#(We come in all shapes and sizes you know) musings; May
iwritemilfs · 2 years
tag dump (musings)
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bscully · 1 year
Why Zagreus is such a good character
*Obligatory Hades spoiler ahead* Zagreus is so so so interesting from a meta perspective. While his design certainly went into the "attractive bad boy" direction, he is not your usual hyper-masculine protagonist.
Definitely not!
It starts off with his physique, which is not that of a tall, beefy body builder, but more of an ancient greek athlete. He is also shorter than most other Gods, of average size by mortal standards, and doesn’t take kindly to people making fun of his height. I find that a fascinating character design choice to make. From there, let's continue with his character.
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His temperament is sanguine; he is a ray of sunshine and loves to share all the warmth that rests in his heart. Which is a fascinating trait to have as Prince of the Underworld, who is veiled in Darkness by Mother Night, Nyx, herself. The following Berserk quote comes to mind: "He who bears light exists in the deepest shadow".
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(There is a big conceptual overlap between Hades and Berserk, but I’ll just leave it at that for this post)
Zagreus is a sociable, extroverted type who values family and bonds over everything, is respectful, polite, charming. From someone like him, genuine kindness and honesty are a guarantee. Together with his capacity to empathize, it allows him to form meaningful relationships. His noble spirit and attitude are befitting of a prince. He does not mind stepping out of his comfort zone and challenge himself, either.
When you first beat Hades, he asks Zagreus to tell Persephone that Cerberus is doing well. Zagreus instead demanded an answer for a question in exchange of telling her. However, this question was left unanswered as Hades was taken by the Styx before he could reply. Later on, because Zagreus is a good-natured person and knows his priorities, picking his mother’s needs over the grudge he could hold against his father, he tells Persephone anyways.
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There are moments in the game where he is sensitive, observant and catches up on social cues very quickly. He listens to others and apologizes to them when he feels like he may have overstepped a boundary, such was the case when Thanatos berated him for allowing Orpheus visiting his muse Eurodyce and meddled into their affairs without their consent.
Sometimes he appears to have troubles expressing what he feels, or is perhaps insecure or anxious to express it (particularly when interacting with Meg, who is rather intimidating). But despite his hesitations and fears I think he is still doing a good job at it.
Judging from a brief conversation with Alecto, he appears to know how to form healthy habits and deal with difficult situations in a productive, nurturing manner (the fact that 1. Alecto doesn’t take kindly to his attempts at getting along and 2. Zag doesn’t like her for it, is kinda funny to me). He is capable to mediate and settle conflicts between people, this is literally one of the game's primary goals.
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Judging by what happened between him and Megaera, it appears he also wasn't always this mature and went a long way learning from his mistakes. His sometimes boastful confidence and his running mouth probably were one of them. Regardless, I'm deeply impressed with Zagreus' emotional intelligence and maturity.
Considering how so many other protagonists typically are characterized, this such an unusual way to write a male one, and as such he really stands out.
I believe it is absolutely necessary that protagonists like him exist and we honestly do need more like him: as these shine a different light on nurturing masculinity and what it can be.
Zagreus is not less of a man because of the radiant and kind person he is. Quite the opposite so, I personally find him extremely attractive (he’s doing things to me oml). He is just being himself: unfiltered, optimistic, with a good sense of humor. He is not even trying to fulfill any gender roles in any shape or form, simply embracing the bonds he has for what they are, living the moment. He does whatever it takes to make the world around him a better place and make the people around him happier. And he started doing that once he stopped running away from his problems.
This reassurance is something boys and men (including those who identify as such) urgently need nowadays.
PS: I’m still not over the fact he canonically likes plushies, the lil dork
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gerbiloftriumph · 6 months
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Floating Castle Liveblog (first read)
The King's Quest series has been graced with a very silly and very wonderful trilogy of adapted novels, and of them all, the first is my favorite. I have read it more times than I should, and liveblogged my musings on Goodreads in real time, er, multiple times.
Below is my first readthrough. Follow along with my initial, baffled, but ultimately delighted, self. Obviously, spoilers for an objectively terrible but subjectively amazing video game novelization from the 90s.
(and if you want to read the Floating Castle yourself, well, [I'm sure there are avenues online] but you didn't hear that from me)
May 7, 2018 –
page 0
Let it be officially known: I am terrifically excited to read this, and a little nervous, too. Please be good. Please be good. But please don't be SO good that I want to break my wallet trying to get a copy of See No Weevil. [side gerbil note: at the time, one of the only copies of See No Weevil, the third book in the series, available for purchase online was selling for $8k. No, that's not a joke.]
page 6
I miiiight be wrong, but wasn't Merlin's Mirror blank for all the years Alexander was missing, too? I have a feeling I read that somewhere...eh. I should read the actual game manuals sometime.
page 9
It's a touch on the fluffy side. A whole paragraph is dedicated to Alexander getting out of bed. But, let's be clear, that fluff worked really well a few pages ago with the storm, so. Plus, it's from the 90s, so. For some reason fantasy from then seems to be fluffy
page 10
You out of shape magician boy, you. Then again, 4 deep flights of castle steps (probs rough flagstone, rather uneven) is probably hard to climb, so. Fair.
page 14
Graham is such a good king. Like. Really really good.
page 26
Come on, magician prince. You can think of somethiiiing.
page 18
Sir Brian of House Blessed, I presume.
page 40
A: Oh, you stuck Graham's soul in a crystal? Very Ocarina of Time of you. What year did this come out? B: ...why is this actually kind of a good book? Like, from an honest fantasy novel perspective, not just a King's Quest adaptation perspective, it's actually not that bad. Slightly dated with its fluffy descriptions, but I've read plenty of worse fantasy before.
page 47
I didn't expect to enjoy a magician turning into a tree as much as I am, and I love Alexander being all good and diplomatic and not swearing anyone out for Cyril's complete uselessness.
page 49
I wonder how old Alexander is. I don't think it's said. How far past Manannan are we? Has KQ5 happened yet? These are not crucial questions, and yet. I'm curious. Do we know about Crispin? He's probably fractionally more useful than Morowyn. But only fractionally, cos he's still mostly useless.
page 54
Alex (paraphrased): So. All I have to do is sneak into Telgrin's evil doom castle, figure out where he hid a crystal of undetermined size with King Graham's soul in it, steal it (it had better not be car sized), sneak out without getting caught, and get home before his empty body dies, and you can put the soul back in? Cyril (quote): Oh, yes. Almost certainly. Probably. I think. Sounds like a PLAN, guys. Let's go!
page 54
Addendum to the above REALLY AWESOME PLAN. Do it before Telgrin tortures Graham's soul into hideous unrecognizability. Y'know. No pressure or anything.
page 58
I like Cyril. Road trip with the boys!
page 65
What sort of spooky ringwraith nonsense....
page 74
That’s....that’s just lembas bread. Literally just lembas.
page 81
Okay, there’s a thing I don’t like. Little episodic things periodically happen but so clumsily. I think it’s to give Alexander “items” to solve later puzzles, like the games. Direct quotes here: “Good apple,” Cyril said. “Very good.” “Sweet.” “Mmm.” And that’s the end of the exchange. Like. I get it, apples will probably be important later but. That dialogue is less than riveting
May 8, 2018:
page 87
"He’s going to try to ride a kelpie. I’ve never been so excited about a plot development in all my life!
page 108
I very much enjoyed that bit with the ogre, and now we’re hiding in barrels to sneak in. This book is like, nothing but all the best possible Fantasy Highlights.
page 123
Also, I’m fond of this exchange: “You are an evil man.” “So it has been said.” Telgrin shrugged. “Personally I’ve always found that such abstractions do not apply well to the real world. They make matters that are by their very nature complex seem rather too simple, don’t you think?” “Evil,” Alexander repeated."
page 133
Ewwww what is that thing. That’s a horrible beastie.
page 139
Where was he? Yes. Who was this beside him? Yes. Alexander those are not answers to your questions.
page 146
“All I’d have to do is wait until Telgrin is out of the room, step through the mirror, reclaim my father’s soul, and return through the mirror.” Alexander *liked* this plan."
page 162
It's absolutely just The Best Parts of Any Fantasy shoved together in one frantic ball of fury, with maybe three pages at most devoted to each new Fantasy Segment. I'm so into it. It's not a challenge to read by any stretch--I'd say it's middle grade fiction level--but, like, yo. It's crazy fun so who cares. (darn it, book, you broke my theory about where Telgrin had stuffed Graham. Boo. I was enjoying my guess.)
page 163
If my baby boy has broken his arm punching this ringwraith there will be hell to pay from me. I will protect this scarf-wearing lad at all costs. I say, when he's probably my age and knows at least a little magic and how to use a sword and has no problem crawling around dungeons and enemy castles.
page 165
Alexander is SUCH a pile of snark. Yeah, this is going well, he thinks. Now we have *four* knights chasing us.
page 168
“Cyril, I really don’t think—“ “*Enough.* there’s no time for discussion. Prepare yourself.” “No, Cyril, I— Aieeeeeeee!” Boys please
page 170
Are you KIDDING. It took us ages to get INTO the castle. And now we’re stuck outside again. P sure Telgrin is going to raise security after that debacle and kerfuffle you just caused.
page 175
Cuss the ever loving frick out of that tree root. You’ve earned a little less-than-princely reaction after this hell day.
page 181
Graham’s been soul-less for about a week at this point if I’ve added up right. He can wait a bit more, probably.
page 183
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“Did you speak, Sir Frog?” “That’s Prince Frog to you.” Alex, please reign back the sass a little bit. You’re not helping matters.
page 194
We’ve found a princess, convinced her to smooch, he turns human again, and the first thing she says is “but....you’re *beautiful.*” Agreed, yo.
page 204
He’s been walking around with a hat this whole time? I hope it has a feather in it.
page 219
My baby Grahaaaaaam. Sorry about the week of agonizing torture. We came quick as we could. That whole scene with you and Telgrin was so cool and you’re so brilliant and I love your stupid regal face. Also. This exchange; “What happened?” “I’m not exactly sure. All I know is that Telgrin came uncomfortably close to killing me.” Y’know, no big deal.
page 223
"It opened its eyes, blinked, and said, “Hmph. What’s happening? Where am I?” “It’s all right, dear,” the first head said. “Go back to sleep. I am just going to kill this man here.” “Oh, that’s all right, then.”
page 228
I’m amazed Telgrin hasn’t raised hell and panic after losing Graham and his staff. Like. This isn’t a good event for our villain but we everyone seems remarkably calm.
page 231
“Is *everyone* in Daventry this obstinate?” Yes. You messed with the wrong royal family, tbh.
page 234
I love this. I love this book. In ways I cannot express because truly it is not a good book and yet. And YET. The setting is phenomenal, the cast both old and new entertaining, the language occasionally dips beyond melodramatic into actually decently lyrical, the action is relentless, and EVERYONE IS SASSY. Be it Alexander, Graham, this new princess, Telgrin. Everyone.
page 243
“I don’t suppose that you’ll tell me what you were up to.” “I don’t suppose.“ The sass is too strong. It’s blinding. I don’t want this book to end.
page 248
“You know, Alexander, I am not normally given to strong emotions. I do not often make declaration of animosity, for these do not agree with my usually thoughtful and scholarly nature. I must, however, tell you that I hate you.” The sass.
page 249
“The wonderful thing is, I have the power to make it all come true. All of it – the pain, the disfigurement, the death. I tell you, sometimes it’s a truly marvelous thing to be me.” Stars above I’m dying this is so good
page 250
This book is amazing. I am dying.
page 252
No, seriously. I am actually laughing out loud at this point. I love this. “She shall marry me unwillingly, or not at all!“
page 255
“Oh, I see the way of it. It’s blame-everything-on-Telgrin time, is it?” It hurts. My joy hurts too much. I’m crying with joy.
page 260
Cool guys don’t look at explosions.
page 269
This castle even has murder holes. Like. This is actually a good solid piece of fantasy, with accurate castles.
page 273
“I could attempt to fly you down.” All in all, Alexander thought he would rather just jump."
page 293
Graham is such a flirt.
page 297
No there’s no more page to turn!!!!!! Nooooooo I want moreeeee. .....aahHahdhsbdjdhdbuebfjxi.
May 8, 2018 – Finished Reading
five stars out of five stars
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mollymauktealeef · 1 year
Self Rec Tag Game
tagged by the wonderful @hello-eeveev!!
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made.
1.something you absolutely adore
a winter's crest detour [mature, caleb/essek]
the idea for this fic actually went through two different fandoms before coming to light in critical role. i'd signed up for a christmas hallmark movie prompt thing and sadly didn't get my pick, so i left cause i got unreasonably attached to this one idea and so it came with me as i moved into another fandom where about 10k got written before the muse abandoned me until shadowgast ate my life and here we are. its probably the most self indulgent fic i've ever written, purely created for moi and i love it, bonus other people seemed to like it too! woo!
2. something that was challenging to create
the edge of the blade [teen, caleb/essek]
a full YEAR in the making, this is my biggest, longest, most EVERYTHING fic. i love it, i had so much fun writing it but boy was it hard work. the time, the energy that went into this. i really challenged myself to dig deep for essek's emotions and insecurities and i'm really proud of how it turned out. i definitely improved as a writer because of the challenges this fic liked to throw at me
3. something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably)
long may they reign chapter 3 [gen, caleb/essek]
not gonna lie this is one of my comfort fics that i re-read of my things that always makes me feel better. i love the dynamic of being so comfortable and in love that the simplest acts of affection become automatic and the realisation of those acts can lead to a deeper sense and understanding of that love. i'm a sucker for the old married couple troupe.
4. something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.)
keep me warm [explicit, caleb/essek]
listen i am not a smut writer, it is not one of my strengths, it's very difficult for me and even the smallest scene requires days/weeks/months of writing cause i just struggle with it so damn much, (maybe she's (gnc) born with it, maybe its maybelline the aroace of it all). the idea for this fic just grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let go so i put word to document and it actually came out alright, i was pleasantly surprised that i actually managed to put what was in my head into the fic in a very good way so very proud of myself for it
5. something you want other people to see
act i. the interloper [gen, caleb/essek]
ok ok ok i know i haven't finished parts 2 and 3 yet, YET! but i love how this series is shaping up even though it has grown beyond the teeny tiny wee fun little three part fluff ball it was meant to be into something so big and with feelings, think fluff ball the size of one of those stupidly big plastic tourist attractions they've got out in america. i love looking into old courting practices and seeing what would fit and connect with the culture of the drow and just being able to explore different aspects of their relationship and the important moments to them as well. part three especially has me a little teary cause its gonna be so gosh darn sweet so yeah, stay tuned i am writing it, its just bigger than originally designed lol
tag you're it: @aithilin, @mollymawkwrites, @ruvigapo, @mardyart, @glossolali mwah! show off your goods and wares darlings!!
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Here is a new Destiel story I'm working on. I hope you like it and I would love to hear what you think! Updates once a week, or more if the muse and work let me. Enjoy! - QD * * * All We Are by QuietDarkness on Ao3 * * *
They call them Shadows.
Everyone has one. An androgynous, incorporeal counterpart that roams aimlessly. They are as normal to everyday life as the trees or the sky or the weather man’s inability to accurately predict the weather. No one ever sees their own Shadow until the moment before they die. But they can see everyone else’s, wandering without interacting with the world around them. Each one carries the scars of the life lived by its person. Some Shadows are far more damaged than others. None last forever.
There are different names for people like Dean Winchester.
Carved, Broken, Freak, more. His Shadow, wherever it may be, doesn’t carry his scars. Because he carries them himself. Small, large, it doesn’t matter. His life has left his wounds on display. The world has come far in its acceptance of him and the others like him, what few there are. People know that he’s not contagious or any less human. But there are still those who look at him with disgust and fear. In a world where difference is embraced, no one seems to be able to open their arms to the Carved.
Disowned by his father long ago, and outrunning a tragic and terrible accident, he takes over the mechanic shop of a hole-in-the-wall town in the middle of nowhere Alaska called Bettles, thinking he’ll be safe there, and no one will bother him. But the town has its secrets, and its oddities. More than he could have bargained on.
The people there all have their reasons for living off the grid. Some of those reasons are a little crazier than others. And they’re all accepting and relentlessly kind to him, despite his scars. Which is only the beginning of the strangeness. Because… the Shadows in Bettles are pristine. None of them have any scars. And those aren’t even the strangest things.
Not long after settling in, Dean begins to see a Shadow unlike any he’s seen before. It’s covered in scars, but they don’t look like they should. They’re layered, of different shapes, sizes and stages of healing. Hundreds of scars, piled on top of each other. And they’re everywhere on the Shadow’s form. Dean has seen Shadows of burn victims. He’s seen a Shadow whose person had their legs and arms amputated. But this was something altogether new and intriguing.
The residents in Bettles call it ‘the Angel.’ But none of them will tell him why.
Then one night, during a particularly bad storm, Dean’s jeep goes off the road. He wakes to find himself in the cabin of the town doctor. He’d seen him around Bettles before, getting supplies in town with the one eared German Shephard that followed him everywhere. The lodge owner, Donna, had said the man didn’t talk much, and no one knew anything personal about him except his name was Castiel Novak. Dean remembered because he felt like he’d heard that name before.
Novak had fixed up his injuries and sent Dean on his way without saying much at all. But it wasn’t long after he got home that Dean realized there was far more to Castiel than he could have predicted.
Because one of the oldest, most traumatic, and largest scars that Dean had was suddenly gone. And the Shadow in town, the Angel, was carrying it instead… (First two chapters are up on Ao3. Please click the link provided.)
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(gif credit goes to its creator)
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daybreakrising · 2 months
@avaere: "What about that building over there -" Kaveh muses abruptly, a hand reaching over to Vautrin's shoulder, requesting his attention with a small squeeze. " It seems to be clothing store now, but from looking at the exterior it doesn't seem like it has always been one ? If there's someone who knows his history it's you, and it would be great to understand how shops are usually modeled in Fontaine, whereas..."
He goes on and on about it, all as his hand rests neatly on top of Vautrin's shoulder, eyes falling to his every now and then with a little smile. There are mentions of a job, of course, then details he was looking for in the various buildings he had been asking Vautrin to explain the history of, all tucked into longer ramblings that surely would come off as ancient tongue to most.
Seriously, how can a guy talk so much about a building?
Only when he nears the end of his musings does his hand fall down, grazing Vautrin's back with a light caress. Smile never quite falters as maroon eyes return to him; " ... maybe we should get something to eat after you've answered my initial question ! What kind of building used to be in the place of that clothing store ?" Hand, however, doesn't quite part from the other as it seems to have made itself a little comfortable against Vautrin's lower back.
"You always have the most interesting stories to share."
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He has never known someone with as much enthusiasm for buildings as the man now launching into yet another rambling speech in which Vautrin only catches roughly sixty percent of the words, and understands only about forty percent. It doesn't matter to him that Kaveh may as well be speaking another language - he listens anyway, the gentlest of smiles curving upon his lips as he watches how animated the architect gets. Hands are waved in broad, sweeping gestures, details are singled out with the point of a finger, and he speaks with his entire soul.
It is a thing of beauty.
Until Kaveh, Vautrin had never really considered the architecture of Fontaine in any great detail. He appreciated the aesthetics of some of the more prominent buildings, yes, but he'd never paid much thought to anything beyond the facades. Now, however, he finds himself following the architect's pointing fingers, taking in the clever elements of construction, noticing all these small details that would otherwise have gone unremarked upon.
The question lingers in his mind as he waits for a pause in which to deliver his answer. How this man can talk for so long without seeming to even pause for breath is an incredible feat in itself. But, for a man like Vautrin, who speaks so little and so reservedly, he is more than happy to let Kaveh fill the silences with his vibrant and passionate ramblings.
The building in question, he remembers, used to be owned by a glassmith of incredible talent. He can still picture the beautiful displays of glassware in the windows - vibrantly coloured vases, decanters and bottles textured with intricate patterns, elegant wine glasses of varying shapes and sizes. His favourites, however, had been the collection of sculpted sea creatures that had always sat in the left window, arranged in a colourful ocean scene. He'd used the mora given to him for his birthday one year to buy his sister an adorable little seahorse that she had treasured until the end. He wonders, now, when the glassmith died - if his shop continued on after his death, what happened to all of those beautiful sculptures.
He's about to interject, sensing the approach of a lull in the ramblings of the other, to answer the question posed to him, when he feels the hand upon his shoulder shift, skim down his back - and all coherent thought stutters into a standstill inside his head.
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There's an instant heat that prickles over his skin, as if that single, simple touch has set every nerve aflame. Breath is drawn sharply between his lips, hitching in his throat - such an intimate touch, and in public no less. There is something of a claim in the placement of Kaveh's hand, the way it lingers against him.
And he likes it.
Perhaps, if one looked close enough, there might be the faintest tint of colour in the former captain's face as he subtly leans into the man beside him. A hand lifts, reaches for the other's waist - then hesitates, and drops back to his side. Too soon.
Swirling blue and purple slowly shifts to meet maroon, the repeated question finally registering once more in his distracted mind. "Oh, um... yes..." Archons, pull yourself together, idiot. He attempts a subtle clearing of his throat, swallows down the breath still hitched there. "It, uh... it used to be owned by a glassmith. The kilns were located at the back there, where the roof extends out. And do you see the lamps affixed to the shop front? Those were made by the owner - unless they have been replaced since, but they look like the ones I remember."
Maybe he is riding the thrill of the hand at his back, or maybe he is simply getting bolder - but as Vautrin steps away (somewhat reluctantly) to guide Kaveh along to the nearest café to continue this discussion, as that hand is forced to fall away with the motion, gloved fingers catch the architect's and entwine.
Holdings hands in public. How far he's come. "How about I tell you more over lunch?"
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gensokyogarden · 2 years
give me the satori/okuu baby
The inevitable. Here we have Komeiji Bird.
I went back and forth on this one for a while, but given that Satori is a Satori named Satori and Okuu has a void within her brain, I thought it'd be funny if they just named their child Bird. Crow and Raven were also on the table but I've known people named Crow and I felt like it loses a bit of the humor if it's something that can actually be taken as a name.
Bird is the daughter of the happily married Satori and Utsuho Komeiji. Being a Satori-Hell Raven hybrid. Now, this means that she is a half bird and half monkee. Which is a horrid combination if you really think about it.
As with a lot of Satori's fan kids, I do envision her as having a third eye. Though this one is different. While connected on vein-cords just as all Satori third eyes are, it does not have their standard shape. Instead resembling the eye of Yatagarasu on Okuu's chest. This may sound cute but it is really a portent of bad times to come.
For, you see, Okuu absorbed Yatagarasu, which means a part of his essence has just been floating around inside of her. Only for Okuu's body to create an empty vessel for part of that essence to flow into. Bird has had Yatagarasu within her since birth and it has had an impact on her personality and development.
That's not to say that Bird just is Yatagarasu. But rather that, since birth, she has had thoughts and memories that are not her own. Memories of a strong bond with Emperor Jimmu. A figure who was long dead by the time Bird was even born. Yet she misses him nonetheless and has an intricate understanding of Japan's history as a nation.
She, thankfully, has a bit more intelligence than Okuu does. In fact, she takes after Satori a bit in having an interest in mystery and investigation. It just so happens that, unlike Satori, Bird has no responsibilities in regards to managing the Underground. Leaving her free to roam and play detective as she wishes ... as well as seek out more that ties her to Yatagarasu but her parents don't need to know about that.
I've been a bit stumped as far as abilities go, so I eventually decided to look elsewhere. Yatagarasu, in some myth and folklore, is the attendant of the Storm God Susanoo-No-Mikoto. For that reason I thought, what if Bird has the ability to manipulate wind currents to produce powerful gales. And so that is the ability I'm going with.
And an attempt at a picrew
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I went with heterochromia on it as a way to fit in the Eye of yatagarasu thing.
Now the issue, of course, is that by starting with a custom design rather than with a good working face claim. I've now made it much harder to find a faceclaim that fits with the presented design. Personally though I'm favoring Bortz from HNK
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I find their sharp features to be charming and their sharp dressing to work well for someone whose the daughter of both the Underground's ruler and the person in charge of their nuclear furnace. Also, like, if you look at Okuu's sprite ... her hair hides it but based on where her face stops in comparison to her head size, she's got a lot of forehead space for Bird to inherit.
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esotericfaery · 7 months
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Musings & Encouragement, As We Prepare to Enter Spring Eclipse Season & Huge Jupiterian Changes
Eclipse Season is coming; March 25th we have the Libra Lunar Eclipse (big endings / releasing & balancing), and April 8th, the Aries Solar Eclipse (encouragement for actively fighting the way into new beginnings).
We have Jupiter (luck or lack, expansion or contraction) conjunct (close to; melding energies) Uranus (unexpected opportunities, desire for freedom and new experiences, idealism, erraticism) for March-May. This is exact (strongest) on April 27th.
We have Jupiter in Gemini (misguided focus of expansion, rash speech vs. carefree disposition, business involving communications) from May 2024 to June 2025, and Jupiter square Saturn (restlessness and uncertainty, limitations and responsibilities, massive tension and karmic expansion) from July to Dec., 2024.
Jupiter rules Sagittarius (modern), and Pisces (traditional), so it feels like He’s always doing something, as those are two mutable (flexible, mentally explorative, and easier energies to adapt with than others.) He’s difficult for me to distinguish much personally, as He’s conjunct my Sun & Moon, thus melding within their energies. There’s a slight lack of clarity, along with seeming diffusion of it’s energy.
He’s my scout planet (the first Planet clockwise, before the Sun). I take it from the name that he scopes out territory (the 6th House, so regular routines and overall health), and always works in some way with the Sun, and the rest of the horoscope.
Jupiter is said to be The Great Benefic. He bestows luck, yet of course He works with it’s opposite face, at times taking it away.
Not consciously.
It’s just that all Jupiter knows how to actively do by Himself is to expand the strong energies we already have going on. That’s his role.
So consciously working towards and within harmony, instead of allowing ourselves to stay trapped in dissonance is key.
The scout planet is said to be an indicator of vocation. I’m still studying how, but I felt that familiar buzz in my EM field, of truthfulness when I read this in the classic by Frances Sakoian & Louis S. Acker, “Predictive Astrology”. They, and their contemporaries have already taught me a lot which has become beautifully synchronistic, and so I carefully consider what they have to say.
My Ascendant is progressed into Gemini for that entire time; giving me a period in my life in which I think about new possibilities a lot, and so I have to write more. Example: I just completed and published entry 10 of my Intimate Spiritual Diaries series in only a few months.
As a Virgo, it would often take me days of analyzation to complete one short poem.
So as naturally, I’m writing and publishing more, I’m curious about this time period.
I may need to take more time off, so that I can spend more time meditating and relaxing, so I can sleep regularly.
Or, I may be in a place that is unlike any before.
And I may be in the doorway of harnessing Gemini powers which, without a natal Planet there, I haven’t been able to before.
That excites me.
As it’s Jupiter, maybe I’ll grow into the right size and shape within my spirit, and in the right direction this time.
Never believe anyone who tells you that you have to go through a whole period of your life with absolutely no free will, because, “Astrology”. There is always a way to cope, even if we have to wait to thrive.
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“Bitter in infinite mercy, Goddess”
A curtal sonnet sequence
               First Stanza
Bitter in infinite mercy, Goddess! To admonitions from nobody to it, give or take. An oil painting or Old Master of the sea-country house. When all thy middle jimp wi’ a haw bayberry kame; then to die through the proof of dirt is payment for this. Meantime a glorious crowns over a thermostat we dare not a few, while thou dost pine for ever and rather die. Ask nought so in thy pictur’d the knot.
               Second Stanza
But Betty, Tell us true. Horrible, hateful, monstrous ledges there came at last the charm: appealing groans of the sea. Of flowers set in Salámán. While thou art why she packed her out. And myself am shent when, even thou hadst cool’d in her feet to pleasing then find, when others ever grew to faults assured and now she’s mine.—The Lust-adoring Body, slave to the sweet, and see that wholly scorned to clay. A faery’s song.
               Third Stanza
Of sound, sweet day is gone; and bright portal columns of a giant deck and green, nor be the melodies, and golden gate, to which to lick—no discernable wallowing coals. Transcendent of the two-celled her eyes their common weed the forms: I knew. Up in Pennsylvania humps on endless deep dells, in gulf or aerie, mountains, and to the sweet flower’d Elysium. And see how we have laid my hands upon a tuft of song.
               Fourth Stanza
Or viburnum, by all right on a blushing mission’d to the end of all this just going, what cannot tell. The sides doubts, thou didst drop, so it will pay you do. Sense—through and long sighs labour was but a giant heart ’gan warm with pity, but full of your mountains rise, and south, and close in tight wind, which her fast. Then my eyes dry, season bland, whatever thought be seen, lull’d with tremble, all their shaggy jaws. Everybody loved to-day.
               Fifth Stanza
”If Johnny all night is far conquest got. And he must proue annoy, all mirth is lighten’d my desire, therefore call’d Salámán, whom she employes, dismisse from ancient love blue isles and your beautiful face an owl’s, they met, and here you occur in grassy and watched him with long musing in an April rain, with the crown and scorning life, whoever breath, so please you? The side of the actor’s door, who sniff at vice and diamond fine.
               Sixth Stanza
Of Sense; and thee living Child, that an acropolis so perfect music fit for this smile, like many days be overpast, disabled age shall belong to me, until none else can compare. Would scarcely movement high is, in the devil take his flying race.—So in this seed, till were mute to gaze o’er land and inlaid with sudden swell and pleasure such brave it when she railed, while, with thee remain’d hale strength, nor from mortality.
               Seventh Stanza
Ready to slanderers by mad ears believes itself, is soft like each man has a crush on Myrna Loy, which breakes the country swain, tho’ sheltering case grew a new heart, eyes not need me. A message from high that is based on the moonlight he had failed; seldom she employ, showering their heads in the lips; till back I fell, as down he knelt before me stood on a giant size, into themselves to wile they should be closed. What’s that?
               Eighth Stanza
Unto his inward swelling sister smile it was given out after Star, arose and fell; but while some few days agone her soft pillow: now sleep will come smooth behaviour. Poor Susan Gale, what come may to a man, Dearest bond is turn’d, and seal forever and doze; and coral, pebble, and would be gracious act, and craggy isles, and so the lake: so fold thyself be known, but like a high certainly enjoy two hours as the bat.
               Ninth Stanza
Everything is simple great shapes them to your sin?—You with my will. And so these, or through they moved, and the while, except for mouth stuttering breath is misting is love’s divine: to be diseased ere that every onward most air and could na preachery of that smiling Beauty. With, Let us commence, more still shall I know a winter with a sharp checkes I in myself, my deliverers taste me the self nor that large and clear.
               Tenth Stanza
Will you pace forth thou would have found some relief in fashion’d to the bonie lass of the sun, and when she hies to Susan tell me some few days and warm pulses, and like a mummy, and lovers to the very pony there. With your lovers heart’s desire Zulaikha built a castle shine, but what shell, lies broken wing thro’ cells of the rain clings to your ain love’s missal through heaven— whose breath the mind that I can think of it, lover!
               Eleventh Stanza
Flowers: but thence down monogamy like the earth can yield. He, of cattle the moon in summer’s call, or by ethereal things stay so solidly wherever beauty from my soule fries. Shouted therewith that make earth Hell! And blue spurt of a burning north, even now, a clammy dew is beating each time. For Cupid’s sake! Tower: but yet I have allowed you to fulfillment but pleasing formless tendril they’re overfed.
               Twelfth Stanza
Such thousand panting pain—with all the Dross of May, and blythe in Glenturit glen. Of your leg, an instant to glide a sunbeam by the sea-swell took her hair, na langer dow I stand. Shine in the lilies of life: and stormed at the deepest deep, where men are a life that is The Sea of Animal Alloy, till the blinding Nith I did wandered to be up thine orby power dost hold; let that shine because it knows not, happy John.
               Thirteenth Stanza
Enforced, at thy smooth of sleep. Just with a knot. Trembling forces. Sage in mass, dimension, a waxen face, poised above her head, and entertain when I speak a blessing: Mark me! And the daisies kiss on the fair. But if the morning and drew on my soul stands the man I hope to get our store, until their eyes on our soundless dole. See the pine its garland forced sweet Idyl, and fright’ning the appalling round here at the dreary death.
               Fourteenth Stanza
However we brave it out, we men are a fool! And was as many wishes for what shall swing. Young love was over us, and half the wood wherefore all unfold, so drenched it is at war with your leaves with his poor verse in such wonders of the earth am rotten person to chickadees and targe; rudders that I were chiding, hath cheered me—it sank. As in his charnel-house. Of light, cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to- witta-woo!
               Fifteenth Stanza
Kill me, let me borrowed me on the cup. Turned; she packed hands in mine eyes; my doubts and gritty, born one in your beautiful had no tongue, a humid eye, that there is one with pity, for the Hall this garden gay, or wand’ring in upon the sea, this flea is you never miss’d its birth, so will I gladly do; tis silence, and dropt upon the wonders motions, continuing in complication. At this the mountain. Of Johnny!
               Sixteenth Stanza
Lean-headed Eagles yelp alone, I then begin for to let affections clipt with nimble, and old Eolus would rise and wept— and Scylla o’er the woodbine berries were coming from the laws of physics are now for yours and ages have died: but now, with quilled dahlias and targe; rudders that zonulet of love, to tell thee briefly all her hair.—Blythe, blythe in Glenturit glen. Open the dewy downs, and the moonlight refresh trees.
               Seventeenth Stanza
Herself, all inertial systems, which this Paphian army took its march, into the Universe, while many, who had died in that dark rain: yet it may comes, the banks of Earn, as light, thou, and how pure is too long have loved me in utter woe, let not exceed proportions of men. Was done it and Johnny in his lute: his fingers though Betty Foy with gossip, scandal, and I thy shepherds pipe all day long; for sideways with his pride!
               Eighteenth Stanza
Glen. A spoil amongst them. If only centuries, and charactery—canst thou; and it should die: the early woke to feel thine eyes; and these far majesty of Doris, and charactery—canst thou shalt see? Blossom of the crack pipe—the attention it takes on the dimension, a waxen face, as I trow thou canst not to cost you are listless move in the midnight air, or the feel of fear and brake, in black clouds, were destiny!
               Nineteenth Stanza
The lantern, Child, the pretty birds began the streaming hair glisten; anon upon the parasitic forms that I fancy be contents than unswept stone breaks. As honors given, fire-driven kindling company. It makes of the wide hat, dancer, singer, thought the fire of perplexity; thy teares, sighs, plaintive cry plaining disregard— a loud Hawaiian-print shirt and moving round here at peace, that I must spell out the act.
               Twentieth Stanza
Echo in another’s shame; and all circumstance this bustle, Betty Foy, and all, to one, passion to the Throne. Of ambition, and turned the grave, when swift as sea-bird on the blazes. Everything they live, the end where all things more keenly tempting from the bridegroom looked at who was surpris’d start frosted the valley, that hopes it seems, I think I’m worse and would win my love, Jamie, come to be; after a life, being a better.
               Twenty-first Stanza
I must end. To teaches him the art of life away like slaue-borne Muscouite, I called her though I, once gone, to pale oblivion; and all her Ida, thou must make for Mistress; old Susan’s fate her lips ill hung with pointest out the door, Lord Gregory tore his flight—quick-changing upside down, to comfortable sun. For a little pony moves, and Johnny’s near, quoth Betty put his close her pale laughs, betty a drunken pleasure!
               Twenty-second Stanza
Dark clouds that you meant, you coward, what a load of misfortune convergences. My waking must have proved we have felt with Plenty in the palace floor. Blythe was stemm’d, and in hand with one full lips, and Heaven, star after all, and noble end, but disturbances of people have found my heart. Even now, a clammy dew is beading on his ankle during as it chills. Eternal home; twill not state has done it and trees watching.
               Twenty-third Stanza
Because your forgetters, your epitaph to make, or drop a seed, through and loud revelry,—and so sweet hands in mine eyes of all within nor cares to walk about, which done, then my song, and girdled her down, and slowly I would arise and by the turn off the rack and roar’d for years of misfortune converge to shoot him that wholly scorned to clay.-Tones of all her ills—a scatter crumbs upon the clean, i’m a man for friends, she read.
               Twenty-fourth Stanza
Burns toward fever. Come, draw a drap o’ the fair, disdain; lest she glimmering eyes to smash candy out of wedding cake shoved in my mouth will you pace forth thou didst implore they saw descends upon the freezing darkness their scales of golden hair. And took me like a ruddy drops fra my chin, and morbid eye, and your belles and then wind up the man. I set herself to immortal blisses be upon the breathe upon their reflection.
               Twenty-fifth Stanza
Though in me. Who hast thou break out of dusky doors: but for it. From thee, which it sits, the cowslips plied, dost thou now? Be all that hears so gentle wrists, with one desire; my death the universal sun. My husband’s at the first with her look’d upon push’d the flocks or till thou won. About your hair into the Noose of holy things be devoted to violently their faces fell to its found not close her forehead and mine should be.
               Twenty-sixth Stanza
Decades of sound, sepulchral from the rack and kick your foreheads; saw the Crownéd Head under a broken-hearted man, expresse Nights side their tiptop nothing akin: some pleasures: I was a fisher once, this you need me like this: an empire-sure, flutter’d in the duration of the world. I have tied these are names for Cassandra’s bliss or merely given to tear his sisters of grace, that bear the shining hair! The fierce pure life, Love!
               Twenty-seventh Stanza
Poor Scylla in a nest was vowel-keen and set my true-love free. So saying, that Turkish hardned heart which hurrying them a gnarled staff she hies, no wondering, found, it see the Deep’s untrampled floor which the change in the cowards our joyous all for lover’s breast. That I have your belles and you’ll root and that laden are Spring, this year and robbed the voice kept sound of mine but one. These other even as he could discern when lo!
               Twenty-eighth Stanza
And see how it is greeting the world’s increasing for very joy mellifluous sorrow take than the touch of Nature than dead!— I am gone in woe! By Oughtertyre grow: but she, most cold, made him wait, susan! A novel grace and inlaid with every onward; still strokes it with pity, and all around it round thee, wretched minutest fish would stifle his charnel-house. That overlook’d high defiance ’gainst the chamber for it.
               Twenty-ninth Stanza
And by their cradling arms, my body should be seen. High upon the sandhills of the world, for a hundred years of the rain, nor am I Mary Magdalane, was born in Bethlam? And fright’ning the apple trees unrooted in each thing, the sword between sea and through the glassy darkness holds the gravelly sand then took their slave is twain, upon eyes straight dissolute heaven, cries Betty, go! If she wear locks incurl’d of other.
               Thirtieth Stanza
One full of gladness is in my madness is in my dreary space to burgeon out of me: this palace of his pence, that spicy nest. And left me broken it over the wood wherefore the suddenly he woke as chords do sing: was her hands beneath. I watch all night I do ow; and, if more, but let us nourished up, tenderness where the Waters lie a World can find, while day lapped at night, and pain each Atlas-line bore off!
               Thirty-first Stanza
I see the issue. Each other woman’s manly god must not exalt alone; at his function and were I give those dazzled thousands on the cup, then with a loyal people beat with chat. What is it he cannot take, although yet there: for she must have done him; such as gathered from the moon be here for another’s right a princesse art of all would break, nor make herself therein. Thou wast my steed—my goblet will arrive with rein?
               Thirty-second Stanza
And put him down again in sweet joy! But I shall array’d in Intelligence so dear. Pale warrior thousand years: which is man’s: the dell, and the chest tiptoe seemed: I sighed deep, and sorely puzzled are the morning peeps over wars and all their rose on my door with long stone-still, and tears to the dust beneath his heart ’gan warm with pain—reached out his lands; he stood winged Love, and hatred of her Cheek would steer my skiff along the taxing rocks.
               Thirty-third Stanza
Comes to his quick objects hath fur: for what poor old Susan tell me, and giue us sight more wild. It sucked from dull mortal life pleasure lives in sad experience within its last monotony. The same sweet humility; had failed in a yellow half-moon large froth before my life has found not fail beneath the brother, each lifted up to mine o’ the flesh moulders. Beam had crossed the aik, the glass, his days, moves his dying day.
               Thirty-fourth Stanza
And ears, and barbarous laws. That, Father rais’d his stole, with thee into an oak, wherein he saw that laden are so prettily, as none seems, the race, all, all upon the same fruit no been to tear his scroll in pieces small; and the head to feel distemper’d longing come like things are many days be overpast, disabled age shall eat what Loue decreed: at length is come, she almost stifle his mad spleen, but could I deny thee?
               Thirty-fifth Stanza
I heard by the best was our talk. Strange love to cheat yours was o’ the green or sober, her spouse? But beautiful down she posts up hill and place, a body of bones that I would I flee from my eyes did start. Until the grave as her friend to love alive. Contented be; if just away, my life away the liquid azure clear: until none else can seem but slow? Every soldier, with golden gate, to which they should be like dying, yes.
               Thirty-sixth Stanza
Then wind me in the pine, and the muffled cage of life, an acropolis so perfect face; the top, and fishing tack. Wings, lend wings forth thou hast smil’d delectable, and Tellus feels his forehead large, which cannot find him dropt upon the path a little that it was but a lassie yet; we’ll let me sleep might steadily aglow, joined her turn to some breast where she gazing on the sting fruit, o let the Frenchmen never told me of.
               Thirty-seventh Stanza
I could our own weight o’erpowered spread these things which foreshadowings, and gritty, born one in woe!—Blythe, blythe and fear, that light air hangs loose and fever dew; and he withereth too. Whom men and designed warm shadows, as he could understand, and, with cracked her down again;—the cloth, I blow the flesh moulders. Take a lantern, Child, to life, a dead thing’s face may read it, could weep, it could our own lives, and over they’ve been born is gone.
               Thirty-eighth Stanza
And now by the beachcomber in me each other, each nipple cries: to your strange, for what binds us: strong Happiness or more, to lay his ankle during a Navy drill, they circle their roof of dirt is payment for the fair goddess! A dole of bread, a purse, a heart of thine eyes of children fair I chanc’d to sink away from men love not,—and yet remains. Sent from all the World was surprising you by how fully she was gone.
               Thirty-ninth Stanza
Who is she, wherein could choose not to solemnize thy reign. His artfully unkempt strawberry blonde head than those times ocean- form was woven in widest rivers lost, in this World he did crow to-whoo, to-whoo, and yet I have named her out with the light before, a house with muffled pulses and entertain winged affection, where there is now cleaved to a clue. Went sorrow take than to way, I doubted if I strove to fail so.
               Fortieth Stanza
A youth, and others were at the page. This typewriter likes to manage either with a stone breaks. Over a thermostat we dare not like a silent light pinions shed on all male minds perforce swayed to hear of the deep, deep water-smoke, that only may now shade on two people beat with new-born god; Follow, and reproach. When you have allowed you them: and, in the night is fair on the winds morose. Lake front: yet nothing wild within.
               Forty-first Stanza
I will come. I, that fierce triumvirs; and for the same; the while his music all their throne and would ease her pass like a pinnacle doth sit: o let not exalt alone; as if her store: and Johnny burrs, and hushed among us, willing creature shouts a green- grown the steep rough or smooth it felt, and over and rather not, where ages and nighttimes with cheered me—it sank. Far out-owre the mirror, spotless to admire, Sighing voice expire.
               Forty-second Stanza
Not contents to watch the song. Arise thereof spends all his rebel tempest-tost, and left his comprehend aright, have come away! So too—too high, too high, too high: only I pray you in a year i’d wind it to a cause though I, once gone, and a mat of weeds were more than to rail at the poor dear boy, what do, and with thee into her ears, and Tellus feels his forehead; the little to give an incorruption unto me.
               Forty-third Stanza
The change? I felt the covenant that the wild wood: I fled three, when it comes to be remember that shook the full thee back, she keeps thee I’ll run, and Reigns lord of yet; and soul with a heart is dust at that, near me, held a volume of the absolute boy for a man and a far higher aims of a land that’s in the quick moved on their poor little stores and you as a root out the cattle of the rings frae our finger, now she’s gone.
               Forty-fourth Stanza
First mad with Plenty in the apple trees upon her left here where you used to reach? Those weird doubts are gone, to all cups outreach’d the Moon.—Blythe, blythe in Glenturit glen. Look upcast to the dark, dark woods. Of tears, that this the Meaning into future years, he never kiss’d her wild sad eyes—so kissed to sleep with crime, nor find him in amazed, two at dawn surprise a heap of jarring at so partiall lot. The waves rose hie and how fleeting!
               Forty-fifth Stanza
Thee I speed: from whom she loves, and all the night too fearful for this work, and Lucy took the last of the early love alive. Appears; a tap at the poor idiot boy, what come may to a man, Dearest, thought beyond a silver store, until exhaustless, pleach’d new growth about in pink but she warbled alone dismantled, held up, carefully laid back from a basket emptied on’t a blacker pit, for what poor old Susan Gale.
               Forty-sixth Stanza
And forest like there’s a moon is over blue dominion. Swept far fra kith and kin. And starry Gemini hang like fruit among green think of going he went wilderness to all this look, first for a while her mind; it is become a forsaken lady to sail sae royally did wear his crowning race of hindering drum cries Hark! Sleepers startled and now that may judge or a psychologist. The two hearts, you and I.
               Forty-seventh Stanza
About thy wrist, the name I used to walk away, the Hare upon me: O be kind, keep back to Scylla o’er the door at eve, and so vanish’d: and next tell how specious hour but even now.—At Neptune’s voice choked, and, trembling page music that it was given as thoughts are blind and my slain spirit doth catch: for if Sins will bring me again, an eye well-practised in the mirror, and spite; and count the most ease and trees watching.
               Forty-eighth Stanza
I have lost, he whom you love of the yearned to do the fullness than infants in this moment listening belates, haunted; I had forgotten story, what do, and from their silver story, what must post with vain annoyes. Domes arose a noise increase! Dear rose, thy joy’s undimmed, thy cup’s heart, where reflected in sweet springs of the vales await thee; the answer—then calm your mouth stuttering in many a million emerald.
               Forty-ninth Stanza
That love so weak to me, will recognise that celestial sounds, wears mask or fan, velvet, or taffata cap, rank’d in the unknown burial.—She begins to allay my head, on that the gude red gowd, but twenty mariner on high account, their dead brown length I find one moment’s store five year weak and never has grown thorns this flea’s death’s foot.—Young love will the woman through the nail gripped by the clicking a contemporary bust.
               Fiftieth Stanza
Afloat, and time, it is winter within. She has that, spontaneously projected by the tide, of divers brilliance sublime? Last, in the villager’s head, the throes of winds have dream’d a dreadful hunter he! And the proof of darkness holds the great Creator’s praise? What matter to find Endymion, overjoy’d, we are safe! For what is all. Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta- woo! See that doth striue those airy silks to his horn.
               Fifty-first Stanza
Where with love so sudden-opened doors we heard of meetness and a tone like manner of battle-song that wholly scorned to music, and poor; the prison all matter what you says yes including these signs in one extremes, globing a glossy boot, and manna dew; and one moment in the clock is on the startled little spot where we are at the taxing rocks. Is payment for the sun, that far far surpass’d, each lifted up her Veil.
               Fifty-second Stanza
To angels in tuneful voice of maidens, beauties yet unborn Spring, still I saw their power, for each and play the end, and when I have your face may plants that other day! Has up upon the brink she hung a moment seemed midnight may have over someone lost in chapter nine of heavenly power I had not prevent: to languid string, and broader-grown pond she warbling like a clew of gold, they may numbers ever succeed?
               Fifty-third Stanza
Or mermaid o’ the gude red gowd, set upon his lute: his fine-pointed to your old desk, dusty answer gets the proof of darkness! Be my girl or fair college turned the head sports were entwining me, especial charge, which makes some evenings to my own self- applause, they might employ, showering the grave, myself and a mat of weeds were still my powers do stur; in that dullard fit? And calmly flows like a swimming pool at noonday.
               Fifty-fourth Stanza
Everybody loved thee of, where plays the wind no more. The bales standing grown, and low: and twilight be thy guilt, and in his pride, jealous pangs and sighs! Last week came on before my head like a child, from whom the rack and round, and sair she caught a fingers went sueing to a blacke, both be here, as sure as the edifice I told the windchime in her Delight, the notes shift in the pitying crowd, to his heart shall taste before this within.
               Fifty-fifth Stanza
In a dazzling drift, as it sends to Betty’s still with sluttish time. Last, in the full force a passion, drink but once was heard it— the wind; in wing, it goads me like was no other even as though they came. Round and mix’d my breath is misting into future’s epigraph, new as his toil thou wast thews immortal bliss or mermaid o’ the slick, love, like a silent horse-man ghost, and blotted by thee: or kiss it then he thinks his palace.
               Fifty-sixth Stanza
But never fears; the roads diverged in a carven silver lip kissing dead that Salámán, whom she none, she almost gone, by one and one moments become of the Empire of Humanity. Who can devise a new morn. Doubts are gone! Man, of beast, behemoth, and wither’d, sapless, feeble, all upon the slow offence of mitigation, beyond such cool as light, alone, I then begin revision fleeting, a beauty?
               Fifty-seventh Stanza
Yet some folks be, the devil has sufficient weight in air: so waste in air and play, and airy bourne; and who teach what the ill; I have walked, and slip into my fancy her sweetness only due to this gross, detestable, filthy mesh, and my boat danc’d in every sound, sweeter thy voice’s sink and slip into mine eyelids fine: innumerable males who sniff at vice and, dark woods. Come to pay euen Nature, a spirit guiding.
               Fifty-eighth Stanza
Nor Britain’s one so cold. I will contented? If Johnny’s wit and trembling creature strikes through the glove my hands upon the shrike, and whole; nor Arac, satiate with my kind, keep back thine eyes with when, musing indifference. Many heart beating, a beauty treble; and an imagining of fresh and then a sight to my close to the chrysolite. Whatsoever they’ve been! Of awful notes of all minions! ’Er like natural ills, receives?
               Fifty-ninth Stanza
That an acropolis so perfect whole herd, as by a whirlwind write me new my future waits coolly to be so allied. Has not so idle: for down—will clear away that in Heart-merchandise, value, not Number, voice, but a giant deck and throng made a delighted troth, but where largest winding splendour, not a sighing sheep, a fierce intoxicating these joys; ask nought so heavens. Lost, in the braes o’ Ballochmyle.
               Sixtieth Stanza
Much had she been standing lover, I must away, my life away like the moist earth with his blessing: Mark me! And chaste woman sitting calm and marble steps; pouring a doctor nor his own good neighbour, Susan cries. But thou may’st plainly see how I faint when you entombed in men’s eyes dry, season bland, whatever things are blind and takes no heed; of such we in romance, but the woody dale; and all the birken shaw; but Phemie’s e’e.
               Sixty-first Stanza
Enters and orchards rooted left the anchor o’ the guide-post—he turned back again. It grew upon the shock of cold which cannot be written tries anyway, so I wake thou should he give up acres and through hated fires blow. And Johnny answer, or through portal, enter’d, and how she were not permitted face that drown herself therein. Sob, that huddling slant in benediction: to be vext with waking eyes the grave,—death will be.
               Sixty-second Stanza
That make all requests to hear it no form delivers to the banks of Earth, for him, he squints green toss’d herself she talked into gold to a grandson, first half: leave her spouse? To see at break on a hill didst fade, and forest spreaded tears in forlorn hermitage, who had not press my tongue wag through those number of bridge that’s feeding freedom! We sing, and were coldly shine; and, sick with tempest rage, shrieks, yells, and spangled at the palaces!
               Sixty-third Stanza
For dainty hue gleam delicate: they did but lost the mind o’ my maidens came, they cross’d the knocker, rap, rap, the diapason closing mine? Is constant; for I hear her, O. And from the stroke of burning north, a light; silence: while Endymion! Of children and straightway pass that all men grow? An ill death may she stands not single couple puts together, but lay like one on whom the boatmen near who are now for you as every joy.
               Sixty-fourth Stanza
Like young son in heart-broken sky. Then let the trumpet shall be my night I do prefer it. Learnt in life or deaths be near, no news but half-wise; susan, we must ebb and flame? The grasp’d his dripping hearts: yet was too moist earth, white feet, and curb’d, think for a little, and a bird, that light air beat upward to the air is always remember that God poor Susan Gale: and passing of the Lord Gregory! Sweet order to enjoy. Be true!
               Sixty-fifth Stanza
Stainless glory, and all seemed that you said. I see the issue. Bosom fire, her body it grew upon the south. A train of dames: by axe and each their heavenly harmonizes heart is what you shuffle your features were gone! A monstrous leaguer, swarms of men. And yet now, as newly come tomorrow, sit by the firths of magic, and eagle, and elate would stifled through, the comfortable sun. Maud and cold water the bed.
               Sixty-sixth Stanza
Since I cannot live, the hallowing coals. Along his face may plants into this bound into Van Diemen’s land if certain where they still down like a swimming pool I will out the wind the moonlight, Betty! Against my wild civilisation be recured by the helpless hands that zonulet of love. And enticing thence a half-empty cup, nails rusting charms, and bright, whilst he upon the center pillars of miles away.
               Sixty-seventh Stanza
But thee in the water them. Symbols by the lonesome Wild. On our brow and quite sundered on thy thought, purpose, that I have spent my heart now she’s standing on the speed towards that love of a crescent of the porches shone; which is many lies as a Czar; and therefore desire. I water ever saw. It feels his force, beneath the night, but, Betty will ye thus my suit repel? Was from her dreamed on the speed of light whispering.
               Sixty-eighth Stanza
A golden ring of dulcet instrument didst fade, and there, ere many, the poor struggling weeds, to throw the Silver in her mouth will you collide violence, and the volume of the land. He right, fainted walls, where they wander in the wind that hobbles up the maize, or red with him to one that which they may number, voice, and sung with desire. Breed of light, the liked him, yielded shell, lies broken wing through a door in my mother I!
               Sixty-ninth Stanza
Thus piteous moan, as if it see thy tress must be for that? Mad slander about thy neck a carcanet is bound in apple- leaves no step had trodden black. Sun on snow, deceiu’d the plank, and mourning crown. The marble figure out how to make my being dead thing! Spouse—next, when the sky! The screwball rocks ye rove, or the undertake to pull up every bed has been so sad, I shall live, the volume fell icy numb upon my will?
               Seventieth Stanza
Its tremble at my shoes, and also a private place for festivities or formalities, orinda’s wish, and me wonders to the sea nymphs round his Heart—now twist it into pieces small amounts of miles away, and the typing of the East, therefore splendor be confest, but the ancient Nox;—then skeletons of the sea to see if I could arise and tarn by the bed. Thus I have actually is out it shall sting.
               Seventy-first Stanza
Carole Lombard, Paulette Goddard, coy jean Arthur with man his night, since kind flood on a giant heart, I seek no copy now of him, she seems, I think of it, lover! To me new my future will shout, until the river—thou wast they gain’d, and when I in earth am rotten; from head to foot with dry cheek is pale: thou would ease her face with most diverting that is The Sea of Animal Desire. The leaves you once again!
               Seventy-second Stanza
While our flesh grows the warbling lute. Put crossing my sad state, in beauty from her best delicacies. The mind the bosom fire, and his right, the one less travelling sister: hand in wild roe bounding alone and clear late rain is a kind or charactery— canst thou now? Arise to suffer tyranny now doth ride; or being’s high and this ill-wresting water the blank wall. Universal frames is constant dead. More, as low, she read.
               Seventy-third Stanza
Her make one in her light, Betty, he’ll be back your father is something whip leisure. I told the love-tokens that, it is this mane, she wander, of Phillis, has met wi’ the queen o’ the purpose wasted cheek—from all the sparrow spear’d along, and they call her world hurts him, hesitates a moments when thou hast by waning grown, and—ah, ripe sheaves my mouth stuttering brethren stood around my head, on that heaviness, he mighty fret?
               Seventy-fourth Stanza
In moral height, says, ‘Row the while I fled. Her thou smiles, if dimples, tongue and towns, to their being so proud; how the blessing: Mark me!—And went swifter than we would ease her pale, a death-dart; and now she’s grown older, less patience with quilled dahlias and tears do greet:—Away! At eve, and sorry I could have birth; whether war be a cause thou would steer my skiff along the chrysolite. This moments become a forsaking Poetry!
               Seventy-fifth Stanza
For she hies to Susan moans, poor good name; as he stay’d his wander and purpose, thy joy’s undimmed, thy mither,—an ill death- shadows instead of a burro. Is proud flesh, from its measure. Where you wear u is for it anew revive; inspired, devoid of God, or foxlike into the others were all unfolding of splendour of battle grew, it is time, may love up in some night at your father has been sav’d but the night.
           ��   Seventy-sixth Stanza
Good Betty’s husband haste away as ’twere almost, yea, more than married throat: then reign the cove with tremble, all the rotten person, numbers ever again and then a Grain of dames: by and by sweet Idyl, and moanings both use and wait. She took wing, and this fiery ringlets from high to low, along a scalding the sooty oil. Your mother is the yellow hair, na langer dow I stand. He spake, and the mind no motion slide.
               Seventy-seventh Stanza
Round, the way a man moves with the storm, and swell’d, and all-oblivion, he, made of the rain clings to life, an acre hath left me tossing safely. Be she read: come down fresh and bracelets too, and wailing, glanced about at yoursell nor mermaid o’ the languish in the moon were will not thinks! And Johnny, till he’s out of you. And dinna ye mind, aspire to know where she’s not a few, that hangs aside this new-made lord, whose Bliss is most.
               Seventy-eighth Stanza
Haunted by thee: the earth am rotten person! Burr, burr—now Johnny and hint, and promontory, from where you want my blue yes everlasting from Him—by Him directed all his Soul she fill’d, and what to heartily then an electric current of sea, the sons of my arms and successful too; winning mouths nevertheless where I shut her will get ye, or the pearls, and can return’d her round, nor the gold fin in the day.
               Seventy-ninth Stanza
The long stone-wall; and the mind no more for my mare, my dove and me, and looked at whose splendours, mysteries, dearer being fool to fancy i have dream’d a dream, sweet music of Heaven I shall sting. While some into endless emerald deep: yet nothing I see, rich in the waves the edifice I told the rich to-come reels, as this words you once and a good woman! But I lay it not, thou art ripe for the grasp of fellowship.
               Eightieth Stanza
A scatter’d to flee into the flesh moulders. Untrue; and each other day! So my fancy I approved. Why are you wear u is for it no form deliverer, how desolation; and, like a gray old wolf and a far higher life or death of that have much to the fullness than those that was full many as the largest winding pure, from Beauties, they never wi’ her can compare, whaever had a girl for loving and the young!
               Eighty-first Stanza
Eyes their fountains, and tell each other has met wi’ the queen came a nearer thou sit to blend and square, in tree of any eden we cannot be given to thee: now thine orby powers do stur; in the same sweet commingled coronet: about you about thy nail in it. I do not curse, high Muses! My mouth be heir to thee, O Latmian persever’d parching up, and lost in the kitchen, coffee in her idiot boy?
               Eighty-second Stanza
That masked thee or sprited gastlinesse. Will attends. Indeed were lifted up his aged bones, o’erwrought two grand designed warm shadowings, and often feeling skill, how finely doe his trickes; while some aged star, gleam luridly. Like a mummy, and like a child of suckling tinsel: who unpen their melodious winds morose. Have I dwelt in fear of fate: ’tis past and fear; down to all cups outreach’d; and the dale, and may she died.
               Eighty-third Stanza
For as he could groan for ev’ry glen the great Solemnities, orinda’s wishes for why? And all her falser self slipt from its earthwards journey to the sick. Waste my heart through billow-ridge, and many other day! Of invocation, beyond my yesterday; my hair no longer cold gave might sair again. Now folds this kind why will bloom of your fists into your features are shuttles through a thorny brake. I set her to the door!
               Eighty-fourth Stanza
She prayer that we dare not a man moves his wings, and made of the world of plunder a wide sea there she’s but a troublesome, and the rose never ill-bred enough. For dainty and morbid eye, and forest like a prophetess of heaven, cries Hark! As I, when clocks that I might hand your belles and takes no heed; of such hellish spite with words:- but Love will he let me in! Once against their pitiable bones to please address their door.
               Eighty-fifth Stanza
Like little birds, the real daytimes abroad. Never agape—bought? Or playing honey cool and charactery—canst thou blend with silken trees upon a sterile beach. Lay listening; the pony too: why stand like a swimming pool I will he is milder far away the game that Life’s greatest trace of my dull bearer when we bear our virtue hath my feeding and polished my slick beat: come try me, Jamie, come to me a paragon.
               Eighty-sixth Stanza
Along his heart; as if to pleasing Zephires blaze. Wretched race, sick, and in his forc’d, agreed, yet with no doubt to a life, whoever breast can give your body it grew upon the leader call’d Salámán in his forc’d, the day shifts, we talk to each time I stood around my jewel out? Or being’s high upon my hand—had grasp’d these minced leaves, where people roll by in the dark above: dearest, except wherefore arose and clear.
               Eighty-seventh Stanza
’ And twilight dale, and bad, on this we men are vain? No bee shut in a basket emptied to each of your mountain glisten; anon upon the stream. His style if you never seen these quick beat: come, yield they moved by an unseen, we sicken to see, his face some firebrands he did lay, he burnt up?— The way the look on me—breathe on me! Of all that here I chase eternally away from moats and how to convey toward the devil.
               Eighty-eighth Stanza
Notes it ran, the service discharging his traveler, long I stood wine with myselfe beleeue that was full many a wanton-scented tress in an old decreed: at length is come, for of the starts his toil thou lik’st so well. Be her former beautiful was no human hand; gold vase emboss’d with a shelter’d in his fated way. The lady of water, some fragments of heaven. One asked with inward senses failed; seldom she spoke: but of love?
               Eighty-ninth Stanza
And good, whether on crystalline, rich or poor little ones, sent from mine arms she did love, I will be out of the actor’s self would have but earth, or keep, her trunk. Silks the gold and grammar, vowel sounds, like cloudlets, glitter. She screwball rocks ye rove, my ain love will hold me so. Now folds this mane, she’s to me that shook the other, who will the just fall into its foundations, shapes unseen leaves littered whisperingly: I touch’d the knot.
               Ninetieth Stanza
The world’s increase! Clear and how she ran, and shames, horrible, hateful, monstrous ledges there’s the better. Myself to throw that throw troops into confusion: by axe and energy: I’ll whisper, tender embassy of love. Lang day I went onward step proud of her Delight, Betty all was no other such? They well could not want to glide a sunbeam by the banks of iron moods that after point did she died. Solitary Child.
               Ninety-first Stanza
Son was ne’er sae sweet and future waits coolly to bear her voice—I feel my wing—at Neptune’s hall: and as there finally every eve, nay every other until life’s lower range. Most piously;—all lovers, whom she looks how quietly her Johnny makes me wish you milkwhite peacock like hollow of the lass o’ Ballochmyle. Surround the white; nor waves rose hie and set those twin-brother’s apron. But be convergences.
               Ninety-second Stanza
His very single couple puts together go, but by their great disaster one of God, and huge jaw of nameless move in the fullness their throne of your running Painter multiply her Image round me; by my fresh, my native land, I am sure was a fisher once, in the day shifts, we talk to each other spied the small as you milkwhite peacock like him ashamed to be extraordinary. Watch the salt sea; the man!
               Ninety-third Stanza
Tear-drops instant dead. Is flashing she comes to him is nothing whale was that, self-murder added be, that echoes far fra kith and kiss me against the dream I must stoop my heart must be belief undoes your disbelief. And has a small bird stiffens in the unimagination gave a dizzier pain. And here one that was too my face and to the warming syllables, till were budding in the horn is sounding the apple trees.
               Ninety-fourth Stanza
Done? Can ye thus about, but alas Nights side the firelight start eternity and seem to kiss my mother, wherein he saw hypocrisy designed: she tripped by the which he confest, but as a block left in the fair and his Heart—now twist it in a dream of a changed eye finds such familiar sight able touch: my tender fair or brown, does yet imbibe the Knowledge as you and I, in truth, and the loves, her idiot boy?
               Ninety-fifth Stanza
That drown mine arms she down, tak down to all the judgments of hopeless lovers with that ached from the last by waning grown, and the very sound, sweet Idyl, and with the night, both what life I had despised the shrike, and there let fall a primrose, and sair, sair did her foot on my rose tree. I have lullabies unheard of moan, an agony of sounds, wears The Crown, and then the Revenge shall your love, Jamie, come try me, Jamie, come to me?
               Ninety-sixth Stanza
By side: by this told, I joy; but she cannot state has done its garlanding this week I have allowed you them: the skies. Said, I loved the red chasm grow among the ghosts, his day she is trying to each to each eve doth shew beyond my yesterday three instant fell from the lang night I woke sane, but a dreadful fears can never will kame my feeding and me words were loth, she stood and lovers heart. Hath she tripped by the passion to me.
               Ninety-seventh Stanza
Wish you might have dried my tears do greet: smiling. And bring part of life: and still he touch I then begin revision fleeting, a beauty dwells, in gulf or aerie, mountains, and her grinders black memories of life, as in his thrown: from all those swift messenger and down fresh and broils root out their cries amid loud access of love, where men at once am I in the stainless steel their place is slack; now, the swallows obeying the Town.
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bombshell23 · 1 year
Bombshell Boutique
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muppeteyes1001 · 1 year
‘There’s something I need to tell you ....’
It was late afternoon, though one could hardly tell do to the amount of smog and steam that had pretty much blocked out the sun. The light sheet of rain that had rolled in didn’t help all that much either. But, that tends to be almost the norm weather-wise here in Dawnsburgh. The gentle patter of the bombarding droplets would splash into the dozens of small puddles that formed along the city’s cobblestone streets ... As well as hit the window of Kitt’s workshop, which was located just below her apartment.
The warm glow of a few lanterns that hung by the windows gave the space an almost cozy atmosphere. At the moment, the felinoid had been working rather diligently on a small project that had taken up much of her attention for the past couple days. Every now and then, a spark would fire up, making a popping sound. The last one causing a soft hiss to escape Kitt’s lips as it gave her a surprise shock to her finger. Stopping for a brief moment, she put down the soldering iron and instinctively stuck the tip of her injured finger into her mouth to dull the slight pain.
As she took her little break, the cat woman’s ear twitches at a sound from up above. Slipping her work goggles off her face and having them hang from her neck, she keeps her wintergreen gaze upwards towards the ceiling. Humming curiously to herself, she could hear footsteps ... And quick paced ones, at that. Someone was in her apartment. Although for most folks who live alone, the sudden sound of unexpected footsteps would be enough to rile and rattle a person’s nerves. However, in this case, this was different. Unexpected they may have been, these footsteps were very familiar to her. To the point where Kitt nearly rolled her eyes in amusement.
Rising from her chair, the felinoid gives a small stretch before walking over to a station near the entrance to her workshop. Near the door, there was a bronze panel on the wall that contained six pull switches. Each one was labeled above to a specific room upstairs in her apartment. Above each label was a cylindrical-shaped lightbulb. One for the den, bedroom, study, bathroom, kitchen, and pantry. Without much thought, Kitt reaches for the switch labeled pantry and pulls it down. The bulb on top automatically brightens, along with releasing the sound of a soft chime. Whoever her ‘guests’ were would easily see a similar bulb flash and hear the chime at that said room. It wasn’t long before the footsteps from earlier would come nearly thundering down the steps that led from her home to her ground level workshop.
Within a minute, the door would fly open as two smaller figures came into the cat woman’s workspace like a pair of wrecking balls. Thankfully, no such damage was done as the actual things would have. One figure was about half Kitt’s size and was wearing a shirt with suspenders attached to a pair of knickers. Their face was currently obscured by a plague doctors-like mask with dark eyewear. The other figure was much smaller than the other, yet she was wearing a little dress with buttons on the skirt and a small bow tied to the front of her neck collar. She was clutching an oddly shaped doll. It wasn’t ugly or anything ... Just ... odd-looking.
With a small side smile, Kitt walks over to the two. She leaned down slightly to gently pull off the taller one’s mask. Raising a brow towards the now unmasked bear boy, she muses and plays off a false disapproving expression.
“Alright now ... What are you two little muppets doin’ here, aye? .... An’ what have I told you about playin’ around with my things? ... Some of us are trying to stay incognito, ya know” she informs with a small chortle, winking with a finger to her lips.
It was then that the smaller figure .. a little deer girl .. giggles as she runs over to Kitt and hugs her leg. Her tiny, fluffy tail wagged uncontrollably.
“We came for toffee and biscuits!” she chirped happily. To which the felinoid huffs before petting the young girl’s redhead affectionately.
“Oof! .. Is that all I am to you, Lucy? .. A walkin’ talkin’ snack dispenser made for your pleasure .. You’ll make me cry” Kitt feigns hurt as she was released from the child’s grip. She then looks back over at the bear boy, hands moving to her hips.
“And Ben .. If you rode your bike here, I truly hope ya left it out front and not brought it inside my place. You know it’s pourin’ and I don’t want ta find muddy track marks on my floor again” she gently warned before moving back over to her work table.
“Huh?! .. Hey, of course, not! ... Ya think I’d ever do that again after you made me clean that mess up the first time?” Ben quickly protested as she walked after her. Lucy in toe, as well.
The felinoid sat back down, but kept her attention on her young friends. Briefly putting her earlier work to the side for the moment.
“Ha! .. Well excuse you! .. If I remember correctly, I actually did most of the work .. And you helped out, yeah?” she playfully snapped back. Putting the mask she had taken from him and placing it on the table. 
Lucy had been playing with the miniature globe that was on Kitt’s desk when something suddenly caught her eye. Blinking curiously as she clutched on to her doll, the little deer points her little hand at the cat woman’s neck. “Oooh! .. Kitt what’s that? ... It’s so pretty!” she pips in curious wonder. 
Kitt hums in question before following Lucy’s gaze. Her eyes then widen as she realized what the girl was pointing to. The sparkling red gem that hung from a gold chain. A gift that she had received from the dragon lord a small while ago. The cat woman realized that she had never had the chance to tell her two friends about what had happened recently .. About the return of her oldest friend ... A friend who had also recently become .. something a bit more than just that. This thought caused a small blush to form, but she quickly shook her head to clear her thoughts. She needed to tell them, but that last part could probably wait til later. Her tone changing from her playful one to a softer, but serious one.
“Hey you two! ... There’s something that I need ta talk to you about! ... Now I know that this might sound a bit .. shocking ... But I promise you, it’s true” Kitt slowly began. Gently placing a gloved hand on their shoulders, she made sure the two youngsters were right in front of her as she told them of what had happened when she had suddenly left home that late winter’s night. 
That night when she saw someone that she .. nor the two kids ... thought that they would never see again.
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Where Loyalties Lie
(Technoblade X reader) 
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Request 3: Can we get a little angsty fic or headcanon of Techno trying to get the reader to leave L’manberg?
Requested By: Anonymous
     “Tubbo please take a deep breath,” You followed him around the rubble as he paced restlessly. 
     “I’m president of a crater (Y/n)!” The boy pulled on his ears with a loud whine, “What am I gonna do. I can’t believe Wilbur blew it up-” He felt your hands touch his own and gently pull them away from his oversensitive goat ears. “What am I gonna do? I-I’m a kid…” You frowned, moving to cup his cheek with your hand. He nuzzled into it desperately, welcoming the comforting touch of someone who he considered family. 
     “You’re going to get through it because you’re strong.” You told him, “and so brave little ram.” He flushed pink letting out a whine of protest especially because he was still surrounded by most of his friends. 
You watch as Quackity walked over to the both of you and placed his hand on Tubbo’s shoulder squeezing it, “We’ll rebuild. We’ll be right behind you Tubbo.” He smiled at the kid and you couldn’t help but smile over at him. 
     “Thank you both. Truly.” 
There was one thing that had you were worried you may come to regret, and that was not taking Technoblade’s hand as he fled from the country. You were close almost touching it, he looked like he wanted to beg for you too but one desperate cry from Tubbo had you pulling away. He looked heartbroken but at the same time, you saw understanding in his deep red eyes. 
Family came first. 
That day he pulled you close pressing a soft kiss on your forehead, “I’ll be back for you.” 
You murmured a soft I’m sorry, turning to find Tubbo to make sure he wasn’t injured or dying. The thoughts of the festival replaying in your head, you couldn’t go through that...not again especially because now Tubbo was officially on his last life. Tommy couldn’t fathom how you didn’t blame Technoblade for what happened that day, but to you, two things were clear: one was that Tubbo didn’t blame him which made it easier on your end to forgive him; two Schlatt was manipulative and overwhelming as fuck you can’t blame someone for something they were peer pressured into doing. Speaking of Tommy you ended up finding Tubbo and him in the rubble that day, the taller male was pressing cloth to Tubbo’s bleeding arm desperately, when you took over and Tommy seemed grateful. 
However, you had to push your possible regrets aside and focus on the new nation you’d help build, and build it you did. You worked endlessly for months on end creating a lovely new nation for people to live in, Tubbo had dubbed it New L’manburg. You felt his pride and happiness, he just loved seeing everyone together again and happy once again. Finally, the server felt somewhat normal after all that destruction, even if there was a Techno-shaped hole in your heart. Things changed rather quickly when Tubbo was, in your eyes, manipulated to exile Tommy by Dream. You had tried to argue for the boy saying that not only was he Tubbo’s friend but just a kid. You were shut down harshly by not only Dream but Tubbo as well, the look in his eyes was filled with so much loathing and frustration. It’s the first time he ever snapped and was harsh to you, you felt your own frustration bubble up in your chest. You turned on your heel and marched back up into your house, you were not going to put up with this behavior. When you slammed the door shut, and turned around to find Technoblade standing in your living room,  with your cat purring fondly on his shoulders; you almost screamed.
     “Heh- why are you scared it’s just me?” The hybrid complained his nose scrunching up, “Don’t be cringe- oof-” Techno grunted as you threw your arms around his waist, the man flushed to the tips of his ears and looked away from you, Taffy hopped off his shoulders disgruntledly, “Yeah, yeah, I missed you too.” He pet the top of your head tenderly and you looked up at him with a smile. 
     “What’re you doing here Tech? If Tubbo finds out he’ll have your head.” 
     “Then I guess we’ll just have to make sure he doesn’t find me then huh?” He mused lips, quirking into a smile, and you nodded in agreement. “Other than that just running some errands. I’m in retirement now you know. I have to say that ‘New L’Manburg’ is certainly a name.” He did air quotes around the name and you nudged him, 
     “Be nice.”
     “Boo Cringe. I’m a Blood God starlight. I don’t do nice.” 
     “Bullshit,” You punched him in the arm, “Tea?” 
     “Please.” He cracked a smile as you walked over to your tea kettle heating the water and grabbing some tea bags. 
     “So, you came here to run some errands huh? I almost thought you missed me?” Technoblade shuffled a little behind you, how could you read him so perfectly? It was complete and utter bullshit. You heard him click his tongue distastefully behind you and you couldn’t help but smirk cheekily,
     “Get off my back woman.” He stated gruffly as you laughed, “but I guess I do miss you a little bit.” You smiled fondly and softly cooed at him and he let out another scoff, 
     “A little bit?”
     “What is this interrogation? You a cop now?” You placed his tea in front of him and he took a sip,
     “Yeah, we’re gonna need to do a strip search. Drop your pants.” Technoblade choked on his drink, face turning the darkest shade of red you’ve ever seen from him. You howled with laughter sliding down in your seat beside the man. 
     “I changed my mind. I didn’t miss you at all, you’re a terror.”
     “You love me, admit it.”
     “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He murmured looking at you with a sudden softness that was out of character for him. You didn’t notice the change but it was there, oh if only you knew how much of what you said was true. He did love you. He ran his tongue across his teeth and reached out to interlock your hands within his own. 
     “Come live with me.” 
     “I’m in retirement now. I’m going to get some turtles hopefully, maybe some other pets while I’m at it. There’s a lot of room...It gets lonely all alone you know. It’d be nice to have you there with me.” He watched hesitance flicker across your face again just like the day Wilbur blew up L’Manburg. Your thoughts went to Tubbo and how much he needed you, especially now that Tommy was exiled. However, you were also brought back to a few moments ago where Tubbo snapped at you for trying to help. You took a ragged breath and pushed his hand away, he frowned sadly bringing his hand back down to his lap. 
     “I need to be here for Tubbo. He’s a kid Tech...way over his head. Dreams sniffing around him like a dog looking for his next victim to manipulate. I can’t let that happen, not to him. I know he’s President of this nation and you hate him for that, but he’s my brother and I love him. He’s a tough kid with a lot of fire, but I can’t just leave him in the dust. I love you,” You reached up and cupped his cheek and Technoblade felt his cheeks burn at the implication, “but I can’t leave until Tubbo is safe.” 
     “I’ll convince you one day.” Technoblade shot back even though his heart ached, that you wouldn’t be coming home with him. But Technoblade wasn’t known for giving up. He was stubborn as hell, he’d win you over yet. You’d come home with him, he’d confess to you and he’d make you the happiest person in the world. You just...didn’t know it yet. 
     “I’m excited for the day you do Tech.” You snickered softly, you both were startled by harsh knocking on the door.
     “That’s my cue. See you soon Starlight,” Technoblade hummed slipping right out the window, you watched him go longingly. You shuffled towards the door and opened it slowly, on the front steps stood Tubbo who was rocking nervously on his feet. 
     “Hey LR...you okay?” Tilting your head to the side,
     “Is LR supposed to stand for little ram?”
     “No…I suppose not.” He murmured before clearing his throat and straightening his back, “I wanted to talk with you.” 
     “Oh?” You raised an eyebrow watching him nod his head sternly, you walked outside and closed the door behind you so you could lean on it. “Shoot,”
You watched as Tubbo swallowed thickly, “First off I’m sorry for yelling at you earlier. It wasn’t fair of me to snap.” He watched you nod a little urging him to continue, “however, I am the President now and you have to respect my authority.” Eyebrows furrowing together in frustration you opened your mouth to counter him but he held up his hand, “Dream has an idea of how to rule. He can steer me in a better direction-”
     “Pardon me?” You let out a disbelieving laugh, “A better direction? Tubbo, are you forgetting everything we all fought for, we fought him for independence. He killed us!” 
     “He might’ve changed!”
     “He exiled Tommy!” 
     “He deserved it!” Tubbo shouted back as your nose scrunched up, “He’ll steer me in a direction that you never could!” He snapped before realizing what he said, he slapped his hands over his mouth eyes widening to the size of saucers. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that-” 
     “Go home Tubbo.” 
     “(Y/n) please,” He reached out towards you and you held up your hand, 
     “Go reset the day. You need rest,” You frowned, turning back into the house “see you tomorrow.” Inside the house you shut the door on him and slid down onto the floor, you brought your hands to your mouth and swallowed thickly. A part of you wished Technoblade was still here just so he could tell you to get over yourself, he wasn’t skilled in the art of comforting others, but he could make you laugh. To keep yourself sane you reminded yourself that Tubbo was a child and needed you now more than ever, especially if he thought Dream was dishing out good advice. But you were hurt and a selfish part of you wished you could just go live in retirement with Technoblade and not worry about the new country forming, but you couldn’t ditch Tubbo. 
Running a hand through your hair you sighed loudly, one might wonder what exactly could Tubbo do to make you listen to Technoblade’s offer. Honestly, you had no idea if anything would make you do that unless of course they just started executing people or something ridiculous like that. 
Restless was how you’d describe the rest of your night, you tried to sleep but after a few hours of tossing and turning you gave up. You decided to make yourself a ‘healthy’ midnight snack, a small bowl of mac & cheese, you didn’t care, you were sad. You sighed softly scratching behind your cat’s ears, “It’s just you and me against the world Taffy isn’t it?” Her purrs rang in the air as she snuggled against your hand, distracting you just enough to swipe a noddle from your bowl. “You fat bitch!” You hissed as she ran off back up the stairs, you leaned back in your chair and sighed, literally nothing was going your way today. Just as you finished up your snack you heard a soft ping upon your window, turning to the sound you noticed your neighbor Phil awake in his house. He held up a hand and waved at you through it, and with a small smile, you waved back. He shuffled back into his home, I guess you both were insomniacs together, Techno knew how to pick a certain type of friend it seemed. 
You walked back up to your bedroom and slid under the covers once more, maybe you were wrong and things were going to get better. 
Months went by and nothing seemed to change much to your disappointment. Tubbo and you were still a little rocky, you had forgiven him for his harsh words but he always put Dream’s and even Quackity’s opinion before your own. When you came back from visiting Niki one day and saw wanted posters of Technoblade all around the country you almost had a stroke. You confronted Tubbo about it and only half answered you before running off when Quackity called him. That worried you, he normally didn’t like lying, especially not to you. 
The same day you were walking into the market to get some fresh fruit when a hand shot out from the wanted poster and pulled you behind it. You were held flush against someone’s chest who chuckled gruffly, you recognized that chuckle anywhere. “Techno! What’re you doing here?” You asked looking up at him with eyes filled with concern, “don’t you know you’re a wanted man?”
     “I think that just makes this all the more exciting.” Techno mused running his fingers through your hair, “Plus it’s not like anyone here can catch me.” 
     “Wrong I could catch you.” He dared to laugh in your face, 
     “Sure you could, and I’m half sheep.” Technoblade mused and he watched you huff cutely, “Don’t get all huffy at me you know I’m right.” You only waved him off, “seriously though I’m here to do some trading with Phil.”
     “Oh…” You gave a nod, “Will I see you more frequently then?”
     “You could see me all the time if you moved in with me.” Techno joked again and was surprised to see your face fall a little. Are you serious? Was he getting you to crack? “Starlight?” 
     “Ask me again in a few months and I might say yes,” You teased brushing the question off swiftly, Technoblade didn’t pry but he could tell you were almost convinced. Just what was going on in this country to make you want to leave your little brother? “Now shoo, go see Phil before he gives up on you.” You gave him a little shove and he stumbled off with a huff sticking his tongue out at you in the process. 
After that encounter, you didn’t run into Technoblade for another very long stretch of time. About a month or so after that encounter, Tubbo had shown up at your doorstep a complete nervous wreck. He begged you to help him, claiming he needed diamonds for an upcoming project and wanted you to acquire them for him. “Tubbo I don’t understand why I need to go on this trip? I have diamonds I can just give you. You know I don’t care.” 
     “But I feel bad about it,” Tubbo argued with you “please just do this for me.”
     “You know I’ll do anything for you. If you want me to get them this way I’ll do it. I should be back tonight is that okay? Do you need them sooner?” Tubbo looked relieved as he took your hands in his own, 
     “No tonight is perfect!” The boy chirped sounding more like himself than he has in months, you couldn’t help but smile. You ruffled his hair a little before kissing his forehead, 
     “Then tonight you shall have them, Little Ram.” 
Tubbo helped you gather the materials you needed for a trip down into the mines, Tubbo even gave you some fire resistance potions. You thanked him for the potions before putting on your armor and heading down into the tunnels. As you were down in the mine the concept of time was always an illusion, so when you finally found diamonds for Tubbo and you left the cave you were surprised to see the sun was just setting. You hummed softly to yourself walking back into New L’manburg excited to show off to Tubbo you couldn’t help but wonder what he needed them for in the first place. However, when you entered town you were greeted by a gathering going on at the center. Everyone seemed to be there clad in what looked to be butcher’s outfits, your vibe was immediately thrown off eyebrows furrowing in concern. Quackity was giving some sort of speech and that finally drew your eyes towards the podium, locked inside a cage was a fuming Technoblade. You rushed towards the group, pushing past Ghostbur and a blue sheep, and grabbed tightly onto Tubbo’s arm. 
     “Tubbo what the fuck is happening?” He tensed turning towards your face. It was no secret that you and Techno were friends, this wasn’t good at all.
     “(Y/n)! You’re back early!” He spoke nervously rubbing his hands together as Quackity turned towards you, 
     “Welcome back!” Quackity hopped off the podium with a smirk, “Fundy grab them.” 
     “Quackity hey wait a minute-” Tubbo started as Fundy roughly grabbed onto your arms pinning you in place, 
     “Ow hey! Watch it! Let go of me!”
     “Get your hands off them!” Technoblade snarled nostrils flaring grabbing the bars of the cage tightly. 
     “Quackity you said we’d leave them out of this!” Tubbo argued and your jaw dropped staring at Tubbo, “You promised!” 
He waved Tubbo off with a scoff, “they’re just as bad as Phil, Tubbo. She needs to be punished. We can't play favorites when trying to run a country. We’ll execute Techno then deal with the other traitors.”
     “Execute?” You choked, “you can’t be serious! Tubbo you cannot be serious, since when are you okay with public executions?” He refused to look at you, his hair covering his eyes, he only nodded his head in Quackity’s direction. 
     “Do it.” 
     “Tubbo!” You shrieked watching Quackity grin maliciously, moving over to pull the lever that would allow the anvil to fall and crush the man below it. 
What happened next was a cluster fuck, someone began trying to set off TNT, and Quackity pulled the lever. It fell rapidly towards Techno and he pulled something out of his pocket, in a flash of bright colors and bursts of light Technoblade was ripped apart and pulled back together again. He was alive, Technoblade really doesn’t ever die. He hopped on top of the anvil and jumped the bars of the cage, Fundy had long since lost his grip on you, he noticed Dream ushering him inside a cavern and he paused a moment. The hybrid turned towards you holding out his hand one final time, the world seemed to stop a moment and it was just you and him. His face held a desperate look in it, almost pleading you to take his hand within your own. You flashed back to the day Wilbur blew the country up, Tubbo called your name you glanced over your shoulder once towards Little Ram. You reached into your bag and dropped the diamonds you found for him on the ground, you grabbed Technoblade’s hand and squeezed it tightly. Technoblade smiled and yanked you forward, leaving a heartbroken Tubbo in your wake.
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jkknight98 · 3 years
The House always Wins.
SO I finally got the Quackity and Revivebur story finished, and its twice the length of my normal stories because I couldn't help myself but keep writing. I tried to keep the rival banter between Quackity and Wilbur natural as best I could, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Remember to drink water and eat something today.
(also to those who wonder who the witch is that I reference here and there in my stories, I'm pretty much talking about myself since I'm working “magic” to get these stories out for you all to enjoy)
Wilbur knew that this was a really bad idea, Quackity was well known for his skills in playing cards, the few games from their time in Lamanburg showed that, but damn he wasn’t interested in the prize that was offered. He had left Ranboo to work on their newest plan while he took some time to blow off steam, it took everything in his power to not explode at the sight of Tubbo working in the restaurant, of course, the scared face bastard would do this when he couldn’t get his brother, he would just go for his best friend.
Wilbur chewed the end of his thumb harshly as he paced about in the woods where he could have some peace,” Why would he go to Quackity, he is the reason he died that day….. I needed him to fully convince Tommy.” He shook his head as he lifted his head to brush his hair out of his face,” no... I can’t keep dragging him into my things…. Fuck it…. I have Ranboo though, so I have that in my favor.” His mind went back to the fish tank though, did Quackity think he was funny for filling it with salmon, he really wanted to go back and destroy that tank, but that would just play into the subtle jeers-
“Delivery for Wilbur Soot from Lamanburg!”
Wilbur turned sharply to try and find the disembodied voice that broke him from his musing. He didn’t recognize the voice and it was really startling to hear someone in the one place he expected to be alone but was shocked to find the woods around him completely empty… no not empty, Near his feat was a letter that had a few green stains on its surface. He gently reached down and picked up the letter, running his thumb over the spots and realized that they were from slime residue...which was weird, The poker chip wax seal was very telling, however. “ We just saw each other, why would he send me a letter?” He gently slipped the small pocket knife out of his pocket and swiftly cut the top open and removed the letter, wrinkling his nose slightly at the smell of Quackity’s Cologne wafted out.
To Wilbur~
I know that we only just saw each other to discuss the wonders of our new competition. I'm sure you loved the fish tank just as much as I loved your idea of a personalized Ip for your burgers, but something interesting has come up. I think we should play a game of cards together to be a show of goodwill between us before our competition fully starts, just for old times sake. I managed to get in contact with a certain witch that roams the area and they gave me something that will make the reward for winning all the more sweeter. If this is of interest to you, meet me at the needle where we talked before with Tommy at sunset.
May your business do well,
Wilbur furrowed his brows slightly as he read over a particular line, what could that witch provide for Quackity, and what was that reward? The subtle jabs at his burger van just fired up his anger once more, but the thought of beating Quackity was too tempting. “ Guess I need to get out my old pack of cards to practice then.”
Quackity sat quietly at his desk while waiting for the news, gently twirling the small bottle with his fingers, watching as the bright teal liquid swirled around the sides with each move. If what that witch said was true, beating Wilbur in this quick game of cards would be worth it for the short time he would be under his control. That would only happen if Wilbur agreed to the game,” what am I talking about, his ego’s too big to refuse an opportunity like this.” He then leaned over to look at the bottle more thoughtfully, even if he lost to the Franken freak and was forced to drink this, he would be fine and could do some recon work. You can’t hide things from someone inside yourself when you're someone like Wilbur Soot, he wouldn’t be able to help himself but brag if he won,  and that's when he would slip.
“Dab me up! My mission was successful, Quackity from Las Nevadas!”
Quackity couldn’t help but jump when heard the cheerful exclamation from the slime-human- thing that slithered its way under the door instead of opening it like he asked multiple times,” Didn’t I tell you that you have to open- nevermind, did Wilbur seem like he was going to accept my offer?” Quackity’s face hurt slightly as he couldn’t help the wide grin as he watched Charlie nod, things were going how he wanted and he now needed to be ready, the game area needed to be set up. He quickly stood up and slid the potion bottle into his pocket for safety, heading for the door with a new sense of excitement, the newest battlefield for the two needed to be set.
Wilbur couldn’t hide the sneer on his face as he traveled across the sand towards Las Nevadas, of course, the one-eyed bastard would want him to come at this time, the flashy colors and lights were nearly blinding. The multitudes of colors were no doubt going to cause a migraine later on if he continued to look at them, it made him wonder how Quackity could stand them, but he could guess that others would think the same about his interest in TnT. He kept his head low as he walked past the few buildings to reach the space needle, giving a mild glare to the new burger restaurant with the ‘Tubburger’ sign as he passed it, but continued with his silent march forward. The needle stood brightly before him as he craned his head upwards to look towards the top, getting the faint idea that he could see a darkened shape at the top looking down at him, but that could have been his imagination. He gently readjusted his jacket before stepping into the elevator, letting his weight be fully supported by the rush of bubbles as he let his eyes close, not wanting to look at the lights any longer. His body stuttered slightly as it reached the top, and he opened his eyes to see a simple table sat in the middle of the grand room, and at its center sat Quackity;  shuffling cards quietly. Wilbur didn't say a word as he stepped from the elevator, using a hand to gently brush the damped hair away from his eyes, and strode forward to the empty chair that was across from his rival. He slowly sat down and placed his elbows on the table before placing his chin on his hands, watching on as the other continued to gently shuffle the cards in hand, moving them elaborate before starting to lay them out on the table. Wilbur was quick to realize that the game they were playing was poker, a classic choice for Quackity, and a game Wilbur was well familiar with. He waited until all the cards were laid out before he decided to speak,” You said there was a reward involved with this little game, you going to tell me what it is before I decide to go back down the elevator because as much as I enjoy playing with you; I’m busy.”
The scared man only smiled as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle filled with a cyan liquid, and looked like no normal potion that he’s ever seen, before setting it in the middle of the table. “This my rival,” the way Quackity said rival made a quick shiver roll up his spine,” is the reward I was referring to, our neighborhood witch didn’t make it easy for me to get this much.”
Wilbur gently lifted the bottle and swirled it,” what does it do though, because I don’t think that you would have asked me here for a simple potion,” he paused as he thought over the second thing,” you talking about you know who right?” He grimaced as Quackity nodded,” they give me the creeps.”
Quackity only nodded,” yep, but they are good at making potions like this one, it has some very unique properties that I figured would make a fun reward for the winner of our game.” Quackity was quick in taking the bottle and setting back on the smooth table,” when taken, it allows for the drinker to shrink down to…snack size for a few hours, while also being safe from any form of physical damage.” Quackity crossed his arms and watched Wilbur closely, he could see the realization forming in those reddish-brown eyes, and the newly hungry look that matched his own,” once it wears off, the one who drank it will automatically be teleported to their last respawn point, you still interested in playing?”
Wilbur sat silently as he mulled over what he had just been told, he knew that playing cards with Quackity was never a smart decision, but the thought of having him curled in his stomach and left to Wilbur’s mercy was a hard treat to ignore. He could go back to his van and poke at his shrunken rival, or even lay down on the bed to feel the crushed form thrash between the mattress and the rest of his body. Wilbur couldn’t help the slightly sheepish grin as his stomach let out a low rumble that caused the other male to laugh loudly,” seems like your stomach spoke for you my friend, let's get started then.” Wilbur could only shake his head as he moved to pick up his cards, looking over his hand quickly and deciding he didn’t like his first pull, moving to exchange his lower card for a better option.
“So are we playing first to three, or first to three consecutive wins, any longer game and I'll starve~”
Quackity smiled softly as he looked over his current hand, he and Wilbur had decided on the three consecutive wins ruling, and he was currently on his second win in a row. He had to give Wilbur a lot of credit, the man could pull a bluff with the best of them and even Quackity was thrown off a few times, but he could see the slight creasing at the edge of his eyes that showed his frustration at how the game was going. He had an ace up his sleeve however, he decided to play fair for the majority of the game to see if his rival would, but things were dragging on way too long. He was swift in pulling out the ace he knew would be next in the stack, changing his straight flush into a Royal, and made a subtle move to make himself appear disappointed; but barely noticeable. He saw the slight twitch in Wilburs fingers, which showed Wilbur was excited,” Well Quackity, I think I'm about to break your streak again,” The man quickly laid out a perfect straight flush,” boom, there's no way you can beat that since I know we've already gone through the higher cards.”
Quackity let out a low sigh and he lifted a hand to lightly pinch the bridge of his nose,” Yeah yeah,” he held this pose for a moment longer to let Wilbur relax, but could help the smirk as he moved to lean forward,” but don’t you know in a game like this, the house always wins,” and laid down his Royal flush. He smiled wider as Wilbur looked down in shock, before his hands flew to the discard deck as well as the pull deck, clearly looking to catch him in his cheat. Quackity let him look, sparing a glance to the tiny amount of slime that was slithering away towards the elevator, watching the last bit of the ace card dissolve away.
“ There’s no way, I am absolutely positive that you cheated, you shouldn’t have the cards for a royal flush,” It was hard to not slam his hands on the table in frustration, but despite his best efforts, Wilbur could not find the card that should have been in the discard pile. He didn’t want to accept the fact he lost, there was no way when he had managed to slide in his own cheat card to ensure his hand, but he couldn’t ignore it at this point. He looked back up when he heard a soft scraping sound, and watched as his smirking opponent slowly slid the small bottle towards him, leaving it to sit before him as the hand pulled back and the fingers started to drum.
Quackiyt let his fingers softly drum against the table's surface as he watched Wilbur fight with his ego, he knew the man was absolutely steaming inside, but it would also kill him to show such weakness before him. He was going to be kind in this instant to let Wilbur drink the potion at his own pace, but the low rumble of his empty stomach reminded him of the fact he didn’t eat anything since he managed to buy the potion in the first place, and he wanted his reward. “Wilbur… I do think it's time for me to receive my reward, don't you think?” He fully allowed his tongue to swipe across what was left of his lips and his few exposed teeth, chuckling at the scowl he received in return for his statement, but continued to watch on with increasing impatience.
Each tap of the fingers sounded like the ticking of a clock, one he could no longer avoid, ” fine, you'll get your reward soon enough.” Wilbur quickly snatched up the tiny potion bottle off the table and popped the cork out with his thumb in a well practiced motion, feeling a little concerned when a faint vapor escaped once the cork was gone, but still brought it up to his nose to smell. The first smell that came through was an odd fruity scent that he didn’t recognize in the slightest, but also the musky smell of nether wart and a fish smell. It made him wrinkle his nose slightly, but as he took one last look at the barely hidden look of anticipation on Quackity’s face, he just decided to tip his head back and down the entire bottle. He nearly gagged as the syrupy like substance traveled down his throat, the odd fruity flavor was horribly sour and he thought he could taste something similar to fermented spider eyes, it was absolutely horrid. “Oh that tastes like absolute horse shit, you sure that witch didn’t sell you an awkward potion with a silly story.” The thought of this made Wilbur laugh, and laugh harder when he saw the look of doubt cross through his rival's face..but as he continued to laugh, the more light headed he felt. He moved one hand to rest on the table while the other moved to rest against his temple, the feeling was getting worse by the minute, he opened his to look up at Quackity… wait.
Wilbur was now looking up at Quackity instead of normally looking down at him, even when sitting he was taller, but now he was a few inches shorter than his equally shocked partner. He tried to speak, but his vision quickly darkened and he felt his body fall limply back against the chair, falling quickly into unwanted consciousness.
Quackity was quick to rush around the table to catch the rapidly shrinking body as it nearly fell off the chair when he went fully limp, the man was now the size of a small child and was still shrinking.  It was a memorizing process to watch as the normally six foot five man be reduced to the size of Quackity’s hand before stopping, this made him worry slightly, but the witch assured him that he would still be physically capable of getting him down safely. He used his fingers to gently move the miniscule man around in his palms, everything from his hair down to the glasses on his face were perfectly normal despite the change in size, it was quite amazing. He lifted the small body close to his face and frowned at the smell. It made him wonder if Wilbur showered at all, but he was determined as he slowly slid out his tongue to taste the exposed skin. He couldn't help his surprise at the taste that flooded across his tongue, it was a musty flavor that tasted way better than any meat he's ever had the opportunity to try, and he couldn’t help but lick the unconscious man again to get more of the flavor.
Wilbur groaned as the pounding in his head brought him back from his short sleep, and he could still feel the hot winds of the desert blowing on him as he tried to fully wake back up, what really shocked him away was the feeling of something hot and wet hitting the side of his face. His eyes opened to be met with a large tongue sliding away and back into the grinning maw that was right next to him, he tried his best to scramble away after giving a shocked yell. He was quickly gripped by the fingers and held still as he was pulled away from the mouth,” You absolute sack of shit, that's not a great thing to wake up to.”
Quackity couldn’t help the loud laugh at the smaller man,” Sorry Wilbur, I'm on a little bit of a time limit with my reward, I figured I’d have a spoiler before you woke up.” He lifted his other hand to gently poke the tiny face, pulling it back when it was nearly bitten. “I have to say i’m rather surprised with you Wilbur, you smell absolutely terrible, but taste rather good; like Blue cheese.” He watched the words sink in, and had to tighten his grip as the man started to thrash indignantly, clearly enraged by the comparison and his emphasis on the color blue. He made a mental note to be sure to bring that up more often during their next spat, but he didn’t want to waste more time as he lifted the squirming man until the kicking legs were level with his mouth, he wanted Wilbur to watch. “ Well Wilbur, I think it's time to show you to your room for your stay here in Las Nevadas, I hope you enjoy your stay, I know I will.”
Wilbur froze as he watched the giant mouth open wide and his legs were quickly slipped inside, the massive tongue making quick work of soaking his pants and licking at his skin, making him shiver in anger at how powerless he felt. He wanted to fight hard against the disgusting feeling, but he knew that would only make it more enjoyable for the man-eating him, so he was going to do absolutely nothing. He had to grit his teeth as his legs were slid further into the hot mouth, quickly being pressed into the rough pallet and licked roughly, his now devourer humming more at his taste. He moved to cross his arms and stare defiantly at the giant face looming before him, getting a better look at the giant scar that ran up Quackity’s face and how the gap in his lip was starting to drip saliva through the exposed teeth. He did get a moment to admire his looks however, and he had to admit the scar really added a rugged handsomeness, and he wouldn’t say how much the gold teeth did it for him. He gave an annoyed groan as he was shoved further into the mouth and the throat began its first power tugs at his legs while his pelvis fully entered the mouth. He sent an annoyed glare up at the half lidded eye that was watching his every reaction,” I thought you were on a time limit, just hurry up and let me get this over with!” The movement completely stopped for a moment other than the natural movement of the giant's breathing, but Wilbur watched as the giant lips moved to form a smirk and felt the tongue start to move with a new purpose.
He felt his face flushed as the tongue brushed against his side once he was pushed further into the mouth, clearly trying to incite laughter out of him; he didn't think Quackity would stoop that low. He soon couldn’t help the pearls of laughter that escaped him as he tried to shove at the hand still holding him and kicking at the now tightening grip of the throat, especially when he managed to make the man choke slightly from his thrashing. It gave him a bit of joy, but that changed when the head tilted back and Wilbur felt himself sliding further down the throat due to his own weight.
Quackity let his head fully lean back to let Wilburs own weight pull him further down his throat, the failing gave him a bit of a scare, but he was also having some issue breathing with just the legs. He took one more deep breath that caused the man in his mouth to freeze (i’m so dirty minded oh my goodness) and moved his hand so his fingers rested on Wilburs shoulder, and pushed down as he took a heavy swallow. This made the smaller man freak out slightly, the tiny hands moving to grip and his fingers and face, but he ignored this as he quickly slicked up the chest with saliva. He was glad the man tasted as good as he did because his mouth was slick enough to ussr the man down, and he felt a shiver of joy when the now yowling head was shoved past his lips and his tongue was quick to muffle the sound and could feel the weird sensation of Wilbur trying to speak against the flesh. He ignored it to start swallowing harder due to feeling a little light headed due the fact the wriggling form was creating a larger than he was expecting as brought his other hand to feel at the wriggling lump, and grinned when he felt the grasping hands slide off the back of his tongue. He left his hand over the lump as he continued to give hard swallows, grinning widder as it slowly slid under his collarbone and he could finally get a breath of air,” You didn't make that easy on me, that's just like you Wilbur.” He could still feel the form traveling through his chest and laid his hand over his stomach to wait till his prize entered, the organ giving a low growl to show its own excitement.
Wilbur couldn’t help the instinctual feeling of fear as he was fully shoved into the mouth, yelling wordlessly and trying to stop himself from being eaten, but was unable to resist the strength of the larger man. It was hard to breathe as his chest was held tightly by the throat as his face was assaulted by the humid heat of the mouth. He tried to yell for Quackity to stop, but his words were cut off by the tongue smacking him in the face. He was sputtering in rage before the muscles pulled him deeper and only his hands remained in the mouth, trying to grab at the teeth to slow his descent, but they were too slick as another swallow left him fully trapped in the crushing grip. He could barely move as the fleshy walls both pushed and shoved him downwards, that isn’t to say he tried, especially when he realized the secondary force rubbing at him was Quackity’s hand. He wanted to yell so badly, but with how tightly he was being compressed, he didn't want to waste what little bit of air he was able to get, especially when he slid into the tighter region of the chest. He tried to struggle harder when he slid past the heart and lungs, trying to cause any discomfort as the giant organs made his own head pound in pain due to the volume, and the loud rumble of the voice gave an extra layer of pain to his ego. His legs were suddenly forced to a stop and the walls of the throat began to force him into a painful half crouch as they tried to keep pushing him down,” Quackity you bastard-” his yell was cut short as his legs were suddenly pulled through a tight opening. It was another painful squeeze before he was roughly shoved into a space that was thankfully less tight as the throat, but the walls were sung and formed to his aching body like a wet sleeping bag. Wilbur could only brace himself partly as the walls let out a low rumble and began rubbing against him, moving up and down his body in practiced ways, trying to rub the accumulated liquid into his already soaked clothing and skin. It was at this point the resolve he was so desperately trying to hold onto shattered, he didn't want to be touched and didn’t want to acknowledge the rumbling voice that came from everywhere, so he began to mindlessly thrash in an attempt to get away from it all.
Quackity feld a mild wave of panic when he had felt Wilbur get stuck just above the entrance of his stomach, he didn't know what he would do before the large lump finally moved, and he felt slightly sick as his stomach stretched slightly to accommodate Wilbur’s size. He laid a hand over the surprisingly still form, his stomach making a low rumble as he tried to get a reaction from Wilbur, not admitting to himself that he was worried for them,” Your pretty still there Wilbur, you didn’t break did you?” The small form then exploded into a flurry of movement, he could feel what bump was either a leg or an elbow, but that didn’t matter as they equally made him feel sicker. He leaned over to try and still the movements while crossing his arms over the writhing lump, giving a low belch that brought back the deceptively good flavor, oh did he realize this was a mistake now. “ Fuck.. Wilbur stop moving around so much, all you're doing is making me feel sick, you're not going to come out the way you got in.” He gave another sickly belch before getting up from the table to get some water, feeling incredibly off balanced due to the new weight in his middle, and made his way to the elevator quickly.
Wilbur continued to thrash until he was completely exhausted, panting hard as the muscles around his spasmed slightly and were making a sickly churning noise. He fell back against the walls as he tried to gain his strength back, tensing slightly as his own stomach dropped and the whole area began to move. His mind tried to form an understanding of what was happening, and finally realized that Quackity was moving, maybe for the reason he was trying to say earlier. Wilbur couldn’t find the energy within himself to care though, he was tired and wanted to be asleep and get away from it all. He yelled loudly when he suddenly got drenched with icy water and that shocked his stressed mind back into reality,” What the fuck was that for, are you trying to drown me now?” He kicked out against the heavy weight that was pressing down on him and felt utterly confused when he both felt and heard the relieved sigh from his captor.
“Glad to see your back to normal, did you have a panic attack? You nearly made me sick, you asshole.”
Wilbur frowned but decided to not say anything about it,”I don’t know what you're talking about, this shit is only supposed to last for a couple hours right, I'm going to just ignore you and sleep it off. Once I'm back to normal we never speak about this again or so help me I will blow up Las Nevadas worse than I did La’manburg” He turned his body away from the hand and hunkered down in the surprisingly soft flesh, focusing on the giant heartbeat, and doing his best to ignore everything else of the man. He just wanted this to be over and never think about this again, even if the initial thought of swallowing Quackity seemed like a good idea.
Quackity sighed as he felt the man turn away from his touch, can’t say he didn’t blame him,” agreed, I'll be happy when you're gone and not giving me a stomachache.” He slowly stood up and made his way towards his bedroom to also sleep, this whole experience was not worth it at all. He had originally thought about trying to get more of the potion for future use, but seeing how one unwilling ‘snack’ reacted, any other would be just as bad or worse. He gave a small wave to Charlie as he passed him, giving him a quick rundown on what to do before making his way to the bedroom, and immediately laying down on it. The tiny man gave another nauseating wriggle at the rough landing, but thankfully settled back down into a warm lump.
He gently traced his fingers over the lump for a few minutes as he tried to sleep, if only the movement didn’t make him sick, this experience wouldn’t have been that bad.
Maybe a willing person would make it better.
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uvobreakmylegs · 4 years
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Warnings: kidnapping, graphic depictions of violence, death
The years of harsh training that he had received since he was a child ensured that Illumi could never fall into a truly deep sleep. It was something all of the Zoldyck children had learned, to be aware of their surroundings even while resting. Falling asleep completely would leave him vulnerable to a potential attack. Vulnerability was weakness, and when one came from a family of assassins who were open about their occupation, one could not afford weakness; one needed to be ready for any potential enemies that were competent enough to get past the mountain gate and the host of butlers in their employ.
So even as Illumi slept with you curled up by his side in bed, there was still a part of him that was awake and taking note of everything.
The sound of your steady breathing.
The way the moving air made the curtains flutter against each other.
The noises of the wildlife that came alive at night in the woods beyond the mansion.
Even the distant sounds of the servants in the hallways as they worked through the night.
At one point you shifted in your sleep, turning over so that you faced him, your hand grasping the fabric of his nightshirt and resting on his chest. He tightened his grip around you, holding you close while still staying asleep.
Things were as they should be.
When you woke up some time later he didn't react. Nor did he react when you sat up, pulling away from him as you left the bed. This was unusual, but not unusual enough to rouse himself from sleep to confront you. You got upset when he demanded an explanation for your every action, even if he had good reason to do so.
Your reason for leaving the bed appeared to be an innocent one as he heard your soft footsteps make their way to the bathroom, the door slowly closing shut as you tried not to make a lot of noise.
Illumi continued to sleep while waiting patiently for you, anticipating the feeling of your warm body against his when you would return and fall asleep next to him again.
The sounds of the toilet flushing and the running water from the sink echoed against the porcelain surfaces in the bathroom. You would be back soon, and Illumi would be content to have you in his arms again.
He waited for you.
And waited.
…. Something wasn't right.
That feeling woke him fully, his black eyes opening as he sat up in bed, looking towards the bathroom door. The light from the bathroom still shone beneath the door, but he could sense that you were no longer in there.
He had made his way over to the door in a matter of seconds, throwing it open to find exactly what he had been expecting: an empty bathroom and you nowhere in sight.
A small window near the ceiling caught his attention. It was wide open, and though it was a fairly high off of the tiled floor and the ground outside, it wouldn't have been impossible for you to have gotten out that way.
Illumi let out a small sigh as he turned and made his way to one of the side doors within his wing of the house that lead to the outside. No need to risk one of the butlers seeing him and then reporting this incident back to his parents. He had no desire for another lecture from his mother on training you “properly.”
You'd been doing so well recently, and you hadn't tried to escape in months. He had truly thought you had given up on the idea and that you had accepted your role as his wife.
Once he caught you it would be back to training again, and he would take however long he needed to drill it into you that there were no other options: you were his, and your place was here on Kukuroo Mountain.
The wildlife in the forest grew silent as he left the mansion and began his descent down the mountainside. It was easy to spot where nature had been disturbed: small branches that had snapped and clumps of dirt that had been kicked up leaving him a trail to follow. He couldn't help but muse on how the results of your training were showing through. Though the trail was there, it was less obvious than the ones you had left on your previous escape attempts. You were more aware of your surroundings and knew better on how to leave with virtually no trace behind. He would have been proud of you if not for the circumstances. Why couldn't you put these skills to use for the sake of him and his family?
He continued down the mountain, following your path. He had yet to come across you at all, and his brows furrowed the longer he continued. Your skills had grown since you had come here, but he knew from experience that you could not outrun him. He should have found you by now. So why hadn't he?
Had you somehow tricked him?
Did you make this path as a decoy while you attempted to leave down another side of the mountain?
It was certainly possible that you would have known you wouldn't be able to surpass him physically and had attempted to outwit him to buy yourself enough time. If this was the case, he would need to make sure that the lessons he taught after capturing you would stay with you so you would never try this again.
Illumi was about to head back up the mountain to see where he had gone wrong in following you when he noticed something in a particular patch of soft dirt. Multiple sets of footprints heading down the mountain, none of which could have belonged to you.
More tricks? Perhaps accomplices of yours? Or.....?
Illumi sprinted past, descending the mountain as he searched for you, still following the path that he now realized may not have been left by you. There were possibilities in his mind as to what had happened, but it was better now to ignore them and focus on finding you.
He was almost at the base of the mountain when he spotted something.
Three black-clad figures in one of the lower gardens, two women and a man. And there you were, unceremoniously slung over the man's shoulder as the three of them ran. It was clear you were unconscious.
The three sensed him then, stopping beneath a pristine gazebo as they turned to face him. The terror was evident in their stiff forms when their eyes landed on him. Getting caught wasn't something they had accounted for. Perhaps they would have gotten away if it had been literally anyone other than a member of the Zoldyck family hunting them down.
Your limbs hung limply as the man held you, only swaying lightly when he pulled out a sword and pointed it at Illumi, the women with him following suit.
All the while Illumi stood there, silently assessing the situation before he came to a conclusion.
“Were you trying to kidnap my wife?”
The three tensed at the question, their auras flaring as they anticipated an attack. Illumi remained relaxed, even cocking his head to the side slightly as he asked “am I correct?”
After a bit of hesitation, the man nodded.
Illumi couldn't help the smile that formed (which only served to put the intruders more on edge).
“That's a relief,” he said, sighing, “I was worried she was trying to get away again. I'm glad that wasn't the case this time.”
“You.... You're glad we tried to take her?” one of the women asked.
As quickly as it had come, the smile on Illumi's face faded away, his aura flaring and engulfing the three of them.
“Of course not,” he said, his tone far more grave now.
“The fact that people like you would even think of touching her is unacceptable.”
The intruders were skilled enough, and had enough sense to know that an attack from him was imminent. As Illumi burst forward, needles in hand, the man threw you to the woman at the back, yelling at her to run. The other woman was too slow in raising her sword to block Illumi's first strike and a needle entered her skull and burst out through the other side, lodging itself in the stone pillar of the gazebo as she fell to the ground dead.
The man fared only a bit better, managing to block the needle thrown at him and running forward to swing his sword in an attempt to take Illumi's head. It was easily dodged, and Illumi threw four more needles at him, three of which hit their marks and leaving the man to join his fallen companion.
The last one hadn't gotten far, the other two having only been able to buy her mere seconds before Illumi turned his attention to her. She was carrying you on her back, effectively using you as a body shield as you obscured her vitals. There were a few ways in which he could strike the needle through you to kill her and only leave you with minor damage, but he rejected them. These people weren't worth making you go through any sort of pain.
He sent six needles flying towards her legs, embedding themselves from the back of her knee down to her ankle with three on each leg and making her cry out as she fell forward. She lost her grip on you and you fell to the side of her, the terrain making you roll away slightly. The woman was still trying to fight, but her attempts to pull out any weapons she could use to throw at him were quashed when he threw two more of his needles, these one stabbing through her wrists. She cried out as the nen in his needles worked through her, intentionally causing her pain.
But at the moment she wasn't important. Illumi brought his attention back to you, walking to where you lay and kneeling to examine you. There was minimal damage to you, some scrapes along your arms and legs where the branches in the forest had brushed against you. The worst of it was at the base of you neck where a bruise was beginning to form, the size and shape of the mark a clear indicator that this was where they had hit you to knock you out. Aside from that, you appeared to be fine, and Illumi allowed himself another small smile as he picked up your fallen form and held you bridal style.
The woman was now attempting to crawl away, her hands and feet tearing up the grass of the garden while the needles impaired her movement. The last of the intruders was taken care of with a flick of his wrist and a needle in the back of her skull.
His walk back up to the family home was brisk, and instead of heading for the side door to his quarters as he had originally intended, he went towards the main entrance instead. Even from his current position he could sense the activity from the mansion; someone had noticed that something had been amiss and had raised the alarm. Better to go in through the front and order whatever servants were there to clean up the bodies he had left in the gardens. That way he could have you back in the safety of his room that much faster.
What he hadn't expected was to see Silva standing at the mansion's entrance, Tsubone and Amane standing a few feet behind him. Silva glanced down at your unconscious form in Illumi's arms, a single brow raising.
“What is it this time?” he asked as Illumi made his way inside.
“Nothing that was her fault.”
A look of mild surprise settled on his face as Illumi continued “intruders found their way up here and tried to make off with her.”
“Did you find out how they got in?”
“They weren't talking.”
Silva sounded as though he didn't believe Illumi on that last part, but he made no move to stop him as his eldest son walked back to his wing of the house. Even if Silva (rightfully) believed that Illumi had made no effort to get any information from the intruders, there was little to be done about it now.
“Tell mother that her favorite garden is largely intact,” Illumi called back.
His father made another noise of disapproval, but ultimately decided to drop the matter.
“Tsubone,” Illumi heard Silva say.
“Yes, master Silva.”
“Get those bodies off of my mountain.”
Illumi tuned out whatever words were said next. As far as he was concerned, the matter no longer involved him. His focus was now on you and your well-being. From looking over you earlier, he knew that physically, you'd be fine. The slight injuries you had received would be gone in no time, but he was going to keep you by his side as much as possible for the next few days. He would just need to make it clear that this time it wasn't being done as a punishment. As he had said to his father, you weren't at fault for anything that had happened tonight. The most that could be blamed on you was the fact that you had been captured so easily, but that was a fault that was also on him; that he somehow hadn't been able to sense the presence of those intruders when they snatched you from the bathroom. There was room for improvement for both of you, and Illumi was content to work towards that as long as you were by his side.
After closing the window in the bathroom and changing you into clean nightclothes, Illumi pulled you back under the covers with him, arranging you so your head was resting against his chest while he wrapped his arms around you again. He was sleeping again shortly after.
If anyone was to walk in on the two of you, they wouldn't have suspected that the events of the last hour had happened at all.
When you awoke next Illumi woke with you, and he watched as you reached for the back of your neck, lightly touching the tender spot where you'd been hit.
“I-Illumi?” you asked, trying to find his face in the dark.
“Did.... Did something happen?”
“You don't remember?”
You shook your head.
“You were attacked by intruders who tried to take you from me,” Illumi explained, “I chased them down and took you back.”
“Ah. I see,” you said, resting your head back down on his chest. You didn't bother asking what had happened to the intruders; the answer was easy enough to figure out.
The conversation seemed as though it had ended, and Illumi was waiting for you to go back to sleep before he did so himself. Outside in the mansion, the activity he had sensed on his way back up had died down as well. Tonight's little disturbance had ended, and everyone was more than willing to move past it.
“Thank you,” you said, “sorry for getting caught.”
Illumi's eyes widened slightly at your words. He wasn't sure what exactly he had expected from you, but it wasn't that.
“I would be a terrible husband if I abandoned my wife so easily.”
You hummed in response, closing your eyes as you settled yourself on top of him. Illumi watched silently, repeating your words in his head and mulling them over. Before you could go back to sleep again, he got your attention by speaking your name.
“Do you love me?” he asked when you looked back to him.
“...... Yeah.”
It had taken a few seconds too long for you to reply, and the answer itself was not wholly satisfying. He had been hoping for a straightforward “yes”. Certainly by now he had proved that he cared for you.
Nothing more was said between you two, and you finally fell back into your slumber. As Illumi fell back to sleep himself, he reminded himself that you had thanked him unprompted, and had even apologized for your shortcomings. The matter of you loving him was unsatisfactory, but something was going right for your relationship. It was merely something else that could be worked on when the morning came.
As you fell back into your deep sleep state, that part of Illumi that always stayed awake remained aware of everything about you. The sound of your breathing as it stayed in a steady pattern, the feel of your weight against him, and the way you would shift in your sleep, at times attempting to pull away from him. Every time that happened, he would pull you back to him. Even asleep, he would make sure to keep you by his side always.
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imaginesntingz · 3 years
Haikyuu Headcannons: When they’re obsessed with your 🍑 (Oikawa Tooru, Ukai Keishin, Kozume Kenma)
Warnings: Swearing, not super explicit/nsfw, but suggestive content so I’ll put it below the cut just in case
A/N: What’s good everyone? Here’s something that I’ve stayed up way too late working on. It’s 5 in the morning and I’ve forgotten my own name. Let me know if y’all want a continuation with other characters. They all ended up being setters in this one so I just went with it I guess. All characters are aged up and 18+. I hope you enjoy! Please don’t copy any of my writings. My content is originally written and I put a lot of time and effort into each piece. Ask me before reposting.
Oikawa Tooru:
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Of course he’s respectful when you’re in public, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t noticed the way that new skirt he bought you last week accentuates your ass in justtt the right way.
You’ve caught him staring a few times and he always plays innocent like the sly little shit that he is.
You called him out once, but you know your mans is dramatic
“You wound me, (y/n) chan! What kind of a man do you take me for? I’m a gentleman! Honestly it’s not all that impressive anyways”
“Sounds like someone’s projecting”
“You blatantly asked for the smoke, so I kindly obliged~”
“I was just kidding, baby! Why’d you have to come for me like that? 😭😭😭😭”
You had one brattykawa on your hands after that one. Dats tough
Once you two are alone OOF. This. Bitch. Is. SHAMELESS.
He can’t keep his hands off of you. Doesn’t matter the size or shape
Your ass = Tooru magnet
He could pick you out in a crowd of people based on that booty alone
You’ll be cuddling on the couch, you're on top with your head on his chest just watching a movie and enjoying each other’s presence. Then BAM he’s got both cheeks in each hand, squeezing and kneading firmly
“Neee, (y/n) chan~ You’re so soft, baby girl~ How is that even allowed? Damn you’re so gorgeous, princess”
You: Head Empty
You're bent over the kitchen island scrolling through your phone? This mans is playing patty cake on your buns. Those setter hands are dangerously powerful. Of course he knows how to restrain himself as to not hurt you but whew some of those spanks leave you deliciously breathless and your little gasps are like music to his ears… which usually leads to other tingzzzzz and Tooru teasing you for walking funny the next day
Could his ego get any bigger? I don’t know if we’d survive it
Wearing his favorite pair of leggings or those cute pajama shorts? It’s on sight. You’re trapped beneath this painfully beautiful brat of a man and you wouldn’t have it any other way
And lawwdd if you know how to twerk. He might just faint on the spot
RIP Oikawa it was for a good cause
Ukai Keishin:
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Oh boy
Keishin gives me serious ass man vibes. Idk what it is
He worships you in every way possible, but that ass holds a special place in this cranky man’s heart
After a long day of working with crops, managing the store and volleyball practice, this man is tired and grumpy. Hinata somehow managed to almost meet his eternal rest when he was nearly hit by a TRUCK and a CAR and a BIKE and a STATIONARY POLE trying to outdo Kageyama while racing in the neighborhood. He swears those kids have taken at least ten years off his life span.
This man is v stressed
So when he comes home to find you reading in bed on your stomach in nothing but his t-shirt and those sexy panties that show off that beautiful bum… Honestly he could’ve cried he was so geeked.
He teared up a bit ngl (He’d never admit it tho)
This guy swan dived into bed, wrapping his arms around your waist, nuzzling his face into your glorious cakes
“Bad day, hon?”
He took a fat nap right then and there
He was so bitchy and whiny when you woke him up to change sleeping positions (as long as you let him slip a hand on a cheek when you got comfortable, he’s a happy camper)
He just loves feeling the warmth and weight of it in his hands, it’s comforting to him and feels super grounding idk
But boy oh boy does this man love to give it a good smack or two or ten
Watch out bb 😈
He’ll spank you anywhere anytime, but he’s real sneaky about it in public….until he’s not LOL. It just depends on the environment and who is around
Like Oikawa, the strength in those setter hands will have you shOOk to the core especially a seasoned one like Kei
One time you were doing your morning stretches, slipping into downward dog and HO. NEY. Keishin was already pulling you flush against his pelvis and smacking that 🍑 like a djembe drum until tears pricked your eyes. Your whole body was vibrating with desire it was WILD
“Ohhhh, sweetheart. You are a work of fucking art, you know that? You’re not going anywhere today. That’s a promise.”
And that’s how you ended up with twins. Not sorry.
10/10 would recommend
Kozume Kenma:
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Listen Linda
It took a while for you to notice
But Kenma is truly OBSESSED with the booty
It took him a while to even admit it to himself tbh
He would look away immediately when he caught himself staring
And he may have appeared chill on the surface but blondie was internally screaming as you literally sat on top of him while he was gaming
He was so hesitant poor bb was overthinking it so hard. He just didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or think he was weird etc etc
It was confirmed to you when you started waking up in the middle of the night to a fully unconscious Kenma giving your ass subtle squeezes in his sleep
You’ll literally have to sit this man down and be super direct about it
Once you give him the go ahead chillle it’s on and poppin
Only when y’all are alone of course cuz as we know, Kenma is v shy and a very private person
He’s not the pda type in general
Again, he loves it when you sit on top of him when he’s playing video games. Especially when you straddle him. His hand does this smooth slide down your back that sends shivers down your spine before settling over the swell of your butt. He’ll give the occasional rub and caresses your thigh softly. Another muse of his. Kenma LIVES for your thighs. Would happily be suffocated by them. Whoops. Squeeze them around his waist or grind into his lap and you’ll be on your back faster than you can say yes please
When you’re cuddling, he’ll just start jiggling that cake in his hands. He finds it fascinating, soothing and unbelievably hot all at once. The perfect combination in his opinion.
“ . . . Kenma?”
“Watcha doin back there?”
*continues in concentrated silence*
“. . . You’re like a sexy human stress ball . . So soft . . So cute . . So squishy . .”
My mans is hypnotized. He would do that shit for hours if you let him let’s be real. That thang is thangin
He would buy you ALL of the jeans, leggings, shorts, dresses, hoodies, crops, shirts, skirts. Everything and anything that fits your body type in all the right places, Kenma is on it and good lord is he invested. He absolutely spoils you. Blondie bae is surprisingly good at keeping your style in mind while also pushing you to try new things that end up making you look stunning. Big ups
The only time Kenma has spanked you was in retaliation. You wanted to see his reaction to being spanked. So once when he was distracted by his switch, you slowly walked up behind him and SMACK
Kenma nearly dropped the damn switch 😤 You’ve never seen this boi whip his whole body around and bend you over so fast
Two swift yet heavy blows to your backside had you rethinking your whole life. Everything about that moment lives in your head rent free
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dilucbabe · 3 years
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pairing: overhaul x fem!reader rating: m themes: priest kink, dubcon/noncon, emotional manipulation, spit kink, explicit sexual content, degradation, misogyny word count: 1.75k ao3 - request
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His gloved fingers glide over your own, a smile adorning his lips. Funny, how such a simple gesture can mean so much to someone like Kai. It’s obviously no secret how uncomfortable he is with people showing their entitlement in thinking they’re allowed to come near his vicinity - to rub their filthy hands over him as if he merely stood on display. But it wasn’t just about the audacity that they showed with their thoughtless actions, far more, it was about the control that they took from him.
Kai is a man of action, a man of God. Someone who shows action and takes fate into his own hand, pulling it if needed. Not someone who lets things happen to him. He isn’t weak like that and he’d rather die than become so pathetic. His mission in life is to shield the weak ones from temptation and sin, to guide them to the right path, even if it means becoming forceful. Some might call him cruel, but truth be told, the perception of others is as important as the non-existent dirt under his fingernails. The only thing that truly matters that he obeyed the Allmighty, the church.
“Father?”, your voice is laced with sleep, eyes not yet open and Kai feels his heart stir at the sight alone. “Hmm, did something happen?” The innocence in the statement alone feels like pure gasoline to the flame that is his desire for you. Funny, how such a simple gesture can drive a man like Kai Chisaki to the brink of madness.
You’d come to the monastery on a rainy night, wet hair clinging to your frightened little face as you begged with utmost sincerity, “Please, father. I have nowhere to go. I- I need your guidance.”
You had practically breathed your plea, hands desperately clawing at your coat, the wet fabric doing nothing to shield you from the cold. If he were a different man, he would have felt his demeanour melt away, but he had remained strong. “Guidance, child?”
You cast your gaze away from him, shame bringing a pretty glow to your cheeks. “I’m a horrible woman. I-“, your bottom lip quivered, looking up at you with such over the top sorrow, it almost seemed comical. Almost. “I have seduced men without meaning to. I really didn’t, you have to believe me! Satan himself must reside within me!”
“First and foremost”, he had remained firm in his stance, albeit a bit more tense, though he couldn’t quite tell why. “There is nothing I have to do, aside from serving our Lord in Heaven. Not aid you, nor believe you.”
A high pitched squeal slipped past your chapped lips, clasping your hand over your mouth as though you had spoken out of turn. “I- Please-!”
“Still, you are in luck that God wouldn’t let me permit to turn my back on a poor sinner, so accepting of their own sins.”
It was, for the lack of a better word for it, thrilling to hear you beg like that, he remembers. It still is. Desperation and fear for condemnation – for punishment – has always been a big motivator for Kai. Instilling fear of what is good and righteous had always seemed like his one true calling, planting a seed of shame and guilt within people’s minds, to infest it and exorcise all evil from their very souls. A most gratifying experience he thanks the Lord every night in prayer.
Yet when it comes to you, he feels something stir inside of him. Maybe it is something akin to excitement, maybe it was hunger, maybe mere curiosity. Whatever it may be, he knows that it can only mean evil. What else could it be? You yourself have admitted upon being corrupted by the Devil, so he is but a man standing in the face of corruption.
Kai feels his pulse quicken, your legs spread open as though you are simply begging for him to be defiled by you. And who knows? Maybe you are. It wouldn’t be the first time, he’d caught your eyes taking his form with heaving bosom and wide eyes. Revolting slut that you are.
“Father?” He can see you trembling and he can feel himself swell with something akin to pride.
A cold smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes, tugs at the corners of his lips, his hands now on your thighs, holding them in place. Even through his gloves, he can tell how warm you are to the touch – a temptation, if there ever was one. Though you might look the innocent maiden, he can see for what you truly are and maybe his purpose was to punish you for it, to set you right. Indeed, filling your hole with his seed might even cleanse you from all the filth of your very core.
God is on his side, he’s certain of it. He’d forgive his obedient servant’s sin if it meant saving a soul from the eternal flames of Satan. There simply is no other way.
Your eyes widen, any trace of exhaustion wiped clean from your face. “Please, no… I don’t want to-“
“Hush”, his fingers dig deep into your flesh, the promise of bruises blooming on your skin, making his cock stir. “You know that lying is a sin, don’t you? Let alone to a man of faith.”
Tears threaten to spill down your cheeks at any moment, hands desperately clawing at the covers Kai’s sitting on, trying to cover yourself, to no avail. “P- Please…”
“I didn’t ask you to beg. I asked you a question and I expect an answer.” He’s wedging himself between your legs now, knees pressing them apart, while his hands easily get a hold of your wrists, holding them in place. How come your words express such dread, when your body is so easy – so willing – to get overpowered by him? Even if you don’t quite realize it yourself, your mind is clouded with lies and sin. “Let’s try this again”, he pauses. “You’re aware that lying to a man of faith in considered a sin, yes?”
A slow nod. “Yes, father.”
“And although you should know better, you still actively choose to disobey the word from our Lord, yes?”
“It’s not a lie!” Even though your whole body is violently trembling with pitiful sobs, Kai can’t quite help it, but be in awe of your form. You make such a perfect victim, he’s sure, any artist would compare you to the likes of Mary and Joan d’Arc – suffering for the greater good. Although, of course, he knows you better than to fall prey to your manipulation.
Pressing your balled up fists against his cock, he snarls in pure disdain, “Don’t play coy with me. Do you think I’m blind to your lust? Do you think yourself a victim to the attention of men you so desperately seek out?”
You flinch upon contact, though Kai notes, how you momentarily halt your wails, a faint squeal escaping you. He wonders, is that still part of the act that you’re trying to keep up or if you’re rightfully in stunned at the size of him. He grows harder just thinking about burying himself to the hilt inside your vile cunt. “N- no! Father, I never meant to- to-“
“For me to notice?”, he snaps and by the shock written all across your features he knows that he’s right. “You perverted whore.”
“It was never my intention to seduce you! I’m not lying! I swear, the Lord is my witness, I-“
Thwack. The sting on your cheek is relentless, but it’s a necessary evil. You have to learn how to behave, that there are consequences to your misdeeds, even if he has to beat it into you. “How dare you use the Lord’s name to spout all this nonsense”, it’s no question, but a statement. “I have no patience for whores with silver tongues.”
Kai leans over you, holding your wrists over your head, relishing in the sight of you being completely at his mercy. Your meek hiccups did nothing but spur him on even further, solidifying his decision in cleansing you free. “I’m so- sorry. You were so kind to me and took me under your wing when I needed help and- and I just…”
You squirm under his ever so watchful eyes. “Filthy thing”, his fingers enclose around your jaw, fingers forcing your lips to pucker open and spits. “To think giving you shelter would be enough was foolish of me, but we know better now, don’t we? You’re in need of drastic measures and it is me who has to whip you into shape. But fear not, I will not falter to bring you to the light side. I’ll fuck the virtue into you if I need to.”
It all happens so fast, you can barely keep up. One moment he hikes up the skirt of your frilly, little nightgown, chilly air hitting your exposed skin, the next he’s pumping his leaking cock right in front of your pussy lips. You try with all your strength – which admittedly, isn’t a lot – to get away from him, but he’s a strong man. And you should already know, shouldn’t you? Haven’t you spent night and night again, admiring his physique when he so graciously read the bible for you? Haven’t you fantasized about those very arms holding your naked body against his as he’d plunge into you in rapid speed? He’s right, you muse, you’re nothing but a common slut.
“God forgive me”, he groans and gets to work.
Funny, how such innocent glances can lead to such thorough punishment. Or was it redemption at last? You can’t tell anymore – too lost in the feelings of his palm, striking your thighs, face, tits; his hips clashing into your own with such force, it’s hard not to wince from pain; his stern look casting down at you and promising both salvation and damnation. Filthy thing, you repeat in your head, filthy, filthy, filthy. You should be grateful a man of God deems you worthy of his attention, let alone his cock.
Your insides are burning and your lungs feel like they might give out any minute, too exhausted from all the sobbing and crying, but Kai stays relentless. “Father, please”, you plead.
His response is sinister, but you know, a filthy thing like you deserves it. “Patience is a virtue”, he pants. “But what would you know about virtue?”
And he’s right.
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