...honey...you tried
- uh oh someone has chains this can’t be good
- slingshots!!!!!!
- Spot you’re doing amazing sweetie
- y e e t
- Those fake punch sounds tho
- I love the picture this is so ugh I just love it
- oooooh I can feel it coming, KONY is coming
- “you’re famous you get anything you want! that’s what’s so great about NY!” HAHA RACE I’ve said it before I’ll say it again WHAT AN ICON
- so Jack is here for KONY, this is new (well for me at least)
- “and payin’ for lunch” R A C E
- the “dead or dreamin’” bit is still just so awesome
- this is just so filled with joy I’m in love with this movie
- this guy just “okay kids lovely musical number please leave”
- “hey, that’s Jack” Crutchy...sweetie...no....wait no wAIT NO WAIT NO
- Race steppin up to save the day
- what. an. icon.
- THE REACTION TO “is he dangerous” UGH I LOVE HIM
- ooh nice fire escape shot
- okay romantic subplot time I can see where this is going
- the way he leans against the window awwww
- wow these are...very typical gender roles
- she’s so pretty I can’t
- “there’s nothing for me to stay for is there” She. Is. Standing. Right. There. Whatareyoudoing
- “I’m not sayin it should matter to you" are you though “I’m just sayin...does it? matter?” okay AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWW 
- this pulitzer isn’t half as dramatic, he’s not quite showing the Actual Scary Capitalist, he’s more Typical Disney Villain
- oh there’s the don’t come a knockin melody
- they’re all dressed the same like a little gang of evil capitalists
- Davey looks so done I love him
- “what are we supposed to do, kiss em?” RACE IS SUCH AN ICON UGH
- wow they really shuffled the plot around
- hERE’S the monologue!
- Medda what’s happening
- I love their fan freak-outs in the audience
- is Sarah the only person that doesn’t know the song
- so extra
- Denton are you planning something
- “as in SNIDE? smile, sir” Denton is the greatest
- Medda come on you’re a dancer you’ve got to be stronger than that
- uh oh
- just y e e t up to the box seats
- that was the fakest of fake punches I’ve ever seen
- Dramatic Slo-Mo TM
- “the grounds of Brooklyn” SPOT OH MY GOD I LOVE YOU
- Denton to the rescue once again
- I actually don’t know how this is going to go
- wait his parents aren’t actually in Santa Fe????
- davey’s face aaaa
- this is heartbreaking
- “a useful and productive life” NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
- Denton why are you smiling what are you doing
- you don’t tell a huge group of kids that their story isn’t important you just don’t
- come on Denton we trusted you I mean I get it but still
- poor Davey
- omg he crumpled it up right in front of Denton? ooooof
- is this where the bribe and everything comes in?
- that screen swipe tho
- so I’m guessing this is Pulitzer’s mansion or something?
- Pulitzer what are you wearing
- the way the statue is positioned to be shooting at him-nice touch
- it’s villain monologue time
- okay uh he wasn’t talking that time
- he’s not actually looking Jack in the eye?
- yes Jack
- ooooooooooooooooh the suspense
- Dramatic Villain Look
- it’s not a disney movie without a banister slide
- so THIS is the alleyway scene
- even the music wow
- oh Sad Reprise time
- “you’re the only light that’s guidin me today” *crutchy appears* yeah that was intentional
- Crutchy’s face....
- this is Heartbreaking
- Wiesel’s face makes this 8000 times worse
- oh no...dAVEY OH NO NO NO NO NO
- “we don’t need you!” this is Real Pain
- “never!” DAVEY I LOVE YOU
- Les sweetie you’re so trusting and they’re still trying to protect your feelings ugh I love
- Jacobs Family Antics for the win
- so he just leaves
- at least the other stopped him
- yes Sarah punch him
- oh god here come the brass knuckles
- Jack finally coming to his senses
- it’s about freakin time
- “remember Crutchy?” *bash* ICONIC
- “no, smart.” Jack I love you but you really don’t see how important your newsie family is do you
- Denton spilling the tea
- he shushes Sarah but they’re gonna have a musical number soon yep makes total sense
- wait the whole song is in their heads? MUSICAL TELEKINESIS
- once and for all will always be a bop
- “just hope I get to thank him for it someday” LOVE
- Y      E       E      T
- yes boys hold that long note as you dramatically pan across a brick wall
- so this is Roosevelt
- so this is where Blush comes from
- it’s just. really good music
- what’s up with these bike people
- everyone knows the words now apparently
- beautiful chord
- what an epic, triumphant feeling this must have been
- “and such awful language” glad that’s in there
- but you didn’t break him now didja
- so you really think yelling “go home” is going to change everything
- shouting match ftw
- “we only use the best, Joe, so I just wanted to say: thanks again” AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA LOVE
- what’s he whispering to Les-wait AWWWWWWWWW
- this is such a Disney movie I love it
- wait now what
- is this what I think it is
- “you don’t have to run. not anymore” I officially love Denton
- okay the “blessed children” melody playing while kids are freed is Poetic Cinema
- still not used to that spelling btw
- “share what you got in common” CRUTCHY I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF
- almost makes you feel bad for snyder. key word: ALMOST. hahaha
- “wait who comes walkin in” OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HERE WE GO
- “that’s roosevelt?” Race I love you
- “so, uh..could he...drop me at the trainyards?” Jack. Old buddy. Old pal. What
- his face shaking teddy’s hand and the music slkdfjlshgoeibnclfboeifvl
- what’s happening he’s just riding away?!?!?!
- im heartbreak
- and jack smiling so big okay Big Sad
- love how they’re playing like it’s the end of the movie and by love I mean endless angst
- You know that part in the sound of music when they’re trying to sing but it’s just Not The Same without Maria? Yeah that’s this
- Davey’s lil smile ugh I love him
- the music is building Jack is coming back I can Feel It
- Les reacting! aaaa! this has become a Les Appreciation Post
- Denton’s reaction!
- “besides, I got family here” HIS FACE AND DAVEY’S FACE
- Les just beaming up at him AAAAAAAAA
- okay gotta admit this is REALLY FREAKIN CUTE
- look at them go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Y E E T
- did someone in the crowd just say “it’s crazy”
- well, guys and gals and nonbinary pals, this was A Ride
- thank you for joining me on this journey
29 notes · View notes
transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 16
Jimmy and Nick got the king just where they wanted. The boy genius did all the talking, while Nick just stood beside his friend. Jimmy discussed the people, the finances, and the benefits of serving the community. Jason was really getting into the proposal, from how the boys were looking at it. He seemed to be interested, and he even didn't ask any questions, which would've gave the boys an opportunity to dig for his interests like Jimmy intended to.
It was a lot easier than they expected to be. Maybe this king really is dumb. Jason just sat his big behind down on that throne, smiling and agreeing to all their notions. He even threw in some compliments. Despite all the positivity they've gained so far, Nick was sweating from the inside of his armor. If Jimmy screws this up, then they could have another appointment. ...with a noose.
"So, may we have your opinion?" Asked Jimmy.
The king continued to sit there, widely smiling, and staying silent. Jimmy snapped his fingers in his face to awaken him.
"Oh, you're done? I mean, how staggering! I am quite hath moved by this presentation thee put forward! Grant you mercy to thee, gentlemen, I has't now did look upon the errors of my ways. My lord, so many unhappy individuals! They do very much misprise me yond much?" Said Jason. "Yeah. One of our friends mentioned they wanted to turn you into a skin suit." Replied Nick, before being nudged by Jimmy. "Goodness! I've just about heard enough! I won't stand for this injustice any longer! As the king, it is mine own responsibility to give what is best for my people! What have I become? I has't forgotten the wise words my father bestowed upon me: Make the world great again!" "Oooookay. Does that mean we have your approval?" Asked Jimmy. "Absolutely!" "You hear that, Nic-" -"Aaaa! BUT, on one condition!" "Huh?" "I've agreed on your half of the bargain, now it's time you hear mine. And before you bring up any more questions, we shall discuss this over dinner tomorrow."
Jimmy and Nick shot a glance at each other, confused. So it's just too good to be true, eh?
"Can... ...we invite some friends?" Asked Jimmy. "I'd be delighted if you brought your friends. As many friends as you please. As long as they don't disturb us while we're talking about: THE DEAL."
Suddenly, a loud boom was heard. Jimmy, Nick, Jason, and Richard followed the sound, and there was Diana in the main hall, fending off a few guards, with a huge hole in the wall behind her. Everyone soon stopped when the king was present.
"Jimmy! Nick! You're alright! Sorry to make a scene, boys, but it's been an hour and I thought it was now my time to take action, just like you said!" Said Diana. "Your greatness, pardon her manners. She's with us." Jimmy noted to the king. "This thing- I mean, she's one of your friends?" Asked Jason. "Yeah. I know it may seen strange, given the high age gap and all." Replied Nick.
Jason winched an eye at Diana. He didn't know this giant was a woman. Sure, she had the face for it, but a body like that shouldn't belong to a female, he thought. And she also dressed very masculine, opposed to the normal womanly attire, such as dresses or gowns. Judging by that hole in the wall, which he can assume she made herself, and the way she easily fended his guards, she was strong. Very strong. Like Hercules. Women aren't suppose to be strong. Once again, the king forced a smile on his face.
"Heh heh, don't worry about the wall, gentlemen. I'll get the royal carpenter on that." Said the King. "Wait, I have a few questions about this favor!" Asked Jimmy. "During dinner, my boy! During dinner! Wear your best cloak! Richard, order the staff to release the drawbridge!"
The drawbridge then descended, leading to an opening out for our young heroes. Butterscotch was outside, playing poker with a random knight. As the stallion spotted his owner and the two boys, he abandoned his game and galloped over to them. Before they were ready to leave, Diana helped both Jimmy and Nick up on the horse's back, then spoke to King Jason for the first time.
"Sooooooo, you're the king. The one who got a lot of people hanged, for the littlest crimes. Well... You... ...certainly look more... ...handsome than I pictured."
King Jason was not pleased with the brawny woman's words. Another thing he wanted to add about what he didn't like about this woman: She had a personality, which is apparently something a woman should never have. However, he would've been more upset if he knew she was lying right now. His appearance alone made Diana cringe. Even if he's not that bad in the eyes, it's his priorities that make him ugly. This is a man who resorted to harsh punishments, and left the needy in poverty. Her, Benson, and Rodent Girl are unemployed, and are driven to the farthest area away from the village because of him. She would do anything to punch him in his stupid face on spot.
"Are you alright, madam?" Asked Jason. "Huh?" Replied Diana. "You've been staring at me for two whole minutes, with that weird look in your eye." "Oh. Uh, your greatness... It's just that pretty mug of yours! How could anyone look away?" "Well, stop that! It's blamed disturbing!" "Your wish is my command!"
After a short bow, Diana turned around with a change of expression. The four then journeyed away, and the king waved goodbye.
"You see, Nick? Hook, line, and sink 'em." Said Jimmy under his breath. "I just can't believe we made it out of there with our lives."
While making their way to the hut, Nick felt the trip was getting a little too quiet, so he decided to entertain everyone by summarizing the plot of his favorite movie; Insect-Man: Around The Bug-Verse.
"As the stranger was about to lay a finger on Miley, whom she presumed was the Growler, she acted fast by knocking them out with an unexpected wasp sting she didn't know she had until now. After that, she decided to examine the unconscious body out of curiosity. To her shock, the stranger looked none other than Frankie Fender, the original Insect-Man! Only older. And he was fat. Also bald. Not that bald. 'But how?' she thought. 'That's impossible! He's supposed to be dead! I was there when The Don dispatched him with the biggest can of bug repellent money could buy!'"
Jimmy was really getting into the plot, even Butterscotch, although he was confused over the mentions of modern technology and chemical engineering. Diana, however, wasn't paying attention. She only had one thing on her mind.
"(Punch Jason. Punch Jason. Punch Jason. Punch Jason. Punch Jason. Punch Jason. Punch Jason.)"
18 minutes later, hut sweet hut. Benson was watering the crops, and Rodent Girl was napping in them with her rat friends. Nick continued to discuss the plot with Jimmy as they got off of Butterscotch.
"And that's how it ends. Miley Moraze carried on the legacy of a deceased superhero by living as Insect-Girl. And what makes her feel better about taking this job is knowing she is not alone. ...as long as there's 50 different multiverses with 50 different Insect-People in them. The end." "Wow. What an interesting story. I feel like I wanna see it for myself, despite that you pretty much spoiled the whole plot. Eh, I could probably just erase my memory." "It's no longer playing in theaters, but it did release on Bloo-Raid recently! Plus an extended viewing of the film in the special features!" "Hey, did the older Frankie ever make up with his wife back in his universe?" "Nah. He realized he never really loved her, and now he's on the rebound indefinitely." "Sounds like he had the right notion. As for Miley and Kevin (aka the Spectacular Firefly), I wish it would've worked out for them. They seemed like a good, healthy couple." "Yeah. (FOR CHRIST SAKES, BOY! CAN'T WE LET TWO MAIN CHARACTERS OF THE OPPOSITE GENDER BE FRIENDS FOR ONCE?!)" "And the whole conceptual, about a suppercollider that is competent of opening portals to multiple parallel universes antithesis from ours. Theoretically, it can be dangerous to perform in real life just as it’s performed in fiction. But I’d like to try it someday. *Silent evil laughter*” "Please don't. I'm not ready to meet another me."
Rodent Girl then woken up as cold water hit her face. The first thing she saw when she opened her eyes was Jimmy and Nick. Excited, she got up and scurried towards them.
"Was the mission a success?" Asked Rodent Girl. "Like giving a monkey a banana!" Replied Jimmy. "So I guess that means employment is open to us, right?! And meat won't be pricey anymore?!" "Not quite yet. You see, the king asks for something in return, and wants to discuss it over dinner tomorrow." "'In return?' What could the king want- Could he be looking for an heir? All his lovers have vainly delivered nothing but girls. Or he needs a transfusion! Rumor has it that his body is soon ready to give out. If that's the general case, better off leaving this deal, cuz nature will eventually take its course anyways." "I don't know. He hasn't told us yet. Although, it could be one of those two options, judging by the weird look he gave us from our first encounter." "I'd rather donate blood to this man than let him be my dad. (Two bad dads are already too many)" Said Nick.
Benson butted into the conversation.
"Was he as viled as the people proclaimed?" "I can't find an answer to that. He's been nice to us this whole time." Replied Jimmy. "Even though we broke into his castle and got caught imitating his staff." Also, replied Nick. "You got caught trespassing and yet made a good impression on him?! (You lucky bastards!) Are you sure he hasn't arranged for a hanging?" "Nope!" Both replied. "Was he white?" Rodent Girl butted in again. "... Why do you want to know about his race?" Asked Jimmy. "Because the biggest birtbags only turn out to be white, DUH." "Yeeeeeeeaaaaaah, he was most definitely white." Replied Nick. "I KNEW IT!"
Then Diana butted in.
"And do we really have to dine with this tyrant? Those three minutes of interaction felt like hell to me. You had no idea how much strength I had to restrain myself with! I'm physically strong, not mentally!" "We need to give off a positive impact on the man by attending as a big happy family. And besides... We're still a little nervous doing it on our own. If it makes you feel better, you don't have to eat his food!" Said Jimmy. "Do, we have to dress formally for this event? Like, the men wear suits, and the women wear dresses?” "He didn't mention a dress code of some kind. So guess it's a causal dinner? Heh heh." "*Deep breaths* Okay. If it's for the sake of the people and ours, I'll try to buck up. But I'm not gonna eat his food!" "I've already suggested that." "And we can't tell or invite Mitzi!" Said Nick. "Why?" "Beeeeeeeecause... We wanna surprise her! The woman has been salty towards me and my friend since our first arrival, and it looks as though she still isn't warming up to us. We wanna prove that she's been wrong about us this whole time by showing what a excellent deed we've done! It will do her heart good!" "It doesn't seem right to exclude Mitzi. We're a family! Which means we all sit at the same table together, and no exceptions!" "Trust me, Di! Everyone loves surprises!" "But, Mit-" "Everyone loves surprises!" "We can't just-" "Everyone loves surprises!" "I-" "EVERYONE LOVES SURPRISES!" Shouted Jimmy, forcing a smile. "Okay."
Actually, Jimmy and Nick had an obvious good reason to exclude Mitzi. It's bad enough she thinks they're spawns of Satan in disguise, looking for a juicy victim to take prisoner, but if she were to find out about their proposal, she might accuse them of being in cahoots with the king. Everyone hates the king. Except the wealthy.
"Speaking of dinner... BENSON! Could you reheat some moose?!" Screamed Diana. "I'm getting tired of moose." Nick whispered.
[*14 hours earlier, in another time*]
It was time to investigate the Neutron household for clues.
"Libby, I just said I don't wanna be involved! Just looking at it brings me bad memories." Said Sheen. "C'mon, Sheen! I could really use your help right now! Carl won't assist, and neither will Cindy! ...for obvious reasons." Begged Libby. "Well, you turned to the wrong guy, my pet! It's not like it's that any difficult for one person! I mean, you're a woman, aren't you? Femmes such as yourself are born smart, independent, and courageous! Because... ...women are superior to men! Maybe not in strength, but in all redeeming qualities! As for me, a man, would just slow you down! As a matter of fact, I slow everyone down! Jimmy, Carl, Nick, Butch, Dad, Jimmy's parents, Cindy's parents, speed racers, Miss Fowl-"
Libby then planted a quick peck on Sheen's right cheek. Not to shut him up, but to win him over. Sheen was silent for a moment, then his face blushed a bright red. His heart was pounding in his chest. He slowly turned his gaze to Libby, who was smiling at him, and batting her eyelashes. Darn, women have triumphed again. Sheen dashed out of sight for a moment, and then returned just in time wearing a Sherlock Holmes costume, with a bubble pipe.
"The game is afoot."
Libby knocked on the door, and Hugh answered. Boy, did he look awful. His hair was a mess, he was shaky, and he had a few flyers glued onto him. It's like he hasn't slept for days.
"Children, you for do I can what?" Said Hugh, and his dialogue was reversed. "Hi. Is... ...your wife home?" Asked Libby. "Flyers more attaching, town the in out is booger sugar, no! Son our find help to anything!" "Okay. We're-just-gonna-walk-right-in."
Libby and Sheen picked up their feet and ran inside. They knew Hugh wouldn't try to stop them.
"Home at yourselves make!"
Hugh wasn't the only mess around here. The house looked like it hasn't been cleaned in days. There were mountains, and mountains of paper. You couldn't see the floor anymore. There was a photocopy machine in the living room, printing an endless supply of flyers. The kitchen and dining room littered with Chinese takeout pails, a few pizza boxes, soda cans and water bottles, and an empty tube of chocolate ice cream. The mess attracted a few minor pests. Sheen studied the scene with his magnifying glass. Libby's guess for this catastrophe, Judy either had no time to cook, or was too depressed to. Also, nuts and bolts scattered around the house. She knows where those came from. The poor family is under a spiral.
"Where were you on the night of June the third?" Sheen questioned a sitting fly, with his magnifying glass up close. "Sheen, you're talking to a fly. Don't tell me you've lost it, too." Moaned Libby. "How do we KNOW this is some ordinary fly? Jimmy has enemies, remember? The most intense loss scenes happen with the least likely slimeball you'd ever suspect! Maybe, they could've cleverly transformed themself into this tiny insect by extracting the DNA of a normal housefly, and injected those deliberate genes into their blood stream, thus manipulating their shape and form! Supermodel once did this in Ultralord #153. Or, if my second opinion is correct, this is actually a robotic spy cam! You listening there? Professor Calamitous? Or King Goobot? Or the Junkman? Or Beautiful Gor-"
Libby then swatted the fly dead.
"Let's move on already."
The duo decided to checked Jimmy's bedroom. Sheen told Libby to halt for a moment. The boy opened the door slightly, carefully observing the contents of the room. After that, he opened the door wide and said
"All clear! M'lady."
Feeling slightly annoyed, Libby walked in. Jimmy's bedroom was the cleanest room in the house. Libby checked under the bed. All he had under there were textbooks from the four previous school years. Weird. Libby then went to look into the drawers next, like last time, until Sheen stopped her.
"Woah woah woah woah, miss! This seems like a dangerous task!" "I'm opening drawers." "Libby, I am not taking a risk on whatever disturbing thing your beautiful chocolate orbs could meet! Let your future hubby in on the case. Don't worry, you'll still have something to do. You could dust for fingerprints! ...cuz maybe someone else has been here before us! ...on the day of the big headed boy's disappearance!" "You didn't mind me doing that while we were searching Nick's bedroom." "Ah, but that was before the smooch, babeh gurl.*Kissy lips*"
To avoid, Libby decided to just let Sheen do his thing. First, Sheen dug into the nightstand drawer, throwing items carelessly. He found some used forgotten inventions, prototypes that were never completed, old school supplies, a binder, and a dispenser bottle, bearing Jimmy's signature atom insignia, labeled "child-friendly testosterone gel." He must use this to boost his macho flare, Sheen thought. Egotistic blastard.
Next, he looked into the closet. All he found were clothes and shoes. Every outfit consisted of a red t-shirt and pair of jeans, but as he walked further into the closet, he noticed a distinctive sky blue color behind the end of the row of clothes. It was a blue dress with a big bow on the back. The dress also happened to have pockets. Curious, since Sheen has never seen a dress with pockets before, he reached into them. One pocket was empty, but the other held a golden name necklace that read Jamie.
"(I don't know who this Jamie is, but she's probably the REAL cause behind Jimmy and Cindy's breakup! He found love for a new girl. A prettier, prettier, possibly rich too, girl. And since her dress is in his room, they must really be hitting it off. Man, he's such a horrible person.)"
Last thing to examine was the boy genius's dresser. Like with the nightstand, he tossed whatever he found over his shoulder. The top drawers contained underwear and socks, the middle drawers kept formal clothing that are only to be worn for special occasions, and the bottom drawers were just extra room for more of Jimmy's belongings. The first bottom drawer had the usual: Techno nerdy junk. Inventions he may never use again. Like the Forgetto Blaster. Or the Memory Implanter. The second, however, it was filled with photos. Photos that are considered treasured memories to the boy genius.
Sheen shuffled the pictures to look for anything questionable. Only one photo left Sheen curious: Mr. and Mrs. Neutron were posing with a little girl, who appeared to be very young, and wore the same dress Sheen found in the closet. Her brown hair was tied into a ponytail, and she had sapphire blue eyes, which were very identical to Jimmy's. Everyone was smiling, except for the little girl. The photo was old as well. Okay, if Jimmy didn't leave Cindy for another girl, then who is she? Why hasn't Sheen seen or heard of her before?
The rest of the photos were just of Jimmy with his family, and most were of him with his friends. Especially... ...his favorite two other amigops.
Jimmy photographed every happy moment they had together. Some took place during parties. Some took place at Retroland. Some took place on another planet. And some took place in areas little kids aren't suppose to be left unsupervised at. All their smiles looked natural, and not forced. They sure had a hella good run. Sheen picked up a photo of an event that happened three years ago: His 10th birthday party.
Every kid was invited to Sheen's party. Even Cindy. Hugh was playing pin the tail on the donkey with the kiddies. Butch was breaking down the pinata, and it wasn't for the candy. Carl would sneakily dip his finger into the cake frosting. Nick... He'd just loiter and look good. It was an Ultralord themed birthday party, which he has every year. It had everything that could make the now 10 year-old happy, but one thing was missing.
The actor, to play Ultralord, called in to tell Sheen's father that he had to cancel his appointment due to an appendicitis. When Mr. Estevez  broke the bad news to Sheen, he began to cry like a five year-old. The crying started to irritate Nick, so he left the party. And when Nick leaves, everyone follows. Jimmy felt sorry for his friend. So then, he requested Goddard to project a holographic simulation of said superhero, and spoke into a microphone that modulizes his voice. Sheen saw Ultralord, stopped crying, and regained his happiness. Unfortunately, as he embraced his favorite hero into a hug, he fell right through him, and then caught Jimmy and Goddard puppeteering the act. Somehow, Sheen didn't feel angry, or sad again. He seemed blessed of his best friend trying to make him feel better.
So much has changed since then. He can't believe Jimmy keeps these  memories. In this day and age, he would have expected he'd throw them away. However, Sheen still refuses to see that Jimmy still cares for him and Carl. He's been very rude and inconsiderate. Carl probably knows Jimmy better than him, since he's by his side most of the time. He should ask him. Oh. Wait. Earlier, Carl was pretty peeved about the way Sheen underestimated Jimmy. The allergy boy is just so attached to Jimmy, despite that he and Sheen were together before the boy genius came into their lives. As a matter of fact, Carl also blocked Sheen on their text chat. It's officially over. He probably won't speak to him again. Sheen put his two hands together, and began to pray.
Dear big guy, although some say you might be a woman, up in the sky: I know I promised I wouldn't ask for any more favors after I wished my NOTP, Ultralord x Sue Mari, would never become canon, but now, this is down to earth serious. Besides, you kinda owe me for not making my last prayer come true. (I am very, very disappointed) I need proof. Proof that Jimmy Neutron still loves his best friends very much. Like, when he returns from wherever the heck he is, he'll greet us both with a loving hug, and an apology to add. Just for a bonus, could you have him agree to watch 395 episodes of Ultralord on CageFlix with me? Amen!
"Sheen, what are you doing?"
Sheen accidentally spoke his prayers out loud.
"Uhhhhhhh... Nothing! I'm doing nothing! This is a waste of time! Let's just go home!" "But what about the mess?!" "Don't worry! We could always just blame someone!"
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Reylo + #6 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
6. A kiss that was regretted
(I’ve never done a prompt fill before so I hope you like it aaaa thank you for asking!)
Rey hated nothing more than ultimatums. Not even Kylo Ren. Not even as he stood there, hobbling away from her with uneven breath, dripping blood from one limp arm while the other shuddered with tension in front of him, hands clenching like claws as he used his powerful mastery of the Force to choke the necks of the four unlucky Resistance soldiers that had found them.
She hated Kylo Ren more than anyone she’d ever met, but she hated ultimatums more than she hated him, and he’d pinned her down with his instead of giving up the losing fight.
“Make your decision, Scavenger.” He hissed, spitting blood out impatiently. The men he choked only had a few seconds left, given that there were no gasps or coughs coming from their constricted throats. Rey spared them one more glance, and she felt the rage swelling from Kylo at losing her attention - even for that one, brief moment.
”REY.” His scream hitched and broke, startling her with how close it came to pleading. He was seething, twisted with grimace-faced hate, but his eyes sought hers with a desperation that defied logic. It made no sense. He made no sense. All at once she could tell he hated her and longed for  her at the same time, and it twisted her stomach until it threatened to expel itself.
Her lightsaber switched off, rolled slowly down her open palm, and dropped carelessly from her uncurling fingers.
“You win.” She clipped out bitterly, raising her hands up in defeat. “Let them go, Kylo. You’ve won.”
Precious seconds spent in silence seemed to slow down around them, forcing Rey to reevaluate her choice, and her fingers twitched to call the saber back into her hands and fight him with every last breath in her body. If he wasn’t going to free them, there was no point to her surrender. She clenched her fists and imagined herself hurling at him, gouging out his eyes with her nails and tearing him apart with her bare teeth if she had to, saber be damned -
The silence, and her bloody imaginations were disrupted by the inhales and coughing wheezes of all four of the men, crumpling to the ground as they were released from Kylo’s hold. Her eyes were on them now, softening with worry and furrowed with regret.
She’d traded her freedom for their lives. Instantly, she felt the repercussions of that choice lay heavy on her shoulders, bearing the weight of what short, painful future awaited her in Kylo’s presence.
When the men began to gather their wits, guns were immediately lifted back up to point at Kylo. Still hunched over like a beast preparing to strike, Kylo’s eyes were focused hard only on Rey, and though she wasn’t looking at him, she could feel that gaze piercing too sharp, too demanding. He thought she was his, now.
Little did he know, Rey would never belong to anyone. Whatever he believed she’d bargained for was a lie, as far as she was concerned. If he chose to believe in it, it was his mistake to make.
Her lips moved in exaggeration, mouthing out the word Go and forcing all of the weapons back onto the ground with a soft tick of two fingers. Most of the men complied instantly. Only one hesitated, flickering his fearful attentions back and forth between the two. She repeated the command, but he shook his head, just once.
She could feel the surge of energy within the Force. She sensed Kylo’s impatience reaching its peak, the moment he pooled his power within himself, preparing to end that man’s life.
Before he could strike, Rey’s hands flew up in front of her with a cry, vaulting the soldier down onto the ground and projecting him far from the two of them, until he was rolling down a hill of his own bodily volition and disappearing out of sight.
The Force fizzled around Kylo Ren, thick with frustration and dissatisfaction. Even if she hadn’t just saved that man’s life, that feeling would have been enough of a reward for Rey. He felt like a child having his toy taken away from him for bad behavior. He felt petty, and restless, and she imagined that angular face under his hood was likely marred in a thick-lipped pout.
This child was the greatest villain in the known galaxy. She doubted anyone had ever said no to him, and survived.
But then, she remembered that someone had. Her.
Until now.
The crackled hiss of Kylo’s unreliable lightsaber went silent as it was extinguished, and Rey found she preferred the sound of it to the silence that followed. The silence forced her to finally look at him, and face the sight of him pulling his mask off of his face, exposing himself to her the way she really wished he wouldn’t.
She was right, of course. There was that pout.
He didn’t say anything. He simply lifted his hand, only half covered by shredded leather and blood, and twitched his fingers with command. She felt no pull from the Force, but she knew he would use it if she stood her ground. After all, she’d supposedly made her decision.
She didn’t hesitate. She ignored his hand but stepped into his personal space, inches from his overbearing body, and folded her arms up behind her so he would stop asking her to take his hand. She felt almost militant as she stood toe to toe with him, with her head held high and unyielding. The impatient restlessness that constantly surrounded him finally faded into something she could have almost mistaken for contentment, if she believed he could feel such a thing. But, if there was one thing she thought Kylo would finally be satisfied with, it was her surrender. He was a spoiled, entitled creature, and her defeat had always been the one thing out of his reach.
“Congratulations.” She whispered out, tasting the bile that threatened to rise into her throat. “On always getting everything you want.”
His eyes had been roaming her face openly, mapping her features with conflicted interest, until she finally spoke. The bitter taste of her words had his eyes snapping up to meet hers, and a sharp bolt of pain sizzled through the Force between them. Her lips parted in a sharp inhale when she felt his uninhibited response, but she refused to even entertain the idea that she’d hurt him - or that she wasn’t right. He didn’t bother to correct her, and the feeling was gone as quickly as it had struck through her to warn her of the possibility of emotions that a monster like him had no right feeling.
Kylo sighed through his nose, lifted his hand up to cup the side of her face, and smeared her already dirty cheek with blood. His touch made her jolt, but she held her ground regardless. Besides, it wasn’t his touch that was boiling the blood in her veins with fear. It was his voice, husky and thick. It was what he said as he touched her, brushing the pads of exposed and covered fingers alike down the length of her cheek.
“Not everything.”
This was not part of the deal. She had surrendered to him as a prisoner, not as a plaything, and surely he must have known that. When he let his hand fall away from her cheek, and rest against the slight curve of her hip, her eyes narrowed in suspicion. If he truly thought she would give in to anything other than the typical freedoms lost by a prisoner of war, she suspected it was time to teach the spoiled man a hard lesson in etiquette, or die trying.
She would have thought that he’d known better, but then again, he’d proven himself an unknowing fool time and again. She shouldn’t have been this surprised to realize that in this, it  was no different.
“Is that so.” Her voice transformed, flat but curious, as she tested her theory. “What else could you possibly want from me, that you aren’t already getting?”
It was a terrible play. Rey was not as skilled in subterfuge as some of her Resistance counterparts, but she was not dealing with a skilled player. Her words had their intended effect, made too obvious by the flare of his nostrils and soft, shuddering inhale. Without a moment of rational thought, Kylo crouched down until his forehead could press against hers, and his eyes closed as he inhaled deeply.
Rey stared cross-eyed at the scene in front of her, and in the pause of inaction, she felt the jolt of regret tug just under her ribs, warning her that there was more to all of this than she was prepared for. This was no longer about spoiled, terrible men and their ill intentions. She wished it was. She needed it to be.
His breath fanned warm and shaky across her skin, forcing goosebumps to rise along the side of her neck, and she knew she was in over her head.
When his eyes opened again, her feet felt magnetized to the ground, hard-locked and unable to move. His head tilted to one side, shifting like a confused animal, and inside she screamed that she had to end whatever strange, wicked magic was weaving its way around her now. She couldn’t keep letting him stand there, a breath away, inhaling her until she was just as intoxicated as he was. She was still in control of herself, and her own mind. She needed to end this, before she lost that, too.
So she surged, hands suddenly on his face and in his hair and around his shoulders, forcing herself on him hard and unyielding. Her lips slotted messily against his, swallowing what she guessed was a moan and drinking in the desperation that suddenly flourished in his own return. He was everywhere, pulling at her hair and scratching against her shoulders until there were marks of mingled blood against her skin. He was too strong, too big to be ignored, and her hands fell as they gave in to the sudden sweep of his embrace, enveloping her in the black of his robes until she all but disappeared.
It went on for too long. Too long, too unnecessary, and too enjoyable, despite everything she’d promised herself. She’d taken too long in the moment, losing herself to the feeling of being wanted this much until she finally remembered who it was that she was giving in to, and just how very undeserving of this he really was.
But he did deserve something from her. Something she’d intended on from the moment she realized he wanted more than a prisoner, more than a war trophy. One of her arms snaked under his robes, searching for the columns of his ribcage until her nails could dig down into it and hang on the edges of his belt. And he liked the pain, she realized, as she found her destination and tugged, and pulled the trigger.
The lightsaber sang as it slid home, re-igniting too close to his body and slicing a burning hole right through his side. He screamed against her lips, dropping her out of his arms out of instinct as he reached for the new injury. She was farther from the ground than she’d expected and she slammed into it with a painful thud, scuttling backwards like a crab to get away from the reach of his angry outlash. She heard him hit the ground, against one knee, as he extinguished the saber that was still stuck in the shallow wound against his side. When the saber died off, he stifled a pitiful moan, and searched under his robes to assess the damage she’d caused.
She took her only chance at freedom. Her fingers dug into the ground, searching for and grasping her lightsaber, before she rose up to her feet and ran in the opposite direction. She waited for the sound of his pursuit, or the feel of his power wrapping its dangerous tendrils around her neck, but all she could feel was a pitiful, heart-wrenching melancholy.
She couldn’t exactly tell if the disappointment that followed was also his, or if there was a part of her that wanted him to stop her. She pressed her fingers against her lips as she ran, trying to rub the memory of his kiss away until it hurt, and her eyes pricked with tears. She hated herself for believing she was cruel enough to play against the emotions of a monster without becoming a monster herself.
She could still feel him, in the distance. Hopeless. Empty. Desolate. It was a feeling she suspected would haunt her from that day forward. And in that, she knew that she’d been so very foolish, and so very wrong; she would never be truly free again.
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