#(I’ve never drawn slippers so Moon’s slippers were so hard to draw)
seven-thewanderer · 2 years
This is completely random, but I decided to draw the Sun & Moon plushies I have
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softlyoongi · 6 years
You Made a Home in My Dreams
Summary: They say that 4 in the morning is the epitome of loneliness. Jimin knows this better than anybody, spending his nights walking around campus in an attempt to finally get some sleep. When he finds a mint-haired stranger playing the piano, it's like a lullaby that instantly lulls him to sleep. The only problem is that he doesn't know who this man could be. Word Count: 14926 Warnings: mentions of sex, cussing, jimin walks in on taekook doing it A/N: Hey guys! I'm super excited to upload this fic! I've been writing this for about a month and I'm feeling really good about it! Plus it's my first fic I've written in this fandom, so I'm glad to be able to share some of my work with you guys (: Thank you so much to my beta, @dandelionisonfire, for helping me rant and smooth this story out. I also want to thank @princejoohoney for being super excited about this fic and making me Yoonmin trash #1. Title creds for this song go to Then Again, Maybe You Were Right by La Dispute. Disclaimer: In no way do I claim that this is real or cast aspersions on the members.
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They say that 4 in the morning is the epitome of loneliness.
There’s something about the stillness of the air, the way the Earth still turned and was yet completely silent. Where daytime was usually littered with chattering figures and friendly faces, the night was a purgatory, an absence of light and business. Here and there, somebody would walk past, their hoodie over their head and feet shuffling along the pavement in fast, long strides. They wouldn’t stop, wouldn’t speak, barely made a sound except for the echo of their footsteps.
A dog would sometimes barked in the distance, but it was hard to tell where the sound was coming from when the noise encompassed you, suddenly pouring into your eardrums like it was attempting to cause a sensory overload. Any noise that was made snuck into your head like old ghosts, whispering and taunting and laughing as you buried yourself in the surrounding darkness.
Because ghosts, those were the things that haunted the streets at four in the morning. They came in the form of shadows, of old memories that you’d thought you’d forgotten. They followed you, a prickling sensation trickling up your spine because surely somebody was watching you, yet when you turned, there was nobody there except your forgotten dreams and a feeling of impending doom.
But not all bad things came at four in the morning.
Sometimes the birds would start chirping or a thunderstorm hit, the sound of rain pattering against the windowsill relaxing to the ears. In the dead hours of the morning, eyes heavy with exhaustion, inspiration would hit and you would spend until daybreak drawing or writing or singing until the words and images blended together and suddenly you were left in bleary bliss of everything and nothing at all.
Jimin had a love-hate relationship with the early morning. He loved the quietness, the stillness of the air. He loved the way he could see some stars glittering in the air here and there, peeking through the smog on a cloudless night. He loved how the crickets chirped and the grass would get all dewy.
But he also despised it. He despised it because he wanted to sleep, but he couldn’t. His eyes burned but his body was unable to shut down. His roommate snored softly beside him as he tossed and turned, his head slowly beginning to throb as the night wore on. He hated how he became aware of the loneliness tickling his gut, despite how many friends he had that loved him. He’d never understood why 4 in the morning opened up a hole in his chest in the space his friends usually filled.
On nights like these, Jimin would get out of bed, slip his shoes on, and go somewhere else. He read somewhere once that tossing and turning in bed would only increase his unlikeliness to sleep and that he should get up and do something for a while before he tried again. Something about becoming used to the bed and not recognizing it as a place for sleep.
He usually stayed in his pajamas unless he was dressed inappropriately, and he had been liking the fluffy pants he’d been wearing recently, ones that were fuzzy and pink and had little kittens on them. He had matching slippers to go with them, which he wore if he was going to he staying inside of his dorm complex.
His location usually depended on his mood. Sometimes he would go to a different dorm complex, meeting up with another sleepless friend so they could whisper to each other in the night air, filling the stillness with their soft voices. Sometimes he would make his way to the dance studio where he practiced until his limbs were aching, or to the art building where he stared at paintings for so long that his eyes began to water, wondering what their purposes were. His other favorite location was the campus library, which was open until the early hours of the morning for students who stayed up studying until the brink of death.
As it was, that night Jimin decided to wear his slippers and made his way through the hallways of his dorm complex. The sound of the elevator was too loud as he made his way to the ground floor, and it brought the attention of the desk staff, who was watching something on youtube on the computer. Jimin gave a polite smile as he considered his options.
He could go to the laundry room, but that didn’t make sense because he hadn’t brought his laundry with him. He could go to the little work out room they had, but he wasn’t in proper workout attire. There was also a gaming room with board games and a pool table, except he was all alone. Maybe he could go to the computer lab? There was also a soundproofed room that held a piano, which Jimin quite liked to go to if he wanted to sing or smash his fingers on a keyboard.
He opted for the piano room, deciding that he was in the mood for a good keyboard smash.
His footsteps echoed through the halls as he made his way down the corridor. It was completely silent, the lights far too bright, and the windows were so dark he couldn’t see outside. He quickened his pace, hating the uneasy feeling that came along with passing a dark window at night. He’d always hated that for some reason, as though a ghost was going to just press itself against the window or something.
It felt like it took a long time before he reached the music room, but really it had only been a few seconds. He fumbled with his university ID, which worked as a key to let him into the dorm’s facilities, but eventually was able to swipe it through the reader. The reader beeped in acceptance and he pushed the door open a tad too quickly, but he immediately paused at what he found inside.
There was a boy. His back was facing towards Jimin because he was sitting at the piano that was against the opposite wall. His fingers danced along the keys like he was caressing a lover, and his head was tilted back, face towards the ceiling. The window was open in front of him and the lights were dimmed so Jimin had a view of the university quad right in front of him, of the shadows the trees cast along the sidewalks, of the moon that hung up high in the night sky.
Jimin couldn’t help but notice that the boy’s hair was a shade of mint, which should look terrible in theory, but seemed to go well with the boy’s complexion. Or at least, Jimin thought it might. He couldn’t actually see his face to form an opinion.
But from what he could observe, the piano playing was literally perfect. His long fingers danced along the keyboard and Jimin found that it was a nostalgic song, one that made him think about childhood and all the joy that it brought, the sadness it brought as well. It was absolutely beautiful, he had never heard anything like it before.
He closed the door softly with a click and sat down against the wall. The boy didn’t seem to notice him, too engrossed with his music, but Jimin would make his presence known after the song was over. He didn’t want to interrupt such a lovely song.
He sat with his knees drawn to his chest and rested his chin against them, staring at the boy with half lidded eyes. He was tired, beyond tired, his eyes burning and watering the longer he kept them open. The melody was soothing to his ears, almost like a lullaby his mother used to sing to get him to go to sleep.
Before Jimin could fight his body, he found his eyes flickering closed, his breathing slowing. The tinkling of the piano is what eventually lulled him into sleep, the darkness of his mind welcoming him with dreams about pianos and childhood.
When he woke up, it was to sunlight streaming onto his face and a jacket wrapped around his shoulders to keep him warm. The mint haired boy was nowhere to be seen.
Taehyung, his roommate, was awake when Jimin finally trudged his way up to his dorm room. He was nursing a cup of coffee that suspiciously looked like it had a clump of vanilla ice cream in it. Jimin learned to stop asking about Tae’s Ice Cream Problem after he walked in on him pouring whiskey into a bowl of chocolate ice cream. They had both frozen in place, Taehyung staring at him with challenge in his eyes and Jimin staring back with genuine fear, until they realized that the bowl had started to overflow with liquor, and had to scramble to clean up the mess.
Taehyung took a sip of his coffee sundae and waved at Jimin with his other hand, which was holding the latest copy of some BL manga that Jimin was also too frightened to ask about. “Hey buddy,” Taehyung said nonchalantly. He raised his eyebrows at Jimin’s disheveled appearance, of the unfamiliar black sweater in Jimin’s arms. “Rough night out?”
Jimin huffed and launched himself onto his own bed, groaning as the mattress complained loudly under his weight. “I wish it was a fun night out, but alas I’m going to die from sleep exhaustion.”
“Couldn’t sleep again?”
Jimin shrugged. “I slept just fine in the fucking practice room,” he huffed, taking off his slippers so he could curl up in bed without the gross feeling of having something on his feet. He grabbed three of the five blankets sitting on his bed and wrapped them around himself like a burrito. The other two he buried his feet under so they wouldn’t get cold. He was still hugging the sweater to his chest, having forgotten all about it. He just liked to hold something while he was sleeping, it wasn’t anything to do with who he thought might have been the owner of the clothing.
Taehyung squinted at him. “Right,” he said in a disbelieving tone. “More like you slept just fine after fucking in the practice room.” Jimin sputtered, shaking his head as best as he could while being wrapped up in all of his blankets. While he was trying to get all of his thoughts together to deny the statement, Taehyung went on. “You can’t lie to me, Chim. You come up here with your hair all over the place and a stranger’s sweater in your hands. You know you can tell me anything.”
Not wanting to say that Taehyung would just rat him out to Jungkook if something had happened, he just ended up rolling his eyes and rolling over in his bed. That way he wouldn’t have to look at the two half-naked men on the cover of Taehyung’s manga. “Nothing happened, you soggy potato. I just fell asleep and someone wrapped this sweater around me while I was sleeping.” He didn’t mention the beautiful stranger, or the way he’d fallen asleep to pale fingers dancing across the keys of the piano. There were just some things that Taehyung didn’t need to know. “Don’t you have to be in class in, like, 10 minutes?”
“Yeah,” Taehyung said nonchalantly.
“Are you going to go to class?”
Taehyung was silent and Jimin wriggled around in bed so he could turn around and give him his best glare. “Tae. You can’t miss class again, you already missed five days and it’s only the third week of classes.”
“Is it so bad that I wanted to make sure my roommate wasn’t dead in a ditch somewhere?” Taehyung asked, as though he wasn’t considering skipping class just so he could finish his coffee.
“Tae,” Jimin said flatly. “Go to class.”
His best friend grumbled and ran a ring-laden hand through his blond hair. He was already dressed in something that resembled a quilt with parachute pants and sandals, but Taehyung was already such a weirdo that it looked normal on him. He stumbled around the room, grabbed a neon orange travelling mug, and Jimin watched in disappointment as he got ice cream out of their mini fridge, dumping two large scoops in it. He then grabbed the container of honey and poured a little in there, then sprinkled some cinnamon in the mug. Once he was finished with that, he poured coffee into the mug until it was completely full and screwed the cap on. Only when he was done did he turn to Jimin, giving him a finger heart and blowing a kiss. “Alright, I’m out. I’ll text you.”
“Please don’t,” Jimin said, but Taehyung just repeated the statement and then walked out the door before Jimin could say anything else.
Jimin sighed deeply and buried himself deeper into his blankets. He nuzzled the sweater in his arms with his nose, inhaling the scent of mahogany teakwood and lavender and tried to pretend that he didn’t enjoy it as much as he did. Maybe he could ask around for the stranger with mint green hair. If he lived in the same dorms, surely somebody would know him.
But he didn’t have to worry about that just yet, he decided as he closed his eyes and hugged the sweater closer to his chest.
Jimin had looked for the mint haired stranger in every nook and cranny possible, but he had yet to see him again. He had even ventured back down to the practice room in the early hours of the morning every day for about a week, to no avail.
It was frustrating for no reason other than the fact that Jimin wanted to give the sweater back to the other boy. Obviously. Even though he quite liked the comfort of the sweater hanging off his frame, so oversized that it fell past his hands. It was a lot worn out, the tiger printed on it beginning to crumble from being washed too much, but it was still so soft and warm that Jimin wore it almost every day.
Taehyung told him that he had an obsession, but Taehyung didn’t have any room to talk after Jimin had found out about his dabbling with Thor fanfiction. He wrote (and read) a lot about ‘Thor’s bulging muscles that could throw someone around’ and hardly had the decency to look ashamed as he told Jimin about the fic he read Thor having a gangbang with the rest of the Avengers.
In comparison, Jimin didn’t think his liking for wearing a goddamn sweater everyday was winning in the obsessive scale.
Taehyung scoffed as Jimin slipped the sweater over his torso. It hung past his thighs, made him look like he was wearing a dress over his black leggings. Sadly, the sweater was losing the scent of its original owner, the smell of mahogany teakwood and lavender disappearing after Jimin had worn it so much, instead being replaced with Jimin’s own. It was disappointing but not surprising.
“This is like the tenth time you’ve worn that this week,” Taehyung said flatly, finishing up his eyeliner in the mirror. He had drawn freckles across his cheeks with a brown eyeliner pen and had curled his hair. On top of the short white shorts and the pink v-neck tank top he was wearing, Jimin thought he looked like an even bigger flowerboy than usual, which was quite impressive. “Don’t you think it’s a bit weird to wear that thing so much when you don’t even know who the owner is?”
Jimin shrugged and pushed his friend over so he could apply some eyeshadow. “It’s soft and it smells good. Plus if I wear it all the time then maybe the owner will recognize it and ask for the sweater back.”
“I can’t tell if I’m impressed by your logic or if I just think you’re really stupid.”
Jimin rolled his eyes and decided not to respond, instead focusing on doing his makeup. Sometimes Taehyung just liked to talk and talk and talk and Jimin really just wanted to slap him, but he never did. One of these days though, he promised himself. One of these days.
They left for class soon after, as they both shared the same Dance History class. Taehyung had taken it to fill in his fine arts credit (apparently History of Jazz sounded boring) while Jimin had to take it because he was majoring in dance. It wasn’t exactly the most interesting class he had ever had to take, but it was eons better than his math class, so he didn’t really mind.
The only downfall about having class with Taehyung was that they were either two minutes early to class, or they were twenty minutes late with Starbucks in hand. There was no in between and it was usually the latter.
Today was no exception, apparently.
They burst into the room, twenty minutes late, iced americanos splashing in their cups, and a dark flush on Jimin’s cheeks from running. Taehyung looked even worse, way more out of shape than Jimin was, gasping for air, and a bright pink frappuccino in his large yaoi hand.
The class went silent as the door closed behind them, and Jimin kept his eyes to the ground as they made their way to the back of the classroom to the open seats there. Their professor, Dr. Chae, huffed in displeasure at their late entry. While they made their way to their seats, he quickly filled them in on how there was a guest speaker there for a few more minutes who was talking about the music and fine arts program, and then told the speaker to continue on as though they hadn’t just interrupted.
He did, his low voice filling Jimin’s ears, but Jimin wasn’t really paying attention, too focused on making his way back to his seat. When he got to his seat, he unzipped his backpack and got out his laptop, placing it on top of his desk. He opened the screen, made sure the sound was all the way down before logging in, and then pulled up his notes for the class. Then, he looked over at Taehyung to see that he was just leaning back in his seat, eyes to the front of the classroom, straw in his mouth.
Jimin reached for his coffee, took a sip, and looked to the front of the classroom. Immediately, his coffee got stuck in his throat and he began to sputter, coughing with alarm and embarrassment. Taehyung snorted something about Jimin sucking too much dick this morning but he didn’t pay his friend any attention. His face felt hot as Dr. Chae and the students and the fucking guest speaker all turned to glare at him, but his eyes were glued onto the speaker like he was seeing a goddamn ghost.
Because right there, standing at the front of the classroom, was the guy from the practice room, the one with mint hair, the one who’s sweater Jimin had been wearing for the past week.
Maybe. Probably. In all honesty, Jimin wasn’t completely sure. That night, he hadn’t actually gotten a good look at the guy. He knew he had pale skin, that he had long fingers, mint hair. But he hadn’t seen his face, didn’t know anything about him aside from those miniscule details.
The man in front of him was of short stature, probably around Jimin’s own height. He had on ripped black skinny jeans, and a black bomber jacket over a white shirt. He was wearing a delicate gold choker with a moon hanging on it that reminded Jimin of the moon at four in the morning. His lips were small and pink and he had a button nose and dark, almond-shaped eyes. When he flashed the class a smile, his gums showed and his eyes crinkled and he scratched behind his pierced ear as though he was embarrassed. And- and-
Jimin was in love. Probably. Maybe. If not in love, then he was truly and utterly enraptured, and he could practically smell the mahogany teakwood and lavender from where he was sitting in the back of the room.
Jimin turned to Taehyung, who was already watching him with curious eyes. “That’s the guy who gave me this sweater,” he hissed, which only made Taehyung’s eyes grow wider than they already were.
“What?!” he hissed back, looking back up at the dude, who was talking in a deep, almost monotone voice, but one that completely captured everyone’s attention because he was just too goddamn perfect for this entire world. “I thought you said you didn’t know who it was!”
“I didn’t- don’t,” Jimin replied earnestly. “I just saw his hair color. Hard to mistake someone’s fucking hair color when its mint fucking green.”
“But he’s so hot,” Taehyung whined. “You have to talk to him, I swear to God Park Jimin. I will jump over this desk and fucking throttle you if you don’t talk to him. You’ve been burying your nose in that stupid sweater for a week, that means you’re halfway in love with the guy already-“
“Taehyung-ssi, Jimin-ssi, can you keep it down for two seconds in your life?” Dr. Chae groaned, and Taehyung’s lips pressed together to keep him from saying anything more.
Jimin shrunk in his chair, eyes falling to the laptop on his desk before flickering back up to the mint-haired stranger, and oh god, he was looking at Jimin now, his eyes dark, his lips turning up into a smirk. He didn’t stop talking, not even once, but his tongue flicked out to lick at his lips and he maintained eye contact with Jimin for a moment too long until he finally looked elsewhere.
Jimin didn’t know if he was horribly embarrassed or massively turned on, but he did know that Taehyung whispered ‘holy shit’ next to him and that he was definitely in love.
It occured to Jimin halfway through that he wasn’t listening to a goddamn thing that this man was saying, that he still didn’t know his name, what he did, but he couldn’t bring himself to get out of this weird headspace that he’d found himself in. This man, whoever he was, was absolutely perfect. Just the kind of man that Jimin wanted to get to know in more ways than just one.
The stranger stopped speaking and Dr. Chae stepped forward, thanking him for his speech, the man giving a smile in response. Dr. Chae turned to the students, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Does anyone have any questions for Yoongi-ssi?”
Yoongi. Jimin had a lot of questions, but he couldn’t exactly ask them. At least not in class. Thankfully (horrifically?) Taehyung’s hand shot up beside him, making the professor sigh deeply. “Yes, Taehyung?”
“Yoongi, yeah?” Taehyung started, to a slightly amused Yoongi. “Serious question here, and I’m sure everyone’s wondering about it.” A small pause. Jimin was going to murder him. “What are your thoughts on love at first sight?”
The students snickered, Jimin smacked his hand to his forehead, and Dr. Chae looked about ready to accept death. Jimin wondered why he was still friends with Taehyung.
Yoongi’s expression didn’t change in the slightest. He still had an amused tilt to the corner of his lips, but otherwise his face was blank. Jimin wanted to know and understand all of the emotions that passed over his face every day, how he expressed himself. “Well, I personally haven’t experienced it before, but who am I to tell someone their feelings aren’t valid? Nobody feels love the same way, so I assume someone’s probably fallen in love before right off the bat.”
Taehyung nodded, eyes wide, and opened his mouth again. Jimin leaned closer to him, cutting him off with a harsh whisper of, “I’m going to suck his dick one day,” which probably didn’t help the situation in the slightest, but there was a fog over Jimin’s head and he couldn’t seem to think straight in the slightest.
Maybe his issue was just that he wasn’t straight in the first place.
Class was dismissed a few minutes later, after several more serious questions from the class. Stuff that was more about music and less about topics that Jimin really wanted to know. Jimin packed his things quickly, taking a deep breath as he catapulted himself to the front, where Yoongi was thanking Dr. Chae for allowing him to speak that day.
Taehyung hovered behind Jimin, who was hovering behind Yoongi. When Yoongi finally turned, brows raising in surprise as he caught sight of them, Jimin didn’t let him speak. “You left your jacket for me, right?” As if Yoongi couldn’t see it on him, he gestured to the worn tiger sweater on his torso.
“Uh- yeah,” Yoongi said, lips quirked in a small smile. Jimin reached to the hem of the sweater and tugged it off his frame. “Oh, no don’t worry-“ Yoongi started, but Jimin already had it off and was shoving it into his hands. Yoongi’s eyes lingered on Jimin’s biceps as they were revealed by his black tank top.
“I’ve been wearing it every day just in case you saw me and wanted your sweater back! I felt so bad that you didn’t have it anymore and I couldn’t find you anywhere. I’m so glad I finally found you, where have you been hiding?” Jimin ignored the stifled laughter from Taehyung and pointed an accusatory finger at Yoongi’s chest.
Yoongi, who was looking at Jimin as though he didn’t know if he should be affronted or endeared. His tongue flicked out to lick at his lips and Jimin followed the movement mindlessly, noting how soft his lips looked. “I don’t live on campus,” Yoongi said slowly, grabbing the sweater from Jimin’s hands like he was taking a toy from a puppy. “I usually just go to class and go straight home, so that’s probably why you haven’t seen me.”
Jimin gaped at him, his mind in shambles. He lives off campus? But how? “Why were you in my dorms then?” he accused, and Yoongi laughed quietly.
“My best friend lives in your dorm. I was spending the night there. Sometimes I use the practice room there if all of the ones in the music department are taken up.”
Oh. Well that certainly explained everything, then. Although that also meant that Jimin wouldn’t be seeing Yoongi around much. He didn’t know why he was so disappointed by that fact. (Well, he did know, but he hated himself just a little bit). He didn’t really know what to say so he just stayed silent.
“Thanks for this back, Jimin, I appreciate it,” Yoongi said. “I have to get going to my next class. See you around, though?”
Jimin nodded dumbly and stepped to the side, letting Yoongi pass by him. He kept his eyes on him as he walked out the door, dragging Jimin’s entire heart (and ass) with him.
“Well,” Taehyung exclaimed, patting Jimin on the back. “That went well, you thirsty bitch.”
Jimin shrugged his friend’s hand off of him. “I will fucking cut your entire dick off tonight, Tae. Don’t fucking test me.”
Another sleepless night filled Jimin with anxiety. He tossed and turned, his heart pounding in his chest as he desperately tried to fall asleep. He had an exam tomorrow, one for his contemporary class where he was performing a minute long piece, and he kept going over the motions in his head, trying to make sure he wouldn’t forget it.
But he knew there was no way he would fall asleep like this. He already had trouble sleeping when he wasn’t ridden with anxiety. Adding emotions and self-depreciation to the mix did nothing but make his insomnia worse.
The internet had told him before that if he couldn’t sleep, he should go do something else. It’s what he’s done for years now, even though it didn’t necessarily help. So with a sigh, like every week, he dragged himself out of bed, put on his cat slippers, and snuck out of the room, leaving Taehyung behind.
He knew where he was going before he arrived, because that’s where he always went now, hoping for a flash of mint hair and the sweet melody of a piano. He still hadn’t seen Yoongi there since that first time, and he didn’t think this night would be any different.
The halls of the dorm smelled like stir fry, which was hilarious considering it was three in the morning. Somebody else couldn’t sleep, and Jimin related to that. As he passed by the various rooms, he could hear low talking in a few of them, sometimes even the thrum of a television. The lights in the hallways were dimmed so they didn’t brighten up the students’ rooms, and the eeriness of it made goosebumps rise on Jimin’s skin. He resisted the urge to look behind him with every step he took.
When he finally reached the practice room, he took a deep breath, pausing just outside. He tried not to get his hopes up, telling himself that Yoongi wasn’t in there. He was never there. He didn’t even live here.
The card reader beeped as Jimin scanned his ID, the door unlocking automatically when it recognized him. He put his hand on the handle, fingers shaking for no other reason than anxiety, and then he was pushing the door open.
It took him a moment to realize that there was somebody playing the piano. Not just somebody. But Yoongi.
There he was, the man Jimin’s been dying to see again for forever, only a few steps before him. He didn’t look up, but his head ducked a little as he played, as if he was acknowledging Jimin’s presence, inviting him in. His fingers danced across the keys, slim and long and beautiful, so beautiful that Jimin wanted to hold his hand to see what it would be like. If it would make flowers erupt in his lungs as he entwined their fingers.
Jimin clamped his mouth shut, resisting the urge to speak and to break the calm aura. He didn’t want Yoongi to stop playing. He wanted him to continue, to lull Jimin to sleep, to melt away his anxieties.
So he sat, much like the first time, except this time, he curled into a ball and fell onto his side, lying down with his face pressed into his knees. Like this, he felt small, he felt safe. He felt the music reaching his soul, caressing his heart, soothing his lungs.
It was easier to breathe. It was easier to close his eyes. It was easier to pretend that everything was okay, that he didn’t exist, when the music was surrounding him in warmth.
He awoke the next morning to his alarm going off on his phone, his battery at five percent. There was a pillow under his head and a blanket tucked around his body.
Unlike last time, there was a note tucked under his phone, crinkled at the edges, handwriting messily scrawled.
You can keep the pillow and blanket this time. Get more sleep, kid.
Jimin pounded on the door to his dorm, annoyance running through his entire body. “Tae, open up!”
“Uh, I’m kinda doing something important right now, Jiminnie.”
Jimin pounded again, putting his key into the lock. “I don’t give a shit! I’m coming in!”
“Jimin, Jungkook is literally balls deep inside of me right now. You better fucking not.” A small hey from inside affirmed that yes, Jungkook was probably inside there, screwing Taehyung into the mattress.
Jimin twisted the lock and it clicked open, free for him to enter. “Nothing I haven’t seen before, Tae. Have you just conveniently forgotten that time at the party a year ago when we just happened to have sex in the same room at the same time with each other? I’m coming in.” And then he flung the door open.
Taehyung glared at him from where he was buried under the blankets, Jungkook spooning him from behind. Except, Jimin wasn’t stupid enough to think that Jungkook was just spooning him, especially since the duvet went all the way up to their chins and there was a dark blush and sweat on Jungkook’s brow. “What the fuck, man? Was it that necessary to come in right now? I wouldn’t walk in on you if Yoongi was screwing you.”
Jimin threw his best friend an annoyed glance and shoved his new blanket and pillow onto the bed. “No, of course you wouldn’t. You’d just casually watch for a minute and then ask to join.”
“Hey, I’m not one to turn down a good dicking.”
Deciding to ignore Taehyung’s stupidity, Jimin cast a look over at Jungkook. “How ya doing, Kookie? You eating well? Drinking enough water?”
Jungkook’s face was scrunched up and there was sweat pooling on his forehead. He looked like he was physically in pain. “I’m great, yeah. Eating enough, drinking water, all that good stuff.”
Jimin snorted out a laugh and turned away from his friends, grabbing his dance leggings, a tank top, and his foot paws for his contemporary exam. “Let me just change and you guys can get back to whatever you were doing.”
“Fucking, Chimchim. We were fucking.”
“Right, fucking,” Jimin replied as he changed into his dance clothes, slipping his foot paws into his backpack so he didn’t have to carry them all the way to the studio. “I hope to God you’re using protection,” Jimin said as he slid his shoes on and made his way to the door.
“We are!” Taehyung exclaimed. “Have a good exam!”
“Thanks, you too,” Jimin replied mindlessly, before closing the door and hurrying to his class.
After Yoongi gave Jimin the blanket and pillow, Jimin started to see him in the practice room more often. They never spoke, never acknowledged each other’s presence, but Jimin was happy. Even though he yearned to talk to him, to learn more about him, to hold his hand, Jimin realized that he was getting to know him in a way.
Because music was Yoongi’s soul. It was a part of him, something to keep him together when the world around them was falling about. Jimin learned about the way Yoongi’s fingers danced along the piano, just as Jimin danced across the floor in his classes. Whereas Yoongi made music with his fingers and his brain, Jimin made music with his entire body.
They were two separate entities, but in the tiny space of the practice room, with the piano filling up the air between them, Jimin felt a connection with Yoongi like he had never felt before.
It was just comfortable. There were no expectations, no need for conversation. Yoongi just let Jimin listen to his playing until he fell asleep, covered in Yoongi’s blanket. One day, he even woke up to Yoongi’s tiger sweatshirt laying in front of him, along with a store bought canned coffee. Not exactly Jimin’s favorite drink, but the knowledge that Yoongi left it for him made it taste all so much sweeter.
Taehyung teased Jimin about how in love he was, and Jimin couldn’t even say anything as he sipped on shitty canned coffee, his cheeks as red as cherries. Tae didn’t understand how he could like someone so much when they had only spoken once, claiming that Jimin was a child and needed to grow a pair for once. Jimin didn’t really understand himself either, but he was happy, blissfully in love, and he wasn’t going to pretend like everything was some magical story where he could just kiss Yoongi and ride away into the sunset. There was always the possibility that Yoongi didn’t like him, that he just liked his company, that he didn’t want to get to know him.
It was sad, but Jimin truly didn’t mind. He was just glad that he could fill the empty spaces at night with Yoongi, that he had even been able to have the pleasure of meeting him. He didn’t expect anything from Yoongi, so while he yearned for so much more, he understood that this was his problem, and he didn’t let himself get caught up in what could be. He just wanted to focus on what was.
Sometimes, when Yoongi thought Jimin was asleep, he would start to sing quietly along with the piano. His voice wasn’t polished at all, but rather rough and raw. Despite that, Jimin found it relaxing. During those nights, Jimin would fall asleep to the sound of Yoongi’s voice, and he would dream of a single red rose in the middle of a large grassy field. The grass danced in the wind, playing a melody that Jimin had seldom heard before.
Jimin was happy with how things were. But when things started to change, he was ecstatic about it.
One morning, he woke up to the sound of the practice room opening. He squinted his eyes in the morning light, vaguely noticing a weight on his shoulder. He yawned, his eyes blurry from sleep, and turned to glance at whatever was laying on him.
It took him longer than he’d like to admit to understand that it was Yoongi whose head was on his shoulder. He traced Yoongi’s features with his eyes, smiling softly at the way his fading mint hair messily fell over his forehead. His cheeks were slightly pink and his lips were slightly open. He looked so incredibly soft that Jimin had to force himself to stop from reaching out and just running his fingers down Yoongi’s cheekbone.
He was torn from his thoughts by a soft cough and a presence in front of him, drawing his attention away from the soft man beside him and towards a very tall, lanky man with thick lips and purple hair. The man smiled awkwardly at him and gestured to Yoongi. “I’m Kim Namjoon, Yoongi’s friend,” he explained. His eyes kept flickering from Jimin’s face to Yoongi’s, and it was hard to miss the curiosity in them. “I was worried when he didn’t come back up to my dorm last night, but I guess he fell asleep down here.”
Jimin chuckled and nodded lightly. There was a warmth in his chest and his throat felt like it was closing up with happiness. Added to his sleep-addled mind, he felt very slow and a bit like he was on another universe. “I’m Park Jimin,” he replied softly, bowing his head. “Sorry we worried you.”
Namjoon shrugged and kneeled down onto the floor. He reached out a hand and gently shook Yoongi’s shoulder, who groaned deeply and stretched out his entire body. He resembled a cat, and Jimin almost expected him to purr. “Morning, hyung,” Namjoon murmured quietly. “It’s time for you to wake up now. You really should get better about getting sleep. If I have to hear Seokjin hyung complaining about your late night disappearances again, I might not be able to stop him from withholding food.”
“I don’t think hyung would be able to withhold food from anybody,” Yoongi muttered, his voice so deep and sleepy that it made goosebumps take over Jimin’s entire body. Yoongi sat up and rubbed at his eyes, groaning about how he forgot to take out his contacts last night. He then paused and looked over at Jimin almost as though he’d forgotten he was there. Jimin fell in love with the way Yoongi’s eyes were puffy with sleep, his hair a ruffled mess atop his head. “Ah, sorry Jimin. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”
“I don’t mind,” Jimin replied automatically, his voice soft but sincere. He tried to hold Yoongi’s gaze but it felt like he was looking into the eyes of a god, so he ended up staring at Namjoon’s socks. He had on two different pairs of socks, one with pizza slices on it and the other with cat mermaids. Jimin decided that he liked Namjoon.
Namjoon laughed a bit at Jimin’s answer. “He definitely didn’t mind you sleeping on him,” Namjoon teased, and Jimin glared at him. What kind of person started teasing like that with someone they had just met?
It was all in good fun though, because Namjoon was grinning, cheeks caving in with dimples, and Yoongi croaked out a laugh as well, bumping Jimin’s shoulder with his own as he stood up. “Do you want to get coffee with me, Jimin?” Yoongi asked, giving Jiming a smile. “Consider it an apology for me falling asleep on you.”
Coffee? With Yoongi? Jimin was either dead or still in dreamland, because there was no way this was actually happening. He breathed heavily through his mouth, swallowing, trying to calm his heart down. “You really don’t need to apologize for that, hyung,” Jimin assured, biting his tongue so he didn’t blurt out how much he wanted Yoongi to fall asleep on him again. So he didn’t blurt about how he loved the way Yoongi looked when he first woke up. Speaking of just waking up, “before we get some coffee, can I get changed and take a shower? I probably smell weird.”
“You smell fine,” Yoongi said. “But sure. Meet you at the Bookmark Cafe in an hour?”
Jimin licked his lips and nodded, staying still as Yoongi and Namjoon stepped out of the room. He was dazed, practically gaping, wondering what the hell had just happened and how it’d happened. A lot of shit had gone on at once. Firstly, he woke up with Yoongi sleeping on his shoulder. Then Namjoon made an appearance and made a joke about how much he liked Yoongi. And finally, Yoongi had invited him to coffee.
Jimin needed to look good. He needed to make Yoongi fall for him.
With that in mind, he nearly bolted to his room, thankful to find it unlocked. Shouting a quick hello to Taehyung, he grabbed his robe and his shower supplies and then booked it to the restrooms where he took the quickest shower possible. He wanted to be able to have time to look good, and somehow he always spent longer than needed to get his makeup all finished.
When he was done, he dried off, slipped his robe on, and power walked back to his room. Taehyung squinted at him from where he was lying upside down on his bed, butt and legs on the wall. “What’s got you all in a rush, stranger?”
Jimin took out his purple handheld mirror and his bag of makeup supplies and got to work, trying to create a masterpiece out of a paper bag. “Hot date in less than an hour with a hot man,” he replied nonchalantly, spreading toner all over his skin.
Taehyung jumped off of the bed and came to sit on the desk beside him. Jimin didn’t look at him, but he knew for a fact that he had a shit eating grin on his face, one so wide that it looked like a square. “You’re fucking with me? Yoongi asked you out?”
Shrugging, Jimin spread foundation on his face, being extra liberal where he had bumps on his skin. “He fell asleep on me last night and ended up asking me to coffee. I told him I wanted to take a shower beforehand so we’re meeting once I’m finished up here.”
“Well good thing I’m here. I’m going to make you into an absolute god.” And with that, Taehyung snatched the eyeshadow palette away from Jimin’s hands and twirled him around to face him.
Jimin let him, deciding not to complain. If there was one thing Taehyung was good at, it was makeup. He was a drama student, so he often had to do his own makeup for showcases and recitals and by now, he was a pro. He knew how to handle a brush, knew how to blend and how to give Jimin a sexy smokey eye. Knew how to put just enough lip tint on to make his lips pop. Even if Taehyung went slightly weird with the makeup occasionally (Jimin especially wanted to forget about the time he put red lipstick on his nose and lined his eyes with brown and put dots on his cheeks in a weird attempt to look like a dog).
“You should put in blue contacts,” Taehyung murmured quietly. Jimin strapped himself in for a ramble. His best friend never did know how to stop himself from talking when it came to fashion. “It’d go well with your blond hair. I’m also going to use a white eyeliner pen to put white freckles on you. I suggest you wear that large yellow knitted sweater and your light blue skinny jeans. Oh and wear a choker as well. Maybe the gold chain one with the moon on it? That one always looks so nice with your skin.”
Taehyung went on and on and Jimin just let him, staying quiet as Tae picked out the exact outfit and shoes he was going to wear. He vaguely wondered if he was overdressing, but he also didn’t want to under dress, because he needed Yoongi to fall for him right then and there. He wanted Yoongi to feel like he was worth his time. So he let Taehyung dot white freckles on his cheeks, let him pick out his outfit. Jimin always did look good in yellow and golds.
When Taehyung was finished with his makeup, he threw on the yellow sweater, light blue jeans, and Jimin’s choker at him, and watched with pursed lips as Jimin put everything on, feeling a bit like an animal on display. Jimin opted out of the blue contacts, feeling like that was a bit much, and he only wore one ring, the one that his mother had given him before he had gone to university.
“Something’s missing,” Taehyung muttered, circling around Jimin like a shark with his prey.
Jimin looked at the time. He cursed. “It’s gonna have to be put on hold, Tae. I need to be there in 15 minutes and I still have to walk.”
“But- Jimin,” Taehyung whined, but Jimin put his hand up, checking himself out in the mirror. Taehyung did an amazing job on him as usual. The yellow sweater went well with both his skin tone and his blond hair, and his eyes had just a hint of brown shadow on them, not overpowering, but just enough to make him have some color to his skin. His lips were slightly pink and glossy and looked pretty damn kissable. It was the perfect mix, in all honesty. Jimin wasn’t too done-up, Taehyung hadn’t put eyeliner on him or any heavy lipstick. He just enhanced some of Jimin’s best features and dressed him in comfortable clothing. Taehyung sighed dramatically. “You’re so cute, Chimchim. Why can’t you just be with Jungkook and I and forget about Yoongi?” His voice was childlike, a bit whiny.
Jimin laughed loudly while he tied his shoes. “Maybe if Yoongi doesn’t work out I’ll consider it.” He straightened himself up, brushing off his sweater. He felt pretty confident in his looks, but nerves were starting to build up inside of him at the realization that he was about to be alone. With Yoongi. Talking.
Oh god, they were going to be talking. Not through music, not through their shared insomnia. But with their mouths.
Jimin was absolutely fucked.
He took a deep breath, steeling himself. He could do this. He’s got this. He’d spent days already with Yoongi, so exchanging words was just what came next. This wasn’t even a date, they were just getting together for some casual chats.
It was going to be okay. And yet Jimin felt as though he was going to throw up all over his dorm.
He waved to Taehyung as he exited the room, ignoring his roommate as he screamed after him to text him all the dirty details. He would much rather pay attention to Yoongi than to text his annoying best friend any day.
The walk to the cafe was a short one, but Jimin picked up his pace anyways. He was too excited, too nervous, and it showed in his strides. He tried to slow himself down, to take a few breaths and ignore the autumn air, but it only served to make him more nervous. He put his earphones in, trying to block out the chatter from all around him, putting on a soothing song that never failed to make him relax.
The air seemed chillier than yesterday, not quiet cold but definitely not warm either. He was thankful that he was wearing his sweater so that it blocked some of the air from digging into his bones. He noticed with a sad smile that some of the flowers littering the campus were dying from the change of season. It was bittersweet, how life would die only to be reborn again.
The cafe loomed in front of him, the small blue building looking cheerful in the light of the morning sun. There were flowers decorated on the building, yellows and reds and purples, and Jimin knew from experience that there was also a tiny reading lounge inside of the cafe, a room filled to the brim with books and comfortable chairs. On a Sunday morning, most students were still sleeping the weekend away, dreading the next day when they would have to wake up and go to class.
Jimin opened the door at the same time that he took out his earphones, biting his lip to stop himself from taking in a shaky breath. He closed his eyes to ground himself, and when he opened them, he immediately sighted Yoongi, sitting at a table by the door.
It seemed that Yoongi had already seen him, standing with a soft smile on his face, one that was much different from any expression that Jimin had seen on him before. It transformed his face completely, his lips curling up, his teeth showing slightly. It reminded Jimin of an eclipse in the way that Yoongi always seemed so closed off and reserved, but when he looked at Jimin, he was suddenly shining, so bright that it practically hurt his eyes to look at directly.
“Good morning again,” Yoongi chuckled, scratching behind his ear. Jimin took that moment to drink in all his features, to commit them to memory. He seemed much more awake now, eyes no longer puffy and filled with sleepiness. He had on a cream colored turtleneck that complimented his skin tone and made him look softer than humanly possible. Jimin wanted to drag him into a hug, maybe squish his cheeks between his palms, maybe kiss the breath out of him. All of the above.
“Morning,” Jimin greeted quietly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. “You look really nice.”
Yoongi hummed and ducked his head. There was a dusting of pink on his cheeks that Jimin would have missed if he hadn’t been paying so much attention to Yoongi’s features. “You too. You look really nice in yellow.” He paused for a moment, trying to figure out the correct words to say. “Anyways, I waited for you so that we can order. It’s on hyung today,” he stated proudly.
Just hearing Yoongi call himself hyung so confidently and nonchalantly made Jimin’s heart nearly give out. They had barely even spoken and yet Yoongi wanted Jimin to call him hyung already? If Jimin died that day, he would definitely die happy.
“Ah, thank you,” Jimin stuttered out, adding on a flustered ‘hyung’ to his sentence that sounded more like an absolute mess than anything else. He followed Yoongi to the line, only a couple of people in front of them, and eyed the menu, trying to take his mind off of the nervousness running through his entire body.
Yoongi was standing so close that Jimin could smell that familiar mahogany teakwood and lavender, and it was making him dizzy. He was playing with the strap of his backpack like he didn’t know what to do with his hands and there was a seasonal drink menu that Jimin’s eyes were glued to without taking any of the drinks in. It was autumn anyways, so the drinks would be undeniably pumpkin flavored. He wasn’t a huge fan.
“What kind of coffee do you like?” Yoongi asked, breaking Jimin out of his daze.
Jimin made a vague gesture at the menu. “The sweeter the better,” he said honestly. “Sometimes I get extra flavoring if I’m feeling wild.”
The comment brought a chuckle out of Yoongi and his face was soft. His mint hair glowed softly in the morning sun leaking through the windows. Jimin wished he was an art major so he could capture the moment for several more years to come. But even then, he still wouldn’t be able to convey the utter beauty of Yoongi on a simple sheet of paper.
“Yeah?” Yoongi mused. “Are you feeling wild today, then?”
It was their turn in line, so Jimin got to answer in the form of his order. The barista typed in the praline pie latte and smiled when Jimin put an emphasis on the extra praline flavoring. He ordered it in a porcelain cup with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, and the barista probably hated him, but the gummy smile that Yoongi shot him made it all worth it.
If Jimin was all sugar and whipped cream, Yoongi was bitter black coffee and absolutely No Fun. Jimin teased him for it, saying that the only reason he ordered black coffee was to be edgy, and Yoongi shrugged and agreed.
“I hang out with a bad crowd,” Yoongi sighed dramatically as they made their way to a seat in the small library section. The loveseat was red and well loved, frayed at the edges and fading. There was a book on the table next to it called Bad Feminist, and Jimin felt like he was at home as they sat down. “I was peer pressured into drinking black coffee,” Yoongi went on, taking a sip and making a face like he was dying. “All day they would tease me for ordering strawberry frappuccinos. Said I had no taste and that I would eventually become a white girl named Katie if I kept drinking them. After a while, I gave in and started ordering my coffee black, and I’ve been too afraid of my friend’s opinions to go back to my fruity ways.”
Jimin stared at him in disbelief, an uncertain giggle pulling from his throat. Was Yoongi kidding? His face was so serious that Jimin could hardly read him. His eyes were burning with passion and he was leaning forward a bit to show the serious nature of the conversation. Jimin had never heard Yoongi talk so much before (aside from when Jimin wasn’t listening to him in Dance History but that didn’t count), and he couldn’t believe Yoongi had gone on a rant about something such as this. “You- really?”
Yoongi nodded solemnly. And then his facade cracked with a giant grin and another sip of coffee. “Nah, I’m just too lazy to order anything else and this is the quickest drink to make.”
The laugh that Jimin let out was nothing short of hideous, little squeaks escaping his chest as though he were a mouse. The noises made Yoongi crack a smile as well and the way he was looking at Jimin made him wonder if this truly was a date.
The conversation flowed easily between them, and Jimin slowly got used to the low thrum of Yoongi’s voice, of the way he scratched his ear when he was shy, of the way he hissed in air when he couldn’t quite put into words what he wanted to say.
Jimin learned a lot about Yoongi in the early hours of the morning, both of them still soft from sleep and the slowly rising sun. Yoongi was a quiet guy, but he was blunt about what he liked and disliked. Sometimes he got overly excited, and would do a little body wiggle or make a stupid joke, and it was those moments that Jimin felt as though his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He learned that Yoongi played the piano when he was five years old and had started to make his own music at the age of thirteen. He learned that Yoongi lived with someone named Seokjin who was practically his mother, and that he spent the night at Namjoon’s dorm when he was feeling existential. He taught some piano classes off campus and he was also the piano player for the third year ballet class.
“Will you still play for the ballet next year?” Jimin wondered aloud, excitement swelling inside of him at the thought of Yoongi playing piano for his ballet class. He could certainly hope he would, but Yoongi was already in his last year, so there was a large chance that he would get a real job and say goodbye to campus jobs for good.
Yoongi shrugged and licked at his lips. Jimin tracked the movement with his eyes and tried not to lean forward to see if he tasted like the coffee he was drinking. “They offered, but I haven’t decided yet,” he replied. He ran his fingers over the spine of a book lying next to him mindlessly and flashed Jimin a bashful smile. “But if you’re going to be there, then I might just take the offer again.”
Jimin ducked his head, his face hot and his cheeks aching from smiling so widely. Yoongi was flirting. There was no way that he wasn’t. Unless he was just being nice, but this felt like too much of a date, like two people who wanted to get to know each other for reasons more than friendship. With Yoongi’s thigh pressed against his, books and the smell of coffee filling the room, Yoongi’s compliments and gummy smile, there was almost no doubt in Jimin’s mind that Yoongi had at least a little bit of romantic interest in him.
Just as Jimin was going to stutter out a stupid response, a voice screeched from the entry to the library and suddenly a body was crashing into his, arms wrapping around his neck in a tight hug. For a horrifying moment, Jimin thought that Taehyung or Jungkook had decided to crash his date. But then he saw the glimpse of burgundy hair and a rainbow sweater, and he decided that this was a much worse situation.
“Jiminie!” Hoseok exclaimed, nuzzling his cheek against Jimin’s. “Why are you here?”
Jimin slapped Hoseok out of the way and gave his friend an unimpressed glare. “I’m busy,” he replied, casting an apologetic expression to Yoongi.
To his surprise, Yoongi was smirking, but there was also a tinge of annoyance there. Something fond and familiar that Jimin didn’t understand until he said, “yah, we’re busy, Hobi.”
Jimin froze in complete shock as Hoseok then launched into Yoongi’s arms with as much familiarity as he showed Jimin. Yoongi showed his fondness in a small twitch of his lips, the way he pat Hoseok’s head like a dog, how he just let Hoseok hang off of him as though this happened every day. “Wh- you two know each other, hyung?” Jimin asked, shock apparent on his face.
“We were roommates our first year of university,” Hoseok explained happily. “Best friends ever since!”
“Namjoon is my best friend,” Yoongi said flatly.
Hoseok turned to Jimin. “We’re best friends,” he reconfirmed. At this point, Hoseok was sprawled across both of their laps, his head on Yoongi’s shoulder and his legs thrown over Jimin’s thighs. It didn’t look comfortable in the slightest, but Jimin had long since given up on trying to understand him. It was moments like these where Jimin wondered why most of his friends were idiots.
Yoongi sighed like an old man dealing with the ideals of modern youth and pushed a whining Hoseok onto the floor. He bumped into the coffee table in front of them, knocking off a stack of books, but he barely paid any mind to them as he sprung to his feet, affronted. “What the hell was that for?”
“We’re busy, Hobi. I told you that.” Yoongi’s voice was gruff, blunt, but didn’t hold any mirth other than fond annoyance.
Hoseok looked between Jimin and Yoongi, and Jimin saw the exact moment where he zoned on their coffees, their close proximity, how their thighs were touching. His mouth fell open in understanding and his face flushed red with embarrassment. “I now see that I’m an idiot and I’ll excuse myself,” he said apologetically.
Both Yoongi and Jimin waved him off, and for a moment Jimin felt like a parent sending his child away to their bedroom. “I’ll text you later,” Jimin promised, and that was all Hoseok needed to take leave, a heart-shaped smile on his face and a pink frozen drink in hand.
“How’d you meet Hobi?” Yoongi asked once he was gone.
“He’s the teaching assistant for my hip hop class,” Jimin replied. “I’m a contemporary dancer so I was having trouble in the class. He ended up having to give me a few extra lessons during his office hours and we got pretty close.”
Yoongi hummed thoughtfully, quieting for a second. Jimin let him think about what he was going to say, knowing that it was sometimes hard for Yoongi to put his words together. “You’ll have to let me see you dance sometime,” he suggested quietly.
Even the suggestion made Jimin grin, because that meant they would see each other again, that they were close enough for Yoongi to want to know more about him and what he does. Jimin had already seen Yoongi perform dozens of times, and now it was Jimin’s time to shine. “I’ll consider it if you play me something worth dancing to,” Jimin teased.
The last thing he expected was for Yoongi to nod, accepting the joke as a challenge, his eyes curving into little crescents as he smiled. “Deal.”
“You have to tell me all about it. Did you guys kiss? Did you fuck? Oh god, please tell me you used protection. I’m not ready to be an uncle yet.”
Jimin shot Taehyung a look, and then sent Jungkook a similar one, as though asking how the fuck he dealt with that all the time. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders minisculely. Jimin didn’t understand but he supported them. “We didn’t kiss, we didn’t fuck, and I don’t have a uterus so you’re not going to be an uncle yet,” Jimin replied flatly. “We just got a coffee and talked. It was nice.”
“You… you talked,” Taehyung said disbelievingly.
“Yes, we talked,” Jimin replied. “Not all of us meet by doing body shots on one another and then start dating the next day.” He cast a meaningful glance at his two best friends, and was glad that at least Jungkook had the decency to look embarrassed. Taehyung just grinned and blew Jimin a kiss, which Jimin pretended to punch out of the air. “We got coffee, talked about our interests. He told me he’d like to see me dance sometime and I told him that I’d like to dance to a song he plays me. Hoseokie hyung showed up too, which was a bit annoying, but not as annoying as you are.”
“I resent that.”
“Not as much as I resent you.” Jimin sighed and flopped down backwards onto his bed. It was nine o’clock at night and he felt like he could go for a nap right about then. At the same time, he was way too wired from the day’s events and knew that there was no way he would be able to sleep right about then. “He was perfect, Tae. A literal grumpy angel sent from a goddess herself. Imagine like, a grumpy cat who has a soft spot for one person in particular, yeah? Yoongi is the grumpy cat and I’m the person in particular.”
Jungkook laughed lowly and put his arm around Taehyung’s shoulder, resting his head on his boyfriend. “You sound pretty sure about that.”
Jimin nodded. “I am sure. I’m like 99% certain that was a date. He said he would be the pianist for ballet next year as long as I’m in it, even though he won’t be a student anymore.”
Taehyung gasped dramatically and put a hand over his heart. Damn theater majors. Not even the dance majors were this bad. “Damn, okay then. That’s love bitch.” He turned to Jungkook and pouted. “Why don’t you treat me like that?”
Jungkook shrugged. “I guess I just don’t love you.”
“That’s fair,” Taehyung said and turned back to Jimin. “So what are you going to do about this then? You should tell him how you feel.”
Jimin sniffled pathetically. He wasn’t even close to tears, but he felt a bit emotional, always the one catching feelings more than his other friends did. “I don’t know. Emotions are hard.”
He heard the bed opposite from him creak as Taehyung stood up, and then there was a body curling up next to him, cradling him to Taehyung’s chest. If there was one thing that Jimin loved about Taehyung, it was his cuddles and how they made Jimin feel so small and warm. His friend made a motion with his hand, and then Jungkook curled up on the other side of Jimin, squishing him between the two. He closed his eyes and soaked up their warmth and friendly vibes like a purring cat underneath the sun.
Maybe this was why he kept the both of them around.
“For what it’s worth,” Jungkook started in his soft voice as Taehyung nuzzled Jimin’s cheek with his nose, “I think he really does like you. You’ve been meeting up at night for weeks and he brings you blankets and stuff when you fall asleep. Then he fell asleep with you and asked you for coffee the next morning. I don’t think I would do that unless I really really liked someone.”
“That’s love bitch,” Taehyung reiterated in a whisper. Jimin ignored him. It was Kookie time now, not Taehyung time.
“What if he doesn’t though? What if I’m wrong?”
Jungkook brushed a hand through Jimin’s hair, smoothing out all the knots from the day. He smiled a soft smile and gave Jimin a friendly kiss on the ear. “Then at least you won’t beat yourself up for never trying. And I could always punch him if you need me to.”
“And if it doesn’t work out with you and Yoongi hyung, you know that Jungkook and I will happily accept you into our loving relationship,” Taehyung added gleefully. Jungkook and Jimin glared at him and he pouted. “What? I’m just saying it’s an option.”
Jimin sighed, shaking his head. But his chest was full and he was warm and his two best friends were wrapped around him like pretzels. “You’re unbearable.”
“And yet you still love us,” Jungkook stated, a fact that’s been proven over and over again.
“Somehow I do,” Jimin replied and tightened his hold on his friends.
Taehyung kissed his cheek and started to pet his hair with Jungkook. Jimin didn’t think he could last much longer before he would fall asleep. He’s always been a slut for having his hair petted. “You should tell Yoongi how you feel. Text him or something. Go get your man. And then tell us all about it so we can be jealous that someone else gets to have our Jiminie.”
Jimin giggled and relaxed fully into them, succumbing himself to his best friends’ arms. “Fine. But no promises that anything will actually work out.”
Yoongi hyung
Can you make it to the ballet studio at 8?
Ya, why??
Yoongi hyung
Do some stretches and wear something you can dance in
So either im going to be doing ballet or a lapdance. Got it.
Yoongi hyung
Why can’t it be both?
ill be there
Yoongi hyung
Jimin arrived at the ballet studio two minutes before eight o’clock with his leggings and a light pink hoodie, foot paws stuck in the pocket so he could slip them on once he was ready to dance. He’d shoved as much hair as he could into a little ponytail atop his head and had Taehyung use bobby pins and a headband to keep the strays down.
He probably looked a bit weird, but considering that Yoongi had already seen him asleep multiple times, Jimin didn’t think he’d care too much. Besides, he’d kind of asked for this.
The soft sound of someone playing the piano filled his ears as he entered, going to the end of the hall where the largest studio with a small brown piano sat in the corner. Jimin was pleased but not surprised to see Yoongi sitting there, his mint hair messy and fading to blond. His lips were pouted slightly as he played, his fingers dancing across the keys, his dark brows furrowed in concentration.
He didn’t stop playing when Jimin came in, just like those other times when Jimin would interrupt him. This time, his eyes flickered up and he gave Jimin a soft smile, cheeks rosy and a black mask tucked under his chin. The song he was playing started out slow, an easy rhythm that put Jimin’s ears at ease. When it picked up, Jimin closed his eyes and felt himself get lost in the music, in the feel. It was nostalgic, something that reminded him of his childhood, maybe of when he first started to dance. The slow notes appeared again, and Jimin remembered how he had taken years to get used to dancing, had started out as the worst in his class, but that was what ultimately urged him on to become better, to show everybody that he could be the best. When the song picked up once more, Jimin thought about his first dance competition, how he had been so nervous that he’d made a mistake on stage. Afterwards, he’d been so upset that he ran away from his friends and had thrown up in the bathroom, locking himself away until his instructor had found him and told him that everybody gets like that, but that it doesn’t mean he’s not good enough.
When the song came to an end and Jimin opened his eyes, he found Yoongi gazing at him, raw around the edges, lips turned upwards. “Do you like it?” he asked, his voice calm, almost in harmony with the song still ringing around the room. His foot was still on the peddle, and it seemed like he realized that, because he took his foot off and the note cut off a little bit too suddenly.
“You’re amazing,” Jimin replied sincerely. He walked over to the piano and leaned over it, resting his arms under his chin. “Did you write this by yourself?”
Yoongi hummed in agreement. “Had to make a song for my composition class,” he confirmed. “We had to write something about love, so I wrote about my relationship with the piano.” He gave the piano a fond smack on the wood, and Jimin chuckled at that. Yoongi was too good for this world.
“It feels really nostalgic to me,” Jimin admitted, smoothing his hands over the piano and feeling the grooves and dents, showing how well loved it was. “It reminded me of when I first started dancing and all the struggles and joy that brought me. You’re very talented, hyung.”
“Thank you,” Yoongi beamed, and his cheeks were rosy and Jimin wanted to smooch him. He always wanted to smooch him. “Anyways, it’s good you get emotion from it because this is the song I want you to dance to for me.”
Jimin expected that, but he was still a bit surprised with it. Yoongi had created an entire song and he wanted Jimin to feel it in his body, with every fibre of his being, wanted to watch Jimin create an entire new art form with his song. To Jimin, that felt a little bit like trust. “Play it for me again,” Jimin whispered.
Yoongi started without complaint, the notes ringing around the room, and Jimin took his time slipping his foot paws over his toes. He sat in the middle of the room on the floorboards, staring blankly at himself in the mirrored wall, and then he laid on the floor, closed his eyes, felt the music. He listened to every single note, committed it to memory, imagined which moves would be the most powerful where. A pirouette there or a fouetté? Arabesque or a pas de chat?
Once the song was finished, Jimin asked Yoongi to play it again, and once more, and then he was moving just his arms with the music, figuring out the feel with his body, tracking the music and how he could move along.
Alas, he felt like he figured it out enough that he could probably come up with some decent dance that Yoongi would appreciate. He was probably overthinking this, anyways. Yoongi knew almost nothing about dance, and most people could look at a dancer and think that they were doing amazing even if they weren’t.
“Can I film your dance?” Yoongi asked quietly, and that gave Jimin’s stomach a tight swooping sensation, but he nodded and grinned.
“Of course,” he replied, getting into his spot as Yoongi perched his phone on the top of the piano, using a book to prop it up.
He pressed play. “Ready when you are.” Jimin gave him a thumbs up, and Yoongi began to play once more.
After listening to the song so many times, Jimin felt as though he knew it by heart. He hadn’t always been so adaptable to music, but years of being forced into improv (and even having to take a college class on it), he’s gotten so much better at making up entire dances on the spot.
The trick was that you had to go by feel of the song. You had to use the song to move your body, to stop thinking and just let your body and the song do the talking. Yoongi’s song was nostalgic, full of childhood and happiness, a tinge of sadness thrown in there for all the hard times that came with growing up. Jimin used this to his advantage.
The song started out slow, and so did Jimin. When there was a pause in the notes, he would exaggerate his breathing, would suddenly collapse to the floor, would grasp his heart as though he were shot. But when the music was constant, he moved along with it, never ending. He would throw himself across the floor, do leaps and turns, would turn his face towards the sky and reach with both hands like he was grasping something he couldn’t quite grab.
It was fun, it was exhilarating. He suddenly knew how Yoongi had felt when Jimin watched him playing, the sense of accomplishment that came with the knowledge that someone was there, was watching you perform, and could barely look away. Jimin couldn’t see Yoongi’s face except briefly when he caught his eye in the mirror, but he did manage to capture the way Yoongi’s mouth was gaping slightly, how he gulped, smiled and nodded his head in approval.
Jimin danced like his life depended on it, and it was all for Yoongi. He wanted to show Yoongi through his dancing just how highly he thought of the mint-haired man, how thankful he was to have met him those months ago. He wanted to put his feelings on display, to show that he never wanted Yoongi to take his eyes off of him.
When the song was over and there was sweat pooling on Jimin’s brow, he collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily, feeling content. Even though it was only a three minute song, the amount of energy he’d used was equal to how much he used during competitions. He wanted to show Yoongi everything that he was capable of, that he could make a dance as beautiful as the song Yoongi had played for him. His heart was jumping out of his chest, his limbs ached, and he was a bit too sweaty from dancing in his sweater, but he felt like maybe he’d achieved what he had wanted to. Judging by the glimpse of Yoongi’s face he’d gotten while he was dancing, he thought he might have.
He opened his eyes when a weight fell beside him and cold plastic touched his forehead. Yoongi was sitting beside him, pressing a water bottle to his feverish skin, and the smile that Jimin loved so much on his face. Jimin gave him a relieved smile and grabbed the bottle, sitting up so he could chug it. “Thank you, hyung,” he said when he finished, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.
Yoongi shrugged. “It’s the least I could do.” He licked his lips and looked down at his hands, which were fidgeting with his fingers. “You weren’t kidding when you said you could dance,” he chuckled. “I’ve seen Hobi dance at some of his showcases before, but you- you’re on a different level? Maybe it’s because you’re trained in a different area than he is, but it made me want to write more songs that you could dance to.”
Jimin opened his mouth to respond, but found that he couldn’t. His tongue was useless in his mouth and his heart felt as though it was going to fall out of his ass. He bit his lips, took another sip of water to see if that would help him speak. It didn’t, but he didn’t need to, because suddenly Yoongi was sliding his hand over his, holding it softly as though Jimin were a precious piece of art he was afraid to ruin.
He didn’t seem to mind that Jimin’s palms were sweaty, dirty from where they were perched on the ground. “Come here,” Yoongi murmured, and then he was tugging Jimin to his feet, not letting go of his hand. Jimin took a moment to appreciate the weight of Yoongi’s hand in his own, how his fingers were long and completely engulfed his own, skin soft and pale against Jimin’s own.
“What are we doing?” Jimin asked as Yoongi pushed him onto the piano bench. He let Yoongi take the water bottle out of his hand and set it on top of the piano before taking a seat next to him and running his fingers over the keys lovingly.
“I’m going to show you how to play,” Yoongi replied simply. He took Jimin’s (very small) hand and pressed one of his fingers to a random key. He did this a few times with different keys until he was plucking out the notes to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and Jimin giggled, amazed even though it was such an easy tune.
The thing is, Jimin had never played the piano before. Sure, he’d done some random keyboard smashes and had pretended to know how to play before, but he hadn’t actually played something. He knew that it was just Yoongi controlling his hand, showing him how to play simple songs, but he couldn’t pay attention to remember anything that Yoongi was saying in that soft, raspy tone of his.
Jimin was admittedly a bit starstruck. Yoongi was speaking about the placement of his fingers on the keys, something about musical notes, and Jimin was nodding, following his fingers with his eyes, but he couldn’t hear a damned thing. Yoongi was touching him so gently, his hands so big in comparison to Jimin’s, and he was sitting so close that his thigh was pressed completely against Jimin’s. He was so warm, and Jimin was still hot from dancing, but the feeling of Yoongi pressing against him was a welcome sensation, one that he wanted to remember.
Yoongi was talking in a low tone, and it was music to Jimin’s ears. He sighed softly, closed his eyes, let Yoongi press his fingers to the keys, and just drowned himself in the moment.
It didn’t take long for Yoongi to realize that Jimin wasn’t paying attention. After all, Jimin’s hands were completely slack, and his head tilted to the side, brushing against Yoongi’s shoulder. He was trying to resist just putting his head on Yoongi’s shoulder and dozing off because he wanted to remember this for life, he didn’t want to sleep through the experience. But Yoongi’s voice was just so soothing, and Jimin doesn’t sleep much, and his body was relaxing after dancing, and he was comfortable.
Yoongi stopped pressing Jimin’s fingers to the keys and paused, chuckling. He moved a little closer to Jimin and entwined their fingers together, and Jimin opened his eyes to see Yoongi grinning at him. “Sleepy?” he whispered.
Jimin nodded and yawned a little bit. “You make me feel calm,” he admitted shyly, glancing at their entwined hands, and then back into Yoongi’s sparkling eyes. “Being with you like this is relaxing. I feel like I could fall asleep right here.”
Yoongi’s tongue flicked out to wet his lips, and Jimin was immediately hypnotized. It was amazing to him how Yoongi was always able to do that to him, how easily he could put Jimin under his spell. And Jimin just sat there like a lovestruck fool, believing that Yoongi was possibly the best and most beautiful thing on the entire Earth. “You always were able to sleep when I played,” he commented, and now they were both whispering into the air between them, like they were keeping a secret
“When you play, it feels like I’ve escaped into an entirely different world. Like all of my worries have gone away and I can just relax. I’ve heard dozens of people play the piano before, but none of them have made me feel like this before.” Jimin paused, hummed, and then smiled. “But maybe I’m a bit biased.”
“What do you mean?” Yoongi wondered, although he was smiling as well, almost like he knew exactly what Jimin was going to say.
Jimin took a deep breath. He was going to do it. He didn’t think he was imagining everything that was between them, the comfort and level of trust, the blatant interest that Yoongi held for Jimin, and vice versa. And if he was imagining it, then at least he would be able to know for certain. “When I first saw you playing, I had never seen someone so beautiful in my entire life. When you gave me your sweater, I wore it every single day until I found you. Not because I wanted you to see it, but because it was yours and I wanted to wear something that belonged to you. So maybe I’m a bit biased because I like you so much that everything you do is amazing to me.”
Yoongi inhaled sharply and Jimin definitely wasn’t imagining the blush on his cheeks or the way the tips of his ears turned red. He tugged a little on his mint hair, running his hand through it, and he licked his lips again, eyes flickering down to Jimin’s. “I-,” he started, then cleared his throat. He seemed nervous, but Jimin didn’t mind. He let Yoongi take his time. “I’ve seen you around the dorm before that night,” Yoongi finally admitted with an awkward laugh. Jimin’s eyes widened and he racked his brain, trying to think of a moment where he’d seen mint hair around, but he came up short. Like Yoongi knew what he was thinking, he said, “I had blond hair until a few days before you walked in on me. I always saw you around, but you just seemed, I don’t know. Unattainable to me, I guess? You’re just-” he waved a hand, gesturing to Jimin’s face. “You’re so beautiful, you know? And you were always smiling when I saw you. So when you came in that night, I was too afraid to turn around, because I was afraid you might disappear.”
Jimin’s throat felt tight. His entire body was on fire and there was no way he could douse that fire anytime soon. He could barely breathe and Yoongi was so close, and he felt like they were in some stupid romcom or something. He voiced this to Yoongi, who laughed, face filled with such bliss that it completely took Jimin’s breath away. He squeezed the life out of Yoongi’s hand, struggled to get his next words out when he was suddenly incapable of breathing. “Can I kiss you, hyung?”
“Fuck,” Yoongi hissed under his breath, and it might have been funny if Jimin didn’t feel like his heart was going to give up on him. Yoongi gaped at him for a moment, blinking slow and cat-like, before letting out a long breathe. “C’mere,” he murmured, and tugged Jimin forward with his hand.
With Yoongi’s other hand, he cupped Jimin’s cheek. His thumb brushed over Jimin’s cheekbone so gently that Jimin thought he might cry. And then, he was leaning forward, his eyes fluttering shut, and Jimin had never seen such a beautiful sight before, of Yoongi leaning in to kiss him, lips slightly opened, their noses brushing. Jimin closed the gap between them, leaning forward that extra inch, and then he was melting like chocolate in Yoongi’s arms.
Yoongi kissed like he played the piano, softly and full of love. He held onto Jimin like he was holding onto something precious, something that he didn’t want to ever let go. His lips were small against Jimin’s, but they fit perfectly, and he tasted a little bit like cherry chapstick and black coffee. It was a sweet kiss, just the movement of lips against lips. There was no tongue involved, and Jimin was glad that Yoongi didn’t just shove his tongue down Jimin’s throat like some people had before.
Jimin took this opportunity to run his hands through Yoongi’s hair, tangling them in the strands before releasing and tracing down his neck, his shoulders, the small of his back. Yoongi was very delicate under Jimin’s fingers, everything about him small and slim. His waist was tiny and if Jimin had bigger hands, he may have been able to actually break him. Jimin grinned into the kiss at this, making Yoongi whine and pull back as he suddenly kissed Jimin’s teeth, which probably wasn’t the best feeling in the entire world.
“What are you smiling about, twerp?” Yoongi asked in a gruff tone, but he was hiding a smile as well. His lips were slicked with spit and his hair was a mess, and Jimin squeezed his hips lightly.
“You’re so tiny,” Jimin sighed dreamily, pressing a kiss to Yoongi’s nose.
Yoongi glared at him, and with anyone else, it might have made them back off immediately. But with Jimin, he just grinned widely and chuckled. “Speak for yourself. I thought you were going to snap if I kissed you any harder.”
Jimin wiggled his eyebrows. “I can prove that theory wrong.”
Yoongi made a face. “That’s gay,” he said.
“You’re right. I apologize. I forgot to say no homo before we kissed.”
“I can forgive you just this once, I guess. Just don’t do it again, okay?”
Jimin nodded seriously, looking Yoongi in the eyes. “No homo,” he confirmed before swooping in and kissing Yoongi. Except this time, it was Jimin who was kissing teeth, and he pulled back, groaning. Definitely not a good feeling. “I take it back, I don’t want to kiss you anymore.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right. You’ve been waiting to press me against a wall for months.”
Jimin glared. “I could say the same thing about you, hyung. Except I actually had the balls to do something about it.”
Yoongi pushed him and grumbled something that Jimin didn’t catch. They locked eyes, and then they were both grinning at each other, snickering like school girls, and Jimin was so happy that he didn’t know what to do with himself. He wanted to stay here like this forever, wanted to sit his ass on this piano bench and listen to Yoongi play for the rest of his life, wanted to kiss the absolute daylights out of him until he couldn’t feel his own lips. He wanted-
Jimin yawned right in Yoongi’s face. Yoongi smirked and kissed his cheek.
“Come on,” he said, and got off the chair. He grabbed Jimin’s hand and helped him off as well.
“Where are we going?” Jimin asked as he followed Yoongi to the door. He would probably follow Yoongi to the ends of the earth if he asked.
Yoongi turned and grinned, his gums showing, his eyes turning into little crescents. As they stepped out of the studio, the moon created a halo around his head and made his skin glow like a mythical creature, and Jimin was so, so in love that it hurt. “Maybe we should try to sleep in an actual bed for once, yeah?”
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mydarlingfelix · 7 years
Get to know me tag(s)!
Tagged by: @hyunjinh  @felox-the-great @jaeffreyy @squishywoojin @welcometochanskitchen @dabkingfelix @mosquitofelix
Hi! I’m Summer btw (Ik it’s not in my bio), but I just go by Sum or other nicknames lol *I also just put multiple “get to know me” tags in 1 lol THIS IS A SUPER LONG POST IM SORRY However thank you for tagging me!! I Love you all soOoOo much!
Bold Thingy Tag
1ST RULE: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
I think everyone done this already fkjdjgb
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true.
APPEARANCE: - I am 5'7 or taller - I wear glasses - I have at least one tattoo -I have at least one piercing - I have blonde hair - I have brown eyes - I have short hair (idk it’s growing) - My abs are at least somewhat defined - I have or had braces
PERSONALITY: - I love meeting new people - People tell me I am funny - Helping others with their problems is a big priority of mine - I enjoy physical challenges - I enjoy mental challenges - I am playfully rude to people I know - I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it - There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: - I can sing well - I can play an instrument - I can do over 30 pushups without stopping - I am a fast runner - I can draw well - I have a good memory - I am good at doing maths in my head - I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute - I have beaten at least 2 people arm wrestling - I can make at least 3 recipes from scratch - I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: - I enjoy sports - I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else - I’m in a orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else - I have learned a new song in the past week - I exercise at least once a week - I have gone for runs at least once a week in warmer months - I have drawn something in the past month (Lucy wanted to be drawn for her bday and I did a watercolor portrait thing ig? for her) - I enjoy writing - Fandoms are my #1 priority- I do some form of Martial arts
EXPERIENCES: - I have had my first kiss - I have had alcohol- I have scored a winning point in a sport - I have watched an entire TV series in one sitting - I have been at an overnight event- I have been in a taxi - I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year - I have beaten a video game in one day - I have visited another country - I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: - I have one person that I consider to be my Best Friend - I live close to my school/work - My parents are still together - I have at least one sibling (I have like 5)- I live in the United States - There is snow where I live right now - I have hung out with a friend in the past month - I have a smart phone - I own at least 15 CDs - I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: - I am in a Relationship - I have a crush on a celebrity (?) - I have a crush on someone I know - I’ve been in at least 3 relationships - I have never been in a Relationship (not a healthy one at least)- I have admitted my feelings to a crush - I get crushes easily (It’s disgusting, wtf is wrong with me. I don’t need feels) - I have had a crush for over a year (Umm kinda he’s just really really cute. I talked to Dain about this before) - I have been in a relationship for over a year (but not currently) - I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM: - I have break-danced - I know a person named Jamie - I have had a teacher that has a name that is hard to pronounce - I have dyed my hair - I’m listening to a song on repeat right now - I have punched someone in the past week - I know someone who has gone to jail - I have broken a bone - I have eaten a waffle today - I know what I want to do in life - I speak at least two languages - I have made a new friend in the past year
Alphabet Soup Tag
A: Age - “I’m 19, you fight me?” B: Birthplace - Cali C: Current time - As I’m during this 1:26pm D: Drink you had last - Water, but also Thai Tea Boba E: Easiest person to talk to - F: Favorite song - None G: Grossest memory - My cousin’s and I were doing a auntie and niece day and went theMall and I saw this girl throw up on the second floor in Forever 21. I felt sorry for the workers...  H: Hogwarts house - G I: in love? - nah, never gonna happen J: Jealous of people? - It’s only a human aspect, you’re only truly horrible if you do something nasty to others because of that feeling K: Killed someone? - Not yet lmfao L: Love at first sight or should I walk by again? - No thank you M: Middle name - Summer N: Number of siblings - 5 O: One wish - None P: Person you called last - My mom Q: Question you are always asked - Idk tbvh R: Reason to smile - Idk things make me happy S: Song you sang last - The Unit No way (I dont remember the unit colors)  T: Time you woke up - 6:43am  U: Underwear color - White  V: Vacation destination - South Korea, Japan, & idk the other one, but honestly my goal is to visit all my mutuals before I died lmfaooo W: Worst habit - Not caring, sleeping in, getting distracted easily, being anixious all the time.  X: X-rays - Teeth Y: Your favorite food - I have a lot... Z: Zodiac sign - Gemini
🥛 Colour(s) I’m currently wearing: Black... Just a lot of black (I need to stop wearing sm black omg)  🍥 Last band t-shirt I bought: I don’t ever buy clothes for myself, idk when was last time? Maybe during the Got7 concert?  🥛 Last band I saw live: Got7 (Fly In LA: Day 1) and Paradise (A Hmong Band)  🍥 Last song I listened to: Rn I’m listening to The Unit’s Cherry on Top  🥛 Lipstick or chapstick: Idk... I wear lip tints.  🍥 Last movie I watched: Ever Wonder? (idk it’s a true story about the creation of wonder women)  🥛 Last 3 TV shows I watched: Wanna One Go, Wanna One x Aimgo TV, and The Unit 🍥 Last 3 characters I identified with: Kora, Steven Universe, & Ken Kaneki (idk for this part, I never thought about this fkdfdkgd)  🥛 Book I’m currently reading: Books for my classes njfdkjd 
What’s my name? (Imma just put my initials) 
M. S. L.
What’s my nickname?
Sum, SumSum, SumShine, Summahh Girl, Tsumdere, Chee, 
How old am I?
“I’m 19, you fight me?”
What got me into Kpop?
SJ- Sorry Sorry, but Got7 made me offically stay and learning everything about the kpop fandom
What’s my favourite Kpop group?
Rn W1 (the most)
Who’s my ultimate bias?
Park Jihoon
What groups/artists do I stan?
Too many to count, you all can ask my personally if you want lol
What groups/artists do I casually listen to?
A lot, I try to be diverse, but what’s good music is good music to me. Feel free to suggest me some :D
What artists do I listen to that aren’t Kpop?
Ahh I’m lazy, but just good sounding music. Calvin Harris just popped up in my head. fknfkjskfnj 
Who’s my bias and bias wrecker from my ultimate group(s)?
Wanna One: Park Jihoon & Kang Daniel
JBJ: Kim Donghan & ??? (They’re all messing me up rn)
SK: Felix & I think Hyunjin? Idk
What’s your favourite song(s) to sing/hum?
It’s recently been Chungha’s roller coaster lol and The Unit songs  
What are your favourite flower/tree/plant (all 3 or whatever you have an answer to)?
I really love plants and flowers in general, however Peonies are one of my many faves!! 
Favourite colour(s)?
Pink, blue, purple, black, white, and gray
What do you always doodle (if you ever do)?
Umm yeah I always doodling, but I try not to because I want to be able to focus in class haha. 
How do you take your coffee/tea? If you don’t like those what’s your fav warm drink?
It probably like 20% coffee and 80% french vanilla cream nfksjfgsbjg sometimes I add a lil milk too 
Favourite candle scent?
Anything flowery, but i really like sweet pea smell lol. I don’t any candles yet, so I don’t quite know which I like more yet. Soorrryy
Sunrise or Sunset?
Sunset! The colors are soo pretty and like it doesn’t require me to wake up from my sleep lmfao. The transitions of day and night it just so beautiful! and the stars that start peeking through the dark sky! 
What perfume do you wear if any?
I don’t wear perfume? I have them at home but in my opinion I feel like if you’ve showered and smell nice why try to mix more scents onto you?? and I don’t really need it? DONT WORRY I AM CLEAN NFJSNJF idk if I make any sense
What’s your go to dance move when you’re alone?
Favourite quote?
“The moon is friend for the lonesome to talk to.” ― Carl Sandburg 
&  “We ran as if to meet the moon.” ― Robert Frost  
& also 
“The moon and stars just for you my love” - Me lol 
Favourite self care thing(s) or routine(s)?
Umm... Drawing. Showering and putting a face mask afterwards. Painting my nails. It’s more like small things, especially like painting my nails and drawings are things I can’t do often because I try to focus on school, because ik I’m bad at focusing. Sleeping and reminding to just eat, when I get too busy and focused I tend to skip meals. njfkdsnfj s
Fuzzy socks or House slippers?
OMFG BOTH THAT’S LIKE THE BEST COMBO! I have these pinky and purple house slippers I got aND IT’S FUZZY KSFJ SK IT’S SOOO CUTE OMG!! I love. nfjdnfd 
What colour are your eyes? 
Dark Brown
What’s your favourite eye colour on others?
Hazel, black, and gray
Favourite season? why?
Autumn and Winter (Ik contradicts with my name) but I love the rain! and cloudy weather! The sound of rain is calming and being inside while hearing the rain is nice. I really love Spring too when the flowers begin to bloom and like it’s a fresh type of feeling when spring hits lol.
Cheek, neck or nose kisses?
SJFNKFS Honestly depends on my mood  (´•/// ω \\\•`) but I like cheek kisses because softtt
What does your happy place look like?
My room on a rainy day with my fairy lights flickering
Favourite breed of dog?
YO OKAY SO I SAW THIS FB POST ABOUT THIS DOG BEAR AND I WANT A DOG BEAR IDK WHAT THEY’RE CALLED JKFDFHKSF. My dad is a dog breeder as a side business, so I grew up with pitbulls, pocket pits, american bull dogs, frenches, and now ‘exotics’ are the trend atm. 
Do you ever want to be married? If so what colours would you pick for your wedding theme?
Umm yes and no? I’m not sure. If I have an American wedding I like to stick to a traditional white with maybe a peach and light pink here and there, but for sure I would love to do a traditional Hmong wedding. 
Silk or Lace?
Silk feels nice, but I like lace too :)
Favorite weather?
SF type of weather 
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