#(Renji sasses her right back)
wild-pineapple-butt · 2 years
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Why she continued to allow that stupid woman to drag her to these social gatherings was beyond Riruka's understanding but nevertheless, when Orihime came calling, she always found herself stuck hanging out with a bunch of idiots. And this guy was no exception, all with his wild hair and tattoos. Although she supposed the man could be considered handsome in an unconventional way, he held no interest to her...or so she liked to tell herself.
The party was dull, the shōten was packed and Riruka was hiding in the kitchen, nursing her drink when the lumbering redhead made his appearance with an attitude to boot. He seemed to be complaining about something under his breath, but all of his muttering only irritated the woman. Hadn't she come in here for some solace from all the shenanigans happening just beyond the doorway? But when the shinigami didn't appear to be leaving anytime soon, she could help but speak up with an unsolicited attitude to match.
❝ Don’t like something? Then why don't you just leave.  ❞
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unprompted asks ||| always accepting
It was noisy. Renji could feel his head throb with all the yelling that was occurring within a too small space. He yelped as Jinta bumped into him from behind, then ran around the table to yell at Ichigo, screaming in his ear about whatever the fuck teenagers screamed about. Desperately wanting to reach over the table and just strangle the shit out of that Jinta brat, but he would refrain.
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If it weren't for the fact that Urahara was allowing him to stay in the Shoten during his time in the Living World, he'd really not voluntarily participate in this so called party. While he did enjoy drinking and being a socialite, this was just not it.
Quickly, he got up from his seat and headed to the kitchen, looking for a glass of water so he could down a painkiller to relieve the dull throb that was starting to build up into something worse.
"Shit, can they get any louder," he grumbled under his breath as he could hear loud banging and thudding from just beyond the kitchen. All he wanted was to just spend the night in some peace and quiet - but no. Perhaps he'd go down into the bunker and train, in the hopes that it would relieve him from this awful headache.
So immersed in his search that he didn't notice the other figure standing in the far corner, perhaps also seeking refuge from the chaos. Until she spoke, and of course she just had to make a rude remark right off the bat.
"Ha??" Renji growled, not nearly in the mood to entertain her sass right now. Typically he was a nice guy, and he'd play along but tonight was just not the night.
"Clearly yer not enjoyin' this any more than I am, so why don't ya take yer own advice, pinky?"
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pearlaqua-eevee · 1 year
ok and the rest of ep 22 liveblog
Urahara always showing up like that. Shady neutral until the end I see
Renji too obviously lol
"You guys are pissed at Uryu Ishida too?" lmfao Bazz-B
"I can give you a hand to go a kill him!" honey thats their FRIEND lmao sit down
hi protective-over-Uryu Rukia and Renji yeesss
ok but I do like that everyone actually gets a reaction to Uryu's betrayal, kinda shuts up the "he wasnt significant" naysayers in the fandom--BITCH HES SIGNIFICANT TO HIS FRIENDS AND EXTENDED FAMILY
"What dont you like chickens" LMFAO Renji woke up ready to sass because between this and the fight against Mask....
aaa they did such a good job with the nostalgic parallels on this, ugh it makes me wanna go watch SS arc again back when the stakes were technically way lower but just because the core cast was ignorant lol
lol the dual Ichigo Orihime head tilt was cute
loved that shot of Ichigo, Orihime and Chad lookin badass and ready. Protect them!!!
"whats with that brat" people dont like to be misgendered, is whats up (no seriously they couldnt fine a single extra alt line for the reason that Gigi got pissed? We had to keep the phobia in? ok -_- )
sorry but as a writer, Yumichika suddenly being this observant and picking up on what the audience already knows just on observation, without any indication of how or why he's make the leap from "theyre bombs" to "they make whatever they touch explode"....its such a ooc-for-ic-knowledge moment to be able to have these two have a prayer of fighting back. So while the rest of the fandom is made about like 1 frame or not getting Bambi with her top unzipped, I'll be over here rolling my eyes at how this wasnt changed
I know people are probably mad about the pervert line too but because they actually did edit that line, it becomes directly about what Gigi said about being "excited" and yeah thats sick and twisted, hi, psychopath serial killer energy
"Um I wasnt asking why youre shining" LMFAO ROAST HIM GIGI
the fact that I know the fandoms been saying that scene was "hot"....and it actually is so much worse in the anime because of the voice acting....theres a reason that dialogue reads R rated, its meant to, and its meant to disgust you and theres a reason I stay away from like 95% of the fandom thats all im gonna fucking say on that
"you think im ordinary when you just said I was outstanding?" "dont take it personally, compared to me everyone is ordinary"
not me thinking about how Uryu might outwit the use of those reishi locking things
yeaaah like I know Gigi's powers are fucked up but really imagine fighting these people and realizing that not only can one of them create zombies they can control, but theyve done it to people you know and recognize. Again, no wonder the Quincy are viewed as abominations?!
"I came to see that four-eyed Quincy to make him pay for what he did to me" what, so he can absolutely destroy you again? (lol sorry, I LOVE Cirucci, shes one of my fav Arrancar but GIRL. He's gotten stronger since then, I don't think you wanna actually go for him again. Love the shoutout to that tho!?)
characters being able to be revived like this really takes tension out tho lol
so like....we're all in agreement that Mayuri is a "just like what you're fighting" type character, right? Like I get loving him for being twisted and honestly open and obvious about it (unlike other villain characters and in particular some of the Quincy)... like on the one hand as a PERSON, I'm like "love to hate this character, kinda badass in a sick way". but yeah like. He's just as bad as the Quincy and I think it puts a lot of his actions in this arc into perspective in a really interesting way
Gigi singsonging while healing Bambi is really disturbing and I love this character archetype a lot so its nice to see it done well. Shes MEANT to disturb you
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recurring-polynya · 4 years
Apparently, if you send someone an ask, but then deactivate your Tumblr, the ask gets deleted. I got this from our old friend k-rukias, and fortunately, I already had it copied over, but anyway, that’s why this isn’t in the standard ask format. Anyway, k-rukias, I hope you’re still out there somewhere and there’s some way you can see this!
k-rukias asked:
you grasp byakuya’s character SO PERFECTLY it always makes me laugh out loud, especially your “Uncle B” stories. i’d love it if you could write more of the kuchiki-abarai family+ichika(maybe throw in some byakuya&toshiro being bffs) I SWEAR YOU DO THE DOMESTIC GENRE SO WELL one can tell you have kiddos 🥺💕
“Give Uncle Byakuya a big hug, Ichika,” Rukia instructed, stifling a yawn. “You’ll see him again on Saturday.” Despite the cheer in her voice, the second Ichika’s tiny face was buried in Byakuya’s chest, she shot her brother a thumbs up and a quizzical look.
Byakuya gave a very firm thumbs up in return. His inconsiderate adjutant was having yet another birthday, and Rukia had asked if they might hold a small family celebration at the manor this year. Byakuya wasn’t sure why. Surely the man would prefer not to see his commanding officer on his own birthday, but Byakuya loved his sister and had made the arrangements she requested.
Ichika finished rubbing her sticky cheeks all over the silk of his kimono. “Here, Uncle B,” she said, handing him a folded piece of paper. “It has to be just like this, okay?”
“Of course, my blossom,” he promised.
“No, it doesn’t,” Rukia mouthed to him behind Ichika’s back. “Okay, kiddo, you ready to go home and see if Daddy missed us?”
“I bet he fell asleep on the couch again!”
“We’ll find out! See you, Saturday, Brother!”
“Enjoy the rest of your evening, Sister,” Byakuya entreated her.
“If you have any questions, please call me,” she begged. “Or send a Hell Butterfly, or however you communicate with people these days.”
“I am very good at Text Messaging,” Byakuya assured her.
Rukia gave him an Extremely Disrespectful Look, which he tolerated, because she looked very much like Hisana when she made it.
“I will not have any questions.”
As his beloved sister and niece took their leave, he unfolded Ichika’s piece of paper.
He stared at it.
He had so many questions.
“I do appreciate that you texted before you came over,” Captain Hitsugaya informed him stonily. “But next time, could you text, like, more than a minute before you show up? Maybe wait for a reply?”
“Is now not a good time?” Byakuya asked. “Have I interrupted Squad 10 napping hours?”
“I just… would have picked up first,” Hitsugaya grumbled, trying to keep a stack of paper from falling off his desk. “And it’s always Squad 10 napping hours.”
Currently, Lieutenants Matsumoto and Kuna were sprawled out on the Squad 10 couches, snoring quite loudly.
“I have seen it worse in here,” Byakuya replied. “I am your,” he swallowed, “friend, and I accept your imperfections.”
Hitsugaya glowered at him. “What do you need?”
Byakuya spread Ichika’s instructions out on Hitsugaya’s desk. “Can you tell what this is?”
Hitsugaya’s eyes scanned the drawing: the lumpy creatures that might be rabbits, the crayon scribbles, the puddle of glitter. “Is this a test?”
“If it is, I am in danger of failing it,” Byakuya admitted.
“Ichika made this?” Hitsugaya guessed.
“I imagine the glitter gave it away.”
“Can’t you get Abarai to decipher it for you?”
“I cannot. I am hosting a ‘Surprise Birthday Party’ for him this weekend, and this represents Ichika’s vision of it. I need to identify the items in the picture so I can have them for the party.”
Hitsugaya nodded slowly. “Ah. These are probably balloons, then?”
Byakuya straightened up. “Balloons or lanterns? Or possibly the overhanging blooms of the wisteria?”
“You’re overthinking it. She’s five. It’s balloons. Can you ask Rukia?”
Byakuya’s mouth turned down at the corners. “Ichika’s art style bears a certain… resemblance to her mother’s. I am worried that if I ask for help…” he trailed off.
“Gotcha,” Hitsugaya replied brusquely. He sucked his teeth, and poked a finger at the page. “Well, this is obviously Abarai.”
“Yes, he is always distinguishable by virtue of the fact that she draws him three times as large as the rest of us.”
“Also, he’s the only one with pink hair and stripes,” Hitsugaya replied, raising an eyebrow. “Oversensitive, much?”
“I am only three inches shorter than he,” Byakuya grumbled. “The hair makes him look taller.”
“You are not getting any sympathy here, give it up,” Hitsugaya grumbled back. “He’s got a hat on, I think? A party hat?”
“Yes, I did get that far. We are all wearing hats.”
“Abarai also appears to either be wearing a lei, or he is in bankai.”
“A lei?”
“A flower necklace? We should have some around here, from the last time Matsumoto threw a luau.”
“Ah, thank you,” Byakuya replied. He had not actually expected Hitsugaya to be quite this helpful, and he wondered how he was going to repay the man’s patience in this matter.
“All this stuff on the table is… food, maybe? Gosh, I cannot tell what any of this is. These things look like fish, but they’re brown… taiyaki, maybe?”
“Oh, yes, I had figured that part out as well. Even I know that taiyaki is Abarai’s preferred celebratory food. I actually have a specially made mold--”
“You should make normal ones. Fish ones.”
“He likes Admiral Seaweed taiyaki.”
“It’s the man’s birthday, don’t make him pretend to like your weird taiyaki.”
“They have more crispy bits because of the arms and legs! He told me that specifically, in a complimentary manner!”
Hitsugaya gave him an Extremely Disrespectful Look. Unfortunately, the young man did not have the advantage of resembling Byakuya’s beautiful late wife.
Byakuya was distinctly Not Sure About This, but Hitsugaya had hit a wall and decided they needed to bring in ‘a bigger gun.’
Byakuya hadn’t actually set foot in the Squad 5 offices since Aizen’s departure. He didn’t have a lot of nice things to say about Aizen, generally, but at least the man had a classical taste in decor. Now, his former workspace more closely resembled the interior of an eclectic Living World coffee establishment for beatniks. One wall (but not the others) was painted orange, and covered in strange, stylized art that appeared to have been done by the captain and lieutenant themselves. The rug hurt his eyes. There was a beaded curtain.
“I don’t know why you thought I was going to have any insight on this, Shirou,” Lieutenant Hinamori grumped, squinting at the picture. “Renji’s the only one who can decipher these things.”
Byakuya could not help feeling the tiniest bit smug that he was not the only one who was sassed by his loved ones.
“Well, I figured you’d been to an Abarai birthday party or two,” Hitsugaya excused.
“Yeah,” Hinamori replied. “The grown-up ones. Unless this thing over here is supposed to be a tokkuri, and Captain and Lieutenant Kuchiki are arm wrestling, I can’t help you.” She frowned. “You’ve been to an Abarai birthday party, haven’t you?”
“They’re a little wild for my blood,” Hitsugaya excused. “And nobody likes drinking around their captain. I’ve been, but I usually leave before he starts bench-pressing people.”
“There are captains who come,” Momo pointed out. “And I doubt your presence would slow Matsumoto down, anyway, she’s impervious to that judgemental thing you do with your eyebrows.” She contemplated the paper. “What are these weird marks? Is this a speech bubble?”
“We couldn’t figure those out,” Hitsugaya admitted.
“Lemme take a look,” Captain Hirako, who was unfortunately present, announced. “Sometimes you gotta look at things from a different perspective.”
He turned the paper upside down. He turned it backwards. He turned it right side up, and turned his head sideways.
“I got nothing,” he replied. “Kid’s got good style though. And I think Momo may be onto something, actually. I went to Abarai’s last birthday party, and Kuchiki the Younger beat me at arm wrestling in an embarrassingly short amount of time.”
“It’s your noodle arms, sir,” Hinamori supplied. She stuck out her lower lip. “A different perspective, though, is not a bad idea. You know who you should go ask?”
Byakuya did not want to hear the answer.
“This is dango. This is katsudon. This is shaved ice.”
Byakuya was frantically taking notes.
“How… how can you tell?” Hitsugaya gaped.
Hachigou Nemuri regarded him with her serious, dark green eyes. “I have seen many of Abarai-chan’s drawings.”
Akon made a grumbling noise. “Abarai-chan’s drawing fuuuuu---udged up Nemu’s image recognition subroutines for months. I mean, it was a good thing, in the long run, I ended up implementing an entire art appreciation suite of dynamically created subroutines. It took me forever to figure out why she couldn’t recognize normal drawings of things, though.”
“What are these marks?” Byakuya asked, pointing to the funny squiggles hanging above everyone’s heads.
“Abarai-chan can’t write yet,” Nemu explained.
“Yes, I know that,” Byakuya replied.
“Writing is a form of communication that utilizes mutually understood symbols to convey an idea from one party to another,” Nemu recited. “Abarai-chan does not yet grasp the importance of a common dictionary in the delivery of information.”
Akon scratched his neck. “You’re saying Abarai-chan doesn’t know very many kana, so she just makes them up.”
“Correct,” Nemu agreed.
“Can you read them?” Hitsugaya asked hopefully.
“She does not employ a self-consistent character set.”
Byakuya and Hitsugaya’s eyes darted to Akon, who was unwrapping a piece of nicotine gum.
“She makes it up as she goes along,” he elaborated, cramming the gum in his mouth. “There is no translation.”
“Momo thought it might be a voice bubble, like in a cartoon,” Hitsugaya mused.
“Maybe it’s just a title to the piece,” Byakuya surmised. “Father’s Birthday Celebration’, for example.”
“Abarai-chan calls Lieutenant Abarai ‘Daddy’, not ‘Father’,” Nemu corrected.
“It was an example,” Byakuya bit off testily.
“This could be cherry shaved ice or strawberry shaved ice,” Nemu added hopefully. “Abarai-chan likes strawberry shaved ice, but I prefer cherry.”
“You are not attending this party,” Akon reminded her.
“I just thought Captain Kuchiki might be interested to know,” Nemu sniffed. “In case he felt like buying me a shaved ice. As a thank you for my services.”
Byakuya examined Ichika’s diagram and compared it to the celebratory items currently marring the beauty of his garden. He had the balloons. The hats. The dango. The taiyaki. Both strawberry and cherry shaved ice. “I think I have replicated everything,” he declared. “Have I missed anything?”
“You don’t have rabbit ears,” Hitsugaya replied dryly.
“The rabbit ears are symbolic,” Byakuya explained. “I am wearing the lei. You should put on a lei.”
“I am not putting on a lei. I am not in the picture at all, actually, so I think I should probably scram.”
“You could stay,” Byakuya replied, feeling a little odd about it.
Hitsugaya raised an eyebrow. “Isn’t this a family thing?”
Byakuya blinked. “Family gatherings are large, mandatory, and unpleasant. This is a small party and I am very fond of the Abarai.”
Hitsugaya just stared at him.
Byakuya squirmed. “The fact is… I am not good at things like this.”
“Of course you are. Ichika adores you. Rukia and Renji do, too.”
A normal person would have wrinkled their nose, or sucked their teeth, but Byakuya wasn’t really into making facial expressions, so he just made his usual one and stared off into the middle distance briefly. “Hisana was very good with people. At these times, I often think about how easily she would host a birthday party for a brother-in-law, how natural she would have been with Ichika. She loved children.” He contemplated the drawing. “I am sure she would have interpreted this perfectly, text and all.”
Hitsugaya, who did make facial expressions, blew air out of his cheeks. “If it makes you feel better, I can stay.”
“I would, very much, appreciate it.”
Seike, Byakuya’s chief retainer, shuffled out onto the engawa. “Lord Kuchiki, the Abarai are here.”
“Please escort them out here,” Byakuya replied, plunking a hat on Captain Hitsugaya’s head, and one on his own.
“It’s so unusual for Uncle Byakuya to invite us over on a Saturday,” Byakuya could hear Rukia’s voice before he could see her. His impression was that the ‘surprise’ involved in this party was a figleaf for Ichika’s sake. Abarai was a fool, but he wasn’t an idiot.
“What is this?” Abarai exclaimed as he and his family stepped through the doorway, although he did a genuine double-take at Byakuya’s flower necklace.
Ichika’s face lit up as she took in the decorations, the food. But then her expression turned to dismay at her uncle, standing still and awkward. He had missed something. It was the text. It was important after all.
Hitsugaya’s elbow jammed into his ribs. “Surprise!” the younger captain yelled. A voice bubble! Of course!
“Surprise!” Byakuya added, belatedly.
“Happy Birthday!” they shouted together, with Rukia and Ichika joining in a beat later.
“Well, I’ll be!” Abarai did his best impression of a surprised person.
“Were you surprised, Daddy!” Ichika asked, jumping up and down and tugging on her father’s hand. “Were you?”
“I was very surprised,” Abarai reassured her.
“Why is Captain Hitsugaya here?” Rukia asked, utterly befuddled.
“I heard there was shaved ice,” Hitsugaya excused very quickly.
“Uncle B did all of it, Daddy, just for you! Isn’t it perfect?”
“Of course it is,” Abarai snorted. “If Uncle B did it, how could it be otherwise?”
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 5
I did everything I could to keep Onyx because Ichigo has never been this demanding before, has he really forgotten that he is now my cousin? So when night arrived, I could not get to sleep because of how he was acting towards me, Alex, Onyx, Mugetsu, Esperanza, and Shiro, when it comes to Orihime, his son, Rukia, and Renji he acts like nothing is wrong. I wonder it has to do with the fact that HIS memories are obscured now, if that's the case, I need to do something about this, I softly called out, "Hey Onyx." "Couldn't sleep?" he asked. I sighed meaning that there was something on my mind, Onyx opened up the closet door like Rukia used to do, "What's on your mind?" "Ichigo has been acting very weird," I said, "Are his memories obscured this time?" "I wish I knew but we need to get everyone back before things get worse," said Onyx, "Thankfully I know on how to get them back. Let's sneak out and find a Karaoke place so we can loose the tension." That is what we exactly did, Onyx was always the one to keep his guard up even when Ichigo was being protective, doesn't matter, Onyx is my brother and guardian. We walked into a place that has a stage but no one was singing, Onyx asked the manager of the place, "Can we take the stage for tonight?" She was the sweetest lady, told us, "Of course you can, darlings." We walked up the stage and we saw Alex again, this time he was with Volaris, he knew exactly on what to play when he saw us, Ignite played first to warm us up, we got no one's attention for some time, which means we got to up our game. The lady who let us was watching us, she was loving us and how in sync we were being, she asked us, "Are you two a couple?" "No, we are brother and sister," said Onyx, "Don't ask, just accept it." She nods, I think she knows on what we are because Carry On from Avenged Sevenfold started to play, got Levy back, because there was someone with a cup of water who watched their drink vanish to thin air, then we heard, "Hey guys!" Onyx shouted, "Aunt Levy!" She waved where the lady was, then Centuries played then started to get some attention with Must Be Nice from Nickelback it was only Onyx this time. Then I noticed that did not got their attention, I felt someone behind me, I turned, Jagaur's back, he was head bobbing to the Nickelback song, "Hey, Jagaur." He looks at me finally, then smiles, "I'm waiting for a hug." I hugged him same with Levy, then I did Immortals from Fall Out Boy, and In The Air Tonight from Phil Collins, I guess that there was a colonel who was supposed at his base because we heard someone who never raised his voice and that colonel was close to harming the lady that let us on stage, then we saw a fist and a few teeth falling into view. Hurricane is back, never lost his chivalry, then we heard him say, "Get out of here, scumbag." The guy ran out, I waved, "Hi, Hurricane!" "Hey, Lady Akari," he said, immediate change of attitude, "Don't mind me I'm just doing my thing." "As we can see, by the way, nice to have you back," said Onyx, "Next song." Not Gonna Die, Out of Hell, and Rise from Skillet played then A Light That Never Comes from Linkin Park played, got Raven and Layla back. Then Thunder played, I felt a shocking feeling and out came Evangeline beginning to dance with her partner Hurricane. A lot of songs later, I got most of them back, my sassiness came back because Jagaur was the source of it all. I was back in bed same with Onyx, everyone else hoped onto Hurricane's back and went straight to the cottage to power up the portal so that the others would come out. I can not wait to see mom and dad after so long of being away from them, morning rises and it was time to handle Hollows, I was energized again, I am now use to my falchion because I did a couple Heart blasts to a few, Ichigo caught up to me, Onyx, and Mugetsu, tells only me, "Let Kazui have his first kill." I rolled my eyes, "He's not old enough, Ichigo Kurosaki." Then I casted a Shadow Ball, threw it at a Hollow who was going after his son, "He has yet to know on what to do." "I'm sorry, what is going on," he asked, "First thing you were scared to even fight with your falchion and now you are using it with no problem, what happened to you?" "Wouldn't you like to know," I sassed, "I'm not telling. Let's go Mugetsu and Onyx." "No, you are not going anywhere until you tell me on what is going on with you," said Ichigo. Then the thought of hate surge through my body and mind, it was unbearable this time, Mugetsu could see this, tapped on the side of my temple, it calmed the being inside, saying, "Keep calm until we get into the cottage." I nodded to what he said, Mugetsu said to Ichigo, "Dude, you are effecting her every action to do anything. She is battling something greater than her and it might kill her." Raven showed up and casted a mental lock key, unlocked his memories again, Ichigo ended up saying, "I didn't know that what I was doing was causing her to be like this." "It's alright you didn't know, Ichigo," said Onyx, "Now, you remember on who she is and her power?" "Yeah," he said, "She's Akari Itsuki, who I took under my care without knowing that she already has a brother but I know that she knows I was trying to prepare her for a world that does not care about her feelings." "Which it won't matter because her inner being won't let anyone say anything evil towards her," said Mugetsu, "Let's just say that you will lose her again and she will never come back from what she was battling." After we separated from Ichigo, I went to Shinji for help, I called, "Hello? Anybody here?" "Ah, Miss Itsuki," said Shinji, "Been a while." "I need your help please," I cried. Hiyori, who didn't like me in the beginning but she still did, walks up into view, asked, "What is it that you need from us?" "I'm battling something and I don't know on what to do," I said, "I came here so I can learn what it is and how to deal with it the best I can." "Well then you came to the right place," said Shinji, "Let's what is within you shall we?" "Go easy on me please," I said. Then everyone heard, including me, "I know on who it is." We looked at who it was, I called out, "Mugetsu, what are you doing here?" "To tell you on what is going on within you," said Mugetsu, "You might've thought that the Elemental Realm was your inner mind, but it is not because I went through it, Akari, something is preventing you to go into your mind." "How do I get there?" I asked.
Mugetsu's POV: I told her that I was going to see on what I will by going into her mind, I went in to her mind, the view before me was unbelievable, there were evil thoughts flowing through harming Nikushimi's power level and hurting her physically, I got to work on destroying each and every one of those evil, mean, and nasty thoughts. I used all my power skills to get the ones that were in my reach, I called out, "Nikushimi! I'm going to come back with back up because this is unacceptable for something like this to happen." "Please, help me, Mugetsu," she said, weakly. Esperanza and Onyx may be the guardians of Akari alone, but I protect Nikushimi, it was my sworn duty to protect that fragile thing until she has her power and strength back. Time to get Denver and Dakota, well it's going to be real easy for me to find Denver because he remembers on who he was, Dakota has no idea on who he is, so I decided to go to the market because that is where they working at, both of them are working at the market, one was a cashier and the other was stocking the shelves. I went to Dakota, who was stocking the shelves, "Hey, I need your help." "Can it wait, Mugetsu?" he asked, "Unless it's very important." "It's Akari," I said. That got his attention, "One moment please, could you finish for me?" "Sure," I said, starting finishing on what he was stocking. Yes I work here too, I'm just the Co-manager of the place, I was told that I didn't have to be here unless it was an emergency, I went to Denver and told him what is happening with Lady Akari. I got the 2, no one said anything back to what I was doing because I like things my way, then Dakota had the nerve to ask, "Is your hair that long yet?" "Shut up, Dakota," I said, "I have yet to say that I have hair extensions." "There is a thing called shampoo," said Denver. I just looked at the 2, I can not believe these 2 are actually seeing through this long ass hair, am I really that easy to get caught? I asked, "Can you act like it's this natural? I don't want to be made fun of as I already am by a Black Panther." "Fine, whatever floats your boat, milady," Dakota joked. I shouted, "Do I really look like a woman?" "No you don't," said a lady behind us. We looked, it was a girl with lavender hair that was wearing an indigo and golden yellow dress, she was also wearing a necklace that has a clock, I asked, "How's it going, Usami?" "Where you are going with these 2?" she asked, "Bring them back because I might need you all to be here since this place is going to be busy in a few hours." "Usami, this is more important," I said to her, "I'll be right back with them, but for right now, they are on their breaks." She nods knowing that I am stubborn, man, I got it from my host, Ichigo Kurosaki, damn you, strawberry, shrug it off, then we see him, Dakota groaned, "Great, here comes the grouch of all grouches." "What happened while he was there?" I asked. Dakota answered, "I kept seeing him saying to Akari to watch on what she eats even though she tells me and Denver that she is naturally that thin, not to mention she has extreme high metabolism." "She does fight a lot and it burns a lot of calories," I said. We went back to where Akari was, I led the 2 into her mind, I asked, "Do you guys know on what power you guys have?" "I have Energy," said Denver. Dakota tells me that he has Void, "Alright guys, see those thoughts, destroy them because they are causing damage to that little fragile girl over there," I said pointing at Nikushimi. They got the memo, Denver looks like Ukitake right? Here is what Dakota looks like, he's the Dangai version, his attire is exactly what you think it is, the right sleeve is always torn and he has to have something wrapped around his entire arm and his hand would always be covered with a black glove with a very long black thick string that he always does to his own clothing. Let's just say that is his Soul form, we are currently breaking his habit within his body because that has got to stop, he almost lost his job to what he almost did to his uniform, I did come up with a compromise that he can wear the black glove with no string attached to it, he's slowly getting there. We got the thought taken care of and we exited the mind of hers, Dakota goes, "Well, that was nerve wrecking, those thoughts were not what I had in mind." "Maybe we need to set her an application to the market so the 3 of us and hopefully Usami can keep an eye out for her," I said to them, "I know for a fact that it's not going to stop until we find out on who is the source of all this nonsense."
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch5
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Chapter 4
After our training session, the 9 guys came down to meet us thankfully we had time to go into our Gigai bodies, Shadow Phoenix put down the barrier, Suho asked, "So, who won the fight?" "Fight? We only trained," said Renji, "I am never fighting her ever again." "Why? Too chicken!" I teased. Renji groaned and shouted, "Yeah, right, like hell I am!! I'm just not risking to lose again 51 times, I'm sticking my loses being 50." "So, you think I'm strong enough to beat both Ichigo and Kenpachi?" I asked, being serious. He looked at me then said, "I think you are ready to test your strength against Ichigo, but Kenpachi? I don't know, though Ichigo might tell you if you beat him enough times." "Well, I've defeated him 5 times, he's probably still up for another round," I said, "Every time I want to fight you is because I want to test my strength, I mean, I need to know if I am as strong as Ichigo." "I mean you manage to beat your own adopted brother 50 times already," said Renji, "I mean, if you can beat Toshiro Hitsugaya enough times, you are probably surpassing of being strong like Ichigo, I think you are on your own level because you have the most deadliest weapon of all weapon history, not to mention you are a pyromancer." "Oh, right," I said, "Well, I like Fire alright, not to mention I wanted to be different from you guys, so I went with the Scythe as my weapon of choice." We were having this conversation while the 9 guys are busy with their own conversation, Renji said, "Not to mention, Zabimaru, my Zanpakuto, he's praising you that you are going to do great if you wish to fight and defeat Captain Kenpachi." "Before I can even do that, I need Ichigo to fight me 45 times in order for me to defeat Zaraki, just so I know that I'm not doing any cheap shots with my attacks," I said, "So, I'm going to ask for you to supervise the fights." "I think I might Captain Kuchiki's permission though," said Renji. I scoffed, "He might let you even though he and I make a great fighting team, remember?" "Oh yeah, you are always with him no matter what," he said, "I mean it's not like a time where he rudely said no." "Nah, he's too sweet and gentle after all, he was the one who led me into liking red roses," I said, "I mean, that explains on why Shuhei always sends me countless roses, making Byakuya jealous, he tries to deny but Shadow Phoenix always tells him to not lie." We were having breakfast and Xiumin handed me a cup of a weird liquid that I'm not familiar with, this was when Renji left, I just kept looking at it, Xiumin asked, "Why are you looking at it like you've never seen it before?" "What is this some kind of poison?" I asked, sounding scared. All of them looked at me like I had lost my head, Xiumin said, "No, it's coffee, try to taste it." "Sorry, I'm going to pass this over to you, where I am from I only heard of water and tea," I said, "You see, I have to go to a special merchant for my tea herbs." "I see," said Suho, "You have to forgive him, he's not familiar with someone who has never heard or seen coffee before." Renji came back and said to me, "There are 5 boxes waiting for you, Akari." "Oh, he actually found this place," I said. Renji looked at the 9 guys who were looking at me with surprised faces mixed with angry faces, I said, "Like I said, he is a special merchant, he mysteriously finds places that only he knows on not telling on where I am." As soon as I said that, they relaxed, Renji said, "Besides this merchant is very familiar on what she always gets when she's starting to get comfortable on where she is." "Yep," I said, "Because I'm getting the feeling that you are starting to welcome me and my friends with open arms." "Just as long as they keep this a secret," said Suho. Renji said, "I haven't told a soul about this place." I can see the guilt and fear all over Renji's face, he told Urahara on where this place is located, Renji notices me and blurts out, "Okay fine, I'm not much of a good lair, you see, we trust this merchant with our lives, basically the merchant found a way to get the location of this place out of me." "Yeah, he's an expert at that," I said, "But knowing him, he's also an expert at keeping a secret so there's nothing to worry about. After all, I only go to him to get stuff from his shop." "How do you get the money?" asked Suho. Renji said, "Remember that we have our own jobs." I nodded, "Which I can only say if I can trust you guys enough." "Even then, she'll tell you guys when she's ready," said Renji. I got done eating breakfast then decided to bring in the 5 boxes of Urahara's shop so brought them all in and decided to leave them in my room for the time being because I do not want my stuff combined with their stuff. Suho saw this and said, "You are always welcome to use our kitchen whenever you want, we will not touch your tea." "Thank you," I said, "But I'm fine bringing the boxes into my room." So I decided to call Ichigo over when I made my way to the training room that looks like a big colosseum for basically anything that's where Renji and myself were at. Renji led Ichigo to the exact room that I am in, Renji said, "The 9 guys are gone somewhere so we can go for how many rounds you want to do." "Great, I was hoping that would be the case," I said, "I'm surprised that they didn't ask for us." "Nah, like I said, I talk some sense into Suho, I'm guessing he is trying to be a gentleman like all of us, minus Kenpachi," said Renji. Ichigo got impatient like he always does, then said, "Enough talk, let's get started." "Ichigo," I whined, "I told you to wait for my signal!" "I'm sorry, when someone wants to fight me I tend to get impatient," he said. I sassed, "As if!! You always tend to goof around when you get ready to fight or about to attack so don't try me, Kurosaki!" Renji burst out laughing then I called him out, "You are no any different from him!" "Don't compare us!!" they shouted at the same time. We got ready to fight, Ichigo says, "Just so you know that I am not going easy on you once we start." "I just want to fight to kill time," I said, "It gets boring after a while with nothing to do." "Yeah, no Hollow activity, I guess it can get boring after a while but you'll get use to it," said Ichigo, "Trust me." "Alright here goes nothing," I said, bringing out Shadow Phoenix. Renji said, "I'm going to watch the fight so I can pinpoint on what you are doing wrong Akari, since there needs to be someone else to supervise the fight." "Can you correct my fighting stances, Ichigo?" I asked him. He nodded, "Of course since you are gonna be apart of this crew." I smiled, then went serious, "Alright let's do this!" "Right!" shouted Ichigo, "BAN!! KAI!! Zangetsu!" "Bankai! Shadow Phoenix!" I shouted. Renji butted in, "Now, is that her actual name or did she not tell you her full name?" "She prefers Shadow Phoenix, she loathes her true name," I said, "I respect her decision on being called Shadow Phoenix." "Ah, I see," Renji said, "Well, I'm not going to say it because she might unintentionally throw a fire ball at me." "Smart choice," we hear her say. I giggled at her response, Ichigo came close to me and asked, "Is she too heavy?" "Nah, she's very like any sword even though she is a Scythe," I said, "But I'm holding on to her with no issue at all." "Strange because she made me struggle," said Renji. Shadow Phoenix yelled at him, "That was because you compared me to Yumichika!" "I said I was sorry! I didn't mean you I meant Rangiku," said Renji. We went back to fighting, apparently there was nothing wrong with what I am doing with my attack moves, but Renji and Ichigo were helping me with my fighting stance, then again I did those mistakes on purpose, like this, I purposely misplaced where my footing needed to be, Ichigo sighed then said, "You have your foot in the wrong place." He was in the middle of demonstrating when I casted a Fire Burst at him, to my surprise, he dodged it, Renji shouted, "Cheap shot!" "No it wasn't!" I shouted, that was my first time witnessing a cheap shot. Ichigo said, "It was a cheap shot, I mean I did it to you, Renji. Nice job of faking me out so there is nothing wrong with your attacks moves and there is certainly nothing wrong with your fighting stances. I mean, c'mon, you are literally carrying a heavy Scythe, you should be carrying it like that!" Then I noticed that there was the invisible barrier, I looked over to Renji then looked up there were the 9 guys again, Renji noticed as well, "Well, shit, they got done fast. How long were we going?" "At least 3 hours," I said, "But that was just practice, I was just getting warmed up!" "Same here, I wanna see those fire attacks of yours," said Ichigo, "Right now it's Akari Itsuki Hitsugaya vs Ichigo Kurosaki!" "Heh, bring it," I said, went back to my fighting stance. 5 hours go by, I managed to beat Ichigo at least 8 times now, he was beaten up but thankfully I only used my fire moves I couldn't damage his gorgeous skin, then Ichigo says, "You know you could always slice me any time you want to make close contact." "Yeah but I don't want to damage your handsomely gorgeous skin," I said. Renji snapped, "Hey wait a moment here, you always damage me!!" "That's because you can never keep that mouth of yours shut!" I shouted at him. We were in our Gigai bodies when this was going on, Ichigo says, "You know you are becoming more stronger than I thought you were going to be keep it and you'll do great." "Thanks, I was testing my strength so I can finally defeat Kenpachi into submission," I said. Ichigo told me, "You don't need to worry about him, let's just say I took care of him for you." "Huh?" I said, in total confusion. Renji said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you that Captain Zaraki says that he's sorry that he frightens you, apparently he was trying to get out of your shell because how can you fight when you are shy in battle but apparently you automatically switch from shy to aggressive real quick." We were in the dining room having our conversation when the 9 guys came in and heard when Renji said that I switch from being shy to total aggression in battle, Suho walked up and asked, "Is this true about her?" "Her being aggressive in battle, hell yes, you should totally see her fight some the enemies that we always face on a daily basis," said Ichigo. I gave him a side glance, he looked at me and goes, "On second though I'll wait until her signal." "Yeah don't forget Ichigo this is her journey not yours," said Renji, "And besides you are only here to visit." "Not to mention I think I did defeat Captain Kenpachi that one time, and that's how I manage to get Shadow Phoenix," I said, "I almost killed him but then you came and pulled me away you 2 because I was out of control." "Yeah, you were fighting for your freedom," said Ichigo, "Now you don't have to worry about fighting him, since I'm guessing I'm your last test of testing out your strength." I nodded, "I need to be ready for any fight that comes my way." "Not to mention, you want to impress your crush Shuhei," Renji teased. I threw a cup at him, then said, "Shut up, you dumbass!" Then Ichigo knelt down and asked, "When do you think you can take down a rival?" "I'm not gonna go that far," I said, "I just want to be part of your crew Ichigo. You said so yourself I need to defeat you at least 50 times in order to get in." "DID YOU SERIOUSLY SAY THAT TO HER, YOU NIMROD?!" Renji yelled. Ichigo said, "That was a LONG time ago, but if you want to keep on doing these fights then fine by me, I want to see on what you have up your sleeves." "Ha, I don't have anything to show you," I said, "That's basically all of my moves." "You haven't released that one attack though," said Renji, "You haven't used it on me." "That's because Shadow Phoenix told me to only use it when it's the final choice I need to make and save everyone when we are in serious danger," I said. Renji asked, "What was the attack called you never told me?" "Phoenix Rage, Phoenix Wrath, and the true final one is Super Nova," I said. Ichigo said, "Yeah, never mind about those attacks, I do not want to die." "Not unless you wear fire protection armor," said Renji. I warned him, "It will kill him no matter what he wears." "Oh shit, never mind then," said Renji, "No more fighting rounds then." "I never said that, I want to continue fighting until I'm in the crew," I said, while looking at Ichigo. Ichigo said, "I'm not going to talk you out of it so I guess that I'll wait until then." "Yep, but no matter what Ichigo," I said. He asked, "What is it?" "You will always be my guardian," I said. Renji said, "Awww that's so sweet, but hey what about me?" "You are also my guardian," I said, "But Ichigo acts more of a sword and you, Renji, you always protect me like a shield." "Ah, that's right," said Renji, "But of course we always switch those roles." "Which by the way Renji, you are terrible at playing as the sword," I said, "Ichigo is more of a sword than you." "Hey at least I tried!" he shouted.
Few months go by, the guys are now being more friendly and welcoming every time I'm around, Renji is still around because I always need a guide back to the Soul Society, I totally forgot that I was suppose to tell them on who I am and what we do. I got the attention of Sehun and he asked, "Alright what's on your mind, Akari?" "I just remember something," I said, "I was suppose to tell you guys on who I am and what I do." "You are Akari Itsuki, part of this mafia now, right?" asked Baekhyun. My heart wrenched, I looked at Renji, he looks at me and he notices that I have evolved into the world of the living, he began to walk away when I finally said, "No, I'm not apart of this gang of yours, I'm a part of something else. I'm not from this world, I'm not even born in the same plain as you guys and Ichigo." "What are you trying to say?" asked Suho. I finally told them all, "I, Itsuki Akari Hitsugaya." As soon as I said that, I got Renji's attention back on me when I finally said, "I am here to tell you that I came from a dimension called the Soul Society, I was born there not here, and my life job is being a Soul Reaper!" It got quiet so fast, Suho laughed like a mad man, "You want us to believe that?" "I know what happened to the 3 that used to be a part of this gang," I said. They are now looking at me with angry looks, this was when Kai and myself were starting to get a little serious, Kai asked, "What do you know about them?" Renji walked up and said, "Itsuki, here, was cursed with the lips of death." "I didn't mean for them to lose their lives, I couldn't control the curse, after a while Renji and the others managed to lift the curse and few days go by I was gifted with something else," I explained. It got super quiet, and we were having a nice pleasant meal together, I just had to bring the hammer down on them harshly, I softly said, "I think it's best to give you guys some space from me, don't worry I'll be somewhere else." So I left with Renji to be with Ichigo for the time being, I mean I did the right thing, there was no Hollow activity where I was, all the activity were always with Ichigo or invading the Soul Society, which by the way I hope that will never happen. So I was following Renji to where Ichigo was at, we were in front of a house, Ichigo answered, "What is it?" "Hey," said Renji, in a very soft tone, "May we come in, Ichigo?" "Uh yeah sure," he said, then stepped aside concerned of what is going on with me.
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likemosaic · 2 years
“it’s nothing,” they told her. but she laughed, a sarcastic, not exactly mocking but still teasing kind of laugh. “c’mon, terminator, what’s with the long face? scratch your glasses?” at least THAT gets a small laugh, but he shakes his head. “you’re gonna laugh,” they say, tone a little more serious, almost longing. “yeah, maybe, but if it’s bothering you that much, just spill it. before i get bored and start touching all your stuff.” a sigh, and they remove their glasses. “… i missed the hanami. i usually go to nakanoshima, but… I think I’m too late.” he sounds… genuinely upset. and, she does laugh - and they glare, and she wipes her eyes. she apologizes about how she simply didn’t expect that from them, what’s stopping them, why not go do it anyway? finally, after a moment of silence. “… you ever seen it? it’s not the same, going alone. I’m - stop looking at me like that. do you wanna go with me or not? … I’m serious. i can’t… really think of anyone else I’d wanna bring, anyway.” he’s being genuine. no snark, no sass, and, admittedly, he’s hardly looking her way.
miscellaneous asks / @veiliisms
oh, this'll be good. " looking at you like what? " said with the utmost innocence, faux-widened eyes. coco tilts her head, watching them with unabashed interest and a thrilled grin. she's been a blushing mess in front of renji now, so it's only fair he returns the favor. the natural order of things restored.
" iiiiii don't know, i kind of like you like this. you know, all bashful and shy. i didn't think you had it in you! can i call in a rain check? " she's not missing the significance of them asking this, don't get her wrong, she's just ... ignoring it. it's nice to have the ball in her court, and maybe she's savoring the return to the normalcy too much--she still looks back and cringes, remembering how she'd stammered and blushed in the warehouse. she doesn't think she's done that since her days in boarding school, and, well. that's not a return to form she'd like to have.
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no one else i'd wanna bring, anyway. her smile fades a little. she's not unhappy that she's the one renji wants to bring along, not even close. but it's that feeling again, that thing that came up before, the one that makes them both shy and serious in a way she doesn't like. it's easier to flirt with them and make jokes in the middle of a fight, banter back and forth about who owes who what, who got the final hit in on the last bad guy--anything else is ... a lot. to put it lightly.
but it means something to renji for her to tag along, she'd have to be stupid not to see that, written all over their face and their body language. and even if she's embarrassed, truth is, she owes them for saving her ass (more than once, if she's honest with herself ... which she never is). she can justify going based on that, right? that's a good excuse?
coco's turn to look away, tips of her ears turning pink. then, on a whim, she says something completely and totally stupid that she'll cringe about later, hand on her hip and brimming with a confidence she doesn't feel. " yeah, i'll go with you. but only if it's a date. otherwise, no deal. "
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akariitsuki42 · 3 years
Sea Saga
Here; Ch2
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Chapter 1
A few days after the Planet of Mistral has been freed, I have been making sure that there were no rebels. So far, so good, I always need to make sure that everyone is safe in the world of Mistral, I can't risk of losing everyone. That might send me into a extreme amounts of depression and will make me think intrusive thoughts that Remus can never think about. It's gotten to the point where I need everyone to be on the same level with or I am going to lose it completely. Also, they need to know on why I haven't opened up truly yet, it's because everyone has been very pushy lately and it's not looking good on anyone. Torchwick and Neo, they are making sure I have my alone time, Ulquiorra has been noticing that a lot and is now making sure that I'm doing alright.
It's nice to finally have some people making sure that you are doing alright, I really needed that, I'm guessing Ukitake must've told him on what he needs to do on not making the same mistake that everyone has been making. I rarely see Ichigo nowadays, I guess it's time for me to go and visit. So, I grabbed some stuff and packed up, I'm actually going to visit, I think I need a break from this bland view. I really need to do some work on this whole world of mine, I got my common clothes packed up, decided it was time to let my hair down, I think I'm loving my hair down for a change. Then I decided to put some makeup on, my usual spooky look, Blackberry, aka Mugetsu, decided to walk in, "Where are you going?" "Wouldn't you like to know," I sassed, "I need a break from the bland view of this world." "Well not much you can do but accept the view," said Blackberry, "It's not like you can actually drastically change everything here." "You do realize on who you are speaking to, Mugetsu," I said, dropping the name I got him to get use to hearing. He knew that if I call him by one of his given names, he knew that he is f*cked on what he did or say to provoke a certain side of me.
I got my stuff ready, Neo asked, "Are you going to see Strawberry, my Queen?" "Neo, what did I say about calling me that?" I asked her, "Just because I am queen, it doesn't change on who I really am." "Even though, there are people who are refusing to let you be open and honest," said Neo, "Forget about what Blackberry said." "I was going to forget about it anyways," I told her, "Just know that it might be weird for  those two idiots hearing their nicknames coming from someone else." "Yeah, you are growing on me," she said, "It is really all thanks to you when you cured my mute self when I met you, I was actually starting to hear my own thoughts going through my head." "Oh wow," I said, not expecting that at all.
When I got into town, everyone was looking at me all weird, it's been a while since I visited Karakura Town. I just ignored them and made my way to Ichigo's home. When I eventually got there, I felt a sense of homesickness, I softly knocked on the door, and heard a familiar voice calling out, "I'll get it." The door opened, I was seeing Renji standing there, "Yes? Hmm? Oh, Akari, what brings you here?" "I'm here to visit Ichigo and Orihime," I said to him, "What are you doing here?" "Um, visiting as well, but c'mon in," he said, escorting me inside. I felt like he's treating me like an object judging by the way he greeted me and allowed me inside of where I used to live in.
I looked at where everyone was, I guess I was right, I came here at the wrong time, I helped myself to the old room, which had a sign that says Reserved. I looked inside, there was the old set up that I grew fond of. Yeah, I decided to help myself. I sat on the bed, just getting adjusted alone on what I had just escape from. I can't believe someone would go out of their way to do this, then I heard Orihime ask, "How are we doing in here?" "Sorry that I didn't make myself known," I tell her. She giggles, "I actually saw you before anyone else did. You can thank Ichigo for doing this, he somehow knew that you were going to visit us at some point just to get away from your own world issues." "Thank you, Orihime," I said, "Would you mind giving me a moment to relax?" "Sure, I'll close the curtains, lock this closet, and you can lock the windows and the door on my way out of this room," she said.
Wow she really knows me from the inside out, she gave me a reassured look that everything will be alright. She always makes sure that I'm doing alright, she is the perfect example of what I need from everybody, minus Ukitake, Kyoraku, Torchwick, Neo, Zacky V, Thomas and his sides, Jimmy, Ulquiorra, and Lady Halibel. She leaves me alone, I locked the windows and the door. I started scanning the room for anything bad, I started with the bed, I saw 4 legs poking out, "I see you." Out it came, hissing, I casted a fire ball and scorched it to death, thankfully there was a spilt second where I used my water powers before the smoke detector sensed that there had been a fire. I made sure the body was sucked up by my sword, I made the floor back to the way it was.
But it detected the smoke and it made its very loud sound, I heard the doorknob rattling, "Open up!" "Geez, alright," I said, thinking that the spider did not think that plan through. I unlocked the door, "Its unlocked." Came in Ichigo with the freaking fire extinguisher, "Where's the fire?" "I put it out with my water powers, it only detected the smoke," I said, "and why did you think it was smart to put a smoke detector in here? You know that it gives me trauma." "Yes I remember, it was a simple mistake," said Ichigo, "But, I guess you want me to leave you alone." "Yes, please before someone else bothers me once again," I said, "Ugh, do they not know that I need my alone time or do they not care about me anymore?" "We care about you," said Rukia, who was ready to come in. Ichigo immediately pulled her away, same with Renji and his son, closed the door, I finally locked it and exhaled sharply. I booted up my laptop to watch some videos, it doesn't really matter at this point, when I got on YouTube, I saw a bunch of mail in my inbox. I clicked on that, I received messages from the ones who I love to watch.
Markiplier, being the first, he said that he loves on how much thought I put into each segment of my videos, I always know on what to say. Then I decided to conclude on my series of the road to Acceptance in Spirit, it was an hour long to do but it was worth it. I decided to make another video but it's going to be heavily about Family Bloodlines and how we treat every one of our family members. 50 minutes goes by, I uploaded both on my channel, Suzuki said to me, "Those were great speeches, milady." "Thanks, now you 2," I said, "I'm setting you guys free in Mistral. That is not an option." I sent them away and now they are free to roam and live in Mistral instead of my own head.
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akariitsuki42 · 4 years
Spirit Saga
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Chapter 4
I was being called by phone from Ichigo saying that I should return because it was getting dark, but I was planning on staying the night in this cottage and that's what I responded with, he never replied back so I assume that he knew I was trying to figure out a way to get back without getting mugged or anything because that was the only reason why. I was at the dining table while Mugetsu was making us something which I didn't want him to do that but he kept insisting that he should, man, he knows my weakness for eating before sleeping, I asked, "Are you like that or are you just doing that because I eat in my sleep?" "You eat in your sleep," he said, bluntly. Damn, that hurt, well, can't argue with that, "Isn't the sunset beautiful?" "Yeah, makes me thanking you for giving me my own life," he said, "It is very beautiful to the point of me finding myself someone to love." "That quick? Take it easy, Mugetsu," I said, "Time is precious." Then he saw a glow from the portal room, "You said an element, which means you need to find out who is worthy of this fragile element." "Every element is fragile," I said, "Time is extremely delicate, get it right." "Oh right, my bad," he said. It makes me feel awful that he is living all alone in this cottage, he could see this thought process, "Just invite Esperanza and Shiro to live here I mean there is plenty of room here." "Oh that's right," I said, "But they are in Hueco Mundo so we can't." "Oh really, is that how it is?" asked Shiro, from behind. Esperanza said, "You could've said something, Mugetsu." "I didn't want to ruin your precious time together," he said. Those 2 blushed like a tomato and a blueberry, I giggled, "You guys are the cutest. I can see why you dig Shiro, Esperanza." "Hey!" she shouted, "That is not the only reason, I swear." "What is it then?" asked Mugetsu. We were teasing the 2 like it was nothing, then the moment was ruined when some idiot started angrily banging on the door, Mugetsu answered, "What? Oh, Ichigo." "Step aside," he said in a very rude way. I saw Shiro kiss Esperanza's cheek thinking that he was slick, I called him out, "Hey, Shiro, what happened to being heartless?" "Oh man, I changed alright?" he asked, "Plus for some reason my hollow hole was plugged up when I got my element powers." "That's right, Mugetsu said that you have the Beast Elemental," I said. He nodded his head, I said, "Apparently I'm the Love Elemental." "Which explains that charm you always had," said Shiro, "Because it is still very hard for me to come up with something hateful and nasty." "Yeah, no kidding," I said, "You think I do not know that, Grimmjow was trying very hard to be mean." "I saw it all," said Esperanza, "He became a wild cat in public but when it comes to only her, he turns into a literal kitten." "Did he miss me?" I asked. Esperanza scoffed, "You have no idea, he was acting like a moopy cat." "I was told that he and Nel got together," I said, "Is that true?" "Yep," said Shiro, "Esperanza has the photos." "I want to see them," I said, "Though at the same time, I don't." "Ahem, anyways, the reason why I was here is because Akari, your friend came over the house," said Ichigo, "I swear do not hang out with him, he speaks bad news." I guess this is the start of a new path in our relationship between the two of us, me and Ichigo, I could not believe I missed Alex, Mugetsu tells him, "You don't control her life anymore, matter of fact, you are not her father. Let her hang out whoever she wants, if she likes this guy before then odds are your opinions do not matter." "Fine, but I better not see him trying to harm you," he said, storms out. Ichigo was never like this, did he forget on who my parents are? Man, Onyx, guys, I'm going to get you back one way or another.
The next few days, we went back to the mall, this time I was determined to get someone back from being gone for too long, this was starting get too much to the point where I have to get Rukia and Renji be my personal guards away from Ichigo. Heck, Orihime was standing up for me because I was spending too much time doing nothing but reading so I could get a degree in writing, that's my only goal in life right now, is to be an author. Orihime likes where I love to create things and come up with using my imagination, Ichigo likes me to be productive, I'm trying my hardest to keep the peace but it's getting to the point where it's effecting me in battle against a Hollow where Mugetsu had to save me. Ichigo is feeding this negative feeling and he doesn't know that it was effecting me, I went straight to the center of the food court, the stage was still there, same with Alex and some strange girl, I walked up the stage, "Alex?" "Hm? Oh, Akari, it's so good to see you again," he said. I pointed her out, "Who is she?" "Just a coworker," he said, "She keeps saying that I need to focus on one girl only, my mind never left you so I was determined to see you again." "So, she's not your girlfriend," I said. He scoffed, "She keeps that I am hers but I always end up having enough of her. My heart was already belonged to someone else and that was you, Miss Akari. Or should I say Lady Love?" I never blushed so fast before, "You know on who you are?" "Yes, how could I forget on who I was previously, I was called Ulquiorra Schiffer," he said, "Now, I know someone who wishes to be with me for the rest of her life." I smiled, "I missed you so much, you made me feel like I was the only one in the world." He led to the front of the stage, started to play a playlist of songs that me and Onyx would always sing along to, but the first song he played was When Legends Rise from Godsmack, I sang from the top of my lungs, somehow singing was keeping this feeling at bay and making it go away, then Must Be Nice from Nickelback played, I hear his honeyed voice, then everyone hears this voice and thought that I could multiple voices, I'm at Soprano level, how? Then Ignite played, I got him back, because the rapping part was only done by Onyx, then heard Levy's voice saying Yang, I was seeing Ichigo, Orihime, and Kazui coming around the corner. I never felt so energized ever since I woke up, only Onyx makes me feel this way, after the song we hugged each other, I gave him the greatsword back, he took it and strapped it to his back, then a few songs that we always sang together, Alex came up, "Who is this?" "This is my only brother, Onyx GrimPanther," I said, "He's the true definition of Darkness." He nods in agreement, I could tell that he is also happy that he is back, "So, this is Alex Cifer, formerly as known was Ulquiorra Schiffer, how does it feel to be resurrected?" "Feels great," said Alex, "Though I was used to being called Alex Cifer, so I guess you guys can call me either of those." "Nah, we are not going make you confused by doing that," said Onyx. I felt like crying because I got him back, they gladly sat me down so I could let it all out while Onyx kept hugging me until I said something, not only did I see the Kurosaki's but I was seeing Renji, Rukia, their daughter, Esperanza, Shiro, and Mugetsu coming into view. Onyx took the stage and sang Blue on Black from 5 Finger Death Punch, that band was his jam to listen to when training and I was watching him, Esperanza, Shiro, and Mugetsu were making their way at a fast pace, only reason they were seeing a Black Panther hollow taking the stage, same with Renji and Rukia but they were ready to take him out. They don't know that it's Onyx because of his change of appearance, I mean he still has Ebony skin, his eyes are the same, wait, his clothing, "Onyx, come here for a moment." He walks over, "Thank goodness because they look like they are about to go berserk on my ass!" I couldn't help but laugh, this is Onyx alright, who else talks like that other than him? He made a cloud of darkness go above and around him, he came out looking like his old self, "I feel much better, I swear Talon has no sense of style." I giggled, then we started the next setlist, this time was Back from the Dead from Skillet, basically the setlist were all Skillet, Nickelback, and Avenged Sevenfold songs, that's enough to bring everyone back. I think I am having way too much fun with Onyx here because he brung the emotion to life, then came the song called The Resistance. I started to feel water coming down on me, so does Onyx because I heard in my head, "Hello, Akari, it's Levy." I put more emotion into my singing same with Onyx, just hearing her voice alone was enough to get her trident back, we stayed there, I do not know I lost count, but I got Onyx back, that's enough for me to go about my day. Ichigo sees him, "Who is this freak?" "Who are you, Strawberry?" he sassed, "Lovely to see you again, after so long, this is what I get? Wow, I thought you loved me, oh wait, I don't go that way, bro." I was holding in my laughter, Onyx is back and he never backs down to anyone not even Ichigo if I remember correctly, he sees Mugetsu, looks at me, "Who is the lady?" "Onyx! Be nice," I said to him. Orihime says, "I knew it was him, Onyx, welcome back." "Yeah, hey, Princess," he said, bowing to her. Well her name Orihime is 'Princess' and he always treats her like a princess, I tell Onyx, "By the way, that lady, he's not really happy on that comment." "Well, sorry, dude or ma'am, you really look like a girl with all that long ass hair," said Onyx. I cleared my throat, he looks to see Kazui, "Ah, damn, sorry little man." "Are you related to her?" asked Kazui, pointing at me. Onyx nodded, "I was the first born, she was the second." He turned to Mugetsu, "Hey, sorry, man or lady." "Onyx, just stop," I said, knowing he won't. Mugetsu crossed his arms, pouting, I could hear him mutter, "It took me forever to get it like this." Which made me laugh even more, we went back home and Onyx already loves Kazui, once we got into the vehicle, he was silent for one minute, then he kept Kazui entertained on the tales he and I used to do. When we got inside of the house, Ichigo tells Onyx, "Unfortunately there is not enough room for you." "The hell there is," I snapped, "Onyx could sleep in the closet." I would do anything for Onyx to stay, they just looked at me. Onyx happened to say, "I don't think it's big enough for all of me." "I can make you fit," I said. Both Ichigo and Onyx went, "Whoa, Akari!" "Not like that, you dumbasses," I said, "Get your heads out of the gutter."
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volcanofireflame150 · 5 years
A Soul meets another Seoul
Ch1; Ch19
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Chapter 18
Renji's POV: We left Akari and Ichigo alone so they could sort this out, it bothers me that she was saying that last part towards Ichigo and no one else. Something tells me that she did not sleep well last night, then Shuhei asked, "What's going on between the 2?" "She didn't tell you," I told him, "Ichigo is now her new big brother." "Oh, that makes sense now," said Shuhei, "No wonder why she calls herself Akari Itsuki Kurosaki." "Hey, at least, she is no longer part of Squad 10 or any of the squads," said Rukia, "Because the captains will only tell her to only master Fire powers but she's becoming something else that no one will hold her back." "No one, but Ichigo might," said Uryu, "Akari will listen to him if she sees that there is no choice but to listen to him." I pointed at Uryu, saying, "He's got a point because remember that one Hollow that was so close of killing Akari and Rukia, you tried to tell her to run and let us handle it but she told you no, when Ichigo told her that she needs to heal up and wait for the right time, she listened to him and went to safety." "That's right," said Rukia, "He's always telling her things that she'll listen to him but no one else other than him." "Not entirely true," we heard Ichigo say, "It's just at the time she was struggling with Toshiro Hitsugaya, so I had to do something." "That's right," I said, "So, how is she?" "She told me that she recently had a nightmare where I turned against her," said Ichigo, "That's all she said, it got me to notice on how fidget she was being." "So, what did you say to her?" asked Shuhei. Ichigo said, "I told her that before that happens I am going to spend my free time spending time with her so if that does come true, she'll know what to do." "Sweet thinking," said Shuhei, "I'll wait until then so we can keep seeing each other." "Speaking of your relationship, Shuhei," said Ichigo. Uh oh, I sense the protective brother showing up when Shuhei asked, "What is it?" "How many times did she call you over to meet her somewhere?" asked Ichigo. Silence, shit, Ichigo is defending Akari this is a big step for her right now but this is for the best, Shuhei checked his Soul Page, I looked and looked the other noticing on the countless times she has called him. Ichigo said to him, "Thanks to you on not knowing when to pick up, her Soul Page got taken away from her in class last week." Yeah, guess how many missed calls Shuhei received? Almost 100, so Ichigo has the right mind to be like this right now, and no one is stepping in to say or do anything to stop him from scolding Shuhei. Then Ichigo let him off with a warning, "Look, I know that you were probably busy doing some duties but once in a while if she calls, pick up, she is your girlfriend after all!" Shuhei never looked so upset before, I guess he didn't realize that if Akari doesn't know on what's going with one of her closest loved ones, she automatically thinks of the worse and gets a nightmare right after I guess that is what happened with her. Then Ichigo finished off on what he was going to say, "Ignore her again, and I'll make sure that she doesn't have to deal with this ever again, you are a great guy but she is my little sister now and I'm doing everything I can to make her happy for as long as I can so upset her or make her go through that again and I will come for you, ya hear?" "Yes, Ichigo," said Shuhei. Ichigo then said, "Now, go to her and apologize, but better make it a good one because she's not like any one else in the Soul Society, I've come to realize that she's more human than someone who was born in the Soul Society." That got my attention, I asked, "Are you saying that she was born here after all?" "That's what I'm thinking," said Ichigo, "I can't be for sure, she's much more powerful than I am, I can't believe that I'm saying that." "Well, she's powerful in an elemental way," said Shuhei, "Didn't she say that she was chosen to be an Elemental wielder?" "That's right, she did say that," said Rukia, "Meanwhile the EXO guys have Majestic Octopus." "By the way, how are they doing?" asked Ichigo. Rukia said, "They are still in the Academy, same with the 3 guys." Shuhei went to Akari, I hope she's going to be alright, then I told Ichigo, "Also I couldn't believe what I heard from Shadow Phoenix." "What did you hear?" he asked. I told him, "She had a crush on Old man Zangetsu." He spat out his drink, coughing, then said, "She must be insane, falling for him!" "Be thankful that it's not your Hollow self," said Rukia. Ichigo said, "Don't speak too soon, Rukia, love is still love even in spirit form." I had to ask, "Has Levy fallen for someone?" "Of course I did," she said, scaring us all. Uryu said, "Geez! Don't do that!" "Don't tell me what to do," she said, giving him sass. Damn, he's being told by a Water Elemental, I asked, "Who was it?" "Oh, it never went away," she said, "He's with Captain Hitsugaya." "Oh wow," said Ichigo, "I wonder who has a crush on Shuhei's." "Funny that you should say that," said Levy, "because you just said her name." "Shadow Phoenix? Then who is in love with Old Man Zangetsu?" asked Ichigo. Levy said, "Believe it or not, Blizzard is in love with him, and speaking of your Hollow side." "Uh no, don't tell me," said Ichigo, "Serene Jewel." "Uh, Ichigo, you might want to not mention that name because Talon is right behind you," I said, sounding scared knowing Talon is the husband of Serene Jewel. He sees him, instantly backs off on what he said, "I didn't know I swear!" "The one who is in love with your Hollow side happens to be the Cosmic Elemental, Cosmos," said Levy. Ichigo asked, "Of all the other spirits, why him?" "Why not him?" asked Levy. Ichigo said, "Because that's saying that she's in love with me, since we are the same person!" "Oh, your right," said Levy, "Well, it was a long time ago before you knew us and Akari." "Apparently," said Ichigo, "Anyway, who's her crush now?" Levy shrugged, "Haven't seen her in a while since we are separated because we can't be too far from our physical weapons." I'm completely lost on what she just said, Rukia explained it to me, "She means if they go too far they'll eventually first lose all of their elemental powers and left alone without their powers then they actually die." "Oh, damn, that's a harsh way to go," I said.
Akari's POV: When that was all going on, Shuhei came in while I was reading the book that Talon gave me to get a better understanding on different rock formations, I asked, "What brings you in here?" "I came here to say that I'm sorry for not picking up the phone when you were calling me," said Shuhei. I looked at him, asked, "Did Ichigo tell you on what happened 2 weeks ago?" "Yeah, wait, 2 weeks ago," said Shuhei, "What do you mean by that?" "I forgave you the last time we spent time with each other," I told him, "This situation has got nothing to do with that." "Then what is it?" asked Shuhei. I told him, "I met this guy named Grimmjow, we met at least 3 times this month, I wanted to burn him but something held me back like wanted me to let him live." "Did you?" he asked. I nodded, "Something tells me that he was meeting me for a reason and I can't shake that feeling off." "Maybe this time try to greet in a more friendly approach," said Shuhei, "That may change things." "But here's the thing, Shuhei, he has a Hollow hole where his stomach should be," I said to him. That got his attention, I met someone who is very bad, though might not be it's just I need to avoid conflict at all times because I do not want to risk Ichigo fighting my battles. Shuhei sees the gears turning then said, "Just tell Ichigo to back off on the battles you are involved in." "That's exactly what I am going to do," I said, getting up from his bed and went to him. Once I reached downstairs, I heard this from Renji, "Also, Ichigo, when are you going to let Akari fight her own battles?" "I just don't want to take the risk of losing her and her other friends," I heard Ichigo say, "I mean I want her to fight for her own battles but that guy seems too powerful for her to handle." That's right, Grimmjow did drain my fire powers, Rukia sees me, looks at them, "Guys, she's up." "Finally Shuhei apologized," said Ichigo. Shuhei came down, "That happened 2 weeks ago, she forgave me the last time we hung out. But this is what she wanted to talk to you about fighting her own battles." "That's right," I said, "Look I should've known that you were going to take the fight into your own hands but for once in a while let me fight alongside you, I don't want to feel like I'm worthless in battle." "You want to fight alongside me?" he asked, "But why?" "I want to remain at my brothers side for as long as I could," I said, "I can shield us up with multiple elements!" "Well, that took a turn on what we had in mind," said Renji, "We thought you would want to fight battles on your own." "Then how would I help my big brother?" I asked. It's official, I'm a part of the Kurosaki family, I spoke out, "I, Akari Itsuki, am proud to be calling myself Akari Itsuki Kurosaki, Ichigo, thank you for being my light!" Apparently that's all it took for me to obtain Layla's Light Scepter, Levy clapped her hands, "Great job getting Layla's scepter." "I thought it was a long sword with a cross shaped hilt," I said, in confusion. Levy said, "Keyword WAS, it still is though, but she never lets her wielder use that, so you can do blindness to your foes in battle." "How by saying Blinding Light?" I asked. I didn't know it would actually do that, thankfully we all had our eyes closed, after a while, Ichigo told me, "Never do that again, please." "Sorry I didn't know it would do that," I said, "Hey this would be a great light source when the lights go out or a blackout." Then I noticed the feeling went away, Renji asked, "Are you alright, Akari?" "I don't have that feeling anymore," I said, "Apparently that's all I needed to say." "Wow, so, you were feeling sick all day because of that," said Ichigo, "Why didn't you say that before school started?" "It formed when class started," I said to him.
When night appeared I was waking outside of Ichigo's room so he can have his privacy then he said, "You can come in now, Akari." I went in, saying, "Once again, thank you for letting me stay in the same room as you." "Anything for my new sister," said Ichigo, "Just make sure that you need to get something off your chest so you don't run into that problem ever again." "Sounds like a good idea, Ichigo," I said, "So, what should we talk about now?" "What do you want to do for your future?" he asked. I thought about this, "Maybe make a career of playing video games like I have seen people do online nowadays." "Anything else but that?" he asked. I thought about it for a while, then I pulled out all the books I was received, noticing the hard work Levy and Talon were in the making of their own books. Then I said, "Maybe become a writer one day." "Alright, that's 2," said Ichigo, "What's your 3rd?" "Singer or an artist," I said, "Like all of my fox drawings are really good." "Yeah and they might make you popular," said Ichigo, "Do you really want to become a online gamer?" "I don't seem why not, you can get paid for doing stuff like that," I told him, "I even looked it up." "You are one curious girl," Ichigo said, "But thankfully I can watch on all the stuff before you released into the public eye." "Yep, I mean, I got to do something other than Hollow duties," I said, "Plus, I am officially no longer part of the 13 squads because I realized how much you mean to me, Ichigo. You are a better brother than Toshiro Hitsugaya." "Then who's the better father?" asked Ichigo, "It better not be my father." "Well, I did say that I'm your new sister," I said, "So, that's counting him." Ichigo understood on where I am coming from, though then again, Isshin is always trying to charge at Ichigo and never at me, though I guess it's only his and Ichigo's thing. Then Ichigo asked, "When are you planning on staying here in the world of the living?" "It sounds like you don't want me for too long," I said, sounded hurt by that. He sat up quick, "No I didn't mean like that! I meant like aren't you worried that they might pull you away from here." I shook my head, "After all, I'm going to convince Shuhei to live here because I'm not moving anywhere." "Shuhei seems to understand you a lot better than anyone else can," said Ichigo, "Then again, you can tell me almost everything." "Even the graphic details?" I asked. He blushed then said, "I said almost everything I didn't mean that stuff." "Oh, I get it now," I said, giggling at his shy state. When I went to sleep, my dream started all sweet, then a certain darkness formed, I looked to what it was, I saw the figure saying, "We are going to have fun with you!" Then I heard a familiar voice saying, "Stay away from her, you assholes!" I saw that Ichigo's Hollow self was here in this dream? Wait this is not a dream, I asked Hichigo, "What are you doing here?" "I'm not letting the king lose his new sister to insanity," he said, "By the way, don't ask on why I call him that, I just do." "I wasn't going to but thank you for helping me," I said. Then as soon it got silent, everything became bright again, Hichigo said, "Please no hugs." I did anyways, I like giving hugs, don't judge me, I can hear him groan in disgust, I asked, "What, don't like affection?" "I just..don't get the point of showing affection to anyone who I don't know," said Hichigo. After that, I opened my eyes, looking to over where Ichigo is just laying there sleeping, then I hear Rukia's slight snoring, then I got out my smart phone that Asteria gave me, then started to watch Markiplier playing Prop Hunt, I couldn't help but laugh at the stupid and funny things that Mark and his friends were doing. I reached out to Mark saying 'Hey Mark, I came across your channel in hopes of finding a way to make me forget all the problems that I am currently dealing with, I just want to say that I hope I can become friends and met you someday' I posted the comment and never did I feel this joy in like forever. I finally fell back asleep, I had a really good dream for the rest of the night, when I woke up, Ichigo was already dressed for school, he said, "Come on hurry up, I don't want to be late." "I'll meet up with you," I said, "Give me some privacy." He did that, I changed to the uniform, then I noticed a red and green flower on the top of my head, Ichigo then came in, "What's taking you so- huh? Where did that come from?" I took it off, read a note saying 'Thank you for showing me what a hug is. signed Hollow side of your brother' I smiled, I'm glad that I can somewhat change someone. Ichigo comes over, takes the flower out of my hand, sets me down and started to think on what my hair should be like. I noticed he got out, a hair brush, spray bottle, and hair pins and ponytail holders. After a while, he put the flower in the masterpiece he created, I looked in the mirror, at least he tried his best to make it the same hairstyle that I had it in. I took off and made sure it was perfect on how he imagined on what it looked like, then put the flower back in where he had it. I looked at him, "Just perfecting it the way you were imaging, Ichigo, now let's go." "Don't you want breakfast?" asked Ichigo, "I mean you can still flash step there." "Oh yeah, well, I can eat toast while I'm on my way there," I said, "Besides I want to know on what it feels like without doing that. I only use that if that I need to go somewhere far away or emergencies only." "I see," said Ichigo, "Well, meet you at the school then."
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