#(I will be trying to space them out between muns who reply quickly)
more-than-a-princess · 4 months
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It's been a little slow around here for the past few days, but that's because I'm on hiatus from now until Monday, May 27 for MomoCon (anime/comics/game convention)! I didn't have time to queue any replies this week between work and getting ready for the convention, so replies will resume likely Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, depending how exhausted I am from the weekend.
Not only is it a lot of walking, but, in true Rae fashion, I'm bringing a ridiculous amount of costumes. My costume plans are under the cut:
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It's the first anime convention in awhile I haven't brought a Sonia costume to, but I needed a break from what I call the 'Sonia Closet.' I've worn four of her outfits so far!
In case you didn't know I'm old, my costume plans say it all: vintage anime, faerie smut, and a 40+ year old woman who loves wine and mess.
Discord (direct message in particular, or tag me in channels) is the easiest way to get ahold of me between now and Monday. Have a good weekend!
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brooklynislandgirl · 3 years
General RP style and preferences
Repost, don’t reblog. Bold what applies. Strikethrough what does not.   Elaborate on any points you’d like with a *  
Please be honest, we all want to find the people who work best with how we RP. ____
Types of RP / How I do threads
| I don’t I just do whatever is on my dash when I’m online | Mainly asks | I do little short things mostly | I do my threads on discord | Long running threads that slowly build upon the muses | multi-para and novella only
* So here’s the deal. I have a muse, three people who rent her space, and a cast of dozens of npcs. I usually do most of my writing on Thurs Night through Monday Night, though I might be around Tues, Wed. Sometimes I am on Riley, sometimes Lugh, sometimes Quothe. Mostly I’m on Beth and one of the others. She’s the easiest for me to write.  I do asks, I do threads. Mostly they are multi-para or novella because try and shut me the fuck up, I dare you. Sorry, kids. I can do rp in discord but often I don’t consider those “canon” unless discussed with the other mun. Sometimes I might write up a ficlet from discord rp and post it on the appropriate blog.
Sometimes I will do shorter bits while writing on my novellas. I am currently something like three months deep into a post for one of my mutuals {waves at them and their salt kingdom}.  I do my best to give you quality, and I appreciate that being reciprocated. QUANTITY does not equal quality. If one cannot tell the difference, then it’s probably a sign we will not get along.
Plotting Preferences
| Wing it | Get a general idea ooc and then run with it & plot further if need be | Long expansive thought out story arcs |  *I prefer to at least touch base, figure out some fine points or guidelines as to what we will write. Especially when establishing a new friendship/partnership. I do prefer long expansive arcs. Once we are firm friends {as evidenced by how much we’ve written together/talked ooc} then it sort of slides into a Wing/Pants It....meaning I will literally roll with whatever you throw my way, either for serious, for play, or for the crack.
Type of threads I do / Prefer
| One-liners only | Whatever dash shenanigans I’m online for | Para or Multi para | Literal Novels | *no, really. Unless it’s an ask/or/crack I probably will not reply to a one-liner. And even with asks, I prefer some kind of context, or at least a verse, or something.
Reply Speed for Threads & Consistency & Keeping threads
| I lose threads all the time & don’t usually get back to them | I tend to lose threads but please tell me if I have and I’ll reply! | I drop threads pretty easily | I’m really slow but I WILL get back to you | I reply on a schedule/queue  | I usually reply within a month | I usually reply within a week | I reply every day | I reply almost instantly | *I sometimes lose threads and I appreciate you checking in if you feel like I have. Sometimes Chicken and I will spend an afternoon just curating who has what thread as we literally have over 200 of them going on. Sometimes I will reply to 5+ and throw them in my queue, sometimes I’ll reply immediately, and speed depends on rl factors between work, family, and other responsibilities like Church, and community things. Reply speed DOES NOT represent how interested I am in stuff. I also never, ever drop a thread. It might take me a while but I WILL answer. The only time a thread gets “dropped” is if we, as muns, decide that it’s come to a natural end.
Romantic or sexual ships
| I don’t do these ships (specify reason if you would like) | I’m not against them happening but it is not the main point of my blog | All ships will have to be super slow burn & discussed a lot OOC, super chemistry based (specify reason if you’d like) | I love doing ships, HMU I probably already ship it just ask! | I ship really quickly | I autoship or ship within a few interactions | I mainly RP for the cute ship fluff or smut | *I’m gonna be honest here. I don’t like how most fandoms do shipping of sexual relationships. I do prefer romantic ones, platonic ones, familial, etc. I love exploring how these things come about. That being said.... Beth is demisexual, and is often not even convinced of that. Beth is quoiromantic in that she doesn’t recognise rigidly defined feelings of love. For example, the way she loves her brothers is the same way she loves her hanai sisters is the same way she loves her husband is the way she loves trees and the ocean and candyfloss. It takes her a while to first, connect with someone and feel anything other than friendship. She might never move beyond that. But pushing her ic or ooc, pushing ME ic or ooc, that won’t do you well. I am willing to discuss and have pre-established relationships. Of All Kinds. I do base ships off Chemistry, not only just the muses. **I** have to feel chemistry and friendship with the other mun or it ain’t gonna happen, no matter HOW pretty your muse is or how popular they are.
Want something? Ask. The worst I can do is say no, and offer an alternative. {this actually goes for any kind of thread, any kind of relationship}
| I do NOT do smut at all (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m very selective about it | I only do it on a separate (blog/discord/specify here) | I mainly only do asks relating to nfw headcanons on Sundays | I write it a medium amount | I write it all the time and love to |
* I am not shy about smut, I am an adult who has been married for a very long time, and I know where all the parts go. That being said, I don’t mind NSFW asks or threads, as long as they fall into the guidelines above, and I’m gonna tell you a secret. When and if I write smut, it’s usually the first time or two. And maybe a middle or an end. I do not feel every single time has to be written, and really at some point it becomes boring. I like writing things getting interrupted. I like writing things that fail to meet the goal, so to speak. I like the first excitement, or a long sought reunion, and things like that. I like to mix the emotional and the spiritual with the physical. I might flashback or go into great detail about what she’s thinking and feeling and gloss over the individual actions. It depends on the scene, the partner, the story. If you’re looking for Tab A goes into Slot B, shake-rattle-and-roll ad nauseam, then I am not the partner you want. And uhm, probably no one I know is, either.
Active hours [Specify Timezone, if you’d like]
| Mornings 8-10 | Midday 11-1 | Afternoon 2-5 | Evenings 6-8 | Night 9-12 | Ungodly hours of the day 1-onwards | *U.S. MST {{ aka GMT/UTC -7}}  * I work for a public school. I have a set schedule, but also a LOT of time off, and so I have circus hours {meaning I am around almost always when I feel like it}
Activity Schedule
| SUPER slow and sporadic, like once a month or so | Slow and sporadic week long gaps between activity | Bi-weeklyish activity | Weekly activity | Daily activity | I’m online nearly all the time |
| I don’t do starter calls | I want to do starter calls but often don’t have time | I do reverse inbox calls | I don’t do calls, but always fee free to ask me for one! | I do starter calls rarely/regularly/often |
| I don’t do AUs | My blog is an AU but outside of that I don’t do them | I sometimes do them but only with a lot of plotting | I have a couple of AUs already feel free to request them! | I have AUs coming out of my ears please interact with them! | I love making AUs HMU to plot if you think of one! | There are some AUs I won’t do - a/b/o, cheating |
*I have established AUs that you’re free to interact with. *Most of my AUs have established ships. *I can make you your own AU. *I don’t do A/B/O, I don’t do cheating, I don’t do HP, I don’t do Anime/Cartoons.
| I don’t do crossovers (specify reason if you’d like) | I’m selective with crossovers (certain fandoms just won’t hold interest) | I love crossovers! |
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sweetestlamb · 4 years
Jealous, My Ass
Genre- Is raunchy gutter filth a genre? Because that’s what this is. 
Pairing-  Ko-Mun Yeong/ Moon Gang-Tae
Warnings- See the genre. If you are an innocent lamb this is not for you. Also I am 100% a feminist (pussy power af) but I will be using some tropes and such I am only human y’all.  Jealous hottie is hot. I also haven’t written anything in years so you know, be kind. I just couldn’t get them out of my head. 
Summary: Gang-Tae is definitely not jealous. At all. Not even a little bit. 
Bring home food. I’m hungry!
Mun-Yeong delicately presses send on her phone and flips it shut, falling back onto the vibrant red couch with a sigh. She sees the small seen on her phone screen notifying that Gang-Tae has received her message and impatiently waits for his reply. Seconds, turn to minutes and no reply comes and she feels her stomach twist in annoyance. Why isn’t he answering her? How dare he? Could he be busy? Why read her message only to ignore it? 
She picks up her phone intending to ask him all those questions, when the little voice inside her head that always tells her the worst possible answers whispers “He doesn’t want you. You bother him and he only helps you because he feels bad for you. You’re a BURDEN!” She stands up and tries to physically shake off the those gut-wrenching thoughts- mind flashing back to all the times that the prince in question has saved her. 
Riding in on his metal stead in torrential rain. Only to try to dump her back home. 
Twisting the fingers of that politician’s son has he tried to slap her. Then walking away and leaving her on the sidewalk after ripping her to shreds. 
Calling her an empty can. He had apologized for that but just like she told him bad memories had a way of wedging themselves in your heart and not easily coming out. 
Taking that two-faced bitch’s side and telling her that she didn’t own him. Her feelings have changed since she made that claim to Joo-Ri that he was always hers. He was still just a pretty thing then. Now he’s..... more. And his dismissal now hurts more than before. He knows things about her that she has never uttered to anyone. He has seen her in situations that no one else ever has. Not even Sang-In. But she knows that he is also an expert at turning this feelings off. Unlike him, she wears her heart on the tip of her knife. It’s a bloody, messy thing. Locked up for so long that now it just leaks all over him. 
Her phones finally vibrates with his answer and she tries not jump but her stupid body has been betraying her ever since he crashed into her life. 
She picks up her phone and flips it only, eyes scanning when she sees his reply- No. She stares at the phone in disbelief and anger and- “He doesn’t want you. Nobody could love a monster like you!” This time she can’t ignore her mother’s screeching voice in her mind, sledge hammering into her confidence until it shatters under the pressure. That is the entirety of his response and she sits quietly on the couch feeling like an empty husk. Only years of rejections- him being one of the first- stops her tears from falling. Being around him has made her weak, she desperately forces herself to will her armor back up. She knows she has failed when her phone vibrates and her first thought is please be him. 
It isn’t.
A number she doesn’t know pops up on her screen with a message- It was such a pleasure to see you today. I would love to take you out for dinner tonight. Are you free? 
Coffee shop guy. 
She doesn’t think about her answer before replying that’s another thing she started doing since meeting him and look just where that has gotten her. After replying she swipes up the stairs,  dressing down bellowing behind her. She will not be weak. Plus, she’s fucking hungry. 
Gang- Tae stares down at his phone in shock, genuinely surprised that she hasn’t said anything to retort to his short answer. She hates when he replies with only one word and usually follows those messages up with messages demanding more. She always demands everything he has. And then some. 
He lov--- No. Stop. His heart  burns in not jealousy remembering how she sized up that not handsome punk at the coffee shop. Gazing at him like he was something to be conquered and then shoving his hand on her perfect little waist. He scoffs recalling her admission that she was like Sang-Tae and only he could touch her only to then place a stranger’s hand on hi-her waist. 
It’s not until Cha-Young walks in carefree as if he works in an ice cream parlor and not a psychiatric ward that he realizes that he is standing shirtless, gripping his shirt tightly between his fingers. He had become distracted after receiving her message demanding that he bring food. He wanted to give her the food, give her anything she wanted really. It scared him to hell. It wasn’t until he saw the smug smile and hungry stare in  someone else’s eyes looking at her that he realized that maybe he wasn’t what she wanted anymore. 
The way she had whispered “CEO” reminded him that despite what he had screamed at her idiot manager in the parking lot she was a celebrity.  People wanted her. Men who had way more to offer and were’t terrified of taking what she was offering. She was so beautiful it made his jaw clench in frustration and her haircut only made her more beautiful, it was obscene and unfair. Her hair brushed against her define features and made her already long neck- look like it was never-ending. 
“Gang-Tae. Hey, Gang-Tae! Are you listening? What the hell?” 
Cha-Young’s voice broke him free from his internal suffering. He quickly put on his uniform shirt and turned his head, repressing all this emotions until his face was a blank slate. 
“They need your help carrying a new patient. So stop checking yourself out, you narcissist!” He grabbed what looked like a candy bar before leaving to do whatever he thought constituted as doing work. 
With a sigh he slammed his locker shut and left the room. Emotions warring in his mind but he knew from years of practice that none of them showed on his face.  Today was going to be a long day. 
It was a long day. Stubborn patients, lazy coworkers and he could feel Joo-Ri’s gaze on him whenever she thought he wasn’t looking. It all made him eager to leave, he only spared a smile imagining Mun-Yeong’s anger if she were here to see it happen. He was always mine. She was so possessive of him and he didn’t know yet how he felt about it. 
He drove home, not knowing which Mun-Yeong he would get after refusing her and not getting anymore messages from her prior to that. He sighed in relief knowing that her violent tendencies were spared when it came to him. Unless she was violently teasing him until he felt like his skin might combust from the embarrassment and.....lust. He didn’t know how to react around her she made him feel things that he had told himself years ago, he wasn’t allowed to feel.
While others were sharing secret kisses and going on dates, he was learning how to care for his brother. He couldn't abandon him for such trivial things. Eventually girls realized that he wasn’t playing hard to get, there was no getting. Then they stopped. No more coy looks from under lashes, no more pink cheeks and school girl giggles. They moved onto boys that could give them what they wanted. 
His plan had worked. 
Until Mun-Yeong. She was persistent and his desire for her too made it hard to keep pushing her way. Her full lips called out to him, they both had a habit for grabbing the others wrist and her wrist felt so small and delicate in his hand. One good pull and she would come tumbling into this arms and he could see if her bubble-gum pink lips were as sweet as they looked. 
The sound of the front door opening snapped him out of his reprieve- that seemed to be happening to him a lot today. And like a manifestation of his own thoughts there she was, and fuck she looked hot. Unbelievably hot. 
He had never seen her in jeans before and the denim stretched  down her long legs, hugging her petite curves in all the right wrong ways. A black crop top wrapped around her flat stomach and made her breasts look full, small but a perfect handful. Her shoes were the flashiest part of her outfit, red stiletto heels with a heel that looked like it could kill a man. Her hair was wet and tousled for a perfect messy bedhead look. 
Error 404. Error 404. Error 404. 
Her heels clicked as she started moving down the stairs, why was she moving in slow motion? 
His tongue felt heavy in his mouth has she walked up to him. She stopped a few paces from him, not coming into his personal space like she normally would. When their eyes met the same lighting that always sparked between them, lit up but unlike the other times when she would move into his space like the big bad wolf. Her face was passive and she looked down at the keys in his hands. 
“Give me the car keys” she said in that ridiculously sexy deep voice. He willed himself not to get hard, thinking about the patient that threw up on him to stop the blood from rushing down below. Up close he realized that her makeup was heavier than usual too. Dark smoky eyes with a winged liner as sharp as the knives she loved to collect and blood-red lips. He couldn’t stop thinking about kissing and smearing that lipstick everywhere. 
As he stood there fantasizing about her as she stood there, he took a deep inhale of breath as she finally moved into his bubble but she was gone as quickly as she came. Snatching the keys from his slack hands. 
She stepped around him and made to open the car door he had only just closed and he realized she did not intend to say anything more to him. 
“Where are you going?” he asked his voice coarse with desire, she smelled amazing up close. Like cinnamon and something spicy that was irrefutably her. 
She ignored him and opened the car door. His arm shot out and slammed it shut before his brain registered it planned to do that. It was minute but her small body jolted from the force that he used. He felt guilt for a second, he didn’t mean to scare her. He reached out to soothe her but before his hand could make contact, she backed up moving away from his touch for the first time ever. 
“What’s wrong? Tell me where you’re going dressed like that.” He mentally celebrated when he saw her passive mask drop and righteous anger take its place. 
“Move out of my way, I don’t need to answer your questions.” 
“Mun-Yeong stop acting up.” 
“Don’t give me orders!” He wasn’t ready for the bite behind her words. She was puffing with anger, chest rising quickly and he knew it wasn’t right but his eyes descended down to her chest. His mind provided a quick flash of how perfect her breasts would look bare, her nipples would be so pink and delicious. 
It was so fast he almost missed it but he saw an answering flash of lust run across her face. She squirmed under this heavy gaze. 
Her phone ringing cut through the tension like a knife. She answered it. 
“Hello? Yes, I am on my way now. No. I can drive myself. I will see you soon. Goodbye, Daniel”
Daniel. DANIEL. Who the fuck was Daniel and why was he going to see his Mun-Yeong? He reached out and in a move that was completely out of character he grabbed her phone. She raged immediately reaching around him to get it back. Climbing his back in her quest to get it back. She was hot against his back. 
“Don’t call this number again. She’s not coming” he said with finality before ending the call, before that not handsome punk could answer. She slumped on his back before sliding back onto her heeled feet. He turned around with fire in his eyes. 
“You are going to meet THAT guy? Ko Mun-Yeong, he is a stranger. Are you crazy?!” 
Her only response was to growl at him and wow that would sound amazing in bed as he entered her. 
He didn’t know how to stop these thoughts now that they were out. 
“Stay out of this. You don’t own me” she threw his words back at him. She was always doing that. It made him realize how stupid he was sometimes. The shock of hearing those words made him freeze and she used that time to enter the car and lock the door before he could stop her. 
He spun around putting his hand on the glass and trying to make eye contact with her but she refused to meet his eyes. She pulled out of the make shift driveway like a bat out of hell. 
He stood there feeling like the ground was crumbling beneath his feet. 
“Don’t go.” 
She drove down the road before pulling over to breath.  What was it about him that got under her skin? She didn’t think he would care about her going out after refusing to bring her food and basically shutting her down every time she claimed they were more. She knew it was because of his brother but she couldn’t carry this on her own. 
He was great at coming to her rescue but once that was over, she was pushed away again and she would never admit this out loud but it hurt. 
It hurts. 
Her phone began to ring and she started the car and drove off. She was still hungry.  She wanted beef. Rare. The blood would sate her anger. 
She didn’t make any attempts to enter the house quietly. Gang-Tae sat on the stairs eyes piercing into her own. She looked back emotionlessly not sure why he was still up. He never sought her out after fights instead waiting for the next disaster he could save her from.  He seemed different today and she wondered why. 
“You’re home late”
“So? she retorted defiantly, smelling the fight brewing in the air and hungry for it. 
“I asked you not to go. Why can’t you ever listen to me?” 
Flashbacks of her mother scolding her forced there way into her mind. You must always listen to me. Be a good girl and always obey Mother. Her heartbeat was loud in her own ears. Her eyes were burning with her effort not to cry. His eyes softened as if her thoughts were visible. He made her feel naked. 
His arms flexed as he used them to propel himself off the stairs and for another first he gently wrapped his arms around her waist. 
“I was jealous. I am jealous”  he grumbled putting his chin on her hair. And for once she was speechless. Why would he tell her that? Wasn’t he scared that she would use that as a weapon against him? He shouldn’t trust her she was a monster. 
“You’re not a monster. “ 
“Then what am I?”
With hesitation he replied, “I wish you were mine.” Her head snapped up so hard that if he hadn’t moved back she would have headbutt him. 
“Kiss me” She didn’t know what she would do if he denied her now. This moment seemed important, defining. 
He surged forward and kissed her, closed mouth but hard as if he was trying to fuse into her. “Did he kiss you? Did you let him kiss you?” he whispered into her mouth seemingly terrified of the answer but needing to know. 
“No.” He pushed her into the wall and she hadn’t realized that he had been cornering her in for a while. She pressed her tongue into his mouth and felt him melt into her, his body a hard line. His muscles pressing her against the wall. He seemed inexperienced with kissing this way but he made up for it with enthusiasm. He chased her tongue and played with her as she teased him. Licking into her like she was dessert and he was ravenous. 
Should I just play with you? 
“Mun-Yeong tell me to stop. Please. I can’t stop.”
She ignored his pleas instead wrapping her arms around his neck and he instinctively scooped her up. Big hands gripping her ass, squeezing and kneading the flesh. Moaning his approval into her mouth. She had never been this turned on. Nothing had ever been this good. They grinded against each other, she could feel his excitement pressing into her. She felt the hunger consume her again and she pushed him back.
He started to apologize even as his dick pointed out, begging for her attention. She fluidly slid to her knees. He gasped and froze in place. His eyes honed into her lips, watching her like she was both the predator and his prey. She licked her lips, never looking away from his eyes more expressive than she had ever seen them. 
The sound of his zipper descending was loud in the room. The only other sound was their pants for air. 
“Do you want this?” She finally spoke and he shivered at the sound of her voice. She didn’t make anymore movements, for once patiently waiting for his answer. 
She watched the war play across his face and wondered who would win? She busied herself biting at her own lips. His thumb pulled her lip from the grip of her teeth, tilting her face up towards him. “I want this, I know I shouldn’t but....”
She didn’t care about whatever self repressing reason he had. He wanted her. He had showed her before but now he was saying it. 
She tugged his worn jeans down, too-soft from years of being worn and washed. His boxers did little to hide his erection. “Wow” 
His blushed tinted his face and chest in a pretty red and she smirked up at him. 
“You do it” She calmly commanded him and he looked confused, like she had just spoken to him him in English. “You have been holding back for all these years, I want you to do it. Show me what you want” 
At his perplexed face she boldly took his penis out through the slit in his boxers and aimed it at her mouth but that was it, he hissed in pleasure. Breath speeding up at just her touch on his heated skin. She stopped and simply opened her mouth, eyes gleaming mischievously. The moment he understood what she meant was a beautiful epiphany. 
He made no movement, besides the involuntary one his dick made that caused him to close his eyes in embarrassment. “Stop thinking with your head for once and think with this” She grabbed his dick for emphasis. He thrusted into her hand one, two times but seemed to lose his resolve again. 
“He tried to kiss me. He grabbed me by my waist and told me he wanted to give me the world. He said I’m the sexiest woman he has ever seen.” 
She watched every muscle in Gang-Tae’s body coil. His eyes which were always the window to his soul, said what the fuck did you say? and then he grabbed her hair. 
“He can’t have you. You’re mine. I’m yours. You said it we go hand in hand! 
“Then show me I’m yours. Make me forget about everyone but you. Do it!”
She was barely able to finish her sentence before her mouth was full. His taste exploded on her tongue and he was better than all the goods Sang-In had brought her. Once his dick was in her mouth, he was a man on a mission. She opened her mouth wider and let him have fun. He thrusted fast, then slow, then deep, then leaving only the tip. 
He’s never done this before. He doesn’t know what he likes. 
She let him use her mouth, happy to be the first person to do this with him.
He found a rhythm that he seemed to like, deep and slow. She could feel every vein under the thin, hot skin and his precum leaked onto her tongue before she greedily swallowed it. That made his hips hitch forward suddenly and he momentarily slid down her throat. She pulled off  slowly. Knowing the picture she made, on her knees with her red stained dick-plump lips. He picked her up as if she weighed nothing, she loved how strong he was. 
He devoured her lips. dipping and licking his own taste out of her mouth. She felt them ascending and realized they were going up the stairs. He easily held her weight with one arm and used the other one to push open her bedroom door. 
With four large steps, he dropped her on her bed watching her body bounce. His eyes zigzagged all over, seeming unsure of where he wanted to look. She pulled her shirt over her head and heard his gasp and threw her shirt to the side. His eyes settled on her chest, “You’re beautiful” he whispered with revere tinging every words. 
She felt herself blushing, shocked that he was able to have that affect on her. He climbed onto the bed with her, using just his fingertips to caress her skin. He touched the top of her breast before moving down to her stomach, but eventually making his way back to her breast. She sat up and leaned forward silently giving him permission and he didn’t need anymore encouragement this time. He unhooked her bra, eyes wide as her breast came into view. 
Under his intense gaze, she felt a fleeting desire to cover herself. Before doing the opposite and laying her hands to the side, fully displaying herself to his hungry eyes. He leaned down and kissed her breast, too gently. So she whispered “Harder” and his mouth consumed her nipple and she threw her head back from the blinding pleasure. Behind the buzzing that filled her ears, she could hear him as if he were miles away “so pink, you’re so pink” and she had no idea what he was talking about but she needed him to keep going. 
He palmed her breast that wasn’t in his mouth and she reached down to grab his erection, it felt harder than before it that was possible. She twisted at the top gathering the fluid there and using it to ease her way, up and down his length. He bite down on her nipple as she made a corkscrew motion at the top. He ripped her jeans off her body and she hadn’t noticed when exactly he had even unbuttoned her pants. 
He slid down her body and she groaned in annoyance at losing her grip on his dick, it was her new favorite toy. So perfect and hard, she couldn’t wait to have it inside her. 
“What are you doing?” She panted looking down and seeing him just looking , his jaw was slack and his pupil was wide and she just watched him as he stared at her covered pussy. What seemed like a lifetime later, he pulled her panties down. They were white and lace. She shivered at the puff of hot air that hit her and she felt herself get wetter. He curiously tasted her with a kitten-like lick that made her mind short circuit. He must have liked what he tasted because after the first lick, he spread her open and took a greedy lick the second time. 
His strong arms splayed her open to his mercy and he was a quick learner, he quickly dissected that she liked broad licks and extra attention on her clit. This was the best thing that had ever been done to her body. She almost didn’t hear his quiet question, “Can I...Mun- Yeong can I...fuck you?” 
She couldn’t believe that he had been able to say the words. She almost wanted to stop and applaud. But she saved her teasing because when she finally opened her eyes he was hovering above her, his penis so hard it was flat on his stomach and it had leaked an idecent amount of precum. Glossy in the pale moonlight. If only she had been a painter instead of an author. 
“How do you want me?” She continued to press his comfort level, but she was also genuinely curious. She knew he was a virgin before all this, she wanted anything he wanted. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, before laying down and dragging her on top of him. He blushed up at her but there was a glint of determination in his strong jaw. 
“I want to see you. I want to see your eyes when we do it.”
She didn’t answer verbally, choosing instead to grind herself down on him. Slipping across his groin, dragging her wetness over him. Feeling him slip into her folds and shuddering at the heat. She lifted her hips up before finding his hard erection and holding it, ready. 
“Wait don’t we need a .....condom?” 
She shook her head no. She had been on birth control as soon as it was allowed. 
“I want to feel you”
That answer rendered him without words and he gripped her hips in his huge hands, helping her lift up before the world momentarily went white. She knew she should take it slow but as soon as she felt him inside, the beast burst out of the cage. She placed her hands on his broad chest and slammed down onto him, riding him hard. Snapping her body back to bring him deeper in. 
He was an absolute mess beneath her, shaking his head no, begging her to slow down while he contrarily met her thrust for thrust and fucked her like the world was ending. She fell on his chest and he immediately wrapped her in his arms and continued to rock up into her velvety, wetness. Panting in her ears. 
“You feel so good. So good, please, please” 
She knew that he was close from the pistoning of his hips, the sound of their skins smacking filled the room. 
“Don’t hold back, fuck me harder. Don’t stop!”
He flipped them over, pressing her arms about her head, she made a mental note that she liked that. Really liked it. 
“Say my name, Say I’m yours”
“Gang-Tae, Gang-tae, you’re mine. I’m yours. I...”
No. Not now.  But it was enough to push him over the edge and she was so confused on his pleasure that she forgot about herself until she felt his fingers rub her clit in a circle motion and she too stumbled over the deep end. 
His body tightened and he pressed deeply inside her, her walls clenching around him. 
“Sex feels amazing.” 
His sudden admission sent her into a fit of giggles, and soon he was laughing too and he fell on the bed from his laughter. Their laughter boomed in the room, now eerily quiet without their sex sounds. 
She looked over and saw him looking down at the floor at whatever was vibrating, before leaning over and picking it up. 
Her cellphone. It must have fell out of her pocket when he ripped her pants off. 
He opened her phone without her permission and they needed to have a talk because only she was allowed to do that. 
“It’s that punk. He’s sad you couldn’t make it.” He looked at her with glaring eyes. “I thought you went out with him”
“I lied. I got beef by myself and then came home.”
He looked upset before laughing again. Then he reached over and flicked her on the forehead. 
“Ow what the hell!”
“I’m deleting his number” and she rolled over and pressed her naked body against him, not caring about whatever his name is. 
She felt his penis plump up after a moment of cuddling him naked, “Stop being so horny,  I’m tired now” she whined. 
He stroked her back before his hand trailed down to her butt. 
“This is all your fault” he answered before dragging her into a languid kiss and rolling on top of her.  “You pulled my safety pin, this is the result.” 
He exploded all night. 
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writer-k-pop · 4 years
The Captain (c.s.c) - Waning Crescent Hotel
Please read this (W.C.Hotel) if you this is the first post of this series that you see. Warnings: Swearing, Mentions of death Genre: Angst, Hotel Del Luna AU, Choose your own adventure, SVT x Fem! Reader Staff: Yong (Spirit General Manager) / Jiwoo (Human General Manager) / Soon Bok (Room Manager) / Mun Hee (Front Desk Receptionist) / Shin (Grim Reaper assigned to Waning Crescent) Word Count: Ending A - 4.9k / Ending B - 4.8k
W.C.Hotel | Seventeen Masterlist | Masterlists
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"What do you mean you didn't know it was him?" I rise up from the table and stalk towards Mun Hee who stands in the garden entrance, his terror evident.
"He, his hair was different. A-and he had like uh stuff all over his face and, and." Mun Hee stutters out. "I didn't realize it was him!" He tries to reason with me.
"And it took you 10 days to realize it?" I question him as I pass him on my way out of the garden and away from my champagne.
"I didn't see him for ten days." Mun Hee defends himself, "I'm pretty sure he was locked in his room that entire time."
"You're dead if he only has a couple days left." I threaten him.
Mun Hee is taken aback, "Okay, A: I'm already dead. B: He has 12 days left."
My feet stop on a dime. "How many?" I ask, turning towards him, not believing what I had heard.
"12 left." Mun Hee says, "I remembered him cause when I read his palm, it said he had 22. Did you know that's the most I've ever seen?"
Twenty-two. A whole twenty two lives. I knew his soul would live to be wise but I hadn't guessed it would be 22 lives wise.
"So when I tell you I looked for him everyday cause I was curious and amazed, I really mean it." Mun Hee says with a nod of childlike sincerity, "And since no one can hide from me, I just kind of assumed he had locked himself in his room." He nods with a serious pout, "So I didn't know it was your Seungcheol until he FINALLY stepped out to go to the library. And then it hit me."
Soon Bok walks up to us, a bit surprised to see us here in the hallway.
"I thought you were in the garden?" She asks, looking between the two of us.
"I was." I reply, "But then Mun Hee tells me that Seungcheol has been checked in for the past 10 days and I have been clueless about it."
Soon Bok's eyes widen and she looks at Mun Hee, "You never told her? I told you to tell her!" She slaps his shoulder.
Mun Hee flinches when her hand makes contact with him, "I got distracted by other guests." He gives an excuse.
"Where did you end up placing him?" I ask, moving away from the whole Mun Hee not telling me topic.
Soon Bok doesn't even have to check her folder, "Room 88 with the nice view of the water."
I smile at her thoughtfulness, "Perfect."
I don't have the desire to return to the garden or the champagne so we continue to walk towards the hotel while Soon Bok updates me on a few hotel happenings. By the time she's finished, we've reached the bottom of the main staircase in the lobby and Soon Bok takes her leave soon after.
As we climb the stairs, Mun Hee opens his mouth to ask a question but I cut him off, already knowing what he's going to ask.
"No, you can not go bother him about his lives." I say and Mun Hee's body droops.
"But it's twenty two lives." He whines, "Twenty two!"
"And that's a lot of lives to remember." I explain to him, trying my best not to let my annoyance creep out.
"(y/n)." Mun Hee drags out my name in a plead.
Closing my eyes, I take a steadying breath, "Fine," Mun Hee smiles brightly and his body straightens, "BUT! Only if he allows you to ask questions. You must ask him if it's okay first, you got it?" I point a finger at him.
Mun Hee quickly nods. His smile is so wide that his eyes begin to shut.
I can't help but laugh at his excitement. "Go back to your post now." I tell him and wave him away. Mun Hee quickly retreats back down the stairs and happily skips to the front desk.
I make my way up the rest of the stairs and once I reach the top, I lean against the railing of the balcony. I watch as Mun Hee smiles and waves to all the guests in the lobby. For a moment, a loving smile appears on my face but it's quickly wiped away as Mun Hee nearly runs into one of the very large and very breakable flower vases.
"Clutz." I mutter to myself and turn away.
~The 22nd Day~
My wrists burn against the ropes that tightly bind them together behind my back. My knees press heavily against the wooden floor boards, trying to keep my balance as the waves rock our boat to and fro. The sharp tip of a blade rests between my shoulder blades.
Glancing to my right, Seungcheol sits in a similar position but his forehead is bleeding from where he was hit. The red blood drips down the side of his face and stains the shirt that I had bought him before we set sail.
"This ship is ours now." Our captor says, cockily as he stands a few feet in front of us.
"Take it." Seungcheol says, narrowing his eyes. "It's yours, just leave us alone."
'He's bargaining.' I think to myself, 'Why would he bargain his beloved boat?'
"Bargaining, I see." Our captor smiles, "I thought you'd put up more of fight for the boat you've had for almost your entire life."
"You've done your research." Seungcheol says, pretending to be impressed.
"Every good pirate needs to do his research, no?" Our capture banters back.
"I don't need to put up a fight." Seungcheol says through gritted teeth. "I don't need the boat."
Our captor tips his head up and taps his chin, "Now, what would a reputable boat captain need more than his boat? Any ideas, boys?" He looks to his men, who all laugh mischievously.
"A girl." One shouts from behind us.
"A girl!" Our captor claps his hands and my heart stops. "That's exactly right."
In a panic, I look over at Seungcheol who has the same panic written on his face. Seungcheol begins to fight against his restraints.
"Take the boat! Take anything but her." Seungcheol cries.
Our captor is unimpressed by Seungcheol's efforts and simply nods to the men behind me.
With ease, they grab my arms and lift me to my feet. Now, I begin to fight against their hold, though I go nowhere. Seungcheol fights harder but he's held back by the shoulders.
With a pounding heart, I continue to struggle but I'm carried towards the side of the boat.
"Please," Seungcheol begs with tears falling, "I can give you whatever you want. I, I have money. You can have my boat. Anything but her."
I feel my own cheeks become wet with tears but in the back of my mind, I know exactly why this is happening. And I hate myself for it.
"I want nothing." Our captor simply shrugs, Seungcheol's cries not affecting him at all, "Except for your pain." He finishes and pointedly looks at me. When his steely eyes meet mine, he smiles crookedly and the coldest shiver runs down my spine.
I divert my eyes to Seungcheol who is screaming and fighting against the men who hold him back. I try to catch my breath but before I have a chance to say anything, the two men lift me over the railing and drop me into the rushing water.
The cold water tightly wraps its fist around me and I fight to swim upwards but the current overpowers my efforts and drags me further below the surface. The necklace around my neck floats upwards and I'm reminded of who is above the water's surface. Not wanting to leave Seungcheol alone, I continue to fight against the current. Just when I think I've pulled myself out of the current's grasp, a strong force quite literally punches me in the stomach, sending me backwards into blackness.
My eyes snap open and I sit up in a panic. The only sounds are my heavy breathing and the echo of my pounding heart in my ears. Feeling the soft fabric that surrounds me, I realize I'm just in my bed and run a hand through my hair. My cheeks are wet with tears and I quickly wipe them away. Looking around, I squint as my blinds do a terrible job of keeping the sunlight out. The clock on my bedside table reads 1:24pm.
I groan and throw myself back onto the mattress. Subconsciously, I rub my wrist as the burning still lingers while I try to settle my racing heart. With sleep abandoning me in the middle of my nighttime, I give up the efforts and clamber out of bed. I walk out of my bedroom while slipping a light robe on.
My office is alight with the bright sunlight and I can see the dust particles floating around in the air as I descend the stairs from my connected bedroom. Immediately, a bottle of champagne on my desks greets me with its green melancholy. I quickly pick it up and raise it to my lips but frown when not even a drop falls from the bottle's mouth.
Slamming the bottle down, the collision echos into the still air.
'Don't drink so much out here.' Seungcheol's voice rings in my mind. 'We don't know if the next port will have any alcohol.' He says, followed by his chuckle.
I cover my ears and shake my head to get rid of the memory.
'Next year, I'll buy you the most expensive and best champagne that you will never be able to drink another kind.' Another memory surfaces and this time the shadow of his arms wraps around my waist.
With a scream of frustration, I grab the champagne bottle and chuck it. It hits an empty space on the wall and shatters into hundreds of pieces. As the pieces fall and tinkle against the floors, the fragments of Seungcheol's voice fade as well.
With a heavy heart, I let my feet wander wherever they please, too tired to fight my body's desire. The hallways are quiet and the sunlight warms up my skin, ridding it of the cold water memory.
When my feet stop, I'm standing at the base of the main staircase in the lobby. The place I landed and woke up at after I passed out in the water. I wrap my arms around myself as the feeling of cold water returns.
My senses return to the memory and I'm submerged in the past.
The coughing that raked through my chest. Yong and Jiwoo rushing towards me with Mun Hee and Soon Bok not far behind with multiple towels in their hands.
All of them wrapping me in the towels and drying me off. My struggle against them to get back to the living world. To get back to Seungcheol. My employees holding me in place. Yong bringing out a notecard.
The words of the note card burying my heart under 100 tons of concrete.
"Do it again, and we will not be so kind."
I had disobeyed the Gods' conditions and I had paid for it. As I move my heel over the spot, another memory surfaces.
'Heels are no good on a boat, (y/n).' Seungcheol had said, kneeling in front of me and placing my heel back on my foot, 'We need to buy you a pair of flatter shoes.'
'As long as I still look good and they don't look like trash.' I had said.
'I'll find the best ones for you.' Seungcheol promised with a wide smile.
Anger begins to bubble inside of me. I had it so good with Seungcheol. I was happy with him. So why did I disobey the Gods' order and ruin everything?
Why did I toss the note card that said 'Time to leave.' into the trash?
Why did I think I could run away from the Gods?
Why wasn't I thinking?
"Stupid." I exclaim, kicking the bottom stair. It causes a low throbbing in my foot but I ignore it, too frustrated to linger on it.
The doors to the front check in room creak open and a pair of dress shoes clicks against the tiles.
"Oh, (y/n)." Jiwoo's pace quickens slightly to reach me faster, "What are you doing awake?"
I cross my arms, erasing all traces of my painful memories from my face, "I could ask the same of you. You should still be in your home, getting sleep for tonight."
Jiwoo shrugs, unbothered by the fact that I answered his question with another question. "Well, I've been coming in early to make sure everything is in order for the next person who will take over for me once I leave." He gives me a small nudge with his shoulder, "Not just any spirit can slide right into the human manager's position."
I look down at my feet and smile. Out of his family line, Jiwoo's one of my favorites. Always thinking ahead and planning. Always willing to stand up to me when I'm moody. Plus he's always willing to drive around the living world and take me to eat yummy foods. He's a foodie.
"What will you do once I leave?" I wonder.
"Me?" Jiwoo scratches his neck, "You know, I haven't thought about it much. I've been pretty busy with the hotel."
"What do you want to do?" I reword my question, genuinely curious.
Jiwoo shrugs, "Travel maybe. I've heard so many stories from guests here about the beauties of the world and the history so it might be fun to experience them first hand."
I nod, "That sounds like a solid plan." I gather up my skirt and turn towards the elevators. "Call me when he's ready." I tell him before walking away without another word.
I spend the next many hours laying on the couch. Then sitting at my desk. Then cleaning the broken glass. Then sort of listening to Yong when she brings me the daily debrief. Then sitting on the stairs. Then staring out the window. Then dusting off my picture frames. Then back to the window.
The moon sits high in the sky and I have an unobstructed view of it as the cloudless sky passes by.
A small, timid knock barely makes it to my ears.
"Come in." I call out to whoever's on the other side.
The door opens and Soon Bok shuffles into my office. I smile at her, finding her change in demeanor amusing. Out in the hotel, she's strict and not to be messed with. But in here, she's nervous and unsure. "It's been quite a while since you've visited me up here, Soon Bok."
Soon Bok nervously nods, "I think the last time I was in here was the first time too."
"What do you need?" I ask, hoping to end her nerve wracking visit.
"Jiwoo asked me to tell you that he's taking Seungcheol to the garden." She points her thumb behind her.
I nod, "Alright I'll be there in a second. You can go."
She bows and takes her leave quickly.
I walk over to my desk and press a hidden lever that opens a hidden compartment. From the compartment I pull out a jewelry box that I haven't touched in ages. Opening it, I'm greeted with shine of the emerald necklace Seungcheol bought me. The one I was wearing when I was thrown overboard.
The one I had to beg the Gods to let me keep.
I close the lid and with the box in hand, I walk out of my office. The hotel buzzes with the midnight hustle and bustle but I ignore all of it and press on towards my destination.
When I enter the final hallway, I speed up a bit, the tears already filling my eyes. I enter the garden and my feet skid to a stop.
He's not here.
But then he walks out from behind the tree, a hand running along its truck, his eyes inspecting the branches that spread out.
My heart lodges in my throat as he turns towards me. His eyes are still soft and full of emotion. His cheeks are still high and full. His lips are still set in the perfect shape. The only thing that causes me some pain are the shadows of scars that scatter his face and neck. The places where he'd been seriously injured in past lives.
I eye his forehead and there sits the shadow of the scar I caused.
"(y/n)." Seungcheol whispers my name but I hear it like he whispered it into my ear.
I set the jewelry box on the bench and cover my mouth with my hand, choking back a sob. In two seconds flat, he has me wrapped up in a tight embrace and my tears fall.
"You're here." He says, stroking my hair, "I'm here. I'm here."
Seungcheol holds me as I sob, hundreds of years of guilt finally ripping out of my body. Even as my sobs subside, he still holds tightly onto me.
"So this is where we finally get to meet again." Seungcheol mutters as I sniffle. "When my soul is at its end in the living world."
I sniffle and focus on steadying my breath.
"I lived a lot of lives, did you know that?" He continues to talk.
I nod, still sniffling but not as frequently.
"A whole twenty two." I can hear the smile on his lips, "I'd say that's pretty good for a measly ship captain."
I smile, his attempt to make me laugh a success.
"You weren't measly." I counter.
Seungcheol pulls away, "I couldn't even buy you a home."
I shake my head, "I didn't need a home."
He smiles and dries my cheeks. "I know but still."
I release myself from him and sit on the bench, staring at the tree. Seungcheol follows suit without taking his eyes off of me.
"What happened that da-?" He wonders, scooting closer and his hand runs into the jewelry box. "What's this?"
"Open it." I instruct him and he does so.
Seungcheol's eyes widen as the necklace comes into view, "I thought the sea took this."
I shake my head, "Those pirates weren't from this world." I answer his original question of what happened that day on the sea, "I'm sure someone's explained my punishment to you?" I check with him.
"Yong did this morning over breakfast." Seungcheol nods. "It seemed fitting until I realized they controlled essentially when it ended."
"We're talking about thirteen souls. In my world, killing a single soul is like murdering at least 10 people in the living world." I smile that he sort of took my side. "Anyway, a week before it all happened, the Gods had delivered a note saying it was time to leave you." I continue on with the story, "But I had decided that I was going to stay with you because you made me that happy. So I threw the note away and thought I could run away so the Gods wouldn't catch us." I tuck my hands underneath my legs and lower my gaze to the floor. "I was reckless thinking that they wouldn't find us. But they did. And they forced me to leave. When they dropped me in the sea, I tried to return to the surface, I swear I tried, but they used the currents to pull me back to the hotel."
Seungcheol leans against the back of the bench in awe.
"Because I had disobeyed their conditions for my punishment, I was forced out and caused you all the more pain." I say in a roundabout apology. "I never did it again."
"How do you still have the necklace?" Seungcheol asks, glancing down at the open jewelry box in his lap.
"I begged." I tell him, "I pleaded with the Gods to let me keep it even though I'd disobeyed them."
Seungcheol lifts the necklace out of the box and my eyes follow it. "Thank goodness they did because I spent way too long searching for this for it to be tossed to the side because a girl was in love." Without asking me to move, he places the necklace back on my neck and clasps it closed. "There. Back where it belongs."
My hand instinctively goes to my neck to feel the metals and gems again.
"After you were," Seungcheol clears his throat, unable to say the exact words, "I was immediately knocked unconscious. And when I woke up, I was laying on deck, my hands free of their binds. My men scattered around deck. The boat was docked in a port and had no evidence that any pirates had boarded. Now that you're saying they weren't from my world, it makes sense how they disappeared so quickly."
He runs a hand through his hair, still fluffy and full. "We grieved after that. I grieved. Of course thinking you'd died. And you know, did the whole sha-bang and everything."
I smile as love for this man swells in my chest. I had never once 'died' in front of a love so Seungcheol's the only one who held a funeral for me.
"What did you do after?" I asked, wanting to keep the conversations going, mainly so I could listen to him talk. Like how we used to spend days in the sun, him telling me stories of his previous travels while his small crew manned the ship.  
"I continued shipping goods from port to port with the crew." Seungcheol recalls, "Nothing exciting."
I rolled my eyes, his consistent I'm-not-really-that-interesting jab still present. "You never once met someone interesting?"
Seungcheol scrunches his nose in thought, "I mean, once met a young man named Samuel. Real spunky kid. He had run away from home and was looking for a job."
Hoshi's Samuel? I wonder. Did he keep the same name in a different life?
"We gave him one and he was the hardest working kid. Always helping out around the boat, always wanting to learn about every aspect of running a boat." Seungcheol smiles at the memory, "He was also really athletic and flexible. Sometimes made me wonder if he was a dancer."
My ears perk up immediately, "Maybe in one of his lives?" I suggest.
"That would make sense." Seungcheol agreed, "Samuel was with us for about five years or so before some girl swept him off his feet. Literally." He whispers into my ear with a giggle. "But he won't tell you it that way."
I laugh. "What about Yeon Woo?" I ask remembering some of his crews' names.
"Yeon Woo?" Seungcheol says with some surprise that I remember his name. "Yeon Woo stayed with me for a while. He finally married the girl he had been with for ages. The one with glasses.” He adds for my benefit, “It sounds so silly now, but on the morning of his wedding, he went down to the water, poured two cups of alcohol, set one at the water's edge, and just sat there."
"For me?" I ask, eyes large, touched at Yeon Woo's affection.
Seungcheol nods, "For you." He confirms.
Yeon Woo had been Seungcheol's right hand man and quickly became one of my closest friends. I'm sure he took my 'leave' as hard as Seungcheol.
"He was always such a softie." I lean on his shoulder and loop my arms around his.
"Who else?" Seungcheol wondered, "Oh, Ren!" He lists off the next member of his crew and proceeded to tell me stories he thought were memorable.
We went through all the members of his 5 man crew. Then we diverged into his life and what he went off to do.
He never married though he had a long list of attempts. He says it was cause all the potentials had wanted to move inland but he wanted to stay on the water. We chat about the different places he thought were remotely interesting and about the time he tried to eat a live octopus but chickened out when it stuck to the inside of his cheek. He had to pull it out with both hands.
I laugh when I hear the story. The image of Seungcheol struggling with a tiny octopus tentacle from his mouth being just too funny.
Seungcheol keeps me laughing, constantly telling me how much he loves the sound of my laughter. Even as the sun dips low in the western sky, we can't seem to stop giggling.
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As our laughter dies down, Seungcheol stares into the sun and sighs.
"So, now it's my turn, huh." He mutters thoughtfully.
I look at him confused for a second before the setting sun closes the lid on my bliss. "We could-"
"We are not disobeying the Gods again." Seungcheol cuts me off before I could even finish, "You did it once and look how that turned out. I'm not letting you do it again."
I pout and he nuzzles his nose into my hair.
"We're going to do it right this time." He mumbles.
"This way is sucky." I pout and Seungcheol chuckles.
"Come on." He whispers and places a kiss on my head before helping me up to my feet along with himself.
"Are you not sad that you're leaving me?" I wonder as I search his eyes for even a hint of sadness.
Seungcheol smiles softly, "I am but then I see those." He nods towards the chrysanthemums sitting at the base of the tree, "And they remind me that you have others to wait for. And they love you as much as I do." He grabs my hand tightly, "So in reality, I'm quite happy that you were loved so much."
I smile as his words slowly seep in. 13 loves is a lot. Not every soul spends all their lives loving a person so one could say I am pretty fortunate in that aspect. Though the way I encountered this love fortune was not fortunate.
Seungcheol turns and I let him lead me out of the garden. On our way we run into Mun Hee who just happened to be sweeping around the doorway for transfers.
"Just one more question." Mun Hee quickly says before I can even open my clenched jaw.
Seungcheol chuckles, loving my employee. "Alright, one more."
Mun Hee smiles brightly, "What was (y/n) like?" He asks, glancing at me.
I relax my shoulders and roll my eyes. Of course he would want to know what I was like. Was I the same? Was I somehow vastly different?
"Weren't you around?" Seungcheol questions.
Mun Hee readjusts his posture, "She's different when she's not inside the hotel. In here, she's... her." He says as if he's obscenely offended that I would change personalities.
I scrunch my face at him in annoyance as Seungcheol answers.
"She was... herself." He finishes, looking over at me and squeezing my hand.
I smile and we walk around Mun Hee, continuing towards the awaiting car.
"I like him." Seungcheol comments with a glance back, "You should keep him for a while."
"I have to keep him. He's assigned to work here." I inform him and I step from the firm concrete to the soft dirt path.
"You'll be okay here?" Seungcheol asks as we step closer to the car.
I nod, tears already lining my eyes. "I think so."
"You won't mourn for me for too long?" He asks and meets my gaze. His eyes sad but tearless, wanting to be strong for me who still has time left.
I shake my head, not trusting my voice to be stable.
"And you'll tell the next fella that I say thank you?" He continues.
"For what?" I stutter out.
"For loving you just as much as I did." Seungcheol says and a tear slips down my cheek. But before it ever reaches my chin, he wipes it away with his thumb.
I nod and wordlessly, Seungcheol lowers his lips down to meet mine. The warmth of the kiss wipes away all traces of the cold memories and my senses are filled with just him. When he pulls away, I have to fight the urge to pull him back. Partly because Shin is watching but also because Seungcheol's holding my arms to my sides, as if he is already guessing I would try.
He presses a final kiss to my forehead and I close my eyes, trying to memorize every detail of the moment. How his lips are pressed firmly to my skin. How his hands tighten ever so slightly around my arms. How he's close enough that I can hear the echo of his heart beat, beating strong and proud.
I keep my eyes close as he pulls away and releases my arms. I only open them when he steps away and towards the car.
Shin gives Seungcheol a curt nod, holding the door open for him. Seungcheol returns the nod and slides into the car without another glance back. But I'm grateful for it, because if he did turn around, I wouldn't have stayed still.
With a hand gripping my necklace, I watch with fresh tears as the car drives forward and disappears into the fog.
I don't bother to wipe away the tears the same way I don't bother to acknowledge the fact that I'm one love closer to ending my punishment. Or the fact that back in my garden, one chrysanthemum sinks to the ground as its life leaves and follows Seungcheol.
I know I'll mourn his leaving for days. But it's something I need to do alone. So I turn back towards the hotel and walk inside to allow myself to grieve. Then wait for the others to arrive.
Return to the Navigation Page (Waning Crescent Hotel) to choose the next guest.
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"So this time, I'm leaving with you?" Seungcheol asks the air while staring into the overly bright sunset.
I nod, "This time we do it together. And not against our will."
Seungcheol chuckles, "Sometimes I think that we laugh too much."
I stand up, hands on my hips, "I can erase all laughter if you want?" I raise an eyebrow as he also rises to his feet, shaking his head.
"Nope, laughing is good." Seungcheol says and grabs my hand. "Are you ready to say goodbye to your staff?"
My heart suddenly feels heavier as I remember that I'm leaving for good. "No. But I have to." I say and hold my head up.
"We'll do it together." He reminds me as we walk out of the garden.
We walk hand in hand to the lobby where Yong, Mun Hee, Soon Bok, and Jiwoo stand solemnly.
"So this is it?" Mun Hee asks with tears in his eyes. "This is the day you leave us?"
I wrap him up in a hug, only a tiny bit annoyed that he's being so sappy. "Maybe I'll get punished again and be back here by the end of the year." I try to joke but Mun Hee abruptly pushes back from me.
"Don't you dare say that. You better not return here." He says angrily through his tears.
I chuckle, "I won't come back. I promise."
Turning to Soon Bok, I thank her for her service and her amazing work. Something I never did and should've done more.
Next onto Jiwoo. I also thank him for his and his entire family's service then I unclip the bracelet that has held him to this place.
"When you leave today, you won't be able to find this place again." I inform him, "I hope that you'll be able to go and live your life happily."
Jiwoo nods, "Thank you for letting me work with you. I won't ever forget you."
I smile sadly, "You will. But thank you."
Finally I reach Yong who is sniffling and trying so very hard not cry.
"You'd think after all these years of waiting that I'd be prepared for this day." She says through sniffles.
"Thank you, Yong." I rests my hands on her shoulders, "For everything. Thank you."
With lips pursed together, she leans forward and wraps me in an unexpected hug. But I soon wrap my arms around her and squeeze her tightly.
We pull apart after a couple seconds and I wipe the few tears that have escaped from her eyes.
"Keep this hotel running beautifully." I tell her before Seungcheol grabs my hand again.
With final waves of goodbye, Seungcheol and I walk out to the foggy forest that will take us to our resting place.
At the edge of the forest, Shin stands next to an idling car, a somber look on his face.
"(y/n)." He says when we reach him, "It has been an honor working with you. I wish you both a peaceful rest." Shin bows his head and I pat his arm.
"The honor was mine." I tell him with a smile. Now the tears start to line my eyes as the realization fully sets in.
I'm free. I served my years of punishment and now I'm free to let my soul rest.
I turn back towards the hotel and look up to the top where the rooftop patio is outlined with bright string lights. Then to the mid floors where random room lights are turned on, some guests staying in while others opting to experience the hotel's many services. Then to grand base where guests would be milling around, waiting their turns to leave this world.
"(y/n)?" Seungcheol softly asks pulling my attention to where he sits just inside the car, "Are you ready?"
I take one last quick look at the hotel before turning away from it. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go."
I lower myself into the car and Shin securely closes the door after I am completely inside. As the car begins to drive forward, Seungcheol securely grabs my hand and I let his warmth guide me towards our final destination.
In the garden, the final chrysanthemum withers and dies so that no more stand at the base of the bare tree.
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phantomarchive · 4 years
writing preferences
Seeking: In-depth plots with muses who click in whatever way it works out (familial, platonic, romantic, enemies, etc.). Threads of varying length, including multi-para replies when it’s called for. Shorter is alright, but I don’t do that often, idk how to contain myself. Regardless of the relationship, I love the good, the bad, the ugly, the soft, the dark - everything.
My muse is: It depends on the muse. Sometimes I get very hyperfocused on one or a handful of muses that will be a lot more active. I do try to stay at least somewhat active with all of them, but it can be hit or miss. But always feel free to send things in regardless!
My muse gets along well with: All sorts, it really depends on the muses.
My muse gets along poorly with: Same as above, it’s a case by case basis in general.
Desired genres: I’m down for anything. Sci-fi, modern, fantasy, noir, many varying AUs. I like angst, action, fluff, romance, dark themes (with some exceptions). I’m pretty open to almost anything.
Avoided genres: I don’t really avoid any, per se, but sometimes the small talk threads can get a little tiring quickly. Not every time, sometimes they evolve really nicely, but if nothing interesting seems to be happening, I tend to get a little tired of them.
Desired thread types: Plotted are always welcome. I love a good in-depth plot with either a very long thread, or lots of threads lending to the story we’ve crafted. I have some muses / threads I would like to seek out, but I get a little nervous about others feeling like I’m pushing a ship on them, so I don’t say anything.
Mun: Anxious, shy, loves to do art and write, not always good at reaching out to people but I do love sending in memes! Eats too much broccoli, but no one’s going to stop me.
Activity: Depends. I’m generally semi-active, inspiration and energy tend to wax and wane, but overalI try to be active and communicative. If I plan to leave for an extended length of time, I’ll usually put up a notice about it.
Icons/Formatting: I like icons but they aren’t necessary. I also try to match the formatting of the person I’m writing with, at least in font size. I will never use multiple spaces between words or anything that could cause eye strain in that regard, and I don’t much like it being used for replies to me. I prefer small text replies, but I will adapt to what my partner uses since I want them to be comfortable reading what’s being written.
Tagged by: I stole it from @cosmoshearted
Tagging: idk whoever wants to do it
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shroudedhero · 4 years
Mobile Friendly Rules
Since I did it for Kurai’s info, here’s the rules (the updated ones)
I know they seem long but some of it is also just information I thought was important for you to know before interacting with me. NOTE: THERE IS A PASSWORD FOR THIS BLOG DUE TO SEVERAL PAST BAD EXPERIENCES WITH UNTAGGED TRIGGERS (and it is the ONLY reason I have a password. I won’t throw a fit if you don’t send it, but I do usually feel more comfortable if you do).
Also another small, but extremely important note beforehand: Due to my autism, I tend to try to be extra clear (but also sometimes manage to be less clear in the process), or in my head it is clear, but to other people, it comes across entirely differently, but I’ve been informed this makes my rules sometimes come across as more aggressive, exclusionary, or mean. So I will say this now. I am actually a MASSIVE fluffball. Quite literally. The tone they come across is mainly due to overexplaining however I have tried to edit them and have yet to find a way to redefine my rules in better wording that I am happy with and that feels like it covers everything while actually being properly clear (but whenever I finally think of the right wording, I usually update my rules). So just approach them with the knowledge I am actually legitimately a sweetheart and my brain just sucks at actually wording stuff.
If you followed me over here when I moved Kurai’s BNHA verse to this blog, I removed and edited a couple of rules so please read through them again.
- ★ First and most important thing is that the mun has a very serious cannibalism trigger, which includes ANY form of people being eaten (including animals or monsters or any such other creatures eating people). (Excluding vampires, as that doesn’t typically involve the eating of human flesh, and rather simply blood itself (I am COMPLETELY fine with blood and general dark and gorey things). Zombies however, are included). As such, please tag all SNK or Hannibal related posts with such things in them, even the ones without such scenes in them, due to the fact that these two shows/fandoms are the reason I learned I have this trigger, and so the entire thing now can cause my trigger due to association, and memory connection to it. Also I ask that you tag any other shows/fandoms/gifs with such things in them as well. Please and thank you very much. My blacklisted tags are: SNK, Shingeki No Kyojin, Attack On Titan, AoT, tokyo ghoul, tg, Hannibal, Cannibalism, tw: cannibalism, parasyte, tokyo ghoul, twd, the walking dead, walking dead, zombies, and hunting trophies.  Any form of these (capitalization does not matter, however spaces do) will be caught by my blacklist, so I would appreciate it if you’d use one of these for those posts (though I am also happy to add other tags to it as well if you have a specific system you use already). Also suggestions for other possible blacklist tags that I may have forgotten are much appreciated. Also as an added note, I will not follow, RP with, or associate in ANY WAY, any blogs that have to do with my triggers. (Multi-muse blogs can sometimes be okay, this more applies to blogs that post SPECIFICALLY about the fandoms that trigger me). If you are a multi-muse blog that has characters from these fandoms, all I ask is that you be sure to tag them with the fandom they are from, with one of the tags in my list, and tag any of the triggers. We’ll be perfectly fine if you do! If you don’t, I may eventually unfollow, just to avoid seeing unintentionally triggering content.
- Secondly, I am open to RPing smut, (either aged up, or not, since whether we like it or not, teenagers do indeed end up doing it), however it likely will not happen much since this muse is underage, and will only happen if both myself and the other mun are okay with it and have agreed to it. (Again, chances are slim.) I do prefer however if our smut RPs are placed under a read more, if at all possible.
- ★ I am autistic. I know I don’t seem like it at first, and sometimes it’s hard to tell, however I am, and I also have ADHD, and it does affect the way my mind works with things. Sometimes having things done certain ways makes all the difference between if I can do something or if I can’t. If it sounds like I want to do something, but seem to struggle with figuring out how, please feel free to make suggestions, or start the thing yourself! It’s actually REALLY helpful when I get stuck. My being autistic can also affect who I can roleplay with, and how I roleplay, and how I think. Please keep this in mind, and try to be understanding. If something bothers you, or you don’t understand something, just ask me! I’ll do my best to explain, or fix it.
- Though it may not always seem like it, I am VERY shy and awkward. I’m actually legitimately terrified of new people, and trying to talk to people I haven’t spoken to before, or very much yet, almost makes me feel like I’m going to have a panic attack. If you want to RP with me, please message me! Chances are I’d LOVE to chat with you and RP with you, I’m just too terrified to talk to you.
- I struggle with chronic depression, and sometimes I may disappear for a while if I have a spell that gets particularly bad. Please be patient with me, as I will never forget about you and will always return. Also since it needs to be said, I also have EXTREME, doctor diagnosed anxiety. Sometimes it gets the better of me. Same with depression. Sometimes I have bad days. So I vent, and get frustrated with things. Little things bother me a lot more than they would on a normal day. If you can’t handle that or are going to be a hypocrite about it then please just leave right now. I don’t need your negativity. I have enough unwanted of that in my head as it is, which I combat and fight against every day.
- I am a multiship/multiverse blog, however my muse will be very selective with shipping for the time being however I am still happy to discuss ships and will happily consider them. Also a note, that I will ship with multiples of the same character, if the mun of those blogs wishes to ship with me. I find each relationship is different, seeing as each mun plays their character a little differently.
- I will do crossovers sometimes with fandoms I am familiar with. Crossovers always depend on my mood and how well my muse can interact with a character, as well as how well I know the series the character is from. Please forgive me if I choose not to roleplay a specific crossover. I still like you, I promise. If you’re unsure if I know your fandom, just ask! I do know of a lot of fandoms, so there’s a good chance I might.
- I ship based on chemistry. Sometimes I can develop a ship quickly, especially if I know the other muse’s personality well, and know they will mesh well with mine. Other times, a ship takes time for me to develop. Please be understanding and patient with me on this.
- Do NOT under any circumstances, force a ship on me. I am usually quite good at expressing ships I am okay with, and it will usually show in my writing. If you are unsure if I ship something or not, feel free to send me a message and ask me. Most of my characters have their own way of showing interest in someone, however most are usually pretty clear in expressing it in some way. Sending memes for interaction is fine for anyone whether we have interacted or not, and I will usually reply to those, however do not force a ship on me outside of that. If one develops between our characters, then fine. However that is a MUTUAL thing, so I do not take kindly to someone just deciding something is a thing. If you want to try to build one between our characters, then go ahead. Just please show me respect. That is the biggest and most important thing with me, is respect.
- I will write anything from 1 liners to multi-paragraphs when I RP. I usually stick to 1 or two shortish paragraphs, and that tends to fluctuate or shrink depending on how much information is needed to describe a scene. If we start out with a shorter paragraph, and I make a reply a fair bit longer, I will likely revert back to the shorter paragraph again within 1 or 2 replies. However you are welcome to write however you wish, just as long as you can give me something to go on. (A one liner in response to a 10 line paragraph for example, I will struggle to reply to.)
- I do not tolerate anon hate of any kind. Not towards myself, nor towards others. I will respond to it in a way that will make the sender feel rather like an idiot, and I am very smart and capable of doing so, so please be advised of that, if you intend to do so.
- I will RP more violent NSFW RPs, and other dark topics (I absolutely LOVE angst), however ONLY as long as I am in the mood for them. The mun of this blog is (well) over 18. Everything though that might be triggering, will be tagged, and if there is something that you need me to tag, or if I forget to tag something, please feel free to tell me. Just try to do so right away or else I can forget which RPs or replies to tag depending how long it goes since I posted it. My memory is pretty fickle with what it chooses to remember without some nudging.
- ★ I am better at roleplaying ships with males (BoyxBoy/Yaoi/etc), due to being more familiar with it and having more experience with it ((as I myself am very very very gay, and also trans (which is where the issues with writing about female parts makes me very uncomfortable comes from) )). I may however attempt to ship romantically with female characters, but please keep in mind it is something I am not as good at or as comfortable with, so if in the end, I decide I am unable to do so, please be understanding of this. (Especially if smut is included in the ship. I cannot smut with female characters, sorry.)
- I am slightly fickle about things I can reply to. I try very hard to reply to everything, however one thing I am not good at, is sudden changes in roleplays. As much as I hate to admit it, and try to pretend it isn’t true, and even though I am quite good at managing it most times, I am autistic, (high functioning form of autism) and that is one of the few issues I struggle with the most. If you sense a roleplay is changing directions, please hint at it to me in the tags or something the reply before it does, since even that small little hint can be enough to help keep me from having to drop an RP. Even if you are unsure if it will or not, letting me know that you think it MIGHT possibly happen (since we don’t control our characters) is a huge help to me. This particular issue is the main reason that 95% of my dropped threads end up dropped. And I always feel terrible when it happens, so please help me to get better at this.
- I can be slow sometimes (or often) with asks or replies. This usually happens because of my muse being fickle or me thinking a meme or ask prompt would be fun, however sometimes when I actually get them, my muse decides to just be like NOPE. Also sometimes I tend to forget things, or leave stuff in my askbox to reply to later, and then I forget about it or get distracted. If this happens, I apologize. Please try to be understanding of this, since I will NEVER ignore you or your asks on purpose. (The only case where it would be ignored is if it is something stated in my rules that I cannot respond to, that you obviously failed to read or are attempting to do anyway.) I do reblog things with the INTENT to answer EVERYTHING that shows up in my inbox, however my intentions don’t always pan out.
- I do not do the reblog from the source thing (not consistently anyway). I used to try to do it every single time (if I notice it), though now, I am sorry but I have had so many anxiety attacks due to my attention span which I cannot help due to having ADHD, and accidentally reblogging memes and such from someone who has that rule without even realizing it as I am scrolling down the dash because I don’t even realize who reblogged the meme, and then panicking because I realize it later, or get yelled at over it. I follow at least like 30+ meme blogs and the majority of memes on my dash tend to be from the source, so sometimes I don’t notice! Roleplay for me needs to remain stress free, because stress can trigger a major/serious depression spell and as of recently I FINALLY am stable emotionally. So please forgive me if I don’t bother with it. Because I probably won’t do it (consistently anyway).
Next topic of discussion.
Concerning OCs and shipping with them (Please see this post for some further clarification on this, since this is the part that I have the most issue with making clear, though I really do try):
- I am in fact OC supportive! Though when it comes to RPing with them, I can be extremely picky, and cautious. This has nothing to do with whether your OC is great or well developed or not. My brain annoyingly happens to have trouble connecting to a lot of characters, both OC and canon, but it just seems to be more common with other people’s OCs. HOWEVER, just because I might not RP with your OC, doesn’t mean I won’t secretly stalk them from the dash and read your interactions because I think they’re amazing.
- I WILL NOT ship my muses with other OCs, unless they are extremely well developed. This is simply because unless I personally can form some form of an an emotional connection/understanding to/of a character, my own muse will be unable to do so as well. (This can also apply to canon characters as well, so it is not simply limited to OCs).
- I am also very picky with RPing with other OCs, because of the same reason stated above. I will however roleplay with them sometimes, and do not in any way dislike them. I rather love OCs, and the diversity and color they bring to fandoms, and I actually have lots of OCs of my own for different fandoms, I just cannot always connect to them, and in those cases, I will not be able to roleplay with them. I apologize. HOWEVER. If possible, I will happily do platonic RPs with OCs that my muses happen to click with.
The types of characters/OCs I am usually unable to roleplay with, are the following, which includes a list of reasons why:
- ★ OCs that are not connected to any fandom in particular/Multifandom OCs. Basically as I like to call them, floaters or drifters. I may attempt to roleplay with these. It can still be iffy, because my brain can sometimes make stuff more difficult than it actually is or needs to be, and it depends on each particular OC, but as I have recently been developing a fandomless OC myself, I find my understanding of them has grown a bit. That said, sometimes I need to be able to connect them with something, as each fandom has a specific world to them. I need a consistent, solid world anchor to be able to understand the character, which drifters don’t have, so I can struggle to RP with them. I’m willing to try though!
- OCs from fandoms I am unfamiliar with. If I don’t know what sort of world/background your character comes from, it leaves me guessing too much and confused. I have attempted to roleplay with them anyway in the past and it just doesn’t work.
- OCs with very little backstory and information, or with a confusing one, or even with none at all. In essence, poorly made OCs. I need info to RP with you. At least seriously. So sorry. I need to be able to understand your character at least a little, since I don’t do good with “lets play a guessing game” or “I literally have no idea what I’m doing” or “what the hell is going on” sort of RPs, and I have never been good at them, and so I need clear, concise information on your character.
- Canonically (or noncanon since this is an OC as well) unknown family member OCs. Whether it’s a sibling for my character or for someone else’s that was never mentioned in canon, I just can’t. (If you want to RP a family member of my character that I have mentioned in my character’s info, please ask me beforehand as I usually have an idea already of what their family member is like, but usually I will be okay with that as long as you ask me first before just going ahead and doing it.) I’ve never been able to RP with them, for a multitude of reasons, one of the main being they often end up reminding me of the bad version of self inserts or genderbends. I have been unsuccessful at breaking this way of thinking towards them despite attempting to many times, and so I just cannot do it, personally. I am sorry.
Important reminder: Please note that I suck at explaining this somewhat, and just because my brain struggles with roleplaying with certain characters does not mean I dislike your muse or think they suck! I can think your OC is absolutely AMAZING and they can be SUPER well written and developed and I can want to interact but my brain is just dumb and if I try to my brain just refuses. These SAME issues can happen with canon characters too, I have simply noticed it more with other OCs, thus the specific section for them.
Those are all the ones I can think of right now. I am very sorry to anyone who has one of these and wants to RP with me, however I simply cannot do it, personally. I’m sure there are plenty of other people out there though who would love to RP with you even though I cannot, and just because I will not RP with you doesn’t mean I dislike you or your character. I’d be happy to still be friends with you, I just won’t be able to RP with you. I’m someone who needs to be able to connect to the character I am roleplaying with on at least SOME level, for my character to be able to connect to them as well, so if I am unable to do that then I am unable to roleplay with them. (This can include as well, the WAY someone roleplays, since if there is no emotion or thought or description in replies, it gives me nothing to go on and connect to, and leaves me unable to respond, even if I WANT to RP with you.)
★ I hate to have to do this (and I never used to have a password), however I have had A LOT of trouble with people not reading and following my rules in the past, and or speaking about or talking about/not tagging my major trigger, so if you have read my rules, please inbox me with “Catshark” (I prefer Inbox over IMs for the password so I can keep track forever of who sent it in). I ask this of people because it also helps a lot with my anxiety, and keeps me from wondering and worrying in the back of my mind if I might actually get triggered by something. I know it can be tedious to do this extra step, and I hate that I even had to add this step in the first place, however after years of roleplaying, and dealing with people, it became necessary due to several bad past experiences in tumblr fandoms. It was not added on a whim, so please take the time to do so. Also, I do understand that you probably follow a hundred blogs that all have their own rules, so if you forget stuff, that’s okay! I do it too. The password is just so I know it is safe for me to approach you and remind you of something if you do forget. Otherwise, I tend to sit here and kind of panic about if I can mention something to you (it has happened before that someone who didn’t send it in and came across friendly bit my head off when I asked them to tag something), and it means I am more likely to unfollow or stop interacting, or even block you eventually due to my anxiety. And I don’t want that to happen over a silly misunderstanding.
There may be more added to this later if I think of something. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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15001700tt · 4 years
Descendants of the Moon
Testing Foreign Waters
Descendants of the Moon Masterlist
Word count: 1,649 
tag list: @multi-fan-trash @chastja  @syublush @serpentityx 
Dm me if you want to be on the tag list!
Key: Italics- things that happened in the drama but do not old any importance to the story line
Episode 2:
Yoo Ji arrives at the hospital with a purpose this time. She has to tell Mo Yeon and her friends that she’s leaving to volunteer in Urk, a city on the other side of the world, she has no idea when she’ll come back but this isn't the first time so they shouldn’t be too surprised. 
“Hey! Have you seen Mo Yeon?” she caught Chi Hoon, he shook his head no. he checked the board behind him. 
“Oh, she should be coming out of the operation room. Come, I need to talk to her anyway,” he fidgeted as he nervously smiled. She glanced down and back up to his face.
“You lost your ring again” she stated, his eyes widened. 
“Don’t tell Hae Eun!” he blurted out, she chuckled and promised she wouldn’t. He led her towards the room. They found Mo Yeon with Hae Eun. 
Chi Hoon gave Hae Eun a really bad excuse for her to leave, as soon as she was out of sight he started looking through the laundry basket.
“He lost his ring again” Yoo Ji explained to a confused Mo Yeon. she then rolled her eyes. 
“Again!?” she groaned. She glared at the anxious boy. 
“Clench your jaw” she muttered, faking a jab at him. He smiled clenching his jaw before making his escape.
“I hope he grows up a little faster.” Mo Yeon murmured to Yoo Ji. she nodded and observed her doctor friend.
“Did you need me for something? I was going to take a quick nap before I do my rounds.” Mo Yeon sighed, she looked exhausted.
“I am leaving for volunteer work in two days,” Yoo Ji told her. She never beat around the bush.
“They need help covering the area and I am the only one available right now,” she explained. 
“I thought you were covering the Park Ree Kim case?” Mo Yeon mentioned Yoo Ji’s case, she was at Haesun, getting treated for heart disease. Yoo Ji was tailing the doctor, to get information.
“They’re replacing me with a rookie reporter, besides it was the son” she waved off. 
“I still don’t know why you choose to be a reporter when you could be a private investigator” Mo Yeon shook her head at how peculiar her friend was.
“I like writing the reports” Yoo Ji sarcastically replied. She soon had to leave to pack and get her stuff sorted out with the embassy. She bid goodbyes to all her friends. 
The events between Shi Jin and Mo Yeon happen. 
The shower scene right before the Alpha team is where Dae Young and Shi Jin ask Gwang Nam about Yoo Ji. 
“I noticed ever since we came back from Haesung, you’ve been too quiet” Shi Jin questioned the tranquil man. 
“You think he fell in love with Mun Yoo Ji?” Dae Young teased.
“Probably, he’s never seen a girl fight before” Shi Jin teased, laughing as he got shoved by Gwang Nam who was getting flustered. 
“Shut up” 
Yoo Ji explored the area well, she almost got every crook of the town that wasn’t dangerous to the public. Of course, she wasn’t scared she just didn't want to get on the U.S.’s bad side as they were leading the bases here. 
She went to a bar by the seaside. She met this bartender that was peculiar, you can get anything there. But Valentine, the bartender, had a rule. ‘We don’t sell women or information here’ Yoo Ji loved to challenge that, and she’s only been here for a week. 
There wasn't much to do here for a reporter, she was mostly covering the political debate between Urk and the U.S. but that was going very slow, and everyone is being careful so there’s not as much fun as her usual cases.
“Hey Val,” Yoo Ji greeted in English. 
“Ji, you’re here again, it’s the fifth time this week.” Val scoffed with mild annoyance. 
“I wouldn't be here if you would just give me what I need” Yoo Ji reminded her. 
“The rule” Val stated with no room for leniency.
“Well then, I’ll just have a dry martini” Yoo Ji admitted silent defeat for the day.
“It's one in the afternoon” Val raised an eyebrow.
“It's happy hour somewhere,” Yoo Ji muttered.
-Eight months later- 
The Korean army found an active land mine, they were instructed by Yoo Shi Jin to disarm the active ones. Of course, Shi Jin and Dae Young got called to the main base to be disciplined for not following the correct orders and letting the US Army deal with it. 
Gwang Nam was tasked with driving them there, he dropped them off and went to hang out in the bar that's near the base. 
He pulled up and went inside. He sat by the bar and ordered a drink, he was planning on waiting for Shi Jin and Dae Young and then leaving when they finish. 
But his thought process was halted when his eyes were drawn to the door, and a familiar girl walked in. she didn't seem to notice him and sat a few seats away from him. He figured she was used to military men being around here considering how close this bar was to their base.
She called the bartender, and Gwang Nam noticed that they were on a first-name basis. The bartender whose name he heard was Val, seemed used to the girl’s tendencies. 
Gwang Nam couldn't get over his shock of seeing Yoo Ji, the strange girl he met back in Korea at the hospital Ki Bum was getting treated at. His mouth was flopped open, he couldn't believe the odds. 
Finally, Yoo Ji seemed to feel someone’s gaze on her, she turned and couldn't help but feel shock radiate through her body. She didn't let it consume her though, she quickly recovered and gave him a knowing smile. She hopped off her seat and plopped right next to him.
“Hey, we met in Korea, right? Mo Yeon tried to call the police on your friend” her smile grew at the ridiculousness of her friend. 
“Yeah,” Gwang Nam swallowed and gave her a small smile. 
“You’re probably wondering why am I here” Yoo Ji speculated from the curious look on his face. 
“If you don't mind sharing” he responded.
“I am a reporter, I am covering the political debate. What about you soldier?” she grinned.
“I’ve been deployed here for the last 8 months” he vaguely ghosted over exactly what he’s doing here. He couldn't exactly tell her that he was on ‘break’ from his ‘special’ job. 
“You’re a First Sergeant, probably involved in Special Forces” Yoo Ji deduced. They don’t deploy any soldiers here, it was a magnet for hostage kidnappings. Gwang Nam had to hide his surprise or he’ll lose his job. 
“But you know, you don't strike me as a special forces agent” she saw the hooded look in his eyes, he was probably going to stay silent, his way of not confirming nor denying; but now she made a hit to his ego and pride. To Yoo Ji, she knew that military men have a huge pride problem. Especially those who went voluntarily, she saw the small fire ignite in his eyes. Yoo Ji also noticed that he was trained well, he was trained to not lie but to not tell the whole truth, which is much more efficient. Beats the polygraph test seven times out of ten. 
“That’s what makes me good at it” he teased. Yoo Ji felt her eyebrow raise. He didn't deny it but he didn't outright tell her. He left enough space for her to wonder if she’s right or not. She quietly approved. usually, they would crack under her pressure. 
Their stare off was interrupted when two more men joined their section. 
“Ready to go?” Dae Young asked from behind the girl Gwang Nam was conversing with. 
“Captain and Deputy Leader” Yoo Ji addressed turning around with a smirk. Shi Jin overreacted and put a hand to his chest, while Dae young gave her an amused smile.
“Cool girl! What are you doing here?” Shi Jin questioned as he gave her a side hug. 
“I knew you liked me but you didn't have to follow me halfway around the world” Dae Young deadpanned, causing Yoo Ji and Gwang Nam to roll their eyes at Dae Young’s dry sense of humor. 
“As if, I am here on special reporter business that I can’t tell you about” she twisted her words and made eye contact with Shi Jin. Yoo Ji was trying to see if he got what she’s trying to do. He did.
“Mo Yeon told you” it was a statement.
“Just because I am halfway around the world, doesn't mean I don’t know what’s going on with my friends.” 
“Well, then you should know she’s coming to Urk next week” Dae Young informed her. That she didn't know, Mo Yeon didn't mention that. The last thing she mentioned was that the Chairman asshole tried to sleep with her. 
She didn't mention that to Shi Jin, she wanted to see his reaction when Mo Yeon tells him herself, now that she’s coming. 
Yoo Ji excused herself telling them she had to go to her boss and report back on some work she had done prior to meeting them. 
Turns out, Yoo Ji’s boss was looking for volunteers to stay at the Taebaek Unit to cover an issue on how the Korean military sustains in foreign countries. They were allowed by the Korean military and had to be careful about what they write, and so the boss wanted to find the best person that would do so. She was set to move in later in the week. 
The scene where Shi Jin and Mo Yeon meet at the airport and he’s totally cold towards her.
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thelastwintermere · 5 years
LFRP - Tahli Adahl (Crystal/Balmung)
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Age: 24
Birthday: 22nd Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Race: Miqo’te (Keeper of the Moon)
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Marital Status: Single
Server: Balmung
Hair: Brunette
Eyes: Green
Height: 5′4″ (167.00 cm)
Build: Average height, curvy
Distinguishing Marks: Typical Miqo’te markings on her face
Common Accessories: Glasses, map, canteen, binoculars, dagger
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Profession: Adventurer
Hobbies:  Wandering aimlessly, cooking, collecting Moogle stuff, crafting, groping pecs
Languages: Common and a number of others thanks to the Echo
Residence: None
Birthplace: Gyr Abania
Religion: Is Moogles a religion?
Patron Deity: Byregot, the Builder
Fears: Heights, loud crowds, the ocean, storms
Spouse: None
Children: None
Parents: Unknown
Siblings: None
Other Relatives: None
Pets: None
TRAITS ––– -
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between /  Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
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Smoking Habit: None Drugs: None Alcohol: Very rarely/socially
RP HOOKS ––– –
Always Moving: Tahli is never in one place for too long. She is a keen young woman who wants to see and experience the world around her. As such, she loves hearing tales of those who are doing the same and learning about the people who also wander the lands.
The Warrior of Light: She has the Echo and becomes the Warrior of Light and doesn’t mind helping others.
The Oddball: Tahli has two obsessions that would be considered weird to most. Moogles and muscular (thick) men. She loves Moogles because they’re cute and soft but are also vicious little things and loves large men because she sees them as the perfect people to nap on (favoring Hrothgar because she believes their muscular pecs combined with the soft fur is the ultimate comfort).
Agoraphobia: Tahli struggles with things like crowds and enclosed spaces unless she has someone to latch onto. She is okay with being around one person but too many people and too many loud noises causes her to panic.
Mysterious History: Tahli doesn’t like talking about her past and will often avoid the subject. If she is asked, she is quick to change the subject or cause some kind of scene in order to avoid it. That being said, she does have triggers from past events.
About the Mun  ––– –
Hi! I’m a 24 year old gal looking for some friends. I’m extremely shy so, I have trouble approaching people but am always happy to get asks and receive messages from people who have a bit more courage than I have. I don’t really give my name out freely so, I just go by my Discord username HiddenSiren or just Siren. I live in Australia so, my hours are a little weird in comparison to most here but I try and reply to things as quickly as I can!
You can either find me in game (Balmung) or use the contact info below! Main Blog: This one.~ Discord: HiddenSiren#4760
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morethanaprincess-a · 4 years
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@monsieur-de-paris​ said:  1, 3, 38
The Be Honest Meme (Still accepting! Already answering 1, 3, 31, and 38)
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1. What would prevent you from following someone?
I answered this already here. :)
3. What current rp trend do you hate?
Ooh, I have a few. In no particular order:
- Blogs where the rules, muse info, and mun info are not easily accessible. If I have to click around various moving icons to find what I think a rules page should be, I’m less inclined to want to engage. I prefer rules on pages (and linked in a pinned post) to a google doc but I can use either. I just hate when the blog layout is so stylized that this information is not easily found.
- Replies with gifs. I’m not terribly picky about icons (especially for canon characters. And for OCs that don’t use a canon FC, I understand that it can be difficult to have enough icons with their expressions), but I dislike gifs in replies just because it causes my feed to load slowly.
- Writing styles that are just difficult to read. Double small text, multiple spaces between words, etc. I prefer third person past tense for my own writing but I won’t hold anyone to that, but I need to be able to read posts and replies.
- Self-deprecating attitudes when it comes to writing. It’s hard to be confident all day, every day, in your skills and portrayal but I see more and more blogs insisting they’re terrible to the degree of “I don’t know why people stick around for my trash writing but thank you!” It’s your muse and your interpretation. Own that shit! Because no one will be a bigger cheerleader for your muse and your writing than you. 
- Shyness in being afraid to reach out. Approaching new people is not easy, but the more you don’t even try to send memes, reach out in messages or discord, or find some other way to interact, the less likely you’ll get interactions. It’s flattering to be approached, for sure, but the trend of being so shy and afraid of others to reach out needs to stop. We’re all nerds writing about fictional characters we love. 
- Sending anon hate. I don’t think any more needs to be said about this.
- Unless the muse is a Danganronpa canon character, automatic friendship and knowledge about my muse without plotting first. I know there’s the various memes that go around to the likes of “We don’t need to write our characters meeting for the first time!” or “Let me know straight up if our characters can ship!” I like growing those bonds throughout threads, especially if I’m writing with a canon character from a different fandom. Everyone portrays their muses differently and my muse may not react the same way to one portrayal of a muse versus another. Of course, chatting OOC and plotting can help streamline this process along but it’s more of an annoyance when it comes out of nowhere, because first meeting interactions aren’t terribly popular.
- When muns tag long IC posts with a trigger warning (specifically because it’s a long post). For me, my favorite type of long post to see on my dash are long IC posts, in contrast to images, gifsets, memes, etc. I get it if long posts just make the feed more difficult to load, but why should writing length be a trigger?
38.  What advice would you give to someone new to rp?
This could go two ways, being new to RP in general or being new to Tumblr RP. So I’ll try to go over both!
- If you’re interested in playing a canon muse, know that muse and their fandom very, very well. Play their games, read their books, watch their shows. If it’s a popular fandom, you will likely be interacting with other muses from that fandom who will expect it from you. If not, you might just sell other muns on checking out your fandom by your portrayal!
- Unless you’re confident you can handle it, do not take on too many muses at once. Doubly so if you’re in a popular fandom(s). Keeping up with threads, sending asks/memes, doing promotion, queueing content...that all takes a significant amount of time, not to mention writing for several different characters and voices. Start with one and see how it goes, maybe try a test muse here and there (maybe with a meme prompt?). If you’re able to keep up with it all, then make a second blog or add more muses. It’s easy to get overwhelmed fast when you’re just excited to RP for the first time and want to try everything all at once.
- Lurk. Lurk where you want to be roleplaying. If that’s tumblr, go through the applicable RP tags for your intended blog (Are you indie or wanting to join a group? What about fandom? If you’re writing an OC, which sorts of fandoms or mediums do you want to write them in?). Get a feel of not only what muses are out there, but some of the more accepted conventions of tumblr roleplaying: see how others set up their about pages, their rules, their verses, etc. Find out how people are interacting (plotted starters? memes? spontaneous asks?). It’s easy to sign up for an account but I’d recommend spending some time researching how different platforms approach roleplay. When I started on tumblr for both indie and group RP, accounts like @rpedia​ were very helpful.
- Decide, at least to start, what your rules, limits, and interests are. Maybe you’re underage or just not interested in smut, make sure that’s in your rules. Maybe there’s a fandom you don’t want to interact with, make sure to list it. Are you only interested in one-liner responses or do you want to write multiple paragraphs (or both!)? How quickly do you want to respond to threads? And if you want to participate in shipping, that’s a whole different set of things to consider. Before jumping into the tags, threads, and reaching out to people, having at least the beginnings of your rules, your muse info, your mun info (age and mun name/pronouns as the bare minimum), and possibly your verses should be available for potential partners to peruse. 
- But still be flexible. Your rules can change and your interests can change. This happened to me with my shipping preferences and I’ve updated my rules over time to reflect that. I’d also add ‘Be open-minded’ to this as well: interact with muses from other fandoms and OCs. Try new friendships and possibly romantic relationships you might not have considered for your muse when you decided to write them. I’ve found that being open to all sorts of interactions brings some fantastic muses, writers, and often friends into your life.
- Do not be discouraged when you’re first starting out and don’t have too many interactions. Especially if you’re writing an OC, a canon character in an unpopular fandom, or you’re just plain new to the RP scene (in general or on any platform). It takes awhile to appear in the tags and to grow your network. Post drabbles, post headcanons, follow accounts you want to write with, and don’t be afraid to reach out to potential muns. For the most part, many of us are very easygoing because we know what it’s like to start in this hobby!
- If someone says they do not want to write and/or ship with you, do not take it personally. They may not care for your muse, your fandom, your writing style, your portrayal, your content, or just the ship in general. You, the mun, are writing your muse the way you want to and there’s nothing wrong or bad about it, but it might just not work for the other person. There are always plenty more people to write and ship with. But there’s no use getting angry, begging for them to change their mind, or worse, slander them on your writing platform (or off it). Just take it in stride.
- And most importantly, read (and watch and play, but especially read) and write. It is very easy to get writer’s block or just feel like you cannot match someone’s length. But I suggest writing something you want to read, and how to do that is to read something you want to read and practice, practice, practice. I find movies, TV shows, and most games can give great plot ideas, but when it comes to putting those ideas into words? Nothing beats the written or audio word. You don’t have to immerse yourself in anything particularly highbrow that’s found in a lit class, either. Just indulge in writing styles, plots, and characters that inspire you and your muse, and then just write. Drabbles, headcanons, replies, starters, writing frequently keeps you in good practice. That might be every day, that might be every week, but the more you keep doing it the more it’ll improve. And then it’ll feel less like a chore.
- But that being said, take a break when RP is more of a chore than it is fun. You might be burnt out on a variety of things, but don’t forget to tell your partners!
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kokoro-no-kizuna · 4 years
Mobile Friendly Rules (Read Before Interacting)
I know they seem long but some of it is also just information I thought was important for you to know before interacting with me.  And a lot of it is generic stuff too but please still read anyway. 
- ★ First and most important thing is that the mun has a very serious cannibalism trigger, which includes ANY form of people being eaten (including animals or monsters or any such other creatures eating people). (Excluding vampires, as that doesn’t typically involve the eating of human flesh, and rather simply blood itself. Zombies however, are included). As such, please tag all SNK or Hannibal related posts, especially with such things in them, but even the ones without such scenes in them, due to the fact that these two shows/fandoms are the reason I learned I have this trigger, and so the entire thing now can cause my trigger due to association, and memory connection to it. Also I ask that you tag any other shows/fandoms/gifs with such things in them as well. Please and thank you very much. My blacklisted tags are: SNK, Shingeki No Kyojin, Attack On Titan, AoT, tokyo ghoul, tg, Hannibal, Cannibalism, tw: cannibalism, twd, the walking dead, walking dead, zombies, and hunting trophies.  Any form of these (capitalization does not matter, however spaces do) will be caught by my blacklist, so I would appreciate it if you’d use one of these for those posts. Also suggestions for other possible blacklist tags that I may have forgotten are much appreciated. Also as an added note, I will not follow, RP with, or associate in ANY WAY, any blogs that have to do with my triggers. (Multi-muse blogs can sometimes be okay, this more applies to blogs that post SPECIFICALLY about the fandoms that trigger me). If you are a multi-muse blog that has characters from these fandoms, all I ask is that you be sure to tag them with the fandom they are from, with one of the tags in my list, and tag any of the triggers. We’ll be perfectly fine if you do!
- Secondly, I am not here just to to roleplay smut. I WILL do so if I feel like it and if the roleplay goes that direction after building up the relationship, however I am not here for that. I do prefer however if our smut RPs are placed under a read more, if at all possible. I will not RP smut with underage muns however. Underage muses, depending on the age (and if our muses are close to the same age, eg: Both our muses are 16, cuz teenagers do things, as much as we might dislike the fact they do, and no matter how much we wish they wouldn’t) I may still write it. It’s very dependent on the particular muses. I will not RP smut with a muse that is 18 or over, and a muse that is underage. I will not RP smut with muses that are legitimate children (14 and under). However despite my willingness to write it, it doesn’t mean that it will happen if the other mun is not comfortable with. I don’t force it. I don’t need it. I just basically accept that that kind of stuff happens, and it’s a very realistic thing. My nsfw tag is #n;sfw so you are aware, because the original nsfw tag doesn’t work as well anymore.
- ★ I am autistic. I know I don’t seem like it at first, and sometimes it’s hard to tell, however I am, and I also have ADHD, and it does affect the way my mind works with things. Sometimes having things done certain ways makes all the difference between if I can do something or if I can’t. If it sounds like I want to do something, but seem to struggle with figuring out how, please feel free to make suggestions, or start the thing yourself! It’s actually REALLY helpful when I get stuck. My being autistic can also affect who I can roleplay with, and how I roleplay, and how I think. Please keep this in mind, and try to be understanding. If something bothers you, or you don’t understand something, just ask me! I’ll do my best to explain, or fix it.
- Though it may not always seem like it, I am VERY shy and awkward. I’m actually legitimately terrified of new people, and trying to talk to people I haven’t spoken to before, or very much yet, almost makes me feel like I’m going to have a panic attack. If you want to RP with me, please message me! Chances are I’d LOVE to chat with you and RP with you, I’m just too terrified to talk to you.
- I struggle with chronic depression, and sometimes I may disappear for a while if I have a spell that gets particularly bad. Please be patient with me, as I will never forget about you and will always return. Also since it needs to be said, I also have EXTREME, doctor diagnosed anxiety. Sometimes it gets the better of me. Same with depression. Sometimes I have bad days. So I vent, and get frustrated with things. Little things bother me a lot more than they would on a normal day. If you can’t handle that or are going to be a hypocrite about it then please just leave right now. I don’t need your negativity. I have enough unwanted of that in my head as it is, which I combat and fight against every day.
- I am a multiship/multiverse blog, however my muses will likely be very selective with shipping for the time being however I am still happy to discuss ships and will happily consider them. Also a note, that I will ship with multiples of the same character, if the mun of those blogs wishes to ship with me. I find each relationship is different, seeing as each mun plays their character a little differently.
- I will do crossovers sometimes with fandoms I am familiar with. Crossovers always depend on my mood and how well my muse can interact with a character, as well as how well I know the series the character is from. Please forgive me if I choose not to roleplay a specific crossover. I still like you, I promise. If you’re unsure if I know your fandom, just ask! I do know of a lot of fandoms, so there’s a good chance I might.
- I ship based on chemistry. Sometimes I can develop a ship quickly, especially if I know the other muse’s personality well, and know they will mesh well with mine. Other times, a ship takes time for me to develop. Please be understanding and patient with me on this.
- Do NOT under any circumstances, force a ship on me. I am usually quite good at expressing ships I am okay with, and it will usually show in my writing. If you are unsure if I ship something or not, feel free to send me a message and ask me. Most of my characters have their own way of showing interest in someone, however most are usually pretty clear in expressing it in some way. Sending memes for interaction is fine for anyone whether we have interacted or not, and I will usually reply to those, however do not force a ship on me outside of that. If one develops between our characters, then fine. However that is a MUTUAL thing, so I do not take kindly to someone just deciding something is a thing. If you want to try to build one between our characters, then go ahead. Just please show me respect. That is the biggest and most important thing with me, is respect.
- I will write anything from 1 liners to multi-paragraphs when I RP. I usually stick to 1 or two shortish paragraphs, and that tends to fluctuate or shrink depending on how much information is needed to describe a scene. If we start out with a shorter paragraph, and I make a reply a fair bit longer, I will likely revert back to the shorter paragraph again within 1 or 2 replies. However you are welcome to write however you wish, just as long as you can give me something to go on. (A one liner in response to a 10 line paragraph for example, I will struggle to reply to.)
- I do not tolerate anon hate of any kind. Not towards myself, nor towards others. I will respond to it in a way that will make the sender feel rather like an idiot, and I am very smart and capable of doing so, so please be advised of that, if you intend to do so.
- I will RP more violent NSFW RPs, however ONLY as long as I am in the mood for them. Anything triggering will be tagged. The mun of this blog is (well) over 18.
- Apologies, but I absolutely WILL NOT RP with people who RP in first person. It is something I cannot stand and I just will not do it.
- ★ I am better at roleplaying ships with males (BoyxBoy/Yaoi/etc), due to being more familiar with it and having more experience with it ((as I myself am very very very gay, and also trans (which is where the issues with writing about female parts makes me very uncomfortable comes from) )). I may however attempt to ship romantically with female characters, since romantic ships I can do, but please keep in mind it is something I am not as good at or as comfortable with, so if in the end, I decide I am unable to do so, please be understanding of this. (Especially if smut is included in the ship. I cannot smut with female characters, sorry. I am well aware it’s dumb that my brain rebels to it but it doesn’t change the fact that it does.)
- I am slightly fickle about things I can reply to. I try very hard to reply to everything, however one thing I am not good at, is sudden changes in roleplays. As much as I hate to admit it, and try to pretend it isn’t true, and even though I am quite good at managing it most times, I am autistic, (high functioning form of autism) and that is one of the few issues I struggle with the most. If you sense a roleplay is changing directions, please hint at it to me in the tags or something the reply before it does, since even that small little hint can be enough to help keep me from having to drop an RP. Even if you are unsure if it will or not, letting me know that you think it MIGHT possibly happen (since we don’t control our characters) is a huge help to me. This particular issue is the main reason that 95% of my dropped threads end up dropped. And I always feel terrible when it happens, so please help me to get better at this.
- I can be slow sometimes (or often) with asks or replies. This usually happens because of my muse being fickle or me thinking a meme or ask prompt would be fun, however sometimes when I actually get them, my muse decides to just be like NOPE, or my depression kicks up and I lose all motivation. Also sometimes I tend to forget things, or leave stuff in my askbox to reply to later, and then I forget about it or get distracted. If this happens, I apologize. Please try to be understanding of this, since I will NEVER ignore you or your asks on purpose. (The only case where it would be ignored is if it is something stated in my rules that I cannot respond to, that you obviously failed to read or are attempting to do anyway.) I do reblog things with the INTENT to answer EVERYTHING that shows up in my inbox, however my intentions don’t always pan out.
Next topic of discussion.
Concerning OCs and shipping with them:
- I WILL NOT ship my muses with other OCs, unless they are extremely well developed. This is simply because unless I personally can form some form of an an emotional connection/understanding to/of a character, my own muse will be unable to do so as well.
- I am also very picky with RPing with other OCs, because of the same reason stated above. I will however roleplay with them sometimes, and do not in any way dislike them. I rather love OCs, and the diversity and color they bring to fandoms, and I actually have lots of OCs of my own for different fandoms, I just cannot always connect to them, and in those cases, I will not be able to roleplay with them. I apologize. HOWEVER. If possible, I will happily do platonic RPs with OCs that my muses happen to click with.The types of characters/OCs I am usually unable to roleplay with, are the following, which includes a list of reasons why.
- ★ OCs that are not connected to any fandom in particular/Multifandom OCs. Basically as I like to call them, floaters or drifters. I may attempt to roleplay with these. It can still be iffy, because my brain can sometimes make stuff more difficult than it actually is or needs to be, and it depends on each particular OC, but as I have recently been developing a few fandomless OCs myself, I find my understanding of them has grown a bit. That said, sometimes I need to be able to connect them with something, as each fandom has a specific world to them. I need a consistent, solid world anchor to be able to understand the character, which drifters don’t have, so I can struggle to RP with them. I’m willing to try though! I believe this issue is connected to my being autistic, since certain things my brain just refuses to understand unless it is worded a certain way or done a certain way.
- OCs from fandoms I am unfamiliar with. If I don’t know what sort of world/background your character comes from, it leaves me guessing too much and confused. I have attempted to roleplay with them anyway in the past and it just doesn’t work.
- ★ Self insert OCs. Really. Please just no. I cannot stand self inserts above all else other than Shipper OCs. Admittedly, there are a rare few good ones out there. (And those are fine). However those tend to be very few and far between, and 98% of them tend to fall into the not so good category to put it nicely, and I just.. I can’t do it. There is nothing else to say to this except just NO. I apologize for this, however I just can’t. Also, this applies to FULLY self inserts. This does not apply to characters that simply share some traits with you, as often we roleplay a character because we can connect to them somehow.
- Canon Genderbends (there are exceptions sometimes with these). This subject is a touchy one, since my mind is very rigid unfortunately when it comes to how I view them. This might stem from my own personal gender struggle (as I am trans and FtM), however genderbends have always been something I have a lot of issues with, and so 98% of the time, I will not RP with them because I have to fight my mind to reply. Temporary genderswap M!A’s however, when handled properly, are no issue for me, and in such cases I will happily roleplay with them.
- OCs with very little backstory and information, or with a confusing one, or even with none at all. In essence, poorly made OCs. I need info to RP with you. At least seriously. So sorry. I need to be able to understand your character at least a little, since I don’t do good with “lets play a guessing game” or “I literally have no idea what I’m doing” or “what the hell is going on” sort of RPs, and I have never been good at them, and so I need clear, concise information on your character.
- Shipper OCs. The type of character I hate more than any other. If you made your OC just so you could ship with a bunch of people and that is the only purpose for their existence, do not even talk to me, or approach my character. Don’t even try. I literally cannot stand these types, and they fall right up there with my hatred of self inserts. So sorry. But just no. This doesn’t mean I ship shame if your muse happens to end up in lots of ships. That’s fine. It happens. I know the feeling when muses just click with lots of other muses. Sometimes it’s like that. But if their ONLY purpose for existing, is just so you can ship with endless characters, please go away right now.
- Canonically unknown family member OCs. Whether it’s a sibling for my character or for someone else’s that was never mentioned in canon, I just can’t. (If you want to RP a family member of my character that I have mentioned in my character’s info, please ask me beforehand as I usually have an idea already of what their family member is like, but usually I will be okay with that as long as you ask me first before just going ahead and doing it.) I’ve never been able to RP with them, for a multitude of reasons, one of the main being they often end up reminding me of self inserts or genderbends. I have been unsuccessful at breaking this way of thinking towards them despite attempting to many times, and so I just cannot do it, personally. I am sorry.
Those are all the ones I can think of right now. I am very sorry to anyone who has one of these and wants to RP with me, however I simply cannot do it, personally. I’m sure there are plenty of other people out there though who would love to RP with you even though I cannot, and just because I will not RP with you doesn’t mean I dislike you or your character. I’d be happy to still be friends with you, I just won’t be able to RP with you. I’m someone who needs to be able to connect to the character I am roleplaying with on at least SOME level, for my character to be able to connect to them as well, so if I am unable to do that then I am unable to roleplay with them. (This can include as well, the WAY someone roleplays, since if there is no emotion or thought or description in replies, it gives me nothing to go on and connect to, and leaves me unable to respond, even if I WANT to RP with you.)
★ I hate to have to do this, however I have had A LOT of trouble with people not reading and following my rules in the past, and or speaking about or talking about/not tagging my major trigger, so if you have read my rules, please inbox or IM me with “Catshark”.  I ask this of people because it also helps a lot with my anxiety, and keeps me from wondering and worrying in the back of my mind if I might actually get triggered by something. I know it can be tedious to do this extra step, and I hate that I even had to add this step in the first place, however after years of roleplaying, and dealing with people, it became necessary due to several bad past experiences in tumblr fandoms. It was not added on a whim, so please take the time to do so.
There may be more added to this later if I think of something. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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ncscope-blog · 6 years
AKA, things i’ve always wanted to ask people / have people ask me. please remember to REPOST rather than reblog!  HAPPY MUNDAY ~ !!
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WHAT TYPES OF GENRES DO YOU GRAVITATE TOWARDS ?   I think I do a bit of everything - I like to have variety so that I always have something to turn to depending on my mood, so angst, action, comedy, slice of life, there’s always space for everything. My favourite though are any thread that brings in a lot of character exploration and relationship development, hence my losing interest quite quickly in ‘pure’ 1-para slice of life for instance (it’s different when it’s about taking our time to explore our characters’ mentality that moment in mutiple paragraphs, I feel). I like to explore my characters changing or being shaken up in a dynamic environment and story, so I’ll always privilege consistent development between our characters to pure everyday moments. After all, I picked a muse from Overwatch for a reason - there’s always something happening and tons of space for radical developments and evolutions in all directions. I just need something to be happening - either extrenally or internally.
WHAT TYPES OF GENRES DO YOU GRAVITATE AWAY FROM ?   Like I mentioned, I find myself doing less slice of life recently, even though it can be nice from time to time and especially with the right characters - especially people I’ve plotted extensively with, and Ana knows their characters enough for me to have more to write and reflect on. Then again, I didn’t pick an Overwatc muse to have her chill at the headquarters all the time. Ana was a Second-in-Command, she’s now a masked bounty hunter, everyone thinks she’s dead, there is a lot of fun to have with this configuration. I also stay away from writing AUs on my blogs, especially more domestic AUs like what most people call modern AU (which I’d refer to as domestic modern AU), or the one thing I’ll never really understand the appeal of: coffeeshop AU. I can indulge in imagining my characters having a relatively normal life in our modern days, but will more likely keep it strictly to plotting. Just a personal preference. Also, smut is something I tend to stay away from and which I’ll only try with particularly trusted rp partners.
WHAT TYPES OF CHARACTERS DO YOU MOST OFTEN PLAY / ENJOY ?   I definitely play older muses, my youngest at the moment being 36, and the oldest 74. I try to have some variety in my characters so they don’t really have much in common in terms of tropes or style - except maybe they’re all somewhat eccentric characters who generally end up being outcasts at some point in their lives, for one reason or another, by choice or by accident. I like characters who have both lighter and darker sides that I can explore, that I can seriously explore in depth but without having to take them too seriously. I hope my characters have enough redeeming qualities and deep flaws to make them balanced and not Good or Bad - just somewhere in the middle. They also tend to be Very Tired people for some reason.
WHAT TYPES OF CHARACTERS DO YOU SELDOM PLAY ?   Characters who are either 100% pure goodness or 100% pure evil. I also avoid playing sociopaths and other so-labelled psychopaths (I just really can’t play them, other people do it much better), characters who supposedly have no emotion, or are the epitome of edgy tortured character (this last one I just really dislike). Characters I cannot play also include politicians or highly tactical people, like… take any character of House of Cards, and I would be completely unable to play them.
!!! ANY PAIRING TROPES YOU PARTICULARLY ENJOY ?   Me enjoying a romantic pairing is very largely dependent on the other mun and how much we get along - but generally speaking, the more a ship is plotted, the more I’m going to love it. I want to explore relationships in depth (and not just romance) and going from there, I’m going to dig any trope as long as both me and my rp partner are enthusiastic about it. With that being said, I’m a sucker for a good slow-burn romance building over the years, romances where two characters can’t be together due to their circumstances (convenient, as Ana is a supposedly dead person and also on the run) but still have feelings for each other, emotional reunions, ships where characters learn from each other... And as a bonus specifically for Ana, any ship that pushes her boundaries (a particularly intense relationship/crush, someone who somehow manages to have her wrapped around their little finger, a ship where she’s very much smitten and the epitome of help I’m panicking) which would probably take someone with a very strong personality to match hers. Also the great old trope of “they’re really annoying why do I like them so much” is never wasted on me.
!!! ANY PLATONIC TROPES YOU PARTICULARLY ENJOY ?   All of them I love exploring platonic relationships at least as much as romantic ones, and there are so many possibilities with Ana! I’m a sucker for the mentor-student trope which she’s a great embodiment of and can include many variations (especially with her being a role model for so many of the young Overwatch heroes), family relationships (someone send me a Pharah please and thanks I need my daughter), very close friends who are radically opposed in personality but have unexpected common points and somehow get along when no one expected them to (I’m thinking maybe a Reyes on that?), and anything that invoves amazing chemistry - chemistry being, imo, just as important in platonic ships as it is in romantic ships. Also Ana adopting young people - not necessarily to be a motherly figure (as reducing her to the Mom trope would feel super wrong) but as a figure of guidance is something I live for.
!!! ANY ANTAGONISTIC TROPES YOU PARTICULARLY ENJOY ?  Oh yes, also very easy with Ana especially since she became Shrike: of course there’s the “friends-turned-enemies” trope (hi Reaper) which is great, the constant game of cat-and-mouse (which she can definitely have with Widowmaker, now that they’re both out to finish the job). Also an antagonistic trope where they’re not set to kill each other but are definitely working on different sides (I’m thinking maybe Sombra who we know has gathered information about her and Shrike?). I also enjoy the forced truce trope, enemies being forced to work together towards a common goal. 
WHAT ARE YOUR PREFERRED THREAD TYPES ?  Definitey novella/long threads, especially if they have been plotted beforehands and contain character and relationship development. Shorter threads are cool too, improvisation is cool too, but I will forever prefer in-depth writing, even though I take forever to reply to things and may want a more light-hearted, easy-to-reply-to thing every now and then.
WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE TYPES OF INTERACTIONS ?   See above and the question about genre, PLOTTING IS GREAT I LOVE PLOTTING but I love everything else too so that’s cool.
!!! WHAT’S ON YOUR WISHLIST ?  WHAT SORTS OF THREADS / PLOTS / RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU CRAVING RIGHT NOW ?   See the questions about pairings and platonic pairings and antagonistic pairings. This blog has been very recently remade (like, 3 days ago) after an 8 months ‘hiatus’ so I’m having a fresh start and a lot of previous interactions and rp partners I had either got dropped or have left the community. Right now from the top of my head I would love to interact with a Pharah and a Reaper, and OW characters that are less obvious, for instance Doomfist (Talon enemy), Hanzo (fellow killer on the path of redemption), Winston (confirmed old friend), Sombra (who is apparently tracking her), Ashe (I don’t know it just sounds like a recipe for sass and disaster and I love it)... Any interaction involving Ana as Shrike, and literally any in-depth plotting with development at the end of the day.
TAGGED BY:  stole it from another one of my blogs TAGGING: YOU.
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more-than-a-princess · 5 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Happy Munday! I've added quite a few new mutuals over the past 1-2 months and I wanted to take the time to say hello to everyone and share a few guidelines/updates about my blog. If you've been here for awhile, this is probably nothing new for you, but I just wanted to reiterate a few things:
Your mun is old and works in a demanding 9 to 5 job that is anything but 9 to 5. I also just got a raise this past month (a very substantial one! yay!) with a title promotion on the way which will leave me in a more senior role at work with direct reports. In short: During 9 AM - 5 PM EST hours, I usually can't reply to direct messages quickly or participate on the dash.
I write. A lot. Long multi-paragraphs are the norm with the occasional novella and fanfiction-esque drabbles as needed to move the plot along. I never ask writing partners to match my length exactly but I usually can't write with one-liners or single-paragraph posts (unless it's silly dashcomm crack that exists outside of our ongoing threads!).
I tend to use a queue and post once a day for thread replies, more when I have enough replies or starters to queue. I try to space these out between muns who reply within 24-48 hours and muns that take a bit more time to keep me from feeling overwhelmed.
I use small text to conserve space, but multiple spaces between words, underlined text, and colored text are hard for me to read and will delay my replies to you.
If I'm writing with you, I dig your portrayal.
Despair!verse threads are few and far between, and right now, on hold. I reference a lot of what happened during The Tragedy in my post-Despair verse, but Despair!verse content is my least favorite to write.
And a few more notes about interactions/plotting/shipping:
I love memes (sending and receiving them), plotting for long-term storylines, and plotting to write a starter! I do not love being tagged in random starters.
Sonia is a slow-burn muse. Even if she does feel attraction at first sight (aka. Gundham Tanaka), she is not quick to enter a relationship (emotional or physical) or admit feelings. Every romantic ship with her will take time to develop (just ask my mutuals whom I do have existing or plotted ships with!).
Ships are all based on chemistry. And alongside my love with writing with OC and crossover muses, I love writing ships with OC and crossover muses.
If you want to write a ship with Sonia, please send me a message and ask! This is what I do when I feel like there's chemistry between muses and a romantic ship could be interesting to write.
As far as Danganronpa muses go, I do have tiers and preferences for ships with Sonia (I made a list, I'm organized! If there's interest I'll share it), but they all must be based, ultimately, on chemistry with my writing partner's take on their muse.
Smut is not a priority on this blog. If I'm writing smut, it's part of another thread and a larger storyline. I'm not a fan of sharing or sending smut starter memes as they just don't interest me: if I'm writing a sex scene, it's because it's part of larger, often plotted interaction.
If you read to the end, thank you! I appreciate it. I'm slowly getting to my replies as I work on preparing costumes for a convention at the end of the month. Besides writing, cosplay is my other big hobby: I'm planning on bringing 8 outfits and it's a lot of planning, some crafting, mostly panicking (as one does before a con).
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karui-kyofu · 4 years
Mobile Friendly Rules
Since I did it for Kurai’s info, here’s the rules for mobile users.
I know they seem long but some of it is also just information I thought was important for you to know before interacting with me. NOTE: THERE IS A PASSWORD FOR THIS BLOG DUE TO SEVERAL PAST BAD EXPERIENCES WITH UNTAGGED TRIGGERS (and it is the ONLY reason I have a password. I won’t throw a fit if you don’t send it, but I do usually feel more comfortable if you do).
Also another small note beforehand: Due to my autism, I tend to try to be extra clear (but also sometimes manage to be less clear in the process), or in my head it is clear, but to other people, it comes across entirely differently, but I've been informed this makes my rules sometimes come across as more aggressive, exclusionary, or mean. So I will say this now. I am actually a MASSIVE fluffball. Quite literally. The tone they come across is mainly due to overexplaining however I have tried to edit them and have yet to find a way to redefine my rules in better wording that I am happy with and that feels like it covers everything while actually being properly clear (but whenever I finally think of the right wording, I usually update my rules). So just approach them with the knowledge I am actually legitimately a sweetheart and my brain just sucks at actually wording stuff.
- ★ First and most important thing is that the mun has a very serious cannibalism trigger, which includes ANY form of people being eaten (including animals or monsters or any such other creatures eating people). (Excluding vampires, as that doesn’t typically involve the eating of human flesh, and rather simply blood itself. Zombies however, are included). As such, please tag all SNK or Hannibal related posts with such things in them, even the ones without such scenes in them, due to the fact that these two shows/fandoms are the reason I learned I have this trigger, and so the entire thing now can cause my trigger due to association, and memory connection to it. Also I ask that you tag any other shows/fandoms/gifs with such things in them as well. Please and thank you very much. My blacklisted tags are: SNK, Shingeki No Kyojin, Attack On Titan, AoT, tokyo ghoul, tg, Hannibal, Cannibalism, tw: cannibalism, twd, the walking dead, walking dead, zombies, and hunting trophies.  Any form of these (capitalization does not matter, however spaces do) will be caught by my blacklist, so I would appreciate it if you’d use one of these for those posts (though I am also happy to add other tags to it as well if you have a specific system you use already). Also suggestions for other possible blacklist tags that I may have forgotten are much appreciated. Also as an added note, I will not follow, RP with, or associate in ANY WAY, any blogs that have to do with my triggers. (Multi-muse blogs can sometimes be okay, this more applies to blogs that post SPECIFICALLY about the fandoms that trigger me). If you are a multi-muse blog that has characters from these fandoms, all I ask is that you be sure to tag them with the fandom they are from, with one of the tags in my list, and tag any of the triggers. We’ll be perfectly fine if you do! If you don’t, I may eventually unfollow, just to avoid seeing unintentionally triggering content.
- Secondly, I am not here just to to roleplay smut. I WILL do so if I feel like it and if the roleplay goes that direction after building up the relationship, however I am not here for that. I do prefer however if our smut RPs are placed under a read more, if at all possible.
- ★ I am autistic. I know I don’t seem like it at first, and sometimes it’s hard to tell, however I am, and I also have ADHD, and it does affect the way my mind works with things. Sometimes having things done certain ways makes all the difference between if I can do something or if I can’t. If it sounds like I want to do something, but seem to struggle with figuring out how, please feel free to make suggestions, or start the thing yourself! It’s actually REALLY helpful when I get stuck. My being autistic can also affect who I can roleplay with, and how I roleplay, and how I think. Please keep this in mind, and try to be understanding. If something bothers you, or you don’t understand something, just ask me! I’ll do my best to explain, or fix it.
- Though it may not always seem like it, I am VERY shy and awkward. I’m actually legitimately terrified of new people, and trying to talk to people I haven’t spoken to before, or very much yet, almost makes me feel like I’m going to have a panic attack. If you want to RP with me, please message me! Chances are I’d LOVE to chat with you and RP with you, I’m just too terrified to talk to you.
- I struggle with chronic depression, and sometimes I may disappear for a while if I have a spell that gets particularly bad. Please be patient with me, as I will never forget about you and will always return. Also since it needs to be said, I also have EXTREME, doctor diagnosed anxiety. Sometimes it gets the better of me. Same with depression. Sometimes I have bad days. So I vent, and get frustrated with things. Little things bother me a lot more than they would on a normal day. If you can’t handle that or are going to be a hypocrite about it then please just leave right now. I don’t need your negativity. I have enough unwanted of that in my head as it is, which I combat and fight against every day.
- I am a multiship/multiverse blog, however my muse will be very selective with shipping for the time being however I am still happy to discuss ships and will happily consider them. Also a note, that I will ship with multiples of the same character, if the mun of those blogs wishes to ship with me. I find each relationship is different, seeing as each mun plays their character a little differently.
- I will do crossovers sometimes with fandoms I am familiar with. Crossovers always depend on my mood and how well my muse can interact with a character, as well as how well I know the series the character is from. Please forgive me if I choose not to roleplay a specific crossover. I still like you, I promise. If you’re unsure if I know your fandom, just ask! I do know of a lot of fandoms, so there’s a good chance I might.
- I ship based on chemistry. Sometimes I can develop a ship quickly, especially if I know the other muse’s personality well, and know they will mesh well with mine. Other times, a ship takes time for me to develop. Please be understanding and patient with me on this.
- Do NOT under any circumstances, force a ship on me. I am usually quite good at expressing ships I am okay with, and it will usually show in my writing. If you are unsure if I ship something or not, feel free to send me a message and ask me. Most of my characters have their own way of showing interest in someone, however most are usually pretty clear in expressing it in some way. Sending memes for interaction is fine for anyone whether we have interacted or not, and I will usually reply to those, however do not force a ship on me outside of that. If one develops between our characters, then fine. However that is a MUTUAL thing, so I do not take kindly to someone just deciding something is a thing. If you want to try to build one between our characters, then go ahead. Just please show me respect. That is the biggest and most important thing with me, is respect.
- I will write anything from 1 liners to multi-paragraphs when I RP. I usually stick to 1 or two shortish paragraphs, and that tends to fluctuate or shrink depending on how much information is needed to describe a scene. If we start out with a shorter paragraph, and I make a reply a fair bit longer, I will likely revert back to the shorter paragraph again within 1 or 2 replies. However you are welcome to write however you wish, just as long as you can give me something to go on. (A one liner in response to a 10 line paragraph for example, I will struggle to reply to.)
- I do not tolerate anon hate of any kind. Not towards myself, nor towards others. I will respond to it in a way that will make the sender feel rather like an idiot, and I am very smart and capable of doing so, so please be advised of that, if you intend to do so.
- I will RP more violent NSFW RPs, however ONLY as long as I am in the mood for them. The mun of this blog is (well) over 18.
- ★ I am better at roleplaying ships with males (BoyxBoy/Yaoi/etc), due to being more familiar with it and having more experience with it ((as I myself am very very very gay, and also trans (which is where the issues with writing about female parts makes me very uncomfortable comes from) )). I may however attempt to ship romantically with female characters, but please keep in mind it is something I am not as good at or as comfortable with, so if in the end, I decide I am unable to do so, please be understanding of this. (Especially if smut is included in the ship. I cannot smut with female characters, sorry.)
- I am slightly fickle about things I can reply to. I try very hard to reply to everything, however one thing I am not good at, is sudden changes in roleplays. As much as I hate to admit it, and try to pretend it isn’t true, and even though I am quite good at managing it most times, I am autistic, (high functioning form of autism) and that is one of the few issues I struggle with the most. If you sense a roleplay is changing directions, please hint at it to me in the tags or something the reply before it does, since even that small little hint can be enough to help keep me from having to drop an RP. Even if you are unsure if it will or not, letting me know that you think it MIGHT possibly happen (since we don’t control our characters) is a huge help to me. This particular issue is the main reason that 95% of my dropped threads end up dropped. And I always feel terrible when it happens, so please help me to get better at this.
- I can be slow sometimes (or often) with asks or replies. This usually happens because of my muse being fickle or me thinking a meme or ask prompt would be fun, however sometimes when I actually get them, my muse decides to just be like NOPE. Also sometimes I tend to forget things, or leave stuff in my askbox to reply to later, and then I forget about it or get distracted. If this happens, I apologize. Please try to be understanding of this, since I will NEVER ignore you or your asks on purpose. (The only case where it would be ignored is if it is something stated in my rules that I cannot respond to, that you obviously failed to read or are attempting to do anyway.) I do reblog things with the INTENT to answer EVERYTHING that shows up in my inbox, however my intentions don’t always pan out.
- I do not do the reblog from the source thing. I used to try (if I notice it), I am sorry but I have had so many anxiety attacks due to my attention span which I cannot help due to having ADHD, and accidentally reblogging memes and such from someone who has that rule without even realizing it as I am scrolling down the dash because I don’t even realize who reblogged the meme, and then panicking because I realize it later, or get yelled at over it. I follow at least like 30+ meme blogs and the majority of memes on my dash tend to be from the source, so sometimes I don't notice! Roleplay for me needs to remain stress free, because stress can trigger a major/serious depression spell and as of recently I FINALLY am stable emotionally. So please forgive me if I don’t bother with it. Because I probably won’t do it (consistently anyway).
Next topic of discussion.
Concerning OCs and shipping with them (Please see this post for some further clarification on this, since this is the part that I have the most issue with making clear, though I really do try):
- I WILL NOT ship my muses with other OCs, unless they are extremely well developed. This is simply because unless I personally can form some form of an an emotional connection/understanding to/of a character, my own muse will be unable to do so as well. (This can also apply to canon characters as well, so it is not simply limited to OCs).
- I am also very picky with RPing with other OCs, because of the same reason stated above. I will however roleplay with them sometimes, and do not in any way dislike them. I rather love OCs, and the diversity and color they bring to fandoms, and I actually have lots of OCs of my own for different fandoms, I just cannot always connect to them, and in those cases, I will not be able to roleplay with them. I apologize. HOWEVER. If possible, I will happily do platonic RPs with OCs that my muses happen to click with. 
The types of characters/OCs I am usually unable to roleplay with, are the following, which includes a list of reasons why.
- ★ OCs that are not connected to any fandom in particular/Multifandom OCs. Basically as I like to call them, floaters or drifters. I may attempt to roleplay with these. It can still be iffy, because my brain can sometimes make stuff more difficult than it actually is or needs to be, and it depends on each particular OC, but as I have recently been developing a fandomless OC myself, I find my understanding of them has grown a bit. That said, sometimes I need to be able to connect them with something, as each fandom has a specific world to them. I need a consistent, solid world anchor to be able to understand the character, which drifters don’t have, so I can struggle to RP with them. I’m willing to try though!
- OCs from fandoms I am unfamiliar with. If I don’t know what sort of world/background your character comes from, it leaves me guessing too much and confused. I have attempted to roleplay with them anyway in the past and it just doesn’t work.
- ★ Self insert OCs. Really. Please just no. I cannot stand self inserts above all else other than Shipper OCs. Admittedly, there are a rare few good ones out there. However those tend to be very few and far between, and 98% of them tend to fall into the not so good category to put it nicely, and I just.. I can’t do it. There is nothing else to say to this except just NO. I apologize for this, however I just can’t. Also, this applies to FULLY self inserts. This does not apply to characters that simply share some traits with you, as often we roleplay a character because we can connect to them somehow. (This is an issue I am working on getting over, but it takes time.)
- Canon Genderbends (there are exceptions sometimes with these). This subject is a touchy one, since my mind is very rigid unfortunately when it comes to how I view them. This might stem from my own personal gender struggle (as I am trans and FtM), however genderbends have always been something I have a lot of issues with, and so 98% of the time, I will not RP with them because I have to fight my mind to reply. Temporary genderswap M!A’s however, when handled properly, are no issue for me, and in such cases I will happily roleplay with them.
- OCs with very little backstory and information, or with a confusing one, or even with none at all. In essence, poorly made OCs. I need info to RP with you. At least seriously. So sorry. I need to be able to understand your character at least a little, since I don’t do good with “lets play a guessing game” or “I literally have no idea what I’m doing” or “what the hell is going on” sort of RPs, and I have never been good at them, and so I need clear, concise information on your character.
- Shipper OCs. The type of character I hate more than any other. If you made your OC just so you could ship with a bunch of people and that is the only purpose for their existence, do not even talk to me, or approach my character. Don’t even try. I literally cannot stand these types, and they fall right up there with my hatred of self inserts. So sorry. But just no.
- Canonically unknown family member OCs. Whether it’s a sibling for my character or for someone else’s that was never mentioned in canon, I just can’t. (If you want to RP a family member of my character that I have mentioned in my character’s info, please ask me beforehand as I usually have an idea already of what their family member is like, but usually I will be okay with that as long as you ask me first before just going ahead and doing it.) I’ve never been able to RP with them, for a multitude of reasons, one of the main being they often end up reminding me of self inserts or genderbends. I have been unsuccessful at breaking this way of thinking towards them despite attempting to many times, and so I just cannot do it, personally. I am sorry.
Important note: Please note that I suck at explaining this somewhat, and just because my brain struggles with roleplaying with certain characters does not mean I dislike your muse or think they suck! I can think your OC is absolutely AMAZING and they can be SUPER well written and developed and I can want to interact but my brain is just dumb and if I try to my brain just refuses. These SAME issues can happen with canon characters too, I have simply noticed it more with other OCs, thus the specific section for them.
Those are all the ones I can think of right now. I am very sorry to anyone who has one of these and wants to RP with me, however I simply cannot do it, personally. I’m sure there are plenty of other people out there though who would love to RP with you even though I cannot, and just because I will not RP with you doesn’t mean I dislike you or your character. I’d be happy to still be friends with you, I just won’t be able to RP with you. I’m someone who needs to be able to connect to the character I am roleplaying with on at least SOME level, for my character to be able to connect to them as well, so if I am unable to do that then I am unable to roleplay with them. (This can include as well, the WAY someone roleplays, since if there is no emotion or thought or description in replies, it gives me nothing to go on and connect to, and leaves me unable to respond, even if I WANT to RP with you.)
★ I hate to have to do this (and I never used to have a password), however I have had A LOT of trouble with people not reading and following my rules in the past, and or speaking about or talking about/not tagging my major trigger, so if you have read my rules, please inbox me with “Catshark” (I prefer Inbox over IMs for the password so I can keep track forever of who sent it in). I ask this of people because it also helps a lot with my anxiety, and keeps me from wondering and worrying in the back of my mind if I might actually get triggered by something. I know it can be tedious to do this extra step, and I hate that I even had to add this step in the first place, however after years of roleplaying, and dealing with people, it became necessary due to several bad past experiences in tumblr fandoms. It was not added on a whim, so please take the time to do so. Also, I do understand that you probably follow a hundred blogs that all have their own rules, so if you forget stuff, that’s okay! I do it too. The password is just so I know it is safe for me to approach you and remind you of something if you do forget. Otherwise, I tend to sit here and kind of panic about if I can mention something to you, and it means I am more likely to unfollow or stop interacting, or even block you eventually due to my anxiety. And I don’t want that to happen over a silly misunderstanding.
There may be more added to this later if I think of something. Thank you for taking the time to read this.
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ruffsficstuffplace · 7 years
And The AWRD Goes To... (Part 25)
The Shitty Bar was in a much more populated, urban section of the lower levels, where the roads were paved over with concrete, the buildings got taller and much closer together, and the signage and advertising bounds more blatant and showy now that they didn’t need to reckon as much with zoning laws and restrictions for residential areas.
The street it was in made no secret of what sort of clientele they serviced: nightclubs and bars were all over the place, interspersed with betting houses, dedicated liquor stores, “alternative medicine” shops, two weapon stores, and the one 24 hour clinic called “Bahala Na Si Bathala” situated between them.
Mun, in spite of the bar’s name and its neighbours, Weiss found that the exterior of the Shitty Bar was quite nice: the walls were recently scrubbed clean and free of grafitti; there didn’t seem to be any serious structural damage and visible attempts at patching up the cracks; and the signage was vibrantly coloured and recently repainted, except for the worn and dirty noren over the entrance.
However, Weiss’ opinion of the place quickly dropped as they came closer, and she noticed some of the stains seemed to be dried blood that didn’t quite get lifted out.
The Faunus bouncer at the entrance scowled and held up her hands. “Woah, woah, woah, little girl in red—you look way too young to be—“her eyes and ears perked--“oh, shit, you’re Ruby, right? Mr. Fong told me about you.”
She stepped aside and pulled open the noren for them. “Sorry, I’m new—go right on in.”
“Thanks!” Ruby said as she slipped on through, and into the bar.
“They know you well even here…?” Weiss asked as they entered a small, L-shaped passage.
“Yep!” Ruby replied as she waved hello to the clerk behind the coat/weapons check counter. “Like I said: my courier job with Souma took me pretty much everywhere here in Mistral...”
They stepped out into the establishment proper, a wide, open area, with a long bar to the left of them, the kitchen a little ways further in, the tables and floor space stretching on and on till you hit a “Staff Only” staircase and the bathrooms at the very end.
“What the hell happened here?” Weiss asked as she gazed at the recent scratches and breaks on the furniture, the bent metal rods of the overhead lights, and especially what looked like a crater roughly the size of a human head at the end of the counter.
“Oh, same thing as usual,” an elderly, balding man with an incredibly thick south-western Mistral accent replied. “Got first years from Haven coming down celebrate passing Initiation, or get drunk after failing; always Sunday batch, Monday batch next day, then Friday batch. Sometimes on other days, but they rare, and not as rowdy.”
“Hey there, Mr. Fong!” Ruby said as she took a seat at the bar, gripping the edge as she climbed up a stool.
“Hello, Ruby!” Mr. Fong said, nodding and smiling. “I hope your sister sent you to pay?”
“Yep!” Ruby said, pulling out the envelope, before handing quite a bit of the Lien over to Mr. Fong. “She said this should probably cover her tab, plus some of the damages.”
Mr. Fong took the money and counted it, before he struck out Yang’s name on a handwritten list nearby. “Yep, this good enough to not be banned for life, but she still not welcome back to bar; tell her after you bring me 1,000 more, cash-money, she can come back and bring friends again. Lost lotta business when she and new teammates left, you see.”
“Dare I ask what happened…?” Weiss asked as she climbed up the stool next to Ruby.
“Oh, it pretty simple: Yang and her new friends Amanda and Jaune got in fight. Well, actually, more like Yang and Amanda got in fight, and Jaune try step in and stop it.
“Unfortunately, he failed, big guy smashed his head into bar like he trying to crack watermelon on it.  Fortunately, Jaune’s head much stronger than watermelon, Yang punch back of big guy’s head, and his head lot less strong than Jaune’s.  Unfortunately, Jaune’s head probably ring too hard, couldn’t hear shit when Amanda yell and she and Yang ran for it.
“Fortunately, they come back for him when they realize he didn’t come with, though had to fight whole lot of other guys and girls to get to him then back out this time.”
“Are you saying they got into a bar brawl, and had to fight through this whole bar to rescue Jaune then escape?!” Weiss asked, gesturing out to the extremely long bar.
“Yeah, pretty much,” Mr. Fong said. “First years: always got lots of energy, lots of spare money for booze, not a lot of self-control for all the things they now legal for, like booze. Was really brutal, too: usually, damage like this caused by lots of small groups fighting each other over course of night,” he said, gesturing out to the tables. “This time, almost all damage caused by one small group fighting with lots of other small groups.
“Gonna get furniture fixed and lights straightened out eventually, but thinking about whether or not to fix bar.”
“Why not?” Ruby asked.
“Landmark!” Mr. Fong replied, pointing at the crater. “Look closely: can almost see stupid look and regret on Jaune’s face.”
Ruby and Weiss did, getting off their seats and walking over to it. “Oh, damn, you really can see it...” Weiss muttered.
“Might be good deterrent, put up sign: ‘Don’t Start Shit, or End Up as New Face on Bar.”
“What else happened after they got out?” Weiss asked as they returned to their original seats.
“Dunno,” Mr. Fong replied, shrugging. “Bouncer last night tell me they got back in Bumblebee, threw Jaune into sidecar before they made break for it. Lotta whole other bikes and cars outside, though, and lotta whole other people they really pissed off. Police did call asking for statement come morning, though; it was Dugal, and she sound especially tired and done with them, so seems like what happened after was even worse than usual.
“Probably because of Jaune; look like baby dolphin swimming with sharks whole night.”
“And you didn’t think of helping him...?” Weiss asked.
“Own business first before others!” Mr. Fong said. “Can’t help every baby dolphin, else sharks raid bar, drink all my booze, and steal all my money.”
Weiss sighed. “Point taken...”
“Speaking of booze: you look like shit. Tryin’a sweat off hangover from last night? Because you should just’a stay home, eat vegetable soup, drink lotsa water, not helping Ruby run ‘round Mistral.”
Weiss groaned, and glared at Mr. Fong. “I do not drink in general, thank you very much, and what makes you think I’m hungover?”
Mr. Fong started pointing to himself, or miming as he spoke. “Red eyes, slouching on bar like might fall over any moment, pissy as hell; kinda look like epilogue of huge emotional trip that ended in bottom of bottle last night, probably really bad heartbreak.”
“She just didn’t get much sleep last night, Mr. Fong,” Ruby said.
Mr. Fong shrugged. “Eh, whatever you say.”
“Anything else you needed to get done here, Ruby?” Weiss asked testily.
“That was all I really needed to do, we can go, Weiss,” Ruby said as she hopped off the counter.
“Want soup to go?” Mr. Fong asked. “Free, ‘cause your Ruby’s friend!”
“We already had sandwiches from Haven, Mr. Fong, but thanks!” Ruby said as they headed out.
“Alright, stay safe out there, and remember: 1,000, cash-money!” Mr. Fong called out.
“I will, Mr. Fong!” Ruby said before they reentered the lobby. “You know, he was right earlier: you do look like you’re getting worse,” she said to Weiss. “Do you just want to try and sleep the rest of the trip, maybe head back to Haven?”
“I’m fine, Ruby!” Weiss snapped. “Even if this trip isn’t helping my sleep deprivation like I thought it did, it’s... been a pretty good opportunity to find out more about you!” she said as the bouncer pulled the noren open for them. “Evidently, it seems there’s so many more, deep sides to you than just being really good at weapons...”
“Oh, I’m not really that special,” Ruby said as she stood by the side of the cart once more.
“You apparently meet face-to-face with an information broker who seems about as reclusive and secretive as they come, a bouncer at a bar stopped you for looking too young before she realized who you were and mentioned you by name, and the owner of said bar apparently trusts you well enough to pay your sister’s bills, and presumably come back with 1,000 Lien, in cash, if she ever manages to come up with that amount in the future,” Weiss said as she was boosted up, and climbed back in.
“Not to mention, Souma paid you quite generously earlier!” she said as she peered over the edge. “I’ll admit, I don’t know the average wages of couriers here in Mistral, but that doesn’t seem like the kind of money most runners will make.”
Ruby shrugged. “Eh, it’s been a while since I came to collect, I do a lot of jobs in general, and I had a big bonus that’s been sitting for a while.”
“And what would that bonus had been from?”
“When I stopped a robbery one night,” Ruby said as she mounted the bike once more. “I was just doing my usual deliveries while I was working nights this summer, when I happened to run into an antique store getting attacked.”
“Any sort of details you’d like to share?” Weiss asked. “I mean, it’s not exactly everyday one just happens to run into a robbery and foils it.”
“I was taking a shortcut through an alley,” Ruby said as she started pedaling again. “I didn���t realize that there was a robbery going on until one of the goons keeping watch over the perimeter stopped me. He tried to rob me, too, and take all of the work I had done for Souma earlier, but since I had Crescent Rose with me and some clips, well...”
Weiss stared at her. “Did it not occur to you that you could have gotten killed back there?”
“Nope—adrenaline, I guess...” Ruby replied. “Not the first time I’d ever been stopped and someone tried to rob me, either, so it wasn’t like it was the first time I had to fight off people, then get away at the same time...”
“… Ruby… who are you, really?”
“Just a girl in a red hood who worked as a courier, studied at the Bunker, and stopped a robbery that one time…” Ruby said, pointedly looking forwards. “I mean, you know, I guess there’s also the fact that I got boosted up two years ahead and got into Haven on special recommendation because of that last one, but otherwise I’m just like every other lower lever kid in Mistral.”
Weiss stared intently at the back of her head, Ruby stopped, and looked back at her with an anxious expression. “Look… Weiss… I know you’re curious and all, but I’m like Souma: I have my reasons, and I have my reasons not to share certain things with other people.
“It’s just that it’s a lot better for me and my family if people forget about what I’ve done because it never got brought up again, or think I could have been any number of couriers who just happened to like the colour red, too, alright…?”
Weiss peered at her for a few moments, before she sighed and stopped. “Alright… I suppose it isn’t fair, considering how I haven’t been forthcoming over my own past, either.”
Ruby smiled. “Thanks,” she said, before she reached the crest of a downhill road, silently gauged the winding turns, the potholes, and other potential hazards. “Going down, hold onto your butt!” she said as she nudged them forward, just enough for gravity to start taking hold.
Weiss frowned, but braced herself against the side of the cart as they started rolling downhill, Ruby braking and steering them away from potential danger, keeping them away from fellow pedestrians, other vehicles, animals, and especially the wooden fence that was the one thing keeping them from a drop off a cliff and onto whatever and whoever was unfortunate enough to be down below.
They reached a stretch of mostly flat road again, the tires and the brake pads screeched as Ruby brought them to a complete stop. “Clear!” she called out.
Weiss relaxed, and looked around at their new surroundings: garages, junk shops, a used car dealership, and another bar with a very different market than young and reckless hunters in training. “I’m assuming we’re here to get vehicle parts?” she said as she looked back at Ruby.
“For Yang’s bike, Bumbleee!” Ruby replied as she made for one shop in particular. “She had to get it towed back to Haven on Monday, its engine is pretty shot.”
“Is that in the ‘overworked,’ or ‘struck by bullets’ sense?”
“Both, actually!” Ruby replied. “She said it took a couple of stray bullets when they ended up crashing straight through a test-shooting for a back-alley gun deal, and she pushed it a LOT farther than she should have while it was damaged.
“It was a miracle it didn’t blow up since it punctured one of the dust intakes; Yang sure loves herself some pure red dust for the booster,” she said as she stopped in front of a garage, the “Arm And A Leg,” its two bay doors open, the sounds of machinery and busy work pouring out from both.
“You want to stay inside the cart this time?” Ruby asked as she got off. “It’s pretty much all going to be shop talk, and maybe hauling parts back here at this point.”
“No, I want to stretch my legs a bit,” Weiss said as she stood up.
“You want me to go see if I can’t buy a short ladder to weld onto the side?” Ruby asked as she stepped up to Weiss. “Maybe install hinges to the back and replace it with metal plate so you can just walk up and down by yourself?”
Weiss frowned and blushed. “… That would be appreciated, thanks. On three...”
Soon, the two of them were walking into the garage, Weiss frowning at the almost deafening hum, roar, and buzz of power saws, blowtorches, hydraulic lifts, and other machinery deeper into the building, Ruby completely unaffected as she stepped up to the counter.
She reached up and pressed the button for service, the man behind the counter, Wei, looked up from his scroll as a bright light by his eyes activated. He looked around in confusion, until Ruby held her hand up and waved. He peered over the counter, smiled and waved back, before he tapped at the laminated pictures taped on the counter.
Ruby pointed at the graphic assorted vehicle components, the word “PARTS” printed on both ends. Wei nodded, and signed, “Someone soon you with.”
“Okay, thank you,” Ruby signed back to him, before she took Weiss to a room to the side.
The din of the garage was muted as soon as she closed the door behind them; now you could only really hear the sounds of other customers and clients asking about parts, arguing about prices, and discussing what they might be able to use instead.
“What did he just say?” Weiss asked as they took a free seat.
“He said ‘someone will be with you soon,’” Ruby said. “Well, maybe not exactly that, but ASL’s never been a very specific language.”
Weiss looked around, found one of the clients signing with the staff attending to her, and another who seemed to be pointing out the parts they needed with the help of a catalog and a pen. “I suppose this place is a really popular shop among Bunker students?”
“Yep!” Ruby said. “Management makes it a point to hire PWDs, and even offer us discounts. Maybe not the best business practice if you want to make lots of money, but I guess that isn’t what they’re after.”
The door opened, the ruckus of the shop outside poured in again. “Thank you for waiting, Ruby!” a female fish Faunus sang as she rolled in on a wheelchair. “So, what is that you need to--” she stopped, her eyes opening wide in shock. “Weiss...?!”
Ruby hand froze in the middle of a wave, she cast a glance at Weiss—eyes wide open in horror, her hands clapped over her mouth, her whole body trembling violently—then at Aqua—stunned, looking like she couldn’t decide whether to be overjoyed, or just as horrified.
“Uh… so, you guys know each other…?” Ruby asked awkwardly, raising her voice over the noise of the shop pouring in from the still open door.
Weiss shot up from her seat, quickly made for the exit with her eyes cast down. Aqua tried to reach out to her as she maneuvered around her wheelchair, Weiss nearly tripped on the spokes as she sped up to avoid her, scrambled out of the garage and back to the cart.
Ruby stood up from her seat. “Do you mind if I take care of this really quick?” she asked Aqua as she made for the exit too.
“Go ahead! I’ll be here!” Aqua replied as she quickly moved her wheelchair out of the way.
Ruby headed out of the garage as quickly as she could, ducking under two mechanics hauling a car bumper between them, slowing down as she stepped outside and found Weiss. She was standing with her hands pressed flat against the cart for support, her whole body shuddering each time she sobbed, tears raining down on the pavement below her.
“Weiss…?” Ruby asked, hesitantly holding out her hand.
Weiss gasped, shakily sucked in a breath, and whispered, “Just… just leave me alone, Ruby… please...”
Ruby stopped, and slowly took her hand back. “Okay… do you want me to help you back in the cart, though?”
“Yes...” Weiss whispered as she turned around, her eyes puffy and red from crying.
Ruby began to move to the side of the cart again, until Weiss stepped up to her, clutched fistfuls of Ruby’s blouse. “I’m sorry…” she sobbed, sniffling and coughing before she continued, “Could you please carry me up there…?”
“No problem, Weiss,” Ruby said, before she carried into her arms, bridal style. “Gonna need to use my semblance for this again, so be ready for that! On three! One… two… three!”
They disappeared in a flash of rose petals, reappearing on the edge of the cart; Ruby carefully balanced herself on the edge, before she hopped back inside, and carefully laid Weiss down on the sleeping bag.
“… Thanks...” Weiss muttered as she brought her knees up to her chest, buried her face between them as she hugged her ankles.
“… Do you need me to stay a while…?” Ruby asked.
“No… just… please, leave me alone for now, Ruby...” Weiss blubbered, before she started sobbing again.
Ruby frowned, and nodded. “Okay… but just call me if you need me, okay...?” she waited for a while longer, before she climbed back over the edge of the cart, and headed back into the shop.
Note: Yes, Aqua’s current condition is tied to Weiss not using her summons. Details in the coming chapters.
Yes, the owner of the “Arm And A Leg” is missing both limbs on her right side from a factory accident long ago. She decided to name it that way because of the cost of opening a machine shop in Mistral. The price of parts can be pretty expensive still, though you can be sure that it’s always good—customer loyalty is how they survive.
“Bahala Na Si Bathala” = “It’s in Bathala’s hands now.” Bathala is a creator deity in Philippine mythology, which gives it a similar meaning to “It’s in God’s hands now.”
Do you guys like how I foreshadowed the awful reveal in this chapter?
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heromanvasco · 7 years
☣ Have you ever rp'd with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
Taken from meme: [x] ||No longer accepting||
Warning: This will get long and I will be very mad as I recount this story. Sorry for me getting really riled up about it, but ughhhhhhhhh I just can't. I have to tell the full story to really get the point across.
OKAY SO LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT A PERSON. This person literallybecame the bane of my existence even though I didn't actually interact withthem in the truest sense.
Even though I wish for nothing more than for them to trip over arock and land on a pointy rock, I am still a bit grateful towards them. I'llget on that a lil later down the line.
Let's start with how I know them. As we may probably know, I'vestarted Tumblr rp'ing as an indie, with Haru Miura as my muse. A lot of theissues I have with tumblr rp'ing came about on her blog mainly. Ahahahathere were some hard times, but I stuck with it. I love Haru too much to justditch her, in other words. I'm a stubborn mule, what can I say?
Anyways, she's from the series: Katekyoushi Hitman Reborn! andthere are a lot of attractive male charas in the series. This fandom is justnotorious for the yaoi shipping. Like it's very hardcore. There are sometimeshetero ships too but not a lot of it.
Let's put it this way: I've been turned away many times with the'but my muse is gay' excuse. Like---- okay? Did I ask to get in their pants?No. Canonically, Haru is die-hard in love with 'Tsuna-san' so what now? Don'tuse that against me. B[
Again, lots of very attractive male charas... and these musesattracted a certain muse from the DNangel series. (yes the same one I mentionedin a different ask if you read that one) Daisuke has forever been ruined and Irefuse to even try to read the series because the situation just gave me somuch stress.
So the muse was set to a very young age, most probably the canonage. I forget if that meant he was 16 or younger. I don't know the series so Idon't know the age. Let me tell you, I have so many issues with the person. SO.MANY.
Where to start? There is the fact that even without eveninteracting with the muses to start, they'd instantly try to form relationswith them. Sending some suggestive memes or asks. You cannot just go to aGokudera and have Daisuke glomp him. It doesn't work that way? If you knowGokudera, you should know that he does NOT take kindly to people who act toofamiliar.
The mun could NOT understand for the life of her that mun=/=muse. They kept sending anons about why are they so mean? Be nice to that'Daisuke kid'. Um... no? How about you calm down a bit and actually try tointeract rather than jumping the gun? It was in their rules they wantCHEMISTRY. They want to take things slow and not jump the gun. You broke so manyof their rules. You kept sending in anon asks and even if they tried to talk toyou on im, you'd try to play all the pity cards.
I will NEVER EVER live down the fact that you told someone: I'mtaking medication because of you. It's because of you that I'm depressed so I'mtaking pills.
EXCUSE MOI!?!?!?!?!??!?? What is wrong withyou??????????????????? SHE ACTUALLY LEFT TUMBLR RP BECAUSE OF YOU. I LOST AFRIEND BECAUSE OF YOU. Then you have the gall to say that you never said it?I've seen the screenshots, don't mess with me.
I do NOT condone underaged things at all. Your muse is 16 andthere is no indication as to whether or not you (the mun) were underaged aswell. Of course people will be nervous about the way you kept trying to force18+ content on them. If you are underaged, that's illegal and that can makethings very complicated. People kept telling you they were uncomfortable withit, but all you'd say is: "Age is only a number!~"
Now, I can think of at least 5 muses that I know were heavilyaffected by this person. I know for a FACT that at least 2 left because of themand their constant harassment. A very close friend of mine had to constantlytoggle between enabling and disabling anon asks because they'd send so many.
We don't understand how much anger and stress this caused me. Ireally detest seeing my friends bothered. Having two of them leave the rp sceneforever makes me so angry. They didn't really ever rp with any female muses.Only one that I saw and she was a space sheep alien... I'd show proof but theblogs have long since been deleted---.
Now, it isn't to say that they only targeted KHR muses. Therewere others too from DBZ, Jack Frost, Pitch, a final fantasy character (who Ican't remember), and many... many more.
If you didn't reply to them quickly enough, they would get madat you in im. They'd try to guilt trip you into answering quicker by sayingthings like they felt hated, why don't you like them? Are you avoiding them?Things of that nature. I've seen things of that nature from various people Italked to. I talked to a lot of people about their experiences with this mun.
You could see their ooc posts talking about how they felt and itsounded like this person just had a lot of self-confidence and perhaps trustissues. I know how that is. I felt maybe they were just misunderstood orsomething. IDK. I felt they could be given a chance to talk if someone tried toapproach them slowly. (more on this later)
Though I would look around and see all kinds of interactionswith other characters. Muns getting the same kind of harassments. It was evenWORSE when any of these muses interacted with a certain muse from the KHRfandom. Apparently the muses were dating? idk. Either way, Daisuke washorrendously jealous and territorial.
If you so much as interacted with that KHR muse or had anythingremotely flirty in thread, an anon was sure to tell you to back off. They'dgrill you with questions about 'how do you feel about them?' 'are you datingthem?' things like that. It's annoying. I saw those messages so much. That KHRmuse is sort of a main character so it's hard to NOT interact with them if youare in the KHR fandom?
Like what do you want? Chill out, boo.
I've seen many friends of mine just being harassed by anonsbecause they interacted with them. Hilariously enough that other mun didnothing about it. Even if people asked them to talk to that person. Make themstop harassing people. She apparently doesn't like drama and that's fine--- butif you are the REASON because a lot of the drama because your friend refuses tochill--- That is quite literally your problem.
I do not believe you are being a good friend if you allow suchbehavior to continue. Even if she had a reason to acting that horribly topeople, you could always try to explain to people so they understand. Whenpeople understand, they may be more willing to forgive. The fact that she didabsolutely nothing did absolutely nothing to help either of their case. In theend many people tried to avoid both muns.
I played a female muse so it was fine for me to continueinteracting with them though. I never got hassled by them. I unfollowed thatKHR muse the moment I saw that she went along with doing 18+ stuff with thatunderage muse. I personally couldn't do it. It made me think of something in myown past and it made me feel horrible. I still interact with them, but I don'tfollow em.
So I saw their condescending attitude on many blogs. This onepitch in particular kept getting hounded over why they wouldn't be kind to Daisuke.(We realize this is PITCH, yes?) They were getting hounded by anons over whythey wouldn't give Daisuke (a kid) a chance. Like, it's illegal, that's why.
They weren't replying quickly enough to the threads they onlydid in ask format. The person was getting upset with how 'slow' they werebeing. They had time for 'other people' so why were you avoiding their threads?Why can't you reply already? Then it happened: "I'll give you one morechance to thread with me."
Yes, that is what was sent. I'm dead serious. I got sent thattoo so I mean, yeah.
Let's move away from other people and let's talk about ME. As Isaid, they don't interact with male muses. The only muse that I could possiblyplay as (and was super duper attractive) was Shugarl. I had a lot of caps in mycomputer because I like his face.
I sort of rp'ed as him 2 years prior to that but it didn'treally last as the only friend I interacted with left tumblr rp because ofdrama. So I shelved Shugarl and the Knights from the 'Legend of the Sun Knight'series. So I was like okay why not.
They do know of me from Haru's blog, so I had to make analterego mun. I named them Jay. This version acts like Neo when she's justtired and done with the world. I had to pretend to be a new person. Iinteracted with a close friend who was hassled by Daisuke a ton, and then Iinteracted with the KHR muse that Daisuke apparently is shipping with. That'show Daisuke took the bait and contacted me.
It didn't take long. I mean if you look at how attractiveShugarl is, wouldn't you also bite? lol
Anyways, I tried to talk to them, but unfortunately at the timeI was really sick. I was on a lot of medication because of my gastritis. It wasmost probably stress induced but also because of my diet? When I'm stressed, Icrave spicy food. If you know those super hot fire noodles... let's say I livedon that for a while lol. So yeah it got bad. Just drinking water had methrowing up everything in my stomach. I lost 15+ pounds in under a month.
It was bad. My one medication had a side effect of extremedrowsiness. Let me tell you, EXTREME was right. I was constantly just passingout. So I wasn't around much to talk or thread. Let's say that started gettingthem mad.
Why wasn't I responding? Did I hate them? Stop ignoring them. Ikept having to sorta apologize for being 'busy' aka I was super sick but Ididn't want to admit that. I'm stupid like that, okay?
So I kept asking them how they wanted to interact. I didn't knowa thing about their muse so I asked for their about page. Or even a rules page.They didn't have one. Too much work. Okay no, they had an about page but it wasliterally like their url, the name, age, and gender or something. A very simplebio.
They told me to read wiki to learn about the muse. Are youkidding me? No rules because why do they need one? Mistake number 1. They keptsaying they read rules of many blogs but we know they didn't. They keptbreaking them. It was in Jay's rules to not pester them too much about activitybecause he was a busy college student.
Did that stop them? Nope. //squint
Now let me tell you, even if I was sick, I still visited tumblrevery day. So making them wait for 3-5 hours was too long. I was going to begraduating and I had finals. YEAH, I'M BUSY. I was also super duper sick. Iwon't be online every waking moment, please. Did that stop them from getting somad at me about it? Nope.
I told them that I felt that they were guilt tripping me becausethey kept lamenting over how people don't want to interact with them. They keepgetting 'bullied' by people. I told them that I felt they were guilt trippingme at the moment. They kept saying that they weren't before they blocked me.Then a week passed and they talked to me like 'sorry I accidentally blockedyou!'
Sure. okay.
So I was like 'okay we can thread but I want to talk to youabout how I felt you were guilt tripping me.'
I'm not kidding. I got blocked by just that. Do you understandhow much my animosity spiked because of that? My blood was curdling I was somad.
So another like half a week passed and they say something alongthe lines of:
"I'll give you another chance, do you want to thread with meor not?"
"I already told you that I want to thread with you. Youkeep asking me this. This is the 5th time you asked me. How many times do Ihave to tell you yes? Do you not understand that I'm busy? I'm a collegestudent. I'm not always online. I also told you saying things like that isreally guilt trippy."
Insta-blocked. I was mad, so I went off so I can understand theblock.
After being blocked for the THIRD time, I soft-blocked them.They tried to follow me again and sent a message: hi! :) This time Iinsta-blocked them. Not about that life.
I love how they always started and talked with cat emojis. Bylove, I MEAN I HATE IT WITH A DIE HARD PASSION. It was like they cared fornothing that other people felt. It was their way or the high way. They couldn'tbother to learn to do anything for other people.
Don't get me started on the fact that they didn't tag anythingand they NEVER EVER CUT THREADS. NEVER. Do you know how hard it was for me tofind anything on that blog? One thread was over 100 notes long and it wasn'tcut. Let that sink in.
It was long.
I had them followed on Shugarl's first blog. Do you know what mydash looked like? It was one-liner 100+ note uncut thread HELL.
So in other words, I wanted to talk to them and be a friend.Someone that they could talk to. I tried to talk to them many times but theykept saying 'I'm feeling uncomfortable so I don't want to talk about thisanymore'.
Dude, one time all I said was: "I think you should tryputting up a rules page. A lot of people like seeing one."
"I feel uncomfortable so I want to talk about somethingelse."
.... wut. Like, WHAT? I was just... giving you advice? It wasthe start of our interactions too. I just-- what?
I kept asking them if they wanted me to write the starter andthey kept holding back like 'I want to talk it out first' because they didn'tknow my muse. So I explained to them and they kept asking stupid questions.
"So he's an angry human?" "I just told you he's a demon. Like, he’s a real demon." "Oh okay! :) So he's got special powers. He's got angelic powers?""No... I just told you he's a demon." "What powers does he have?" "He makes use of mathematical equations to summon blades and otherthings." "Oh okay."
5 mins later."Can you tell me more about his fire powers?" "... He doesn't have fire powers??? Are you even reading any of what I'msaying? You are the one who asked me to tell you about my muse. It's rude foryou to not be properly reading." "I don't feel comfortable anymore, so I'm going to go to bed. Bye! =^.^="
I legit felt like I got cancer from this person.
I'm so serious. I forever laugh how they tried to make mepromise to be nice to Daisuke.
"I can't promise that. Shugarl is a demon. He's not nice,but he can be nice towards kids sometimes. You need to make Daisukebehave."
"I can make him glomp him and have marshmallows!"
"He will literally kick Daisuke if you do that. I told youhe's not nice."
"He's such a meanie!"
"He's a literal demon."
It was like talking to a 5 year old.
So in the end, I tried to interact with them but they drove meso insane we didn't even get that far before I finally blocked them forever.
TLDR: I tried to give them a chance but I couldn't do it. Mypatience reached it's limit and I blocked them. This is the first and only rpblog I ever blocked to truly block them and not to softblock. All because ofthis person, the name 'Daisuke' makes me feel unjust rage, and I'll never everlook at DNangel the same way. I'll never even attempt to touch the serieseither.
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1. when are you usually online?  I’m most active weekday evenings, EST! I have a full-time (and then some) 9-5 job so when I’m here in the afternoons, I’m either working from home or just liking/sending on mobile. I’m much more of a night owl than an early bird though, but I try not to do any real thread writing after 2 AM or so. I never write anything good after 2 AM.
2. what verses are you involved in outside of this page? Most of my AUs take place on this page, but I’ve gone back and forth on restarting my Fujiko Mine blog again. I think Fujiko, like most of the other muses I’ve written, I tend to want to write in specific scenarios/against specific character types only. Unlike with Sonia, where it’s far easier and more interesting for me to adapt her to different verses and situations.
3. what is your biggest RP pet peeve? Formatting pet peeves aside (super small text and putting multiple spaces between words), my biggest RP pet peeve is this:
Asking for meme starters/starter calls, never replying to said starters, and asking for more starters. While never communicating feedback or constructive criticism about what would make a thread or interaction more appealing and/or engaging, or answering memes/asks I send. 
This is one of the main reasons I’ll simply drop a writing partner. I never mind redoing introductions or working together with a mun to plot an interaction we both want to write! But I do mind being constantly asked for starters and having them never be turned into threads.
On the other hand, one of my lesser pet peeves are very quick replies, and this is entirely a ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ issue. Mainly, I like to keep three habits when roleplaying: 1. replying to all of my active threads in a consistent and timely fashion, 2. replying to all current threads before taking on new starters/memes and 3. taking time away from the dash to read/watch/play different things in order to take a breather, think about where I want interactions to go, and get ideas. That’s harder for me to do when muns reply quickly (I usually say 48 hours or less, but I’ll say 24 hours or less here. I’m still a slow but steady writer!), and that’s entirely on me and my habits.
My way of addressing it is, in this situation, I won’t queue my replies in the order I receive threads: I try to space out replies for muns who reply very fast with muns who reply a bit more slowly, so I’m not overwhelmed with a bunch of replies at once. I try not to be the mun who takes on too many asks and threads and then has to drop them.
4. are you drawn to specific types of muses? When I was a younger writer in RP, it was usually badass women with weapons and femme fatales (aka. I’ve had Fujiko as a muse for a long time! Just not on tumblr). In the past 5-8 years? Definitely young ladies with Rich People Problems: Sybil Crawley/Branson, Veronica Lodge, and now Sonia Nevermind. If I could’ve ever figured out how to play a Persona game, I probably would’ve picked up Haru Okumura by now. Mostly though, I love writing Rich People Problems: royals, high society, just plain wealthy, etc. 
5. are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? Tbh I don’t really think any of my themes are that hidden, per se? Though one I do hope to emphasize in my long-term interactions, especially in Sonia’s older verses, is how much less black-and-white she sees her parents. As a teenager, she really does believe her father can do no wrong and all of the ill will in their unhappy marriage is due to her mother and her attitude and many affairs. The older she becomes, the more she’s able to recognize her mother and father in shades of gray. Her father has made plenty of mistakes and, the more she can come to understand what her mother has experienced, the more she can come to understand her behavior, especially towards her.
6. what are your favorite RP trends? I love the silly “character has appeared what to do?” meme so much. I know charts and quizzes are fun and all, but I get burned out on those. But this meme? This meme will always lead to quick and fun interactions, particularly with muses and muns I’m already threading with.
And I love info pages and carrds on tumblr, preferably linked to a pinned post. I’m on mobile a lot these days, especially at work, and if a blog follows me without their info in a pinned post I likely can’t follow back until I get on my computer and look at their blog there. This is my plea to please make your rules/muses/mun pages mobile-accessible! I’m not a fan of google docs for info, though: only interest checkers. Because they are a challenge to read on mobile.
7. what is your process for starting a new story with someone?  
Send a meme send a meme send a meme send a-
Yeah, you get the drill. :) Listen, I like memes for several reasons: 1. I can often get an idea of the tone of the thread the other mun is looking to write based on the prompt. 2. a muse and/or verse will be attached to it if the blog is a multi. I rarely do starter calls because, in the past, my starters often get ignored and I’m not a fan of greeter posts.
Beyond memes, I also like plotting OOC here or on discord for threads. That ensures that both muns are interested and engaged in the plot, and that any godmodding/toe-stepping questions can be addressed before interactions begin.
I’m not the best with unprompted IC asks though, especially those turned into threads. I’m notorious for misunderstanding asks, particularly if they’re related to pop culture I’m unfamiliar with (Sonia and I have a few things in common...), and it can be awkward for everyone involved. 
8. how do you feel about duplicates? I don’t mind other takes on my muse at all. She’s a canon muse from a popular franchise and it’s to be expected, but I also know that not everyone will like the way I write Sonia. She’s canon-divergent with a lot of headcanons and history regarding her family, her culture, and her country. That, and my preferred writing style and dynamics, may very well not appeal to everyone. And that’s just fine! Every interpretation of her is valid and if a mun doesn’t like one mun’s style of writing and interpreting her, they can write with another.
What I do mind are twin verses and long-lost relatives, for one of the points listed above: I have a lot of headcanons and lore about Sonia, plenty that I haven’t even shared in headcanon posts or threads yet, and I both keep to those headcanons and evolve them when I wish to. Twin and relative verses don’t really account for that, and the closest thing I’ve got to a twin verse is Sonia’s Vampire!AU anyway, where I’d write both the past and present Sonia.
I also mind stealing headcanons. Don’t do it. It’s bad form. I try not to follow solo Sonia blogs just so there’s little possibility of this happening but if she’s on your multi, I don’t mind. 
9. how long have you been involved in roleplaying? I started in either 1999 or 2000. I’m aware that I’ve been roleplaying longer than some muns on this site have been alive, and I don’t intend on stopping anytime soon :) 
10. is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t?
.....Bridgerton AU!
Now that I’ve gotten that out of my system (muses in a Bridgerton world, Bridgerton muses themselves, YES GOOD. If you’ve been here for awhile, this is probably old news but I can’t not mention it!), I’d like to explore more historical AUs, particularly anything mid-18th Century onward. My reasoning for this is entirely due to the available history/tech/arts from then on. I’m not great with high fantasy components, but more urban fantasy concepts are mostly fine with me. Just don’t expect Sonia to have magic powers.
In a very, very specific sort of plot, I’d be interested in a time-travel story, too.
Otherwise, I like exploring Danganronpa muses post-high school: college aged, high school reunions, etc. The reunion plot, especially in a Non-Despair context, can be particularly fun!
And finally: give me your otome muses for threads. @dangaer​ and @hitobanju​, I’m looking at you. If and when you are wanting to thread some long-term interactions...gimme. DiaLovers, Piofiore, and Cupid Parasite scream the loudest for crossovers right now but I’m getting pretty fluent in otome. 
TAGGED BY: I stole it!
 TAGGING: @cantillat​, @electricea, @causalitylinked, @dcviated, @litoredeem, @inxtricabilis (we haven’t chatted much yet but I hope it’s ok to tag you in things like this!), @psychcdelica, @orderbourne, and you! Steal it!
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