valtren · 2 years
I love your art! Do you enjoy any of the 02 couples? Like some combination of Davis TK or Ken? Do you picture Joe with anyone? I can see him with Matt, but also Tai. (Though Taishiro is my OTP, I am a multishipper, and can see Tai with both of them.) Do you enjoy Tamers/might you draw any of those guys sometime? Or are you just sticking to adventure/02? (If 02 even.) I hope all these questions are okay. Have a nice day.
Hi, thanks you so much! I really ship Ken and Daisuke together! I also see the appeal of Takeru and Daisuke, even if I don't actively ship them. Also, I ship Joe with Mimi! But I can see the appeal to ship him with Yamato or Taichi! The light novel really made me appreciate Joe and Yamato relationship. I don't particulary like Tamers tbh. But as I said to someone else, I'm not going to say no if someone commission me something from another Digimon series or another fandom as well. Same thing goes for other ships from Adventure! For now yes, I'm sticking to Adventure! Maybe in the future I could go with some Ghost Games, but I still don't know! If you have other questions, go for it! :)
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
Sometime not long post-Tri
Koushiro: (*Staring into the Distance*) (*somewhere outside where it's pretty empty*)
Taichi, walking up cautiously: H-hey...
Koushiro, staring ahead:
Taichi: ... Want to try something?
Koushiro: What?
TAICHI: (*nervous laughing*) Um, yEA---
Koushiro, wry smile: I was always told I never seemed able to "project (raise) my voice very far".
Taichi flash-backing to post-Mugendramon Arc, etc.: (uM)-
T A I C H I:
Koushiro: ---AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaa aa a ... .
Koushiro, eye twitCHING: ... That felt good...
TAICHI: (*nervous laughter*)
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Crescent Moon: Chapter 4
Warnings: Swearing, Slight angst, kissing
Word count: 3,300
Walking back to his apartment, Taishiro sighed to himself as he replayed the last 10 minutes in his mind.
Why did he walk away from you?
He saw the look on your face as he turned at the stairwell. He was breaking your heart.
He wanted to kiss you; he really did. Then when you just went for it, he froze. The thoughts of hurting you or scaring you off because of his job as a pro flooded quickly forth and he fled.
He felt awful for running away. The whole situation made him so nervous. He really does like you a lot but the idea that you like him back just doesn’t feel right.
He’s always been shy when it comes to romance. It always looked so easy in those romance novels but whenever it came to real life, he always seemed to fall short.
He was sure his shyness and reaction to the kiss you two shared had ruined whatever relationship would have developed with you.
He cursed himself as he kicked a rock on the sidewalk, sticking his hands in his pocket as he walked home from the night
The memory of your date had played in his head over and over again. The way you smiled, the look of excitement on your face as he revealed his date plans.
The thoughts made him so happy. He had never felt like this before and it was scaring him.
You felt tears welling in your eyes as you stare down at the floor beneath your feet.
The date was going so well, so why did he leave? Why did he kiss you only to run away? Was he not ready? Did he feel forced to comply?
The thoughts only overwhelmed you more as the tears flowed freely from your eyes.
Crawling into bed, you cover your head as you peer out the window in your room. The street lights were dimming and you could see the night sky shinning through.
Hopefully a good nights sleep would help you recover from the embarrassment and disappointment of your failed first date. You thought about what would happen between now and Monday night. Would he reach out to discuss what happened? Maybe you should text him?
No. You had done enough. Maybe he had been turned off by your dominance? No matter what the case, you weren’t going to reach out to him. He would have to come to you.
Monday night approached rather quickly. You knew you’d have to meet up with Fatgum and his team to keep up appearances even thought you desperately wanted to avoid him at all cost.
The weekend had gone by without so much as a text or call from the hero. You had gone into work and continued to do your art as if nothing had happened.
Unfortunately, everyone including yourself, noticed the drop in your personality. You had barely spoken to Leo or Sergio, despite their attempts to cheer you up with comedy and words of wisdom
“Men are trash" Leo had said on numerous occasions. While you have to admit, Leo always lightened your mood, you couldn’t help but feel like you had done something wrong. Maybe you were to forward and too aggressive? You didn’t think Taishiro would ever expect you to change yourself for him and you certainly weren’t going to change for anyone.
You sighed deeply as you roamed the streets, heading to the destination in which you and Fatgum had decided to meet. Walking up to the scene, you saw a lonely Fatgum waiting for you without so much as a sign of his apprentices.
“Alone tonight?” You say walking up to a deflated Fatgum as he seemed to snap from his thoughts upon hearing your sweet voice.
“Umm yeah, I uh- I gave Red and Suneater the night off so we could focus on this investigation. Plus, I didn’t want to drag two kids into something I wasn’t sure was safe.”
“Makes sense. Well, shall we" you say as you begin to walk with Fatgum. He looked and sounded upset. You weren’t sure if it had anything to do with you or the investigation but you told yourself beforehand that you had a job to do. There was nothing that was going to interfere with that.
“So umm why don’t we go to my office and we can sit down and discuss what’s been going on" Fatgum says quietly as you nod, following him to his office.
He really didn’t want to be here. He didn’t want to be doing this tonight but he knew he had to.
He had spent all weekend trying to think of a way to talk to you. Obviously, you had been upset with him and part of him had desperately hoped you would reach out, unfortunately he knew you wouldn’t. This wasn’t your fault, it was his.
You had acted appropriately, read all the signs that he wanted a kiss from you. This wasn’t your issue, this was his.
He had barely slept, spending a lot of time typing out responses to you in notes on his phone. He ended up collecting over 20 different notes with possible reply yet he couldn’t bring himself to text you any of them.
Surely, he had blew it. Surely you hated him. It was probably best to just leave you alone. Let you move on and be happy.
He sighed as he opened the door for Crescent, entering his office. Turning on the lights and starting up his computer, he noticed Crescent, typing on their phone as he stared at them.
He didn’t want to bother them with his problems so he attempted to put on a brave face.
“So tell me what you know about Stanley" Fatgum says as you set your phone down.
“Well between you and me, I was contracted to find him. Apparently, he’s been missing for a few days and nobody knows where this fine lad is"
“And whomever contacted you didn’t think to report this to the police?”
“Apparently they didn’t want word getting out that Stanley was missing. I suspected an affair but the contact was quick to displace that rumor.
“So have you gotten any leads or anything about him?”
“Well as far as I know, the man just up and vanished. It’s strange because there’s been nothing about him in the news. No further contact from the party who reached out to me either.”
“So, they just expect you to find him and then what?”
“That’s the thing, they don’t want me to actually return him. They just want to know where he is? It’s honestly the strangest missing persons case I’ve ever been apart of"
Fatgum sits back in his office chair and thinks about the case. It was honestly a nice distraction from his horrible weekend.
“Well from what I gathered; Stanley has been working for the hero commission for a while but he doesn’t actively participate with heroes. He’s just more there as a monitor system. He was elected a few years back as sort of a “judge" for hero offenders.”
“A judge? As in like he is the law of the commission?”
“That’s pretty much what I gathered. He’s big on holding hero’s accountable for their actions if they mess up.”
“I mean I heard the guy was kind of an ass but like he really is out here being the police for the heroes aye? Interesting"
“Yeah, and that must mean he has some enemies"
“Well, I mean the commissions job is to keep heroes in line but did they really need a justice system for heroes who do wrong? I mean we are only people too we make mistakes.”
Fatgum signed as he looked back at his computer. It was already 11pm and he had to be on the streets in 30 minutes to patrol.
Despite the conversation with Crescent, his mind still drifted to you.
You had noticed Fatgum’s deflated personality all night long. You figured he must be upset in some form about the previous weekend. However, as upsetting as it was to see him sad, you had no idea why he had fled in the first place.
“You seem upset" you say staring at the giant hero as he adjusts himself in his chair and looks up at you.
“Ahh yeah, I- I ugh didn’t have the best weekend” he says sadly.
You were beginning to fume silently. Didn’t have the best weekend? You had thought your date was great! Why was he acting Iike this?
“Oh I’m sorry” you say nonchalantly as you start to get up from your chair.
“It was all my fault so don’t feel sorry for me" he says “ I blew my chances with an amazing person.”
You stop as he speaks. He blew his chances? So, you mean this wasn’t about you at all?
“You want to talk about it?” You say as you sit back down, crossing your leg over your knee and relaxing back into the chair.
You were eager to hear what he had to say. As upsetting as the experience was to you, there was a small glimmer of hope that perhaps things weren’t as bad as they seemed.
Fatgum sighed as he leaned forward on his desk “I went on this date with this amazing person. I really like them and it was an amazing experience-"
“Ok so what’s the problem"
“Well, they umm- they kissed me and I ran away"
“Why?” You said in a bit of an angry tone. You were trying to hold back your emotions.
“Because I’m shy- they deserve someone who won’t crush them or scare them”
“What do you mean? What gave you that idea? Did they say something to insinuate that?”
You lean forward, waiting for a response as you saw tears begin to form in Fatgum’s eyes.
“No, they would never. In fact, they did the opposite. They showed me so much kindness and support. It’s just that my insecurities took over and I ran. I was so embarrassed.”
“So why don’t you talk to them?”
“I tried! I wrote out so many responses" he says showing you his phone with the 20 notes of fully written responses “but I didn’t know how to approach it with them. I thought they would just shut me out. And now I’ve waited too long and I ruined it.”
“Fat I think you really need to talk to them" you say smiling softly under your face mask.
It was such a relief to know he still cared. That he still liked you and wanted to be with you.
“Well, they did invite me to a gallery opening this week. Do you think I should go?” He asks looking up at you.
“I do actually. I mean a gallery opening sounds important. And I’m sure you showing them support would mean the world to them.”
Fatgum smiles softly as he looks up at you.
“Thanks Crescent, I appreciate it"
“No worries, Fat! We all have insecurities” you say looking into his eyes as he smiles.
You really were amazing to talk to and gave such good advice.
Walking down with you to the street as he prepared for his patrol, he asked if you would meet him on Wednesday night before his patrol again to discuss any further developments. You agreed as he waved you off as you fled into the night.
You smiled to yourself thinking about all that had just unfolded. He really did like you. He really did care. It made your heart flutter with excitement for the gallery opening the following night.
Getting dressed, you checked yourself in the mirror one last time as you prepared to head to the opening. Dressing up wasn’t really your forte. You were more comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt than you were in a dress or a pants suit.
You opted to wear a short black romper and black flats. You enjoyed the way all of your tattoos were showing, highlighting the art on your body and in the gallery.
Your hair down loosely. Leo had come over to help you do your hair earlier as he knew more about styling than you could ever dream of.
Looking in the mirror, you were impressed with how good you looked. Happy with your appearance, you grabbed your phone and your bag and headed downstairs to the taxi waiting below.
Locking your door, you walked down the side stairs, quickly approaching the main floor. Suddenly, the 2nd floor entrance flew open and you quickly stopped yourself from being smacked straight in the face.
“Oh YN! I’m so sorry! This is the second time I’ve almost hit you" Declan says as he smiles shyly at you as you chuckle lightly.
“No worries Declan! It’s not like you can see through doors. Just an unlucky accident” you say
“You look great! Going on a date?” He said smugly as he looked you up and down.
“no" you said moving past him “I actually have a gallery opening tonight. I’m running late so I have to go now but it was nice talking to you!”
“You as well YN! Good luck" he said as you waved, running to the ground floor level and out the door to the taxi waiting below.
“Pleasant Street Gallery please" you said to the driver as he nodded and merged into traffic.
Your nerves were getting the best of you. Not only was tonight your debut as an artist but you would also confront Taishiro as yourself.
Part of you worried he might not show and that your budding relationship would end before it even started. Another part of you was a bit relieved that your gallery opening provided an easy escape from the awkward conversation you were sure would ensue.
Arriving at the gallery, you pay the driver and exit the car. You see Leo, Sergio and the owner of the gallery waiting out front for you.
“it’s so nice to see you again YN" Akira, the owner of the gallery, said enthusiastically.
Leo and Sergio were dressed to impress in their suits and ties.
“You both look amazing" you sang happily as they both smiled at you
“Speak for yourself you stunning creature" Leo said twirling you around as you blushed lightly.
“Shall we?” Akira said as he took your arm and brought you into the gallery.
As you walked in, you were greater with champagne and what looked to be at least 100 people all looking at your paintings. The feeling was overwhelming to say the least.
Some of them looked towards you as you nodded politely at their smiles as you made your way through the gallery.
The lights were bright. The walls bare of everything except your stunning masterpieces. Everything you had worked so hard for littered the walls with brightness and color.
You teared up slightly as Sergio gripped your shoulder from behind. He knew how hard you had worked for this night and how much you deserved it.
Looking around, you see citizens and heroes alike looking at your paintings. However, your eyes fail to meet the one hero you are searching for.
Taishiro wasn’t there. He hadn’t shown. As upset as you were, you tried your hardest to keep a light smile on your face as you walked amongst the paintings.
You spent the evening talking with potential clients and buyers as you explained your works and inspirations. By 9pm, the opening was coming to a close and you were preparing to accept offers on your paintings.
You had heard rumors from Akira that the prices were double, even triple what you were expecting for your first opening. The numbers he threw out shocked you.
“Damn does this mean you are finally taking us on vacay?” Leo said whispering to you as you rolled your eyes and laughed lightly.
This kind of money would change your life forever. It would allow you to quit the café and work on art full time. Of course, you would always continue doing your hero work. That was like art to you. A work of passion.
“YN, we are ready to accept-" Akira starts speaking as one of his fellow employees interrupts whispering in his ear “Excuse me for one moment YN.”
Akira takes off to the back as you wait for him to return with the final offers. The anticipation was killing you. This was worse than any hero mission you’d ever partook in. At least you knew the outcomes of those. You always came out on top but this, this was so uncertain. Your stomach was in knots as you saw Akira approach.
“Attention everyone" he says loudly with a smile on his face “I’m sorry to say but the entire collection has sold for 5 million.”
You gasp as you freeze, tears of joy threatening to stream down your face. You couldn’t believe it! That was triple what you had expected for the entire collection. All your hard work had finally paid off. Leo and Sergio hugged you as you cried softly into their shoulders.
You pull away as Leo looks around you.
“what’s wrong?” You say questioning his expressions.
“Oh nothing just looking for the person who dropped that money on your collection. Trying to see if they are single" he says as Sergio laughs and you hit his chest lightly as he chuckles.
“Yn, the buyer would like to meet with you" Akira says as he guides you towards the back of the room.
You nod as you wave to Leo and Sergio. The back or the gallery is mostly empty with a few rooms for greeting buyers and setting up openings. Akira knocks lightly on a door as a voice speaks up, signaling the ok to enter.
As you enter, you look forward to see a large man, his back facing you. Your breath hitches as he turns to face you with a soft smile on his face.
“Hi YN"
“I’ll let you two talk" Akira says as he shuts the door behind him.
You stare at the ground as Taishiro looks at you from his place. You looked stunning. Absolutely amazing in his eyes. He had wanted to approach you earlier but he was nervous he would ruin your night. He wanted so badly to apologize and beg for your forgiveness. He wanted so badly to make whatever the two of you have work.
“You look nice Taishiro” you say breaking the silence.
“Thank you. You look amazing" he says sweetly as he steps closer to you.
The silence is awkward. Neither of you know what to say. Despite hearing and talking to him as Crescent the night before, the situation still made you nervous. You held no ill will towards him knowing that his self confidence was wavering.
He looked to you as you lifted your head to look into his eyes. They were a golden brown, sparkling with joy as he looked at your face.
He leaned down to your face as his hand placed under your chin. He tilted your head up slightly as you blushed lightly.
“I’d like a redo on that kiss" he says sweetly as you close your eyes and nod.
“I’d like that" you say as he pulls your lips to his.
The kiss is soft and sweet. It only lasts for a second before he breaks and stares down at you with a large smile on his face.
“YN, please-" he starts to say before you cut him off.
“Taishiro, can we start over?” You say looking up into his eyes as he smiles down at your sweetly.
“I’d like that YN" he says as he pulls your chin in for another soft kiss. This time deepening it a little as he grabbed your waist, pulling you flush against his body.
Pulling away, he placed his forehead on yours as he closed his eyes and smiled.
“I’d like that very much YN"
Taglist: @axoxtxhxh @thatsharklovingwoman
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prismatales · 4 years
Hawks, fatgum, aizawa, and present mic with a s/o whose a famous author and writes their favorite genre? Gender neutral if possible. Headcanons please? Thank you for your time
Considering I already have a few works with Hawks and my three characters per request rule I'll be doing only the last three characters for this request. Specially since Hawks already has quite the list. Hope you like it! 🖋💖
Fatgum / Taishiro Toyomitsu:
This may be a bit ironic, but his favorite genre is probably Crime fiction.
Your books became one of his favorite because of the dramatic factor you abuse so much along with the sudden cliffhangers that leave everyone on the edge of their seats and craving for more.
Poor Amajiki and Kirishima got startled twice when their mentor screamed from his office after finishing the first two books of one of the current best sellers. The third time neither of them batted an eye.
"That book again?" "...Yup"
The whole agency can't help but laugh their heads off when their boss starts calling his s/o to talk about the book. He's actually upset because you killed off his favorite character.
Whenever the two of you have a petty argument? the best way to shut him up is threatening to spoil the next book for him, that works like a charm every time. Not that you'll ever do that to your favorite lector.
He definitely has every single book of the saga, all of them signed by you at the start of the book.
Taishiro wouldn't stop crying when you gave him the whole hard cover limited edition of the whole saga for his birthday.
If that doesn't make him bawl the special mention you make about him at the end of the last book definitely will.
He'll be the first person to throw a fit in the book ever gets turned into a movie and the director starts making way too much changes.
"What do you mean the Detective and the Serial killer are secretly in love?! They hate each other to the death! Did you even read the book?!"
Shouta Aizawa / Eraserhead:
I think Aizawa would actually be a fan of horror book, but more of the classical ones like Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, Bram Stoker's Dracula, etc.
It's hard for him to find a book he actually enjoys, being extremely picky in what book he'd spend a good portion of his time reading. This means he's a great help when you're having trouble writing.
The first time you showed him the draft for your newest book he was pretty silent, reading paragraph after paragraph with a keen eye for detail.
When he realized it was something close to the type of book he enjoys it makes him secretly eager to see what you come up with, and his advice is to helpful that it almost feels like you're talking to you editor.
In fact, whenever Shouta helps out said editor is more than pleased and would mentions there's barely need to make so many changes.
Once the book's finally published he's the one receiving the very first copy.
You know Aizawa's enjoying the book if instead of taking his beloved naps he's sitting on the couch in the middle of the lecture.
You may have to take the book away at night, otherwise he'll pull an all-nighter reading it whole.
"Shouta it's 2:00 am, you better put down that book or so help me" "Just one more chapter" "You said that a hour ago!"
He's that type of person that reads while walking, and somehow manages to avoid crashing face first into a post.
You bet that once he's done reading it he'll start asking if you're writing another one soon. In the meanwhile he'll keep reading the first one over and over again.
Hizashi Yamada / Present Mic:
I see this guy as "secretly" being a fan of romantic novels, and whenever someone catches him reading one of these books he'll start claiming Midnight forced him to read it.
Deep down he's a hopeless romantic.
He'll certainly try to pull on some of those romantic but cheesy quotes or moves from the books.
Once you show him your latest book he'll be so hooked into it he'll start talking about it on his radio show unconsciously.
"I thought Present Mic's station was about music? when did it change to books reviews?"
Think twice if you think this little move won't make the sales of your book skyrocket dramatically.
Hizashi will definitely fight anyone who talks trash about your book, or at least he'll try to, unless either you or Aizawa hold him back.
"Say their book are trash, I dare you Uncultured swine!"
Everyone in UA can hear him yelling in excitement when he gets the news that the next chapter is already in progress, and once you're both home he'll make sure to support you however you need, a drink? a snack? a small break? just name it and he'll be there in an instant.
Hizashi won't mind going to buy the book the day it's finally published even if the book store is filled to the brim with people, or if he has to fight for the last copy like he was in the middle of Black Friday.
His guilty pleasure as a teenager was probably hush hush.
@t-amajiki @undead0relived @shoobirino @bnha-ra @godtieruwu @mysticalite
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Wait, what other Taishiro scenes live rent-free in your brain? I need to know for science
I am but a humble servant to the science of digimon and especially the specific practice of taishiro :’) Just the first things that popped into my head:
“Let me fight, too!”— that Whole Thing with the clown (piedmon) honestly where Koushirou just wants to help and Taichi just wants to protect them all. Also just the way when Taichi gets flung back, Koushirou immediately runs forward on his own. It’s just this honestly hard scene to watch because you can see Taichi’s just So Stuck on his personal resolution to finish the fight himself and then Koushirou is pleading with Taichi to let him help. It’s not like he can actually stop Koushirou, though?? But I kind of take it as like he wants to on some level respect Taichi’s wishes (idk if that’s accurate in anyway just me) and stay back for Hikari but also he needs Taichi to know he’s acting a fool and just :’) Thanks Toei, I hate it.
the whole gate scene. Koushirou saying, “I always believed in Taichi-san before this, in any case.” Taichi choosing Koushirou to make the choice on the cards and everyone cheering for him. It’s so good on so many levels.
“Don’t come back here” — when Koushirou is trapped in Nihilism Hell and Taichi is back in the real world with Hikari and somehow they just like… connect?? Why did that happen? How did that happen?? @toei pls explain. Like on some level I get that it’s through a computer and Koushirou is the only one with technology so that could explain his character in specific but still. The closest explanation anyone has pointed to as to why this could have happened (them communicating) is that something with the digital world and it being able to kind of… bring about wishes? I think Koushirou brings it up in 02 with Ken and also I think in the novels Taichi mentions no one else sees him and Agumon unless they want to see/find him or smth to explain why Hikari does back in the vague real world. Specifically during that time Koushirou did want to see Taichi since the whole reason the gang split up and he ended up in this mess is because he was out searching for him. It’s very weird because on Taichi’s end Koushirou has that headset thing and idk what they were planning. Either way Taichi hears, “Don’t come back here,” essentially through the shoddy connection and gets worried enough that the other kids are in trouble and ends up going back. Koushirou’s side is like…….. so much softer at least in my v biased interpretation and memories. but like listen please Koushirou is losing his memories/feelings/curiosity he’s essentially like Peak Zen in the worst way (in the novels he loses the ability to speak even :’) ) and is essentially losing himself and kind of in this literal hell space/pocket dimension. But you know what he said to Taichi???? Upon thinking they won’t be seeing each other anymore since Taichi is home now he says: “Oh… so you won’t be coming back. But please contact me once in a while.” Like???? I’m obsessed I can’t stop thinking about this he’s losing himself like letting go of his emotions and thoughts and wants and knowledge and still he expresses his desire to keep in contact with Taichi??? And if we assume the idea is that the digital world can sort of fulfill some wishes, then how much did Koushirou want to see Taichi in those moments that his laptop just worked? Were they suddenly higher than at any point during the two months he was searching? @toei
when they tease Yamato in the back seat of his dad’s car in 02 and it catches them like vaguely leaning into each other and snickering c’monnn
Also like just in general those first three or four episodes of the 2020 reboot???  Like there’s no reason for any of those decision. Unbiased sources have directly been like, “Koushirou is framed like the love interest” and it’s just??? @Toei who do I send the gift basket to??
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izzyizumi · 4 years
Digimon Adventures/Tri ~ Chosen Family A.M.V [song by: Rina {Sawayama}] featuring implied DUO/SHIP: Taichi Yagami [Taichi “Tai” Kamiya in US] x Koushiro(u) [Izzy] Izumi also known as [KouTai]/[TaiKou]/[Taishiro(u)]
“We don’t need to be RELATED to “RELATE”;
We DON’T NEED TO {share ““GENES””} or a SURNAME...”
{Originally created for August 1st, 2020 anniversary; “Chosen Family” Day is also recognized February 22}
and significant bonus characters: MRS IZUMI [Yoshie (as I prefer to call her, is a name translation used in some translations still, such as the Adventure novelization); her name has also been read/translated as Kae]; Mr Masami Izumi (briefly); the Chosen Children (as support); Tentomon / HerakleKabuterimon (as support); Taichi, Koushiro, & Tentomon in Digimon Adventure 2020 Reboot [Episodes 02, 03, & 05 of Reboot only; just Koushiro-relevant scenes] - ALL of Adventure{s} Chosen; (including a few brief scenes of Meiko from Kyousei) (Tri Part 5) will show at some point towards the middle to end;
Because, as per the symbolism,
“We don’t need to be RELATED to “RELATE”;
We DON’T NEED TO {share ““GENES””} or a SURNAME...”
- As well as some Koushiro-relevant spoilers from Tri Part 3; “Kokuhaku” [“Confession”] (These may hint to Tri’s plot progression, though without ‘full’ context.)
My past/other AMVs can all be found within this tag on my blog! {As well as this and this index for Koushiro & Taishiro specific A.M.V.s!}
This A.M.V. was originally made for August 1st 2020 Anniversary of Digimon Adventure. More information on this A.M.V. can be found under the ‘read more’!
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This is a Koushiro Izumi-centric AMV with, honestly, a very special overall message intended. It ALSO, however, functions as a SHIP/OTP AMV as TAISHIRO is my ultimate OTP of OTPs. I understand not everyone ships the pairing, but, if you can, please consider viewing this AMV regardless. I worked very hard on this AMV, totaling about 9 HOURS spanning 2 full evenings/2 days. (AMVs are not made “easy”! They can and do take time!)
I stumbled upon this song after recently hearing about the British-Japanese artist Rina Sawayama; her album is also titled “Sawayama”. As soon as I saw the title / read the lyrics, I knew IMMEDIATELY this was the literal perfect song for a Koushiro Izumi AMV. You’ll see as soon as the 1st chorus what I mean by this. (*You can probably guess from the title alone.)
However, something important of note. The artist of this song ALSO identifies as both Bisexual+Pansexual. She has also talked notably about her Bi/Pansexuality in interviews. The artist has also stated she wrote this song to reflect those who have been ostracised, disconnected from, or “Othered” by their parents / loved ones / even communities due to being LGBTQ(IAPN)+ (bolding mine for emphasis): “ The concept of a chosen family is, to me, a Queer one – people are often kicked out of their homes or ostracised by their family, friends, and community after coming out. This can be an incredibly painful experience that can be remedied by finding a new ‘chosen’ family. ” She has stated that this song is intended for anyone who has felt such a disconnection in regards to their family / communities in general as a result of their being L.G.B.T.Q(I.A.P.N)+ and that Family as a wider concept does not necessarily have to involve Blood Ties, at all. FRIENDS CAN VERY MUCH BECOME YOUR CHOSEN FAMILY. Essentially, the concept relates to/is basically “FOUND FAMILY”. There may be such a similar implication in this AMV in regards to the various other Chosen Children as a whole UNIT. (Though for Koushiro specifically, while Koushiro truly loves and is supported by the Izumi family here, In regards to a “Disconnect” Koushiro and others may feel in general, still, even within their own communities/society, otherwise ...) [Basically, I have created this AMV from my interpretations of the characters and through the lens of many of my own various L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.(P.N)+ headcanons; Obviously, I recognize they are non canonical, I do NOT need to be TOLD. That said, my many varied headcanons are absolutely intended regardless. Basically, please recognize various L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ in general is intended.] (You can view some of my past posted headcanons in this tag!)
So, you can probably see why I was inspired to make this AMV and also the intentions of it... Note: my other ships can be found on the sidebar of this blogs’ layout AND also via the links to my old main blog, where my shiplist is linked. BASICALLY ANY OF THOSE OTHER SHIPS can be read into this AMV. I’m a pretty big multi-shipper (includes me having numerous polyships) so if you’d enjoy reading any of those in, feel free to do so; HOWEVER, please also note the main pairing and focus intended is still Taishiro [Taichi x Koushiro].
[ ^ NO SERIOUSLY, PLEASE READ THE BANNERS. If these rules are not followed or ignored, I WILL LIKELY BLOCK. PLEASE DO NOT FORCE ME TO BLOCK YOU. Note: commenting/tagging respectfully/positively is ok!]
{ NOTE: THIS POST IS FOR TAISHIRO(U) FANS. Please refrain from leaving non-ship comments/tags on this post. Thank you. } [i.e. ‘ I don’t ship this, but [x] ! ’ or ‘ I only see them as friends ’ * etc.] ( *It is ok if you tag as “friendship” or the like along with the ship!!) 
{ this post is NOT FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING, DO NOT INTERACT: Exclu-sionists / T.E.R.F.s and all similar spinoffs of such; / Trans-phobes / A(ce)phobes / Aro-phobes / Queer-phobes / Pan-phobes / Bi-phobes / Exor-sexists / any L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+phobes / Rad-fems, R.E.G.’s (Re@ctionary Exclusion@ry G@tekeepers) in general not for people who refuse to tolerate/respect others’ L.G.B.T.Q.I.A.P.N.+ identities/headcanons not for people who insist they don’t care for Taishiro as a ship / brotp not for people who hate a majority of Adventure/02/Tri canon especially if to the point you cannot even be respectful when interacting; not for people who hate/excessively criticize ANY of the Digimon girls ( * INCLUDES/ESPECIALLY MEIKO MOCHIZUKI [Tri]) seriously just please do NOT interact with this post or my blog if any of the above applies to you. THANK YOU. }
There are somewhat, if brief Tri and Digimon Adventure 2020 spoilers in this AMV. (*Mainly involving Tri Koushiro, and TRI TENTOMON, with very miniscule Tri Taichi moments) [the vast majority of scenes are for AMV aesthetics purposes.] They are listed (vaguely) as follows.
- scenes from KOKUHAKU / CONFESSION, 3rd Tri movie (mainly character scenes of Tri Koushiro + HerculesKabuterimon). [*Also, That Thing xxxx Was Involved In, a.k.a. The Rxxxxx.] (*Also, a moment involving Koushiro + his partner from the ending.) [*Also, a quick moment involving Koushiro+Mimi just post Rxxxxx.] - scenes from SOUSHITSU / LOSS, 4th Tri movie (mainly a Taishiro moment; however, a moment with Meiko as well.) [*The Meiko moment is overall not majorly spoilery / friendship implied.] - scenes from KYOUSEI / SYMBIOSIS, 5th Tri movie (mainly a scene involving the Chosens’ family members.) [*The family members themselves are not present in the scene. It is overall a not majorly spoilery character moment involving two quick flashes of Tri Koushiro and Tri Taichi for aesthetics.] - scenes from BOKURA NO MIRAI / OUR FUTURE, 6th / final Tri movie (*Overall not majorly spoilery Koushiro aesthetic scenes; some moments of him in his office only.) - Taishiro interaction (brief) from Digimon Adventure 2020 Eps 02~03. - very brief scenes from Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 05 Koushiro + Tentomon’s battle + the ending moments with them.
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mindsebbandflow · 8 years
Boueibu Collection Part 1 + My Bedroom!
So I know I promised to get this done before the new year, I am sorry but as many of you know I have terrible health issues and got sick again OTL
I finally cleaned up and organized my collection a bit. For my Boueibu collection, it is of course involving Io and Ryuu! Hence why my giveaways tend to feature the other characters more lol. So there are some other series where I collect certain characters, however my room consists of my collections for, Boueibu, Free!, Digimon, Pokemon, Card Captor Sakura, (Other Magical Girl series), Some of my Blue Exorcist goods, and various others... 
I will also be posting my Ioryuu doujinshi collection, giving my recommendations for anyone who wants to start their own collection! The Io and Ryuu body pillows will also get their own post! Plus I will be hosting my 3rd Boueibu giveaway! Although the rules for this one are quite different from the last =3 
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These posters are in my art room, since I have no more wall space in mine xD
This room will also be covered in posters from Yuri!!! On Ice as well lol 
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My bedside table, pills and other medical things are in the dish...
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Tis where my glasses are, though I always wear contacts even when I don’t leave the house... I hate having to clean my glasses every 5 seconds, but I can’t see at all without them OTL 
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My bed... I sleep on the edge xD
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I originally started putting some of the charms on my wall due to ripping out the wall from moving posters... 
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Little bit of a closer look!
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Various plush pile + Digimon collections! 
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Ryuji Suguro body pillow was a commission I ordered and then turned into a pillow =D 
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Digimon plush + some figures etc. Also consisting of 2 plush commissions of my Digimon OC Mikumon! 
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Here are my main Doujinshi collection! The top left box are my Digimon Adventure/02/Tri doujinshi, consisting Taishiro or just Koushiro (Izzy) 
To the right of that are my Ioryuu Doujinshi, as well as other Boueibu books, manga, novels etc.
The other top two boxes are Free! Mostly Makoharu or other ones focusing on Haruka. 
Bottom left are Digimon Tamers doujinshi, and the two boxes to the right of that are Blue Exorcist, consisting of everything to do with Ryuji xD Various parings! 
And the final box are more Free! and the start of my Yuri!!! on Ice doujinshi, all involving Yurio <3
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My Koushiro collection =3 
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My beautiful Mimi and Lilymon figure ;u; That was the biggest pain in the ass putting together, two things broke off and I had to super glue it... Still beautiful though!
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My beautiful deceased girls and my fav girls from Love Live! Kaori, Yuuki, and Kanna are all dead, but besides loving the series I really love these characters, I think it’s because I relate to them a lot.
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Most of my Haruka figures >.<
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Some of my Pokemon plush collection
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My Giant Lugia plush, custom made for me by Mangastorm! Lugia has always been my favourite legendary =3 
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Io and Ryuu purses!!! I added a few extra charms on them xD I can’t wait for the shoes! They are so precious I hate to actually wear these lol 
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So this is my dresser... Yeah it’s pretty crowded, it also is where I keep the rest of my Io and Ryuu charms/badges
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Card Captor Sakura is one of my favourite series, and always will be! 
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My St.Tail collection. The life-size staff is standing up to the right of these. St. Tail was the first manga I ever read and is still one of the best love stories I have ever known! Ruby, Meimi’s hedgehog is the reason I got my hedgehog =D Of course I named her Ruby as well! The picture of the cat is my baby Fifi, she passed away when I was 16. She was my whole world and losing her was the hardest day of my life, even more so then all my medical procedures put together. 
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The rest of my Haruka things, also the Microphone and Music box from Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch, another favourite magical girl series of mine!
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Io and Ryuu =D 
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And yes, getting access to my jewelry dresser is a giant pain... 
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... I may have a slight problem when it comes to collecting... Though the Pokemon plush collection started when I was 8 so... 17 years ... 
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Bulbasaur is my favourite xD 
So yeah that is my main collection, my manga and figures are in a different room... my hedgehog’s room to be more precise. It’s too hot in there for me so I don’t go in often lol. I might do a post of those sometime, depending on the reactions for this...
Up next are Ioryuu specifics =D Enjoy!
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koushirouizumi · 3 years
A.M.V. P r e v i e w . ~ T a i s h i r o {Unfinished} S o u t h e r n . C r o s s . W A L T Z
M u s i c ( C ) E l e m e n t s . G a r d e n {from: U t a . n o . P r i n c e - s a m a} [a r t i s t : K i s h o w . T a n i y a m a] D i g i m o n ( C ) T o e i . A n i m a t i o n
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koushirouizumi · 5 years
Digimon Adventure(s) Taishiro(u) songfic/parody: REPEAT?_ + Koushiro’s Theory of HAPPINESS
Title: KOUSHIRO’S T h e o r y of HAPPINESS Fandom: Digimon Adventure(s) Character(s): Koushiro Izumi, Yoshie Izumi, Izumi Family (mentioned); hints of the Chosen Children (end & in endnotes) Pairing(s): Taichi Yagami x Koushirou Izumi [Taishiro(u)] (implied throughout) [especially Taishiro(u) in the fic, throughout] Parodied from: K@gerou//Project (w/slashes removed) lyrics mostly (C) Jin Notes: It’s something of an extended parody for my Taishiro ficverse REPEAT?_ Warnings: PLEASE read ANY AND ALL WARNINGS/NOTES for the ficverse first before reading this! This songfic of sorts minimally spoils at least up to the 3rd chapter of the story. However, this song parody/songfic of sorts could also be seen as something like an alternative “introduction”... ... ... (I’M. SORRY) [ you can also click the ‘read more’ and jump first to the end of the page + then scroll up a bit to see additional warning for this particular installment! ]
“    What I THOUGHT BACK on was, AGAIN, MY FAMILY ;    ” [ " This is YOUR HOME, so make yourself comfortable, KOUSHIRO ! " ]
THIS is the vocal version of the cover that inspired me! THIS is the piano arrangement cover version I was listening when editing this. If you pagebottom to the end of the post, a different piano cover with the Kage//pro video is linked as well (this second piano cover mentioned keeps the main lyric’s melody line in tact, though it is also a bit faster too.) here is a version actually sung by THE COMPOSER OF THE SERIES ( he may not be the best singer but it’s the creator of the series pls respect him ok HE TRIES ) (PLEASE READ THE WARNINGS ABOVE IT IF YOU WATCH HOWEVER)
ORIGINAL VIDEO/SONG LINK: HERE + at bottom of post
                    KOUSHIRO’S T h e o r y of HAPPINESS
What I THOUGHT BACK on was, AGAIN, MY FAMILY ; [ " This is YOUR HOME, so make yourself comfortable, Koushiro ! " ] In [a LITTLE PLACE] with [red?] [brick?] walls, He mutters to himself, as if making SECRET PLANS In the [ PURE BLACK EYES ] BROUGHT HERE Lies a past he has HIDDEN FROM       A D U L T S With [ embarrassment ? ] F E A R in HIS EYES, he [ mutters ] SAYS CRIES " I'M SCARED " [" I'm JUST A MONSTER ! "] So I TELL HIM, " DON’T BE ! " [" THAT’S NOT TRUE AT ALL !!! "] " RED is THE COLOR OF A H E R O, so there's no need to be afraid ! " [ " YELLOW is THE COLOR OF THE SUN'S RAYS, so YOU'LL DEFINITELY BE OKAY !..... " ] ..Wondering what he would find fun, I am ACTING the " M O T H E R " a g a i n " Hey, LOOK ! " [ HE ? ] [ I ?? ? ] wrapped [himself?] [ m y s e l f ] in [RED?] [antics]; [RED?] [YELLOW??] [scarf?] [C A P E?] " We're like SECRET AGENTS ! " DYED in [ MADDER RED? ] , we'll B E G I N , even if we're merely P L A Y I N G  H E R O E S " As long as we can manage just a little smile... " We will  BE    FAMILY    STILL      TODAY I PRAY for HAPPINESS in THE FUTURE AHEAD , so HOWEVER SAD it may be... " Now keep this A SECRET ! " The sun sets with us LAUGHING . ... The SPRING breeze blows, and the now-ADULT world Is i r r a t i o n a l l y bent, as if conspired to be The thick and faded tears of [loved ones?]   [ H I M ] Go UNNOTICED BY ALL, turning B L A C K Things had GONE CRAZY, but by the time I NOTICED, I could NOT TELL A N Y O N E " No, NO, I DON’T WANT TO BE DESTROYED ! " ... There CAME A WORLD where HAPPINESS ENDS . " [ RED c o l o r ], PLEASE. N O M O R E; DON’T BRING RUIN TO ANYONE ELSE’S F U T U R E . " I thought as I CRIED again, keeping it HIDDEN WITH A SMILE " ... IF    I    HAD [   T H A T  ... RED ?   ]    M Y S E L F  , could I S A V E S O M E O N E ‘ S F U T U R E ? " AWKWARD and SHAMEFUL , this is my L O N E L Y  P L A N ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... Now that I ‘ M G O N E , I WONDER IF                                         [    M Y  F A M I L Y    ] Are S T I L L G E T T I N G A L O N G , and SMILING TOGETHER ? I ‘ M S U R E they must be UPSET WITH ME --- But I W O N D E R  I F  I  H A V E  B E C O M E                                       ///      "   THEIR SON   "      ///
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                                                    [ F A M I L Y ] ... N O W .
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[ T A I C H I - S A N & MIMI-SAN ] Please try to    REMEMBER       THAT WORD      I   L O V E D;
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                                    [ C H O S E N C H I L D R E N ] "   H A P P I N E S S   "   is    a       C U R I O U S          T H I N G  ,
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                                               [ K O U S H I R O ] SO I HOPE Y O U    CAN    L O V E T    O    M    O    R    R    O    W       ... ... ... ... ... ... 
  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...
- I’M SORRY - I HATE KAGE//PROS FOR DOING THIS TOO I’M SORRY - NO IT’S STILL NOT A DIRECT PARODY BUT EXTREMELY INSPIRED W/THIS ONE - if you can’t quite tell, the first verse began as Mrs./Yoshie Izumi before eventually switching to Koushiro’s POV in the second verse! - in the original video, by the second verse, Kagepro’s plot kicks in MUCH MORE IN GEAR aaand yeah STILL NOT A DIRECT PARODY - SO PLS DON’T THINK IT IS - STILL HEAVILY INSPIRED but yeah you can discount most of the second verse visual plot-wise - unless you really want to torture yourself with imagery of tiny sad!Koushiro crying alone LITERALLY WHY - DON’T WORRY THOUGH MR. IZUMI IS V. NOT INVOLVED LIKE THAT HERE - WHY IS KAGE//PROS LIKE THAT I STG
- the reason why the lyrics alternate between: [RED?] [YELLOW??] [scarf?] [C A P E?] -- is because this is more Kage//pros specific imageries and yeahh I don’t want the exact same thing for Koushiro visually in most of main REPEAT?_ BUT - MENTAL IMAGERY wise IT CAN STILL BE A THING - IN THE VARIOUS FORMS MENTIONED - BUT I WAS THINKING “CAPE” MORE BECAUSE OF A CERTAIN
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- I’M SORRY AGAIN - FEELINGS HATE ME - however this one is kinda really hard to parody without arts skills myself besides amv making so ;; ;; probably won’t be able to make anything amv-wise for this kind of thing for a super long while.....
- ...... she probably already kinda involved herself though in some parts - ....... i’m sorry - WARNINGS (+ FOR REPEATVERSE): - IMPLIED/ATTEMPTED (KEY WORD: ATTEMPTED) SELF-SACRIFICE/’DEATH’ (ESPECIALLY IN KAGE//PROS) - HOWEVER. This is. Well. See REPEAT?_ infos too and YEAH. - IT DOESN’T WORK OUT EXACTLY AS THEY PLANNED..... - I PROMISE IT GETS BETTER ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; (I ..... PROMISE)
WARNINGS FOR THE KAGE//PROS VIDEO: - IMPLICATIONS OF past child abuse (I’M SO SORRY FOR KAGE//PROS) [ this happens for a line spanning about 10 seconds ] - blonde haired boy Kano suffered from child abuse from a past family member. - black haired boy Seto suffers from being bullied as a child by various neighborhood kids - green haired/short haired girl Kido came from a very strict family / mainly her biological father. This ‘father’ was ... neglectful/emotionally abusive in ways (I’m so sorry for Kage//pros) he eventually ends up trying to kill her + her older sister + himself in a fire. She well. (Yeah. She survives. 7TH NOVEL SPOILERS) - the one visible though is actually not the father but more like a butler/maid from the same ‘house’ according to the author in old tweets. - there is nothing more said about that and hope to god it stays that way because. yeah. yeah - basically Kage//pros has MANY warnings re ‘deaths’ PLEASE TREAD VERY CAREFULLY AND ONLY IF YOU THINK YOU CAN HANDLE PLOT-RELATED DETAILS LIKE THAT - they are not actually ‘adopted’ by the way, technically it’s ‘fostered’ (confirmed via Japanese kanji in the original version). I don’t want to debate Kage//pros here though yeah, just mentioning that quickly since it’s important to not get confused with Kage//pros plot orz (many people will debate this though and I understand why but. yeah. technically it’s not official for many maaany plot reasons and yes the official English version definitely mistranslated it orz why this) (just saying: in Japan, when adopted, your surname has to legally change to your adopted family’s surname. The kids’ surnames do not change in Kage//pros canon and the implication is that thegirls’parents’bothdied beforeitcouldhappenyeah. This was pointed out by a Japanese translator so yeah...) [plus her doing what she does at the end kinda screws a lot up y e a h] - NO THIS PART DETAILED ABOVE RE: KAGE//PROS PLOT VERY MUCH DOES NOT RELATE TO THIS STORY GOD NO -  IZUMIS ARE THE GOOD ADOPTIVE PARENTS AND I’M KEEPING IT THAT WAY THANK YOU VERY MUCH - KOUSHIRO’S BIOLOGICAL PARENTS TOO - BUT YEAH THOSE WARNINGS ARE SPECIFIC TO KAGE//PROS THOUGH IF YOU WATCH THE VIDEO I’M SORRY - this is mainly in the first verse during the “brough here...” line - you can kinda cover your eyes at that part and just listen if you’d like though?? - in the second verse it’s heavily implied the girl’s own father is going mentally downhill (this is due to heavy plot spoiler reasons) - (this is a pretty initial spoiler but. his wife also dies - this is related via the second verse of the song, her photo is seen) - he basically ends up discovering plot things and - experiments ... on the girl singings’ classmates/friends ... uhhhh yeah (I’M SORRY FOR KAGE//PROS) - (IT’S NOT REALLY ‘HIM’ THOUGH.....) - this is why SHE’S TRYING TO STOP IT later on in the song - THIS ALSO VERY MUCH DOES NOT RELATE TO MY FICVERSE [BEING SERIOUS HERE]
^ an alternative piano version, albeit a bit faster!
^ this is the original video / song! (PLEASE TREAD WITH CAUTION) (BUT if you’re comfortable with such plot things) (THIS WORKS WELL FOR MAXIMUM FEELINGS) [ AND IT’S HONESTLY A GORGEOUS SONG/VIDEO ] [ AYANO’S A GORGEOUS CHARACTER TOO OK ]
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izzyizumi · 6 years
Taishirou Fic Notes: REPEAT?_
(For Chapters/Parts 1+2) Under the cut!... (... There’ll be spoilers for the entirety of the fic) (This is a preliminary draft/outline until I can make it neater ? looking yeah pfft) (Also see the original fic outline for more earlier elaboration)
-- Chapters 1+2 --
- These chapters are somewhat partly self explanatory; the ‘prologue’ of sorts that set everything up. I think they were the third/fourth or so pieces that I wrote / outlined for this thing? (After the couple of chapters towards the very end...) - This entire idea spawned when I was thinking of Taishiro AU ideas [including previous ones I’ve had] and basically going ‘what’s a Koushiro AU I hadn’t thought of yet??’ - Somehow my mind went ‘ARCHAEOLOGIST ..... KOUSHIRO’ ??? ‘PLUS TIMELOOPS / KAGEDAZE TAISHIRO AU’ ??? PLUS ‘COLLEGE AU’ ???? - Essentially I was thinking of careers Koushiro could have in the real world that would a) be suitable for him b) satisfy his thirst for Knowledge [while also relating to how Knowledge is used in the timeloops] c) would take him a while to complete, but be very worthwile to him in the end d) would have some mystery / intrigue involved, especially when connecting to the Digital World e) would keep him close to Taichi [because he relates tech with it, and is involved in higher education / etc., eventually it could lead to him still becoming a researcher like in the canon epilogue in the end, or in other spinoff AU thoughts... also Taichi having a law-related career that keeps him close to Koushiro] ... etc. etc. - then my mind went ‘OH THAT’S A GOOD IDEA I CAN ALSO RELATE IT TO ‘THAT THING’ YEAH’ (i.e. THE WELL the well where HE FINDS HIS CREST) - however in the back of my mind I was probably also thinking of a super-cute old Cardcaptor Sakura series 1 episode / moment in which then still mostly newly introduced “rival” to Sakura, Syaoran Li, watches Fujitaka Kinomoto’s archaeology presentation. Syaoran grows more and more interested the point he’s internally [and externally, but ‘hiding’ it (well ? from Fujitaka, badly otherwise)] cheering over it when Fujitaka offers to show him more archaeology related things in the future - only to immediately find out next Fujitaka is Sakura Kinomoto’s father [hahaaaa]. Of course Syaoran x Sakura becomes the canon couple in the end anyhow [hahaaaaa. sorry Syaoran ilu but you were pretty amusing back then and also v. tsun in that ‘fail’ kind of way] (some of his early tsun expressions kinda remind me of Adventure Taichi too??) (...Our War Game Taichi even kind of ??) - So my mind might have subconsciously been ‘combining’ all those things (along with an image in my head of photographer Koushiro from Tri studying things in the Digital World) and basically turning that implied Syaoran/Sakura + Archaeology things [if indirectly] into Taishiro + Archaeology AU yes - (also I was following CCS’s new Clear Card Arc at the time in both manga form first and then anime form, so ... yes it was at the back of my mind) - The first lines that basically spurred on this AU were the opening rambles / summary but more notably what immediately came to mind was Koushiro’s “Oh, I’M adopted.” - line, in response to Taichi’s dumb question literally HE WROTE HIMSELF (Koushiro - unfortunately - never has a scene in-show where he actually talks about it with the other Chosen, not even in an 02 era cd drama where he was literally visiting his biological parents’ graves and right after on the way home runs into the other Adventure Chosen sans Taichi and Yamato - and he STILL doesn’t even bring his biological parents up at all, not even that he was just visiting them like ‘oh, I was just on my way back from...’ - so essentially this is him saying it right off the bat and startling Taichi indirectly with it while he’s at it.) - It also prevents having to take forever to set that particular reveal up ... while at the same time taking forever to set that reveal up in Adventure universe and with more impact otherwise hahaaa. (CRY) - So, these two chapters are the setup. - You may notice there’s a feeling of ‘something’s definitely not quite right here’ or ‘something’s up’ all through these parts, the writing style (I basically kind of... mentally storyboard, then translate that into an outline, then storyboard again, then attempt to write anything etc. etc.), (but also the kind of ‘limited’ writing style, too) and basically the entire fic. That’s the timeloops effect lingering in the background, impacting events / feelings / actions, etc. Even the slightest things like Koushiro’s expressions as he regards Taichi, the tiniest movements he makes, or Taichi’s mind running a little (A LOT) more wildly than usual. - When Taichi first hears Koushiro’s ‘(smooth) voice drifting through the open door’, that’s basically the timeloops effect slamming into him right from the get-go. His mind is running wildly subconsciously too like ‘WHAT? WHAT?? WHAT???’ because he’s so confused / startled / scared / basically majorly freaked out to the point of a feeling of dread / horror etc. l-lolll poor Taichi I’M SORRY I love you really (this is also the KageDaze inspired effect because poor Hibiya there, too, [the boy] is basically this through most of the song) [specific dialogue notes] -  ‘ok, he's not really a "kid", he's a fellow adult, but Taichi's mind seems to insist on calling him that, for some reason....’ and all of the ‘his age’ bits etc. - Taichi’s mind is subconsciously relating Koushiro’s actual age to him (‘he’s younger than you think!!! you KNEW HIM IN SCHOOL!!! BEFORE!!!’) except he’s not fully realizing, of course. - short-cut spiky red hair and pure black eyes ('why are you staring so intently at his eyes, idiot!!') Again, timeloops effect slamming. Taichi’s recognizing Koushiro’s features right away and what stands out the most are his hair [dark red] and his eyes [somehow pure black (...lol fandom injoke?)]. This also relates in ch. 4, “Bridge” - when young Taichi notices Koushiro’s red hair ‘stands out the most’ in the light, and Koushiro’s (eyes are) staring right at him (because that young Koushiro’s becoming aware of the loops and freaked out / feeling dread crashing into him, himself). (also other similar parts of the fic) This also relates to novels Koushiro knowing he ‘stands out like a sore thumb’ in class (and how that line relates later with the Izumis / his adoption, as well.) - social sciences? Psychology? Health in general? Science itself? ARCHAEOLOGY??! Basically Koushiro is a freaking genuis [timeloops.... effect] [but also natural hhhh-ha] and subconsciously-or-not relating his career to as many ‘Knowledge’-gathering fields as possible, yeah. SLOW DOWN KOUSHIRO - and he's talking so animatedly and precisely and smartly because again, Child of Knowledge / timeloops. (He’d probably be an amazing professional teacher too negl) (and also how do both his seiyuu/voice actors sound so good HOW). Ok but for real, this is also simultaneously Koushiro’s ‘professional mode’ and / or his ‘mask’ so to speak. He’s enjoying it too, mostly, but... at the same time, it’s like going through the motions.... Koushiro ;A;/ - Taichi keeps staring at him, how is he so... pretty - ('wait what?!') ('but he kind of is, in that way where he has this glow about him-') Timeloops effect reminding him yes, Taichi, you are definitely attracted to Koushiro Izumi (maybe a bit too much) Koushiro’s ‘glow’ is basically him becoming animated / excited whenever he talks about Knowledge-related topics he’s particularly interested in! (But also kind of like... his inner... glow ehehhh....) - The presenter (Izumi?) turns around and stares at him directly, sharply, (kindly?) with those black eyes and says semi-brightly despite the situation he's in, in front of this room full of dumb college kids like Taichi himself - "Oh, I'M adopted." Dun dun dunnnn (hey, Taichi, did you REALLY get Koushiro’s last name/name or-) (...he didn’t) Now Koushiro’s directly focusing his attentions on Taichi, subconsciously recognizing him while he’s at it. He’s staring ‘kindly’ because of the warm feelings his subconscious / past self has towards Taichi; while also out of genuine kindness / intrigue from this universes’ Koushiro himself. Koushiro’s definitely feeling that ‘pull’ but at the same time warning bells are going off like crazy in his head too, and maybe subconsciously freaking him out too (although he’s a little more logical about it than Taichi, maybe... ...? or trying to not panic before he finishes this thing anyway) - After the presentation is over, the kid is gathering up his things outside the room, and fixing his slightly moved tie all neatly, and Taichi approaches him awkwardly from behind. THE TRUE MEETING and basically they’re both subconsciously knowing they were going to have to talk here but .... - "Izumi" turns to stare at him, more intently, now. "It's all right. ...?" (He was a little confused as to why this cool looking kid [??] bothered apologizing to him for that, but he accepts it...) Koushiro’s staring intently because he’s so hyper-focused subconsciously, but also because he likes giving his full attention where it matters in general, too. Also ‘cool looking kid’ is Taichi’s mind thinking maybe that’s how Koushiro might see him, basically. (TAICHI PLS....) (ok but he also added the ‘??’ because he realizes... yeah TAICHI PLS) (Koushiro was a bit surprised this boy actually did think to apologize, but....) - Koushiro smiles slightly. Actually smiles. KOUSHIRO’S SMILES ARE VERY IMPORTANT IN THIS FIC OK Koushiro smiles so impassioned-ly at the start of everything (especially in this verse, where he rarely gets the chance to smile AT ALL it doesn’t help that this Koushiro didn’t go to the Digital World, didn’t make any close friends, DIDN’T MEET TENTOMON OR TAICHI and etc....) - so that when this Koushiro smiles genuinely, it’s SUPER IMPORTANT, OK - "Are you interested? I'm afraid the next dig is already scheduled very soon, but..." "Wait, you're leaving, soon-?!" ('Shut up, you idiot!!') Koushiro is looking at him oddly now - Taichi’s mind is going even more wild with the warning bells and basically yelling ‘SOMETHING’S DEFINITELY WRONG HERE DON’T LET HIM GO IF YOU LET HIM GO HE’S GOING TO UP AND LEAVE AND YOU’LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN !!!!!’ (Also his mind running wild kind of parallels Ep 21′s inspirations too??) (don’t forget Taichi hasn’t had a lot of his ‘character development’ here as well) Koushiro’s looking at him oddly because he’s having a similar feeling but trying to figure out what the heck is up with this and ... this boy... ? - Koushiro is about ready to have to leave again, and Taichi thinks as fast as he can. Taichi’s not ... as known for his thinking deeply in canon when he’s younger (lol) (well, um, pre...? SkullGreymon ? anyhow maybe w-wah) and considering WARNING BELLS he’s basically thinking of the ‘last resort’ type thing he can say / ask / (yell?) / etc. (or - BAM, TIMELINE OVER BAD END). - "W-Wait, which area are you in-?" Koushiro turns with a raised eyebrow and another slight smile. Koushiro’s raising his eyebrow / smiling because he’s basically internally thinking ‘...This one, hmm ..... ‘ - He lives in fucking Odaiba. Literally a block away from Taichi. ('SHIIIIIIIIIIT') ('TAICHI YOU ARE AN IDIOT') ... oh. (yeah) (TIMELOOOOOOPS EFFEEEEEECT) (TAICHI YOU ARE AN IDIOT) -- Chapter 2 -- (kind of) - He doesn't know how it happens, but in some other universe somewhere, he probably ends up not walking Koushiro home and regretting it for the rest of his life when Koushiro just ups and leaves on an archaeology dig somewhere and Taichi never sees him again - ('Seriously, stop thinking!!') So yeah, that part about ‘YOU’LL NEVER SEE HIM AGAIN’ ?? [Taichi(+Koushiro) avoided the BAD END ?? ?] [to be continued]
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koushirouizumi · 5 years
btw uh
a bit more REPEAT
@yuzusere @god-fucking-dammit-mizutani
( H E L P )
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