#(and before anyone says anything dior has full-on pointy ears because. once again. i forgot... about beren...)
hirazuki · 1 year
So, @skaelds threw this AU idea at me about Eol never having left Doriath, hence Maeglin growing up as a prince of the Sindar under Thingol. Which, YES, delicious implications for Noldor-Sindar politics and how subsequent events may have been affected and all that, but also --
please consider the fact that Maeglin and Dior are incredibly close in age (in comparison to everyone else around them, at least) and with some mild timeline tweaking could have conceivably attended lessons together and been fast friends. Both Skaelds and I think that Eol and Luthien would have Intensely Disliked each other, leading to awkward kindergarten pickups XD
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ALSO, we both agree that Maeglin would most likely pick up a condescending Sindar attitude regarding the Noldor, since he doesn't really have a reason to seek out his mother's side of the family and power in Gondolin in such an AU, while Aredhel would be somewhat more in contact with her family... and what better way to try and improve relations between the kingdoms than having your child and your brother's child get along?? yes yes, Idril's age would have to be very adjusted for this, but it's a silly AU, just go with it XD
And then I got this idea in my head and couldn't get it out and had to draw it.
SO ......... what's the overlap between non-mainstream 90s animated movies and the Silmarillion? 👀 🤣
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(Skaelds, I tried to go with your versions of Eol and Maeglin... hope they're somewhat accurate!)
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