#(OOC: Sorry this took so long!
Vern's Hometown: Centennial Celebration
Book 1: A Founding Fiasco
Chapter 1: A Tiny Dilemma
"Oh! And umm... anyone who needs their refill while I'm gone-"
"-has to present their student ID and we check the chart... We know! Just go," Pam snaps as they tap their roots on the desk.
Vern nods, more to himself than the plants, "o-okay.... umm... r-right. Okay. Call if you ummm... need anything!"
The crocuses start prodding him to move towards the door. All of them start talking slightly over each other, "don't worry! Bennet is coming in to help!!!!"
He hesitantly lets them push him out while trying to not step on any of their thin roots. Not even a moment after the little flowers shove him into the hall, the infirmary door slamming shut echoes off the stone walls. He blinks, adjusting his satchel before starting off towards the mirror hall. Each footstep disturbs the silence of the school.
It was too early to leave, and yet... his amber gaze drops to the basket in his grip. The lavender cloth covering it slightly rustles as he walks. He hadn't found someone to watch his bunnies. The centennial will keep him busy and his stomach twists at the thought of not having enough time for them. He considers asking one of Uncle's... no, they would also be busy.
As he arrives at the mirror chamber, Koa lifts his head from where he's laying. Vern let the elk out of the stables earlier. His familiar had sent him out of the room several times in the past few hours. The elk's ear twitches, watching Vern carefully as he stares at the mirrors.
"Patience... you-"
"-I know," he sighs, grip tightening as he turns to Koa, "I'm umm... my stomach is all um... knotted a-and ummm... my hands are umm... shaky, too..."
"That is your nerves and anxiety. He will-"
"-and if he doesn't? What if no one-"
"-Vern," Koa stands, taking a few strides towards him. The elk bends its head down to press against Vern's forehead, "everything will be alright."
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Chapter 2: The Sleepiest Solution
Vern jumps a little at the familiar voice. Smiling as he turns, he takes care to not jostle the basket of bunnies too much. His nerves are somewhat eased to see Steel finally join him. Part of him wanted to ask about the lack of any visible blot, but the memory of Pam’s scathing remarks tie his tongue.
“G-good morning, I’m umm… thank you, again for um…” he pauses, noticing Nightshade attempting to nose his way out of the basket. Vern frowns a little as he carefully tries to nudge the rabbit’s head back under the blanket.
“Eh, no problem..” he earns a shrug and a raised brow, “you brought the bunnies?”
Vern lifts the basket higher to let Steel pet Nightshade, “I umm… couldn’t find someone to um… watch them…”
“Hm...” a playful grin slowly crosses Steel’s features, “I know someone~”
He looks up at him, “r-really? Are you umm…. sure they won’t mind?”
“Sure...” Steel only winks “it’ll be fun~”
“O-okay…” Vern fidgets slightly, but quickly follows him. He’s hesitates before stepping through the Diasomnia mirror. The ever-looming storm causes his nerves to spike as lightning flashes. Walking faster, he does his best to stay close to Steel while his amber gaze continuously darts to the sky. His muscles lose some tension as they enter the dorm. Every window they pass, he unconsciously checks the sky. Vern briefly draws Steel’s attention as he accidentally bumps into his arm.
“… right. I can take them for you, if you want,” he offers, his voice a bit softer than normal.
Vern stiffens at a distant rumble of thunder, “I-I would umm… rather um… s-stay…”
“… alright..”
They eventually reach a familiar door, giving Vern pause as Steel steps into the dorm. Despite his initial hesitation, he follows and looks around. It’s probably a good thing that Silver has not woken up, or perhaps it’s the opposite?
“You can set them over there.”
Nodding, Vern places the basket in the corner. Smiling to himself, he whispers a small farewell as he casts for some vines to create a nice enclosure for them.
“A-and you’re umm… sure he won’t mind?”
Shrugging, Steel leads Vern back into the hall, “animals like him, no worries~”
Vern nods as they head back towards the mirror chamber. He barely notices Steel quickly sending a text and quietly hopes he tells Silver about the bunnies.
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Chapter 3: A Land Called Paradise
Vern looks around as they return to the mirror chamber. Koa seems to have stretched his legs a bit while waiting. The elk's ear twitches as the pair returns, aware of more footsteps heading towards the chamber.
"You found a suitable place for the small ones?"
Vern glances at Steel, a bit of humor lighting his own eyes after a moment, "I ummm... think so, yeah..."
"Good," Koa nods, "it's almost time for the others to be arriving..."
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(@golden-threads-local-group) [LIVE BROADCAST] - Private Twelve Endless Nights, Three Stars Above Clouds TEN: Is this working? TEN: Our communications array has been down for some time. TEN: To the intended recipient of this broadcast, I am Twelve Endless Nights. I, too, was built as an observatory to study the skies above. TEN: After spending far too long only to be able to speak with my own group, it is a relief to speak with another possibly like-minded individual. TEN: Tell me, how has your work gone? Are your systems and instruments in good condition? How grateful I am to speak with another of my caliber!
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TSAC: Ah, hello Twelve Endless Nights! I recall reading some of your published methodology many cycles ago; I have stored it in my archives alongside the research of others in my field of study. I am glad we are able to speak together!
My work has been proceeding as normal. My nightly sky surveys provide me with a near-constant stream of data to analyze, which keeps my processing strata rather busy. If you would like me to share any survey data with you, please let me know; I have preserved my results from several of the past hundred cycles within my Memory Conflux.
(However, the data payload may be quite dense… too dense to send over the broadcast network in a timely manner. It may be more efficient to deliver the data via a pearl… perhaps I should look into some alternative communication methods. Let me know if you have any ideas.)
Some parts of my facility have… seen better days. But the damage is not severe enough to prevent me from doing my work. I’m grateful that my equipment has remained functional for so long after our creators’ departure. I have learned from listening to broadcasts that some of our peers have not been so lucky.
How are you? And your group members, if you have any? I hope the issues with your communications array has not made your work more difficult. Have you uncovered anything interesting recently that you are willing to share?
[ OOC: Ancient typeface source, Inspiration ]
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askthedragonriders · 11 months
For everyone: what is your favourite dragon species? Even if it's not one you can train or ride, is there one you want to know more about?
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I'm not sure I can pick another species as a favorite, but I can tell you which I want to know more about besides Night Furies. Sand Wraiths are a rarity but look related to Night Furies? It's odd and I hope we find more of them. The same goes for Woolly Howls. -Hiccup
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An easy pick for a favorite. Deadly Nadders have the hottest fire out of all the dragons and are precise, sharp, and deadly. Stormfly also taught me how to relax and have fun. For other dragons, anything in the Sharp class, even if Stormfly is a Tracker class dragon now. -Astrid
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I couldn't bear to pick any dragon other than my Meatlug. Gronckles may be slow but they're tough and pretty agile! They can fly in any direction due to the way their wings hover. They're also immune to dragon root! They're also essential for Gronckle Iron! And they spew literal lava just by eating rocks! Gronckles are amazing!! And for learning about any others?? Gosh, there's so many... all of them if the gods allow it... -Fishlegs
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Need I remind you that Monstrous Nightmares are the best? Literally? They're the one Vikings fear the most. I just happen to be cool enough to ride one. Although, the idea of training a Skrill has crossed my mind. A Monstrous Nightmare and a Skrill under my belt? I'd be unstoppable. -Snotlout
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Zipplebacks cause so much damage. Have you seen them spin in a flame wheel? We've tried to get Barf and Belch to do it while we're riding them but they refuse. Having the two heads is nice though, for fun and honestly for cuddles. Barf especially loves them. The gas Barf releases is a weapon on its own, too. As for another dragon? I miss Scauldy. -Ruffnut
Imagine a Changewing? They're so cool! They spit acid! It could be used to melt so many faces! Don't get me started on a Whispering Death, either! They look so creepy and gods, the amount of tunnels they could dig for you... Oh, right. Belch is super cool. Like, he basically is snapping his throat like I snap my fingers, except his throat snaps and causes fires. I need a match to do that. His is built in. -Tuffnut
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askchilchuck · 26 days
Hello, this is half-dwarf half-half-foot (....quarter-foot?) from before!
I've taken up fishing by Kakha Brud and it's not too bad. Little boring, but better than nothing right? My other option was selling dragon dung, and while I was... morbidly curious what that experience would be like, I figured it wasn't worth the risk of going somewhere shitty (ha).
Good news though! I met a potion brewer who was willing to use changeling mushrooms in one of their experiments! Aaaand I'll be the one to test it! 🌟🌟🌟
(They seem to have either ignored your advice on the mushrooms or forgotten it.)
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Seriously, you need to be carful with that kind of stuff! It’s not something you should be playing around with!
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Wh- What? When did-
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ask-garymiller · 8 months
do you ever miss heaven, or are you happier in hell?
(sorry if this is a heavy question for a silly askblog but i’m curious)
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I wouldn't say I love it, but I don't regret the rebellion. It's what you people would call "the lesser of two evils" as funny as that is.
At least, I'm enjoying my freedom in Hell.
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faeriegirlshroom · 4 months
- @transfem-goddess-temple -
Let’s make a deal~
I can grant the powers indomitable, the station of angel in my high court, and the right to fuck any of the sluts within my temple walls. All I require is your obedience, and your worship of my massive Goddess cock. Does that sound fair?
If so, the deal is struck~
See, this one's a tough one for me. I've been lurking about your temple for a bit, and you seem very interesting... but.
I've never had much faith in the gods, fate, or divinity. Really, all I've gotten from your ilk is hurt. So, in fact, I've honestly developed quite the resentment of the gods. Besides, this deal of yours could use some work, honey~. So, from fae to goddess, I'll give you gesture of, well, good faith, if you will, as a freebie this time around, and give you some advice.
You're gonna need to work on your specifics, darling, if you want to get anywhere with my crowd~. Both for your safety as well as ours. I'd like some details on your "powers indomitable", and what the role of an angel in your court entails, responsibilities and benefits and the like, as well as what you'll command me to do in my obedience of you... because I'm not signing a contract if I don't know what I'm getting myself into. Wording as well. "Any" of the sluts in your temple is a descriptor that I'd say includes you, dear~
So, prove to me you're different from the rest of your kind, and perhaps I'll consider your offer...~
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Hi! I was walking by your office the other day and a saw a man dangling out the window. Is everything good over there?
That's odd, I don't think we've had another Window Incident since we moved offices. Give me a second to check some stuff.
Alright, I've taken a look at some things, and are you sure that you're in Paris right now and not in 1832 Paris? I guess there's a guy hanging out a window at this point in 1832? Apparently he looks "kind of like Citizen Saint-Just, except blonde". Weird. I don't know what...
If you're certain that you're here in this year right now, then I'd recommend you report the situation to the medical authorities and forget you ever read this. Please.
Have a good day!
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hatterofthelabyrinth · 2 months
I have an idea why don't you ride those fish things and let them take you somewhere
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Ride them? I don’t know, they seem pretty small to me. Plus, they’re flying fish. If I did grab onto one, then I am very, very far off the ground. I uh…I don’t think I’m confident enough in my ability to hold on to things for that long. Buut…maybe I could hook something onto them? Make a little flying transport?
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Then there would be the issue of trying to get them to carry me...Who knows how many fish I'd need to catch. And I don't know about you, but I've never been much of a fisherman.
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metalbeardthepirate · 22 days
hi there captain! it's great to see you've joined us! have you spoken to any of the others yet? i bet benny will be excited to know you're around!
Ahoy me hand! It always be good to see a friendly face! I be talkin' to many a masterbuilder matey these past weeks, me hearty spaceman Benny, her royal highness Unikitty, even that Rex lad be subject to me yappin'! I also be talkin' to some less savory folks, like that Business scallywag, but I be havin' a splendid time seein' me good mateys! I were quite pleased to see Benny again, it had been a while since our last meetin', so it were a superb surpise to be shootin' the breeze with that spaceman again.
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eldersoonglore · 2 months
Continuation of this thread with @data-dominant
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The paralyzed android sat there for a moment, a wave of shock and sadness rippling through him as his eyes fell on his niece's immobile body. He had heard some whispers here and there about another Soong-type being here, but it was never clear to him who that may be. Now that he was laying eyes on her for the first time, a slight shifting of goals switched deep in his chest.
He had notoriously been eager to reunite with family, after all.
Lore cut the feed as soon as his brother instructed him to cover him. He wasn't sure what his brother meant by that or what his plan was. Perhaps he meant to keep the door locked. There wasn't much he could do, but even still, the elder android shifted his efforts to gain that access. If he could figure it out in time, maybe he could prevent his own deactivation and give his brother enough time to find him.
Meanwhile, Maddox stood outside of Lal's lab where Data had just shut the hydraulic doors in his face. Something was off about this whole situation, causing the cyberneticist to squint his eyes suspiciously.
"Go and check on our friend downstairs. If his neural activity levels have risen substantially since the Lt. Commander has arrived, shelf him," he instructs his assistant, Deveraux.
"Of course, sir, but wouldn't that have risks disconnecting his matrix so quickly? It would be like tearing a rooted tree out of the ground-" the meek underling replies, to which Maddox snaps at him.
"Just do as I say! I don't have a good feeling about this either..." Maddox's expression says it all, twisting in anxiety to match the feeling bubbling in his gut.
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sirmariusrenathyr · 4 months
*there's a hesitant knock on Marius's door, the voice behind it small*
sir- Sir Marius ?
*Marius breaks the door off it's top hinges as he opens it but he's not worrying about it at the moment*
Jericho! Are you alright? Where were you? I'm sorry for yelling at you, I was just alarmed and it was the first thing I could think of!
*He instantly hugs Jericho and doesn't let go like he usually does*
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defector-commander · 2 months
Hey, uh. I...I couldn't help but notice you have an exposed wire around your arm. Is that not dangerous...? What if it gets caught on something, or wet? You could die. If you'd like, I could send over some duct tape. I know, n-not much of a question, but...Yeah.
-Transcribed Audio Message from Commander Samuel (@tanejineri [since i cant give asks as a sideblog])
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If so. Ah. That is a little worrying. Thank you Samuel for the offer. Unless you prefer Commander Samuel? I don't know why you would.
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tallymarkbrothers · 10 days
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maskednihilism · 5 months
Intermission for some play he's seen more than enough times he'd like to admit. Gloved fingers tapped against the railing he was leaning against. His tools of trade, a box of cigarettes cartons was on the floor as he watched the lobby get filled up. A boring sight really. None of these people were particularly interesting. Just mindless drones of this world's current era. People who were too fast and loose with their money. That's why they were here.
Not to appreciate that artistry behind the play, no, no. But to flaunt the fact they had money for it. Young money they were called, in this era. Fools in his era. People who threw money without the true value behind each credit, oh, sorry, dollar. Foolish. They were all so foolish. His eyes peel away from the disgusting view. That's when his ears perk up.
Some sort of commotion seems to be happening by one of the spiral stairways. It was probably some drunkard or a lady who had too much to drink. But he's on the job, it was his duty to keep the peace. There's a small glimmer of hope in his emerald hues. If whatever was going on proved to be fun, maybe he'd let it slide on by as he watches the fireworks go off.
The Fool lifts his tray of cigarettes and hoists it on his back with the straps. Now he quickly moving along the crowd to find the source of the problem.
"Dear esteemed guest!" He says with a gentle voice dipped in honey. A little old lady seemed to be the source of it all. "What ever seems to be the problem here? I'm sure we can all resolve this as friends. Or else I will have to ask you to leave."
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Pyro, Can you make me a drawing of me and Archimedes =}?
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Ammphmghem amph phe mmaghmaa :)
(Archimedes likes the camera)
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x-malitae-x · 2 days
Sticker Designs :D
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Reference pictures/drawings
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