#(No worries!)
sequentialprophet · 4 months
All going to plan (😬) (link)
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
Navia’s strap or cock. No you cannot chose either or her fingers or anything else. Which of those two do you prefer. -🥛
🥛 anon I saw the last ask you sent about this, but I do want to inform you that this can be a bit of an insensitive question to ask imo, regarding body headcanons about Navia. (It’s actually why I didn’t answer it before)
Whether you headcanon Navia as cis or trans, it honestly doesn’t matter to me as I love Navia no matter what she has under her skirt. So I genuinely mean it when I say both is good. I pick both because neither is better or inferior to the other. I just love Navia and would be happy to take either her strap or actual cock :)
If you ask me whether I’d take her fingers or strap/dick though? Hmmmm…I’d honestly take her fingers tbh. She has some rlly long, rlly flexible fingers due to being a baker, so she can definitely knead more than just dough 😉
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aspecpolls · 8 months
Wait sorry I had an idea after the poll I just submitted, could you delete it and use this instead (it was the own about aplspec people and being aroacespec)
could you do the poll as this:
Aplspec people: are you aro(spec)/ace(spec)
Arospec allo
Arospec ace
Acespec aro
Acespec allo
Ace allo
And still do it for arospec and acespec? Sorry if I’m asking too much or anything
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ask-liam-p · 24 days
hey, uh hi, I don't wanna bother you.
Could you possibly link videos here [ if they're related to the plot ]
I'm not really able to access yt reliably and I'd like to keep up with this as much as possible [ it's really fun to read/look at, really cool thing you've got here ]
Like I said, don't wanna bother you. And if this is too much to ask don't worry about doing it
Have a great day/night ,:]
it's not at all a worry! :]
I'll see what I can do! If anything, to make things easier, I'll upload all YT video's INVOLVED with this AU on this blog! I'll get to it when I can! :]
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natonefan · 1 month
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ask-zerotrio · 2 years
To the area 0 trio, if anyone harms you just know the anonymous shall make the lab's flooding look like a very minor hiccup compared to what we anons shall do to the assailant.
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Clavell: I appreciate the thought, kind stranger, but would prefer to not resort to violence. Especially not on school grounds. That incident years back was an exception-
I doubt there will be any "assailant", especially in a place as peaceful as Paldea, much less in the Academy. Sada and Turo are back h-home and all is well—
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Ugh... Apologies, you'll have to excuse me for a bit, my friend. I h-have a slight headache suddenly. Nothing to be concerned about, I'm sure.
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jonbutter · 7 months
"people pleasers support group" i'm in this sketch and i don't like it
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inkyquince · 15 hours
maybe i got confused, i read that the mom used to moo at the screen and that she called the reader a grumpy little cow (i was asking since im making some fanart and thank god you cleared that up ajsjaj srry ill go read it all again 😋😋)
OH, THAT WAS ME HAVING A GIGGLE AT USING COW PUNS. Ya ya, she'd "moon" at the screen which just means she is staring with big eyes!
Fanart!!! YIPPEEE!!!!
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bxd-kxrma · 10 months
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I shouldn’t have had that energy drink =O
Anyone else get that hyper anxiety that you fell off with another mun due to miscommunication and bad timing and you can’t confirm if yes or no so you just boil in it and don’t want to confront them cause you’d feel like you’d make them bad off an assumption due to anxiety and stress so it just ruminates in you and once a week when they show up on your dash/IM’s the anxiety comes back and your just -steam out the ears- about it???
I’d apologize but you see, I’m terrified of people!
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haruka x michiru (sailor moon)
sumika x kanoko (yuri is my job)
v x lizzy (murder drones)
so sorry i almost forgot but it’s here now :3
YES THEY ARE MY LESBIAN MOTHERS I LOVE THEM (i have never seen sailor moon ;-; )
Okay while the aesthetics are cute, I think Sumika deserves someone who actually cares about her. She can do better rip
They are cute! I've never seen it before but I approve
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zeravmeta · 4 months
As a fan of Gundam, what is your opinion of ironblood orphan? About its ending? Would you recommend the series for a fan of giant robots in general but has not consumed gundam? If not, what series would you recommend to start with?
"as a fan of gundam" i. think you may have missent this ask? I have only ever barely posted a gundam and only having passing knowledge from mutuals who are, in fact, fans of gundam
Im actually in the same camp as you, lol. I love giant robot stuff (especially transformers) but am not a gundam enjoyer myself
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everydaythings7807 · 3 months
I'm so sorry I didn't know your birthday had passed. Happy Birthday to You! And sorry for the delay. I wish you all the best! I like your drawings.
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echo-is-super-cool · 3 months
too late now~
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kithtaehyung · 9 months
Ru gonna update this or is it cancelled ? Sorry if u mentioned it already, don't wanna be a bother
hi! which fic was this about?👀
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nyf-archive · 9 months
@luneheir | continued from x
"Carts full of loot? And you just want to scare the horses off? Perish the thought." Molly leaned their head against their hand, looking over the bandits in the distance, lips pushed out in a pout. "Cant Gale just drop a fireball on them? That should be distracting enough. They don't look like the kind that's fire resistant to me." He snickers and looks back to Karlach who gives another bit of a grin in return.
She could also definitely do some damage. Gale was obviously very unimpressed with their suggestion. "Though, it is a good plan if we don't mind losing the loot. I'm up for suggestions. Cause, what is that? Ten against us four? I think it's doable. But, if sneaking is the option, I don't mind that either." Or, they could turn into the slayer and take them all out in a few swipes.
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Warning for rib imagery and very small bits of implied gore!
Also, ANGST!
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They fell quiet, body going deathly still. A distended silence filled the air until, finally, Polly spoke again. "...would you please let me pretend for a little longer?" They asked, voice a raspy whisper. "Please....just let me lie to you for a little longer. Let me be selfish and keep you around me for just a little longer. I'll tell you truth someday, someday soon, and I won't shed a single tear when you hate me for it, I promise. But please....Please, just let me be selfish for just a little longer."
Flowers (their symbolism) - and the color
Butterfly Weed ("Leave me") - orange
Ghost Orchid (Camouflage or to hide) - white
Chrysanthemums (nightmares, sadness/grief) - grey-blue
Cyclamen (Everlasting love/ separation) - Pink and white
Spider Lilly (Death [also used to show perceived blood on their hands]) - red
Buttercups (being unfaithful and childish behavior [on the ring finger]) - yellow
Hyacinths ("I'm sorry") - Purple
Dalia (betrayal) - black
Won't you speak your truths today, Mx. Polly?
No...I don't think I will.
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