#bc izumi would be less believable if she tried to act it out lol noah fence izumi i love u
derireo · 4 years
Sakyo wakes up on his birthday to find the Akigumi boys "acting" like he's their dad (maybe similar to what happened with Itaru in the Spring Year 1 arc?)... Bonus points if they somehow convinced Izumi to play "Mom" instead of Omi, for one day only 😉⭐ (btw sorry if this is too detailed 😅 I got super excited)
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𝐩𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐰. . .
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It started once Sakyo opened up his newspaper and sat at the head of the table.
“Morning, dad!” Taichi said like an excitable puppy when he danced his way into the kitchen (he street dances when he has the time, leave him alone), Omi following after him.
There was an oddly ominous feeling to the tallest member of the troupe as he smiled and gave Sakyo a salute.
Sakyo jutted his chin in greeting.
He ignored the nickname Taichi tacked on at the end of his own greeting and took a sip of coffee from his cup, shaking his newspaper like an old man would as Taichi popped some bread into the toaster.
“Nanao.” He said, indifferent.
Taichi pouted at Omi who chuckled.
“Hey, pops.” Banri strutted in with a crooked smile and caught the apple that Omi tossed in his direction, teasingly wiggling his fingers at Sakyo who was grimacing at the weird nickname.
What is going on.
“Dad.” Juza greeted softly with a polite bow towards Sakyo who pursed his lips; just a little unimpressed.
Omi handed the oldest Hyodo brother a plate of pancakes and began to start on Izumi’s breakfast before she arrived.
“Hey, Ma.” Banri said with an endearing smile when Izumi entered the kitchen after a while, still disoriented and sleepy even though she took ten minutes in the bathroom washing her face and brushing her teeth.
“Mm.” She mumbled tiredly and rubbed her eye with a yawn, patting Juza on the head who was already digging into his pancakes.
“Mom! Do you know what today is?” Taichi shouted from the other side of the kitchen where he was toasting another few pieces of bread.
Sakyo frowned at the weird atmosphere Taichi and Banri were creating.
Mom? Dad? What the hell are these kids thinking?
Izumi squinted at Taichi who was now slathering an ungodly amount of butter onto his finished toast, running a hand through her hair with another yawn.
“What is it?”
And with her answer did Taichi suddenly break into a gasp, a hand clutching his chest as he stared wide eyed at Izumi who was trudging towards Sakyo who was glaring at the kid over his newspaper.
“MOM. I know your relationship with pa isn’t that good, but you can’t tell me you forgot his birthday!” Taichi cried out loud, shoving his toast into his mouth due to his stomach growling. “Don’t tell me this is just the tip of the iceberg.”
“You two are divorcing?!” Banri shouted equally as loud much to the dismay of Sakyo, Izumi rubbing a hand down her face as she tried to make sense of it all.
Banri slammed his palms on the table while Juza continued to shove his pancake into his mouth, eyes exaggeratedly sad as he looked at a barely coherent Izumi.
“Who’s taking custody?” Omi was asking the real questions, but it didn’t matter when the whole situation happening right now did not make any sense.
“Will you guys shut up?” Sakyo groaned, too annoyed to even feel embarrassed. What the hell kind of skit was he taking part in this time?
“You’re all brats.” Izumi sighed tiredly and placed a hand on Sakyo’s shoulder to soothe the angry man, slipping her hand beneath her shirt to scratch at her stomach.
Lazily, she leaned down and went to greet Sakyo with a kiss to his cheek, her lips warm on his skin.
“Happy birthday, pops.” She said casually, voice still laden with sleep as she brushed her nose along his cheekbone before placing one more kiss to his temple. “Be nice to the kids.”
Sakyo froze, nearly dropping his cup of coffee. Thankfully Izumi decided to steal his mug though, and she sipped at the hot beverage while trailing her hot palm along the back of his neck as she walked towards where Taichi and Omi were slapping each other’s arms.
“Wow.” Banri whistled. “The outcome was even better than I expected.”
Juza nodded in agreement and smiled at Sakyo whose face was burning up.
“What the fuck.” Azami stood at the doorway; having witnessed the physical affection. “What the fuck.”
Izumi looked over to where the youngest member stood and smiled lazily, waving Azami over.
“Jealous? Does my little one want a kiss too?”
“No fuckin’ way in hell.” Azami seethed, pink dusting his pale cheeks as Taichi raised his hand with a bright smile.
“I want one!”
Izumi laughed faintly and ruffled Taichi’s hair, making the kid bend down so that she could kiss his forehead while Sakyo pinched his nose between his fingers.
“I’m literally a head taller than her.” Azami complained as he sat down beside Juza who was raising his hand too, Banri also waving his hand.
Azami cried into his hands when Izumi started handing out motherly kisses to everyone else in the troupe, Sakyo watching on with an amused (and in love) expression.
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