emilycollins00 · 1 year
Emilyyyyy!!! 💖💖💖💖💖💖 Hi hehe uwu
Could I request Yuki and Taichi (separately) with a reader who likes fashion but gets insecure with certain clothes, thinking they couldn't pull them off? Whether it's platonic or romantic doesn't matter since either is fine ^^ Hope you have a great day Emily!! (人*´∀`)。*゚✨✨✨ Sorry if the request is a bit vague qwq
Of course you can!! 💕 Not vague at all, it was really a really nice writing experience! I didn’t specify the type of clothes or the relationship, so anyone can go for it.
Please enjoy!
Fashion conversations (Yuki and Taichi x reader)
“Are you going to try it?”
“Y-yuki!” You barely contain a scream, unconsciously hiding the piece of clothing behind your back. He watches you unimpressed, although you are sure it must seem off for you to act this jumpy. You had come together shopping after all. “What’s up?” you smile, and he raises an eyebrow. You know you couldn’t fool him, but appearing distracted was always an option. Lucky for you, it works.
“I’ve been calling you for a while, you know. I found the accessories I wanted.”
“Oh! Let’s go see them then.”
The green haired boy hums, however his eyes are now fixed on the rest of the clothes hanging behind you. “That’s a good color. Are these from the new collection?” he asks, and touches their fabric.
Your nerves pick up, asking you to leave. “Seems like it!” you place the clothes you had back again on their hanger. “Too expensive though. Maybe when sales come.”
You don’t like to lie, especially to Yuki. But you don’t have the guts to say out loud what your mind told you.
That you are not fit for those clothes.
And you hate it, because fashion is... actually a somewhat comfort of yours. You love trends, talking about clothes, styling them, and using them to express yourself, and it makes you overwhelmed that for these specific clothes your actions always contradicted your thoughts. Like part of you was simply okay with having them between your hands, imagining a version of you where they actually looked good enough.
“Since when was that a problem? If you like them you should just try them now.”
"We came for your accessories though."
"So? I wouldn't have asked you to come if I were in a hurry."
You feel like Yuki is being more persistent than usual, but maybe it’s just your desire to leave. “It’s fine.” You insist and glance at the clothes. You shake your head. “In any case, I don’t think they— “
“Don’t tell me you’re going to say they wouldn’t look good on you or something stupid like that.”
You press your lips together. You adored Yuki, but sometimes he was too honest and raw with his choice of words.
“I like it.” He continues looking at the clothes, and tilts his head turning to you. “It’s different from what you usually wear.”
You don’t know where to look. “I guess.”
There’s a moment of silence, the background music feeling in for both of you. You know by now he’s picked up the situation, he’s far too smart not to. Also for best or worse, knows you too much as well.
“You know no one is going to judge you, Y/N.”
“I know.” You say that too quick. “I know. I just… still feel embarrassed, for some reason.”
This time the summer member does frown, mostly confused. “Why?”
As you watch him cross his arms, waiting for the answer, there’s a pinch of pain and annoyance rising within you. Maybe jealousness even. In any case you hate the feeling, because you know he didn’t mean it like that. “You can pull of anything Yuki.” You start talking. You open your arm, gesturing the rows of clothes surrounding you two. “And it looks great, okay? No matter what you wear. And— I’m not saying this because I’m comparing myself to you, but this?” you turn to the clothes. You pick them up and hold them with both hands again. Your voice falters as you low your head and look at them. “This” you repeat. “I feel like I shouldn’t even try.”
Yuki stares at you. You don’t say anything. A few couples and groups of friends walk by, laughing, hands with bags. “Because you’re uncomfortable?” he finally ask.
You shrug. Not really. “It… doesn’t feel right.”
“What doesn't?”
You lift your head and blink. Now you are too occupied trying to make sense without getting angry. “What do you mean what— wearing this! It would look better on you or—  I don’t know! Literally anyone else.”
“So if you saw them on let’s say, someone from my dorm, you would like it.”
“Without thinking anything of it.”
“Yes!” you raise your arms exasperated.
“So there are clothes made for everyone except you? Don’t you think it’s weird?”
You open your mouth to contradict him, but you don’t know how to phrase it other than what it was already said. You had never had expectations for others— you had seen people of all shapes and sizes rock the hell out of this clothe before and loved the way they looked.
But you?
“Those people... aren’t me.” You say, hoping to end the discussion. You could easily look at another person objectively and see how beautiful and stylish they looked, but your relationship with yourself regarding these particular clothes always came with complications.
“Look,” Yuki doesn’t want to argue. But this topic was too close to home for him to evade it. Specially coming from you. “I’m no psychologist. But there’s no harm in going out of your comfort zone sometimes. There are no wardrobe rules, Y/N.”
“Challenging your rules and insecurities isn’t an easy thing to do.” He continues, seeing you didn’t retort to his statement. His orange eyes speak from experience. “But if you like something hanging on a rack or hanger, instead of writing it off, try to try it on. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that the only thing you need to do to pull off a look is to wear it. Your confidence will catch up eventually.”
“Sounds easier said than done.”
Yuki shrugs. It was what it was, and he wasn’t one for sugar-coating things. “See what happens when you do, forgetting everyone else. For what it’s worth, I think you would look more than good wearing them.” The summer member turns to the formed queue for the cashier and then again turns back to you. “I’m going to grab the accessories. See you at the entrance when you are done.”
He walks away, leaving you and your thoughts alone, running back and forth for a while in your head, conflicted. Your mouth becomes a firm line as you weigh the options and his words, clenching on the clothes. You take a deep breath.
You hoped your confidence picked up speed.
For all the time you believe he’s been waiting, Yuki doesn’t complain about it.
He also doesn’t comment or applaud when he sees a shopping bag hanging from your arm.
“I still need to pass by the sewing store as well. That money-grabbing yakuza made me promise to wait only for when there’s a discount.” He complains remembering one of their multiple arguments. He looks to you. “Do you have time?”
You nod.
None of you say anything else, heading to the shop while making conversation about the fabrics, as usual. After a while and just before you enter the shop, Yuki suddenly grabs your hand and squeezes it.
It’s pretty quick. One small squeeze and a fast release. A Yuki way of saying I'm proud of you, by the way. The action makes your chest jump.
You hope in the future you would be too.
Because today wasn’t to say your insecurities were going to vanish when you began dressing in the clothes resting on your bag, but it was definitely a pretty big step towards feeling better about yourself.
“Man I love thrift stores! Do you think I should take this jacket too, Y/N? It’s big but I hope I can grow— Oh wait this one’s cooler!”
You walk behind Taichi amused, infected with the enthusiasm the autumn member exuded. Of course, the fact that you had been asked to come along for your opinion regarding fashion made you feel somewhat pleased as well.
“Take both for now, we can see them better where there’s more light... and we should really have you try all the clothes you have chosen so far. We can take another look later around the shop afterward. Your arms must be getting tired.”
The redhead who was still gushing over the amount of pockets the new-found jacket had stared at his arms and blinked. Indeed, they were practically non-existent due to all the trousers, sweatshirts and jackets covering them. “Oh yeah! Didn’t even notice! Let’s see, the changing rooms were…”
Once he’s inside one of them you decide to take a small walk around the place while waiting, humming happily. You remember Yuki mentioning this shop to you a while ago but hadn’t been able to visit until now, which was crazy honestly, given how often you went shopping around Veludo. You let your hand caress distractedly the rows of hung clothes when your eyes notice a specific item. You stop and stare at it for a few seconds, before slowly taking it out of the hanger.
Your fingers dance through the fabric slowly. They turn the clothes around and you conclude it might even be your size, but that’s as far as you go. You begin to put it back into place. You would never be able to—
“Wow, that would look awesome on you!”
You find an excited Taichi running towards you from behind. He’s wearing some of the chosen clothes. “Are you going to try it?” he asks eagerly.
“Not sure yet.” You manage to say casually before focusing on him. “Turn around?”
Motivated, he proceeds to do a slow turn so you can see the back as well as the sides.
“What do you think?” he says as you both go back to the changer. He looks again at his reflection in the mirror and begins making a few poses. “I feel really cool!”
You chuckle and nod. Bright colors like the ones he had chosen were really like him. “Looks good to me too. Though the trousers look a bit short, don’t they? Do you feel comfortable?” you tilt your head.
“Yup! I saw this style on some magazines and I’ve wanted to try them for a while! I know they are not really in right now but…”
“Not at all! If you like them go for it.”
The answer makes Taichi beam. “All right, then this combo is secured!”
You both spend quite a while in the shop long afterward, and you have to commit to Taichi. You had lost count of how many things he had tried at this point. And while you look around some more, waiting for him, there are a few times you can’t help but walk by the rack where those first clothes were.
You don’t really know why you do it, since everytime feels like a pinch to the stomach.  
“Are you really not going to try it? You seem to like it a lot.” Taichi suddenly asks during his last change of clothes.
“You know, that?” He points with his head to where the clothes rest. “You have been looking at them all this time.”
It’s an innocent comment, but it still makes you flustered to have been this obvious. “Nah.” You dismiss the idea, heart picking up pace. “I don’t think it’s going to be good on me.” Your eyes travel through Taichi’s current sweatshirt. You hum, resting your hands on your hips. “Personally I think it’s a bit too big on you Taichi, the cut of the shoulder doesn’t end with yours and…”
“Why do you say that?”
“Well because it gives the sense that your shoulders— “
“No, I meant," he tilts his head curiously. "Why wouldn’t they look good on you? Are they too small?”
“Oh.” You blink. “No, well. It’s because— You know. It’s too good. It’s going to be wasted on me.” You try to joke. You don’t have the confidence to wear it. Never had for those specific clothes.
“Are you kidding? I think it’d look amazing!” You are quick to begin to deny it, but the redhead is a bit too set on the idea for some reason. “Come on!” he insists grabbing the clothes and pushing you towards his own changing room before you can think otherwise.
“You have helped me lots today, you should try something too and enjoy it!” he grins.
You take a long, deep sigh inside the changing room. You can’t believe you actually gave in to his pleas— or maybe you did it just to stop the uncomfortable situation. In any case, you are now wearing them and as expected, you don’t know how to feel. You haven’t even turned around and looked in the mirror.
“Are you done? Can I see?” Taichi asks from outside after a while.
Because you have always loved this type of clothes. But it didn’t feel right. Of course you know it’s your insecurities talking, but the thought of showing it to Taichi -to anyone really- made you feel embarrassed.
You groaned to yourself. Coming face-to-face with things you didn’t like about yourself always left you feeling defeated.
You sigh, counting to three before you open the curtain and bite your lip. Luckily it was a weekday, so there weren’t many clients around the shop. You shrug once you make eye contact with the autumn actor not knowing what to say. Taichi however irradiates enough energy for both of you.
“I like it!" he compliments happily. "It’s different from what you usually wear!”
Exactly. “Yeah, well— I’m going to change now.” You smile. “You can go ahead and pay.”
“What? You are not going to buy it?”
"Why? You look..."
“Taichi please stop saying that!” you interrupt. His eyes falter at your tone. You feel bad for it, but right now you just want him to quit it. To stop saying they looked on good. “I’m not... fitted for these clothes,” you mutter, and begin to head back to change.
“W-wait, Y/N!” you sigh and turn to him, although you don't know why. He scratches the back of his head. “I don’t have the sense you or Yuki-chan have with clothes but… I do I say it…” He crosses his arms and frowns in concentration. “Ah!” Suddenly his eyes snap open. “You told me the trousers I got were too short before, right?”
“Uh, yeah… but that was my opinion so…”
“And then you said if I liked them I should take them!”
“I did. But that’s because you felt comfortable with them. I don’t.”
“See but that’s because you haven’t worn them before!” he points to the clothes. “I get it! Wearing a dress and a wig in one of our first autumn plays back at the time felt weird at first, but it was actually nice the more I wore it, you know? Even the others said I passed by as a real girl!”
“Uhm.” You knew he really was doing his best to prove a point… in his very Taichi-like way. So you didn’t comment on it.
“What I mean is,” he continues. “Challenging your rules and insecurities isn’t an easy thing but if you like those clothes enough or are interested in them… who cares if you pull it off or not? I mean, you can take all the time you want to get used to them, right?" You frown a bit, processing the words.
You bite your lip and finally for the first time, look at the mirror to see yourself. You take everything. Then you turn again to Taichi. You didn't know what to do.
"Of course all that is just my opinion!" he says quickly, noticing your indecision. "I'll support anything you do. Oh, and if someone says anything bring them on! I’ll have a real talk with them!"
That does make you smile.
Before you know it, you two are leaving the shop. Taichi with hands full of bags and you with only one. You stare at it in trance.
You really had done it. Your stomach felt funny.
“You did it!” he exclaims next to you. “Man, you are so cool Y/N.”
You let out a laugh, feeling really close to crying. Taichi supporting you had been nothing new, but the situation was. He felt proud and happy for you. And if he did, maybe the choice was good enough.
“I don’t know about cool but… thanks.” You mean it.
“Of course!” He smiled happily, unaware— or maybe not so unaware. You had learned to give Taichi more credit than he gave himself. He had a way of reassuring people of their own negative perceptions like you had never seen someone do. “I know!” his voice brought your back. “We should go to that place Ban-chan told me just opened to celebrate!”
You shake your head amused. You are about to say he was making a bigger deal than what it was, but you stop yourself. Today was the first time you had actually fought back against your insecurities and won, and hopefully, that will make every battle after that a little bit easier and easier as time passed.
“Sure. Lead the way then.”
So you had all the right to celebrate and feel happy with yourself.
Wishing you all a wonderful day! 💕
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izzyizumi · 5 years
Meanwhile with Digimon's Taishiro (Taichi x Koushiro)
(22 YEAR OLD) Taichi, handling his new SMARTPHONE.....???.....:
Taichi, plugging away at it:
Taichi, turning it about in his hands:
K O U S H I R O:
TAICHI, plugging away at it... again:
Taichi, laughing as he hands it over:
TAICHI: (I AM getting better at technology but it was still YOU who had to teach me about computers, wasn't it?!)
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part one] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPov!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
A night out drinking leads to a small misunderstanding with a handsome, yet dangerous man. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader]
3,894 words
note: edited this so it could still be read as a reader fic! it's actually a lot of fun writing in first person! hope those who read this enjoy my first bsd fic!
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || masterlist
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I've experienced a lot of amazing things since I've moved to Japan. A new job in a different country, new co-workers and friends, work parties, themed bars, cafes, and hookups with pretty strangers. There was a long list of great things I've had going on, and a long list of things I've never expected... and being fired from the job I had for a year was not one of them.
"A year of hard work... for nothing," I mumbled bitterly as I sat at the bar with my close friend, and now ex-coworker, Keiko. She was beautiful, with long black hair and brown eyes. She frowned, a sympathetic look on her pretty face as she sighed.
"I'm so sorry," she said softly, giving my shoulder a squeeze. "I'm sure you'll find something else soon! You have an awesome resume, and you're an amazing worker who can speak English, Japanese AND Spanish... there is totally a place for you out there!"
Keiko has always been supportive and enthusiastic, a really bright and friendly girl who made it her mission to befriend me as soon as I started working with her. She was relentless, and soon enough, I found myself spending many hours with the woman.
"Yeah..." I just mumbled again and she laughed softly.
"It's okay to mope... that's why I brought you here!"
"Yeah, about that," I started, sending Keiko a look as I swiveled the stool so my body faced her. "Why did you bring me here?" As soon as the work day was done, Keiko immediately dragged me to what was clearly a mafia bar. That didn't surprise me, since she was actually dating a mafioso.
A mafioso, who was part of the Port Mafia. It wasn't long after I moved to Yokohama that I started to hear stories about the organization, and was also warned not to cross them. Of course, with my luck, I became best friends with someone who dated someone who was in the Port Mafia. How a sweet girl like Keiko ended up with a man like him, I'll never know.
What I do know is that Taichi adored Keiko, gave her everything she could possibly want and need with the money he makes, and that was just being a normal grunt! Even so, it was dangerous, but Keiko didn't seem to mind.
"I come here with Taichi all the time," Keiko answered, sipping her drink. I turned to sip on my own. "You can't tell me it isn't luxurious." It was. My jaw had dropped to the floor when we first stepped into the very luxurious bar. "Don't worry about it, okay? Drink your sadness away! You're safe here. Since I am Taichi's woman, and you're with me, nothing will happen, okay?"
"Where is Taichi anyway?" I asked, glancing over her shoulder when I spotted a group of men walking in through the entrance. I missed the way the light left Keiko's eyes, chewing on her bottom lip anxiously. My eyes were on the men, which in the middle was a man with orange hair, a black hat adorning his head. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes looking at the very handsome man up and down. I swallowed thickly.
"He had a job tonight and couldn't make it. He'll be home to- hey, what are you looking at?" Annoyed at me ignoring her, she turned in her seat, a shocked look on her face before she smiled tightly.
"Taichi! I thought you had an assignment!"
"Hey, babe! We finished early, which was quite surprising, honestly."
The couple embraced and I barely registered the mushy love between the two as I watched the ginger man lead the rest of the group further into the bar. He walked by me, and before I knew it, dark blue eyes were staring right at me, eyebrows furrowed.
"The hell are you looking at?" he sneered and my face turned red, heart dropping in my chest.
"No one! I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, quickly turning back around and facing the bar.
"Tch. Whatever," the man only responded before walking off.
"You look like a cherry," Taichi said, clearly amused. I sent him a half-hearted glare, Keiko slapping his chest lightly.
"Be nice to her. She got fired today."
"Ohh, that sucks. If you need help-"
"She won't take it," Keiko said with a huff. "Stubborn ass."
I rolled my eyes at her, biting my lip nervously as I fiddled with my glass. "So uh... who was that guy? With the hat?"
Taichi blinked. "Oh, that's Chuuya Nakahara."
"Is he part of the Port Mafia?"
Taichi barked out a laugh, Keiko giggling softly behind her hand.
"Baby... he's an executive. Chuuya works closely with the leader of the Port Mafia."
"And I work under Chuuya," Taichi finished, amused at how wide my eyes have gotten at the answer.
"You mean to tell me... I pissed off... an executive member..." I was dismayed, heart pounding in my chest.
"Hmm, probably. Don't go home alone tonight," Taichi grinned as I balked, clearly having fun torturing me.
"Taichi! Babe, don't listen to him."
I gulped nervously, downing the rest of my drink before signaling to the bartender to get me another one.. "R-right..." Despite my better judgment, I turned my head, looking towards the obvious VIP section of the bar. Chuuya sat with some other grunts, a glass of what seemed to be red wine in his hand. Of course, his eyes found mines yet again and I whipped my head back around. Fuck, I did it again! I quickly downed the newly made drink, unaware of Chuuya's eyes narrowing as he watched me.
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"Nooo, do you have to go?" a drunk Keiko whined as she latched onto my arm, a forever amused Taichi watching on. "Don't leave me with hiiiiiiim."
"I want to go home, dammit," I huffed, successfully peeling her off of me and handing her to her boyfriend. "I have to start job hunting tomorrow. Thank you for bringing me here, I do feel better and I love you but... I'm tired."
"Ugh, you are such an old lady!" Keiko whined again and I couldn't help but laugh, turning to start walking towards the exit.
"Goodnight, you too. Please get her home safe, Taichi."
"I wouldn't count on it~"
I rolled my eyes at his teasing, leaving the two behind as I left the bar. I stepped out into the cool night air, shivering a bit as I closed my cardigan tightly around me. I wore a simple but cute outfit; a black dress with burgundy tights underneath, black flats on my feet and my favorite tan cardigan over the entire outfit. It helped me fight off a bit of the cold, but as I started to walk down the block, I grabbed my phone to start searching through my usual rideshare app.
I didn't get far. My phone cluttered to the ground as it fell out my hands, a gasp leaving my mouth as I was slammed against the nearby brickwall of a narrow, dark alleyway.
"Who the fuck are you?" a familiar voice hissed and I'm shocked to find Chuuya Nakahara glaring daggers at me, his strong hands pinning my arms against the wall. He growled when I didn't answer. "Answer me! Who sent you here?!"
"N-No one!" I cried out, shaking like a leaf. Of course, of course I would be confronted by a fucking high level member of one of the most dangerous organizations in Japan. "I swear, I just came here with my friend."
Chuuya growled again and he flipped me around, pressing my front against the wall. "Stay still," he grunted, and my face started to heat up as I felt his gloved hands quickly feel along my body. He was frisking me, and I gulped when he shoved his hand under my dress, producing the knife I had strapped to my thigh.
"I carry that to protect myself," I immediately explained, Chuuya turning me around again to face him. His eyes were still narrowed, staring me down as if trying to figure out what the hell I was up to.
"And the bouncer didn't pat you down?" he questioned and I shook my head quickly.
"No, he didn't pat me or Keiko down."
"Tch, that's Taichi's woman," he said, though he still looked at me with narrow eyes, hesitating a bit before he turned my knife in his hand, handing it back to me hilt first. "You sure know how to make yourself look suspicious."
I cringed a bit as I strapped my knife to my thigh strap again. I missed how Chuuya's eyes lingered, him licking his lips. "That's my fault I... I know I was staring..." I could feel my face heat up again and I couldn't even look Chuuya in his face. "S-sorry if I creeped you out. I don't mean any harm. Keiko brought me here 'cause I got fired and she wanted to help me feel better..."
"Hm," was his only reply, crossing his arms over his chest. "What you do to fuck up?"
My mouth fell and I sputtered as I tried to come up with the words. "What do you mean?! I didn't fuck up!" I protested. "It literally came out of nowhere! I worked my ass off all year, only to get fired 'cause I wasn't what they needed anymore. Fucking bullshit."
Chuuya was amused by my little vent, snickering a bit as he gave me a quick look up and down. "I'm sure it wasn't your winning personality."
I scoffed. "Says the one that shoved a random woman against a wall?! That hurt, you bastard!"
Chuuya raised his eyebrows at me, and I immediately slapped my hands over my mouth.
Oh no. Fuck, I forgot who I was talking to.
Chuuya snickered again, his eyes flashing in amusement. He stepped closer to me, making me press back against the wall again. Chuuya leaned his face close to mine, a smug smirk on his face as he spoke.
"Be careful who you talk to like that," he hummed, and I shivered despite feeling some of his body heat. "Someone might just cut out your tongue for talking back like that. Me? Well, it'd be a waste, especially when I think of all the things I could make you do with it."
I squeaked, the heat never leaving my face as I stared at Chuuya with a puzzled expression on my face. The sudden switch up was giving me whiplash... and lowkey turning me on. "I..." I stuttered, looking away and finally noticing my phone still on the ground. "Crap, I hope it's not broken."
I rushed over to pick my phone up, ignoring Chuuya's hard stare on me. I looked over my phone, sighing in relief when I saw that it had sustained no damages.
Chuuya then stepped up to me, jerking his head back towards the bar before walking off. "Let me take you home. Take that as an apology for being so rough on you."
I blinked. "Um..."
"Hurry up!"
"Okay!" I squeaked and followed after the man quickly, chewing on my lip as I asked myself... what the fuck was I doing? Am I really about to get inside this man's car? He was a stranger! Who frisked me! Let alone, he is clearly a dangerous man.
I must be insane.
"Tell me," Chuuya started and I was dumbfounded as he approached a rather cool looking motorcycle. No way. "What the hell were you being so creepy for?" He turned to me and asked, an all-knowing smirk on his face. I blushed deeply. Of course, he already was able to figure it out once he realized that I wasn't a threat.
"No reason," I huffed out, earning a low laugh as Chuuya grabbed the only helmet I could see. I looked at him confused, gasping when he unceremoniously placed the helmet over my head. "What about you?"
"I don't need it," Chuuya simply answered before he finally mounted his bike. "Come on, you little liar. Hop on."
I couldn't help but stare, my mouth going dry as I took in the image of this handsome bastard with his bike. The engine roared as he turned it on, revving it a bit and making me make a mess in my panties.
"Hey, ya done eyefucking me, dollface?"
I sputtered. "I was NOT eyefucking you!" I stormed over to the bike, glaring at the grinning bastard as I climbed onto the bike behind him.
Chuuya snorted. "Yeah, like you weren't eyefucking me earlier in the bar," he retorted, easily reaching behind him to grab my wrists, pulling me against his back as he wrapped my arms around him. I was stunned silent, from his words, and his actions and the fact that his back felt so solid.... and he smelled so good...
"I was not..." I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his back. "Shut the fuck up."
He laughed darkly, and that sent a shiver down my spine.
"Where do you live?" Chuuya asked and I hesitantly told him my address. "I know where that is. Hold on."
"You do? It's on the other side of the city," I said and Chuuya just chuckled softly, looking over his shoulder and smirking at me.
"And who exactly runs this city?"
I clamped my mouth shut, his eyes staring into mine. I blushed and looked away from him. He turned his head back around with an amused laugh, the engine revving as he took off on his bike.
"Hold tight, dollface!"
He didn't have to tell me twice, my arms tightening around his torso as he sped down the street, weaving in and out of traffic. It was scary, but also so fucking exhilarating. My heart was thudding in my chest, my eyes watering because of the wind. Still, I kept them open, wanting to watch the world blur by us. Chuuya made a sharp, right turn, making me scream while he laughed loudly. 
"Man up!" he yelled at me.
"Stop driving like a crazy person!" I yelled back.
I didn't see the large, almost evil smirk that grew on Chuuya's face. Didn't see him licking his lips excitedly as he eyed a rather tall building coming up ahead.
"Tell me, dollface," he hollered back at me, revving the engine and I gulped as I held him tighter, his bike going faster. A bad feeling started to settle in my stomach, balking when he asked his next question. "Do you want to defy gravity?"
I didn't have time to answer, not when I finally realized that we were heading right towards the side of the building. I couldn't even scream, fear striking me as I suddenly started to see red, body jostling as Chuuya maneuvered the bike to jump in the air.... before landing perfectly on the side of the building and continuing vertically up towards the sky.
"Don't let go!" Chuuya sneered. Like that was ever going to happen.
I didn't dare turn my head to look down, my wide eyes staring up into the night sky as we made it closer to the top of the building. I couldn't even think straight, my body just running on nothing but adrenaline and fear.
"Ch-Chuuya!" I gasped out sharply, the bike finally making it to the roof of the building. Chuuya didn't slow down though, only barreling towards the edge and I started to panic. "Chuuya! What are you doing?!"
Chuuya only snickered, revving the engine once more before sending the bike flying off the edge of the building. I squeak and screw my eyes shut, pressing my face against the middle of his back. I didn't want to watch us plummet to our doom.
"Hey, idiot, open your eyes."
I whimpered and shook my head. "N-No..."
Chuuya sucked his teeth. "Just open your eyes! You'll regret it if you don't."
Biting my lip, I wanted a moment before I lifted my head up and opened my eyes, a small gasp leaving my mouth as I looked around me.
We were still floating in the air, biking moving through the sky. The City of Yokohama was lit up beautifully underneath us. I looked over, seeing the ocean at a distance, the ferris wheel lit up and spinning slowly. My mouth had fallen open, eyes wide in wonder. Chuuya was looking back at me, a triumphant grin on his face.
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We made it to my apartment and Chuuya stood over me, an amused smile on his face as he watched me melt on the ground after I got off his bike.
"That was intense..." I mumbled, still feeling the effects of flying through the fucking sky. "I shouldn't even be surprised that you're gifted, with the power that you have already in the Port Mafia."
"Yeah, it was pretty great, huh," Chuuya said smugly, gloved hands stuffed in his coat pockets. I laughed softly, slowly standing up with my shaky legs. He took one look at my frazzled state and he grew even more smug. "That's a cute look on you, though if I really had my way with you, you wouldn't even be able to stand."
My face turned hot, sputtering as I tried to respond, but I had nothing to even say. Because the thought of actually inviting Chuuya inside and--
"Fuck..." I breathed out softly, looking at the man standing before me. His eyes didn't leave mine, the heat in them making a shiver go down my spine. "Do you... want to come inside?"
Chuuya fixed his hat on top of his head. "Lead the way, dollface."
"So... your ability lets you control gravity?" I asked once we made it inside the elevator of my apartment building. We were going fifteen stories up, after Chuuya parked his bike safely, of course.
"To put it simply, yes," Chuuya answered, stepping closer to me. I gasped softly when he grabbed my chin, the leather of his glove pressing against my skin. "But we're not here to talk about that." He pressed himself against me fully, leaning his face in until his lips hovered just above mine. I shivered, looking at him with hooded eyes. "This will be a one time thing, dollface."
I nodded, appreciating his honesty. "Of course," I replied just as the elevator stopped on my floor, doors sliding open. I grinned at him. "So let's make it count."
He liked the sound of that, grabbing my wrist and leading me out the elevator. I rushed to my apartment, grabbing my keys and hurriedly unlocking the door before opening it.
The door slammed shut as Chuuya immediately pressed me against it, his lips on mine in a fervorous kiss. I knocked his hat off his head as I ran my fingers through Chuuya's hair, moaning when his hands started to roam all over my body.
"Fuck..." I moaned softly when Chuuya started to kiss down my neck, squealing when he squeezed on my ass.
"Damn... you won't be able to fucking sit right, either," he growled against my neck as he massaged my ass and thighs. "Let's go."
Groaning when he moved himself away from me, I rushed to lead Chuuya to my bedroom, our clothes coming off in the process and making a trail on the floor.
It didn't take us too long to start really going at it, our lust fueling us to incredible heights. Chuuya held my hips tightly with his leather clad hands, thrusting his hard cock in and out of my soaking pussy.
He was fucking me hard, my body just sprawled on the bed as I moaned and grunted from the pleasure this man was giving me. "Fuck, fuck, Chuuya!" I whined, making the man grin widely as he kept his pace. Sweat covered both of our bodies, moans and deep growls mixing with the sound of skin slapping against skin.
"That's right, dollface, ride me," Chuuya smirked up at me, now on his back as I bounced up and down on his cock. His hands were right on my hips, his eyes going back and forth between  watching my bouncing breasts and watching his cock disappear inside my heat. "Fuck, you're so fucking sexy," he growled, thrusting up particularly hard and making me toss my head back, screaming when I finally fucking cum.
"Oh my God!" I gasped sharply, still squeezing around him as I began to slow down. "Oh fuck... it's so good," I moaned, reaching out and hooking my finger into Chuuya's black choker. I pulled and he pushed himself up, lips meeting mine in a messy kiss.
I moaned against his mouth, still slowly riding him as his hands ran up and down my sides, the leather cool against my skin. Then, Chuuya placed his hands on my hips, and with a mischievous little smirk, he licked his lips. Immediately, my body started to feel a little bit lighter, and Chuuya started to effortlessly bounce me up and down on his cock, 100% controlling my body with his ability.
"Chuuya..." I moaned his name, head lolling back. He continued to maneuver my body, little grunts and moans leaving his own mouth as he worked to reach his own pleasure, and mine.
I came again, tears falling down my face from the intense pleasure, and that was enough for Chuuya to pull me off of him completely, putting me on my knees before him on the bed. His hand grabbed the back of my neck and he pushed my head down, stuffing his cock in my mouth.
"Take it," he growled, his hands in my hair and using it to push my head up and down as he fucked my mouth. I moaned around him, a new wave of pleasure washing over me as I let the mafioso use me as he wanted. Soon enough, he exploded into my mouth, and I made sure I swallowed all of him.
"Fuck, that's hot..." Chuuya breathed out when I opened my mouth to show him that I did so. "You're such a good girl, dollface."
That made me flustered and I looked away shyly, earning a chuckle from him. I looked over when I felt him get up from the bed, thinking that he would leave. Instead, he just gave me a look. "Where is your shower?"
We showered together,  which took longer than needed because Chuuya couldn't keep his hands to himself. I was surprised when he climbed into bed with me afterwards, allowing me to cuddle against him as we slowly fell asleep.
I wasn't surprised though, when I woke up the next morning, sore and alone. I didn't get too upset about it, though. Chuuya laid it out clear and I accepted it and moved on.
I sat on my dining room table, looking through the newspaper as I sipped on my morning coffee. I was looking for a new job and figured looking at the local ads wouldn't hurt.
"Hm... let's see..." I whispered, reaching over and grabbing my knife. I ran the tip of it down the paper, stopping when one particular ad stuck out. "Hm... the Armed Detective Agency, huh? Interesting..." I set my knife down, staring at the ad as I took another careful sip of coffee.
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redthreadoffate · 3 years
age doesn’t matter (i’ll always be crazy for you)
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header by: @/earlgreymon
“You can’t just turn back time.” 
“Why not?”
- 13 going on 30
here’s my february entry for my own challenge + mimato 2022 february! this one is a little longer than i expected but i think i like it! it took me a few days of the last week of the month and i’m glad i was able to make it before the day ends (here).
so again, this is part of the it’s just like in the movies series, and obviously a mimato fic. let’s go!
digimon adventure masterlist
it’s just like in the movies masterlist
age doesn’t matter (i’ll always be crazy for you) | main characters ; mimi tachikawa, yamato ishida | inspiration ; 13 going on 30 | pairings ; yamato x mimi | genre ; au, slight angst | word count ; 4,200 | rating ; pg | edited ; twice - forgive me for any mistakes | warning ; the word “boob” used 2 or 3x
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For Yamato, life was pretty good. Above-average grades, bassist and main vocals in a band, and a good set of friends.
But for his best friend Mimi, life was…just okay.
She had average grades, she was not part of a band despite Yamato encouraging her to share her voice, and a few friends. But that was fine by her. She knew Yamato’s other group was not the best, but at least she was sure that hers were honest and liked her for who she was.
She had tried telling Yamato about his side, even his younger brother Takeru agreed with her. But he would not have it. She gave up at some point, at least he still hung out with her. What would she do if her childhood and best friend stopped talking to her? Although he was a year older, he did not treat her as if she was a kid.
“Are you going to the gig?” he asked, leaning on her desk.
Mimi sighed. “I don’t know.”
“What do you mean you don’t know, of course you’re going.”
She pouted. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”
“There’s going to be a crowd,” she replied. “And they’re each bringing their own dates, which is twice the crowd.”
Yamato snorted. “I’ll save you front row seats.”
Mimi thought for a while. “On the house?”
He smirked.
“Okay, I’m going.”
He grinned. “Great!” He stood up straight and began to walk away. “I’ve got practice, I’ll see you later.”
She brought her hand and gave it a slight wave. When he had disappeared, her friend Koushiro replaced him. “Taichi and Sora are waiting for us outside,” he said. “Or are you going to wait for him?”
She looked at Koushiro then at the door. “No, let’s go.”
It was not unusual for her and Yamato to head home together. After all, they were next-door neighbors. However, it was getting rarer and rarer. With him having band practice and hanging out with his friends, she would find herself either going home alone or with her other smaller group.
When she arrived home that day, she peeped out her window, splitting the blinds with her two fingers, and looked for any signs of Yamato. Albeit she knew that he was still practicing, it was sort of a habit of hers now. When she first started going home without him, she would take a peek to see if he had arrived home, she was excited to know what had been going on with him.
Unfortunately, often he would come home too late and she would be too tired to talk. So she stopped waiting. Well, that was what she would say to herself.
When she saw no signs of him, she walked away from the window and flopped on her bed. Grabbing a magazine from her floor, she flipped through it before pausing at a headline.
“Thirty, flirty, and thriving,” she murmured. “Hm.” She scanned the cover and found attractive women, seeming to be in their thirties, who had their own little story to share. She twisted the magazine sideways and down before throwing it back down on the floor. “If only.”
Later that night, after dinner and back in her room, Mimi heard Yamato’s voice. He was talking to someone and laughing at what the other person had said. She frowned before shaking her head. She pulled up her blanket, turned off her lamp, and closed her eyes.
Valentine’s Day had arrived and Mimi tried her best to push her way to the front of the bar where the mini-stage was. When she finally reached it, she let out a sigh of relief as she sat down.
“Hey, you made it!” Yamato grinned while he approached her. “Are you doing okay?”
She nodded. “Big crowd,” is all she said.
“Yeah.” He nodded as he scanned the place. “Hey.” She looked up at him as he took out his phone and focused it on her. “Smile.”
Mimi giggled and did as she was told. 
Yamato had a knack for taking pictures of her. It all started when she admitted that she liked cameras, she loved cameras. Because they help keep fond memories together. Yamato surprised her once, with a small, colorful camera. She was the first one he ever took a picture of…and so far the only.
“I’ll be up in a bit. Need anything?”
She shook her head. “I’m good.”
He smiled. “Come backstage for me after the show.”
“Would they let me in?”
He chuckled and then leaned down and whispered, “The password is ‘harmonica’.”
She let out a soft laugh. “Okay.”
The show was great. The band was getting better and better, she had to admit. Yamato was the best among them all and she was proud to have him as a best friend. She grinned the whole way through the gig, feeling very, very proud.
When it was done, she took a few minutes to allow the crowd to disperse before walking to the back. The security had held her back but when she used the word “harmonica”, she was surprisingly let in. She found Yamato chatting with a girl, she did not know her so she probably was not from school. What surprised her though, was when he leaned down and kissed her.
Mimi did not know what was happening. One minute she was standing backstage. Next, she was on a bench underneath an oak tree. She replayed the scene over and over again, taking deep breaths as she did. Her hands gripped the edge of her skirt and she suddenly began to sniffle.
What was happening to her?
She sobbed. If she was more than who she was now, would he notice her?
Oh no. She wanted Yamato to notice her. Oh no.
She shook her head. Remembering the magazine she had flipped through a few days ago, she wished to become like one of those successful women. She needed to be one of those successful women.
“Thirty, flirty, and thriving. Thirty, flirty, and thriving,” she chanted as the wind became stronger and stronger. Continuing her mantra even with tears and quivering lips, she hugged herself. “Thirty, flirty, and thriving. Thirty, flirting, and thriving….”
And again, she found herself in a place she did not know where.
She stared at the ceiling. That was not her ceiling. The bed she was lying on was too comfy. And there was a man sleeping beside her.
She froze. There was a man sleeping beside her.
She slowly pushed herself up from the bed, careful not to wake up her companion, whoever he was. Thankfully, she was fully clothed, as was the man. There were glasses on his bedside table and she wondered if she knew anyone wearing them.
He did not budge.
She poked him. “Hello?”
Again, no movement.
She frowned and finally shook him. “Hello!”
The man jerked away and turned around to face her. “It’s still so early, Mimi.”
“Early?” she wondered. She looked around and found an alarm clock on her side table. It was 10:34 A.M. on a Thursday. “I’m late for school!”
The man sat up and rubbed his eyes. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s ten-thirty on a Thursday, my attendance record is ruined!”
The man looked at her quizzically. He grabbed his glasses and put them on. “It’s too early for jokes, Mimi.”
“I’m not—wait, I don’t even know who you are! Who are you? I don’t know where I am! Where am I?” 
The man sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose, his glasses hanging by the tips. “I’m not in the mood for jokes, Mimi.” He stood up from the bed and headed out of the room.
It was then that Mimi became terrified. What was happening? She looked down. She was still in her body but were those…did she have boobs now? Her eyes widened. “No way.” She turned her head left and right and found a full-body mirror nearby the window. Scrabbling off of the bed and running to the mirror…she nearly screamed, or maybe faint, whichever, at what she saw.
It was her. Definitely her. Just taller. Looked a little older. And with boobs.
She looked around the room. “This is a dream,” she murmured. She dashed out the room, barefoot, and inspected the whole place. It was obviously an expensive flat. Were her parents here, too?
“Mama! Papa!” she called. “Mama! Papa!”
A door opened and out came the man looking less sleepy. “Why are you calling for your parents?”
“Aren’t they here?”
“You’re acting really weird, Mimi.”
“Stop calling me by my name! I don’t even know who you are!”
The man groaned. “I’m going to prepare for work.”
‘He didn’t answer me!’
She was just about to march towards the man again when a phone rang. She recognized the ringtone. So she knew it was hers. It was loud and ringing but she had no idea where it was.
“Mimi!” the man shouted.
“I’m looking!” she shouted back.
She did her best to follow the ringing and she found the phone on the couch. She looked down at the caller and saw Hikari Yagami on the ID. She grinned and then answered. “Hikari!”
“Oh, good morning, Mimi. I’m sorry to call so early but—”
“What’s happening?” Mimi demanded.
“Um. Your meet and greet session was moved to one P.M. rather than its later schedule, and a song re-recording, too. But you’re free the rest of the day.”
“Hikari! Do you know what’s happening?”
“I…what do you mean?”
“Can I see you now?”
“Of course. Would you like to meet at the office?”
“I don’t know where I am.”
“I don’t understand….”
“I don’t know where I am,” she repeated.
Hikari stayed silent. “Maybe I should come to you.”
“Good. Great. Good idea.” She sighed in relief. “Please hurry.”
“I’ll do my best.”
Even though it only took half an hour, Mimi felt as if she was waiting for thirty years. The man was still inside the room and so she could not get changed and was instead pacing by the door.
Finally, a knock and she opened the door all too quickly.
“You know better than to open the door without looking, Mimi,” Hikari deadpanned as she entered.
“Sorry,” Mimi said with a nervous chuckle. Once she had closed the door, Hikari was already in the living room. “Hikari.”
“Are you okay, Mimi?” Hikari asked once she had settled down on the couch. Mimi followed and sat close to her. “You seem out of it. And you aren’t…dressed.”
“I am out of it,” Mimi replied. “I don’t know what’s happening.”
“That’s alright. It was a pretty late night when we brought you home. What don’t you remember?”
“Everything!” Mimi nearly yelled. “One minute I was in a park, the next thing I knew I was waking up with a man beside me! And I look much older!”
Hikari cocked her head. “But we didn’t go to the park. And Jyou stayed over to tuck you in properly. And you don’t look any older to me.” She squinted. “You’re perfect, as always.”
Mimi pursed her lips. “Hikari,” she said quietly. “I think my wish came true.”
“What wish?”
Mimi sighed and whispered, “Thirty, flirty, and thriving.” But Hikari heard her clearly as she raised an eyebrow. “I saw it in a magazine a few days ago and…,” she trailed off. “I wished it after I saw…well, it’s embarrassing really.”
Hikari smiled. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
Mimi shook her head. “What is happening, Hikari?”
Hikari stayed quiet, she looked as if she was thinking. “I’m still confused. I don’t know what’s really happening to you. Could you start from the beginning?”
And so Mimi did. She repeated the magazine slogan and recalled what had happened the night before…or whenever that was. When she had finished, her head was bowed down, a frown on her face. She waited for Hikari to laugh or tell her that she was losing her mind, but she heard nothing. She looked up and saw her biting her bottom lip.
“So that’s how it is,” she said.
Mimi nodded.
They were silent until a door closed and she looked up to see the man, whom she remembered Hikari saying was Jyou, stepped out and walked over to her. He nodded at Hikari and greeted her. “You’re here early.”
“Mimi needed some help.”
“Oh. Well, that makes sense. She’s been acting a little weird this whole morning.” Jyou shrugged and kissed Mimi’s forehead when he was close rough, making the girl blush. “I’ll see you, okay. I’m not sure if I can stay over tonight.”
“Um…uh…well….” She did not know what to say. She turned to Hikari for help, the younger girl nodded slowly as if telling her to keep up the charade. Mimi cleared her throat. “Yeah, sure. That’s fine. I’ll see you.”
Jyou lowered his head and kissed her, making her jerk slightly, surprised. When he had stood up straight, he waved goodbye, and headed out the door. When he closed it from the outside, Mimi whined. “That was my first kiss!”
Hikari smiled, looking amused. “I’m sorry he stole it.”
“And I don’t even know who he is!”
“That’s Jyou Kido. He’s supposed to be your boyfriend. He’s a very successful doctor. You met when you had a bad accident on stage.” She tilted her head. “But…I think you’ve always liked someone else.”
Mimi looked at her. “I don’t know what you mean.”
Hikari shook her head. “So, where do you want to start.”
It turns out, Mimi was now a successful singer. She had begun singing when she reached high school, finally succumbing to the pressure of her family and friends cheering for her to share her voice. She ended up enjoying it and was discovered by a producer. She remained friends with Taichi, Hikari’s older brother, Sora, and Koushiro. Hikari had become her PA, which Mimi wondered about knowing that she had always wanted to become a teacher. Hikari had married Takeru, Yamato’s younger brother. Which led to the question she had dreaded.
“What about…Yamato? He’s your brother-in-law now, right?”
Hikari cast her eyes down. “You two…just drifted apart.”
“Oh,” was all Mimi could say. Hikari looked back at her. “What’s he doing now? Is he still part of a band?”
Hikari shook her head. “No. He stopped playing. He still has his harmonica, but he’s now a photographer.”
“Photographer?” Mimi asked in surprise. “Why?”
Hikari shrugged. “He suddenly found a new love for it. He’s very good at it, too. You should see his works. I mean, you’ve seen them but why not see it now?”
But Mimi was not thinking about his photos. Instead, she was wondering why she and Yamato had fallen apart. What had happened? Did she do anything wrong? Did he do anything wrong? ‘There’s got to be some explanation.’ She returned to listening to Hikari talking about his achievements. “Do you know how we drifted?” she interrupted. “Or why?”
Hikari paused. “I…um…you…well.”
Hikari took a deep breath and exhaled. “It was after that Valentine’s Day gig. The one you said you were in before you woke up at this moment. He looked for you after, but you left. At first everything was fine, but you suddenly started to become distant, then avoided him. We all wondered about it but you never told us why. Yamato gave up when he graduated and well…you guys just never spoke to each other again. You never even asked me for updates.”
Mimi sat there, mouth slightly agape. She tried to process the story. There has got to be a mistake, right? She would never distance herself away from Yamato, she would never avoid him. In fact, if they did drift apart, she was pretty sure that it would be him distancing himself away her, it would be him avoiding her. But her do that to him? No way. There must have been some understanding.
“That…maybe there was a misunderstanding? I’m sure there’s an explanation.”
Hikari shook her head. “You’d never say.”
Mimi sighed. Maybe that kiss between Yamato and the girl hit her more than she thought. No, it definitely did. “Where does he live?”
Hikari’s eyes widened. “You want to see him?”
“Of course. Maybe…I can fix things. Did he say anything about me, since we…you know, went our separate ways?” It hurt just to say that.
Hikari lowered her head and squirmed in her seat. “Not…really.”
Mimi felt her stomach drop. “Oh.”
“Do you think it’s a good idea to see him again?”
“I can try,” she replied without much thought. “Who knows, right?”
Hikari nodded. “I suppose.”
Later that day, after she pried the younger girl for the address, pressured her to cancel the day’s plans, helped her with her outfit to make sure no one would recognize her, suggested some choice of words and filled in some blanks between her middle school self up to the “present”, and a pep talk, Mimi was ready to go.
Luckily, the city did not change much, and she knew the building Hikari had given her. It was a bit far from the hustle and bustle, it was very Yamato. When she had arrived and stood in front of the door, she shifted from foot to foot before knocking lighty. She heard nothing for three seconds, and it made her change her mind. Just as she was about to turn, the door opened, the chain still in tact.
There stood Yamato. He looked older, and much taller. But he was still very handsome.
“Uh. Hi.” Mimi was nervous, she gripped her purse tightly. She was not even sure if he would se through her disguise. “I…um….”
But then he shut the door. Mimi blinked, wondering if he was that mad at er. Then he heard a clank of the chain and Yamato opened the door once again, this time, wider. This surprised her. Yamato leaned on the door, his eyes scanning hers.
“I…it’s me,” she started. “I don’t know if–”
“Mimi Tachikawa,” he said softly.
“Uh. Yeah.”
Yamato sighed. “What are you doing here?”
“I…it’s a long story really. But I don’t think you’d believe me.”
“Try me.”
Mimi opened her mouth but closed it at the last minute. “It’s my fault isn’t it,” she said instead. “That we’re in this situation.”
He sighed. “I guess you can say that.” They heard voices along the hallway and he instructed her to get in. She did as she was told and he apologized for the mess. Or, what he called a mess.
“Do you want anything?”
“No, it’s alright.”
Yamato nodded and gestured towards his sofa. Mimi sat down and then watched as he followed.
“What can I do for you?” he asked.
Mimi stared at him for a while. When he gave her a questioning look, she laughed nervously. “It’s so nice to see you.”
He looked taken aback, but his face softened and he said quietly, “Likewise.”
“I heard you were into photography now.”
Yamato blushed but nodded. “Yeah. I realized I’m better at it then I thought.”
“You were always good at everything.”
This made him smile. “Thanks.”
Mimi took a deep breath and said, “I’m sorry about what happened between us, Yamato. I think we should start over again. We can rekindle our friendship, pretend nothing had happened in these past years. Hikari told me it was my fault and I’m sorry.”
“What do you mean Hikari told you it was your fault? You didn’t know?” His gritted his teeth.
Mimi shook her head. “That part isn’t important. But I do want to be friends with you again. If this situation is going to go on forever then I don’t want to be in bad terms with you.”
He huffed. “You can’t just turn back time.”
“Why not?”
“It doesn’t work that way, Mimi!” he shouted.
Mimi jerked back.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “What you did hurt, Mimi. What happened hurt. You were my best friend and you just left me. You might think it didn’t bother me but it did. It really did. And I never got an explanation! You just up and left! I forgive you, Mimi, I really do. But I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“I’m not going to hurt you,” she said softly.
Yamato shook his head. “You’re a successful singer, Mimi. And I’m just a photographer. Whatever happens…our relation–friendship, wouldn’t work. And anyway, you’ve got Jyou Kido now.”
Yamato looked away. “It doesn’t matter,” he muttered. “I think you should leave, Mimi.”
“But, Yamato–”  But before she continued, a picture behind him caught her attention. “Is that me?” she asked. She stood up and walked over to the wall. “It is me!” It was her in a recital, probably from high school, recognizing the uniform. She looked beside it. It was her on stage. Then another. And another. And another. They were all her.
“Why do you have pictures of me framed on your wall?”
Yamato turned away. “It’s creepy, I’m sorry.”
Mimi looked at the photos again. “You took all these?”
He nodded.
“They’re not that great.”
“I think they are, and–” Another picture caught her eye. It was on his sidetable by his bed. She walked over to it while Yamato told her to stop. She did not. Instead, she picked up the picture frame. “It’s us.”
Yamato sighed. “It was the last photo we took of us together.”
“I think you should go.”
“Go, Mimi. Please.”
Mimi felt her heart ache. “Okay,” she said. She placed the picture frame back on the table and walked past him. But just as she did, he heard her say, “I’ve always loved you.” Her eyes widened but her feet did not stop moving. She opened the door, closed it behind her, and walked away.
She did not break down until she sat on the bench under the big oak tree. If only she could turn back time again, she would. She wanted to make everything right. She did not want this future, or present, or whatever this was. She did not want it.
“I want to go back,” she whispered. “I want to go home.”
The wind was strong and her hair was flying all over the place.
“I want to go home.”
And when she opened her eyes, it was night time again. There were no people around, but she was in the same spot. She looked down at her clothes and smiled when she saw the they were the same as the night of the Valentine’s Day gig, she stood up and jumped for joy.
“I’m back!” she shouted with glee. “I’m back!”
She turned to the side and saw Yamato sprinting towards her. 
“Mimi!” When he stood close to her, catching his breath just a little, he said, “I didn’t see you backstage.”
“I…um…,” she began. But the memory of Yamato kissing the unknown girl flashed in her head. After taking a few deep breaths, she smiled and shook her head. “I had to clear my head. Too stuffy in there.”
Yamato nodded. “Yeah, it was. I was worried. You should’ve at least messaged me.”
He walked closer to her. “What did you think of the last song?”
“Perfect for the day,” she answered. “Crazy for You is such a classic. I’m actually surprised you guys did a good rendition of it.”
“Yeah. It was, wasn’t it…,” he trailed off.
“Listen,” she started, “whatever happens, we’re going to be best friends forever, okay?”
Yamato blinked. “Where is this coming from?”
She sighed. “I…know that after what I saw I was going to make a huge mistake, probably the biggest mistake of my life.”
“What did you see?” he asked.
She realized what she had said. Although she wanted to make something up, she knew telling him the truth was the best. “I saw you kissing someone  backstage,” she said quietly. “I…I got jealous. And…I did things I was not happy with.”
“What do you mean ‘did’?” He sounded very confused. “What are you talking about?”
“It’s a long story,” she groaned. “What I’m trying to say is, I promise nothing is going to come in between the two of us, okay? Not even that girl I don’t know.”
Yamato stayed silent. “It was a test.”
“A test?” Mimi cocked her head.
“I wanted to see if there could have been something between me and her.”
“And was there?” She did not want to know the answer but here she was asking anyway.
He stepped forward. Mimi did not step away. Then, he leaned down and caught her lips. It was sweet and innocent. She liked it. She loved it. When they had separated, she asked, “What was that for?”
“That was another test.”
“Did I pass?”
He nodded.
“Do you think I’ll still pass when we’re older?” She remembered the relationship she had with Yamato in the future, she definitely did not pass back then.
Yamato raised his arms and held onto her shoulders. “No matter what age, young and lively, or old and gray, you’ll always pass.” He leaned down again, this time she met him halfway. “Don’t leave me,” he whispered, his lips hovering hers.
This startled her, as if he knew what was going to happen if she had walked away. “I won’t,” she responded just as softly. “I won’t.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Mimi.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Yamato.”
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digitalworldbound · 3 years
have faith (takari)
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welcome to day two of valentine's drabbles! this one is dedicated to @ri-ships-takari . i admire your talent endlessly. happy valentine's day!
A stray breeze picked up the hem of her school skirt. February’s chill trickled down her spine. The courtyard was filled with a bustle of activity, students buzzing with excitement.
“Have you given anyone chocolate yet?” Miyako’s voice stirred Hikari from her stupor. With a gentle shake of her head, Hikari could feel the nerves bundle in the pit of her stomach. Her teeth sunk into her bottom lip, not wanting to burden Miyako with her worries
Their talk last night still reverberated in her mind.
After relentless pleading, their parents had allowed them to sleepover on a school night. For hours, they were bent over a hot stove, doing their best to perfect their honmei chocolate.
It had been a mess, sugar dusting the top of every counter. Mrs. Yagami had tried to intervene, suggesting strange ingredients and confession advice. “You know, when I was your age, I just walked up to your father and kissed him on the lips.”
“Mom!” a hot blush covered Hikari’s cheeks, Miyako hiding her giggles behind her hand.
“What?” she laughed, waving her hand dismissively. “Taichi gets his cluelessness from somewhere .Your father would not have recognized a confession if it had hit him in the face. I had to take a chance.” With her daughter’s mouth agape, Mrs. Yagami bid them both a good night. Her words hung in the air, heavy between the pair.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry you had to hear that, Miyako.” Hikari turned her face towards the oven eye, gently stirring the melted concoction.
Miyako’s giggles consumed her for a moment longer. Hikari couldn’t resist but to laugh along; her mother was an interesting character.
“Well, I think she has a point.” Miyako muttered, busying herself with measuring out the milk. Hikari’s eyebrows raised in surprise, though she kept her mouth shut. “I mean, think about it,” the older girl continued, “It takes a lot of courage to make the first move. Some boys are just too dumb or too scared to be the one to do it.”
Maybe she was the one too dumb or too scared, Hikari mused, surrounded by her classmates. Her sensei tried tirelessly to calm the class, but they were much too rowdy. Girls giggled with each other in the corner, the boys sitting sheepishly at their desks. For a moment, Hikari was grateful that Takeru wasn’t in her class; she couldn’t bear the thoughts of girls giggling over him.
“Attention, class! The sooner we begin the lesson, the sooner you can enjoy your holiday.”
Finally, a hush settled over their small crowd. Hikari's pulse heightened, the proximity to lunch hour being simultaneously too close and too far.
All too quickly, the teacher dismissed them. They all stood and bowed, Hikari’s knees weak from nerves. It was now or never.
She tugged her bag on her shoulder, seemingly heavier with the gift that was carefully tucked inside. It weighed down on her shoulder, causing her breath to come out in short, quick spurts.
Her feet traced the well-worn path to his classroom, a route she had memorized long ago. Lunch with Takeru had grown to be her favorite part of the day. In the back of his classroom, they would spend their free hour eating from her bento, trying not to blush when their fingers would graze each other’s. On rainy days, Takeru would read to her, his mind too engrossed in his storytelling to notice her staring.
Today, however, Hikari’s stomach was in knots.
The hallway was even more crowded than the courtyard had been. Paper hearts had been plastered everywhere, the perfect backdrop for young love to blossom.
Or the perfect backdrop for Hikari to upheave her breakfast; only time would tell.
She rounded the corner, heart pounding in her ears. Her eyes fruitlessly scanned through the open door of Takeru’s classroom, anxiously searching for his golden hair.
The other students looked up curiously. Hikari had become a regular fixture of their mealtimes, but never had she looked so disheveled. A barrette loosely held back her bangs, a few wisps framing her cheeks.
That was how Takeru found her, all rosy-cheeked and out of breath.
“Hey, Hikari.” He leaned carelessly against the doorframe, as if he knew she was searching for him. “What’s got you so flustered?”
“F-Flustered?” Hikari’s voice was no louder than a whisper. Her fingers unconsciously felt for her face, flush deepening once she realized how warm she was.
Takeru only offered her a lazy smile before leaning in. “Did some lucky guy finally confess to you?”
It was all too much, his lips so close to her own. The nerves in her stomach only tightened. His face remained damningly cool, as if her proximity did nothing to him. It wasn’t fair.
“Ah, no, not exactly.” Hikari managed. Takeru only raised an eyebrow, head tilting in curiosity. A strange emotion simmered in his eyes, but only briefly. Relief. Hikari was too afraid to allow herself hope.
“Oh, okay then. Would you like to eat lunch, then? I’m starving.”
“No.” she stated, voice more sure and firm. His blue eyes twinkled with mirth, a twitch at the corner of his lips. She studied him for a moment, grounding herself. There was a scar on his cheek, silver and shiny from the whip of the Kaiser. A freckle hugged the corner of his eyes, crinkling whenever he found a joke particularly funny. This was Takeru, her Takeru. The heaviness in her stomach was replaced with fluttering. “I was actually here to give you something.”
Silence stretched between them, Takeru’s mouth opening and closing, a strange sound in the back of his throat. For once, he was at a loss for words.
Hikari quickly fished the small parcel out from her bookbag, shoulders feeling weightless.
She thrust the cellophane bag into his limp hands, a sweet smile curving at the edge of her mouth. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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pastelpasteru · 4 years
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Shiratorizawa x Fem!Reader
Shiratorizawa having a female manager who acts like their mother~🥰
They love you. Very much actually.
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"Maaan~ I'm tired, coach didn't even go easy on us today!" Tendō cooed, stretching his arms up in the air.
"I mean, when did he ever go easy on us?" Semi chuckled with the others as they walk to their captain's room to hang out.
"Well, the sweat we gathered is all worth it since we have our lovely manager who cooks for us after practice!!" The red head chirped, followed by them agreeing.
"Speaking of manager, where is Y/n-san? I don't see her around..." Taichi muttered, glancing around them to see no sight of their manager.
"What?" They all asked, looking around them. Frozen in place when they realized the disappearance of their manager.
"Stop worrying too much, maybe she just went to the bathroom or to her dorm." Shirabu sighed, walking ahead of them.
"...Y/n went ahead and left us, I'm guessing she's ready at my dorm since she got my keys and left before us." Ushijima explained to them, followed by ohhs.
Now by Ushijima's dorm, the team waited for their captain to open it for them to come inside.
"Y/n?" He called out to the quiet dorm, receiving no response.
"Is senpai inside?" Goshiki asked, poking his head inside, glancing to the dorm.
"I'm here, idiots." Their manager's voice reached their ears as she emerged out of the small kitchen inside the dorm. Wearing a black apron above her indoor clothes.
"SENPAI~!!" The ball of sunshine chirped, smiling brightly at you.
"Tsutomu." You greeted back, placing the spatula down the counter as you watched the team enter.
"Y/n-chan~ I thought we lost you or something!!" Tendō whined, plopping down the couch with the others.
"But I'm not, I was just cooking here." You deadpanned, pointing at the dish you're cooking.
"Oh? What are you cooking, Y/n?" Semi asked, raising a brow as he glanced to the kitchen.
"Pasta. It's the first thing that came to my mind so I decided to cook it." You chuckled softly, laughing to yourself.
"I don't mind, anything you cook is good anyways." Ushijima complimented as the others nodded their heads in agreement.
"Why thank you, Wakatoshi. Anyways, I'll get back to you guys after I finish cooking it, okay?" You hummed, returning to the kitchen as the team talked.
"Say, Y/n is gonna be a good wife to her future husband, right?" Reon commented as he scrolled to his phone, waiting for the dish to be served.
"W- W- Wife!? Y/n-senpai!? H- Husband!?" Goshiki semi-shouted, the tips of his ears burning red as he stammered.
"Mhm~? Yeah, and also be a good mother to her future children/family." The red head nodded, smirking at his teammates. Specifically, his fellow third years.
"...Y/n is indeed a wife material, she's caring and loving." Semi admitted in a small voice, fidgeting his hands nervously.
"She's also like a mother to us, the mother of the team." Hayato mumbled, watching the girl prepare the plates on the table.
"If she's the mother of the team... Who's the father?" Taichi asked, accidentally slipping the words out of his mouth. Silencing their conversation.
". . ." Staying silent, they all turned their heads to Y/n then to their captain.
"Naaaahhh...!!" They chimed in, shaking their heads with a sigh.
"Oh. What's with that 'nah' of yours, eh? Whatcha all taking about, mhm?" You interrupted, humming as you placed 3 plates of pasta down the table.
"Oh nothing, just random things~?" Tendō lied, extending his hand to the plate but was swatted away by Y/n.
"Don't touch them, they're for the kids." You growled, sending him a cold glare with a pout.
"Kids?" Hayato questioned, blinking at the manager who swatted the red head's hand away.
"My dearest kohais, of course. Kenjiro, Kawanishi, and Tsutomu! My children~" You answered, a small smile plastered on your face.
"So they're the kids and then you're the mom? So who's the dad?" Semi asked playfully, letting out a quiet chuckle at your smile faded away.
"No one. The rest of you are like kids too anyways." You joked, picking up the rest of the plates at settling them down.
"Well, except for Ushijima though. He's too serious to kid around with you all." You huffed, clasping your hands together.
"Now my children, eat." Announcing your words, they all started eating as you watched with a smile.
"Oh how I love you all dorks, my lovely children."
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© Pastel Pasteru, 2021, please do not copy my contents or I'll come after you. Thanks.
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Autumn Troupe: When they have nightmares
(PSA: this one’s a little self indulgent since I can’t sleep tonight so apologies if the headcanon’s inaccurate to the character ^^’)
Juza’s one to hide whatever gets him down because he doesn’t want to burden those around him.
He wants to be a good influence for Muku and Kumon and he tries not to rope them into anything negative that he has going on.
He tried to have a positive impact on you, too, so most times he doesn’t know how to express or want to express his vulnerabilities to you.
It was inevitable the night he had a nightmare, unfortunately it was you turning your back on him and was suddenly scared of him and thought of him as a monster.
Juza woke up in a cold sweat next to you, and he had no time to panic as he quickly rose up, reaching the air in front of him in a frenzy.
It would be best to hold him and/or reassure him. He needs to know that he isn’t alone and that it’s safe to open up to you, he will melt and quickly try to forget what happened in his dream.
He won’t tell you much about the dream, he won’t resist your efforts of getting close to him. In fact, it’s all Juza would have ever wanted. The love and care of someone that would accept him for who he is.
He’ll silently accept the love you give him, holding onto you tightly to steady his shaking and reassure his head.
Banri didn’t care much about nightmares, it never really bothered him and he kind of blew it off as some meaningless sign to ignore.
He never read much into things and didn’t see the need to start now. He was just rolling through life without a care in the world.
That was, until you came into his life.
He cared for you greatly and the feeling of putting in time and effort into someone that wasn’t his own self was almost foreign.
You had genuinely supported Banri throughout acting and everything he did, and he returned the favor which he had never thought he ever would.
Every bit of affection, every compliment he’d shrug off from literally anyone else meant more to him than anything.
To the point where waking up from a nightmare felt different when you were involved.
He was terrified that this meaning that he found in his life was gone, he woke up trying to laugh it off but saw his hands shake from the after math.
Just a simple “I’m here, I’m here” would ground him and bring him back to reality. Your voice was like a song to Banri, one that he would never get tired of.
He’d laugh still, but in a more genuine manner, tease you and asked if you actually worried about him.
Inside, he was grateful that you affirmed you were there with him, but it’ll take a while for him to admit it.
This boy has a lot to unpack.
He’s riddled with nightmares ever since his best friend had died. Despite all the changes in his life it still comes back in his sleep to bite him in the back.
He convinces himself that he’s gotten used to the nightmares and accepted it all as what he has to live with, but it deeply bothered him.
Despite this Omi tends to put a strong face for everyone; his brothers and father, the Mankai company, and for you, too.
Initially, he saw his weak points as being a burden to you, so Omi likes to perform acts of service to you like making you food before he goes to work or to rehearsal, get groceries with you, and of course also make sure you get a good night sleep before he would have to leave to run errands of his own.
He rarely takes rests and keeps himself busy a lot, he loves to help the people he cares about, but at the same time he will over work to avoid the nightmares that come late at night.
It was bound to happen that he would knock out fast asleep next to you. He had a whole day of errands, photo shoots, a lengthy practice and cooking for both you and the troupe. Omi deserved a rest.
However he started twisting and turning in his sleep frantically and you woke him up in fear of what was going on.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you” he immediately goes, rubbing his eyes to hide the clear discomfort, stretching to get up and make himself some tea.
Refuse his offer to do anything, right now it’s best for him to recover, and even without any cooking skill, offer some calming tea and some snacks or comfort food from the fridge or pantry.
He’ll be endlessly grateful, laughing as he constantly reassures you that he would have been perfectly fine getting it himself, but still thank you in the process.
“I know you’d do the same for me, it’s time I help you, too”
Those words hit him in realizing how much he has already done the whole day, and how acts of service doesn’t need to be a one-way path. Showing how much you cared for him gave him a sense of trust and security with you almost instantly.
He admired you so much, and he would desperately try to hide anything that made him seem uncool.
He still fears being alone more than anything, despite wanting to stand out, he hated the feeling of isolation.
Often times it comes in his nightmares ever since he left the God Troupe, he had been scared of being singled out as a traitor and left neglected.
He woke up in tears that he sobbed out, carelessly forgetting that you were sleeping right next to him, but were awoken by his cries and immediately got up to go to him.
“Taichi, are you okay?” “Yeah! Yeah I’m perfectly fine-“ “Taichi.”
You sounded stern but he was still stubborn and tried to convince you that he was in top shape.
“See? I got all my fingers and everything! Still the same-“
You didn’t believe him but instead pulled him into your arms and his tears bursted out even more, taken by surprise of the overwhelming affection and support that he loved from you so much.
He shamelessly cried in your arms and soaked your shoulder, apologizing for his uncool he looked, but you not caring made him cry even harder.
After that nightmare he was truly happy to show this side of himself, even if Taichi had thought of it to be shameful in the beginning. He felt that you would stay at his side even with his true colors, he was open to accepting his own self as much as you accepted him with open arms.
In comparison, Sakyo handles nightmares as if they were nuisances like a fever. He still has difficulty sleeping after them so he lies awake just staring at the ceiling for a while to let it fade away.
In his past he was not able to have a lot, and often times because of his past affiliations he did not have much room for error.
As much as possible he did not want to mess up anything with you as well. Upon meeting him, he did come off as cold, and it took a while for him to warm up to you and was careful when talking to you about his previous encounters with the yakuza, as much as what didn’t scare you off.
When realizing you had done more than stay, but instead support him with being the actor who Sakyo was trying to be today, he was thrilled.
As much as he’d lecture you about running water and spending on groceries, it was his own way of trying to be helpful and caring.
In a way it showed that he knew what he was doing, but when it came to seeing him in shambles after waking up after a nightmare of his ugly past, he froze.
You were lying right next to him and he didn’t know how to cover up his own tracks of vulnerability. The ice he encased himself in melted away when you crawled up to him and asked him what was wrong.
He never wanted to involve you in the dangers of what his line of worm was before, realizing how much he wanted you in his life, but you still being there after learning all about it was reassurance to him.
With that he was able to go to bed easier, knowing that act of his life was over, and he was able to start fresh with a life with you, in an arc that he hopes to never call the curtain on.
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brittledame · 4 years
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Characters: Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendou Satori, Yamagata Hayato, Reon Oohira, Semi Eita, Shirabu Kenjirou, Kawanishi Taichi, Goshiki Tsutomu
Word Count: 5.7K
Tags: SFW, gender neutral reader, first date nerves, fluff, ages not specified
Notes: I did this instead of working on the other projects bc I wanted some fluff and here it is!
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On a visit with his grandmother is when he’s told about a local pottery masterclass happening the following weekend, piquing his interest
After some research, he comes to learnt that pottery is the perfect relaxing hobby with the added benefit of fine tuning his dexterity
It didn’t take much else to convince him to go
It was only after talking to a friend that he realises he should probably invite someone to tag along
After his grandmother politely declines, he follows her coy suggestion of inviting someone he likes
He invites you seemingly out of the blue
You’ve known him for a great deal of time and done some activities with him that could be construed as “romantic” and only started dating when Ushijima stated your relationship status to his team nearly a month ago
The look on your face when you found out at the exact moment as his team was priceless
After that, Ushijima left your relationship status on no uncertain terms and practically broadcasted it in his own unique way
This pottery class serves as another way to spend more time with you
After a few minutes of the pottery teacher painstakingly going through the motions to make a basic pot, a whirring noise followed by wet splattering steals your attention away from the clump of clay that is slowly taking form.
You glance over to find Ushijima looking at you, nonplussed at the mess of what was his pot now decorating his mock and forearms, his face is not left unmarked with the few splotches painting his cheek
You gape at him as he blinks as if coming out of a daze and looks down at the poor clump of clay and murmurs a small, “Oh.”
You didn’t mean to laugh, not really, but the utter surprise in his tone topped you over
After a mild scolding from the teacher and a new clump of clay, the two of you were good to go once again
The both of you took longer than most of the class, you with fussing about the tiny bumps you just couldn’t seem to smooth out and Ushijima with his second try
The class seemed to have unlocked his innate mastery of the ancient craft, as the pot looked near store-quality, you note with an ounce of envy
The group takes a break over some snacks and drinks as the pots are loaded into the kiln
Ushijima meticulously picks through the various glazes they had to offer, seeking your assistance after you picked your own out
You suggest the purple as homage to Shiratorizawa, where you two met, and the dark-rich brown, claiming it reminded you of his eyes
He considers you for a moment, a long enough pause for you to think over your words and begin to regret them before he nods decidedly and proudly presents the glazes he picked to the lady
With the class wrapping up, the lady running the class pops up as you two inspect your creations.
“Do you mind if I take a picture to post on our social media?”
Ushijima shakes his head as you answer, “We don’t mind.”
She flashes a wide smile and aims her phone in your direction. “Great! Say ‘pottery’.”
On cue you plaster on smile and brandish the clay creation as the camera clicks.
The lady, who is somehow even more dirtied than Ushijima, inspects the picture.
“You two are so cute together!” She fawns over the two of you. “I hope you enjoy the rest of your date together.”
She disappears before either of you can correct her.
You blurt out, "Is this a date?"
A pause. Then a hum, "I suppose it is."
A shared smile, you leave the studio with linked hands.
When you get home, you prowl through the studio’s page and find the picture and break out into gut-clutching laughter at the almost-pained looking smile Ushijima makes, tiny pot perched in his large hands adding a comedic effect.
After you recover, you end up saving it and making it your screen saver.
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For all his casual confidence, you’re the one to ask him out and he’s the one to officially declare it the “big” first date
The plan was to go manga/book shopping and eat at the in-store cafe
It sounded like a pretty cut-and-dry standard date but with Tendou anything can turn into an adventure
Ecstatic is an understatement on how excited Tendou was for the weekend
He was nearly berated a dozen times for not paying enough attention to what he was doing and almost caused a small fire at one stage
You didn’t fare much better, either
The pair of you got a great deal of laughter from relaying it to one another in the late night hours before meeting up
Although underneath it all lurked the residual anxiety he tried to fight away, so he reminds you during the call, just to check that you didn’t regret inviting him out
As much as he despised the thought, the dark voice whispering at him that you would stand him up were quickly silenced when you show up with a bright smile and his name on your lips
Tendou reckons it’s the sweetest noise he’s ever heard, right after your laughter that he coaxes out with the little melodies he sings to himself as the two of you make way to the popular bookstore
After arriving, you wonder apart to check out separate sections and end up meeting at again the in-store café with books in hand
Over the chocolate cake slice Tendou brought to share, you take turns to gush over the selected choices spread across the tabletop
“I mean it isn’t that over done.” You argue, popping another forkful of the overly-sweet cake into your mouth.
Tendou throws his hands into the air. “Are you serious? Hero meets bad guy, then they fight a whole bunch, bad guy kills a bunch of people and the hero never kills the guy because he ‘doesn’t want to stoop to their level’,” You don’t mask your laughter at the overexaggerated deep voice Tendou imitates. “It’s not fair to the people that the bad guy goes to hurt later on.”
“Oh, I entirely agree with you there.” You take a moment to wonder how Tendou has eaten nearly half the thing to himself already, you’ve barely been seated for longer than a few minutes. “When done wrong, the whole ‘taking the high ground’ troupe is really tacky.”
Tendou blinks at you like he didn’t expect you to respond. You raise a brow at him as a toothy grin spreads over his face, a slight pink painted across his pale cheeks.
“Nothing. I like talking to someone that knows their stuff, is all. Don’t get me wrong, miracle boy is great company, but I can only try to convince him to read more than the ads they run for so long before I go insane.” He chuckles under his breath, words heartfelt enough that a matching heat spreads across your cheeks.
“I enjoy this too.”
A wide grin overtakes his face at your admittance.
“Well then, let’s not stop!” He offers, stretching his hand towards yours. You clasp it, feeling delicate against his larger one. “I still have to tell you about the whole ‘boy is given power he doesn’t know how to control and needs to find a grumpy mentor’ troupe next!”
You squeeze his hand. “I’d love to hear your thoughts on that one.”
Tendou clicks his tongue and wags his finger at you. “It’s not necessarily about my thoughts, it’s the conspiracy I think the troupe ties into.”
The seriousness in his tone made you pause, looks like you were in for a long one.
Amongst him linking the heroes journey and the innate desire for power over others, you marvel at the way his whole body comes alive when talking about something he loves.
It’s much later on, when he’s introducing you to his friends at a reunion, that you notice the bubbly and animated way he presents you to his friends, love evident in each and every word.
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Now you would think he’d be the calm and collected one after knowing each other for half a decade and dating for a month
He's the type to plan to ask you at the perfect time, and will be in a pissy mood if he misses the "perfect" opportunity to ask
When he does finally pose the question, you’ll say yes and he’s ecstatic
Though, he will play it cool and be like, "Ok I'll text you the details later." And flash you the biggest smile that has you melting inside just a little
When he's trying to sleep that night it finally hits him
Oh shit he has to plan a date with the girl he’s been hopelessly pining for
After one text from you confirming you don’t mind where he picks, he’s both relieved and more stressed because now he has to analyse every little thing he knows about you and eventually starts doubting himself
In the end, he decides to play it safe and go with the popular, family owned cafe that plays live music Saturday afternoons
It was perfect, the music act would be quiet enough to still talk if you two wanted or serve as a mediator to break any awkward silence should it pop up
It is honestly the perfect date, in his mind
Comes the day and he swings around your place after agreeing to walk to the café together
The walk is characterised with the brisk autumn wind and catching each other up on what’s been going on during the week
The conversation doesn’t stop from there – something Semi could cry happily over
After ordering and grabbing a seat close to a stage set-up to the side, you note how bright and talkative Semi is and vow to yourself to see this more often
As he takes a sip in the middle of explaining the difference pick positions affects plucking sounds, you comment on his excitement
Even with the flush on his cheeks, he holds a suave facade and merely says that it’s hard to unwind when his friends can be so chaotic when they get together
From there he starts opening up and imparting little facts about himself that you commit to memory
You come to learn that his favourite colour was corn-silk yellow before he went to Shiratorizawa, now it’s royal purple. He loves tekka maki and boasts his mum’s hand-made ones to be the best in the world and offers to share it with you next time she makes them
All of these things slot into what you know about Semi, filed alongside the nuance’s you’ve noticed yourself.
When he’s unsure or embarrassed, he tousles his hair. And when he talks about something he’s passionate with, his hands start gesturing all about the place
You could’ve spent the whole afternoon like that, in the intimately-lit café, hidden amongst the dull chatter of the surrounding patrons, just listening to Semi’s soothing timbre
But life had other plans
The lights on the stage brighten as someone wearing comfortable clothes strolls on and perches up on the stool set-up in front of a lone microphone. She didn’t give off any signs of discomfort at being stared at as she sets up her guitar, giving a few testing strums before introducing herself and launching into her music.
It was only then that conversation broke and ushered in a lilting voice floating on gentle notes.
“They’re amazing.” You breath, eyes not leaving the stage until the musician dismounts from the stage.
“That’s what I want to do one day.”
You turn to him. “Really?”
“Yeah.” The corner of Semi’s lips quirk up a bit, a secret shared unto himself.
Genuine curiosity spurs you to ask, to know. While you could picture Semi perched on the same stool with a guitar all too easy, you never really thought Semi would pursue a career in the industry.
Semi finally turns to you, a fire in his eyes that was normally caused by volleyball and a good challenge. “I want to make people happy and sad - all the emotions really. I want someone to look at me like you did to that girl.”
Tilting your head you say, “Looking at her like what?”
Semi audible swallows. “Like someone that loves the music I make.”
Reaching over the table, you run your thumb over the backs of his knuckles, a comforting gesture. “Semi, I already love talking to you and hanging out, so why wouldn’t I like the music you write?”
The resultant blush on Semi’s face was answer enough to that, even though he tries to hide it behind his cup.
After that, meeting up at the café ends up becoming a weekly occurrence, an oasis that you both look forward to in the midst of life’s chaos.
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Yamagata actually is the smoothest out of them all
After a two weeks of dating, he bounces up to you after a particularly hard day and offers to take you somewhere fun the next day
Your definition of ‘fun’ varies from his, as you soon find out
Where Yamagata believes the best way to get to know someone and have fun simultaneously is putting them through challenges, whereas you believe sitting down and chatting to be the most optimal method
Unfortunately for him and fortunately for you, the paint ball range is closed
Amusement park it is
He leaves it as a surprise and doesn’t tell you until you question the sign of the park he visited frequently as a kid
Overall, you have an absolute ball with him, never a dull moment
Especially after the ferris wheel when Hayato goes to reach for his phone to check the time and finds it missing
The only reason he had it out in the plastic swinging booth was to take a sneaky picture of you looking carefree and relaxed as you gazed down at the park – not that he admitted to that when you asked just how it escaped his pocket
Obviously, it was a very slippery phone since this was the third time this week alone he lost it
After tracking it down with the help of the kind but tired ride operator, the two of you were on your merry way to the next ride, but not without a few light-hearted digs at Yamagata’s forgetfulness
You get to learn a lot about each other personally while waiting in line and over lunch after recovering
At the end of the day, your cheeks ache from much smiled
“I don’t remember it being that crazy as a kid.” Yamagata says, looking pale and breathing shallowly, as if to keep himself from being sick.
You couldn’t blame him, the rollercoaster he convinced you to go on under the guise of “This was my favourite one as a kid! You wouldn’t deny a man from reliving his childhood, would you?”
And like a fool you caved under the pout like a badly cooked soufflé. Now you wished you put up a bit of a fight against going on it. The screams of the riders before you were not exaggerated in the slightest.
“I don’t know how they allow kids on that.” Is all you supply, feeling a little green as well.
Yamagata directs you to the nearest bench and you follow his lead and slump into the seat.
“I don’t know how I forgot how much that thing threw me around. I must’ve just about fell off as a tiny kid. Remind me to thank my dad for coming on with me.”
You try not to laugh at the image of a tiny Yamagata ecstatically cheering as the ride swings around corners at full speed as his dad frantically tries to keep his clueless son from getting tossed out of the cart.
“Your dad is a brave man to go on that thing wilfully.”
Yamagata grimaces. “Brave is a nice way of putting it. I’d call it being insane to put up with me wanting to ride it eight times over.”
This time you do laugh.
“It must be hard saying no to your own kid, though, so cut him some slack.” You joke, knocking your elbow against his side.
He playfully pushes you away, widely grinning once again. The heat from the sun blaring ahead suddenly floods into your cheeks. The sensation of your heart feeling too large for your ribcage seizes you.
And the feeling doesn’t leave, it sticks with you as he laughs, as he drops his ice cream and pouts like a child. It intensifies as a dreamy look enters his eyes as he recalls a fond memory associated with a ride.
You hope that one day that he makes the same expression when he recalls this day spent with you.
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For some reason, Reon seems like the kind of guy to be inherently talented with gardening
He’s the resident green thumb alongside Ushijima, people pass their dying plants into Reon’s hands for magical resurrection
So it was a no-brainer for him to take you to the local botanical gardens
Rife with both native and exotic flora, there were many scenic walks available, thus was the perfect place for a first date to Reon
Reon meets you at the gates with a soft greeting and an outstretched hand – you two walk through the park with your hand intertwined like that for the rest of the day
Throughout the walk, he points out flowers and gives you their common name and their meanings, along with the meanings he gave them as a kid
It was entirely too cute for your poor heart
“And those are yellow carnation.” He points to a patch of bright yellow flowers with soft-looking ruffled petals. “They represent dislike and disappointment towards the person you give them to, but as a kid I thought they meant that she was my sunshine because of the colour. My mum got quite the kick out of it when I gave them to her for her birthday.”
You burst into laughter, unable to smother it even with Reon’s apparent embarrassment at the event
If your allergies start to play up too badly, Reon will take you to his favourite part, a densely packed section of the gardens filled with trees, concealing a secluded tiny red bridge stretched across a large koi pond with the largest and most colourful koi you’ve seen
Everything within you wanted to stretch this moment out, you could easily live in this moment forever. The buzzing of cicadas in the distance, the grass blades tickling the palms of your hands from where you sat, the soothing rumble of Reon’s voice – this is your personal slice Elysian peace
You did not want to give this up
It’s there that he finally unlinks your hands and brings out the packed lunch he made.
“You made all this?” You gape, taking in the diverse range of food he brought out of his bag.
From seared fish placed neatly atop seasoned rice, to perfectly rounded onigiri. In the next box he opens sat seasoned chicken and beef slices that made your mouth water. Not to mention the salad of rich greens, reds, and yellows that called your name.
Reon chuckles at your awe. “Yeah, I did. I thought it would be nice to eat something home-made while out here, but if you wan to grab something else-“
You cut him off immediately. “Definitely not! This looks and smells amazing. It would be a crime not to eat it.”
The corners of Reon’s eyes crinkle as he smiles, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I did try not to burn it, so I hope it tastes nice.”
“If it tastes even half as good as it smells, you’ll have to fight me to stop eating.” You reply, accepting the plate he holds out and give thanks as he starts loading your plate.
“I’d never stop you from eating,” he clicks his tongue in false sternness, to which you grin at. “If you’re hungry, I’ll feed you until your happy.”
“I’m happy right now, but I definitely still want the food.” You cheekily fire back.
Reon shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips.
“Well then, eat to your heart’s content.”
Taking a bite, you startle Reon with your enthusiastic reaction.
“This tastes better than I imagined.” You gush after swallowing, immediately scooping up another forkful and eating it.
Reon brushes off your compliment in favour for leaning forward and brushing some crumbs off your face. The proximity as your breath stalling in your throat as he lingers for a heartbeat longer, then withdraws.
“I hope we can do this more often. This is the most fun I’ve had in a while.” He quietly admits, the mood taking an intimate turn even with the shouts of kids playing in the distance.
“Me too. I don’t want this date to end.”
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This man prides himself on being observant and not oblivious like how his friends are
And yet, contrary to this, it takes him several trips to realise that he’s been on what would count as a date with you
You'll talk about needing a new jumper for winter and Shirabu will ask to tag along. You wanted to watch a movie? Shirabu is coming too. Like having someone besides you while studying? Shirabu was your go-to study buddy, whether in silence or as a conversation partner when your brain was overloaded
Out of the blue, he asks with no certain amount of panic, "Were those trips I went on with you dates?"
"I never really gave it much thought…” You match Shirabu’s expression as you consider his question. "I didn’t want to be presumptuous and assume that they were, and you never brought it up, so I left it be."
"Let me have a re-do." Determination flares in his usually guarded eyes and you couldn't refute.
Shirabu glances away from your face, unable to bear looking at the fond expression you wore for too long without his heart suffering. “I want to take you somewhere nice.”
“Everywhere I go with you is nice, Shirabu. It’s less about the place and more about the person.” You rebuke.
Shirabu looks away before you catch the full extent of his blush at your words. “No, I mean I want to take you somewhere that can become special for the both of us.”
You catch his hand in yours, tugging it for him to turn back towards you. Gone was the characteristic impassive façade, now replaced with a tenderness that makes you near melt.
Your first official date with him is a picnic in a park on top a hill to watch the sunset
Something he thinks is extremely cheesy and overdone but the look of excitement on your face immediately silenced his rebuttals
There was no way in hell that he was going to be the reason for your disappointment if he can help it
As such, he went all out
Hiring the gazebo and ordering food to be delivered from a restaurant he knows that you’ve wanted to try out for the longest time
Not that he actually tells you, but it wasn’t hard to deduce his excitement when he waits for you at the gazebo with a small smile, dressed nicely in pressed slacks and a dress shirt with a bundle of flowers
Upon the wide-eyed stare he receives from you, he spends the first minutes of the date describing what the florist thought best for him
A bunch of camellias ranging from a deep and vivid red to the first blush of love pink to the innocence of white gathered in a golden ribbon. He doesn’t exactly tell you their meanings other than a short, “Flowers are flowers, all I want them to show is that I love you.”
What he didn’t know was that the florist had the foresight to hide a card detailing the meaning of each flower amongst the paper holding them
White camellias meaning “You’re adorable” to red camellias meaning “You’re a flame in my heart” (something you blush at in the security of your own home) and the pink one representing longing
As the meal arrives and the two of you eat, the conversation drifts from current events to bits and pieces of everything and anything
The highlight of conversation was Kenjirou’s answer to the question “What do you think you’ll see first: a ghost or an alien?”
Apparently Kenjirou was secretly a space-lover
From the lecture he launched into about the statistics of it all and you come away from that conversation with more knowledge of possibility of E.T's versus spectres than you would’ve thought
The afternoon starts fading into dusk quicker than you realised, too wrapped up trading short anecdotes of your respective families
Shirabu only realises the fading light once the fairy lights decorating the space become brighter, and it is only then that Shirabu like a gentleman, brings out a blanket and escorts you to the grassy knoll besides the gazebo
Laying out the blanket, you notice it’s the perfect position to watch the sun set and you can’t help but give him a quick hug in gratitude before you sit down and make yourself comfortable
It floored you how much effort and consideration he put into this one afternoon amongst all his classes and assignments – it made you feel incredibly warm against the cool night air creeping in
As you shift to get comfortable, your hand lands on top of his. You’re just about to whisk it away, but he shoots you a soft smile and twists his hand in your grasp and gives it a squeeze
Your hands stayed intertwined as the blues faded into pinks and oranges, then into purples and the deep satiny blue of the night sky
The sunny photos with matching smiles from that afternoon soon decorate your wall
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Unlike the others, Taichi really doesn’t care about being seen as “basic” for taking you out to watch a movie and grab dinner afterwards
He asked you out so casually, you agreed without it even hitting you that it was a date until he grinned at you and cheekily replied, “Great, it’s a date then.”
The movie in question was one you’ve been waiting forward for its release and Taichi was interested in it as well, so really it was an excuse for the both of you to watch the movie together instead of alone.
It went great, asides from the old couple staring the two of you in line, not so quietly reminiscing their first date
Embarrassment aside, Taichi was sweet throughout the entirety of it
Arguing to pay until reluctantly splitting the bill when you argued that it wasn’t fair
Waiting outside for it to start, Taichi and yourself bide the time by guessing what the other movies were about by their posters and making each other laugh
Once the movie starts, the chatter between you two dies down, yet the casual intimacy doesn’t fade in the slightest
Sharing an arm rest, the both of you exchange glances at one another throughout the movie, and bump elbows when something interesting or funny happens
It was a far-cry from the intimacy of the other’s dates, but it was perfect for the two of you
By now, the two of you have been friends much longer than you have been dating
Neither of you wanted to rush things, happy to take it as it comes and retain that familiarity from years of friendship stay untainted from the innate awkwardness of new love
Coming out of the theatre, Taichi is the most talkative you’ve seen him yet as he offers his opinion on the film
You avidly listen without a word of complaint
It was nice to hear what went through Taichi’s mind when he always kept his emotions close to his heart, you felt damn-near jubilant over him coming out of his shell – even after all the years of friendship
He offers to grab dinner and after a mild debate over which place is better, you end up flipping a coin and grabbing some fast food and eating it at a near-by park
Eating the meal in relative silence, it was only broken to point out the ducks and giving them names. It was laid-back and you were enjoying yourself, yet Taichi remained stiff by your side.
“What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry if this isn’t exactly the most romantic date.” Taichi rubs at the back of his neck, avoiding your eyes.
You quirk a brow at him. “How isn’t this a romantic date?”
Taichi finally looks at you, although in confusion. “Because I should’ve taken you to a nice, fancy restaurant for our first date.”
“I work on the belief that anywhere is romantic if you make it so. It depends on the company.” You shrug.
Taichi’s mouth curves into a smirk. “Oh? So you wouldn’t mind having our next one at a cemetery?”
You dig an elbow into his side and roll your eyes at the performance he puts on.
“That’s not what I meant, smartass.”
Taichi stops the pouting and slumps into the seat. Hating the sombre mood he’s in, you curl your arm through his and tuck into his side.
“Besides, you can always make it up to me in the future. I want the place to be so expensive that the proportions are baby-sized.”
Taichi’s rich laugh rumbles through you. It was a losing battle against the rapid thrum of your heart and the thoughts of warmth that consume you with his proximity.
You also didn’t try to fight the urge to cuddle further into his side, something he gladly accepted as he wraps his arm even tighter around you.
“I promise.” He sighs, a happy noise as he rests his head against yours, two bodies becoming one whole on that one spring afternoon.
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Not everything in life is a competition, yet Goshiki couldn’t thrive without it
Besides, if he thought too long and hard about it (which he did) an arcade date was the best option
It presented the perfect chance to show off his skills and impress you
When he finally works up the courage to ask you, it had been a while since you’ve been, so you were more than happy to accept
Goshiki deflated with relief because a back-up option didn’t exist
Even after dating for over a month by this point, this would be the first official date he’s taken you out on
After worrying that it was too childish or not at all romantic for a first date, you spent the better half of the afternoon before it convincing him otherwise
At the arcade, Goshiki takes your hand and guides you around the place, pointing out games he bested as a teenager before finally settling on war-cross-zombie two player shooting game
With the growing win streak, the two of you continue playing the game until Goshiki accidentally gets his player killed
Pouting, he suggests a different game to soothe his bruised ego
The pout disappears as he finds a different game he’s decent at, tickets flying out as the points rack up
He glows as you praise his skill
It was too easy to bait him into playing hoop games, which he surprisingly sucked at
You discovered him to be especially gifted at reflex games, where the both of you won the most tickets
With each claw game he stubbornly refuses to “eat his hard-earned money”, he proudly passes off each plushie to you
Goshiki wins whatever prize your eyes linger over, no matter how frustrated it makes him
With each one, you promise to keep and inwardly muse that you’ll have to install a new shelf for them
A few hours deep, you had managed to win him an eagle. It’s the only prize you had won big enough to portray the amount of affection you held towards the bowl-cut male.
It was a bit mishappen and looked more fit to be the mascot for a horror game than a children’s show, however you still offered it to him.
His eyes grow wide. “Really?”
“I mean, I can get you something better if you give me a few minutes…” You frown at the plushie as Goshiki holds it up. It’s even uglier in the light. Why the hell would they have this as a prize?
You reach out to grab it from him and Goshiki snatches it away from your grasp, pressing it into his chest and curling around it protectively. “No!”
You stand there, stunned, as Goshiki flushes at the looks he got from the shout and starts stumbling over his words.
“I mean, it’s fine and not creepy at all – No, I mean it’s cute,” he unconvincingly amends at your wince. “It’s something that you worked hard to get. I’ll treasure it forever, I swear.”
The conviction in his voice was enough to ease your concern.
“I could get you a better one, though. One that’s less creepy.” You offer, gesturing towards the wide array of claw machines boasting figurines and cuter plushies.
“No thank you. I like this one.” Goshiki is stubborn and you should’ve expected that.
You sigh, lips unsurely pulling upwards. “If you’re sure?”
Goshiki gives a sharp nod, and you know that that’s the end of that. He would not budge.
Yet you couldn’t find it within yourself to be exasperated at the awe-filled look he gives the plushie as you two leave the arcade, holding it like it was made of expensive finery instead of cheap thread and fabric.
Months later you got to see the monstrosity again, tucked up on the shelf above his bed, proudly sitting between medals he’s won through the years.
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hey there! If you’re interested in writing it, could you write something about Taichi dealing with asthma and having the support of Shirabu / the rest of the Shiratorizawa team? Either platonic or romantic is fine—and only if you’re interested in this prompt at all, of course! Thanks so much for generously accepting requests, and I hope you have a great day :)
Hello there!! Poor Kawanishi, I feel bad for hurting him a second time hahah... I hope you have a great day too!!
TW: asthma attack.
1.2k words, Gen.
"Hey there, you doing okay?" 
Kawanishi nods, coughing into his elbow, cheeks flushed as he tries to soothe the itch in hia throat, to no avail. Shirabu doesn't look quite convinced.
"Did you catch a cold, Tai?"
"N-no." he manages, and coughs again, "S'probably the dust."
"Ah. Are you allergic?"
The captain yelling at them to start running cuts Kawanishi off. He sighs, and starts running, pace slow but sustained. 
The boy is fully acquainted with the symptoms he's experiencing, but he doesn't want to alarm anyone. After all, two of his classmates have fallen sick with colds in the past week, so Kawanishi is not entirely convinced that the cause of his discomfort must necessarily be asthma.
He's been asthmatic since birth, but after years spent inhaling corticosteroids and being dragged to the beach whenever his parents had a free weekend, his doctor had decided that he was fit to practice sports, provided that he'd always carry an emergency quick-relief inhaler with him.
And Kawanishi does, to this day, have his. It's in the back pocket of his backpack, new and functioning, ready to be used. The young player only uses it occasionally, maybe once a week, when the train is cramped and the air is thin and, most importantly, when his teammates are out of sight.
It's not that Kawanishi is ashamed of his asthma, per se. He just doesn't want anyone to know. Coach Washijou probably knows, and so does Coach Saitou, since they both have access to his medical files for safety reasons. Still, none of them are present today, so Kawanishi prays that he'll make it to the end of practice without further incidents.
Which, of course, isn't the case.
He's been running for about three minutes when his vision begins to swim and grey, head pounding, lungs tight. He stops.
Fuck. Okay. Calm down, Taichi. Stay calm, man.
His hands shake, fingertips blue, coldー he's learnt to recognize the symptoms, he's been trained to. Kawanishi's ears seem to have gone deaf, the only sound he can hear being the incessant, increasingly-fast hammering of his heart.
He can't breathe. Shit, he can't breathe.
Distantly, he hears some kind of muttering, drowned out and foreign. His head pounds, light, and he doesn't even feel it as his body plummets to the ground, his back taking the brunt of the fall as something prevents his head from smacking against the floor. Not that he realises that.
"...ichi, Taichi, hey! Taichi!" someone above him shrills and oh, only now Kawanishi realises that he's lying down. Which is absolutely terrible.
Someone quickly drags him into a sitting position, and Kawanishi briefly wonders if there's a mind-reader among the team.
Tendou. It must be Tendou. It's always Tendou. Definitely Tendou.
"I don't know, heー"
And Kawanishi recognises that voice. "K-Kenjirou?" he wheezes, blind eyes trying to make out the shape of his friend.
"Yeah, it's me." he says, and Kawanishi swears he can perceive a hint of relief in his voice. "What's happening? Can you talk to me?"
And he wishes he could, but he can't. He coughs, punctuating that thought. His lungs burn, starved, and his throat is surely bleeding by now, copper filling his mouth, sour on his taste buds. He coughs and sputters, weak, eyes bloodshot and watery. 
Panic seizes at his chest, already too tight, and suddenly he's on a whole new level of oxygen-starvation. He pants, blinking the tears away, his wrapped index finger frantically pointing in the vague direction of the locker room.
"Ambulance will be here in five!! They said to ask him if he has asthma, they think that may be it!!" 
God bless you, Goshiki. Eternal joy and fortune to you.
Kawanishi nods fast, still coughing and wheezing, and his arm lowers inevitably. His body feels heavy, lungs filled with lead, throat burning and oozing crimson. 
Dark-grey eyes inexorably start to close, eyelids fluttering, consciousness slipping away. That is, before a pair of strong hands grips at Kawanishi's shoulders and shakes him awake, abruptly, insistently.
"No no no, don't pass out, idiot." Shirabu hisses, worry seeping through his words, "Hey! Do you have an inhaler here? Taichi! Yes or no? Do you have it!?"
Kawanishi groans, coughing. He opens his mouth, the air he inhales harsh against his sore throat.
He coughs again. "B-backpack..."
"Backpackー backpack!! Get his backpack, quick!!" Shirabu barks, and Kawanishi manages to spot an unusually frantic Ushjima sprinting towards the lockers. If he had any strength left, he'd smile.
It's not even twenty seconds later, spent sputtering and gasping for oxygen, that Ushijima rushes back inside the gym, skidding against the floor as he empties the contents of his friend's bag. Shirabu, against whom Kawanishi is propped up currently, extends a hand and starts to search the pockets.
His face lights up as he feels the object, quick to extract it from the pocket and press it against Kawanishi's mouth.
"There you go, come on."
It's not that easy, actually. Kawanishi wishes people knew.
But he tries. He tries and fails once, twice, three times, before he manages a shallow inhale that leaves him reeling, the sudden rush of oxygen making his head spin, dizzy. 
"One more time." Shirabu instructs.
"You're going to be okay." Ushijima adds, calm façade crumbling slightly.
Tendou nods in agreement. "Yeah, you got this, buddy!!" he says, squeezing his knee.
Kawanishi tries to ignore the fact that his teammates are gathered around him like vultures waiting for a prey to exhale its last breath.
Ironic imagery, he thinks, mildly amused.
He breathes the medication in, lungs opening ever so slightly, letting more sweet air rush into them, his muscles relaxing at the welcomed presence.
The boy isn't sure how, but Shirabu manages to send everyone but Ushijima away, out of the gym, with a silent stare. He admires the man, that's for sure.
"You idiot." 
Okay, he wasn't expecting it. "Wh-wha'?"
"You. Idiot. Why did you think that keeping your asthma a secret would be a good idea? Thanks for the trauma, man."
"S'rry. S'my files."
"I don't have access to those, idiot!!" Shirabu seethes, "Next time, I'm letting you die."
"Didn't ya wa-want toー" he wheezes, "to become a doctor or s'mething?"
"Yeah, but I'm not your doctor."
"You sh-should cure everyone."
"Not you. You're on my blacklist!!"
Kawanishi laughs at that, regretting the action when his head spins and his ribs shift. 
Ushijima stays silent, but his presence is reassuring, calming, grounding. That's why Shirabu had wanted him to stay, Kawanishi thinks.
"Dun need a' ambulance. M'okay." he says, weak, voice rasped and thick.
Shirabu frowns, unamused. "Too bad. You're letting the EMTs check you over and if they say you need a hospital, you are going. Or I will make you."
"G-geez, so vi-v-violent..." he grins.
The other does, too, after a second. Ushijima even cracks a tiny, crooked smile, but it lasts too little for Kawanishi to decide if it's real, or just a vision courtesy of his blurry eyes.
Soon enough, there's sirens blaring in the background, and EMTs rushing through the door. 
Kawanishi, to be fair, isn't a fan. But his friend's hand in his as he's loaded onto the stretcher is enough for him to finally take a deep breath.
Hope you liked this!!! Let me know. As usual, please anon, warn me if you have an ao3 acc and wish for this fic to be gifted to you there.
September 4, 2021.
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derireo · 4 years
Sakyo wakes up on his birthday to find the Akigumi boys "acting" like he's their dad (maybe similar to what happened with Itaru in the Spring Year 1 arc?)... Bonus points if they somehow convinced Izumi to play "Mom" instead of Omi, for one day only 😉⭐ (btw sorry if this is too detailed 😅 I got super excited)
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𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐰. . .
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It started once Sakyo opened up his newspaper and sat at the head of the table.
“Morning, dad!” Taichi said like an excitable puppy when he danced his way into the kitchen (he street dances when he has the time, leave him alone), Omi following after him.
There was an oddly ominous feeling to the tallest member of the troupe as he smiled and gave Sakyo a salute.
Sakyo jutted his chin in greeting.
He ignored the nickname Taichi tacked on at the end of his own greeting and took a sip of coffee from his cup, shaking his newspaper like an old man would as Taichi popped some bread into the toaster.
“Nanao.” He said, indifferent.
Taichi pouted at Omi who chuckled.
“Hey, pops.” Banri strutted in with a crooked smile and caught the apple that Omi tossed in his direction, teasingly wiggling his fingers at Sakyo who was grimacing at the weird nickname.
What is going on.
“Dad.” Juza greeted softly with a polite bow towards Sakyo who pursed his lips; just a little unimpressed.
Omi handed the oldest Hyodo brother a plate of pancakes and began to start on Izumi’s breakfast before she arrived.
“Hey, Ma.” Banri said with an endearing smile when Izumi entered the kitchen after a while, still disoriented and sleepy even though she took ten minutes in the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth.
“Mm.” She mumbled tiredly and rubbed her eye with a yawn, patting Juza on the head who was already digging into his pancakes.
“Mom! Do you know what today is?” Taichi shouted from the other side of the kitchen where he was toasting another few pieces of bread.
Sakyo frowned at the weird atmosphere Taichi and Banri were creating.
Mom? Dad? What the hell are these kids thinking?
Izumi squinted at Taichi who was now slathering an ungodly amount of butter onto his finished toast, running a hand through her hair with another yawn.
“What is it?”
And with her answer did Taichi suddenly break into a gasp, a hand clutching his chest as he stared wide eyed at Izumi who was trudging towards Sakyo who was glaring at the kid over his newspaper.
“MOM. I know your relationship with pa isn’t that good, but you can’t tell me you forgot his birthday!” Taichi cried out loud, shoving his toast into his mouth due to his stomach growling. “Don’t tell me this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
“You two are divorcing?!” Banri shouted equally as loud much to the dismay of Sakyo, Izumi rubbing a hand down her face as she tried to make sense of it all.
Banri slammed his palms on the table while Juza continued to shove his pancake into his mouth, eyes exaggeratedly sad as he looked at a barely coherent Izumi.
“Who’s taking custody?” Omi was asking the real questions, but it didn’t matter when the whole situation happening right now did not make any sense.
“Will you guys shut up?” Sakyo groaned, too annoyed to even feel embarrassed. What the hell kind of skit was he taking part in this time?
“You’re all brats.” Izumi sighed tiredly and placed a hand on Sakyo’s shoulder to soothe the angry man, slipping her hand beneath her shirt to scratch at her stomach.
Lazily, she leaned down and went to greet Sakyo with a kiss to his cheek, her lips warm on his skin.
“Happy birthday, pops.” She said casually, voice still laden with sleep as she brushed her nose along his cheekbone before placing one more kiss to his temple. “Be nice to the kids.”
Sakyo froze, nearly dropping his cup of coffee. Thankfully Izumi decided to steal his mug though, and she sipped at the hot beverage while trailing her hot palm along the back of his neck as she walked towards where Taichi and Omi were slapping each other’s arms.
“Wow.” Banri whistled. “The outcome was even better than I expected.”
Juza nodded in agreement and smiled at Sakyo whose face was burning up.
“What the fuck.” Azami stood at the doorway; having witnessed the physical affection. “What the fuck.”
Izumi looked over to where the youngest member stood and smiled lazily, waving Azami over.
“Jealous? Does my little one want a kiss too?”
“No fuckin’ way in hell.” Azami seethed, pink dusting his pale cheeks as Taichi raised his hand with a bright smile.
“I want one!”
Izumi laughed faintly and ruffled Taichi’s hair, making the kid bend down so that she could kiss his forehead while Sakyo pinched his nose between his fingers.
“I’m literally a head taller than her.” Azami complained as he sat down beside Juza who was raising his hand too, Banri also waving his hand.
Azami cried into his hands when Izumi started handing out motherly kisses to everyone else in the troupe, Sakyo watching on with an amused (and in love) expression.
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emilycollins00 · 2 years
All righty! Finally posting the very well-deserved present for @moonstruck-writing's birthday. In the end, I chose to go for both characters and honestly the results are so so different sdfghjkl hopefully you like them. Love you lots, Lu 💕
Please enjoy! 💕
Celebrating your birthday (Omi/Kazunari x Reader)
“Oh? Something smells really good!”
“It does! Ah, good morning, Omi-san!”
“Morning, Taichi, Sakuya.” The photographer peeks from the counter of the kitchen, watching the two boys walking in. He hands them the plates for that morning's breakfast and continues to mix the glaze just as they begin to eat. Maybe he should add a bit more of granulated sugar for more consistency. “Your both early. Going somewhere?”
“We wanted to go to Veludo for some improvs since we are both free today.” the spring leader explains smiling at Taichi, who nods in agreement, cheeks already full of food. “Sakyo-san asked if we could distribute some flyers for Winter troupe’s new play as well.”
“I see. Remember to take some jackets with you, it’s getting colder.”
“We will!” they reply in unison.
“Morning, Juza-san!”
The university student grabs his own plate, stalling near the counter, eyeing the current situation. “…you bakin’ a cake?” he finally asks.
“Mhm...? Oh, yeah. Don’t worry, I’ve planned to make some muffins as well using the same ingredients. They’ll be done for when you all come back this afternoon.”
“Oh man, that’s right!” mouth still half full, Taichi gets up from the table and runs next to Juza who still watches Omi move around the kitchen. “Today was Y/N-san birthday, wasn’t it? Are they going to come?”
“Oh! Should we decorate the dorm a bit then?” Sakuya suggest. Juza nods in agreement, and Omi smiles at the considerated thoughts.
“They are a bit busy today so I’m just going to pop at their house later. I’ll ask them if they would like to come though. It's been a while after all.”
“Yeah! But let us know so we can prepare something beforehand!”
“Also please congratulate Y/N-san for us!”
Omi chuckles. “I will.”
The autumn member rings the bell two times as per usual, merely to let you know he’s about to enter and not scare you. He takes the copy of your apartment from his pocket and opens the door.
“I’m here,” he announces. A shiver runs throuoght his body immediately, the warm of the entrance contrasting with the outside.
“Come in! I’m almost done,” your voice sounds distant from the entrance, most likely from your bedroom. “Are you early or was I late? I barely arrived.”
“I might have left the studio a bit earlier.” He concedes as he takes off his shoes. After leaving the cake in the fridge, Omi heads towards your room. He opens the door, and you think it's sweet, how he always knocks, even if the bedroom itself was already half open. “Hey.” He greets fondly, hand still on the handle.
You leave the stuff you were carrying on the bed and walk up to him with open arms, silently asking to be embraced by him. Once you two separate he leans in, kissing you on the lips.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.”
The words come out soft, making your giggle. “Thank you.” Not having let go of his embrace yet you squeeze him and sigh, enjoying his smell. You let your chin rest on his chest, prompting you to look up and him stare down into your eyes. “So… were you able to make the cake?”
He has to laugh at your pleading tone, as if there was any doubt he would have baked ten had you asked. “Of course.” The answer makes you squeal. “Are you sure you don't want to do anything else? Taichi and the others wondered whether you were coming tonight. They wanted to decorate the place.”
You find the gesture sweet, but you can't help but roll your eyes amused, because it’s not the first, nor third or fifth time he has asked you that— Omi was more than anything an attentive boyfriend after all. You separate and shake your head, walking out of the bedroom into the living room, the autumn actor following close.
“I’m already doing what I wanted, relaxing with my favourite person. I’ll make a fuzz other day."
You two sit on the sofa, talking about the dorm for a bit and ultimately opting to let them know you'd go another day most of them would be there for a visit.
As Omi writes on his mobile, you drop down next to him, watching him text. Just as you are about to yawn the autumn member lifts one of his arms, offering you to pull your head down and comfortably rest on his lap— which you do without wasting a second, of course. He always had the best intuition about what you needed.
“Exhausting day?”
“Mhm. It’s better now that you are here.”
You look up at him with the sort of smile that always makes his knees turn weak. He leaves the phone and begins to caress your hair. “Were you able to finish that thing?”
“Almost. I should now just…”
You continue talking a bit more about your day, mentioning something funny that had happened and carrying on about a few friends you had mentioned to him before. Meanwhile, Omi takes a moment to enjoy your body weight and warmth against his. How while you are talking, one of your hands had begun stroking his arm distractedly.
You looked like a beautiful picture.
“Omi, you there?”
His eyes focus again once you call for him. Immediately, he laughs. “I am. I was suddenly thinking it’s a pity I didn’t bring the camera. You look pretty.”
“I disagree. I must look like a mess.”
“Not to me.”
You groan, embarrassed but at this point not surprised at the things your boyfriend could not help but say with such ease. You place a hand on his cheek, drawing him toward you with your eyes.
You are still laying on his lap, so Omi has to bends over. He first bumps his nose against yours, making you laugh, and his gold eye softens. There’s now a faint sound of rain coming from the windows, blankets asking to be taken out of the drawer. Instead of moving, however, you caress the photographer’s lips with your thumb – they are a bit chapped, you notice. Must be the cold.
At the motion Omi barely registers his actions, melting under your touch. He moves to kiss your hair. Your forehead. Your nose. You let yourself be pampered, enjoying the ticklish sensation in your tummy. Soon, his hot breath lays on your lower lip when he exhales and ultimately gives in, pressing your lips together again.
The autumn member had never considered himself a big kisser, but he had to admit he had become used to them, or rather in need of them. As a greeting, as a thank you, as an apology, as a way of saying “good luck” or “take your time”. You open your mouth a bit more, your hand reaching the back of his neck, and he indulges further, wondering if you know how his body trembles under your touch. Electricity and warmth clashing altogether.
Eventually, you two separate. Your cheeks are flushed - his face feels hot too, so he’s probably looking similar. You blink. “Wow, are you sure we have cake? I was totally believing I was just now receiving my present.”
Omi laughs. “We do. Should I go get it out of the fridge?”
You can't help but smile happily. This was indeed all you needed for your special day.
“You just read my mind.”
“Aaaaand we’re here!”
You let your body fall unceremoniously onto the cafe’s chair, a mix of relief and pain coming from your mouth. You would have been embarrassed by the sound, hadn’t it been for the fact that all you could feel right now were your sore feet. “I don’t think I can take one more step for the next half hour, Kazu.”
“Okidoke! Your wishes are my command~” He looks at the queue formed and turns back to you, signalling it with his head. “I’m gonna go get something yummy to refresh us in the meantime. You stay here and relax those cute feet, all right?” He says, winking at you and pressing a loud kiss onto your forehead. You laugh. How could he have any energy left?
You place some bags left on the floor on the chair next to you, nodding gratefully. “Thanks.”
“Don’t miss me too much!”
You shake your head amused. It's a perfectly sunny day, so the cafe seems a little bit busier than one would think given the time, although surprisingly not loud at all. You look around, taking in the warm atmosphere. There are photographs and paintings decorating the walls with some faint music playing in the background as well. You smile to yourself and decide that you like it, even if it wasn’t exactly a place you could decide to come on a whim. You two had walked a lot, to reach where you were.
"Y/N?” A young man wearing the cafe’s uniform walks towards you, his hands carrying a pile of trays, used cups and cutlery. You somehow recall him being one of Kazunari’s friends from university. Miyuki, you want to believe? It wasn’t helpful that Kazunari almost never called them by their actual names, opting to use nicknames.
“I knew I recognized you, how are you doing! Are you and Kaz here?” he continues talking, looking around. “It’s been impossible to catch him lately.”
“Hi! You tell me.” You can’t help but chuckle. “He’s over the counter getting our drinks.”
“Is that so…? Ah, I see him now. Sup, Kaz! Took you some time to finally show up, man!”
Arriving back to the table, the summer member recognizes the worker immediately. “Miyon? Didn’t know you were on your shift! Lucky~”
“So, what do you think?”
“What do I think? This place is lit just like you said! I can’t wait to snap some cool shots, especially of the drawings. They match the aesthetic the best!”
The comment makes Miyuki beam with pride. “You know, the owner actually commissioned me for a few of them. That one and that one.” He pointed rising his chin towards them, since his hands weren’t available.
“I knew they were familiar. So Miyon’s like, they look bomb!”
“Coming from one of our class rising star’s I’ll take it as the truth.” he gave a hearty laugh, shifting the big tray of used cups and plates from one hand to the other. “You know what, I’m going to go grab you two some new pastry we have yet to sell. They are delicious and I doubt we are going to be able to finish all of them anyway.”
“Uh?” you had disconnected slightly, so the sudden invitation perplexed you. “But…”
“Come on! It’s your birthday, right Y/N? Consider it a present!”
The young man doesn’t wait to hear your response as he speeds off, reminding you he was indeed Kazunari’s friend. You look at your boyfriend and once he notices you he shrugs and smiles.
“It would be rude to reject him, don’t you think? Besides Miyon’s right, you gotta let yourself be pampered, Y/N!”
“Still, by your friends?”
“Of course!”
Being the summer member significant other meant almost everybody knew you. At least up to some degree, since the blond always liked to solidify his affection by capturing you in photos, videos or instablam stories.
You gave it some thought for a few more seconds before giving in. “This place is really beautiful though. I’m surprised we’ve never been here before.” You notice your favorite drink on the tray. Happy he remembered, you stretch your arm to take it and lay back sipping at the visibly proud art student.
“Right? Miyon actually talked to me not too long ago, and then I thought it fitted your style so frigging much? So when I noticed it was on the area for our birthday date celebration it was a no brainer!”
You shake your head amused. Being Kazunari’s partner also meant you are most likely to be carried away with his hyper energetic self, which skied through the roof more than usual during special events, one of them of course being your birthday. So, when he appeared at your house at the first flush of the morning to begin a get-you-hyped, woot woot, totally fire day! You made peace with your mind and body for anything he could have planned.
“Thank you.” You smiled at Kazunari’s friend once he came back with the cute pastry.
"No prob! Enjoy the rest of your birthday, Y/N!”
You are about to dig when Kazunari yawps, taking his phone out toward you. “Literally pay no mind to me, you are just looking too cute it'd be a crime if I don't do this!”
You stare at his shiny green eyes and contain a chuckle, leaving him be. You have lost count of the number of pictures Kazunari has taken of both of you and well, you alone at this point today.
“Aw, you look totes adorbs in this one! Oh, and here? Hello?” He coos as his fingers go through the multiple photos. By now you two had left the café, with a promise to come back soon. He lets out a dreamy sigh, shaking his head. “Man, I would totally hit on you.”
“Kazu, we are dating.”
"Exactly!" In the smoothest way you could have thought of, the summer member grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles, taking the opportunity to intertwine your hand with his own, refusing to let go. “So I can gush over you as much as I want. Hey, have I told you about my latest theory about how I totally think we were lovers in another life?”
You rise your eyebrows amused, letting him explain. It used to fluster you at first, being the focus of someone who was so incredibly vocal and physical about what he liked. Still, it makes you happy to be cared for. To be with someone that cannot wait to show the world how much you mean to him.
“All right, Casanova. Time out." Eventually cut his well-detailed explanation, poking playfully at his chest with your free hand. "Since my feet are now well rested and my tummy is full. Anything else planned?”
Of course, his eyes immediately light up, and you find his giddiness to be infectious as he lists several suggestions.
Once you decide on a destination, there's a bit of a silent walk for a while -not the usual, since he was quick to fill the silences, knowing there was no obligation to respond to him. This time however you lean against his arm, listening to him simply humming that song he's been listening to nonstop lately. From time to time he nuzzles you, and you squeeze his hand back.
Kazunari was your confidence-booster, your arms to cry and safe place when you didn't feel the best, your inspiration, your soulmate as he cheesily presented you to his friends. And god, you couldn't be more grateful.
"I'm all ears~"
“I... Thank you for always making me feel special. Not just today for my birthday but... you know, every day.”
The blond flashes hotter for a second, the spontaneity a surprising but welcomed feeling. People would agree Kazunari could be a bit overwhelming when it came to showing affection, but many would be surprised by just how much a simple sentence like that was enough to make him crumble and his stomach flutter for the rest of the day.
Because to feel appreciated by others call it friends or fans was one thing. But by you? Man, that was a reward of its own. He grins, unable to contain the burst of emotion in his spirit. “Duh! That's because I'm a Y/N expert!” he wraps his arms around you pulling you closer, staring at you with love and warmth -hoping to memorize every detail he was feeling. "Plus, you totally deserve it." He pecks your lips.
You better be prepared, because now he would make extra sure to continue to make every single day more special than the latter.
It's been a while since I've written fluff!! They are cute.
Hope you guys liked it. Wishing you have a wonderful day! Muah! 💕
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ickymichi · 4 years
𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝.
a tendou satori x reader series.
✟ there’s always been the one rule every person who’s been in a band knows not to break, never mess around with your band mates. but Satori was sick of the groupies, sick of catching the bra’s and panties that were flung at him every night. he just wanted the one thing he couldn’t have.
✟ warnings: swearing, eventual smut, eventual angst(?), drug use, inappropriate themes, comedy.
✟ things to know: band au!, some timeskip careers mentioned, slow updates.
✟ if you’d like to be added to the taglist just send an ask! <3
✟ word count: 1.8k
✟ note: first actual chapter of this series! it’s nothing big but obviously i wanted to get something written for this series! but i hope you enjoy my dears! reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
all contents belongs to k1ttykawa 2021. please do not repost or modify on this or any other platform.
𝟎𝟎𝟐:. 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐜𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬
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The bright lights and screams from the small crowd in the underground venue was what brings you back down from the high you’re always on whenever you sit on the small bouncing stool behind the drum set on stages every second or third night. You heard Semi thanking everyone for coming and whatever shit he always says. Once you seen him bow and Tendou go to pick up the collection of bra’s and panties thrown on stage, you raised a hand and threw one of the drumsticks into the crowd, your own way of saying goodbye before making your way offstage. Semi and Tendou’s tall frames following behind, the same order as always.
The sweat was pouring out of you, tonight being more of a wilder one than the usual calm sets you’ve been having in bars or party’s recently. they were easy money, but they got boring after just a few hours. so all three of you were in desperate need of a night like tonight.
Turning the corner of the small, dark corridor to your dressing room for tonight you were met with the stench of weed, 3 different girls on the beat up leather couch, a rolled joint in one of the girls hands and white lines on a tray to the others left. Like always, you went straight to the showers to get the scent of sweat and fake smoke of you.
You really don’t know when but the cropped black tank top you had on was ripped down one side but your usual headband you sported every show was missing and it now became you new priority to track it down. “Satori! Where the fuck is my headband?” you stomped back out to see the wanted man desperately trying to pull the tight leather pants down his lanky legs. His head was whipped up to at the sound of your annoyed voice and then quickly darted his eyes over to the blonde that had previously rolled the joints and was now fawning over semi and his revealed tattoos. “oi” was all you muttered out behind her and holding out your empty hand—also noting some of your rings were gone. She turned her head to you with a scowl covering her features, which also revealed your missing accessory that caused your distress. “that’s her bandana and she’s quite obviously looking for it back,” Tendou quipped in making every one bar the girl laugh. After time, she untied it from the back and forcefully placed it back in your hand. Dramatically you held your arm, acting as if she pained you, tendou again laughing with you.
Finally you were able to hop into the shower and quickly get your self freshened and rub the accesses makeup off your eyes that was already smudged from your constant wiping, trying to stop the sweat dripping from your hairline.
“(y/n)!! please help me out of these, semisemi just keeps fucking laughing!” the peace and quiet you had was quickly interrupted by Tendou’s loud whining. “how the fuck am I not supposed to laugh when your walking around with them swinging around your ankles and your dick hanging out?” “what, Its out?!”
The large door separating the bathroom from the connected dressing room swung open and revealed Satori with his leathers pooled at his ankles and— surprising his dick not actually ‘hanging out’. “please help me sugartits, they’re fucking stuck even with my skinny ankles,” he hopped onto the counter and held his legs up for you to guide them off him. “well for starters, take your fucking shoes off!, and also I swear i saw these in the women’s section of some online store?” jokingly you shouted at him and moved to untie the doc martin’s around his feet. “yeah? You probably did, stole them from that chick that wouldn’t stop hanging off me last month,” both of you laughing at his silliness and falling into a comfortable silence.
The only noise was the voices off the others in the separate room and a recognisable Mötley Crüe song shaking the floor from the stage.
“what you think of tonight then?” the silence being broken by Satori like usual. “uhhh, it was definitely something but yeah, it was fun. Its nice to have a night like that every now and then, specially since we’ve just been in bars doing the same covers for the past two weeks. What about you huh?” he hummed, a noise of agreement showing he was listening, a habit you grew to learn. “I guess it was good fun yeah, although I didn’t appreciate nearly getting hit with a dildo within the first two songs. But I agree, it’s nice to do our own shit and not covers in a bar with a bunch of middle age boring shits. I think we’ve another show that’ll probably be like this again on Saturday.”
Saturday, today was Thursday so you’ve a nice day or two to just lie around, the other probably filled with travelling and setting up.
After about 10 minutes you had unlaced both his boots and chucked them onto the floor and not too long later his ‘borrowed’ pants joined them. “thanks chicken, lifesaver as always,” he pulled you into an embrace with one arm before leaving to find his spare clothes in the other room. He did always have the weirdest nicknames.
The night bled into the early hours of the morning, Semi and Tendou both getting their share of the girls there while you kicked your feet up, sparking up a conversation and passing the joints with your friend Taichi who was also your ‘manager’, he wasn’t really he just acted like it when venues would ask important questions and tagged along for the free show and nights at different clubs.
He was also the one who suggested you start moving to the motel down the street for the night before the venue boots you all out. Quickly you agreed, not fancying seeing any more glimpses of your friends and strangers body parts. Obviously the girls whined to the boys, asking if they could come, saying it’s dangerous for girls to walk home alone at night, “sorry ladies, but we’ll be sharing a bed tonight and I don’t fancy getting an unwanted facial on a Thursday night,” you butted into their persuasive conversation by wrapping an arm around the boys from the back of the couch and giving a friendly smile.
By the time you all got your equipment packed away and into the van it was nearing 4:30 in the morning and you, quite literally we’re going to fall into the bed. It wasn’t the nicest of places but you were just spending tonight and the next two there, unless you decided to go out after the shows and find some rando’s condo to spend the night in. All three of you pushed your way into the small room trying to get the edges of the double bed. And it wasn’t easy trying to squeeze through two 6’2 lean men, resulting in you again stuck in the middle of them staring at the blank roof, desperately waiting for the sun to rise so you could find some place to get food and away from the mess of limbs under the covers.
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When you did wake up it felt like you’d only slept for two hours, when in reality it had been about 10. The afternoon sun melting through the old curtains and falling into your pillow. As you moved to see what had finally woke you from the deep sleep you saw Semi at the small table, his guitar resting on his knees and his worn, nimble fingers scribbling words on his notebook he kept for when lyrics would come to him.
“mornin’ early bird,” all you could let out was a groan, your mind still coming to its senses. “there’s food n’ shit there Satori went out to get it, we was the first up, surprisingly,” he breathed out the last remark before moving to pick up the red pencil and get back to writing lyrics before they left his head.
The food that Tendou got was still warm so he must’ve of been up long before you anyway. “where is he?” “beats me, probably wandering round like always,” quickly he responded and took the pic from between his teeth and started strumming a tune while humming, what you were guessing, was the lyrics on the page.
Letting your curiosity get the better of you, you pulled your phone from where it was connected to the wall by the charger and found Satori’s contact and pressed the call icon, moving away from the sound of Eita and his guitar you went to go outside and sit on the bench outside your rooms window.
“hello, hello,” his ever cheerful voice filled the speakers of your phone that was wedged between your shoulder and ear. “hey, I was just calling to see where you are that’s all,” you piped up when he went quiet, tutting when you realised you were out of cigarettes. “oh you know, just out sightseeing ‘tis all,” “cool cool, well i’m going to the store now you need anything?” he hummed into the phone, indicating that he was thinking of something he needed. “just cigs I guess and get me that drink I like while there, i’ll pay you later,” bidding him goodbye as the small shop on the corner came into view you slipped your phone into your sweatpants pocket and walked to the back where they kept the energy drinks.
Exiting the shop with everything you needed you walked to make your way back till you saw a familiar head of red locks across the street and quickly, but quietly made your way to his figure.
Sneaking up behind him and wrapping your arms around his middle, feeling his ribs press into your arms, something you’ve noted recently. He sucked air into his lungs and jumped slightly before laughing with you. “here you go your highness,” was how you greeted him and chucked him his requested items. “thanks muffincake, i’ll pay you back later I swear,” you scoffed and shook his offer off, suggesting you stroll around the city until Semi called either of you to ‘get your sorry asses back to the room’.
Your stroll progressed into a very long walk and by the time Satori suggested you head back with an arm around your shoulder it was already dark, the night life staring to come out of hiding. eyeing a club across the street you thought might be a good shout to visit in case you three got bored tonight, making a mental note of its location.
“Didn’t Semisemi say we need to go over the set list again cause, someone, messed up last night,” a sing-song voice dragged you out of your club browsing and brought a scowl to your face. “excuse me, you’re the one who told me we were doing ‘nasty’ after the interlude, prick,” he pulled his chin up and started to ‘think’ about your accusation before loudly dubbing it false; “nope, I don’t recall doing such a thing. I could never, but if it boots your already sky high ego then, of course I did my dearest apologies baby cakes,” “do you ever shut up,” “when i’m face first in pus-” “Don’t even!”
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t a g l i s t: @evan-rose @elianetsantana @weebintheinternet @kuroos-roosterhead
please lmk if i missed you if your not there! <3
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bokutosworld · 4 years
perfect match | miya osamu
a/n: i am so thrilled that haikyuu is back!!! can’t wait to see more of inarizaki and (excuse my bias) osamu!!!! <3 so here’s a very self-indulgent piece in celebration of their comeback haha 
pairing: miya osamu x f!reader
wc: 2.6k words of fluff and bit of angst if you squint lmfao.  
summary: in which you and osamu go in circles, walking the fine line between keeping the friendship or taking the leap in your relationship. inspired by the prompts: “It’s you, it’s always been you.”  + “Are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you’ve been dying to ask me?”
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'for the last time, i am telling you oyakodon cannot be better than katsudon. nothing beats a good crisp, deep-fried pork or chicken over a steaming bowl of rice,' you said, putting your lunch tray on the table with a thud and settling on the bench.
'yeah, sure. but they're basically the same thing,' he slips in the space next to you, placing his food and getting his chopsticks ready. 'they're both donburi meals, only difference is how they're prepared. what matters is they're both delicious.'
taking a spoonful of your meal, you chew fast before deciding to answer back, 'i know that.' you pause to catch your breath, earning a worried glance from osamu as if he telling you to eat slowly. 'but katsudon just ranks superior. end of discussion.'
the both of you, cooped up in your own conversation, were oblivious to the stares and smirks of your friends in the table. atsumu, deciding to be the braver among the peers, cuts through the silence. 'you know, we could hear you bickering from the queue all the way here,' a hint of tease evident in his voice and osamu smacks his twin.
suna perks up, joining the conversation, 'that's like the third discourse they had today, man. and it's only lunchtime.' the rest of the group laughs and shakes their head, as atsumu adds, 'will there ever be a day where we enjoy some peace and the two of you just quietly get along?'
you share a look with osamu who simply shrugs and continues to chomp down (albeit rather cutely) his food. your friends weren't wrong but it's not like you and the boy hated each other's guts. your close friendship with him was comfortable, so much so that the two of you would talk and argue literally about anything. but as always, there were no hard feelings in those moments of disagreements.
it's just the way it has been since the day you met the twins in middle school. they were both kind and took care of you like their little sister. but somehow, you found yourself growing more attached with the quieter twin. there was something about conversing with osamu that made you feel like you can open up to him about anything. he was smart, a good listener, a natural conversationalist that he always had something ready to answer to your quips. he would always indulge whatever topic you brought up and challenge your ideas and beliefs - the latest one being the katsudon versus oyakodon dispute.
you notice the piece of rice stuck in the corner of osamu's mouth, and you were just about to wipe it off when hikari calls out your name. your hand falls limp on your side and you turn to her, 'what's up?'
'are you free this weekend? i was supposed to set up my cousin on a blind date with my co-worker but she just informed me that she can't go. they have exams this week. so,' she purposely dragged on her words, weighing if would consider being the substitute. raising an eyebrow at her, you completed the sentence for her, 'so, you want me to go on the blind date?'
she beamed, clasping her hands together as if she was reciting a prayer. 'please! i will owe you my life, this is a one time thing, i swear! i made him a promise. you know how i hate breaking promises.'
osamu took note of the way you sighed and how your shoulders slumped at your friend's request. you were never one to say no, you always found it difficult with your kind-hearted nature. so it wasn't a surprise to him when you turned and asked, 'we don't have anything planned for this weekend, right?'
truthfully, osamu wanted to say that you did have some sort of hangout planned. he didn't know why he was finding it hard to say no right now, so he was relieved when his brother spoke. 'you should be free, y/n,' swinging his arm around his twin's shoulders, atsumu looked at him and smirked. 'besides, we have a practice match this weekend. we wouldn't be able to do the usual hangout 'til after 6pm.'
this made you exclaim, 'great! you can give that guy my number then!' hikari proceeded to tell you the details - it was happening on saturday. she already arranged for the meetup time and place to be 10 am at the subway station near the park.
as hikari continued to talk to you about your date, osamu couldn't help but listen in on the conversation and take note of the details. he didn't miss the way your eyes lit up at the mention of your date's name - taichi - to which you remarked that it was 'a handsome name.' osamu rolled his eyes at that. lost in his own thoughts and conflicted feelings about your blind date, he wasn't able to control his facial reactions anymore - a slight look of envy and disappointment ghosting over his features and atsumu was enjoying every bit of it.
weekend arrived and to say that you were excited for the blind date was an understatement. you were looking forward to it, the evidence seen in the way you have prepared your outfit (with the help of osamu who you video called last night). as your closest friend, osamu tried his best to be thrilled and happy for you. he knew you have been wanting to experience a first date for a while now. but a feeling was gnawing at him, a feeling that wishes it was him who was taking you out on that weekend. nonetheless, he gave you a pep talk and reminded you to just have fun and be yourself.
so here you are now, standing in the middle of the station and waiting for your date. it wasn't as crowded as you thought it would be so you kept an eye out for taichi. he texted you just before you left, informing that he would be wearing a denim jeans and black jacket. keeping your eyes peeled for a person who fit that description, you see a shadow of a person jogging across the station and a voice calls out your name.
'y/n!!!!' you spot taichi running over to you, he crouches to try to catch his breath when he reaches you. when he's calmed down, he immediately apologizes, 'i am so sorry. have you been waiting long?' you assure him that it's fine and after a few minutes of back-and-forths of apologies and assurances, you two go on your way to your first stop: brunch.
taichi was indeed as handsome as his name initially suggests. he's got a boyish charm to him, and it would be a lie to say he wasn't drawing you in. all throughout the brunch, he proved to be someone who can keep a conversation with you. it was one of your worries that your date would find you boring, but osamu told you would do fine. thankfully, taichi could hold his ground with you, very much like your best friend who can immediately answer your witty quips with his own humorous comebacks. in your mind, the two boys were very much like and you couldn't wait to tell this to osamu.
after eating, he brought you to an aquarium. your genuine excitement made taichi smile as he shared that it was worth an effort asking hikari what you wanted if he could see you exude so much happiness. you made a face and hit him, 'i didn't know you were cheesy. thank you.' he then led you two inside and spent the rest of the afternoon wandering around the huge aquarium, in awe of the different fishes and feeling if you were lost in the underwater.
but all good things come to an end. by the time your date ended, it was already 6:33 pm. though it was still early, you had a curfew of 8 pm and taichi offered to accompany you home.
dropping you off at the front gate, he looked at you, hopeful, 'i had a really fun time today. hikari did great by setting me and you up together.' you laughed at this, admitting you've almost forgotten that this was a blind date, 'it's like i've known you forever!' despite the surroundings being dark already, you didn't miss the movement of a shadow just a few blocks away. you had a hunch as to what or who it was, and you couldn't wait to expose them.
'well, i don't want to keep you out any longer,' taichi began saying his goodbye. 'i'll text you when i get home. we should do this again.' your attention was brought back to the boy in front of you and you chuckled, 'don't be a stranger! just text or call me anytime, okay?' taichi began walking back to the main street, and he waved as you shouted your last farewell, 'be careful on the way home.'
when he finally turned to the street, you cleared your throat and called, 'you can come out of your hiding spot now, dumbass.' the person you were referring to sheepishly moved where the light can cast over him, revealing, 'osamu.' he could see the way your eyes glinted with a hint of mischief and he knew he wouldn't be able to escape your interrogation.
you ran up to him and tackled him, poking his sides which made him fall into a fit of laughter. he took your hands to make you stop, 'stop that.'
'how long have you been hiding out there,' you ask osamu. it wasn't impossible to miss the tinge of blush on his cheeks, your question obviously caught him off guard. 'well, osamu? are you gonna answer me or are you just going to keep staring into space?' you wave your hands in front of him, but he quickly gets hold of them and laces his fingers with yours. it was a usual gesture between the two of you, but right now, why did it feel so intimate?
after moments of silence, he speaks up, 'did you have fun on your date?' his eyes boring right into your soul and you swore your heart started beating faster. for some reason, you couldn't answer right away, your voice somehow betraying you at that moment. 'it.. it was nice.'
osamu continued to stare intently, waiting for you to finish. so you went on, 'they're a good person. he's very funny, you'd like him too, you know! he surprised me by taking me to the aquarium,' at this point, you were rambling just to avoid the awkward silence. 'it was so big, osamu! you'd like it there too. and then -'
'will you take me there with you?' now your heart was threatening to beat out of the chest. osamu was rarely serious with you, and right now, you could feel that he wants to say more but he's restraining himself.
you already had an idea of what he was trying to say. the butterflies in your stomach was starting to go wild at the thought. but you wanted to hear it from your best friend himself, so you feigned ignorance, 'what do you mean, osamu?'
the grip on your hands tightens and he pulls you a little closer to him. osamu wants to say that he wishes it was him who saw your smile in the aquarium, who you talked with nonstop in the cafe, who you exchanged stories and laughter with throughout the day. he wants to say that it should have been him who took you out on your first date. all these emotions and words were too much for him, so he takes a deep breath and rests his head on your shoulders instead. perplexed at his actions, you immediately wrap your arms around his waist. 'osamu? are you okay?'
'yeah, let me just stay like this for few minutes.' he buries himself deeper in the crook of your neck, getting lost in your familiar, comforting scent. he knows why he was acting like this and he was screwed. he loves you, but he doesn't want to risk ruining the friendship you have built. after a while, he stands up straight, shooting you his signature smile and ruffles your hair.
'thanks, i was just really tired from the practice match. i guess i missed our number one cheerleader.' he steps away and begins to walk home, but he doesn't get too far when you shout, 'are you really gonna leave without asking me the question you've been dying to ask me?'
he stops in his tracks. this time, you close the distance and he feels your presence behind him. 'come on, osamu. no secrets, right?' at this, his resolve breaks and a dam opens, his unrequited feelings for you finally flowing out in the open. osamu turns around and engulfs you in a warm embrace, and you just know.
'if you wanted to ask me out, you could have just asked me you know,' you tease him. flustered at you what just said, he looks at quizzically, 'how...'
'you're not very subtle, osamu. and the stunt you just pulled tonight basically confirmed you like me too,' you hope he caught your words at the end. because honestly, while being best friends with him has been the best thing to happen in your life. you've always wondered what it feels like to take the next step in your relationship with him.
it takes him a while to register your remarks and when the realization sets, he finally asks, 'since when?' the question was vague, but you knew what he was referring to if the hopeful look in his eyes was anything to go by. so you take a courageous leap, finally crossing that bridge to move to something more. you caress his cheeks, osamu leaning close to the warmth of your hands, 'it's you, osamu. it's always been you.'
he finally closes the gap, bringing your body to his in a tight hug, as if he was afraid to let you go. you stay like that for a few minutes, the passersby cooing at the 'lovely couple' on the street. he pulls away for a quick second, then all of a sudden, he was leaning in. your eyes instinctively shut, waiting for that sensation on your lips, but instead you feel him press a tender kiss on your forehead. he was always a man of few words and through his actions, you know that everything will never be the same again, but it was the kind of change that you have always hoped for.
so when you two go to school the following week, holding hands and finally not bickering in the morning, everyone in your friend group was dumbfounded. again, his twin was the only one brave enough to point out the difference, 'took you guys long enough. congrats, osamu! i knew you had it in you!'
hikari wanted to ask you about taichi, but after the date, the boy has already his expressed gratitude and shared how he felt that your thoughts were occupied by someone. and certainly, looking at you and osamu now - sitting by each other's side in peace and in your own love bubble - it seemed that you have already found your perfect match.
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sirenascales · 3 years
-> double black [part six] 18+
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-> Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai
-> Who knew getting fired from work could lead to this?
-> Content: SMUT, slight angst, violence, murder, swearing
The case is concluded and Chuuya collects his prize. [Chuuya x 1stPOV!F!Reader x Dazai]
3,461 words
warning: mentions of violence, murder, nsfw, smut, slight voyeurism
note: so i lied, there is one more part, which will be nothing but smut so be excited for that hehe
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Final || Masterlist
My ability is called Hell Hath No Fury and it gives me the ability to make a perfect clone of myself that is fueled by the anger, rage, pain and despair that dwells inside of me, and has been inside of me since I was small. The anger isn't something that's just there, I've been through a lot of things in my life that left my weary soul full of the negative emotions that powers my clone. I don't particularly like using my clone, as she could be quite scary. Like anger and hatred, she could be very hard to control sometimes.
"She is quite scary, huh?" Dazai hummed, voice full of humor as I told him about my ability, us now back at the ADA. I sat at my desk, shoulders slumped. "Took me by surprise~"
I laughed softly at him, shaking my head as I read the official report that was written at the conclusion of the Taichi investigation. There was an unreadable look on my face as I read through the text, Dazai swaying his chair from side to side beside me.
"It says that Taichi was killed by the drug dealer..." I repeated, grimacing as I recalled Chuuya shooting the same man right in his head. "I don't... know how to feel about this."
I was the one who killed Taichi, yet here I was, sitting at my desk in the ADA office with no consequences coming my way. Further reports say that the drug dealer soon met his own demise due to the retribution from the Port Mafia, which wasn't an exact lie.
"Just go along with it, Bella. The only ones who know the truth are-"
"I can't believe you would do something so... incredibly stupid." I winced as soon as Kunikida started barreling down on me, sighing as he continued to lecture me.
Of course, we had to tell Fukuzawa, as well as the rest of the core members of the ADA what happened. It was only fair, considering we had to make sure the story was solid. It was rather nerve wracking to say the least, and in total me fashion, I had cried right in front of the President.
I thought I would get fired, but all I got was a week's suspension. "Get some rest," Fukuzawa said to me, leaning back in his chair. "You're going to need it." I nodded my head, standing up and bowing to him quickly before I left his office.
"I guess I'll see you guys soon," I said to the others, holding my bag full of belongings in my hands. I gave them all one last wave before walking out of the office, aware of Dazai following behind me. As always, I chose to walk down the stairs, only going down two flights before I turned on my heel, dropping my bag and wrapping my arms tight around the taller man.
"Oof," Dazai gasped out before he wrapped his arms around me, chuckling a bit as he gave me a squeeze. "It's not like you'll be gone forever."
I sighed, keeping my face pressed against his chest. "I know. I think all the adrenaline from... everything finally left and now I honestly feel like shit. I'm so tired, Osamu."
"... would you like me to come with you?" Dazai asked and I shook my head, giving him a playful, scolding look.
"You need to finish that report, you lazy bastard," I replied, Dazai already whining and I rolled my eyes. "Call me later?"
Dazai stopped whining, gently cupping my face with his hand. He leaned in and kissed me, stealing my breath away as he always had. He smirked at my flushed face, stepping back. "Yeah. Now go."
I left him by the stairs, making my way back to my apartment. Now that I had a week off, I wasn't sure what I should do. I guess doing was Fukuzawa said and just resting would be a good thing, seeing as I was tired, both physically and emotionally.
But even as I try to sleep, I find myself tossing and turning, waking up every hour. I slumped on my back, letting out a frustrated breath as I stared at the ceiling.
"You know, bella... you're disrupting my beauty sleep," Dazai spoke from beside me and I rolled my eyes, huffing out a breath. Dazai chuckled softly, laying one arm under his head while the other rested over his tummy. "This will pass in time."
I sighed softly. "It's weird... I don't regret it."
"But you still took a life."
"Did you feel this way when you first killed someone?"
"... I honestly don't remember. When you're surrounded by nothing but darkness and carnage for a long time, stuff like that is nothing to be concerned about."
I frowned. "When you were in the Port Mafia... you were partners with Chuuya, right?"
"Like I said, we were the best~" Dazai sang and I smiled softly.
"Just imagining the two of you fighting together is kinda scary..."
"Well, when you have someone like Chuuya and the youngest executive in Port Mafia history, yeah, we were pretty scary!"
I choked. "You were an executive?!" I exclaimed in shock. I thought about Chuuya, and how he worked alongside the Leader of the Port Mafia himself. Dazai was that powerful? And with someone like Chuuya...?
Dazai sputtered, bursting out into a fit of laughter. "You like dangerous men?"
I grinned widely, finally turning to cuddle against him. "Blame it on the daddy issues," I answered, making him snort. "Why did you leave?"
"You should try to get some sleep," Dazai replied, changing the subject and I shrugged my shoulders.
"Yeah, though I won't be surprised if I can't," I mumbled unhappily, shifting a bit to get comfortable. I closed my eyes, hearing Dazai chuckled softly as I started to doze off.
Unsurprisingly, I slept like shit that night, my eyes were sore, the bags under my eyes puffy and dark. I groaned, waving Dazai goodbye tiredly as he left in the morning, heading to work after I scolded him for trying to sleep in and skip work.
The door closed behind him and I let myself fall back on my couch, just staring into nothing for a while before I grabbed my phone, pressing on Keiko's contact and calling her. She didn't answer.
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After pressing the button on the side of her phone to end the incoming call, Keiko sighed nervously as she approached the man sitting in the desk before her, hands shaking as she placed down a large, thick envelope.
"Here you go. That's all of it," she said softly, quickly withdrawing her hands away and clasping them together against her chest.
Chuuya watched her carefully, noticing just how scared and timid Keiko was acting, and he honestly didn't blame her, not after what she's been through, and especially how Taichi continued to throw her under the bus, even after his death.
"I swear... I had nothing to do with what he was doing..." her voice trembled and Chuuya sighed deeply. He dug into his drawer, producing a cigarette for both himself and Keiko. She allowed him to light hers for her and there was a silence as they each took a drag.
"I believe you," Chuuya started, leaning back in his seat. "He used your name to open that offshore account and the safety deposit box, making sure not to have this all trail back to him." Keiko hung her head and Chuuya thought back to when he first saw her. She was way more outgoing and cheerful, and admittingly had a very sensual, attractive aura that even he himself would be into if she hadn't been with Taichi.
It was a shame to see that all gone, all because of one coward. It pissed Chuuya off immensely. She was essentially betrayed by someone she trusted, and Chuuya could relate to that all too well.
"But, everything is finally coming to a close with all the money Taichi stole from us coming back. Don't worry, Keiko, our investigation makes it more than clear that you are innocent in this. You have nothing to worry about," Chuuya said, but Keiko still looked troubled. She said my name softly and he looked at her questionably.
"What about her...?" she asked softly. "Is she clear?"
"You did see the official report, right?" Chuuya replied in turn, taking another drag from his cigarette. Keiko nodded silently. "It wasn't that hard to form the story. There was at least some truth to it. The drug dealer was as good as dead... as well as Taichi. She just beat us to it. We can let this slide."
Keiko sighed in relief, taking another drag from her own cigarette. "That's a relief... I was worried about what would happen to her."
"Nothing," Chuuya answered. "And we will be keeping an eye on her for a while too."
Keiko nodded in understanding. "I'm still worried about her, though. She's been having a hard time sleeping and I'm sure it's just... everything finally getting to her..." Keiko sighed deeply, rubbing her eyebrows. "But I don't know what to do... she's in this mess because of me, I wanna help her but I don't even know how to help myself!"
"And that should be your main focus right now," Chuuya spoke, crossing his arms over his chest. "Don't worry about her. I'll take care of her."
"But why?" Keiko questioned. "It's not like you care about her. Or love her."
Chuuya rolled his eyes. "There's no love there, but she's... fun."
Keiko snorted at that. "She's not one for love and relationships. I guess that's why she's involved with you, and Dazai. There's a mutual understanding there, and I guess if it works for you guys, then it's okay. But-"
Chuuya quirked an eyebrow. "But?"
"She's still sensitive. She wears her heart on her sleeve, so even if there really is no love here, I'm sure she still cares for you guys. That's just how she is. So I ask... just don't hurt her. That's all. If it all ends... just make sure she doesn't get hurt." Keiko clenched her fists. "I don't know what I'll do to you if she does."
Chuuya just stared at her, pleasantly surprised. He let out a short laugh. "Are you threatening me?"
Chuuya grinned, laughing again as he shook his head. The loyalty in this friendship was honestly a sight to see. It was refreshing. "I don't usually respond well to threats, so I'll let this slide. You've done all you can do, so you can head on home if you want. If you're lucky, we won't see each other again."
"Well, if you're still seeing my best friend, we probably will," Keiko said, standing up, feeling a little less nervous. "Goodbye, Chuuya. Stay safe out there."
Chuuya nodded. "I hope you can heal and become your old self again. It's sad to not see that pretty smile on your face."
Keiko blushed brightly. "Shameless flirt," she shot at him playfully, turning away from him to leave. Chuuya laughed loudly from his desk.
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"So, are you okay now?" I asked Keiko over the phone, her telling me about her meeting with Chuuya. She first apologized for ignoring my call, but it didn't bother me that much. I was only glad that she was doing okay.
"Yeah, I'm alright. Gonna spend the rest of the day home and figure out what to do."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well... I'm thinking of going away for a while. Maybe for six months... just to heal and find myself again."
"Six months?! What about your job?"
"I quit. I want to start my life over again, but I love Yokohama, so I figured... I can get another job when I come back! I'm gonna sell my condo too!"
I was stunned. "I... but where do you plan on even going?!"
"Hm... maybe Europe? I'm not sure yet. Are you... okay with me leaving?"
"Of course! I support you with everything you do in your life. I just want you to be safe and okay..."
"I'm glad. I'm pretty determined, but don't worry! I will always come home!"
Keiko and I talked for a while after that, a smile on my face as we ended the call. I was happy to see that Keiko was trying to turn her life around, proud of her for being so strong. It was rather inspiring, and helped me to gain my own strength to get my shit together as well.
The day went on, and I was in the kitchen making an early dinner when there was a knock on my door. I was annoyed, thinking it was Dazai flaking out on work again, but as I opened my door, I was surprised to see a certain red head at my door.
"Wow. You look like shit."
I rolled my eyes and scoffed, turning and walking back into my kitchen, Chuuya following behind me.
"Gee, thanks."
"What are you doing?"
"Cooking an early dinner. You want some?"
"Yeah, sure."
It wasn't long until Chuuya and I sat across from each other, chowing down on some food and filling our bellies.
"So, what's up?" I asked him, drinking some water. Chuuya was still stuffing his face, almost choking at one point before he downed his glass of water to save himself.
"Well," Chuuya coughed. "I came here to collect my prize."
I blinked. "Your prize? What are- oh," I rolled my eyes, shaking my head. That stupid race Dazai proposed. Chuuya was the one who figured it all out first, and I was the prize for the lucky winner. "So, you wanna have sex later then? I'm cool with that."
Chuuya scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest. "No. Well, yes, but no. Not yet. I'm taking you somewhere."
I raised my eyebrows. "Where?"
"Shut up and don't worry about it. You'll see when you get there."
I narrowed my eyes at him, just wondering what the fuck he was up to. What could it possibly be that he wouldn't tell me what his plan was? It was rather suspicious and I began to grow wary.
But we finished eating and Chuuya didn't even give me a chance to pack before he dragged me out of my apartment. I managed to get my keys, phone and purse, and I gave him the stink eye the entire time I was stuck in the backseat of a fancy car with him.
"Are you having me killed?"
"I will if you don't shut up."
I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as Chuuya took me to my supposed doom. But we arrived at our destination, and I was extremely confused as I looked up at the rather luxurious hotel. I didn't get the chance to question it, Chuuya leading me inside. We were immediately greeted by the hotel attendants, and led to the elevator. We rode it all the way to the top floor, the attendant leaving us alone as the doors opened and we walked out into the hallway.
"Chuuya..." I let out a small breath as he led me inside the penthouse, my jaw dropping as I took my first look at the very luxurious space. "What is this?"
"Keiko told me you were having a rough time," Chuuya spoke, taking off his hat and then his jacket, hanging them up carefully. "I figured this would help you. Full body massages, jacuzzi, anything you could ever want to just... relax. It's all here."
"But... Chuuya, you didn't have to," I whispered, still in awe with my face heated up.
"Well, just deal with it," Chuuya huffed.
"Isn't this expensive though?"
"It's nothing. Just... think about this as my prize. Taking care of you."
Now my face was burning hot, Chuuya's own flushed red. I gave him a look, his words making me smile a bit despite how flustered they made me.
"You sound like a sugar daddy."
He didn't respond. That made me giggle. "How long will we be here."
"For the week, until you get back to work."
"But how did you..." I trailed off, gasping when Chuuya gave me a light push further into the penthouse.
It was an amazing, large open area space with a full kitchen, all the top appliances, a flat screen and a huge king size bed. The bathroom was just as fabulous, the large soaker tub calling my name.
"Oh, I need to get in that," I declared, making Chuuya laugh lightly. He watched as I looked around the bathroom, taking it upon himself to start filling up the tub. I turned to him and smirked. "Will you join me?"
"Like you have to ask that."
After finding a nice smelling bath bomb to put in the tub, Chuuya and I undressed and carefully climbed inside, sighing blissfully as the hot water immediately began to relax our muscles. I sat between Chuuya's legs, my back against his chest and my head resting against his shoulder. My eyes were closed, Chuuya's strong hands roaming all over my body.
"Tired?" Chuuya asked me softly and I sighed, nodding my head.
"Yeah... like Keiko said, I've been having a shit time sleeping," I answered, turning my head to lightly kiss Chuuya's jaw lightly. "But maybe a relaxing massage would help. Oh, but it's kinda late, huh? The masseuse would be gone by now."
Chuuya's hands continue to roam my body, one moving south. I let out a deep sigh when he began to rub circles on my clit.
"Yeah... but I can think of other ways to make you sleep," Chuuya whispered in my ear before he bit into my earlobe. I sigh again, Chuuya then capturing my lips with his own.
After making me cum on his fingers in the tub, we finished up in there before we found ourselves tangled up in the sheets of the king sized bed. Chuuya had my legs thrown over his shoulders, his cock plunging deep into me with every thrust he made.
"You're mine..." Chuuya breathed out, hissing and moaning from the pleasure. "... for the entire week... gonna make sure the only name you know is mine." He growled, clenching the sheets on either side of me tightly in his fists.
"Oh, yes, yes yes!" I cried out, back arching off my bed, eyes going wide as a voice that was not Chuuya's spoke up.
"Oh, that's just cute."
Whipping our heads around, we were shocked to see a certain detective standing at the foot of the bed, lecherous grin on his pretty face. We froze, Chuuya's cock still inside me, my heart pounding in my chest.
"Dazai?!" I shrieked.
"How the fuck did you get in here?!" Chuuya followed, glaring at the man. "What the hell?!"
"You can't hide things from me~" Dazai sang, not even hiding the fact that he was enjoying what he was seeing, his eyes slowly trailing over both of our naked bodies. "I was wondering why you called me to ask about her schedule... so I did some digging."
Chuuya hung his head, gritting his teeth in annoyance. "I am going to kill you."
Dazai laughed heartily, waving his hand dismissively. "No, no! Don't let me disturb you! I can watch! You guys were having so much fun!"
Before Chuuya could even react, he ended up groaning, his wide blue eyes finding mine. "Did you... fucking like that?" he asked and I stuttered a bit. "Do you want him to watch us?"
Another chill went down my spine at the thought and Chuuya groaned again as I clenched tightly around him. Chuuya cursed, feeling his cock twitch inside of me. He cursed again, becoming more overcome with arousal.
"Interesting," he breathed out, small puffs of air hitting my face. He smirked slightly, glancing back at Dazai. "This brings back memories."
"Fond memories," Dazai hummed and I looked back and forth between the two of them questionably.
"What are you guys talking about?"
Both of their eyes were now on me, and the intensity of their gazes made me gasp sharply, another chill going down my spine.
"Why have him just watch," Chuuya began, nuzzling his face against my neck. "When he can join us? Oh, fuck, you squeezed me so tightly just now..."
I trembled, heart hammering in my chest at the mere idea. A threesome? With Chuuya and Dazai. Looking over, I catch Dazai slipping off his tan jacket, gulping as he started to work on getting his shirt off.
"We have a week, right? Oh, this is going to be so much fun."
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lonely-paracosmos · 3 years
The feeling of pure bliss
prompt 2. voyage! for @digiweek
characters: Taichi Kamiya, Koushiro Izumi, Taimi Izumi (OC), Intanaru Izumi (OC)
warnings: none
words: 1,273
The Izumi residence goes on a vacation. Izzy is having a hard time finding peace without being bombarded by his husband and his two little kids. This fic is nothing but fluff and twists the "there is only one bed trope" into something cute!
((not beta read))
It was just a small trip, not too far from home. just a cabin. in summer. with his husband and two kids. A five and two year old.
Koushiro felt anxious as he was driving along the dirt roads. Tai laid back in the chair looking at the map. "Take a left.. wait no right!" Taichi corrected himself. "Taichi.." The redhead warned sternly as the mistake caused him to swerve a bit. The toddlers laughed at the movement. "Ouch full name." The brunet replied.
He rolled his eyes, continuing to drive to the destination. It was sunset, the sun glistened beautifully, having an aura of peace, yet Koushiro couldn't focus on the peace, instead a soft thumping on his seat that was getting harder. "Taimi Izumi, this is the second time I told you to stop kicking the seat." His voice was stern and somehow still calm. "Sorry papa," Taimi replied.
Taimi had wild brown hair and black eyes. He was very smart and compassionate, but very energetic. Intanaru, his 2 year old sister, was smart as well as more calm. She was still finding out her own personality as she was so little. She has not spoken a word at all and is most likely on the spectrum, like her papa Izzy. Right now she tries to mimic everything her brother does which leads to sometimes very troubling situations.
Taimi looked out the window not realizing they just pulled right next to the cabin. It was petite and seemed rather cozy. "Bubba go help dad take things inside, I need to grab Inta." The digidestined of knowledge told his kid. He nodded obediently letting Tai unbuckle his seatbelt. He carries just a little bit, but enough to make him feel like he's helping.
"Daddy can we play a game?" The little kid asked his father. "Maybe when we get all comfy in here alright bubs?" Taichi told him. Taimi sighed, understanding and somewhat frustrated.
Koushiro came holding the two year old on his hip. 
The inside of the cabin was cute. It had a small living room area which shared the same room with the kitchen and had two more bedrooms- one bedroom with a king sized bed. "Tai I thought you said you booked the one with two bedrooms." he turned to his husband. The brunet rubbed the back of his neck "Oops.. Must have booked the wrong one. Sorry Iz" he responded uneasily. If Koushiro wasn't holding a toddler he would've slapped himself
"Eh it won't be that bad. Taimi is basically glued to you Izzy." Taichi tells him while unpacking his stuff in the drawers. "I'm trying to stop that so he doesn't have separation anxiety. Did you even read the parenting books I gave you?" Koushiro snapped. "You bought like 10 parenting books and I'm gone a lot. It's only a few days babe. We'll get Taimi used to sleeping on his own after this. He hasn't gone to bed with us in a few weeks anyways." The brunet reassured his husband.
Koushiro knew Tai was right. He was constantly paranoid about being a bad parent. He knew there will be a time to fix things and every parent makes mistakes. He leaned forward to give his husband a kiss-
They were interrupted by the bedroom door flying open, Taimi and Intanaru were playing swords with sticks they had found outside. The older kid clearly going easy on the one younger than him. The little redhead didn't have the best balance and her grasp on the stick was a bit weak. "Papa, daddy!! Can we go outside?" The two adults looked at each other for a minute before nodding. Koushiro and Taichi got up slowly off the ground. "Keep close where we can see you." Tai finally told them.
Outside was a bit darker than it was when they had first arrived. The area was open, but surrounded by forests. Taichi and Koushiro sat next to each other watching their children play.
Intanaru pointed at something. Taimi's eyes widened. "A froggy! Inta you need to catch it!!" He tells her. She panics trying to jump to catch the frog missing it by so much. She quickly got up chasing it until the frog ran into the forest bog. The brunet fell laughing "let's be frogs!"
Izzy had to hold in his laughter as his kids were now on all fours jumping around like frogs. Every few seconds Taimi would loudly yell "Ribbit!" While Intanaru tried to copy the sound. Barely anything came out other than a squeak. 
"You know whenever someone talks she never looks directly at them." Tai said to him. Koushiro nodded he picked up on that too. Her eyes always seemed a bit glazed over and her coordination has never been the best at all. "Maybe we should check in with the pediatrician." he replies. Tai silently agreed.
They continued to watch the kids play frog.
Bed time has never been easy for the Izumi's. Inta never wanted to go to bed, Izzy always had trouble sleeping, Taimi was glued to Izzy, and Tai was a bed hog.
Getting Taimi to brush his teeth was difficult enough, sleeping with everyone was a nightmare.
Taichi was on the right while Koushiro was on the left near to the door. Intanaru and Taimi were in between them with a pillow lodged between Inta and Tai. Tai was a hardcore cuddler and was always worried of crushing his daughter. The five year old brunet had his head on his papa's chest getting as close to Izzy as possible.
Taimi was a lot like Tai. He basically radiated heat causing Koushiro to sweat badly. He held him close anyways falling asleep.
"..apa….papa.. papa.."  Taimi was on his knees shaking the redhead awake. "Bubba.. what.." It had to be at least 3 am. "I has to pee…" Izzy groaned getting up helping the child off the bed. He held his hand as he walked down the small hallway to the restroom.
The light to the bathroom door was blinding. He sighed waiting for his son to finish his buisiness. The brunet hummed the tune of a song, possibling twinkle twinkle little start. He heard the flushing of the toilet. "Wash your hands." Koushiro told him. Taimi sighed very loudly turning the sink on washing his hands. 
"papi.." he said in a squeaky voice. "Yeah bubba?" Koushiro tried desperately to stay awake. "I left my teddy in the car.." He stiffined, shit. 
"Bubs.. you've been sleeping without it so far.. we can get it in the morning.." he tried to reassure him. "No! i need my teddy now!" he said a bit too loud. Izzy bit his lip. "Okay just this once, but we have to be quick." he said taking Taimi's hand using his other one to open the door. 
Outside was beautiful.. the fireflies roamed freely and the crickets and the toads sang. There was a light trickle of rain and the soft sound of the wind. He grabbed Taimi's teddy handing it to him shutting his car door. 
He didn't walk back to the cabin just yet. It was so beautiful out. He felt pure tranquility. Like he was riding on kabuterimon again. So far and so free.
"Papa.." Taimi said again. "hmm?" Koushiro kneeled down to him. The child kissed his fathers cheek. "Thank you.. I love you." he tells him. And even though he hasn't adventured in the digital world in years he knew. His adventure was far from over. That this was just a new journy.
He kissed Taimi's head. "I love you too,"
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 years
“Shall we go together?” (16/24) | A Taishirou Christmas drabble countdown
Just a little Taishirou-centric Christmas fic I’ve been meaning to write all year long, so here we are. The plan was to post 12-24 drabbles to complete telling the story and the Christmas spirit succeeded in the end.
Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24]
Characters: Taichi Yagami, Koushirou Izumi, Sora Takenouchi, Yamato Ishida, WarGreymon, MetalGarurumon, Tentomon, Piyomon (mentions of other Chosen Children)
Main POV: Taichi Yagami
Genre: Friendship (& romance), a hint of action
Rating: K
Wordcount: 670
December 24th,05:20 PM
 Upon leaving the hall to the outside, Taichi’s theory actually became reality; as WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon had rushed out of the hall according to Taichi’s orders to shield the people outside from any harm, both Sora and Koushirou were able to witness the slow materialization of the data in front of their eyes.
 “What is it supposed to be?”, Sora was the first to find her voice again, bracing herself to make Piyomon evolve eventually as well.
 “I could be wrong, but…”, Koushirou began slowly, “Doesn’t it look like… A pixilated tree to you?”
 “… A Christmas tree?!”, Sora, Piyomon and Tentomon bursted out at once, looking equally confused.
 “Maybe it actually is some kind of amalgamation of human emotions that have gathered throughout the season within the net…”, Koushirou kept theorizing, even though he didn’t sound completely sure about it. “And now it’s trying to get outside as the emotions reached their peak?”
 “Either way it was naturally following the crowd”, they suddenly heard Yamato say, huffing as he and Taichi had run out of the hall themselves as well and came to a halt next to them.
 “We should have known, there was no reason for it to stay at a place with only two humans inside”, Taichi mused with a sheepish grin on his face – which immediately turned a little softer once he caught Koushirou’s eyes on himself.
 There was a short moment of silence – neither of them noticed Sora and Yamato exchanging knowing glances before they turned away from them, with Sora whispering a “We should check the aerial area, huh?”.
 Taichi visibly had to gather his composure, taking his time to fully raise his head and look at Koushirou with all the sincerity he had to swallow up previously. Running away was not an option anymore, right?
 “You were right”, he confessed, feeling like an eternity had passed already. “I was too quick to act again. You could say… This dumb idiot here needs some directions and is pretty damn lost without his navigator…”
 Even through the darkness of the evening, Taichi could have sworn that he saw Koushirou wince at the word ‘his’, but he wasn’t able to give it a second thought; too mesmerized by the sight of him just shaking his head while laughing a hoarse laugh.
 “You are an idiot sometimes… But you’re not dumb. You were right yourself, I couldn’t have tracked it inside the building anyway, since my tablet wasn’t even working. And…”, he paused, making Taichi’s heart sink a little – just to rise even higher at the following words: “A navigator should listen to his captain’s opinion too after all, correct?”
 Just like before, Taichi couldn’t stop the corners of his mouth to form a bright grin, warmth spreading in his chest, as the words ‘love’ kept soaring quietly through his head.
 “So we’re even then?”, he managed to say with a raspy voice, getting a nod that gave him all the confidence he needed.
 “Let’s focus now, shall we?”, Koushirou simply replied, readying his own digivice, causing Tentomon to rejoice with a “Finally!”.
 “We shall. Hit me with your best shot.”
 Koushirou’s tablet was able to access his databases, even if the connection remained shaky. With Hououmon now having joined the likes of the other two Ultimates and HerculeKabuterimon completing the squad, they’d hopefully be able to corner it appropriately – regardless of all the attention they had already drawn to themselves, with people left and right taking pictures and filming the unusual spectacle.
 The deformed data pile that did resemble a Christmas tree was raising its branches to attack, covered in pixels that could easily be mistaken for fairy lights. A surreal sight.
 “It’s still in an unstable state. Taichi-san, make sure to keep it in check until I’ve managed to open a gate”, Koushirou instructed as both of them faced their enemy next to one another.
 “With pleasure. Gotta make sure those Christmas lights go out in no time!”
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