This is my kind of woman!!!
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We’ve all been looking for a real woman
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Real Woman have curves
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The woman responsible for posting this touches my heart. She gets it.
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💕……… 🙌🏼
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Look at all of the lies that are spouted from every fake news outlet. Who has cut military and police funding? What could be the possible conclusion to doing that? Lawless streets and a military takeover by China??? Why was the shooter allowed to get off a shot and why was Trump allowed to take the stage while the authorities knew there was a potential threat looming??? They are trying to take our country away from the people. If you are too dense and brainwashed already to see what is really happening then I hope you can live with the results of this is allowed to happen. I’m thinking that you will be one of the loudest winers and cryers when you figure out that this is jot worked out to your benefit. When truth is outlawed and the loudest and most pervasive voice is touted as the truth, freedom is lost. TV shows used to be about entertaining us. Now they are about indoctrinating us. Like some daytime talk show host women radicals or late night talk show puppets are where I am turning to for political steerage, I have to come to the conclusion that I don’t have much cognitive power left (think Joe Bye-Done). Why is everything so secretive and hidden from the constituents? Because the truth would expose them as the frauds that they are. Why do they always use the race card? On the streets we all seem to get along just fine with our neighbors who we treat respectfully. The ones who don’t get along with and respect their neighbors and their property are called criminals or law breakers. So why has the Judicial Branch starting to turn so pro crime? So they can declare martial law when things get so out of control and take our guns away. When that happens guess what the call it? Communism or Socialism. Take your pick. Same thing. What has happened to government of the people, by the people and for the people? I’ll tell you why has happened, a bunch of “woke” (go back to sleep) people who seem to think that they make better choices for us (to control us) and make it easier for us to have less and for them to have more. They can take their right of entitlement to their graves with their sorry asses.
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If you watch the convention you will see that is exactly what they are doing.
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They won’t get a thing after November if you vote for Trump in fact they won’t even be here any more.
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Since she was born in Oakland, CA. She is a US citizen by birth I’m sorry to say. Nice try though.
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We need to keep this in everyone sight to remind them she isn't really eligible 1st generation American
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Agree totally. But let’s wait until after Trump is in office so Biden can’t pardon him.
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Absolutely and keep George Soros out of our business.
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After November this will be the case but only if you vote Republican!
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If not sooner!
Then go join them!!
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Perfection personified!!!
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I want to meet this woman.
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