#(Reggie is SO THIRSTY for him right now lol)
ducktales-wco-oo · 5 years
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Bud is silent, green-blue watery hues merely watching the other, calculating their next move. He's hovering over them, gaze trailing down, pausing briefly when they see it. "Is that ── ?" A soft coo escapes them, watery digits ghosting over the wooden appendage. "It's so cute, Reg. You're just absolutely adorable~" ( -YEET bcItoldyou- )  
- ✩ { @gamblealife​​​ } ✩
{ ☆ } Reggie is quiet, holding his breath— at least, he would be if he needed to breathe —as he anxiously gazes up at Bud, body stiff with apprehension as he awaits the watery-canine’s next move. They’ve danced around this topic before, teased and hinted at it, promised it with every half-lidded gaze and heart-stopping kiss. Now, lying beneath Buddy, the canine’s arms pinned on either side of him as he hovers above, it seems like all the foreplay... The weeks upon weeks of testing the waters have finally come to a nerve-wracking end. 
It’s time to dive right in... Metaphorically speaking.
Swallowing a lump in his throat, lavender tufts fluff like his feathers, cheeks dusted with a light green that grows more vibrant the longer Bud studies him. They haven’t spoken in a while, merely gazing down. Surveying the small plant-duck like predator surveys their prey, or a winner might gaze upon their prize. Those green-blue hues that he adores gleam, Reggie’s own light blue ones transfixed by his gaze. This is it. This is actually it... When they’d begun this little venture, Reggie had honestly expected things to go the way they normally do.
Oh, how wrong he had been.
With Negaduck and the others on some important, likely life-threatening mission, he and Bud had been left in charge of guarding the hideout. Their only instructions had been to ensure that it doesn’t blow up or something while their leader is gone, and to not get distracted. Well... One out of two isn’t bad. Besides, their teammates won’t be back for quite a while, as far as they know. Bud certainly doesn't seem to be in a rush; his confidence, his control of the situation... God, it’s attractive. Knees tremble, a worrying sensation arising between the plant-duck’s legs. One that causes Reggie to wince, cheeks flushing with heat. 
Desperately wanting to squeeze his legs together in an attempt to hide his newfound branch, heart stalls when it proves to be too late. Not that it would have made a difference. If Bud didn’t discover it today, he would have eventually. They can’t hint and tease forever, after all. Nor does he want to. Still, he bites his bottom lip, worry shining in his gaze as fingers move downward. Closing his eyes, bracing himself for laughter or ridicule or SOMETHING that clearly states Bud is no longer interested, body trembles and feathers bristle... 
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Only to abruptly flinch in surprise at the pleasant feeling of Bud’s fingers lightly, maybe even lovingly, ghosting over his wooden length. A surprised gasp slipping out of him, breathless and flustered at the brief sensation that had coursed through his branch— appendage feebly twitching and soft green tip already starting to shine with a droplet of sweet sap —cheeks are awash with heat as he looks at Bud in disbelief. “You- You like it?” He weakly asks, a small smile beginning to stretch across his beak, “You really think it’s cute?”
Most might not appreciate their manhood being called ‘cute’, but after expecting scorn and taunts... Well, cute is definitely a step up. Besides, Reggie never really had a problem with cute or feminine things. “And you think that I’m cute too! Adorable, even!” Hell, he IS adorable. Reggie says with a laugh, tail attempting to wag but currently pressed against the floor. So instead the small plant-duck squirms excitedly underneath Buddy, his arousal standing straighter— no longer wilting slightly in shame —and stamen following suit.
Bits of pollen starting to dust the stalks and sticky sap coating the tip of his dick, it’s clear that Bud can turn Reggie on with merely a word and a slight brush. From the pleading look in his eyes, practically begging for more, willing to do anything to receive more, the canine has Bushroot wrapped around his finger. Hips wriggling lightly— as if asking for those watery digits to return —he says through the soft whimpers that wish to slip from his throat, “I was so worried that you weren’t going to like me anymore... But you do. You still want me.” 
“I want you too, Buddy... I want you so badly~” { ☆ }
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Toxic Pt.2
I don’t know why I love writing these toxic scenarios so much lol. It’s so fun to write the arguing scenes. I think there is something wrong with me.
Oscar was currently out, riding around doing who knows what so it gave you the perfect amount of time to get ready and sneak out to link up with Naomi. Or so you thought. You just so happen to end up walking out of the house as soon as your boyfriends red car turns into the drive way,”Where you think you going dressed like that?” He asks as he climbs out quickly and glances at you and then to Naomi’s parked car in the street,”Is that yo little friends whip? You said you were done with them, now I catch you trying to sneak off before I get home? Dressed like some puta at that.” He scoffs as he slowly walks towards you,”Get yo ass back in the house, you ain’t going any where.” He tells you sternly, just as Naomi honks her horn.
“Oscar, she’s my friend. She was my friend way before we became a thing.” You try to explain,”We just want to grab a few drinks. I won’t stay out all night this time.”
“Nah, I don’t care Y/N. You need to get back inside. Now.”
It takes a lot for you to keep your cool, he was getting on your last nerve with his recent possessive asshole behavior. Sure it was fun in the bedroom but not in real life situations. You deserve to be able to go out! Just like he does! So that’s why you stand your ground and tilt your nose up at him,”No. I’m going out with my friend tonight. I’m not going to go back and forth with you.”
“Did you just say no?”
“Yup. And I mean it, I’ll see you in a little bit.” You shrug as you spin around on your heels,”Bye.” You call out over your shoulder.
“If you go, I’m done with yo ass for real.” He threatens, just like he always did. You knew as much as he did that you two weren’t going anywhere but it still stung that he could say that with such ease,”I mean it! I’ll go get me a new girl. One that has fucking respect for me!”
“Aight bet, go find you a new chick.” You say as you quickly turn around and walk back up to him,”She ain’t gonna deal with half the shit I put up with. Go on if you want to, cause guess what Oscar. I can have any guy I want, one little call and I’ll have my ex wrapped around my finger.” You say with a head tilt,”All this bull shit cause I want to go out with my friend. I’m over this shit.” You scoff more to yourself than to him,”You have been with Sad Eyez practically every night, so why is it a issue when I want to go out?”
“It’s a issue because I say it is. What me and my brothers do is business, something you don’t even need to be concerned about.”
“Fuck that, I’m your girl ain’t I? I’m going to be concerned and don’t be sly about what you do with your homies. I know they are all single, so that means y’all be having hynas around. I’m not dumb Oscar.”
“Nah you don’t know what the fuck you talking about and you ain’t my girl if you get in that car.” He shrugs,”Little street walker, go on then. Them streets calling yo name mamas.”
You can’t help but laugh at him, finding this whole situation annoying and amusing at the same time,”I sure am for the streets. The streets are my home.” You agree with ease,”Let me go get to them then before it gets to late.”
“Yo shit will be packed and ready for you.” He warns, watching you walk off with out another word,”Grimey ass! Don’t come back here!” He shouts before waving his hand in dismissal and heading inside.
“What the fuck was all that?” Naomi asks with a raised eyebrow,”He okay?”
“No, it’s Oscar. He’s always pissed off about something.” You tell her with clipped tone as you pull on your seatbelt.
“Why is he such a Debby downer! We don’t need no bad vibes over here. We are getting turnt tonight.” Your best friend groans as she speeds off before going into a conversation about one of the newer Santo members that she recently hooked up with.
After arriving at the bar, you let Naomi wander off after you guys got seated. She wanted to mingle and you were okay with that since you were busy arguing with Oscar over text.
*You foul. How you just gonna leave me?* He sends,*You really tried to sneak off on me?! Ha! Yo ass got caught.*
*You were being a asshole and I knew if I told you I was going out you still would have been against me coming.*
*Yeah I would have! Wanna know why? Cause I bet if I pull up right now you two are gonna be surrounded by guys. You love the attention don’t ya? Witcho thirsty ass.*
*Actually I’m sitting by myself because like always you’re trying to ruin my night. Cry baby ass boy. Such a cry baby that you have a stupid tear tattooed on your stupid face.*
*Aight smart ass, we throwing low blows? You know what this tattoo means. Don’t get it twisted. You must have me confused for some other foo. Why you still texting me? Go entertain them dudes you with.*
*Oh you’re so hard. I’m so scared.* You reply as you feel a presence take a seat across from you,*I don’t have time for this right now Oscar and I will gladly entertain them cause I’m single at this point. You do you and I’ll do me.* You double text before putting your phone inside the small clutch.
“You good ma? I see you over here with your head buried in your phone. You ain’t having a good time?” A deep voice says as you look up to take in the man in front of you. You’d be lying if you said he didn’t look good. He was on the shorter side but he was muscular and had some weight on him. Not to mention the fact that he was covered from head to toe in tattoos. He was definitely somebody you’d be attracted to back in the day, however since you met Oscar nobody can compare to him in your eyes.
“Oh hi.” You smile and meet his gaze,”I am having a good time, I just got caught up with something. What about you? Are you having a good time?”
“I am. Are you here by yourself?” He questions,”That can’t be any fun.”
“No, I’m here with my friend...she’s right over there.” You say after scanning the bar and pointing her out,”The short red head.”
“Oh so it’s a girls night out then? I don’t mean to interrupt.” He smirks
“You’re fine.” You smile,”You’re not interrupting anything.”
“That’s what’s up then, I’m Sergio by the way and you are?” He asks and holds his hand out for you to take.
“Y/N.” You smile and reach across to shake his hand, Naomi coming over seconds later and glancing in between the two of you.
“Hi. Naomi here, her best friend.” She says with a large smile before whispering in your ear,”Are you single tonight or que?”
“Seems like it.” You giggle awkwardly as you keep eye contact with your new male companion,”So I take it your not here alone then?”
“Nah, I’m with a few of my homies. We got a little section in the back over there. I actually came over here to ask if you wanted to join us. The both of you.” He explains as he stands up with a small slap on the table,”What do y’all say?”
“She’s down.” Naomi agrees eagerly,”We are both down.”
“Sure.” You laugh as you stand up,”Only if you have bottles though.” You joke
“Oh baby, I got henny, vodka, patron. Whatcha want to sip on tonight?” He asks as he leads the way over to the rented out sections.
“Aye I’m down with all of that.” You shrug, you weren’t nearly this talkative when it came to meeting new people but Oscar was getting on your nerves and you wanted to have a little fun. Besides it’s not like he’s going to find out, you didn’t even tell him where you went. Not to mention the fact that you just ‘broke up’ with him. As far as you’re concerned you’re single for the night. If he’s allowed to do it to you, you can do the same to him. You grab a hold of Sergios arm as he pushes through the crowd, Naomi doing the same and grabbing your hand,”You can make me a drink since y’all got all these bottles.”
He smiles down at you when he feels your touch,”I got you girl, don’t even worry.”
“Make sure it’s strong though. I ain’t with that weak shit.”
“Shit, don’t have to tell me twice.” He chuckles,”Double shot for yo ass it is. What about you, you drinking?” He asks back at Naomi.
“Hell yeah but I’ll ask one of your little friends to make my drink.” She jokes, all three of you laughing.
“That’s a bet. I’m sure one of them will gladly do that. You have your pick.” He grins as he comes to a stop in front of a round booth, three equally tatted up guys sitting down at it.
“That’s Zay, Jojo, and that’s Reggie.” He introduces.
“What’s up?”
“Nice to meet ya.” They all speak, letting Naomi slide in first before you do the same. Sergio getting in last as he presses up against your side. He reaches for the clear liquor and begins to make you a drink as you all get to know each other a bit more. It’s not long before all of you guys are a bit tipsy, you and Sergio getting a bit handsy at one point. Nothing to serious, just the casual arm around the shoulder or hand on the thigh.
“Aye what time is it? Aren’t they closing soon?” Naomi slurs, the last call for drinks being shouted through out the bar.
“Damn, it’s already 2. Fuck it we can go to a after hours club.” Jojo says as he finishes off the bottle of henny in one swing.
“2?” You ask as you search for your phone in your clutch,”Damn.” You say to yourself as you see all the missed calls and text from Oscar.
“Yo man blowing you up?” Sergio asks with a smug look as he sees all the notifications on your bright phone screen.
“He’s not my man right now...I think.” You admit honestly.
“Aye, I ain’t judging.” He shrugs while holding his hands up,”I will judge you if you don’t take another shot though.” He laughs as he reaches for the patron and waves the bottle in front of you.
“Why? You can’t handle anymore?” You tease as you take it from him and bring it to your lips, taking a bit more than expected as you scrunch up your face after,”I shouldn’t have done that.” You giggle, already knowing you were at your limit. It didn’t take long for the liquor to hit you. Your vision slightly blurry and everything around you making you laugh. It’s not till a lit song comes on that you and Naomi get up and dance in the little section. Your friend recording everything and posting it without double checking the footage. Which is how Oscar found out where you were and who you were with, Naomi accidentally getting you throwing it back on Sergio for a few seconds before you bust out in laughter.
Oscar stands up from the couch so fast after watching her Snapchat that his homies follow suit,”We gotta roll out.” He barks as he picks up his gun off the coffee table and tucks it in the waistband of his pants.
“What’s wrong foo? Something happen on the block?” Sad Eyez asks worriedly
“Nah but something bout to happen.” He answers as he heads to the front door,”I’m bout to catch another case. My girl got me fucked up.”
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hardyimagines · 5 years
may i ask for something like Reggie finds Ron and you kissing sweetly and he is like o.O and ron gets embarrassed and you are like 😍😍 cause you can't believe you're in love w this teddy bear
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Red. It was the color of passion. It was the raw, blinding color you saw in moments of intense heat. It was the color that stained your boyfriend’s cheeks when you complimented him. It was the tint that circled your swollen lips after hours of kissing. The color of racing hearts. Cherry chapstick. Mingling tongues. Angry stares.
Ron was stood in the corner with his elbow laid out on the sticky countertop. The bar was drenched in spilled liquor and toppled over glasses, waiting to be tilted upright. He sent a glare toward the dishes, too annoyed to pick them up himself, so instead he merely stared. His fingertips drummed against the counter hollowly, beating against it repeatedly and without fault in its rhythm. He casted a glance toward the drunk guests that weaved between one another and danced clumsily around the room. Each and every person in the club was pumped full of the addicting alcohol and as he watched the laughing idiots, he couldn’t help but to pity them. They looked so pathetic, he decided, as he watched men roar with laughter and women bat their eyelashes toward blokes who were clearly uninterested. Alcohol made people stupid and stupid people got on his nerves.
A heavy grunt left his lips, a sound drowned out by the noisy music in the room. He ran his tongue over his lips before turning away from the noisy occupants and instead completely toward the counter.
His twin brother, Reggie was stood on the opposite side of the counter, dishing out cups of ice for thirsty consumers. Usually neither of them tended the bar, but tonight, Reggie felt a bit generous and wanted to be more involved. Ron watched as ice cube after ice cube was placed in a cup before that cup was given to whoever had requested it. He was bored, completely and utterly ready to go home. The man use to find entertainment in hanging out with the lads, but that no longer mattered to him.
He use to enjoy toying with the boys that worked for them. Using them as much as possible. But he never truly loved them. He’d just cared for them when need be. His blue eyes fell to the counter, sticking to it like the liquor did. But they didn’t matter anymore — not since he’d met you.
“Your girl’s here.” Reggie informed his brother before pointing toward the door.
Ron didn’t hesitate before craning his neck around so he could look in your direction. You rarely ever stopped by the club. You were similar to Ron in a sense of hating crowds. Especially overly loud ones with people who wanted to convince themselves they were much drunker than they actually were. The red dress you wore embraced your body snugly. It twinkled beneath the bright lights in the room, shimmering because of the sparkles that bordered the entirety of it. And it didn’t take long at all for you to spot him. Your pretty painted lips curved upward, a delicate smile sent directly in his direction.
Reggie moved out from behind the counter to tend to Albie who’d requested his presence earlier, so as he slipped away from the bar just as you moved between the crowd and headed toward your boyfriend.
He always looked so handsome at work, dressed down in a smart suit. Tonight he wore black. Solid. No pinstripes. The white collar that bordered his jacket was from the button down under his blazer and he looked sickeningly attractive. Ron lifted his fingers to his glasses, pushing the frame up and along the curvy bridge of his nose as he watched you approach. Everyone else in the room faded away and all he saw was you.
Your small hand extended toward his when he was within reach and he wasted no time at all before locking his fingers around your own and guiding you into him completely. Your hands lifted to his strong chest, laying against his warm skin as you stared up at his features.
“Evening.” He uttered hoarsely.
“Good evening, Mr. Kray. Are you having a good night?” You inquired breathily. He bit his cheek briefly.
“It’s much better now, innit.” He murmured before placing his large hand on the curve of your hip. His thick fingers were strong on your waist, tender but firm as he drew you forward and toward him, no shyness in how close he held you to him.
“Such a charmer, you are.” You smiled playfully before moving your hand to his cheek. Tracing his warm, soft skin, you sucked in a deep breath before using the height of your heels to assist you in reaching your boyfriend’s lips. You’d been waiting all day for a kiss and you’d be damned if it’d be delayed any longer. Placing your hand on the back of his neck, you drew him forward and toward you so your mouths could connect.
Ron never kissed you in public. It was too dangerous. Too unknown. What if someone dangerous saw? But in that moment he found it too hard to care. His stomach twisted with delight and his heart hammered with excitement. His mouth slanted perfectly against yours, opening and closing at just the right pace. You hummed out breathily, always in shock by how good something so simple felt. Your arms wound around his shoulders, refusing to part with him. He tasted so good. He kissed so good. He made you feel so good.
“Jesus, can’t the pair of you get a room?” Reggie’s voice cut into the mix. It was an instant mood killer. Ron drew back sharply, as if your lips had been burning his own and when you looked toward his twin, it was only to shoot daggers at him. Ron was red in the face, blood boiling and stomach twisting from frustration. All he saw was red. You wouldn’t have been surprised if all hell broke loose, but Ron managed to keep himself cool.
Reggie was baffled. You could see that as you ogled him. He knew that the pair of you were dating, but he didn’t know you were that close already. He’d never seen his brother kiss anyone before so the sight was a bit.. shocking. He folded his arms over his chest stiffly before looking toward Ron with a confused expression. He knew that the pair of you were serious, but this serious? Serious enough to kiss in public and expose your relationship to everyone?
Ron Kray had red cheeks and shuffled his weight like a child who’d just been told off as he lazily messed with the glasses on his face. He looked so pathetically innocent in that moment — so deceiving. He couldn’t drag his eyes off of the floor as he tried to swallow down the ebarassment he felt at being caught. You fidgeted too, though your wiggling was from impatience. You wanted to kiss him again.. so you didn’t wait much longer before slinking closer to your handsome man. You stepped closer to the front of your boyfriend before swallowing thickly. Gently grabbing ahold of the front of his smooth tie, you lugged him down and forward in order to lock your lips together, staining his pink lips red.
Reggie lifted his hand to his face, shielding his eyes from the sight. A low growl left his lips, a sound warning his brother to find a different space to kiss you in, but the sound Ron set free was enough to make Reggie back off. He wasn’t moving this time. And he wasn’t breaking the kiss. You’d given him the confidence he needed as your mouth opened unashamedly against his, arms curling around his middle this time as you lazily began to sway to the soft music.
A grumpy Reggie moved around the pair of you, unsure of how to process the fact that his brother was in a stable relationship before he was. He took it upon himself to wipe down the counters and clean up the dishes in order to avoid looking anywhere but at the gross scene of his brother making out with you.
Ron, on the other hand, was beginning to lose the rosy color in his face. His skin returned to its normal tone and his arms wrapped around you more securely, kissing you deeper and deeper as each second ticked by. It was a lovely surprise having you stop by the club, and after today, he hoped you’d do it a lot more often.
Tagged: @peakblogbecauseimweak @mollybegger-blog @morphoportis @ghost-of-student-sufferings @drippydownes2002 @ellar21 @sovereigngoth @willowick13 @pansexualginger @marvelgirl7 @heyitscam99 @wow-he-cute @haroldpain @justrepostandlove @emerald-bijou @multireality @innerpaperexpertcloud @goodiesintheclosetlove @giftofdreams @ihclipse @inkedfandom @thatsamegirl @doct0rstrange @jakechillenhaal @shanty-lol @centerhabit @clevertheoristpainter @jamierdr @favouritereadings @badmaax @thephuonganh @wewillfindourwaythere @uhhhemilyrose @scarrasco1325 @matoki-darkpanda @bignastyfan-nz @hot-and-spiceyyy @azayamari @shane-isa-shame @chimthighz @baliadelcuore @lonewolf471 @crldrr @keeleyella @overitall2018 @lovebitesimagines @eddieisasnack
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dr0wning-in-hell · 7 years
Get Over Her - Archie Andrews
summary : you’re trying to get your best friend to get over Betty now that she’s with Jughead, but it takes more convincing than you thought.
warning : minimal cursing, crushes, lol that’s probably it.
word count : 1.7k
pairing / characters : Archie Andrews x reader, Betty, Veronica, mentions of Jughead, mentions of Reggie, mentions of Jason 
prompt : reader tells Archie to get over Betty.
A/N : so short, sorry, but I had this idea so why not write it? Send in prompt requests, idk what to write.
master list | requests | prompt list | my wattpad
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“Stop.” Y/N said to her friend.
He looked over at her, eyebrows raised. “What?”
Groaning, Y/N turned towards the ginger boy. “Stop staring at Betty like that, you like every other thirsty hoe in the school.” Archie laughed, but Y/N was being 100 percent serious. ”I’m serious, Archie. You need to get over Betty.” Archie’s face fell.
He never realized it, not until Betty and Jughead started dating, but he loved her, and now he was to late. He lost his chance, and now there was nothing he could do about it. He sighed in frustration and defeat, his head hanging low. Y/N patted his shoulder gently.
“Come on you sad lump, let’s get to class.” Y/N said, hoisting he sad friend up from the bench the two were sitting on. Betty, Jughead, Veronica, and Kevin had already left, leaving Y/N and the ginger boy to themselves. Archie huffed, getting up and following her to their next class of the day.
Y/N hated seeing Archie so upset and heartbroken, but maybe it was just because they were friends, or maybe because she love him. It was silly to Y/N to love someone that would never love you back the same way, all the pining and running. It was an endless loop of Y/N’s life. Sighing, Y/N tried to shake these recurring thoughts from her head as she wrote in her notebook. From the corner of her eye she saw Archie still staring at the blonde girl a  few rows ahead of them. Y/N rolled her eyes, ripping out a piece of paper and throwing it at Archie. He jumped at the sudden contact, his head twisting in Y/N’s direction.
“Stop staring.” Y/N scolded. To almost everyone Y/N was the ‘mom friend’ of almost everyone. It didn’t matter who you were she always acted like a mother.
Archie rolled his eyes at his friend and looked towards the board, but not without taking one last glance at Betty. The rest of their classes went along this way. Archie stared at Betty, Archie got scolded by Y/N, and endless loop of the same thing that had been happening for years.
By the end of the day, Archie had about three paper cuts from wadded up paper balls that Y/N had thrown at him. He hissed slightly went Y/N reached up to gently pat it with Neosporin. Y/N only chuckled, catching Archie’s attention. He watched the way her mouth curved and the way her dimples were shown, and the way she scrunched up her nose, and how her eyes were squinted. His heart probably skipped a beat at the sight of her looking so... pure.
“Alright, you’re ready for practice. Go, I’ll be here like always.” She said, patting Archie’s arm. He blinked quickly, getting back to reality.  He nodded slightly and slipped his helmet off, giving Y/N a small smile before he jogged off to meet the rest of his team mates. Y/N sat on the bleachers, doing homework that wasn’t due for another week, until she got bored with and started doodling on her paper. People would tell her that she was a talented artist and should do more with her skills, but to her she didn’t see why people thought her art was that good in the first place. Hell, she didn’t even think it was worthy enough to be art.
By the second hour of football practice, cheer practice had already ended. Veronica and Betty knew that Y/N would be out on the bleachers, so that’s here they head. The climbed up the bleachers, setting their bags to the sides and watched Y/N doodle. They were both watching Y/N like they would a movie or tv show. Y/N knew they were their, and she didn’t mind that they were watching her. She had grown used to it.
“You're doing it again.” Veronica stated, looking at Y/N.
Y/N rose an eyebrow, looking up at the raven haired girl. “Doing what, Ronnie?” She asked. Veronica chuckled, shaking her head.
“Drawing Archie.” The girls looked at Archie, who was to busy to notice them staring. “You do it all the time.” Y/N laughed, shutting her notebook and turning to Ronnie.
“I do not draw Archie all the time, okay? I just had nothing to do, so that happened.” Y/N said, gesturing towards her notebook. “Besides what does it matter if I draw him or not? It’s not like he’ll ever see them anyways.” Right as Y/N had said those words, a sweaty Archie Andrews came jogging over to them. Veronica and Betty nodded to one another, right before Betty snatched Y/N’s notebook from her lap. She opened up to the page, pushing it into Archie’s face.
“Look at what Y/N drew.” Betty said. Y/N reached out to grab her notebook, but Betty moved farther away. Huffing, Y/N sat back down, crossing her arms over her chest. Archie squinted as he looked over the drawing of him. He looked from the sketch to Y/N several times. His mouth felt dry, as if he hadn’t drank any water in days. Swallowing a hard lump, he look at Y/N.
“Th-that’s really good, Y/N/N. I didn’t know you could draw so well.” He said, voice cracking slightly out of nervousness.
Ronnie smirked nudging Y/N. “There’s a lot you don’t know about her.” Y/N swatted at Veronica, hitting her square in the chest. Ronnie’s hands went straight towards her boobs, a groan of pain coming from her lips. “That was my boob.” She grumbled. Y/N shrugged.
“Karmas a bitch.”
Archie’s coach yelled for the team to re-group. Archie smiled at the three girls, before jogging back over to his team. As he left, Y/N was swatting her friends.
“Why the hell would you two do that?” Y/N said as she yanked her notebook out of Betty’s hands. The blonde rolled her eyes.
“You really need to tell him you like him before he starts dating another teacher.” Y/N chuckled, shoving her notebook into her bag. “I’m serious! The whole school already thinks you and Archie are together, so why not make their rumors true?”
Y/N sighed, running her hand through her Y/H/C hair. “Because he doesn't like me, Betts. He still likes you, and I’m pretty sure he likes Valerie, so what chance do I have? There’s no point in telling him how I feel if he’ll never feel the same way?”
Betty shook her head, grabbing her friends wrists. “Don’t do what I did and don’t tell him. We all know how you feel towards him, and we are pretty damn sure that he feels that same way, so go for it! You don’t live life if you’re not taking risks right?” Y/N chuckled, nodding. Betty smiled and let go of her wrists. The three girls sat and talked, mostly gossiping over the latest things in Riverdale, which wasn’t much except for the murder of Jason Blossom.
When football practice ended Y/N waited for Archie like she always does, leaning on the wall outside of the boy’s locker room as she picked at her nails. Archie was always one of the last ones to come out from the locker room, seeing as though he almost always got into arguments with Reggie. He walked out, hair slightly dam from taking a quick shower. Y/N pushed herself off the wall, smiling at Archie. He returned the smile, but something seemed different.
The duo always walked home with one another, just to keep each other company. Tonight was just like every other night where the walked in silence, just listening to the soft sounds that surrounded Riverdale. Interrupting the silence however, was Archie.
“Do I really stare at Betty a lot? I mean, half the time I don’t even notice I’m doing it.” He says, looking down at Y/N.
She shrugged, pushing stray hairs behind her ears. “I mean to me, it’s like she’s all you ever see.” She sighed, shaking her head and swaying her Y/H/C hair. “You need to get over, Archie. Not your friendship, of course, but that crush you have on her, you need to get over it.”
Archie nodded. “I know, but-” Y/N cut him off with her hand in his face.
“No ‘but’s, Andrews. You have two girls that I know of pining after you and chasing you, but you don’t even realize it..” Now Y/N was letting out her feelings, but the poor thing didn’t realize it.
“Two girls? Who?” Archie asked, suddenly interested. Y/N’s eyes widened as the words she had just spoken hit her straight in the face.
She gulped. “Oh you know, Valerie, and... and other people.” She said, trying her hardest to avoid any eye contact. Archie laughed, tilting his head back slightly.
“Other girls? You only said two, so who could that other one be?” Y/N looked up slightly through her hair. Archie’s face went slack as the thought of it being Y/N made his heart race. “You...?” He said slowly. Y/N looked down quickly. The two stopped in front of her house, which was right across the street from Archie’s.
“I-I’ll see you tomorrow, Archie.” She said, turning away from the boy. His hands wrapped around her arm softly tugging her back to face him.
“You like me?” He asked, his voice serious but full of curious. Y/N’s head nodded slowly, confirming Archie’s words.
Y/N stuttered as she tried to explain. “I- I just didn’t tell you because you were with Grundy, and I knew Betty and Valerie like you so I just-” This time it was Archie’s turn to cut off Y/N’s rambling, but instead of his hand being in her face, his lips were on hers. Y/N was shocked, standing still for a moment, but she began to relax and kiss the ginger boy in front of her back.
The kiss was probably about one ore two minutes long, before they pulled away from each other. Y/N stepped back, the space gaining between her and Archie once more.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” She said, walking to her door. She turned her head as she opened the door. Archie could see the smile she was fighting to hold back and the slight puffiness to her lips. “And Archie? Get over Betty before you kiss me next time.”
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