coutureicons · 1 year
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w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l · 9 months
Closed w/ @seekesotsibteadmist
Nadia had heard tell of Saima and the stories they told, praises of them having been sung far and wide across the nations. Some of her sisters had heard their tales when they stopped by her home nation of Prakra and told Nadia just how captivating of a person they were and she absolutely needed to see for herself, sending for them and inviting them to stay as her personal guest in the palace of the city-state of Vesuvia. Her sisters had told her not only were they skilled at storytelling but also quite gifted in more intimate venues and that interested her greatly.
As they arrived at the palace, Nadia stepped out to greet them, dressed to the nines in a long white gown and adorned with various precious gems or metals be they pearls, Jade, or just gold. She was meaning to make an impeccable first impression as the countess of Vesuvia on them, smiling gently as the carriage door opened. “Saima, very punctual arrival, I must say I’m impressed. I’m pleased to meet you, my sisters have told me nothing but amazing things about you and your time with them.”
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instantartific · 1 year
Thinking about Zuke and Eve and her powers and his ability to always see her.
Yes, he can see her art, yes he can understand it to an admirable degree. He can explain her thought processes and methodology in a subject that he really knows nothing about aside from the fact that she considers herself one with it.
But through all of what she covers herself with he can see her.
He knows her.
He knows her well enough to explain the sheer incomprehensible matter that she made herself to be to someone who's never seen her.
He can tell May when to focus and he can warn her of Eve's 'performance,' whatever way she'd prefer it called.
Something about the concept of "he's nothing without her and yet he figured out how to see her all on his own."
And the fact that in the beginning of the battle May quite literally is unable to see her while for Zuke this is a normal occurrence. To May, nothing was there, but he knew better.
How many times have they done this?
How many instances have there been where someone else had to question who Zuke's even talking to if they walked in on everything—because, to an outsider, there is nothing. To an outsider, Eve is nothing when she doesn't want to be. Or maybe even more than that, maybe it isn't always intentional. Maybe she does truly hide herself under however many layers and metaphors she can manage but he will always see her.
Something about her calling him nothing without her when art needs to be perceived to be considered "art" and he can see everything.
And at the same time... he can't.
He may have tried so hard, he may have come so close to seeing the full vastness of her, and yet even he couldn't see it all at once. Only mere glimpses of her 'greatness.' And she wants it to be a challenge. Something to be earned. A great, arduous task that only one person can ever even fathom to succeed in.
And he came close.
He came so, so close.
But maybe in her eyes, he gave up on her. He failed. And instead of trying again, trying to make himself up to the task, he chose to run away.
Something about her never truly perceiving herself as whole without someone else and being met with that person who nearly was everything she needed who is now telling her she already is whole, she just has to find herself first.
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11oh1 · 1 year
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Kim Kardashian by Nadia Lee Cohen (2023)
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bimbelygimbly · 1 month
I can't believe I actually got a friend to want to watch Nadia, oh my god oh my god oh my god.
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lncarnon · 2 days
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love that they featured her on a poster in wf, always going back to their roots. makes me wonder if they will feature both nadia and hayden in some way when 1999 finally releases.
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waterfallswords · 5 months
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Message attached: Michon the Bichon was well behaved for his portrait today. I'm sure you'll find somewhere for it so you don't miss him when he's not with you xo
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yeonban · 4 months
In the middle of my Banana Fish rewatch and I can't tell which viewpoint is worse, Ash finding it in himself to trust others (ex. Shorter) only to be betrayed in the end bc he couldn't foresee them betraying him, or Tobias being always ready to suspect even those closest to him (ex. Elijah) and preparing just in case they'll ever turn on him and he'll have to kill them too
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hungryhooverville · 1 month
Nadia Baker
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Age: 39
Occupation: Stay at home wife
Sexuality: Bisexual
Open Roleplays
A stay-at-home wife while her husband goes to many meetings throughout his life. She knows that they do not love each other like they used to. So she has her fun while he is gone, the two staying together for the sake of their young daughter, who is starting to learn a bit too much from her mother.
This character can be Futa!
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nadiazahedah · 2 months
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Nadia's outfits for Tonopahella 2024
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lastavengedarchived · 4 months
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I was re-reading this last night, mostly 'cause Nadia and Hank meeting was so disappointing, this issue did better with that with fake-hank, but anyways.
This post is tag @overclocks for what Nadia says about Tony Stark. Steal this if you want. Anyways, I love her and her endless appreciate for the tech/science people who came before her.
Also just "he'd be totally insufferable" is so funny. Cause I think Jan and Tony were still dating at this point in the timeline. So it's even funnier in that context.
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instantartific · 1 year
What do you think would have happened if... B2J actually got killed by DJ Sub, Mama, 1010, Eve and Tatiana?
(Or the other way around for Mama and Yinu?)
Some of these answers are going to be fairly similar to one another given that we are discussing, well... murder. On live television. With live witnesses.
Any of them would receive legal consequences that'd vary depending upon the actual means and methods in which B2J were to die and how much of it would be by accident or not.
There are only two ways I can see them dying during his boss battle: he actively tries to kill them or they are unable to escape his implosion at the end of said battle.
If he actively tried to kill them, well. There are plenty of projectiles to fling at them and the whole neutron star firing a goddamn laser at you, if not simply... growing larger, grabbing them, and crushing them into paste in his hands if he was angered into violence.
If they were to fall into his core, they would (most likely) be ripped apart limb by limb, cell by cell, atom by atom and reduced into nothing but fleeting rays of blurring color until it is as if they never existed at all. For them, unfortunately, it would turn into an agonizingly slow descent into non-existence if it truly does behave like a black hole. The whole time-dilation-slowing-the-closer-you-get-to-ceasing-to-exist would not be enjoyable, I'd say.
If the latter is how it occurs, Nova would be considered a "danger to society" as well as a murderer, I'd think. Simple glass that can shatter fairly easily being the only thing separating anyone standing near him from being one with the cosmos seems like a bit of a liability.
I imagine the only way they could die is if Mama put effort into doing so, or it was a blind act of rage out of them harming her daughter (or ruining her performance. Perhaps either concept is interchangeable.)
Most likely option is that they die in the fall from the flower way above the stage. Mama would survive relatively fine but B2J (or even Yinu) should sustain serious injuries from it... if not die altogether.
If she went into a black out rage it would be towards the end of the battle. She's strong, she's sturdy, and she can grow. As well as slamming parts of herself into them at any opportunity: all she'd have to do is aim a little too well, throw her body a little too hard, and crush all the wrong things that make them so, so fragile right in front of her precious daughter. Her only defense is that she never knew what she was doing: she simply "wakes up" to a sickening feeling dug underneath her roots or palms (and if she were to linger too long in oh such horror, already beginning to seep into the wood of her limbs,) and (in time, as the little one begins to recognize it,) the sound of her child's weeping.
Given that 1010 only fight in exact formation, following exact orders, and don't deviate from them, B2J would only die if it was on accident or if Neon gave the command.
They're huge solid androids that act as walking military weapons. They never target B2J directly, but if either of them aren't paying attention, well... accidents can happen. Whether or not the boys would snap to attention and prevent serious harm coming to them or would continue to mindlessly follow Neon's orders, even if it means serious injury or death, is another question entirely.
It also begs to wonder: if Neon did give them the command to kill them, would they at the very least hesitate?
They'd also be considered a danger to public security if they acted out of line and it led to harm or if they did anything to cause severe damage to B2J at all.
I... honestly can only see B2J being killed if it's May who dies and if it's entirely an accident. I cannot see Eve being the sort of person to try and hurt Zuke (or even May) that badly intentionally unless it was for Zuke.
Possibly if she truly decided she was done with Zuke and pulled a "you are one of my works of art, i created who you are now and i will prove to you that i can take everything else away" and truly harmed May, which prompted Zuke to try and step in to stop it, and everything went so much worse than Eve wanted it to go.
I cannot see her resorting to violence first, however. In my eyes she'd keep adding pressure, keep adding pressure, keep adding pressure; keep warning him and warning him and telling him what is happening and exactly how May is experiencing it all as she warps May's mind and perception of what's really happening around them. Depending upon just how much control she has over someone who can't see through her, she could even use a false perception of Zuke to get at May.
"Look at how easily she falls for something so simple. You don't need her. She needs you to even begin to grasp the gravity of this, and you are so much better than weighing yourself down for that."
Bonus if the more emotional you are, the more her 'pieces of art' affect you on a personal level, the more effective the next ones become. And May being May would be fully charged with everything she's got and running blindly into it all and trying desperately to match what's going on around her.
But for May to die... Eve would have to be thrown into such a fit of rage as to actually cause her physical harm, not just 'showing Zuke that she's incompetent.'
If everything around May looks just as much of a threat as everything else, and everything gets too overwhelming, she'd be bound to get struck by something. If she's unlucky, the one single slip she makes happens to be the one thing that is real.
In her battle, Tatiana chases them down and tries to harm them directly. There's no ifs ands or buts, she hunts them down and tries to hurt them. She chases them.
If they were to die by Tatiana's hand, well... that simply means that they couldn't keep up with the heat. She chased them and she caught them and she snuffed the revolution out right where it stood.
Maybe she didn't mean to. Maybe she let her rage get the best of her. Maybe she expected them to put up more of a fight. But 'maybe's don't quite matter anymore, do they?
Since Tatiana's battle is the only one that wouldn't be recorded and broadcast live, if she was the one to kill them, then she may be the only one who could get away with a lesser sentence or even without charges whatsoever.
As long as there is no proof that B2J entered NSR Tower at the same time that Tatiana was present, there theoretically lies no proof that she did anything to them. The last anyone knew they were heading for her, and now, they're... gone.
And Tatiana is functionally a politician. The political head of this entire massive (and seemingly prosperous) city. In theory, she could get any investigations paid off. Let alone the possibility of forging evidence that says B2J did in fact leave her building and simply disappeared.
The only other issue would be Kliff being present somewhere in the building... though that's another conversation.
B2J to Yinu and Mama:
If B2J are the killers it would have to be in the fall. Unless May really missed her swing and caved Yinu's head in, but, ah... we are going to assume otherwise.
If Yinu and Mama were to die in that fall, it can be argued that it was B2J's incompetence that resulted in their death. A "you didn't pull the trigger but you could have stopped it and we need someone to blame" situation; especially given the fact that these are political figures with a lot of power and one of them is a nine year old child.
Everyone on either side would be furious, even if B2J really had nothing to do with the fall itself. I imagine they'd be witch-hunted out of the city or further into hiding if they aren't persecuted outright.
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stolenfates · 12 days
[ URGE ]  for the taller muse to tilt the shorter one’s chin up so they can look at their face.  / bruce for selina | @denydefeat
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never has she allowed a man such CONTROL.
but , with bruce , things are . . . different , in a pleasant sort of way. sure , he’s a billionaire ──── owner and ceo of WAYNE ENTERPRISES ; a man she believed to be no better than the rest of them ; a SPOILED BRAT with a different girl in his bed each night ──── but bruce the billionaire and bruce the man , she would learn , were two different people. the REAL bruce had been deeply disturbed by the murder of his parents , had lost the woman he’d loved , had lost his best - friend , had fought as the BATMAN to protect his city and the citizens within. the real bruce was plagued by loss and defeat , time and time again , and still , he chose to protect those who couldn’t protect themselves. he chose to play the role of the billionaire to keep his secret vigilantism from reaching the masses. to give the people of gotham something to believe in . . .
it takes A LOT for selina to trust someone , to let them tear down the walls she’s built that protect her , to fall in love ──── and here stands bruce , a man she could hardly stand not too long ago , accomplishing the impossible.
damn him . . .
it’s EXHILARATING , handing the reins over. a fire ignites in her blood as bruce forces her to look in his eyes ──── those damn eyes , that damn smile . . .
“ you’re not getting out of this one so easily , handsome , ” she purrs , ruby red lips pressed in a tight line. “ i’m not one of those little DAMSELS you keep on your arm. your little playboy tricks won’t work here. ”
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bimbelygimbly · 3 months
I can't believe I decided to change the hairstyle of my OCs just because I got so mad that Nadia didn't have curly hair like in one piece of concept art early in development. Spite really is the best creative fuel sometimes :3.
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lncarnon · 4 months
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pov: you are about to die
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mistertonyward · 5 months
Era Management by Nadia Stories
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