#(also on a superficial level: i just think they're hot)
selfproclaimedunicorn · 10 months
what do you love most about Tyland and Daenys?
It's about the foundation their relationship is built on.
Second son & second daughter (who was not the longed for son) who want & yearn, but not for what their siblings have, not really. They both crave significance, to matter as much as Jason or Rhaenyra do. But society doesn't allow that for them without taking it...and then if they take the wrong thing they get punished by their peers & history alike. Tyland does this by being the most employed Lannister of all time even though Vizzy at least seemingly ignores him (seriously, I don't think we see a single moment where this man's reports are taken seriously), & Daenys does this by playing by (& gaming) the rules of the patriarchal, feudal society. They should be rewarded for this...right? "Why am I not being rewarded for this by getting exactly what I'm owed/want?"
So they seek refuge in each other because of this common ground & because "Oh my God you, see me. You appreciate me. You think I'm the cool sibling!" First as friends, then as Very Obviously In Love And Pining, then as Lovers In A Secret Marriage, then actual public spouses. They're both appreciated without any kind of caveats or clauses or unspoken rules, & because of that they actually let themselves be casual around each other. Like, I'm pretty sure Tyland is one of, like, 3 people Daenys never goes into hysterics to try & manipulate.
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liobi · 4 months
about that director's commentary thing
i'm curious if there's anything on that scene in the beginning of always where lappland has a weirdly charged discussion with kal'tsit in her room
Oooo, The beginning of always!
Background on this fic, I cannibalized two other WIPs that got incredibly jossed by the release of Il Siracusano (One of them a TexLappSora fic where Lappland took Popukar to a concert of her favorite idol, only to discover that under the lupo disguise, Sora was the little bunny girl whose journalist father Lappland had offed under her and Texas's boss's orders. She had let the little girl who witnessed the deed go, but their boss found out and ordered Texas to liquidate Lappland leading to her expulsion and infection). But anyways, on to the setup!
Both Lappland and Kal'tsit care deeply for the vulnerable. We see as much any time they are the focus of various events, but they go about it in different ways. Kal'tsit is methodical, scheming, and uses her long life and connections to accomplish her needs. She's got plans upon plans, irons in the fire galore, a Machiavellian master sitting atop a mountain of fallen foes and destroyed obstacles.
Lappland on the other hand is a bundle of unrestrained id, packaged and fired like a bullet on a path set by either herself or others, a genius at improvising and legitimately charismatic, if only used to get under people's skin. Lappland is the MacGyver of mob heroes. Lappland is also very consciously trying to be the opposite of her father. It's why i think under the right circumstances she'd be good with kids actually!
While she may believe that once she returns to Siracusa she will be helpless but to eventually become what she fears, in the meanwhile she is fighting tooth and nail to be kind and friendly and open to anyone that will have her (despite everyone thinking she's got sixteen layers of malicious plans and mindgames going on), but also she kinda sucks! She DOES sometimes have sixteen layers of malicious plans and mindgames going on! She CAN be mean and kinda nasty in fact she intentionally digs into people's sore spots constantly! She contains multitudes.
So with the fact that Kal'tsit and Lappland have opposite styles of operating, it's only natural that Lappland sees at least on a superficial level some similarities between Kal'tsit and her father.
Kal'tsit is also super hot and manipulative and leaves nothing to chance so!
Lappland had no idea how much of this was actually Dr. Kal’tsit and how much was a carefully constructed facade to convince other people she was just like them.
Kal’tsit motioned across the room. “Sit where you like.”
Some small part of Lappland wondered where exactly the night would go if she chose to sit on the bed.
Right from the get-go Kal'tsit has the intention of measuring Lappland's... everything. Looking for any foothold that will give her power over the negotiation, some way to maneuver Lappland into giving her exactly what she wants; a teacher for Popukar who can handle the little berserker and an operator with a talent for improvising and resourcefulness that would absolutely be willing to cross names off a list if Kal'tsit needed her to.
The conversation is a game of chess, of battleship, right from the start and they both know it. Lappland thinks back to the mafia sit-downs her father brought her to for a reason! This is one, in its own way.
On top of all this, we know from Il Siracusano that Lappland despite everything still wants her father's approval and affection. So when she's confronted with a woman who on a surface level reminds her of her father who is not so subtly asking if she wants to get into bed, she's gonna have a boner that's hard (lol) for her to examine all at once (lolol).
The rest of the scene really consists of them testing the water, trying to gauge where the other person is at and what they're getting out of it. Lappland is set up to both care about kids and also Amiya, and Kal'tsit cares about both of her daughters and keeping Rhodes Island alive and running and sometimes you need assassins and terrorists to do that. So they find somewhere in the middle to meet and Lappland doesn't rip her stitches because of ill-advised sex.
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Just watched Joy Ride (2023) and mixed thoughts.
Spoilers below!!
It was really, really refreshing to see East Asian women being portrayed as unapologetically raunchy and messy and terrible and fucked up. It's the first time I've seen a movie where they're NOT some out together socialite or kung fu badass or a fetishized dragon lady or delicate lotus flower. The characterization was well done and I felt like they were fleshed out pretty well, and it was a very sex-positive portrayal of East Asian women and it was done ENTIRELY without fetishizing them. It's a low bar to pass and the fact that this is the first movie I've seen that passes this bar is... depressing but it was very nice to see that they can be trashy and sexy and just be themselves.
It's the typical sort of humour you'd expect from an R-rated comedy. Not my sort of thing entirely, but I had some laughs for sure and some other reviewers thought it was hilarious.
I could tell that the film was indeed made by diaspora for diaspora. There were just so many little details sprinkled through the whole thing that I could recognize from lived experience
While the film certainly made some commentary on internalized racism, I felt like it never really followed through with exploring this theme, or that when it did, it was somewhat superficial and did not really fully address it. Same goes for exploring the theme of being in-between - something that's very, very central to diaspora - as well as the identity crisis evoked by a twist I admit I was surprised by. All of these, while they had the potential to be weaved more strongly into the film, were not really fully addressed - and while this is a comedy movie, the way that all these themes were set up as serious things to address led to a rather mediocre reaction to its execution.
The female gaze is generally very, very, very present for this film, which is once again rare to see in R-rated comedies with nudity and sex. None of the four friends are ever objectified as sex objects, and anything sexual is something they choose for their own pleasure. It's a very sex-positive take, again.
Sprinkles of queer Asian experience in there too, which is nice to see. I found Deadeye to be a very compelling character as I can relate to them in several levels, and it was really really nice to see queer Asians who can be awkward, be raunchy, be terrible, be unapologetic, a d just be human.
Plot was a typical comedy plot, so not revolutionary at all and with some plot holes, but it's a plot.
One more point under the cut with bigger spoilers but also CW: Mentions of SA.
Overall, I'd give it a 6.5 - 7/10. Not great, not bad. Could've been better. Some weird spots. But it sure is something, and I'm glad to see more Asian American rep all across different genres.
One of the biggest scenes that made me feel off was a scene where Stephanie Hsu's character, Kat, has a bag of coke up her ass, and it breaks. She freaks out because she feels it entering her system and it makes her, as she says, "very horny." At this point, she and the three others are in a hotel with a bunch of hot athletic Asian men who are friends with one of the MCs. One of the men, who's also Kat's ex, tries to hit on her and hook up with her, but she tries to reject him - she also tells him that she's engaged, which he is. He does not back off and he does not take her seriously. She runs off (to the gym). He follows.
While he definitely thinks she's sober (he has no idea she's on drugs), the rest of the gals, FULLY AWARE that Kat is completely drugged out of her mind and being hit on by someone she does not want to be with, decide to go their separate ways while wishing everyone a good time and to "have fun tonight". Nobody checks on Kat.
At that point in the film I was beginning to get extremely worried that they were going to play off a date rape-esque scenario as a humorous, joking one given how the entire tone of this scene was a humorous one.
At the end, they do not have sex, thank God.
The scene between them is indeed sexually charged. What happens is that she pulls a muscle when trying to work off the energy, and he uses a muscle blaster/massage gun on her back. He does not touch her without her asking him to, but she is still under the influence of drugs (which he doesn't know...but still...). She then grabs a basketball and puts it between her thighs, and he uses the massage gun on the basketball. Afterwards, she takes the gun and uses it on his balls, and apparently shatters his pelvis. Wow
This is never addressed afterwards, ever. The scene left me feeling rather confused and more uncomfortable than anything else in the entire movie. Maybe I'm reading too much into it but something about it was clanging bells in my head.
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aliciavance4228 · 2 months
Alright, I Actually Have a Little Problem With Smut in Books (and "Popcorn Books" in General)
So, recently one of my classmates asked me if I read "Kafka on the Shore", and I told her yes. Tl be perfectly honest, I was kind of exited knowing that I can finally talk about a book that I enjoyed, but right when I was about to explain to her about how this book references the myth of Oedipus she straight up asked me "Did you find those scenes hot? 🤭"
First of all, I was partly pissed off by the fact that she was talking about the sex scenes from a novel that is supposed to make you uncomfortable and explore some quite disturbing themes. Murakami is a talented writer, but he often does the mistake of adding unnecessary sex scenes in books where there is no need for them. But because this one particularly is partly inspired by the story of the man who killed his father and then had sex with his mother, they made sense here. However, due to the fact that people are instantly perceiving them as "hot" or "steamy" rather than essential or relevant for the plot, they already start to lose their importance.
And secondly, this question also made me think about all those BookTok shorts with captions such as "If your gf said that she's a bookworm what she ment is that she's reading smut" or "Books that have 5/5 spice 🥵🌶". Now, do not get me wrong; I don't consider that there is something shameful in a woman reading and enjoying erotica; on the contrary, I think that women should be more encouraged to read and enjoy that. Heck, even my asexual ass has read "Tropic of Capricorn" and "Delta of Venus". And no, I don't consider that everyone should read only heavy (refferring to the content) books; not everyone is an intellectual and sometimes you just want to read something that's purely simple and enjoyable. However, by claiming that all a bookworm girl is reading is straight up cheap smut, what you're indirectly insinuating is that "girls are just sex hormones on legs who are thinking superficially, being intelectually uncapable of appreciating something on a profound level."
I know that I might sound like a hater right now, but a book that was poorly written and sold only because of the sexual content inside it is no different than a pornhub video. There is a difference between a novel where the sex scenes are essential for the plot, and one where they're replacing the plot itself and aren’t even well written to begin with. And the way these types of books are particularly capitalized and mediatized the most leads to a serious case of intellectual masturbation.
Now, just to clarify certain things: not every book or author that became popular thanks to BookTok is necessarily bad. There are exceptions, such as "A Secret History" or "A Simple Life". And no, there isn't any shame in enjoying "popcorn books". However, people have to realize that one of the main purposes of reading for a very long period of time was to challenge your mind and make you explore different themes, concepts and ideas. By reading the same genres with the same cliché tropes and for the same reasons, you refuse and get outside of your comfort zone and decide to remain in your little shelf. And just because you enjoyed a "popcorn book", that doesn’t mean that you have to deny the fact that it was poorly written, or objectively mediocre compared to other books.
And no, not every mental fart deserves to be turned into a physical novel that you can find in a library on a bookshelf. That's what Fanfiction was invented for.
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scribble-dee-vee · 4 months
Dale 💄🎈🧣
Hey nonny!! Ty for the ask <3
(Based on these questions, I have a sneaking suspicion that you're someone with more than a passing knowledge of this character,,,, in which case I am v flattered. If you DON'T know my terrible lil guy, then you may just be a bit psychic. hehe)
For anyone curious, the full prompt list is over here!
Answers below cut because you got me YAPPING and they're LONG. Pls note that I have listed a few content warnings in the tags.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
So, here's the thing: Dale is hot and he knows it. He likes to express this fact LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY. A lot of this grandstanding comes from a genuine self-obsession, but he also has a complicated relationship with his body and how other people perceive him. The connection between a person's self and their body is actually a pretty major theme in Lost Letters; Dale is hyperaware of his own embodiment, and it drives a lot of his actions. At best, he can turn this awareness towards personal confidence and interpersonal gains (actively via manipulation and seduction, but also passively through social biases). At worst, he feels trapped, exploited, and overstimulated. He's constantly paranoid that people are watching him. He is extremely sensitive to texture and temperature, especially when he's upset. He's constantly bothered by how people see him and how he presents. We could talk about his relationship with blood, as a jilted descendant of the Queen who does a little violence now and then. We could also talk about his experiences with exploitative sexual relationships and assassination attempts, both of which have altered how he views his own body! But I feel these are tangents to the question at hand. In terms of his face, Dale likes his green eyes. In fact, his eyes are the ONLY part of his face that he ever tells the reader about in draft one! We learn more about how he looks through other characters' perspectives, but he's not usually looking at his face when he's looking in a mirror. He's thinking about the impact of his overall presentation and how he might alter it. In terms of makeup and skincare, Dale lives in a pseudo-Victorian dystopian fantasy hellscape with rigid gender roles – do with that what you will. (It IS really fun to think about skincare in the Diamond City, though!! I have no doubt that Dale keeps up with a meticulous standard of hygiene for his context, and certain other characters would LOVE Sephora in a modern AU.)
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
Dale goes to a LOT of parties in Lost Letters, so I've gotten to explore this in some depth! Dale is neutral to the common party activities of A.) hooking up with people and B.) consuming various substances – he generally does both if it will help his social or political standing within a given group. He's part of the Goldenheart aristocracy, so parties are a natural background setting in his life. He tends to go with friends, or frenemies. He pretends to have fun, but he usually doesn't. In Lost Letters, Dale is a college student and member of the Rosehip Club, which is essentially a co-ed fraternity for rich kids. He's lifelong friends with Rosalind Lake, the Club's ringleader, and Jamie Fenway, another important member. At the beginning of the book, he meets Charles at a Rosehip Club party! (Thus kicking off the main plot :)
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
Charles <3 For real, though, mutual comfort is a key factor in their relationship. Charles makes Dale feel protected and safe. It's superficially because Charles is an elite soldier who's always around him. On a deeper level, it's because Charles DOESN'T judge him based on political importance or appearance or history. He just kinda takes Dale at face value and listens to him???? Um the bar is in HELL but Dale has never really experienced this before. Charles provides a nice respite from his usual stressors. They spend a lot of their scenes together A.) cuddling, B.) arguing for fun about irrelevant stuff, and C.) doing tourist activities in various City locations. Lol. They would kill it at Disney World in a modern AU. Dale also likes to journal, in somewhat sinister and extremely plot-relevant ways. I GUESS that's comforting for him, lmao. I won't say much more because spoilers, tee hee.
If you read all the way to the bottom of this post, I love you sm!!!! And now you know All That about this morally deplorable blorbo. Please don't get too attached. I promise you, it's for your own good 😅
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aclosetfan · 2 years
I like to imagine Buttercup has no shame in wearing a dress because she looks good in one. From formal to sundresses, she could be that one chick that shows off her piercings and wear sandals to show off that one ankle tattoo. I think she's confident enough to dress in a liberated sense going off of the show.
I also like "cover up, Buttercup" because it does show how society could affect even a girl of her caliber. It can mirror how soft and vulnerable she really is. She cares what the people think of her, but it only works, if she's genuinely undesirable.
What I don't like is the "not like other girls" label people sometimes put on her. She is exactly like other girls, except she has power and strength to best her enemies.
It rubs me the wrong way because it's inadvertently saying "She's better without trying" and I don't agree.
"She's ugly, but she has a hot body and a pretty face, and all the guys wanna date her and chase her" And then she doesn't wear a dress because she isn't "girly" enough as if anyone would actually care.
I just want some clarity. If the reason Buttercup is ugly is because she's "tough" then I'm going to need some real "ugly" characteristics to go off of like, shes grown into an actual unlikable bitch, or she's so far removed from societal pressure, she picks her nose and spits in public. Shes gotten ocerweight over the years and lost her physique but can somehow still outtrun a man. Shes extremely annoying and loud and doesnt practice the best hygiene so she smells after gym class. She has scars and bruises all over her face from all the fights shes been in.
Not all of this at once, or hell, do all of it at once!
And, I dont care that people make her attractive. I care that it's overplayed.
Not saying pretty girls don't get flak, nor am I saying you gotta go the whole mile to make her undesirableness realistic. I'm just calling the spade a spade.
Being tough isn't enough for her to feel outcasted when she's a HERO. people worship it, Praise her and love her for her bruteness. And if you give her talents, the only haters are jealous girlies who cannot get on her level.
some guy telling her she isn't enough because she'd punch a man and win, shouldn't be enough to make her throw all her skirts away. 10 guys wouldn't if ten fold are still gonna be up her ass crack anyway.
Buttercup is literally flipping her hair and batting her lashes in the cannon series and people are still trying to give her Bunny's backstory.
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Truth is, Buttercups the pretty one too, she's just the pretty one who'd knock a bitchs teeth out. Never stopped those types of women before from being oggled at.
Prime example
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lol my response is under the cut because I don't want the post to be too long!
I feel like I've gotten a few ask now that critique stories that focus on the superficial aspects of the girls, like if they're described as "pretty" or "ugly." I'm starting to think that the frustration isn't so much that the girls are described as such but because it's just bad writing (a never-ending complaint I have, haha).
The previous anon also discussed Buttercup being either too feminine or masculine, and I just remembered that I hadn't responded. However, I believe she can be as hyper-masculine or feminine as the person using her character wants them to be. It doesn't matter to me as long as her characterization is consistent. Some people connect with Buttercup because she is the more masculine of the three girls, and that's wonderful and amazing. I love how she's become a character people identify with when they're messing around with their gender presentation.
Beauty and gender are all in the eye of the beholder, so what is ugly to one person can obviously be beautiful to the next. It's bad form then that people often use the word "ugly" when Buttercup is presented as "hyper-masculine." There's nothing ugly about being hypermasculine (and also, while I know you didn't mean it this way in your ask, either is being overweight). However, what's truly ugly is how a person presents themselves. A loud, obnoxious, mean-spirited, "bitchy" nose picker is probably going to be an ugly person like you described.
When writers focus so much on describing what a character looks like, especially characters they're writing fanfiction about, they're describing a "person" who the reader already knows what they look like or has their own idea of what the character should look like. Readers don't need to know how pretty someone is or what dress they're wearing if it doesn't lend to the story you're writing, which is really hard for a lot of amateur writers, like myself, because you can see the scene so clearly in your head and want to write it just that way, but giving readers every. single. detail. is actually doing yourself a disservice. Oftentimes, too much description makes the reader mad because "HEY! NO! they look like [xyz]," and then they click out of the fic.
I stay vague when I describe essential features. Like Bubbles has a dimpled smile, or Buttercup's hair is cut short. Maybe even, "Buttercup put on her favorite green sweater." Small shit like that gives readers a clue but still lets them copy/paste their ideas over mine.
But to make readers know "hey people find this person attractive but she doesn't notice," I practice SHOWING not telling. Like, Buttercup walks into a room, Butch observes all eyes are on her, she doesn't notice the attention because it's the same attention she's always dealt with, and because she doesn't pay attention to it, she comes off aloof or "bitchy" from Butch's perspective. How would Butch know any better? He can't read her mind.
That's why writing in other povs and making the character do things is so much more beneficial to their perceived attractiveness than just flat-out telling a reader "trust me, you'd bone her if you had the chance, she's so hot." You get a chance to establish personalities, relationships, and potential conflicts.
Another example is if you h/c Buttercup wears dresses, no other character is going to react to her wearing them. You state, "Buttercup put on her dress." If you want to specify what kind of dress you say, "it was her most comfortable t-shirt dress. She liked it because it had large pockets." Then, boom, that's it. In these instances, describing her appearance is used to convey her personality traits/motives (she likes to dress comfortably. She has a need for large pockets). You're not saying that Buttercup is a "GIRL WHO LIKES DRESSES BECAUSE SHE'S FEMININE, GOT IT?!? BUT SHE STILL KICKS ASS!!" Instead, you're giving yourself the opportunity to explain she likes to collect rocks (??) while also conveying that she likes wearing clothing that people could perceive as "feminine."
If Buttercup is forced to wear a dress that she doesn't want to wear, now, you have a bit of a story to stretch out. Her wearing a dress is odd. People irl would take notice of it, and therefore, you can make a bigger deal about it.
And if you want to show that she's "not like other girls," which I agree is an annoying trope, but I understand some people want to show "feminity" while still preserving their "masculinity," you can do this at the same time you're developing Buttercup's relationships. Example: It is remarked Blossom and Buttercup are both wearing dresses. Blossom and Buttercup both get their dresses dirty. The scene pans to Blossom being frantic about getting the dirt off, bemoaning her appearance. The scene pans to Buttercup, she is shin-deep in a mud pit, stuffing a particularly large bullfrog into her large dress pockets, next to the cool rocks she found.
A scene like that shows that Buttercup likes wearing dresses, but isn't afraid of dirt, rocks, or frogs, as opposed to Blossom, who may be reacting more "appropriately" to their situation, making it clear Buttercup has other priorities ("isn't like other girls" w/out explicitly saying "I'm not like other girls, I like dresses and dirt.").
You mentioned that you like the idea that she'd be confident wearing a dress. Perfect! If she doesn't do it often, and you want to make a bigger deal out of it, you can be like:
Buttercup clicked her tongue as she picked through her closet, pulling out a black halter top dress Bubbles had made her buy two or so years ago. She examined the short number and grinned. When she tried it on, it was a bit tight around her ass, but her arms looked fantastic.
"You're wearing a dress!?" Bubbles gushed walking into the room as Buttercup checked herself out, "What's the occasion!"
"Isn't it obvious?" Buttercup turned around, flexing her arms and shoulders, and they really did look good in that dress, "I got a new tattoo!"
"Oh cool! Is that a bullfrog?" Bubbles asked leaning in to examine Buttercup's upper shoulder.
"On a cool rock!" Buttercup beamed, standing a little prouder, "Badass, right?"
The dress is important to the story. The writer was able to point out she doesn't wear them often, people are surprised when she wears them, she doesn't mind wearing them, how attractive her arms were, the tattoo, and that her ass stretches out the dress, which some people could also find attractive. It doesn't make her seem vain, conceited, or "better" than others. She just knows she looks good.
I mean, I think it gets the job done, and it isn't just a list of what she looks like.
tldr: Essentially, no matter how masculine or feminine you think Buttercup should present, literally, no one cares what she is wearing if it isn't important to the story.
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franciskirkland · 1 year
🔥 for fruk
how spicy, anon?? just how hot, exactly, would you like these takes? shall we start with jalapeño? habanero, perhaps? or are we dialing it up to carolina reaper?
h'okay. gather round buckaroos. if you interact with me/my content, you know the basics. this is my OTP (tied with ScotFra) and i am the CEO of UK/Fr. if we're being heteronormative (this is My blog and I get to choose the relationship dynamics) i see Arthur/England as the dominant figure in most aspects of the relationship. this is an unsafe space for England twinkification, sorry. to me, Sir Kirkland is a grown man. Francis/France is wifey, just look at him!! but again, that's pretty beginner-level, and i'm trying to make this relationship specific, not simply a list of characterization HCs.
first up, and this might be controversial, i see them as having a very "traditional", old fashioned dynamic - and also moving very fast, bc they're so sure of their feelings for one another.
Francis is such a wine mom housewife, he is more cultured and worldly for sure, but he ain't too bright. he LOVES cooking for his hubby, doesn't mind cleaning, and adores babies, and their door is always open for friends and neighbors. Arthur is a conservative, "you kids get off my lawn" "fellas i Hate my wife" boomer humor, cheeky old rat man who just wants Franny to fetch him his pipe and slippers after a long day at the office. they're Mommy and Daddy, quintessentially.
comfy cozy couple. homebodies, mostly. warm drinks. blankets. domesticity. grocery shopping. watching movies. having babies.
as often as they bicker, i am not and never will be the shipper who insists this relationship is purely toxic. they can be, and are healthy for each other, so don't tell me otherwise. they fulfill so many classic archetypes. to indulge a cliche, they are polar opposites in so many ways, this is why they work so well. they're great parents, they make each other laugh, they praise and insult and dote on each other. oh, and the intimacy. they breed like rabbits. francis is insatiable, and arthur is a tired old fuck no matter his physical age, but this pretty little frenchman just does something to him to make him feel so virile and so wanted.
they love to try new things together, watch each other partake in hobbies, and they're helpless when it comes to technology. "mon cher how do i Open PDF" "HOW THE DEVIL DOES THIS BLASTED CONTRAPTION KNOW MY FULL CHRISTIAN NAME"
they know how to hit each other where it hurts. they find one another absolutely disgusting in the most superficial ways. lots of one-upping and underestimating each other. they're both impatient and can be manipulative. Arthur is quick to anger, and Francis cries at the drop of a hat. Arthur has a tendency to objectify francis, and worships his beauty and his cooking. he's a strict, intelligent man; a control freak, and definitely walks around like the king of the castle. as for Francis, the cheeky bitch, he expects Arthur to provide everything he needs, materially and emotionally. he uses his feminine wiles to get what he wants, and will sometimes provoke arthur and pretend he's innocent when he's called out for it.
they're a jealous, possessive couple who always think people are trying to get with the other. depending on Arthur's characterization in whatever AU, and depending on how religious Francis is, i can maybe see them having a cuckhold dynamic where Artie watches Fran's friends fuck him, though generally i don't think Arthur is submissive enough to actually do this. he just likes to show Francis off (despite being protective) and is constantly in awe that he landed such an angel. likewise, Francis is helplessly, ridiculously in love with this horrid creature (affectionate) and it hurts his feelings when people suggest he could do better, because Arthur is his everything. i believe they have an attractiveness gap, but love is so much more than skin deep.
this brings me to an even hotter take; HEIGHT + STRENGTH. ok. i have a bit of a size kink. i love when Arthur is strong and carries Francis bridal style everywhere. he's a gentleman! if anyone didn't know, their canon heights are the same. 5'9. this is fine! i don't see either of them as super tall. my depictions of them are different heights in different works - in dancing with a stranger, Francis is like half an inch taller. but, in boys don't cry, Arthur is Huge and Fran is Tiny. in sugar we're going down, Arthur is Just Average and Franny is Petite asf! they fit together so well - all snuggled up together like two birds of a feather!
okay, i think that's enough rambling for now. if i angered anyone i apologize. i can elaborate if you want spicier, toxic/nsfw or generally after-dark takes but i hope this suffices. thank you so much for asking!!!
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spider-xan · 11 months
I liked Spider-Gwen at first, but then actually read the comics and they weren't. That Good. She is a good character in ITSV/ATSV, but idk I still feel indifferent about her. And she's been, once again, relegated to just The Love Interest by the majority of fans. Regular Gwen is Peter's love interest and Spider-Gwen is Miles' love interest. Nothing else. It wouldn't bug me if people weren't so obsessive about her, most fans are like "Gwen HAS to be there she HAS to we NEED Gwen!!!!" and it's very annoying. It especially annoyed me that people were drooling about the fact that Insomniac might (or might not) include her and make her Miles' age, so they can be together. Completely disregarding the fact that Hailey exists.
I like her design and all, but she's very meh to me, speaking as a woman myself. Beside the things I've mentioned, my biggest gripe with her that she feels like a completely different character and not a variation of Gwen Stacy. With alternate versions of Peter, while they feel slightly different, they still have the character's essence. The only thing she shares with the OG Gwen is the blonde hair and name, she might as well could've been an OC.
Yeah, this actually is p much how I feel about Spider-Gwen as well tbh! I actually do remember when she debuted and it was coming off hot from the massive spike in mainstream popularity she got after the first TASM film came out in 2012, and I think a major selling point was that her comics would explore what if Gwen lived and got spider superpowers - so I was surprised when I read the comic and aside from having blonde hair, a strong personality, and a cop father, she was basically a new character, rather than if 616!Gwen had a different life; I know a big Spider-Man fan on here wrote a really good meta post examining why Spider-Gwen fell flat for her that I don't have the link for on hand right now, but I remember it discussed the odd choice of taking away Gwen's science skills from 616 when that was a trait that set her apart back in the 1960s and would have been interesting to explore if she had spider powers.
But yeah, like, I would consider myself on the flexible side with adaptations instead of being a strict textual purist, but I agree that you do have to keep a core spirit to a character or else they may as well be a new character with a superficial resemblance, and that's what Spider-Gwen felt like to me - if she had been branded as Spider-Liz Allen or just a new Spider-Woman, I wouldn't have thought of her as actually being a Gwen with someone else's name.
And yeah, you're right that Gwen in general often gets reduced to a love interest who doesn't exist independently of Peter or Miles. (My controversial TASM opinion is that she's not really written as an independent character so much as the perfect girlfriend for nerds.) In Miles' case, it also happens in reverse where the non-Black fandom struggles to think of him as a character separate from Gwen, in stark contrast to how Peter is not treated that way by fandom unless they're hardcore shippers who only ship - and then yeah, you get misogynoir like people screaming, 'Where is Miles' girlfriend??', re: Insomniac Spider-Man 2 while posting a picture of Spider-Gwen and erasing Hailey.
Anyway, yeah, I agree she does not and should not be in everything, and it honestly bugs me when people try to point at Miles by comparison and act like she's on par with his importance when she's not - Miles was groundbreaking and still important to this day on a meta level bc he was an Afro-Latino Spider-Man who became THE Spider-Man in his universe and took Peter's place originally amidst a lot of racist backlash to that change in the (Ultimate comics) status quo, whereas Gwen is far from the first white woman Spider-Woman, nevermind the only one, like, no, she is not the Miles Morales of (white) women.
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bugeyedfreaks · 1 year
Previous anon about ppgxrrb post (the first one lol)
I agree with a lot of what you say about the shipping of ppgxrrb and how the fans just depict them as ultra hot bad boys. Its a breath of fresh air to see others’ perspectives on this, cause as I said before I admit I am a fan sometimes but even seeing a lot of ooc works puts me off. I understand if older fans/people only like it because of nostalgia (I’m one of those) but I’m more baffled with seeing new/younger that also likes to ship them, I can see them just liking the Boys cause they think gender bent/evil/alternate versions of the main protagonist are just fun in general, but I don’t understand why a lot of new fans that also ships them, maybe its because of fanart/fanfic.
In regard of that fic (assuming we’re talking about the same thing) I think the reason why it was praised so much and put on high pedestal was because the standard of the ppgxrrb fics were pretty low (at the time anyway) and for me personally it does felt I’m watching the original when I read it, (aside from the shipping thing, but I only read it for the character writing mostly) imo probably the closest thing I can get to what an older/teenage ppg would sound/read like, it just had shipping… lol but also yea I agree with you about the other villains not getting enough fanfics for themselves, its unfortunate cause ppg has so many great villains and the fandom just chose the least interesting ones (rrb)
Also I love how you described Boomer, he’d definitely be a whiteknight type then probably go “bubblevicious” when he doesn’t get what he wants, in fics he’s usually the first, quickest and easiest to be redeemed which is just very boring and probably the reason why Blues (BubblesxBoomer) is the least favorite of the 3 ships.
Yeah, I think on the most basic, superficial level, taking NOTHING about the personality or history of the characters into account, if you were to show someone who never saw the show a lineup of the Powerpuff GIrls characters and ask them, "Who are the girls' boyfriends?" they would choose the Rowdyruff Boys. Just because of their character designs they're the easiest characters to pair them off with. And I don't use "superficial" or "easy" as an insult, like... it just is what it is by the very nature of it. On a little less of a basic level, they're probably the only boys in the show (including the boys that are in the girls' class like Mitch and Elmer and Harry, etc.) that would be considered "attractive" enough to match up with them. Which, y'know, I could go into a whole rant about the superficiality (negative this time, haha) of that and how that way of thinking feels very creatively limiting... but, yeah, when you're a new fan and you see all this fic/fanart, not to mention how the ship is ultra visible and popular, it's the simplest entry point.
We're totally talking about the same fic. 😂 Again, I've really tried to read it and have an open mind about it, and I guess the mere fact that (from what I remember) the girls occasionally do have fights in it is enough to make it different from a standard PPG/RRB fic where the girls' superpowers are completely forgotten about (a la the City of Clipsville girls)... but the villains and the crimefighting STILL just feel like an afterthought (and maybe it's just my pretentiously high standards for them talking, but I remember really disliking how the dialogue of some of the few villains that are even included in the story was written). For the most part it just seems like it's all just fancy set dressing to disguise your average high school teen fanfic. I remember trying to read it again a while ago and I got to an early point where like some characters were suddenly like making out and I was just like... ew, no, not for me. 😩 That doesn't make me feel like I'm watching the show, that just makes me sick to my stomach! Stuff like that just pulled me way out, I couldn't enjoy it.
And I guess that's also a thing I dislike about some of the fanfics, like... if the RRB are going to have any similarities to the girls it's going to be their negative attributes, but that doesn't seem like an issue that ever gets explored. It seems like, despite whether or not people write them as still having problematic misogynist qualities, Brick always just turns out to be the hot intelligent one, Butch is the tough dude bro, and Boomer is the sweet, sensitive boi. How boring IS that?! 🤣 It doesn't seem like anyone's really challenged themselves to see things from any different, meaningful perspectives, and I have always felt that way. It is a bummer though that, when I have found the rare fanfic that has great writing and feels like the show characters and tells a story that's interesting and new (or even has a ship for the girls that's completely off the wall but... somehow actually works!)... it's because I had to dig through all the PPG/RRB content to find it. And I've seen many people who've written cool stuff get frustrated enough about that difficulty of visibility that that they take down their fics, or they get discouraged from writing anything else, or they even get harassed for daring to write anything against the norm. It bums me out.
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fairymint · 2 years
🧡 Compare and Contrast with the gender or gender expression of another muse, whether a friend or another muse of yours. (Ingo and Felix)
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I think comparatively, Ingo is quite vain and traditional out of the two. Some of it is attitude, and some genetics I think- He got quite bald and I HC him as....getting a bit of that 'old man build' he might be a thin character overall, but I think he's got a belly and is kinda hairy, especially with age. Quite a few physical features associated with masculinity, especially these days, are biased towards white people, which he is here.
I don't see Ingo having 'traditional values' or being hardass when it comes to other people, but for himself? He's not as comfortable with femininity. It's not to a stupid level (get it For Men in the darker color because men don't like bright colors!) but you might see him in more sharp shapes, neutral colors, that kinda thing. I think he might be avoiding makeup outside of specific contexts None of this applies to his baking, though, he doesn't see it as a feminine hobby nor does he mind delighting in making that cake covered in roses and bows and pretty stuff.
More that I think he's not used to the idea, just going along with the grain rather than avoiding femininity. Regardless, he likes to be a gentleman, and is even happy being subservient and assisting. He's a tall drink of water, and is happy with that. However, he is very calm! Understated, so less of the hot-blooded macho vibe.
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As for Felix, he is mixed- both white and brown(indigenous and japanese/asian), that's what I consider him, going through the racial stuff that I go through. It's possible that his facial hair is slow coming in part because of his race or genetics. And, he looks much younger than he is so that might also be tied in- trans guys do often pass as younger than they are, depending. as a completely stupid and dumb quirk I must note as an aside- because he's used to his own self and melatonin, blushing and flushing, especially in certain contexts, intimidates or flusters him when it comes to other men- he notices it quite a bit;;; bloodflow is a lot more suble on his skin with its pinks and tans. Some guys go red when they're angry or turned on, so can....add to his shyness as a subtle/superficial trait. He's both broad and curvy to be honest, with big shoulders but also big hips/thighs. Pretty pear shaped, Volo shaped. but he is extremely short, too.
Felix realized he was trans way past childhood, 25-26, so his favourite colors are more sugary and fruity than anything- He loved cotton candy as a kid. So.....despite physical dysphoria, he's comfortable with having a mixed presentation, and likes cute or feminine things and isn't ashamed of it due to being aggressive and kind of a bully himself.
As for his hair, it's kept medium length, a little 'longer' as a style preference. It's extremely thick, and his hormone treatment makes it curly, so he prefers to tie it up. While he likes short hair on him, it's mildly discouraging- it's too thick to style and won't stick up for anything- undercuts and mohawks won't work... He may cut it periodically here and there or in the future, especially if it gets curlier.
Also......attitude wise, Felix just enjoys being a brat, childish at times, especially when comfortable or in private. His emotions are much more volatile and fiery than Ingo's- He gets pissed, he's sassy, he gets that swagger and bravado, he swoons and giggles, he gets impish and cackles like a toddler. ....of course, when he's not being quiet. Ingo and Felix are both quiet in general, Ingo moreso. Really all of it, Felix expresses himself in extremes which could come off as more masc or fem depending on mood and the moment.
He's also homosexual, so very, very queer in presentation. He doesn't mind having body hair nor makeup on him, fine with showing off how strong he is, but I can also see him straddling a guy with flirty energy- Makes me think bugs or lola bunny vibes. He likes being pretty and wearing pretty, but he's proud of what T has done for his body, too!
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quidfree · 2 years
Regarding obnoxiously long books, which is your favourite - war and peace or les mis (and general thoughts please)
ooh, good ask, anon. this is a no-brainer for me because les mis is in my Books of All Time shortlist, but i'd never really considered them side-by-side despite the fact they're contemporary and weirdly similar novels.
quidfree's literary takes hours: comparing obnoxiously long classics edition
why les mis is superior: for me personally? i think les mis manages to do what war and peace does on a micro level (which is a funny thing to ever say about les mis)- sprawling tragic historical narrative, tapestry of characters, exploration of the self via specific protagonists, but with more focus so the read is less exhausting and more engaging. not to say i didn't enjoy W&P, because i really did- but i retained a lot more of les mis even on first read, because of hugo's tighter framing. i'm generally a lot more attached to the characters of les mis than i am to those of W&P. but at the same time they're almost all broke and/or revolutionaries instead of russian nobles so who's surprised....
also, only les mis has a detailed description of the paris sewer systems, so. (and a lot more puns, i feel like.)
actually on a more serious note that's probably something else that i enjoy more in les mis: the narrator's voice, being hugo's, is more charismatic to me.
points that W&P scores: a lot more women involved, including scheming and morally questionable ones. i think fair's fair in fiction- any and all gender represented should have a wide range of mores and personalities portrayed. it's more fun that way. and kudos to tolstoy: he manages to keep you more or less up to date with everything happening to his insanely enormous cast.
romantically i'm also a lot more invested in the dalliances of W&P than les mis, excepting marius' tree-bashing moment. natasha & andrei my problematic besties...
another thing: i can't read russian, but i can read french, which means i get to read les mis both in the original language and in its excellent translation. i'm sure i'm missing out on a lot by not being able to read the russian W&P. (for les mis it's a lot of puns.)
i'm hung up on this but it is crazy how much superficial similarity there is between both oeuvres now that you've brought this to my attention. not just the whole 'extremely long book by extremely assiduous and kind of unhinged social commentator author' thing, but the unusual choice of protagonist (pierre/valjean), the merciless depiction of war and conflict, the killing off of the most sympathetic/heroic figures, the complicated love triangles.... also napoleon is there
they're also both really funny although with W&P i'm less sure when it's intentional. like i know pierre post helene is having a complete breakdown but him joining the freemasons was so funny to me. the equivalent of becoming a scientologist because you got a divorce. elon musk moves.
i have great respect for both authors not just for their talents but for the unabashed confidence to constantly halt the narrative to drop their hot takes on life humanity and society. go off
i will say though that obviously in general les mis enjoys a far more pervasive reception across (western) culture in its myriad adaptations and particularly the musical, so there's a lot more opportunity to engage with it in-depth that probably plays into my biases.
if you have any les mis OR war and peace takes please share i would love to hear some random opinions on either. or even follow-up questions, like who would win in a fight between andrei and enjolras. or what kuragin and montparnasse make of each other.
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calipolifan · 2 years
I love that you care so much about the adults of atla. The kids are very interesting of course and very compelling characters, but the adults, including Ozai, deserve more fandom attention. Out of curiosity, what got you onto the Urzai ship to begin with? I like that you portray them more closely to how they were originally meant to be in canon. The relationship might have become abusive, but there was definitely love there once, if I understand correctly. But please correct me if I’m misunderstanding them! It’s a ship that isn’t usually depicted with much nuance except for “Ozai is the devil himself” and “Ursa is a poor abused little angel”
Also, after seeing previous asks, I couldn’t help but ask you what made you consider shipping Ursa X Hakoda and Ozai X Kya too? I’ve always enjoyed crack ships and those are some very interesting ones. With Ursa X Hakoda, I get the sense that feelings would develop due to shared trauma and the love would follow later. But with Ozai X Kya, I can see their relationship starting as hot and steamy, especially if Kya is a consort or concubine, then they begin to bridge the power/distrust gap and develop romantic feelings as equals. Wanted to get your opinion because I think what makes crack ships so fun is that they’re open to a variety of interpretations.
The kids get enough attention by the fandom anyway, especially certain ones... *cough* Zuko *cough*.
The reason I usually get drawn to the adult characters in a show where it's mostly about kids, is, a) I'm an adult too, b) I usually start thirsting for one them before ending up getting genuinely interested in their character lol.
Why did I start shipping Urzai? I guess it was the weather. It was just the very first Ozai ship I was exposed to, luckily (or unluckily) without context from The Search for good plot.
I ended up stumbling over some really old-school fanfiction where their relationship was portrayed that they were closer to being equals. If not in rank, then at least in mind. I remember in my early days in the ATLA fandom that I was really attached to the very romantic idea of Ozai banishing Ursa to spare her from the execution she would've faced for high-treason. Azulon's murder didn't go smoothly and there'd been clear evidence for an outsider's influence, a trail that would've led sooner, rather than later, straight to Ursa.
I wish I could go back to that time... The fandom has poisoned me like lead over those last two years.
Anyway, for a long time, my utter hatred for the comics got me into an outright Urzai rage. I got the honour of being one of the mods for Urzai Week last year, too.
But I digress, again.
Ozai is my favourite character in the franchise, so it was just a matter of time before I started shipping him with more characters apart from Ursa, and I'm not sorry about either of these facts.
Kyazai? Ozkya? is a ship idea that came pretty late to me. It seems most of the time based on the concept of Kya ending up as Ozai's consort/concubine, and even that is rare to come by. I've seen an AU idea where Ozai takes both Hakoda and Kya as his consort (because he's greedy like that), and I'm still thinking about that. No matter, it's hard for me to really... judge the ship, if you get what I mean.
Hakursa is a ship I read and liked once in a fic that was more centered around Urzai's emotionally messy divorce in a modern AU than anything else. In most other settings, that is, "poor Ursa finally ESCAPED that demon called Ozai", my Urzai heart just bleeds too much for me to even attempt to really get into it.
Both wife-switcheroo ships are really just crack ships to me, and I like them on a superficial level. That being said, they're all also DILFs/MILFs, and in that way, that's enough for me to keep wanting to mix them together in couples/throuples.
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eve-is-obsessed · 3 years
1x1 NICE FACE rewatch
my thoughts on Eve's characterization and foreshadowing in this episode, and a tiny bit of gay panic
so I'm starting my rewatch of Killing Eve and thought it would be fun to post my notes/ reactions here. **spoilers ahead**
when they're translating Kasia's "heroin Polish" (such a good line by the way), right after Niko says “your killer is a small-breasted psycho,” let's take a sec to appreciate the camera zoom in on Eve's face??? perfect. amazing.
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and right after her female-assassin fantasies suspicions are confirmed, she kisses Niko! parallels much? season 2 where Villanelle sends Eve flowers and she proceeds to have sex with Niko as an outlet? or when she and Niko have sex after their argument about V? or when she sleeps with Hugo (ew) but V is talking in her ear the whole time?? aaaaaaaaaaaaa. I think this scene sets up so well that from this moment on, Eve's driving force, even - especially - in her relationship with her husband, is Villanelle.
speaking of V, when she's walking down the street in Paris and checks out that middle aged, dark curly haired woman,,, incredible. she has A Type. more on that later.
some foreshadowing and delicious irony when Niko says “how bad have you been?” and Eve responds “really bad” after she goes to meet Kasia and conduct her little investigation. obviously this doesn't even hold a candle to the bad things Eve does later, murder chief among them, so this line was really interesting.
when Dom and Eve are visiting Kasia at the hospital and Dom says "should have brought her some chocolate or something,” - this line highlights, in a small way, that Eve is not compassionate and doesn't really think about how others might be feeling. on first watch, I didn't see the Eve red flags for a while, but here they are!! in plain sight!!
the!!! bathroom!!! meeting!!! adlfnhoei;nf skjdbvkl;adfk holy shit it's LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT BITCHES. this scene makes me believe in love.
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but on a more serious note, V's attraction to people who look like Anna makes the bathroom meeting even more resonant because it really isn't just surface level - V's eye is instantly drawn to Eve, Eve is surprised at someone looking at her Like That (bc she and Niko have zero chemistry), and that superficial desire is what allows for the moment of true connection between them.
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what a fantastic first episode. does not disappoint, 10/10. we get an intro to Eve's boring life and desire for intrigue and excitement, and also - on second watch - her morally gray and selfish tendencies. also V being hot and killing people, like always. (side note: a LOT of people die in this episode, either 6 or 7 by my count)
this concludes my notes for 1x1 "nice face." rb with more insight if you want and i will love you forever!!!
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musette22 · 3 years
can we talk about how chris loves American football while Seb couldn't care less, same with Disney (theme parks) and then Seb loving coffee while Chris thinks that's a monstrosity, one being hot often, the other being cold, one choosing "safe" projects while the other choosing risky ones, i mean... i absolutely love their differences but also their hearts are in the same charities (with kids), they love space stuff, i adore them
It's really funny, they're so different in many ways, almost opposites, but where it matters they're SO compatible. And you know how people say opposites attract? I think that's true on a superficial level, but on a deeper level you need to be pretty similar and agree on the things that really matter, or you won't last. And I just think Chris and Seb strike that balance perfectly. They complement each other in the aspects in which they differ, and they're super in sync when it comes to their mentality, the way they treat people, their loyalty and their love for self-reflection and personal growth and wanting to contribute something good an meaningful to the world. I love them. A lot. 💘
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karasimpno · 3 years
Hot or not?
Mads Mikkelson
Matthew Goode
Would you ship?
Erwin x Levi
Me x Iwaizumi
You x Eren
Sasha x Connie
Me x Reiner
Hot or not?
Mads Mikkelson - HOT Matthew Goode - YESSSSSSS HOT HOT HOT
Would you ship?
Erwin x Levi - yes, 100%, 1000%, I'm here for it. I don't think there's as much like on-screen basis for it as you would get in like hq or something but I do definitely love that bond and the way people expand on it and it makes me emotional 😭😭 Lydia x Iwaizumi - UHUH ABSOLUTELY YES y'all would be SUCH a hot couple buuuuut....I do think it would make Daichi INSANELY jealous Me x Eren - yknow what? I do! Tragically I suffer from I Can Fix Him Disorder and I was just talking to someone about the difference between fanon and canon eren and so far canon eren has been...pretty whiney to me but I also love that sensitive passionate side of him. But beside all of that I actually think we're kind of similar... I wonder if he's an aries like me hehe. Also my real name sounds a lot like eren lmfao so I would uh...be into that in certain areas of the house ;) Sasha x Connie - omg these CUTIES. I love them both so much and I think they're absolutely adorable but I don't think they would have chemistry beyond friendship, so it's a no from me! Lydia x Reiner - okay hear me out: PHYSICALLY I think you guys would actually be ADORABLE together, I can just see it! So on a merely superficial level, yes, but he's a monster and you deserve so much better than that
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Sunday Sleepover!
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amwritingmeta · 4 years
hey! i was just wondering if you think spn will actually make destiel canon by the finale? it seems like in interviews they're trying to let us down gently w/a cas death (which possibly makes it seem like cas's ending might be related to his empty deal?) + all the parallels between saileen and deancas, and it looks like dabb and co (while not rly bringing arcs into conclusion and generally making a mess of spn) are fighting to make it canon, i was wondering what ur take on it was, esp after ep09
Oh, my dear, my heart is swelling with love for those two right now. I just watched the show through from 12x19-15x13 and I swear, that moment they share in 15x12, clinking those glasses and sharing all those smiles was like balm. It’s not even five minutes of screen time, and still it was like, okay, yes, good, thank you for the room to breathe. :D
It seems to be that Cas hearing Dean’s prayer has ushered in some much earned peace between them. They’re shown to be on the same page and taking each other’s side unquestionably. Dean trusting Cas’ judgment regarding Jack without pause. And that’s a good word for it: there’s trust between them, mutual respect, understanding. It’s so lovely, isn’t it?
So, there’s this line that’s sort of stuck with me. Actually, there are two things that have stuck with me (apart from all the gorgeous symbology baked into every episode) and it’s that the word “complete” has been mentioned twice.
Once in reference to Mary in Heaven, and once by Amara in reference to God.
Then we have a line that’s recurred twice: I had to die to get what I want.
The fact that its spoken verbatim twice made my antennas perk up a bit. It may mean nothing, as some things in this narrative sometimes do mean nothing, but it’s still interesting to take these things into account: that we’re searching for completion and that sometimes, in order to get what you want, you have to die.
So. Will Cas die?
I don’t think so. I don’t think so for many reasons that I’ve laid out here (I just posted this) (it was like you read my mind that this was coming today), but foremost because I cannot see how him dying does anything for his character arc, or for his joint journey with Dean.
You know, dark!Kaia (Kaia’s Shadow) going back to the Bad Place (Kaia’s unconscious) and accepting the ending waiting there, releasing our!Kaia back to the world where she belongs, makes me think, more than ever, that the integration of the main character’s Shadows are a necessity. 
The Empty, way I see it, is representative of Cas’ Shadow, his unconscious, all the repressed and suppressed emotions of guilt, shame and doubt that has kept his self-worth down until Jack came on the scene. 
And this is just my reading of this situation, but I’m not sure I can see Cas defeating the Empty in the Empty, if you know what I mean? The last time Cas intruded, the Empty made him suffer greatly. I don’t think Cas holds any sway there, nor should he. 
To me, the weapon our conscious has against our unconscious ruling our decisions, is our ability to grow aware of our own impulses, our own thought patterns, and making choices to break away from them.
I think Cas can only beat the Empty through making a choice and, well, for a long time I’ve felt that choice should be to become human, because by making a final choice of who he is and who he wants to be, he brings himself into awareness, integrating his Shadow in the process, and narratively nullifying the Empty’s hold on him, since humans don’t go to the Empty when they die: they go to Heaven. 
But that’s wishing and hoping and speculation, of course.
Here’s where the Destiel question comes in though.
Do I believe they’ll make it canon?
Personally, I can’t think of anything more a part of our story than the love story between those two, but I know what you mean. You mean a representative, tangible, clear, statement type of making it canon. Textualising it, so that there’s no room for doubt whatsoever. No more arguments, no more queer baiting complaints, just Destiel in plain sight. Undeniable. 
I do and I don’t.
Watching these last few seasons through again made me realise what a different feel to them this last season has, because the emotional stakes for Dean and Cas have everything to do with what they mean to each other. Yeah?
Dean taking his anger out on Cas and it pushing Cas into a turning point where he chose to leave, to move on, which was a moment of clear independence a statement of his sense of self-worth, and it in turn pushing Dean into a turning point where he faced a side to himself that he’s needed to name since forever, admitting to not having any control of himself, which is something he has to acknowledge if he’s to move into trusting himself fully, all of this has been gosh darn breathtaking to get to witness.
And having them land back in this ease, where they work together seamlessly as a team, being kept together more than not, the framing of them, all of this makes me feel like they could give us canon Destiel. I’m not going to say they absolutely won’t. 
I believe the writers want it. I believe the actors want it. But, again, that’s just what I take from the narrative itself, because the subtext is stronger than ever this final season. 
Especially with Sam and Eileen being reunited.
Because it’s been that clear parallel you mentioned, but it’s been that clear parallel to those of us who see it. The echoes of the Saileen romance that trace through the Destiel progression won’t be as resounding to those that don’t.
And because of that, at this point, I also feel quite reserved with my belief that Destiel could become canon. Because there’s so much, but there’s also nothing. There’s so much for us to enjoy, there’s so much evidence they keep throwing at us that the writers support this reading of their story, but still, there’s nothing, really, to let on that they’re building towards these two men, at some point, declaring their love for each other.
There has been zero textual foreshadowing of that.
There have been throw away moments, like the cop flirting with Dean, for example, but he frowned at that, and then got sincerely flirted with by a woman, so that deescalated that very quickly. 
There was Dean at first rejecting Garth’s compliment of “You smell SO good”, becoming uncomfortable, to then, by the end of the ep, tell Garth he didn’t smell half-bad either.
And there was that amazing moment with Cas calling out Sam being “sexually intimate” with Ruby and Dean repeating the words as if he can’t believe Cas even knows how to pronounce them.
So, there’s... you know, stuff?
But it’s not foreshadowing if it can be overlooked by the wider audience.
That said.
This show isn’t about this love story of ours. The fact that it’s so downplayed could mean that what we’ll get is something textual, but extremely subtle. I mean, for me, lingering eye-contact and a shared smile in a context that makes us understand they’re choosing each other would be enough.
If, by canon, you mean do I think we’ll get them kissing, then the answer is I want to believe that we might get that, because they could build towards that on the foundation of ease and trust that they’ve put down over the last few episodes and they could build it effectively, but I just don’t know if the studio (who own the characters) is onboard. 
My hope is that they are, because the topic of healthy representation is so hot right now, and the question of the longevity of Supernatural to the younger generations (you know, you young ones who are proving exceedingly more open-minded and looking for something beyond the superficial brothers-hunting-monsters aspect of the show) would bank on the show opening itself up to the possibilities of solid representation already seeded throughout its run.
But Dean has flirted with more women than men this season. You know? I mean, he hasn’t flirted with any men. So. 
Look, I’m not going to say I don’t think we’ll get it, because I don’t know. 
I watched S15 yesterday and finished it today and suddenly I feel this wave of hope that it actually might happen, because they’ve already changed how Dean and Cas interact, they’ve given them so many scenes with just the two of them, and we have Sam clearly meant to end up with Eileen, and doesn’t Dean and Cas deserve that same happiness? That same sense of completion? That internal peace of loving unconditionally and being loved in return?
Sam and Eileen could be foreshadowing. These writers are subtle and they could be gleefully rubbing their hands together at the thought of springing textual Destiel on the GA, you know? The green light from the studio might make them diabolical. *sadism* And I love that thought.
Because that’s been the point of the love story for me, this slow, slow build to the moment when Dean and Cas have reached a point in their progression when what they’ll have together is a healthy, balanced, loving relationship because they’ve both let go of the past and are looking to the future.
But I won’t expect textual Destiel. If we do get it, I’m going to treasure it as a big cherry on top of an already perfectly inviting and exquisite pie.
What I do believe, more than ever, that we’re getting, though, is closure. Even if it’s only at the subtextual level, I believe that those of us who read the subtext will have Destiel verified beyond a shadow of a doubt. And yes, I will be quite surprised and disappointed if we don’t get that. Because of how these first 13 episodes have been shaped and how strong the subtext is in them.
I believe we’ll end on a hopeful note.
And wouldn’t that just be gratifyingly phenomenal?
(it really would) (honestly I just need to know that they are happy and alive and together and well and finding peace and carrying on) (you know?) (thank you and amen) :)
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