#(Idk I was just browsing casually but I was really self-conscious)
Heartbreaking: Local Punk walks into thrift shop so confident he’ll find the perfect base for their battle jacket. Finds absolutely nothing and half of it is just kids clothes instead.
(it’s me I’m the local punk. I’m devastated)
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artificialqueens · 4 years
A Vampire in Paris: Part 3 (Gigi/Crystal) - Chae
A/N: well this took ten times longer than i expected… so sorry for the wait! (was anyone waiting? idk) hopefully I can update this at LEAST once a week for now ee. anyway thank you all so much for the support on the first two chapters, i’m so glad people enjoy my wacky fashion-vampire fantasy
Summary:  Gigi has an… interesting encounter with the supermodel trio and makes some big changes with Crystal
Well, this was a situation.
Gigi broke out into a slight sweat as Aquaria, Naomi, and Valentina peered right into her soul at the cafe. She smiled awkwardly as she took a sip of water, seemingly the only one who actually drank… or ate. And she was eating a salad! In Paris! What the fuck were they looking at her like that for?!
The youngest model was still tired from the previous night, trying to push down her discomfort with happy thoughts of kissing Crystal. The ginger had tried desperately to look her best for her lunch date with the supermodels, shocked that they still didn’t seem impressed. After a long bout of silence as the three older girls eyed Gigi eating, Valentina piped up across from her.
“Gigi… what’s that short for?”
The aforementioned girl swallowed a lettuce leaf. “Genevieve. Genevieve Regina Goode.”
“That sounds like a movie character,” the tan beauty laughed. “I like your name.”
“Thanks. How did you get Valentina?”
“What do you mean? That’s just my name.”
“Oh,” Gigi cringed internally.”What’s your last name?”
“Hm, it’s been so long I don’t remember,” the girl smiled dopily as Aquaria slapped her arm next to her, annoyed. Gigi raised an eyebrow and Aquaria smiled fakely.
“We don’t really use our last names, except for Naomi because hers is easy,” the blonde said through her teeth, glaring at Valentina. The latter looked, confused, between Gigi and Aquaria. From next to her, Gigi could sense Naomi giving Valentina a look as well. 
“Oh!” She finally said, her face contorting into realization. “Yeah, we don’t use them,” the latina nodded. 
Gigi looked down, feeling as if she’d stumbled onto something she shouldn’t have—which was exactly what she wanted. Maybe she should press further…
“Why haven’t you guys eaten? These salads have a lot of good vitamins and stuff. I know we’re pressured into being like a size-negative-ten but what you ordere-”
“We already ate,” Naomi interrupted. “And if you feel self-conscious, sweets, don’t. Salads are good for you.”
“And you won’t have to worry about it much longer,” Valentina added earnestly. However, her kind… sentiment (?)… was not appreciated by the other two.
“Oh my god, shut up!” Aquaria whacked her on the back of the head. “You wanna get fired or something?!”
“I’m sorry guys,” Gigi tried to stop the drama. “I didn’t mean to intrude on whatever is happening-”
“No, no no! It’s not your fault,” Naomi explained, placing a freezing cold hand on Gigi’s shoulder. “It’s just that Valentina…”
“Valentina doesn’t know what she’s talking about, doll,” Aquaria smiled.
“Guuuuys I’m sorry!” Valentina whined. “I just keep forgetting she’s not a va-”
“Member of our team!” Aquaria shouted. “She’s not a member of our team,” the Italian jerked her head to the side, leaning towards Valentina and whispering something in her ear. The brunette’s eyebrows curved upwards as she whispered frantic sorries to her friend, who appeared absolutely venomous. Naomi rolled her eyes.
“We should head out and do some shopping, no? Maybe Val will be distracted by all the shiny things,” Naomi got up, rifling through her small purse for cash. Gigi nodded, just wanting to get out of this situation as soon as she could.
Soon enough, they were browsing at a beauty store—and yes, Valentina was distracted by the sparkly eyeshadows (go figure). Gigi wandered away from her ‘friends’ to the hair section, nearly passing by the dyes before a thought popped into her head. She grabbed two boxes of color and a toner off the shelf and smiled, paying for her items before finding the rest of the group. 
“Bought stuff already?” Aquaria looked at Gigi’s bag quizzically.
“It’s not makeup or anything, just had to restock,” the redhead lied.
“Oh, nice,” the blonde turned back to the lipstick she was trying on. Gigi filled the silent air by perusing the makeup counters, trying to not look too interested.
Naomi was texting someone with a coy smile plastered on her face, causing Gigi to remember something else odd she hadn’t addressed yet. 
“Aquaria?” She asked.
“How did you get my number? I never found out.”
“Right. I asked Adore.”
“Adore doesn’t have my number…”
“Adore has everyone’s number,” she snapped, clearly looking annoyed. Gigi shrunk back and bit her lip. “The bitch has her ways,” Aquaria added.
“Can’t Fame access everyone’s data n’ stuff?” Valentina said offhandedly.
“What? Fame? Like Miss Fame?”
“Valentina, I’m going to rip your head off and smash it with my stiletto,” Aquaria threatened. 
“I thought Fame was… dead?” Gigi pressed.
“She is.”
“She is.”
Both Naomi and Aquaria looked the new model dead in the eyes, not a hint of intonation in their voices. Valentina, once again, looked at them confusedly, but held her tongue. Gigi felt the same glare that Raven had pierce her soul once again, and decided that enough was enough of these creeps. She stole away into the next aisle and ordered an Uber to pick her up ASAP. She peeked over the display and told the girls she was going to the bathroom, to which they nodded in unison without leaving their tasks. On that note, Gigi slinked out of the store and as far down the street as her heeled feet would take her.
She texted Crystal as she waited for the Uber, impatiently tapping her foot on the concrete ground.
Sexy Robot🥵🤖
heyyy, wanna meet up at your place? i have a surprise 
Hot Clown🤡🔥
DUH OMG u know I can’t wait 
when are u comin?
Sexy Robot🥵🤖
I’ll be there in like 20 mins 
Hot Clown🤡🔥
I can’t wait to see u🥺🥺🥺
Sexy Robot🥵🤖
keep your panties on, boss
Hot Clown🤡🔥
Don’t ever call me boss again you whore 
Sexy Robot🥵🤖
only for u ;)
Gigi smiled as her Uber finally arrived, excited to talk to Crystal after what happened the night prior. She’d not only had a steamy makeout session with a hot designer, she’d kissed the girl she liked when they were both semi-sober-ish. Her happiness was short-lived, though, when she received a text from Aquaria on a group chat she’d been added to. She exhaled nervously as she shut the car door, telling the driver where to go.
Hottest Hoes in Paris⭐️⭐️
Has anyone seen Gigi?
You’ve been in the bathroom an awful long time bitch
French Vanilla Fantasy
no :(
did she leave?!
Bebe Badde
aaaa sorry guys I wasn’t feeling well!
Awe babe you should have told us
Feel well soon
French Vanilla Fantasy
i send all my love to you!! 💛💘💚💘❤️💝💚💞💓❤️💘
Ya feel better!
Gigi sighed, having successfully escaped the strangest outing she’d ever been on. The drive to Fatelle was shorter than she’d expected, the model barely realizing she had reached her destination before paying the driver and nearly leaping out of the car. She sped into the lobby, saying hi to Adore before bounding to the elevator. She was almost giddy at the prospect of seeing Crystal again, unfamiliar with having a crush this strong. Gigi felt like she and Crystal fit together like puzzle pieces: anything she didn’t have, the designer did, and vice versa. But they still came together in the same picture, with the same values and dreams and—gosh, they were a match made in heaven.
Gigi gripped the shopping bag as she reached Crystals floor, finding her room (Crystal had texted her where she lived a few days prior) and knocking on the door. It opened almost immediately to a grinning Crystal, dressed in cute casual clothes and fluffy ugg slippers.
“What’s the surprise?” She said right away, letting the younger girl inside.
“First of all, hi,” Gigi rolled her eyes, giving the shorter girl a quick peck on the cheek. “Second of all, you’ll see. Third of all — you will not believe the day I’ve had.”
“Dang, it’s two PM!”
“And shits wild!”
“Spill.” Crystal plopped on the couch, motioning for Gigi to join her. The ginger kicked her shoes off and made herself comfortable, propping her tired legs on the coffee table. 
“So I met up with Aquaria and Naomi and Valentina…”
“No way!”
“Yes, Aqua invited me. And it was insane.”
“Would you believe me if I told you that I think Fatelle is the Illuminati?”
“Honestly, with some of the shit that’s been going on…”
“Right?! Okay, they literally kept saying Miss Fame might be alive?”
“She’s alive in my heart, but… it’s been a whole century.”
“And they acted like it was real! And then Valentina said that I wouldn’t have to eat soon?“
“What? Why?”
“Like I wouldn’t physically need to eat.”
“That’s fucking weird.”
“It was the strangest thing. Am I in the Twilight Zone?”
“Maybe you’re in the Twilight! Edward or Jacob?”
“Good choice. Edward.”
The two shared a chuckle, Crystal’s eyes flitting to the bag Gigi had brought.
“Is that the surprise?”
Gigi smirked, getting up and pulling out a box of bleach, purple toner, and a box of natural red dye. “Don’t think I didn’t remember what you said!”
“No! Oh my gosh you’re the best!” Crystal grabbed her dye and grinned widely, eyes crinkled in a cute way. “We have to do this now.”
“Raven’s gonna be pisssssed,” Gigi remembered, not really caring anyway.
“Raven is basically Edward’s cousin, who cares?”
“Oh shit she is like Edwards’ cousin! Bitch looks all pale and dark haired and ooky and spooky.”
“My mind.”
“Your mind.”
The two made their way to the bathroom, opening their goodies and setting up to do each other’s hair. Crystal wrapped a towel around Gigi’s shoulders, knowing her process would be much more time consuming.
“Have you done hair before?” The model asked as Crystal mixed up the bleach.
“For sure, I dyed my hair back to brown so I could look professional when I came here,” she laughed. “I had neon green before, remember?”
Gigi couldn’t say she wasn’t nervous when Crystal began applying the dye to the ends of her hair, but trusted the designers judgement and vision. It was her fashion show, after all. The older girl worked quickly, yet thoroughly. She was used to working with her difficult curly hair, so it was easy for her to comb through Gigi’s nearly-straight locks. Strand by strand, she painted the bleach on with her gloved hands, unaware that her work was nearly causing Gigi to fall asleep at the calming feeling of her hair being lightly tugged. She model nearly dozed off when Crystal started massaging her scalp to make sure the roots were coated. Finally, Crystal was happy with her work, snapping Gigi back into reality when she placed a shower cap over the models head.
“Sleepyhead, you’ve gotta do my hair now,” Crystal discarded her latex gloves, brushing the back of her hand against Gigi’s cheek. “In half an hour you gotta take a shower with the toner, and then when you’re done, I take a shower and then we both have new hair!”
“I have a suggestion,” Gigi yawned. “Why don’t you keep giving me a head massage and I go to bed?”
“If you want your hair to fall out, sure.”
Gigi rolled her eyes, getting up to open the red box dye. She took out the components, following directions to mix the bottles together and shake it up. Apprehensively, she started squeezing the fluid all over Crystal’s hair and running it through the coils. “Is this right?”
“Just make sure every strand is coated, but yeah!” she smiled at Gigi through the mirror, and Gigi smirked back.
“So, do we need to talk about last night at all?” the model asked as she worked.
“Do you think we need to?”
“I mean, if we’re on the same page, no.”
“Are we?”
“What’s the definition of the same page, then?”
“Um… I liked kissing you?”
“Good, then we’re definitely on the same page,” Gigi blushed. She looked in the mirror for a second and laughed. “I look like a lunch lady!”
“Shush, you look pretty no matter what.”
“Says you, Crystalline Elizabeth.”
“Says the model, Genevieve Regina!”
“Oh. Well.”
“You bitch! You’re supposed to tell me how great I am.”
“Crystal Methyd, you are perfect.”
“I know I am.”
“Who’s the bitch now, bitch?”
This went on as Gigi finished applying the color to Crystal’s hair, placing her own cap over the voluminous mass of hair. Crystal checked the time. “You should go take a shower, Gi. And make sure to leave that toner on for ten minutes!”
“Got it,” she replied as Crystal exited the luxury bathroom into the bedroom. 
“I’ll leave you out some comfy clothes, hm?”
“What, you wanna cuddle and watch movies with me later?”
“Uh… yeah.”
“Thank god. I’ll see you soon,” Gigi leaned in for another quick peck on the cheek, a new habit she’d grown quite fond of. She shut the door and turned on the tap, waiting for the water to warm up before undressing and stepping inside.
Gigi was tired, but the steam against her skin helped balance her energy once again. She removed the shower cap, eyes widening at how light her hair was. She was used to her red hair turning almost-black when wet, but it was now a dirty brown color under the water. The dry strands were a nearly-white yellow. This will take some adjusting to, she thought as she quirted a glob of toner in her hands. She worked it through her hair for a couple minutes, careful to get every last bit. The next ten minutes were spent trying to keep her head out of the shower whilst keeping her body in, which was a difficult task that often left Gigi shivering without the warmth of the water on her body, only to put her arm or leg back in.
The model stepped out of the glass shower into the bathroom that was nearly identical to her own. She wiped the fog away from the mirror and stood, as she did, scanning her body. She was healthy, but extraordinarily petite. Many her size would have bones jutting out, maybe even appearing emaciated, but not Gigi. Her figure was all smooth lines and gentle curves. She had a waist and hips, but they certainly weren’t defined. Her breasts followed the outer curves of her chest, small and close together. She was a model. She looked like a model.
Gigi grabbed a towel once she noticed the goosebumps on her arms, using it to dry off and then wrapping it around herself. She decided to use the hairdryer as well, since apart from her hair taking forever to dry on its own, she wanted to see what it looked like now. As her locks returned to their normal state, Gigi could see that Crystal did a near-perfect job. Her hair was evenly colored a light-barbie-doll blonde all around — not too yellow, not too silver. She certainly looked like a barbie doll. She felt like one.
The girl exited the bathroom into the attached bedroom, calling out to Crystal that she was done. She found a set of satin pajama shorts and a shirt, surprised that the designer owned something so fancy. She changed quickly, feeling more than comfortable in this outfit.
As Crystal took her time in the bathroom, Gigi grew… bored. She felt lonely scrolling through Instagram all by herself, so she shut off her phone and sank back into the couch. Her eyes flickered from the ceiling, to the window, to the TV, and finally, to the bedroom entryway. Gigi wasn’t really the mischievous type, but hey, when in Paris. She smirked as she got up, starting by looking through Crystal’s dresser. Nothing of importance, really: just makeup, underwear (oh hey, those were garters… she wondered what those would look like on Crystal…), stacks and stacks of jewelry. So the model opted to look through the closet, a favorite activity of hers. Crystal’s wardrobe nearly burned Gigi’s eyes out when she first opened the doors. Colors and patterns everywhere, unorganized platform shoes falling over the floor. It was so bad, it was beautiful. Gigi began with the shoes, definitely wanting to steal some of them for herself.
As she got lost in Crystal’s fashion tastes, she failed to hear the shower shutting off and Crystal entering the bedroom, the newly-ginger letting out a yelp as she realized Gigi was there. The younger girl whipped around to see Crystal attempting to cover herself up with her hands, flustered beyond belief at the fact that she was…
butt naked.
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wholesomepanda · 7 years
Summer lovin’
Prompt: Dan is young, Phil isn't. Dan knows that falling for is pointless and he'll end up getting hurt when the summer ends. But that doesn't seem to stop him.
Warning: Lame attempts at jokes, summer, boats, pictures (idk what to tag anymore), mentions of drinking normal amounts of alcohol, implied sex.
Words: 5.2k
Note: I’m back from the dead and I’m a little rusty, enjoy. Also I think that the title of this is an actual song.
“Ahh, Graduation” Dan thought as he was being driven back to his house by his parents. Whilst they were telling him that he should do whatever he wants with his life. He must admit that as much as he hated his high school, he would miss being a teenager.
Dan went home and took a shower, he knew that most of his classmates would take a gap year but they were already leaving to explore the world and Dan was left in England, he didn't mind it much though, he could sleep for as long as he wanted.
A few days passed and Dan had nothing to do, he wasn't the type to go out at night on his own and he was getting bored at home, especially with his mum constantly telling him that he should learn how to fend for himself.
An entire week went by and his parents were being unusually quiet and Dan was getting suspicious, until one day he was called by his mum and went down with a sigh, he really didn't feel like being preached right now.
“ Hey, sweetheart” his mum said in a special voice, the kind of voice parents keep for when they want to tell you important things, like, our dog died or your hamster escaped from it's cage and we couldn't find it or hey Dan you left your computer on and I accidentally looked at your browsing history, do need to see someone. Dan braced himself for a serious talk.
“ So, as your parents, we are concerned about you and we both agree that you need to learn to live on your own, to fend for yourself” His mum continued and Dan was getting anxious, what did that mean?
“ So we decided to let you go to our summer house in Monaco and spend the summer there” His dad added and Dan didn't know how to respond, he was happy that he would go somewhere on his own and he could be independent but he hated the idea that he would have to cook because he knew he was capable of burning the house down.
“ Actually we were halfway through booking a ticket for you but we decided to hear your opinion on that matter” his mum added and Dan was a bit angry that they decided to plan his future for him.
“ Yeah sure, just don't be surprised if I burn the house down” Dan said with a smile and got up.
“ I'm sure you won't” they said in unison, Dan went upstairs to pack up and took one last look on his room.
“ You're leaving tomorrow” his mum said softly whilst standing in his room, helping him pack up.
“ And when will I come back?” Dan asked and she sighed.
“ Whenever you want, your dad will give you enough money to buy yourself a ticket when you want to come back but please stay for at least a week” She said and as much as Dan tried he couldn't say no.
“ Fine” he said and kept packing his stuff.
Dan got out of the airport and he felt lost, he had written the instructions on a piece of paper but he felt lost, he did remember that he was supposed to take the boat but he was scared of having to talk to people. Eventually he found the way to the boats and he asked for a ticket. He was told that the boat wouldn't leave for at least half an hour so he stayed outside.
He looked at the people and that's when he decided that he wanted to be a photographer and capture a small fractions of people’s lives. One particular man caught his eye, he was standing a few meters away from him, laughing with his friends. Dan could tell he was older than him and that he had a boat, he took out his camera and looked at it. His mum bought this polaroid camera and he swore to himself that he would only take pictures that matter, but he couldn't stop himself.
He was about to snap a picture when he heard the sound of his boat getting ready to leave, he boarded the boat and he waited patiently. They arrived at the beach and there weren't many people on the boat, mostly there were people who wanted to get to their houses.
Dan got out and dragged his things to his house, he took his keys out and collapsed on the couch. He looked up from where he was and he decided he liked the view so he dragged his feet and went outside. He looked around and saw a house nearby, maybe he could go see if there was anyone staying there since their houses seemed to be connected by a narrow road. Dan walked further towards the cliff and looked at the view, he loved it and wondered why he didn't like it for so long.
Dan decided to have a quiet night in since he was tired and then he would make the most of his day tomorrow.
The next day he woke up very early and he didn't feel like getting dressed so he went for an over sized t-shirt and his boxers, he made coffee and went out, he sat on the table and took in the view, it was breath taking. As he was sipping his coffee he realized he could see the balcony that belonged to his neighbors, he wondered if they could see his and if they could, why didn't they come to say hi.
Dan decided to stay outside and catch some sun, until he saw a familiar figure, it was the same guy he saw before he boarded the boat, Dan went inside and took his camera until he realized there wasn't any actual chance of him taking a picture, it seemed creepy. Dan was staring at him and he turned around, the guy waved his hand and Dan ducked down pretending to catch something he dropped.
In a few minutes the guy was over to his place and Dan was uncomfortable.
“ Hi, I'm Phil” The man said and Dan concluded that he was older than him, not because he had wrinkles or bags under his eyes but mostly from his voice, seriously if Dan judged him from his appearance he would say that he was just as old as he was.
“ Dan” He said with a shy smile.
“ Pleasure” He said and invited himself and sat down opposite from Dan. Dan was captured by him, his skin was very pale and his dark hair clashed with it, his eyes were a confusing set of different colors, maybe something between blue and a bit of green.
“ You know if you wanted to take a picture of me that bad, you could just ask me” He smiled and Dan squinted his eyes in confusion.
“ I saw you yesterday” He explained and Dan blushed, he didn't particularly like it but he wasn't embarrassed by it.
“ Then that means that you saw me coming here as well” Dan challenged despite his shyness, Phil nodded.
“ Then why didn't you come over to say hi to your neighbor?” Dan asked and Phil chuckled and sighed.
“ I don't know” He replied truthfully, Dan nodded and they stayed there in complete silence.
“ I should go home, I have something to do” Phil said quickly after checking his watch and he left they said goodbye and they went on with their lives.
Dan had to admit to himself that what he was doing wasn't healthy but it's not his fault that Phil kept showing up when he was outside. Like today Dan had gone out to drink his coffee and he saw Phil on his boat. He was tying something and Dan stared at him from afar. He knew that he should just go and talk to him but he was anxious.
Dan finally went down to the beach, wearing shorts and a shirt with the top buttons open. Phil saw him and yelled a really loud and really obnoxious hello. Dan shook his head as he stayed on the dry land whereas Phil was tying his boat. He walked to him with a very bright smile.
“ Hi” Dan said with a smile.
“ Bonjour” Phil said and Dan rolled his eyes, They stayed silent for a couple of minutes.
“ Hey, do you want to ride my boat?” Phil said and Dan was again confused.
“ I was just going to do it on my own but since you're here” Phil said and Dan nodded without thinking, he hated that, Phil could have been a serial killer and he just agreed to spend time with him.
They were pretty far from the shore when Phil stopped the boat and dropped the anchor. Dan was half sitting half laying down when Phil declared that he was done. Dan wondered how he didn't even break a sweat as he was wearing a white shirt with the first four or five buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up and his black shorts. On the other hand, Dan was sweating buckets.
“ Why do you like it here?” Dan asked as he looked at his glass of water.
“ It's quiet, helps me think” He replied casually and looked at his glass as well. Dan sighed, thinking wasn't something he needed to do, he wanted to do something impulsive.
“ Well, thinking isn't what I want right now” Dan announced as he got up and took off his shirt and began unbuttoning his trousers. Phil looked at him silently, he didn't try to stop him nor did he undress with him.
Dan walked to the front of the boat and Phil followed him. Phil sat down whilst opening a beer bottle. Dan jumped in the water. When he resurfaced he looked for Phil and he realized he had undressed in from of him. Phil smiled at him. They stayed like that for a while and Dan decided to get out of the water.
“ Did you like it?” Phil asked as he pulled Dan up and he nodded.
“ It was very impulsive, but I loved it” Dan said and he felt very self conscious sitting there with his boxers whereas Phil was fully dressed.
They sat there talking and Dan found out Phil was 28, ten years older than he was and that he liked spending his summers here, he also found out how his parents arranged him to meet a nice girl for him to marry, it wasn't mandatory but they were getting concerned.
“ Dan?” Phil asked breaking the comfortable silence. Dan just hummed in response.
“ Would you like to come with me to the casino tonight, I'm meeting some friends” Phil suggested and Dan agreed without giving it a second thought.
The same night Dan found out that there was indeed a way to access their houses by car. Phil's car was expensive and Dan felt almost shy. It was midnight when they finally left.
“ I like to keep them waiting” He said with a smile.
Dan wandered around for a bit and he couldn't decide if he liked it, maybe he shouldn't decide now as he had a bit of alcohol in his body. He found Phil again and instead of sitting next to him he sat on his lap like a little child. Dan's judgment was a bit clouded but he wanted to feel Phil's strong arms around him for a long time and this was the best excuse.
It was nearly 4 am when they left, Dan was giggling and Phil had gained a new house somewhere in Germany. Phil opened Dan's door and helped him in. Dan put his seatbelt on and Phil started the car.
Dan took out his camera and turned on the radio and began singing. He twisted his body on a weird angle so that he could capture Phil. He looked great he was wearing the same shirt as earlier but with black skinny jeans. Dan took a picture and smiled to himself.
“ You're welcome” Phil said and Dan laughed.
“ Phil, are you speeding?” Dan asked and Phil slowed down a bit.
“ Yes, but, they don't check the roads after 3 so we're good” He answered and Dan rested his head and he closed his eyes. Should he be letting someone who he barely knows drive him home, especially now where he's unable to protect himself? Dan shrugged and kept his eyes closed.
Dan remembers very well Phil asking him for his keys and helping to his bed and he remembers perfectly well how Dan 'accidentally' pulled him down and refused to let him go. Maybe he did manipulate him.
Dan had to admit, he liked Phil's company a bit more than he should. They always went together to the casino and they had sleep overs. Those didn't end well for Dan as he had to take care of a boner.
“So, you're practically already married” Dan said as he was eating his apple.
“ More or less” Phil replied, they were getting used to seeing each other in the morning. Phil with his bed hair that looked like a birds nest, his shirt usually completely undone and showing off his torso along with his black jeans that complemented his pale skin and showed a bit of his boxers, whenever he was wearing any.
“ This is a no underwear day, is it?” Dan said with a smile and Phil laughed as he sat back down. Dan thought that Phil also liked to show off his height.
“ It's comfortable plus I forgot to bring a change and there's no way I'm wearing the ones I wore yesterday” he said and Dan had to admit, he had a point.
Dan got up went inside in order to wash his mug. As he was walking outside he saw his camera, he thought about it, should he spend another piece of overpriced paper on Phil Lester? Well he had an angelic face and he never got to capture him during the day.
“ Are we doing this again, Howell?” Phil asked when he heard the picture being taken.
“ I want to make the most of my holiday and I want to capture it, Lester” Dan replied and they laughed.
“ So basically I'm your serene view?” He asked and Dan blushed, lately he was beginning to hate how Phil was the cause of that.
They stayed in silence and Dan went to put the picture away, he sighed when he realized he spend five of those precious papers on Phil Lester. Well, if he was honest with himself he could spend the whole package on Phil, but he was saving them.
“ Seems like a nice day, doesn't it? I mean it's not that hot and there's a slight breeze” Phil said and Dan nodded. Phil looked like he was thinking about something.
“ You should see the view of this place from my boat in the afternoon” He said and suddenly Dan was curious. It wasn't a secret that whenever Phil wanted to clear his mind he went on his boat. Dan liked seeing him. Once he had gone on the beach for a swim and he saw him come back and tie his boat. Phil always had a way of making Dan feel aroused and he hated that.
“ Can I see it?” Dan asked, voice full of hope and Phil smiled at him softly.
“ Only if you bring that camera of yours” he said and Dan nodded. They began planning what they would bring with them, Dan offered to bring blankets and his camera and Phil would bring the wine. They spent the entire day like that planning their little getaway on that boat very meticulously like they were criminals who would make their grand escape.
Dan left Phil in order to get ready and Phil went to get his stuff. Dan would never admit it out loud but he wanted it to be perfect. He went down to the beach and saw Phil waiting there with a small bag, Dan felt really weird as he didn't think about bringing a bag and he was just holding the blankets, his camera and his book on his his hands. Phil offered to help him and he held the camera and the blankets.
Phil started the boat and Dan sat at the front of the boat and took his book out. Dan looked around him and noticed that despite of the various trips he took with Phil in the morning there were many seagulls and bugs but now, there was complete silence and Dan finally understood at Phil never took trips in the morning, he went in the afternoon and came back in the morning. Dan nodded to himself as he could finally see what's so special about it.
He sighed and began reading his book, this was the first time that Dan was wearing his skinny jeans and a shirt, completely undone. He briefly wondered if he would get cold but brushed it off.
Dan was so invested in the story that he didn't realize that Phil had sat next to him and took a picture. That's when Dan blushed and lifted his head from his book.
“ I thought I should get one since you have a bout a hundred of me” Phil smiled and offered his hand to help Dan, he didn't really need help but he took it anyway.
They went at the back and there were seats, that looked comfortable. Despite that though Phil set the blankets and sat down. Dan stood awkwardly and Phil laughed as he patted the space between his legs. Dan sat down and realized he never sat between his legs, he was always sitting in his lap when they went out but never between his legs. Dan, somehow, felt safe there and he didn't really want to leave that place. Dan laid his head back on Phil's chest experimentally and Phil just brushed Dan's hair out of his face.
They stayed like that for a while looking at the sky and listening to Phil breathing steadily. Phil, unlike him, was fully clothed and Dan suddenly craved to feel his skin on his fingers, more that other times. He sighed softly and closed his eyes.
“ You okay, baby boy?” Phil asked, his voice nothing more than a whisper.
“ Baby boy?” Dan asked smiling, he didn't know if he liked it or not.
“ Well you're 18 and I'm 28, I think I can call you that” Phil said and Dan laughed.
“ Okay then, sugar daddy” Dan replied with a smile as he looked at Phil.
“ Hey, I'm not that old” He said laughing and Dan leaned on his body again.
“ I don't actually mind it” Dan said deciding he didn't hate it so much.
“ I know” Phil replied and he got up and got the wine.
“ You know, I've never been properly drunk” Dan said, feeling anxious.
“ The point isn't to get you drunk, it's to have fun with me” Phil said giving him a glass.
Now, whenever Dan imagined his first time, he always thought it would be quick and dull, in a dimly lit room with a classmate, he always thought that he wouldn't like it, that the guy wouldn't care about him and that he would walk off like Dan was nothing. And he had to admit, he didn't expect to lose it to Phil under the stars and him whispering soft things in his ear and after Phil laid next to him and wrapped his hands around Dan and brought him to his chest so that he could feel his heart beat, he certainly didn't expect to have someone stay and draw small circles on his back. He didn't expect to have sex and actually enjoy it, mostly because his experience was reading gay smut in his free time and was either too rough or too soft for his liking and Dan always thought that his first time would be unsatisfying and then he would turn to bdsm in order to feel satisfied.
“ My mind isn't right” Dan mumbled, he didn't know why he felt the need to share that with Phil but he felt that he wouldn't judge him especially after he didn't judge him for his fluffy hips and general body.
“ I know, baby boy” Phil said finally and Dan frowned.
“ How?” He whispered and Phil shrugged.
“ I don't think anyone in their right mind would sleep with a 28 year old especially when there are other people, younger with more stamina” Phil replied and Dan pushed his body up an looked at Phil, Dan didn't have anything to say so he leaned in and kissed him softly hopping that all of his emotions towards Phil would transfer.
The rest of the summer went by like that they would spend it together, going on boat trips, going at the casino and Phil getting slightly jealous when Dan would purposely flirt with someone.
One night Dan found out that Phil's car had a roof that could go back in the trunk and Dan didn't miss the chance to lean his head back and let his hands go up and feel the cool air on his hands as Phil was speeding through the road, Dan never understood why Phil liked that but as long as he knew that Phil was safe, he didn't care.
Phil took him to the city one morning and they had brunch together, they laughed and they roamed the city, they had ice cream and them they headed back to their houses.
“ You know you're not old enough to be my sugar daddy, right?” Dan laughed as Phil was driving and he laughed too.
“ You said it yourself, you've never seen the city and you never went out as a teenager, I'm just helping you make up for the lost time” Phil said and Dan laughed.
“ Besides it's not like we're doing anything bad while we're out, we're having coffee and ice cream and we go window shopping” Phil said with a shrug.
“ That sounds too innocent, especially if you consider the fact that I literally bought a dildo” Dan said laughing.
“ I tried to stop you” Phil defended and they laughed like kids.
“ I don't think that 'buy that and I'm going to fuck you with it' counts as you preventing me Phil” Dan said with a smile.
“ I meant it” He replied casually and Dan's breath hitched as he pictured in his head.
The days went by and Dan's parents were delighted, because 'their son is finally growing up' Dan wished that he could tell them that the only reason he didn't leave was because he was having another type of fun. Dan remembered how he never bothered coming out his parents, he just stated that he thought that boys were good looking and they replied with ' well you're good looking too'.
“ So, you just stopped trying?” Phil laughed and Dan nodded, they were sitting in Phil's living room with the light off.
“I was just leaving little hints and they didn't get it, so I just stopped” Dan said with a smile.
That night they were laying in their boxers and Dan was drawing patterns on Phil chest, when he realized that this could never last. Dan smiled as he realized that, he knew it all along but he couldn't admit it to himself. Dan considered waiting for Phil to fall asleep and then catching the next flight to London. He considered telling him that they need to stop before they're in too deep and they can't, but he realized that it was a bit too late for that.
Dan realized this was probably just a summer fling for Phil and he would forget about him the second he left. He nearly cried because of that, he always thought that being left right after sex was bad but knowing that a guy who willingly spent time with you and fucked you like no one ever could would forget about you when the summer ended which was in a week from now hurt Dan a lot more.
Dan wanted to say that to Phil, he wanted to leave him first before he was heartbroken by him. He couldn't do that though, mostly because he remembers seeing everyone in high school with their significant other and Dan had no one and he felt bad because why doesn't anyone want him? And he needed that attention, he wanted someone to hold him and tell him he's pretty. Dan was conflicted, he knew it wouldn't end well and he should just stop because the longer he delays it the harder it will be but he didn't want to lose Phil, he didn't want to lose his hugs and his kisses. Dan took a deep breath and decided that he wouldn't stop doing what he was doing, he may hurt in a while but he feels like Phil gave him enough love to last a lifetime.
And so it happened, the last week went by, Phil said they should exchange numbers but they were so caught up with being all over each other that they forgot. Dan was getting dressed and he thought that if they were colors Dan was would be a dull gray and Phil would be a vibrant blue, maybe not always vibrant sometimes he was midnight blue and others he felt like Phil was bluer that the morning sky. Dan put on his white shirt, he laughed when he realized that Phil never wore anything else other than shirts and that had rubbed off on Dan because whenever he was wearing anything on top he would wear a shirt.
They said goodbye and as Dan left, he felt a single tear roll down his pink cheeks, he didn't want to admit it but he felt better when he was with Phil, maybe it was because Phil made him feel good or maybe because he didn't care or maybe because he knew and didn't ask any questions, maybe it was the sex because it helped take his mind off of things. Dan tried googling the name but he found out that there was more than one Phil Lester.
When Dan went home, it was late at night and he had his bedside table light on, looking at the pictures of Phil when he realized that Phil had found them and written things like the date and a little quote Dan laughed when he found the one he had taken when Phil took him to the casino for the first time he had written the date and below it he wrote 'take care baby boy' Dan smiled and put it on the box along with the others.
The next summer Dan managed to convince his parents to go with them to their summer house. Dan had sent a letter to a law school near Manchester and he had been accepted so he used that against his parents.
They got out of the boat and made their way up to their house. Dan looked up and saw Phil, who smiled and left the window and a few seconds later he was in front of Dan. He expected Phil to look really old but he looked exactly the same, the same beautiful eyes and the wide smile that made him smile. Phil looked around and then grabbed his face with both of his hands and leaned down a bit and kissed him with the same love he felt last summer.
Dan heard a noise from his house and immediately pushed Phil back. Phil looked confused until he saw Dan’s parents. He then smiled and commented on how their son was very funny and good looking and , as if on queue, he turned and winked at Dan.
“ I remember your mother, she was a lovely lady, how is she?” Dan’s mum asked and Phil nodded and replied.
“ Alright, we’ll leave you to catch up” Dan’s dad said and they left. Dan looked at Phil and started laughing.
“ Your son is really good looking as well” Dan said doing a bad impression of Phil’s voice and winking.
Soon they stopped laughing and they sat down in silence the tension between them very obvious.
“ So, that girlfriend thing?”Dan asked, he didn’t want to know but he thought that it was best if he knew.
“ Didn’t work out as I came out to my parents as gay, it’s not true I’m bi but I really didn’t want to meet her” Phil said and Dan felt a ping of hope inside of him.
“ I suppose you haven’t told your parents” Phil continued pressing his lips together, Dan nodded and smiled timidly.
“ I got a new chair for the living room, I sat down one day and I fell flat on my ass” Phil smiled and Dan laughed.
“ Creative way to say you’ve put on weight, Lester” Dan teased and Phil smiled.
“ Maybe, but mostly because I had you fuck yourself with the dildo I bought you, baby boy” Phil leaned in and whispered and Dan felt aroused.
“ My parents are around, having a boner wouldn’t be very convenient right now” Dan replied and Phil sat back and smiled.
“ Challenge accepted” Phil said with a smirk and Dan bit his lip.
They talked about their lives during the rest of the year and Dan talked about how he went to Manchester and took loads of pictures and how he mostly slept through the year. Phil was smiling and shaking his head sometimes.
“ Do you want to come over? I promise we’ll just talk” Phil said raising his hands to his chest and Dan laughed and threw his head back.
“ Sure, why not?” Dan replied and briefly told his parents where he would be.
They sat down opposite from each other, turns out Phil had bought two identical chairs.
“ Well, I thought that the view from here would be better” Phi said smiling.
“ Which one, the sea or the person sitting across from you?” Dan challenged and Phil looked him and leaned in.
“ I think we both know the answer to that” Phil said and Dan smiled and blushed a bit, he missed that.
“ Also, please find a place to hide your toy I had to prevent my mum from finding it three times in a row” Phil said and Dan laughed so hard he nearly fell on the floor.
“ Maybe, I should just tell your mother about your secret” Dan said with a shy smile.
“ Maybe, I just thought of a really good place to hide it” Phil said touching Dan’s thigh and Dan blushed when he realized what he meant. Yeah, it was going to be a long summer, Dan thought before kissing Phil.
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