#(also all four of us stood on rocks at one point and it was fun <3)
nordicbananas · 1 year
"wow that thing was really fun and i had a great time! :D"
(pspspsps what if u changed ur name again to what u were gonna be named if u were a boy)
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Whiskey, Neat
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Summary: Y/N is sweet and awkward, how will that work out for her when she meets the world's hottest rockstar.
Pairing: Rockstar!Jensen x Reader (Y/N)
Warnings/18+: Smut. Unprotected PinV sex. Oral (m&f receiving). Vaginal fingering. Bit of dirty talk. Shy/Awkward reader. Jensen being an absolute rock god. Jensen being irresistible. Jensen being the hottest mofo on the planet.
Word Count: 5,154
A/N: So I got a couple of requests (here and here) for a rockstar!jensen fic after the shows in Austin that murdered us all. I already had every intention of writing something to try and slake our thirst, so I hope this satisfies what you were looking for my friends! Got it out a day earlier than I thought I would! Yay! 😁
I also took some inspiration from this unbelievably hot TikTok. 🥵🥵
As always, of course, this is a single, multiverse version of Jensen. This is a complete and utter work of fiction. ❤️
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Jensen Ackles was a fucking, rock god; Y/N wasn't denying that. 
Her friend, Angela, was shaking her head at her and throwing her arms wide. 
“He's fucking amazing! Girl! Why wouldn't you go? They're backstage passes and he is the sexiest fucking man on earth! How can you pass this up?”
Y/N's face became pleading, willing her friend to understand her trepidation. “Because he's the sexiest fucking man on earth, Angela! And what am I supposed to say when I meet him? ‘Hi my name is Y/N. I have four cats, and an inability to speak without horribly embarrassing myself. Please don't look directly at me or I might burst into flames.’”
Angela rolled her eyes. “All you need to say is, ‘Hi, I'm Y/N and I'd be happy to suck your dick.”
Y/N felt her cheeks get warm. “Not likely.”
“Y/N!” Angela whined. “You have to come. You won the passes and they're in your name. If you don't go, I can't go, and you'll be denying me my god given right to maybe fuck Jensen Ackles.”
Y/N scowled at her. “Your god given right? Really?”
“Okay, fine. My god given right to go drool over him up close!” 
Y/N was hesitating and Angela could sense she had her on the ropes as she continued. “Look, you've been looking for ways to get over your shyness, right?”
Y/N scoffed. “Yeah and those ways don't include making a fool of myself in front of a rock god.”
Angela pouted. “Please? It will be so much fun.”
Y/N felt her stomach clench at the idea but finally relented. The truth was that alongside the unbelievable fear at the idea of meeting Jensen Ackles, was an equal amount of ridiculous excitement.
She sighed. “Fine but if it looks like I'm gonna throw up, you need to promise to get me out of there.”
The crowd was screaming and jostling Y/N around as she stood in the floor section, about five feet from the stage. Jensen hadn't even come out yet, but the musicians that backed him on tour were coming on stage, and everyone knew that meant he was minutes away from coming out.
Angela was quite possibly screaming the loudest. It was a lot for Y/N to be immersed in the noise and chaos. But she also had pleasant butterflies in her stomach, allowing the excitement to override her extreme nervousness.
Finally the lights went down in the house and the lights pointing at the stage came up, bright and colorful, and zooming around the stage. 
The first blaring notes of Jensen's latest hit started just as he leapt out on stage. He began to sing the driving melody, using his rough, powerful voice to give the lyrics the feel of a battle cry.
The first four songs were performed one right after the other, whipping the crowd into a frenzied, frothing mob. 
After that, he slowed things down a little, introduced the band and promised them all an unforgettable night. 
He did a couple of medium tempo songs from previous albums, and one of his slow, slightly melancholy hits. Y/N sang along with every word. 
She could have sworn that when he was close to the edge of the stage and looking down at them all, he made direct eye contact with her. It was only for a moment, and he may have been looking at something behind her, but that stare still made her toes curl.
The rest of the concert was incredible. Jensen dripped sex on stage, his body drenched in sweat. His voice cast a spell over the crowd as it moved back and forth from rough and full of grit, to velvety and full of warmth.
He did two encores before he left the stage for good. When he was gone, Y/N stood in the aftermath feeling like she'd been given a pleasure overload.
And now she had to go meet him.
Angela grabbed her hand so they wouldn't get separated in the throng, and followed the signs pointing the way for those with backstage passes.
They walked down a long rope line until they reached the very end. They waited behind the velvet rope for Jensen to arrive and start signing autographs.
It was easy to know when he emerged from the stage door because a wave of hysterical screaming started up once again.
Y/N could see him approximately twenty feet away, making his way down the line, smiling at fans and taking selfies with them, signing CDs and posters of him. More than one woman pulled down the neckline of their t-shirt so he could sign the heavy swell of their breasts.
As he approached them, Angela started screaming for him and waving her CD towards him. It was at that exact moment and not a moment sooner that Y/N realized she had nothing for him to sign. She carried nothing with her and there was no way she was bold enough to get him to sign her boobs.
Jensen approached Angela and smiled at her before shooting a quick look at Y/N. He focused his attention back on Angela as her friend gushed and yelled at him over the crowd.
“You're the absolute best! The show was incredible!” She told him. 
He smiled, thanking her and handing her back the signed CD, before obligingly leaning in slightly to allow for a selfie.
Finally Jensen reached Y/N, the very last person in the line. He stared at her for a moment and Y/N just stared back, falling head first into the green magic of his gaze.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned a little closer to be heard over the crowd. “Got something for me, Sweetheart?”
Angela's voice was in Y/N's head and she was about two seconds away from shouting. “Sure, I can suck your dick.” 
Thankfully before that happened, he made a motion like he was signing something and she realized he meant, did she have something for him to sign.
She shook her head. “No, I…I'm sorry, I didn't think. I don't have things.” She said, slightly rambling.
He smiled warmly and Y/N practically melted into the floor like the Wicked Witch of the West. 
“Well, we gotta fix that.” Jensen said, nodding to the bodyguard standing at the end of the rope. The giant man unhooked the velvet barrier from its pole, holding it out wide so that Y/N could leave the line. 
Jensen leaned towards her to make himself heard again and she was almost completely undone by the scent of him; clean sweat and salty skin combined with something masculine and tangy that made her desperate to bury her face in the t-shirt that clung to him like a second skin.
When he spoke into her ear, goosebumps spread over every inch of her body, and it took her a minute to actually process his words.
“Come on into the green room with us and we'll find you a CD so I can sign it for you.”
Y/N swallowed convulsively and then waved at Angela vaguely. “My friend…”
He smiled at Angela again and waved her forward. “She's welcome to come too, the more the merrier.”
Angela shoved Y/N forward in her excitement to follow him and Jensen reached out to steady her.
He grinned at her. “You good?”
She just nodded emphatically.
“What's your name, darlin’?” He asked, and his soft Texan drawl made her woozy. 
“Y/N.” She answered in a shaky voice.
“Well hi, Y/N.”
Jensen ushered them forward, letting them precede him into a short, slightly dark hallway. As they turned a corner and continued down a longer, better lit hallway, the noise of the crowd slowly receded. 
It was only a minute until they reached a big brown door and the bodyguard opened it for them. 
Inside was a party. There was a makeshift bar at the back of the room and the band was already a couple of drinks ahead. They’d obviously brought friends too, some men, some women. Music played loudly and everyone gave a cheer as Jensen walked in. 
They were quickly surrounded by people clapping Jensen on the back and congratulating him on a great show. There were some press people there as well, wearing press passes and snapping photographs. 
Y/N was overwhelmed by everything happening around her, and she turned to Angela to silently freak out with her, but her friend had been immediately and completely distracted by the drummer who had approached her. She seemed to be very caught up in him as she wandered away from the group to chat with him quietly. Y/N shook her head, trying to snag Angela's attention again and force her to come back, but that was apparently impossible.
Finally as the crowd around him parted, Jensen looked back at her. 
“Give me ten minutes to shower and change and I'll be back. Can I get you a drink first?”
Y/N shook her head no and then answered anyway. “I'd like a water.”
Jensen seemed slightly surprised by her choice, but smiled and took her hand to lead her to the bar, where one of the bodyguards was doing double duty as a bartender.
Jensen leaned over the makeshift bar and spoke loudly, above the music. “One water and one whiskey, neat.”
Y/N felt ridiculous as the bartender passed her a water bottle before pouring out about four fingers worth of Whiskey for Jensen. She wasn't a big drinker, but she'd certainly drank before. She liked vodka, she could have asked for something with vodka.
Jesus, I'm completely out of my element here. She thought, starting to feel a bit claustrophobic even in the wide and spacious room.
She looked down at her feet as she spoke to Jensen. "You know, you don't have to sign anything for me. I mean...I don't wanna trouble you. I don't need anything."
Jensen tipped her chin up with his forefinger. "I'll let you in on a little secret sweetheart."
He smiled flirtatiously and his bright green eyes sparkled. "I didn't actually bring you here to give you an autograph. I just thought we could get to know each other a little."
Her heart started to hammer against her ribs and she blinked owlishly at him. The sexiest man alive just wanted to spend time with her?
His flirty expression softened a little and he dropped his hand, taking a step back.
"But if you just wanna go, that's no problem."
Y/N shook her head adamantly. "No, I wanna know you. Get to know you."
Jensen nodded. "Good."
He took a quick sip of his whiskey and then set it down beside her. "Then, guard that, will ya? And I'll be back in ten minutes max, and then maybe we can get some fresh air? You look like you could use it."
Y/N nodded in relief. "Yes." She said quietly. He reached out and squeezed her hand before striding off to disappear through yet another door.
Y/N stood awkwardly by the bar, occasionally making eye contact with someone and quickly looking away. Angela seemed to be the only person who's eye she couldn't catch, mainly because she was in a lip lock with the drummer.
Thankfully Jensen was as good as his word, because ten minutes hadn't passed before he returned.
His hair was wet from the shower now, and he wore a clean white t-shirt and pair of black jeans. He looked utterly scrumptious.
He picked up his glass and took a sip before smiling at Y/N. "Thanks for keeping it safe for me."
She shrugged. "I live to serve." She frowned at her stupid response and wanted to take it back, but Jensen chuckled and thumbed towards the ceiling.
"So there's a rooftop patio if you don't mind climbing a couple flights of stairs."
Y/N nodded. "Okay."
He place his big, warm palm on her lower back, guiding her through the room and making a shiver run up her spine from where he touched her.
As they left, she still couldn't get Angela's attention, so Y/N just took out her phone and sent her a text to let her know where she was so she wouldn't worry.
If she even noticed.
After walking up a couple flights of stairs, Jensen pushed through a metal door and they emerged onto the rooftop. There were a few tables and chairs set up, as well as a very comfortable looking, if slightly worn, leather couch. It was sitting inside a big canvas tent - likely to keep it from getting ruined if it rained.
There were a few other people sitting around the tables chatting quietly. A cool but gentle breeze blew and Y/N sucked in a big breath of it, exhaling slowly.
“Better?” Jensen asked, a smile in his voice.
Y/N nodded. “Much, thank you.”
“Good. You looked like you might pass out if we didn't relocate quickly. Even in the autograph line you looked a bit shell-shocked by everything.”
He was smiling but Y/N felt her cheeks get warm. Had she really looked so stunned and out of it standing there?
“No, I was…I mean I loved it. The show. You're so…you were so good.”
She wanted to scream at herself for using such an uninspired word. "Good" didn’t really describe the experience of watching him command the stage and hold every single person there in the palm of his hand. 
But he just nodded. “Thanks. Glad you enjoyed yourself.”
“I really did.” She said trying to imbue more of her true excitement into her words.
Without discussing it, they wandered over to the couch, and set their drinks on the small table beside it.
“So, what do you do, Y/N?” Jensen asked as they sat down.
Their conversation was slightly stilted for the first little while, which was completely down to her. She was trying, but her words tended to be choppy and stiff as she second guessed everything that came out of her mouth and awkwardly tried to explain away her awkwardness…which in turn caused things to be…awkward.
Slowly but surely, though, as a couple of hours went by, Jensen pulled her out of her shell - charmed her out of it, really. He was funny and warm and his calm demeanor and patient, understanding vibe eventually made her feel relaxed and happy. Soon they were sitting close together, talking about when he’d started playing the guitar.
“I was about six.”
“Six?” Y/N asked incredulously. “Could you even hold onto the guitar at six?”
Jensen chuckled. “Amazingly, yes. And it was good I started young cause you need years of practice to build up good calluses on your fingers.”
Jensen picked up her hand, turning it palm up in his.
He clicked his tongue and shook his head like he was disappointed, but his voice was soft and teasing. “Could never make a guitar player out of you with these soft hands.”
He ran his fingertips over her smooth palm before raising it slowly to his lips. He placed a small kiss there and Y/N's stomach fluttered and her heart beat fast. Her breath was shaky and shallow as Jensen shifted his gaze to her mouth. He let go of her hand to cup her cheek and run his thumb across her bottom lip.
“Its got me wondering if your lips are just as soft.”
Y/N swallowed loudly and shocked herself with her response.
“You can check if you want.”
“Thanks, I think I will.” Jensen said with a wicked grin as he lowered his head, breathing softly against her lips. The whiskey on his breath made her dizzy, or maybe it was his scent surrounding her again. Either way her heart was pounding and her lower belly tightened almost painfully.
Jensen pressed his lips to hers and they were soft like silk, but warmer. Before he could even press his tongue to her lips, she opened up inviting him in immediately. Jensen groaned quietly as he slid his tongue inside. He tasted like whiskey and mint and she was instantly starving for him. 
He kissed her senseless for several minutes, pulling gasps and groans out of her easily. He began to let his hands roam as he moved his lips down the side of her neck and Y/N let out a soft, breathless cry, throwing her head back as his big hand palmed her breast through her t-shirt.
Her mind whirled as he laid waste to her senses. She couldn't believe any of this was happening, but she chalked it up to a vivid dream, and she refused to do anything that might derail it. So she urged him on as he let his hands reach up under her shirt to squeeze her lace-covered breast and tease her skin where it swelled above her bra.
“Yes, god, your hands feel so fantastic.”
“Mmm…” Jensen moaned as he licked her pulse point. “Calluses aren't too rough? Cause, fuck baby, you’re soft all over.”
Y/N shook her head. “No, I like them rough.”
Jensen pulled his hands out of her shirt and sat up slightly, making Y/N whine at the loss of his hands pressing firmly into her flesh.
He nodded sideways towards the tent opening. “Should I close that?”
Y/N remembered suddenly that there were people at the tables barely thirty feet away. She was surprised to find she didn't actually care that they would likely hear them and guess what was going on inside their little enclosure. 
She nodded at Jensen and he rose quickly, pulling the sides of the canvas together and tying them closed.
He moved back towards her, but instead of sitting beside her again, he pressed his hands into the back of the couch on either side of her shoulders and rested a knee on the seat between her legs. He hovered over her for a moment, fixing her with a stare that made her toes curl, just as it had when he looked at her the same way during the concert.
Her voice was hoarse with desire when she spoke.
“Was I imagining things, or did you notice me in the audience tonight.” It was a bold question, and ordinarily she wouldn't have the courage to ask it. But the look of heat and need on Jensen’s face as he stared at her so intensely made her feel fearless.
He shook his head in answer to her question. “No, you weren't imagining it. You were just so beautiful, you snagged my attention and made it hard to look away. Your expression was so wide-eyed and sweet.”
He leaned down a little and kissed her softly. “You sure you're okay being here with me, sweetheart? I don't wanna pressure you into anything.”
Y/N was shaking her head before he'd even finished his sentence; she spoke loudly as she desperately tried to reassure him. 
“No, trust me. I wanna be here. So much wanna be here. Never in a million years would I have thought that I WOULD be here. Like, if you'd asked me which was more likely to happen tonight…aliens descending from the sky in hot pink convertibles to take over the world, or me having sex with Jensen Ackles, I can tell you I would have been looking for our alien overlords.”
Jensen looked slightly bemused at her rambling. “Wow.”
Y/N blushed. “Sorry, I’m quiet to start, but once you get me going, I can be pretty loud.”
A slow, sexy mile spread across Jensen’s face and Y/N blushed a deeper red. “Sorry, that sounded a lot dirtier than I meant it.”
Jensen shook his head, still hovering over her, trapping her between his arms braced against the couch. 
“Don’t apologize, sweetheart. I like dirty.” He kissed her softly. “I like sweet too. They make a pretty incredible combination"
He pulled back from her and slowly lowered himself down till he was on his knees in front of her. “Just two things.” He said, raising two fingers. “One - I’m just confirming that you did in fact say you were going to have sex with Jensen Ackles, right? That wasn’t me just hearing what I wanted to hear?”
Y/N laughed breathlessly. “No, you heard right; there's no way I wanna stop at just a make out session.”
Jensen bit his lip, and his gaze smoldered hot enough to burn her to a crisp. As a result, her voice was barely a whisper when she spoke. 
“And what’s the second thing?”
“I just wanted to tell you that, when I make you scream my name? You don't have to call me Jensen Ackles. Just Jensen works.” He smiled mischievously. "Course, 'Oh Daddy!' works too.” 
He shrugged. “I’m easy.”
He winked at her and Y/N felt her breath leave her body as he pushed her t-shirt up a bit and began to lick and nibble at her stomach, before he pulled it all the way off and tossed it aside, leaning forward to gently bite her nipple through her lacy bra.
Y/N shivered and stifled a moan. He slid his hands around to her back, unhooking her bra, which she pulled off. Keeping his strong hands pressed into her upper back, Jensen held her in place while he licked her nipple into his mouth, sucking on it hard before letting it go so he could flick the tip of his tongue against it.
He paid the same attention to her other breast and then alternated back and forth between the two. Soon her breasts were heavily marked with small purple bruises he’d sucked into existence. 
He let go of her so she fell back against the couch, as he deftly unbuttoned her jeans, and slid his fingers under the waistband to pull them down. He nodded to her. 
She obliged and he slid her jeans over her hips and down her legs. He quickly pulled off her shoes and then took her jeans all the way off. He ran his big, calloused palms up and down her thighs and she trembled. 
Everything still seemed a bit surreal, and the sensations he was evoking in her only made it seem more likely that she was dreaming. Outside of her own imagination, she never thought she’d feel this kind of thrumming need run throughout her body.
He spread her legs wide with his broad shoulders as he settled between her them. He pushed her panties to the side so he could lean forward to teasingly touch the tip of his tongue to her clit. He swirled it there for a moment, making her buck her hips and push her hand into his hair. It was still slightly damp from his shower, but incredibly soft between her fingers.
Jensen spoke and his breath was hot, even against her burning skin. “God damn, baby, you really are too sweet.” He said licking his lips. 
He paused to slide her panties down and off of her, and then quickly buried his face in her cunt. She yanked hard on his hair, surging up against his lips and clamping her thighs tight to his ears. He wrapped his arms around her legs and pried them open again, holding them in place, while never once stopping his oral onslaught.
His tongue was magic, his mouth was heaven. Pure. Heaven.
He quickly had her on the brink of climaxing, but he pulled away, making her gasp in dismay. “Please, Jensen…” She begged, tugging a little on his hair and trying to direct his mouth back to her. 
“Patience baby.” He cooed against her thigh as he nibbled on it. “Just let me take care of you, just let yourself feel it.”
She could definitely feel it. Blood pulsed in her throbbing clit and her muscles shook with her need. Still Jensen just teased her, sucking more marks into her inner thighs and occasionally lapping his tongue through her slick folds, making her jolt upward as though she’d been electrocuted.
Finally, when she was whimpering quietly and begging him to end the pleasurable torture, she felt his thick middle finger slide through her folds, teasing her clit briefly before pushing inside her slowly. 
“God! Fuck!” She moaned as Jensen added a finger and stretched her open.  
“That’s it, baby.” He said as he began to feel her walls flutter and tighten around him. “Come for me now.”
Proving he had complete control of her body, Y/N felt him press against the spongy spot inside her and she immediately followed his command and came fast and hard, clamping down on his fingers. He stopped pumping them, keeping them buried inside her, pressing on her g-spot over and over again, bringing on two more orgasms in quick succession.
As she was laying there trembling like Jello and recovering from her third orgasm, Jensen stood up, stripped off his shirt and yanked down his jeans and underwear. Her slightly blurry vision cleared immediately and she quickly focused on his cock, semi-hard and jutting out from his body. 
Without even thinking about it, she just melted off of the couch and onto her knees, leaning forward to suck his tip into her mouth. 
“Unf - fuuuck.’ Jensen groaned, drawing out the word. 
He pushed his fingers through her hair, so that he could cup the back of her head with his hand. He slowly pushed her further down his dick before making a fist in her hair and pulling her off of him just as slowly. 
She gasped as she came off of him, spit and cum keeping them linked. He took hold of himself with his free hand and tapped his cock against her lips. 
“Open up, sweetheart. I wanna see you stuffed full of my cock while you look up at me with those beautiful eyes, gone all wild and needy.”
Y/N moaned and opened her mouth immediately to let him push further down her throat. Her eyes watered and saliva dripped out of the corners of her mouth as she looked up at him, and began moving up and down his thick cock. 
He guided her head as she bobbed on his dick, and praised her with disjointed compliments. 
“Fuck, Y/N, yes. So fucking perfect. You’re doing so good, baby…just…fuck me! Just like tha-” 
His words cut off with a deep guttural groan as she slid slowly off his dick, hollowing her cheeks and sucking hard.
He threw his head back, and she could see sweat glistening on his neck. His face was contorted in pleasure and his teeth were sunk into his bottom lip, making her clit start to throb at the sight of him.
He whimpered slightly as she popped off of him. “God, baby!” He said, pushing her back down his length, even though he was shaking his head. “You gotta stop now or I’m gonna come down your throat and I’m way too desperate to ruin that fucking pussy for that.”
He tugged her off of him again and he helped her up off her knees, pulling her close against him so she could feel his burning skin against her own. She ran her fingers across his wide chest and over his flat belly, sighing as he slotted his mouth over hers to kiss her deeply.
She could taste herself on his tongue, overriding the whiskey, and it made her pussy clench just thinking about everything that very talented tongue had done to her.
Finally he pulled away and cupped her cheek, rubbing his thumb across her lips and then pushing it inside, pumping it shallowly. He raised an eyebrow. 
“How do you want it, baby? I can put you on your knees on the couch and fuck you from behind, or bend you over. Or you can sit in my lap and ride me; I can lay you down beneath me and just bury myself in you so deep.”
His voice felt like warm chocolate and was just as delicious. Y/N nearly stopped breathing as she contemplated her choices. 
He pulled his thumb out of her mouth as she finally she decided. “I just wanna be able to see you, that’s all I care about.”
Jensen kissed her again, soft and sweet, walking her backwards a few steps. He lowered her to the couch before following her down, placing a knee on either side of her hips. She looked up at him as he towered above her and felt a shiver of want run through her body. Her pussy was clenching painfully around nothing, desperate to have him inside her.
Taking hold of his cock, he pushed inside slowly; when he was about halfway in he stopped to give her time to adjust. He was very long, and very, very thick so she appreciated the time to get used to his size.
But very quickly she was desperate for more, pushing her heels into his thighs to urge him in deeper. When he was sunk into her completely he groaned and collapsed on her, holding some of his weight on his forearms, but still crushing her into the couch cushions, which felt absolutely incredible.
Then he began to move in and out of her in perfect rhythm, pumping his hips in long, fluid strokes. Y/N moaned deeply as she scored her nails across his shoulders. The action made him grit his teeth and increase his pace. She gripped the sides of his hips with her knees, her whole body tightening as he began pounding into her like a freight train. 
She was crying out in ecstasy seconds before her climax even hit. The feel of him ramming into her body so deep, making her breasts bounce with each thrust, was just too perfect, too incredible to hold back.
As she was coming down, he rubbed her clit in fast, tight circles with his middle finger, making her scream and fall over the edge again. She opened her eyes in time to see him throw his head back again, a harsh, prolonged groan ripped from his throat as he thrust deep one more time, and came inside her, flooding her cunt with warmth.
He shuddered a few times, hips bucking sporadically as he emptied into her completely before his muscles went slack and he crushed her even further into the couch.
She laid there, happily running her hands up and down his beautifully muscled back until he pushed his torso up so he rested on one elbow, looking down at her, and pushing her sweaty hair back from her forehead.
“How you doing, sweetheart.”
Y/N nodded dreamily.  “So good. Like…SO good.” She emphasized, making Jensen chuckle.
“Good.” He said, kissing her lips briefly. He shifted their position so that he laid with his back against the couch, stretched out on his side. He pulled Y/N back to spoon against him, tucking her head under his chin and offering his bicep as a pillow.
He nuzzled against her ear. “You were amazing, Y/N. This was amazing. I gotta admit when you ordered the bottle of water, I wondered if maybe you were just a bit too sweet for me.” He teased, chuckling low in her ear and making her stomach tighten pleasantly again.
Y/N reached over her head to grab his glass of whiskey. “Definitely not.” She said, arching a brow and taking a sip. The liquor burnt a path down her throat and she started coughing and choking almost instantly. Jensen calmly took the glass out of her hand and handed her the bottle of water.
His eyes danced and his smile was wicked as he watched her gulp down the water. “So, it might be a while before you’re ready to drink whiskey neat, but we can start with like, a wine cooler?”
She wheezed at him. “Good plan.” 
He laughed softly before lowering his mouth to hers and sucking the whiskey from her lips.
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
302 notes · View notes
heyhoeudoin · 10 months
Can I request a senku x fem reader where she goes with the group to the cave instead of magma and her and senku end up cuddling for warmth and senku is all flustered by it.
"Guess you can still be flustered, huh?"
pairing: senku ishigami x fem!reader
words: 2.9k
genre/s: fluff, comfort?
warning/s: she/her (sorry!), s1 ep 21-22, swearing, mention of tits
synopsis: senku never would have imagined that he'd get flustered over a simple hug (and like it a lot)
a/n: i know it's been a year... i got busy, but better later than never! also, while rewatching this episode, i got so emotional like holy sht. the way senku got emotional in this episode just got me tearing up! i love senku so much and i miss dr stone a lot more than i thought i did (IT'S ONLY BEEN A YEAR SINCE IT ENDED LIKE?!?!)
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as the group walked up to the edge of the cliff, the sun rises and the stone in suika's hand glowed bright blue shocking everyone around.
"it's blue... a gemstone," chrome says.
"why is it glowing?" suika asks looking at the rock she's holding.
"oh my god, it's scheelite!" you exclaimed as your eyes sparkled at the gem-like-stone in front of you.
senku smiled at you and exclaimed, "ten billion points for you, y/n!" he then walked forward pointing, and bending down at it. "it glows blue when exposed to ultraviolet light. reactions to ultraviolet light are especially visible right before the sun rises. in other words, only right now."
"a magic stone that glows just for this moment... " gen says with a small smile.
chrome went closer to the stone with a curious face. "i've never seen anything like it," he comments.
"me neither," senku says with sparkles in his eyes. "it's an ultra-rare gem. you guys did an incredibly good job, chrome, and suika. this stuff is used in modern filaments. atomic number seventy-four: tungsten!"
"it's the strongest metal in the universe!" you continued his thought as you kept hitting senku's shoulder in joy and excitement.
"ow~" he muttered holding his shoulder. you quickly wrapped your hands around the shoulder you kept hitting to try and soothe it while giving an apologetic look.
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the next day, everyone gotten ready to make a cave expedition, and by everyone, it's just senku and chrome.
"this small chunk won't be enough, but it came down the stream in the cave. there must be tons further inside. tons of this heat-resistant treasure called tunsten," chrome says as he held up the stone.
"we only have one set of lights left," senku says holding up the said last pair of lights. "the last member of the exploration team will be... magma!" he called out making everyone shock, most especially you. "tungsten's tough as hell. we're going to need brute force to collect it. let's go cave diving. we're a trio of spelunking buddies. to the fun treasure dungeon!"
"buddies?!" magma exclaimed, shocked, and confused.
"senku, chrome, and magma?!" kohaku exclaimed.
"i've never heard of such a risky group," suika says.
"i-i-is that even safe?!" ginrou exclaimed. "he might be like, 'i'm the chief!', and attack you, or something, senku!"
"come on, let's get going—"
the group turned to where you stood firmly with a hand raised in the air. "what is this? a court?" gen commented.
you dropped your arm and stomped your way to senku with a pissed off expression. "you may be a genius, but you're still a dumbass." you looked down at him as you jabbed your finger into his shoulder. you spread your other arm to point at magma. "i do not trust him yet!" you exclaimed, bluntly. "which is why i'll be coming with."
senku deadpanned at you and sighs. "y/n, there's only three lights and we need magma to carry the scheelite," he stated.
you rose a brow and placed a hand on your hip. "oh? and you're saying that i can't do that," you retorted with a challenging tone.
senku's mouth snapped shut. how can he forget? you're a hundred percent the strongest here! he shakes his head. "well, it can't be helped," he says, shocking the rest. he turned to magma and told him, "you heard her. take those off."
"whaaat? that easily?!" chrome exclaimed.
senku shrugs, sticking a pinky in his ear. "i can't really stop y/n from doing what she wants. if she wants to come, let her."
"then who's going to carry the rocks?" gen asks.
"y/n will," senku answers.
"what?!" gen screamed. "i-isn't that a bit...? can y/n even handle it?" his arms waved around.
kohaku crossed her arms. "are you saying women are weak?" she looked at him pointedly.
gen furiously shook his head at her. "no no, of course not!"
"right, i never told you y/n's last name, haven't i?" senku comments as he turns over to you, who's walking over wearing the equipment.
"my full name is l/n y/n," you announced. "i am more than capable of carrying the scheelite." gen starts foaming at the mouth. however, those who aren't from the modern world, they don't understand.
"basically, y/n's family is famous for a lot of crazy things and she's stronger than anyone else here," senku explains. "now let's stop wasting time and go!"
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you and senku followed chrome to the cave where he got the scheelite from where a small stream of water ended. senku dipped his fingers into it. "the water's lukewarm," he mentions with a chuckle. "we can definitely find some treasures."
the three of you ventured deeper into the caves. however, once they got to a certain part, senku immediately noticed something. "get back!" he screamed, extending his arm behind his back.
you and chrome stopped, tensing up. "what's wrong, senku?" chrome asks.
senku bent down, moving carefully, and cracked a piece of the floor. "it's mica. it's like baumkuchen." you let out an 'oooh', but chrome looked confused. "it's a rock that's brittle enough to break with your hands," he says as he tears a layer off of the one he's holding. he then looks up, shining the light in front of him. "look, they're natural pit traps."
the three of you look over to the abundance of pits. "damn," chrome lets out. "nature's traps are nasty."
"is it possible to get out of that once you fall in?" you then asked.
"yeesh, try to get back up with a rope or a ladder and it'll just cave in on ya," chrome grimance.
senku stood back up. a crack, you heard from under his foot. you leaped over and push him away. you tried to land as delicately as possible, but the ground couldn't handle it. a hole formed immediately beneath you, making you fall straight into it. you reached your hand up to try and grab the edge out of reflex. another hand reached out for yours and took hold of it. it was senku's hand... although he is having a hard time pulling you up.
"no, senku! let go! it's going to cave in under you!" you were able to scream out. true to your words, the ground beneath senku did cave in. you both fall into the pit.
"senku! y/n!"
you pulled senku closer to your body, putting an arm under his neck and legs. you quickly moved your body upright and looked down. your feet hit the ground with a thud and you bent down into a squat so that you don't crush your legs. you let out a sigh of relief as you stood back up and gently placed senku down.
"are you okay?" you asked him while removing the stuff behind your back.
senku stares at you dumbfounded. "no, no, are you okay?"
you chuckle. "i'm fine, senku. i continued the momentum, or whatever you call what i just did to prevent shattering my legs," you tell him reassuringly.
"go sit down while i try to think our way out," he says as he walks over to the wall in front of you. you did what he said and sat down, your eyes never leaving him as you didn't want to miss it in case it happens. senku sometimes lets out these cute noises whenever he thinks or tries something out. to your pleasure, he's making the noises! (a/n: bro he's so cute in this scene) you let out a giggle after he slides back down from trying to climb out.
senku turns to you with a raised brow. "what're you giggling about?"
"it's just... you're adorable," you bluntly answer him.
he blinks, then slightly smirks from the familiarity. "how long has it been since you've last called me that?"
"it's been a while that's what," you say with a smile. just then a stream of water flowed down into the cave. you and senku looked up to see chrome peering down, holding a glass bottle.
"chrome, what are you doing?" you ask with furrowed brows.
"if i keep pouring in water from the pond that's nearby, you might be able to swim back out," he explained.
that caught you off guard. you turned to senku and asked, "will that work?"
he starts cackling and from that alone, you already got your answer. "hang on, that's not bad," he says, then raised a finger in front of his face. you perked up, smiling with glee as you listened to senku's calculations tangent. you love it whenever he says his calculations out loud, and he does it with his pointer finger raised in front of him as well! it's adorable... and insanely attractive.
senku lowered his finger and lets out a laugh. he looked up at chrome and shouts out, "chrome, i'm going to tell you how to craft something. can you do it?"
"yeah, of course i can." chrome nods. "don't underestimate chrome the science user!"
after you tossed the bag with the big glass bottles, you waited patiently as you listened to senku instructing chrome on what to do. shortly after, pillars of water starts flowing down into the pit. "huh? how is the water going from low to high?" you and senku heard chrome ask out loud. you giggled as senku explained to chrome what a siphon is.
you looked to see the water slowly, but surely rising from the floor. your feet being already submerged into it. then your gaze went to senku, who's looking up. "are you sure you won't freeze before we could get up there?" you asked with a hand on your hip.
senku turned to you, still looking up. "i did the calculations. it should be fine before we get hypothermia," he says.
you rose a knowing brow. "that's for a normal person, senku, and you're not a normal person." by this time the water is already about half way at senku's body (you're taller than him so it's not really half way at your body yet).
senku stuck his pinky into his ear, shrugging. "it'll be fine," he says.
it was not fine.
the water's only at half way of the pit, but senku's already shaking and chattering from the cold. you slowly floated your way to senku and wrapped your hands around him. this shocked senku, jolting a bit from the sudden touch. "what are you doing?" he managed to ask.
"here, the tits will keep you warm."
senku gapped at you. why are you so goddamn blunt? because of his shock, he missed the part where you gently placed his head on your chest and guided his arms to wrap around your back. "well, aren't you red?" you say with a teasing smirk which brought him back to reality.
"huh?" senku felt flustered and embarrassed. he tried to push himself away from you, but with his strength versus yours... yeah it didn't work. "stop that!" you scolded him. "be glad that it isn't magma who's cuddling with you right now."
senku grimaced at the thought. "don't even mention that!" he exclaimed, looking up at you, making you chuckle. in the midst of your chuckle, he tightened his hold on you, pulling you closer to his body.
"well aren't you bold?"
he looked away, avoiding eye contact and letting his head rest on your chest. "i am doing this for the sake of getting warmth so that we both don't die of hypothermia," he says.
you rolled your eyes. "oh please, just admit you're liking this much more than you thought you did," you teased him.
his ears tipped red as he stayed silent.
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you watched senku and chrome fanboying at the treasure cove of rocks with a smirk. a chuckle left your mouth, but the mood quickly died down as you pressed your lips together. "are you guys done yet? the sun's going to set soon and we should go!"
"ohhh come on! just a little bit longer," chrome whined.
"yeah, after all, we found a mountain of treasure," senku added.
you hooked your hands on the back of the boys' shirt and lifted them up. "when i say let's go, let's go."
the three of you exited the cave and the sun's already setting. "hurry up," you say as you picked the bag senku's carrying and hugged it against your chest. senku looked at you with protest, but you merely rose a brow at him which caused him to back down.
"why are you suddenly in a hurry?" chrome asked, looking slightly confused.
"you'll see."
once the three of you drew closer to the village, you dropped the bag in front of you took and out your makeshift blindfold. "senku dear~ could you wear this for me real quick?" you asked as he turned around.
he rose a questioning brow at you. "and for what y/n?" he asked. but you ignored his question and covered senku's eyes. you picked him up and threw him over your shoulder like a sack. "y/n? y/n?!" you picked up the bag up from the floor and happily jogged back your way to the village while humming.
chrome blinked then ran after the two of you. "what are you doing, y/n?!"
senku now stood in a room, blindfolded and hands tied. he knows that that's your hand on the back of his neck which means you're standing directly behind him.
"hey, senku-chan~ welcome home," gen says in front of senku, but he doesn't know that.
"huh? what's going on?" senku asks with an unwavering tone.
"hah!" kohaku triumphantly laughs. "don't bother trying to call for help, senku. we're all working with gen," she announced.
senku chuckles. "so you bastards finally figured out the hack, huh?" he says. "all you need to do is hand science and my head over to tsukasa, and the village is safe. it's perfectly logical." you could feel him trembling with nervousness. "...leave y/n out of this," he muttered to which only you heard.
gen lets out a short snort. "well, i have no idea what you're talking about, but..." he gave you a nod. you untied his hands and slowly took off his blindfolds.
senku stared in front of him, eyes swirling with nostalgia. you stared at him with a fond smile. it's been a while since you've seen him that emotional. he stepped towards the telescope and peered into it. he took a step back in awe. "an astronomy telescope... or rather, an observatory..." his voice gotten softer by the end. you blinked, trying to get rid of the tears that threatened to fall.
kaseki lets out an excited laugh. "january forth; rock day!" he exclaimed.
kohaku stepped up with a wide smile. "y/n told us it's your birthday today, senku!" she said.
"we all got you a birthday gift!" suika happily announced. senku walked closer to the window to see mostly everyone from the village standing outside.
"y/n told us everything we needed in order to make the telescope, and the whole village worked hard to make the observatory. you're going to have to fine-tune it yourself, senku-chan," gen explained.
ginro approached senku with a smug look. "are senku~ are you moved for the first time in forever? you can cry, you know. you don't need to hold it in," he teased.
"you're so low, ginro," kinro commented.
senku turned to the group with a smirk. "good job, everyone! this is extremely practical. we can use it as our own watchtower against tsukasa," he mentions with a wide cheeky smile.
"y-yeah, that's true," kohaku replies, not sure what to make of his reaction.
"your feedback's as rational as ever," gen comments.
"a guy doesn't bother mentioning his own birthday, and yet..." senku glanced at you. you gave him a smirk and a smug wave. a chuckle escapes his mouth.
"actually, i found out on my own even before y/n said anything," gen corrected to which senku immediately understood and the two conversed on how gen found out.
a while later, it's only you and senku left in the observatory. "did you really think i'd let them hand over your head to tsukasa?" you rhetorically asked. "and also, i can't believe that's the first thing you thought of. do you not have faith in them? you healed their priestess."
senku didn't reply as he stayed silent, looking up at the stars. you sighed as you walked over and hugged him from behind. "are you mad at me for giving away your birthday?" you softly asked. "well, i wasn't planning on giving it away, but gen approached me for a birthday gift idea and... this happened."
"i'm not mad at you, y/n." he rolled his eyes. "it's just..."
your hold on him tightened. "it's fine. i know. you don't have to say anything," you tell him.
senku turned around and wrapped his arms around you, laying his head on your chest. you felt yourself warm up a bit and held him closer. "so i am right." senku lifted his head up to look at you with confusion. "that you're liking this much more than you thought you did," you explained with a smug smirk.
he turned his head away, avoiding eye contact as he stayed silent and his ears tipped red.
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masterlist a/n: this turned out way better than i thought it would.
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onepiece-asl-lover · 4 months
Reader my au x ASL TRIO
Part 7 "Official sibling life"
Tw: nothing really just the brothers being chaotic.
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The next day all four of you guys ran out the house to go explore or whatever is going to happen today.
"See ya" you all shouted towards Dadan as you left.
"Get back here! This house ain't going to clean itself!" Dadan shouted back.
Sabo stopped halfway, Luffy bumping into him and falling back.
"Oh yeah I forgot, Hey Dadan we pissed off some Bluejam pirates and probably wants us dead, so play it cool!"
"He's kidding right?" Dogra asked.
"I'm not! We beat up some of his guys yesterday that's why I moved here!" Sabo stated.
Mogra, Dogra and Dadan jaws drop as they heard the news.
"What!" They shouted.
"Later" Sabo said ignoring their comment as he started running.
You jumped onto Ace back as he grabbed your legs and as you wrapped your arms around his neck as you guys started running.
"Dadan's is cool, she let's us do whatever we want!" Sabo exclaimed, still running.
"Nah, she still is a worthless old hag" Ace replied.
"A-and she real ugly to! L-like-like a butt! Haha- haha" Luffy exclaimed as he panted trying to catch up with you guys.
"..." awkward silence
"Hey it's no fair that Y/N gets to get a piggyback ride! I want to be carried to!" Luffy exlaimed.
Ace looked back at Luffy glaring at him.
"You guys are no fun" Luffy pouts.
You turned your head to look at Luffy and gave him a small smile.
"Luffy, how about when we get somewhere to sit down for a while, I can carry you around, alright?"
"Hey-" Ace gets cut off by Luffy.
"Yay! Thanks Y/N, your're the best!" Luffy happily shouted as Ace grunted.
"Okay, what should we do now?" Sabo asked while you all still kept running.
"Let's eat!" Luffy exlaimed.
"Alright, let's eat." Sabo confirmed.
Ace and Sabo caught a big fish from a clearing of water as you and Luffy stood aside as you guys could not swim.
You started the fire to cook the fish as Luffy bothered you and poking your cheek to come and play with him.
You finished cooking the fish as you, Ace and Sabo sat down and started eating the fish. You near Ace as Sabo sat on the opposite side, Luffy far away from you guys drooling like a dog.
After a while later when you guys were eating sabo speaks up.
"Hey Luffy,you ate a devil fruit, correct?"
"Hm ya"
"So that's why you can't swim, here" Sabo said as he grabs the tail of the fish throwing out towards Luffy to catch.
Luffy laughed and smiled as he grabs the the piece of meat.
"Thanks Sabo" Luffy smiled.
"You're to nice Sabo" Ace said as his voice muffled a bit due to chewing.
Sabo smirks as he points at Ace then to you.
"I'm not the only one who's nice"
Ace face flushes a bright red as he starts shouting at Sabo, Sabo laughing at Ace tactics.
You looked at Ace as you wiped your hands on your pants when you finished.
"I think Ace is very nice sometimes" you spoke as you stood up.
Ace flushed even more this time as he stays frozen in shock.
Sabo laughed at Ace as you walked over to Ace to make sure he is alright.
"Ace are you alright Ace" you said as you looked over his flustered face.
He snaps out of his shock as he starts shouting and speaking gibberish towards who ever as he stomps away and sits in front of a rock, mourning quietly, mumbling to himself.
Sabo laughed as he also stood up and walked to Luffy as you sat near Ace pating his back softly trying to comfort him.
"So Luffy what fruit did you eat?" Sabo asks.
"The Gum Gum fruit, I'm rubber man! And I have cool powers and moves that only I know and I have unbeatable attacks!"
"Then get a move that can get us some fish you freeloader" Ace replies as becomes cocky but proceeds to hold your hand.
"Hey! That's unfair Ace! And I'm not a freeloader! I also have an new move and only Sabo and Y/N get go see so don't peak!"
"Ya whatever" Ace says as he lies down and turns away.
Luffy blows in air and becomes bigger and bigger as you watch in awe. You wouldn't say it was cool but it still was interesting and when you glanced at Sabo it looked like he had the same idea.
"See it so cool and it can bounce off anything like cannonballs-
Luffy gets cut off by Ace kicking him into the air.
"Then you bounce off my leg!" Ace shouts. "Sabo catch!"
Sabo nods as he kicks Luffy into the air as Luffy covers his mouth trying not to throw up.
"You say it can block cannon balls, well can it blocks this!" Ace shouts as he kicks Luffy towards the ground as Luffy hit several rocks and for some reason you can hear his screams coming closer from behind as you turn around you see him coming straight at you as his big balloon rubber body hits yours as you both hit the water.
You and Luffy both scream as you hit the water you holding onto Luffy as you both sink, Ace and Sabo shouting.
Before you and Luffy sunk a huge crocodile swallowed you guys up. Sabo and Ace eye popping out as the crocodile spits out Luffy hat and goes back underwater.
Sabo and Ace shout as the Crocodile shouts back. Ace and Sabo throwing their pipes to hold the crocodile mouth open as they attack it.
A little while later
You four carry the now dead crocodile back to Dadans house as Luffy complains about being eaten.
"Hey, it's alright we did something interesting today and new"
"No it's not alright! I almost got eaten you know"
"Stop crying, anyways we have crocodile meat now for dinner"
"Oh yeah you're right"
"That was quick" both you and Sabo say.
"Sabo, Ace what happened to our treasure?" You ask.
"Oh me and Ace hid it somewhere else but we should go check the old one to see if somone is checking there before going to the hags place"
"Alright" Ace nods.
You four hide behind a bush cammofloged with leaves in your guys hair. (Ace put a flower in your hair specifically for you from him, Sabo and Luffy giggling in the background).
You guys peeked over the bush to see some Bluejam pirates snooping at your old tresure place arguing.
"Man its a good thing we moved our treasure our they will have found it" Sabo says.
"Ya while were at it want to check Grey Terminal too?" Ace asked.
"Ya, Luffy, Ace, Y/N you guys head back to the hags place"
"No-" Luffy shouts, Ace shutting him by holding him down.
You and Sabo look at each other and sigh.
"He dosen't listen to anyone" Sabo sighs.
At Grey Terminal
All four of you look behind a a big piece of junk wood you being at the bottom holding everyone else Luffy being next, than Ace then Sabo. Ace threatening Luffy if he even dares to lay a scratch on you.
"Good grief this place is swarming with thugs and Bluejam buddies and they mean business" Sabo speaks up.
"What did you expect, they're probably pissed and want us dead" Ace says.
You heard somone behind you as you heard a voice speak up.
"Hey guys those kids you've been looking for are right here."
You four all tumble down onto the ground out of surprise, Luffy landing on your back.
"Luffy!" Ace said angry that Luffy had hurt you.
"Not the time" Sabo said as he grabbed Ace and all of you started running from the thugs, and Bluejam buddies.
...After a while you four got away and sat near a tree taking a breather. Ace wacked Luffy on the head causing a bump to form, and Luffy complaining.
"I'm fine really, there's no reason to fight" you said coming in between Ace and Luffy.
"Y/N is right we shouldn't be fighting about this instead we should be talking about how Blujam has the entire Grey Terminal hunting us down, and we better lay low. There is too many of them. Let's just hope they get bored and move onto something else."
You, Ace and Luffy nod as Ace sat down and you letting Luffy have his promised piggyback ride as you walked around still near Ace and Sabo.
"Why should we hide if they come we'll just beat them up" Ace said.
"It won't work there are over hundred of them we won't be able to beat them" You say.
"Ya, Sabo and Y/N are right Ace" Luffy said smiling.
"Nobody asked you" Ace says glaring at him.
You sighed as you put Luffy down.
"We should head back to Dadans house with the Crocodile it's getting late." You say as you start to pick up the crocodile.
You all bring the crocodile back to Dadans house as you guys plop it down onto the living room floor to go to your guys room waiting for dinner.
A/N:IM AM SO SORRY THIS WAS LATE! MY WEEK WAS HECTIC. I'll make a part 8 on Thursday.
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lindalofbroome · 9 months
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14 - Foreshadowing
But always, just as he was about to fall asleep, the other, darker thoughts came creeping back, and made him afraid to close his eyes. Finally he did sleep — a shallow doze filled with nightmares. He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime. And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing. Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help as the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks. "If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked. And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese. ROWAN OF RIN Ch 3 The Heroes
i was planning on doing one of sheba's prophesies because those are always 😘👌 idk theres something so fun and i guess also satisfying about having a cryptic riddle foretelling the future and having it slowly unfold over the course of the story
the fate's hand prophesy in Zebak is probably my favourite because i looooove the symbolism of the group as the hand and also what a cast of characters 😌💖
the plot arch of Travellers is also one of my favourites and big fan of the secret enemy prophesy too. big fan of all the themes of change to embody metamorphosis throughout the whole story!!!
i just did a maris art so i didn't want to use the prophesy in Keeper of the Crystal and honestly when i chose sheba i honestly was envisaging the one in Bukshah where she and unos were huddled in the hut with a raging fire and the whole intense atmosphere, piercing eyes of intent, her snarky wisdom.
but i ended up going with the original, the first, the beloved, probably for nostalgia lol. Rowan of Rin was my first rodda book but thats not the only reason it's one of my top tier favourites. i love its story and its themes of bravery and how the saviour of the village was not a mighty warrior, but a gentle and kind soul.
but oh my god before i started sketching i randomly remembered rowan's dream after visiting sheba and like. ive read this book a bajillion times okay. but i only jUST saw a parallel?? i dont think it's a coincidence??? but i remembered that sheba's eyes were described as piercing and red, and i remembered that because i was like woah thats intense. aND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE HAD RED EYES. THE DRAGON. i remember this only because of when i drew the dragon of the mountain that one time.
so i go back to look at the dream scene. obviously this whole scene kinda went over my head the first time because i was like. eight. give or take. but when i picked it up again when i was older, i quite liked how kinda whacky it was? and i was like wow this is the weirdest and truly the most dream ive ever read lmaoo. i was like wow rodda really wrote things that rowan experienced recently and was thinking about aND made it whacky and weird.
and something i always thought was the most weird was that sheba is described to have a mouth full of cheese, and i always took it as yeah. rowan gave her cheese. it's haunting him now lol. but now?? with my eyes opened??? cheese = food, stuck in her mouth. you know who else had food stuck in its mouth?? the dragon of the mountain.
i was intending of drawing the dream itself but it was going to be a whole thing lol so i just drew when rowan was helping the dragon hahaha but behold my madman red string connection parallels ✨
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He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime.
mountain top cavern, snowy and icy and probably a bit gross
And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing.
ngl i've found this description to be a bit [raises eyebrows] because stereotypes, but now it's like. oh maybe big nose is actually just dragon snout.
sheba definitely has an intense gaze normally, but a red and piercing gaze is like the intimidating but pained and fearful gaze of the dragon.
i got nothing for her hair. could just be description for her. could be folded wings maybe. maybe the dragon of the mountain is an Eastern dragon type even.
Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help
jonn is, of course, weak and pinned to the wall by this point and cannot help.
i don't think jiller is as literally relevant, but we can kinda say that she cannot help also because she had to stay behind to look after annad etc
the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks.
drawing rowan's attention to the face, uh. divine? guidance towards the answer.
sheba's breath was hot like the dragon's fire breath.
"If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked.
im choosing to interpret this as like, his fear gives him pause and allows him to consider. he seeks knowledge, before he acts, in contrast to his elders who act first, know later. kinda like benefits of Deer In The Headlights mode O-O lmao
could also just be a reminder, even affirmation that he and he alone can solve the villages problem and save it from disaster
And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese.
perhaps opening her mouth to cackle can parallel the dragon unhinging its jaw, looking like it's about to eat you whole, but doesnt
cheese stuck in mouth = animal bone stuck in mouth
..oh my god??? i actually think this is just my headcanon but at the end of Bukshah sheba says "that the medallion she gave [rowan] may look like base metal, but it is made of pure gold, and she expects it back the moment she returns. she says that you could not take her place in a thousand years, whatever you may think" via allun, and idk when it happened but i think i did in fact imagine that rowan would be the wiseman some day. due to his insight, his experiences, his level-headiness and stuff like that.
sheba could just be messing around, enforcing being a spiteful and jealous old woman, but just passing on the message that she wants the medallion returned.
but also. maybe she knows he's gonna take her place someday, and she is hinting at it to him. i would imagine this definitely going over his head at the time, since he's you know. a child. but who knows, he's pretty discerning. anyway
it could perhaps be argued that sheba gave rowan the dream alongside the map, but i doubt it. i choose to believe it's his own. maybe im grasping at straws here about it being a supernatural dream, but if it is,,,,,,,,, it could be just the beginning for rowan.
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nudistjayne · 1 year
Naked In Nature
Guest Post by Alexander
The Summer of 2022 brought a couple of extremely hot spells. With the soaring temperatures and a day off I decided to take a drive to the Peak District and did a walk not far from Three Shires Head (a well known beauty spot characterised by winding rivers, mini waterfalls and small pools. I managed to get away from the crowds and found a quiet spot to lay in the sun.  After a short while of sunbathing at a secluded, quiet spot, the temptation took me and I stripped off and submerged myself into the cool water. The feeling was one of exhilaration and a little bit of smugness too as I couldn’t think of a better way to enjoy the sweltering sunny conditions. I looked around and not a soul could see me. 
After a few minutes of in the cool water I made my way to the river bank near where my clothes were laid out. I perched on the river bank and the water bobbed up and down a little reaching about waist height or a little below. I looked up and noticed a small group ambling vaguely in my direction,  as they were paddling in the shallower part of the river downstream. I immediately became fully aware that I was nude (albeit partly covered by the water) and of course to unsuspecting members of the public this sort of activity is quite unusual, my heart started to race a little. I could see and hear that they were getting closer -  they seemed to be in good spirits and were seemingly becoming increasingly amused. At this moment I considered getting out and covering myself up – I didn’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. As I looked over I could now see that the little group was three girls and a guy. Their joviality and giggling got louder and the atmosphere felt relaxed… I decided to stay as I was as the relaxed atmosphere made me feel less self conscious. By this time the group could also see that I was fully  naked and one of the girls struck up conversation with me after I smiled. We remarked on what a lovely spot we’d found and the group continued further past my spot but as they were passing by a couple of them started to find it a little difficult to keep their balance on the rocks, perhaps fair to say that all four of them were somewhat distracted. The group continued about 40 yards further on and they began taking some photos of each other. The laughter continued and they seemed to be having a good time. What happened next was a little unexpected, the blonde girl took off her top and posed topless for a few pictures and then one of her friends followed suit and did the same. The group looked back over towards me and at this point I was beaming. Of course the view I had was enjoyable but the sense of fun and freedom in a random beauty spot in buttoned up old England was great too and it felt like that feeling was shared by all of us.
A few minutes later the group headed back my way and our paths crossed once again. I asked one of the girls to get a pic of me (enclosed in this post)  and she was more than happy to do so. The giggly guy in the group then suggested I had a photo with the girls to which I agreed. The girls were once again covered up so for a bit of fun and sensing their nudist curiosity I decided to politely enquire whether their bikini tops would be staying on. After only a brief moment of hesitancy, the two girls I was posing with whipped off their tops. I was stood fully naked and the group of girls (I’d never met before today) topless as we had a few final pics together.
At this moment one of the group noticed that a family started to become visible in the distance and this was our cue to cover up and go our separate ways. What a joyful, cheeky and fun naked experience.
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robinette-green · 2 years
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I never got around to writing the story but I do have an honest to god fnaf animatronic self insert.
This is Fey. She runs the Star Dome at the top of the Pizza Plex.
Glows under black light
Has up to date knowledge of the solar system so she can provide fun facts during the shows.
Has fruity, star shaped hard candies that have pop rocks on the inside for a fizzy burst. (Think Zotz)
The Star Dome is an enormous, round room that is made entirely of screens. (Looks like one big screen but it’s many)
Rides in a UFO shaped control panel above the patrons heads
Some times the screens short circuit and electrocute guests (that’s covered in the waver) 
The star dome has one or two video games programmed into it;’s system because it was originally going to be like VR gaming without the head sets but FazBear scrapped that idea in favor of a planetarium style attraction.
Fey is really good at the shooter game on the Dome’s system. (Uses it to get out frustration) ((this means she’s also killer at Fazer blast))
I had this whole plot line sketched out where Moon and Fey start off on the wrong foot and a prank war ensues. Eventually Fey steals Moon’s head and they end up entangled in the ball pit. Feelings are realized and they start avoiding each other until Sun’s decided enough is enough and locks them in a closet together. ((Sun and Fey have had a little romance going on through this whole thing))
The pranks:
Fey tweaks the fly motor so it goes just slightly to fast (Runs Moon into a play structure)
Moon scare Fey in the dark
Call me mr. Chuckles on a note taped to Moon’s back
Moon paints a face on Fey’s helmet
Fey swaps the Sundrops and Moondrops so the kids are hyperactive through nap time (she regrets this)
Moon restates the volume for the star dome too loud and sticks it there (just a bit too uncomfortable) ((he regrets this))
Stolen hat (chase ensues)
And below the cut is the small snippet that I did write out. I don’t know if I’ll ever actually pick this back up.
The star dome opened around a month ago in The Faz bear pizza plex. They situated it up on the 3rd floor by mazersize. Going through the doors, you enter a new world. The curved walls are all screens, and holograms are projected from several small devices hidden around the room. Everything working together to transport you into the depths of space, with stars and planets at your fingertips.
I was created to run the attraction from a little control deck that hangs from the ceiling disguised as a spaceship. I was humanoid in shape but only stood just over five feet tall. They had given me large, round eyes, short hair that was neon blue, and antennae with a cute little ball at the end of each stock. I was dressed in a purple jumpsuit, bright pink space boots, a neon green, fuzzy half coat, and a bubble space helmet. The helmet I only ever wore for guests, taking it off as soon as the closing announcement sounded.
Once parts and services had finished putting me together and powdered me on, they ran a few tests to ensure all of the data I needed had been properly uploaded and set me to work. The only reason that I had met the main four was because they came to greet me after hours on my first day.
Freddy had wanted to know if I was settling in alright and made me promise to come to him if I needed help with anything at all. Chica brought me some vibrantly colored cupcakes, even though I can't eat, and asked if I wanted to have a sleepover with her and Roxie sometime soon. Roxie brought me a signed photo and informed me that she would soon be my favorite. I met Monty last because he was standing at the back of the pack, and he just gave me a head nod when he was introduced, saying nothing.
Every night from that point forward, one or more of the four would come up to the dome once we were closed and ask if I wanted to hang out. I enjoyed chica's maze and racing on the raceway. I could get a few holes-in-one on the mini golf course, but my favorite thing was fazerblast. In every game we played, I was always the winner. No contest. I could even defeat Freddy himself. Being small was a definite advantage, and I was faster than everyone except Roxy. Luckily the others didn't get upset that I always won. They would either team up against me or try to take the number two spot, knowing they couldn't beat me.
I had been active for about a month when I finally asked about the Sun and Moon-themed characters on the walls in the prize hall. Out of sight, out of mind. I had meant to ask when I first saw them, space kinda being my forte, but we were just running through to get to the East arcade at the time, and I quickly forgot.
Chica and I were going through some new prizes that Faz had released. There were some new mermaid Chica plushies and some space toys that we wanted to get our hands on.
"I keep forgetting to ask. Who are these two clowns? I've never seen them around, but their pictures are scattered around the plex." Chica was elbows deep in a box of stuffed toys, sorting through the new merch.
"That's Sun and Moon. They run the daycare. Sun's a sweetie, but he hates leaving the daycare, and Moon's a bit of a grouch. He's around but would rather hang out in dark corners and spy on the goings-on than hang out."
I leaned against the counter, arms folded, and looked at the Yellow character on the far wall. That must be Sun. I scoffed
"Very creative names. We have a daycare?"
"Yeah! It's huge! It's connected to kid's cove, but the main entrance is in the lobby across from Faz pad."
"Ahh. Never been to the lobby… never had a reason to go down there."
"Well, that's why you've never seen them! You should go visit! They love getting visitors! Well, Sun does."
"Yeah… I think I will."
I made my way down to the daycare the next night. Getting to meet two other animatronics that were also space themed? Yes, please!
The sign for the daycare on the lobby landing was small, but I was able to spot it easily. Pushing through the doors, I found myself in a dark hallway with a minor water feature and a much larger advertisement for the daycare painted on the brick wall.
"This is nice." Maybe I would come back here to think. It was quiet, and the water feature cooled the air nicely. Very relaxing atmosphere.
Once the daycare security gate lifted, I was bombarded with a happy preppy song playing over the overhead speaker. Everything was bright and colorful in this upper lobby. Walking further in, I noticed the slide in the far wall. A sign over the top read 'slid into fun!'
"Oh, cute!" The slide went straight into a ball pit in the daycare below. As fun as that looked, I didn't want my first impression to be fumbling around in a ball pit.
Vaulting over the partition, I made my way down the upper hallway, peering into the party rooms as I went. The murals painted on the walls were cute, but the rooms felt small and claustrophobic. Past the palm tree lights and down the stairs, I walked up to the set of massive wooden doors.
"Well… here we go." I pushed open the doors. It was enormous! Three play structures towered in the middle of the room, and colored mats covered the floors.
If my eyes could sparkle with amazement, they would be… maybe they were. I hadn't looked at my own schematics, and no one had bothered to tell me all of my functions. Only the ones that were important to my job had been explained to me, and even then, I still needed to figure out how everything worked on my own.
"Hooo! Hoo! Hoo!" Someone was on the balcony in the far wall. They jumped.
"NO-!" There was a splash of balls as the individual dove into the ball pit below. I sprinted across the playmats to look down into the ball pit for any sign of the animatronic. Were they okay? They have to be damaged from a fall from that height!
"Heeeellooo!" I fell backward as balls exploded from the pit, a yellow animatronic bursting from the brightly colored balls.
"New friend! You're sure up late!" Coming over the bridge from the ball pit, he towered over me, yellow rays spinning. This guy had to be at least 7 feet tall, definitely taller than the main four.
"…Sun?" I asked timidity from where I was now sitting on the floor.
"Hoo! Ho! You have me at a disadvantage, friend!" Sun grabbed my hand and pulled me upright. There was a second where I was hanging in the air, tiptoes barely brushing the ground before I was set down. He held my hand momentarily to ensure I was steady before letting me go.
"I'm Fey. It's nice to meet you!" This large gangly individual still towered over me even while I was standing. I was used to the band's height, so it wasn't unnerving, but I hadn't expected him to be this tall. Taking a second to look him over, I thought it looked like that fall hadn't hurt him in any visible way.
"Fey. Are you new to the plex?"
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alinalioness · 1 month
Background of the FNAF Chapter 12:Just dance.
The wonderworld characters led the animatronics into the hall and onto the stage.
Freddy:Is that why you asked us to find out more?
Balan:Exactly, we decided... to show that we like dancing and songs. (He snapped his fingers and instead of a stage, everyone appeared in the sky in wonderworld. Animatronics got scared and climbed on the DJ) Don't be afraid, this is wonderworld. Everything is possible here.
The animatronics immediately got off the DJ and calmed down.
Freddy:Well, you obviously want to show us how you dance.
Balan:You guessed it. Can you dance?
Freddy:Not very... Only Glam rock can do it.
Leo:Nothing, we can teach you.
Balan:We all have dances with four songs. "Hurray", "Stronger", "Together" and "Wonderworld".
Freddy:All right, show me.
Leo:(Dancing to the music of "Hurray" in the chorus) That's it, try it.
The animatronics tried to dance, but accidentally hit each other.
Balan:Oh, guys, it's better to move away from each other.
The animatronics moved away from each other, but when they did it standing on one leg, they fell.
Emma:Maybe try dancing to the music of "Stronger"?
When she danced to the music "Stronger" at the end, the animatronics tried and failed again.
Foxy:It is also impossible.
Leo:And if "Together"?
When he and Emma danced together where the words "This is a place, where I can be totally. Honest", the animatronics failed again and they fell.
Freddy:I think that's enough.
The characters from wonderworld have become a circle and are talking in whispers.
Balan:Guys, I think we're starting with a difficult one. They are animatronics and you need to start with the easy one. Or you can do it at a pace.
Cass:And how is that?
Balan:Very easy. The song should go slowly and we dance calmly, and when it gets faster and more fun, we'll slowly start moving fast. And I know one song that people like to listen to. (He takes out a disk with the inscription "Chasing dream ft. Galaco" from the cylinder) With the help of a song about a dream, we can dance both slowly and quickly. (Suitable for animatronics) You know, we shouldn't have started with the difficult and thought it was better to start with the easy. We are very sorry for the confusion.
Bonnie:And you suggest dancing in another way?
Balan nodded and gave the record to the DJ. The DJ immediately understood and put it on the control of the song (I do not know what the DJs actually call it). When the lights went out and there was a black background, the song began. Balan wonderworld stood with their heads tilted until they began to raise their heads in a normal pose.
At the first chant, everyone began to slowly raise one left hand, which they lead her to the left side. Then they sat with their right hand. Then they point to the front with both hands and pull them towards the chest.
Bonnie:Something is already working out.
Then they lowered their arms and waved only one side in the upper corner and to the other. Then they do a cross pose, crossed their arms to their chest and lowered them again when the song died down. Then the music starts to sound with a beat and everyone raises and lowers their shoulders. Animatronics immediately realized that they would dance slowly and quickly.And with the fun part of the song, everyone starts dancing a little fast, a little like dancing to the song "Wonderworld".
Freddy:It turns out not to be as bad as we thought.
Balan:(Happily) Keep dancing!
In the verse, everyone starts waving their hands. Paired characters (Meaning lovers) dance together holding hands. They continued to dance for the entire verse.
Bonnie:And dancing together is also fun.
Chica:That's right.
Foxy looked at it in an ordinary face until Mangle took his hand.
Foxy:Uh, what are you doing?
Mangle:I'm just curious... are we not similar in that the children did not treat us very well?
Foxy:Oh, they were just afraid of me and walked away.
Mangle:And they just collected me like a toy.
Foxy felt as he danced with her that the feeling was developing. Later, when the chorus came, everyone danced slowly. Their postures matched the words. Like for example "Watashi na Chasing Dream" they held their hand forward like they were ready to follow the dream.
Bonnie:And the song is similar about you.
Balan:Yes, it's definitely about the dreams of my human friends.
Freddy:It makes me forget the problems.
Later, when the music gets more fun, Balan, Lance, Leo, Emma, inhabitants, costumes representatives, Negabosses in human form, Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy hold hands and spin.
Bonnie:Is this dancing too?
Balan:Yes, it's called a round dance. It's just a few people holding hands and walking in a circle.
Suddenly, at one point, the DJ accidentally touched the record and the music began to go faster, and the main characters who lead the dance began to fly and spin quickly.
Chica:Are we flying?
Balan:Yes, I did it. But I can't completely give magic to ordinary creatures. Otherwise, suddenly something will happen.
The DJ is trying to slow down the song, but the song is getting faster and the characters are spinning faster. Later, he finally slowed down and the song returned to its normal tempo. The heroes fell when they stopped, but when the singing is played in silence, they get up.
Balan:A little blurted out, but aren't you upset?
Freddy:Of course not. Because...
Animatronics are already dancing slowly without any problems and everyone was dancing calmly. They continued to dance and ended up in the star pose.
Helpy:It was fun.
Bonnie:I even wanted to dance some more.
Balan:Yes, but unfortunately it's too late. (Looks at the watch in his hand) It's already 21:00. It's time for us all to go to bed.
Freddy:But where are we going to sleep?
Balan:Of course, in the world of miracles. You can choose who wants to go where.
Sundrop:I'll be in chapter 9, where the attractions are.
Baby:Together with Fantaime, we will also go there.
El Chip:The trio of us will go there too.
Helpy:So am I.
Rockstar Freddy:We could do with sleeping in the world of heaven.
Glam-rock Freddy:We would have slept in chapter 2.
Mr. Hippo:Then we're on the first one.
Toy Freddy:Well, we're in chapter 6.
Freddy:And then we're at 12.
All the characters divided into groups according to their chapters on Tims o island.
Balan:Well, good night guys.
Others:Good Night.
Everyone went to their places. In Chapter 12, FNAF 1 animatronics lay quietly on their bunk beds.
Bonnie:Freddy, are you glad that all of us, including you, have become friends not only with people, but also with other creatures?
Freddy:Yes, the dream has come true. And Balan and Lance became my best friends. Well, good night, everyone.
Bonnie, Chica and Foxy:Good night.
The trio fell asleep and only Freddy looked at the dark sky.
Freddy:If Fredbear were alive, he would be glad to see how many friends we have made with other people (Asleep).
To be continued...
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boonesfarmsangria · 3 months
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Orlando Weeks recently released his brilliant new record LOJA. It’s either the ex-Maccabees third solo album or fourth, if you count the children’s book and accompanying Paul Whitehouse-featuring soundtrack he made for The Gritterman in 2017. It’s also his best, pairing the intricate introspection of his previous solo work with the expansive art-rock dynamism that made The Maccabees so exciting. He launched the album with a four-night residence at London’s Copeland Gallery, exhibiting his artwork during the day and playing gigs in the evening. I (still Niall here, still hungover) was originally supposed to speak to him on the second day of the residency but he was swamped and very politely rescheduled at the last minute. We caught up a week a week later instead:
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The New Cue #391 June 24: Orlando Weeks
Hello Orlando. Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find the link.
No, I owe you the apology, I cancelled so late last week, so thanks for doing this.
Don't worry about it, I could tell you meant business because you had a pencil behind your ear. You were in the zone. What was going on at that point?
All of it went well and I'm really happy with how it went, but everything took longer, required more time... I totally underestimated things like how long it took to cut all the paper to size, how early I needed to get in each day to make the prints to sell in the evenings. It was the first time I'd done it so it was a lot on the fly and I felt like I was barely keeping up with what I needed to get done and if I was having a conversation with someone where my responsibility to that conversation is to try and give good account and be good company or whatever, then I was gonna fail at that miserably.
Haha. With all that in mind, how did you feel after the run of four days?
I really enjoyed it. I felt like all the aspects could have stood on their own. The exhibition looked as I wanted it to look, the performances worked and made sense, especially in the context of the gallery. The general experience of being there all day and making more work for the event, all of that makes sense to me in terms of contextualising the record and staying busy during the day really works for me in terms of taking some of the onus off the evening. I don't like turning up somewhere and doing the gig and that being the be all and end all of my product that day.
It's a lot of dead hours.
Yeah and it just puts too much pressure on that moment. Even towards the end of Maccabees, I was beginning to try and find ways of getting into getting into those bigger venues, trying to get into them really early in the morning, finding a desk or a room that no one else is going to use and just be busy in there for a bit and it would take some of the weight off the gig in the evening.
Did it work? By the time the gig came around, were you in a different headspace compared to how you would have been if you've just been sitting there for hours waiting to soundcheck?
Definitely. Being a touring musician as a solo proposition, turning up at venues and setting up the merch desk and all the things that used to be fun about the early days of being in a band, I really like. I like being sure that I've met lots of people that work in the venue and said hello, I really like feeling that that is part of what the venue is, not just the backstage and the stage, all those people make the weirdness of sitting on a stage and playing music to people slightly less weird.
The flipside of that is, do you miss anything about doing those big gigs where The Maccabees ended up?
Yeah, there's the rareness of experience. It's not something that lots of people get to do. Towards the end of Maccabees, I was getting this really unpleasant stage fright that meant that I had the adrenaline through the afternoon and into the gig grew, my ability to process the adrenaline would just fail and then during the show, I would become more and more anxious and self-conscious and panic. Then by the time we finished the gig, my emotional drop off was really intense and unpleasant and so I found it really hard to enjoy those big gigs. In retrospect, I would hope to be in a better headspace to really process what that was, if that's possible. I definitely had some of those gigs that were great that I enjoyed but, as a whole, I was really struggling with getting to the end of the gig and not finding it just uncomfortable.
I feel like the new record has a real connect with the music you made in The Maccabees. I really liked the previous two but this one feels like it's got the ambition and expanse that The Maccabees had paired with the arty introspection of what you've done on your solo records. Is that fair?
I think so. There is an element of the first two that were very insular. A Quickening was basically made in Nic Nell's bedroom and then he moved flat and it was another bedroom and a bit of his studio in New Cross and then the second was made in Nathan Jenkin's [aka electronic producer Bullion] studio in Tottenham Hale. We were really nervous about being in confined spaces so everything was done with masks on so it was not a freeing experience. We were very lucky that we were making a record that the point was to try and be uplifting because had that not been the manifesto for it then I think it would have not been such a pleasurable experience because it was great. I really enjoyed it. But with this, there was Fiction back on board, so [Fiction MD] Jim Chancellor championing me and making me feel like 'Why don't you do that? You should!'. I feel very comfortable with Jim. And then also there being a bit of budget, there being enough musicians that I knew that I'd worked with, toured with, played with, watched, become friends, whatever, that I could put together a band. And I'd written songs that I thought would suit that.
My initial idea of the record was I wanted to try and make a band in a room record and it isn't that. That was something that Maccabees strived to do and didn't achieve. One of the records that I've listened to in the last like four or five years that I think does it amazingly and is an incredible record that I return to a lot is the Caroline debut record. They're rare things, especially when it's a lot of people.
Tell me about getting some of the guests involved. You've got a band you’ve put together behind you, and also Katy J Pearson, Rhian from Wet Leg and Tony Njoku on it. It might not be a band in a room record but it feels like an album where you are sparking off other people.
Yeah, and I think there is a difference between those two things. There is a huge amount of collaboration and successful collaboration to my mind on the record, which is different to a band in a room record. I'd gone away with the initial recordings and I felt like we hadn't nailed the band in the room record so it was then trying to think, 'Right, so if it's not going to be that, I made the rules, I made the manifesto, it's mine to break, it's mine to change and I want it to be the best version of whatever it's going to be' and then starting thing 'Okay, so My Love Is needs something else' and I think Katy has one of the great voices in terms of emotive voices and I think it works well with my voice. I felt like I had a favour in the chamber with Rhian because even though I'd said no to it, she'd asked if I'd be in a Wet Leg video so I knew her well enough to ask a favour or at least see if she liked the song. Tony Njoku I'd played with, he'd come and supported me a couple of times. We have mutual friends and I know him well enough to just ask him directly and send him some music. Olly, I'd seen Caroline and the record became something that I listened to a lot and I'd seen Caroline at Latitude. So there were enough people and enough time that I could approach people and let them have some time with the decision. It feels like a collaborative record.
By the end of the Maccabees, you lot were becoming notoriously slow. I think the last record featured in Q previews for the coming year two years in a row. Have you got better at working quicker o have you carried that into your solo career?
I mean, the reason Maccabees sounded like Maccabees was because the process took as long as it did. The sifting that had to happen, that's just as long as it took. Without those various, necessary Maccabee hoops to jump through, I can make decisions quickly, I can work as late as I want to or get up as early as I want to. I think Maccabees always had a really good work ethic, especially the last two records, everyone worked hard, I just think if you're in a group generally, that's just the kind of natural law.
You’ve been solo now for going on seven years. What have you learned about yourself over that period?
In relation to Maccabees, I can feel much fonder about all that time and I have a much nicer, easier time with all those people which is a very nice thing that time gives. I really love the process still, I really like starting with no songs and then slowly getting building a record. In terms of my work, I don't think I've changed very drastically. I just really like doing it. I count it, I mind about it still, like I find the responsibility of it... when I hear myself saying these things, it sounds so flat!
It doesn't!
I genuinely think the mission is to try and find ways of keeping that as long as possible. When I was saying that it sounded flat it's just because I'm so comfortable with that as my MO. I'm doing everything I can to justify to myself and to enough people to find its relevance that's a legitimate thing for me to try and sustain.
Does it feel weird or funny to you that you and [other Maccabees offshoot] 86TVs are releasing music at the same time?
I think it probably would have felt weird if it was happening straight away, I also think that what we're making is pretty different and the way we are framing it is different. I'm so pleased for the boys that, from when I speak to them and from what I see from their output, they're having a very good time doing it and they've been very sweet when they've spoken to me.
I tried playing the two tracks over one another to see if I could get an idea of what The Maccabees would sound like in 2024 but it sounded awful.
Hahaha, good! I'm quite relieved that it didn't end up that satanic messages started coming through.
I should've asked this at the beginning of this conversation but where are you at the moment?
I'm in Lisbon.
You’ve lived there for a few years now. Does it feel like home yet?
Yeah, definitely.
What are the main things you love about living there?
I find it hard to explain but I feel very new here. I lived in London almost all my life. Apart from a few years in Brighton when I was coming back a lot anyway, I was in London for almost 40 years so your fingerprint is everywhere, there is so much of your history in and so many eras of your history embedded in everything. It was so rare that I would go to somewhere that I hadn't been to before that I hadn't had a night there before or I hadn't seen countless gigs there. I'm habitual anyway so if all of my days are spent at a desk either writing songs or doing drawing or whatever, and any desk will do, then in the evenings, I'm less interested in going and doing a new thing or seeing anything or walking down the street and being like 'That's it's the first time I've done it' and here I feel like that all the time. And this is not to do with being noticed by someone that might have known the Maccabees but I'm inconspicuous here, I'm not bumping into people, I'm not coming across old haunts, I'm fresh here.
Constant surprise.
Constant surprise, lots of moments where I cannot believe my luck. The way that Lisbon sits, the hills mean where a sunrise happens or sets, if you're just one road over, everything is weirdly more colourful or the way that that light bounces, I'm so seduced by it. I keep thinking the newness will wear thin and it doesn't.
How far do you look forward, what's your mind on now?
Weirdly, today was the first day I sat down and started just playing piano and thinking about what I'd really like to do next. I really want to write something that Bill Ryder-Jones wants to produce or sing on or play guitar on. It's something we've talked about on and off for a long time. Even if we just did one song. I just sent him a video link for the McAlmont & Butler song the other day, just as like a 'mmm?'. I started trying to think how to write a pop song that he would enjoy. And then the other thing is I want to try and find other places in the UK or in Europe where I can take the Copeland gallery framework and put it into another place and be in a place for a few days and do play some music and exhibit some work.
Nice one man, thanks for your time.
Amazing, thank you again
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cyuuttee · 9 months
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Travel Diaries; Edinburgh, Scotland.
Embarking on new adventures is undeniably one of the most thoughtful and meaningful presents one can receive. It goes beyond material possessions, offering the priceless gift of shared experiences and the creation of everlasting memories. Travelling allows you to invest in the currency of time together, painting a masterpiece of cherished memories that will decorate that gallery of your life.
Expressing gratitude to my wonderful, caring, and supportive befriend for the birthday gift. I am incredibly fortunate.
Edinburgh Castle
First stop of the day, the historic castle of Edinburgh. Located at the top of Castle Rock, this is the most paid tourist attraction in Scotland and a must see if you find yourself in the heart of the capital. Overall, this took us roughly two hours to explore unguided, and the views from the castle are stunning, offering panoramic glimpses of the city below.  You can take a scenic walk up the Royal Mile to capture the historic vibes but my boyfriend and I had arrived by taxi as we would have missed the 15 minute window that the pre-booked ticket allows us to enter the attraction.   I highly recommend securing tickets in advance, as they are prone to selling out. It was quite busy on the day, with queues forming at the main tower inside the attraction with an approximate wait time of twenty minutes although we arrived at 11:30. Overall, a lovely start to our morning embracing ourselves in Scotland’s rich history.  Ticket Admission: £19.50
Camera Obscura & World of Illusions
Having explored the Camera Obscura during a school tour in Edinburgh before, I cherished the memories so much that I decided to introduce the experience to my boyfriend.  This was a fun and interactive activity and only a 5 minute walk south of Edinburgh castle. We dedicated about an hour and a half exploring and navigating the various floors packed with mind bending illusions and games. The rooftop, serving as the grand finale, stood out as my favourite part, offering a picture-perfect vantage point. With its appeal across all age groups, the exhibition was a perfect blend of fun and fascination. Definitely worth a visit for some lighthearted fun.  Ticket Admission: £21.95
Armchair Books
Stepping into this pre-loved bookshop was an enchanting experience. It exuded a quiet charm, welcoming visitors with open arms. The shelves, reaching from floor to ceiling through a narrow, alley-like walkway, were crammed with books of all kinds. Although I personally couldn’t locate the specific book I was on the hunt for (a challenging quest, to be honest-I'm still on the lookout!). This quaint bookstore proved to be a heavenly haven for all avid book lovers.
Edinburgh Books
Discovering yet another enchanting bookstore filled with an array of second hand, collectable and rare edition books. My boyfriend left here delighted as he bagged four fishing books, not typically found in your average library. The owner, hailing from Donegal, picked up on our Irish accents and initiated a friendly conversation. To add to the charm, a young boy engrossed in a book on fishing flies approached us, passionately sharing his love for the art itself. This heartwarming encounter made the visit truly special, and I could have lost track of time immersing myself.
 W. Armstrong & Son Vintage Clothing Emporium 
I could not believe the great selection of clothing this vintage store had to offer, which not only featured a diverse range of sizes (all labelled & organised) but was also reasonably priced. Richard was thrilled to snag the most adorable ‘’Country Lakes’’ woolen jumper for just £20, and it was in mint condition. While I spotted a few charming pieces for myself, I didn’t urgently need new clothing, so I decided to leave them behind for the next lucky shopper. Nonetheless, the experience left me contemplating a return to Edinburgh with an empty suitcase, to indulge in a guilt-free shopping spree.
Bread St. Kitchen & Bar, Gordon Ramsey Restaurant
Foodie post pending…
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ajoytobeheld · 11 months
End of Year Travels…Part Deux.
January 1st, 2008
Happy 2008! It’s been a while since we whetted your appetite with the first part of the blog so we thought it was time for the second instalment. Let’s face it, what more do you need to help beat the post New Year hangover than our witty ramblings?
Previously on the los camp blog… (ha, I’m really enjoying going all out over this two-parter thing!)
We supported Broken Social Scene, and the venue was rather beautiful but the fact we had to get up at half five in the morning really really sucked…
…to be continued…
…this was to fly to Japan but the airline was rubbish so it didn’t make up for it. Myself and Aleks kept getting knocked in the head by some slag of a air hostess who i found rather patronizing and the film selection was appalling. [Ellen’s still bitter her screen didn’t work properly…] However the fact we found ourselves in Japan made up for it, even if it took us four years to fly there and we lost a day or something.
Japan was a incredibly surreal and bizarre experience, we’ve heard enough stories to realize that fans there are a little excitable but I did not think this would apply to us. We were most surprised when we showed up in the hotel and there were two girls waiting to have their photo taken with us [post flight – urgh that was NOT a good time, I’m surprised they recognised us], and were also present when we returned from dinner for more photos. It was a rather humbling experience of “Our you sure you want our photo again, we are not The Enemy.”
I feel there should be a separate note about the food in Japan, we ate out for dinner the nights we were there and it was a never ending conveyor belt of food, it just kept coming and coming…. and it was so good you couldn’t not have a little bit of everything. It was not so much fun for the vegetarians amongst us due to their rather healthy obsession with fish and chicken, but luckily they had a equal obsession with Tofu. I still have no idea what the hell that is made out of. We also tried sake, and it was….kinda disgusting. [Plum wine is tasty though, and at the end you get to eat the plum; which is quite exciting…if you’re easily excitable. I am.]
We played at British Anthems with a couple of bands we like such as Blood Red Shoes and the Pipettes (who we didn’t get to see because of promo). The audiences behavior was completely different to anything I have ever seen before, it would make a really boring anthropological study. They remained incredibly quiet between bands, all polite and courteous, and then when we started they went absolutely mental. We played in front of 2500 people (which is a lot for us) and it was one of the best gigs we have ever done. They clapped for everything, you kind of felt like you could do that thing where it looks like you were taking your thumb off and you would get a four hour standing ovation. It was maybe the highlight of our tedious little lives. We also did a signing and got given a bag of presents including a guitar lighter (which Tom nabbed and made into a bass) and some xmas cards. [There were also lots of requests for ‘cuddles’, and you know, any excuse to molest people and we’re there so that was quite endearing. Maybe our hugging reputation preceded us. ]
We did a meet and greet in HMV which was very bizarre, we all stood in a line and just shook peoples hands. We also gave out some more renegade hugs [even though it was against ‘HMV rules’ or something, but hey punk rock, innit] It was incredibly surreal and my hand shakes began to feel false by the end. We also went and saw The Pipettes DJ at some tiny little club which had adopted a London theme (they had flags) and Aleks was not happy with the playing of “Gotta Get Thru This” by Daniel Bedingfield. She found his sentiments insincere. [It was a low point…I think I left shortly after that. But I did get to walk through the ‘love hotel district’ on the way home which I didn’t realise at the time. No one tried it on. Ollie was luckier, he got chased down the street by a keen lady of the night. We think it’s because he has a lovely young face that women want to corrupt him.]
That whole night was like some weird indie disco wedding, it was all “Oh look its him out of the Klaxons” or “That’s the guy from The Enemy. This is weird.” Fun was mostly had by dancing to Girls Aloud. Also the guitar tech from The Enemy tried to start on Neil, we are still not too sure as to why… We also did some Karaoke with Blood Red Shoes, who sang Total Eclipse of the Heart with Gareth. Tom chose “Build me up Buttercup,” whilst myself and Neil did Weezer’s “The good Life.” Ollie indulged in Phil Collins (that self righteous one about the poor people and how we need to notice him and how he is so worthy and a idiot.) I think the finest moment was Harriet, Aleks and myself attempting “Wuthering Heights,” i think we all realized that perhaps we needed to know more then the chorus to make the song some kind of success. But it was nice to fulfill a cliche.
We also saw various bits where Lost in Translation was filmed which the Japanese must love being asked about. [We also spent most of our days in a office doing promo. So although it sounds like we saw a lot of Tokyo, we didn’t. We mostly saw the inside of a office. We made our mark on it however with Neil leaking permanent marker on a white couch and Ellen’s spillage of pink nail varnish on a white carpet. We also got to hold those MTV news microphones, and for one photo session they put on our album and told us to dance on a table. Yep. Oh and they gave us a long pink tube to play with for one of the photo shoots which entertained us for a long time. Probably too long. You could tell they regretted giving it to us by the end.]
Overall I think we would like to go back to Japan so when people asked us what we thought of Japan we could say something more than “The toilets are electronic! They are warm when you sit on them! It’s amazing!” I hope this was not the longest most boring and pointless piece of writing you have ever read. If you have read “If no one speaks of remarkable things,” then it isn’t. Because that book sucked. This xmas Aleks is going to Russia to meet relatives and hopefully buy me things. I intend to see some musicals. Everyone else is going to enjoy some time off so we can all come back refreshed for next years tours. [we’ve gotta learn how to play those songs on the album at some point…]
Lots of love, Ellen and Aleks x
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vilithshaven · 3 years
Wait but having a himbo!god with the insane luck could also explain why no one has made the connection/discovery (aside from monsters or certain characters) that they are The Creator.
But let’s say that while some of the acolytes where preparing to strike himbo!god down they somehow cut their hand with something sharp (luck wasn’t on their side this time) and they start bleeding gold.
While himbo!god may be surprised to see how pretty their blood is, all I can imagine is the hidden acolytes almost screaming because they!! are!! the!! creator!! AND THEY WERE PLANNING TO KILL THEM!!!
More Himbo God //
Ft. Kazuha, Gorou, Ayaka and Thoma.
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tw: slight (gold) blood
I'm starting to love writing himbo god, they're so fun lol. Thank you for the request! Hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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They had chased this imposter all the way down to Tsurumi Island, but the dense fog made it difficult to keep up the chase. Footsteps were quickly covered and blown away, the strong oceanic smell from the fog made it nearly impossible for Gorou to pick up the imposter's scent.
The group was growing more and more frustrated as time went on, blindly running through the fog has caused them to run into stranded hilichurls and abyss mages that litter the island. They don't even know if they're going in` the same direction anymore, it's hard to tell when everything looks the same, dead trees and formed rocks.
At first they tried to separate into two groups, Thoma and Ayaka went towards the steep rocky hills of Mt. Kanna while Gorou and Kazuha searched through Oina Beach. It proved to be fruitless as both groups ended up exactly where they started.
"It shouldn't be this difficult.." Gorou sighed, bringing a hand up to the side of his head already feeling the incoming headache.
"They can not run forever, the sin of impersonating our god will strike them down." Ayaka's stern voice was heard as her anger grew, the tight grip on her hand fan nearly cracking the base of it.
Kazuha stayed silent, his arms crossed infront of him. His emotions were sort of mixed towards all of this, he did not feel the need to chase down the imposter for days on end like eldest Kamisato daughter. He didn't like the thought of someone running around looking like their god but he wouldn't go out his way to hunt them down.
The general of the Watatsumi army pulled him into this, Kazuha couldn't say no to the kicked puppy look Gorou had given him when he hesitated to answer. A working manipulative tactic that the half canine knew how to use.
Thoma looked on towards the fog, as if he can make out anything through the hazy clouds. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion when he saw a dark figure flickering through, it didn't look like the same shape as the imposter that he only catches glimpses of. The figure looked almost like a child.
Gorou noticed Thoma's staring and perked up at the shadow, the rest of the group got the hint from the two and became alarmed. Ayaka summoned her sword and glared before rushing towards the dark figure, her anger blinded her for she didn't care who or what it was at this point.
"WAIT! THATS NOT-" Thoma rushed after her shouting before he froze in surprise. As Ayaka attack the figure, she only phased through. Her shock clear on her face when she turned back around to face it. There stood a translucent child, a ghost.
Gorou and Kazuha caught up and stood right next to Thoma, the child startling them as it looked gleefully at the four of them. The sound of giggling surrounded the group before the child faded away leaving a trail of glowing particles in it's wake.
The four of them stood in silence for a moment, trying to gather what they had just witnessed.
"We should see where it leads" Gorou straightened up and started following the trail, he made it a few feet ahead before Ayaka huffed and followed. Kazuha and Thoma looked unsure but nonetheless went with the other two.
The glowing trail helped them see a bit better through the fog but they could not wonder off, the only thing that could be heard was the sound of the ocean waves and their footsteps against the rocky terrain.
The particles started to appear in bigger gatherings as they went deeper into the mountains, glowing brighter and almost seeming as if they're jumping in joy by waving up and down repeatedly. Kazuha stared in wonder at the seemingly sentient orbs, reaching out to touch one he gently cupped it with his hands before it flew off to join the others.
The group were brought to an underground cave, seemingly full of lost things from the dead. They briefly wondered to themselves if the items belonged to the ghosts inhabiting this island.
Another pair of footsteps were heard which had the group alarmed, all pulling out their weapons not knowing if they just walked into a trap or not.
"Do you still have to use the bathroom?" a sudden voice came through the brightly lit cavern as multiple giggles followed the question. The four of them all took cautious steps towards the swarm of glowing orbs, Gorou being the first to step in and seeing the very person they were chasing after.
The imposter was sitting there waving their hands through ghosts and trying to grab them, the stupid question earlier clearly came from their voice. And the giggles came from both the ghosts and the fraud.
"Stop right there!" Ayaka shouted, her sword pointed and ready to strike.
"Huh?" The imposter looked over to the group, their face brightened upon seeing them "Are you all here to see the ghosts too?!" They shouted excitedly.
Gorou readied his bow and gave a warning shot hitting the wall of the cave.
"Would you like to join them?" his face was cold as he spoke "For your wrong doings of impersonating our god and parading around Teyvat! An eyesore for everyone!" he started shouting.
Kazuha noticed that the imposter wasn't paying attention and instead grabbing the arrow from the wall and fiddling with it. They looked like they were admiring the clear shine of the arrowhead, running their finger across the sharp edge.
Their eyes were transfixed on the arrow, completely in their own world not even noticing that they had cut themselves from the arrow. Flipping it around to admire the feathers on the back, Kazuha noticed the golden smear across the entire stick of the arrow. His gasp garnered Thoma's attention to look closely at what was happening.
Golden blood dripped from the small wound across the imposter's hand, the realization made Thoma yank Ayaka and bring her back before she could attack. Ayaka shouted in surprise at his actions which startled Gorou who looked back at the two.
"Ooh! woah!" The imposter's voice suddenly exclaimed "Look at this! is this my blood? it's so shiny!" they shoved their wounded hand infront of the group, clearly showing off the flow of gold.
The four of them stood in shock at how this was all unfolding. This imposter..is bleeding gold, the very gold only their god is known to bleed. Kazuha stepped forward and grabbed their hand, a soft smile on his face.
"Let me bandage this for you." He said bringing out a spare wrap from his pocket, he tenderly bandaged their hand to avoid getting an infection from an open wound.
Ayaka and Gorou were barely functioning as they realized that they had almost killed their god, internally freaking out at the grave sin they almost committed.
A slight giggle came from their god while Kazuha finished the wrap, they thanked the man before going back to admiring the ghosts as if their life wasn't threatened just now.
Thoma only sighed not knowing if their god is just very forgiving and decided not to acknowledge the group's grave mistake, or if they somehow didn't notice they were being chased and almost killed.
"Your existence is spicy" Their god said out of nowhere towards a ghost, the four of them blanked at the sudden statement not knowing what it meant and only stared at their god in confusion.
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neocityjs · 3 years
Clingy - LJN
Pairing: boyfriend!jeno x reader
Genre: a lil angst, fluff
Warnings: established relationship, Haechan is a bit annoying in this one I’m sorry (Haechan best boy)
Words: 3k
Summary: hurt after hearing your boyfriend and his friends calling you clingy, you decide to show them how not clingy you can be.
A/N: everything is fictional, including the characters’ traits. English is not my first language, therefore I’m sorry for the errors.
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Movie nights with your friends were your favorites.
Well, it’d be more correct for me to say “with your boyfriend’s friends”, since you didn’t know them before meeting Jeno. But that doesn’t matter, because in no time you managed to bond with everyone, especially the clumsy yet adorable kid, Jisung, and the loving caffeine addicted boy, Jaemin.
Movie nights with your friends consisted in you eight – even though today you were only seven since Mark was out with some of his friends – sprawled on one couch –  don’t ask me how, but all of you always manage to fit in since no one wants to sit on the carpet – with a blanket covering you and some snacks passing between. Those represented some of those moments you swear you would cherish for all your life.
Tonight seemed to be no different. Jeno had come picking you up at 7 p.m., you spent some time together, walking around, talking and giggling like usual, and you dropped at his house where other five – well, four boys (Jaemin lost to rock paper scissors so he had to go shopping for snacks) – were waiting for the both of you. Donghyuck always got to choose the movie you would watch, not without complaints from every one of you, yet at the end you’d always like what he picks, but Donghyuck doesn’t need to know that.
And there you were, all sprawled on the couch – though not in a very comfortable position –. You had already seen the movie which was playing loudly on the TV, hence you decided to pay more attention to your boyfriend instead. You were all cuddled up with him: he was hugging you, stroking your back from time to time. Your head was on his shoulder while your hand rested on his chest. Sometimes you couldn’t help but leave a furtive and quick kiss on his jaw, praying no one would notice you. He’d smile at you – gosh his eye smile UWU – and then he’d hug you closer.
About one hour after the movie’s beginning, you felt some physical needs pressing, so you quickly excused yourself and got up from the couch.
“Should I pause it?” Renjun asked, the remote already between his hands.
“No, don’t worry. I’ve already seen it anyway”
You made your way to the bathroom only to find out that the toilet paper was missing.
You sighed. Boys.
So you went back to the living room, where everyone was gathered.
You were about to open your mouth to ask where they kept the spare paper but something odd caught your ear. You backed up, hiding behind the wall. You obviously knew that eavesdropping was not by any means honest, especially if it was a conversation between your best friends. But you were almost certain that they were talking about you, your name dropping from one of the boys’ mouth.
“Enjoy being free while you can” Donghyuck joked with Jeno. You furrowed your brows.
What was that supposed to mean? You peeked your head cautiously, not wanting to be seen.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have a girlfriend” Jisung laughed at him, to which the boy responded with a sharp stare.
“Seriously, Jisung? When you haven’t even had your first kiss?”
“Ya ya ya! Shut up and don’t fight you two” Jaemin intervened, throwing a popcorn at them.
A brief moment of silence followed. You still didn’t understand what they were talking about.
“She’s just affectionate, that’s all” Jeno finally spoke, at which you held your breath.
So they were talking about you being clingy with your boyfriend. And this response from Jeno meant that he didn’t mind it, right? Or else he would have agreed with the boy. The thing is, you never thought about it: you supposed that a little kiss every now and then was a way to show your love and affection to him, plus he never complained about it, or never backed away.
“I know, but don’t tell me you don’t find this suffocating sometimes” Donghyuck continued.
Okay, now he was seriously getting on your nerves. What the heck did he care if you were clingy with your boyfriend? This was something between you and Jeno, and he wasn’t allowed to interfere with it, especially in front of everyone in the room. You thought he was making fun of you by now.
At this point you expected something to come out of Jeno’s mouth, anything that could have proven Donghyuck wrong, but he said nothing.
And silence means consent.
How did you know this? Well, Jeno wasn’t one to back out from speaking his opinion, especially with his friends. Especially with Donghyuck, for God’s sake, this guy was constantly bickering – though not with malicious intentions – with everyone.
“We shouldn’t talk behind her back like this” affirmed Jaemin with a severe stare. Jeno looked down: you didn’t know it but he was feeling suddenly guilty, agreeing with Jaemin. Everyone then went silent, the only sounds that could be heard being the dialogues in the movie.
You pressed your back against the wall, processing what you just heard.
Why didn’t he ever tell you? Why did he act like he loved it while, actually, he hated it? Then you thought about every time you held his hand in public, or hugged him, or kissed him, and then your thoughts went to five minutes before, when you were hugging him on the couch. You started feeling sorry.
Maybe after all it’s true, and he didn’t tell me anything because he didn’t want to hurt me.
But well, now it hurt twice as much since you weren’t aware of what your friends and your own boyfriend thought about you. Maybe every one of them, except for Jeno obviously, thanked God they hadn’t a girlfriend like you, who was suffocating and clingy.
And it was at this moment that your guilt turned into anger.
You just wanted to show all your affection and care to your boyfriend who you loved with all your heart, but apparently you were only bothering him. And Donghyuck - oh Donghyuck – you were so angry at him right now. What was the point in making fun of you in front of everyone when you weren’t even there? At the same time, you took a mental note to thank Jisung and Jaemin, the only two people who stood to defend you.
Okay, tonight you were proving everyone how not clingy you could be. Indeed, you were going to interact the least possible with Jeno. He wanted space? Good, you were giving him tons of it.
You eventually went to the toilet using one of your tissues since you were not asking any of them where the hell was the toilet paper, you washed your hands and went back to the couch.
But this time you didn’t hug Jeno. You simply forced a smile and sat next to him with your arms crossed. You tried not to be too obvious, you still didn’t want them to know that you heard everything, but you were sure your face was saying otherwise, and the confirmation arrived when Jeno asked you “Is everything ok?” full of concern.
You just called me clingy and let Donghyuck make fun of me. Yes, everything’s amazing.
“Yes, of course. Why?” you replied, using all of your acting skills in the process which, by the way, were very poor. But apparently they worked, because Jeno smiled at you and shook his head. “Nothing”.
But if you were successful at lying to him right now, then by the end of the movie he understood that something was wrong. You were avoiding all of his attempts of skin ship because “it was too hot”, but then you were grasping at the blanket like there’s no tomorrow. You were also laughing at everything remotely funny that came out of Jaemin’s mouth while you simply ignored all of Jeno’s attempts of making you laugh. Hell, you didn’t even argue with Donghyuck when he murmured something about Jeno being the most unfunny guy he ever met. Oh and you were playing and laughing with Jisung who was sitting next to you.
In short, you were avoiding him.
But he decided to shrug these thoughts away. Maybe he was being paranoid, he thought: you were just enjoying your friends’ company, plus it wasn’t written anywhere that you were allowed to talk and give attentions only to him.
Little did he know, this was just what you were trying to do: shower everyone with attentions except him.
Eventually the movie came to an end, and while everyone was pronouncing their goodnights and heading to sleep, you just remained there, with your phone between your hands, scrolling mindlessly on your Instagram feed.
Usually you and Jeno would have gone to bed together, sharing your thoughts about the movie you just watched, or simply talking about everything and nothing at the same time. But not today. He wanted space? You were giving him space.
Jeno already stood up to make his departure, but soon noticed you weren’t following him like you always did. “Are you coming?” he asked you, stopping on his tracks.
“I’ll just reply to a few messages and then I’ll go to sleep too. Don’t wait for me, you can go”
“Y/N are you sure everything’s okay? You’ve been acting quite weird. Are you alright? Did something happen?”
“Of course not, Jeno. Nothing happened” you replied rather coldly. Then you sighed. “I’m good, don’t worry for me” you added, softly this time. Although you believed he deserved it, you didn’t want to be too rude to him.
He nodded, and without saying anything more, he left.
At this point you started feeling a tiny bit guilty, still you couldn’t simply pretend nothing happened: their words hurt you and even if you really wished to just forget everything, you couldn’t. You just couldn’t, it was stronger than you.
By the way, you had no intention of sleeping with Jeno tonight, so you grabbed the blanket all of you once shared when watching the movie, and struggled a little bit to find a comfortable position. Eventually, after some tears escaped from your eyes, you drifted into a restless sleep.
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It took a couple of hours for Jeno to realize you were not in bed with him.
He just fell asleep, a part of him believing that later you would have joined him. But when he woke up, he immediately sensed that something was off. Still sleepy, he touched the other side of the bed only to find it empty, and immediately stood up. It was 3 A.M, why weren’t you sleeping? What the heck were you doing? Did someone kidnap you? At this point he was surprised of how paranoid he could be.
His thoughts came to an end when he saw you, on the couch, with a blanket shielding you from the cold, all curled up. He didn’t see the dried tears that stained your face, though.
Sitting slowly beside you, not wanting to scare you, he gently shook you, not sure himself if it was the right thing to do. He was just so confused, he genuinely didn’t have any idea of what was happening. But he knew one thing for sure: you had been acting cold with him and he wouldn’t had moved until you confessed what was going on. Was it something he said or did? Was today your anniversary or something and he forgot it? Poor boy absolutely couldn’t find peace unless he knew what he did.
Soon you opened your eyes, still heavy from the – lack of – sleep.
“Hey” he murmured softly.
You considered pretending to sleep but nah, as I said earlier, you weren’t a good actress.
“Hey” you replied, stretching your limbs a little bit.
“I got worried since you weren’t sleeping next to me” he chuckled awkwardly. Sure thing, he didn’t know how to handle this situation since this was the first time you were acting like this.
“I… umm… I just fell asleep here” you replied looking at your hands, which you were scratching due to the nervousness.
Another lie.
Then silence.
“Y/N look at me” his voice suddenly changed, turning colder.
You swallowed, a knot forming again in your throat, as you forced back the tears that were trying to escape. You didn’t want to give in so soon.
But how could you, when he was getting angry at you? You should have been angry, not the opposite. And you know what? He was right, you were taking it too far. He didn’t deserve this. Look at how nice he tried to be all night, you managed to anger a calm and patient man like him. How stupid could you be at this point?
With a quivering lip you turned your head, facing him. He was watching you intently, with a serious frown on his face. Your grip on the blanket got tighter, almost ripping it with your nails.
You stayed silent. Then he spoke.
“Why are you being like this?”
You swallowed. What should you say? Were you even allowed to say anything at this point?
You tried to open your mouth to say something, but as soon as you tried your eyes were filled with tears, rapidly falling on your skin. You just couldn’t take it anymore, so you just faced away and buried your face in the pillow, trying to muffle your sobs. You didn’t want to look so pathetic in his eyes, although by now you thought you were being beyond pathetic.
If earlier there was any anger in Jeno, now every hint of it dissipated at the sight of you crying, curled up on the couch. He suddenly felt guilt taking over him. But the amount of confusion and frustration was bigger, so, as much as it pained him to see you cry because of him, this didn’t prevent him from trying to find out what had gotten into you. He was honestly so tired, he just wanted to sleep with you on his side.
He gently, almost scared, touched your trembling frame, and when he noticed there was no sign of rebellion from you, he lied down and hugged you tightly from behind.
And you kept on crying silently, a loud sob escaping occasionally, as he murmured sweet nothings into your ears, shushing you gently and telling you that everything’s fine, I’m here with you. Just let it out.
When you finally finished crying, he placed a soft kiss on your neck, then another on your wet cheek.
“Wanna talk about it?”
There was no point in lying by now. So you faced him, face full of concern and arms still tightly secured around you. And you just let out everything, from how you overheard their conversation – including how sorry you were for doing it and promising it would never happen again -, to how you were hurt by Donghyuck’s words but mostly by Jeno’s lack of words.
On the other hand, poor Jeno didn’t have any idea this could have affected you so much, and because of this he didn’t even think this could have been the cause of your sudden behavior. He just listened everything silently, surprised, just like a kid to whom the newest things are explained.
“I just got so angry at you for not defending me, and for letting Hyuck make fun of me. So I wanted to distance myself from you as much as possible to have my revenge” you openly confessed, hiding your face in his chest.
“I’m really sorry I took this so far. I should have talked instead” you add.
“Well, that’s true” Jeno replied, “but I can’t say I’m in the right either. First thing, we shouldn’t have talked about you like that, plus I’m really sorry I didn’t say anything to Hyuck, I understand this hurt you a lot”
“But do you really think I’m that clingy? Because if so, all you have to do is say the word and I’ll try to respect you space more” you asked, looking up at him with watery eyes.
And if your ears were sharp enough, you could have heard the sound of Jeno’s heart shattering.
Now he was the one who was on the verge of tears.
“Y/N please don’t ever say such a thing. You don’t have to change anything about yourself. I love you because you are you, including your touchy and loving nature. Besides, don’t look at me this way or I’m seriously gonna cry” he added whining, causing a smile – a real one – to appear on your face.
“Now it’s a lot better” he affirmed, tracing your curled up lips with his thumb.
“Can I kiss you or you’re still mad at me?” he asked.
“I don’t know, I was thinking about making you suffer a little more” you joked.
“Oh my God, you’re unbelievable”
“I think so too”
He raised an eyebrow. “Maybe I should kiss that annoying attitude of yours away”
“I don’t know, should you?”
“I’ll take that as a yes”
And with that he kissed you, the fight of moments ago long forgotten. A slow and gentle kiss, a mixture of emotions being shown: remorse, love, affection. It was a way for the both of you to say “it’s all in the past now”.
After you parted, one thought snapped in his mind.
“Wait, how will you manage the matter with Donghyuck? I can talk to him if you want” he pointed out, concerned. He perfectly understood if you were angry at the boy in question, but he also wished all of you to be as bonded as a big family, his family.
“There’s no need, I’ll just confront him by myself, beat him up until he asks for forgiveness and then forgive and hug him”
Jeno looked at you, almost scared. “What…?”
“Just kidding” you said, laughing at his funny face. Still hugging, you made yourselves comfortable enough to sleep.
“Or maybe not”
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theringers · 3 years
often - charles leclerc
summary: you’re unbelievably desperate for your boyfriend all night.
request: Hope u dont mind me requesting #79 and #82 w charles or lando😃 have a good day!!
prompt: 79) "Look at you, grinding against everything, you're really desperate for it. Aren't you?" 82) "Yeah, that's it, baby, just like that."
a/n: this is short & unedited so i apologize for the lack of “story” but this just came to my brain and i needed to write it down so enjoy also sorry if the gif is malfunctioning i’m ready to throw my phone at the window so just ignore lol
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warnings: nsfw, dirty talk, 18+, teasing, obvi i had to include some public stuff bc it’s my brand
The live music was loud and blaring through your ears. You had requested a few songs and enjoyed drinks while you waited for the band to get to your request.
Charles stood up from the table to head towards the crowded bar. “Need anything, mon amour?” He looked at you.
You lifted your cup and smiled. “Another?” He nodded at you and walked towards the corner of the room. He knew you had a tolerance like no other and could outdrink him on any occasion. It was just humorous to him at this point.
“Are you excited for your trip?” Your friend asked from across the table.
“Oh, so excited. Charles and I haven’t been able to get away for a long time. It’s much needed.” You sat in your bar stool day dreaming about the blue waters of the Caribbean Sea and how you were about to spend weeks out there on the relaxing water.
Your friend took another sip of her drink. “I’m insanely jealous. Too bad Pierre and I can’t tag along.” She frowned.
“Next time, I promise. We’ll plan a trip just the four of us.” You both started laughing. “Or better yet, just the two of us. Girls trip.”
After a few more laughs, Charles walked up to your table with a drink in each hand. Pierre followed with the same. “Thank you,” you smiled at your boyfriend as he handed you another. You couldn’t remember how many this had been but you were feeling good and really enjoying yourself.
You sat all the way back in your barstool, but kept your drink at the table. This was the best possible solution to avoid drinking too quickly. Every time you needed a sip, you had to scoot yourself closer to the table, take a sip, and sit back. It was working pretty well.
Charles leaned over and spoke in your ear over the sound of the loud music. “I’m going to need you to stop doing that.”
You looked at him, confused. “What am I doing?”
He waved his hand around. “This.” He leaned in closer again. “You keep rocking your hips back and forth and it’s driving me crazy.”
You sat up and moved yourself closer to the table, rocking your hips at a painfully slow, yet discreet, pace. Your eyes found his and his focus was solely on you, sipping the remains of your drink.
“Anyone want another drink?” You asked the table as you hopped out of your seat.
“I’m good, I think I’m ready to head home soon actually. Pretty long day,” Charles said.
Your friend scoffed. “Nonsense, it’s only 11 o’clock.”
Charles looked at her with his head hung, then back at you. “Fine. One more drink.” He looked at Pierre. “See, this is what we have to deal with.”
You waited in the line for drinks and returned to your table. As soon as you scooted back in your barstool, Charles leaned over. “This is our last round of drinks. I’m going to need to take you home after this one.” You didn’t look over at him. You just kept your eyes straight ahead and smiled.
After more casual conversation with Pierre and his girlfriend, Charles called the car home. He took your hand and lead you out of the bar after leaving a hefty tip for the bartender.
Sliding into the back seat of the car, he acknowledged the driver and then went silent. You followed in after him, sliding across the seats. Your short sundress rode up creating friction between your clit and the car seats. You let out a soft moan, but ignored it, hoping no one else heard you. That was not the case.
The car started to move and Charles leaned over to you. He rested his hand on your thigh and whispered in your ear. “I heard that.” It sent chills up your spine.
The rest of the ride was silent, trying to focus on getting home without jumping each other’s bones in the backseat of the car. As soon as you arrived home, you both drunkenly stumbled in the door.
You shouted at Alexa to play some of your favorite music. Often by The Weeknd came out of your speakers.
Charles sat down on the couch with his hands on his knees. A deep breath escaped his lips as he took in the dark apartment around him.
“What’s up?” You asked, walking over to him.
“Long day,” he said. You nodded in response.
Leaning down towards him, you spread your legs to straddle him on the couch. You sat back with your weight on his knees, looking at him. “I love you,” you said to him.
“I love you too, mon amour,” he said. You felt his hands grip your waist. You began to slowly shift your hips around - starting with back and forth, and a little bit of side to side.
“I had a really fun time tonight,” you said.
“Me too, I’m glad we decided to go out.”
“It’s always a good time with them.” You were lucky enough to play matchmaker for Pierre, setting him up with your best friend. It was a win-win. He got a beautiful girlfriend and in return, you got to have your best friend accompany you on vacations, to races, PR events, galas, the whole nine. It was a smart move on your part.
You looked down at Charles, focusing on his messy hair. He was always such a perfectionist about how he appeared, but that all went down the drain when he drank alcohol. You kind of loved it, seeing him let loose a bit and not care so much. You ran your fingers through his messy locks and smiled.
“That dress looks so sexy on you,” he said. His eyes absorbed your body all over and his hands began to move up and down your sides.
“I knew you would like it.” You started to move your hips with more intensity.
“You want to tell me about what happened in the car?” He asked.
“I think you know what happened in the car.”
He had a smug look on his face. “I don’t, actually. Enlighten me.”
“Well, since you want to play dumb,” you grabbed one of his hands off of your side and guided it under your dress. “I’m not wearing any underwear. And I forgot I wasn’t until I slid in the car.” His fingers massaged the skin of your inner thigh.
“That’s hot.” He dipped a finger between your folds and felt the wetness pooling. He swirled his finger around a few times before sliding it inside of you. You moved your hips slowly, meeting his finger. “Look at you, grinding against everything. You’re so desperate for me, huh?” He smirked. You rolled your eyes at him but continued to move your hips. “You couldn’t even help yourself at the bar tonight. Or in the car.”
“I just couldn’t stop thinking about fucking you,” you said. You leaned down to unbutton his pants, grinding your body against his thigh in the process. You let out a moan and he just watched you in awe.
You pulled his pants down, his hard cock springing free. You got back on top of him and hiked your dress up above your hips. You positioned yourself on top of his cock and started to slide back and forth, creating euphoric friction for both of you. Your folds were wet and warm, making him grunt. “Shit, baby,” he said. His head fell back against the couch as he guided your hips. “I need to be inside of you, now.”
You pulled away and quickly sat down on his cock. He kept his hands positioned on your hips as you ground them onto him. You wrapped your arms around his neck and let your head fall onto his shoulder.
You put the weight on your knees and began to bounce up and down on him. He placed his hands on your ass for support. “Oh yeah, that’s it baby,” he said. “Just like that.” A throaty moan escaped your lips right into his ear.
“You feel so good,” you said. The rhythm continued and he spread your cheeks. He was itching to pound into you but he loved the way you looked bouncing on his cock.
He reached for the strap of your dress, pulling it down to expose your breasts. He took one in his hand and massaged it roughly. “Shit, babe. Look at you riding my cock like such a good girl.” He wasn’t one to talk dirty too much, but with alcohol involved he was an open book.
“I’m all yours, baby,” you said, leaning back. You ran your hands through your hair while riding him and made eye contact with him - driving him crazy.
You could feel him start to thrust up into you, an indication that he was getting close. You leaned back down to his ear. “Cum for me, baby,” you said.
He finished with a grunt and a tight grip on your hips. You rolled off of him and laid your head down on a pillow. After all that alcohol, the couch was seeming like a perfect place to crash.
Charles returned with a towel and a glass of water for you. “You did so well, baby. That was hot.” He said, smiling at you and handing you the glass of water.
You giggled and stuck your tongue out. “You’re welcome.”
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thesunicarusfellfor · 3 years
hello!!can you do a part two of your Yandere!Tommy x Reader x Yandere!Tubbo Headcanons/Fic ?! i loved it!!
It amazes me how this became a fan favourite OVERNIGHT like daaaaamn!
This one is gonna be split into parts around the end, so like what happens if you choose Tubbo/Tommy/Neither/Both
(f/l) = first letter of your name
(N/n) = nickname
(f/f) = Favourite flowers
Eggpire does not exist
ALSO. The last Route (Neither) I wrote is shorter because apparently, Tumblr wants to crash after you surpass 10k words, but I could write a continuation fic of Neither that might turn into another x reader? Just platonic? Not sure. Remember, I will always write a continuation of a fic if ever asked.
TW: Yandere, Explosions, Burns, Scars, Manipulation, Mention of Painkillers and being drowsy on them, brief mention of collapsing
Part one
Yandere!Tommy x GN!Reader x Yandere!Tubbo Headcanon/Fic Part 2
Tommy was furious to see you spending time with anyone that wasn’t him.
But seeing you having an early morning coffee with Ranboo??? Tubbo’s husband???
He was about to light the damn house on fire he was so pissed! That’s not even exaggerating, he would’ve and had you live with him! Although he wouldn’t let you know he did it.
Poor Ranboo was trembling so bad, genuinely fearing for his canon lives.
You quickly got up and stood in Tommy’s sight, prevent him from glaring at your tall friend, although he still didn’t look happy.
Before anyone could say anything else, Tubbo stormed through the door with his sword in his hand and teeth violently grit together.
“So... You weren’t trying to throw me off by writing about going to see them in your memory book,” Tubbo growled softly at his husband causing Ranboo to desperately pull his memory book closer to his chest, tears brimming his eyes. You could understand why, his best friend went through his memory book without his knowledge and possibly went through his other things in an attempt to figure out what he was doing.
“I guess neither of you are loyal...” Tommy grumbled with a roll of his eyes, causing Tubbo to give him a hard jab in the ribs, “Ow! Bloody hell, mate! I’m just saying both of you are going for them without even breaking up first!”
“It’s platonic!” Both Tubbo and Ranboo stated although Ranboo’s voice came out as a tiny and meek protest, rather than Tubbo’s annoyed growl. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Ranboo put his crown back on his head, “I’m-I’m not interested in chasing them, so no... I was just talking to them...” He visibly shrank in on himself as the two boys glared darkly at him, “I... Should go...”
“Hold up.” You pointed at him, making the tall and lanky male stay seated in his spot while you turned back to Tubbo and Tommy, “I know why Ranboo is here. I know why he,” You pointed to Tommy, “Is here. He always kicks down my door early in the morning to do some crazy things. But why are you here?” Moving your finger to point at Tubbo, you noticed his look immediately softened upon you turning your attention towards him.
His cheeks became a light pink and his goat ears fluttered slightly as he put his sword away, “Am I not allowed to visit?” There. There was one of the mood switches and manipulation Ranboo warned you about. “Tommy invited me to L’Manberg, and I heard my beloved platonic husband was in the area as well. Plus Tommy left the door open.”
You blinked a bit, caught off guard by the fact that Tubbo completely brushed over the fact that he was here because he had read Ranboo’s memory book, “Oh, I see... Then shall we all go mining today? We’d be able to get a lot more ores than before!” You smiled, pretending that your two friends didn’t kick down your door and threaten the man who was just trying to protect you.
“With Tubbo and Ranboo?” Tommy growled out in disgust at the thought of you spending time with them, “But (Y/n)! We always go mining on Thursday mornings! It’s our thing. Between just US! Aka, not Tubbo and Ranboo...”
“I- uh, have a meeting with Techno and Phil later today, so I can’t go. Sorry, (Y/n)...” Ranboo murmured, although you could tell by the shakiness of his voice that he wanted nothing more than to run and hide in his panic room.
“I’d love to go!” Tubbo chirped softly, ignoring the audible noise of disgust and annoyance that Tommy made, “Let me just get my stuff from my enderchest.” He walked over to your enderchest and opened it. You didn’t mind too much as you gave everyone full permission to make themselves at home in your house, but you were just a bit shaken up at the moment.
Ranboo quickly got up and scurried out the door, giving you an odd look as he passed by. He looked... Guilty, but his smile was sad and soft, but seemingly affectionate. You knew he would help if these two were scaring you too much.
The two boys brought you to an unpopular mine in the DreamSMP that was filled to the brim with ores.
They were quick to take down any and all mobs that came within any sort of distance to you, recklessly charging without a second thought in attempts to protect you.
While there was intense amounts of fear and tension circling through your veins because of this morning, you did quickly grow to have fun with the banter between these two.
Even Tommy and Tubbo were having fun bickering, almost seeming to forget the fact that they were in a war with each other. Almost.
The constant fluttering of their hearts and warmth on their cheeks was an easy reminder of what they were fighting for.
Every single ore, gemstone and pretty rock that you looked at, the boys would immediately pick up and put in their bags so you didn’t have to carry it.
When Tommy began to whine about being hungry, you wanted to go back to the surface to eat the food you had packed, but they both thought that was too far.
So, you suggested sitting down in the abandoned mineshaft you had discovered.
“Ooh!” Tubbo squeaked, his ears wiggling as he turned the corner of the mineshaft, “There’s a ravine over here! Let’s eat by the light of the lava so we don’t waste all our torches!”
“Finally! I’m starving!” Tommy tossed his ore-filled bag off of his shoulder and set it against the wall. Once you spread out the thick blanket you had brought on the ground, he plopped himself down and set down his shield and sword, “What do you have for food today, Big/Little (F/l)?”
You hummed as Tubbo sat himself down on the other side of you with a yawn, likely not used to getting up early, “I have... Sandwiches, some fruit slices, berries, y’know, the usual. You tired, Tubbo?” Glancing over at the brunet, you saw him rubbing his eyes with the long sleeve of his brown and yellow striped sweater that you had made him when he first travelled to Snowchester.
“Little bit, yeah. Can I lay against you? Just for a little bit?” He asked softly as you handed Tommy a sandwich, which he practically inhaled in seconds. Once you gave a nod of approval, the smaller boy laid down and curled up with his head against your lap.
Tommy grumbled in annoyance and without thinking much, laid down as well with his head against your leg too. When you gave him a small questioning look as this was highly out character for him, but he simply just mumbled about how you were definitely more comfortable than the rocks.
You weren’t sure how long you sat there, unconsciously playing with their hair as you glanced around the stone walls for any untouched ores, but by now both boys were asleep and you didn’t feel like waking them up. Taking your time, you began to consider your situation now that you knew both boys were smitten with you and practically willing to hurt anyone who came in contact with you.
Tubbo’s mood switches scared you, a lot, and you were worried that him being the nice and blushing boy you had met a few years ago was nothing but an act and that all the gifts were an attempt to lure you in or distract you from his violent tendencies. You had watched him walk into your house, eyes blank and filled with rage towards his platonic soulmate for talking to you without his knowledge, and you were worried that soon that rage would be directed at you for doing something he didn’t like.
Tommy’s violent tendencies were just as scary though, so he wasn’t in the clear in your eyes either. While he did shape up a lot from when you first met, he still had a tendency to bark insults at you and hurt your feelings, which you hope is unintentional. He also often tried to threaten people and keep them away from you, like Eret or Niki who got yelled at and a tad bit injured after they had given you gifts or offered to bring you somewhere cool... They didn’t really spend time with you anymore after that... You missed them and didn’t want the same thing to happen to Ranboo.
But, this couldn’t go on forever. You couldn’t just run... and you knew very well that rejecting either of the two would cause the other to lash out severely, to the point where the one you chose, you, and your friends were in major trouble. It’s not like you could choose both right? ...Right? Then again... Choosing both would potentially cause tension to stir up again between the two best friends.
Your train of thought was violently derailed when you heard a hard thud a few meters in front of you. With a small gasp, you looked up and saw a creature of varying different shades of green slowly looking around before a few more thuds followed behind it. Before you could even think of waking the two boys, the green creature began to run at you quickly with its four legs.
A creeper.
A terrified cry left your lips and suddenly the weight on your lap vanished. Now awake, Tommy immediately grabbed his shield and used it alongside his body weight to slam into the creeper backwards into a small horde of zombies that had dropped down with it. “Get up you dumbass! Are you tryin’ to die?!” The blond yelled at you as Tubbo, who had also sprung up at the sound of your fear, began firing arrows at the group of mobs.
Once you got over your shock, you grabbed your axe and shield before quickly jumping to your feet and charging into battle. The zombie you had chosen to fight gurgled and swiped and gnashed its teeth together at you as you used your shield to block its hits. Backing up a few steps, you slashed your axe at the undead mob and took out its bottom jaw with the black blade, gleaming with an enchantment that set the creature on fire. The smell of burning rotten flesh caused you to gag and scrunch up your nose before you used your shield to shove it into the pit of lava at the bottom of the ravine.
Laughing softly in triumph, you turn around to help Tubbo and Tommy, only to let out another gasp of shock as you saw the very creeper that had been shoved away earlier had now returned with a vengeance. And it was mere inches away from your face.
There wasn’t much you could do except barely raise your shield in time to block a good majority of the explosion from damaging your body, launching chunks of stone outwards and off the edge of the ravine. 
And you as well.
“(Y/n)!!!” Tubbo’s voice echoed through the stone cavern as you felt yourself get launched backwards before beginning to fall, gravity quickly beginning to grasp onto you and drag you down towards the lava below.
Reaching out, to grab onto anything that would stop you from falling, but to no avail. Your mind barely registered Tommy and Tubbo running towards you before you shut your eyes tightly, silently praying to whatever or whoever to save you.
Then you stopped dead in the air, something wrapped around your arms and hands.
Taking a deep breath, you opened your eyes and looked up to see the human and a goat hybrid that had been laying with their heads in your lap just minutes ago, were now desperately grasping one arm each, preventing you from falling to the end of one of your canon lives. Both of their blue eyes were filled with tears that were dripping down their faces and hitting the molten rock at the bottom of the ravine as they struggled to pull you up.
Once you felt the solid ground below you, you finally managed to take a few breaths to calm yourself down as you felt tight arms wrap around you on either side, barely able to comprehend the sobs of terror from your savours. The dull burning and throbbing pain on your cheek were enough to bring you down to reality and carefully wrap your arms around the two wailing teens as they desperately clung to you, almost as if you were going to vanish right below their fingertips.
Tommy was the first to gather himself and pull himself away from your good shoulder and rub his eyes free of tears to look at the new injuries covering your body and your busted armour, “F-fuck... We’re gonna have to get you to Phil to get those burns patched up...” He sniffled, trying to act like he wasn’t just bawling his eyes out over you nearly losing a canon life. For once, he didn’t seem to mind Tubbo clinging onto you and wailing into your side as you pet his hair, trying to calm him down. 
Tubbo refused to let go of you for the next hour as you travelled out of the mine, his arms desperately wrapped around your waist/shoulders. (Depending on your height)
Tommy also held onto your non-burnt hand, that once held your shield, as he carried yours and his bag, leading you both back the way you came
If another mob came out to fight, it was almost a guarantee that one of them would run forward and the other would lightly push you into a corner, then proceed to block you from view via a shield and their body,
Even if you thought that you were in a decent enough condition to fight, the one shielding you would only look at you sadly and shake their head, saying something about the explosion burns along your (s/t) skin.
Once you had gotten out of the mine, it was around 6pm, and the sun was going down, but luckily Tommy had sent a message to Philza, his father, about the situation, so he was prepared and already at Tommy’s house, which was the closest to the mine.
It wasn’t a long walk, but god you were so exhausted..
It got to the point where Tommy and Tubbo were on either side of you, preventing you from collapsing before you got to the home.
Let’s just say, when they opened the door, Philza was already there and immediately panicked upon seeing the injuries covering the one side of you and the state of your armour. (No you were not wearing the god armour Tubbo gave you.)
One of your cheeks and lower jaw were burnt and bleeding, along with your dominant arm and leg that weren’t behind the shield when the explosion went off.
Tommy Route - Mellohi
Because your home still being near L’Manberg and the Prime Path (In this route), it was easier for Tommy to check up on you while you were healing from your injuries.
While you were bedridden, Tommy was a lot, a lot, quieter when he came into your house, never sure whether or not you were sleeping.
If you weren’t, he would eagerly show you something he found, tell you some drama he heard around the area, or tell you about his day. Or just play Mellohi on constant repeat.
If you were asleep, he would silently walk over and check on your bandages or potion supply, (updating Phil if you were low or bleeding from moving too much), or even sit beside you for a little bit to make sure you wouldn’t just stop breathing out of nowhere.
To say he was scared your entire recovery process would be an understatement.
He would rarely let anyone but Phil check on you, definitely nearly blowing his nerve when Ranboo or Tubbo would walk into your house.
If it was Ranboo, we would definitely get picked up and thrown,
If it was Tubbo, he would try and push him out because he knew that threats wouldn’t work on him.
In the situation that he did push Tubbo out, Tommy would immediately lock the door and stay in there for the next few days
For the more likely situation, because we all know how stubborn that goat is, and he wasn’t able to push Tubbo out, Tommy would subtly put a few drops of the sleeping potion Phil made you, into your drink.
When you began to doze off, Tommy would mention it to Tubbo in the most serious voice he could muster. It always worked, because Tubbo wanted what was best for your health.
The absolute minute that Philza deems you stable enough to get off of bed rest, Tommy is by your side in seconds and trying to encourage you to stand up.
When you do get the nerve to try and stand again, he would immediately be holding your good arm, preventing you from falling if your bad leg suddenly gave out.
In the case that you do collapse from your injuries, he would at first be extremely panicked, but then he’d start calling you insulting names and calling you an idiot.
He would bring you on walks all around the DreamSMP to get you used to walking again but would have no problems sitting down again.
That’s a lie.
He would complain a little bit, but if he saw you were genuinely in a lot of pain, he would just shut up and awkwardly ask what he could do.
If you needed anything for pain, he would straight up run to your home and get it, if they already didn’t have it.
The fact that you’re spending so much time with Tommy absolutely infuriates Tubbo, and he tries to guilt-trip you into spending more time with him.
But then Ranboo tells him that you can barely walk down the Prime Path without wanting to cry from the pain of the burns, and he offers to move back to L’Manberg. Or at least what’s left of it.
This sparks an argument between Ranboo and Tubbo almost immediately, but you’re much too tired to try and stop it, instead quietly asking Tommy if he can help go back to your home or to get them out so you could sleep.
He would be glad to.
Like he would do it, with an absolute goofy smile on his face because he basically gets your permission to have your attention all to himself!
When you’re all healed, your relationship between you and Tommy has practically tripled from what it was.
You’re much closer to him than he was to Tubbo, to the point where he has told you everything.
Even about his exile...
Because of your closeness to him, he somehow got even more protective but also calmed down his threats.
Like, now you could talk to Niki and Eret again, but you were not allowed to leave your house at night alone, especially after mobs have spawned.
Hell sometimes if he’s really paranoid, he’ll go to your house and spend the night just to make sure mobs don’t bang on your door or ruin anything.
He straight up took the time out of his life to fence the property around your house off and fill it with torches so things didn’t spawn in.
Sure he’ll call you slightly insulting names, but he makes sure that they wouldn’t be too painful for you before saying them aloud.
Tubbo still tries to be nice and manipulative, which Ranboo tries to stop, but it’s pretty much worthless at this point.
He’s lost.
He knows it, Ranboo knows it, and Tommy damn well brags about it.
Tubbo does end up crying to you quite a bit about it, but you can understand, he’s heartbroken at this point and can’t do anything about it. Tommy and you know about his manipulation tactics, he couldn’t take Tommy’s last life because it would show up on your communicator, and then you would never love him!
Unfortunately, this does cause him to lash out at Ranboo quite a lot which led to their third divorce. Although this one seems quite a bit more permanent, you never know. (Ranboo took Michael)
One evening, Tommy invited you out of the house oddly enough. Even though mobs would be spawning soon? It greatly confused you.
He even asked you to wear nicer clothing? Like a tux or a dress? Either one or both worked in his eyes.
Honestly, you weren’t sure how you were supposed to fight mobs in a fancy outfit, but you trusted him.
“Tommy?” You asked, opening the door as you smoothed out your clothing with your hands and adjusted your hair a tad bit to your liking. It was shocking to see the tall blond nicely cleaned up and wearing a suit, but it was quite a welcome sight!
He nervously adjusted his red tie before holding out a bouquet of perfect (f/f), and cleared his throat, “You... Uh... Clean up nice. I- uh... No- wait... What did Sam say again?” He murmured to himself, “Ah fuck it... You look nice, (Y/n).”
You chuckled as your cheeks flushed a light pink, happily taking the bouquet filled with your favourite flowers, “I’ll put these in a vase and then we can go where you wanna bring me.” With a smile, you quickly placed the flowers in a glass vase filled with water before going back out with Tommy.
“Sh-shall we? Is that a common phrase to say?” He asked as he held out his arm for you to link with his, a habit he picked up from walking you around while you were healing.
“I suppose we shall. Calm down Tommy, no need to be all fancy and stuff around me.” You chirped with a small smiled as you took his arm, linking it with his, “Now, are you going to tell me where we’re going? Or is this supposed to remain a mystery?”
Tomathy visibly relaxed once you told him he didn’t have to be all professional and fancy, beginning to lead you down the Prime Path, “It’s a secret! I worked hard on it too! So you better be grateful or I’ll kick your ass.” He jokingly threatened, smiling a bit as you laughed at his typical attitude.
He led you down the wooden path, the two of you joking the entire way with a goofy smile across your faces. Tommy then took a sudden turn onto a newly made pathway and lead you down it, never answering any questions about it the entire way, even when the buildings turned into a forest. The pathway was lined with fences, and the trees were filled with small hanging lanterns, not only preventing mobs from spawning but also creating a beautiful fairy forest effect.
Seeing your look of awe, he gave a small sheepish laugh, “You like it? Puffy and Sam helped me out with it for the past few days, but this was my idea! And this isn’t even the best part!” He grinned widely before quickly pulling you along again.
The walk wasn’t very long, but it was extremely beautiful. Eventually, he brought you up to a large hill with a massive oak tree where a beautiful picnic was set up, surrounded by lantern light. Even with the lanterns, you were still able to get a clear view of the starry sky above without a single cloud in sight! “Oh my god... Tommy... This is incredible...”
“Innit? Puffy helped me make all the food, but this was my idea. Unless you don’t like it. Then it was Puffy’s idea.” He joked in an attempt to hide his nervousness as he went to ruffle his hair, but then remembered that he had spent a few hours taming it down, so he decided against it.
“I love it! This is so beautiful!” You looked up at him with a bright and happy smile, making him return it with a soft smile of his own, “Come on, oh! There’s a jukebox!” You eagerly pulled him over to the blanket and sat down, taking a look at all the food that had been set out.
The tall male happily took a disc, Mellohi to be precise, out of the enderchest that had been set beside the jukebox, neatly placing it in and pressing the button to make the music play before he sat down beside you. The two of you began to eat the meal that he helped make, joking, laughing and smiling the entire time, having the time of your life. You leaned your head against his shoulder and smiled up at him as you gently held his hand, making him realize even more how important you were to him.
Mellohi, the same song he lost his friend to, was the same song he was listening to while gaining a new important person in his life. You.
The entire night went on with you two eventually falling asleep at the top of the hill, completely unaware of the brown-haired male leaning against a tree. He desperately grasped his shirt where his heart was as tears poured down his shirt.
Tubbo always liked Cat more than Mellohi...
Tubbo Route - Don’t Let Me Fall
Tubbo was so so glad that he had managed to convince (manipulate) you to live in Snowchester when he did. (In this route)
Somehow managed to convince you to live in the mansion, although it was probably done when you were drowsy on the pain killer potion Phil gave you.
This man would completely ignore his own country to make sure you were well taken care of. Like Ranboo literally had to step into power and start working on things and taking care of Michael.
Speaking of the baby zombie piglin, because you were now bedridden and bored out of your mind, Tubbo frequently brought the child in if Ranboo absolutely demanded that he take over for a bit.
The baby absolutely adored you! The injuries on your body reminded you of the ones he got when he travelled to the overworld, so he didn’t feel alone.
Unfortunately because of your constant pain and drowsiness, Tubbo thought it was best that he stayed in his room. Or maybe that was because he didn’t want him getting close to you too?
It was actually extremely rare for Tubbo to let anyone in to visit you. He actually even got incredibly annoyed when even Phil would come over to restock the potions for you or make sure your wounds were healing.
On a normal day, if you were awake, Tubbo would be blabbering on about some story without a care whether or not you were listening. He would most likely be acting the story out as if it were a play, determined to provide you with as much entertainment by himself as he could.
If you were sleeping, he would also be sleeping, although on a few chairs pushed together in your room. There’s a rare time where he will stay up and watch you to make sure you’re breathing still, but that’s only if he’s really scared and paranoid.
Tommy absolutely REFUSES to even look at Snowchester, so you never really got a chance to thank him for saving you. 
Although... Tubbo very actively tries to convince you that Tommy didn’t even come to help you when you had fallen and that you had been in shock so that’s why you didn’t remember correctly.
At first, you didn’t believe him, but eventually, with constant repetition, you slowly saw it as the truth. You genuinely began to believe that Tommy hadn’t pulled you up and that it was only Tubbo that did.
After quite a few weeks, Phil told Tubbo that you could finally get out of bed, but Tubbo asked him if he was 100% sure MANY times.
The goat hybrid actually didn’t want you to get out of bed and start walking again, worried that you get up would leave him, so he wasn’t going to tell you.
But Ranboo was the one who told you.
This led to quite a violent argument between Ranboo and Tubbo, but there was nothing Tubbo could do since you already knew the information he tried to keep from you.
Tubbo started ignoring you, so Ranboo was the one to try and get you used to walking around again, but this lead to the shorter male getting extremely jealous and helping you instead.
He frequently walks you around Snowchester on a strict set schedule, when he knows no one will be out and no mobs will be spawning.
One time, he didn’t expect Tommy to be walking around the snowy forests when he was walking with you, holding your hand to make sure you didn’t lose your balance. At least that’s what he told you.
Tommy looked... Empty, when he saw you both walking together. But his eyes darkened a bit when his blue eyes landed on your hands twinned together.
Tubbo looked a little hostile in your eyes, but he simply just gave Tommy a sharp smile before trying to pull you along as if he didn’t notice the tears beginning to pool in his ex-best friend’s eyes.
Tommy knew he lost right then and there, so he decided to say fuck it and start screaming degrading names at the two of you, catching you greatly off guard, hurting you badly enough to the point where your feelings were more than a little hurt.
When the founder of Snowchester realized that the blond hurt your feelings, he was quick to lash out back at the other man in your defence, but by then you were already walking away, back to the manor.
It took about ten minutes for him to realize that you went back to the mansion, but when he did, he sprinted through the door in an absolute panic before practically pouncing on you the second his eyes caught sight of you.
He protectively wrapped himself around you and whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you quietly rested your head against his shoulder.
After that, You and Tubbo became a lot closer emotionally. To the point where he called you his platonic wife jokingly, although you both knew he didn’t want to add platonic at the beginning.
He began to tell you about everything that weighed heavy on his shoulders, like his death from Technoblade’s fireworks, even to being threatened by Dream during the disc war.
When he noticed that you were genuinely beginning to care about him, his manipulation and jealousy actually began to calm down quite a lot.
You could actually spend time with Michael and Ranboo without anyone getting yelled at by Tubbo and causing him to get ridiculously jealous.
He began to take over his job as the founder of Snowchester, now actually trusting Ranboo to keep you company and even letting him take you outside during the day. But he refused to let you out during the night.
He’s just worried about mobs. Creepers especially.
Everything seems relatively like it was before that one day before Tommy and Tubbo completely lashed out at each other.
Tommy does often try and talk to you when Tubbo isn’t around, but both you and Ranboo try and put a stop to it as quickly as possible,
He’s lost.
He hurt you, and Ranboo couldn’t help but miss how Tubbo used to be, so if keeping Tommy away from you makes Tubbo act normal, he will damn well make sure that Tommy stays countries away from you.
This does cause Wilbur’s younger brother to break down a little bit, which you can genuinely understand, even if you hold a grudge against him for not saving you and yelling at you, you knew he did have feelings for you at one point even if he refused to admit it.
Unfortunately, this does cause quite a bit of pranks and explosions to stir up around Snowchester and the L’Manberg crater, but they stop within a few weeks. Tommy probably got scolded by either Sam, Phil or Puffy,
One morning, Tubbo invited you to spend a day outside of the mansion with him after a heavy snowfall.
He spent almost all morning outside, doing something he refused to tell you about, and when he came in to wake you up, his face was already cherry red from the cold.
How could he even want to go back into the freezing cold without any sort of warm drink or even sitting in front of the fire for a bit!?
“How are you so... Full of energy?” You murmured from behind the bathroom door as you got changed into your warmer clothing for when you do go outside. The door was cracked open a small bit so you could hear Tubbo rambling on and on about how he had a great surprise for you.
“Come on! It’ll be fun!” He was obviously grinning with excitement. When you walked out of the bathroom in your thick clothing and jacket, he bounced up from his spot on the edge of your bed, “Finally! Let’s go! Hurry, before it snows or gets warmer.”
You only nodded curiously and he grabbed your hand, eagerly pulling you out of your room and down the large stairs that lead towards the door. He pushed the large doors open with a bit of difficulty due to the snow piled up, but with your help, you both managed to slip out the door. Tubbo happily grabbed your hand again and began leading you down towards the docks where the water was covered with a thick sheet of ice, “Oh it must’ve got really cold last night... What are you showing me?”
“Over here!” He pulled you over to a large half-sphere made out of snow. He led you over to a hole in the side of it before dropping down to his knees and crawling through the entrance, “Come on!”
Blinking in surprise, you hesitantly followed him inside of the handmade snow building and gave a small gasp of glee as you saw that it was an igloo! The inside had a few blankets on the ground, preventing you from sitting on the icy snow-covered ground, there were a few lanterns placed on small snow hills preventing the small room from being dark, plus there was a small basket of what looked like two thermoses and a bit of food, “Tubbo! Did you build this?”
“I did! I also spent last night building it too!” He grinned widely, his ears wiggling with glee, “But this isn’t even the best part! Check over here!” The brunet shuffled over to another basket before pulling out a pair of white boots with silver blades bolted to the bottoms.
“Ice skates?” You tilted your head a bit as you crawled over and pulled out the pair that looked to be your size, “But I can’t skate...”/”How did you even know I could skate?”
Tubbo only turned his happy grin towards you, “I’ll show you how! Don’t worry, I won’t let you fall!”/”You briefly mentioned that you missed skating once or twice when you were all dopey on painkillers a few months ago!” He pulled out his pair of skates and began to take off his boots. (After getting his skates on he helped you with yours if you didn’t know how to lace them up.)
Once your new footwear was all tied up, he helped you up and carefully lead you outside with his arms tightly wrapped around you to help you keep your balance. (Even if you did know how to skate, he was still worried about you falling.) Tubbo carefully led you towards the ice and helped you stand up straight on the frozen water, making sure that you wouldn’t fall.
“See?” He smiled softly and held your hands tightly as he began to skate backwards, pulling you along with him until you slowly got a hold of what you were doing. “You (still) got it!”
You two slid and slipped around on the ice, laughing, smiling and spinning around with the other, but suddenly out of nowhere, your blade got caught in a groove of the ice that likely got chipped out when you two were skating around. With a small cry, you felt your legs slip out from under you and you immediately shut your eyes, awaiting the inevitable impact as a result of gravity.
Thankfully, two arms wrapped around your frame before you hit the ground. You slowly cracked open your eyes and saw your best friend holding you tightly against him. Your (e/c) eyes stared into his blue ones for a few moments before your face broke into a smile. “You caught me...”
“I would never let you fall...”
There two of you continued to skate around, having fun in the other's presence, completely unaware of the blond hidden behind a snowbank with his hand clasped tightly over his mouth and tears beginning to freeze to his reddened cheeks.
Tommy often found himself wishing he had let you fall...
Tommy & Tubbo Route - Rhythm of the Storm
Because your original housing was set between Snowchester and the Prime Path, it was surprisingly an equal distance between Tubbo’s mansion and Tommy’s house.
In the beginning, Tommy would go to your house first in the mornings, then leave around noon when Tubbo would come, but the constant social interaction left you always sleeping through either one of their visits.
It got to the point where you asked both of them to come by at the same time so you could talk with them both at the same time.
This caught them both off guard that you wanted both of their attention at the same time, but then only began to see benefits from them meeting with you together.
Now you weren’t out cold during the mornings when Tommy opened the door, and now you weren’t asleep by 2pm when Tubbo was over. Plus they could both take care of you at the same time!
There were a few times when either of the boys’ yandere tendencies peaked out, but you or the other would scold them out of it. Or Tommy would give Tubbo a small smack upside the head which would make him scream dramatically like a baby goat.
While they did take your injuries relatively seriously, they also were joking with you and cheered you up with their antics, preventing you from falling into a depression from staying inside all day and every day.
On a normal day, if you were awake and had more energy than normal, Tommy would be telling you incredible stories of his travels and Tubbo would be either making food or potions. Tommy isn’t allowed near the brewing stands or the stove anymore if you’re wondering.
On a bad day, if you barely had any energy and could barely stay awake, the two boys would be much quieter and let you sleep. On those days, they would ask Phil if you were actually okay, or they would go back to their respective homes.
If your burns are causing you immense amounts of pain one day, Tommy will refuse to even be in the same room as you and will genuinely beg Tubbo, Ranboo or Philza to stop your pain. Even if he doesn’t like others being around you, he’s beginning to accept Tubbo’s care towards you but he’s still wary about his father and Tubbo’s husband.
Speaking of, Ranboo and Michael had seemingly disappeared from Snowchester, but Phil assured you that they were both in the Tundra, (And to keep it a secret from Tubbo.)
On Phil’s latest visit, he told you that you could get up and out of bed without irritating the burns on your legs, although you might have trouble at first.
Upon hearing the news, Tubbo and Tommy were at your sides in seconds, asking if you wanted to get up and encouraging you to try. If you didn’t want to, they (mostly Tubbo) would understand about it and leave you to sit on the fact for a bit.
If you did, Tubbo would be at your injured side to make sure your bandages stayed together when you got up, while Tommy would be on your good side and mostly holding you up if your balance was bad enough.
Tubbo wanted to help you walk around at night, just in case you were self-conscious of your burns, but Tommy was too worried about any sort of mob approaching you. While they knew they could protect you, they just didn’t want to take any risks.
Tubbo will burst out crying after he hears an explosion, meanwhile, Tommy will freeze completely still. Which is also what happened during the mining incident that caused you to get injured, which is why Tubbo was the one to scream and continue to cry long after they had saved you.
Because of this, they don’t want to face a creeper with you around to see them panic and be in danger while they struggled to get themselves together.
When you’re out walking around, Tubbo is extremely patient and Tommy at least tries to hold his complaints. 
If someone even looks at you wrong, they’ll have an angry raccoon boy yelling threats at them and Tubbo drawing his sword. They usually run with their tails between their legs afterwards.
If you collapsed on the walk from the pain, the amount of panic that would happen would be enough to have every single parental figure in the SMP running to help you. Luckily when it did happen, Badboyhalo was there and was strong enough to carry you without irritating your burns, and even gave a few pointers on how to help with burns. He had to raise Sapnap. He would know.
When you woke up at your home, you saw Tubbo and Tommy actually having a civil conversation with the large 9ft demon rather than threatening him to get away from you. That could've been because he was a demon though. But you were still proud!
You guessed that they still thought you were asleep when Bad left because you heard them murmuring and trying to keep quiet as they most likely made lunch.
Because of their conversation with Bad, and proving to you that they can actually behave themselves, you began to realize that their Yandere tendencies were calming down a lot. Meaning you weren't scared of them that much anymore, and you were beginning to accept their feelings towards you.
Unfortunately... You couldn't pick between them... And didn't know how open they would be to polyamory, but seeing as they weren't ripping each other's throats out, maybe their reactions wouldn't be too terrible?
Tubbo began to tell you about everything that bothered him, currently and formerly, like his death from Technoblade’s fireworks, even to being threatened by Dream during the disc war, or the nukes disappearing and his worry about whether or not Tommy cares about him.
Tommy also began to open up as well. Telling you about his brothers and father, his exile, his fear that Tubbo doesn't care about him anymore, and his third canon death.
After the two began to open up more, you began to realize they weren't being as clingy and desperate for your attention, most likely now trusting you to spend time with people other than them.
Maybe because they were catching on to you slowly beginning to return their feelings...
Everything seems relatively like it was before that one day before Tommy and Tubbo completely lashed out at each other.
A few weeks after your body became completely healed, the two boys spent a few days away from you, which you were curious about but never really commented on it.
One day when they both arrived at your house at their usual time, they were dressed up for an adventure and their bags were filled with everything that anyone would need.
They eagerly pulled you out of bed at some ungodly hour in the morning, although Tubbo thankfully had breakfast (and coffee) ready which you ate before going to get dressed into appropriate clothing and your god armour that Tubbo made, that was equipped with a new god sword that Tommy made you!
This was your first adventure since the explosion in the mine, and you damn well wanted to have fun.
"Okay, okay! Damn, Big Man, calm down!" You groaned as you threw the bag over your shoulders and tightened the straps accordingly. Once you tied up the laces on your boots, you straightened up and without fail, you felt both of your hands being grabbed before you got dragged out the door.
"We've been planning this for a few days! Nothing will stop us now!" Tubbo cheered, hopping along beside you as he held your scarred hand, "We have everything we could ever need for the next week!"
Your surprised reaction was ignored as Tommy continued dragging you down the Prime Path with a map in his free hand, "A whole week? That's quite a long adventure! Are you sure we'll be able to handle it?"
"Relax (N/n)! We were both raised by Philza Minecraft! Y'know, Survivalist extraordinaire? We know how to ration, build a shelter if needed, and everything in between!" Tubbo gave you a wide and cheesy grin as he spoke about the man who raised him, despite not actually being related to him. (Dadschlatt AU if you're wondering)
The three of you ventured off through many acres of forests and other biomes, holding hands and chatting away the entire time. Tommy let it slip that you were going to find buried treasure and maybe a woodland mansion if you were feeling brave enough, which is why he was always holding the map.
"Tommy, (Y/n)! Look!" Tubbo squeaked out happily as he saw a field of dozens of different flowers with bees hurriedly buzzing about to pollinate the plants around. The sight of the yellow and black bugs caused Tubbo to make happy little bleating sounds as his ears wiggled.
You and Tommy exchanged glances with a small smile, knowing very well you wouldn't be able to pull the hybrid away from them. "I suppose it is about time for a break..." You murmured as you were dragged off by the smaller brunet, thus pulling Tommy along as well.
The three of you sat down in the flower field, placing out a blanket to prevent yourselves from getting covered in dirt, despite knowing that it'll happen anyway. You set out the food Tubbo had packed while the two teenage boys ran around, having fun and, well just being teenagers.
Yes, Tommy got chased by bees.
Tubbo made you, himself and Tommy a flower crown, which you proudly wore, but Tommy was a bit more hesitant which you eventually made him get over by giving him a begging look. Yours was a bunch of (f/f) varying with colours, Tubbo's was a variety of yellows and white flowers, while Tommy's was mostly red and white.
While you three enjoyed your small picnic, you were all completely unaware of the fleeting bees, closing flowers and scattering animals. It was only when Tubbo's ears began to flick oddly did he lift his head, "I think there's a storm quickly approaching..."
You lifted your head and rose your arm to block the sun from your eyes to look at the quickly darkening clouds, "Oh damn, yeah we gotta go find shelter. Like now." You hurriedly grabbed your bag and began shoving the foot containers in it while Tommy and Tubbo packed everything else up too.
Despite your best efforts, you three quickly got caught in the downpour of rain and became absolutely drenched in rain by the time you found a small and shallow cave to hide in. "Aw fuck... Absolutely perfect! Sam said it wasn't gonna rain todaaaaay!" Tommy whined dramatically as he slumped against the stone wall.
You sighed and began pulling out the blanket again, knowing very well that you'd all be here for a while. When Tommy stopped whining about how he thought it was gonna be perfect weather, he helped Tubbo with starting a fire so you could all dry your sweaters that you had been wearing.
The two boys plopped down on the blanket on either side of you, Tommy hiding his head on your shoulder while Tubbo was curled up with his head against your lap, (After asking for permission of course) trying their best to drown out the sound of the sounds of the booming thunder.
After a few moments, you used the consistent pattern in the rain to keep beat before beginning to hum a soft tune while you ran your fingers through their damp hair.
Slowly, Tommy and Tubbo fell asleep, leaning against you while you hummed along to the rhythm of the storm...
Neither Route - Left the Game
Your house was quite out of the way from the Prime Path and Snowchester, in fact, quite possibly even closer to the Tundra. (In this route.)
Meaning that you were pretty far out of the way from everyone except for Ranboo, Phil and Techno. Which prevented both Tubbo and Tommy from coming around often, meaning Ranboo and Phil had to help you with a lot.
You felt bad because you didn't know either of them too, too well, but at least you knew you would definitely be getting better.
Ranboo actually had no problem helping you with your injuries, although he had to carefully write down what he gave you and when.
During your road to recovery, Ranboo and Tubbo's relationship became incredibly worse as the goat hybrid became even more manipulative and violent.
You became a personal therapist and babysitter for him and Michael, in return for him helping take care of you.
Speaking of Michael, the reason Ranboo hadn't joined you on the mining trip was because Phil had finished making a potion that would allow Michael to survive in the Tundra.
Tubbo and Tommy's violent habits had quickly doubled over the time when they couldn't see you, but luckily for you, the one time they did try to visit, Techno had come with Phil to meet you.
They ran out immediately.
Yes, Techno asked you about how you felt about anarchy.
Whether or not you joined the Syndicate is up to you.
Ranboo then told Techno and Phil about how Tubbo and Tommy were obsessed with you, and that your life was possibly in danger.
Technoblade only said that he had no way to help you, but Philza's fatherly instincts kicked in and he wanted to protect you both from the two boys he raised.
Once you got all healed up your burns scarred over, Phil and Ranboo already had an idea of how to keep you both and Michael safe.
It was highly risky and would leave you with only one life until you come back to the DreamSMP.
Phil was going to give you access to his Hardcore server.
Both you and Ranboo had a long and serious talk about it, but then remembered he was literally rich. He had dozens of totems!
Techno made you three totem pendants for you to wear around your necks, so you wouldn't always have to hold the totems.
(Philza asked his wife, Kristen the Goddess of Void and Death, to keep an extra close eye on you three and make sure if any of you do die, it's incredibly quick and painless.)
Standing in front of Phil, your bags filled with everything you would need to survive in the hardcore world, you watched as the centuries-old avian scanned you three up and down.
"I'll ask you both one final time." He sighed after he deemed all of your equipment and armour worthy. The blond fatherly figure stood in front of you and Ranboo as you held Michael with a glowing green orb in his hand, "Are you sure? There are no respawns when you run out of totems."
"Yes. It'll be much safer than the DreamSMP..." Ranboo murmured quietly, quickly scrawling as much as he could fit into his memory book before he forgot anything, "Even if it isn't permanent... We just need to run."
When Phil turned to you, you couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Yeah," You murmured, shifting the young piglin child on your hip, "I'm sure. Thanks again Philza... We really needed to be somewhere where they wouldn't find us..."
"I'll check up on you both once a week. Remember, travelling through servers will disorient you for quite a while and you quite probably won't understand where you are at first-"
"(Y/n)!!!" An angry yell came from the forest, and you turned your head just in time to see Tommy and Tubbo running in your direction.
You and Ranboo hurriedly whipped your head to face Phil again, but he seemed to have caught on before you both as there was a portal swirling with greens and golds beside him, "Go! Now! I'll see you both tomorrow! Remember, you can take anything you need to increase the chances of your survival!"
Ranboo got over his shock much quicker than you did because he grabbed your arm and leapt through the portal, bringing you and Michael along.
Ranboo Beloved left the game.
(Y/n) (L/n) left the game.
Michael Underscore-Beloved left the game.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n and ranboo
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part two to the angst imagine (the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo jack and ranboo) it’s a happier ��ending’ please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and ranboo in this imagine is completely platonic
it had been about a month since you last streamed whereas ranboo continued to stream a few days after the fallout as he wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. even though ranboo knew this huge fallout would eventually happen, it still hurt him, especially since he knew there was no way to prevent it, the four of you in the same house mixed with the stress of being some of the most-watched content creators made living rather difficult. it was like walking on eggshells as you didn’t want to interrupt someone's stream, then there was the additional stress of obsessive fans finding out where the four of you lived, you still remember that day very vividly. you were sat in between tubbo and ranboo watching the office whilst Tommy was in an interview when you received a message from your mod.
Chris: hey y/n I received this message earlier I don’t want to scare you, but maybe get the locks changed. someone sent a message claiming this is your address *image of message from ‘fan’*
it didn’t take long for tubbo and ranboo to receive a message from their mods saying the same thing
“holy shit...”
“chances are Tommy has the message too. we shall go check around the house when Tommy is done with the interview.”
luckily no one ever showed up to the house, but the fact some people were so obsessed to the point they found your address was enough to put everyone in the house on edge. and now it was just you and ranboo in the house. you didn’t feel safe as even though ranboo promised to not let anything happen, you didn’t wanna risk it.
“we should move. there’s no point in having such a big house for two people, what are we going to use the extra space for heh? hide and seek with people who have our address. no thank you. I say we move leave this mess behind and start completely over, hell I’d feel safer in the us and that’s saying something”
ranboo agreed the house didn’t have the happiest memories attached to it anymore, it hurt walking past the hallway as it would bring back the memory of him crying into the crook of y/ns neck whilst tubbo left the house.
“let’s do it, I’ll do an early stream then we can look for houses. go take a shower. I’ll stay close to the door so you’re safe, then you can stay in my room whilst I stream, you can join me if you would like.”
“you’re being very protective all of a sudden...let me guess you got the message from our mods announcing the obsessive fans are at it again?”
“go take a shower.”
ranboo ended up picking you up, carried you to the bathroom and turned the shower on before putting you on your feet.
“quick shower I’ll see you later.”
and with that he left the room shutting the door behind him, 30 minutes later you got changed and followed ranboo to his room ready to join him whilst he streams
“hey boo, can I join you? I kinda wanna get into streaming again.”
“I'm so glad you asked, I was going to do a face cam stream, if that’s okay?”
“of course.”
you grabbed his mask and glasses whilst he locked the door so you were both safe. “here you go.”
“thank you.”
the pair of you started the stream and it was honestly going well, you were having so much fun you forgot about all the negative things currently going on, you began to understand why ranboo continued streaming as for those 2-4 hours of streaming it felt as though everything was back to normal. 3 hours later the two of you ended stream and Twitter went crazy. tweets ranged from fans talking about how ranboo was streaming with you, how Tommy was in chat, and how tubbo was modding as people who mentioned anything about their address being leaked were banned by tubbo. the one thing that caught ranboos eye was fan art and a picture of you both from the stream captioned ‘they’re platonic soulmates your honour’ ranboo went as far to like, retweet and comment on it.
ranaltboo: glad you liked the stream it was great having y/n back, think I might make them play tattletail next stream
definitelynoty/n: isn’t that the Furby game that terrified you in 2021? bring it on boo!
Twitter went crazy over this interaction, you had finally come back to social media after months of being inactive, and it looked like you were here to stay. a month later you and ranboo moved out of the house and sold it to your aunt and her wife and their three adopted children, you explained the situation and even changed the locks for them all before they moved in.
“Please do tell us if anyone shows up who shouldn’t be. we changed the locks as you were aware- oh hello little one.”
you noticed one of their children decided to cling onto your leg
“I like your hair it’s colourful!”
“Indeed it is.”
the little girl let go of your leg and ran to ranboo asking to be picked up, unsure of what to do he looked towards you. however, you were too busy laughing about the fact he was compared to a giant.
“I'm so sorry uh if you want to pick her up you can, you don’t have to.”
“pick me up, tall man... I want to be taller!”
ranboo ended up standing next to you with an arm around your waist whilst the child sat on his shoulders happily playing with his hair.
“ranboo do not drop that child.”
“I didn't- I didn't plan on it y/n.”
eventually, it was time to leave and the child reluctantly let go of ranboo.
“bye-bye!! hope to see you soon!”
soon enough you were at a smaller house, far away from the old house, leaving behind the negative feelings. it could only get better, a week later the pair of you had settled into the new house, it finally felt like home. you and ranboo were now streaming full time again, safe to say the two of you were thriving and closer than ever.
“so I’m thinking if I hit the sub-goal today I’ll let chat pick what colour I dye my hair.”
“make it higher, and I’ll let you cut my hair.”
“Are you being serious? oh my god!”
a few minutes later you took to Twitter to announce you were going live.
y/n: kidnapping children in the sims with ranboo psst check the subgoal.
within 20 minutes you had hit the sub-goal, chat ended up picking another random neon colour for your hair.
“right hair dye and the cutting stream will be this weekend, now let’s go back to kidnapping.”
tubbo, tommy, and jack felt awful for what happened and went back to the house where you used to live, hoping to see you there so they could apologise, tubbo knocked on the door only to be met by a young child.
“my sister watches you on twitch!”
“oh that’s lovely.. are y/n and ranboo here?”
an older woman came to the door.
“oh no, I’m sorry dear they both moved out, but they left this box and said to give it to you if you returned.”
“do you know where they moved to?”
“I'm sorry dear, I'm not allowed to tell you that information for safety reasons.”
“I understand, thanks anyway.”
they ended up going back to jacks where the three of them had been staying.
“We should open the box.”
tubbo opened the box and emptied the items onto the floor, inside was the rocks y/n handed tubbo from every trip, photos of the group, a necklace y/n had gifted to Tommy a day before the argument, and a hat y/n had taken from jack during a trip to a zoo.
“what the fuck!”
“holy shit!”
“they really kept all these in hopes we would come back?”
“and now we’re too late.”
it was now the weekend you and ranboo were ready to stream, you stood leaning on ranboo who was significantly smaller than you as you lowered the chair he sat on.
“starting stream...now.”
after the starting soon intro played, you explained what was happening to any new viewers or people who didn’t watch the stream.
“so I’m about to become Edward Scissorhands...I love that film can we watch it later?”
“yeah mhm sure!”
you didn’t know this but your ex best friends were watching and ever so often would show up in the chat.
“so boo, what are we doing with your hair today?”
“just a trim please darling?”
“This is y/ns hairdressers you get what I’m capable of!”
you ended up doing a pretty good job of cutting ranboos hair, even he was impressed.
“I didn’t doubt you for a minute!”
“mhm sure thing please don’t mess up my hair tall one!”
soon enough you had the dye on. 45 minutes later you left to wash it off, leaving ranboo to entertain stream,
“chat I think I missed some of their hair it’s okay, I own scissors, I’ll just cut it.. speaking of they did a great job, didn't they? I honestly expected them to mess up.”
a few minutes later you joined ranboo again and spent the next few hours talking with chat. tubbo, tommy, and jack stayed the entire time. they loved the fact you and ranboo were able to stay close after what happened, Tommy noticed you were still wearing the necklace he got you many years ago and spammed them chat with him tubbo and jack
jack: so what? they clearly don’t wanna talk to us.
tubbo: shut up listen to them.
“chat why are we spamming platonic soulmates?”
“they’ve been saying it all over Twitter, look on trending y/n.”
you started to blush slightly at all the amazing artwork soon enough the stream came to an end, after saying goodbye the pair of you sat together going through fan art. unfortunately the one that caught your eye was this one twitter post where the artist had created a drawing of a piece of paper with you, ranboo, tommy, tubbo, and jack, however the paper was ripped separating you and ranboo from the others, captioned ‘it was never meant to be’ this clearly upset ranboo as he took off his mask and glasses placing them on the desk before going straight to his bed.
“boo…are you okay?”
“Are you tired of me? are you going to leave next?”
“what? no of course not! I could never get tired of you, why do you ask?”
“everyone else has left..i thought they cared about us, i knew it would happen eventually and i couldn’t stop it, i’m sorry, y/n, please don’t hate me.”
you sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the floor,
“come here.”
you watched him roll over to face you.
“you know there’s no one else who I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, right…if i hated you i wouldn’t have moved house with you. it’s not your job to fix everything and make everything better, you’re a streamer for christ sake not a therapist.”
“i guess so.. can we watch that thing you were on about for ages.”
“edward scissorhands? “
you could tell he wanted to be distracted, so you agreed and put the film on, towards the end you began to get upset due to how overwhelming everything was.
“Why are you crying?”
“poor Edward.”
“come here.”
ranboo pulled you into a hug you laid there crying into his chest, he knew that wasn’t the reason you were crying, but he wasn’t about to make you tell him, luckily it didn’t take long for you to stop crying as ranboo quickly distracted you.
“yeah y/n?”
“I feel bad i didnt realise how much pressure was on you whilst everyone was arguing.”
“Hey, it’s okay, is that what’s upsetting you?”
“don’t blame yourself, i’d do it all over again to keep you safe and happy..then again i didn’t do a good job on keeping you happy.”
“you did..you were always there for me even when i gave up on social media, you shared your room with me after i started receiving creepy messages from that obsessed fan, hell you even went on adventures with me even though it was clear you hadn’t been sleeping, just so we could spend time together and forget about what was happening. you mean a lot to me boo.”
“i love you.”
“i love you too bud, I’m tired.”
“go to sleep, it’s been a long day.”
“you just staying there?”
“oh, oh okay, goodnight.”
about a year later the two of you were still thriving, ranboo got you a promise ring a few months earlier.
“heh what’s this for?”
“as your best friend i promise to stay by your side and keep you safe and make sure that you’re happy, in other words you're stuck with me till the end of time.”
“boo…i really don’t know what to say.. thank you so much!”
“you don’t have to say anything!”
you ended up going out to buy him a promise ring when he started the stream and decided to take your cousins with you now that they were a little older. ranboo was doing a facecam stream when the door slammed open revealing you covering your three younger cousins ranboo not realising you were hiding them from the camera, instinctively stood up covering the camera
“yes you three and y/n ,what do you need?”
“we would like to watch a film!”
“Okay, i’ll go put one on, y/n will you entertain chat?”
“sure thing boo boy!”
once they left you sat fixing your hair forgetting you were wearing the ring chat noticed this and went crazy, so did Tommys group with tubbo and jack.
tubbo: that’s a ring, right??
jack: yeah looks like it.
Tommy: holy shit I always thought if anyone was gonna get married it would be tubbo and y/n, they were inseparable.
tubbo: hilarious.
jack: it could just be a ring, no one mentioned marriage tommy!
Tommy: we should congratulate them.
jack: at least let them explain fucking hell.
soon enough ranboo came back into the room,
“sorry one of them found it hilarious to steal my glasses...”
“they’re little shits i swear to god but i love them.”
you both noticed chat going crazy and both looked at each other before laughing.
“i'm sorry, i can’t take you serious in the mask and glasses!”
“i can’t take you serious with neon hair, but here we are!”
you and ranboo quickly put an end to the rumours,
“no we’re not engaged or married, it is a promise ring. no they’re not our children, they’re y/ns cousins they just spend a lot of time here..chat stop calling me and y/n parents and comparing us to phil that’s not..that’s not how it works okay!”
“parent arc!”
“y/n, don’t encourage them!”
“it’s a little bit funny!”
soon enough the bit came to an end and eventually ranboo ended the stream.
“hey boo look what i got you”
you handed him a little black box, inside was a ring similar to yours
“i promise to always stick around and be here for you”
“oh my god”
ranboo tackled you into a hug thanking you several times for his rings. you and ranboo were living your best life meanwhile jack, tommy, and tubbo were stuck dealing with the guilt of what happened, but they’re weren’t giving up that easy. they wanted you both back, that’s when you received a notification, tommyinnit has sent you a message request: hey y/n can we talk..please?
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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