#(also i have not yet watched anything from s1 but his scenes of 1x08 and 1x10. and that is likely not to change)
lcerys · 3 days
also re : show verse (yes i am. still turning it over in my head after a year. it's my personal headache). i can keep the entire "he laughed at aemond for not having a dragon with the pink dread prank" for anyone who prefers that because i would rather not mess with other people's canon. i do also keep in that verse how he lived at dragonstone most of the time even before moving permanently, but he spent some of his time at king's landing so there is a window for it ( i don't have an exact time that i think he spent in each place in his default verse, but roughly a third of his time at king's landing and the rest at dragonstone, i'd say. it can be more in his show verse, maybe half and half ). he thought it'd be funny because he didn't see what the big deal was. almost every adult rider he knew had claimed their dragons rather than having one hatch for them, some of them much older than they were, so he didn't see it as a big deal that he'd claim one older (doesn't change he was in the wrong, obviously) or that the prank was only funny for him and jace and aegon. he was being thoughtless and careless and aegon said it'd be funny and he agreed. but i am writing it that way to mesh book and show. also... he was four. he wasn't being very thought - through about those things and he doesn't remember it that well. if he thought of it now he'd obviously know he was on the wrong, but he did much worse at driftmark that he, frankly, forgets about this moment. ( if you see me edit this in some way in a while : no you didn't )
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
WARNING: Super long post. 
Parallels & Similarities (and differences) between S1 & S2
Includes episodes 2x01, 2x02, 2x03: 
2x01 Zoeys Extraordinary Return
Wake-up songs/Zoey & Mo: Opening the season with Zoey being woken up by Mo singing "in real life" & waking her up. "Rise up" in 2x01 AND "Angel of the Morning/Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" in 1x01. We first see Zoey in her bedroom. And the first two characters we meet are Zoey & Mo.
Zoey + baby: In both premieres Zoey has an encounter with a baby. In 2x01 we see her interact with her brother's son (the new baby, Miles) VS in 1x01 she encounters  new mom with a baby on the cable car during the first ever big musical number she experiences (Help!) #whenwillshestarttohearthebabysheartsongs 
Clarkeman & Coffee: The first Zoey/Max scene/interactions happens over "coffee break before work". In 2x01 we see them meting up for a coffee on a park bench before she heads over to work VS in 1x01 we see them getting coffee at the cofee bar on their way to work. In both scenes Max, her best friend, encourages/supports her (you will get the promotion VS it's a shield...to shield you from the world when you need it").
Jumping to conclusions: In 2x01 Zoey assumes that Max giving her the small jewelry box means he's proposing ("Relax, I'm not proposing") VS In 1x02 Zoey assumes that Max is asking her on a romantic dinner date, when he tells her he won the lottery to the restaurant they both love. ("Thursday night. Is it a date?" / "Is it a date?" "No! I just mean like can you go?")
Legs up!: Peoples legs getting close to Zoey's face during big musicals numbers: Leif's & Simon's during "Hello Dolly" in 2x01 at the 4th floor bullpen VS Joan's during "Satisfaction" in the elevator in 1x03. 
Promotion: In 1x01 Zoey wants the promotion & has an "interview" with Joan to get it VS in 2x01 she does not want the new job (added responsibility, when she jsut wants to "lay low") but Joan just asks her to take it. And by the end of the episode she gets the promotion/accepts the promotion, and we see her "first day at work on the new job". And in both episodes she has a competitor - Leif, who is also interested in a promotion. 
Interesting: In 2x01 Mo tells Zoey "So the powers are back - you're interesting again!" VS 1x01 when she tells him about her new superpower Mo tells Zoey: "This is the 1st thing I find remotely interesting about you". 
Mo is the honest friend: In 2x01 Mo speaks the honest truth... which is what Zoey actually needs to hear JUST LIKE he has been doing throughout S1. He might not always say the nicest things, but he's alwyas honest. And its what Zoey's character needs. (eg. Mo knows that she just lost her dad & it's a hard time for her, but her problems are still not bigger than everyone elses. Or like he calls her out on her chase/hesitation over the two teams in S1)
Tech-savvy Zoey to the rescue: In 2x01 Zoey uses her tech skills to "hack into Mitch's e-mail account" when her mom can't find the password & access it for info she needs (that dad left them) VS in1x03 Zoey comes up with a way to communicate with Mitch... (after David comes up with the Yes/No buzzer) & creates a computer program which allows him to type his answers using a mouse. 
Etsy: In 2x01 Joan tells Zoey "I like your sweater, its cute that you shop at Etsy" VS in 1x01 Tobin tells Zoey: "I thought you would be doing each others nails & buying matching tote-bags off Etsy in there."
Blessing or curse? In 1x12 Zoey told her dad that she has chosen to look at her musical power more like a "gift/blessing" (it allowed her to communicate with dad, helped her form bonds with others, help people...) and she said she's not minding the big musical numbers the way she used to. She even considers they're helpin g her instead. VS in 2x01 she tells Mo that she hopes the power won't return & when it does, she finds it "overwhelming" & cannot deal with any of it. 
Bottling it up: In 2x01 George sings "Don't cry out loud. Just keep it inside. And learn how to hide your feelings."  That song is as much about George's feelings about being the new guy, as it is another reference to Zoey's state of mind VS in 1x01 we learn that both Zoey & Simon keep their grief emotions bottled up (and they should not). As the dilogue from the Pilot already told us: Zoey: "Are you talking to anyone about this?" Simon: "Other than you? No. I've become a real expert of bottling my shame & pain, and hiding it from the world." Zoey: "I'm not an expert on this or anything, but you cant just keep it in."
Family & Grief: The Clarke family all singing "Carry on" & sitting down the table to eat dinner together at the end of 2x01... with a happy note about the future in their minds VS The Clarke family all singing "American Pie" on the funeral day at the end of 1x12, and all sitting at the living room (on the coach, chairs)...with a sad note about the present in their minds. 
The premiere episodes end with a "surprise" Max (and Zoey) "twist": ep 1x01 ends with a surprise heart song from Max which makes Zoey & the viewers aware of his feelings for her VS 2x01 ends with a surprise decision from Zoey where she "chooses Max". Also parallels to 1x12: in both 2x01 & 1x12 Zoey comes onto/kisses Max as he's telling her about his new outlook on life & business ideas. In both cases she's (partly) trying to forget grieving her dad, and needs him for the distraction. Both endings were "sudden" & "unexpected"
Family picture wall: In 2x01 Maggie is holding baby Miles (her grandson) & "showing him" the family photos on the wall VS in 1x01 Zoey sees her & dad's reflection on the picture on the wall...as Mitch first communictes with her... by singing his first heart song to her.  
Move forward: Zoey's words to Max about the business plans & their relationship actually apply as much to herself and her grief as they do for this situation: "You should absolutely move forward with it" & "You always have to move forward" 
2x02 Zoeys Extraordinary Distraction [+ (base)balls]
Hooking up: In 2x02 Zoey says to Max "we have been hooking up for the last 5 minutes" VS in 1x12 she tells her dad "I just hooked up with my best friend". In both cases Zoey makes the first move & kisses Max. In both hooking up scenes the popcorn is forgotten...
She/They both want to believe she's feeling the moment & is ready, but it is mostly just one coping mechanism... her way of distracting herself from the grief. Cause in no way has she shown signs of actually choosing him. [what dawned on the characters only 2 weeks later was obvious to viewers before they "got together" aka the moment she "chose him"] 
We saw her pick a team, but there have been no actual reasons or feelings expressed  by her why she chose him (the reasons she gave in "act five"  were about her needing him at the moment, not about why or how she really feels about him). The writing has still not included her POV & her sharing her feelings (cause she’s not ready for that...yet) They gave small glimpses during few scenes, but no real look into it. 
Get out!: Tobin being kicked out of the meeting by DMD/Zoey - "Get out, Tobin"/"Would you like to get out, Tobin?" AND Zoey getting kicked out from the makeover night by Mo - "Get out!" / "Girl, I don't care that you look like Rafiki. Get out!"
That came out wrong: Zoey told Simon in 2x02 about making his job not so easy "I am gonna ride you so...hard... Nope, that came out wrong"...She adds the last part as she hears herself say the words. VS Tobin was talking about being commited to work in 1x08 by saying "Hardworking, committed, serious. Watch how fast I nail this. Speaking of nailing... Nope, not gonna make the joke.." He adds the last part as he hears himself say the words
Food stealer: Zoey "I steal food from my best friends plate/bowl" Clarke. She ate from his plate during their dinner date at her place. And then she ate from his cereal bowl during the Clarke family breakfast "the morning after".
Older siblings: Jenna's is the less successful older sibling/sister (2x02) just like Leif is the less successful older sibling/brother (1x05). They both feel like "not enough" compared to their younger sibling(s), who they feel are more "perfect". 
Cardigan buddies: Leif & Zoey: cardigan buddies! Interestingly these two are the two 4th Floor Team members, who are most similar: both have a bike/like cycling (Leif often hs his bicyle helmet on his desk, so he rides a bike to work & Zoey has a bike in her apartment). Both love to wear cardigans, and the wardrobe department often has them in matching outfits/colours...Same this week. Both were/are the team members, who are in many ways "biggest messes" (most awkward), but both had/have the most ambition...they wanted and got the promotions. Both struggled in their new manager position..at first (and got help and good advice from their boss).
Team Leaders: Leif doing all the work alone (and exhausting himself...because he wants to be liked & hasn't yet settled into his new role as team leader... He has to learn to be their boss,  ot just their buddy...to get the team listen & for there to be teamwork) VS Zoey doing all the work alone (pre-S1 when she wanted the promotion +) during S1 when she had just become the boss: sending everyone home, cause they "didn't try hard enough", and fixing all the issues alone... VS Mo wanting to do it all alone in his early 20s (when he took over the project he had been working on with his best friend, cause "he's too good at goobyes") Both struggled with the new job, both got help/advice from their boss (Zoey from Joan & Leif from Zoey)
Sleeping at work:  Lief  being woken up by Zoey in 2x03 after he falls asleep when pulling an all-night at work (working  all night) VS Simon waking up Zoey in 1x02 after she falls asleep at work (behind her desk) after pulling an all-nighter alone. 
Leif's pants: In 2x02 Zoey tells Leif "Dust off your slim-fitting chinos" VS in S1 Joan makes a comment on Leif's pants. [I cannot remember the ep number right now] 
Go big or go home!: We found out Mitch's/Zoey’s dads motto in S1. It's "bigger moments, bigger memories" AND In 2x02 Zoey goes for the "bigger moment" - she tailors their first time together to suit Max's wishes (it should be special: the swan & rose petals are more for him than her) VS In 1x07 Max organizes a flash mob to confess his love for Zoey (something she as her dad's daughter secretly appreciates). She calls it unexpected & amazing & while she runs, its not cause she does not appreciate the "big gesture". The only reason she is overwhelmed & runs is because she is doing everything in her power to bottle up her feelings towards Max (1x06 ending proved she has feelings for him) & she did not want to deal with them at the moment. (the flashmob is more his style, but she is not opposed to it)
Come here: Max saying "Come here" to Zoey in the 2x02 dinner date scene at her place & during act five bedroom scene AND Max saying the same line "Come here" to Zoey in 1x12 during the "All of me/Pitbull" scene. 
Mix of songs: In 2x02 during the Z/M bedroom scene the scene switched between different songs & tones (romantic/ballad vs comic/neutral baseball song VS romantic mutual duet) VS in 1x12 during the Z/M movie night turned more scene the scene switched between different songs & tones (romantic/ballad vs comic/fast song) 
Dueting: In 2x02 Zoey joins Max for "A Moment Like This" during Act 5. She chooses to duet with him, becuase she feels the same way as he does. VS in 1x08 Max joins Zoey for "Pressure" at the CHIRP meeting... salvaging the presentation, when she involuntarely sings the songs (cause of the "glitch"). 
Opera songs + Sex: In 2x02 Zoey & Max are distracted by Mo singing opera & it's ruining the specialness of them trying to "do the nasty" VS in 1x04 Max sings opera the morning after he & Autumn "make their first love"
It’s a very not next-level move: In 2x02 during the morning after Max & Zoey are "caught" by her mom/family, and though it is awkward for a moment (because they seem to be surprised by the sudden change), meeting the family/parents does not seem such a next-level move, because Max has been kind-of part of the family for a while already. VS 1x05 where Max tells Zoey that meeting Autum's parents (he was dating her at the time) seems like such a next-level move, and she was not ready for any of it. VS all the times we saw Max interact with Zoeys family... in 1x02 with Mitch, in 1x06 helping the family with Mitch, in 1x12 with Maggie...
2x03 Zoeys Extraordinary Dreams [+ eggs]
NASA/Space theme: Zoey's NASA/space themed PJs and Tees + all the space references in both her childhood bedroom and her current apartment (telescope, posters, etc) 
Musical nightmares/Dreams: In 2x03 Zoey is having a recurring nightmare where in the end she faces herself while the song "Nowhere to Run" plays #allbymyself VS in 1x02 Zoey was having a much happier weird dream...with a twist ending while the song "I've Got the Music in Me" plays
A sad Emma Stone Halloween costume: Black PJs Zoey wears in the nightmare in 2x03 are the same ones she wears in 2x01 on the last day of her time off. The look Mo calls "a sad Emma Stone Halloween costume" (as he suggests she put on some colours instead)
Coach & Photo on the wall: Basically the only items in the empty Clarke house during Zoeys nightmare are the coach (where Mitch used to sit all the time & where Zoey/the family sat in S1 finale...the day the music died) & the picture on the wall (where she saw Mitch reflection the first time he sang to her/communicated with her). Her nightmare/dance are directed at those objects. 
Breaking glass: In 2x03 George breaks the glass wall/window of Zoey's/The bosses office when the team plays baseball at the office VS in 1x02 Zoey breaks the glass award/throphy in Simons office when she throws the american football ball. George & Zoey aka "I'm terrible around glass" people 
On repeat: Zoey being hunted by the same nightmare/dream throughout the episode in 2x03... until she stopped trying to avoid them and talked about them/did something about it VS Zoey being haunted by the same song "(I Can't get no) Satisfaction" thoughtout episode 1x03... until she  stopped avoiding it and helped Joan. 
I can't get no sleep: Zoey not sleeping because of the nigtmares she's having VS David/Emily not getting any sleep because of the baby (most new parents are sleep-deprived, because babies don't always have the same sleep-schedule as adults do) 
Mitch's/Zoey's spot on the coach: Zoey sitting on the coach with a blank look on her face at the end of "Nowhere to Run" nightmare VS Zoey sitting on the coach with a sad look on her face at the end of "American Pie" in 1x12 [in the nightmare shes sitting at MItch's spot, in s1 finale she's looking at the empty spot next to her] 
Red dress: The red dress the OTHER Zoey is wearing in her nightmare as she opens her door VS The (same) red dress Zoey is wearing as she & her dad dance as instrumental version of "True Colours" is playing in 1x12 (as he's dying). Same dress. 
Too much on her plate: Zoey taking on too many responsibilities and not being able to handle it. In S2 she is living the post-loss stage of grief + she's taken the new promotion and added jobs and responsibilities + she is avoiding dealing with her issues + she has started a new relationship (she is not ready for, actually) + she keeps hearing heart songs which kinda help her with knowing what others feel, but it's also distracting and overwhelming to her "reducing stress is a little tricky since I've taken over the 4th floor & have 10-times the respnsibility now"]  VS in S1 she is dealing with losing her father soon + she's taken the new promotion and added job responsibilities + she is avoiding dealing with her own issues ("face her father") + she is helping people whose heart songs she hears. In S2 it kinda culminates in ep 3, in S1 it kinda culminated  in ep 8. when she says "How do I do that? Because helping myself would mean taking a vacation from Sprk Point, or curing my father's disease."
Manager advice: In 2x03 Zoey asks Simon advice about how to manage all the extra work & he tells her about delegating work (sharing responsibiities) VS in 1x02  Zoey asks/gets help from Simon on how to manage the team (and still get to go home on time/get all the work done on time) 
Not the right person to help: In 2x03 Zoey wants to hep her mom, but she feels like she's not the right person to do that, because she has no insight into the topic (does not know anything about landscaping & art) + she would probbly not have the time or energy right now, cause she has so much other things going on... VS in 1x11 she wants to help her mom, but feels since she has no personal experience (has not lost a husband of 4-years), she is not the right person to help her. Both times a heart-song heps her find the right person (in her opinion) for the job. In 2x03 it's Jenna, in 1x11 it was Deb. 
No communication: In S2 & 2x03 Zoey is not really opening up to Max, but she is communicating her feelings to him...somewhat. Telling him about her nightmares/dreams, and that they're affecting her. Though not really going too much into the experience (because she hopes they will magically disappear if she wishes they will...) VS In S1 Zoey avoided opening up to Max & sharing her feelings with him more. Though she still uses the same tactics - trying to keep it all inside, and avoid dealing with her feelings and grief and everything related to it (hoping that if she avoids it then it doesn't exist...even if she probably knows that this is not how any of it works). She's trying to share a bit more with him, her best friend, but at the same time she is still bottling it all up inside...
My heart song does not mean what you think it means: In 2x03 Max says to Zoey after she hears a heart song from him (which he assumes might be that he is "jealous" that she talks to Simon, her grief-buddy at work about her personal life & nightmares) that "People can have a lot of thoughts in their heads without meaning them. / You can't read into it." VS Zoey's quote: "I don't know what that song is saying exactly what we think its saying" & "You can't be mad at me for singing a song I didn't mean to sing" in 1x08. 
Dinner Date gone wrong: In 2x03 Max tries to cook a home-made dinner for Zoey (at her mom's place), but when she hears him singing a heart song it leads to an "argument" between the two and he leaves VS in 1x10 Simon tries to cook a home-made dinner for Zoey (at his new place), but when she hears him singing a heart song it leads to an "argument" and her leaving. 
PS. Based on Zoey's reaction the song is either "Say Something" (because a person sings theei song until Zoey responds/helps..and she only did at the end of the episode) OR it's a reprise of a certain song fro S1 (but if I'm right not a song you'd expect) OR ... it's a completely different song... that we would not expect. And based on Zoeys reaction & the shows choice not to show/tell us the song... it has to be a "surprise", and if it would be simply "he's feeling jealous over Z/S grief connection" or if it was "Say Something"...that would  not be a twist, but since I expect this to be setting up a future story, it'd be not very creative writing if it was one of these options. Which is why I have a theory... (I'm not sure about the song... I'm not even sure the showrunner/writer has decided yet... but I have a guess on the "theme/feelings")
Timing is off: In 2x03 Zoey & Max decide to put their new relationship on hold until she is ready...to give her time to grieve and work through the emotions VS in 1x10 Zoey & Simon decide to put breaks on their relationshop-to-be until he is ready... to give him time to work through his emotions.
Say Something/Happier: In S2/2x03 Zoey & Max are in a relationhip, but they do  not communicate well. Because she does not open up to him about her grief & "he does  not know how to help cause he has not had the same experience" VS in S1/1x05-1x09 Simon & Jessica are in a relationship, but they do not communicate well. Because he does not open up to her about his grief & she does not know how to help cause she has not had the same experience. 
While there are similarieties in the storylines, there are also differences. S/J let the third party in the relationship, grief, get between them and it drove them apart, cause they stayed together until it broke them apart. Z/M came to a mature decision to not let the third party in the relationship defy them, they took a break so the grief would not end up breaking them apart. 
PS. While we've ony seen the start of this storyline, I do believe that this is where it's going. They're not gonna repeat S/Js mistake, but instead they will "learn from it", and by deciding to take some time now they will be ready to continue where they left off once she's ready. Cause they both made the false assumption in 2x01 that she was ready. They were heading toward S/J, but theyre kinda trying to avoid that by the decisoon in 2x03.
Grief therapist: In S2 Simon is Zoey's grief councelor/therapist... he gives solid advice to her about her grief and how to deal with her feelings/emotions VS In S1 Zoey was Simon's grief councelor/therapist...she gave him often pretty solid advice about grief and how to deal with the situations. The roles have reversed.
   Mind-reader: In 2x03 Max brings up the topic that he is unconfortable how Zoey can just "read his mind" and know everything he thinks & feels (have insight into how he feels...also about her), while he has no idea what she thinks/how she feels...because she won't really share. VS 2x02 When in Act 5 he says he'd like to know what she's thinking/feeling & she tells him what she's feeling VS 1x07 when Max bring up the fact that he is uncomfortable with her knowing how he thinks while he has no insight into her mind (after which she promises 100% honesty to him.... that she'll be open with him... which to this day she has not been able to really do) VS 1x04 when Mo expresses concern that she can read other people thoughts & he's not okay with her having insight into his private thoughts & feelings. 
Time apart: In 2x03 Zoey puts some space between herself & Max, when they agree to take a break, cause she's not done grieving/not ready for a relationship VS In 1x02 Zoey puts space between her & Max when she sets him up with their barista in the previous episode (because she is not ready to let herself even consider  romantic path between them, so she "fixes it")
THE END...for now
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brolinskeep · 7 years
Under-giffed scenes of Merlin
another anual rewatch series
based on a post by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​ i'm going to do a series of under-giffed scenes of merlin for my anual rewatch this year starting end of october.
but we may need some help picking scenes to gif for every episode, so if you have a scene that doesn’t get the gif-attention it deserves, please send in your prompts :)
just send an ask, reply to this post or reblog it adding your prompt, including the number of the episode and which scene from it (if it’s a rather long scene, please let me know which moment/line you’d like the focus to be on!). also: when i make the gifset of your prompt, i’d like to add ‘prompt by [yourtumblrname]’ to the post. if you do NOT want to be mentioned, please let me know.
despite the tags i’m tagging this post with, A L L scenes and characters are welcome with one exception: since i am an exclusive merthur shipper, i rather not gif merlin or arthur in a romantic/*shippery* context with anyone but each other, so no freya\merlin, gwen\arthur or those s1 morgana\arthur scenes.
you’re welcome to send as many prompts as you want for every episode. *
for the list of episodes and what prompts have been made yet:
1x01: sir owlen’s medicin [by @momotastic27] , saving arthur [by @tracionn] 1x02: “Has your father apologised for not believing you?” “He'll never           apologise.” -> arthur apologizing to merlin [by @momotastic27] 1x03: Arthur raiding Gaius’s place and asking what his papers are and Gaius is          like “My life’s work” [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles] 1x04: Merlin goes wild wild west: Showdown in the throne room (you know when           the red ones meet the blue ones) [by @merlination] 1x05: - Lancelot and Gwen's first meeting [by @xrosheen]          - Arthur Dom!tendencies towards Lancelot "ON YOUR KNEES" vs."I only            wish to serve" [by @momotastic27] 1x06: - Merlin learning some magic from Edwin [by @momotastic27]          - merlin and arthur talk   [by anon] 1x07: where Sophia is being attacked and Arthur fights them off and as the           bandits are running away Merlin yells “AND LET THAT BE A LESSON TO           YOU” and Arthur gives him a look like “wtf”           [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​] 1x08: - Merlin in the military gear or however that gangway is called             [by @merlination​]          - Mordred being separated from his fellow starting with “Go!”            [by @merlination​] 1x09:  you could say there’s a bond between us 1x10: - Merlins shoulder clap vs GAius hug [by @merlination​]          - Merlin cant sleep without Arthur by his side aka turing wildly, seaching             the sword and standing up in the most clumsy way ever.             [by @merlination​] 1x11: I want you to go in there … But it could be dangerous … Lets hope so.           [by @merlination​] 1x12: - Morgana searching for Gwen in different locations [by @merlination​]          - Gwen and her father and the present part: You’re a beautiful girl, you            deserve beautiful things. [by @merlination​] 1x13: Arthur puts himself between Merlin and the Questing Beast (cave scene)           [by @xrosheen]
2x01: merlin saving arthur from the gargoyle 2x02: -Every moment of Arthur in Merlin's cloak/the moment where Arthur gives           away his credits and rewards to his jousting substitute? [by @tracionn]          - arthur trying to sleep at gwen’s 2x03: merlin vs the broom 2x04: - Merlin when he does the magic to let the Kronleuchter fall and Arthur             when he gets them out of the fighting pit? [by @tracionn​]          - gwencelot tunnel scene          - its him you need to worry about          - anything with Merlin in his disguise clothes really [by @tracionn​] 2x05: merthur watching  uther and catrina 2x06: - i told you so          - Arthur has drunk the [potion] and passes out. Merlin and Gaius lower            him to the ground. Merlin cradles his head and then once his head is on            the ground, he goddamn strokes the side of his face.            [by @peepscarf108]          - merlin “cleaning” arthur room [by @moonliel]          - dragon laughing about uther          - arthur and uther talk 2x07: - Merlin being all sad and magicking the fire horse [by @tracionn​]           - Arthur defending Merlin please  [by @tracionn​] 2x08: - arthur losing to morgause           - “Oh great, so the horse knows where we’re going”              [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]          - Merthur i was defeated by a girl . That’s quite funny when you think            about it, or not. [by @merlination​] 2x09: merthur sure you haven’t eaten them?  I haven’t had the chance.          (The drum stick acvident) [by @merlination​] 2x10: - “Every WOman in the Land is aTtracted to his boy”              [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]            - merlin? Yes arthur? (Because he rarely calls him by his name in exactly            that way, it’s usually sire) [by @merlination​]          - uther to merlin abt arthur ‘whatshappened to him?’ 2x11: arthur’s dinner ‘let it thicken 2x12: - one where Arthur picks Uther up, sees that he’s sleeping and drops him             back on the table  [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]          - the bit where Merlin is trying to revive Gaius and it’s not working             [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]          - there’s also the moment where Merlin makes a joke about Uther having            a big ass [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​] 2x13: - “That’s a BIG WORD Merlin, sure you know what it means?”             [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]          - wet!merthur in the tavern [by @ofkingsandlionhearts​]          - They’re in their hotel room- equivalent- Arthurs getting undressed.             Merlin is in a separate bed on the other side of the room. There’s a             silent exchange where Merlin looks [wistfully] at shirtless Arthur. Arthur             turns and looks over his shoulder. Merlin awkwardly avoids his gaze.             Arthur then asks ‘what is wrong with you today?’ [by @peepscarf108]                         
3x01: - Gaius talking to Uther in the throne room, because beautiful shot             [by @merlination]           - morgause and merlin chatting 3x02:  arthur promissing uther to defend camelot 3x03: - Merlin in the library “east is that way” [by @merlination]           - arhtur tanghled in his sheets           - goblin!gaius b*tchslapping uther [by @ofkingsandlionhearts​] 3x04: - Gwaine’s disarming move ™ [by @momotastic27]           - Merlin is in the fake-Knights’ chambers being attacked. Gwaine bursts             in to save him. He says “You alright, Merlin?” And Merlin shakes his             head and does the cutest little “Nooo”. [by @peepscarf108]           - Gwaine saving Arthur in the tavern and going down because of his             injury [by @merlination] 3x05: - Merthur: Trust me - If you say that one more time [by @merlination]           - Throne room, Arthur parising Merlin infront of the court, Gwen being a              proud mum [by @merlination] 3x06: - Grunhilda talking to the sidhe king [by @momotastic27]           -  the guard and arthurs horse           - Elena and her father and the shoes. Perfect for what? Certainly not for             walking. [by @merlination]           - Uther/Arthur in his chambers. One fine day you will be a husband, but             for sure you will be king. [by @merlination]           - gaius and merlin talking tongue magic 3x07: - The WoOoolves a.k.a when Merlin pretends not to doesn’t get the hint             that Arthur wants to be alone with Gwen             [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles]          - Breakfast scene - Uther: We can just replace her and the reactions of            Arthur, Merlin and Morgana. [by @merlination]           - Elyan/Gwen reunited hug  [by @merlination] 3x08: - When Gwaine and Arthur are arguing about who has to stick their hand             in that bug infested thing to save Merlin [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles]           - courage strength and magic           - Gwaine’s sword being turned into flowers [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles 3x09: the one where Merlin is a sassy dad. Gaius/Merlin “Do your supplies           normally kiss you?” “How dare you" [by @merlination] 3x10: Morgana and her gorgeous red dress searching the castle in different           places (because that castle is as pretty as Morgana in her dress)           [by @merlination] 3x11: - Merlin. Yeah, you’re right, theres nothing to worry about.            [by @merlination]          - Gilly/Merlin “Youre not a gladiator, Uhter will have you executed.”            [by @merlination]           - dinner talk ‘arthur is ready to be king’ 3x12: - Leon being healed in the cave “Welcome knight” [by @merlination]           - uther ‘u must go alone’ - arthur: takes merlin with 3x13: - Merlin/Gwaine “You look like you’ve seen a ghost” “I’m fine”             [by @merlination]           - Merthur: “We cant defeat a mortal army.” “We dont know until we try.”             [by @merlination]           - the knights being knighted 
4x01: arthur comforting the girl in the council chambers  [by @nerdderek] 4x02: lancelot being like "you're meant to be dying" to merlin and then merlin's           like "sorry" and they banter a bit about lancelot's skills [by @nerdderek]     4x03:  merlin's expressions when arthur's on the wheel [by @nerdderek] 4x04:  merlin and the badass "i am the last dragonlord" scene  [by @nerdderek] 4x05: 4x06:  merlin-morgana conversation with the "do me a favour will you? let arthur            know. he still thinks of me as an underachiever but i'm quite proud of            those accomplishments" [by @nerdderek] 4x07:  convo between gaius and arthur at the end "contained within this great            kingdom is a rich variety of people with a range of different beliefs. i'm not            the only one seeking to protect you arthur" [by @nerdderek] 4x08:  the guy for the village being all dismissive of merlin and elyan stepping up            and going "his name is merlin." and gwen saying "he was appointed            acting physician by king arthur himself" [by @nerdderek] 4x09: 4x10: - “So now YOU’RE ignoring me. Great. I might as well not even exist.             ‘Hello, my name’s Merlin, but don’t worry about me. I’m not even here.”              [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]           - “Ask Arthur I’m always peeing" [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​]           - merlin following arthur into the woods and they have that “fancy meeting             you here” - ”what the hell are you doing creeping around the woods             conversation  [by @nerdderek] 4x11: 4x12: “A king must look KinGLY” or the “I’m saying… the belt is one hole shy of           perfection” [by @dollopheadsandclotpoles​] 4x13: When the party enters Camelot           Isolde to Tristan: Whatever happened to the idea of finding a bit of land           and settling down?           Arthur trying to say something nice to Merlin: You know, this thing’s not           bad.           Merlin to Arthur: Thought you might like it. [by @lao-paperman]
5x01: where Arthur says it's treason to threaten a king and merlin goes "how          about an ass?"  [by anon] 5x02: 5x03: at the start of the ep before they hear the woman screaming / when they           run towards the village and arthur says "you're learning" to merlin           [by @nerdderek] 5x04: when Arthur fights in that cavern and then realizes that he's been           betrayed [by @tracionn] 5x05: Gwen in the dark tower- freaking out because of Morgana’s bad magics.           EvilVision!Merlin waves at her to come closer. Then he appears behind           her roaring. [by @ peepscarf108] 5x07: 5x08: 5x09: Arthur rescues Merlin after he falls off the cliff [by @xrosheen] 5x10: 5x11: 5x12: 5x13:
*if there’ll be more than one prompt for an episode, i get to choose one of them :p
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
Season 1 Wrap Up Thoughts (Part 1)
I guess I just wanted to take some time after each season and reflect on it as a whole.  And, as always, I have lots of opinions on things.  
Today I’m going to post my rankings of the episode -- tomorrow I’ll post my thoughts on various different story arcs.  :) 
I thought it’d be interesting to rank the season after I finish up to see how it differs from my big rankings that I did last year.  (No - I’m not going to redo the full rankings list - it was tiring enough the first time around.)  But it’s interesting to see how things can change when I’m watching it in its entirety one at a time.  The thing that stands out to me the most, I suppose, is that I like the show as a whole better when I do it this way -- opposed to binge watching where I get sick of things I don’t like quicker.  
So - ranking season 1 from least favorite on up. 
22 - The Rhodes Not Taken (1x05):  Looking through all my notes, this episode I had the hardest time sitting through.  It’s, like, 90% April Rhodes , and Will clearly not knowing how to be a teacher, with included music that doesn’t keep me interested enough.  Boring seems to be more of an issue than bad in this season.  
21 - Acafellas (1x03): Well, this was original least favorite episode from season 1, but I’m bumping it up a little.  The whole Acafellas part - where Will leaves teaching for the second time in three episodes to start a wanna be boy band is still probably my least favorite single episode story out of season 1, but Kurt and Mercedes deserve better than being last - and at least this episode isn’t boring. 
20 - Mash Off (1x08): This is another episode that just doesn’t have a lot of interesting things going for it.  It’s mostly about the Will/Terri/Emma/Ken love triangle and the lack of interesting things going on during this episode just makes it drag.  Not helping it is the fact that it’s the last one before we get to Wheels - and a much more kid focused show and I’m, like, chomping at the bit to go on.  Also not helping it is a not so great selection of songs.  
19 - Hairography (1x11): This is another episode that I often struggle with because I feel like the main plot lines in the episode drag.  But it’s got the beginning of Hummelberry and some decent songs to save it from being at the very bottom. 
18 - Vitamin D (1x06): Everyone always remembers the fun part of the episode - where the kids are all high on Vitamin D - and I agree, that’s a fun and fantastic and it’s why it’s higher than the rest of the episodes on the list, but it’s also only a small part of the episode.  Most of this episode is dedicated to Will and Terri’s martial issues, which include a five minute Ken/Terri scene that no one really needed.  
17 - Funk (1x21): People really hate this episode.  I get it - I’d categorize it more ‘bad’ than ‘boring’ -- but I can tolerate this rather bad episode albeit rather entertaining episode more than struggling through things I can’t keep focused on.  And really - I don’t even think it’s that bad until the Will/Sue Feud takes a turn into -- oh gross, don’t do that...  
16 - Hello (1x14): The Back 9 kicks off with a solid, fast-paced story with essentially two story lines.   The problem isn’t even that I don’t care about Wemma or Finchel (cause I really don’t) it’s the fact that both Will and Finn are major douchebags in the episode in the name of plot, which makes them both kinda annoying to watch.  I don’t think it’s a bad episode.  I just get annoyed people’s actions.  Bonus points for Jesse St. James though.  
15 - Mattress (1x12): The episode is pretty solid, even if there are some weird tonal shifts in it.  It does what it needs to, moving the plots into the final episode of the Front 13.  It’s not bad, and it’s not even boring, but it’s just kind of there.  
14 - Throwdown (1x07): This episode may be about the Will and Sue feud, but it’s pretty entertaining, and has some good music in it.  There are some minor issues, and I don’t think it stands up that well to subsequent viewings, but it’s more fun than a lot of the other early S1 episodes. 
13 - Showmance (1x02): I can never remember much about what happens in this episode.  But it’s not bad at all -- more so a continuation of the pilot if anything.  The comedy is really the thing that really does a lot for this episode, because the plot focus of Wemma and Finchel really don’t hold my attention. 
12 - Pilot (1x01): I’m never quite sure what to do with the Pilot when doing things like rankings.  On the one hand - it’s a fantastic pilot, it’s incredibly funny and Don’t Stop Believin’ is very moving.  On the other hand, all the characters I care about, save maybe Rachel, are not developed or don’t even exist yet.  The conflict of these things always sets it right in the middle for me. 
11 - Dream On (1x19): In terms of all around good TV as a way of art, I think Dream On is fantastic.  It’s plots are solid and entertaining.  The music is amazing.  Neil Patrick Harris shines as a guest star.  And yet -- I just don’t care enough about what’s going on in this episode.  In terms of best episode on an objective scale of TV making - this would be number one.  However, I just don’t care enough.  I’m sorry! 
10 - Preggers (1x04): This is another one of those episodes I feel like is remembered for one thing, while everything else is forgotten.  Kurt, his dad, and all that development is a fantastic story that deserves great praise.  But a majority of this episode is dedicated to Will and Finn dealing with pregnant significant others being pregnant and it just doesn’t hold my attention the way other episodes do.  Unlike Acafellas, though, there’s nothing bad in the episode, however.  
9 - Journey to Regionals (1x22): I’ve said it before, and probably say it until y’all are sick of it, but Glee doesn’t have the greatest track record with their season finales.  This one works just fine, wrapping up the season’s plot lines nicely, having good music, and being entertaining as one might expect.  But the main plots are usually not the ones I’m here for, so my engagement level just isn’t as high. 
8 - Ballad (1x10): It’s funny - I used to really hate this episode, but it’s grown a lot on me.  The episode’s solid, the Kurt/Finn stuff is great, and while I’m not a huge fan of the Rachel’s crush on Will thing - it holds up pretty decently.  
7 - Sectionals (1x13): I think this episode is incredibly engaging the first time around.  Illogical, and not really holding up on subsequent viewings hurts it a little, but I still think it’s a great way to cap off the first arc of the show, and has some strong emotional moments throughout.  I mean - I even cared for Wemma for a half second in there.  
6 - Wheels (1x09): This is the first time the show really focuses in on the kids’ stories, and it really works pretty well.  The stories are all really engaging, the minor characters all get more development, and it’s the introduction to Becky Jackson.  But of course - it’s way up high for the iconic diva-off between Rachel and Kurt that really sets this one apart. 
5 - Bad Reputation (1x17): This episode is really, truly pretty darn funny.  It’s a great use of music, a nice little mystery throughout, and gives everyone something to do.  I love it - and often think it’s a pretty underrated episode. 
4 - Theatricality (1x20): What?!? Yeah - most people tend to like this episode more than I do.  But hey, it’s 4, that’s pretty good on my list ;)  The Shelby/Rachel stuff brings it down for me. Eh.  But everything else is pretty spectacular -- even the questionable use of Lady Gaga music.  Oh- and the fact that it’s the wrap up of Kurt’s season 1 story arc in an incredibly meaningful and moving way really seals the deal on this one for me.  Bonus - Lady Gaga costumes. 
3 - The Power of Madonna (1x15): For an episode focusing on Sue of all people, I really do enjoy this episode.  It’s mostly Madonna music, sure, but I’m incredibly entertained every time I get to it.  It’s very funny, the music is amazing, and there are just a lot of great things going for it.  
2 - Home (1x16): The five minute Will/April song makes the episode drag for a hot second.  But outside of that - I love this episode.  It’s amazing, and every time I go back to it I’m always blown away by how much I really love it.  The Kurt-Finn/Burt-Carole stuff is so amazing and it just blows me away.  I have so much love for this emotionally heavy episode. 
1 - Laryngitis (1x18): After rewatching season 1, this episode still holds up as my favorite.  Yes, I know the quadriplegic story is iffy at best - I get that.  But I’m kinda letting that slide since I love everything else that goes on in this story (yes, even the kinda silly Mercedes/Puck stuff.)  Kurt’s amazing in this episode, and I love everything about it - from dressing up as his dad, to dating Brittany, to becoming himself again in song.  This episode is amazing and truly my favorite from season one.  
My biggest takeaway from this is that Season 1 holds up as a really solid season of television  -- it’s a great comedy, the music is fun, and Kurt’s story arc, in a shocking surprise, is still my favorite.  But that’s kind of an objective opinion.  While I’ll get into it more tomorrow - The Front 13, while being entertaining on a weekly bases, just doesn’t hold my attention anymore, while the Back 9 blossoms into what I love about the show.  I also have a hard time with boring - and the Front 13′s slower pace, and focus on stories I don’t necessarily care about is what hurts it for me on subsequent reviewings.  
So there ya go - more on the specific arcs tomorrow.  :) 
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Winn Schott - He Protects the Stars (a S1 masterpost)
Me, rambling about my favorite cape-less hero, in chronological order. This is an appreciation post for anything and everything I can mention and that is all.
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Episodic breakdowns under the cut.
This post will be reblogged as I add in episodes.
1x01, Pilot
Jack-of-all-trades #1: Head IT Guy at CatCo
Does not push after being turned down for a date. (which, btw, considering how her dates goes, I can’t help but think Kara would have had much more fun having a chill friends night watching a movie with Winn)
Immediately ready to listen to whatever Kara is about to confess and validates her trust, and accepts his friend for exactly who she is - all the time??? #supportive friend
Jack-of-all-trades #2: Tailor (later says that “the Supergirl suit sucked” but that Kara didn’t need it to be amazing anyway.) Still. Makes her supersuit after a few...errors. Also works on this project for days to get it right.
Jack-of-all-trades #3: Hacker
Admits when he’s wrong: “a cape aids in aerodynamics!”
1x02, Stronger Together
tbh, Winn doesn’t get a lot of attention in this episode but
Encourages Kara after her first big mess-up, telling her she’s going to get better, and everything will be ok. #supportive friend
Is Supergirl’s information source and cohort, helping her fight crimes. Can you imagine early Kara Danvers trying to decide which emergencies to respond to first? (Later joined by James) #hero
Obviously jealous of the obvious attraction between Kara and James, but keeps his distance and doesn’t make things difficult.
Jack-of-all-trades #4: Mathematician/Tactician, instantaneous rattling off of an ambulance weight and the amount of newton force Supergirl needs to use in order to, as James puts it, be gentle. #genius
1x03, Fight or Flight
Creates the team’s first base of operations.
Writes and implements an algorithm that is somehow capable of sweeping an ENTIRe CITY for traces of radiation??? So that Supergirl can find one particular villain?? #genius
“This isn’t on you, Kara.” #supportive friend
Is the one to find Krull. -Because of making a connection between radioactivity in Chernobyl and MOLD (it’s a real thing btw) #hero #genius
Steps in and saves Kara from getting in trouble with Cat. #supportive friend
Okay, but whether or not you ship them, Kara and Winn are having so much fun dancing in this scene, they are too happy. Also, making Kara laugh when she’s stressed. Also, looks to Kara when James interrupts and doesn’t make a fuss when his dance is stolen.
Jack-of-all-trades #5: Dancer - how many IT guys you know who are also comfortable on the dance floor
Empathetic/Perceiving: “Hey, you okay?” the second Kara walks in and he can tell something’s wrong, and then makes an effort to cheer her. #supportive friend
1x04, Livewire
Righteous indignation at Leslie’s slamming of Supergirl/her costume/everything.
Does his best to make that dinner go well for the Danvers. #supportive friend
His little “grateful to be included/thankful for you” speech.
1x05, How Does She Do It
watches the phones for Kara so she can go Supergirl stuff. #supportive friend
Jack-of-all-trades #6: Reluctant Babysitter - despite feeding Carter nothing but junk food, is actually the responsible one looking out for the kid the whole episode. -James sat in the same space and didn’t notice the kid leaving apparently, soooo.
apparently makes a habit of camping out in Cat Grant’s office to play video games on all her monitors???
“Winn, you’re getting killed.” - “Every day, kid.” will never not be a line that doesn’t hurt.
“Hey, you alright?” Empathetic/Perceiving again when James is having trouble with Lucy. #supportive friend
Figures out where Carter went immediately. #genius
Is trusted enough by Kara that she abandons intel to pursue something else on his word - and it pays off. #hero
Probably is responsible for Carter gaining a sense of humor.
1x06, Red Faced
Another too-small Winn episode
Is alarmed and against the idea of breaking into the DEO database - as one should be. “That’s treason!” Initially refuses, even knowing it would earn him points with Kara.
“You’re the only one that can help us.” Alex’s words, not mine.
Relents and hacks the DEO anyway for Alex and Jeremiah’s sake. (yes, Kara, pulling the dad card was a dirty pull) #supportive friend
Not relevant but: Winn just casually/insistently pushing James’ arm out of the way of his computer screen after James sits on his desk.
“Wait, does the robot fight mean that game night is cancelled?” #priorities
Finds out about Jeremiah, and is the one to figure out that Hank redacted the files. #genius
1x07, Human For A Day
No, wait, he actually is The Best IT Guy for the job: gets CatCo back up and running in a matter of a few hours after an earthquake. #genius
Supergirl’s #1 Fan and always takes offense when she’s snubbed.
“That’s the story. Ordinary people like you, used to doing mundane and small things, finding themselves in the midst of a crisis doing something extraordinary. Heroes.” Cat said it, not me.
So the first time I saw Winn’s reaction to Kara and James hugging, I thought he was being pretty selfish. But his first words are to remind Kara about Lucy. And even if it’s out of jealousy, he’s concerned. Because he is right when he says Kara can’t have a normal life - she’s shown she doesn’t want one. Winn, maybe better than James or Kara herself, understands what that means. The superhero doesn’t get the guy is a lesson he’s been teaching himself, so of course it’s going to be how he reacts. James has a girlfriend, and Kara would never be able to settle into a human existence.
Is stressed after answering phones for Kara for a bit, but is the one to communicate to an entire floor of trapped people what they need to do, and that they’re going to be rescued. #hero
Uses a screwdriver in the track to keep the elevator door open. Idk if you’ve ever worked with elevators, but that takes maneuvering. #genius
He reaaaaally doesn’t like heights guys.
-BUT pulls people out of the elevator shaft anyway. #hero
Can I just point out this is the second, and will not be the last, time Winn has watched his friend(s) plummet to their inevitable doom?
Not here to justify Winn’s rudeness at the end of the episode, but Kara getting all cuddly with the guy she’s attracted to when he has a steady girlfriend is not a good thing. If it were my friend, I’d be disappointed in them too.
1x08, Hostile Takeover
So not only does Cat call Winn a handsome little Hobbit, she trusts him, and knows that Kara does too. #she gets it
“No one knows the computer systems better than you.” Kara said it, not me.
“Shouldn’t we be focusing on the whole Psycho Aunt Astra is back in town for round two thing?” #priorities
I’m 95% certain Winn’s passive-aggressive turns in these few episodes was a red herring of foreshadowing him to be a villain and I’m vaguely disappointed they didn’t do it a little more because red herrings and foreshadowings are my fave.
If Winn was petty like people sometimes think, he wouldn’t be hanging out on his break with James. Anyone who has lunch or coffee breaks with coworkers knows this is true. #supportive friend
Comes up with the plan to get Armstrong’s files and evidence against him, and runs the whole operation. #genius #hero
“What are you guys doing here?” “Saving the day!” ...okay those were Winn’s own words but he’s not wrong.
gosh he looks so happy to be sticking it the man here #hero
“You did it.” ^_^ #supportive friend
1x09, Blood Bonds
A good Winnisode means additional hashtags
Not really relevant, but the whole scene where Kara is freaking out about being “normal” is genius and hysterical. “Are you having a sTROKE??”
When James says he didn’t find anything out from Max Lord, Winn immediately knows he’s hiding something, though Kara is oblivious, and immediately calls him out on it, though he waits for Kara to leave, giving James the benefit of the doubt. #the most empathetic character on television #genius
“Kara’s a little too trusting to notice when you’re lying, but I’m definitely not.” Not many people have given him a reason to trust them. #protect him
James: “they’re targeting Kryptonians” Winn: “Including Kara.” #supportive friend (Credit to James for being on the same page.)
James: “do you really want Kara to find out you let me do this all alone?” Um. No. Bad. #too loving and forgiving and easily manipulated for his own good
Hacks Max Lord’s "not state-of-the-art security, it Is The Art” security, in a matter of hours. #genius
“You can’t kick lasers, can you.” #the snark
Stands in the way and successfully stops Kara at her angriest, the most dangerous we’ve seen of her yet, from going after Max Lord in a blind rage and doing something terrible. Bonus of Kara yelling at James that “you can’t stop me” and turning to the doorway to find Winn blocking her path. #supportive friend #hero
!!! watch that scene again.
Kara: “I almost did something today that I would have regretted for the rest of my life.” J’onn: “What stopped you?” Kara: “My friends. The DEO keeps you human. They do that for me.” #hero #supportive friend
“Eh, it’s why you keep us around, right?” #self-deprecating smile
Can I just take a moment to appreciate Winn’s wardrobe? Especially that fine choice in pants. 10/10 Okay, we’re good.
1x10, Childish Things
Oh here we go, friends, here we go, this is gonna be long. Full disclosure this episode is mostly sucker-punched emotions
Winn’s voice introducing the episode, yes please.
*insert mini rant about how this is The Worst prison ever (discounting Arkham of course), with horrible safety and security procedures and it’s a wonder they kept the Toyman in there as long as they did*
kudos for casting Henry Czerny as Winn’s dad, he actually looks like he could be Winn’s dad
Winn already looks distracted and sad in his first scene, trying to figure out what the special toy delivery means.
*insert mini rant that Agent Chase is actually pretty incompetent as an Agent and that’s a crying shame*
Winn and Kara’s whole relationship in this episode is about not wanting to change something good. Winn didn’t tell her about his dad because he didn’t want her to pity him
“He wasn’t always crazy, in fact he was a good dad - he was normal.” This is one of the things that causes Winn so much pain, thinking his dad was fine and then just completely snapped without warning, that this could happen to Winn too. I need to point out that Winn is probably wrong, as everything we see about Winslow points directly to a history of emotional abuse and manipulation. I don’t think he was ever actually a good dad. This explains why Winn never sees it when his friends/others emotionally manipulate him now, as James, Mon-el, Alex, Kara, and Lyra have all done at least once. #too loving and forgiving and easily manipulated for his own good
All of the things Winn says describing his dad are things that Winn faces too, hence his fear of becoming like him. #protect him
“You have a homicidal maniac in the family too, so you know where I’m coming from.” #self-deprecating smile
Immediately confesses about the toy as soon as he talks to Kara. (Thank you Kara, yes good) #hero
Talking into the wire. #NERD (I can’t use that every time, just - he is a nerd.)
Wouldn’t confront his father without Kara’s support. #protect him
Creepy place, but makes me think about the time Winslow must have spent there with his son, playing games, and winning toys. Kudos for the sign that says “one way” pointing the other direction as Winn is walking in.
Immediately tells his dad to turn himself in. #hero
After everything, even hating his dad, Winn just wants to help him in the best way possible. #the most empathetic character on television
Feds burst in and Winn just wants to stop anyone from getting hurt. #hero
Kara’s really good in this episode, being a true BFF, have to put that out there. Regardless of their relationship particulars, she is very much the best thing that has happened to him. #supportive friend (Kara edition)
Crossing his arms defensively while talking to Agent Chase, but immediately relaxing his posture when talking to Kara.
Also: “Are you sure you’re alright?” #supportive friend #the most empathetic character on television
Kara’s “I don’t normally...inhale” may be the best line in the entirety of this show??? XD
Kudos to Jeremy Jordan for taking the extremely melodramatic line “this is my burden” and making it work.
Making corny jokes to get Kara to laugh when he’s the one who needs to be cheered up. #supportive friend
Figures out where his dad is, but despite not wanting to involve Kara, doesn’t do anything stupid, and instead waits to tell her so she, the superhero, can take care of it. #genius
Aside: Winslow Schott Sr is completely cracked like wow
Mad at himself for endangering Kara and immediately wants to call the feds. #priorities
“Well then what’s to stop it from happening to me?!” is so awful ouch. Also, Kara trying to console him and ending up saying exactly the wrong thing. Sucker. Punched. #protect him
This. Whole. Scene. Hurts. Too. Dang. Much. To. Talk. About.
I want to point out that the whole terrible kiss is not completely and only Winn’s fault. Yes, he kissed her. Yes, that was wrong. But he has been in no way subtle about his feelings for her, including: asking her out, telling her she’s what he’s grateful for, saying “this is why you’re not into me” right before finding out she was Supergirl, that little peck on the cheek, Kara saying things like “we’re linked too” and “I would be lost without you” and etc when he is in an extremely fragile emotional state. Yeah. Poor kids.
At once - AT ONCE - apologizes, and excuses himself and honestly with emotions that high, that’s the very best thing he could have done.
The whole scene between the two Schotts. Winslow pretending he cares even while he has his son drugged and tied to a chair. Nobody stole anything from Winn and his father except his father himself. #protect him
The conflicting fear and rage in Winn though. *flops*
“How did this happen to you” may be the most important question Winn has ever asked of anyone in his life, to understand how his dad could become this and if he might become it too, and his dad completely ignores him and doesn’t answer.
Winn: “I am nothing like you.” Winslow: “Don’t underestimate yourself.” That’s it. I’m dead.
The panic on his face as he looks at Dunholtz, his target, and the steely resolve that comes when he looks at a child, someone who will be hurt if he doesn’t go through with this.
And even then. Even then. Winn can’t bring himself to actually hurt someone. #hero
I still am not sure if he says “I’m sorry” to Dunholtz for going to shoot him, or if he says it for the entire room, because he can’t go through with the awful deed and it’s going to kill them all. #the most empathetic character on television
Even after all that stuff Winslow said, he very calmly and coolly activates the bombs that will kill everyone, including the son he pretends to care about, because it really is still all about himself, and about his revenge. #NOT COOL WINSLOW
Apologizes to Kara again and comes clean about it all finally, it’s out in the open. Good.
That sigh at the end. He’s so upset, but there’s also relief. He doesn’t have to hide anything anymore. Now whatever happens, happens. *hugs him*
Last thing: this line gets me every time, and I know it doesn’t mean a thing, but it’s there, it happened. Kara telling Alex: “I screwed up with Winn. I might have ruined something and I don’t know if I can fix it.” Fix it, kids, please. Because Kara and Winn as brotp or otp is life.
This is the longest episode breakdown of this post. You’re welcome??
And that’s all for Part 1 of the masterpost. Tumblr hates how long this has gotten, so I guess I’m going to make a Part 2 for the last half of the season. This line here will turn into a link once I have that post started.
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antthonystark · 7 years
can you talk about your fave alec moments from 2a?
Oh man. There’s so much, there’s basically too much – I didn’t actually think therewas that much, but wow there’s actually so much because literally every Alecscene is my favourite scene as I am a simple girl with easy standards. But I’ll try to, like, not talk for six thousand years. Let’ssee how it goes lmao.
#1 Best Top Alec Scene of All TimeEver: Alec v. Aldertree, 2x09
Oh man. Oh man. This was…this was such a gift…Ican’t even describe how I feel about it adequately. Like our boy is a saltineat the best of times, but that aspect is sort of is tempered by his forcedrespect for authority (which is a whole nother conversation which I’ve talkedabout a few times) – so against an authority figure, in the past, Alec has beensort of passive-aggressive (for lack of a better word); like in 1x09, he staresdown Lydia and hands the folder to his mom against her command, and in 2x01 hestill takes Lydia’s dismissal instead of contesting it. So I like this sceneespecially because you see him coming out of that, but it’s not OOC oranything, firstly because shedding his adherence to authority has been a partof his arc since 1x12 (and was reinforced in 2x08 with his conflicts with hismother), and also – and more significantly imo – it’s because of his family.Isabelle specifically. 
So that “I’ll do anything for my sister,” authoritative,salty as fuck Alec just taking his Institute back that thisscene brought out is my favourite ever Alec and I hope he’s here to stay.(Actually, I hope we see him struggle a bit more with his identity as aShadowhunter, his duty to the Clave and his parents and following orders andthe like, since that was a key part of his character in S1 and it would be socool to see him actually deal with that, but that’s a whole nother thing aswell). And leader!Alec has always been my favourite Alec, and there’s nothingmore I want to see than Alec being the head of the institute like he deservesto be (seeing a struggle for power between Alec/the Lightwoods/Aldertree wouldbe SO NICE too, and I’m actually really interested to see how power is going toshift hands in 2B in the Institute. Maybe seeing Alec have to navigate themessy quagmire of Shadowhunter/Clave politics which puts him at odds with theothers who don’t get how complicated it is because the consequences of any insubordinationare going to fall on his shoulders as the leader sorta like how it was in S1. And I’m also kind of interested to see how Alec navigates the whole “preserving the Lightwood honour” thing from last year - how much he values that now compared to the huge lengths he went to for the Lightwood name in the first season. That would be so cool).
Andhonestly, that smirk and that salty little pat on Aldertree’s shoulder ended mylife. It ended my life.
I just put the rest in chronological order but i just had to mention this one first lol so here we goooo
EPISODE 2x01 (and that punching bagscene in 1x02):
I’m justnaming this whole episode okay sorry (I’m probably gonna do this with mostepisodes lbr). There was just so muchgood Alec in this episode it’s hard to unpack it but let me try.
I’dprobably say my favourite moment overall is the very first one, with the wholegang in the institute. This is weird and most people would probably go for theAlec/Maryse confrontation or the Magnus/Alec scene later on, but there’s justsomething so Alec about this scenethat I love. Like, Matt did such a good job in this scene imo because you couldliterally feel the stress and panic radiating off of Alec and it just cut medeep because man oh man those parabatai feels always get me. More than that, though,you can see the fear and frustration because of the realization that the way hehas dealt with his feelings his whole life is starting to fail – in the wake ofJace’s absence, suddenly he isn’t able to bottle up his feelings and put themin a place out of his own access, so he doesn’t have to deal with them –suddenly, it’s too much to just shove out of sight and push down withoutexamining (as he tries to articulate it for the first time when he says “withJace missing, it’s like the ground has shifted and I can’t keep my balance—”). Andthroughout the first couple of episodes, you see him having to deal with thisand becoming more volatile as these feelings that he never learned how tohandle burst out of him without him being able to exert that control that he’sbeen having to do his whole life.
Relateddirectly to that, one of my other favourite scenes is from 2x02 when he’spunching the punching bag, and I love thisdetail because you saw him trying to do the same thing in a few instances inthe first season, using his physical body (and inducing physical pain, but moreon that in just a moment) as a way of trying to exorcise his feelings without dealing with them in a significant emotionalway. And that little moment when he rests his head against the punching bag –that’s when he realizes that it’s not working, that this is all too much, thathe can’t punch this away. (Leading into his decision to endanger his own lifeto get Jace back which man oh man I loved that scene too but guy we’re gonna behere all day if I keep doing this.)
I really supermega love the scene on the balcony with Magnus as well, but to try and makethis not a million years long I’m trying to focus in-depth on Alec-only scenesrather than relationship-related scenes. But know that this one is definitelyone of my faves as well. (My favourite Alec quote probably ever is “Thanks, I’vebeen working on [my apology skills]” BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK THAT’S ADORABLE ANDI LOVE IT. And that smile.)
2x04: The fight with Izzy and thesubsequent cuddle pile
(The ending of 2x03 is another favouritemoment but everything I think about it I just cry and I have nothing good tosay so I’m skipping on to 2x04).
Okay sothe fight with Izzy is deadass one of my favourite Lightwood scenes EVER, and I’vetalked about it so much before so I’ll try and keep this brief but oh my god it’sjust perfect to me in every way. Mostly I can’t stop thinking about how he justcannot even so much as bruise Isabelle when she would literallyrip his heart out if given the chance (I mean, the demon possessing her but youfeel me right). Like, he can’t hit her with a non-lethal shot and instead oftrying to force her off of him he’s just trying to reason with her (Izzy please ugh my heart) and try to gether to overcome the demon and it kills my soul. This is my true favourite Alec,the gentle big brother Alec, and that’s why I love this scene so much. Add thatto the whole “you’re the favourite child” rumination which I love because itjust shows how poorly both the Lightwood kids have been treated by theirparents so that there’s really no favourite child at all, but I talked aboutthat a lot once too lol.
Butspeaking of gentle big brother Alec oh my lord the scene right after Izzy getsunpossessed and the way he holds her and applies the iratze on her (and laterthe way he scoops her up) oh my god I die every time (I don’t think I canestimate to you how many times I’ve watched this scene tbh lol). And when Jacecomes in that little soft hug that passes through all three of them is myfavourite thing in the entire world honestly I can’t believe we were blessedwith a Lightwood group hug in my lifetime. It’s just my favourite thing aboutthem, how they were made to be weapons from childhood and how they’ve had tofend for each other, and how they’re soldiers raised in this militaristic andoppressive society that forces them to be cold and hard and yet they are sosoft and sweet and loving and kind to one another……idk if I’m articulating thiswell at all but I’m just I love itbye.
2x05: Rooftop scene with Jace/fireescape with Magnus
If I hadto pick a solid second favourite, it would probably be these two scenes, when Ithink about it. Ever since season 1, I was very interested in Alec’srelationship regarding the physical and the emotional, because of that wholepile of stuff I wrote under the 2x01 heading right up there (but more examplese.g.  punching Jace when he insinuatesAlec’s feelings for him, and the punching bag scenes in 1x06, 1x08, 1x09). Butthis is another facet to that, which is trying to avoid dealing with the emotionalpain/trauma  that he never ever taughthimself how to handle properly by trying to translate it into self-inflictedphysical pain and injury just to tryand make it go away, and it breaks my heart. I know this is a sensitive issue,so I don’t want to talk about “loving” it or anything like that, but Iappreciate it because it’s very in line with Alec as a character, not only inhis struggles with self-worth that were very apparent throughout the firstseason, but because of the way he was raised informing the way he navigates his emotions(i.e. with a lot of difficulty, and as it becomes apparent, a certain amount ofanguish), as he was both brought up in the emotionally repressive militaristic society of the shadowhunters, and struggled with being gay in an openly homophobic society, which makes it even worse for him compared to the other shadowhunter characters we see. 
Just theimage of Alec’s blood-soaked hand reaching for arrow after arrow that keep further wounding his hand was a very strong one, and it’s the reason whythis scene has stayed with me as a strong Alec moment. And his whole conversationwith Jace added to it just makes it even stronger to me, because it hammershome the guilt and the self-loathing that Alec is feeling not only for Jocelyn,but for apparently failing Jace, and you can feel his shame at hisself-perceived shortcomings coming to light and it’s heartbreaking and just sogood. (I’m not gonna keep saying “yay Matthew” but yay Matthew because he’s sogood he’s so good).
Also sincewe’re talking about 2x05, I loved the little moment with Madzie (that smile curedmy depression im p sure)
2x06: Yeah, the…the whole thing.
Yeah, sothis episode was amazing. Great Alec, great Magnus, great malec, everything sogood.
One of thethings I liked about this as a Matt stan more than anything is just the waythat Alec was allowed to have a little bit of comedy, since he’s usually such aserious character, and Matt just nailed the subtle comedy in lines like “youcan round down, if you want” and the ICONIC “17! 1700? …17000?” moment which wasjust so spectacularly done. And the best acting moment of S2A when Matt “drinksvodka straight out of the bottle” Daddario does the most perfect impression of a non-drinker drinking alcohol (as a nondrinker this was especially special to me lmao).
But morethe actual Alec moments, I think the way his insecurities were portrayed is whatI really loved in this episode? I don’t usually relate to Alec in ways that are less superficial than not drinking alcohol, but in this single specific way only (only this) I find him relatable to the sole extent that asa 20y/o with basically no relationship experience for certain reasons (yeah sadlife whatever leave me alone). But even apart from that and just focusing on Alec, one of my favourite lines was when hesaid “I didn’t want you to think that there was something wrong with me” and “…becauseI knew I could never have what I wanted” or whatever it was) because that’sjust heartbreaking and basically I just love it, I don’t have anything good or profoundto articulate here, I just love this because I’m so happy Alec can finally have what he wanted for so long, after so many sad lonely years of thinking he could never be this happy and i love him and this whole episode okay bye
On ahappier note, I also really loved the pool-playing scene between Magnus and Alec.I love how they showed his competitive spirit and that playful flirty side toboth of them,  it was really cute and Iwant a lot more of it in the future. Like, you don’t see a lot of Alec being competitiveoutside of this moment, and I feel like some of it was dulled a little bit bythe fact that he would always measure himself up against Jace and perceivehimself as coming up short, but I like when you can see his smugness andcompetitiveness come out in certain moments like this one, esp in the way that you can see Magnus making him happier and more open which yes. (And I also likeAlec talking about archery and i want more of that too).
2x07. omamori
I know2x07 was a big giant mess, but I have to give it the omamori scene. I’ve talkedabout it so much because I love it so much, so I’m deadass just going tocopy-paste something I “wrote” before on it (my grammar in this post is weirdly good and mixed up because i had to write it on MS Word and that autocorrects and capitalizes but the following is more indicative of my actual thought processes lol):
the “yesyou” especially killed me like………he’s so sweet, so obliviously sweet?? likethis is alec’s first relationship ever, and it just strikes me as so lovelythat on their second date ever, he’s like “here have this present” like!! forso long he’s never let himself do any of this, indulge in not only love andattraction and desire, but also all of the small relationshippy things - soliterally the first opportunity he gets, he gives magnus a little present:)))))) it makes me almost sad because there’s so much love in this boy and forso long it had nowhere to go and it choked him from the inside out and now hefinally gets to show it and embrace it and give it to somebody special,somebody who will appreciate and return it in kind
and hedoesn’t register or understand magnus’s surprise? he’s like “yes you duh” likeit’s just par for the course, like “this is what you’re supposed to do, isn’tit?” it’s just so fucking………..alec that it hurts
and thatthe omamori represents protection???? oh god i love it so much b/c alec is thisyoung and relatively un-special shadowhunter (in that he doesn’t have any extraspecial angel powers or whatever) and then there’s magnus who’s immortal andamazingly, endlessly powerful, but alec’s instinct is still towards protection.how sweet is this boy
So yeahthat’s that.
2x08 – Runer ceremony & the endscene with Maryse
Okay LASTONE I promise. 2x08 was again chock full of some NICE Alec scenes, and Iespecially love when Alec has scenes with his parents because as a viewer it’ssuch an interesting dynamic that I really want the show to explore a lot.
Anyway, Ilove love love the Rune Ceremony scenefor a lot of reasons, but speaking about Alec particularly I!!! love!!!!proud!!! big!!! brother!!! Alec!!!!!!! and seeing him smile at Max like that made my entire life ho my god.  And there was something very affecting aboutthe fact that since Robert couldn’t be there, it was Alec who had to accompanyMax up to the Silent Brother. idk exactly but I just really love that moment,because I guess it’s this visual representation of the emotional neglect fromthe Lightwood parents, and the way that the children had to start looking outfor each other at such a young age, and the almost parental protectiveness thatAlec has had to develop over his siblings (and his siblings over him as well) becauseof the lack of emotional support from their parents? I love this song tbh and bigbrother Alec is my favourite Alec (and the visual contrast in height betweenJack and Matt in this scene especially is just SO GOOD for this aesthetic too).You can see this dynamic in terms of some other interactions with Alec and Maxthroughout the episode (which, by the way, I loved.) And this whole idea isjust underscored by the fact that Max is so young and is already being sworn into be a soldier, basically, so it really hits home how young Shadowhunters arewhen they’re indoctrinated into this life.
And I lovethe Alec/Jace/Maryse scene at the end because the Lightwoods are such a good family, in that they’re so fuckedup and there’s so much bad shit that goes on, there’s resentment, there’sthinly-veiled homophobia, there’s emotional abuse, there are lies and secrets –but the realness of it is that they’rea family. They’re a complicated, ugly family (when it comes to parent-childdynamics), but there’s love there, even after everything. And there’s the possibility of apology and maybe, maybe, of eventual healing (as testified to by Maryse and Jace’sconversation earlier).
I know theLightwood parents are awful and often emotionally abusive, but Alec’s hug andsupport to Maryse showed so much more about Alec’s character – how heimmediately forgets all the shit he’s been put through when his mother needed ashoulder to cry on. It’s not beautiful and it’s still indicative of a fucked-upfamily dynamic, but Alec and his protective, gentle, and comforting instinctkills my soul – and I love the sort of irony, I guess you could call it, thatit’s this woman that made Alec repress those instincts in an attempt to makehim a perfect soldier, but they were too strong and too much of a part of himfor his kindness and gentleness to completely be stamped out by his upbringing,and now that’s what Maryse needs fromhim in this moment. idk where I’m going with this but you feel me right?
And I’mreally excited to see Alec’s relationship with his father unfold and get moredevelopment. Because Robert was kind to Izzy and wasn’t as openly awful aboutMalec as Maryse was, people got the idea that he was “better” to Alec thanMaryse, but if you look at season one, Robert did his fair share of mistreatingAlec (not to mention that thinly-veiled dig at Magnus being a “lothario”). SoTodd & Darren teased that Alec/Robert scene and my god they better deliveron this and deliver properly becauseit’s all I want.
2x10: REAL QUICK so I really really likedthe “I love you” malec scene from 2x10 but I wrong a long-ass answer on that back then, so I’m not gonna get into it nowI literally have no more words to say about it lmao
AND YUPTHERE IT IS. These are my favourite Alec scenes. I think I did okay, all thingsconsidered.
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aspiestvmusings · 4 years
This is part of my ZEP: S1 Thoughts Master Post
Here’s the new & updated long analysis post for ZEP S1. This one features the whole season, all 12 episodes.
Just me...dissecting & analyzing the storyline...with focus on Zoey & Team Max. But since the stories are so intertwined, there’s Zoey/dad & Zoey/Simon talk, too. Among other things...relevant to it all...
Translating Max’s behaviour:
If we pay attention to what Max says, then they have informed us via his lines what it is that he’s not okay with. And it’s not what some seem to think - that Zoey dosn’t love him back/return his feelings & won’t want to start dating now. It’s not that he chose to take the 6th Floor job as a “punishment” cause she didn’t plead him to stay and tell him he loves him. It’s not that he was mad at her & in his anger sang “Bye Bye Bye”. It’s not that he was unnecessarily cold & rude towards her…after 1x08..when he moved to 6th Floor… only because what some fans think …that he’s an example of “good guy trope”
What Max has an issue with is Zoey changing & changing their friendship. It’s that she’s dishonest with him, her best friend. It’s that he doesn’t like that she can read his mind…both because he prefers to keep his private thoughts & feelings private, and because he doesn’t want to “push” her with a sudden heart song…which he now knows he could do unintentionally. Before she got her power, he could just keep his feelings towards her a secret & not push her, but now he has to watch himself…and avoid feeling feels around her. Because he knows she can hear his deep feelings.
He’s not comfortable with her knowing how he feels about her (1x07/1x08). He’s not comcortable with everyone knowing how he feels about her (1x11).
After 1x08 he knows the details of her secret power. And…interestingly… he does not sing any love songs to her anymore…for a while. The tone of the songs changes. We only ever hear him since twice after he learns her secret. First a “duet” of the song “Here I go again” in 1x10 as he moves to the 6th floor, and second is “Bye Bye Bye” in 1x11. He doesn’t really mind her hearing the song in 1x10…as it’s just what decribing what he’s doing. And then there’s the karaoke bar, where his inner song & outer song don’t really match. He might sing “Bye Bye Bye” as a response to Zoey asking her to stop Leif singing that sad song, but you can see that he’s not really feeling it.
This is supported by his comment to Leif that he’s not (sure he’s) over Zoey. And by his “mood” and the way he “secretly” glances over at leaving Zoey. Which means that in her presence he’s trying to  disguise his real feelings…. so that she would not be able to read his real thoughts. He migth sing a song to her that makes her think he’s mad at her & moved on, but we, the viewers, are let in on the truth, cause his real feelings shine through during the scene. Yes he’s heartbroken and a bit “mad at her”, but he really let’s those feels shine on this moment..to “fool her”. And this is confirmed at the end of the episode, when all it takes for him to stop pretending to be upset with her is for her to take the first step. And re-confirmed in the Finale, when we see that he can make himself think & feel…what he wants her to hear…
Yes, of course he was ALSO heartbroken & a bit disappointed, because he had hoped she would return his feeling…now, but that’s what he hoped, not expected/demanded to be the only option. He even said it several times - he needed some sort of response, some sort of answer from her. And though a part of his decision to keep his distance was cause he felt hurt and heartbroken (she did brake his heart a bit…cause from his POV he chose the other man… cause it was not as she said - she can’t choose cause she’s got so much on her plate cause of her dad & her superpower…so it’s understandable he was a bit sad) most of his post-superpower-reveal behaviour was fueled by her unclarity & her dishonesty. She’d promised him honesty & truth, and she revealed the truth…via her heart song, but then she tried to claim the truth is not the truth (not say that perhaps there are more possibilities than his interpretation of the song, but claiming it’s not at all what the song meant, when they both know what the song meant.) That’s what upset him.
And that’s why he needed to put some distance between them. And again, they’ve explained his motivation & reasons via dialogue in other scenes. And… interestingly enough…what started as him trying to experience things outside their tiny two-person-bubble-world ended up becoming so much more. When he started the season with no desire to climb the career ladder or get out of the “best friend zone” then by the end of the season things had changed… and he actually liked the opportunity he got via his promotion, and he even learned he’s good at it (even Leif complimented his leadership skills). And the distance did both them good…as we all predicted… cause they really needed to grow individually & figure things out…separately… before there could ever be a possibility of them as a duo.
I’ve touched this in my past posts. And will again in future posts.
A closer look at 1x09:
Though there was not much Max or Z/M in this episode, there were a few scenes. The elevator scene & the “what do you think I should do?” scene. And we could see Max is practicing social distancing from Zoey. Because no matter how much he cares about her, and proved he’s a good friend by checking up on her & giving her great advice regarding her dad in last weeks episode, he really was hurt by her.
Also…one way he can minimize Zoey “reading his mind” is by removing himself from the same room. And since he doesn’t consider her knowing his secret thoughts fair if he can’t hear/know hers, then one effective way to prevent that from happening is not being around her. Maybe he doesn’t want her to hear that despite acting “hurt” he can’t “hate” her. Maybe he doesn’t want her to hear him sing about being hearbroken. Maybe…. In short: minimizing their contact might be related to something as simple as just trying to avoid her knowing his secret feelings… (the outer expressions & inner thoughts not matching)
As to Max saying that she didn’t give him the right answer might’ve been about something else. And though we saw his facial expression change as she was saying that “The Zoey who sang a love song to him will miss sitting across him at the office, but would never stop him going after what he wants”, I think his answer might’ve been about her asking “Was this the right answer?” Cause that seemed to be the thing that made him make his choice.
Because that implies she was not being 100% honest with him, and instead giving him the answer she thought he wanted to hear. (we saw her do the same with Simon. First asking for his thoughts on the kiss, before revealing her thoughts…so she could base her choise on the other persons choice) It kinda does imply that she still doesnt know how she feels, and isn’t doing what she herself wants. Instead trying to guess what he think she wants her to say. Which is not what Max wants her to do. He wants her to be sure of her choice. Make her own choices. (and unlike many viewers seem to think… I don’t think he’s actually pressuring  her, or demanding a love confession as a response to his own. I see it as him listing the “facts” (options), and asking her for her take on it all.
I kinda think he made his decision because she asked “was this the answer you wanted?” more than anything else. Because this tells him that she doesn’t know what she wants. Though her answer “as the Zoey who sang that she is his…romantically” being so “not personal” might’ve also played a part.   And there’s another plot in this episode that actually gives us a hint what the whole “Max promoted to 6th floor” thing is about.
< Edited for clarity: As said, I think her adding “was that the answer you wanted to hear” sealed the deal. But… if we look at what Ava told him on the 6th floor on that Saturday, then he was also looking for a different answer in general. An honest answer, and that she’s had some clarity about her feelings (and them) and all that. And also… some indication of a possible future possibility of them.
But… she gave him no such answer (or hope), she included her answers as her boss, and friend, but left out the answer as “a romantic possibility”. (cause based on those 1x08 songs all Max knows is that she has feelings for 2 men & he’s one of the possibilities…yet she’s not showing any indication that she’s leaning towards the possibility of them M/Z.) And I think the order of her answer matters, too. She first replies as his boss, then his friend (and completely leaving out the third pole…which they both know based on the heart song is a role she has, because the songs reveal the persons secret inner feelings). And they’ve been friends for so long, but she’s been his boss for just a short time. So to prioritize that role over friends…gotta hurt, too. And in general her reply was centered around work and work hours - she’ll miss sitting across from him in the office, not that she’ll miss their friends movie nights…
So he’s gotta make a move… instead of just waiting for something that’s never gonna happen.  Cause we might know/see more, but all he knows is the little she’s shared with him. So to his knowledge the heart song is the ONLY indication she’s even considering “them”. He is a romantic at heart, and he “put himself out there”, yet she’s not given him any real answers (all the things she said in 1x07 that he then understood as “she just needs time because of her dad thing, and everything else” and accepted as we saw based on the 1x07 end elevator scene, and was willing to wait and give her space, became “untruths” in his eyes in next episode. So even if she spoke the truth then, he doesn’t believe those words anymore, so for him she has no clarity on the whole thing, and she’s not given him any “hope” or “answers”.)  Edited for clarity />
Unless my other hunch is correct… That Ava is on a spy mission, and the whole recruiting thing is a plan related to the competition for a piece of code between 4th Floor & 6th Floor that is happening in the next episode.  Cause there are just to many coincidences: she approaches him on a day when the 4th Floor boss is gone (on a tech conference…which she might know because of the glitch in the watch software that shared everyones calendar events with everyone else…). And it was just luck that this followed an even where Max showed that he’s good at thinking on his feet (he actually did save the pitch by joining Zoey) And we learned his past good work has also been noticed: the escape room.  This job offer also happens just before the company is about to get an important “job”. Too many coincidences.
And maybe Zoey/we are all wrong, and Joan & Leif both taking that same day off doesn’t mean they’re together, but that Leif is working on another side-project. We’ve seen his sketchy moves with Joan. We know he wanted the job Zoey got. So how do you “hurt” your competitor? You tear her team apart. It could be that Leif is behind this transfer. Cause last episode also told us that everyone in the office are actually very aware of what’s going on between Max & Zoey (interrupting them, hearing their talks & noticing that they’re not hanging out as much lately…which even Simon noticed. So he might’ve overheard them OR he saw S/Z kiss.). So the timing was also good cause IF there would be truth in this then Leif would know the best frends are going through a rough patch, so it was worth to take the gamble (he maybe couldn’t be 100% sure Max wold take the offer, but he might’ve been quite certain)
So much for wild theories…. (This one is topped only by Simon being behind the transfer…to eliminate his competition… when it comes to Zoey. Which I don’t think is true, but oh….what drama it would allow to be written…where he’s not aware that she can hear his secret thoughts & hence will find out. I would want this to be true ONLY for that scene) And though it’s 95% certain that both J & L “missing from the office” at the same day/time is no coincidence (read: they were together…which only makes me want to know more…is Leif playing her because he knows she wrote the peer review or …not), and everything implies that Joan could not just “end it”, I sometimes enjoy coming up with wild/fun theories…
One thing that maybe supports this theory of mine is the actors (Skyler Astin, who playes Max) comment that he started to call the 6th floor DRK POINT… which if we follow the SPRQ POINT logic gives us “DARK POINT” instead of “SPARK POINT”…meaning there is something sketchy going on.
And obviously he’s not gonna stay on the 6th floor, so something has to happen for him to return/be returned. Either it’s a scham, or someone (Joan, The Team, Zoey) “fight for him” & get him to return to the 4th Floor.  
Also..the whole Max/Aca convo in the dark 6th floor parallels his “romantic storyline with Zoey”:
Max: I hadn’t really planned on making a move. Things are pretty fine for me on the 4th Floor.
Ava: Are they? Or are you stuck treading water? Waiting for something to happen that maybe never will?
Again…if we apply these words to the M/Z situation, then it fits, too. He’s “fine” with how things are going with them. And then the scary boss lady makes him question if he really is OK with it. Or is he stuck…waiting for something to happen between them… (for Z. to admit her feelings..etc) …that may never happen… and as a romantic at heart… he needs to know if there’s a future possibility…
The whole 1x09 Z & S plot was a shortened version of what’s been happening between Z & M in several past episodes. Zoey was reacting to Simon not giving her a clear answer. It actually tells us a lot about Z&M, and parallels that story.
Z: We have a chemistry & a bond that is undeniable. I guess I was hoping that after the kiss you’d have some clarity about all of it.  Clarity you still don’t have, and maybe never will. So… I have to make a change instead of just sitting around and waiting & hoping for something to happen. So this is me saying to you..officially… I can’t, and I won’t do this anymore.
If we apply this to the other duo, then the parallrels are obvious. What Zoey was feeling (about Simon’s answers) is exactly what/how Max has been feeling  about her answers to him. And the whole quote/dialogue by Zoey summarizes the other pairings story perfectly: Instead of clear answers Max has gotten vague half-truths from Zoey. If we change a few words/details (”after the kiss” = “after the flash-mob”, then this fits them, too).
And just like Zoey claims she can’t just wait for Simon to have clarity (which he can’t cause he’s not letting himself go through the stages of grief propely..etc) about his feelings,  while hoping something to happen, same applies to Max decision in this episode. His talk with the 6th floor boss tells us that this could’ve been a speech given from Max to Zoey. Cause this is exactly what he’s done by taking the job offer. He can’t just sit around waiting for her to catch up/for something to happen. This is him saying “no mo’”
Both for his & her’s sake. Cause he really needs her to be true to her words, and be 100% honest with him. Tell him how she feels. And he really does “deserve” an answer, not sort-of-answers (avoiding giving him a clear answer…no matter what it is). And she needs to make up her mind on her own, and do what she wants, not what she thinks she should do in his opinion. He wants her to choose on her own…without telling her what she has to do. He has shown her his cards (love confession via flash mob, saying that he’d choose love over lust…but she needs to make her own choice), and now it’s her turn.
This show is known for doing parallel stories. The work related story paralllels the personal storyline of the episode. In 1x08 there was a “glitch” in the watch program & a “glitch” in Zoey’s powers. And trying to fix them led to new issues arising. In 1x08 we heard about Tobin & Leifs SPELLaversary tradition..and in the end Leif sang “I put a SPELL on you” to Joan. And so on…
This all leads me to a theory I’ve had about a coming song/dance number, and this weeks episode told me what the song has to be…IMO. To “solve” all this Zoey has to do a surprise flash-mob performance for Max. To Christina Aguilera’s “What a girl wants”, because if I look at the story so far, then those lyrics summarize the situation (whole s1 arc) almost perfectly. And since there have been kind-of spoilery rumours about another “heart song with a twist” happening later in S1, it matches. Just like the 1x06 flash-mob was real., so will be this one. And this time its not Zoey thinking that Max is just singing her his heart-song (it’s not real), now Max will think that Zoey’s “glitching” again… until he realizes that its real. ETA: DID NOT HAPPEN
A closer look at 1x11: 
In 1x11 Max tells Leif that he's (not sure he's) over Zoey. That his crush/live for her is still there, and to get over her he must pretend/show her that he's doing fine. Then a few moments later we see Zoey signaling him to stop Leif's karaoke singing, and then we see/hear him sing "Bye Bye Bye" to Zoey. And we know he's not really feeling it. He's trying to make her see as if he's over her. 
But even the lines he sings tell us that it's an act. He sings "I loved you endlessly, but you weren't there for me". Even when he is singing "bye bye bye" to her, he is singing a heart song to her, singing about loving her. It is made cldear to the adudience, but not Zoey, that the feelings she hears are not his real feelings, but ones he makes himself feel...because he knows she can rwad his mind, and he has no intention of letting her knwo that he is heartbroken (like Leif), hence he makes himself feel "mad"...and it works... she hears the song he wants her to hear. But he betrayes himself already when he secretly looks at her leaving. 
Then in the end of the episode he "forgives" her...so fast, so easily...and we can see his demeanour change in seconds. He goes from looking unhappy/mad at her...to all smiles. ALl it takes is for her to take the first step..in repairing their "argument". It's made clear that he was hiding his real feelings, and "pretended" to be mad at her. (we know hes uncomfortable with her reading his inner thoughts, and about singing herat songs to her) 
Then all our doubts are gone in the finale, when it is confirmed to everyone that Max can make her hear what he wants her to hear. He can change his thoughts by her request. This is shown when he changes a love song to a sexy song by her request. And then stops singing, and clears his mind of all thoughts...by request. This confirms it to anyone still in doubt. (it's also an interesting piece of info we got. We now have confirmation that he'll do anything she request. And that he can change his heart song, and since he knows she can read his feelings at any moment, he can make himself feel the feels he wants her to "hear" at the moment. He slips at times, when he forgets to check his thoughts, but when he concentrates he's able to choose the tunes his heart sings...)
As human as her feelings for Simon are (you can’t control who you find attractive…), and as much as this can happen IRL then Zoey/Simon is a no-no… simply because of his relationship status. Cheating storylines are not cool. Hence I cannot stand behind that “ship” or the possibility of accepting them as a viable possibility. IF he didnt have a fiancee, he’d be a candidate, but that’s not the case…he has a SO. Hence Team Simon cannot even be an option. No matter how much they try to promote it all as a love triangle & no matter how much they make Simon make bad decisions and wrong moves (going to her place & talking to her about his feelings, kissing her) seem “nothing serious”…. it’s wrong. It’s just as her best friend decribed it in 1x08. If things were different, yeah, but we’re not talking hypotheticals.
So IMO there’s one clearly wrong choice netween these two. I mean… I would not care if they would have her stay single, or develop new interest (Tobin)…as long as it’s not “morally questionable”. Z/S would be like Joan/Leif started… sketchy, and wrong. And hopefully having seen those two helps Zoey understand that…. see the parallels (she has a hint that one is playing the other)
As for “Max is being too pushy”… here’s how that goes: he’s been in love with his best friend…for some time…and not said a thing. She accidentally finds out after she gets her superpower. And all the while his feelings seem to grow deeper. And now that she’s aware of his feelings, it seems she’s become more aware of her own (similar) feelings and/or she’s developed them. And sure…after his peer reviews (that “he doesn’t show initiative”) & seeing that his best friend is interested in someone else…who would be just another “not good option” similar to her past bad relationship decisions, …and after getting mixed signals from her, he made more direct steps.
He sang her his heart songs, but he didnt push her (no, “Hand picked” is not like a date, just “are you free to go and eat”). She only felt pushed because she could “read his mind”. Also… he didn’t sing to her while being in a relationship with someone else…he kept his distance. And at the same time she seems to have become more and more aware about her feelings for him, and she was giving him “wrong signals”. His response - the flash mob was a response to that. And he was just upset that she ran…without any real response (not interested, can’t right now…cause I’m too occupied with  dad thing). All he wanted was some sort of respose, and he told her so. She avoided telling him how she really feels (as Mo put it… he’ll understand if you say you don’t know, but you owe your friend an answer)...delaying it…as long as she could.  
Also… any rational person would be confused about hearing that someone has superpowers. Again…she avoided giving him an explanation, instead telling him “fairytales of superpowers”. And in the end he was okay with her answer - that she can’t give him an answer at the moment. Even though he was upset, we saw he was still gonna be her friend (even if keeping some distrance, and not doing the movie nights), and that he was sure that one day she’ll be ready (the 1x07 elevator end scene, where both men think she’ll choose them…in the end..when she’s ready)
And in the latest episode we saw that no matter how hurt his feelings were, he did not stop being her friend. As he said “he’ll be there…always…and be the shoulder to lean on”. And you could tell that a huge weight was lifted off his shoulder when he knew her real feelings. When she did what she promised in last episode…be 100% honest with him. Sure… it only happened because of the glitch, when she sang him the heart song, but nonetheless it made things more equal. As he said - it’s unfair that she knows how he feels & can see into his heart but he cannot see into hers. The glitch changed that. Gave him the opportunity to get the answers she “owed him”
So… it’s undertandable that he felt hurt and confused when he saw her sing a heart song to someone else… right after finally giving him some answers. But…during he same conversation he processed it all, and also explained it to her - one song about love, the other about attraction. And he didn’t say “choose me”, he just explained the meanings to her (cause it was obvious she didn’t understand it herself), and told what his choice would be, while saying that he knows she’ll make her decision on her own….cause that ’s what she’s like.
As a friend he doesn’t want her to make the same mistakes she has in the past..hence him being “upset” with her. Cause to him it looks like she wasn’t completely honest (something she promised to be) with him - singing her heart feelings to him, and then to someone else. Claiming that she can’t lose him as a friend and that’s why she’s not ready to try being more than friends, when to an outsider it looks like the real reason is, as he put it - cause she’s confused about her feelings… for two people. All she’d have to tell him…from start… would just be honest and simply just say (more clearly) that she has to focus on her family & dad at this time, and ask for time. She kinda did at the end of 1x07, but because she’s not good with emotions and feelings…and she delayed her answer, she didn’t really let him in…and be the friend she needs at the time, it wasnt as clear as it could’ve been.
So far all his “pushy” behaviour can be seen as being a good friend -  he’s trying to help her not start another overly complicated relationship…which she told him (in Pilot) is not what she wants anymore. He points out to her why Simon is not a good option - he’s taken. Yes, part of his “pushiness” seems to come from trying to be less what his peer reviews decribed him like & competitiveness (knowing Simon is kinda his competition). But from his POV… (before she told him about her superpowers& sang him her heart song)… she’d been shown more interest in him (checking him out, giving mixed signals) & at the same time he’s in a bit of hurry because if he doesn’t act soon she may make a move on the new guy/the new guy may make a move on her. So it makes sense that with all of that happening at the same time he seems…to some… to "push” her towards being more than friends… Cause unconciously he may realize that if he doesn’t make a move …now… he may be too late.
And though it all… he’s still there for her. He might be “mad at her… just a bit”, but he still goes to check on her, still gives her advice, and space… after he knows what’s really going on. (he “pushes” her to confont her feelings about her dad, and deal with it instead of running). He’s not looking for something in return. We saw that over and over in several episodes. He verbalized it in 1x06, and his face/look told it in the end of 1x07 elevator scene.
Also… “Mr Nice Guy” is better than “Mr. Cheater”…any day… in my book. And it surprises me that there are those who think that “nice guy who goes after his best friend” is worse option & worse clichee than the “hot new guy, who is willing to cheat”. For me one is clearly wrong behaviour the other just depends on your preferences.
To quote Mo : Max is funny, and funny always wins. Hence… being Team Max.
So… while up until things got overly complicated, both men could’ve been options, by now the show (writing etc) has made it pretty clear that they’re going for Z/M endgame.
Though the showrunner/writers at times love to focus on the “love triangle” (I still don’t see it in the writing…I only hear it being described so by the showrunner etc), and how they want to continue with that…for a while… which makes it seem a bit like they’re seriously pro “cheating plots” and “human feelings are messy…hence we let the main character continue making bad choices” because “we love the love- triangle drama”, there’s still more evidence in them not really taking it further than the kiss. But yeah… at times the showrunners comments make it sound like he thinks more like the HIMYM creator did and less like Dawson’s Creek creator did. Too fixed in loving the “triangle drama” & not going for character growth… But… I truly hope that all that has just been misleading…and the storytelling is what tells us how it goes.
They already let Simon make a bad move - the kiss. That should be the line over the line that they won’t cross again. He may continue pursuing her by singing songs to her, because he read her heartsong in the wrong way (because he doesn’t know why she did it, and what’s behind it), but if they follow the character growth path, and their current direction… they won’t let him/her go into the “cheating plot” territory again.
Why I’m Team Max
I’m Team Max. Have been since ep 1x01, confirmed in 1x02 (he bought her dad soft food) & I had no doubt by ep 1x06.
I love Z/M friendship (BFF for life), but I also see the romantic potential. I do think they should’ve focused more on their friendship bond during the season, and less on the “triangle”, but I guess I’m also a SUCKER for “best friends to romance” trope? (Mondler, Peraltiago…). He is her support system (now that her dad’s almost gone) & she needs to lean on him & be his support system [she can’t, reeally, right now, cause she’s a mess because of her dad’s health]
Why I’m not Team Simon: see Zoey’s reaction when she goes to buy more Cheesequake & runs into S & J.  One simple, single & clear reason: He has/had a SO/fiancee. That disqualifies him immediately for me. IF he wasn’t, I might consider it as an option, but since he is/was… it’s not an option for me. He might not be any more after 1x09, but all that had happened/he did…happened while he still was. And he/they can’t take it back. But what Simon need right now (after ep 1x09 end) is time alone & processing his grief & everything.
Also… for me personally, S & Z bond is over grief experience. His songs (mostly) have been about needing her help with grief and what it has done to him & his relationships, so what she needs to help him with is that… dealing with the grief. But being a mess & grieving does not excuse any of his behaviour (kissing other women while being engaged…etc). So I support Mo’s speech to him during the brunch & I support Max’s take - S’s totally engaged, morally questionable guy…
The whole S. thing is exactly what the show said Z’s not looking for in relationships in the future: unnecessarily complicated (messy), exhausting for everyone, not good.
I’m Team “good guy BFF wanting more than friendship” over Team “cheating on his fiancee because he’s a mess” any day.
I don’t think she should’ve been actively pursuing anyone during S1 (the time she’s losing her dad), but since the writers decided her focus would be on two men…a lot… then out of those two options only one would work - Max. But not before she’s done some soul searching, and grieving, and character growth. (Hopefully his advice to her at the end of 1x08 finally got through, and she’ll be dealing with her grief actively & hopefully this time with her 1x09 speech she means it that she’s no longer continuing the emotional affair with the engaged-til-now-man (she played a big part in breaking them up…even if the roots of S&J’s problems were from long ago…) and focuses her time & energy on the #1 man in her life..her dad.
...even though “right now” (up to ep 1x09) , being the messes they are & having no clarity, and not leaning on their suppor system, and instead trying to “cheat” on their best friend/fiancee… S. & Z. “deserve” each other. They both are avoiding dealing with their grief, and both are not taking advice from loved ones, instead doing what they say they won’t do anymore… the next moment.
One step forward two steps back - it has made me kinda dislike both characters (and its never a good sign, when I start disliking the main character because of the writing…which tries so hard to create drama where there is none), cause as “human” as it is for them to be like this because of their grief, they are both “voluntarily” making the wrong choices… even if they keep getting good advice on how to deal with things…they ignore it & say it’s cause of “grief”… yet neither was actually dealing with the emotions regarding their dads.
And both “blame” it on their grief. When it all could be easily “fixed” if they just talked to their loved ones (she to family & best friends M&M) & he to his fiancee and therapist (if he doesn’t have any other family)… then they would’t be constantly doing the opposite of character growth.
But sadly… IF the show would go there with S&Z  then since there is nothing besides the grief bond [and physical attraction] there, then after they satisfy that… it’s over after that one night [I still cant believe that the cheating kiss did not give them both clarity…without question…but TV writers love their love triangle + “cheating” drama…even if it feels completely unorganic & non appealing] because all of it was built on a big “lie” - she didn’t “get” him, she used her superpower to connect with him, and you can’t build a lasting relationship on such foundation.
So I have no idea why the show is focusing so much time on trying to claim these two are an option…instead of showing them both grow as characters, and actually deal with their grief… with the help of people, who actually can help. (So yes, I am dealing with it all by ignoring the “love triangle” claims and the two characters acting stupid & only focusing on the “one step forward” grief support bits…not the “2 steps back…emotional chating” bits..during my re-watch of the eps aired so far.)
8 notes · View notes
aspiestvmusings · 4 years
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We start the show with Zoey’s MRI & the song that plays as it all begins is REM’s: "It's the End of the World as We Know It" from the Awesome MRI Remix. The lyrics are: “That's great, it starts with an earthquake..."...and this is where we learn that the lyrics of the songs playing are part of the storyline...they tell us what is happening or going to happen... cause as the song plays...there’s an earthquake 
Max has never really, truly, been in love before = "I've never felt this way" 1x01 "I think I love you" 
Max did not plan to tell Zoey about his feelings for her (and he didn't...til the flash mob)  "I just decided to myself I'd hide it to myself and never talk about it and did not go and shout it when you walked into the room" - 1x01 "I think I love you" 
Max likes/appreciates all the little things that no one else really sees or knows about her = "I'm a sucker for all the subliminal things no one knows about you " = 1x02 "Sucker"
Max & Zoey know basically everything about each other, because they've been best friends for 5 years & they've talked about...everything  = "'Cause I know you and you know everything about me" = 1x02 "Sucker" 
Max finds Zoey physically attractive/hot = "I'm feeling heat in December when you're 'round me" = 1x02 "Sucker" 
Zoey finds Max physically attractive/hot & she's falling/fallen in love with him - "I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted I fell right through the cracks" = 1x08  "I'm Yours" 
Zoey loves Max... as a friend, but also romantically. She has love for him in her heart.  And knows he has love in his heart for her. = "Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love" = 1x08 "I'm Yours" 
Simon has considered taking the same route his dad did 6+months ago. The man is not just grieving, he's depressed. = "The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had" = 1x01/1x10 "Mad World"
Zoey acknoweldges that she's witnessed Simon's "sadness" - she's seen him crying & being sad & alone & realizes he needs help (from her) = "Didn't I, didn't I, didn't I see you cryin'. Feelin' all alone without a friend you know you feel like dyin’ " = 1x08 "IWYTWM"
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Remember how it all started? With Zoey's MRI in Pilot...going all wrong...because of an eathquake. She went to check on her health because she had concerns..because of her fathers condition. We saw her "take the test". But... we never heard how it ended. Did the earthquake interfere with the results & she'd have to get another MRI to find out the results? Did she get the results, but never mentioned them? 
After the MRI we see her talking to her mom, but it's never mentioned how the test went. The results...or lack of them...is never mentioned... until episode 11. Instead...after the experience she's "going crazy" - hearing everyone sing their inner feelings. But not once does she mention the MRI in any other context than it being the result she got her superpower. And we've only heard her mention it to her family, Mo & Max, no one else even knows she got an MRI. 
A lot of things in the series are hinting at Zoey having the same disease as her dad has. And the singing might be her first, early, strange "symptom". Because she has the same condition is probably why she hears people singing, too. Even the ASL storyline supports it. Not to mention some other scenes & lines from songs in the show. Like her mom/family singing "We’ve Gotta Get Out of This Place" in 1x11. And since we know that the lyrics of the heart songs tell the truth and are part of the narrative/story, then they have a real meaning. 
A stranger at the caskett room sings during Maggie's song: "Now my girl you're so young and pretty, and one thing I know is true: You'll be dead before your time is due, I know" & later Maggie sings the same lines, and then the camera moves to Zoey...witnessing the song, and it doesn' really feel like it's cause we see it all from her POV..but cause the line is a "clue" for her...
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Invading privacy. How come no-one has mentioned this? Especially Max. We've seen him be concerned about "mind reading", and then they're all working on "mind reading code"
I do think that all this was done intentionally & they chose to use a piece of technology that is similar to Zoeys ability...to make a point..in the future. And I've found it quite interesting that no-one has...yet (by the end of episode 11) questioned how ethical the tech is, or how it could invade peoples privacy. 
If they'd had a character mention it, I would've expected it to be Max. I mean... in episode 1x01 when Zoey asks him what he thinks about te ability to read other peoples minds, he says that he'd get his feelings hurt a lot..more. And he has voiced concern about Zoey being able to "read his mind"...several times. His main concern has been that she can read his mind/see into his heart (via heart songs...while he can't see into hers...). And he was also very uncomfortable when he found out that everyone could "read him" (that everyone knew he has had a crush on Zoey...forever). He's the one character whose expressed most concern about people knowing his secret feelings & thoughts. Hence I have been surprised he hasn't commented on CHIRP yet (until ep 11). 
Though anyone on the team might bring it up..at one point. And another good possibility is Simon. Because since he's still in the dark about her superpower, that would be one way to take it back to the beginning. Cause as we remember from the PIlot, he was "impressed" by Zoey's ability to "read his mind"..only he thought that that must mean they have a "natural" connection, so when he finds out she had help (from her superpower...which is basically like getting help from a CHIRP technology), he's gonna have a whole new look on their connection and everything. And he's most likely gonna be "betrayed" and "disappointed", because he’ll realize that their connection wasn't actually real, and she "cheated in the game".
And CHIRP is most definitely a "plot device". The parallels to/with Zoey's abilities are just...too obvious. 
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My question before the Finale: Will we learn something about Max and/or Zoey...in the last episode that changes things? That changes how we see...certain things & our perception of them? That changes the meaning of some things from past episodes? A kind of a surprise "reveal" (twist)? Will the show go there? I would not put it past them... honestly.  
There are bits & pieces of lines/dialogue (certain scenes) both in past episodes & in the Finale promo that kinda hint at a possible twist like that. 
ETA: Nope, none of that was in the s1 finale, really. There were enough plot threads that needed to be tied up... so not much room for new big ones...yet. 
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Zoey & Max as new Team Managers #twoofakind
In 1x02 when Zoey gives her first introductory speech as the new Team Manager on the 4th Floor, she prepares flash cards for the speech..with the first one being her name (Hi, Im Zoey). In 1x10 when Max becomes the new Team Manager on the 6th Floor, he prepares flash cards for his speech..with the first one being his name (Hi, I'm Max).
In 1x02 Zoey makes an awkard joke at the beginning of her speech "Please don’t say anything stupid" (one of her notes to herself). In 1x10 Max makes awkard joke at the beginning of his speech (Please hold your applause til the end" (one of his notes to himself)
In 1x02 Zoey tells Joan that she prepared for the new job by reading multiple books & listening to several popular podcasts on how to be an effective leader. In 1x10 Max tells his new team that he prepared for the new job by reading about a 7-step leadership program..online.... 
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Translating Max's behaviour: 
If we pay attention to what Max says, then they have informed us via his lines what it is that he's not okay with. And it's not what some seem to think - that Zoey dosn't love him back/return his feelings & won't want to start dating now. It's not that he chose to take the 6th Floor job as a "punishment" cause she didn't plead him to stay and tell him he loves him. It's not that he was mad at her & in his anger sang "Bye Bye Bye". It's not that he was unnecessarily cold & rude towards her...after 1x08..when he moved to 6th Floor... only because what some fans think ...that he's an example of "good guy trope"
What Max has an issue with is Zoey changing & changing their friendship. It's that she's dishonest with him, her best friend. It's that he doesn't like that she can read his mind...both because he prefers to keep his private thoughts & feelings private, and because he doesn't want to "push" her with a sudden heart song...which he now knows he could do unintentionally. Before she got her power, he could just keep his feelings towards her a secret & not push her, but now he has to watch himself...and avoid feeling feels around her. Because he knows she can hear his deep feelings. 
He's not comfortable with her knowing how he feels about her (1x07/1x08). He's not comcortable with everyone knowing how he feels about her (1x11). 
After 1x08 he knows the details of her secret power. And...interestingly... he does not sing any love songs to her anymore...for a while. The tone of the songs changes. We only ever hear him since twice after he learns her secret. First a "duet" of the song "Here I go again" in 1x10 as he moves to the 6th floor, and second is "Bye Bye Bye" in 1x11. He doesn't really mind her hearing the song in 1x10...as it's just what decribing what he's doing. And then there's the karaoke bar, where his inner song & outer song don't really match. He might sing "Bye Bye Bye" as a response to Zoey asking her to stop Leif singing that sad song, but you can see that he's not really feeling it. 
This is supported by his comment to Leif that he's not (sure he's) over Zoey. And by his "mood" and the way he "secretly" glances over at leaving Zoey. Which means that in her presence he's trying to  disguise his real feelings.... so that she would not be able to read his real thoughts. He migth sing a song to her that makes her think he's mad at her & moved on, but we, the viewers, are let in on the truth, cause his real feelings shine through during the scene. Yes he's heartbroken and a bit "mad at her", but he really let's those feels shine on this moment..to "fool her". And this is confirmed at the end of the episode, when all it takes for him to stop pretending to be upset with her is for her to take the first step. And re-confirmed in the Finale, when we see that he can make himself think & feel...what he wants her to hear...
Yes, of course he was ALSO heartbroken & a bit disappointed, because he had hoped she would return his feeling...now, but that's what he hoped, not expected/demanded to be the only option. He even said it several times - he needed some sort of response, some sort of answer from her. And though a part of his decision to keep his distance was cause he felt hurt and heartbroken (she did brake his heart a bit...cause from his POV he chose the other man... cause it was not as she said - she can't choose cause she's got so much on her plate cause of her dad & her superpower...so it's understandable he was a bit sad) most of his post-superpower-reveal behaviour was fueled by her unclarity & her dishonesty. She'd promised him honesty & truth, and she revealed the truth...via her heart song, but then she tried to claim the truth is not the truth (not say that perhaps there are more possibilities than his interpretation of the song, but claiming it’s not at all what the song meant, when they both know what the song meant.) That's what upset him. 
And that’s why he needed to put some distance between them. And again, they’ve explained his motivation & reasons via dialogue in other scenes. And... interestingly enough...what started as him trying to experience things outside their tiny two-person-bubble-world ended up becoming so much more. When he started the season with no desire to climb the career ladder or get out of the “best friend zone” then by the end of the season things had changed... and he actually liked the opportunity he got via his promotion, and he even learned he’s good at it (even Leif complimented his leadership skills). And the distance did both them good...as we all predicted... cause they really needed to grow individually & figure things out...separately... before there could ever be a possibility of them as a duo.
I've touched this in my past posts. And will again in future posts. 
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