#than about vaggie
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kosssich · 3 months ago
A little while back you made a Vaggie headcanon post, and I was wondering if you’d be interested in doing the same for your Charlie. I think she just looks the coolest in your style, and I’d love to hear everything you have to say about her, if you’d want to, of course.
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actually, i realy like this idea. honestly, i wanted to make such post myself, just when i posted about vaggie, but charlie is like, far from my favorite, and i was like "meh", but when you asked and why not? if you're intrested, sure!
so, have some of my thoughts
- Fluffy girl. She has a goat coat. And goat-like features in general - hooves, ears, horns, tail.
- She’s a top. fight me.
- She has also a sweet tooth. You know that huge ass milka? I bet she and Vaggie eat that in one row
- Low self esteem and absolutely awful abandonment issues
- Her blood is deep red with beautiful little streams of gold. Her father’s legacy. Truly unique
- Charlie grew up locked in the mansion, far away from the awful life of sinners in the circle of Pride. "The Princess trapped in the tower"
- When Lilith disappeared, Charlie and Lucifer's relationship has deteriorated dramatically, Charlie moved into a Hotel. And so, with the beginning of a free, independent life, she had the opportunity to get to know her people better - to help them
- But expectations are not always met. People are... complicated. And sinners are even more complicated and contradictory. Her help turned against her
- For the first year, Charlie hated sinners. Ungrateful, disgusting bastards who only care about themselves. "You were right, Mother, Father. I hate them. I hate them. I hate them!”. She was ready to give up everything, fall on her knees in front of Lucifer, beg for forgiveness, beg that he would allow her to return to the palace
- One year she hated… The second… She observed. Why are they like that? What motivates them? What are they capable of? Can those broken souls be redeemed?
- In the third year, she stumbled upon a sinner. A sinner who showed her that maybe this stupid, immature idea of redemption was real. A sinner who, in response to salvation, offered Charlie her unwavering loyalty, her support, and eventually… her love
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sapphicstoria · 3 months ago
“Charlie and Vaggie’s duet is worthless, since it’s a recycled melody from Charlie and Lucifer’s song”
Almost like… that’s the point. It’s a parallel to show who the most important people in Charlie’s life are. They’re even animated similarly on purpose. 😭
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lucdoodle · 11 months ago
(song: Waltz in E-Major, Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" by Cojum Dip)
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the-carlos-cow-eyes · 10 months ago
Okay, this Is by far one of my favorite Chaggie moments-
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frick-it-sugar-spice · 1 year ago
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one more <3 sleeby chaggie
i love them <3<3<3<3
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fallen-exorcist · 10 days ago
Based on what I've seen, this is an extremely unpopular opinion, but I LOVE Charlie and Vaggie having a reprise of More Than Anything of their own.
Don't get me wrong, I wish they got their own song and/or the reprise was longer as much as anyone else, but I think it's a wholesome and beautiful moment between the two of them, and the use of a reprise of that song only enhances that even further.
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onesidedradiostatic · 10 months ago
anyone think about how exorcists don't seem to have strong powers like other angels we've seen so far seem to? or even. ANY powers at all?
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like out of all the exorcists, we only ever see adam using power blasts and all that, all the other exorcists seem to require WEAPONS to do their jobs, seems pretty inconvenient right? it's almost like they HAVE to carry them to do any damage at all
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I mean if they had these kinds of powers, why didn't we see any of them using them when they were DYING? moreover, NONE of them could get past alastor's shield until ADAM broke it, despite the fact that angelic power is said to hold sway over demon power.
vaggie herself hasn't been shown to really have powers aside from flight from her wings either. it makes me believe that exorcists may actually be completely powerless despite literally being made to be murder machines
their intimidation comes from flight, numbers, possession of weaponry not typically owned by the average sinner and skills to use said weaponry, otherwise they are not much stronger than the average sinner demon
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hazbinstohell · 1 year ago
Lucifer: No one will be able to treat Charlie better than her father has!
Vaggie: I’m her girlfriend…
Lucifer: Uh huh, that’s nice.
Alastor: I support her, her crazy hotel, her plan for redemption, and I want her to take charge of herself and be able to foster her potential.
Lucifer: I will DESTROY you!
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peceraynadamas · 4 months ago
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The silliest ever.
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spacebubblehomebase · 11 months ago
YeP! The #HHStargazersAU or Hazbin Hotel Stargazers Alternate Universe (if we wanna get super technical about it) is an idea I've been cooking up for a bit and it's still boiling. We still have a few world building stuff to do before I can REALLY get to the thick of it's coflict, but I'm quite excited to get this idea out of my head (and hopefully into all of yours). Until then, please look forward to it! ^v^
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Fun fact: If you're wondering why I call it the HH "Stargazers" AU (since it's not really a spoiler), it came from my idea of what to call a Vaggie & Alastor "protective partners" duo. As they're both "watching" over their respective MorningSTARS, I thought it'd be really fun to call them "STARGAZERS" in general and it works for this AU too as it's about an Angel & a Demon guarding and guiding their chosen person in some way. -Bubbly💙
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 1 year ago
So thinking about the fact that exorcists apparently don't have a sense of self-preservation and all the stuff Vagie must have done to gover her poor girlfriend a heart attack k over the years. Especially when she still thought she was a basic newly fallen Sinner and HOLY SHIT THAT'S AN OVERLORD Vaggie no!
XD what if Charlie never saw Vaggie bleed bc she rapidly realized if Vaggie got into ANY real fight it would NOT be stopping at drawn blood someone would end up dead and Vaggie (totally normal sinner???) seemed to feel like the someone couldn't possibly be her, for. Some reason
like most sinners and other demons at least have a sense of self preservation even if they're stupid about it
Vaggie? Vaggie found an angelic spear somewhere. Vaggie really wants to use the angelic spear on someone. Vaggie seems to prefer if that someone WAS and overlord, actually
Charlie pointing a claw at the spear when Vaggie's not around like "I swear if you get her killed, I don't CARE if you're her most prized posession- I am breaking you and melting you down into slag, got it?" *does the points to fingers at her eyes and at the spear and back again while in demon mode* "I'm watching you..."
girl has been alone so long she develops a rivalry with the spear over Vaggie's attention and safety -w-;
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blenselche · 5 months ago
brainstorming for polyship week cuz I want to do a couple from a diff IP for each day. If you've got ideas (crackships are fine) shoot them my way, I'm a creature of habit and won't think of something unless it smacks me on the face.
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barb-l · 1 year ago
While im on the topic, the seething hatred by a huge chunk of this fandom towards Vaggie is so baffling to me. I'm not saying I expected her to be popular. I'm not new to loving an unpopular/ignored character. But the way some of these people go out of their way to misinterpret her so badly to justify their very vocal hatred for her is just such a huge shock.
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n3felibata · 10 months ago
The lack of sapphic relationships in Hellaverse is so frustrating to some people because there are so many achillean ones. I don't usually get this disappointed but the problem is the imbalance. It's honestly one of the biggest reasons I consider these shows to have terrible representation of women.
I'm not even asking for LESS mlm content, but it's odd that the shows pride themseleves in being unapologetically queer, but most of the queer representation is just man on man stuff, even if some of the relationships are more sexual than romantic. The double standard is clear and the only thing that's more frustrating is the way the fandom refuses to admit how weird it is
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sallieraptor · 29 days ago
love this frame sm cuz Vaggie's a cutie n Lute is so bird of prey here .. her hand is just like a talon and her nose is so beak UGH this pathetic babe is hunting her prey here idc
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sunsetmountainlion · 7 months ago
I got this comment from @a-cold-day-in-pentagram-city -
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On this post, and I’ve decided it gets a whole post so I can ramble.
Yes! The exorcists do indeed share their forest with many Australian species. All animals go to Heaven, and they all end up similar to the Eden animals upon crossing the rainbow bridge; friendly and docile. They may not be social, but they’re not going to attack anybody.
The forest actually predates the exorcists, but it wasn’t hard for Adam and Sera to set things up so the exorcists could inhabit it too. So the forest wasn’t made for them, but they inhabit it happily and feel quite at home. The animals also easily adapted to the additional buildings (a forge, the training grounds, the armory, etc) and their new neighbors.
A lot of the exorcists have bonded to and keep some of the various animals as pets. Gliders that cling to their shoulders and hair, snakes that wrap around their necks and arms, dingo and thylacine packs that wander around the town, stuff like that. It’s not uncommon to see an exorcist fledgling hauling around a dingo or thylacine puppy, or find one curled up napping in a nest of snakes.
Lute doesn’t have any pets per se, but she does have a sort of mutual understanding and bond with one of the older dingoes, and she won’t complain if a glider or koala wants to hitch a ride on her.
Adam doesn’t like any of the snakes because of what happened in Eden and doesn’t really do pets, but he routinely gets into light hearted boxing matches with the buck kangaroos who live in the more outback esc areas on the edges of the forest.
Vaggie actually did have a pet, a little feathertail glider she named Spear (she’s not the best at names, sue her). Spear still lives in her treehouse, and Vaggie has a little stuffed glider she sewed. Charlie doesn’t know why Vaggie is so attached to that specific stuffie, but she doesn’t ask.
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